Page created by Richard Woods

   Registered or filed and recorded
     with the Secretariat during
       the month of May 2018


   Enregistrés ou classés et inscrits
  au répertoire au Secrétariat pendant
          le mois de mai 2018


   Registered or filed and recorded
     with the Secretariat during
       the month of May 2018


   Enregistrés ou classés et inscrits
  au répertoire au Secrétariat pendant
          le mois de mai 2018

              New York, 2018
Copyright © United Nations 2018
                         All rights reserved
    Printed by the United Nations Publishing Section, New York

                   Print ISBN #: 978-92-1-980072-4
                         eISBN : 978-92-1-362972-7

                  Copyright © Nations Unies 2018
                        Tous droits réservés
Imprimé par la Section de la publication des Nations Unies, New York

Note by the Secretariat ...................................................................................................................................................................         5

Part I. Original treaties and international agreements registered during the month of May 2018: Nos. 55152 to 55196 .............                                                                    7

Annex A. Ratifications, accessions, subsequent agreements, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered
   with the Secretariat ....................................................................................................................................................................        12

Corrigenda to Statements of Treaties and International Agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat ..........                                                                  18

Alphabetical Index .........................................................................................................................................................................        19

                                                                  TABLE DES MATIÈRES

Note du Secrétariat.........................................................................................................................................................................        25

Partie I. Traités et accords internationaux enregistrés pendant le mois de mai 2018: Nos 55152 à 55196 ...................................                                                          27

Annexe A. Ratifications, adhésions, accords ultérieurs, etc., concernant des traités et accords internationaux enregistrés au
   Secrétariat ..................................................................................................................................................................................   32

Rectificatifs concernant des Relevés des traités ou accords internationaux enregistrés ou classés et inscrits au répertoire au
   Secrétariat ..................................................................................................................................................................................   38

Index alphabétique .........................................................................................................................................................................        41

Note by the Secretariat

  1. Under Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations every treaty          whether the technical requirements of the Regulations are met. It is
and every international agreement entered into by a Member of the                 noted that an authoritative body of practice relating to registration has
United Nations after the coming into force of the Charter must be                 been developed in the League of Nations and the United Nations. In
registered with the Secretariat and published by it. The General                  some cases, the Secretariat may find it necessary to consult with the
Assembly, by Resolution 97 (I) of 14 December 1946, adopted                       registering party concerning the question of registrability. However,
Regulations to give effect to Article 102 of the Charter. These                   since the terms "treaty" and "international agreement" have not been
Regulations were last amended on 19 December 1978 (“the                           defined in the Charter or in the Regulations, the Secretariat follows the
Regulations”).                                                                    principle of respecting the position of the Member State submitting an
                                                                                  instrument for registration that in so far as that party is concerned the
   2. Under article 1 of the Regulations, parties are required to effect
                                                                                  instrument is a treaty or an international agreement within the meaning
the registration of every treaty or international agreement subject to
                                                                                  of Article 102. Therefore registration of an instrument submitted by a
registration concluded by them. Under article 4 of the Regulations, the
                                                                                  Member State does not imply a judgement by the Secretariat on the
United Nations is required to register ex officio every treaty or
                                                                                  nature of the instrument, the status of a party, or any similar question.
international agreement which is subject to registration where the
                                                                                  It is the understanding of the Secretariat that its action does not confer
United Nations (i) is a party to the treaty or agreement, (ii) has been
                                                                                  on the instrument the status of a treaty or an international agreement if
authorized by a treaty or agreement to effect registration, or (iii) is the
                                                                                  it does not already have that status and does not confer on a party a
depositary of a multilateral treaty or agreement. The specialized
                                                                                  status which it would not otherwise have.
agencies may also register treaties in certain specific cases. The
Regulations also provide in article 10 for the filing and recording of               7. The obligation to register rests on the Member State and the
certain categories of treaties and international agreements other than            purpose of Article 102 of the Charter is to give publicity to all treaties
those subject to registration under Article 102 of the Charter. The               and international agreements subject to registration. Under paragraph
Secretariat is designated in Article 102 as the organ with which                  2 of Article 102, no party to a treaty or international agreement subject
registration or filing and recording is effected.                                 to registration, which has not been registered, may invoke that treaty or
                                                                                  agreement before any organ of the United Nations.
  3. The present Statement is issued monthly by the Office of Legal
Affairs of the Secretariat pursuant to article 13 of the Regulations.                        Publication of treaties and international agreements
    4. Part I contains a statement of treaties and international                     8. Pursuant to article 12 of the Regulations, treaties and international
agreements registered in accordance with article 1 of the Regulations.            agreements registered or filed and recorded are published in the
Part II contains a statement of treaties and international agreements             United Nations Treaty Series (UNTS) in their original language or
filed and recorded in accordance with article 10 of the Regulations.              languages, together with a translation in English and French, as
With regard to each treaty or international agreement registered or filed         necessary. By its resolution 33/141 A of 19 December 1978, the
and recorded, the following information is provided: registration or              General Assembly gave the Secretariat the option not to publish in
recording number, title, date of conclusion, date and method of entry             extenso certain categories of bilateral treaties or international
into force, languages in which it was concluded, name of the authority            agreements belonging to one of the following categories:
which initiated the formality of registration or filing and recording and              (a) Assistance and co-operation agreements of limited scope
date of that formality. Annexes to the Statement contain subsequent                         concerning financial, commercial, administrative or technical
actions concerning treaties and international agreements registered or                      matters;
filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations or
registered with the Secretariat of the League of Nations. These actions                (b) Agreements relating to the organization of conferences,
can be in the form of supplementary agreements, agreements which                           seminars or meetings;
amend or modify previously registered agreements, or certified
                                                                                       (c) Agreements that are to be published otherwise than in the
statements. Certified statements are composed of data only, such as
                                                                                            UNTS by the United Nations Secretariat or by a specialized
ratifications, accessions, etc.
                                                                                            or related agency.
   5. Under Article 102 of the Charter and the Regulations, the
Secretariat is responsible for the registration and publication of                   9. By its resolution 52/153 of 15 December 1997, the General
treaties. In respect of ex officio registration and filing and recording,         Assembly extended this option to multilateral treaties falling within the
where the Secretariat has responsibility for initiating action under the          terms of article 12 (2) (a) to (c).
Regulations, it has authority for dealing with all aspects of the                    10. In accordance with article 12 (3) of the Regulations, those
responsibility.                                                                   treaties and international agreements that the Secretariat intends not
  6. In other cases, when treaties and international agreements are               to publish in extenso are identified in the Statement by an asterisk
submitted by a party for the purpose of registration or filing and                preceding the title.
recording, they are first examined by the Secretariat in order to                   UNTS volumes published since 1946 are available on the United
ascertain (i) whether they fall within the category of agreements                 Nations Web site at:
requiring registration or are subject to filing and recording, and (ii)

