Operation Corrupt Collector - Federal & State Actions | 2020 - Federal & State Actions 2020

Page created by Florence Baker
Operation Corrupt Collector
Federal & State Actions | 2020
Federal Actions
              Matter Name
                                                                                                                                                           Press Contact
             Action Location                      Type of Action                         Date/Matter Information                  Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                                           Press Release
           (Company Location)

  FTC v. National Landmark           Civil lawsuit: The FTC’s complaint,       Date of action:                               Federal Trade Commission   Jay Mayfield
  Logistics, LLC, et al.             seeking permanent injunction and          7/13/2020: Complaint filed.                                              (202) 326-2656
                                     equitable monetary relief, alleges that                                                                            jmayfield@ftc.gov
                                     this company and its operators            Related matters:
  No. 0:20cv2592
                                     collected more than $12 million from      7/17/20: Ex parte Temporary Restraining
  U.S. District Court
                                     consumers through illegal debt            Orders issued.
  District of South Carolina
                                     collection practices. The defendants
                                     allegedly used robocalls to leave         8/25/2020: Stipulated preliminary
  (Charlotte, North Carolina area)   deceptive messages for consumers          injunction entered as to defendants Liberty
                                     about debts claiming they face            Solutions & Associates LLC, LSA
                                     impending legal action about debts,       Processing System LLC, James Dennison
                                     and when consumers returned the           and Eric Dennison.
                                     call, the defendants would falsely
                                     claim to be from a mediation or law       9/14/2020: Temporary Restraining Order
                                     firm, again threatening legal action,     as to defendants National Landmark
                                     using knowledge of consumers’             Logistics LLC, National Landmark Service
                                     personal information as a way to          of United Recovery LLC, Silverlake
                                     convince consumers the threats were       Landmark Recovery Group, LLC, and Jean
                                     real. The complaint alleges that in       Cellent extended until 10/5/2020.
                                     many instances, consumers did not
                                     owe the debt being collected or the       Status of action:
                                     defendants had no right to collect it.    Pending.

  FTC v. Absolute Financial          Civil lawsuit: The FTC’s complaint,       Date of Action:                               Federal Trade Commission   Jay Mayfield
  Services, LLC, et al.              seeking permanent injunction and          7/13/2020: Complaint filed.                                              (202) 326-2656
                                     equitable monetary relief, alleges that                                                                            jmayfield@ftc.gov
                                     this company and its operators            Related matters:
  No. 0:20cv2596
                                     collected more than $5.2 million from     7/17/2020: Ex parte Temporary
  U.S. District Court
District of South Carolina           consumers through illegal debt             Restraining Orders issued.
                                     collection practices. In its complaint,
(Charlotte, North Carolina area)     the FTC alleged that the company           9/14/2020: Stipulated preliminary
                                     used the defendants in the National        injunction entered.
                                     Landmark Logistics case (above) to
                                     place deceptive robocalls alleging         Status of action:
                                     that consumers owed debt and faced         Pending.
                                     legal action if they did not reply.
                                     Once consumers called the
                                     defendants after receiving the
                                     message, the defendants would often
                                     falsely claim to be representing a law
                                     firm or threaten consumers with arrest
                                     if they did not immediately pay the
                                     debt. According to the complaint, the
                                     defendants would use consumers’
                                     personal information (provided by the
                                     National Landmark defendants) as a
                                     way to convince consumers that the
                                     debt was legitimate, among numerous
                                     other illegal tactics.

FTC v. Global Asset Financial        Civil lawsuit: The FTC’s complaint         Date of action:                               Federal Trade Commission   Jay Mayfield
Services Group LLC, et al.           charged the Global Asset Financial         6/12/2019: Stipulated Final Order against 4                              (202) 326-2656
                                     Services Group collection operation        defendants entered.                                                      jmayfield@ftc.gov
No. 3:19-cv-55-GCM                   with falsely claiming to be attorneys
U.S. District Court                  or affiliated with attorneys to pressure   12/06/2019: Stipulated Final Orders
Western District of North Carolina   consumers into making payments on          against 12 remaining defendants entered.
                                     fake or unauthorized debts and                                                                                      https://www.ftc.gov/
(North Carolina and New York)        threatening to take legal action           In June 2019, the court entered a                                        news-events/press-
                                     against consumers if they did not pay.     settlement order as to four of the                                       releases/2019/12/op
                                     One of the companies, a debt-broker,       defendants. In December 2019, the                                        erators-phantom-
                                     was alleged to have bought, sold, and      remaining 12 defendants also agreed to                                   debt-scheme-
                                     placed whole portfolios of fake debt,      settle the charges against them. The court                               permanently-
                                     even after consumers said they did         entered stipulated judgments as to all                                   banned-debt-
                                     not recognize the debt.                    defendants banning them from debt                                        collection
                                                                                collection, debt brokering activities and
                                                                                from misrepresenting to consumers that
they are attorneys. The settlements also
                                                                          include monetary judgments.

                                                                          Status of action:

FTC and State of New York v.      Civil lawsuit: The FTC and the New      Date of action:                              Federal Trade Commission   Jay Mayfield
Hylan Asset Management, LLC, et   York Attorney General’s complaint       6/26//2019: Stipulated Orders for                         &             (202) 326-2656
al.                               charged the Hylan defendants, a debt    Permanent Injunction and Monetary            New York State Office of   jmayfield@ftc.gov
                                  broker operation, with buying,          Judgment entered.                            the Attorney General
No. 1:18-cv-00710-LJV             placing for collection, and selling
U.S. District Court               portfolios of phantom debts,            In June 2019, the court approved a           (case filed jointly)
Western District of New York      including debts that were fabricated    Stipulated Final Order that bans the Hylan                              https://www.ftc.gov/
                                  or unauthorized by consumers, even      defendants from debt collection activities                              news-events/press-
(New York)                        though the debt broker was aware that   and imposes a monetary judgment. The                                    releases/2019/07/ph
                                  many of these debts were fabricated     June 2019 Stipulated Order against the                                  antom-debt-brokers-
                                  or legally unenforceable. Hylan then    defendants involved in Worldwide                                        collectors-settle-ftc-
                                  placed the phony debts for collection   Processing bans the company and its                                     new-york-ag-
                                  with several collection agencies,       owner, Frank A. Ungaro, Jr. from                                        charges
                                  including another corporate             engaging in unlawful collection practices
                                  defendant, Worldwide Processing         and imposes a monetary judgment.
                                  Group, LLC, which used illegal
                                  tactics to collect on them, despite
                                  consumers’ credible denials that they   Status of action:
                                  did not owe the debts.                  Completed.

