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M C K E L L I N S T I T U T E V I C T O R I A Economic Benefits of Universal Superannuation How superannuation works for all of us M A R C H 2 02 0
About the McKell Institute The McKell Institute is an independent, not-for-profit, public policy institute dedicated to developing practical policy ideas and contributing to public debate. For more information phone (02) 9113 0944 or visit M C K E L L I N S T I T U T E V I C T O R I A About the AuthorS JAMES PAWLUK KYLE TAYLOR Economic Benefits James is the Executive Director of the McKell Institute Victoria. Prior Kyle joined the McKell Institute in May 2019 as Policy Officer. Prior to this, he held several positions in the NSW of Universal to taking on the role, James was Manager of Business Development for Australia Post, focusing on developing business strategies for the and future skills needs. Government where he conducted research and evaluation across an extensive portfolio relating to various policy issues, including skills shortfalls Superannuation company’s parcels business including overhauling its domestic air freight arrangements. James has also served as Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief In addition to his public sector experience in Australia, Kyle had the opportunity to conduct research and evaluation at the How superannuation works for all of us United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Lao PDR and for of Staff to various Federal Cabinet Ministers with Global Affairs Canada at the Balsillie School of International experience across areas such as government Affairs in Canada. service delivery, digital transformation, budget processes, policing and customs. Kyle holds a Master of International Public Policy, with concentrations in Human Security and International Economic James completed a Bachelor of Arts and Relations from the Balsillie School of International Affairs. Bachelor of Commerce at the University He also holds a Bachelor of Arts, Honours Political Science of Melbourne majoring in Economics with Legal Studies and Research Specialisation Options from and Political Science. Wilfrid Laurier University. acknowledgments We would like to thank Professor Susan Thorp (University of Sydney) and Professor Helen Hodgson (Curtin University) for their constructive feedback on an earlier draft. The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of Professor Thorp and Professor Hodgson. The opinions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the McKell Institute’s members, affiliates, individual board members or research committee members. Any remaining errors or omissions are the responsibility of the authors. M A R C H 2 02 0
4 M C K E L L I N S T I T U T E V I C T O R I A Economic Benefits of Universal Superannuation How superannuation works for all of us 5 Contents Foreword 6 Executive Summary 8 Introduction 12 Part One: Enhancing Financial Stability and Long-Term Economic Growth 15 Superannuation boosts Australia’s national saving........................................................................................................................15 Superannuation funds reduce Australia’s reliance on foreign sources of finance....................................................18 Superannuation has a positive fiscal effect on the federal budget in the long-term.......................................... 24 Superannuation supports Australia’s infrastructure needs..................................................................................................... 28 Superannuation increases capital’s focus on long-term sustainable returns............................................................ 28 Superannuation offsets ageing population effects on economic growth.................................................................. 29 Superannuation helps counter the boom-bust cycles’ adverse effects on the Australian economy........31 Part Two: Increasing Financial Independence for More Australians 34 Superannuation helps Australian workers fairly benefit from the wealth that they help create.................34 Superannuation expands workers’ benefits by adapting to a changing work environment.........................36 As superannuation funds grow, they increase value for money for members.........................................................37 Superannuation reduces exposure to financial shocks by diversifying Australian household assets..... 38 Conclusion 40 Appendix One: modelling assumptions and methodology 44 Appendix Two: modelling assumptions and methodology 46 footnotes 48
6 M C K E L L I N S T I T U T E V I C T O R I A Economic Benefits of Universal Superannuation How superannuation works for all of us 7 Foreword To be sure, there are things that need improving: on their behalf, can share in those same benefits too many Australians find themselves in of diversification as can the regional economies underperforming funds; others accumulate that they are part of. multiple accounts when they change jobs; or are simply exposed to excessive fees or cost 28 years ago, the core building blocks of our structures that eat into their returns. Some system – the Superannuation Guarantee, the unfortunate Australians get hit with all three and industry-based default allocation and the it should be a priority of policymakers to fix this. switch to defined contributions – kicked off a Almost three decades ago, gradual and conservative disruption to how But even these shortcomings do not eclipse the capital is managed in Australia. A process when Australia introduced gains that we’ve already made, including for that has strengthened our economy and compulsory superannuation, the people described above. In the past those made it more resilient. But there’s a sobering our retirement income system switching employers under a defined benefits point. By abandoning the original path to has gone on to become the scheme could simply lose all entitlements 15% contributions we inevitably slowed down envy of most nations around the whatsoever. Meanwhile many of the low-fee the pace of this disruption and diminished its and high-performing public offer funds we benefits. Meanwhile for workers themselves, world. In raw terms, it’s seen the know today simply did not previously exist we’ve denied them the opportunity of reaching 13th largest national economy and were only brought into being by a system higher balances sooner in their working accumulate the 3rd largest of compulsory contributions that generated lives and the increased engagement and private savings pool with scale via member numbers in lieu of high initial compounding returns that brings. balances and representative trustees charged around $3 trillion in assets It’s time to get that journey back on track and with maximising sustainable returns. under management and turn our attention to how make the system more allowed millions of low This unleashed a new breed of institutional efficient, more effective and more universal. investors faced with the challenge of investing and middle income on behalf of multiple generations, which has Australians to find encouraged longer-term horizons unlocking greater dignity in capital for unlisted assets such as infrastructure their later years by and stewardship of all assets that better entering retirement manages risks to long-term returns, in particular short-term focussed behaviour that might with a supplement to damage a business’s reputation or drive their age pension. increased costs through damages or fines. Australian superannuation sometimes been described as a decentralised sovereign wealth fund, that has helped the nation to diversify its asset and income base equipping it to better respond to economic shocks. Kelvyn Lavelle James PAWluk The decentralisation means households, that Chair Executive Director wouldn’t be able access many of the assets held McKell Institute Victoria McKell Institute Victoria Advisory Board
