Page created by Wanda Mann
G45 SPE (2018)

                                                                                                                                                             STATEMENT OF

ISSN 2382-0519

Disclaimer: This document only contains general information and is not formal advice. The New Zealand Government and its associated agencies (‘the
New Zealand Government’) do not endorse or warrant the accuracy, reliability or fitness for any purpose of any information provided. It is recommended
that you seek independent advice on any matter related to the use of the information. In no event will the New Zealand Government be liable for any loss
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New Zealand Government, its officers, employees and agents accept no liability for any errors or omissions or any opinion expressed, and no responsibility
is accepted with respect to the standing of any firms, companies or individuals mentioned.                                                    JUNE 2018
Contents                                     NZTE at a glance
                                                                     NZTE at a glance
                        1    NZTE at a glance                        Who are we?
                        2    Setting the scene		                     New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) is the Government’s international business development agency.
                                                                     Our Māori name is Te Taurapa Tūhono. Taurapa is the stern post of a traditional Māori waka, which records
                        4    Our strategy
                                                                     valuable knowledge, stabilises, and guides the craft forward. Tūhono represents connections to people and
                        6    What we will focus on in 2018/19        an ability to build relationships.
                        8    Measuring our performance
                        9    NZTE’s Performance Framework
                                                                     What we do                                                   Our structure and governance
                        10   Statement of Performance Expectations
                                                                     NZTE works to increase New Zealand companies’                The Minister for Economic Development and the Minister
                        15   Consultation and reporting              international success by helping them boost their            for Trade and Export Growth has delegated responsibility
                        16   Prospective Financial Statements        global reach and build capability, as well as attracting     for NZTE.
                             for the Year Ending 30 June 2019        investment that benefits New Zealand. We do this using
                                                                     our knowledge and our international connections.             Our Board provides governance over our strategy and
                        24   NZTE’s International Network                                                                         future operating intentions, and monitors organisational
                                                                                                                                  performance. The Board makes decisions in accordance
                                                                     Our customers
                                                                                                                                  with the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Act 2003
                                                                     We have two sets of customers:                               and the Crown Entities Act 2004.
                                                                     • Export customers are companies growing
                                                                       from New Zealand.
                                                                                                                                  How we are funded
                                                                     • Investment customers are the companies, sectors
                                                                                                                                  We are funded by the Government under a Vote
                                                                       and regions we work with to develop investment
                                                                                                                                  Business, Science and Innovation non-departmental
                                                                       opportunities, and the investors with whom we match
                                                                                                                                  multi-category appropriation (MCA). In 2018/19, this will
                                                                       these opportunities.
                                                                                                                                  be $168.3 million for operating expenses and a second
                                                                                                                                  MCA of $31.2 million for co-investment (grants).
                                                                     NZTE’s network
                                                                     We have around 600 staff in 40 locations around the          How we measure success
                                                                     world, and 46% of NZTE employees are based outside
                                                                                                                                  NZTE’s performance measures are set out in our
                                                                     New Zealand. We also draw on the expertise of another
                                                                                                                                  Performance Framework. We report our results against
                                                                     200 private sector advisors.
                                                                                                                                  this in our Annual Report.

                                                                     Our partners: NZ Inc
                                                                     NZTE works closely with other internationally facing
                                                                     government agencies, known as NZ Inc, to achieve
                                                                     system-wide outcomes to help grow New Zealand’s
                                                                     economy. We see our collaboration as critical to our
                                                                     success. Our key NZ Inc partners include: the Ministry
                                                                     of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE), the
                                                                     Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), the Ministry
                                                                     of Primary Industries (MPI), the Export Credit Office, and
                                                                     Callaghan Innovation.

Our purpose is to grow
companies internationally
— bigger, better, faster —
for the benefit of New Zealand.
                                                                                                                                             NZTE Statement of Performance Expectations 1

Setting the scene
Our Government is committed to improving the                                               In 2018/19, NZTE will continue its strategy of delivering        Within our commitment to export and investment
wellbeing and living standards of New Zealanders                                           value to our two overlapping groups of customers: export         customers there are three particular themes, which are
through productive, sustainable, and inclusive growth.                                     customers and investment customers. We’ll be focusing            integrated within our overall strategy and are crucial to
As a small country with a domestic market of 4.7 million                                   on consolidating the improvements we’ve made to                  our success. These are:
people, New Zealand relies on exports to grow our                                          our core operating models: the Customer Way and the              • Māori economic development.
economy. The main challenges we face are our distance                                      Investment Way. We’ll also be working on future focused
                                                                                                                                                            • Regional economic development.
from key markets and the comparatively small scale of                                      initiatives such as digital delivery of services to customers.
our companies.                                                                                                                                              • Working with New Zealand Inc.
                                                                                           Our export customers are companies that we help to grow
To overcome these challenges and to build resilience                                       and compete internationally. Through the Customer Way,           At NZTE, we’re absolutely committed to growing the
in a fast-changing world, New Zealand needs to grow                                        we will continue to work intensively with our Focus700, a        New Zealand economy so that everyone benefits. We
competitive, value-added and internationally connected                                     diversified portfolio of knowledge-intensive, value-adding       believe that our purpose and strategy are pointing us in
companies. New Zealand needs to make more productive                                       companies and coalitions. We will also continue to improve       the right direction, and we continue to learn how to have
use of what we have, and export a diverse mix of goods                                     our one-to-many service offering to our Foundation Build         greater impact for our customers. The next year will be
and services to a broad range of markets. To fuel and                                      and Start export customers, many of whom are regional            about building on the strength of previous initiatives and
accelerate growth, we need to attract quality investment.                                  based, small to medium sized companies.                          continuing to seek new opportunities for New Zealand
                                                                                                                                                            companies to flourish on the international stage.
As the Government’s international business development                                     We will also continue to work closely with our investment
agency, NZTE’s purpose is to grow companies                                                customers. Through the Investment Way, we match
internationally — bigger, better, faster — for the benefit                                 domestic and international investors with investment
of New Zealand. We aim to increase New Zealand                                             opportunities in New Zealand. In particular, NZTE will
companies’ international success by helping them                                           focus on greenfield and early stage opportunities that
boost their global reach and build capability, as well as                                  stimulate regional growth and offer inclusive benefits
attracting smart investment that enables our regions to                                    to New Zealand. NZTE plays a key role in attracting and
thrive and that benefits New Zealand. We do this using                                     facilitating investment into the regions, and this will be
our collective knowledge and the connections of our                                        enhanced through NZTE’s new responsibilities with the            Andrew Ferrier                   Charles Finny               Peter Chrisp
global team.                                                                               Provincial Growth Fund.                                          Chair, NZTE Board                NZTE Board                  Chief Executive, NZTE

(Left to right) Robin Hapi, Charles Finny, Jennifer Kerr, Andrew Ferrier, Wayne Norrie, Charlotte Walshe, Carmel Fisher, Peter Chrisp.

