Statement on Monetary Policy - MAY 2019 - Reserve Bank of Australia

Page created by Rafael Sherman
Statement on Monetary Policy - MAY 2019 - Reserve Bank of Australia
Statement on
      M AY 2 0 1 9
Statement on Monetary Policy
                                                      MAY 2019

       Overview                                               1

    1. The International Environment                          5
       Box A: China's Local Government Bond Market           23
       Box B: Why Are Long-term Bond Yields So Low           27
    2. Domestic Economic Conditions                          33
    3. Domestic Financial Conditions                         45
    4. Inflation                                             57
       Box C: Housing In The Consumer Price Index            65
       Box D: Trends In Wages Growth By Pay Setting Method   67
    5. Economic Outlook                                      69
The material in this Statement on Monetary Policy was finalised on 9 May 2019. The next Statement is due for release on
9 August 2019.

The Statement is published quarterly in February, May, August and November each year. All the Statements are available
at when released. Expected release dates are advised ahead of time on the website. For copyright and
disclaimer notices relating to data in the Statement, see the Bank's website.

The graphs in this publication were generated using Mathematica.

Statement on Monetary Policy enquiries:

Secretary's Department
Tel: +61 2 9551 8111

ISSN 1448–5133 (Print)
ISSN 1448–5141 (Online)

Growth in the Australian economy has slowed          trade-oriented economies in parts of Asia and
and inflation remains low. Subdued growth in         the euro area. Investment and investment
household income and the adjustment in the           intentions have also weakened in some of these
housing market are affecting consumer                economies. Trade tensions remain a downside
spending and residential construction. Despite       risk to the global outlook.
this, the labour market is performing reasonably     In China, the authorities have continued their
well, with the unemployment rate steady at           efforts to support growth through targeted
around 5 per cent. Underlying inflation has been     policy easing. GDP growth eased in China in the
lower than expected, at 1½ per cent over the         March quarter, but there are some signs in the
year to the March quarter, with pricing pressures    most recent monthly data that momentum has
subdued across much of the economy.                  picked up again. The authorities have been
GDP growth is expected to be around                  mindful of the need to ensure that measures to
2¾ per cent over both 2019 and 2020. This is         support the economy do not increase financial
lower than previously forecast, reflecting the       stability risks.
revised outlook for household consumption            In contrast to externally focused sectors,
spending and dwelling activity. Stronger growth      consumption growth in the United States, euro
in exports and, further out, work on new mining      area and Japan has been relatively resilient,
investment projects are expected to support          supported by tight labour markets. Unemploy-
growth. Forecasts for inflation have also been       ment rates are at very low levels in all three
revised lower. Trimmed mean inflation is             economies and wages growth has increased. As
expected to be around 1¾ per cent over               yet, though, this has added little to inflation.
2019 and then increase gradually to 2 per cent       Core inflation is now below central banks’
in 2020 and a touch above 2 per cent by early        targets in all three major advanced economies.
2021. In the near term, CPI inflation is expected
                                                     Global financial market conditions have eased
to run a little above the rate for trimmed mean
                                                     further in recent months. Conditions have
inflation, driven by the recent increase in petrol
                                                     become more accommodative since the
                                                     beginning of the year, unwinding the sharp
Global growth moderated in the second half of        tightening that occurred at the end of 2018.
2018 and looks to have continued at a similar        Major central banks have been signalling that
pace into 2019. The moderation was partly            they are likely to maintain more accommodative
driven by a sharp slowing in global trade,           monetary policy than had previously been
related to slower domestic demand in China           expected. These revised expectations have
and a turn in the cycle in the global electronics    flowed through to market pricing, taking
industry. The resulting shift in economic            sovereign bond yields to low levels. Credit
momentum has been most evident in the

                                                           S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – M AY 2 0 1 9   1
spreads and other risk premia are also low,           GDP growth was softer than expected over the
    which has held down the overall cost of               second half of 2018, after a strong first half of
    financing for corporations. The easing in             the year. Consumption growth has slowed
    financial conditions has also been evident for        noticeably, especially for those discretionary
    most emerging market economies, including in          items that tend to be correlated with housing
    China. However, risks remain for some                 conditions. Residential construction activity has
    economies, including Argentina and Turkey, that       declined from its very high level over recent
    have specific vulnerabilities.                        years. Some temporary factors also weighed on
    Conditions have also eased in domestic financial      growth: drought conditions constrained rural
    markets, with government bond yields falling to       production; supply disruptions affected resource
    historically low levels and equity prices having      exports; and the winding down of near-
    risen strongly. In addition, pressures in short-      complete LNG projects weighed on mining
    term money markets have eased, reducing               investment. Consumption and dwelling
    banks’ funding costs. Bank bill spreads are now       investment are expected to remain soft in
    at their lowest levels since late 2017, though this   coming quarters, but non-rural exports and,
    has not flowed through to most advertised             further out, a moderate pick-up in mining
    mortgage rates. Although lending practices            investment are expected to support growth.
    remain considerably tighter than they were a          Recent data suggest that retail spending was
    few years ago, banks continue to compete              weak in the March quarter, with retail sales
    strongly for lower-risk borrowers among both          volumes declining in most states. The near-term
    households and large businesses. Demand for           outlook for consumption growth has been
    housing credit remains soft.                          revised lower because weaker housing market
    The Australian dollar is currently around the low     conditions and income growth are likely to
    end of the narrow range it has been in for some       continue to drag on spending. Further out,
    years. Sovereign bond rates in Australia have         though, the anticipated pick-up in income
    continued to decline relative to those in the         growth should provide some support. Although
    major economies. This has tended to counteract        the pipeline of residential construction work
    the upward pressure on the exchange rate that         underway should support activity in the near
    would otherwise have come from rising prices          term, dwelling investment is still expected to
    for Australia’s key commodity exports.                decline significantly over the next couple of
                                                          years. Pre-sales activity has been weak, so
    Higher prices for some commodity exports,
                                                          further downward revisions to the outlook are
    particularly iron ore, have boosted the outlook
    for Australia’s terms of trade. This follows the
    supply disruptions arising from mine closures in      Conditions in the established housing market
    Brazil, as well as some disruptions in Australia.     remain soft. Housing prices have continued to
    Oil prices have also increased in recent months,      decline in the largest cities, although the pace of
    which will feed through to prices of liquefied        decline has eased a bit recently. Some other
    natural gas (LNG) over time. The terms of trade       indicators, including auction clearance rates,
    are still expected to decline over the period         have improved a little since the end of last year,
    ahead, as supply increases and Chinese demand         but generally point to continued soft
    for bulk commodities eases, but to remain             conditions. Prices have also been declining in
    above the levels recorded in 2016.                    many other cities and regional areas. Other than

