Page created by Adam Tran
Digital training preferences survey and focus group recommendations

 Report on our consultation with trainees regarding development priorities
 for the PaedsHub platform and content. Includes the digital training
 preferences survey design and analysis of responses, and a summary of the
 more detailed discussions from our initial focus group meeting.

Authors: Daniel Leach (DL), Rebecca Treleaven (RT)

September 2021
PaedsHub – Stakeholder consultation report

         Digital training preference survey .......................................................................................................... 3
            Survey design and distribution ........................................................................................................... 3
            Survey responses ................................................................................................................................ 4
                Section 1 – Digital learning preferences ......................................................................................... 4
                   Which format of online Paediatric learning would you be most likely to use? .......................... 4
                   Are there other formats not mentioned above that you would like to see? ............................. 4
                   Which topics of online Paediatric learning would you be most likely to use? ........................... 6
                   Are there other topics not mentioned above that you would like to see? ................................ 6
                   How would you prefer to hear about PaedsHub content or events updates? ........................... 8
                   What online resources do you currently access? ....................................................................... 9
                Section 2 – About the current training programme ..................................................................... 11
                   What has been successful about the last years education programme? ................................. 11
                   What could have been improved about the programme? ....................................................... 13
                   Which platform do you prefer regional teaching to be delivered via?..................................... 15
                Section 3 – About you ................................................................................................................... 17
                   What training level are you? ..................................................................................................... 17
                   Which areas of the curriculum do you find it challenging to provide evidence for in your
                   portfolio? .................................................................................................................................. 18
                   Would you be interested in getting involved with the PaedsHub project... ............................ 20
         Focus group discussion ......................................................................................................................... 21

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         Digital training preference survey
         Survey design and distribution
         Questions were prepared by DL and RT (following discussion with Heads of School) – aiming to
         establish a useful body of responses that would help guide nature of the initial phase of PaedsHub
         content and platform development. A survey was created using Microsoft Forms using the PaedsHub
         Microsoft account ( This form was embedded into a web page accessed via with a link shared with the trainee cohort via email and via WhatsApp
         trainee groups.

         Figure 1 - Email invitation to survey shared with trainees

         The survey was open from 3rd August until 22nd August 2021, with a reminder sent via the WhatsApp
         groups a few days before it closed.

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         Survey responses
         44 responses to the survey were received of which 34 were received on the day the survey opened.
         Respondents took on average 21 minutes to complete the survey.

         Section 1 – Digital learning preferences
         Which format of online Paediatric learning would you be most likely to use?

         Figure 2 - Aggregate ranking of options for question 1

                            (1st choice / 2nd choice / 3rd choice / etc…)
                       i.   Topic summary as text / images (25% / 20.5%/ 13.6% / 18.2% / 13.6% / 9.1% / 0%)
                      ii.   Interactive modules (22.7% / 20.5% / 22.7% / 11.4% / 13.6% / 6.8% / 2.3%)
                     iii.   Podcasts / other audio (22.7% / 22.7% / 18.2% / 9.1% / 9.1% / 11.4% / 6.8%)
                     iv.    Topic video summary (11.4% / 18.2% / 22.7% / 18.2% / 18.2% / 4.5% / 6.8%)
                      v.    Recorded lectures (13.6% / 11.4% / 6.8% / 29.5% / 18.2% / 13.6% / 6.8%)
                     vi.    Periodical email digest (2.3% / 6.8% / 6.8% / 6.8% / 15.9% / 15.9% / 45.5%)
                    vii.    Periodical blog posts (2.3% / 0% / 9.1% / 6.8% / 11.4% / 38.6% / 31.8%)

