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funding in
New money for an old industry?
funding in
New money for an old industry?

Ludwig Hausmann
Tobias Wölfel
Jaron Stoffels
Oliver Fleck
Startup funding
in logistics

Logistics and freight                            The transport and logistics sector has              the market, such as the introduction
transportation – a tale                          seen marked improvements in recent                  of containers and pallets. Along with
                                                 decades, despite its history of coping              the facilitated handling of goods,
of inefficiencies and                            with inefficiencies.                                came an explosion in trade volumes,
gradual improvements                                                                                 and the resulting economies of scale
                                                 Fundamental efficiency increases                    brought costs down. As transport
                                                 have typically been linked to new                   and logistics became more efficient,
                                                 technologies and applications entering              prices decreased (Exhibit 1).

Exhibit 1

The industry is undeniably under constant pressure to lower costs

Development of transport costs at real rates                                                                         X%      Compound annual
1830–2020, indexed, cost in 2005 indexed to 1                                                                                growth rate (CAGR)

                                                     Sea freight1

                                                                                                          Air freight


                                                                                Rail freight

      1830   40     50     60     70     80     90    1900     10      20       30    40       50   60   70     80      90    2000   10   2020

1. Figures before 1930 are calculated indirectly, based on the share of transport costs of wheat.
Source: McKinsey analysis (US Air Transport Association (2010); Baldwin (1999); World Economic Outlook (May 1997))

2                                                Startup funding in logistics
                                                  Despite all this progress, inefficiencies       reduction as high as 7 percentage
                                                  are still far from being eradicated. In         points from their previously higher base.
                                                  fact, they are prevalent everywhere
                                                  you look in the industry. A high number         Low profitability has made it difficult
                                                  of breakpoints (e.g., a normal cross-           for the industry to experiment with
                                                  country trade has to go through more            fundamentally new solutions – it’s
of the US’ largest importers still use            than ten parties, each of which has             hard to reinvent yourself when you’re
spreadsheets to manage their complex              multiple touch points; dwell time               struggling to maintain profits quarter
international supply chain                        in container yards can exceed five              after quarter. The comparatively
                                                  days), complex pricing rules, intuition-        low and continuously decreasing
                                                  based decision making, and little data          prices (in real terms) have also kept
                                                  standardization present significant             the industry’s customers relatively
                                                  challenges in the industry. Shippers            quiet – increasing customer
                                                  and consignees need to interact with            expectations and direct pressure
                                                  up to 25 different entities (customs,           from the consumer that have led to
                                                  terminals, shipping lines, forwarders,          changes in many other industries
                                                  authorities, etc.). A typical door-to-          (travel, retail, mobility, and others) have
                                                  door spot freight quote contains                been largely absent until recently in
                                                  more than 20 line items. 50 percent             a traditional, B2B-shaped industry.
                                                  of the US’ largest importers still              Today’s incumbent logistics companies
                                                  use spreadsheets to manage their                have only gradually adapted to
                                                  complex international supply chain.             new technologies. Requirements
                                                  These are only a few examples of the            for flawless execution, operational
                                                  many inefficiencies that the industry           efficiencies amid complexity, and low
                                                  continues to face. The complexity               margins have prevented them from
                                                  of the industry’s landscape and                 testing radical solutions on existing
                                                  its operations has prevented the                issues and shielded them from the
                                                  development of quick-fix solutions to           first wave of disruptive startup activity
                                                  these inefficiencies.                           seen in other sectors with the advent
                                                                                                  of the internet. Vessels have become
                                                  Furthermore, a high degree of market            bigger and equipped with more
                                                  fragmentation, partly into micro-               and more technology, but the basic
                                                  businesses (e.g., mom-and-pop                   operating model has stayed the same.
                                                  truckers, delivery drivers, independent         The concept of asset-light third-party
                                                  freight brokers) means fierce                   logistics providers as supply chain
                                                  competition. Combined with a lack of            orchestrators was born in the 1970s,
    The analysis focuses on                       transparency, this keeps prices down            and to this day, Kühne + Nagel, DHL,
    startups that provide                         and has even forced the industry to             and traditional family enterprises like
    logistics services                            operate below a break-even point in             Fiege are still the key players in freight
                                                  certain years and not earn its cost             forwarding and contract logistics.
    Logistics is defined as the                   of capital during some cycles. This is
    outsourced movement or                        illustrated in more detail in the recently      As incumbent logistics companies are
    storage of goods and includes                 published report “Pathway to value              often too rigid to bring about drastic
    warehousing and storage,                      creation in transport and logistics.”1          changes, a new generation of logistics
    parcel delivery, trucking, freight                                                            startups, backed by investors with deep
    shipping, rail cargo, and air                 In fact, logistics costs as a share of GDP      pockets, aims to solve some of the
    cargo. The sample includes                    have decreased by 1 to 7 percentage             industry’s oldest issues and address
    companies active in the delivery              points over recent decades. Developed           entirely new and rapidly growing
    of groceries but excludes                     countries, such as Germany,                     market needs. In this article, recent
    startups in the area of delivering            Switzerland, or the US, could reduce            funding trends in the logistics industry
    prepared food (e.g., Delivery                 logistics costs as a share of GDP by            are analyzed, and a perspective
    Hero), as these logistics services            about 1 percentage point, while some            is derived on the implications for
    are traditionally insourced.                  emerging markets, such as Malaysia,             incumbent logistics companies,
                                                  Taiwan, or the UAE have reached a               logistics startups, and investors.