2   R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
in Sydney, rental vacancy rates generally remain     unchanged or increase a little this year. Public
below average levels.                                sector wages have been affected by policies
Growth in non-mining business investment             designed to keep average wages growth
picked up in the December quarter, supported         contained.
by spending on equipment and construction of         Despite strong employment growth and some
private infrastructure. In the near term, non-       recovery in growth of average hourly earnings,
residential construction is likely to be supported   growth in household income was very low over
by the elevated level of work underway. Mining       2018. Non-labour sources of income have been
investment is likely to start increasing once the    subdued and are likely to remain so for a while,
final LNG projects are completed and as new          given the effects of the drought on farm
investment projects commence.                        incomes and of soft housing market conditions
Public demand growth has been robust in              on the earnings of many other unincorporated
recent quarters, with spending on investment         businesses. Strong growth in tax payments has
and a range of services provided to households       also subtracted from disposable income growth
both increasing significantly. Taxation revenue      over recent years.
has also grown strongly. While this has helped       Weak growth in household income poses a key
improve the government sector’s financial            risk to the outlook for household consumption,
position, it has tended to offset the support that   especially in the context of falling housing
public demand has given to overall growth.           prices and the need for many households to
In contrast to the signal coming from the            service high levels of debt. Some recovery in
national accounts, a number of labour market         income growth is likely, because employment
indicators remain positive. Employment growth        growth is expected to remain solid, wages are
was strong in the March quarter, following           expected to increase and the tax offset for low-
similar outcomes over much of 2018. The              and middle-income taxpayers is set to come
vacancy rate remains high and there are              into effect in the second half of this year.
ongoing reports of skill shortages for selected      Inflation was weaker than expected in the
occupations.                                         March quarter. Trimmed mean inflation was
The unemployment rate has been steady since          0.3 per cent in the quarter and in year-ended
September at around 5 per cent. Consistent           terms declined to 1.6 per cent; other measures
with leading indicators of labour demand,            of underlying inflation were generally lower.
employment growth is expected to grow at             Inflation was subdued across a broad range of
around the same rate as the working-age              domestic prices, and this more than offset the
population over the next six months, and then        effects of the drought on some food prices and
to pick up a little as GDP growth increases. The     the pass-through of the earlier exchange rate
unemployment rate is forecast to remain around       depreciation to prices of retail goods. Headline
5 per cent this year and next year, before           inflation was lower than trimmed mean
reaching 4¾ per cent in 2021.                        inflation, at 1.3 per cent over the year, largely
                                                     because of the earlier fall in petrol prices.
Wages growth has increased gradually over the
past couple of years, most clearly in the private    Housing-related inflation, including for rents and
sector. Fewer private-sector workers are subject     the prices of newly built homes, has been soft
to wage freezes than in recent years. Firms          and is likely to remain so in the near term. Slow
generally expect wages growth to remain              growth in labour costs and other business costs

                                                           S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – M AY 2 0 1 9   3
has also contributed to low inflation in a range
    of market services. Administered price inflation
    has been below average because of a range of
    policy decisions designed to address cost-of-
    living pressures. Further initiatives in this area
    could constrain inflation in utilities and other
    administered prices; this represents a key
    uncertainty around the inflation outlook.
    Headline inflation will be boosted in the June
    quarter by the recent increase in petrol prices.
    Underlying inflation is meanwhile expected to
    remain low in coming quarters, largely because
    the weakness in housing-related items is
    expected to persist for a while. Further out, the
    forecast for inflation has also been reduced a
    little, as the softer growth outlook feeds through
    to the inflation outlook with a lag.
    The Reserve Bank Board has maintained the
    cash rate at 1½ per cent since August 2016. This
    expansionary setting of monetary policy has
    helped support growth and create the
    conditions for the decline in the unemployment
    rate that occurred over 2018. The lower
    unemployment rate has led to a modest pick-up
    in wages growth, and a further increase is
    expected. Inflation remains subdued, however,
    with the adjustment in the housing market
    contributing to weakness in both household
    spending and the overall rate of inflation.
    At its recent meeting, the Board focused on the
    implications of the low inflation outcomes for
    the economic outlook. It concluded that the
    ongoing subdued rate of inflation suggests that
    a lower rate of unemployment is achievable
    while also having inflation consistent with the
    target. Given this assessment, the Board will be
    paying close attention to developments in the
    labour market at its upcoming meetings.

4    R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
1. The International Environment

Growth in a number of our trading partners          expected and is below central banks’ inflation
eased in the second half of 2018, and growth        targets in most advanced economies. Headline
looks to have broadly continued at this more        inflation has declined because of the fall in oil
moderate rate into 2019. The slowing has been       prices in late 2018, although oil prices have risen
partly the result of a sharp slowing in global      over 2019 to date. More generally, commodity
trade. This has been particularly evident in        price outcomes have been mixed. Supply
trade-exposed sectors such as manufacturing         disruptions in Brazil and, to a lesser extent,
and trade-oriented economies in Asia and the        Australia have boosted iron ore prices
euro area. Export orders data suggest that trade    significantly; this has resulted in the outlook for
growth could remain subdued in the near term.       Australia’s terms of trade being stronger than
However, in many economies, domestically            expected at the time of the February Statement
focused sectors such as services and retail trade   on Monetary Policy.
have been more resilient than externally            Major central banks have revised down their
focused sectors, with strong labour market          forecasts for growth and inflation over recent
conditions and accommodative financial              months, and have highlighted the downside
conditions providing support.                       risks. Moreover, central banks see little, if any,
The sharp slowing in trade is related to slowing    upside risks to inflation despite increasingly
growth in China, as well as developments in         tight labour markets. Accordingly, they have
trade policies and a turn in the cycle in the       signalled that policy is likely to be more
electronics industry. Chinese authorities are       accommodative than previously anticipated. As
continuing their efforts to support domestic        a result, financial conditions have eased in
growth in a manner that does not increase           recent months, largely unwinding the sharp
financial stability risks, by easing fiscal and     tightening that occurred at the end of 2018.
monetary policy. Recent data in China show          Sovereign bond yields have declined to very low
that growth in industrial production, fixed asset   levels and the spread between long- and short-
investment and total social financing has           term yields is low. At the same time, credit
increased, suggesting momentum has picked           spreads and equity risk premiums have
up. Overall, growth in Australia’s major trading    generally declined or remained steady, leaving
partners is expected to be around 3¾ per cent       the overall cost of financing for corporations
in 2019 and 2020, which is at, or a little below,   low.
potential.                                          The accommodative outlook for policy in
Despite tight labour market conditions and a        advanced economies and China has also
pick-up in wages growth in advanced                 contributed to a general improvement in
economies, inflationary pressures remain            financial conditions for emerging market
subdued. Core inflation has been weaker than        economies. In emerging Asia, a more subdued

                                                          S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – M AY 2 0 1 9   5
inflation outlook and stabilisation in capital                                      which have significant automotive sectors. Any
    flows have allowed central banks that tightened                                     negative developments on trade policy could
    policy last year to generally pause of late.                                        harm global growth.

    Global trade growth has slowed                                                      A decline in Chinese domestic
    Global trade growth has fallen further in early                                     demand growth has been one
    2019 and data on new export orders suggest                                          factor behind the slowdown in
    that trade growth will remain subdued in the                                        trade …
    near term (Graph 1.1). The impact of slower
                                                                                        In China, real GDP growth eased in the March
    trade growth has been particularly evident in
                                                                                        quarter, in quarterly and year-ended terms
    manufacturing; in some trade-oriented
                                                                                        (Graph 1.3). Subdued growth in investment in
    economies, particularly in east Asia, conditions
                                                                                        the quarter was partly offset by a pick-up in
    in the manufacturing sector have eased to
                                                                                        consumption growth and a lift in net exports.
    below their post-crisis averages.
                                                                                        The Chinese Government lowered the
    One of the factors behind the sharp slowing in                                      2019 GDP growth target at their annual
    trade is the slowing in domestic demand                                             congress in March to 6–6.5 per cent, down from
    growth in China. US protectionist measures that                                     a target of around 6.5 per cent in 2018. This
    have already been enacted and their supply                                          recognises the structural decline in growth that
    chain effects are also likely to have contributed                                   has been apparent for some time and the
    to the broad-based slowing in trade (Graph 1.2).                                    additional downward pressure on growth in the
    The outlook for trade policy remains uncertain.                                     past year that has arisen from regulatory
    Bilateral trade negotiations between the United                                     measures to address financial risk. The govern-
    States and China are continuing. While there                                        ment also changed the target for the urban
    had been reports of progress in recent months,                                      unemployment rate from ‘below’ 5.5 per cent to
    the US administration has recently threatened                                       ‘around’ 5.5 per cent, and emphasised the need
    additional tariffs in the near term. There is also a                                to support employment. Authorities reiterated
    risk that the US administration increases                                           their focus on supporting growth through
    automotive tariffs; this would particularly affect                                  measures to support smaller and private firms.
    US trade with the European Union and Japan

