Recent Progress in the Asymmetric Syntheses of α-Heterofunctionalized (Masked) α- and -Amino Acid Derivatives - JKU ePUB
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EurJOC Minireview European Journal of Organic Chemistry Asymmetric Synthesis | Very Important Paper | Recent Progress in the Asymmetric Syntheses of α-Heterofunctionalized (Masked) α- and β-Amino Acid Derivatives Isabella Eder,[a][‡] Victoria Haider,[a][‡] Paul Zebrowski,[a][‡] and Mario Waser*[a] Abstract: The asymmetric synthesis of α-heterofunctionalized to give an illustrative overview of the most successfully applied α- and β-amino acid derivatives has been a heavily investigated concepts to access these targets, like asymmetric α-heterofunc- topic over the last years, benefiting from the development of tionalizations or asymmetric C–C-bond forming reactions of al- novel catalysis concepts as well as from the introduction of ready heterofunctionalized precursors. suited new precursor entities. Within this short review, we wish 1. Introduction that contain other, non-halogen, heteroatom groups (e.g. OR, SR, NR2, ...) in the α-position. Given the increasing number of Asymmetric α-heterofunctionalization reactions of prochiral recent publications dealing with the development of novel syn- pronucleophiles are important transformations to access valu- thesis and catalysis concepts to access α-heterofunctionalized able chiral target molecules.[1] The hereby obtained products α- and β-AA derivatives stereoselectively, it is the intention of may possess promising (biological) properties themselves or this short review to provide an illustrative (but not encyclope- can serve as versatile building blocks for further manipulations. dic) overview about some of the most significant (recent) Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the development of achievements in the field (primarily covering developments stereoselective (catalytic) methods for the introduction of from the last 10–15 years but also highlighting selected pio- heteroatoms in the α-position of carbonyl compounds (or neering older studies). It should be noted, that the majority of analogous derivatives) has been heavily investigated in the the reports covered herein focused primarily on the develop- past.[1] Among the different classes of frequently investigated ment of stereoselective methods for the synthesis of masked/ α-substituted chiral carbonyl derivatives, α-functionalized α- protected AA-derivatives, while full deprotection to the free and β-amino acids (α-AA, β-AA) have been amongst the most amino acids or incorporation into peptides was in a lot of cases prominent compounds of interest.[2–4] The importance of intro- either not attempted or, if tried, sometimes also not possible ducing robust and powerful methods to access (non-natural) (i.e. for the case of α-F-α-AA). amino acid derivatives stereoselectively cannot be overesti- mated, given the value of amino acids, peptides, and proteins for numerous applications.[2,5,6,7] Among the broad variety of different amino acid derivatives that have been investigated over the last decades, halogenated ones have received consid- erable attention,[5] especially fluorine-containing ones.[6] Here it can be distinguished between those derivatives that contain the halogen (i.e. fluorine) somewhere in a side chain, and those which possess an α-halogenated stereogenic center.[5,6] In addi- tion, the last years have also witnessed an increasing interest in the asymmetric synthesis of α- and β-amino acid derivatives [a] I. Eder, V. Haider, P. Zebrowski, Prof. Dr. M. Waser Institute of Organic Chemistry, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Altenbergerstr. 69, 4040 Linz, Austria E-mail: [‡] Equal contribution by these three authors (alphabetical order) ORCID(s) from the author(s) for this article is/are available on the WWW under © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH · This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the Scheme 1. Most commonly described strategies to access α-heterofunctional- original work is properly cited. ized α- and β-amino acid derivatives. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 202–219 202 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
EurJOC Minireview European Journal of Organic Chemistry The first part of this review will focus on α-heterofunctional- far, the main focus was on the development of methods to ized α-AA (Scheme 1A). Here the most commonly reported facilitate the stereoselective introduction of the heteroatom in strategies rely on the use of masked (protected) α-AA deriva- the masked surrogate, while further manipulations to the free tives that undergo stereoselective α-heterofunctionalization re- α-AA have rarely been described. actions with suited electrophilic heteroatom transfer reagents. The second part will cover methods for the asymmetric synthe- sis of α-heterofunctionalized β-AA (Scheme 1B). Here several fundamentally different strategies have emerged. On the one 2.1. α-F-α-AA Derivatives hand, suitable masked β-AA derivatives can undergo asymmet- The synthesis of fluorine-containing amino acids is one of the ric electrophilic or nucleophilic α-heterofunctionalization reac- most prominent tasks in amino acid/peptide chemistry nowa- tions. In addition, the use of α-heterofunctionalized pronucleo- days.[6] While the introduction of fluorine or a fluorine-contain- philes in asymmetric C–C-bond forming reactions (i.e. Mannich ing group in the amino acid side chain is well established,[8] type approaches), or asymmetric hydrogenation reactions of the stereoselective syntheses of α-F-α-AA derivatives are rather appropriately substituted alkenes represent complementary challenging targets transformations.[9–12] First, only a handful powerful methods to access masked α-heterofunctionalized of asymmetric approaches for the α-introduction of fluorine in β-AA derivatives as well. masked α-AA derivatives have been developed so far (vide in- fra).[11] In addition, the H–N–C–F structural motive easily under- goes HF-elimination, especially when the N-lone pair is not de- 2. α-Amino Acid Derivatives localized in e.g. a (sulfon)-amide bond.[9] As a consequence, and The asymmetric synthesis of chiral α-heterofunctionalized β-AA despite the successful development of methods for the α-fluor- derivatives has been thoroughly investigated over the last ination of N-protected α-AA derivatives,[11,12] further manipula- years. Hereby the choice of appropriately masked or protected tions and N-deprotection to the free α-F-α-AA are very difficult α-AA analogs is of crucial importance, as a direct functionaliza- or almost impossible. Nevertheless, interesting stereoselective tion of the free α-AA is usually not possible. In addition, it approaches towards masked α-F-α-AA have been reported should be emphasized that in most of the cases reported so (Scheme 2),[11] and the development of novel strategies to ac- Isabella Eder born in Linz, Austria, in 1996. She started to study chemistry at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz in the year 2014 and graduated in 2019. Her master thesis was supervised by Mario Waser focusing on the enantioselective synthesis of α-fluorinated β-amino acids. At the moment she is carrying out Ph.D. studies within the same group focusing on chiral isothiourea catalysis. Victoria Haider was born in Linz, Austria, in 1994. She started studying chemistry at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz in 2012, where she received her master's degree in 2018 under the supervision of Mario Waser with the main focus on the synthesis and applications of guanidine-containing chiral quaternary ammonium salt catalysts. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the same group and her research project focuses on the syntheses of chiral fluorinated amino acids and peptides. Paul Zebrowski was born in Klosterneuburg, Austria, in 1990. He studied chemistry at JKU Linz, Austria, where he graduated in January 2020. During his master thesis in the group of Mario Waser, he investigated the enantioselective synthesis of α- and β-amino nitriles via bifunctional ammonium salt catalysis. Since February 2020, he is working on his Ph.D. in the same group, where his main focus is currently laid on the asymmetric α-heterofunctionalization of masked β-amino acid derivatives. Mario Waser was born in Steyr, Austria in 1977 and studied chemistry at JKU Linz, Austria where he obtained his Ph.D. in 2005 in the group of Prof. Heinz Falk. After a postdoctoral stay with Prof. Alois Fürstner (Max-Planck Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim, Germany), he spent two years as an R&D chemist working for DSM. In 2009 he started his independent career at JKU Linz. In 2014 he obtained his habilitation (venia docendi) and became Associate Professor and in 2020 he became Full Professor for Organic Stereochemistry. His main research interests are on the design and application of asymmetric organocatalysts (i.e. ion-pairing catalysts) and on the development of asymmetric organocatalytic synthesis methods. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 202–219 203 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
EurJOC Minireview European Journal of Organic Chemistry cess such targets even in a racemic manner is still a topic of current interest.[12] Scheme 3. Asymmetric organocatalytic α-sulfanylation of masked α-AA deriv- atives. Scheme 2. Enantioselective approaches towards masked α-F-α-AA deriva- tives. Recently, the (asymmetric) di- or trifluoromethylthiolation of (prochiral) nucleophiles became an important and heavily in- One classical approach to carry out asymmetric α-fluorin- vestigated topic.[16] Owing to the value of the incorporation of ation reactions of prochiral nucleophiles relies on the use of N- fluorinated Cinchona derivatives F as chiral electrophilic these F-containing groups in potentially biologically relevant F-transfer reagents.[10,11] Cahard and co-worker,[11a,11b] as well molecules,[16] it comes as no surprise that the development of as Togni's group[11c] have shown that this methodology also methods for the asymmetric synthesis of α-di-/trifluoromethyl- thiolated-α-AA has attracted the attention of the synthesis com- allows accessing the masked enantioenriched α-F-α-AA deriva- munity lately (Scheme 4).[17] Shen and co-workers succeeded tives 2, 4, and 6 as outlined in Scheme 2. Unfortunately, how- ever, as already stated above, further manipulations were found in carrying out the asymmetric α-difluoromethylthiolation of to be rather difficult and the synthesis of free α-F-α-AA or pept- azlactones 12 with excellent enantioselectivities by using the ides thereof still represents one of the major challenges in the chiral CF2HS-reagent 15 (Scheme 4A).[17a] On the other hand, field of amino acid chemistry. the analogous α-CF3S-derivatives 18 could be accessed with very high selectivities under asymmetric phase-transfer cataly- sis conditions by using the established Cinchona alkaloid ammonium salt C4, as reported by the groups of Della Sala and 2.2. α-SR-α-AA Derivatives Aleman recently (Scheme 4B).[17b] The stereoselective synthesis of α-sulfanylated-α-AA derivatives has attracted considerable interest over the last decade.[13–15] Hereby, especially the use of asymmetric organocatalysis turned out to be rather promising to access a variety of different masked α-SR-α-AA derivatives straightforwardly with good to excellent selectivities (Scheme 3). In 2009, Olenyuk and co-workers first reported the Cinchona alkaloid C1-catalyzed α-sulfanylation of the cyclic α-AA derivatives 7 with reasonable enantioselectivities (Scheme 3A).[13] A few years later, Fang, Zhu, and co-workers developed a prolinol C2-controlled α-sulfanylation of the α-nitroester 5 (Scheme 3B)[14] while Jiang's group introduced the highly enantioselective α-sulfanylation of azlactones 12 using the squaramide-containing Cinchona alkaloid catalyst C3 (Scheme 3C).[15] The latter group also demonstrated the successful nucleophilic ring-opening of products 14 to access Scheme 4. Recently reported methods for the asymmetric syntheses of differently protected acyclic α-SR-α-AA derivatives. α-CF2HS- and α-CF3S-α-AA derivatives. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 202–219 204 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
EurJOC Minireview European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2.3. α-NR2-α-AA Derivatives ther the syn or the anti diastereomer could be perfectly con- trolled by variation of the reduction conditions.[19a] In 2011, The direct asymmetric α-amination of α-AA derivatives has so Shibatomi and co-workers developed a practical one-pot di- far received very little attention only, but in general, such an halogenation protocol to access the α-Cl-α-F-β-AA derivatives approach provides an interesting entry towards quaternary 26 from simple β-keto esters 21 (Scheme 6B).[19b] Hereby the stereogenic centers containing two (orthogonal) nitrogen- starting material 21 was first α-chlorinated, followed by an based functional groups. In 2012, the groups of Guo and Zhou asymmetric Cu-catalyzed α-fluorination with NFSI, giving the showed that the addition of α-nitroesters 5 to diazocarboxylate highly functionalized β-keto ester 25 (which could be trans- 19 can be rendered enantioselective by using the Cinchona- ferred into 26 by established means). derived organocatalyst C5 under cryogenic conditions (Scheme 5).[18] To the best of our knowledge, this report repre- sents the only highly enantioselective example to access masked or protected α-AA derivatives with an additional α-N- functional group. However, no comprehensive studies concern- ing further manipulations of these interesting compounds were reported so far. Scheme 5. Asymmetric α-amination of α-nitroesters 5. 3. β-Amino Acid Derivatives Scheme 6. Asymmetric syntheses of α-halogenated β-AA starting from β-keto esters. Owing to the higher structural diversity of β-amino acids com- pared to α-amino acids a much broader variety of complemen- Isoxazolinones 27 can be considered as versatile masked β- tary asymmetric syntheses protocols to access α-heterofunc- AA derivatives as well and the asymmetric α-fluorination of tionalized β-AA derivatives have been developed so far. These those compounds has been reported by the groups of Ma and methods differ fundamentally, by either carrying out the heter- Wang (Scheme 7).