                                                  Startup funding in logistics                                                              3
                                               More than 120 of the biggest logistics           offers a bidding platform that allows
                                               startups were analyzed; they are seven           users to source truck capacity and
                                               years old on average and represent an            complements these services with its
                                               estimated 93 percent (approximately              proprietary tech platform as well as retail
of total startup funding in logistics to       USD 26 billion) of total startup funding         and finance services.
date has been analyzed (USD 26 billion,        in logistics to date. Most of this funding
120 startups)                                  comes from early- and late-stage venture         The sample includes companies that
                                               capital, but a few mature startups have          are focused exclusively on logistics.
                                               raised money from private equity or              Diversified startups with the majority
                                               through corporate rounds. Interestingly,         of their business in non-logistics
                                               only one company in the sample has gone          segments are not part of the sample
                                               public as of the time of this publication.       (e.g., Uber or GoJek. Although Uber
                                               Hangzhou-based unicorn BEST Inc.                 Freight and GoJek are engaged in
                                               (NYSE:BEST) provides a wide range                logistics, their main product remains
                                               of logistics services and had its IPO in         the passenger mobility platform; since
                                               September 2017, raising USD 450 million.         Uber raised well over USD 24 billion and
                                               The company is backed by online retail           GoJek well over USD 3 billion, including
                                               giant Alibaba and predominantly offers           these would significantly distort the
                                               traditional logistics services, such as less-    picture due to the big proportion of
                                               than-truckload services, express delivery,       non-logistics activities).
                                               and cross-border door-to-door services
                                               (from and to China). The company also

Exhibit 2

Total funding in logistics startups has seen a dramatic increase over the last few years,
growing at a 76% CAGR from 2014

Total funding and number of funding rounds 2010–19
         Number                                                                              A number of extraordinarily          Funding,
         of funding                                                                        large funding rounds causes            USD
         rounds                                                                                    funding to skyrocket           billions

                                                                                    funding growth
                                                                                     p.a. 2014–19                    10.0

 60                                                                                                                                6.3

                                                                                          3.4           3.4

    20                                                                        1.7

             0.1                    0.1             0.1          0.4
            2010        11           12             13            14          15           16            17            18          2019

Source: CB Insights; Crunchbase; company websites

4                                              Startup funding in logistics
The growth story is                                    Venture capital discovered                           Exhibit 2 shows that the number of
no longer fueled by                                    the logistics industry in 2015                       reported deals involving the companies
                                                                                                            from our sample was stagnant from
more funding rounds;                                   Seeing an enormous market that is                    2016 to 2018 and even dropped in
instead, it is fueled                                  growing and is poised for disruption                 2019, while the average deal size and
                                                       given the vast inefficiencies, the venture           thus total funding grew threefold over
by startups reaching                                   capital industry has increasingly cast an            the same period. Therefore, the growth
maturity and receiving                                 eye on startups in the logistics industry.           story is no longer fueled by more
larger funding rounds                                  Around USD 28 billion has been                       funding rounds; instead, it is fueled
                                                       invested, almost all of which was raised             by startups reaching maturity and
                                                       in 2015 or later. Neeraj Bharadwaj,                  receiving larger funding rounds.
                                                       Managing Director of the Carlyle Asia
                                                       buyout team, explains the interest as                2019 began with strong tailwind in Q1.
                                                       follows: “We see significant potential               Highlights include the USD 1 billion
                                                       for technology-enabled logistics in the              round from Flexport, a US-based digital
                                                       country with the growth of e-commerce                freight forwarder. However, the rest of
                                                       as well as increasing customer focus                 the year saw a significant slowdown
                                                       on on-time delivery and service levels.”             compared to the boom in 2018.
                                                       This comment was made after the                      Nonetheless, funding is much higher
                                                       announcement of Carlyle’s investment                 compared to the years before 2018.
                                                       in Delhivery.2


Exhibit 3

Funding volume growth in logistics startups has outpaced overall venture growth

Venture funding growth in logistics compared to overall venture growth
Indexed growth, funding in 2014 indexed to 1x


                                                                                                                            17x   Logistics startup
                                                                                                                                  funding growth1



    5                                5x

                                                                                                    3x                      2x
                                                                                2x                                                Overall venture
                1x                    1x                   1x
                                                                                                                                  funding growth

               2014                   15                   16                   17                   18                 2019

1. Excludes PE, corporate, and all other rounds; only venture rounds considered.
Source: McKinsey; Crunchbase; PitchBook

                                                       Startup funding in logistics                                                                   5
Funding is highly                              This follows the pattern of the overall   Similar to other industries, funding
concentrated, and                              venture capital industry. Stories of      is highly concentrated, and several
                                               failed IPOs and internal turmoil in       startups with enormous funding
several startups with                          startups have led investors to become     receive just as much funding as
enormous funding                               more cautious with their money; so        the remaining startups combined.
                                               2019, while much higher than the years    Consequently, the ten best-funded
receive just as much                           before, didn’t break venture capital’s    companies have received about
funding as the remaining                       record year in 2018 (see Exhibit 3).      46 percent of total funding, and the
startups combined                                                                        top 20 have accounted for around
                                               Even when excluding private equity        66 percent of total funding (see
                                               and corporate rounds, logistics funding   Exhibit 4).
                                               in 2019 grew 17-fold compared to
                                               2014 and has therefore clearly outgrown   Most funding goes to startups
                                               overall venture funding across all        working on last-mile and
                                               industries, which has “only” doubled      freight platforms – Instacart,
                                               since 2014 (see Exhibit 3). While only
                                                                                         Manbang, and Flexport
                                               around USD 375 million was raised in
                                               2014, USD 6.3 billion was invested in     This significant rise in funding begs
                                               logistics startups in 2019.               the question: where does all this
                                                                                         money go, and what are the trends
                                                                                         getting investors so excited about this
                                                                                         industry? (see Exhibit 5 and Exhibit 6).

Exhibit 4

The 10 best-funded startups account for 46% of total funding

Cumulative funding
Percentage of total funding




                          The top 20 startups have
                          received 66% of total funding
                  The top 10 startups have
    40            received 46% of total funding




         0   10         20       30       40           50          60         70   80    90       100       110      120        130

                                                                                          Startups ranked by funding received

Source: Crunchbase

6                                              Startup funding in logistics
Exhibit 5

Startups were assigned to 11 distinct business models challenging 4 traditional industry
segments: the last-mile delivery category has received far more funding than other segments

                                                            Traditional industry:            CEP   Storage   Transport     Tech

Startup business
model            Description                                              Total funding, USD billions                Examples
New last-mile         Offer innovative last-mile delivery                                                            New DaDa
delivery models       services to retailers and individuals by                                                       HiveBox
                      using crowdsourced delivery, drones,
                      AVs, etc.
Road freight          Increase efficiency by connecting                                                              Blackbuck
marketplaces          shippers and trucking companies via                                                            Convoy
and solutions         marketplaces or provide fleet                                                                  Manbang
                      management services
Warehousing           Develop logistics infrastructure or                                                            ESR
                      optimize the storage and fulfillment of                                                        NewEase
                      goods through robotics, self-driving
                      vehicles, micro-fulfillment, etc.
Air and ocean         Offer booking and management of                                                                FreightOS
transportation        international shipments, incl. value-added                                                     Flexport
                      services (e.g., track and trace, customs)                                                      Freighthub