Part I. Original treaties and international agreements registered during
                    the month of May 2018: Nos. 55152 to 55196

    No. 55152. Spain and International Monetary Fund                               Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: International
                                                                                     Development Association, 1 May 2018
 * Loan Agreement between the Kingdom of Spain and the International
     Monetary Fund. Madrid, 5 March 2013, and Washington, 26 March                 See the General Conditions for provisions relating to the appointment
     2013                                                                            of arbitrator(s) by the President of the International Court of Justice
 Entry into force: 19 July 2013 by notification, in accordance with article
 Authentic texts: English and Spanish
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Spain, 22 May           No. 55156. Canada and Colombia
   2018                                                                            Agreement on labour cooperation between Canada and the Republic
 Note: See also annex A, No. 55152                                                    of Colombia (with annexes and corrections, Bogota, 18 and 20
                                                                                      February 2009). Lima, 21 November 2008
                                                                                   Entry into force: 15 August 2011, in accordance with article 29
No. 55153. United Nations and Morocco                                              Authentic texts: English, French and Spanish
                                                                                   Authentic texts (corrections): French and Spanish
 * Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between the United                Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Canada, 1 May
    Nations and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco regarding                   2018
    the holding of the “2018 United Nations Public Service Forum and
    Awards Ceremony” to be held in Marrakech from 21 to 23 June
    2018. New York, 11 May 2018
 Entry into force: 11 May 2018 by the exchange of the said letters, in            No. 55157. Spain and Georgia
   accordance with their provisions                                                Agreement between the Kingdom of Spain and Georgia on cooperation
 Authentic text: French                                                               in the fight against crime. Madrid, 21 January 2015
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio, 11
   May 2018                                                                        Entry into force: 1 October 2015, in accordance with article 11
                                                                                   Authentic texts: English, Georgian and Spanish
 See paragraph 10 for provisions relating to the appointment of                    Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Spain, 1 May
   arbitrator(s) by the President of the International Court of Justice              2018

No. 55154. International Bank for Reconstruction and                              No. 55158. Canada and Colombia
    Development and Azerbaijan                                                     Agreement concerning annual reports on human rights and free trade
 * Agreement providing for Amendment and Restatement of Loan and                      between Canada and the Republic of Colombia. Bogota, 27 May
    Financing Agreements (Second Water Supply and Sanitation                          2010
    Project) between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the International              Entry into force: 15 August 2011, in accordance with article 3
    Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International                  Authentic texts: English, French and Spanish
    Development Association (with annexes and schedules, appendix                  Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Canada, 1 May
    and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development                        2018
    General Conditions for Loans, dated 1 July 2005, as amended
    through 17 October 2007). Baku, 16 October 2009
 Entry into force: 16 March 2010 by notification
 Authentic text: English                                                          No. 55159. Belgium and United Nations Educational, Scientific and
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: International               Cultural Organization
   Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1 May 2018                             Agreement between the Kingdom of Belgium and the United Nations
                                                                                      Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on the
 See the General Conditions for provisions relating to the appointment
                                                                                      establishment in Belgium by this organization of a project office of
   of arbitrator(s) by the President of the International Court of Justice
                                                                                      the “International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange”
                                                                                      programme. Paris, 18 July 2005
                                                                                   Entry into force: 23 April 2018 by notification, in accordance with article
No. 55155. International Development Association and Viet Nam                        8
                                                                                   Authentic texts: Dutch, English and French
 * Financing Agreement (Amended and Restated Development Credit
                                                                                   Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Belgium, 31
    Agreement) (Ho Chi Minh City Environmental Sanitation (Nhieu
                                                                                     May 2018
    Loc-Thi Nghe Basin) Project) between the Socialist Republic of Viet
    Nam and the International Development Association (with
    schedules, appendix and International Development Association
    General Conditions for Credits and Grants, dated 1 July 2005, as
    amended through 15 October 2006). Hanoi, 25 May 2010
 Entry into force: 23 August 2010 by notification
 Authentic text: English

No. 55160. Canada and Colombia                                                 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Germany, 8
                                                                                 May 2018
 Agreement on the environment between Canada and the Republic of
    Colombia (with annexes and corrections, Bogota, 18 and 20
    February 2009). Lima, 21 November 2008
 Entry into force: 15 August 2011, in accordance with article 18               No. 55166. Germany and Turkey
 Authentic texts: English, French and Spanish
                                                                               * Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Canada, 1 May
                                                                                  Germany and the Government of the Republic of Turkey on the
                                                                                  gainful occupation of family members of members of a diplomatic
                                                                                  mission or consular post. Istanbul, 20 June 2014
                                                                               Entry into force: 2 October 2017 by notification, in accordance with
No. 55161. Spain and India                                                       article 7
                                                                               Authentic texts: English, German and Turkish
 Agreement between the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of India
                                                                               Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Germany, 8
    on the transfer of sentenced persons. Madrid, 30 May 2017
                                                                                 May 2018
 Entry into force: 23 May 2018, in accordance with article 21
 Authentic texts: English, Hindi and Spanish
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Spain, 23 May
   2018                                                                        No. 55167. Germany and United States of America
                                                                               * Exchange of notes constituting an arrangement between the
                                                                                  Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the
                                                                                  Government of the United States of America concerning the
No. 55162. Republic of Moldova and Germany
                                                                                  activities of enterprises charged with providing troop care services
 * Arrangement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova                  “National Emergency Services (NES) International, Inc. (DAJA 02-
    and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on                      99-M-1106)”. Bonn and Berlin, 10 August 1999
    financial cooperation in 2016. Chisinau, 12 and 19 March 2018
                                                                               Entry into force: 10 August 1999 by the exchange of the said notes, in
 Entry into force: 21 March 2018, in accordance with its provisions              accordance with their provisions
 Authentic texts: German and Moldovan                                          Authentic texts: English and German
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Republic of          Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Germany, 1
   Moldova, 24 May 2018                                                          May 2018
                                                                               Note: See also annex A, No. 55167