[20] First, Ma and co-workers reported the chi- ofunctionalization in the stereodefining step or by using al- ral thiourea C7-catalyzed addition of 27 to nitroalkenes 28 fol- ready heterofunctionalized starting materials e.g. asymmetric lowed by α-fluorination (Scheme 7A).[20a] Two years later, Wang C–C bond forming reactions. et al. developed a direct Cinchona dimer C8-catalyzed α-fluorin- ation of α-substituted isoxazolinones 27 (Scheme 7B).[20b] Both protocols allowed for high enantioselectivities for a broader 3.1. α-Halogen-β-AA Derivatives via Asymmetric substrate scope, but unfortunately, to the best of our knowl- Electrophilic α-Halogenations edge, no further manipulations towards e.g. free β-amino acids A variety of different approaches for electrophilic asymmetric were reported so far. α-halogenation reactions using differently decorated β-AA de- rivatives or precursors have been reported so far, and in the following chapter some of the most versatile concepts shall be discussed. Asymmetric electrophilic α-halogenation reactions of β-keto esters are very commonly investigated target transforma- tions.[19] The hereby accessed α-halogenated 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds can be utilized for a variety of further manipula- tions, among them also conversions to the corresponding α- halogenated β-AA derivatives (Scheme 6). As an impressive early example in the field (2002), Sodeoka's group has shown that the α-fluorinated β-keto esters 23 can be accessed with high selectivities under asymmetric Pd-catalysis using NFSI as the electrophilic F-transfer reagent (Scheme 6A).[19a] Com- pounds 6 were then successfully converted into the α-F-β-AA derivatives 24 via reduction to the alcohol, followed by a stereo- specific Mitsunobu-type inversion. Hereby, the formation of ei- Scheme 7. Asymmetric α-fluorination of isoxazolinones 27. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 202–219 205 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
EurJOC Minireview European Journal of Organic Chemistry Cyanoacetates 30 can be considered as oxidized β-AA deriv- atives as well, and these commonly employed nucleophiles have been subjected to several α-fluorination attempts with different catalysis strategies in the past (Scheme 8).[21] While Shibata's group utilized the simple Cinchona derivative C9 in combination with Selectfluor,[21a] Kim et al. reported methods for the α-fluorination of 30 with NFSI either using the chiral ammonium salt catalyst C10,[21b] or the Pd complex C11.[21c] Unfortunately, and to the best of our knowledge, in neither of these cases any reductions of the cyano group towards the corresponding β-AA were described. Scheme 9. Diastereoselective α-halogenation reactions of chiral β-AA precur- sors. Scheme 8. Asymmetric α-fluorination of cyanoacetates 30. Besides the enantioselective electrophilic approaches relying as outlined in Scheme 10.[26,27] Here, two fundamentally differ- on asymmetric catalysis modes discussed so far, also diastereo- ent approaches to control the absolute configuration were de- selective α-halogenations of chiral (auxiliary containing) β-AA veloped. First, Duggan and co-workers showed that the use of precursors emerged as promising strategies to access α-halo- the chiral Li-base 43 in combination with NFSI allows for the genated-β-AA with high stereoselectivities (Scheme 9).[22–25] highly stereoselective synthesis of 44, which could then be con- For example, around 20 years ago Tomasini and co-workers verted into the free α-F-β-AA 45 directly (Scheme 10A).[26] showed that the LiHMDS-mediated α-halogenation of cyclic More, recently, Liu, Feng, and co-workers developed a chiral (compounds 32) and acyclic (compounds 35) chiral β-AA deriv- Fe-catalyzed protocol for the aza-Michael addition of TMSN3 atives allows for the synthesis of α-Cl, α-Br, and α-I-derivatives with direct bromination of the α-position, giving the versatile 33 and 36 with high diastereoselectivities under operationally products 46 with excellent diastereo- and enantioselectivities simple conditions (Scheme 9A, 9B).[22] These compounds then (Scheme 10B).[27] served as valuable building blocks for further transformations, like e.g. the synthesis of chiral aziridines from acyclic derivatives 34.[22a] Abell and co-workers investigated the α-fluorination of chiral auxiliary-based carboxylic acid derivatives like compounds 37, which were α-fluorinated with high diastereoselectivities using NFSI. The resulting products 38 could then be converted into the corresponding α-alkylated α-F-β-AA 39 straightforwardly by established means (Scheme 9C).[23] Alternatively, Seebach[24] and Abell[25] also showed that the β-substituted chiral β-amino esters 40 can be α-fluorinated with high diastereoselectivities with NFSI and using LDA as the base (Scheme 4D). Accordingly, all these reports shown in Scheme 9 clearly demonstrate the potential and simplicity of diastereoselective approaches for cases where the required chiral precursors are as easily available as shown in these examples. Alternatively, aza-Michael-initiated approaches of simple vin- ylogous acceptor molecules 42 also allowed for highly stereo- Scheme 10. Asymmetric aza-Michael-initiated syntheses of α-halogenated-β- selective syntheses of α-halogenated β-amino acid derivatives AA. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 202–219 206 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
EurJOC Minireview European Journal of Organic Chemistry 3.2. α-Halogen-β-AA Derivatives via Asymmetric halide species has also been explored to large extent, highlight- Nucleophilic α-Halogenations ing the value of chiral aziridines for further manipulations (Scheme 11C).[31] Conceptually similarly, chiral sulfamidates 54 Besides the introduction of the halogen via an electrophilic show analogous reactivities and can undergo ring-opening to- α-halogenation approach, also the addition of nucleophilic hal- wards products 55 upon treatment with TBAF as a nucleophilic ide-sources to appropriately substituted starting materials has F-source as well (Scheme 11D).[32] been successfully utilized to access enantioenriched α-halogen- β-AA derivatives (Scheme 11).[28–32] In this context, the majority of the reported methods rely on stereospecific addition reac- 3.3. α-Halogen-β-AA Derivatives via Asymmetric C–C-Bond tions of the halide nucleophile to chiral, enantioenriched start- Formations ing materials. Aziridines or (in situ formed) aziridinium species are amongst the most versatile substrates for such approaches Besides incorporating the heteroatom via electrophilic or nu- and in general, this concept is very well-established, with first cleophilic approaches on an already appropriately constituted reports dating back to the 1980s when Shanzer's[28] and later β-AA-skeleton, asymmetric C–C-bond forming reactions, i.e. on Seebach's[24] groups showed that the chiral amines 47 and Mannich-type reactions, are obviously the most versatile strate- 48 can both be converted into the α-F-β-AA derivatives 49 by gies for the stereoselective synthesis of α-heterofunctionalized- using DAST. This reagent fulfills two functions, first, it activates β-AA. Given the power of asymmetric organo- and transition the alcohol for in situ aziridinium formation and in addition it metal-catalysis to accomplish a multitude of asymmetric C–C- serves as a nucleophilic F-source for the ring-opening again bond forming reactions, it comes as no surprise that such meth- (Scheme 11A). The intermediate ring formation via this neigh- ods have also been heavily exploited to access chiral β-AA de- boring group effect of the amine group also provides a ration- rivatives.