Starvation Ketosis and the Kidney - In-Depth Topic Review - Karger Publishers

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In-Depth Topic Review

                                                               Am J Nephrol 2021;52:467–478                                                            Received: May 12, 2021
                                                                                                                                                       Accepted: May 14, 2021
                                                               DOI: 10.1159/000517305                                                                  Published online: July 19, 2021

Starvation Ketosis and the Kidney
Biff F. Palmer a Deborah J. Clegg b
           of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, El Paso, TX, USA;
         Tech Health Sciences Center, El Paso, TX, USA

Keywords                                                                                           Familiarity with the pathophysiology and metabolic conse-
Ketoacidosis · Euglycemic ketoacidosis · Ketone bodies ·                                           quences of ketogenesis is critical, given the potential for the
Starvation · Gluconeogenesis                                                                       clinician to encounter one of these conditions.
                                                                                                                                                      © 2021 The Author(s)
                                                                                                                                                      Published by S. Karger AG, Basel

Background: The remarkable ability of the body to adapt to                                             Introduction
long-term starvation has been critical for survival of primi-
tive man. An appreciation of these processes can provide the                                           Ketoacidosis develops when caloric intake is insuffi-
clinician better insight into many clinical conditions charac-                                     cient to meet normal metabolic demands. Imbalances in
terized by ketoacidosis. Summary: The body adapts to long-                                         fuel utilization can lead to ketosis in chronic illness where
term fasting by conserving nitrogen, as the brain increasing-                                      anorexia coexists with increased catabolism. Other causes
ly utilizes keto acids, sparing the need for glucose. This shift                                   of ketoacidosis include diabetic ketoacidosis, alcoholic ke-
in fuel utilization decreases the need for mobilization of ami-                                    toacidosis, salicylate intoxication, SGLT2 inhibitor thera-
no acids from the muscle for purposes of gluconeogenesis.                                          py, and calorie sufficient but carbohydrate-restricted diets
Loss of urinary nitrogen is initially in the form of urea when                                     [1–6]. Familiarity with the pathophysiology and metabol-
hepatic gluconeogenesis is dominant and later as ammonia                                           ic consequences of ketogenesis is critical, given the poten-
reflecting increased glutamine uptake by the kidney. The                                           tial for the clinician to encounter one of these conditions.
carbon skeleton of glutamine is utilized for glucose produc-                                       This review describes the metabolic changes that occur
tion and regeneration of consumed HCO3−. The replacement                                           when an otherwise normal individual undergoes fasting
of urea with NH4+ provides the osmoles needed for urine                                            over an extended period of time. These changes can be
flow and waste product excretion. Over time, the urinary loss                                      sequentially categorized into the postabsorptive, gluco-
of nitrogen is minimized as kidney uptake of filtered ketone                                       neogenic, and conservation of protein phase.
bodies becomes more complete. Adjustments in urine Na+
serve to minimize kidney K+ wasting and, along with chang-
es in urine pH, minimize the likelihood of uric acid precipita-                                        Postabsorptive Phase
tion. There is a sexual dimorphism in response to starvation.
Key Message: Ketoacidosis is a major feature of common                                                In the first 24 h of fasting, completion of dietary glu-
clinical conditions to include diabetic ketoacidosis, alcoholic                                    cose absorption leads to a fall in blood glucose levels, sig-
ketoacidosis, salicylate intoxication, SGLT2 inhibitor thera-                                      naling a decrease in circulating insulin and an increase in
py, and calorie sufficient but carbohydrate-restricted diets.                                      glucagon levels. Glucagon stimulates the release of glu-        © 2021 The Author(s)                                                      Correspondence to:       Published by S. Karger AG, Basel                                          Biff F. Palmer, biff.palmer @
                         This is an Open Access article licensed under the Creative Commons
                         Attribution-NonCommercial-4.0 International License (CC BY-NC)
                         (, applicable to
                         the online version of the article only. Usage and distribution for com-
                         mercial purposes requires written permission.
Post-absorptive phase              Gluconeogenic phase               Protein conservation phase

                               Dietary glucose

        Rates of process


                           0                     12              24             5                 10                     15          20

                                                 Hours                                           Days

Fig. 1. Fuel source utilization in the 3 phases of starvation.