No. 55163. Belarus and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
    (under authorization by the Government of the People's                     No. 55168. Germany and United States of America
    Republic of China)
                                                                               * Exchange of notes constituting an arrangement between the
 Exchange of notes constituting an arrangement between the                        Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the
    Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the              Government of the United States of America concerning the
    People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of              activities of enterprises charged with providing troop care services
    Belarus on the abolition of the visa requirements. Beijing, 16                “National Emergency Services (NES) International, Inc. (DOCPER
    February and 25 April 2017                                                    07)” (with memorandum). Berlin, 14 April 2000
 Entry into force: 13 February 2018 by notification                            Entry into force: 14 April 2000 by the exchange of the said notes, in
 Authentic texts: Belarusian, English and Russian                                accordance with their provisions
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Belarus, 10          Authentic texts: English and German
   May 2018                                                                    Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Germany, 1
                                                                                 May 2018

No. 55164. Germany and Sudan
                                                                               No. 55169. Germany and United States of America
 * Exchange of letters constituting an arrangement between the
    Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the                      * Exchange of notes constituting an arrangement between the
    Government of the Republic of the Sudan concerning financial                  Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the
    cooperation for the project “Support for reconstruction in Darfur”.           Government of the United States of America concerning the
    Khartoum, 28 and 29 March 2018                                                activities of enterprises charged with providing troop care services
                                                                                  “National Emergency Services (NES) International, Inc. (DOCPER
 Entry into force: 29 March 2018 by the exchange of the said letters, in          08)” (with memorandum). Berlin, 14 April 2000
   accordance with the provisions of the said letters
 Authentic texts: English and German                                           Entry into force: 14 April 2000 by the exchange of the said notes, in
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Germany, 8             accordance with their provisions
   May 2018                                                                    Authentic texts: English and German
                                                                               Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Germany, 1
                                                                                 May 2018

No. 55165. Germany and South Africa
 * Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of
    Germany and the Government of the Republic of South Africa
    concerning financial cooperation in 2014. Pretoria, 17 December
 Entry into force: 17 December 2015 by signature, in accordance with
   article 6
 Authentic texts: English and German

No. 55170. Germany and United States of America                                No. 55175. Peru and Republic of Moldova
 * Exchange of notes constituting an arrangement between the                    Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Peru and the
    Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the                          Government of the Republic of Moldova on the waiver of visa
    Government of the United States of America concerning the                      requirements for holders of diplomatic, service and/or special
    activities of enterprises charged with providing troop care services           passports. Chisinau, 19 July 2011
    “National Emergency Services (NES) International, Inc. (DOCPER
                                                                                Entry into force: 17 November 2011 by notification, in accordance with
    09)” (with memorandum). Berlin, 14 April 2000
                                                                                  article 14
 Entry into force: 14 April 2000 by the exchange of the said notes, in          Authentic texts: English, Moldovan and Spanish
   accordance with their provisions                                             Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31 May
 Authentic texts: English and German                                              2018
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Germany, 1
   May 2018

                                                                               No. 55176. Peru and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
                                                                                Framework Convention on cooperation in social matters between the
No. 55171. Germany and South Africa
                                                                                   Republic of Peru and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Puerto
 * Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of                     Ordaz, 7 January 2012
    Germany and the Government of the Republic of South Africa
                                                                                Entry into force: 12 October 2012 by notification, in accordance with
    concerning financial cooperation in 2016. Pretoria, 5 December
                                                                                  article VIII
                                                                                Authentic text: Spanish
 Entry into force: 7 February 2018 by notification, in accordance with          Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31 May
   article 8                                                                      2018
 Authentic texts: English and German
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Germany, 8
   May 2018
                                                                               No. 55177. Peru and Germany
                                                                                * Exchange of notes constituting an agreement between the
                                                                                  Government of the Republic of Peru and the Government of the
No. 55172. Romania and Germany
                                                                                  Federal Republic of Germany concerning the “Water Loss
 Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government                   Reduction Programme” (with letter). Lima, 2 October and 19
    of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning mutual protection               December 2013
    of classified information. Bucharest, 14 December 2016
                                                                                Entry into force: 6 January 2015 by notification, in accordance with the
 Entry into force: 27 October 2017 by notification, in accordance with            provisions of the said notes
   article 15                                                                   Authentic texts: German and Spanish
 Authentic texts: German and Romanian                                           Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31 May
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Romania, 15             2018
   May 2018

                                                                               No. 55178. Luxembourg and Estonia
No. 55173. Switzerland and Italy
                                                                                Agreement between the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the
 Implementation Agreement on border deliveries monitoring between                  Republic of Estonia on the hosting of data and information systems.
    Switzerland and Italy (with exchange of letters, 8 and 17 February             Luxembourg, 20 June 2017
    2010). Rome, 17 November 2009
                                                                                Entry into force: 16 May 2018, in accordance with article 10
 Entry into force: 17 November 2009 by signature, in accordance with            Authentic text: English
   article 15                                                                   Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Luxembourg,
 Authentic text: Italian                                                          16 May 2018
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Switzerland, 1
   May 2018                                                                     See article 8 for provisions relating to the appointment of arbitrator(s)
                                                                                  by the President of the International Court of Justice

No. 55174. Switzerland and Italy
                                                                               No. 55179. Peru and China
 Exchange of notes between Switzerland and Italy concerning the
    national border in the case of natural variation in the line of the         Basic Convention on scientific and technical cooperation between the
    watershed or of the ridgeline in correspondence of the glaciers.               Government of the Republic of Peru and the Government of the
    Rome 23 and 26 May 2008                                                        People’s Republic of China. Beijing, 27 January 1988
 Entry into force: 8 February 2010 by notification                              Entry into force: 15 November 1988 by notification, in accordance with
 Authentic text: Italian                                                          article XI
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Switzerland, 1        Authentic texts: Chinese and Spanish
   May 2018                                                                     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31 May