FTC and State of New York v.      Civil lawsuit: The FTC and New          Date of action:                              Federal Trade Commission   Jay Mayfield
Campbell Capital LLC, et al.      York Attorney General sued Robert       2/07/2020: Stipulated Order for Permanent                 &             (202) 326-2656
                                  Heidenreich; Campbell Capital LLC;      Injunction and Monetary Judgment             New York State Office of   jmayfield@ftc.gov
                                  Kahl, Heidenreich, and Nemmer           Entered against defendant Robert             the Attorney General
No. 1:18-cv-01163-LJV-MJR
                                  LLC; Urban, Heidenreich, Melendez,      Heidenreich.
U.S. District Court
                                  and Associates, LLC; J & V                                                           (case filed jointly)       https://www.ftc.gov/
Western District of New York
                                  Receivables LLC; Rich Financial         2/07/2020: Default judgment against                                     news-events/press-
                                  LLC; and BCH & Associates Ltd.          remaining defendants entered.                                           releases/2020/02/op
(New York)                        The complaint alleged egregious debt                                                                            erator-fraudulent-
                                  collection practices, such as calling   In February 2020, the Court approved a                                  debt-collection-
consumers and falsely claiming to        Stipulated Final Order settling the claims                              scheme-settles-ftc-
                                     work in law enforcement, typically       against defendant Robert Heidenreich.                                   new-
                                     coupled with false claims that           Under the settlement, he is permanently                                 york?utm_source=g
                                     consumers committed a crime or           banned from the debt collection business                                ovdelivery
                                     were about to be arrested on a           and prohibited from misleading consumers
                                     warrant.                                 about any financial products and includes
                                                                              a monetary judgment.

                                                                              A February 2020 default judgment was
                                                                              entered against the remaining defendants
                                                                              imposing a ban from the debt collection
                                                                              business and a monetary judgment.

                                                                              Status of action:

Consumer Financial Protection        Civil lawsuit: The CFPB and New          Date of action:                              Consumer Financial         Marisol Garibay
Bureau and the People of the State   York Attorney General sued Douglas       7/25/2019: Stipulated Final Judgment         Protection Bureau          Marisol.Garibay@cf
of New York, by Letitia James,       MacKinnon, Northern Resolution           filed.                                                    &             pb.gov
Attorney General for the State of    Group, LLC, Enhanced Acquisitions,
                                                                                                                           New York State Office of
New York v. Douglas MacKinnon,       LLC, Delray Capital, LLC, and Mark       The Stipulated Final Judgment with           the Attorney General
Northern Resolution Group, LLC,      Gray for illegal collection tactics,     MacKinnon, Northern Resolution Group,
Enhanced Acquisitions, LLC,          including misrepresenting to             and Enhanced Acquisitions banned them                                   https://www.consum
Delray Capital, LLC, and Mark        consumers that they owed sums they       from the industry and required they $60      (case filed jointly)       erfinance.gov/about-
Gray                                 did not owe; falsely threatening         million in redress and penalties. The                                   us/newsroom/cfpb-
                                     consumers with legal action that the     Stipulated Final Judgment with Delray                                   and-new-york-
                                     collectors had no intention of taking;   Capital and Gray banned them from the                                   attorney-general-
U.S. District Court                                                                                                                                   settle-debt-
                                     and impersonating law enforcement        industry and required payment of redress
Western District of New York                                                                                                                          collection-group/
                                     officials, government agencies, and      and civil money penalties.
                                     court officers.
(Buffalo, New York)                                                           Status of action:
Bureau of Consumer Financial       Civil lawsuit: The CFPB and the New       Date of action:                       Consumer Financial           Marisol Garibay
Protection and the People of the   York Attorney General sued a              9/08/2020: Suit filed.                Protection Bureau            Marisol.Garibay@cf
State of New York, by Letitia      network of five companies, two of                                                            &               pb.gov
James, Attorney General for the    their owners, and two of their            Status of action:
                                                                                                                   New York State Office of
State of New York, v.              managers, for illegal debt collection     Pending.                                                           www.consumerfina
                                                                                                                   the Attorney General
JPL Recovery Solutions, LLC,       practices. The complaint alleges that                                                                        nce.gov/policy-
Check Security Associates, LLC     from at least 2015, the defendants                                                                           compliance/enforce
                                   have used deception, harassment, and                                            (case filed jointly)         ment/actions/jpl-
dba Warner Location Services and
Orchard Payment Processing         other improper methods to induce                                                                             recovery-solutions-
Systems, ROC Asset Solutions LLC   consumers to make payments to them                                                                           llc-et-al/
dba API Recovery Solutions,        in violation of the Fair Debt
Regency One Capital LLC,           Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)
Keystone Recovery Group, LLC,      and the Consumer Financial
Christopher L. Di Re, Scott A.     Protection Act (CFPA). The
Croce, Brian J. Koziel, and Marc   complaint seeks consumer redress,
D. Gracie                          disgorgement of ill-gotten gains, civil
                                   money penalties, and appropriate
                                   injunctive relief against the
U.S. District Court                defendants.
Western District of New York

(Buffalo, New York area)

U.S. v. Angel Armando Adrianzen    Criminal indictment and conviction.       Date of action:                       U.S. Department of Justice   https://www.justice.
                                                                             9/2019: Complaint filed.              Consumer Protection          gov/opa/pr/californi
                                   Pleaded guilty to conspiracy to           10/08/2019: Indictment.               Branch                       a-resident-charged-
U.S. District Court
                                   commit mail fraud and wire fraud for      11/21/2019: Pleaded guilty (pending                 &              leading-
Southern District of Florida
                                   partnering with call centers in Peru      sentencing).                                                       telemarketing-
                                                                                                                   U.S. Postal Inspection
                                   that took money from U.S. Spanish-                                                                           conspiracy-defraud-
(California)                                                                                                       Service
                                   speaking victims through lies and                                                                            and-extort-us-
                                   threats. These callers claimed to be                                                                         consumers
                                   attorneys or government
                                   representatives, and falsely told                                                                            https://www.justice.
                                   victims that they had failed to pay for                                                                      gov/opa/pr/californi
or receive delivery of products.                                                                             a-resident-pleads-
U.S. v. Jesus Gutierrez Rojas,      Criminal indictment, extradition, 4      Date of action:                        U.S. Department of Justice   https://www.justice.go
Alexandra Podesta, Virgilio Polo,   defendants sentenced to terms of         4/2019: Defendants extradited.         Consumer Protection          v/opa/pr/four-
and Omar Portocarrero               incarceration.                                                                  Branch                       extradited-peru-
                                                                             Summer 2019: Pleaded guilty and                                     operating-spanish-
                                                                                                                                  &              speaking-call-centers-
                                    Gutierrez oversaw a series of call       sentenced to terms of incarceration.
U.S. District Court                                                                                                 U.S. Postal Inspection       extorted-us-consumers
Southern District of Florida        centers in Peru that falsely told                                               Service
                                    Spanish-speaking victims across the                                                                          https://www.justice.go
                                    United States that they incurred debts                                                                       v/opa/pr/peruvian-
(Lima, Peru)                                                                                                                                     man-pleads-guilty-
                                    and would suffer various
                                    consequences for failure to pay off                                                                          operating-spanish-
                                    the debts that they did not, in fact,                                                                        speaking-call-center-
                                    owe. Podesta, Polo, and Portocarrero
                                    managed and supervised three of
                                    these call centers.                                                                                          https://www.justice.go

