STEYR CAMPUS School of Management -

Page created by Lawrence Cohen
STEYR CAMPUS School of Management -
    School of Management

STEYR CAMPUS School of Management -
Degrees at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria:
                                                     Practice-oriented, modern, international!
                                                     A degree from our university will give you a head start on life’s great adventure whatever path you choose –
                                                     further study or a favoured career. And all our practice-based, cutting-edge curricula with an international
                                                     dimension are both fun and an unbeatable experience, too.

                                                     Studying Applied Sciences: Your
                                                     Passport to a Glittering Future                            The University’s Schools

                                                     >> Practice-focused: From Day 1, our hands-                   Informatics,
                                                                                                                                         Applied Health and
                                                        on study projects based on close links with             Communications and
                                                                                                                                          Social Sciences
                                                        industry and commerce and dedicated
                                                        internships will deepen and strengthen your                  Hagenberg                   Linz
                                                        knowledge. Around 1 000 experts from busi-
                                                        ness and wider industry share their practi-                                         Engineering
                                                        cal experience and know-how in our study                    Management           and Environmental
                                                        programme lectures.
                                                     >> Future-oriented: All our curricula are up-to-                   Steyr                   Wels
                                                        date with the latest scientific, commercial
                                                        and technical know-how, reflecting the needs
                                                        of industry and business, the public sector          Entry Requirements for Bachelor’s
                                                        and society in general.                              Degree Programmes
                                                     >> Innovative: Our students receive not only
                                                        well-grounded specialist and practice-orient-        >> School leaving credentials (e.g. A-Levels,
Final Degree Awarded
                                                        ed education, but also get to enhance social            vocational matriculation exam or similar quali-
                                                        skills through special training.                        fication) or
                            Eligible for Doctoral
                              study programme        >> International: Semesters abroad are part of          >> Subject-specific university entrance exam, or
                                   at a university
                                                        our programmes and can be undertaken at                 vocational training relevant to your chosen
                    Master                              one of our 200+ partner universities. Foreign           degree programme, plus completed pre-entry
                   (4 Sem.)
                                                        languages are taught by native speakers.                course for university offered by our university
                                                     >> Academic: Our curricula are based on latest
                                                        advances in scientific know-how, and our             Entry Requirements for Master’s Degree
                  Bachelor                              degrees are internationally recognised.              Programmes
                  (6 Sem.)
                                                     >> Top infrastructure: Every student has
                                                        guaranteed access to computers, labs and             >> Bachelor’s degree (minimum duration:
     General university   Pre-entry course for          seminars. Our facilities are modern and well            6 semesters) in a subject relevant to your
 entrance qualification   university
                                                        equipped.                                               chosen degree programme, or comparable
                                                     >> Fixed duration: Our study programmes are                university degree
                                                        organised to be completed in three years
                                                        (Bachelor’s degrees) and two years (Mas-             Degree Awarded
                                                        ter’s). Almost half of our degrees are offered
                                                        part-time.                                           On completing your degree you will have gained
                                                     >> Service-oriented: Personal contact with our          an academic qualification which is internationally
                                                        students is important to us. We encourage            recognised
                                                        social networking, and the students union            >> Bachelor’s degree (180 ECTS)
                                                        (ÖH), sports association and numerous social         >> Master’s degree (120 ECTS)
                                                        events are all part and parcel of student life
                                                        at our university.                                   Graduates of our university are tomorrow’s spe-
                                                                                                             cialists and leaders, and are entitled to follow a
                                                                                                             PhD course at a university in Austria or abroad.

                                                     SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT                                                                                         2
STEYR CAMPUS School of Management -
Career with a Degree in Management
Steyr Campus provides modern, practice-oriented degrees for careers in organisational leadership and
international management. All degree programmes are based on four fundamental principles: general
management know-how, specialist competence (according to specialist focus of the programme), social
skills and the competence to transfer theory into practice. This practical orientation is achieved through
company projects, case studies, a compulsory practical placement (Bachelor’s degree programmes) and
lecturers from industry and commerce, and all students benefit from studies underpinned by the very latest
internationally accepted content and best practice, intercultural management and English as the language
of tuition. A semester abroad at one of our 100+ partner universities is an option open to all Steyr students.

Social skills together with specific professional training courses (negotiating, self-management) are devel-
oped right from the start of the degree programme with dedicated seminars on personal and leadership
training. While English is a compulsory language, we also offer French, Russian, Spanish, and Czech as a
second foreign language.