No. 55180. Peru and China                                                      No. 55186. Peru and Organization of American States
 * Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between the Republic           Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Peru and the
    of Peru and the People’s Republic of China regarding the                       General Secretariat of the Organization of American States on the
    maintenance project of the intensive care pavilion, blood bank,                operation, in Lima, of the Office of the Pan American Union in Peru.
    sterilization and kitchen of the “Arzobispo Loayza” National                   Lima, 7 December 1964
    Hospital. Lima, 12 and 27 September 2017
                                                                                Entry into force: 16 January 1965 by notification, in accordance with
 Entry into force: 27 September 2017 by the exchange of the said                  article 27
   letters, in accordance with their provisions                                 Authentic text: Spanish
 Authentic texts: Chinese and Spanish                                           Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 1 May
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 1 May             2018

                                                                               No. 55187. Peru and Inter-American Development Bank
No. 55181. Peru and India
                                                                                * Letter Agreement on non-reimbursable technical cooperation
 Cultural Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Peru                between the Republic of Peru and the Inter-American Development
    and the Government of the Republic of India. New Delhi, 25                    Bank for the project “Development plan for the Amazon waterways
    January 1987                                                                  system” (ATN/OC-12056-PE) (with annex and General Rules
                                                                                  Applicable to Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation Projects).
 Entry into force: 4 April 1988 by the exchange of the instruments of
                                                                                  Lima, 12 October 2011
   ratification, in accordance with article 12
 Authentic texts: English, Hindi and Spanish                                    Entry into force: 17 April 2012, in accordance with its provisions
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31 May          Authentic text: Spanish
   2018                                                                         Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31 May

No. 55182. Peru and Panama
                                                                               No. 55188. Sweden and Nigeria
 Agreement on environmental cooperation between the Republic of
    Peru and the Republic of Panama. Lima, 26 August 2010                       Agreement between the Kingdom of Sweden and the Federal Republic
                                                                                   of Nigeria for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention
 Entry into force: 15 May 2011, in accordance with article X
                                                                                   of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and on capital
 Authentic text: Spanish
                                                                                   gains (with protocol). Stockholm, 18 November 2004
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31 May
   2018                                                                         Entry into force: 7 December 2014 by notification, in accordance with
                                                                                  article 28
                                                                                Authentic text: English
                                                                                Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Sweden, 30
No. 55183. Peru and Japan                                                         May 2018
 Basic Agreement on technical cooperation between the Government of
    the Republic of Peru and the Government of Japan. Lima, 20
    August 1979
                                                                               No. 55189. Peru and Inter-American Development Bank
 Entry into force: 15 February 1980 by notification, in accordance with
                                                                                * Letter Agreement on non-reimbursable technical cooperation
   article XII
                                                                                  between the Republic of Peru and the Inter-American Development
 Authentic texts: Japanese and Spanish
                                                                                  Bank for the project “Export development of the Cusco region:
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31 May
                                                                                  KAMAQ Women Artisans” (ATN/AT-12985-PE) (with annex and
                                                                                  General Rules Applicable to Non-Reimbursable Technical
                                                                                  Cooperation Projects). Lima, 27 June 2012
                                                                                Entry into force: 21 August 2012, in accordance with its provisions
No. 55184. Peru and Lao People's Democratic Republic                            Authentic text: Spanish
                                                                                Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31 May
 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Peru and the
    Government of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic on the
    mutual waiver of visa requirements for holders of diplomatic,
    special and service passports. Bangkok, 20 July 2011
 Entry into force: 7 November 2011 by notification, in accordance with         No. 55190. Sweden and Thailand
   article XIV
                                                                                Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden and
 Authentic texts: English, Lao and Spanish
                                                                                   the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand on law enforcement
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31 May
                                                                                   cooperation in combating organized crime, illicit trafficking in
                                                                                   narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors, trafficking
                                                                                   in human beings, acts of terrorism and other serious crimes.
                                                                                   Stockholm, 4 March 2013
No. 55185. Peru and Ecuador                                                     Entry into force: 4 March 2013 by signature, in accordance with article
 Comprehensive     Peruvian-Ecuadorian    Agreement on   border
                                                                                Authentic text: English
   integration, development and neighborhood (with annexes and
                                                                                Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Sweden, 30
   appendices). Brasilia, 26 October 1998
                                                                                  May 2018
 Entry into force: 13 May 1999, in accordance with article 33
 Authentic text: Spanish
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31 May
 Note: See also annex A, No. 55185

No. 55191. Sweden and Slovenia                                                          of Guatemala and the Republic of Honduras (with annexes).
                                                                                        Panama City, 10 April 2015
 Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden and
    the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on the exchange and                   Entry into force: 12 May 2016, in accordance with article 20
    mutual protection of classified information.     Stockholm, 16
    November 2011                                                                          Participant                          Ratification and
 Entry into force: 1 February 2013 by notification, in accordance with                                                          Accession (a)
   article 14
 Authentic texts: English, Slovene and Swedish                                             Guatemala                             4 Apr     2016
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Sweden, 30                       Honduras                              4 May     2016
   May 2018
                                                                                     Authentic text: Spanish
                                                                                     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Organization of
                                                                                       Central American States, 2 May 2018
No. 55192. Sweden and International Institute for Democracy and
    Electoral Assistance
 Agreement between the Government of Sweden and the International
    Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance concerning the
    immunity and privileges of the International Institute for Democracy
    and Electoral Assistance and its officials. Stockholm, 14 March
 Entry into force: 1 July 2012 by notification, in accordance with article
 Authentic text: English
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Sweden, 30
   May 2018

 See article XIII for provisions relating to the appointment of arbitrator(s)
   by the President of the International Court of Justice

No. 55193. Sweden and Bosnia and Herzegovina
 Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden and
    the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on Law
    Enforcement Cooperation. Stockholm, 31 May 2012
 Entry into force: 6 March 2013, in accordance with article 12
 Authentic texts: Bosnian, Croatian, English and Serbian
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Sweden, 30
   May 2018

No. 55194. Turkey and Viet Nam
 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the
    Government of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam for the avoidance
    of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect
    to taxes on income (with protocol). Ankara, 8 July 2014
 Entry into force: 9 June 2017 by notification, in accordance with article
 Authentic texts: English, Turkish and Vietnamese
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Turkey, 31 May

No. 55195. Lithuania and Kazakhstan
 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and
    the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on cooperation in
    combating organized crime, illicit trafficking in drugs and
    psychotropic substances, terrorism and other crimes. Astana, 11
    May 2000
 Entry into force: 21 August 2001, in accordance with article 18
 Authentic texts: Kazakh, Lithuanian and Russian
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Lithuania, 1
   May 2018