2 NZTE Statement of Performance Expectations                                                                                                                                                                                                           3

Our strategy
                                                                                                                          Our customers                                                   Three elements are an integral part of our strategy:

                                                                                                                          Our customers are at the heart of everything we do.             1.	Growing more Māori companies of international
                                                                                                                          We have two sets of customers: export customers and                 scale across a range of industries, and mobilising
                                                                                                                          investment customers. To deliver on our purpose and                 more capital and partners. NZTE has a dedicated
                                                       To grow                                                            provide value to our overlapping groups of customers,               Māori business group with commercial and specialist
WHY                                                   companies
                                                                                                                          NZTE has two operating models:                                      Māori know-how and know-who to engage with our
                                                 BIGGER, BETTER,                                                                                                                              investment and export customers. NZTE is committed
                                                     FASTER                                                               The Customer Way                                                    to increasing the number of Māori companies we work
                                                   for the benefit of                                                                                                                         with, increasing their impact in international markets
                                                                                                                          This is how we work with export customers: companies
                                                     New Zealand.                                                                                                                             and building their investment-readiness. Alongside our
                                                                                                                          we help to grow internationally. Our customers have
                                                                                                                                                                                              NZ Inc partners, NZTE also plays an active role in the
                                                                                                                          differing growth stages, capability and aspirations, so
                                          KNOW HOW & KNOW WHO                                                                                                                                 implementation of the Māori Economic Development
                                          To grow companies internationally                                               based on this, we have classified our customers into
                                                                                                                                                                                              Strategy, He kei kai aku ringa.
                                                                                                                          Focus, Build and Start segments. We help customers
                                                                                                                          to grow their capability and strengthen their business,         2.	Working with regional economic development
                                                                                                                          to boost global reach, and assist customers to connect              agencies. Local development agencies are
                                                                                                                          with other businesses.                                              fundamental to the value we can provide to early stage
WHAT                                   EXPORT                    INVESTMENT
                                                                                                                                                                                              companies, and to attract investment into regions.
                                                                                                                          In order to use our resources most effectively and achieve          Many of NZTE’s regional offices are co-located with
                                      CUSTOMERS                  CUSTOMERS
                                    Growing companies          Matching investors                                         the most impact, the majority of our efforts are on the             local economic development agencies, who are the
                                    from New Zealand           with opportunities                                         Focus700 portfolio and Focus coalitions. We’ve weighted             backbone of our Regional Business Partner Network.
                                                                                                                          the Focus700 towards technology, high value food and                Local industry connections, advice and business
                                                                                                                          beverage (F&B), specialised manufacturing and Māori                 mentors can help these companies start strong.
                                                                                                                          companies, reflecting the Government’s commitment to
                                                                                                                                                                                          3.	Collaborating with NZ Inc to benefit our partners
                                                                                                                          grow a knowledge-intensive, value-added economy.
                                                                                                                                                                                             and New Zealand. We work with other internationally-
                                                                                                                                                                                             facing agencies, our NZ Inc partners, to achieve
                                                                                                                          A coalition is a self-selected, business-led group of
                                                                AMBITION DRIVES US                                                                                                           system-wide outcomes. This includes the Provincial
                                                                                                                          companies, who are willing to work together for a
                                                                ADVENTURE TEACHES US                                                                                                         Growth Fund, G2G Know-How and the NZ Story. NZ
                                                                                                                          common go-to-market purpose. Companies who form
                                                                                                                                                                                             Inc enables our customers to access and benefit from
HOW                                                             HONESTY FREES US                                          a coalition can benefit by sharing knowledge, and
                                                                                                                                                                                             the specific expertise of our partners, for example, how
                                                                TRUST BINDS US                                            leveraging collective resources, expertise and technology,
                                                                                                                                                                                             to make the most of free trade agreements.
                                                                                                                          to bolster their chances of long-term success.
                                                                MANAAKI IS US
                                                                                                                          Our Foundation (Build and Start) customers are                  Measuring growth
                                                                                                                          generally at an earlier stage in their international journey.   NZTE has two headline growth measures that reflect the
                                                                                                                          They are either committed to getting started, already           performance of our two core operating models and which
                                                                                                                          exporting and wanting to become better, or they may be          are aligned to NZTE’s purpose of growing companies
Our purpose                                                     Our unique value is in the knowledge                      companies who prefer a less intense engagement. NZTE            internationally – bigger, better, faster – for the benefit of
At NZTE, we’re here to be part of something that is             and the connections of our global team                    supports Foundation customers with the practical tools,         New Zealand.
bigger than ourselves: to grow companies internationally        We use our knowledge and connections to help              knowledge and advice they need to start or build their
— bigger, better, faster — for the benefit of New Zealand.      customers grow internationally or match them with the     international journey.                                          These headline measures are annual customer revenue
                                                                right investment opportunities. We call this our ‘know-                                                                   growth compared with the performance of similar parts
To mitigate New Zealand’s challenges of distance and            how’ and ‘know-who’. Our global team has in-depth         Through the Regional Business Partner Network, we               of the export economy, and investment impact (pDEI).
scale, and build resilience in a fast-changing environment,     knowledge and experience of how to compete in a range     also support small, emerging businesses who may be
New Zealand needs to become more internationally                                                                          tomorrow’s international growth success story.
connected through flows of people, technology and ideas.
                                                                of markets. Our international networks and New Zealand                                                                    One Global Team
                                                                government status mean that we know who to call in our
                                                                                                                                                                                          We know that we can only provide optimal value to our
                                                                customers’ interests to open doors in global markets.     The Investment Way
                                                                                                                                                                                          customers if our global team is aligned in terms of how we
                                                                                                                          The Investment Way is our operating model for
                                                                                                                                                                                          work together. We share five values or ‘characters’, which
                                                                                                                          investment customers, focused on matching quality
                                                                                                                                                                                          guide our actions and behaviour. It’s what we do and how
                                                                                                                          investment with opportunities. NZTE originates and
                                                                                                                                                                                          we treat others. Ambition drives us, Adventure teaches us,
                                                                                                                          develops New Zealand opportunities for investment,
                                                                                                                                                                                          Honesty frees us, Trust binds us and Manaaki is us.
                                                                                                                          then matches those opportunities with domestic and
                                                                                                                          international investors. Investment opportunities may be        It’s about how we do what we do – we want to embody
                                                                                                                          early stage New Zealand companies who need capital              these characters to work across continents and time
                                                                                                                          to expand. New Zealand’s diverse regions and sectors            zones. We believe that together, as One Global Team, we
                                                                                                                          offer unique advantages to investors looking to develop         can show the world just how big a small country can be.
                                                                                                                          ‘greenfields’ operations. These can provide significant
                                                                                                                          benefits shared across New Zealand.