Traditional third- Provide third-party logistics services                                                            Best Inc.
party or contract mainly in emerging markets with lack of                                                            Juma
logistics services established players                                                                               Peisong

New entrants in       Act as a traditional parcel business:                                                          Delhivery
the parcel            include pickup, sorting, and delivery                                                          Ninja Van

Asset tracking        Develop and manufacture chips, sensors,                                                        C3
                      and RFID technology to enhance supply                                                          Scandit
                      chain visibility

B2B                   Provide a specific value-chain-focused                                                         Shippo
e-commerce            solution to online retailers (e.g., return                                                     ShipBob
specialists           logistics, e-fulfillment, conversion
Inventory/order       Optimize inventory allocation through                                                          Optoro
management            software and analytics                                                                         Relex

Intelligence          Develop software or AI applications, e.g.,                                                     Xeneta
providers             to provide better forecasts, optimize                                                          FourKites
                      replenishment, or increase pricing
Blockchain            Develop distributed-ledger technology to                                                       ShipChain
                      enhance transparency and security

Note: CEP = courier, express, and parcel
Source: CB Insights; Crunchbase; company websites

                                               Startup funding in logistics                                                      7
Exhibit 6

Startups in the CEP market have attracted the most funding, despite a smaller
addressable market

Traditional              Market size                        CAGR                                                                Total funding
industry                 USD billions, 2017                 2017–23          Challenged by startups in                          USD billions, until 2019
CEP                          319
                                                            8–9%             New last-mile delivery models                                              9.9

                                                                             New entrants in the parcel business                    1.2

Transport                                        2,249      2–4%             Road freight marketplaces and solutions                             6.0

                                                                             Air and ocean transportation                            1.6

Storage and
physical supply
                             340                            3–5%             Warehousing                                                   3.3

chain solutions                                                              Traditional third-party or contract
                                                                             logistics services
                                                                             B2B e-commerce specialists                            0.7

Tech                      40                                5–6%             Asset tracking                                        0.9

                                                                             Inventory/order management                            0.5

                                                                             Intelligence providers                                0.5

                                                                             Blockchain                                           0.2

Note: CEP = courier, express, and parcel
Source: CB Insights; Crunchbase; company websites

Most funding was raised                                 Last-mile – venture                                     around their unconventional delivery
by startups offering last-                              capital’s favorite                                      modes as they anticipate The Next
                                                                                                                Normal in last-mile parcel delivery. 4
mile delivery services to                               Most funding, around USD 11.1 billion,
retailers and individuals                               was raised by startups offering last-                   Nuro designs, manufactures, and
                                                        mile delivery services to retailers and                 operates delivery robots. Their robot
                                                        individuals – a venture capital bet that                is being piloted in Houston, Texas, and
                                                        was analyzed in detail in 2017. 3 This                  Scottsdale, Arizona. Currently, Nuro
                                                        last-mile segment benefits from the                     works together with retailer Kroger to
                                                        growth in their addressable market,                     deliver groceries for a fee. The California-
                                                        e-commerce logistics (8 to 9 percent                    based company’s Series B brought in
                                                        CAGR from 2017 to 2023).                                USD 940 million in February 2019 and
                                                                                                                was led by SoftBank’s Vision Fund.5
                                                        Most of the analyzed last-mile startups
                                                        rely on unconventional delivery modes,                  Hive Box, a Shenzhen-based startup, was
                                                        e.g., using crowdsourced delivery,                      established in 2015 and now operates
                                                        drones, AVs, and parcel lockers. As                     more than 150,000 parcel lockers located
                                                        they make up USD 9.9 billion of the                     across China, which handle more than
                                                        11.1 billion, these are more successful in              9 million parcels per day. Five express
                                                        raising funds when compared to their                    companies, including SF Express, have a
                                                        peers relying on a more traditional fleet.              stake in the startup. The company raised
                                                        Companies like Nuro Inc. and Hive Box                   USD 323 million in a Series B round in
                                                        are major attractions for investors in                  January 2018 and currently totals more
                                                        this category and benefit from the hype                 than USD 700 million in funding.6