cose from glycogen stores in the liver, while the fall in in-                from nonprotein precursors keeping proteolysis at a mini-
sulin decreases transport of glucose into the skeletal mus-                  mum during this early phase of food deprivation.
cle and adipose tissues ensuring an adequate amount of                           Reduced insulin levels activate lipolysis making fatty ac-
blood glucose is available for the brain where it is com-                    ids available to serve as an alternative fuel for the skeletal
pletely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water [7]. This re-                   muscle in the later stages of the postabsorptive phase. Ox-
sponse also provides the necessary fuel for tissues that are                 idation of fatty acids generates acetyl CoA, which exerts an
exclusively glycolytic, such as erythrocytes, the kidney                     inhibitory effect on pyruvate dehydrogenase [10]. This ef-
medulla, and bone marrow (Fig. 1).                                           fect ensures the small quantity of remaining glucose taken
   Glycogenolysis in the liver is derived from its typical                   up by the skeletal muscle does not undergo complete oxi-
reserve of 70 g and provides about 75% of the glucose re-                    dation in the citric acid cycle but is preferentially metabo-
quirements in the postabsorptive phase. Glucose-6-phos-                      lized to pyruvate and lactate, which are then converted
phatase in the liver removes the phosphate group from glu-                   back to glucose in the liver. Fatty acid mobilization and
cose-6 phosphate generating free glucose, which is released                  oxidation in the liver provide the energy to fuel glucose
into the bloodstream for uptake by other cells [8]. Glyco-                   production since there is a net consumption of 4 ATP mol-
gen is also stored in the skeletal muscle, but due to the lack               ecules for each molecule of glucose synthesized via the Cori
of glucose-6-phosphatase, muscle glycogen must first be                      cycle. The early reliance on the Cori cycle activity in the
metabolized to lactate, which is then released into the cir-                 postabsorptive state conserves protein by sparing the need
culation and resynthesized into glucose by the liver via the                 for amino acid precursors for gluconeogenesis.
Cori cycle. Approximately 10–15% of the remaining glu-
cose requirement in this phase is derived from gluconeo-
genesis utilizing lactate and pyruvate as substrates. Glyc-                      Gluconeogenic Phase
erol, a by-product of hydrolysis of triglycerides, also serves
as a gluconeogenic precursor [9]. While the Cori cycle does                     As glycogen stores become exhausted after 24 h of
not result in net production of glucose, early reliance on                   fasting, patients enter a gluconeogenic phase where
this pathway allows glucose to be synthesized primarily                      substantial amounts of gluconeogenic precursors de-

468                               Am J Nephrol 2021;52:467–478                                          Palmer/Clegg
                                  DOI: 10.1159/000517305
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                      4. ↑ Glutamine delivery to kidney for
                      ammoniagenesis and gluconeogenesis

            Glutamine                                                                           Urea
                                                                                                                  2. ↑ Production of urea is
                                         Small intestine                                                              exported to kidney

                                                                                                  Urea cycle

                                                                       α-ketoglutarate        Glutamate
                                                                                                                                          7. Accumulation of acetyl-CoA
                                                                                         ALT                                             directed to ketone body formation
    α-ketoglutarate   Alanine                                          Alanine
                                                                                                                                               for utilization by brain
                                 1. Proteolysis generates
                                 glucogenic amino acids                                           Pyruvate                                       Ketone bodies
       Glutamate      Pyruvate                                                                                 PD (-)
                                                                                                                                                                                       5. ↓ Insulin leads to
                                                                                         PC      Acetyl-CoA                                                                                   lipolysis
   Branch chain                                                                                                                                   ↑CPT1
    amino acids       Glucose                                Glucose             Oxaloacetate                           Citrate
                                                                                                                                                          (+)                  Fatty acids
                                                                                                 ↓ TCA cycle
                                         8. Export of glucose                                                                                   ↓ACC
                                                                                                                                  Acetyl-CoA           ↓ Malonyl-CoA
                                   for brain and tissues exclusively                    3. TCA cycle
       Skeletal Muscle                glycolytic (red blood cells)               intermediates directed to
                                                                                                                                               ↑ MCoAD
                                                                                                                                                                6. ↓ Malonyl-CoA directs
                                                                                      gluconeogenesis                                                           fatty acids to β-oxidation