U.S. v. Johnny Hidalgo Marchan,     Criminal indictment, extradition, and    Date of action:                        U.S. Department of Justice   https://www.justice.go
Francesco Guerra, and Rodolfo       3 defendants sentenced to terms of       12/2019: Defendants extradited.        Consumer Protection          v/opa/pr/three-men-
Hermoza                             incarceration.                                                                  Branch                       extradited-overseeing-
                                                                             Spring 2020: Pleaded guilty.                                        call-centers-
                                                                                                                                  &              threatened-and-
U.S. District Court                 The three men operated call centers in                                          U.S. Postal Inspection       defrauded-spanish-
                                                                             Summer 2020: Sentenced to terms of
Southern District of Florida   Peru, which used government            incarceration.   Service   speaking-us
                               impersonation, lies, and threats to
                               steal money from thousands of                                     https://www.justice.go
(Lima, Peru)                                                                                     v/opa/pr/two-
                               Spanish-speaking victims in the U.S.
                               The callers falsely accused the                                   guilty-overseeing-call-
                               victims of having failed to accept                                centers-threatened-
                               delivery of products and claimed the                              and-defrauded-
                               victims owed fines and that court                                 spanish-speaking
                               proceedings would be brought against
                               them.                                                             https://www.justice.go

State Actions
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                                     Press Contact
Action Location                                         Type of Action                         Date/Matter Information      Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                                     Press Release
(Company Location)


State of Arizona v. Mark           Civil lawsuit, seeking restitution, civil penalties,      Date of action:             Arizona Attorney        Katie Conner
Anthony Smith and Deborah          attorneys’ fees and costs, and injunctive relief, filed   9/23/2020: Complaint        General’s Office        602-542-8019
Ann Butler, d/b/a CMS Financial    under the Arizona Consumer Fraud Act and alleging         filed.                                              Katie.Conner@azag.go
Group, John Lee Group &            that the debt collectors call consumers nationwide                                                            v
Associates, and TD Financial       from Phoenix, Arizona using false claims and threats
Solutions Group AZ                 to induce consumers to pay debts, including debts
                                   that the defendants have no authority to collect. The
                                   Defendants allegedly impersonate law enforcement
Superior Court of Arizona in the
                                   officers and process servers during calls to consumers
County of Maricopa
                                   and claim that they are attempting to serve a
(Phoenix, Arizona)                 summons and complaint. In voicemails left for
                                   consumers, defendants represent that consumers must
                                   immediately respond or be subject to court action.
                                   Defendants allegedly frequently use call spoofing
                                   software for their collection calls, which makes it
                                   appear as though calls originated from court houses,
                                   sheriffs’ offices, jails, or other public offices.
                                   When consumers return defendants’ voicemails,
                                   defendants are alleged to falsely represent that they
                                   are lawyers or associated with lawyers or a law firm
                                   and make false or misleading statements, including
                                   that a civil or criminal action is imminent and would
                                   result in adverse consequences unless consumers
                                   promptly pay or otherwise cooperate with
                                   Defendants’ collection efforts. Defendants’ alleged
                                   false threats include: that defendants will garnish
                                   wages and tax returns; place liens on house and car
                                   titles; freeze bank accounts; file to have consumers’
                                   drivers licenses suspended; send out law enforcement
                                   to consumers’ houses, their relatives’ houses, and/or
                                   place of employment; and have consumers arrested.
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                                        Press Contact
Action Location                                       Type of Action                         Date/Matter Information       Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                                        Press Release
(Company Location)


People v. Adir International,    Civil lawsuit against retail chain that targeted Latino   Date of action:             California Dept. of         Press contact on all
LLC dba Curacao, et al.          immigrants. Complaint alleges numerous violations         2/19/2020: First Amended    Justice - Attorney          matters:
                                 of California law, including violations of California’s   Complaint filed.            General’s Office            (916) 210-6000
Case No. BC680425                Rosenthal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the                                                              agpressoffice@doj.ca.
California Superior Court        Small Claims Act.                                                                     (Los Angeles County         gov
Los Angeles County                                                                         Status of action:           Department of
                                 Alleged violations include: threatening debt              Pending.                    Consumer and Business       https://oag.ca.gov/new
(Los Angeles, California)        collection letters; failure to serve consumers with                                   Affairs assisted in pre-    s/press-
                                 small claims actions and required account records,                                    litigation and litigation   releases/attorney-
                                 leading to default judgments and unlawful wage                                        investigations)             general-becerra-takes-
                                 garnishment; unlawfully sending independent                                                                       retailer-curacao-court-
                                 contractors to represent company at small claims                                                                  unlawfully-preying
                                 hearings; and falsification of claimed costs of suit,
                                 artificially inflating default judgments.

People v Ramil Abalkhad et al.   Criminal Action: Felony Complaint filed against           Date of action:             California Dept. of         Press contact on all
                                 jewelry store owner for multiple offenses, including      11/01/2019: Ordered to      Justice - Attorney          matters:
Case No. BA453003                conspiracy to engage in unlawful debt collections         pay $16,440 victim          General’s Office            (916) 210-6000
Los Angeles County Superior                                                                restitution.                                            agpressoffice@doj.ca.
Court                                                                                                                                              gov

Matter Name
                                                                                                                           Press Contact
Action Location                                 Type of Action     Date/Matter Information      Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                           Press Release
(Company Location)

CAR & Associates              Cease & Desist Advisory Notice     Date of action:             Colorado Department of   Lawrence Pacheco
                                                                 6/09/2020.                  Law, Consumer Credit     Director of
(Brea, California)                                                                           Unit                     Communications
                                                                 Status of action:                                    (720) 508-6553

Accredited Management         Cease & Desist Advisory Notice     Date of action:             Colorado Department of   Lawrence Pacheco
Solutions LLC                                                    1/21/2020.                  Law, Consumer Credit     Director of
                                                                                             Unit                     Communications
                                                                 Status of action:                                    (720) 508-6553
(East Amherst, New York)                                                                                              Lawrence.Pacheco@coa

CSN Student Loan Recovery     Cease & Desist Advisory Notice     Date of action:             Colorado Department of   Lawrence Pacheco
                                                                 10/16/2019.                 Law, Consumer Credit     Director of
(Phoenix, Arizona)                                                                           Unit                     Communications
                                                                 Status of action:                                    (720) 508-6553

Gaffney Mediation Services    Cease & Desist Advisory Notice     Date of action:             Colorado Department of   Lawrence Pacheco
                                                                 10/15/2019.                 Law, Consumer Credit     Director of
(Richmond, Virginia)                                                                         Unit                     Communications
                                                                 Status of action:                                    (720) 508-6553

Johnson, Smith & Associates   Cease & Desist Advisory Notice     Date of action:             Colorado Department of   Lawrence Pacheco
                                                                 9/30/2019.                  Law, Consumer Credit     Director of
(Woburn, Massachusetts)                                                                      Unit                     Communications
                                                                 Status of action:                                    (720) 508-6553
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                                        Press Contact
Action Location                                         Type of Action                         Date/Matter Information        Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                                        Press Release
(Company Location)

Notice of Intent to Impose Civil   Administrative action alleging that Respondent acted      Date of action:              State of Connecticut     Matt Smith
Penalty and Notice of Right to     within this state as a consumer collection agency         9/10/2020: Notice issued.    Department of Banking
Hearing in the Matter of:          without a license, and used false, deceptive or                                                                 (860) 240-8105
Samantha S. Flores d/b/a           misleading representations or means in connection         Status of action:
Premier Legal and Financial        with the collection of debt from a Connecticut            Pending: Respondent has
Services a/k/a Premier Legal &     resident, including representing that the debt was        been afforded an
Financial Group                    valid and a lawsuit would be filed imminently.            opportunity to request a
                                                                                             hearing on the allegations
(Apple Valley, California)                                                                   set forth in the Notice.