[33–42] ale for the observed stereochemistry in these reactions (reten- (Transition) Metal-catalyzed Mannich-type reactions of tion of configuration starting from 48 and inversion from 47). α-halogenated enolate precursors represent a powerful way to Besides in situ aziridinium formation, also preformed chiral access a variety of differently functionalized α-halogenated-β- aziridinium species like compound 50 can be directly utilized AA (Scheme 12).[34–36] In 2010, Ishihara's group reported the for such ring-opening reactions (Scheme 11B).[30] This approach addition of α-halo malonates 58 to imines 57 using a Mg-BINOL allowed De Kimpe's group to access a variety of differently catalyst system (Scheme 12A).[34] A few years later, Shibasaki α-halogenated esters 51 with perfect stereocontrol and in high and co-workers introduced a broadly applicable method by us- yields. Scheme 11. Stereospecific regioselective ring-opening reactions with nucleo- philic halide sources. Alternatively, the regioselective stereospecific ring-opening Scheme 12. Transition metal-catalyzed Mannich-type approaches for the syn- of chiral aziridines 52 with a variety of different nucleophilic thesis of α-halogenated-β-AA. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 202–219 207 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
EurJOC Minireview European Journal of Organic Chemistry ing the α-halo amides 61 for Cu-catalyzed Mannich reactions, of α-F-carboxylic acids in β-lactam-forming reactions, as dem- which yielded the amides 62 with very high levels of enantio- onstrated by Birman's group recently (Scheme 14).[41] Starting and diastereoselectivities (Scheme 12B).[35] Very recently, the from simple starting materials 57 and 74, they developed an same group also succeeded in engaging simple α-fluoro nitriles elegant protocol for the synthesis of the α-F-β-lactam 75 by 63 for Mannich reactions, giving the nitriles 64 which could means of an isothiourea C16-catalyzed lactamization. This β- then be converted into the free α-F-β-AA 65 (Scheme 12C).[36] lactam then undergoes nucleophilic ring-opening reactions Besides the above mentioned metal-catalyzed strategies, with various O-nucleophiles, resulting in a synthetically useful also asymmetric organocatalytic Mannich-type approaches alternative as compared to the Mannich protocols shown in have been used very successfully to access a variety of different Scheme 13. α-halogenated-β-AA (Scheme 13).[37–40] In 2010, Jiang, Tan, and co-workers succeeded in controlling the asymmetric addition of the α-F-β-ketoamide 66 to aldimines 57 in the presence of the chiral bicyclic guanidine catalyst C12 (Scheme 13A).[37] Al- ternatively, Kim's group shortly after made use of the bifunc- tional cyclohexanediamine-based thiourea catalyst C13, which allowed them to achieve high levels of selectivities for the reac- tion between the α-F-β-keto esters 68 and aldimines 57 (Scheme 13B).[38] In 2015, Zhao et al. investigated the Mannich addition of α-Br-thioester 70 to aldimines 57 and found the Cinchona alkaloid-based urea catalyst C14 being best suited for Scheme 14. Asymmetric synthesis of α-F-β-lactams. this approach (Scheme 13C).[39] Expanding the applicability of thioesters, Wennemers' group developed a highly selective pro- A conceptually different approach to access α-F-β-AA deriva- tocol for the use of α-F-thiomalonates 72 for Mannich reactions tives by means of an asymmetric C–C-bond forming reaction in the presence of low quantities of the squaramide catalyst was recently reported by Stoltz and co-workers (Scheme 15).[42] C15 (Scheme 13D).[40] By carrying out a Pd-catalyzed asymmetric decarboxylative α- allylation of allyl ester 77, the cyclic masked α-F-β-AA 78 was obtained with high enantioselectivity. This compound could then be converted into the free α-allyl-α-F-β-AA 79 subse- quently, giving access to a β-amino acid substitution pattern that is otherwise difficult to access with classical Mannich type approaches. Scheme 15. Decarboxylative allylation for the enantioselective synthesis of α-F-β-AA. 3.4. α-OR- and α-SR-β-AA Derivatives via Asymmetric Electrophilic or Nucleophilic Heterofunctionalizations The asymmetric synthesis of α-chalcogenated β-amino acids can be achieved by a variety of different strategies,[43–64] as outlined in the following chapters. With respect to the introduction of various SR-groups the electrophilic α-chalcogenation of suited β-AA precursors is a very powerful approach for this task.[43–45] In 2006, Davies and co-workers introduced a highly selective aza-Michael initiated Scheme 13. Organocatalytic Mannich-type approaches for the synthesis of α- protocol for the synthesis of the α-sulfanylated β-AA 82 halogenated-β-AA. (Scheme 16A).[43] Hereby they made use of the addition of the chiral Li-amide 43 to Michael acceptor 42 to form the chiral An alternative strategy to construct the α-F-β-AA skeleton enolate 80 in situ, which can then be trapped with a suited via an asymmetric C–C bond formation relies on the direct use electrophilic S-transfer reagent giving product 81. The chiral Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 202–219 208 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
EurJOC Minireview European Journal of Organic Chemistry auxiliary can then be removed in a further step to access the containing products 91 could then be converted into the free amino acid 82 with high enantiopurity. A versatile strategy to α-SR-β2,2-AA 92 by established methods (Scheme 17). access β2,2-AA (β-AA with no additional substituents in the β- position) was recently introduced by Brière's group, who re- ported the use of isoxazolidin-5-ones 83 as easily available masked β2,2-AA precursors that undergo enantioselective α-sulfanylation reactions (Scheme 16B).[44] Key to success for achieving high levels of enantioselectivities was the use of the commercially available Maruoka phase-transfer catalyst C17 Scheme 17. Synthesis of α-SR-β2,2-AA via a nucleophilic stereospecific substi- and the hereby accessed products 84 could easily be converted tution reaction. into the free amino acids 85 upon reductive N–O-cleavage. Building on this seminal contribution, the groups of Della Sala A conceptually different nucleophilic thiolation approach and Aleman[45a] and Cahard and Waser[45b] simultaneously re- was developed by Xiao's group in 2009. Relying on chiral thio- ported the α-trifluoromethylthiolation of 83 under rather simi- urea C19 organocatalysis, they succeeded in carrying out the lar phase-transfer catalytic conditions (Scheme 16C and highly enantioselective thia-Michael addition of thiols 93 to the Scheme 16D). Again the heterocyclic products 86 could be con- β-nitro acrylates 94 with as little as 0.3 mol-% of the catalyst verted in the free α-SCF3-β-AA 87 or also incorporated in the (Scheme 18).