8 M C K E L L I N S T I T U T E V I C T O R I A Economic Benefits of Universal Superannuation How superannuation works for all of us 9 Executive Summary Superannuation has a positive fiscal Superannuation offsets ageing effect on the federal budget in the population effects on economic growth. long-term. It is estimated that increasing the Australia’s ageing population could have Superannuation Guarantee from 9.5 per cent to a significant impact on economic growth, 12 per cent over the period 2021 and 2025 will particularly on aggregate demand. As workers’ save the government roughly $34,306 million superannuation rises, it will increase their overall Australia’s superannuation system not only ensures that working Australians over the period 2021 and 2060, averaging a wealth and fuel consumption in retirement, can retire with dignity but also provides a number of broad economic benefits gain of $857 million per financial year over which would otherwise be at lower levels for the Commonwealth Government and the Australian economy. the long-term. By 2038, the net budgetary without universal superannuation. cost of superannuation tax concessions Universal superannuation has also had an would be positive, meaning that the gains in impact within the Australian economy through superannuation contribution and earnings taxes superannuation funds investing directly in real and savings on the age pension will exceed the assets, such as property and infrastructure This report outlines the evidence that universal was about 1.5 per cent of GDP as of 2011, and costs of the superannuation tax concessions. projects, and an indirect impact through superannuation has benefitted and will continue if the Superannuation Guarantee rose from to benefit all Australians. It does so by collating 9.5 per cent to 12 per cent by 2019-20, as Superannuation supports Australia’s investing in the Australian share market. the wide variety of research that has been initially planned, the estimated contribution of infrastructure needs. Australian As household superannuation assets rise, superannuation funds have played a significant investment from superannuation funds increase undertaken detailing the various benefits of superannuation to national saving would have role in funding Australia’s increasingly pressing the economy’s capacity to produce goods and Australia’s superannuation system. This report been more than 2.0 per cent of GDP today, infrastructure needs, and that role will only services. also updates that work and provides detail on rising to roughly 3.0 per cent by 2040. further ways in which universal superannuation increase in the future. The long-term investment Superannuation helps counter the has benefitted and will continue to benefit Superannuation funds reduce Australia’s horizon of superannuation funds makes them boom-bust cycles’ adverse effects on Australians and the Australian economy. reliance on foreign sources of finance. natural investors in less liquid, long-term assets the Australian economy. Without universal For much of its modern history, foreigners have Institute such as infrastructure. It also provides confirmation of the large benefits superannuation in place, the cyclicality of owned more equity in Australian companies than to Australians and the Australian economy from Australians have owned in foreign companies. Superannuation increases capital’s focus resources industries would have been even increasing the Superannuation Guarantee from But since 2013, Australians have owned more on long-term sustainable returns. The more pronounced with more income hitting the 9.5 per cent to 12 per cent, keeping the default selection process in the industrial relations McKell foreign equity than foreigners have owned Australian equity. reliable flow of funds from existing and future members via the Superannuation Guarantee, economy during the boom than being saved and built into a savings pool for when workers system, and safeguarding the compulsory nature and through default arrangements, provides a reach retirement. There are three main ways in of the Superannuation Guarantee. TH This has put the country in a net foreign equity E steady stream of capital-seeking investment which superannuation mitigates adverse effects asset position, and largely reflects the significant opportunities and has provided a source of posed by the boom-bust cycles of Australia’s allocation to foreign equity by the Australian demand for equities issued by companies. A resources industries. First, the Superannuation Enhancing Financial superannuation industry together with the fact consequence of this is that superannuation Guarantee ensures that a growing share of that the superannuation sector is relatively funds, being invested in a company over unusually high incomes is saved for longer- Stability and Long-Term large as a share of the Australian economy. term benefit rather than being used for current the long-term, are more concerned with Economic Growth The ongoing accumulation of both Australian environmental, social and governance (ESG) consumption. Without the Superannuation and foreign equities by Australia’s large factors than other types of investors, ensuring Guarantee in place, the pro-cyclicality of boom- Superannuation boosts Australia’s superannuation sector has also partially that funds are maximising members’ long-term bust cycles would be even more pronounced national saving. The amount of national offset continued equity inflows to Australia returns while mitigating negative externalities. as wages and local profits would be recycled saving has important implications for the from foreign investors. Another consequence is that investing back into the economy in lieu of superannuation, Australian economy; it provides a source of strategies of superannuation funds can act pushing prices up further. funds available for domestic investment, which The shift to a net foreign equity asset position counter-cyclically to movements in equities in turn is a key driver of labour productivity and also reflects asset valuation effects, as foreign Second, increased investment in superannuation prices, and thereby reducing volatility in the higher future standards of living. equities have outperformed Australian equities through incremental increases in the equities market. over the past decade. The shift also reflects Superannuation Guarantee have helped to The Treasury estimated that the boost to the depreciation of the Australian dollar diversify household balance sheets, which in national saving from the introduction and over this period. increases in the Superannuation Guarantee