CNR Express Group LLC              Warning Letter                                            Date of action:              Florida Office of the    Kylie Mason
                                                                                             9/15/2020: Warning           Attorney General         Press Secretary
(Orlando, Florida)                 Based on consumer’s allegations, the targets are          Letter sent.                                          Office of Attorney
                                   failing to provide written validation of debts and have                                                         General
                                   orally represented themselves as attorneys. At this                                                             Main: (850) 245-0150
                                   time, the relief the Florida Office of the Attorney                                                             Kylie.Mason@myflori
                                   General is seeking is response from target companies                                                            dalegal.com
                                   with resolutions.

Feldman and Stern                  Warning Letter                                            Date of action:              Florida Office of the    Kylie Mason
                                                                                             9/15/2020: Warning           Attorney General         Press Secretary
(Altamonte Springs, Florida)       Based on consumer’s allegations, the targets are          Letter sent.                                          Office of Attorney
                                   failing to provide written validation of debts and have                                                         General
                                   orally represented themselves as attorneys. At this                                                             Main: (850) 245-0150
                                   time, the relief the Florida Office of the Attorney                                                             Kylie.Mason@myflori
                                   General is seeking is response from target companies                                                            dalegal.com
                                   with resolutions.
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                                       Press Contact
Action Location                                      Type of Action                        Date/Matter Information           Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                                       Press Release
(Company Location)

                                                                                         Date of action:                 Idaho Department of      Celia Kinney,
Midwest Fidelity Services LLC                                                            6/06/2019: Complaint
                                Mediation on Consumer Complaint:                                                         Finance                  Consumer Affairs
Idaho                                                                                    received, file #11380.                                   Officer
(Kansas)                        Complainant contended that Midwest Fidelity
                                                                                         7/19/2019: Mediation
                                Services, LLC, an unlicensed collector in the State of                                                            (208) 332-8067
                                                                                         resolution #10686. Midwest
                                Idaho, was attempting to collect on a previously paid    Fidelity Services, LLC
                                debt.                                                    releases debt against
                                                                                         complainant, ceases
                                                                                         collection efforts, and
                                                                                         acquires licensure.
                                                                                         Date of related events:
                                                                                         9/04/2019: Midwest Fidelity
                                                                                         Services, LLC became
                                                                                         licensed with the

                                Mediation on Consumer Complaint:                         Date of action:                 Idaho Department of      Celia Kinney, Consumer
Midland Funding, LLC                                                                     6/17/2020: Complaint            Finance                  Affairs Officer
Idaho                           Complainant contended that Midland Funding LLC           received, file # 12634.
                                had assigned a debt against her that was the result of                                                            (208) 332-8067
(California)                                                                             8/13/2020: Mediation
                                an instance of identity theft. The debt was
                                                                                         Resolution #11887.
                                subsequently assigned to Machol & Johannes LLC           Date of related events:
                                who then garnished all of the funds in the               Midland Funding LLC,
                                complainant’s checking account.                          reached out to the assignee
                                                                                         of the debtor account
                                                                                         Machol & Johannes LLC
                                                                                         and provided the
                                                                                         complainant a fraud affidavit
                                                                                         to sign and return. Upon
                                                                                         receipt all further funds due
                                                                                         were cleared. As of
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                                           Press Contact
Action Location                                        Type of Action                          Date/Matter Information           Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                                           Press Release
(Company Location)

                                                                                             8/20/2020 and refund is
                                                                                             pending for the funds
                                                                                             garnished from the
                                                                                             consumer’s account.

                                  Mediation on Consumer Complaint:                           Date of action:                 Idaho Department of      Celia Kinney, Consumer
JP Development, Inc. d/b/a                                                                   3/20/2020: Complaint            Finance                  Affairs Officer
AcctCorp International                                                                       received, file #12584.                                   (208) 332-8067
                                  Complainant contended that JP Development Inc.
Idaho                             acquired their account in error as it had been satisfied   4/21/2020: Mediation
                                                                                             Resolution #11843.
(Idaho)                           with the original creditor. Subsequently JP
                                                                                             Date of related events:
                                  Development Inc. received a judgment against the           5/06/2020: JP Development,
                                  complainant and garnished the majority of the              Inc. vacated the judgement
                                  disputed sum from their checking account.                  for debt that was previously
                                                                                             satisfied with the original
                                                                                             creditor, and issued a refund
                                                                                             to the consumer for all
                                                                                             monies previously

                                  Mediation on Consumer Complaint:                           Date of action:                 Idaho Department of      Celia Kinney, Consumer
Apex Servicing d/b/a First Loan                                                              5/14/2020: Complaint            Finance                  Affairs Officer
Idaho                             Apex Servicing issued a “Wage Assignment Demand            received, file # 12606.                                  (208) 332-8067

(South Dakota)                    Notice” to the complainant, an employer, instructing
                                                                                             6/01/2020: Mediation
                                  them to garnish wages from an employee paycheck
                                                                                             Resolution #11864.
                                  for alleged loans owed to Inbox Loan and First Loan.       Date of related events:
                                  This complaint was filed by an employer on behalf of       6/01/2020: Subject of
                                  employee.                                                  complaint issued a “wage
                                                                                             assignment release” to the
                                                                                             complainant (employer of
                                                                                             the debtor). Furthermore,
                                                                                             subject claimed exemption
                                                                                             from licensure as First Loan
                                                                                             asserting to be owned by the
                                                                                             Elem Indian Colony of
                                                                                             Pomo Indians, a federally
                                                                                             recognized Indian Tribe.
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                                             Press Contact
Action Location                                           Type of Action                            Date/Matter Information       Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                                             Press Release
(Company Location)


People of the State of Illinois v.   Civil lawsuit:                                              Date of action:               Illinois Attorney       Tori Joseph
Freedom Financial Solutions,                                                                     1/13/2020: Complaint filed.   General’s Office        tjoseph@atg.state.il.us
Desiree Hawkins, and Jean            Complaint for Injunctive and Other Relief.
Johnson                                                                                                                                                https://illinoisattorneyg
                                                                                                 Status of action:                                     eneral.gov/pressroom/
2020-CH-00397                                                                                    Pending.                                              2020_01/20200113.ht
Cook County Circuit Court                                                                                                                              ml
Chancery Division, Illinois

(Cook County, Illinois)