4 NZTE Statement of Performance Expectations                                                                                                                                                                                                         5

What we will focus on in 2018/19
NZTE remains committed to its strategy and core              Investment customers                                         Regional Economic Development                             the New Zealand government and around the world
operating models that enable companies to grow                                                                                                                                      to create an environment that will help our companies
                                                             We will continue to support and attract quality              In the upcoming year, NZTE will support regional
internationally – bigger, better, faster – for the benefit                                                                                                                          succeed internationally.
                                                             investment to accelerate growth throughout                   economic development through its role in the Provincial
of New Zealand.
                                                             New Zealand. NZTE’s investment team originate and            Growth Fund.
                                                                                                                                                                                    In 2018/19, NZTE will focus on the following areas:
                                                             develop propositions and then match these with
Through our Ascent improvement programme, we’ve                                                                                                                                     • Work with NZ Inc agencies (including Callaghan
                                                             domestic and international investors.                        NZTE currently has 10 offices around New Zealand that
made strong progress to lift our impact through the                                                                                                                                   Innovation) on a programme to deliver specialised
                                                                                                                          support exporters, or companies that are interested in
Customer Way and the Investment Way. However, we                                                                                                                                      services to shared customers.
                                                             In particular, NZTE will focus on greenfield and early       finding out more about exporting. In addition, NZTE
know we can derive more value from these two operating
                                                             stage opportunities that offer significant benefits shared   works with Callaghan Innovation through the Regional      • Work with Callaghan Innovation and relevant Crown
models. In 2018/19, our big focus will be on consolidating
                                                             across New Zealand. NZTE plays a key role in attracting      Business Partner network. Business Advisors throughout      Research Institutes, to encourage more productive
the improvements we’ve made to date to drive even
                                                             and facilitating investment into the regions and this will   New Zealand provide support and capability assessments      use of land by identifying and matching investors and
more impact for our customers. While we strengthen our
                                                             be enhanced through NZTE’s new responsibilities with         of companies in the regions and are an important feeder     opportunities in precision technology agriculture and
core, we’ll also be working on initiatives to get ahead of
                                                             the Provincial Growth Fund.                                  into NZTE’s company prospecting.                            agri-tech.
our customers, such as digital delivery, e-commerce and
channels to market, and a more activist investment model.                                                                                                                           • Continue to develop measurement capability to
                                                             Three themes are integrated within our overall strategy,
                                                                                                                          Working with NZ Inc                                         assess quality and cost of services, in dialogue with
                                                             and are specific areas of focus for NZTE in 2018/19:                                                                     MBIE. NZTE is committed to understanding the
Our priorities for 2018/19 are set out below:                                                                             We are committed to building strong and productive
                                                                                                                                                                                      drivers of quality service delivery and efficiency as
                                                                                                                          relationships with our NZ Inc partners. We know that
Export customers                                             Māori Economic Development                                   we need to work seamlessly with all our partners across
                                                                                                                                                                                      part of its strong customer focus and to enable better
                                                                                                                                                                                      decision making.
                                                             Māori companies have a significant role in leading
We will remain focused on growing knowledge-intensive,
                                                             growth, due to the strong Māori asset base, a young
value-adding companies through intensive engagement
                                                             growing population and the positive impact of a cultural-
with our Focus700 portfolio and Focus coalitions. We’ve
                                                             led approach to exporting.
amped up our performance monitoring and portfolio
management to ensure we work with the very best 700
                                                             NZTE’s Māori business group will continue to focus on:
companies that are ready for growth. NZTE will continue
to refine this approach.                                     • Increasing the number of Māori companies in the
                                                               NZTE portfolio.
We’ll continue to improve our service offering to            • Growing the international revenue of Māori companies.
our Foundation Build and Start customers, many of            • Supporting the formation of coalitions that include
whom are small to medium sized businesses. We’ll be            Māori companies to create economies of scale.
fully implementing our service model for Foundation
                                                             • Enhancing Māori export capability, in particular
customers and we’ll also be moving towards greater
                                                               investment-readiness capability.
digital delivery of our services to enable us to reach a
broader population of exporters in an easily scalable way.
                                                             NZTE is also fully committed and has aligned its
                                                             activities to He kei kai aku ringa (HKKAR), the Crown-
NZTE’s International Growth Fund (IGF) is an important
                                                             Māori Economic Development growth partnership, and
resource in our company support kit and is a tool to
                                                             the action framework Erere. NZTE works closely with
provide direct positive impact for the New Zealand
                                                             HKKAR partners to support best practice to grow Māori
economy. We will continue to closely monitor projects
                                                             companies. This growth contributes to the regional
funded through the IGF and their subsequent successes
                                                             economic development goals in priority regions across
and failures. An ongoing focus for us is to build lessons
                                                             New Zealand.
from completed projects back into the process to enable
customers to learn from others’ experiences.
                                                             In 2018/19, NZTE will continue rollout of the NZTE-
                                                             developed investment-readiness programme,
                                                             Te Aukaha. Te Aukaha brings together local Māori
                                                             companies and regional investment experts, enabling
                                                             the companies to learn more about the capital-raising
                                                             process, discuss approaches to assessing investment
                                                             opportunities, and explore how investment can enable
                                                             their growth aspirations.