10 M C K E L L I N S T I T U T E V I C T O R I A Economic Benefits of Universal Superannuation How superannuation works for all of us 11 turn would have mitigated the damage from Superannuation expands workers’ Superannuation reduces exposure a bubble in the property markets of resource- benefits by adapting to a changing work to financial shocks by diversifying rich communities. Australians tend to have a environment. Universal superannuation Australian household assets. The strong high allocation of wealth in non-financial assets, enhances the retirement incomes and well- growth in superannuation has facilitated a which leaves them prone to negative shocks being of retirees in an increasingly insecure broadening of the range of assets held by from a boom-bust cycle. work environment. Globalisation, technological Australian household, particularly in asset progress and demographic change are having classes where households have relatively Finally, superannuation funds themselves a profound impact on society and labour small direct holdings, such as in equities. ease pressure on trade-exposed sectors by markets. And in the face of such change in the dampening the appreciation of the exchange Increased investment in superannuation job environment, staying competitive means rate arising from the boom, in particular, may help to diversify the household adapting to that change. by investing in foreign assets. Without balance sheet, which in turn may lower superannuation, investors would hold more In an era where job opportunity matters more the risk of the household asset portfolio. domestic assets, meaning that the global than job security and where flexibility and Australian households’ high allocation portfolio share of assets denominated in mobility mater more than stability and company of wealth to non-financial assets may Australian dollars would be higher than loyalty, universal superannuation allows older leave them more vulnerable to adverse otherwise, risking a further appreciation workers to adapt to the forthcoming changes movements in property prices. As the of the dollar. in the labour market without forgoing their property market changes, households retirement incomes that would have otherwise may reduce the riskiness of their been impacted under a superannuation system portfolio by investing more in Increasing Financial with limited access and pension portability. financial assets. Investing Independence for As superannuation funds grow, they in superannuation also reduces the weighting More Australians increase value for money for members. of domestic assets The fees charged by superannuation funds Institute in the direct Superannuation helps Australian workers remains a hotly debated issue in Australia. There investments fairly benefit from the wealth that are still inefficiencies in unnecessary multiple of Australian they help create. Superannuation provides accounts, subscale funds that struggle to deliver McKell households. employees with recognition as stakeholders value, and underperforming superannuation who are due a share of the productivity gains products. However, overall, the superannuation paid out when profits rise. Investing workers’ sector is continuing to improve its offer to TH capital in the businesses where they work E members by improving services and benefits is an important mechanism to ensure that and increasing returns while reducing its workers’ interests are represented regarding headline fee rates. investment decisions. In an age of excessive Significant economies of scale have been short-termism and declining private investment, realised in the superannuation system over the superannuation provides a durable means to last decade. However, there is little evidence ensure long-term corporate prosperity. that these cost savings have been systematically Economic inequality cannot be solved through passed through to members in the form of wage increases alone; the gaps in individual lower fees. Scale benefits may have been passed wealth are too large. Along with other ways to through in the form of member services or build assets, a clear way to rebalance wealth in increases in reserves or offset by the costs of the Australian economy is for employees to have meeting new regulatory requirements. Scale a share of the wealth in the businesses where benefits may have also been realised through they work via superannuation. increasing returns to scale.
12 M C K E L L I N S T I T U T E V I C T O R I A Economic Benefits of Universal Superannuation How superannuation works for all of us 13 Introduction These characteristics are often cited as a on overseas borrowing, which can reduce risk at trendsetter of future developments in other a time of currency volatility. These benefits have nations, as policymakers explore options to also been extended to households by providing transfer increasingly unaffordable pension access to asset classes where they would have had liabilities from government and corporate balance relatively small direct holdings. sheets to individuals. Australia’s superannuation system has also Over the last 30 years, the Government of Australia has encouraged Australians to The superannuation system is still relatively played a significant role in disrupting the save more for their retirement through a range of saving schemes, including the immature in the sense that many people are traditional channels for financial services, making Superannuation Guarantee and tax incentives for voluntary contributions. yet to have made contributions above 9 per the market more contestable. But this disruption cent or more over an extended period of time. along with the many benefits identified and And there are still inefficiencies in unnecessary described within this report were destabilised multiple accounts, subscale funds that struggle when the decision was made to forgo a 12 per In 1986, the Government of Australia and the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) struck a deal for to deliver value, underperforming superannuation cent rise in the Superannuation Guarantee in 3 per cent superannuation and tax cuts in exchange for a 2 per cent discount of a Consumer Price Index products, and the gaps in universality, such as 2014. Freezing increases to the Superannuation (CPI) based wage increase for award-reliant workers. Since, at the time, superannuation did not affect the $450 monthly income threshold for employer Guarantee has already costs workers millions payroll tax, workers’ compensation and the like, it gave workers’ a share of productivity gains and offset superannuation payments, or superannuation in higher retirement balances. And with talks labour costs to employers, putting downward pressure on prices and reducing inflation. while on parental leave. of another freeze in 2021 – which could be Since the introduction of the Superannuation Guarantee in 1992, super contributions have become a permanent – would strip workers of an adequate While it is important to acknowledge that central part of Australia’s retirement income system. Household assets in superannuation as a per cent retirement and harm the broader economy. the system is in need of improvement, this of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) have risen progressively since the 1990s (Figure 1). As of June 2019, should not minimise the inherent benefits of Had we stuck to the rise in 2014, the efficiency household superannuation assets were around $2,657 