                                                                                                                                               ↑ Glucagon

Fig. 2. Elucidation of the primary metabolic pathways during the                                               kidney for gluconeogenesis and production of NH4+ to serve as the
gluconeogenic and transition to conservation of protein phases of                                              counterion for excretion of ketoacid anions. Decreased urine urea
starvation. Following the depletion of glycogen, skeletal muscle,                                              and increased urine ammonium excretion reflect this shift in glu-
alanine, and glutamine become the major source for glucose ho-                                                 coneogenesis from the liver to kidney. Reduced insulin levels pro-
meostasis. In skeletal muscle, alanine transaminase converts L-                                                mote lipolysis and delivery of fatty acids to the liver, while in-
glutamate and pyruvate into α-ketoglutarate and L-alanine. The                                                 creased glucagon through activation of AMPK causes diminished
resulting L-alanine is shuttled to the liver where the amino group                                             levels of malonyl-CoA. These changes direct fatty acids to undergo
is used for urea synthesis, and the residual pyruvate is used for glu-                                         β-oxidation and formation of ketone bodies. Increasing utilization
coneogenesis via conversion to oxaloacetate. Initially, the principal                                          of ketone bodies by the brain spares glucose for exclusively glyco-
site of glutamine metabolism is the small intestine where active                                               lytic tissues, such as red blood cells, bone marrow, and the kidney
shedding of intestinal cells activates purine synthesis creating a                                             medulla. ALT, alanine aminotransferase; PC, pyruvate carboxyl-
high demand for glutamine uptake. A by-product of intestinal glu-                                              ase; PD, pyruvate decarboxylase; TCA, tricarboxylic acid cycle;
tamine metabolism is additional alanine that is delivered to the                                               ACC, Acetyl CoA carboxylase; MCoAD, malonyl-CoA decarbox-
liver. Beginning in the gluconeogenic phase and increasing into the                                            ylase; AMPK, 5′ adenosine monophosphate-activated protein.
conservation of protein phase, glutamine metabolism shifts to the

rived from amino acids are added to lactate, pyruvate,                                                         amino acids are preferentially catabolized in the skeletal
and glycerol, to meet cerebral glucose requirements                                                            muscle to their α-keto acids by transamination of pyru-
(Fig. 1). A persistent decrease in insulin levels promotes                                                     vate and serve as the primary precursor for generation
proteolysis in the muscle, providing the needed supply                                                         of alanine. Alanine is released by skeletal muscle and
of substrate for increasing hepatic gluconeogenesis. Al-                                                       after uptake in the liver; the carbon skeleton is convert-
anine and glutamine are the most abundant amino ac-                                                            ed to glucose while the amino group is converted to
ids released by the skeletal muscle. Despite alanine con-                                                      urea and excreted in the urine. This alanine-glucose cy-
stituting only about 7–10% of amino acid residues in                                                           cle transfers the amino groups of branched-chain ami-
the skeletal muscle, it accounts for 30–40% of amino                                                           no acids to the liver without increasing blood ammonia
acids released from the muscle during this phase [11–                                                          levels and provides control points for feedback inhibi-
13]. The plasma concentration of branch chain amino                                                            tion of gluconeogenesis. For example, increased con-
acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) increases early in                                                     centrations of keto acids exert an inhibitory effect on
fasting and peaks at approximately day 5 [12]. These                                                           gluconeogenesis by decreasing the degradation of

Starvation Ketosis                                                                                             Am J Nephrol 2021;52:467–478                                                                    469
                                                                                                               DOI: 10.1159/000517305
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                              Inhibitory effect on                               Increased ketone body
                               glutamine uptake                               reabsorption and metabolism
                                            Small intestine                    in proximal tubule leads to
                                                                               decreased glutamine uptake
                                                                                                                                Decreased sympathetic tone

         Inhibitory effect on proteolysis

       Skeletal muscle
                                                               Ketone bodies
                                                                                                                   Inhibitory effect on

                                                                                                                                Adipose tissue

                                                                                         ↑ Insulin           (+)

                         Inhibitory effect on glucose uptake
                           in extrahepatic tissues causing
                                glucose sparing effect            Inhibitory effect on
                                                                    glucose output

                          Fig. 3. Control points for feedback inhibition of ketone bodies on gluconeogenesis, proteolysis, and ketogenesis.
                          In addition to exerting negative feedback signals, ketone bodies stimulate insulin release from the pancreatic beta
                          cells, which in turn exerts an inhibitory effect on alanine uptake by the liver, providing an additional moderating
                          effect on gluconeogenesis. Ketone bodies also participate in the reduction in blood pressure and metabolic rate
                          that typically occurs with prolonged fasting by decreasing sympathetic tone through receptors in sympathetic