6 NZTE Statement of Performance Expectations                                                                                                                                                                                                   7

Measuring our performance                                                                                              NZTE’s Performance Framework
NZTE’s measurement framework is aligned with                 managing our portfolios and pipelines, and providing
our purpose: to grow companies internationally               services that will achieve results for our customers.
– bigger, better, faster – for the benefit of New Zealand.   We have a range of indicators to track our servicing                                 Our purpose is to grow companies internationally
We have two headline growth measures, for our two sets
                                                             and engagement, such as the number of customers in
                                                             our portfolios and the Net Promoter Score, to measure
                                                                                                                                                              – bigger, better, faster –
of customers. These provide us with a clear view of how      satisfaction with our services.                                                              for the benefit of New Zealand.
we are progressing towards our purpose:
• Are export customers growing their international           We know that we need to have robust organisational
  revenue?                                                   health to achieve the outcomes we’re striving for. This
                                                             means keeping our finances healthy and keeping a close                             EXPORT CUSTOMERS                                                                   INVESTMENT CUSTOMERS
• Are we attracting and matching high quality                                                                                                     Annual F700 Customer Growth                                                                Annual Investment Impact
                                                             eye on the health, safety and engagement of employees.
  investment?                                                                                                                                     % International Revenue Growth                                                                      $ pDEI

                                                             To keep us on track, our Board and Leadership Team
NZTE’s impact on our customers is the key to achieving
                                                             monitor organisational performance through a monthly
growth. We look at measures such as:
                                                             dashboard of key performance indicators. At an
• Are export customers achieving deals in-market as a        operational level, team dashboards provide performance                                         IMPACT MEASURES: Contributions to growth
  result of our efforts?                                     information to support decision making, and our
                                                                                                                                      $ Export                         # International           $ International Growth Fund:              % Customer View:                       $ Investment
• Do our customers believe that we are putting them          customer facing employees use dashboards to help                          Deals                          Growth Outcomes                     pDEI & rDEI                F700 customers in a stronger                     Deals
  in a better position to grow internationally?              manage their portfolios.                                                                                                                                               position to grow internationally

To deliver impact, we need to ensure that we are             The full set of top level performance measures are
effectively engaging with our customers, actively            included in the following pages.
                                                                                                                                                                SERVICING & ENGAGEMENT INDICATORS
                                                                                                                            # F700           # Foundation         # Business       # Active     % Growth       # IGF         # Days        # Services       # NPS            # Tier 1          # F700
                                                                                                                           Customers          Customers           accessing       Coalitions   Plan Actions    & SIF      between IGF         NPS             All          Investment        Customers
                                                                                                                                                                    RBPN                        completed      grants     consent and                     Customers        deals in the     working with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            approval                                         pipeline         Callaghan

                                                                                                                                                                                  ORGANISATIONAL HEALTH
                                                                                                                                                                                      % H&S incidents and hazards
                                                                                                                                % Employee                      % PDPs                                                          # NPS:               % Challenge Traffic                  % Budget
                                                                                                                                                                                       reported, investigated and
                                                                                                                                Engagement                     completed                                                 NZ Inc, IP & Strategy         Lights (Green)                     Variance
                                                                                                                                                                                    controlled/closed within 4 weeks

                                                                                                                       F700	Focus700 customers                                NPS 	 Net Promoter Score                        IGF	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    International Growth Fund                             SPE Measures
                                                                                                                       pDEI	Potential Direct Economic Impact                  RBPN	Regional Business Partner Network          IP	Internal Partners                                     Non SPE Measures
                                                                                                                       rDEI	Realised Direct Economic Impact                   H&S 	 Health and Safety
                                                                                                                       SIF Strategic Investment Fund                           PDP	  Performance Development Plan

                                                                                                                       * By the end of the 2020/21 financial year.

8 NZTE Statement of Performance Expectations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               9

Statement of Performance Expectations
Our core performance measures represent the majority of NZTE’s spend and reflect the most important aspects
of our business and performance.
                                                                                                                             International Business Growth Services
Our full suite of organisational measures is shown in the diagram on the previous spread, and our core group of              Performance                                                              Target                   Actual                   Target                    Target
                                                                                                                             Measure                                                                  2016/17                  2016/17                  2017/18                   2018/19
performance measures are set out in the following pages.
NZTE is funded under two Multi-Category Appropriations through Vote Business, Science and Innovation.                        Annual growth in international revenue for                               3 percentage             3.3 percentage           3 percentage               3 percentage
                                                                                                                             NZTE’s F700 customers with international                                 points above             points above             points above               points above
                                                                                                                                                                                                      NZ export                NZ export                NZ export                  NZ export
                                                                                                                             revenue under $500m                                                      benchmark                benchmark                benchmark                  benchmark
NZTE’S Multi-category appropriations 2018/19                                                                          $m     $ potential Direct Economic Impact (pDEI) for                            $1.5b                    $1.7b                    $2b                        $2b
                                                                                                                             investment deals
Category:	International business growth services                                                                 147,298
           Services to support the growth and development of New Zealand businesses                                 15,181   Total value of export deals1 achieved with                               Exceeds                  $1.8b                    $1.5b                      $1.5b
           Collaborative activity and special events                                                                5,786    NZTE involvement                                                         2015/16 result
Grants:         International Growth Fund                                                                         30,027
                                                                                                                             Number of International Growth Outcomes (IGOs)                           Meets or                 890                      700                        700
                Sector Strategies and Facilitation – Strategic Investment Fund                                     1,204                                                                              exceeds
                                                                                                                             achieved with NZTE involvement2
                                                                                                                                                                                                      2015/16 result
Total                                                                                                         199,496                                                                                 (635)
                                                                                                                             % F700 that consider to a great or very great                            New measure              57%3                     60%                        Meets or
                                                                                                                             extent that NZTE has put them in a stronger                              in 2017/18                                                                   exceeds
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2017/18 result
                                                                                                                             position to grow internationally
International Business Growth Services                                                                                       Total Net Promoter Score for Foundation                                  New measure              +233                     +30                        Meets or
We support individual or groups of companies to enhance their global reach and grow in international markets, and            Build customers                                                          in 2017/18                                                                   exceeds
match quality investment with opportunities, the growth of whom benefits New Zealand. This output is our greatest                                                                                                                                                                  2017/18 result
area of focus.                                                                                                               Total Net Promoter Score for NZTE services                               +45                      +62                      +50                        +50