billion, or roughly 137 per cent of GDP. superannuation to the Australian worker and to and performance of Australia’s superannuation the Australian economy. system would not only have more scale, but FIGURE 1 HOUSEHOLD ASSETS IN SUPERANNUATION, PER CENT OF GDP workers would have reached higher balances The lack of transferability of superannuation sooner and accrue greater benefit earlier. Ensuring before the Superannuation Guarantee created a 160 that the push to 12 per cent moves forward would serious obstacle to labour mobility, as it would increase the superannuation savings of millions of 140 disincentivise workers from switching employers, Australians to ensure dignity in retirement while and those who did would lose out on accruing boosting the national pool of capital required to 120 cumulative balances. generate jobs and economic growth. PERCENTAGE 100 Universal superannuation has brought into effect a This report outlines the evidence that universal system of where workers benefit from the wealth 80 superannuation has benefitted and will continue they help create, and where economies of scale are to benefit all Australians. It does so by collating 60 realised so that services and benefits for members the wide variety of research that has been are continually improving, reducing headline fee undertaken detailing the various benefits of 40 rates, while maximising long-term returns. Australia’s superannuation system. This report 20 To ensure that the system is sustainable to provide also updates that work and provides detail on an adequate income in retirement, superannuation further ways in which universal superannuation 0 has benefitted and will continue to benefit funds have invested in a way that generates 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 benefits in the long-term, such as in illiquid assets, Australians and the Australian economy. promoting sustainable commercial investment Source: ABS, RBA, Authors’ calculations. It also provides confirmation of the large benefits in nation-building infrastructure projects. This to Australians and the Australian economy from approach avoids concentrated risk by highlighting The particular dynamics and history of Australia’s superannuation system have resulted in it having several increasing the Superannuation Guarantee from the importance in creating long-term value in structural characteristics that distinguish it in important ways from other major world pension markets. 9.5 per cent to 12 per cent, keeping the default contrast to seeking to maximise short-term return. Notwithstanding the fact that it is mandatory, there has also been a seismic shift away from defined benefit selection process in the industrial relations system, (DB) occupational pension schemes to define contribution (DC) schemes, making Australia the most DC- Superannuation is a decentralised form of boosting and safeguarding the compulsory nature of the centric of any of the world’s developed market pension systems. At the same time, many superannuation national savings, which reduces the risks of Superannuation Guarantee. funds have expanded beyond their origins as industry-based, single-employer entities to become more decision-making by any one entity. This means that broadly-based financial institutions representing multiple employers across a variety of industries. Australian enterprises do not have to be as reliant
14 MH T C EK EML CL K IE NL SL T I N T U S T IE T V U IT CE T O R I A Economic Benefits of Universal Superannuation How superannuation works for all of us 15 Part One: Enhancing Financial Stability and Long- Term Economic Growth Superannuation boosts Australia's national saving The amount of national saving has important implications for the Australian economy; it provides a source of funds available for domestic investment, which in turn is a key driver of labour productivity and higher future standards of living. The Treasury estimated that the boost to national saving from the introduction and increases in the Superannuation Guarantee was about 1.5 per cent of GDP as of 2011, up from around 0.5 per cent of GDP in 1992.1 If the Superannuation Guarantee rose from 9 per cent to 12 per cent by 2019-20, as initially planned, the estimated contribution of superannuation to national saving would have been more than 2.0 per cent of GDP today, rising to roughly 3.0 per cent by 2040.2 However, opponents to increases to the Superannuation Guarantee have doubts about the magnitude of the effect on national saving, and if there is an impact on national saving of any kind. If the introduction and increases in the Superannuation Guarantee results mainly in switching saving from one vehicle to another there may not be an increase in overall individual saving. With limited empirical literature on the estimated impact of the superannuation on national saving, there are at least four good reasons to take the view that the superannuation system in Australia contributes to national saving: 1. The design of the phase-in of employer contributions to superannuation should ensure that existing real wages are not lowered so that existing saving can continue; 2. The historical low financial saving among Australian households means that they have had restricted capacity to offset superannuation saving by reducing other financial saving; 3. The design of the policy means that superannuation is a poor substitute for other forms of saving; and 4. Most economists believe or estimate that savings offset for superannuation is between 30 per cent and 50 per cent. These are discussed in more detail in the following pages.
16 M C K E L L I N S T I T U T E V I C T O R I A Economic Benefits of Universal Superannuation How superannuation works for all of us 17 THE PHASE-IN OF THE MINIMUM EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION RATE LOW EXISTING FINANCIAL SAVINGS AMONG AUSTRALIANS HAS BEEN DESIGNED NOT TO DECREASE REAL WAGES Since most Australians have very little financial assets outside superannuation, they have little capacity to offset superannuation saving by reducing other financial saving. Indeed, historical low financial saving among low-income Australian households means that they have had restricted capacity to offset FIGURE 2 INFLATION-ADJUSTED WAGES GROWTH AND TREND LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH superannuation saving by reducing other financial saving (Table 1). Because superannuation assets cannot be borrowed against, holding superannuation assets do not increase the borrowing capacity of Australian households. 5 4 TABLE 1 INFLATION-ADJUSTED WAGES GROWTH AND TREND LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH 3 2 TOTAL FINANCIAL TOTAL NON-FINANCIAL VALUE OF VALUE OF PERCENTAGE ASSETS, ASSETS, EXCLUDING 1 QUINTILE SUPERANNUATION TOTAL PROPERTY EXCLUDING TOTAL PROPERTY FUNDS ASSETS SUPERANNUATION ASSETS 0 -1 Lowest $7,400 $17,200 $25,600 $18,100 -2 Second $30,600 $75,500 $65,500 $213,500 Inflation-adjusted WPI; total 3 year trend productivity -3 Third $51,900 $122,900 $91,300 $512,100 -4 Fourth $124,700 $216,100 $119,600 $802,900 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Highest $855,200 $646,600 $185,200 $1,854,000 Source: ABS. Source: ABS. The Superannuation Guarantee has been points would divert 0.25 percentage points from As shown in Table 1, predominant form of very limited circumstances of access before effectively phased in at an average rate of real wages growth to superannuation. This still saving for most Australians is the family home. retirement (mainly related to specific medical 0.5 per cent per increase. This is well below leaves scope for real wage rises. As long as real However, given the resistance of Australians to conditions or severe financial hardship) mean estimates of average labour productivity growth, wages do not fall below 0.25 per cent, workers home equity conversions, only what is held in that capital stays in the system and that abuse measured as GDP per hour worked, of roughly should be able to afford the same standard of financial assets would be likely to generate a of tax concessions by funds movers is limited. 