8                                                       Startup funding in logistics
Freight platforms          The freight platform market –                                                     are shipped or booked through online
received the most          startups pushing forward,                                                         freight booking platforms, marketplaces,
                           incumbents catching up                                                            or online forwarders, which include
corporate funding,                                                                                           incumbents’ platforms like FreightNet.7
threatening to replace     Another segment that has captured a
                           lot of attention and funding is freight                                           Platforms with a similar approach but
traditional intermediaries platforms. This holds especially true for                                         a focus on air and ocean transport
                                                        platforms that focus primarily on road               have raised far less than their road
                                                        transportation, which have received                  transportation peers (USD 1.6 billion).
                                                        about USD 6 billion in funding. While the            However, Flexport, with its strong
                                                        vast majority of this sum comes from                 offering and prominent customer
                                                        investment funds, this segment has                   base, clearly dominates this segment
                                                        also seen the most corporate funding.                and accounts for USD 1.3 billion of the
                                                        For example, DB Schenker acquired a                  funding. Flexport recently announced
                                                        USD 25 million stake in the road freight             a partnership with Chinese delivery
                                                        booking platform uShip. These platforms              and logistics company SF Express
                                                        aim to enhance pricing transparency,                 “[…] to offer customers a one-stop
                                                        professionalize, and digitize the often              shop for freight services, including
                                                        informally handled shipper carrier                   robust full container load (FCL) ocean
                                                        exchange. They focus on leveraging                   shipping and air cargo. Working
                                                        existing data as a means to address vast             together, Flexport and SF Express will
                                                        inefficiencies that still exist in the market        connect data and platforms to provide
                                                        (e.g., caused by empty runs). Thus,                  smarter and more advanced logistics
                                                        these startups contribute significantly              services to address the specific needs
                                                        to improving the sustainability of the               of Chinese companies.”8 Incumbents
                                                        transport and logistics industries, a                have also reacted in this segment. Most
                                                        trend that is becoming more prevalent.               prominently, Maersk launched its own
                                                        Moreover, the customer experience and                digital forwarder, Twill, in April 2017. The
                                                        ease of use for truckers and customers is            digital shipping platform initially focused
                                                        compelling. Even though the addressable              on shipments between China and the UK,
                                                        market is gigantic (approximately                    but quickly expanded and managed to
                                                        USD 2.2 trillion for all modes globally),            reach 27 countries by the end of 2018.9
                                                        growth is slower, as only 2 to 4 percent
                                                        CAGR is expected from 2017 to 2023.                  New entrants in the third-party logistics
                                                                                                             market have also been successful in
                                                        While these road freight marketplaces                raising capital. USD 3.3 billion was given
                                                        and solutions have yet to capture large              to startups developing logistics real
                                                        volumes, they have surely challenged                 estate, such as e-Shang Redwood, and
                                                        asset-lighter brokers and freight                    USD 1.4 billion to asset-based logistics
                                                        forwarders by matching shippers, loads,              service providers, such as Chinese BEST
                                                        and carriers directly, thus threatening to           Inc. or US-based Blue-Grace Logistics.
                                                        replace traditional intermediaries. The
                                                        emergence of these solutions is pushing              These are followed by companies
                                                        the traditional industry toward providing            involved in asset tracking (approximately
                                                        better visibility and more convenience.              USD 1 billion), specialized e-commerce
                                                                                                             service providers (approximately
                                                        Some incumbent players have already                  USD 640 million), providers of analytics
                                                        reacted: DHL Freight launched the                    solutions (approximately USD 530 million),
                                                        online marketplace Saloodo in 2016, and              inventory and order management solution
                                                        Kühne + Nagel launched FreightNet,                   providers (approximately 530 million), and
                                                        a road freight booking platform, in                  finally, startups involved in developing
                                                        2014. Transport Intelligence revealed                blockchain technology for logistics
                                                        that around 10 percent of volumes                    (approximately 160 million).


                                                        Startup funding in logistics                                                                   9
Exhibit 7

Last-mile and freight platforms have been on the map for a while; tech-enabled asset players
in 3PL market gaining traction

                                Traditional industry:          CEP         Storage   Transport   Tech   USD 50 million
                                                     Average annual funding, USD millions
Segment                                              2010–14                                               2015–19

New last-mile delivery models                                 29                                            1,947

Road freight marketplace and solutions                        35                                             1,151

Warehousing                                                     4                                            654

Air and ocean transportation                                   10                                            301

Traditional third-party or contract
                                                                3                                             271
logistics services

New entrants in the parcel business                             9                                            234

B2B e-commerce specialists                                      7                                             134

Intelligence providers                                           1                                           106

Inventory/order management                                     17                                             92

Asset tracking                                                20                                              54

Blockchain                                                      11                                             21

Source: Crunchbase; McKinsey

10                                          Startup funding in logistics
Asset-based logistics                            Looking at investments in these            China is ahead of the pack and
service providers are                            categories over time, warehousing has      has taken the lead from the US
                                                 grown the most when comparing the
the second fastest-                              average yearly funding in the periods of   In recent years, funding has shifted
growing segment                                  2010 to 2014 and 2015 to 2019.             from the US to China. While the US
                                                                                            accounted for 54 percent of total funding
                                                 Asset-based logistics service providers    back in 2014 and only 35 percent in
                                                 are the second fastest-growing             2019 (cumulative), China accounted
                                                 segment, so both rather “traditional”      for 40 percent in 2019 (cumulative)
                                                 segments are increasingly popular          compared to just 19 percent in 2014.
                                                 among investors. While the asset-          The startup landscape in China is
                                                 lighter freight platforms and last-mile    characterized by a high concentration
                                                 delivery companies have collected          of very large funding rounds: a mere
                                                 the most funding, investors seem to        20 Chinese logistics startups were able
                                                 increasingly turn back to good old         to collect more than USD 10 billion, while
                                                 asset-based models revamped with           61 of their US peers were able to collect
                                                 tech capabilities (see Exhibit 7).         about USD 9.8 billion (see Exhibit 8).

Exhibit 8

The US received the largest amount of funding in 2014 — in 2019, Chinese startups
dominated funding

Cumulative funding by region 1 over time
Percentage of total, 2014–19

Other                4                   3                  2              3         2             3
                                     2                 2                             3
                     3                                 3                   3                       5     Europe takes up a dispro-
Europe                               5
                     7                                                              10
                                                                                                         portionally small share
APAC (excl.                                            11                  12                      9     APAC (excl. China and
China and India)
                                                                                                         India) with high concentra-
                                     17                                              6
India                14                                                                            8
                                                                                                         tion of very well-funded
                                                                           10                            logistics startups,
                                                                                                         especially in Hong Kong
                                                                                                         and Singapore

                                                                           29                     35     The US share dropped
                                                                                                         significantly, mostly due to
                                                                                                         the funding frenzy in China
US                   54

                                                       53                            51
                                                                                                 40      China was able to increase
                                                                                                         its share from 19–40%.
                                                                                                         Lack of large funding
China                19                                                                                  rounds led China to drop

                  2014               15                16                  17        18           2019

1. Funding received by companies headquartered in the respective region.
Source: CB Insights; Crunchbase; company websites

