Statistic Analysis Hardwood Lumber - Appalachian Hardwood

Statistic Analysis Hardwood Lumber - Appalachian Hardwood
AHEC Mexico/Latin America Market Report                                                                November 2020

AHEC Update                              MEXICO/LATIN AMERICA

Statistic Analysis
Hardwood Lumber

The US Census Bureau Trade Data           lumber exports into Mexico and that     June 2020 when hardwood lumber
has released the statistics for           can be easily explained due to the      shipments dropped by almost 30
September 2020 where we can see           manufacturing of the cage for panel     percent to the southern neighbor.
that despite the fall of 20 percent in    trucks by a well-known Korean car
value and 13 in volume, Mexico            manufacturer through a maquila          Although furniture manufacturers
continues to be the fourth most           operation in Mexico.                    have been working incessantly yet
important market for hardwood                                                     not at full gas, they are relying on
lumber exports after China, Vietnam       Cherry lumber reported a dramatic       their current stock and whatever
and Canada in that order. Almost          downfall during this period when        they settled before the pandemic
$6.00 out of every $100.00 dollars of     compared to 2019 given that China       started. Traders, on the other hand,
all hardwood lumber export sales          is the major buyer today for Cherry     are less shy on purchases but at a
have come from Mexico and $3.71           and almost 9 out every 10 boards        gingerly pace re-stocking what is on
out of every $100.00 are from Red         produced for export are going there.    demand.
Oak lumber only regardless of the
loss of 9% in value and 8% in             Hardwood lumber exports to Mexico       AHEC Mexico has held a series of
volume for this species in the period     account for $70.6 million dollars as    Zoom sessions with timber traders
of January to September of 2020           of September 2020, a drop of 20         and furniture suppliers of different
compared to the same period in            percent if compared to the same         associations having very positive
2019.                                     period in 2019 derived from 185,112     results and an optimistic feeling of
                                          cubic meters, meaning that the          rebooting the market by the first
What really is an eye-catching fact is    market is beginning to recover after    quarter of 2021.
the astounding increase of 49% in         being seriously hit by the pandemic ,
value and 52% in volume of hickory        if we remember the figures from

American Hardwood Export Council                                                                               Page 1
Statistic Analysis Hardwood Lumber - Appalachian Hardwood
AHEC Mexico/Latin America Market Report                                                                                     November 2020

All Hardwood

Not only Mexico is the 4th top All               important markets for hardwood
Hardwood Products market for                     siding.                                     Veneer exports to Mexico reached
h a rd w o o d l u m b e r b u t f o r a l l                                                 12.6 million square meters, or 136.2
hardwood products as whole.                      Hardwood lumber, siding and                 million sq ft meaning $18.2 million
Regardless of the nosedive on                    veneers are the top three products          dollars, which represents 10.3% of
shipments of hardwood siding, 98.7               shipped to Mexico as of the ninth           the total veneer shipments out of the
percent of the export production has             month of the year accounting for 96         US to the world, placing Mexico as
been sent to Mexico accounting for               percent of all sales to the country,        the second largest market for
$43.3 million dollars for some 6.8               the remaining 4%, or $5.7 million           hardwood veneers.
million square feet, ranking the                 dollars, is split between plywood,
country in the first place for the most          logs, flooring, chips and molding.

AHEC Activities
Amongst the now new normality in
working from a distance, AHEC has
not stopped having contact with the
trade a key players in the market ,
AHEC held a round table with
professionals of the fur niture
supplying industry and timber
t r a d e r s m e m b e r s o f d i ff e re n t
associations to discuss the current
situation of the wood market in
Mexico. The session was recorded                           Above - AHEC Zoom panel with specialists of the wood industry
and is available to AHEC members
                                                 including trade shows, seminars and         accreditation of the GBAC (Global
Habitat Expo                                     practically all AHEC activities
                                                 involving mass gatherings and
                                                                                             Biorisk Advisory Council) Star
                                                                                             F a c i l i t y c e r t i fi c a t i o n v i a t h e
                                                 having the travel topic out of the          implementation of GBAC filters to
After having the vast majority of
                                                 question, the only trade show that          guarantee filtering of 40% of the
events been postponed initially at
                                                 survived took place on the                  outdoor air as well as the use of a
the beginning of the pandemic and
                                                 beginning of November in Mexico             much more comprehensive system
then most of them cancelled
                                                 City not without seeking the                of measures and protocols

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Statistic Analysis Hardwood Lumber - Appalachian Hardwood
AHEC Mexico/Latin America Market Report   November 2020

necessary for the cleaning, and
sanitization of both the staff and the
premises. The show also allowed
30% of the visitors that would
normally be allowed by the venue.