1.55 per cent since 1998 (Figure 2). If nominal living and attain higher balances at retirement retirement income outside of superannuation. In wages growth was consistent with inflationary when the Superannuation Guarantee increases the absence of the Superannuation Guarantee, expectations and workers received their share of from 9.5 per cent to 12 per cent over the period most Australians would likely need a full rate ESTIMATES OF THE SAVING productivity gains, average real wage rises could 2021 to 2025. pension. OFFSET BY ECONOMISTS be 1.00 to 1.50 per cent per annum. Increases in the Superannuation Guarantee The extent to which the superannuation boost In our research paper, ‘Does higher minimum employer contribution rate have also SUPERANNUATION IS national saving depends on the extent to superannuation come out of workers’ wages?’, been implemented in the context of a wage we argued that there was scant empirical rise – so existing financial savings would not A POOR SUBSTITUTE FOR which money saved in the system is offset by OTHER FORMS OF SAVING reductions in other forms of saving and by the evidence of a causal relationship between necessarily fall from a further increase in the cost of tax concessions. superannuation increases and low wages Superannuation Guarantee. Given that roughly growth to support the assumption of a one- two-thirds (62.5 per cent) of Australian workers Superannuation is a poor substitute for other For low-income earners, credit constraints imply for-one trade-off between superannuation are covered by award or enterprise bargaining forms of saving because a fixed amount is put limited capacity to reduce other forms of saving and wages.3 If we assume conservatively agreements, it is quite reasonable to expect that into people’s superannuation accounts and in response to increases in the Superannuation that the superannuation-wage elasticity of all increases in the Superannuation Guarantee will because withdrawal of superannuation is heavily Guarantee – which suggests that the offset is workers to be less than -0.50, increasing the reflect productivity rather than a drop in real regulated. Controlled entry, preservation until likely to be small for these people. Superannuation Guarantee by 0.5 percentage value of take-home pay. age 60 (people born after 1 July 1964), and
18 M C K E L L I N S T I T U T E V I C T O R I A Economic Benefits of Universal Superannuation How superannuation works for all of us 19 For high-income earners, credit constraints from the government, because of the FIGURE 3 CURRENT ACCOUNT BALANCE, PER CENT OF NOMINAL GDP are less binding and reductions in other forms concessional taxation of superannuation. of saving from a rise in the Superannuation The government forgoes tax revenue that Guarantee seem entirely plausible. otherwise would have been collected had the 4 Superannuation Guarantee been paid as wages However, there are also a series of behavioural Current account balance to employees or remained with companies as factors that impact saving, such as hyperbolic 2 additional profits. For the increase in private discounting – tendency to choose smaller short- saving to translate to the same increase in term gain over a larger long-term gain – and loss national saving requires that the shortfall to tax aversion biases – tendency to view less money in 0 PERCENTAGE revenue from the Superannuation Guarantee the short-term as a greater loss than equivalent be offset by raising public saving rather than gains in the long-term. cutting public investment. It also requires that -2 There have been a few attempts to estimate the making up the shortfall elsewhere in the budget extent to which other forms of private saving does not lead to lower private saving in other -4 are reduced in response to the Superannuation financial assets. These budget savings are Guarantee. primarily from lower age pension payments. -6 Philip Gallagher of the Treasury made assumptions in RIMGROUP model based on a Superannuation funds reduce -8 review of previous studies, such as by FitzGerald and Harper and Covick and Higgs.4 Gallagher Australia’s reliance on foreign 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 suggested a private saving offset between 30 sources of finance per cent to 50 per cent.5 Put differently, net private saving increases 50 cents to 70 cents For much of its modern history, Australia has per dollar of superannuation. been a net importer of capital. Because there are a lot of profitable investment opportunities Perhaps the most compelling of these estimates, in Australia relative to the size of the Australian based on an analysis of microeconomic survey savings pool, it has sourced capital from 4 data from the Household Income and Labour elsewhere around the world either in the form Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey, is by Ellis of debt or equity. This is not because savings Connolly of the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) 2 in Australia is particularly low; its saving rate who estimated a private savings offset between exceeds that of the United States, Canada, and 10 per cent and 30 per cent.6 That is to say, net the United Kingdom.7 Rather, it is because the 0 private saving increases 70 cents to 90 cents PERCENTAGE share of investment in the Australian economy per dollar of superannuation. is higher than that in many other advanced -2 The household saving ratio has been less than economies, as foreign investors see Australia as 5 per cent since 2017, and currently sits at 2.6 a relatively safe and attractive place to invest per cent as of June 2019. If workers were paid with good long-term capital gains. -4 employer contributions to superannuation as The counterpart to Australia being a net increased wages, it is hard to imagine more importer of capital is that the country runs a -6 than 30 per cent of the increase in take home Trade balance Income balance current account deficit (Figure 3). For three pay being saved for retirement in the form of decades, the current account averaged a deficit financial assets. -8 around 4 per cent of GDP. But since 2015, the current account had narrowed to a deficit 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 Subject to some caveats, the increases in private saving should translate over the medium-term around 1 per cent of GDP. As of June 2019, the to an increase in national saving. current account posted its first surplus in 44 Source: ABS, Authors’ calculations. years, of $7.5 billion, or 1.5 per cent of nominal Part of the increase in private saving comes GDP.