No. 55196. Multilateral
 Enabling Protocol regarding the process of deep integration towards
    the free transit of goods and natural persons between the Republic
Annex A. Ratifications, accessions, subsequent agreements, etc.,
         concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the

   No. 521. Multilateral                                                         Annex XVIII - World Tourism Organization (WTO) - to the Convention
                                                                                    on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies. Jeju,
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized                      30 July 2008
  Agencies. New York, 21 November 1947
Annex XIV - International Development Association (IDA) - to the
   Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized                    Romania
   Agencies. Washington, 13 February 1962                                            Notification deposited with the Secretary-General of the United
                                                                                       Nations: 15 May 2018
  Application                                                                        Date of effect: 15 May 2018
    Romania                                                                          Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,
    Notification deposited with the Secretary-General of the United                    15 May 2018
      Nations: 15 May 2018
    Date of effect: 15 May 2018
    Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,
      15 May 2018                                                               No. 4214. Multilateral
                                                                                 Convention on the International Maritime Organization.        Geneva, 6
                                                                                   March 1948
Annex XV - World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) - to the                Acceptance
   Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized                    Nauru
   Agencies. Geneva, 4 October 1977                                                  Deposit of instrument with the Secretary-General of the United
  Application                                                                          Nations: 14 May 2018
                                                                                     Date of effect: 14 May 2018
    Romania                                                                          Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,
    Notification deposited with the Secretary-General of the United                    14 May 2018
      Nations: 15 May 2018
    Date of effect: 15 May 2018
    Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,
      15 May 2018                                                               No. 6544. El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua
                                                                                 Agreement between Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua
                                                                                    constituting the Central American Bank for Economic Integration.
Annex XVI - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) -                Managua, 13 December 1960
   to the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the                       Accession
   Specialized Agencies. Rome, 16 December 1977
  Application                                                                        Deposit of instrument with the Secretary-General of the
    Romania                                                                            Organization of Central American States: 30 September 2016
    Notification deposited with the Secretary-General of the United                  Date of effect: 30 September 2016
      Nations: 15 May 2018                                                           Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations:
    Date of effect: 15 May 2018                                                        Organization of Central American States, 2 May 2018
    Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,
      15 May 2018

                                                                                No. 14531. Multilateral
                                                                                 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. New
Annex XVII - United Nations Industrial Development Organization                      York, 16 December 1966
   (UNIDO) - to the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of
   the Specialized Agencies. Vienna, 3 July 1987                                   Objection to the declaration made by Myanmar upon ratification
  Application                                                                        Austria
                                                                                     Notification deposited with the Secretary-General of the United
    Romania                                                                            Nations: 16 May 2018
    Notification deposited with the Secretary-General of the United                  Authentic text: English
      Nations: 15 May 2018                                                           Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,
    Date of effect: 15 May 2018                                                        16 May 2018
    Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,
      15 May 2018

                                                                                   Accession (with reservation and declaration)
                                                                                     Deposit of instrument with the Secretary-General of the United
                                                                                       Nations: 21 May 2018

Date of effect: 21 August 2018                                              No. 24116. Multilateral
     Authentic text: Arabic
                                                                                  Agreement instituting the Latin American Organization for Fisheries
     Courtesy text: English
                                                                                     Development (OLDEPESCA) (with amendments of 2 November
     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,
                                                                                     1984). Mexico City, 29 October 1982, and 2 November 1984
       21 May 2018
                                                                                      Deposit of instrument with the Government of Peru: 13 January
No. 14668. Multilateral                                                                 1997
 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.       New York, 16             Date of effect: 13 January 1997
     December 1966                                                                    Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31
                                                                                        May 2018
   Accession (with reservations and declarations)
     Deposit of instrument with the Secretary-General of the United
       Nations: 21 May 2018                                                         Ratification
     Date of effect: 21 August 2018                                                   Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
     Authentic text: Arabic                                                           Deposit of instrument with the Government of Peru: 17 May 1988
     Courtesy text: English                                                           Date of effect: 17 May 1988
     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,             Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31
       21 May 2018                                                                      May 2018

No. 15121. Multilateral                                                             Ratification
 Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and                 Costa Rica
    on the Special Equipment to be used for such Carriage (ATP).                      Deposit of instrument with the Government of Peru: 17 October
    Geneva, 1 September 1970                                                            1996
                                                                                      Date of effect: 17 October 1996
 * Corrections to Annexes I and II to the Agreement on the International
                                                                                      Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31
    Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to
    be used for such Carriage (ATP). Geneva, 7 May 2018                                 May 2018

 Authentic texts: English and Russian
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio, 7
   May 2018                                                                         Ratification
                                                                                      Deposit of instrument with the Government of Peru: 4 July 1990
                                                                                      Date of effect: 4 July 1990
 * Amendments to the Agreement on the International Carriage of                       Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31
    Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be used for                   May 2018
    such Carriage (ATP). Geneva, 8 May 2018
 Entry into force: 8 May 2018
 Authentic texts: English, French and Russian
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio, 8             Ratification
   May 2018                                                                           Guatemala
                                                                                      Deposit of instrument with the Government of Peru: 27 October
                                                                                      Date of effect: 27 October 1986
No. 16510. Multilateral                                                               Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31
 Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under                       May 2018
    Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention). Geneva, 14 November
   Accession                                                                        Ratification
     Saudi Arabia                                                                     Guyana
     Deposit of instrument with the Secretary-General of the United                   Deposit of instrument with the Government of Peru: 13 August
       Nations: 17 May 2018                                                             1987
     Date of effect: 17 November 2018                                                 Date of effect: 13 August 1987
     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,             Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31
       17 May 2018                                                                      May 2018

No. 23432. Multilateral                                                             Accession
 Constitution of the United Nations             Industrial    Development             Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
   Organization. Vienna, 8 April 1979                                                 Deposit of instrument with the Government of Peru: 7 August
   Accession                                                                          Date of effect: 7 August 1986
     State of Palestine                                                               Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31
     Deposit of instrument with the Secretary-General of the United                     May 2018
       Nations: 17 May 2018
     Date of effect: 17 May 2018
     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,
       17 May 2018