                                                 Startup funding in logistics                                                        11
                                                    The concentration in China can also              delivery providers have received lots
                                                    be illustrated this way: six of the top          of attention and funding. Another
                                                    ten best-funded logistics startups               important part of the quote is that the
                                                    are from China, the best-funded of               cost for enterprises will be lowered.
                                                    which being the Manbang Group, an                China has relatively high logistics costs

out of 10
                                                    Uber-like platform for trucks formed             (logistics account for approximately
                                                    by the merger of Yunmanman and                   13 percent of GDP, while developed
                                                    Huochebang; it received USD 1.9 billion          countries average at approximately
best-funded logistics startups are                  in an enormous private-equity round.             8 percent), and the government has
from China                                          Manbang has used the funding to                  repeatedly expressed its interest
                                                    acquire logistics talent and acquire its         in lowering these. The Reform
                                                    own assets via its integration of Zihong         Fund’s stake in Manbang shows that
                                                    Logistics. Manbang’s funding round               supporting startups is one way they
                                                    constitutes the single largest funding           intend to do so.
                                                    round for a logistics startup and was led
                                                    by SoftBank’s Vision Fund as well as             Furthermore, local governments
                                                    the China Reform Fund Management,                set up industrial parks and provide
                                                    with other investors, including Google’s         infrastructure and capital to create
                                                    Capital G, Tencent Holdings, Sequoia             an ecosystem in which entrepreneurs
                                                    Capital, and others.                             can cooperate and flourish.
                                                                                                     The government expects this to spur
                                                    China’s dominance is driven by a                 economic growth, foster innovation, and
                                                    tendency to innovate fast and a                  generate tax revenue. The latter seems
                                                    willingness to try out novel business            to be less of a priority; however, venture
                                                    models, accelerated by stronger overall          capital firms have enjoyed a deduction
                                                    economic growth. China has already               on taxable income by 70 percent of
                                                    become one of the greatest incubators            their investment in seed or early-stage
                                                    of many disruptive digital innovators            high-tech startups since the beginning
                                                    and is a leading global investor in              of 2019.13 Small companies can also
                                                    disruptive technologies. One way to see          qualify for significant tax relief if their
                                                    how this manifests is the tremendous             income does not exceed RMB 3 million
                                                    demand growth in e-commerce, which               (about USD 435,800).14
                                                    has long moved past tier-one cities.10
                                                    The country thus seeks new, efficient,           Aside from favorable demand growth
                                                    and convenient ways of delivering                and high government support, a third
                                                    the ever-increasing number of goods              factor plays an important role in the
                                                    ordered online. Previous research                success of China’s logistics startups:
                                                    shows that the average citizen residing          the combination of tech and logistics
                                                    in tier-one cities orders more than              expertise. This is best observed
                                                    70 parcels per year, on average.11               at the Manbang Group, which has
                                                                                                     hired hundreds of people previously
                                                    The importance of the e-commerce                 employed by logistics players, such as
                                                    sector for China is also reflected in            Alibaba or logistics incumbents.
                                                    Premier Li’s “Internet Plus” initiative,
                                                    which aims to “boost the integration of
                                                    logistics and internet technology, lower
                                                    the cost for enterprises, and make
                                                    people’s lives more convenient.”12

                                                    E-commerce does a great deal for the
                                                    convenience part, and thus last-mile

     For more information, see:
     For more information, see:

12                                                  Startup funding in logistics
Indian market has seen                              APAC – successful new                      Delhivery managed to build a parcel
several successful new                              entrants with traditional                  network within a few years after its
                                                    business models                            establishment in 2011 and has thus
entrants with traditional                                                                      far collected around USD 935 million
business models                                     APAC (excluding China) also has a high     in funding. The company moved
                                                    concentration of very well-funded          from providing quick food deliveries
                                                    logistics startups, especially in Hong     to e-commerce fulfillment and has
                                                    Kong, Singapore, and India.                delivered over 550 million shipments
                                                                                               thus far. Besides operating an
                                                    Startups in Hong Kong benefit              express parcel network, the company
                                                    from their proximity to large and          has 75 fulfillment centers (with more
                                                    fast-growing markets in China              than 4 million square meters of
                                                    and Southeast Asia. For example,           space) across India, their own fleet
                                                    e-Shang Redwood, a logistics               offering less-than-truckload and
                                                    real estate developer, has a large         full-truckload services, as well as a
                                                    portfolio of projects in China and         cross-border network of clearance
                                                    has even expanded into Japan,              agents and forwarders. Delhivery has
                                                    South Korea, India, Singapore, and         also built its own tech capabilities,
                                                    Australia. Similarly, 4PX Express,         e.g., through its in-house transport
                                                    which was established in Hong              management platform and its freight
                                                    Kong in 2004, already employs              booking and management interfaces
                                                    1,500 people across 50 locations           Optimus and Orio.
                                                    and provides China-focused cross-
                                                    border e-commerce services to a            Xpressbees is another Indian delivery
                                                    large number of merchants. The             startup specializing in e-commerce and
                                                    Singapore Post and Shenzhen Capital        delivers over 60,000 shipments per
                                                    Group, a government-owned venture          day. The company focuses on same-
                                                    capital and private-equity investment      and next-day delivery and has gathered
                                                    fund, are among the company’s              more than USD 160 million in funding
                                                    major investors.15                         (including an investment from Alibaba)
                                                                                               since their establishment in 2015.
                                                    Last-mile startups entering the
                                                    market with more traditional modes         Bangalore-based digital trucking
                                                    (scooters, vans, trucks) are most          platform Blackbuck has simplified
                                                    successful in Asia-Pacific, especially     India’s trucking market and was able
                                                    in India, where players, such as           to raise USD 285 million since their
                                                    Delhivery and Xpressbees, have built       founding in 2015. Their platform lists
                                                    a completely new parcel network            300,000 trucks from 60,000 fleet
                                                    and collected hundreds of millions         owners, and the company recently
                                                    in funding within a few years. This        announced a partnership with Maersk.16
                                                    shows that the traditional parcel
                                                    players’ offerings have not sufficiently
                                                    addressed these markets.


                                                    Startup funding in logistics                                                   13
                                                   Europe – only a drop in                           Despite Europe’s strong presence in
                                                   the ocean                                         the traditional industry, with big names
                                                                                                     like Deutsche Post DHL, Kühne +
                                                   The money raised by their Asian and               Nagel, DSV, and Schenker, European
                                                   US peers has reached levels that                  logistics startups cannot keep up with
                                                   European startups can only dream of.              the funding raised in other parts of the
of the cumulative logistics startup                Europe’s logistics startups are funded            world. Europe contributes 26 percent
funding is accounted for in Europe                 far less and only account for a 5 percent         to the global GDP, and European-based
                                                   share of the cumulative logistics                 logistics companies take up almost half
                                                   startup funding.                                  of the global top 50 logistics service
                                                                                                     providers’ revenues, but the funding
                                                                                                     that European logistics startups receive
                                                                                                     is low compared to the US and China
                                                                                                     (see Exhibit 9).