[47] The resulting products 95 could then be re- α-AA-β-AA dipeptide 89 directly,[45b] highlighting the general duced and deprotected giving the α-sulfanylated β-AA 96 in an potential of this isoxazolidin-5-one heterocyclic platform. efficient manner. Scheme 18. Asymmetric thia-Michael strategy to access α-SR-β2,2-AA. An efficient strategy for the synthesis of α-hydroxylated carb- onyl derivatives is the nucleophilic ring-opening of glycidic es- ters 97. By using amine nucleophiles, direct access to α- hydroxy-β-AA derivatives is possible.[49,50] Most commonly, this approach has been carried out in a diastereoselective manner, by using enantioenriched epoxides 97.[49] In addition, Kureshy et al. recently also showed that racemic epoxides 97 can be resolved very efficiently by the addition of simple aniline deriva- tives 98 in the presence of the chiral Cr-catalyst C20 (Scheme 19).[50] Scheme 19. Kinetic resolution of epoxides 97 to access α-OH-β-AA deriva- Scheme 16. Approaches for the asymmetric synthesis of α-SR-β-AA via elec- tives. trophilic strategies. Besides electrophilic α-sulfanylation approaches the addition 3.5. α-OR-β-AA Derivatives via Asymmetric C–C-Bond of nucleophilic S-reagents to appropriately substituted β-AA Formations precursors has been successfully carried out to achieve the syn- thesis of enantioenriched α-SR-β-AA derivatives.[46–48] As an Asymmetric Mannich-type approaches using α-oxygenated early example, Avenoza, Peregrina, and co-workers showed that enolate precursors have been successfully used for the synthe- thiols or thiolates can be added in a stereospecific manner to sis of various α-oxygenated β-amino acid derivatives over the the chiral sulfamidates 90. The resulting Weinreb amide- last years.[51–54] Like it was discussed above for α-halogenated Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 202–219 209 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
EurJOC Minireview European Journal of Organic Chemistry β-AA, organocatalyzed,[51,52] and (transition) metal-cata- lyzed[53,54] strategies have been reported, all of them having their specific advantages and application scopes. In 2008, Córdova and co-workers reported the enamine-cata- lyzed Mannich addition of aldehydes 100 to various imines 57 (Scheme 20A).[51] The resulting α-oxygenated-β-amino alde- hydes 101 could then be oxidized to the amino acids 102 straightforwardly. Very recently, Takemoto's group developed a very selective and highly divergent method for the addition of glyoxylate cyanohydrin 103 to imines 57 (Scheme 20B).[52] Depending on the modifications of the catalyst C22, either the syn- or the anti-diastereomer of products 104 could be ac- cessed with excellent levels of enantio- and diastereoselectivi- ties, resulting in a powerful catalysis concept for the divergent synthesis of highly functionalized small molecules. Scheme 21. Metal-catalyzed Mannich approaches for the synthesis of α-oxy- genated β-AA derivatives. ester 113 using a chiral La-catalyst (Scheme 22B).[56] Again, the nitro group could be reduced then and incorporation of the product in the dipeptide Bestatin (117) was successfully dem- onstrated. Recently, Shibasaki's group reported a broadly appli- cable method for the addition of a variety of different nitro- alkanes 111 to α-keto esters 112 giving the α-hydroxy-β-nitro- esters 118 with excellent levels of enantio- and diastereoselec- tivities (Scheme 22C).[57] Again, reduction of the nitro group Scheme 20. Organocatalyzed Mannich approaches for the synthesis of was successfully demonstrated. α-oxygenated β-AA derivatives. Over the years, Shibasaki's group contributed like maybe no other to the development of robust and highly selective metal- catalyzed Mannich type approaches using diversely functional- ized enolate precursors (see also Scheme 12 for the already discussed synthesis of α-halogenated-β-AA via Mannich reac- tions).[35,36,54] With respect to the synthesis of α-OH-β-AA deriv- atives, they succeeded in controlling the addition of the free- OH-containing amide 105 to various imines 57 by using a chiral indium catalyst system (Scheme 21A).[54a] The resulting pyrrole- amides 106 could then be transferred into the esters 107 straightforwardly. More recently, they also expanded their chiral Cu-catalyzed Mannich protocol (compare with Scheme 12B) to- wards amides 108 (Scheme 21B),[54b] giving the masked α-oxy- genated β-AA derivatives 109 with very high levels of enantio- selectivity and almost perfect control of diastereoselectivity. Besides Mannich-type reactions, also asymmetric nitro-aldol additions (Henry reactions) of various nitroalkanes 110 or 111 to α-oxo-esters 112 or 113 have been successfully used to ob- tain chiral α-hydroxylated β-AA derivatives (Scheme 22).[55–57] In 2002, Jørgensen's group developed the Cu-catalyzed Henry Scheme 22. Asymmetric Henry-type reactions for the syntheses of α-OH-β- reaction of nitromethane (110) with different α-keto esters 112 AA derivatives. (Scheme 22A).[55] The resulting nitro esters 114 were obtained with high selectivities and could easily be reduced to the free Next to the classical Henry-type addition reactions of nitro- β-amino acid esters 115 then. Some years later, Barua and co- alkanes to α-oxo-esters shown in Scheme 22, also the enantio- workers reported the addition of nitroalkane 111 to the α-oxo- selective addition of hydrazone derivatives like compound 119 Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 202–219 210 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
EurJOC Minireview European Journal of Organic Chemistry to α-keto esters 112 was reported for the successful enantio- 3.6. α-OR-β-AA Derivatives via Reductive Approaches selective synthesis of α-OH-β-AA derivatives (Scheme 23). By utilizing the chiral H-bonding catalysts C23 or C24, the groups Besides the asymmetric C-X or C–C bond forming reactions dis- of Fernandez and Lassaletta succeeded in carrying out the addi- cussed so far, asymmetric reductive approaches of already ap- tion of 119 to 112 with excellent enantioselectivities and sub- propriately constituted sp2-hybridized β-AA precursors repre- sequent transformations then gave access to the corresponding sent another powerful way to access chiral α-oxygenated-β-AA α-OH-β-AA derivatives 115 in an elegant manner.[58] derivatives (Scheme 25).[60,61] Around 10 years ago, Zhang's group introduced a highly selective protocol for the asymmetric hydrosilylation of the α-O-acylated β-aminoesters 127 by using the chiral Lewis base catalyst C26 (Scheme 25A).[60a] A few years later, Zhang, Lv and their co-workers then showed that the same substrates can also be hydrogenated with excellent enantio- and diastereoselectivities employing asymmetric Rh-catalysis (ligand L10; Scheme 25B).[60b] An alternative reduc- tive approach which directly yielded the free-OH-containing β-amino ester 99 was reported by Johnson's group in 2013 (Scheme 25C).[61] Hereby, they started from the racemic α-diazoesters 129, which were first converted in the α-oxo- esters 130, followed by a Ru complex C27-catalyzed transfer hydrogenation. Scheme 23. Asymmetric addition of hydrazone derivatives 119 to α-keto esters 112. An alternative, conceptually remarkable, approach to access the α-oxygenated-β-AA skeleton in an asymmetric fashion was developed by Johnson and co-workers in 2004.