                                                 Degree programmes offered at the School of Management, Steyr
    Bachelor’s degree Master’s degree

                                                     CRF                 OMT                 SCM                  DBM                  GSM                SGI

                                                   Accounting,         Operations         Supply Chain         Digital Business    Global Sales        Services of
                                                   Controlling        Management          Management            Management        and Marketing      General Interest
                                   4 semesters

                                                  and Financial                                                                                     School of Applied
                                                  Management                                                                                        Health and Social
                                                       F/P                  F/P               F/P                     P                F/P                  P

                                                                                                                                                                        F = full-time, P = part-time

                                                    CRF              PMT              ILM              MEB                GSM             PMG             Relevant

                                                  Accounting,     Production and   International      Marketing         Global Sales      Process
                                                  Controlling      Management        Logistics      and Electronic     and Marketing    Management
                                                                                                                                                         at another
                                   6 semesters

                                                 and Financial                     Management         Business                         in Health Care
                                                 Management                                                                                             University of
                                                     F/P                F              F/P               F/P                 F               F/P          Sciences

Bachelor programmes
Accounting, Controlling and Financial                                                                      Marketing and Electronic Business
Management (CRF)                                                                                           (MEB)
Bachelor’s degree – full-time/part-time                                                                    Bachelor’s degree – full-time/part-time

Financial success requires experts: Financial                                                              The internet is well established in the business
success has always been central to a company’s                                                             community. It has changed the economic activities
business. Yet never before has know-how in the                                                             of companies. The market influence of the con-
field of finance been as decisive a factor as it is                                                        sumer, price pressure and globalisation in the B2B
today. The Bachelor’s degree “Accounting,                                                                  sector all intensify internet use in both information
Controlling and Financial Management” (CRF)                                                                and communication. Companies therefore require
conveys those skills you will need in order to                                                             broadly educated employees with know-how in
follow a future career in the financial sector – both                                                      marketing, internet, management and social com-
locally and globally. The CRF degree provides                                                              petence. The degree programme “Marketing and
you with the state-of-the-art education for your                                                           Electronic Business” (MEB) offers you a tailor-made
successful access to the world’s largest market.                                                           economics oriented, interdisciplinary education.                                                                                

STEYR CAMPUS School of Management -
Global Sales and Marketing (GSM)                      you will be contributing to guaranteeing best
Bachelor’s degree – full-time                          possible medical care.
The world economy is becoming increasingly
networked and the export industry requires highly      Production and Management (PMT)
qualified sales and marketing specialists who          Bachelor’s degree – full-time
are able to operate in international circles.
The GSM degree programme offers a unique               Smartphones from Korea, sports shoes from
combination of B2B-marketing, sales manage-            China, tablet computers from the USA and motor-
ment and intercultural management. Basic techni-       bikes from Austria. Global manufacturing compa-
cal know-how ensures that future sales managers        nies are looking for academics who are equipped
are able to create a bridge between the customer       with the best business and technical skills. With
and the production or product development.             the degree programme “Production and Manage-
Social competence is seen as a top priority –          ment“ (PMT), graduates know what makes a busi-
which is achieved through excellent skills in three    ness tick and understand suppliers, purchasers,
foreign languages (English is the language of          product developers, production managers,
tuition), sales and leadership trainings.              controllers and senior management. As PMT                                      graduates you will shape production, optimise
                                                       processes throughout the different departments
International Logistics Management                     and thereby contribute to a modern, innovative
(ILM)                                                  and internationally successful enterprise.
Bachelor’s degree – full-time/part-time      

Design from Italy, raw materials from all over the
world, manufacturing in China and customers in         Master programmes
Europe. Modern logistics creates and optimises
the flow of both materials and information on a        Accounting, Controlling and Financial
global basis. Logistics is a must in all sectors as    Management (CRF)
well as in all areas of business. Logistics specia-    Master’s degree – full-time/part-time
lists manage complex activities with the aim of
meeting customer needs in the best way possi-          Your success is our passion: High-level person-
ble. In so doing they make an essential contribu-      nel in the financial sector is the focal point of
tion to the success of an enterprise. The degree       business decision making. In order to take up this
programme “International Logistics Management”         responsibility, you should have at your command
provides you with the necessary skills as well as      financial expertise, strategic ability and also a deep
the certainty of being successful in a dynamic         understanding of business models and leadership
branch on a long term basis.                           qualities at an international level. The Master’s                                      degree “Accounting, Controlling and Financial
                                                       Management“ (CRF) is your ticket to a career in the
Process Management in Health Care                      financial sector and/or to leading positions with a
(PMG)                                                  high degree of financial responsibility.
Bachelor’s degree – full-time/part-time      