20 M C K E L L I N S T I T U T E V I C T O R I A Economic Benefits of Universal Superannuation How superannuation works for all of us 21 Each quarter that Australia finances its current account with borrowing from, or lending to the rest of the This has put the country in a net foreign equity accumulation of both Australian and foreign world, it will add to, or deduct from the stock of net foreign liabilities it owes to the rest of the world. As asset position, and largely reflects the significant equities by Australia’s large superannuation Australia ran current account deficits through the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, the stock of net foreign allocation to foreign equity by the Australian sector has also partially offset continued equity liabilities grew, peaking roughly 60 per cent of GDP in 2009. superannuation industry together with the fact inflows to Australia from foreign investors. With that the superannuation sector is relatively more than $1,838 billion, or roughly 94 per large as a share of the Australian economy. cent of GDP in total assets in APRA-regulated FIGURE 4 NET FOREIGN LIABILITIES, BY TYPE, PER CENT OF GDP As of June 2019, 24.4 per cent of assets held superannuation funds as of June 2019, Australian by Australian Prudential Regulation Authority superannuation funds have the scale to compete (APRA)-regulated superannuation funds were with large foreign investors both at home and 70 allocated to international shares, valuing $448 abroad.9 billion, or 23 per cent of GDP.8 The ongoing 60 FIGURE 5 GROSS EQUITY POSITIONS, PER CENT OF GDP 50 100 40 Australian equity investment abroad Foreign equity investment in Australia 80 Net foreign equity position 30 PERCENTAGE 60 20 40 10 20 PERCENTAGE 0 0 -10 -20 Total Debt Equity -20 -40 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 -60 Source: ABS, Authors’ calculations. -80 But since then, reflecting the shift of the current account from deficit to surplus and correspondingly lower net capital inflows, the stock of Australia’s net foreign liabilities (as a share of GDP) has declined over the past decade to be roughly 50 per cent of GDP (Figure 4). The decline in the net foreign liabilities as a share -100 of GDP masks some significant changes in the composition of both the gross foreign liabilities and gross 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 foreign assets, including a shift in the net equity position. For much of its modern history, foreigners have owned more equity in Australian companies than Australians have owned in foreign companies. That is, the country has had a net foreign equity liabilities Source: ABS, Authors’ calculations. position, averaging 10 per cent of GDP between 1990 and 2010. But since 2013, Australians have owned more foreign equity than foreigners have owned Australian equity (Figure 5).
22 M C K E L L I N S T I T U T E V I C T O R I A Economic Benefits of Universal Superannuation How superannuation works for all of us 23 The shift to a net foreign equity asset position also reflects asset valuation effects, as foreign equities have outperformed Australian equities over the past decade. Since 2010, the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) All Ordinaries Index, which is made up of the share prices for 500 of the largest companies listed on the ASX, has had an average annual return of less than 5 per cent. In comparison, the S&P 500, which measures the stock performance of 500 of the largest companies on stock exchanges in the United States, has had an average annual return of 12 per cent. The shift also reflects the depreciation of the Australian dollar over this period. The Australian dollar has seen historic lows in the exchange rate when compared to the U.S. dollar. At the peak in the last 10 years one Australian dollar bought $1.10 U.S. dollars. The Australian dollar has depreciated significantly since then and now sits at less than 70 U.S. cents. Because Australian equity investment abroad are predominantly denominated in foreign currency, the value of Australian equity investment abroad in Australian dollar terms increases when the Australian dollar depreciates. But the value of foreign equity investment in Australia, which are denominated in Australian dollars, does not change. However, foreign investors may take advantage of a depreciating Australian dollar by increasing investment in Australia, especially by speculators who may be expecting a rise in the value of the Australian dollar in the future.
24 M C K E L L I N S T I T U T E V I C T O R I A Economic Benefits of Universal Superannuation How superannuation works for all of us 25 Superannuation has a positive million for concessional taxation of employer Employer contributions to superannuation years coincided with a freeze on the planned superannuation contributions.10 are generally taxed at 15 per cent,i compared increase in the Superannuation Guarantee. If there fiscal effect on the federal to a marginal income tax rate, if it were paid were indeed a trade-off, surely wages growth Tax expenditures are estimated as the expected budget in the long-term as wages, of between 19 per cent and 45 per would have been higher during a period of stable difference in revenue between the existing tax cent. Additionally, superannuation earnings are employer superannuation contributions. treatment and the benchmark tax treatment. In The Treasury’s Tax Benchmarks and Variations generally taxed at 10 per cent, compared to a the context of superannuation, this effectively A more likely explanation, supported by economic Statement, which outlines tax expenditures, is capital gains tax (CGT) between 9.5 per cent and means estimating the difference between the theory, is that employers have responded on often used to claim that the Superannuation 22.5 per cent for individuals.ii tax paid on superannuation contributions and multiple fronts to the introduction of, and the Guarantee is a burden on the federal budget. earnings, and the tax that would have been Based on the Treasury’s assumptions, it is subsequent increases to, the Superannuation In 2018-19, the estimated tax expenditures paid if contributions and earnings were taxed as estimated that increasing the Superannuation Guarantee. were $19,550 million for concessional taxation personal income. Guarantee from 9.5 per cent to 12 per cent of superannuation entity earnings and $17,750 Some employers may have responded to the over the period 2021 and 2025 will cost the Superannuation Guarantee by passing on the government roughly $288,480 million over the added labour costs in the form of higher prices. period 2021 and 2060, averaging a cost of $7,212 FIGURE 6 Indeed, in a purely competitive economy, where million per financial year over the long-term EFFECT OF INCREASING SUPERANNUATION GUARANTEE FROM 9.5 PER CENT TO 12 PER CENT ON all firms are experiencing the same increases in (Figure 6).iii GOVERNMENT REVENUE, SUPERANNUATION-WAGE ELASTICITY -1.00, $ MILLION labour costs, economic theory predicts a share of However, estimating the tax collected under the the labour cost increases will be passed through superannuation concessional regime with the tax to consumers. 