                                                                                                                       Graph 1.2
                                                                                           World Merchandise Import Volumes Growth
                                     Graph 1.1                                                             Smoothed, year-ended with contributions
                                                                                           %                                                                    %
                       Global Economic Conditions
        %                                                                       index
                             Trade               Purchasing Managers’ Index
                 Imports growth*
                     (LHS)                                                                 4                                                                    4
         4                                                                      56
                                                                                           2                                                                    2
         2                                                                      53

                                                                                           0                                                                    0
         0                                                                      50
                        New export orders
                                (RHS)                                                      -2                                                                   -2
                                                                                                  2013      2014     2015      2016        2017   2018   2019
        -2                                                                      47
             2013            2016         2019             2016          2019                            Total G3 China Other Other east Asia
             *                                                                                           Commodity-exporting emerging economies
                 Smoothed year-ended growth
             Sources: CPB Netherlands; Markit; RBA                                              Sources: CEIC Data; CPB Netherlands; RBA

6    R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
… but monthly activity indicators                                                    up over the past year. Authorities have reiterated
suggest momentum in China has                                                        their commitment to limiting speculative
                                                                                     activity, but recently announced reforms to
strengthened more recently …
                                                                                     loosen restrictions on rural–urban and inter-city
A range of disaggregated Chinese activity                                            migration that are likely to support prices and
indicators have picked up in recent months                                           investment in smaller cities in the medium term.
(Graph 1.4). Growth in industrial production
                                                                                     Producer price inflation has declined over the
increased in March. Some of this represented a
                                                                                     past year, reflecting subdued conditions in the
bringing forward of activity ahead of value-
                                                                                     industrial sector and low fuel price inflation
added tax changes in April, but some of the
                                                                                     (Graph 1.6). Core consumer price inflation has
pick-up is likely to persist. The number of
                                                                                     been relatively stable recently. In contrast,
industrial products for which output is falling
                                                                                     headline consumer price inflation has increased,
has declined, manufacturing purchasing
                                                                                     mainly due to a sharp increase in fresh
managers indexes (PMIs) have strengthened
and growth in industrial sector profits
rebounded in March. Growth in fixed asset                                                                              Graph 1.4
investment has also increased in recent months,                                                            China – Activity Indicators
                                                                                                                       Year-ended growth
driven by infrastructure investment (which has                                          %           Industrial production            Manufacturing PMI**                  index
                                                                                                                                             Diffusion index
                                                                                        45                                                                                55
been supported by fiscal policy) and real estate.
                                                                                        30                                                                                50
Growth in retail sales has increased in both                                                              Value-added
                                                                                        15                                                                                45
nominal and real terms in the March quarter.                                             0                                                                                40
                                                                                                     Gross output*
Conditions in Chinese property markets are also                                         %         Fixed asset investment
                                                                                                                                            Real retail sales****         %

                                                                                        60                                                                                20
improving. Growth in real estate investment has
                                                                                        30                                                                                15
been relatively stable, but has been supported
                                                                                         0                                                                                10
by a pick-up in spending on construction and
                                                                                       -30                                                                                5
fittings rather than land purchases by                                                            2009         2014           2019    2009          2014           2019
                                                                                             *    Based on weighted geometric mean of growth rates of industrial
developers (Graph 1.5). Housing prices rose in                                                    products
                                                                                             ** Average of official and Caixin measures
most cities in the March quarter. Housing sales                                              *** RBA estimates prior to May 2014
                                                                                             **** Deflated by retail price index
have increased strongly in recent months,                                                    Sources: CEIC Data; Markit; RBA

absorbing some of the inventory that has built

                                                                                                                       Graph 1.5
                                Graph 1.3                                                        China – Residential Property Indicators
                                                                                                                       Year-ended growth
                         China – GDP Growth                                             %           New property prices                 Investment*                       ppt
   %                                                                            %
                                                                                                                                                  Land purchases
                  Year-ended                                                            10                                                                                20

   12                                                                           12
                                                                                         0                                                                                0
                                                                                                                                     Other investment**

                                                                                        %               Floor space sold                        Inventory                 %
    8                                                                           8

                                                                                        50                                                                                25

    4                                                                           4
                                                                                         0                                                                                0

                                                                                       -50                                                                                -25
    0                                                                           0                2010     2013     2016       2019 2010       2013      2016       2019
            2007       2009      2011      2013      2015      2017      2019                *   Contributions of residential and non-residential investment
        *   Seasonally adjusted RBA estimates prior to December quarter 2010                 **  Construction, installation, equipment purchases and other
        Sources: CEIC Data; RBA                                                              Sources: CEIC Data; RBA

                                                                                                  S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – M AY 2 0 1 9                   7
vegetable and pork prices; the recovery in pork                                significant cuts to the value added tax rate. As a
    prices is partly due to supply shortages                                       result, the general government budget deficit is
    stemming from the spread of the African swine                                  projected to widen slightly in 2019, in both
    flu.                                                                           headline and underlying terms.
    Chinese merchandise exports were little                                        Growth in total social financing has picked up
    changed in the March quarter, while imports                                    slightly since the start of 2019 because strong
    declined. Trade with the United States has                                     growth in bank credit has offset the continued
    weighed on Chinese exports and imports, as a                                   contraction of off-balance sheet financing
    result of tariff increases from late last year and                             (Graph 1.7). Chinese authorities have reiterated
    front-loading in 2018 to avoid these tariffs.                                  their commitment to keeping the ratio of debt-
    Shipments of Australian coal have been taking                                  to-GDP stable. Meanwhile, the authorities have
    longer to clear customs in recent months. While                                continued to support financing conditions for
    this has weighed on Chinese imports of                                         private businesses, in particular micro- and
    Australian coal, the effect on overall coal imports                            small-sized enterprises (MSEs); official estimates
    has been largely offset by increased coal                                      suggest that private firms account for more than
    imports from other countries.                                                  60 per cent of GDP and over 80 per cent of
                                                                                   urban employment. Financial regulators have
    … supported by targeted                                                        instructed large state-owned banks to increase
                                                                                   the stock of lending to MSEs by at least
    policy easing
                                                                                   30 per cent in 2019. The authorities have also
    The Chinese authorities are continuing their                                   announced further targeted cuts to reserve
    efforts to support growth in a manner that does                                requirement ratios for some small and medium-
    not increase financial stability risks, through a                              sized banks. They also stated that the resulting
    targeted easing of fiscal and monetary policy. In                              release of funds should be directed towards
    early March, the Chinese Government                                            lending to MSEs.
    announced additional measures to increase
    spending on infrastructure, as well as an
    increase in the quota for local government
    ‘special bonds’ (see Box A: China’s Local Govern-
    ment Bond Market). Authorities also announced