         Are there other formats not mentioned above that you would like to see?
          I think summaries of topics are good because they are usually shorter and focus on the most
          important things. Anything visual like videos or interactive media I tend to learn better from. But I
          think podcasts are great because you can listen whilst doing something else e.g. commuting
          Think it would be great to be able to access recorded regional teaching as so often we have to miss it
          with oncalls and would be a great way to use our study leave to watch the study day independently at
          a later date
          More use of WhatsApp, as everyone uses it. These are useful forums
          Needs to be in a format I can fit into daily busy life, ideally accessible on both phone and laptop
          App for phone
          Good linking with kaizen
          Podcasts and webnairs that are recorded
         Table 1 - Responses to question 2

         DL comments:
         Topic summary as text / images, interactive modules and podcasts emerged as the clear leaders here
         with over 70% of respondents selecting one of these as their first choice. Content we produce should

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         generally be one of these three types. I would propose selecting either interactive module or
         podcast to be the primary option, then asking the course director to also produce a summary

         Topic video summary and recorded lectures options were significantly less popular than the leading
         three. We could provide support for these options providing they don’t distract from our main
         format choices – for example we could consider asking module directors to consider producing a 10-
         minute summary video of their module which could be used as a wrap up at the end, but could also
         be uploaded to a YouTube channel (with permission) for those who prefer to access just the
         summary. Recorded lectures could be hosted on the site with fairly minimal effort. Discuss these
         options further at the focus group meeting.

         Periodical email and blog posts both scored very low and I feel can be discounted as options for the
         time being.

         Comments about linking to Kaizen and mobile accessibility noted.

         RT Comments:
         Useful that people picked topic / summary text, I think that will be easier to get colleagues /
         consultants involved with initially, whilst develop interactive modules. Would be good to hear from
         DL about how interactive modules would work at next meeting.

         Podcast – we have the equipment, can we recruit colleagues to start this or is there someone
         already interested. Can we do something different to dragon bytes/ two Paeds in a pod?

         For regional teaching the feedback from the teaching reps is that they get requests for the
         recordings but that it is really hard to record and then upload to the sharing platform – as such a
         huge file. How can we get IT support with this? How are other deanerys doing this?

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         Which topics of online Paediatric learning would you be most likely to use?

         Figure 3 - Aggregate ranking of options for question 3

                            (1st choice / 2nd choice / 3rd choice / etc…)
                      i.    Paediatric sub-speciality clinical topics (40.9% / 36.4% / 11.4% / 4.5% / 2.3% / 4.5% /
                            0% / 0% / 0% / 0%)
                     ii.    General paediatric clinical topics (31.8% / 36.4% / 13.6% / 4.5% / 11.4% / 2.3% / 0% /
                            0% / 0% / 0%)
                     iii.   Management/Leadership (2.3% / 2.3% / 15.9% / 22.7% / 29.5% / 15.9% / 6.8% /
                            2.3% / 2.3% / 0%)
                     iv.    Careers guidance (4.5% / 6.8% / 9.1% / 36.4% / 2.3% / 18.2% / 18.2% / 2.3% / 0% /
                     v.     Step-up to consultant (2.3% / 11.4% / 27.3% / 6.8% / 6.8% / 9.1% / 6.8% / 11.4% /
                            13.6% / 4.5%)
                     vi.    MRCPCH preparation (18.2% / 0% / 6.8% / 6.8% / 2.3% / 9.1% / 11.4% / 13.6% /
                            18.2% / 13.6%)
                    vii.    Regional networking events (0% / 2.3% / 6.8% / 4.5% / 18.2% / 11.4% / 22.7% /
                            13.6% / 13.6% / 6.8%)
                   viii.    Wellbeing and psychology support (0% / 0% / 2.3% / 2.3% / 22.7% / 13.6% / 20.5% /
                            27.3% / 6.8% / 4.5%)
                     ix.    Step-up to registrar (0% / 4.5% / 6.8% / 11.4% / 4.5% / 13.6% / 6.8% / 18.2% / 27.3%
                            / 6.8%)
                      x.    IMG support (0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 2.3% / 6.8% / 11.4% / 18.2% / 61.4%)

         Are there other topics not mentioned above that you would like to see?
          MRCPCH last only because I’ve already done it
          Research advice on grants, clinical fellow posts for those looking for OOPRs. How to actually exception
          report (has anyone ever used this?).