[59] Starting from acylsilanes 121 and cyanoformates 122, they succeeded in ac- cessing the silyl ethers 123 via an Al(salen) complex C25-cata- lyzed cyanation – 1,2-Brook rearrangement – C-acylation se- quence as outlined in Scheme 24. Hereby, the catalyst first forms a nucleophilic CN-species with 122, which gives 125 upon addition to starting material 121. This intermediate then undergoes a 1,2-Brook rearrangement towards the silyloxy nitrile anion 126, which finally performs the asymmetric C- acylation giving product 123. A final reduction of the nitrile group was also successfully reported, thus resulting in an effi- cient and, compared to the other approaches described before, complementary synthesis strategy for the asymmetric forma- tion of α-oxygenated-β-AA 124 from simple starting materials. Scheme 25. Reductive approaches for the synthesis of α-oxygenated-β-AA derivatives. 3.7. α-OR- and α-SR-β-AA Derivatives by Miscellaneous Approaches The asymmetric aminohydroxylation of α,β-unsaturated esters provides a direct entry to α-hydroxy-β-AA derivatives, as dem- onstrated by McLeod and co-workers in 2008 for esters 131 already (Scheme 26).[62] Noteworthy, in that specific study the major target was on the utilization of products 134 to access various 3- and 4-amino sugars, rather than on β-amino acid chemistry. Nevertheless, this example clearly underscores the Scheme 24. Asymmetric synthesis of α-oxygenated-β-AA derivatives starting potential of asymmetric aminohydroxylation reactions for from acylsilanes 121 and cyanoformates 122. α-OH-β-AA syntheses. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 202–219 211 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
EurJOC Minireview European Journal of Organic Chemistry covering this important compound class have been reported.[7] Given these detailed previous overviews, we will only try to give some general outline of the most commonly applied meth- ods to synthesize these compounds in the following chapters, with a special focus on those (more recent) reports that have not been discussed in the existing reviews.[7] The asymmetric synthesis of α,β-diamino acids via asymmet- ric α-amination reactions of suited β-AA-based building blocks has received relatively little attention so far,[7,65–67] with interest- ing organocatalytic approaches by the groups of Greck[65] and Scheme 26. Asymmetric aminohydroxylation for the synthesis of α-OH-β-AA Brière[66] standing out (Scheme 29). In 2011, Greck′s research derivatives. group reported a stereoselective one pot Mannich-reaction/ α-amination protocol to assemble the parent α,β-diamino carb- Another interesting methodology for the construction onyl skeleton (Scheme 29A).[65] Carrying out the Mannich reac- of β-AA derivatives was recently reported by Shao, He, and co- tion of acetaldehyde (141) with imine 57 under enamine cataly- workers (Scheme 27).[63] Starting from the α-SR-acrylate 135 sis (using catalyst C29) first, followed by direct α-amination with and the isocyanide 136, they carried out an asymmetric reagent 19 gave product 142 with excellent stereoselectivity. Ag-catalyzed (3+2) cyclization reaction, which, after reductive Carefully optimized downstream chemistry then gave access to workup, gave the α-SR-β-proline derivatives 137 with excellent the syn-configured α,β-diamino acid 143.[65] Very recently, enantio- and good diastereoselectivities. Brière and co-workers developed an asymmetric α-amination reaction of α-substituted isoxazolidin-5-ones 83 with diazo- carboxylate 19 (Scheme 29B).[66] The reaction proceeded smoothly by using the Maruoka catalyst C17 and reductive N–O cleavage of the primary reaction product 144 then yielded the β2,2-amino acid derivative 145 with satisfying enantioselec- tivity. Scheme 27. Asymmetric [3+2]-cyclization reaction for the synthesis of α-SR- β-proline derivatives. In addition to using α-keto esters as acceptors as outlined above (see Scheme 22 and Scheme 23), enolizable derivatives like compounds 138 can also be utilized to access α-OH-β-AA derivatives via asymmetric α-amination approaches, as reported by Jørgensen's group in 2002 already.[64] By controlling the α- amination of 138 with diazocarboxylate 19 by using the chiral Cu-catalyst C28, they achieved high levels of enantioselectivi- ties for the formation of products 139 (Scheme 28). The keto- functionality could then be reduced with high diastereoselecti- vity, providing a direct route to the α-OH-β-AA derivative 140. Scheme 29. Asymmetric α-amination methods of β-AA precursors. Besides these asymmetric electrophilic α-amination reac- tions of suited β-AA precursors, also the asymmetric α-phos- Scheme 28. Asymmetric amination of α-keto esters 138. phorylation of cyanoacetates 30 with diarylphosphine chlorides 146 was successfully carried out en route to α-P-β-AA deriva- tives, as reported by Jørgensen and co-workers (Scheme 30).[68] By using the dimeric Cinchona alkaloid catalyst C30, they intro- 3.8. α-NR2- and α-PR2-β-AA Derivatives via Asymmetric duced a protocol for the direct formation of products 147, Electrophilic α-Heterofunctionalizations which could then be transferred into the protected α-phos- The synthesis and chemistry of α,β-diamino acids have at- phorylated-β-AA 148 directly by means of established func- tracted much attention in the past and comprehensive reviews tional group interconversion reactions. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 202–219 212 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
EurJOC Minireview European Journal of Organic Chemistry acidic hydrolysis, the obtained anti-configured β-amino-α-azido products were then converted straightforwardly to the corre- sponding diamino acids 151 by reduction of the azido group under Pd-catalysis. On the other hand, syn-diamino esters 153 were synthesized successfully by He's and Zhang′s research groups very recently (Scheme 31B).[71] By the reaction of N- phosphinoylimines 57 with glycine aldimines 152 under bifunc- tional Cu-urea catalysis the desired syn-products 153 were ob- tained with very high levels of diastereo- and enantioselectivity, thus providing a powerful alternative to Shibasaki's anti-selec- tive protocol. Scheme 30. Asymmetric synthesis of α-P-β-AA derivatives 148. With respect to the utilization of ketimines, Xie and co-work- ers developed a highly diastereo- and enantioselective syn- thetic route to access Mannich products 156 by reacting imine 3.9. α,β-Diamino Acid Derivatives via Asymmetric 154 with glycine Schiff base 155 using Cu(OAc)2 in combination C–C-Bond Formations with ligand L15 (Scheme 32A).[72] This methodology gave ac- In contrast to the rarely investigated above mentioned α-amin- cess to the highly functionalized α,β-diamino acid derivatives ation of β-AA precursors, the asymmetric construction of the 156 with excellent selectivities, and further protecting group α,β-diamino acid skeleton via Mannich type reactions has been hydrolysis was demonstrated as well. Very recently, the groups explored in much detail. Given the variety of different catalysis of Yang and Deng[73] and Wu[74] independently reported the protocols to achieve asymmetric Mannich type reactions,[69] this addition of glycine Schiff bases 155 to isatin-derived ketimine methodology is without doubt one of the most versatile strate- derivatives 157 under Cu(I)-catalysis (Scheme 31B). Noteworthy, gies to access the α,β-diamino acid scaffold from simple start- the diastereoselectivity of this transformation could be effi- ing materials.