We help individual or groups of companies to internationalise by:
• Improving their capability and readiness.                                                                                  Activity                                                                 Activity                 Actual                   Activity                  Activity
• Identifying and exploiting market opportunities.                                                                           Indicator                                                                Standard                 2016/17                  Standard                  Standard
• Overcoming internationalisation barriers and enabling access to international business networks.                                                                                                    2016/17                                           2017/18                   2018/19
                                                                                                                             Number of F700 customers in NZTE’s                                       690-720                  671                      670-730                    650-750
We help potential recipients of investment funds, and investors looking to invest in New Zealand business                    customer portfolio4
opportunities by:
• Identifying and connecting with investors domestically and internationally.                                                Total number of customers in NZTE’s foundation                           3000-3500                4365                     3500 (demand               3500 (demand
                                                                                                                             customer portfolio                                                       (demand                                           driven)                    driven)
• Matching quality investment with New Zealand opportunities in target sectors.                                                                                                                       driven)
                                                                                                                             Number of coalitions under active management                             20 (demand               24                       25 (demand                 25 (demand
Our customer managers and international teams provide tailored support, advice and linkages for our internationalising                                                                                driven)                                           driven)                    driven
customers. Around this, we wrap services to build capability, connect with global opportunities, access capital and
develop effective strategies for growth.

2018/19 Revenue And Expenses                                                                                          $m

Revenue Crown                                                                                                     147,298
Revenue Other                                                                                                      4,966
Total Revenue                                                                                                     152,264
Expenses                                                                                                          152,264
Net Result                                                                                                              0

                                                                                                                             1   A deal is a sale of goods and services with a dollar value over a defined time period, achieved with the assistance of NZTE. The deal value should generally be calculated over
                                                                                                                                 a 12 month period, but can be calculated beyond this period if it is specified in an agreed signed contract.
                                                                                                                             2 An IGO is a result achieved with the assistance of NZTE, that is not a sale, but that provides a significant platform for future international growth.
                                                                                                                             3 Unaudited results.
                                                                                                                             4 Activity standard is the number of F700 customers in NZTE’s customer portfolio at the end of the financial year.

10 NZTE Statement of Performance Expectations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 11

Statement of Performance

Services to support the growth and                                                                                             Collaborative Activity and Special Events
development of New Zealand businesses                                                                                          We collaborate with other New Zealand agency partners to leverage New Zealand’s profile in international
                                                                                                                               markets, and secure and capitalise on special events or opportunities that support New Zealand’s export growth.
We build and enhance business and management capability by providing access to effective assessment,
advice, training, mentoring and information.
                                                                                                                               Activities within this output include:
Services funded under this output are mainly delivered via the Regional Business Partner Network or other third                • G2G Know-How – established with MFAT to internationalise our public sector skills, systems and know-how.
party providers.                                                                                                               • The New Zealand Story – a free business toolkit, delivered with NZ Inc partners, to help New Zealand businesses
The Regional Business Partner Network is a network of 14 regional organisations that are jointly funded by NZTE and              promote themselves internationally.
Callaghan Innovation to deliver specialist services, support and funding to enhance business management capability             • Leveraging special events.
and grow business investment in research and development.

                                                                                                                               2018/19 Revenue And Expenses                                                                                 $m
2018/19 Revenue And Expenses                                                                                            $m
                                                                                                                               Revenue Crown                                                                                              5,786
Revenue Crown                                                                                                         15,181   Revenue Other                                                                                               783
Revenue Other                                                                                                             0    Total Revenue                                                                                              6,569
Total Revenue                                                                                                         15,181   Expenses                                                                                                   6,569
Expenses                                                                                                              15,181   Net Result                                                                                                    0
Net Result                                                                                                                0

                                                                                                                               Performance                                     Target            Actual         Target          Target
Performance                                  Target              Actual          Target                  Target                Measure                                         2016/17           2016/17        2017/18         2018/19
Measure                                      2016/17             2016/17         2017/18                 2018/19
                                                                                                                               Value of contracts secured through              $21m              $15.1m         $16m
Total Net Promoter Score for the Regional    Meets or exceeds    +60             +60                      +60                  G2G Know-How                                    Cumulative                       Cumulative target for the period
                                             2015/16 result                                                                                                                    target for the                   Jul 17 – Jun 19
Business Partner Network                                                                                                                                                       period
                                                                                                                                                                               Jul 14 – Jun 17
                                                                                                                               Total Net Promoter Score for the                Meets or          +53            +52              +52
                                                                                                                               New Zealand Story                               exceeds
Activity                                     Activity Standard   Actual          Activity Standard       Activity Standard                                                     2015/16 result
Indicator                                    2016/17             2016/17         2017/18                 2018/19               Total number of organisations working           New measure       NA             Baseline         Meets or
                                                                                                                               with Callaghan Innovation and NZTE as           in 2017/18                                        exceeds
Number of businesses receiving business      5,000               6,015           5,000                    5,000                                                                                                                  2017/18 result
development services through the Regional    (demand driven)                     (demand driven)          (demand              an F700 customer
Business Partner Network                                                                                  driven)

12 NZTE Statement of Performance Expectations                                                                                                                                                                                                      13

Statement of Performance

                                                                                                                                                                               Consultation and reporting

Grants                                                                                                                                                                         As a Crown Agency, our agenda and direction is set by the government; therefore, we consult with and report
                                                                                                                                                                               to Ministers regularly. The Board and/or the Chief Executive provide the Minister for Economic Development
NZTE administers two grants:                                                                                                                                                   and the Minister for Trade and Export Growth with regular reports.
International Growth Fund (IGF)
                                                                                                                                                                               Three progress reports will be provided in 2018/19 for the periods July – October, November – February and
The IGF supports high-growth businesses to carry out additional market development and business capability activities
                                                                                                                                                                               March – June. These will be provided within 30 days following the end of each period. These reports will cover:
required for internationalising and growth in new markets. This delivers benefits for both the businesses concerned and
the wider New Zealand economy.                                                                                                                                                 • Progress against key performance indicators.
                                                                                                                                                                               • Key organisational risks.
Sector Strategies and Facilitation (Strategic Investment Fund)
                                                                                                                                                                               • Financial management.
The Strategic Investment Fund co-funds feasibility studies. These studies are used to develop and present the business
case for investment in New Zealand.                                                                                                                                            • Areas of ministerial priority.