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          I am post MRCPCH but would have found this very useful during exam preparation in the past.
          Grid training curriculum teaching - london deanery is setting some up and maybe you could
          coordinate use the same.
          A research network base
          Sub speciality hot topics and up dates
         Table 2 - Responses to question 4

         DL comments:
         Clinical topics are the clear front runners here with over 70% of respondents indicating either sub-
         speciality or general paediatric clinical topics as their first choice of content. These two options are
         far ahead of the others.

         Several comments regarding MRCPCH preparation being ranked lower due to respondents being
         post membership. Looking at the raw data – ST1-3s ranked MRCPCH preparation as their 1st choice
         in 50% of cases.

         Perhaps less popular topics such as management, careers guidance etc, could have written resources
         on the website rather than more time-consuming options like interactive modules. To discuss at
         focus group.

         In the case of wellbeing and IMG support – may be appropriate to link in with specific support
         groups to ask what would be useful. Low priority from this survey may under-estimate the value of
         these resources for a small sub-set of trainees who should not be neglected if they are poorly
         represented in this consultation.

         RT comments:
         Need to focus on specialist clinical topics, general paeds and MRCPCH I think. Focusing on guidelines
         / emerging research / general advice. Should be presented as per the most popular formats
         indicated above e.g. summary text on emerging research or podcast on MRCPCH topics. Though not
         ranked as high, management / leadership and careers could also be covered with summary texts
         from consultants / senior doctors with experience in these areas.

         Agree with you Dan that wellbeing and IMG should not be forgotten just because of low scores. Links
         to Well Doctors / accessing psychological support and how to exception report should be available.

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         How would you prefer to hear about PaedsHub content or events updates?

         Figure 4 - Preference indicator for question 5

                             (Definitely / Possibly / Definitely not)
                   viii.     Standalone email newsletter (52.3% / 45.5% / 2.3%)
                     ix.     As part of existing deanery email bulletin (50% / 45% / 5%)
                      x.     WhatsApp group (39% / 41.5% / 19.5%)
                     xi.     Twitter (12.5% / 20% / 67.5%)
                    xii.     Instagram (2.6% / 23.7% / 73.7%)
                   xiii.     Facebook (2.7% / 27% / 70.3%)
                   xiv.      Siilo (0% / 16.7% / 83.3%)
                    xv.      None (6.5% / 35.5% / 58.1%)

         DL comments:
         Top 3 options seem like a good bet – perhaps more detail in a standalone email newsletter for those
         who sign up to it, brief announcements with a link to further details in deanery bulletin and
         WhatsApp group. Could give Twitter a go to see if it builds any momentum, but probably leave the

         RT comments:
         I think a brief newsletter to update about new modules etc on the website is a nice idea. Plus then
         us sending out a link to this on the ST1-3 and ST4+ whatsapp groups.