State of Indiana v. New Britain      Civil action with claims under the Indiana Deceptive        Date of action:               Office of the Indiana   Shelley Triol
Financial, LLC and Nelson            Consumer Sales Act and Senior Consumer Protection           9/04/2020: Complaint filed.   Attorney General        (317) 233-3715
Macwan                               Act seeking restitution, injunction, and civil penalties.                                                         Shelley.Triol@atg.in.g
                                                                                                 Status of action:                                     ov
45D01-2009-PL-000584                 The State of Indiana alleges that Defendants New            Pending.
Lake County Superior Court           Britain Financial, LLC and its owner Nelson Macwan
                                     violated the Indiana Deceptive Consumer Sales Act
(Munster, Indiana)                   (“DCSA”) and Senior Consumer Protection Act by
                                     attempting to collect debts from consumers that did
                                     not belong to those consumers, were already paid,
                                     were discharged in bankruptcy, or were otherwise not
                                     owed. Additionally, the Defendants threatened to
                                     have people arrested, to have their wages garnished,
                                     and to have liens put on their homes when the
                                     Defendants had no legal right to do so. And
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                              Press Contact
Action Location                                   Type of Action                       Date/Matter Information      Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                              Press Release
(Company Location)

                             Defendants violated the DCSA by acting as a debt
                             collector after having its license renewal denied by
                             the Indiana Secretary of State. The State of Indiana
                             seeks restitution for consumers, an order enjoining
                             New Britain Financial, LLC and Nelson Macwan
                             from acting as debt collectors in Indiana, and civil


Eastern Revenue, Inc.        Cease Directive:                                       Date of action:              Massachusetts           Cynthia A. Begin, Esq.
                             Issued in response to alleged unlicensed debt          8/31/2020: Completed.        Division of Banks       First Deputy
(Wayne, Pennsylvania)        collection activity in Massachusetts related to                                                             Commissioner of
                             apparent phantom debt.                                 Date of Related matters:                             Banks
                                                                                    Consumer complaint                                   Massachusetts
                                                                                    received on 8/19/2020                                Division of Banks
                                                                                    alleging attempted                                   (617) 956-1523
                                                                                    collection activity on                               cindy.begin@mass.gov

Johnson Smith & Associates   Cease Directive:                                       Date of action:              Massachusetts           Cynthia A. Begin, Esq.
                             Issued in response to alleged unlicensed debt          2/19/2020: Completed.        Division of Banks       First Deputy
(Woburn, Massachusetts)      collection activity in Massachusetts related to        (Consumer complaints                                 Commissioner of
                             apparent phantom debt.                                 reported in FTC Sentinel                             Banks
                                                                                    Database received on                                 Massachusetts
                                                                                    8/13/2018 and 6/25/2019                              Division of Banks
                                                                                    alleging attempted                                   (617) 956-1523
                                                                                    collection activity).                                cindy.begin@mass.gov
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                               Press Contact
Action Location                                         Type of Action                  Date/Matter Information      Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                               Press Release
(Company Location)

The Offices of Morgan and Moss     Cease Directive:                                  Date of action:              Massachusetts           Cynthia A. Begin, Esq.
                                   Issued in response to alleged unlicensed debt     2/19/2020: Completed.        Division of Banks       First Deputy
(Newport Beach, California)        collection activity in Massachusetts related to   (Consumer complaint                                  Commissioner of
                                   apparent phantom debt.                            reported in FTC Sentinel                             Banks
                                                                                     Database received on                                 Massachusetts
                                                                                     1/15/2020 alleging                                   Division of Banks
                                                                                     attempted collection                                 (617) 956-1523
                                                                                     activity).                                           cindy.begin@mass.gov

Global Management Acquisition      Cease Directive:                                  Date of action:              Massachusetts           Cynthia A. Begin, Esq.
Firm, Inc.                         Issued in response to alleged unlicensed debt     12/02/2019: Completed.       Division of Banks       First Deputy
                                   collection activity in Massachusetts related to   (Consumer complaint                                  Commissioner of
(Lawrenceville/Grayson/Norcross,   apparent phantom debt.                            received on 9/12/2019                                Banks
Georgia)                                                                             alleging attempted                                   Massachusetts
                                                                                     collection activity on                               Division of Banks
                                                                                     9/9/2019).                                           (617) 956-1523
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                                         Press Contact
Action Location                                          Type of Action                          Date/Matter Information       Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                                         Press Release
(Company Location)

State of New Mexico v. Capio        Civil lawsuit: New Mexico’s complaint asserts claims      Date of action:               Office of the Attorney   Matt Baca
Partners, LLC, Capio Asset          under New Mexico’s Unfair Practices Act, the Fair         9/28/20: Complaint filed.     General of New           mbaca@nmag.gov
Servicing, LLC, Mark Detrick,       Debt Collection Practices Act, and the Fair Credit                                      Mexico
James F. Richards, Bob Hodges,      Reporting Act against defendants’ collection              Status of action:
The Law Offices of Mitchell D.      operation. The complaint alleges defendants’              Pending.
Bluhm & Associates, LLC,            operation collects medical debts using abusive
Mitchell Bluhm, and Donald          collection practices including attempts to collect
Meisinger                           debts not owed and providing inaccurate information
                                    to the credit bureaus.
U.S. District Court
District of New Mexico

(Duluth, Georgia/Sherman, Texas)

State of New Mexico v. LVNV         Civil lawsuit: New Mexico filed a complaint in state      Date of action:               Office of the Attorney   Matt Baca
Funding, LLC, Sherman               court based on egregious collection practices and         9/18/2020: Complaint filed.   General of New           mbaca@nmag.gov
Financial Group LLC, Resurgent      attempted collection of stale debts in breach of New                                    Mexico
Capital Services, L.P., Robert      Mexico’s Unfair Practice Act, including claims of         Status of action:
Pierson, Donald Meisinger,          Fraudulent Misrepresentation, Negligent                   Pending.
Guglielmo & Associates, and         Misrepresentation, and Unjust Enrichment. New
Eliza Guglielmo                     Mexico has requested temporary and permanent
                                    injunctive relief, disgorgement, restitution, and civil
Second Judicial District Court of   penalties.
New Mexico

(Arizona, New Mexico, New
York, South Carolina)

State of New Mexico v. Central      Civil lawsuit: In response to complaints about CMS,       Date of action:               Office of the Attorney   Matt Baca
Mediation Services, Jay             New Mexico filed a complaint in state court for           9/09/2020: Complaint filed.   General of New           mbaca@nmag.gov
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                                           Press Contact
Action Location                                          Type of Action                          Date/Matter Information        Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                                           Press Release
(Company Location)

Camacho, and Ronald C. Serio        violations of the New Mexico Unfair Practices Act.                                       Mexico
                                    CMS is alleged to have collected on debts not owed        Status of action:
Second Judicial District Court of   that it had no authority to collect and also to utilize   Pending.
New Mexico                          abusive collection practices including threatening
                                    consumers with false consequences such as charging
(Buffalo, New York)                 consumers with fraud, canceling their vehicle
                                    registration, and filing lawsuits to garnish wages.
                                    New Mexico has requested injunctive relief,
                                    disgorgement, civil penalties, and restitution for
                                    consumers in this lawsuit.