                                                                                                                                                                               Ministers and relevant government agencies are consulted before NZTE makes a decision regarding:
2018/19 Revenue And Expenses                                                                                                                                         $m        • Any material change in the capability and functionality of NZTE’s network (in New Zealand and internationally).
International Growth Fund                                                                                                                                                      • Any activities that are potentially outside of the scope of appropriations made by Parliament or relevant
Revenue Crown                                                                                                                                                   30,027           legislation applying to NZTE.
Revenue Other                                                                                                                                                           0      • Any significant organisational decisions that will give rise to Parliamentary interest or public debate.
Total Revenue                                                                                                                                                   30,027
Expenses                                                                                                                                                        30,027         The Board reports to joint Ministers annually on full-year performance against the SPE. This report also includes
                                                                                                                                                                               Board updates regarding fees and allowances paid, and attendance levels.
Net Result                                                                                                                                                              0
                                                                                                                                                                               NZTE is also committed to sharing information with our NZ Inc partners. We undertake to provide regular updates,
Sector Strategies and Facilitation                                                                                                                                             insights and analysis on areas of mutual interest.
Revenue Crown                                                                                                                                                      1,204
                                                                                                                                                                               Lastly, we will be working with MBIE to share knowledge and practices so that we can better understand and
Revenue Other                                                                                                                                                           0
                                                                                                                                                                               demonstrate our impact on companies and the economy.
Total Revenue                                                                                                                                                      1,204
Expenses                                                                                                                                                           1,204
Net Result                                                                                                                                                              0

Performance                                                    Target                      Actual                 Target                            Target
Measure                                                        2016/17                     2016/17                2017/18                           2018/19

Potential Direct Economic Impact ratio for                     4 to 1                      4.2 to 1               4 to 1                             4 to 1
approved IGF grants5
Realised Direct Economic Impact ratio for                      4 to 1                      6.1 to 1               4 to 1                             4 to 1
completed IGF projects6

Activity                                                       Activity Standard           Actual                 Activity Standard                 Activity Standard
Indicator                                                      2016/17                     2016/17                2017/18                           2018/19

Number of IGF grants awarded                                   80 (demand                  82                     80 (demand driven)                 80 (demand
                                                               driven)                                                                               driven)
Number of SIF grants awarded                                   6 (demand                   5                      6 (demand driven)                  6 (demand
                                                               driven)                                                                               driven)

5 Potential DEI is the forecast return to the economy through increased profits, wages and supplier spend. The target is $4 for every dollar invested (by both business and
  government). The potential DEI return of 4x is measured after adjusting each application and the portfolio by a risk factor of 35%. Potential DEI does not apply to market
  validation and coalition projects.
6 Results are based on completed IGF projects for IGF grants approved in the preceding five years.

14 NZTE Statement of Performance Expectations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        15

Prospective Financial Statements
For the year ending 30 June 2019

 Statement of Comprehensive Revenue and Expense                                                                                  Statement of Financial Position
                                                                                                                      Budget                                           Budget
                                                                                                                        2019                                             2019
                                                                                                                        $000                                            $000

 Income                                                                                                                          Current Assets
                                                                                                                                 Cash                                   9,574
 Revenue Crown Operating                                                                                              168,265
                                                                                                                                 Trade and other receivables            17,641
 Revenue Crown Grants                                                                                                   31,231
                                                                                                                                 Crown debtor – grants                 13,600
 Other operating income                                                                                                 5,749
                                                                                                                                 Prepayments                            3,000
 Finance income                                                                                                           610
                                                                                                                                 Deposits                                400
 Total income                                                                                                         205,855
                                                                                                                                 Total Current Assets                  44,215
                                                                                                                                 Non Current Assets
                                                                                                                                 Deposits                                1,780
 Personnel costs                                                                                                       94,019
                                                                                                                                 Property, plant and equipment         14,244
 Other operating expenses                                                                                              75,605
                                                                                                                                 Intangible Assets                      3,956
 Depreciation and amortisation expense                                                                                 5,000
                                                                                                                                 Total Non Current Assets              19,980
 Grant expense                                                                                                          31,231
                                                                                                                                 Total Assets                          64,195
 Total Expenditure                                                                                                    205,855
 Net Surplus/(Deficit)                                                                                                      0
                                                                                                                                 Current Liabilities
                                                                                                                                 Trade and other payables               19,651
                                                                                                                                 Employee benefits and provisions       6,050
Other operating expenses include the following major categories: development and implementation of iPlans, business
capability services, rental expense on operating leases, and promotional activities.                                             Finance and other liabilities            130
                                                                                                                                 Provisions – grants                   13,600
                                                                                                                                 Total Current Liabilities             39,431
                                                                                                                                 Non Current Liabilities
 Statement of Changes in Equity                                                                                                  Employee benefits                      2,537
                                                                                                                      Budget     Finance and other liabilities           2,195
                                                                                                                        2019     Total Non Current Liabilities          4,732
                                                                                                                        $000     Total Liabilities                     44,162
                                                                                                                                 Net Assets                            20,033
 Equity at the beginnning of the year                                                                                  20,033
                                                                                                                                 Equity                                20,033
 Net operating Surplus/(Deficit) for the year                                                                               0
 Total Recognised Revenue and Expenses                                                                                 20,033
 Equity at the end of the year                                                                                         20,033

16 NZTE Statement of Performance Expectations                                                                                                                              17

 Statement of Costs by Output Expense                                                  Statement of Cash Flows
                                                                           Budget                                                                Budget
                                                                             2019                                                                  2019
                                                                             $000                                                                 $000

 International Business Growth Services                                    147,298     Net cash flows from:
 Services to Support the Growth and Development of NZ Businesses              15,181   Operating activities:
 Collaborative Activity and Special Events                                   5,786     Revenue from Crown – operating                            167,028
 Total                                                                     168,265     Revenue from Crown – grants                                31,231
                                                                                       Client and other income                                     5,749
                                                                                       Interest received                                             610
 Statement of Grant Expense                                                            Payments to suppliers                                    (72,945)
                                                                           Budget      Payments to employees                                    (93,819)
                                                                             2019      Payments to grant recipients                              (31,231)
                                                                             $000      Capital Charge Paid                                       (1,202)
                                                                                       Net Cash Flows from operating activities                    5,421
 International Growth Fund                                                  30,027
 Sector Strategies and Facilitation                                          1,204
                                                                                       Investing activities
 Total                                                                       31,231
                                                                                       Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment             –
                                                                                       Purchase of property, plant and equipment                 (2,240)
 Reconciliation: Statement of Costs by Output Class to Total Expenditure               Purchase of intangible assets                             (2,000)
                                                                                       Net Cash Flows from investing activities                  (4,240)
                                                                                       Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents         1,181
                                                                                       Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year              8,393
 Statement of Costs by Output Class                                        168,265     Balance cash at end of period                              9,574
 Revenue Crown Grants                                                        31,231
 Sundry Revenue, including Interest                                          6,359
 Total Expenditure per Statement of Comprehensive Income                   205,855