                                                                                                                    Graph 1.7
                                   Graph 1.6
                                                                                               China – Total Social Financing Growth
                               China – Inflation*                                                            Year-ended with contributions
                                       Year-ended                                     %                                                                              %
       %                                                                     %
                   Consumer prices                  Producer prices

                                                                                      30                                                                             30
        8                                                                    10
                   Headline                                                                                                  Debt swap adjustment*
                                                                                      20                                                                             20
        4                                                                    5

                                                                                      10                                                                             10
        0                                                                    0

                                                                                       0                                                                             0
       -4                                                                    -5                 Business loans      Off-balance sheet financing
                                                                                                Household loans     Securities financing
                                                                                     -10                                                                             -10
       -8                                                                    -10                 2009        2011        2013        2015        2017        2019
                 2009       2014        2019   2009        2014       2019                 *   Upper bound estimate after including local government bond issuance
            *   Seasonally adjusted by RBA                                                     to pay off debt previously included in TSF
            Sources: CEIC Data; RBA                                                        Sources: CEIC Data; RBA

8   R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
Elsewhere in east Asia the decline                                               follows very strong growth in this sector in 2016.
in trade has weighed                                                             The slowdown reflects a cyclical downturn in
                                                                                 global demand for semi-conductors, driven by
on investment
                                                                                 lower smartphone demand in China and a shift
In most economies in east Asia, export growth                                    to less frequent device upgrades by consumers.
has eased sharply and survey measures of new                                     The impact on the region has been amplified by
export orders are below average (Graph 1.8).                                     the fall in semi-conductor prices over 2018, after
Industrial production growth has slowed and                                      they rose strongly in 2017. Business investment
surveyed business conditions have also eased to                                  contracted in the economies with sizable semi-
below average levels in many economies in the                                    conductor sectors, such as South Korea, largely
region.                                                                          because of the completion of earlier investment
The fall in export growth has been most                                          to add to productive capacity in the electronics
pronounced in exports to China, consistent with                                  sector.
slowing domestic demand in China (Graph 1.9).                                    While the declines in export growth have been
The effects of US–China trade tensions on                                        similar across economies, those most exposed
supply chains in the region are also apparent in                                 to global trade, such as South Korea and
intra-regional exports. However, lower-cost                                      Singapore, have been more adversely affected
economies in the region, such as Vietnam, the                                    in other respects. In particular, business
Philippines and Thailand, could potentially                                      investment growth slowed sharply in these
benefit from production shifting away from                                       economies, while it has held up in the less
China to avoid higher US tariffs. Export growth                                  trade-exposed economies (Graph 1.10). South
to the major advanced economies has been                                         Korean GDP fell in the March quarter because
relatively resilient; export growth has picked up                                investment and exports contracted; consump-
to the United States and has moderated only a                                    tion growth slowed but remained positive.
little to the European Union and Japan.
                                                                                 In Indonesia, growth has been more resilient
The slowing in trade and the recent weakness in                                  because consumption and investment growth
industrial production in east Asia has been                                      have eased only slightly (Graph 1.11). The
evident in capital and industrial goods exports,                                 significant monetary policy tightening in
particularly in the semi-conductor sector. This                                  Indonesia in 2018 has had limited effect on

                                Graph 1.8
                 East Asia – Economic Indicators
                                     Smoothed                                                                      Graph 1.9
   %                                                                     index
               Production and trade*            Manufacturing PMI**
                                                                                               East Asia – Merchandise Exports
                                                                                  US$b                                                                    US$b
                                                                                              Value by destination          Value by commodity
  10                                                                     53                                                        Capital goods
               Merchandise                                Aggregate                 40                                                                    60
   5                                                                     50         30                                                                    45
                                                                                                                               Industrial goods

                                                                                    20                                                                    30
   0                                                                     47                       Intra-regional                       Transportation
             production                       New export orders                                                                     Fuels
                                                                                    10                                                                    15
   -5                                                                    44                     Japan
                     2015           2019           2015           2019                                          EU                  Consumer goods
        *   Year-ended growth                                                        0                                                                    0
        **  Purchasing Managers’ Index                                                        2009       2014        2019   2009        2014       2019
        Sources: CEIC Data; IHS Markit; RBA                                              Sources: CEIC Data; RBA

                                                                                            S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – M AY 2 0 1 9        9
domestic demand because the pass-through to                                               months. Core inflation (which excludes food and
     banks’ lending rates has been limited.                                                    fuel) continues to moderate. Headline inflation
                                                                                               picked up in February and March, but remains
     In India, growth remains                                                                  low, primarily due to weak food price inflation.

     relatively robust
     In India, which relies less on merchandise trade
                                                                                               Growth in the major advanced
     than most economies in the region, economic                                               economies has generally eased
     growth edged higher in the December quarter,                                              from above potential
     but over the year the pace has declined                                                   Growth momentum has generally moderated
     (Graph 1.12). Investment and export growth                                                across the major advanced economies from
     remained robust in the quarter, while growth in                                           rates that were well above potential in 2017 and
     private and public consumption slowed. Growth                                             early 2018. Weaker external demand and policy
     in other parts of the economy, such as industrial                                         uncertainty have weighed on growth to varying
     and steel production, have also eased in recent                                           degrees (Graph 1.13). Manufacturing sectors
                                                                                               have been particularly affected while service
                                                                                               sectors and consumption have been relatively
                                     Graph 1.10                                                resilient.
          East Asia – Investment and Consumption                                               In the United States, domestic demand
                                      Year-ended growth
                   More trade-exposed                    Less trade-exposed
                                                                                          %    continued to slow in early 2019 although a fall
                       economies*                            economies**
                                                                                               in imports contributed to stronger-than-
        10                                                                                10
                                                                                               expected GDP growth in the March quarter.
                                                                                               Over the past year, growth in exports and
         5                                                                                5
                                                                                               business investment has slowed. Investment
                                                                                               intentions have also eased but remain relatively
         0                                                                                0
                                                                                               high (Graph 1.14). The protracted US Govern-
                                                                                               ment shutdown and severe weather dampened
        -5                                                                                -5   domestic activity around the turn of the year;
                      2014                2018             2014                2018
                 Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand
                 Indonesia, Philippines
                                                                                               consumption growth was weak while residential
             Sources: CEIC Data; RBA
                                                                                               investment contracted further. A number of

                                     Graph 1.11                                                                              Graph 1.12
                            East Asia – GDP Growth                                                           India – GDP Growth and Inflation
                                          Year-ended                                                                              Year-ended
        %                                                                                 %       %               GDP growth                       Inflation              %
                                Other ASEAN*
                                                                                                 12                                                                       15
        10                                                                                10

                                                                                                  8                                                                       10
         5                                                                                5

                                                                                                  4                                                                       5
                                                                South Korea
         0                                                                                0                                              Excluding food and fuel
                                                                                                  0                                                                       0

        -5                                                                                -5      -4                                                                      -5
                  2007           2010            2013          2016           2019                         2008       2013        2018     2008       2013         2018
             *   Includes Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines; Vietnam from 2013                *   Seasonally adjusted by RBA
             Sources: CEIC Data; IMF; RBA                                                              Sources: CEIC Data; RBA