20000 that would be paid if the income were taxed at an In cases where the Superannuation Guarantee individual’s marginal rate of personal income tax is is passed through to consumers, employer based on the assumption that there is a complete 15000 contributions to workers’ superannuation would and immediate trade-off between employer be a valuable source of net government revenue; contributions to workers’ superannuation and 10000 the higher taxable employer superannuation their wages. This assumption is not supported contributions provide tax of 15 per cent (and by economic theory or empirical evidence, and 5000 superannuation earnings tax to a maximum of should be rejected.11 15 per cent over the accumulation period), in VALUE ( $MILLIONS ) In our research paper, ‘Does higher addition to a goods and service tax (GST) rate of 0 superannuation come out of workers’ wages?’, we 10 per cent on the added value of taxable goods, argued that there was scant empirical evidence services and other items sold or consumed in -5000 of a causal relationship between superannuation Australia. Employer income taxes would remain increases and low wage growth to support the unaffected, as would tax from salary and wages. -10000 assumption of a one-for-one trade-off between Alternatively, some employers may have absorbed superannuation and wages.12 a share of the extra costs from the introduction of -15000 Given our findings, if the Superannuation the Superannuation Guarantee and subsequent Guarantee was not introduced in 1992, it is increases by accepting lower profits. The gap -20000 difficult to imagine a scenario where workers’ between productivity and a typical workers’ Tax Loss (Income, CGT) salaries and wages would be 9.5 per cent higher compensation has increased dramatically since -25000 Tax Gain (Superannuation Contribution and Earnings Taxes) today than otherwise, which is the underlying the mid-1990s.13 Industries with high productivity- assumption among estimates that suggest that pay gaps may be able to pay for workers’ Net Annual Fiscal Effect -30000 the superannuation is a burden on the budget. superannuation without lowering their wages. Indeed, we note in passing that the very weak They would have the gains in productivity to draw wages growth experienced over the past few on for more resources. 2021 2023 2025 2027 2029 2031 2033 2035 2037 2039 2041 2043 2045 2047 2049 2051 2053 2055 2057 2059 i Low income earners (earnings below $37,000 per annum) are effectively refunded the tax on their contributions through the low income superannuation tax offset (LISTO). Contributions on behalf of high-income earners (earnings of $250,00 and over per annum) are taxed at 30 per cent. ii Superannuation earnings are taxed at a 15 per cent, compared to capital gains which are taxed at the marginal rate for individual taxpayers and between 27.5 per cent and 30 per Source: Authors’ calculations. cent for companies. If an asset is held for at least 1 year, then any gain is discounted by 50 per cent for individual taxpayers, or by 33.3 per cent for superannuation funds. The 50 per cent CGT discount is not available to companies except for small businesses (business entity with an aggregated turnover of less than 2 million). iii Modelling assumptions and methodology can be found in Appendix One.
26 M C K E L L I N S T I T U T E V I C T O R I A Economic Benefits of Universal Superannuation How superannuation works for all of us 27 If we assume, conservatively, that the The forgone revenue estimates do not make FIGURE 7 superannuation-wage elasticity of all workers allowances for the fact that people would EFFECT OF INCREASING SUPERANNUATION GUARANTEE FROM 9.5 PER CENT TO 12 PER CENT ON to be -0.50; that is, half of the increases in the minimise their tax by making use of trusts or by GOVERNMENT REVENUE, SUPERANNUATION-WAGE ELASTICITY -0.50, $ MILLION Superannuation Guarantee came out of workers’ investing in negatively geared assets or owner- wages and the other half came out of company occupied housing. Companies would also profits, the estimated tax expenditures for minimise their tax by making use of company tax concessional taxation of employer superannuation structures, exemptions and concessions, such as 20000 contributions would be significantly lower. This research and development expenditure, or avoid would reflect the difference in the benchmark paying tax entirely by relocating profits offshore when measured as a mixture of the corporate to lower-taxed foreign jurisdictions. 15000 tax rate and the marginal rate of personal income Alternative savings vehicles are much less tax compared to being measured as fully the generous than superannuation, which would 10000 marginal income tax rate, which would be higher. have incentivised people to save in the first place. Based on Australian Taxation Office (ATO) data Indeed, behavioural factors such as hyperbolic VALUE ( $MILLIONS ) for the 2016-17 income year (latest available data), discounting and loss aversion biases influence the estimated weighted average marginal rate of 5000 peoples’ behaviour on whether they would personal income tax is 37.5 per cent for individuals substitute superannuation with other forms of whereas the weighted average rate of corporate saving. tax is 29.2 per cent for companies. 0 Additionally, when people’s disposable income Additionally, the estimated tax expenditures for increases, they tend to consume more. The concessional taxation of employer superannuation Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) estimates that -5000 contributions would be lower when measured the marginal propensity to consume for Australian as a mixture of the corporate tax rate and the disposable incomes is 0.54.14 This consumption marginal rate of personal income tax because a would not be applicable to CGT at the marginal -10000 share of employees work for an employer who rate for individual taxpayers but almost certainly did not pay tax in any single financial year. Based Goods and Services Tax (GST) at a lower rate of on ATO data for the 2016-17 income year (latest 10 per cent in any financial year. -15000 available data), approximately 30 per cent of Tax Loss ( Corporate, Income, CGT, GST ) employees worked for an employer who did The Treasury’s tax expenditure estimates for not pay tax, and the forgone profit that would concessional taxation of superannuation entity Tax Gain ( Superannuation Contribution and Earnings Taxes ) -20000 have gone towards employers’ contributions to earnings are also based on the assumption that Savings on Age Pension workers’ superannuation would not be enough the rate of earnings on assets is the same whether Net Annual Fiscal Effect to change the taxable status of these companies. taxed in superannuation or under the benchmark -25000 tax treatment. However, most Australians – if In the Treasury’s forgone revenue estimates, they substitute superannuation with other forms 2021 2023 2025 2027 2029 2031 2033 2035 2037 2039 2041 2043 2045 2047 2049 2051 2053 2055 2057 2059 there is also a need to measure the income of saving – invest in cash deposits, Australian tax that would have otherwise been paid listed equities, or housing, which have average on investment income which requires some annual returns lower than average annual returns assumptions of where people would otherwise on superannuation earnings over the long-term. Source: Authors’ calculations. have invested their savings. The Treasury’s Furthermore, assets like housing are generally estimates show the tax expenditure based solely exempt from CGT. on the difference in tax treatment between Based on the above mentioned assumptions, It is estimated that increasing the Superannuation Guarantee superannuation earnings and the benchmark Finally, superannuation savings is expected to from 9.5 per cent to 12 per cent over the period 2021 and 2025 will save the government roughly $34,306 treatment, without the allowance for any increase the savings of people in retirement, million over the period 2021 and 2060, averaging a gain of $857 million per financial year over the long- behavioural responses. However, the treatment resulting in reduced outlays on the Age Pension. term (Figure 7).iv By 2038, the net budgetary cost of superannuation tax concessions would be positive, of investment income under this counterfactual This expenditure saving is not recognised in the meaning that the gains in superannuation contribution and earnings taxes and savings on the age pension scenario is inherently problematic. estimates of the superannuation tax expenditures. will exceed the costs of the superannuation tax concessions. iv Modelling assumptions and methodology can be found in Appendix Two.