State of New Mexico v. Ability      Cease & Desist Letter: On September 2, 2020, New          Date of action:                Office of the Attorney   Matt Baca
Recovery Services                   Mexico ordered Ability Recovery Services to               9/02/2020: Sent Cease &        General of New           mbaca@nmag.gov
                                    immediately cease and desist from engaging in             Desist by certified mail.      Mexico
(Scranton, Pennsylvania)            business practices that violate the New Mexico
                                    Unfair Practices Act (“UPA”), the New Mexico
                                    Collection Agency Regulatory Act (“CARA”), the
                                    Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”), and
                                    the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”). Consumers
                                    reported that Ability tried to collect debts not owed
                                    and refused to review the validity of debts it tried to

                                    Civil lawsuit: (Special proceeding) with ex parte         Date of action:                New York State Office    Sofia Quintanar
People of the State of New York,
                                    Temporary Restraining Order in New York State             9/16/2020: Proceeding filed.   of the Attorney
by Letitia James, Attorney
General for the State of New
                                    Supreme Court, Erie County against Midway                                                General                  sofia.quintanar@ag.ny.
York, v. Kenneth Thomas,
                                    Resolution Services, LLC (d/b/a Greenland                 Date of related events:                                 gov
                                    Recovery), owners Kenneth Thomas and Wesley               9/18/2020: Temporary
Wesley Newman, Johnfredrick
                                    Newman and certain collectors.                            Restraining Order. TRO                                  https://ag.ny.gov/press-
Daniels, Jasmine Ashley Daniels,                                                                                                                      release/2020/attorney-
                                                                                              prohibits respondents from
Elizabeth Farnham, Midway                                                                                                                             general-james-moves-
                                    The New York Attorney General is seeking to               engaging in debt collection
Resolution Services LLC (d/b/a                                                                                                                        shut-down-illegal-
                                    permanently ban all respondents from the debt             or related activities. TRO
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                                            Press Contact
Action Location                                           Type of Action                          Date/Matter Information         Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                                            Press Release
(Company Location)

Greenland Recovery Group), and       collection industry, and seeking restitution,             places a freeze on corporate                            debt-collecting-scheme
Jax Management Group LLC             disgorgement, damages, civil penalties, costs and an      respondents’ bank accounts
                                     accounting. Respondent Thomas breached a prior            and respondents’ service
810231/2020                          Assurance of Discontinuance with our office, so as to     provider.
New York Supreme Court               him and his company (Midway) we are also seeking
Erie County                          relief for their breach of the AOD.                       Status of action:
                                                                                               TRO granted. Return date
(Erie County, New York)
                                     The New York Attorney General alleges that                for request for permanent
                                     respondents used a call spoofing service to disguise      injunction currently
                                     their phone number to appear as consumers’ local          scheduled for 10/22/2020.
                                     county court or sheriff. Respondents claimed to be
                                     process servers and/or court officials and falsely told
                                     consumers that they would be arrested, subject to a
                                     “pickup order” or bench warrant if they failed to call
                                     the “underwriting attorney” and pay their debts.
                                     Respondents also claimed that consumers would have
                                     their license suspended and wages garnished.
                                     Respondents made similar threats to consumer
                                     debtors’ friends, family members and employers. The
                                     New York Attorney General has thousands of call
                                     recordings substantiating these allegations.

Two Actions filed jointly with the   See entries under “Federal Trade Commission”                                             New York State Office
Federal Trade Commission:            (above).                                                                                 of the Attorney
FTC and State of New York v.
Hylan Asset Management, LLC,
et al.
&                                                                                                                             Federal Trade
FTC and State of New York v.                                                                                                  Commission
Campbell Capital LLC, et al.
                                                                                                                              (cases filed jointly)
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                                          Press Contact
Action Location                                           Type of Action                         Date/Matter Information        Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                                          Press Release
(Company Location)

Two Actions filed jointly with the   See entries under “Consumer Financial Protection                                       New York State Office
Consumer Financial Protection        Bureau” (above).                                                                       of the Attorney
Bureau:                                                                                                                     General

CFPB and State of New York v.                                                                                               &
Douglas MacKinnon, et al.
&                                                                                                                           Consumer Financial
                                                                                                                            Protection Bureau
CFPB and State of New York v.
JPL Recovery Solutions, LLC, et
                                                                                                                            (cases filed jointly)

In the Matter of Forster &           Administrative action: Statement of Charges filed        Date of action:               New York State           Sophia Kim
Garbus LLP                           against Forster & Garbus LLP for failing to comply       9/16/2020: Statement of       Department of
                                     with substantiation requirements under New York          Charges filed.                Financial Services       public-
Offices of the Department of         State law.                                                                                                      affairs@dfs.ny.gov
Financial Services                                                                            Related dates:
New York, New York                   In the statement of charges, the Department alleges      Hearing scheduled for                                  https://www.dfs.ny.go
                                     that Forster & Garbus failed to comply with              1/12/2021 at the offices of                            v/reports_and_publicat
(Commack, New York)                  substantiation requirements in several ways,             the Department of Financial                            ions/press_releases/pr2
                                     including: failing to provide any substantiation;        Services, New York, New                                02009161
                                     failing to provide substantiation within required        York.
                                     timeframes; and providing insufficient substantiation
                                     by omitting, for example, underlying transaction

State of North Carolina v.           Civil lawsuit: Seeking injunctive relief, civil          Date of action:               North Carolina           Laura
Turtle Creek Assets., LTD.,          penalties, restoration of money paid, and restitution.   7/10/2019: Complaint filed.   Department of Justice    Brewerlbrewer@ncdoj.
Turtle Creek Rentals LLC,                                                                                                                            gov
Royal Park Holdings, Inc. and
                                     The lawsuit alleges that between 2012 and 2018,
                                     Engle used his codefendant-debt collection               Date of related events:                                (919) 716-6484
Gordon Scott Engle
                                     companies to purchase unpaid consumer debt from          7/15/2019: TRO entered.
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                                                  Press Contact
Action Location                                                Type of Action                             Date/Matter Information       Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                                                  Press Release
(Company Location)

                                        Aarons Inc. and since 2018, Engle has collected or             7/24/2019: Preliminary
No. 19-CVS-009339                       attempted to collect on these unpaid debts from North          injunction entered (still in
Wake County Superior Courts             Carolina consumers. Engle’s companies are registered in        effect).
                                        Texas; he failed to file the appropriate registrations with                                                          https://ncdoj.gov/attorn
                                        the North Carolina Secretary of State to operate in North                                                            ey-general-josh-stein-
(North Carolina and Texas)                                                                             Status of action:
                                        Carolina and also failed to obtain the necessary permits                                                             obtains-temporary-rest/
                                        from the North Carolina Department of Insurance to             Pending – case currently
                                        operate as a collection agency. Engle’s companies sent         stayed due to Gordon Scott
                                        consumers collection notices telling them they had             Engle’s criminal cases for
                                        committed a criminal violation by failing to return rented     felony debt collecting
                                        property. The notices appeared to be, but were not, official   without a license. (See NC
                                        court notices. Some of the letters even included unsigned      DOI actions.)
                                        criminal summonses that appeared to be real, but did not
                                        have any legal effect, and were delivered by Engle’s hired
                                        private police officers. In addition to sending these
                                        unsigned summonses, Engle and his companies also filed
                                        hundreds of criminal complaints with misleading language
                                        in several North Carolina counties that resulted in actual
                                        criminal summonses being issued against customers.