branch chain amino acids thereby removing a source of                              to activation of 5′ adenosine monophosphate-activated
nitrogen for alanine synthesis [14–17]. In addition, in-                           protein which inhibits the activity of acetyl-CoA carbox-
sulin exerts an inhibitory effect on alanine uptake by the                         ylase and simultaneously activates malonyl-CoA decar-
liver, providing an additional moderating effect on glu-                           boxylase [22, 23] (Fig. 2). The fall in malonyl-CoA acti-
coneogenesis [18].                                                                 vates carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I, facilitating the en-
   The carbon skeleton for glutamine synthesis comes                               try of fatty acyl groups into the mitochondria. Normally,
from amino acids such as glutamate, aspartate, valine,                             acetyl CoA generated from hepatic β-oxidation of fatty
and isoleucine. Glutamine serves as a major energy-yield-                          acids undergoes complete oxidation in the citric acid cy-
ing fuel for rapid turnover of cells in the mucosa of the                          cle, followed by the electron transport chain to produce
intestine and cells of the immune system. Some of the                              ATP. Since the liver can only produce ATP in an amount
glutamine taken up by the intestine is only partially oxi-                         equal to what can be utilized, production of keto acids
dized in order to provide additional alanine for hepatic                           serves as an overflow pathway for the large quantity of
gluconeogenesis [19, 20]. Glutamine is also the primary                            acetyl CoA produced [24]. Depletion of oxaloacetate due
substrate for gluconeogenesis in the kidney where pro-                             to increased gluconeogenesis also favors ketogenesis,
duction of ammonia as a by-product serves a major role                             since this substrate is essential for acetyl CoA to enter the
in maintenance of acid-base balance [21].                                          citric acid cycle. In addition, accumulation of acetyl CoA
   The flux of fatty acids to the liver continues to increase                      ensures pyruvate is utilized as a substrate for gluconeo-
during the gluconeogenic phase and is primarily directed                           genesis by exerting an inhibitory effect on pyruvate dehy-
to generation of ketone bodies. Increased glucagon leads                           drogenase [10].

470                       Am J Nephrol 2021;52:467–478                                                         Palmer/Clegg
                          DOI: 10.1159/000517305
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        Lumen of
      Proximal tubule

                         Glutamine                                                                                              2Na+
                                      B◦AT1                                                                               SNAT3  Glutamine
                                Na+                               Glutamine                                         H+

                      NH3                    NH3             NH4+           Glutaminase
                                                                  Glutamate                                  Glucose
                             H+               H+             NH4+          dehydrogenase             PEPCK
                                                                                            OAA               PEP

                                                   NH4+         α-ketoglutarate
                                              NH4+                    TCA                   HCO3-                         NBC1
                                      NHE3                                                                          Na+
                                                                Oxidative phosphorylation
                                                                 and ↑ ATP production


Fig. 4. Kidney proximal tubular catabolism of glutamine. The de-      transported across the basolateral membrane into the systemic cir-
velopment of acidosis during starvation leads to increased extrac-    culation. NBC1, Na+/3HCO3− cotransporter; SNAT3, basolateral
tion and catabolism of glutamine by the proximal tubule. Acidosis     glutamine transporter; BoAT1, Na+-dependent neutral amino acid
upregulates the apical and basolateral uptake of glutamine and the    cotransporter; NHE3, apical Na+/H+ exchanger; TCA, tricarbox-
mitochondrial enzymes that facilitate metabolism of glutamine.        ylic acid cycle; GLUT, glucose transporter; PEPCK, phosphoenol-
The net effect is increased ammoniagenesis, gluconeogenesis, ATP      pyruvate carboxykinase.
production, and net synthesis of HCO3−. Glucose and HCO3− are

   Conservation of Protein Phase                                      colysis. Glucose metabolism in these exclusively glyco-
                                                                      lytic tissues is limited to production of pyruvate and lac-
    The conservation of protein phase is characterized by             tate, which are resynthesized into glucose by the liver via
a transition in fuel preference necessitated by a need to             the Cori cycle. Approximately 40 g of glucose/day is re-
conserve blood glucose and spare protein from continual               cycled by this process and notably requires no protein
degradation. During this phase, there is an enhanced pro-             breakdown. Reductions in hepatic gluconeogenesis are
duction of ketone bodies which are used to fuel the brain             paralleled by a significant increase in kidney gluconeo-
in substitution for glucose [25]. Brain utilization of glu-           genesis. Increased glutamine extraction by the proximal
cose falls from 120 g per day in the first 24 h of food de-           tubule generates ammonia which serves as a counter an-
privation to approximately 40 g per day after several                 ion for urinary excretion of ketoacid salts, while the re-
weeks of starvation [26, 27]. Muscle protein breakdown                maining carbon chain is used for glucose production and
decreases from 75 to approximately 20 g per day primar-               production of ATP [29] (Fig. 4). This process generates
ily due to diminished release of alanine from muscle [11,             new bicarbonate to offset the bicarbonate consumed in
12]. Ketone bodies directly inhibit muscle proteolysis and            buffering ketoacid production. When bicarbonate is giv-
contribute to adaptation to prolonged fasting [14, 28]                en to prolonged-starved patients in an amount to correct
(Fig. 3). Lactate, pyruvate, and glycerol released during             systemic acidosis, urinary nitrogen excretion significant-
lipolysis provide the substrate for remaining glucose pro-            ly decreases [30, 31]. This response suggests acid-base
duction by the liver. Glucose utilization continues in red            considerations are equal to, if not more important, than
blood cells, the bone marrow, and kidney medulla, which               glucose production in driving glutamine uptake by the
rely solely on glucose for energy production through gly-             kidney.