AHEC staff worked within a fenced
stand to give information and
technical material to all the visitors.
To prevent physical contact most of
the technical publications were
downloaded via a QR code.

All AHEC staff stays healthy and
working from home

Right - AHEC staff working
behind a fenced safety area.
Below - AHEC stand featuring QR
codes to download technical


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Statistic Analysis Hardwood Lumber - Appalachian Hardwood
AHEC Mexico/Latin America Market Report                                                                                 November 2020

MEM + TecnoMueble                                  IMEXFOR News                               Mexico has used eight-digit tariff
                                                                                              c l a s s i fi c a t i o n s s i n c e t h e
The Magna Expo Mueblera or MEM                                                                implementation of the Harmonized
or its name in Spanish and                         During IMEXFOR Extraordinary               system in 1988.
TecnoMueble are two trade shows                    General Assembly on November 27,
that have been providing the                       it was announced that the Mexico’s         The Ministry of Economy also
furniture supplying industry with a                Ministry of Economy announced              published the methodology for the
myriad of options for the past 30                  that the criteria for obtaining            creation and modification of these
years. The first in Mexico City and                automatic amendments to the tariff          commercial identification numbers
the latter in Guadalajara, Jalisco                 schedule was already published in          on August 28, 2020. The publication
                                                                                              of the goods classified in the new
                                                                                              ten-digit commercial identification
                                                                                              numbers is still pending.

                                                                                              This means that Mexico will now
                                                                                              have a harmonized 10 digit tariff
                                                                                              system but by no means will modify
                                                                                              the dues, fees or tariffs that have to
                                                                                              be paid by the importer, this is all
                                                                                              about paperwork for custom agents
                                                                                              when processing the ‘pedimento’.
                                                                                              Although the US has been working
                                                                                              under the 10 digit scheme for many
                                                                                              years now, Mexico’s 10 digit norm
                                                                                              may not match exactly the American
                                                                                              tariff numbers since each country
                                                                                              establishes and determines the
                           Zoom Press Conference by Hannover Fairs
                                                                                              merchandise that enters their
                                                                                              territory in their very own
                                                                                              classification. The 10 digit number
have now been sold to the German                   the Diario Oficial and will be             of commercial identification (NICO)
company Hannover Fairs along with                  effective as of December 28, 2020.          only describes more thoroughly the
the smaller show from AMPIMM                                                                  product that is being imported.
(Mexican Association of Suppliers                  The New Complimentary Rule 10
for the Wood and Furniture Industry)               establishes the methodology for
merging in one single show that will               creating and modifying commercial
be held alternating venues between                 identification numbers referenced by
Mexico City and Guadalajara every                  two digits added to the end of the
year, for 2021 it will be held in                  full eight-digit tariff classification.
Guadalajara on August 18-21 and
for 2022 it will be held on mid-
January.          Hannover Fairs has
promised to make this single show
grow and make it the most
i m p o r t a n t s h o w f o r f u r n i t u re
supplies in the country with
expectations to have over 11,000 sq
meters of exhibition area for 2023.

This was announced during a press
conference via Zoom to over 240
participants of the media and the

                                                                       IMEXFOR Extraordinary General Assembly via Zoom

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Statistic Analysis Hardwood Lumber - Appalachian Hardwood
AHEC Mexico/Latin America Market Report                                                                November 2020