Accession                                                                       Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,
     Uruguay                                                                         31 May 2018
     Deposit of instrument with the Government of Peru: 29 April 1996
     Date of effect: 29 April 1996
     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31
       May 2018                                                               No. 27531. Multilateral
                                                                               Convention on the Rights of the Child. New York, 20 November 1989
                                                                               Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a
   Denunciation                                                                   communications procedure. New York, 19 December 2011
     Costa Rica                                                                  Ratification
     Deposit of instrument with the Government of Peru: 10 February                Bosnia and Herzegovina
       2016                                                                        Deposit of instrument with the Secretary-General of the United
     Date of effect: 8 August 2016                                                   Nations: 17 May 2018
     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31             Date of effect: 17 August 2018
       May 2018                                                                    Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,
                                                                                     17 May 2018

     Guatemala                                                                   Ratification (with declaration)
     Deposit of instrument with the Government of Peru: 19 September               Slovenia
       2007                                                                        Deposit of instrument with the Secretary-General of the United
     Date of effect: 16 March 2008                                                   Nations: 25 May 2018
     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31             Date of effect: 25 August 2018
       May 2018                                                                    Authentic text: English
                                                                                   Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,
                                                                                     25 May 2018
     Deposit of instrument with the Government of Peru: 4 September           No. 31363. Multilateral
                                                                               United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Montego Bay, 10
     Date of effect: 2 March 2010
                                                                                  December 1982
     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31
       May 2018                                                                  Declarations under articles 287 and 298
                                                                                   Notification deposited with the Secretary-General of the United
                                                                                     Nations: 22 May 2018
   Denunciation                                                                    Authentic text: English
     Uruguay                                                                       Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,
     Deposit of instrument with the Government of Peru: 2 May 2002                   22 May 2018
     Date of effect: 29 October 2002
     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31
       May 2018
                                                                              No. 32473. Brazil and Spain
                                                                               Agreement on social security between the Federative Republic of
No. 24631. Multilateral                                                           Brazil and the Kingdom of Spain. Madrid, 16 May 1991

 Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material. Vienna and         Complementary Agreement to revise the Agreement on social security
   New York, 3 March 1980                                                        between the Kingdom of Spain and the Federative Republic of
                                                                                 Brazil. Madrid, 24 July 2012
 Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear
   Material. Vienna, 8 July 2005                                               Entry into force: 1 March 2018, in accordance with article 6
                                                                               Authentic texts: Portuguese and Spanish
   Territorial application                                                     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Spain, 16 May
     China (in respect of Macao Special Administrative Region)                   2018
     Deposit of instrument with the Director-General of the
       International Atomic Energy Agency: 6 April 2018
     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations:
       International Atomic Energy Agency, 14 May 2018                        No. 32888. Multilateral
                                                                               Agreement for the establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna
                                                                                  Commission. Rome, 25 November 1993
No. 24841. Multilateral                                                          Acceptance
 Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading                  Bangladesh
   Treatment or Punishment. New York, 10 December 1984                             Deposit of instrument with the Director-General of the Food and
                                                                                     Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: 24 April 2018
   Ratification (with reservations)                                                Date of effect: 24 April 2018
     Bahamas                                                                       Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Food and
     Deposit of instrument with the Secretary-General of the United                  Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 31 May 2018
       Nations: 31 May 2018
     Date of effect: 30 June 2018
     Authentic text: English

No. 33757. Multilateral                                                           No. 38356. Estonia and Sweden
 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production,                     General Security Agreement between the Republic of Estonia and the
   Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their                              Kingdom of Sweden concerning the protection of classified
   Destruction. Geneva, 3 September 1992                                             information. Tallinn, 30 January 2002
   Accession                                                                       Protocol amending the General Security Agreement between the
     State of Palestine                                                               Kingdom of Sweden and the Republic of Estonia concerning the
     Deposit of instrument with the Secretary-General of the United                   protection of classified information. Stockholm, 24 April 2012
       Nations: 17 May 2018                                                        Entry into force: 24 April 2012 by signature, in accordance with article
     Date of effect: 16 June 2018                                                    4
     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,          Authentic texts: English, Estonian and Swedish
       17 May 2018                                                                 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Sweden, 30
                                                                                     May 2018

No. 35704. Romania and Germany
 Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government                   No. 39610. Belgium and Spain
    of the Federal Republic of Germany on the reciprocal protection of             Convention between the Kingdom of Belgium and the Kingdom of
    classified material. Bucharest, 24 November 1997                                 Spain for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of
      Termination in accordance with:                                                fiscal fraud with respect to taxes on income and on capital.
                                                                                     Brussels, 14 June 1995
         No. 55172 Agreement between the Government of Romania
           and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany                   Protocol amending the Convention between the Kingdom of Spain and
           concerning mutual protection of classified information.                    the Kingdom of Belgium for the avoidance of double taxation and
           Bucharest, 14 December 2016                                                the prevention of fiscal evasion and tax fraud with respect to taxes
         Entry into force: 27 October 2017                                            on income and on capital, and the Protocol, signed at Brussels on
         Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations:                     14 June 1995, as amended by the Protocol signed at Madrid on 22
           Romania, 15 May 2018                                                       June 2000. Brussels, 2 December 2009
      Information provided by the Secretariat of the United Nations: 15            Entry into force: 23 April 2018 by notification, in accordance with article
         May 2018                                                                    II
                                                                                   Authentic texts: Dutch, English, French and Spanish
                                                                                   Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Spain, 21 May
No. 36244. Sweden and International Institute for Democracy and
    Electoral Assistance
 Agreement between the Government of Sweden and the International
    Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (the Institute)              No. 42146. Multilateral
    concerning the immunity and privileges of the Institute and its staff.         United Nations Convention against Corruption. New York, 31 October
    Stockholm, 10 October 1995, and London, 16 October 1995                           2003
      Termination in accordance with:                                                Accession
         No. 55192 Agreement between the Government of Sweden                           Equatorial Guinea
           and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral                  Deposit of instrument with the Secretary-General of the United
           Assistance concerning the immunity and privileges of the                       Nations: 30 May 2018
           International Institute for Democracy and Electoral                          Date of effect: 29 June 2018
           Assistance and its officials. Stockholm, 14 March 2012                       Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,
         Entry into force: 1 July 2012                                                    30 May 2018
         Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Sweden,
           30 May 2018
      Information provided by the Secretariat of the United Nations: 30
         May 2018                                                                 No. 43556. International Development Association and Sierra
                                                                                   Development     Grant    Agreement      (Bumbuna  Hydroelectric
                                                                                      Environmental and Social Management Project) between the
No. 36868. Multilateral
                                                                                      Republic of Sierra Leone and the International Development
 Agreement concerning the Establishing of Global Technical                            Association. Washington, 28 June 2005
    Regulations for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can
                                                                                   * Financing Agreement (Amending and Restating Development Grant
    be fitted and/or be used on Wheeled Vehicles. Geneva, 25 June
                                                                                       Agreement) (Bumbuna Hydroelectric Environmental and Social
                                                                                       Management Project) between the Republic of Sierra Leone and
   Accession                                                                           the International Development Association (with schedules,
     Uzbekistan                                                                        appendix and International Development Association General
     Deposit of instrument with the Secretary-General of the United                    Conditions for Credits and Grants, dated 31 July 2010).
       Nations: 4 May 2018                                                             Washington, 29 September 2010
     Date of effect: 3 July 2018                                                   Entry into force: 14 March 2011 by notification
     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,          Authentic text: English
       4 May 2018                                                                  Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: International
                                                                                     Development Association, 1 May 2018