Starvation Ketosis                                                    Am J Nephrol 2021;52:467–478                                           471
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Table 1. Differential diagnosis of common causes of ketoacidosis

Disease state or   Typical clinical and laboratory features                         Pathophysiology

Diabetic           Increased anion gap metabolic acidosis, increased plasma         Deficiency of insulin is primary defect, increased glucagon, and
ketoacidosis [1]   glucose (typically 350–800 mg/dL) causes osmotic diuresis        absent stimulatory effect of ketone bodies on insulin release
                   leading to marked volume depletion and depletion of              resulting in unrestrained lipolysis and delivery of fatty acids to liver
                   electrolytes, such as K+ and PO4−                                primed to generate ketone bodies and unregulated gluconeogenesis
SGLT2i-induced     Increased anion gap metabolic acidosis, plasma glucose           Lowering of plasma glucose with SGLT2i leads to decreased insulin
euglycemic         normal or increased (often
Color version available online

                 Saturable      Na+                                                                                             2Na+
                                      SMCT2                                                                               SNAT3   Glutamine
                       Ketone body                                                                                   H+
                     Non-saturable                                                       NAD+
                                                                                         NADH             Increased ATP production
                                                                        Acetoacetate                     leads to ↓ glutamine uptake
                                                                                        Succinyl CoA
                                                     Succinyl-CoA: 3-ketoacid
                                                          CoA transferase
                                                                   Acetoacetyl CoA
        NH4BOH                                       Acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase                          ↑ATP
                                                                        Acetyl CoA                   production

                                                                                TCA      Oxidative phosphorylation

Fig. 5. Ketone body uptake and oxidation in the proximal tubule                 erates an amount of HCO3− equal to what was consumed in their
provides a protein-sparing effect by way of ATP turnover. Metab-                production. In addition, the suppressive effect on ammoniagenesis
olism of glutamine to NH4+ and HCO3− results in production of                   and requirement for glutamine uptake results in less proteolysis
ATP (see Fig. 4). Since ATP is not stored and kidney production                 and provides a protein-sparing effect as one transitions into the
must equal utilization, the additional ATP produced from increas-               conservation of protein phase. SMCT, sodium-coupled monocar-
ing uptake and subsequent oxidation of ketone bodies exert a sup-               boxylate transporter; TCA, tricarboxylic acid cycle; SNAT3, baso-
pressive effect on ammoniagenesis and glutamine uptake. Acid-                   lateral glutamine transporter; NAD+, nicotinamide adenine dinu-
base balance is maintained since oxidation of ketone bodies regen-              cleotide; NADH, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.

34] (Fig. 3). Keto acids and fatty acids progressively                              Kidney’s Role in Starvation
substitute for glucose as the preferred fuel for both skel-
etal and cardiac muscle as starvation progresses into the                           The kidney plays a critical role in the steady state
protein conservation phase. Eventually, free fatty acid                         achieved during the protein conservation phase. At low
utilization becomes dominant, sparing keto acids for                            plasma concentrations, filtered ketone bodies are com-
the brain, as uptake of acetoacetate by muscle is re-                           pletely reabsorbed by the saturable Na+-coupled mono-
turned back to the blood as β-hydroxybutyrate, signify-                         carboxylate transporters SMCT1 (SLC5A8) and SMCT2
ing a more reduced redox potential in muscle mito-                              (SLC5A12) in the proximal tubule [36, 37] (Fig. 5). Keto-
chondria secondary to fatty acids oxidation [33]. This                          nuria develops as plasma levels rise and the filtered load
reduced state has also been linked to a reduction in                            of ketoacid salt increases. The loss of Na+ coupled aceto-
muscle proteolysis adding to the nitrogen-sparing ef-                           acetate and β-hydroxybutyrate in the first of several days
fect of keto acids in skeletal muscle [35]. Cahill hypoth-                      of fasting results in negative Na+ balance and is the mech-
esized the preference for ketoacid utilization by the                           anism responsible for the rapid initial weight loss which
brain is directly correlated to the brain/carcass ratio                         occurs in the first days of total fasting [38, 39]. The urine
across species since the brain preferentially utilizes keto                     Cl− concentration is low during this time and reflects the
acids, as opposed to preferential use of fatty acids by the                     contraction of extracellular fluid volume. As ammonia-
carcass [33]. Table 1 summarizes other clinical condi-                          genesis increases, NH4+ replaces Na+ as the obligate cat-
tions characterized by ketoacidosis.                                            ion accompanying organic acid salt excretion. At this
                                                                                point, urinary Na+ and Cl− are both low reflective of in-