18 NZTE Statement of Performance Expectations                                                                                                         19

Accounting Policies

REPORTING ENTITY                                                                                                                 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT
NZTE is a Crown Agency as defined by the Crown Entities Act 2004 and is domiciled in New Zealand. NZTE’s parent is the           Property, plant and equipment asset classes consist of computer hardware, leasehold improvements, furniture and office
New Zealand Crown.                                                                                                               equipment, and motor vehicles. Property, plant and equipment are shown at cost, less any accumulated depreciation and
The consolidated financial statements of the Group consist of the parent entity NZTE and its subsidiaries, NZ G2G Partnerships   impairment losses.
Ltd, NZTE Limited and the wholly owned foreign entity, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Consulting (Shanghai) Co. Limited.
                                                                                                                                 Leased assets
NZTE’s primary objective is to encourage and promote economic development and investment opportunities in New Zealand,
                                                                                                                                 Leases where NZTE assumes substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership are classified as finance leases. The assets
as opposed to making a financial return.
                                                                                                                                 acquired by way of finance lease are stated at an amount equal to the lower of their fair value and the present value of the
NZTE has designated itself as a public benefit entity (PBE) for financial reporting purposes.                                    minimum lease payments at inception of the lease, less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses.

Foreign currency transactions                                                                                                    Additions
Foreign currency transactions (including those for which forward exchange contracts were held) are translated into               The cost of an item of property, plant or equipment is recognised as an asset only when it is probable that future economic
New Zealand dollars using the exchange rates prevailing at the date of transaction. Foreign exchange gains and losses            benefits or service potential associated with the item will flow to NZTE and the cost of the item can be measured reliably.
resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the translation at year-end exchange rates of monetary assets and    Where an asset is acquired at no cost, or for a nominal cost, it is recognised at fair value when control over the asset
liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Revenue and Expense.              is obtained.

Accounting estimates and judgements                                                                                              Disposals
Application of NZTE’s accounting policies requires the use of estimates and judgements. The estimates are based on historical    Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing the proceeds with the carrying amount of the asset. Gains and
experience and other factors that are believed to be reasonable. Actual results may differ from these estimates. The areas of    losses on disposals are included in the Statement of Comprehensive Revenue and Expense.
significant estimation and judgement are as follows:
• grant accrual                                                                                                                  Subsequent costs
• useful lives of property, plant and equipment,                                                                                 Costs incurred subsequent to initial acquisition are capitalised only when it is probable that future economic benefits or service
• useful lives of intangible assets                                                                                              potential associated with the item will flow to NZTE and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. The costs of day-to-day
                                                                                                                                 servicing of property, plant and equipment are recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Revenue and Expense as they
                                                                                                                                 are incurred.
The following significant accounting policies, which materially affect the measurement of financial results and financial
position, have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these financial statements.                                 Depreciation is provided on a straight-line basis on all property, plant and equipment at rates that will write off the cost of the
                                                                                                                                 assets to their estimated residual values over their useful lives. The useful lives and associated depreciation rates of major asset
                                                                                                                                 classes have been estimated as follows:
                                                                                                                                  Computer hardware                                          3 years                     33%
NZTE receives funding from the Crown for the specific purposes of NZTE as set out in the Statement of Performance
Expectations and the scope of the relevant government appropriations. NZTE considers there are no conditions attached to          Furniture and office equipment                        4 to 5 years             20% to 25%
the funding and it is recognised as revenue at the point of entitlement.                                                          Leasehold improvements                               up to 9 years              11% to 33%
NZTE receives funding from the Crown for grants as set out in the Statement of Performance Expectations and the scope of          Motor vehicles                                             4 years                     25%
the relevant government appropriations. Revenue Crown Grants is recognised when the revenue conditions have been met,
which is when the related grant expenditure is incurred, and a grant receivable is due. Grant expenditure is recognised when     Leasehold improvements are depreciated over the unexpired period of the lease or the estimated remaining useful lives of the
the third party recipient incurs expenditure that meets the grant conditions. These two revenue streams are considered non-      improvements, whichever is the shorter. The residual value and useful life of an asset is reviewed, and adjusted if applicable, at
exchange transactions.                                                                                                           each financial year end.

CAPITAL CHARGE                                                                                                                   INTANGIBLE ASSETS
The capital charge is recognised as an expense in the period to which the charge relates.                                        Software acquisition and development
                                                                                                                                 Acquired computer software licences are capitalised on the basis of the costs incurred to acquire and bring to use the specific
                                                                                                                                 software. Costs that are directly associated with the development of software for internal use by NZTE, are recognised as an
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                                                                                                        intangible asset. Direct costs include software development, employee costs and an appropriate portion of relevant overheads.
Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, deposits held on call with both domestic and international banks, and other      Staff training costs, costs associated with maintaining computer software, and costs associated with the development and
short-term, highly liquid investments, with original maturities of three months or less.                                         maintenance of NZTE websites are recognised as an expense when incurred.

Trade and other receivables are recorded at the amount due, less any provision for uncollectability.