No. 45694. Multilateral                                                           No. 52550. Spain and United States of America
 Convention on the protection of the underwater cultural heritage.                 Scientific Cooperation Agreement between the Kingdom of Spain and
   Paris, 2 November 2001                                                             the United States of America for the NASA tracking station.
                                                                                      Madrid, 28 January 2003
     Micronesia (Federated States of)                                              Exchange of notes constituting an agreement extending and amending
     Deposit of instrument with the Director-General of the United                    the Scientific Cooperation Agreement between the Kingdom of
       Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization: 19                  Spain and the United States of America for the NASA tracking
       April 2018                                                                     station. Madrid, 31 August and 4 September 2015
     Date of effect: 19 July 2018                                                  Entry into force: 11 July 2017 by notification, in accordance with the
     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: United                 provisions of the said notes
       Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 17               Authentic texts: English and Spanish
       May 2018                                                                    Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Spain, 4 May

     Costa Rica                                                                   No. 53733. Multilateral
     Deposit of instrument with the Director-General of the United
                                                                                   Agreement between the Swiss Confederation represented by the
       Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization: 27                  Federal Office for Refugees (BFF) and the Republic of Austria
       April 2018
                                                                                      represented by the Federal Ministry of the Interior on the
     Date of effect: 27 July 2018
                                                                                      establishment and functioning of the “International Centre for
     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: United                  Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)” in Vienna. Vienna, 1 June
       Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 24
       May 2018
                                                                                       Deposit of instrument with the Government of Austria: 27 April
No. 47662. Multilateral                                                                  2018
 International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 2005. Geneva,                  Date of effect: 27 April 2018
     29 April 2005                                                                     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Austria, 18
                                                                                         May 2018
 Modification of Annex A in accordance with article 8 (4) of the
   International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 2005.
   Madrid, 24 November 2006
 Entry into force: 1 January 2007                                                    Accession
 Authentic texts: Arabic, English, French, Italian and Spanish                         Turkey
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Spain, 1 May                 Deposit of instrument with the Government of Austria: 1 May 2018
   2018                                                                                Date of effect: 1 May 2018
                                                                                       Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Austria, 18
                                                                                         May 2018

No. 47664. Spain and Serbia
 Exchange of notes constituting an Agreement between the Kingdom of
                                                                                  No. 53993. Germany and Niger
    Spain and the Republic of Serbia on the reciprocal recognition and
    exchange of national drivers licenses. Madrid, 27 November 2008                Exchange of notes constituting an arrangement between the
    and 9 March 2009                                                                  Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the
                                                                                      Government of the Republic of Niger concerning the legal status of
 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the Exchange
                                                                                      personnel of the Federal Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) that are to
    of notes constituting an agreement between the Kingdom of Spain
                                                                                      be temporarily stationed on the territory of the Republic of Niger.
    and the Republic of Serbia on the reciprocal recognition and
                                                                                      Niamey, 22 July and 2 September 2016
    exchange of national drivers licenses (with annex). Madrid, 19 April
    and 24 May 2017                                                                Exchange of letters constituting a supplementary arrangement to the
                                                                                      “Stationing Arrangement” between the Government of the Federal
 Entry into force: 28 April 2018, in accordance with the provisions of the
                                                                                      Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of the
   said notes
                                                                                      Niger. Niamey, 6 December 2017 and 3 January 2018
 Authentic texts: English, Serbian and Spanish
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Spain, 4 May             Entry into force: 3 January 2018 by the exchange of the said letters, in
   2018                                                                              accordance with their provisions
                                                                                   Authentic texts: French and German
                                                                                   Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Germany, 8
                                                                                     May 2018
No. 52373. Multilateral
 Arms Trade Treaty. New York, 2 April 2013
   Ratification                                                                   No. 54113. Multilateral
     Chile                                                                         Paris Agreement. Paris, 12 December 2015
     Deposit of instrument with the Secretary-General of the United
       Nations: 18 May 2018                                                          Ratification
     Date of effect: 16 August 2018                                                    United Republic of Tanzania
     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,              Deposit of instrument with the Secretary-General of the United
       18 May 2018                                                                       Nations: 18 May 2018
                                                                                       Date of effect: 17 June 2018
                                                                                       Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,
                                                                                         18 May 2018

No. 54201. Multilateral                                                             Information provided by the Secretariat of the United Nations: 1 May
 International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 2015. Geneva,
     9 October 2015                                                                 Note: See also part I, No. 55167
     Deposit of instrument with the Secretary-General of the United              No. 55185. Peru and Ecuador
       Nations: 3 May 2018
     Date of effect: 3 May 2018                                                  Comprehensive     Peruvian-Ecuadorian   Agreement     on   border
     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,          integration, development and neighborhood. Brasilia, 26 October
       3 May 2018                                                                  1998
                                                                                 Agreement on the extension of the period of validity of the Binational
                                                                                    Development Plan of the Border Region, created by the
                                                                                    Comprehensive Peruvian-Ecuadorian Agreement on border
 Procès-verbal of rectification to the French authentic text of the                 integration, development and neighborhood. Tumbes, 1 June 2007
    International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 2015. New
    York, 13 May 2018                                                            Entry into force: 3 October 2008 by notification, in accordance with
                                                                                   article 4
 Authentic text: French                                                          Authentic text: Spanish
 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio, 13         Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 31 May
   May 2018                                                                        2018
                                                                                 Note: See also part I, No. 55185