Starvation Ketosis                                                              Am J Nephrol 2021;52:467–478                                  473
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Table 2. Urine chemistry patterns with progressive starvation

                          Early gluconeogenic phase                      Late gluconeogenic phase                       Protein conserving phase
                          (days 2–5)                                     (days 5–10)                                    (10 days and beyond)

Na+-β-hydroxybutyrate     ↑↑                                             ↓                                              ↓
Cl−                       ↓                                              ↓                                              ↓
K+                        ↑↑                                             ↓                                              ↓
Urea                      ↑↑                                             ↑                                              ↓
NH4+β-hydroxybutyrate     ↓                                              ↑↑                                             ↓
Comment                   ↑ Hepatic gluconeogenesis causes ↑ urea        Gluconeogenesis ↓ in liver and ↑ in kidney,    ↑ Kidney reabsorption of keto
                          production, keto acids excreted as Na+ salt,   urine urea ↓, NH4+ replaces Na+ as ketoacid    acids leads to ↓
                          ↑ K+ loss due to coupling of ↑ aldosterone     salt, ↓ K+ loss due to ↓ distal Na+ delivery   ammoniagenesis, glutamine
                          and ↑ Na+ in distal nephron                                                                   uptake ↓

creased proximal reabsorption in response to volume                          [38]. Last, reabsorption and subsequent oxidation of ke-
contraction (Table 2). Decreased distal Na+ delivery lim-                    tone bodies in the kidney regenerates consumed HCO3−
its K+ loss from the body even though circulating levels of                  thereby lessening the degree of acidosis that otherwise oc-
mineralocorticoid are increased. Decreased Na+ delivery                      curs if lost in the urine as a Na+ or K+ salt.
also decreases distal H+ secretion, which along with in-
creased urine NH4+ causes urine pH to be more alkaline,
thereby lessening the risk of uric acid precipitation [32,                       Natriuresis
    Concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate progressively                           Weight loss in the first 1–5 days of fasting ranges from
increase following sustained fasting. By contrast, urinary                   1 to 2 kg per day and gradually slows to an average of 0.3
losses peak after 3–4 days then slightly fall as fasting ex-                 kg per day over the subsequent 3 weeks. The rapid initial
tends into the protein conservation phase, suggesting the                    weight loss is primarily due to salt and water diuresis [47–
absence of a tubular max for reabsorption [38, 39, 41].                      49]. Increased skeletal muscle efficiency slows subsequent
The precise mechanism to account for these findings has                      weight loss by reducing the caloric cost of muscle contrac-
not been defined. A saturable low capacity tubular secre-                    tion [reviewed in ref.50]. The negative Na+ balance in
tory process mediated by organic anion transporters on                       subjects who fast for several days is nearly 350 mmol as
the basolateral surface of the tubule has been proposed as                   compared to a Na+ loss of 150 mmol in subjects eating a
a mechanism for the persistent urinary excretion of                          diet virtually free of Na+ [47]. An obligatory loss of Na+
β-hydroxybutyrate [42].                                                      due to increased generation and urinary excretion of ke-
    The increased capacity for reabsorption of filtered ke-                  tone bodies is primarily caused by a natriuretic response
tone bodies is an adaptive response during starvation for                    in early fasting. As discussed earlier, the magnitude of
several reasons. First, minimizing the urinary loss pre-                     natriuresis begins to decrease as ammoniagenesis in-
vents loss of potential metabolic fuel, since ketone bodies                  creases, allowing NH4+ to replace Na+ as the major uri-
furnish a significant amount of the caloric requirements                     nary cation. The development of acidemia contributes to
during fasting. In prolonged starvation kidney reabsorp-                     the early natriuretic response since metabolic acidosis ex-
tion of ketone bodies spares approximately 225 kcal/day,                     erts an inhibitory effect on proximal Na+ reabsorption
which would otherwise be lost in the urine [38]. Second,                     [51]. The rise in glucagon and fall in insulin levels have
kidney reabsorption of ketone bodies exerts an inhibitory                    been implicated in the natriuresis of early fasting. Infu-
effect on ammoniagenesis (Fig. 5). Infusion of                               sion of physiological levels glucagon to nonfasting sub-
β-hydroxybutyrate reduces kidney NH4+ production in                          jects produces a natriuretic response similar to what is
dogs and humans with chronic metabolic acidosis [43–                         observed in fasting subjects [52]. Decreased insulin levels
45]. This effect is in addition to reductions in the glomer-                 have been implicated since insulin normally stimulates
ular filtration rate and lower filtered load of Na+ [46]. De-                proximal Na+ reabsorption [53]. Refeeding with carbohy-
creased ammoniagenesis reduces the need for glutamine                        drate, even if the diet is hypocaloric, produces an abrupt
uptake by the kidney minimizing protein breakdown, po-                       reversal of salt and water loss and leads to an immediate
tentially conserving as much as 7 g of nitrogen per day                      gain in weight [54]. In some cases, this response is associ-