[7,70–85] ciently controlled by nature of the employed ligand (and condi- Cu-catalyzed Mannich reactions between α-amino-function- tions), thus resulting in a highly divergent catalysis concept to alized carbonyl derivatives and either aldimines or ketimines access these densely functionalized target molecules. have been extensively explored by several groups over the course of the last decades (Scheme 30 and Scheme 31).[7,70–74] In analogy to their elegant protocols to access α-halogenated- and α-oxygenated-β-AA derivatives via Mannich approaches (compare with Scheme 12 and Scheme 21), Shibasaki′s group developed a highly stereoselective anti-Mannich strategy to ac- cess α,β-diamino acid derivatives as well. Using simple Cu-sour- ces in combination with ligand L13 they were able to access amides 150 by reacting aldimines 57 with α-azido-azaind- oline 149 with excellent selectivities (Scheme 31A).[70] After Scheme 32. Cu-catalyzed asymmetric Mannich reactions with ketimines. Azlactones 12 are amongst the most frequently employed masked α-amino acid starting materials for asymmetric synthe- ses (see Scheme 3 and Scheme 4 for already discussed exam- ples). Accordingly, it comes as no surprise that they have also been heavily utilized for asymmetric Mannich-type approaches to access chiral α,β-diamino acid derivatives (Scheme 33).[7,75–77] A powerful asymmetric procedure was published in 2011 by Toste′s group, who applied the L18(AuOBz)2 complex to control the asymmetric reaction between azlactones 12 and aldimines Scheme 31. Cu-catalyzed asymmetric Mannich reactions with aldimines. 57.[75b] Shortly after, Hui and co-workers utilized the chiral Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 202–219 213 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
EurJOC Minireview European Journal of Organic Chemistry phosphate-based Ag-catalyst C30 to carry out these Mannich nucleophilic ring-opening reactions, were reported as well, illus- reactions with very high enantioselectivities as well.[75c] Besides trating the power of these methods to access a multitude of such transition metal-catalyzed strategies, the use of chiral or- chiral α,β-diamino acid derivatives from simple starting materi- ganocatalysts was found to be rather promising for these target als with high levels of stereocontrol. transformations either. As an early example, therefore, Gong In 2016, Terada and co-workers investigated the asymmetric and co-workers reported the successful use of the chiral bis- addition of azlactones 12 and thiazolones 161 to the acetalde- betaine catalyst C32 in 2012 already.[75d] Switching to an alter- hyde-based enamide 160 under chiral phosphoric acid catalysis native activation mode, Amarante's group utilized the chiral (enamide 160 tautomerizes to the corresponding imine under phosphoric acid C31 as a versatile catalyst for these reactions acidic conditions).[77] Interestingly, while the classical azlactones in 2015 then.[75e] At the same time, Sebesta's group also found 12 performed with very low selectivities only, their sulfur- the Cinchona alkaloid-based thiourea C19 being well-suited for containing analogs 161 could be employed with very high Mannich additions between 12 and aldimines 57,[75g] thus enantio- and diastereoselectivities when using the chiral demonstrating the rather general potential of different organo- phosphoric acid catalyst C33, giving access to the masked α,β- catalytic strategies to control these frequently investigated tar- diamino acids 162 with excellent selectivities (Scheme 34).[77] get reactions. Finally, very recently this assembly strategy was also successfully expanded to ketimines as acceptors. By using the chiral bifunctional squaramide C3 as an organocatalyst Xu, Ren, and their research groups succeeded in utilizing isatine- based ketimines 157 in a highly selective Mannich reaction with azlactones 12.[75f ] In most of these reports summarized in Scheme 33 further manipulations of the products 159 like, e.g. Scheme 34. Asymmetric phosphoric acid-catalyzed addition of thiazolones 161 to enamides 160. Besides the use of azlactones 12 as masked α-amino acid starting materials for α,β-diamino acid syntheses, the glycine Schiff bases 155 have been used very extensively for asymmet- ric Mannich reactions, i.e. in combination with asymmetric ion- pairing catalysis.[78,79] Most of the seminal reports in this field have been summarized in previous reviews on α,β-diamino acids[7] and will therefore not be covered herein anymore. How- ever, one more recent report that really underscores the poten- tial of this non-covalent organocatalytic activation strategy was reported by Maruoka's group in 2015 (Scheme 35).[79] By start- ing from the stable aminals 163, they developed a highly effi- cient protocol to generate the corresponding N-Boc aldimines in situ under basic conditions, thus avoiding the preformation of these usually sensitive imines. The in situ formed imines then reacted with Schiff bases 155 with very high diastereo- and enantioselectivities in the presence of the chiral ammonium salt ion-pairing catalyst C34, giving the α,β-diamino ester 164 upon hydrolysis of the imine group then. Scheme 35. Asymmetric ammonium salt-catalyzed Mannich reaction using aminals 163 as starting materials. An interesting direct Mannich approach towards orthogo- nally N-protected α,β-diamino esters was developed by Baud- oux, Rouden, and co-workers in 2017 (Scheme 36).[80] By using Scheme 33. Asymmetric azlactone-based Mannich reactions with aldimines the α-amido malonic acid half ester 165 in a decarboxylative and ketimines. Mannich reaction with aldimine 57, they were able to directly Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 202–219 214 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