20 NZTE Statement of Performance Expectations                                                                                                                                                                                                                      21

Amortisation                                                                                                                            Trade and other receivables and payables
The carrying value of an intangible asset with a finite life is amortised on a straight-line basis over its useful life. Amortisation   For receivables and payables with a remaining life of less than one year, the notional amount is deemed to reflect the fair value.
begins when the asset is available for use and ceases when the asset is derecognised. The amortisation charge for each period
is recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Revenue and Expense. The useful lives and associated amortisation rates of              Capital management
major classes of intangible assets have been estimated as follows:                                                                      NZTE’s capital is its equity, which comprises capital injections by the Crown and accumulated funds. Equity is represented
                                                                                                                                        by net assets. NZTE is subject to the financial management and accountability provisions of the Crown Entities Act 2004,
 Computer software (developed)                          3 to 5 years             20% to 33%                                             which imposes restrictions in relation to borrowings, acquisition of securities, issuing guarantees and indemnities and use
 Computer software (acquired)                           4 to 5 years             20% to 25%                                             of derivatives. NZTE will comply with these restrictions throughout the period. NZTE manages its equity as a by-product
                                                                                                                                        of prudently managing revenue, expenses, assets, liabilities, investments, and general financial dealings to ensure that NZTE
                                                                                                                                        effectively achieves its objectives and purpose, while remaining a going concern.
                                                                                                                                        a) Credit risk
                                                                                                                                        In the normal course of business, NZTE is exposed to credit risk from cash and term deposits with banks, trade and other
Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets that have a finite useful life are reviewed for impairment whenever events          receivables, and derivative financial instrument assets. For each of these, the maximum credit exposure is best represented
or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognised for              by the carrying amount in the Statement of Financial Position.
the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an
                                                                                                                                        Concentration of credit risk from accounts receivable are limited due to the large number and variety of customers. MBIE is
asset’s fair value less costs to sell and value in use.
                                                                                                                                        the largest single debtor (approximately 99 percent). As the government-funded purchaser, it is assessed to be a low risk,
Value in use is depreciated replacement cost for an asset where its future economic benefits or service potential are not               high-quality entity.
primarily dependent on its ability to generate net cash inflows and where NZTE would, if deprived of the asset, replace its
remaining future economic benefits or service potential.                                                                                b) Interest rate risk
                                                                                                                                        NZTE has interest rate risk arising from interest bearing Call Account and Term Deposit balances. NZTE manages its exposure
If an asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount, the asset is impaired and the carrying amount is written down
                                                                                                                                        to interest rate risk by regularly reviewing placement of funds.
to the recoverable amount. The total impairment loss is recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Revenue and Expense.
                                                                                                                                        c) Liquidity risk
For assets not carried at a revalued amount, the reversal of an impairment loss is recognised in the Statement of
Comprehensive Revenue and Expense.                                                                                                      Liquidity risk is the risk that NZTE will encounter difficulty raising liquid funds to meet commitments as they fall due. Prudent
                                                                                                                                        liquidity risk management implies maintaining sufficient cash and ability to close out market positions.
                                                                                                                                        NZTE manages liquidity risk by continuously monitoring forecast and actual cash flow requirements.
FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT                                                                                                               d) Foreign currency risk
NZTE’s principal financial instruments (other than derivatives), comprise cash and short-term deposits. The main purpose of             NZTE has offices overseas and undertakes transactions denominated in foreign currencies. As a result of these activities
these financial instruments is to fund NZTE’s operations. NZTE has various other financial instruments such as trade debtors            exposures in foreign currency arise. The currencies giving rise to this risk are primarily the United States dollar, Chinese
and trade creditors which arise directly from its operations. NZTE also enters into derivative transactions consisting principally      renminbi, Euro, Great Britain pound, Hong Kong dollar, Singapore dollar and Australian dollar. It is NZTE policy to hedge
of forward currency contracts. The purpose of these is to manage the currency risks arising from NZTE’s operations. It is               foreign currency risks and use forward and spot foreign exchange contracts to manage this exposure. In accordance with
NZTE’s policy that no trading in financial instruments shall be undertaken.                                                             Crown policy, the foreign exchange contracts are completed approximately nine months before the financial year begins.
NZTE is exposed to credit risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk and foreign currency risk. NZTE’s senior management oversees         The appropriation from the Crown for the financial year is primarily based on the same foreign exchange contracted rates.
the management of these risks. NZTE’s senior management is supported by an Audit and Risk Committee that provides
assurance to senior management and the Board that NZTE’s financial risks are identified, measured and managed in                        Forecasted transactions
accordance with NZTE’s policies and procedures.                                                                                         NZTE has not designated its forward exchange contracts as cash flow hedges. Accordingly, fair value movements in
                                                                                                                                        outstanding forward exchange contracts are accounted for either as a net gain or loss from derivative financial instruments
Financial instruments categories and fair value                                                                                         directly in the Statement of Comprehensive Revenue and Expense.
The carrying amounts represent the fair values of financial instruments. The carrying amounts of financial instruments included
in the Statement of Financial Position reflect the fair values of the financial instruments at balance date.                            Recognised assets and liabilities
                                                                                                                                        Changes in the fair value of forward exchange contracts that economically hedge monetary assets and liabilities in foreign
Estimation of fair values analysis                                                                                                      currencies and for which no hedge accounting is applied are recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Revenue and
Major methods and assumptions used in estimating the fair values of financial instruments are summarised below:                         Expense. Both the changes in fair value of the forward contracts and the foreign exchange gains and losses relating to the
                                                                                                                                        monetary items are recognised as part of finance income and finance expense.
The fair value of forward exchange contracts has been determined using a discounted cash flow valuation methodology based
on quoted forward foreign exchange market rates.                                                                                        COST OF SERVICE STATEMENTS
Where discounted cash flow techniques are used, estimated future cash flows are based on management’s best estimates and                The cost of service statements, as reported in the Statement of Costs by Output Expense, shows the net cost for the outputs
the discount rate is a market related rate for a similar instrument at balance date. Where other pricing models are used, inputs        of NZTE. It is represented by the costs of providing the output less all revenue that can be allocated to these activities. NZTE
are based on market-related data at balance date.                                                                                       has derived the net cost of service for each of its significant activities using the cost allocation system outlined below.

22 NZTE Statement of Performance Expectations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                23

NZTE’s international network


                                                                                                                                                 North America
                                                                                                                                                       North America

                                     Tehran Tehran       GreaterGreater
                                                                 China China


                  India, Middle
                         India, Middle
                                East And
                                            And Africa
                                                                                    East Asia
                                                                                          East Asia                                                                Bogotá Bogotá

                                                                                              Port Moresby
                                                                                                     Port Moresby                                                       South America
                                                                                                                                                                              South America

                                                                                and theand
                                                                                           the Pacific                                                                             São Paulo
                                                                                                                                                                                          São Paulo


                                                                                                                    New Zealand
                                                                                                                         New Zealand

  7     regions
 40     languages
 40     international locations
200     private sector advisors
270     offshore NZTE employees

24 NZTE Statement of Performance Expectations
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