Exhibit 9

Funding for logistics startups in Europe lags when compared to the overall funding

Funding in logistics vs. overall venture funding                                  GDP contribution vs. logistics revenue contribution
by region                                                                         by region
Percentage of total, 2019                                                         Percentage of total, 2018–19

                         0                     3                                                                          1
                                                                                  Other                7

APAC                     32

                                                                                  APAC                 39


North America            55                                                       North America        29

                                              35                                                                         46

                                                                                  Europe               25
Europe                   13
                      Overall              Logistics                                                 GDP              Logistics
                      funding               funding                                               contribution        revenue1

1. Determined by looking at global revenue of the top 50 LSPs from Armstrong & Associates.
Source: Crunchbase; PitchBook; IMF; Armstrong & Associates

14                                                 Startup funding in logistics
Funding rounds in Europe   Apparently, neither the local                national borders. Logistics clusters
                           incumbents nor local investor                and tech-startup clusters are seldom
are dwarfed by enormous
                           communities believe in the opportunity       colocated, hindering cooperation
rounds in US and APAC      of tech-enabled logistics startups to the    and knowledge exchange among the
                           extent that Chinese and US investors         two camps. Digital startups spawn
                           do. What is considered significant           and flourish in capital cities, such as
                           and makes headlines in Europe, such          Amsterdam and Berlin, but have very
                           as last year’s highlights, including         little contact with logistics hotspots
                           Zencargo’s USD 20 million round in           like Hamburg or Rotterdam. This might
                           April, FreightHub’s USD 30 million in        also be a reason why last-mile is such
                           May, or even Sennder’s USD 70 million        a popular and well-funded segment.
                           in July, is dwarfed by rounds worth          Urban tech talent is confronted with
                           hundreds of millions in Asia and the US.     rapid urban e-commerce delivery more
                           One part of the explanation is that          frequently than with the drier issues
                           venture funding just isn’t as common         of warehouse process optimization or
                           in Europe as it is in Silicon Valley or      port and airport operations to process
                           Shenzhen. However, the overall venture       long-haul shipments, usually located
                           capital funding share of Europe (across      outside of cities.
                           all industries) was at about 15 percent
                           in 2018, so the 5 percent share of the       The analyzed funding is creating
                           cumulative logistics startup funding still   substantial opportunities for startups
                           seems very small.                            to drive innovation in the sector. It is
                                                                        enabling young companies to compete
                           One significant barrier for the European     with incumbents and will challenge the
                           logistics startups is the established        status quo over the next decade.
                           shippers, such as traditional
                           manufacturing companies, which               In the following section, the implications
                           have relied on incumbent services for        for incumbents, startups, and investors
                           decades. This makes them reluctant to        are analyzed, and key hypotheses
                           use new services from unestablished          are presented.
                           companies, while younger, faster-
                           growing Asian peers, who are not
                           bound by decade-long relationships
                           to their logistics partners, seem to be
                           more open to using these new services.

                           While these European incumbents
                           have not yet been seriously threatened
                           by any new entrants in their home
                           market (partially because these
                           startups lack serious firepower and
                           assets), with some of their volumes
                           in foreign markets, especially India,
                           Southeast Asia, and China are already
                           being taken away by these well-funded
                           startups. Compared to the US and
                           China, European startups are also at a
                           disadvantage when it comes to the size
                           of their home countries, and to some
                           extent, language barriers and national
                           borders also pose restrictions on the
                           growth of these new entrants. This
                           fragmentation even takes place within

                           Startup funding in logistics                                                         15
Disruption ahead,     Incumbents are here to stay –              example, in e-commerce, third-party
                      at least for now                           logistics companies are increasingly
gradual evolvement,
                      Although logistics incumbents are not      losing shares to the growing captive
or big bust?          going anywhere, the question remains:      logistics offering of e-commerce and
                      how disruptive will these startups         tech leaders as well as startups that
                      turn out to be? Will they gradually        have tapped into market niches (e.g.,
                      eliminate traditional value pools and      seamless returns handling). Tech
                      monopolize future ones (as seen in         companies, such as Google and SAP,
                      travel distribution, music, television,    are investing in AI, machine learning,
                      and communication)? Or will they           and analytics capabilities focused on
                      converge with innovating incumbents        optimizing supply chains and logistics
                      competing for the same customers           expenditures, while leading online
                      and profits in the same services?          retailers, such as Amazon and Alibaba,
                                                                 are investing in startups directly
                      The most mature startups from the          innovating in last-mile delivery.
                      sample have already realized their
                      need for operational improvements          In addition, startups in fast-growing,
                      and thus have turned to expanding          emerging markets have successfully
                      logistics expertise by hiring staff        adopted more traditional business
                      from the incumbents (e.g., Uber            models in view of the lack of strong
                      Freight with headquarters in Chicago)      incumbents. Capturing the growth
                      or even by developing their own            of these emerging markets will
                      asset-based networks (e.g., Flexport       be significantly tougher once
                      built warehouses in Los Angeles,           a local startup has created strong
                      Hong Kong, and recently added              customer ties – another major
                      one in Shenzhen). The company              opportunity lost for incumbents.
                      also chartered B747s for shipments
                      from Hong Kong to Los Angeles,             To prevent new entrants from capturing
                      but recently replaced this dedicated       the second wave of growth segments
                      service with more flexible blockspace      again and keep other customers
                      agreements on freighters covering          from insourcing, incumbents need
                      several origins in Asia.                   to review their global presence
                                                                 and customer satisfaction across
                      The good news for the traditional          service segments and new customer
                      logistics providers is that in the         requirements, such as increasing
                      short term, the network, assets, and       sustainability, and map it against the
                      relationships of incumbents are not        most promising growth segments.
                      going to be disrupted, at least not in
                      their major markets. As of now, no new     Overarching partnerships will become
                      entrant has enough control over its        increasingly important for succeeding
                      network to ensure a globally integrated,   in the future, especially since processes
                      seamless transportation on behalf of a     in the industry are so intertwined.
                      large shipper: a capability that Kühne +   Connecting startups with incumbents
                      Nagel or DHL Global Forwarding             can unlock substantial opportunities
                      consider their domain.                     for all stakeholders. Incumbents
                                                                 have the opportunity to learn from
                      Startups are eating away at                young companies and deploy digital
                      incumbents’ growth prospects               capabilities to link their physical
                      Despite the fact that incumbents are       network with customers; startups get
                      here to stay, startups have managed        to improve their credibility and brand
                      to tap into markets that incumbents        awareness as well as gain access to
                      have long ignored. They were therefore     customers. Incumbents can benefit by
                      able to take a significant share of        learning how to become more agile, get
                      future growth potential away from          new ideas, and improve how dynamic
                      incumbents. This is reflected in some      and digital their brand is perceived.
                      of the lackluster capital market
                      trading of incumbents today. For