EurJOC Minireview European Journal of Organic Chemistry access the diamino ester 166 in a racemic manner first.[80a] In addition, the newly designed Cinchona alkaloid-based thio- amide catalyst C35 gave some promising levels of enantioselec- tivity for both diastereomers, demonstrating the general poten- tial of this interesting concept. Scheme 36. Decarboxylative organocatalytic Mannich approach for the syn- theses of α,β-diamino esters 166. Scheme 38. Diazoester 170-based asymmetric Mannich approaches. A very inspiring biomimetic concept demonstrating the di- rect use of free amine-containing α-aminoesters 167 for Man- Besides Mannich approaches of appropriately decorated α- nich reactions was recently reported by the groups of Yuan and amino acid derivatives as outlined so far, asymmetric aza-Henry Zhao (Scheme 37).[81] type reactions utilizing different nitroalkanes have been suc- cessfully applied to access the α,β-diamino acid scaffold as well.[7,86–88] Retrosynthetically, it can be differentiated between two complementary strategies. First, α-nitroesters like com- pound 5 can be added to aldimines 57 in the presence of a chiral (organo)-catalyst, as reported by the groups of Huang and Dong[88a] and He, Liu, and co-workers (Scheme 39A).[88b] In both cases, chiral ion-pairing catalysts were successfully em- ployed, either the bis-thiourea-containing guanidinium salt C39, or the Cinchona alkaloid-based quaternary ammonium salt C40. On the other hand, a simple nitroalkane, i.e. nitro- methane (110), can be added to an α-imino ester like com- pound 176 to access the target α,β-diamino ester skeleton as well (Scheme 39B).[87] As demonstrated by Lin and Duan re- Scheme 37. Direct Mannich addition of free amine-containing esters 167. By utilizing the chiral pyridiniumcarbaldehyde C36 as a cata- lyst, they succeeded in developing a protocol for the direct highly stereoselective addition of 167 to 57 with very low cata- lyst loadings. The chiral catalyst hereby forms a Schiff base with 167 under the reaction conditions, mimicking the behavior of Nature's transamination and amino acid decarboxylation co- factor pyridoxal phosphate.[81] This chiral enolate species then adds to the imine 57 with excellent face-differentiation, fol- lowed by hydrolysis of the catalyst 36 again. A versatile strategy for the synthesis of α,β-diamino esters utilizing α-diazoesters 170 as starting materials were intro- duced by Hu's group around 10 years ago (Scheme 38).[82,83] By using a catalyst system consisting of Rh2(OAc)2 and a chiral phosphoric acid (C37 or C38) together with tartaric acid as a co-catalyst, the products 172 could be accessed directly from diazoester 170, carbamate 171, and imines 57. Hereby the Rh- carbenoid species 173 is formed first, which is trapped by the addition of 171 resulting in the ylide-type intermediate 174. The latter then undergoes the chiral phosphoric acid controlled Mannich reaction with 57. Noteworthy, the diastereoselectivity of the reaction can be controlled very efficiently by nature of the catalyst. While C37 favors the syn-product, C38 allows for Scheme 39. Asymmetric aza-Henry type reactions to access the α,β-diamino the opposite anti-diastereoselectivity (Scheme 38).[82,83] acid motive. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 202–219 215 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
EurJOC Minireview European Journal of Organic Chemistry cently, this reaction can be controlled efficiently by using the bifunctional ammonium salt C41 as a catalyst, giving products 177 with excellent enantioselectivities. 3.10. α-NR2-β-AA Derivatives Starting from Alkenes As outlined in Scheme 25 for the synthesis of α-oxygenated-β- AA derivatives, the stereoselective reduction of appropriately substituted α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds is a powerful strategy to access chiral β-AA surrogates. In analogy to those already illustrated approaches, also the stereoselective reduc- tion of α,β-diamino-α,β-unsaturated carboxylic acid derivatives can be successfully carried out to access enantioenriched α,β- Scheme 41. Asymmetric aza-Michael additions to chiral auxiliary-containing diamino acids.[89,90] For example, compounds 178 can be con- acceptors. verted into the orthogonally N-protected esters 179 with very high enantioselectivities and good diastereoselectivities by em- ploying a C42-catalyzed hydrosilylation, as developed by Zhang's group in 2013 (Scheme 40).[90] Scheme 42. Asymmetric phosphoric acid-catalyzed formal (3+2)-cyclization. Scheme 40. Asymmetric hydrosilyation of α,β-unsaturated esters 178. 4. Synopsis Besides carrying out asymmetric reductions of α,β-diamino As outlined in this short review, a broad variety of different alkenes as shown in Scheme 40, another synthetically usefully asymmetric synthesis and catalysis concepts to access poten- alkene-based strategy towards α,β-diamino acids are aza- tially biologically active α-heterofunctionalized α- and β-amino Michael-initiated approaches (Scheme 41 and Scheme 42).[91–94] acid derivatives have been introduced over the last decades. Several complementary, either catalyst- or chiral auxiliary- While the most commonly employed approaches for α-amino controlled asymmetric protocols have been reported to achieve acid derivatives obviously rely on electrophilic α-heterofunc- this transformation. One of the most commonly employed strat- tionalization reactions of suited (masked) α-amino acids, a egies is to carry out the addition of suited N-nucleophiles to much broader diversity of conceptually different strategies to chiral Ni complexes 180, as demonstrated by numerous re- access β-amino acids are available. Here not only asymmetric search groups over the last years (Scheme 41A).[92] These reac- electrophilic α-heterofunctionalizations, but also asymmetric tions usually proceed with high diastereoselectivities and the C–C-bond forming reactions, i.e. Mannich type reactions have resulting products 181 can easily be hydrolyzed to the free been used very successfully. In addition, it should be empha- amino acids 182 then, thus resulting in a rather broadly applica- sized that not only asymmetric catalysis approaches, but some- ble and general synthesis strategy. Very recently, Navo, Pere- times also chiral auxiliary-controlled methods have been em- grina, and co-workers then reported another very useful auxil- ployed with excellent selectivities, thus providing a comple- iary approach by adding secondary amines to the novel chiral mentary approach, i.e. where catalytic methods are still limited. acceptor molecules 183, which resulted in the formation of sin- All these methods have their obvious benefits but often also gle diastereomers of products 184, which again could easily be limitations and it is clear that with respect to potential larger hydrolyzed to obtain the targets 182 with more or less perfect scale syntheses the single methods have to be evaluated with enantiopurity (Scheme 41B).[93] respect to their potential and limitations, e.g. with respect to In addition to these very powerful and often used auxiliary costs and atom efficiency, to mention two relevant points of methods, also catalytic asymmetric approaches have been re- consideration only. Thus, by looking at the sometimes high ported. In 2016, Takemoto et al. introduced a highly selective loadings of complicated and/or expensive catalysts or the costs chiral phosphoric acid C33-catalyzed (3+2)-cyclization reaction and the difficulties in removing and recovering the chiral auxil- between the vinylogous azlactones 185 and hydroxylamides iaries that are necessary it is clear that, despite all the progress 186 (Scheme 42).[94] The hereby obtained products 187 can that was made in this field, further developments are required then easily undergo nucleophilic ring-opening, giving again ac- to really make the methods interesting for industry-related ap- cess to the parent α,β-diamino acid scaffold, as exemplified for proaches as well. In addition, it becomes obvious that some compounds 188 again. classes of α-heterofunctionalized amino acids have still been Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 202–219 216 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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