474                     Am J Nephrol 2021;52:467–478                                                   Palmer/Clegg
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ated with Na+ retention and development of clinically de-

                                                                                                                                                    Color version available online
tectable edema. Decreased glucagon and increased insu-                    Hypovolemia (Starvation)
lin have been implicated in this response. Isocaloric
refeeding with fat does not produce this effect, while pro-                 Angiotensin II (AII)
tein refeeding causes a delayed and less robust antinatri-
uretic effect [54].
   Another potential complication of carbohydrate                                   Aldosterone
refeeding is development of metabolic alkalosis [55]. Pro-
vision of carbohydrate leads to cessation of hepatic keto-
                                                                            Early            ASDN
genesis, while peripheral ketone body metabolism regen-                     DCT1                            AII mediated

erates HCO3−. While this response should return the                                                       dephosphorylation

plasma HCO3− concentration to near normal, in some                                                          α-IC cell             β-IC cell

individuals, new bicarbonate is generated, causing devel-           (+)                (+)
opment of mild metabolic alkalosis. A persistent increase                                                                               NDBCE

in proximal ammoniagenesis with continued increased                                                  K+                K+        2Cl-    Na+
                                                                                      ENaC     ROMK
kidney acid excretion due to tubular hypertrophy may be                                                                         PND

the cause. Metabolism of retained ketoacid anions re-
turns HCO3− concentrations to higher than normal since              Na+ Cl-              Na+                H+ H+             2HCO3- Cl- 2HCO3-
                                                                                                                  ↑ Electroneutral NaCl
kidney NH4+ excretion exceeds the rate of ketoacid excre-             ↑ Activity        ↓ Na+ delivery
tion. Na+ retention following provision of carbohydrate
along with increased insulin levels increases the HCO3−            Salt retention without increased K+ excretion
reabsorptive capacity of the proximal tubule and provides
a mechanism to maintain the alkalosis [53]. Refeeding
                                                               Fig. 6. NaCl and K+ handling in the distal nephron under condi-
metabolic alkalosis tends to be mild and spontaneously         tions of increased aldosterone due to volume depletion. During
resolves several days following refeeding as ammoniagen-       starvation, contraction of extracellular fluid volume leads to in-
esis decreases.                                                creases in both AII and aldosterone. AII has a number of effects
                                                               that provide a mechanism to maximally conserve salt and mini-
                                                               mize K+ secretion. AII stimulates proximal Na+ reabsorption and
                                                               the Na+-Cl− cotransporter in the early DCT1, thereby reducing
   Potassium Homeostasis during Starvation                     Na+ delivery to downstream segments. In the ASDN, AII exerts an
                                                               inhibitory effect on ROMK and along with aldosterone stimulates
   Subjects fasting for 1 week develop a K+ deficit of ap-     ENaC activity. Additionally, AII leads to dephosphorylation of the
proximately 300 mmol [56, 57]. This early kaliuretic ef-       mineralocorticoid receptor in intercalated cells. This effect permits
fect is due to coupling of increased circulating aldoste-      aldosterone to activate the apical proton pumps (H+-ATPase and
                                                               H+-K+-ATPases) and the Cl−/HCO3− exchanger, pendrin, in inter-
rone levels due to a contraction of extracellular fluid vol-   calated cells, and stimulate electroneutral NaCl transport. The net
ume with increased distal delivery of Na+ secondary to         result is stimulation of NaCl reabsorption with minimal effect on
the nonreabsorbable anion effect of ketoacid salt excre-       K+ secretion, a response appropriate for the starving patient with
tion. After several days of starvation, the degree of kid-     reduced total body K+ and volume depletion. ENaC, epithelial so-
ney K+ excretion decreases to a low rate, averaging 19         dium channel; NDBCE, Na+-driven bicarbonate/Cl− exchanger;
                                                               PND, pendrin; ROMK, renal outer medullary potassium channel;
mEq/day over 1 month of fasting. This decline is due to        IC, intercalated cell; AII, angiotensin II; DCT1, distal convoluted
a reduction in Na+ delivery to the distal nephron as           tubule; ASDN, aldosterone sensitive distal nephron.
NH4+ increasingly replaces Na+ as the obligate cation for
ketoacid salt excretion. In addition, altered tubular func-
tion in the distal nephron secondary to effects of angio-         Uric Acid
tensin II participate in minimizing K+ secretion [58]
(Fig. 6). These effects allow for increased levels of aldo-        Under normal circumstances, 400–450 mg of uric acid
sterone to participate in maximal conservation of Na+          is excreted per day [47]. Urine pH decreases in the early
and Cl− without worsening the deficit in total body K+         stages of starvation as developing acidosis stimulates H+
content. The plasma K+ concentration typically declines        secretion in the distal nephron. This effect creates a risk
but rarely falls below 3.0 mEq/L with prolonged starva-        factor for uric acid precipitation since uric acid solubility
tion.                                                          is poor in acid urine given the pKa of approximately 5.7.