State of North Carolina, North          Criminal Actions: 81 Felony Counts of Failure to Secure        Date of action:                North Carolina         Marla Sink
Carolina Department of Insurance        Permit from Commissioner of Insurance – Debt Collecting        8/2020: Case was finalized     Department of          (919) 807-6017
v. Gordon Scott Engle DBA Turtle        without a license, charged in 17 Counties – Victims in each    at the State level.            Insurance, Criminal    Marla.Sink@ncdoi.gov
Creek                                   of the 81 counts.                                                                             Investigations
                                                                                                       Status of action:                                     https://www.ncdoi.gov
NC DOI Case 69525
Charged in 17 counties including:                                                                      Currently Pending Court for                           /news/press-
Alexander, Anson, Burke,                                                                               17 North Carolina Counties.                           releases/2020/09/11/in
Cumberland, Davie, Guilford, Iredell,                                                                                                                        surance-commissioner-
Lee, Mecklenburg, Moore,                                                                                                                                     causey-announces-
Richmond, Rowan, Stanley, Stokes,                                                                                                                            arrest-unlicensed-debt
Surry, Wilkes and Yadkin

(Cornelius, North Carolina)
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                                          Press Contact
Action Location                                        Type of Action                         Date/Matter Information           Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                                          Press Release
(Company Location)

State of North Dakota v. Zaw       Assurance of Voluntary Compliance: Based on             Date of action:                   Consumer Protection     Liz Brocker
Lwin aka Pat Lwin                  violation of NDCC ch. 51-15 (Consumer Fraud             9/07/2020: Order of Approval      & Antitrust Division,   (701) 328-2210
                                   Law)(deceptive practices) and ch. 13-05 (Collection     of Assurance of Voluntary         Office of Attorney      lbrocker@nd.gov
Civil No. 08-2020-CV-01994         Agencies Law)(failure to register as debt collector)    Compliance entered by the         General of North
                                                                                           Burleigh County District Court.
Burleigh County District Court                                                                                               Dakota
North Dakota                                                                               Status of action:
(El Monte, California)

State of North Dakota v.           Cease & Desist Order: Based on failure to comply        Date of action:                   Consumer Protection     Liz Brocker
Portfolio Recovery Management      with Civil Investigative Demand and based on            7/13/2020: Cease and Desist       & Antitrust Division,   (701) 328-2210
Inc. and Jason Jakubec,            violation of NDCC ch. 51-15 (Consumer Fraud             Order issued pursuant to          Office of Attorney      lbrocker@nd.gov
Individually, dba Karl             Law)(deceptive practices) and ch. 13-05 (Collection     N.D.C.C. §51-15-07 for            General of North
                                                                                           violations of North Dakota law
Frankovitch Law Firm               Agencies Law)(failure to register as debt collector).                                     Dakota                  https://attorneygeneral.
                                                                                           and failure to comply with
                                                                                           Civil Investigative Demand.                               nd.gov/news/fraudulen
(New York, New York)                                                                                                                                 t-out-state-debt-
                                                                                           Status of action:                                         collectors-banned-
                                                                                           Completed.                                                north-dakota

State of North Dakota v. IKS and   Cease & Desist Order: Based on failure to comply        Date of action:                   Consumer Protection     Liz Brocker
Associates LLC and Karriem         with Civil Investigative Demand and based on            7/13/2020: Cease and Desist       & Antitrust Division,   (701) 328-2210
Madison, Individually, dba         violation of NDCC ch. 51-15 (Consumer Fraud             Order issued pursuant to          Office of Attorney      lbrocker@nd.gov
Bradford Stevens and Associates    Law)(deceptive practices) and ch. 13-05 (Collection     N.D.C.C. §51-15-07 for            General of North
                                                                                           violations of North Dakota law
                                   Agencies Law)(failure to register as debt collector).                                     Dakota                  https://attorneygeneral.
                                                                                           and failure to comply with
(Riverside, California)                                                                    Civil Investigative Demand.                               nd.gov/news/fraudulen
                                                                                           Status of action:                                         collectors-banned-
                                                                                           Completed.                                                north-dakota
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                                     Press Contact
Action Location                                       Type of Action                         Date/Matter Information       Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                                     Press Release
(Company Location)

State of North Dakota v. Global   Cease & Desist Order: Based on failure to comply        Date of action:               Consumer Protection     Liz Brocker
Management Acquisition Firm       with Civil Investigative Demand and based on            7/13/2020: Cease and Desist   & Antitrust Division,   (701) 328-2210
Inc. and Walter Hargrove,         violation of NDCC ch. 51-15 (Consumer Fraud             Order issued pursuant to      Office of Attorney      lbrocker@nd.gov
Individually, dba Global          Law)(deceptive practices) and ch. 13-05 (Collection     N.D.C.C. §51-15-07 for        General of North
Management                        Agencies Law)(failure to register as debt collector).   violations of North Dakota    Dakota                  https://attorneygeneral.
                                                                                          law and failure to comply                             nd.gov/news/fraudulen
(Lawrenceville, Georgia)                                                                  with Civil Investigative                              t-out-state-debt-
                                                                                          Demand                                                collectors-banned-
                                                                                          Status of action:

State of North Dakota v. The      Settlement agreement reached in which The Trilateral    Date of action:               Consumer Protection     Liz Brocker
Trilateral Group, LLC and         Group, LLC and Daniel Caldera agreed to comply          5/08/2020: Letter             & Antitrust Division,   (701) 328-2210
Daniel Caldera dba Alliance       with NDCC ch. 51-15 (Consumer Fraud                     Agreement signed.             Office of Attorney      lbrocker@nd.gov
Litigation Associates             Law)(deceptive practices) and ch. 13-05 (Collection                                   General of North
                                  Agencies Law) and cease any collection activity         Status of action:             Dakota
(Rancho Cucamonga, California)    involving the North Dakota consumer that filed a        Completed.
                                  consumer complaint.

State of North Dakota v. Global   Assurance of Voluntary Compliance: Based on             Date of action:               Consumer Protection     Liz Brocker
Recovery Solutions, LLC           violation of NDCC ch. 51-15 (Consumer Fraud             5/07/2020: Order of           & Antitrust Division,   (701) 328-2210
                                  Law)(deceptive practices) and ch. 13-05 (Collection     Approval of Assurance of      Office of Attorney      lbrocker@nd.gov
Civil No. 08-2020-CV-01617        Agencies Law)(failure to register as debt collector)    Voluntary Compliance          General of North
Burleigh County District Court                                                            entered by the Burleigh       Dakota
North Dakota                                                                              County District Court.