The health sector is in upheaval: Competition,         Digital Business                    U ni qu e in
rising costs and the demand for high quality all       Management (DBM)                     Austria
require long term, economic and quality focused        Joint-Master FH/UNI-programme/part-time
action. The Bachelor’s degree programme “Pro-
cess Management in Health Care” (PMG) focuses          The commercial world is increasingly shaped
on precisely these requirements in the health care     by the use of digital media and technologies.
sector and prepares you for your responsibilities      These change the face of competition in “digital
as a future leader. Know-how in process manage-        business“ and lead to new, innovative business
ment will enable you to standardise and further        models. The first joint-master FH/UNI pro-
improve developments in terms of quality and           gramme Digital Business Management (DBM)
processes within health care facilities. In so doing   concerns itself with the characteristics of this

SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT                                                                                       4
STEYR CAMPUS School of Management -
dynamic competitive environment that is shaped      Supply Chain Management (SCM)
by increasing digitisation of the value chain and   Master’s degree – full-time/part-time
the enterprise processes, new entrepreneurship
and global markets, interculturalism, increasing    The globalisation of the economy and new busi-
significance of strategic positioning and marke-    ness models require networked thinking and the
ting, strong market dynamics as well as increa-     ability to implement these new ideas: Supply Chain
sing transparency and interconnectedness of a       Management, the co-operation of partners along
globalised market.                                  the value chain, requires cross-company thinking                                   and acting on the part of managers. For that very
                                                    purpose the first Austrian Master’s degree in “Sup-
Global Sales and Marketing (GSM)                   ply Chain Management“ (SCM) was developed. In
Master’s degree – full-time/part-time               a leading position you will acquire the ability to find
                                                    and devise new cross-company creative solutions.
Globalisation and an increasing service orienta-    The degree offers a profound theoretical back-
tion require passionate leadership personalities    ground and in addition the tools for the sustainable
in the field of B2B who can develop and advance     implementation of new solutions.
sales and marketing in the context of diverse
cultures and market conditions. The Master’s
degree in “Global Sales and Marketing“ (GSM)
imparts a profound understanding of organi-           Studying abroad
sational purchasing behaviour as well as in
depth management skills with an emphasis on           All students have the opportunity of spending
marketing and marketing concepts for complex          a semester abroad at one of our 100 partner
product/market combinations. English is thereby       universities. This is a prerequisite for students
a matter of course and therefore the language of      studying for degrees in ”Accounting,
tuition.                                              Controlling and Financial Management“,                              ”Global Sales and Marketing” (Bachelor and
                                                      Master) and ”International Logistics
Operations Management (OMT)                           Management“. Support is provided by the
Master’s degree – full-time/part-time                 ”International Office“ of Steyr Campus.
                                                      Studying in Steyr truly takes place in an
In a dynamic, global economy, it is those             international environment, with exchange
enterprises that have an efficient and custo-         students from all over the world.
mer-oriented approach to production that are
successful. This means they rely on executives,       Contact
who develop the appropriate strategies, who
plan and control production, optimize processes       FH OÖ Studienbetriebs GmbH
and carry out projects successfully with their        School of Management
team. The master’s degree programme „Opera-           International Office
tions Management“ (OMT) offers you a forward-         Wehrgrabengasse 1–3, 4400 Steyr/Austria
looking management education for this purpose.        Phone: +43 (0)50804-33050, Fax: -33097
You acquire both leadership skills and expertise
in the fields of production and ERP.        

STEYR CAMPUS School of Management -
A Student’s Life in Steyr
Our Campus
Few Austrian towns can boast to having the unique flair of Steyr. Located right where the rivers Steyr and
Enns merge, this historically important town has been the home of leading figures and pioneers. Steyr’s
special appeal makes it an ideal place for our students to call home during their intensive studies towards
becoming leaders in business and industry.

In the Heart of Action
Our campus is located centrally in Steyr’s historic
“Wehrgraben” area, and just a few minutes’ walk
from the city centre, railway station and student

The university buildings are equipped with all the
latest technical facilities. Our library’s extensive
resources provide all the books and research in-
formation students need for their studies. On our
campus, everything is at hand for an up-to-date

Chilling out
Our scenic DELTA cafeteria is an inviting location
for you to enjoy a lunch break, a relaxing chat or
just a quick coffee between lectures.

It offers cold and warm snacks, and a choice of
two lunch menus daily (one vegetarian). The caf-
eteria has 140 seats and an amazing terrace right
on the Steyr riverbank. Other popular meeting           Sport & Fun
places are the numerous bars, pubs and restau-          The university’s own sports association provides
rants close to Steyr Campus.                            plenty of opportunities for students to work out
                                                        and clear their heads after a hard day of studying.
                                                        The students union ÖH ( not
                                                        only deals with students’ issues but also organis-
                                                        es various spare-time activities and furthers team
                                                        spirit within our student community.