28 M C K E L L I N S T I T U T E V I C T O R I A Economic Benefits of Universal Superannuation How superannuation works for all of us 29 Superannuation supports If the Superannuation Guarantee rises from its flows that occur in the distant future. Such Superannuation offsets ageing current 9.5 per cent to 12 per cent by 2025, long-term cash flow forecasting is difficult to Australia’s infrastructure needs It is projected that the value of assets in the predict and can be affected by sudden changes population effects on economic The infrastructure requirements of Australia are superannuation system could rise to $5,075 in consumer preferences, standards and laws. growth billion by 2030.19 If the proportion of assets growing. To a large extent, this has to do with Finally, many superannuation funds as well as invested in infrastructure remained at roughly Australia’s ageing population could have economic and population growth and a general members have ethical considerations about 5 per cent on average this suggests that there a significant impact on economic growth, underinvestment in the past investments. Superannuation funds want to will be over $254 billion in assets dedicated to particularly on aggregate demand. Aggregate ensure their members that the assets they For example, population growth impacts are infrastructure development by the year 2030. demand refers to the total level of spending acquire are compliant with human rights, labour being felt in fast-growing cities as infrastructure in the economy, which includes household rights, corruption and environmental laws, is placed under pressure, including congestion spending, investment by business and and more than this, that they are compliant on Australian roads and crowding on public Superannuation increases with their own internal benchmarks for what is households, spending by the government, and net spending from overseas. Data on lifetime transport. Australia’s population is projected capital’s focus on long-term responsible investing. earnings, consumption and saving show that to reach between 28.3 million and 29.3 million by the year 2027 from 24.6 million as of 2017.15 sustainable returns Another consequence is that investing strategies income, consumption and saving tend to rise Additionally, the proportion of Australians of superannuation funds can act counter- during an individual’s initial working years, It is well known that superannuation funds adopt peaks in the mid-to-later working years, and living in capital cities is projected to increase cyclically to movements in equities prices, longer term investing strategies than other types declines in the years leading up to retirement.21 to between 69 per cent and 70 per cent by the and thereby reducing volatility in the equities of investors. This is because the investment goal As a larger proportion of the ageing population year 2027, up from 67 per cent as of 2017.16 market. This is because long-term investors can of superannuation funds is to maximise value falls into the older age categories, the level of afford to absorb short-term price fluctuations. The level of investment in infrastructure far beyond the time of a members’ retirement consumption would be expected to fall with it. needed to meet anticipated demand cannot be age, not the day-to-day return on assets.20 Superannuation funds comfort with counter- Consumption accounts for more than half of financed by traditional sources of public finance Furthermore, they must achieve this across cyclical investing strategies can help stabilise GDP so a declining level of consumption would alone. Failure to make significant progress multiple generations of members, existing and financial markets by providing liquidity at critical generate a sharp fall in economic growth over towards bridging the infrastructure gap in future. The reliable flow of funds this creates times, such as during an economic recession. the long-term. Australia could prove costly in terms of slower via the Superannuation Guarantee, and through The current default fund process has played economic growth and loss of international default arrangements, provides a steady stream an important role in ensuring that members’ competitiveness. Australia currently ranks 18th of capital-seeking investment opportunities and best interests are represented in long- in the world for ease of doing business, having has provided a source of demand for equities term investment decisions and strategies, dropped over the past decade from 9th in issued by companies. balancing the interests of incoming, 2008.17 Economic infrastructure, such as utilities, A consequence of this is that superannuation ongoing and outgoing members. transportation and communication networks, funds, being invested in a company over The Commonwealth Government drive competitiveness and support economic the long-term, are more concerned with should ensure that any changes growth by increasing labour productivity, environmental, social and governance (ESG) to the current default system reducing business costs, diversifying means of factors than other types of investors, ensuring do not reduce the long- production and creating jobs. that funds are maximising members’ long-term term investment focus of Australian superannuation funds have played a returns while mitigating negative externalities. superannuation funds, as it significant role in funding Australia’s increasingly will dilute the contribution There are a number of reasons why pressing infrastructure needs, and that role that superannuation can, and superannuation funds are incorporating ESG will only increase in the future. The long-term should, be making towards factors in their investment strategy. First, investment horizon of superannuation funds productive capital and companies may face public backlash, even when makes them natural investors in less liquid, sustainable returns by creating operating within the existing legal framework, as long-term assets such as infrastructure. As of liquidity uncertainty. standards and laws may take time to catch up June 2019, 5.6 per cent of assets held by APRA- with public sentiment. regulated superannuation funds were allocated to infrastructure investments, valuing Second, capital stocks of a company are long- $104 billion, or 5.3 per cent of GDP.18 term assets, as most of the value is from cash
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