Starvation Ketosis                                             Am J Nephrol 2021;52:467–478                                                       475
                                                               DOI: 10.1159/000517305
This risk is mitigated by several factors during the course                opposed to being utilized for gluconeogenesis by the
of starvation. First, the initial diuresis of starvation in-               mother.
creases urine volume and helps to maintain uric acid at a                      Sex-based differences in the ketogenic response to fast-
concentration less than its solubility product. Second, as                 ing disappear with increasing body weight [66]. This loss of
circulating levels of β-hydroxybutyrate increase, uric acid                sex difference may be related to both higher basal and fast-
excretion into the urine decreases since both substances                   ing levels of insulin typical of obesity since maximal mobi-
compete for the same kidney transport sites [59]. Third,                   lization of fatty acids occurs when insulin levels are reduced.
the subsequent decrease in urinary Na+ excretion accom-
panied by a progressive increase in urinary NH4+ excre-
tion serves to attenuate the drop in urine pH [40].                            Conclusion

                                                                              The body adapts to long-term fasting by conserving
   Sexual Dimorphism in Starvation Ketosis                                 nitrogen as the brain increasingly utilizes keto acids, spar-
                                                                           ing the need for glucose. Shifts in fuel utilization decrease
    Sex-based differences in substrate metabolism may ex-                  the need for mobilization of amino acids from muscle,
plain the more rapid development in fasting ketosis re-                    thus providing a means to conserve protein. Systemic ad-
ported in women [60, 61]. While men and women do not                       aptations to starvation are reflected by changes in the
differ in the percent of energy derived from carbohydrate                  urine chemistry profile. The remarkable ability of the
or fat at rest, women utilize a greater percentage of fatty                body to adapt to long-term starvation has been critical for
acids as a primary energy substrate following exercise,                    survival of primitive man. It is critical to note much of the
fasting, and other metabolic stressors when compared to                    original work on ketosis referenced here and done by Ca-
men [62]. Estrogens may account for this difference, as                    hill and colleagues was conducted in individuals who
there are data to suggest estrogens promote lipolysis, en-                 were obese. The timing of the phases and stages of the
hance autonomic nerve activity, and regulate key en-                       ketotic process may differ in individuals who are lean
zymes in lipolytic pathways [63]. Additionally, in women                   and/or who lack body adiposity. An appreciation of these
lipolysis is mediated by β-adrenergic receptors, whereas                   processes can provide the clinician better insight into
in men, there is stimulation of not only β-adrenergic re-                  many clinical conditions characterized by ketoacidosis.
ceptors but also α-adrenergic receptors, which attenuates
lipolysis [64]. It is important to note, women are at en-
                                                                               Conflict of Interest Statement
hanced susceptibility to ketoacidosis due to their en-
hanced lipolysis putting them at greater risk for euglyce-                     There are no conflicts of interest or financial support to disclose
mic ketoacidosis following SGLT2i therapy [2].                             for either author.
    Glucagon levels are higher in nonobese fasting women
than men contributing to the greater degree of fasting ke-                     Funding Sources
tosis [65]. Increased lipolysis will liberate a greater amount
of glycerol replacing alanine as a preferred gluconeogen-                     There is no monetary support for the preparation of this man-
ic substrate. Circulating levels of amino acids, including                 uscript for either author.
alanine, are reduced in fasting women when compared to
men. Changes in substrate preference may represent an                          Author Contributions
evolutionary adaptation designed to facilitate transfer of
amino acids from the mother to the developing fetus, as                        The authors contributed equally to the writing of this manu-

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