No. 54669. Multilateral
 Minamata Convention on Mercury. Kumamoto, 10 October 2013                       Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between the
                                                                                    Government of the Republic of Ecuador and the Government of the
   Accession                                                                        Republic of Peru on the extension of the period of validity of the
     Iceland                                                                        Binational Development Plan of the Border Region, created by the
     Deposit of instrument with the Secretary-General of the United                 Comprehensive Peruvian-Ecuadorian Agreement on border
        Nations: 3 May 2018                                                         integration, development and neighborhood. Lima, 12 May 2014,
     Date of effect: 1 August 2018                                                  and Quito, 13 May 2014
     Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio,        Entry into force: 2 June 2015 by notification, in accordance with the
        3 May 2018                                                                 provisions of the said letters
                                                                                 Authentic text: Spanish
                                                                                 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Peru, 1 May
No. 55152. Spain and International Monetary Fund                                 Note: See also part I, No. 55185
 Loan Agreement between the Kingdom of Spain and the International
    Monetary Fund. Madrid, 5 March 2013, and Washington, 26 March
      Termination in accordance with:
        No. 54951 Loan Agreement between the Kingdom of Spain
          and the International Monetary Fund. Madrid, 12 May 2017,
          and Washington, 30 May 2017
        Entry into force: 26 January 2018
        Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Spain,
          16 February 2018
   Information provided by the Secretariat of the United Nations: 22
      May 2018
   Note: See also part I, No. 55152

No. 55167. Germany and United States of America
 Exchange of notes constituting an arrangement between the
    Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the
    Government of the United States of America concerning the
    activities of enterprises charged with providing troop care services
    “National Emergency Services (NES) International, Inc. (DAJA 02-
    99-M-1106)”. Bonn and Berlin, 10 August 1999
      Termination in accordance with:
        No. 55168 Exchange of notes constituting an arrangement
          between the Government of the Federal Republic of
          Germany and the Government of the United States of
          America concerning the activities of enterprises charged with
          providing troop care services “National Emergency Services
          (NES)       International,   Inc. (DOCPER        07)”   (with
          memorandum). Berlin, 14 April 2000
        Entry into force: 14 April 2000
        Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations:
          Germany, 1 May 2018
Corrigenda to Statements of Treaties and International Agreements
                registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat

                                Part I

No. 54559. Germany and Albania
Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of
   Germany and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania on
   cooperation in the field of security. Berlin, 31 May 2013
Entry into force: 23 February 2017 by notification, in accordance with
  article 12
Authentic texts: Albanian, English and German
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Germany, 1
  June 2017
[The Agreement is concluded in three languages, German, Albanian
  and English.]

Alphabetical Index

                                        A                                                     A-6544 ....................................................................... 12
                                                                                              I-55196 ...................................................................... 11
Administration                                                                                A-23432 ..................................................................... 13
  I-55186....................................................................... 10           A-24116 ..................................................................... 13
Agricultural commodities                                                                      A-31363 ..................................................................... 14
  A-47662 ..................................................................... 16            A-4214 ....................................................................... 12
  A-54201 ..................................................................... 17          Children-Minors-Youth
Albania                                                                                       A-27531 ..................................................................... 14
  I-54559....................................................................... 18         Chile
Algeria                                                                                       A-52373 ..................................................................... 16
  A-31363 ..................................................................... 14          China
Arms                                                                                          A-24631 ..................................................................... 14
  A-33757 ..................................................................... 15            I-55179 ........................................................................ 9
  A-52373 ..................................................................... 16            I-55180 ...................................................................... 10
Assistance                                                                                  Civil matters
  A-36244 ..................................................................... 15            A-27531 ..................................................................... 14
  I-55192....................................................................... 11         Colombia
Austria                                                                                       I-55156 ........................................................................ 7
  A-14531 ..................................................................... 12            I-55158 ........................................................................ 7
Azerbaijan                                                                                    I-55160 ........................................................................ 8
  I-55154......................................................................... 7        Commodities
                                                                                              A-47662 ..................................................................... 16
                                                                                              A-54201 ..................................................................... 17
                                        B                                                   Conferences-Meetings
                                                                                              I-55153 ........................................................................ 7
Bahamas                                                                                       A-52550 ..................................................................... 16
  A-24841 ..................................................................... 14            A-53993 ..................................................................... 16
Bangladesh                                                                                    I-54559 ...................................................................... 18
  A-32888 ..................................................................... 14            I-55156 ........................................................................ 7
Belarus                                                                                       I-55162 ........................................................................ 8
  I-55163......................................................................... 8          I-55164 ........................................................................ 8
Belgium                                                                                       I-55165 ........................................................................ 8
  A-39610 ..................................................................... 15            I-55171 ........................................................................ 9
  I-55159......................................................................... 7          I-55176 ........................................................................ 9
Belize                                                                                        I-55177 ........................................................................ 9
  A-24116 ..................................................................... 13            I-55178 ........................................................................ 9
  A-6544 ....................................................................... 12           I-55179 ........................................................................ 9
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)                                                              I-55180 ...................................................................... 10
  A-24116 ..................................................................... 13            I-55182 ...................................................................... 10
Bosnia and Herzegovina                                                                        I-55183 ...................................................................... 10
  A-27531 ..................................................................... 14            I-55190 ...................................................................... 10
  I-55193....................................................................... 11           I-55193 ...................................................................... 11
Brazil                                                                                        I-55195 ...................................................................... 11
  A-32473 ..................................................................... 14          Costa Rica
                                                                                              A-24116 ..................................................................... 13
                                                                                              A-45694 ..................................................................... 16
                                        C                                                   Criminal matters
                                                                                              A-24631 ..................................................................... 14
Canada                                                                                        A-24841 ..................................................................... 14
  I-55156......................................................................... 7          A-42146 ..................................................................... 15
  I-55158......................................................................... 7          I-55161 ........................................................................ 8
  I-55160......................................................................... 8          I-55190 ...................................................................... 10
Central America                                                                               I-55195 ...................................................................... 11
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