10   R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
factors are likely to support consumption                                             further this year because of the weaker external
growth in the near term, although at a slower                                         conditions and the ongoing uncertainty about
pace than during the past year when consump-                                          trade policies and the United Kingdom’s exit
tion was buoyed by tax cuts. Consumer                                                 from the European Union. More positively,
sentiment is elevated, the labour market                                              temporary factors that disrupted the
remains strong and wages growth has picked                                            automotive industry and key transportation
up.                                                                                   channels in late 2018 and into early 2019,
In the euro area, growth picked up a little in the                                    appear to have been largely resolved. Moreover,
March quarter. New export orders suggest that                                         retail sales growth and consumer confidence
the external demand weakness that has been                                            remain above average in 2019, supported by
dampening recent growth is likely to persist into                                     strong employment growth.
the June quarter. Investment growth slowed in                                         Japanese GDP growth appears to have slowed
2018 and investment intentions have eased                                             abruptly in early 2019, driven by external
                                                                                      demand. Exports to China and the rest of Asia
                                                                                      were weak, new export orders have been
                                Graph 1.13
                                                                                      subdued and surveyed conditions in the manu-
                  Major Advanced Economies –
                     Business Conditions*                                             facturing sector have declined sharply. Business
                        Deviation from post-GFC average                               investment appears to have held up in the
  std         United States           Euro area                 Japan           std
  dev                                                                           dev
    2                                                                           2     March quarter but investment intentions have
   0                                                                            0     moderated. In contrast, business conditions in
   -2                                                                           -2    the services sector remain buoyant, consistent
            Export orders

  std                                                                           std
                                                                                      with the above-average growth in domestic
              United States           Euro area                 Japan
  dev                                                                           dev   demand.
    2                                                                           2

   0                                                                            0
                                                                                -2    Tight labour markets in advanced
              2015       2019       2015         2019       2015         2019
                                                                                      economies are supporting
        *   ISM for US, smoothed; PMIs for euro area, smoothed; PMI export
            orders and Tankan business conditions for Japan                           consumption and wages growth
        Sources: Bank of Japan; RBA; Refinitiv

                                                                                      has increased …
                                                                                      Employment growth remains high and above
                                Graph 1.14                                            working-age population growth in the major
            Major Advanced Economies –                                                advanced economies in 2019 (Graph 1.15).
        Consumption and Investment Indicators
              United States           Euro area                 Japan
                                                                                std   While employment growth has slowed a little in
             Retail sales*                                                            some of these economies since mid 2018, it has
    5                                                                           2     held up well relative to the slowing in GDP
                                                                                      growth, which is similar to the experience in
    0                                                                           0     Australia. Unemployment rates are at multi-
                                                                                      decade lows in many advanced economies.
                                                                                -2    Tight labour markets have also encouraged
                                      (RHS)                                           higher participation rates. Employment
              2013      2018        2013       2018         2013        2018
                                                                                -4    intentions have declined a little in the United
        *   Year-ended growth, smoothed; personal consumption expenditure
            for the United States
                                                                                      States and the euro area but remain at a high
        **  Deviation from average post-2000 for US (smoothed) and euro area
            and post-2004 for Japan                                                   level. Vacancy rates remain very high and firms
        Sources: Bank of Japan; RBA; Refinitiv

                                                                                           S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – M AY 2 0 1 9   11
continue to report widespread difficulties in                                    price decline in late 2018; oil prices have
     filling jobs. This labour market strength is                                     retraced some of this fall more recently. Higher
     supporting ongoing growth in household                                           US–China tariffs have increased costs for some
     income and consumption.                                                          producers in these economies. Inflation expec-
     Wages growth increased notably over 2018 in                                      tations of professional forecasters and measures
     the major advanced economies, continuing the                                     derived from financial markets have generally
     trend of recent years (Graph 1.16). US wages                                     declined over the past six months; consumer
     growth is around the highest of the current                                      expectations have also eased, except in Japan.
     expansion. Wages growth in the euro area in                                      Core inflation also remains generally subdued in
     late 2018 was around the highest since 2010,                                     the east Asian region, while headline inflation
     although it has softened a little recently. In                                   has declined because of the fall in oil prices in
     Japan, it appears that full-time wages growth                                    late 2018 (Graph 1.18). In the Philippines,
     remains positive and wages in the more                                           inflation has returned to the central bank’s
     cyclically sensitive part-time sector have
     continued to grow at a very high rate relative to
     the past decade. In some advanced economies                                                                      Graph 1.16
     such as New Zealand, Spain and South Korea                                                           Major Advanced Economies –
     substantial increases to minimum wages will                                                           Labour Market and Wages
                                                                                         %                                                        Wages*                 %
                                                                                                     Unemployment rate
                                                                                                                                           Year-ended growth
     also contribute to wages growth.
                                                                                                                     Euro area
                                                                                         11                                                                              4
                                                                                                                                               Japan part-time
     … but global inflation
     remains subdued                                                                      8

     Core inflation is low in the three major
                                                                                          5                                                                              0
     advanced economies, despite ongoing capacity                                                                                                 Japan full-time**
     constraints. It is also now below central bank
                                                                                          2                                                                              -2
     targets in each of these economies, given the                                                   2009         2014       2019          2009       2014        2019
                                                                                              *   Average hourly earnings for the US; compensation per employee for
     easing in the US Federal Reserve’s preferred core                                            the euro area; smoothed average full-time scheduled wages and
                                                                                                  part-time hourly wages for Japan
                                                                                              ** From 2017 series is matched to a consistent sample
     inflation measure in recent months (Graph 1.17).                                         Sources: CEIC Data; ECB; Eurostat; MHLW Japan; RBA; Refinitiv

     Headline inflation has fallen because of the oil

                                                                                                                      Graph 1.17
                                     Graph 1.15                                                   Major Advanced Economies – Inflation
                       Major Advanced Economies –                                        %                                                                               %
                                                                                                   United States*            Euro area                  Japan**
                         Labour Market Indicators
        %          Employment growth                                          ratio
                                                   Vacancies to unemployed
                                                                                         3                                                                               3
         3                                                                    1.5
                   Euro area

         0                                                                    1.0                     Core
                                   Japan                                                 0                                                                               0

        -3                                                                    0.5

                          United States                                                  -3                                                                              -3
                                                                                                   2009           2019    2009            2019      2009          2019
        -6                                                                    0.0             *   Personal consumption expenditure inflation
                    2009        2014        2019      2009    2014     2019                   **  Excludes effect of the consumption tax increase in April 2014
             Sources: Eurostat; RBA; Refinitv                                                 Sources: RBA; Refinitiv