16                    Startup funding in logistics
By 2030, e-forwarding   Logistics in 2030 – a more                  Innovation will continue: by 2030,
                        balanced picture                            e-forwarding or crowdsourced delivery
or crowdsourced
                        Logistics incumbents are likely not         will become the new normal, and
delivery will become    going anywhere – and for them, that’s       startups will build complementing
the new normal          as much of a reason for concern as it       services to these new segments of
                        is a relief – but startups are gaining      logistics. In 2030, retailers might
                        momentum in their respective high-          leverage a control tower solution
                        growth regions and niches. When             developed by a startup (that might not
                        these segments (e.g., same-day and          even exist yet) to manage Instacart and
                        in certain categories and cities, even      other delivery options.
                        instant delivery) become part of the
                        new normal, frontrunning startups will      The logistics industry in 2030 will
                        become some of the largest logistics        have moved even closer to customers.
                        companies. Since the distribution of        E-commerce and B2C will become the
                        funding does not reflect the current        new normal, and incumbents will have
                        revenue distribution of logistics           improved their processes to become
                        companies but is actually in contrast       more customer friendly. Logistics
                        to it (Exhibit 9), the well-funded          companies that did not exist ten years
                        frontrunners from the startup space will    ago will join DHL, Maersk, and other
                        likely originate from emerging markets.     global heavyweights on the list of the
                        In fact, as more funding goes to less-      largest logistics companies.
                        developed markets, the new wave of
                        big logistics companies will likely come
                        from those markets. Thus, in 2030,
                        the revenues of logistics companies
                        will become more evenly distributed
                        between the major regions.

                        The number of corporate investments
                        in startups will grow further: growth
                        in China is booming, and incumbents
                        are enjoying low interest rates (while
                        eager to lead in e‑commerce logistics
                        innovations). This will not only include
                        corporate investments; M&A activity
                        will also dominate the headlines in
                        the coming years. Incumbents are
                        already eyeing targets to insource
                        growth verticals (e.g., CEVA Logistics
                        acquired a stake in e-commerce
                        logistics company Wing) or regions
                        (e.g., Kühne + Nagel has acquired
                        Indonesian Wira Logistics).

                        Not only will the regional revenue split
                        become more balanced, but also the
                        capabilities: while increasing complexity
                        of managing a large logistics business
                        will push startups to own assets,
                        incumbents are increasingly improving
                        user experience and their IT front end.

                        Startup funding in logistics                                                          17
Actions to make                                      Incumbents                                  However, successful digitization for
                                                     — Map offering against market               incumbents requires investment and
the journey to
                                                        growth. Startups have conquered          committed leadership. Incumbents need
2030 a success                                          markets where incumbents had             to let the incubated startup operate
                                                        a weak offering. To prevent new          fully independently, but should provide
                                                        entrants from capturing the second       connections, financial resources, and
                                                        wave of growth segments again            operational expertise. Maersk has
                                                        and keep other customers from            successfully created an e-forwarder by
                                                        insourcing, incumbents need to           building a truly independent entity and
                                                        review their global presence and         ultimately letting the new organization
                                                        customer satisfaction across             compete with the existing business.
                                                        service segments and map it              DHL realized that its asset-light
                                                        against the most promising growth        brokerage platform was not suited for
                                                        segments. The offering is likely to      the Indian market and thus acquired its
                                                        have more gaps than expected!            own assets. Its SmarTrucking business
                                                                                                 has already reached industry-leading
                                                     — Outsource IT. Just as logistics           performance KPIs (e.g., 95 percent
                                                       providers convince shippers to            on-time delivery) and aims for a rapid
                                                       outsource activities that are not         expansion of its fleet: 10,000 trucks
                                                       core to their business, namely            within ten years compared to the 745 it
                                                       logistics, logistics incumbents           has now.17 UPS already developed a
                                                       should avoid building complex             private-equity arm back in 1997.
                                                       proprietary IT solutions, even more       What is now known as UPS Ventures
                                                       so when these have to be layered          has invested hundreds of millions in
                                                       on top of inflexible legacy systems.      companies, such as trucking platform
                                                       Unless you have exceptionally             TuSimple, crowdsourced delivery service
                                                       strong tech capabilities internally,      Deliv, inventory/return management
                                                       use readily available solutions for       company Optoro, and more. In addition
                                                       the back end of operations (e.g.,         to launching FreightNet, Kühne +
                                                       TMS, WMS, ERP) and focus on               Nagel partnered with the Berlin-
                                                       a seamless IT integration and a           based “Startupbootcamp Smart
                                                       user-friendly front end. The money        Transportation & Energy” in 2016 and
                                                       is most likely better invested in         recently launched Reefknot Investments
                                                       advanced data analytics and               with Singaporean investment giant
                                                       interpretation expertise than in          Temasek. This USD 50 million venture
                                                       hardware and non-differentiating          capital fund is looking to support growth
                                                       software assets.                          stage businesses that have advanced
                                                                                                 tech capabilities or disruptive business
                                                     — Put your money where your mouth           models. On October 30, 2019, Reefknot
                                                       is and digitize. There are not a lot of   made its first investment in, an
                                                       options in choosing how to go about       AI platform facilitating decision making.
                                                       this – four to be exact:                  Reefknot’s investment was part of
                                                                                                 Powler’s Series B worth USD 24 million,
                                                          1. Self-digitize internal processes    which also included investors, such
                                                                                                 as Singapore’s SGInnovate. Other
                                                          2. Establish own startups              successful examples of bold investments
                                                                                                 and leadership dedication include SF
                                                          3. Acquire digital startups            Express’ investments in HiveBox and the
                                                                                                 associated parcel locker infrastructure,
                                                          4. Cooperate with digital startups     Hellmann’s rollout of Freightos’
                                                                                                 AcceleRate rate management and
                                                                                                 auto quote system, and DB Schenker’s
                                                                                                 investment and partnership with uShip.