Latin America                             is the state of Pernambuco in the
                                          north eastern region of Brazil where
                                                                                 other products such as non-
                                                                                 coniferous roundwood exports
                                          exports dropped 38%.                   increased 23% year on year to a
Focus on Brazil - With less than          Source: ITTO                           record 700,000 cu.m.
two months left to the end of 2020,
Brazilian furniture exports have not      Domestic demand recovering and         International demand for wooden
risen as in some other producer           exports of most wood products          doors expanded over 20% with
countries despite the highly              rising - At the beginning of the       some 70% of exports going to the
favourable exchange rate which has        pandemic there were forecasts of       US. Exports of value-added
clearly benefitted wood panel             reductions in domestic demand and      products were expected to be
exporters. In the case of furniture,      exports, notably of solid wood         severely impacted by the pandemic
2020 is expected to end with export       products. The expectation was for a    but this proved wrong. The
earning at about the same level as in     decline in domestic and                pandemic did affected exports at
2017, that is around US$650 million.      international demand for all forest    the beginning of the year but the
                                          products throughout 2020 and into      situation has changed dramatically
Between January and September             2021.                                  over the past two or three months.
2020 furniture exports totalled
US$465.2 million, 10% less than in        After six months and with the          Comparing August 2020 with the
the same period of 2019. The main         pandemic affecting 30 million           same month in 2019 exports of
exporters are concentrated in the         people, the scenario is markedly       tropical plywood almost doubled,
southern region of the country. The       different from that forecast. The       pine plywood exports were up 45%
states of Santa Catarina, Rio Grande      Brazilian domestic market is already   and pine sawnwood exports
do Sul and Paraná together account        showing signs of recovery with         increased 68%. However, furniture
for 80% of total exports with half of     resumption of civil construction and   exports have not yet recovered.
this coming from Santa Catarina.          exports of most wood products
                                          have increased.                        This picture is totally different from
Among the states that exported over                                              that foreseen at the beginning of the
US$1 million in the first 9 months of     Although there was a drop in           pandemic when a 30% to 40%
the year Rio de Janeiro in the south      exports for some products, overall     reduction in Brazilian exports of
eastern region, showed the greatest       there was growth in the first seven    solid wood products was projected.
expansion a doubling of exports           months of this year. Exports of
going from US$929,000 to US$1.9           veneers stand out although export      Source: Revista Referência Florestal
million dollars. At the other extreme     volumes are still small. However,      (October, 2020)

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AHEC Mexico/Latin America Market Report                                                                  November 2020

                                            compared to the record of 20.2620         appreciation of 1.85 cents or a
  Exchange rate                             units per dollar at the end of            variation of 0.09 percent. The
                                            November 18, reported the Bank of         crosshair moves in a range between
                                            Mexico (Banxico).                         a maximum of 20.4320 units and a
  The Mexican peso traded with gains                                                  minimum of 20.2032 units per dollar.
  against the dollar as of November         The movement of the parity means
  19. The spot exchange rate stands         for the local currency an
  at 20.2435 units per dollar

                    AHEC Latin America forthcoming events

            Event                           Date                       Description                         Venue

FIMMA Bazil                     April 26-29, 2021          Trade show for industrial wood        Bento Gonçalves, RS
                                                           processing and furniture              Brazil

Habitat Expo                    May (TBD)                  A show that targets interior          World Trade Center
                                                           designers, architects and             Mexico City
                                                           developers.                           Mexico

Exphotel                        June 15-19, 2021           Trade show targeting the              ICC Cancun Centre
                                                           hospitality industry of the riviera   Cancun, QR
                                                           Maya area. Interior decoration,       Mexico
                                                           remodeling and maintenance

ForMobile                       June 22-25, 2021           Trade show for industrial wood        Expo Sao Paulo
                                                           processing and furniture              Saõ Paulo
                                                           manufacturing                         Brazil

Interzum Bogota                 June 22-25, 2021           Trade show for industrial wood        Corferias Center
                                                           processing and furniture              Bogotá, Colombia

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AHEC Mexico/Latin America Market Report                                                   November 2020

PR Highlights

                       Above: Sector Mueblero Magazine - ‘Connected’ 2-page article
                       Circulation - 10,000
                       Unpaid worth - US$ 6,200

                       Above: Design Hunter Magazine - ‘Sebastian Angel’ 4-page article
                       Winner AHEC Design Awards 2018
                       Circulation - 30,000
                       Unpaid worth - US$ 25,600

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Statistic Analysis Hardwood Lumber - Appalachian Hardwood
AHEC Mexico/Latin America Market Report                                           November 2020

                          American Hardwood Export Council

                               Latin America Office        Headquarters
                               Sierra Candela 111-201      42777 Trade West Drive
                               Col. Lomas de Chapultepec   20166 Sterling, VA
                               11010 Mexico, DF            United States of America
                                                           T. 703-435-2900
                               T. +52 (55) 2623-1850

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