12   R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
target range following substantial policy                                    emerging signs that policy stimulus is
tightening over 2018. Inflation continues to be                              supporting growth in China.
low in Malaysia because of changes in                                        In China, near-term growth is expected to be
consumption taxes.                                                           supported by targeted policy-easing measures,
                                                                             but continue to moderate further out because
Trading partner growth has                                                   of longer-term structural factors such as the
moderated and is expected to                                                 declining working-age population. In the United
continue at a similar rate in                                                States, GDP growth is expected to moderate
                                                                             from its very strong rate in 2018 to be around
2019 and 2020
                                                                             estimates of potential by 2020. Some of this
Growth in Australia’s major trading partners is                              moderation can be explained by the waning
expected to be around 3¾ per cent in 2019 and                                effects of the recent fiscal stimulus, although
2020 (Graph 1.19). This is noticeably slower than                            markets expect monetary policy to be more
the relatively fast pace of growth in 2017 and in                            accommodative than previously.
the first half of 2018, but remains at, or a little
                                                                             In 2019, the moderate growth expected in most
below, potential. Recent data have led to some
                                                                             other regions reflects a mix of subdued external
small downward revisions to the global growth
                                                                             demand being counterbalanced by resilient
outlook, mainly because of lower growth in
                                                                             domestic demand. In parts of east Asia, trade
parts of Asia as a result of the more pervasive
                                                                             effects on manufacturing and investment have
slowing in global trade. Global inflation is
                                                                             been particularly evident. In Japan, the slowing
expected to be a little lower, and monetary
                                                                             in external demand and the related easing in
policy is expected to be more accommodative
                                                                             manufacturing sector conditions are expected
over the forecast period than at the time of the
                                                                             to be offset by the boost from consumption
February Statement, in line with financial market
                                                                             being brought forward ahead of an October
expectations. Risks around trade and other
                                                                             2019 increase in the consumption tax, leaving
policies remain and could weigh on growth
                                                                             growth around potential. In the euro area, GDP
more than currently expected. In contrast, the
                                                                             growth is expected to be below potential in
risks around the global impetus from Chinese
                                                                             2019 because of weaker external demand and
demand are more balanced, in light of
                                                                             its effects on investment; the investment

                                                                                                           Graph 1.19
                               Graph 1.18
                                                                                          Australia’s Trading Partner Growth*
                          East Asia – Inflation                                                                 Year-average
                                  Year-ended                                    %                                                                   %
   %                                                                    %
                    Headline                         Core
                                                                                6                                                                   6
   8                                                                    8
   6                                                                    6       4                                                                   4

   4                                                                    4
                                                                                2                                                                   2

   2                                                                    2
                                                                                0                                                                   0
   0                                                                    0
                   South Korea                                                  -2                                                                  -2
   -2                                                                   -2       2000           2004          2008             2012     2016     2020
                   2015           2019          2015             2019               *   Aggregated using total export shares
        Sources: CEIC Data; RBA                                                     Sources: ABS; CEIC Data; RBA; Refinitiv

                                                                                        S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – M AY 2 0 1 9    13
weakness is expected to be compounded by                                    economies are expected to remain at, or below,
     the effects of continuing political uncertainty                             current levels through to mid 2020.
     about the United Kingdom’s exit from the                                    In the United States, the Federal Reserve (Fed)
     European Union. Consumption is expected to                                  has lowered its projections for the path of its
     remain supported by tight labour markets.                                   policy rate and continued to state that it will
     Fiscal policy will provide support in 2019 in a                             take a patient and flexible approach to setting
     number of countries, with the exception of                                  policy. In its most recent forecast update, the
     Japan (Graph 1.20); structural deficits are set to                          Fed revised its central projections for growth
     increase in 2019 in the United States, and in the                           down modestly, while indicating the upside
     euro area led by Germany. Monetary policy in                                risks to inflation are limited despite ongoing
     trading partner economies is also expected to                               tightness in the labour market. The Federal
     be more accommodative over the forecast                                     Open Market Committee (FOMC) now projects
     period than at the time of the February                                     its policy rate is most likely to remain
     Statement.                                                                  unchanged in 2019, followed by one increase in
                                                                                 2020 (in December, officials projected two
     Central banks have signalled that                                           increases in 2019 and one in 2020) (Graph 1.22).
                                                                                 By contrast, market pricing suggests that the
     accommodative policy is likely to
                                                                                 FOMC is expected to lower its policy rate by the
     persist for longer                                                          end of this year, in part reflecting a perception
     A number of major central banks have signalled                              that risks to growth and inflation are skewed to
     that policy settings are likely to remain more                              the downside.
     accommodative than earlier expected. This shift
                                                                                 The Fed has also announced that the decline in
     has reflected lower projections for growth and
                                                                                 its asset holdings will slow from May and cease
     inflation, and policymakers have highlighted
                                                                                 from the end of September, sooner than market
     increased downside risks. Market participants
                                                                                 participants had expected (Graph 1.23). Based
     have further revised their expectations for policy
                                                                                 on this guidance, the Fed’s securities portfolio
     rates lower since the previous Statement
                                                                                 will settle higher than market participants had
     (Graph 1.21). Market pricing implies that
                                                                                 expected a few months ago.
     monetary policy rates in most advanced
                                                                                 The European Central Bank (ECB) expects to
                                                                                 leave its policy rate unchanged until at least the
                                   Graph 1.20
                      Major Advanced Economies –
                        Structural Fiscal Deficits                                                                Graph 1.21
                             Share of potential GDP, annual
                      US                  Euro area*          Japan
                                                                             %                         Policy Rate Expectations
                                                                                    %                     US                                                   %
                                                                                    3                                                                          3
         8                                                                   8           Feb SMP
                                                                                    2                                                                          2
                                                                                    1                                                                          1
         6                                                                   6              Current                                Euro area
                    IMF forecast                                                    0                                                                          0
         4                                                                   4      %                                                                          %
                                                                                    3                                                                          3
                                                                                            Canada                                  NZ
                                                                                    2                                                                          2
         2                                                                   2
                                                                                    1                                                                          1
                                                                                    0                                                                          0
         0                                                                   0
                  2014        2024        2014     2024   2014        2024          -1                                                                         -1
             *   RBA estimate from 2021                                                  2017         2019        2021         2017         2019        2021
             Sources: IMF; RBA                                                           Sources: Bloomberg; Refinitiv; Tullet Prebon Pty Ltd

14   R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
end of 2019, three months later than previously                                     A number of other central banks have signalled
signalled. This reflects noticeable downward                                        a more accommodative outlook for policy
revisions by the ECB to its near-term economic                                      settings, citing the weaker outlook for growth
growth and inflation forecasts, and its view that                                   and downside risks. The Bank of Canada stated
risks are tilted to the downside. Market pricing is                                 that their monetary policy settings are expected
broadly consistent with this policy guidance.                                       to remain more accommodative than previously
The ECB also announced a third series of                                            anticipated, though officials have stated that the
lending operations to euro area banks on                                            next move is more likely to be up than down.
favourable terms, beginning in September                                            Market pricing suggests that the policy rate will
(labelled ‘Targeted Long-term Refinancing                                           remain unchanged for some time. At its May
Operations’, TLTRO-III). The new program                                            meeting, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand
addresses concerns that financial conditions                                        (RBNZ) lowered its policy rate by 25 basis points
might otherwise have tightened unhelpfully for                                      to 1.5 per cent, and noted that the outlook for
current monetary policy settings as loans from                                      policy is now more balanced. The RBNZ lowered
the previous program are repaid in the year                                         its forecasts for activity and employment
ahead.                                                                              growth, and noted that inflation is expected to
The Bank of Japan (BoJ) has continued to                                            return to the 2 per cent midpoint of its target
provide monetary stimulus by maintaining very                                       range by mid-2021, a little later than previously
low interest rates and expanding its balance                                        indicated. Market pricing suggests that the
sheet. At its April meeting, the BoJ stated that it                                 policy rate is expected to be lowered again by
expects to leave its policy settings unchanged                                      early next year. Bank of England (BoE) officials
until at least the second quarter of 2020. Market                                   continue to point to the outcome of Brexit as a
participants expect the current policy stance to                                    significant source of uncertainty, and note that it
be maintained for an extended period. Inflation                                     is likely to shape the next move in the BoE’s
forecasts have been consistently revised lower                                      policy rate, which could be up or down. Market
in the past year, with inflation now expected to                                    participants expect that the policy rate will be
reach 1.3 per cent by 2020 compared with                                            increased around the middle of 2021, a little
expectations of 1.8 per cent a year ago (and                                        later than previously expected.
against a target of 2 per cent).
                                                                                                                     Graph 1.23
                                                                                                 Central Bank Net Asset Purchases*
                               Graph 1.22                                                                      Three-month moving average
                                                                                    US$b                                                         Projections**          US$b
                              US Policy Rate                                                     Fed     ECB      BoJ     BoE
   %                                                                          %
            Dec 18 FOMC projections                    Range of FOMC
                                                                                      150                                                                               150
            Mar 19 FOMC projections                    long-run projections
  3.5                                                                         3.5                                             Total