                                                        We want to make sure there is a healthy dash of
                                                        the “Fun Factor” in all our first-rate degree pro-
                                                        grammes: So student parties, the Boatmania (our
                                                        annual boating race on the river Steyr), the Steyr
                                                        Campus ball and other regular events are all part
                                                        and parcel of student life at our university. We
                                                        also have a student pub for socialising.

SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT                                                                                      6
STEYR CAMPUS School of Management -
In a nutshell
How can I get a complete picture of                    >> Applicants are informed in writing following
student life in Steyr?                                     the application procedure.
You can spend a day with a student at Steyr
Campus and see for yourself first-hand.                Are there tuition fees and scholarships?
Registration:                         At present there are no tuition fees at the Univer-
                                                       sity of Applied Sciences Upper Austria . A number
To what extent is specialist prior                     of grants are available from and awarded by
knowledge accredited?                                  other institutions.
Most prior qualifications can be validated for         For further information:
specific lectures in the first 2 semesters. This de-
cision is made by the respective head of studies.      How can I get a work placement?
                                                       Can I also do my internship abroad?
Is it possible to study without a                      The School of Management has close links with
secondary school examination?                          200+ companies in Austria and abroad. A large
Yes. We offer a free two-semester preparatory          number of companies welcome the chance to
course for this purpose, and it can be completed       work with students as part of internships, project
on a part-time basis owing to the modular organi-      work or Bachelor’s and Master’s theses – so
sation of the course.                                  every student is guaranteed a work placement
For further information:                               in the real world. Internships are also possible                      abroad, and support is provided by our
                                                       International Office.
When do lectures take place?
All degree programmes are offered on a full-time       What is the accommodation situation in
basis. Lectures, some of which are timetabled          Steyr like?
in block seminars, are held mainly on weekdays         There is the Kolpingheim student residence only
between 8:00 and 18:00.                                five minutes on foot from the university building
Part-time lecture courses take place on Friday         ( and the student hostel
afternoons and all day Saturday, as well as during     next to the Higher Technical College (HTL) about 15
the block week held each semester.                     minutes away (
                                                       Additionally, many private landlords offer accom-
When is the deadline for applications?                 modation via the internet under
Our university offers three main application 
deadlines: 31 January, 31 March and 30 June
Applications are processed immediately after
closing dates and written invitations sent to                                                                Photos: Bilderbox, Corbis, FH OÖ, Fotolia

everyone accepted for interview. The results will
be forwarded to you as soon as possible.
                                                         If you are interested, simply contact
What can I do if I don’t have my final                   us at the address below:
school grades when I apply?
You can hand in your certificates afterwards.            FH OÖ Studienbetriebs GmbH
                                                         School of Management
How does the application procedure                       Wehrgrabengasse 1–3, 4400 Steyr/Austria
work?                                                    Phone: +43 (0)50804-33000, Fax: -33099
>> All information can be found under                           
>> Interview and entrance test for Bachelor’s
    degree programmes, interview and case study          City of Steyr:
    for Master’s degree programmes)

STEYR CAMPUS School of Management -
                                                                                                                                                                                        A8         Linz      Enns            VIENNA
                                                                                                                                                                                         Wels                         A1
                                                                                                           Direction                                                        A12                           A9                A2
                                                                                                B115                                                                        Innsbruck
                                                                                          Ennser-                                                                                            A10                           Graz

Asten, St. Florian                    Wolfernstraße

                                                                                                    FH OÖ

                                                                                                    Steyr Campus


                                        ife                               Wieserfeldplatz


Direction                                                                                 Frauen-

Sattledt                                                                                  gasse


                                            kstr.                                                                                      ENN               Haratzmüllerstr.
 B122                                 Fabri
                                                                      Gaswerkg.                                                                            B122     A1

            Wehrgrabengasse                                                                     Footway


                                                                                 Museum                                                                        Direction

                                                                                Arbeitswelt                                                                  Stadt Haag








                                                                 EL                 (Center)
                                                                                                                      at ay

                                                                                                                    St ailw





                     Aschacher Str.


                                                                                                                    Direction Weyer,



                                                                                                    B115       A9

                                              FH OÖ Studienbetriebs GmbH • School of Management
                                              Wehrgrabengasse 1–3 • 4400 Steyr/Austria • Phone: +43 (0)50804-33000
                                              Fax: +43 (0)50804-33099 • E-Mail: •

STEYR CAMPUS School of Management - STEYR CAMPUS School of Management -
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