18                                                   Startup funding in logistics
Startups                                               superficial level. In addition, recent      in logistics that have not yet fully
— Gain some muscles. To fill venture                   public offerings have led investors         benefitted from digitization and still
   capital inflows and growth prospects                and the industry to question how            cause friction in the supply chain.
   with actual volumes, startups need to               sustainable the economics of some
   expand their scale, deliver operational             of these new entrants really are.       — Foster overarching partnerships.
   excellence, and have a compelling                   Therefore, investors will become          Investors can use their network to
   sales process. This perhaps does                    more cautious when assessing              connect startups with incumbents.
   not require ownership but at least                  the investment grade of logistics         This can unlock substantial
   privileged access to and control of                 startups and look out for startups        opportunities for all stakeholders.
   selected tangible network assets                    that showcase profitability on a unit     Startups get to improve their credibility
   (think cross-docks and consolidation                basis or on a submarket level.            and brand awareness as well as gain
   facilities) as well as experienced                                                            access to customers. Incumbents can
   logistics talent. Operational expertise         — Stay flexible. In an industry               benefit by learning how to become
   is a key requirement as complex                    with strong network effects and            more agile, get new ideas, and improve
   supply chains are always prone to                  economies of scale, of course not all      how dynamic and digital their brand
   errors and external disruptions that               startups in this sample will prove to      is perceived. Additionally, investors
   require on the ground resolutions –                be successful. Staying flexible will       can connect with startups from
   which cannot pe provided by a                      help, as demonstrated by a number          related industries. Since processes
   pure software solution. So far, the                of young companies that successfully       are so intertwined, most established
   industry was spared a fundamental                  changed their business model.              players are not pure play, meaning they
   disruption – something many were                   Examples include Uber’s step into          combine capabilities from different
   worried about only a few years back.               logistics: while Uber’s first logistics    segments. Warburg Pincus merged its
   While it makes for a compelling                    business, the instant-delivery             warehousing service provider e-Shang
   deal story, it’s not enough to look                platform Uber Rush, was terminated         with logistics property investor The
   at an interesting market, identify                 after a few years of losses, its second    Redwood Group to create e-Shang
   a certain problem, and figure out                  platform, Uber Freight, is already a       Redwood. After suspending its IPO
   how it could be improved. Startups                 sizeable business and is still growing.    in Hong Kong in June last year, due
   need serious operational expertise                 The startup Kontainers started as          to unfavorable market conditions,
   and a holistic understanding of the                an e-forwarder and has successfully        the group is now looking to revive
   entire market and the relationship                 transformed into a back-end solution       its offering.18
   between each element. Otherwise,                   provider for logistics incumbents.
   you might end up solving a certain                                                            Another example of an investor
   problem in an impressive fashion but            Investors                                     bringing together startups from
   not being able to attract customers,            — Look out for the most analog                related industries is Insight Partners:
   or other processes could be involved               steps in the value chain. While            their roll-up (acquisition and merger)
   in the flow of goods that might not be             last-mile delivery models and freight      of E2Open, INTTRA, and Amber
   supported by the platform. You might               platforms have already acquired            Road is increasingly creating a
   have a good product that serves a                  billions in funding, the next industries   network of information exchange
   certain purpose, but you’re not going              ready for disruption and massive           spanning the entire value chain.
   to be a game changer.                              startup funding could be within
                                                      connectivity of ocean and surface-         Other interesting opportunities could
— Showcase profitability. In 2019,                    based transportation. Containers           bring together logistics startups
  several startups entering the stock                 still wait between five and seven          with startups in autonomous driving
  markets through an IPO found                        days on average to be picked up. In a      or electrified transportation, or
  themselves in the middle of a                       world where the industry has come          synergies could be created by
  disaster. The business models that                  to expect instant delivery, this is        teaming up a digital freight forwarder
  failed their IPO had similarities to                an opportunity for startups to step        with a visibility provider. Investors
  those in logistics: disruptors in an                in. Another interesting segment is         should build their portfolio wisely to
  asset-based, network business                       logistics real estate: with increasing     bridge the gaps in startups’ offerings
  experienced significant losses                      demand for warehousing space               and unlock major potential, either
  but high growth. Business model                     close to end consumers, innovative         through extensive partnerships or
  slogans like “Uberization of Freight”               solutions like store , micro-, or          even roll-ups.
  or “Airbnb for Warehouses” might                    crowd-sourced fulfillment might
  look compelling at first glance, but                increasingly attract the attention of
  the comparison only works on a                      investors. There are several segments


                                                   Startup funding in logistics                                                             19
The ultimate winners    Incumbents have the opportunity             About the authors
                        to learn from young companies and
are end customers and
                        deploy digital capabilities to link their   Ludwig Hausmann is a partner in
shippers benefitting    physical network with customers;            McKinsey’s Munich office. Tobias Wölfel
from increasing         startups are in the spotlight of            is a specialist in the Dusseldorf office,
                        incumbents and investors, and can           where Jaron Stoffels and Oliver Fleck
competition and         study the mistakes of the sector’s          are analysts.
increased customer      unicorns; investors can select from
                                                                    The authors wish to thank Troels Støvring
centricity              a growing number of companies
                        spanning all steps of the value chain       for his contributions to this article.
                        and different levels of maturity.           Troels Støvring is the former CEO of
                                                                    Twill (Maersk’s digital freight forwarding
                        Despite these opportunities for             startup) and currently works as an
                        players in the logistics industry, the      External Advisor to McKinsey & Company.
                        ultimate winners are end customers
                        and shippers benefitting from
                        increasing competition and increased
                        customer centricity. The logistics
                        sector has exciting times ahead.

20                      Startup funding in logistics
Travel, Transport & Logistics
February 2020
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