                                                                                      100                                                                               100
  3.0                                                                         3.0

               19 Dec 2018
  2.5                                                                         2.5      50                                                                               50

  2.0                                                                         2.0       0                                                                               0

  1.5                                                                         1.5
             Actual                                                                   -50                                                                               -50
                                                                                                    2011           2013           2015            2017           2019
  1.0                                                                         1.0           *   Excludes minor operational transactions
            2018           2019           2020           2021                               **  As per guidance from central banks and market estimates. BoJ
        Sources: Bloomberg; Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve                           forecasts based on recent months' average of ¥30 trillion per year.
                 System; Refinitiv                                                          Sources: Bloomberg; Central Banks; RBA; Refinitiv

                                                                                             S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – M AY 2 0 1 9                     15
Government bond yields have                                                          low term premium, which is around 200 basis
     fallen to low levels …                                                               points below its long-term average. Also, other
                                                                                          market indicators for future economic
     In recent months, the yields of long-term
                                                                                          conditions are not currently pointing to an
     government bonds have declined to be near
                                                                                          economic downturn. For example, credit
     historically low levels (see ‘Box B: Why Are Long-
                                                                                          spreads on high-yield corporate bonds in the
     term Bond Yields So Low?’). In Germany and
                                                                                          United States remain low. Credit spreads tend to
     Japan, long-term yields are again close to the
                                                                                          increase when market participants perceive a
     record low levels seen in 2016 (Graph 1.24). The
                                                                                          rise in the risk that borrowers will default on
     declines in bond yields since late last year have
                                                                                          their debt obligations, as is commonly seen in
     reflected a noticeable fall in real yields and lower
                                                                                          an economic downturn.
     inflation compensation. This is consistent with
     the downward revisions to macroeconomic
     projections by central banks and market                                              … and the cost of financing for
     participants, and the lowering of policy rate                                        corporations has declined
     expectations. In addition, term premiums – the                                       Corporate bond yields have declined since the
     compensation that investors demand for the                                           start of the year, more than reversing the
     additional risk of holding long-term rather than                                     increase experienced in late 2018. Over the year
     short-term bonds – have declined to be around                                        to date, the decline has mostly reflected lower
     record low levels.                                                                   credit spreads – the premium above govern-
     Yield curves have also flattened in recent                                           ment bond yields that investors demand as
     months. For a short period, long-term bond                                           compensation to invest in corporate bonds. This
     yields in the United States were below those of                                      improvement in conditions has encouraged
     some short-term interest rates (Graph 1.25). This                                    non-financial firms to increase their issuance of
     so-called ‘inversion’ of the yield curve attracted                                   bonds, particularly those firms with lower credit
     attention from market participants, as persistent                                    ratings (Graph 1.26). By contrast, issuance of
     inversions have tended to precede economic                                           leveraged loans has remained subdued. This
     downturns in the United States by                                                    may reflect ongoing concerns that investors
     12–18 months. However, this signal from the                                          have about credit quality in this market or that
     yield curve is likely to be distorted by the very
                                                                                                                          Graph 1.25
                                                                                             US Treasury Yield Curve and Credit Spreads*
                                      Graph 1.24                                            bps
                                                                                                                 Yield curve**

                          10-year Government Bonds                                          300                                                                             300
         %                                                             Inflation     %
                   Nominal yield             Real yield
                                                                    compensation*           150                                                                             150
          3                                                                          3
                                                                                              0                                                                             0

          2                                                                          2      bps                                                                             bps
                                                     US                                    1,500                                                                            1,500
          1                                                                          1                                                               Non-investment
                                                                                                                                                      grade credit***
                                                                                           1,000                                                                            1,000
          0                                                                          0
                           Japan                                                            500                                                                             500

         -1                                                                          -1       0                                                                           0
                                                                                                     1989          1995         2001         2007         2013         2019
                                                                                                   *   Grey bars indicate NBER recession dates
         -2                                                                          -2            ** Spread between the 3-month and 10-year Treasury yields
                  2015         2019      2015           2019        2015      2019                 *** Spread to equivalent Treasury yield
              *   Difference between nominal yield and real yield                                  Sources: Bloomberg; Federal Reserve; ICE Data is used with permission;
              Sources: Bloomberg; RBA                                                                       RBA

16    R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
the shift in the outlook for monetary policy has                                      has shifted some of its issuance from short-term
reduced the demand for securities like                                                bills toward longer-term bonds.
leveraged loans with floating interest rate
coupons.                                                                              The US dollar is little changed and
Equity prices globally have risen strongly since                                      currency volatility is low
the start of the year and are now close to, or
                                                                                      The US dollar remains a little below its levels of
above, their levels in September last year
                                                                                      late 2018 on a trade-weighted (TWI) basis
(Graph 1.27). In the United States, equity prices
                                                                                      (Graph 1.29). Following a sustained appreciation
are around record highs. Increases globally
                                                                                      over much of 2018, from mid December the
largely reflect changes in investors’ appetite for,
                                                                                      US dollar depreciated alongside a more
or perceptions of, risk, and expectations that
                                                                                      pronounced shift in the outlook for monetary
central bank policy will be more accommoda-
                                                                                      policy in the United States than in other major
tive than previously anticipated. This has more
                                                                                      economies. The euro has depreciated slightly
than offset the effect on equity prices of modest
                                                                                      since the start of the year on a TWI basis
downward revisions to expected corporate
                                                                                      alongside weaker-than-expected
earnings in 2019. Measures of equity market
                                                                                      macroeconomic data and expectations that the
valuations, such as the price-earnings ratio,
remain around their long-term averages after
declining notably in the final quarter of 2018.                                                                        Graph 1.27
                                                                                                                        Equity Prices
Spreads in short-term money markets (over and                                                                          1 January 2015 = 100
                                                                                       index                                                                               index
above expected policy rates) have declined
substantially this year (Graph 1.28). In US dollar                                                                                              US
                                                                                        140                                                                                140
markets, conditions have eased following the
tightness associated with the regulatory                                                            Europe
                                                                                        120                                                                                120
constraints on banks’ balance sheets that bind
at the end of the calendar year. Also, there have
                                                                                        100                                                                                100
been strong inflows to money market funds that
invest in short-term securities issued by banks                                                                        Japan
                                                                                         80                                                                                80
and corporations. In addition, the US Treasury                                                     2015            2016          2017           2018             2019
                                                                                               Source: Bloomberg

                                Graph 1.26                                                                             Graph 1.28
                       Corporate Bond Markets                                                             International Money Markets
   %            Investment grade                  Non-investment grade         %                        Three-month unsecured rates, spread to OIS
                        Yield                                  Yield
                                                                               10       bps                                                                                bps