(Boca Raton, Florida)                                                                     Status of action:
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                                   Press Contact
Action Location                                       Type of Action                         Date/Matter Information      Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                                   Press Release
(Company Location)

State of North Dakota v.          Assurance of Voluntary Compliance: Based on             Date of action:              Consumer Protection     Liz Brocker
Brandon Wilson, Individually      violation of NDCC ch. 51-15 (Consumer Fraud             4/21/2020: Order of          & Antitrust Division,   (701) 328-2210
and dba BHA and Bryant Hodge      Law)(deceptive practices) and ch. 13-05 (Collection     Approval of Assurance of     Office of Attorney      lbrocker@nd.gov
Associates LLC                    Agencies Law)(failure to register as debt collector).   Voluntary Compliance         General of North
                                                                                          entered by the Burleigh      Dakota
Civil No. 08-2020-CV-01456                                                                County District Court.
Burleigh County District Court
North Dakota                                                                              Status of action:
(Manchester, New Hampshire)

State of North Dakota v. Apex     Assurance of Voluntary Compliance: Based on             Date of action:              Consumer Protection     Liz Brocker
Business Solutions, LLC dba       violation of NDCC ch. 51-15 (Consumer Fraud             1/08/2020: Order of          & Antitrust Division,   (701) 328-2210
Offices of Taylor and Michaels,   Law)(deceptive practices) and ch. 13-05 (Collection     Approval of Assurance of     Office of Attorney      lbrocker@nd.gov
and Joshua Neal                   Agencies Law)(failure to register as debt collector).   Voluntary Compliance         General of North
                                                                                          entered by the Burleigh      Dakota
Civil No. 08-2020-CV-00050                                                                County District Court.
Burleigh County District Court
North Dakota                                                                              Status of action:
(Rialto, California)
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                                   Press Contact
Action Location                                       Type of Action                         Date/Matter Information      Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                                   Press Release
(Company Location)

State of North Dakota v.          Assurance of Voluntary Compliance: Based on             Date of action:              Consumer Protection     Liz Brocker
Lakeshore Financial, LLC dba      violation of NDCC ch. 51-15 (Consumer Fraud             1/08/2020: Order of          & Antitrust Division,   (701) 328-2210
LS Financial and Joel Williams,   Law)(deceptive practices) and ch. 13-05 (Collection     Approval of Assurance of     Office of Attorney      lbrocker@nd.gov
Individually                      Agencies Law)(failure to register as debt collector).   Voluntary Compliance         General of North
                                                                                          entered by the Burleigh      Dakota
Civil No. 08-2020-CV-00051                                                                County District Court.
Burleigh County District Court
North Dakota                                                                              Status of action:
(Rock Hill, South Carolina)

State of North Dakota v.          Assurance of Voluntary Compliance: Based on             Date of action:              Consumer Protection     Liz Brocker
Paramount Assets Protection       violation of NDCC ch. 51-15 (Consumer Fraud             12/06/2019: Order of         & Antitrust Division,   (701) 328-2210
Services, LLC and Jeffrey         Law)(deceptive practices) and ch. 13-05 (Collection     Approval of Assurance of     Office of Attorney      lbrocker@nd.gov
Pusateri, Individually            Agencies Law)(failure to register as debt collector).   Voluntary Compliance         General of North
                                                                                          entered by the Burleigh      Dakota
Civil No. 08-2019-CV-03834                                                                County District Court.
Burleigh County District Court
North Dakota                                                                              Status of action:
(Fort Mill, South Carolina)
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                                Press Contact
Action Location                                      Type of Action                     Date/Matter Information       Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                                Press Release
(Company Location)


                                 Civil lawsuit: Alleging violations of the Ohio      Date of action:               Ohio Attorney           Bethany McCorkle
State of Ohio ex rel. Attorney
                                 Consumer Sales Practices Act, including (1)         9/11/2020: Complaint filed.   General’s Office        and
General Dave Yost v. Advanced
                                 Noncompliance with the FDCPA, (2) Engaging in                                                             Hannah Hundley
Capital Solutions, Inc.
                                 harassing or abusive behavior, (3) Improper         Status of action:
Stark County Court of Common     communications with third parties, and (4) False,   Pending.                                              (614) 466-3840
Pleas                            misleading, and deceptive representations.
(Canton, Ohio)


Bureau of Consumer Financial     Civil lawsuit: Alleging, among other activities,    Date of action:               South Carolina          Bailey Parker
Protection; South Carolina       unconscionable debt collection due to attempts to   2/20/2020: Complaint filed    Department of
Department of Consumer           collect money from consumers based on contracts     seeking injunctive relief,    Consumer Affairs        (803) 734-4296
Affairs; and the State of        that were invalid under South Carolina law.         equitable monetary relief,
Arkansas Attorney General v.                                                         and civil money penalties.                            https://consumer.sc.go
Candy Kern-Fuller, Howard                                                                                                                  v/business-
Sutter III, and Upstate Law                                                          Status of action:                                     resourceslaws/enforce
Group LLC                                                                            Matter is pending.                                    ment-actions

No. 6:20-cv-786
U.S. District Court
District of South Carolina

(Easley, South Carolina)

Bureau of Consumer Financial     Civil lawsuit: Alleging, among other activities,    Date of action:               South Carolina          Bailey Parker
Protection, and South Carolina   unconscionable debt collection due to attempts to   10/01/2019: Complaint filed   Department of
Department of Consumer Affairs   collect money from consumers based on contracts     seeking injunctive relief,    Consumer Affairs        (803) 734-4296
v. Katharine Snyder,             that were invalid under South Carolina law.         equitable monetary relief,
Matter Name
                                                                                                                                                  Press Contact
Action Location                                     Type of Action                         Date/Matter Information      Responsible Agency
                                                                                                                                                  Press Release
(Company Location)

Performance Arbitrage                                                                   and civil money penalties.                           https://consumer.sc.go
Company, Inc., and Life                                                                                                                      v/business-
Funding Options, Inc.                                                                   Status of action:                                    resourceslaws/enforce
                                                                                        Matter is pending.                                   ment-actions
No. 6:19-cv-02794-DCC
U.S. District Court
District of South Carolina
(Greenville, South Carolina)


State of Washington vs.        Civil lawsuit: Alleging that from January 1, 2013 to     Date of action:               Washington Attorney    Dan Jackson
Convergent Outsourcing, Inc.   February 23, 2015, Convergent sent over 75,000           6/25/2020: Complaint for      General                dan.jackson@atg.wa.g
                               collection letters to Washington consumers, and          Injunctive and Other Relief                          ov
Case # 20-2-10463-9 SEA        hundreds of thousands more to consumers in other         filed.
King County Superior Court     states, titled “Settlement Offer” that offered to
                               “settle” time-barred debts without disclosing that the                                                        https://www.atg.wa.go
(Renton, Washington)           debts were legally unenforceable because the statute                                                          v/news/news-
                               of limitations had expired and, thus, made implied                                                            releases/ag-ferguson-
                               threats to sue consumers over legally unenforceable                                                           sues-debt-collection-
                               debts.                                                                                                        agency-deceptive-
                               The lawsuit asserts violations of (1) the Consumer                                                            old
                               Protection Act, RCW 19.86.020, (2) the Collection
                               Agency Act, RCW 19.16.250(16), and (3) per se
                               violation of the Consumer Protection Act, RCW
                               19.86.020—based on RCW 19.16.250(16)

                               The lawsuit seeks injunctive relief, civil penalties,
                               and consumer restitution.
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