    3                                                                          8
                           US dollar                                                     60                                                                                60
    2                                                                          6                                                            Canada
    1                                                                          4                                US
                    Euro                                                                          Australia
                                                                                         40                                                                                40
 US$b          Investment grade*                  Non-investment grade*        US$b
                   Gross issuance                      Gross issuance
  360                                                                          180
                                                          12-month average               20                                                                                20
  240                                                                          120                            NZ

  120                                                                          60         0                                                                                0
                                                                                                                                           Euro area        Japan
    0                                                                          0
            2011        2015           2019    2011            2015     2019            -20                                                                                -20
        *   Non-financial corporations; June quarter-to-date                                               2016               2019              2016                2019
        Sources: Dealogic; ICE Data is used with permission                                    Sources: ASX; Bloomberg; Tullet Prebon (Australia) Pty Ltd

                                                                                                S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – M AY 2 0 1 9                      17
ECB’s monetary policy settings will remain more                                         private capital inflows and a rise in bond yields
     accommodative than previously anticipated.                                              in China relative to those in advanced
     The Japanese yen has appreciated of late, to be                                         economies. Chinese foreign currency reserves
     back around its levels of late 2018. Volatility in                                      have remained stable at a little above
     the currencies of advanced economies has                                                US$3 trillion.
     declined since the start of the year to be around                                       Announced increases in the weights of Chinese
     its lowest level of the past several years.                                             securities in major global financial indices have
                                                                                             supported strong capital inflows into China’s
     In China, financial markets have                                                        onshore bond and equity markets. The Chinese
     reacted to stronger-than-                                                               authorities have been seeking to expand foreign
     expected economic data and an                                                           investors’ access to its capital markets in recent

     increase in trade uncertainty
     The pick-up in Chinese activity indicators in                                                                           Graph 1.30
     recent months has led to some paring back of                                                                  Chinese Financial Markets
                                                                                              index                                Equities                               index
     market participants’ expectations for the pace of                                                                       1 January 2015 = 100

                                                                                               140                                                                        140
     further monetary easing by the People’s Bank of                                                               CSI300*
     China. Accordingly, yields on Chinese govern-                                             100                                                                        100

     ment and corporate bonds have increased,
                                                                                                 %             Low-rated         Bond yields                              %
     although for the government and high-rated                                                              corporations**        Five-year

                                                                                                 6                                                                        6
     corporations, yields remain at low levels
     (Graph 1.30). Equity prices have increased by a                                             3                                                                        3
                                                                                                              Government               High-rated
     bit more than 20 per cent since the start of the                                                                               corporations***
                                                                                             CNYb            Cumulative net foreign flows to onshore markets              CNYb
     year although have declined a little of late                                                                            Since the start of 2015

                                                                                               750                                                                        750
     because of renewed concern regarding                                                                                        Bonds

     US–China trade negotiations.                                                                0                                                                        0
                                                                                                                       (Northbound Stock Connect)
     The Chinese renminbi has depreciated recently                                            -750                                                                        -750
                                                                                                          2015          2016          2017          2018        2019
     amid renewed trade uncertainty (Graph 1.31).                                                     *   Based on CSI300 which measures price movements of 300 A-share
                                                                                                          stocks listed on Shanghai or Shenzen exchanges
     However, more broadly, the renminbi has                                                          ** Based on a AA- domestically rated bond
                                                                                                      *** Based on a AAA domestically rated bond

     continued to be supported by ongoing strong                                                      Sources: Bloomberg; CEIC Data; RBA; Wind Information

                                      Graph 1.29                                                                             Graph 1.31
          Nominal Trade-weighted Exchange Rates                                                                     Chinese Exchange Rates
                                     1 January 2014 = 100                                     yuan                                                                        index
      index                                                                          index                          Yuan per US$
                                                                                                                 (LHS, inverted scale)
                          US dollar
       120                                                                           120       6.2                                                                        110

       110                                                                           110
                                                                                               6.6                                                                        105

                                         Japanese yen
       100                                                                           100

                                             Euro                                              7.0                                                                        100
                                                                                                              Trade-weighted index*
        90                                                                           90                              (RHS)

                                                                                               7.4                                                                        95
        80                                                                           80                   2014       2015      2016          2017      2018      2019
                 2014        2015       2016        2017        2018        2019                     *   Indexed to 1 January 2014=100
              Sources: BIS; Bloomberg; Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System              Sources: Bloomberg; China Foreign Exchange Trade System; RBA

18   R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
years, including by enhancing investment                                          banks that had tightened policy last year have
channels between Mainland China and Hong                                          generally paused of late (Graph 1.33). The shift
Kong. The authorities have stated their intention                                 in stance has reflected downward revisions to
to further expand market access for foreign                                       global growth forecasts, subdued domestic
investors, especially to its financial services                                   inflationary pressures and an easing of current
sector.                                                                           account and financial stability risks since last
                                                                                  year. The central banks of India and Malaysia
Financing conditions have                                                         have both eased policy this year.

improved in many emerging                                                         Although financial conditions in emerging
economies, but risks remain                                                       markets have been generally stable in 2019, risks
                                                                                  remain for some economies with specific
In many emerging market economies, asset
                                                                                  macrofinancial and/or political vulnerabilities. In
prices and exchange rates have been relatively
                                                                                  Turkey and Argentina, currencies have again
stable in recent months (Graph 1.32). There have
                                                                                  depreciated and central banks have further
been inflows into emerging market mutual and
                                                                                  tightened monetary policy in recent months
exchange traded funds, and emerging market
                                                                                  alongside persistently high inflation and political
governments have increased their issuance of
                                                                                  uncertainty associated with recent and
US dollar bonds. The more stable conditions
                                                                                  upcoming elections (Graph 1.34). To date, these
reflect lower policy rate expectations in the
                                                                                  developments have not spilled over in any
United States and elsewhere, measures adopted
                                                                                  noticeable way to other emerging markets,
by the authorities to support growth in China,
                                                                                  including in Asia.
and tighter monetary and/or fiscal policies
implemented in some emerging market
economies in response to market stresses                                          There have been some large
during 2018.                                                                      movements in commodity prices
A number of central banks in emerging market                                      in recent months
economies have shifted their policy rate                                          The benchmark iron ore spot price has
guidance in recent months as financial market                                     increased since the previous Statement to be
conditions have stabilised. In Asia, the central                                  around its highest level since early 2017
                                                                                  (Graph 1.35; Table 1.1). Prices rose sharply in late

                                 Graph 1.32
                    Emerging Financial Markets                                                                     Graph 1.33
                                    Excluding China
    %                         Government bond yields*                     %                                    Asia – Policy Rates
   9.0                                                                    9.0        %                                                                                  %
   7.5                                                                    7.5
   6.0                                                                    6.0         8                                                                                 8
 index                               Equity prices**                      index
   125                                                                    125                               Indonesia*                         India
                                                                                      6                                                                                 6
  100                                                                     100
   75                                                                     75
   %                                                                      %           4                                                                                 4
                                   Flows to funds***
   30                                                                     30
   15                                                                     15
                                                                                      2                                                                                 2
    0                                                                     0
  -15                                                                     -15                                                        Thailand
                   2013               2015              2017       2019               0                                                                                 0
         *   Local currency bonds, weighted by market value                                          2013                2015                2017                2019
         ** 1 January 2012 = 100                                                          *   Break in series indicates change in official policy rate for Indonesia
         *** Cumulative, includes flows to bond and equity funds                              (August 2016)
         Sources: Bloomberg; EPFR Global; JP Morgan; RBA                                  Source: Central banks

                                                                                              S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – M AY 2 0 1 9                 19
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