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         What online resources do you currently access?
          Don't forget the Bubbles & Paedfoamed
          Pastest youtube
          DFTB. Paediatric FOAMed.
          DFTB - attend the conference days (usually a group order and attend via video link at home, only used
          since covid), useful as often discussion pieces. RCPCH modules - some more useful than others. eLFH
          when I have the time (rarely but always wish could fit in more).
          Could the events be added to a teaching calendar like Google calendar and then shared with
          everybody. This way people who subscribe to the teaching calendar will have these events turn up in
          their calendars straight away..
          The only recourse I use is pastest for MRCPCH preparation - I just find the format really user friendly
          and revise best with practice questions rather than out of a text book
          Uptodate (when I had access)
          ACD - education
          Don't forget the bubbles, paediatric foam
          London school paediatrics mrcpch videos
          Dragon bytes and don’t forget the bubbles podcast
          DFTB, Royal Children's Melbourne, paeds emergencies app, neomate, eLfH
          Video's recorded from previous sessions - but the website is extremely hard to use, difficult to even
          see the dates of the lectures without clicking through, and doesn't show the lecture titles easily.
          Podcasts - DFTB, Paeds emergencies, Peds cases. Emed. Archives.
          Daenery website - check dates teaching sessions, RCPCH website for info exam for exam prep. Listen
          to don’t forget the bubbles podcast on commutes
          Podcasts eg twopaedsinapod - able to listen on commute, good if no longer than 30 mins
          You tube - was good for a recent paeds emergency conference - had the speaker and their slides
          Don't forget the bubbles
          Paedsfoam, GP PAeds tips, DFTB, Twitter
          Up to date. Pubmed. rcpch site sometimes. BPNA website. BBC sounds/podcast player and
          Spotify for podcasts.
          Catch up regional teaching days. Paediatric based educational podcasts. Audio content is good as can
          listen whilst doing other activities eg commuting/cleaning/childcare! Occasional have accessed
          paediatric FOAMed and Don't forget the bubbles. Used the London School of Paediatrics website for
          MRCPCH prep in past and found this helpful. E learning for health website for interactive modules.
          Some safeguarding recorded sessions (Bristol based). Used RCPCH online conference material for this
          year's conference. Online "We can talk" training.
          BMJ best practice
          Don't forget the bubbles
          2 Paeds in a Pod
          ADC and ADC F & N podcasts
          London School of Paediatrics YouTube channel

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           DFTB, RCPCH, PMA, life in the fast lane,
          Table 3 - Responses to question 6

          DL comments:
          Useful to refer to these for inspiration and to link to if good open access content already exists for a
          target topic. Use these to ask focus group what about these resources is really good.

          RT comments:
          All these resources picked are very visual and use topic / text summary to relay most of their

          Whatever we do should ideally be different to whats already out there or specific to Severn.

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          Section 2 – About the current training programme
          What has been successful about the last years education programme? What have you enjoyed?
           The topics have been diverse and interesting and merging efforts with peninsula helped broaden
           topics further and increase attendance / engagement during sessions
           N/A (new)
           COPE, Step up courses, some of the regional teaching
           online format, although I don't like a full day of MS Teams as I feel I do zone out half day sessions
           have been really useful, the reduction in travelling time and ability to work from home has been
           beneficial. I have missed the practical sessions and the socialisation of teaching days however feel a
           balance between online and in person practical SIM sessions (small group) would work really well
           going forward.
           Online format is good ,
           Recorded and remote teaching meaning attendance possible on off days/ catch up afterwarss
           Although I miss F2F teaching a lot - I think having virtual teaching makes it more accessible. All the
           regional teaching has been well organised and high quality.
           The frequency of teaching and the sharing of teaching with peninsula
           Virtual access
           Online study days with peninsula as has meant less study days cancelled by Severn deanery
           Remote access so all can attend if free without travel, but good to have opportunity for actual in
           person meeting.
           Remote teaching days
           Online lecture and recorded lectures have made teaching much more accessible for me
           video learning - so much more accessible
           I have been glad of the ample teaching days and the recordings have been useful to catch up.
           Interactive ones using chat
           Clinical cases
           Being recorded for future viewing if not able to attend
           Lots of subspecialty input giving advice on what they want to know from us in their referrals etc.
           Recorded sessions
           Interactive sessions
           That it kept going
           Have been able to access more material more easily from home. During time working remotely this
           was especially helpful. Good to be able to access interactive learning modules, be good for these to be
           easily signposted from a central site. Found virtual teaching sessions with built in quizzes/polls good
           for keeping us engaged.
           MDT teaching eg Cleft teaching with consultant and nurse specialist, stuff you can’t learn from a
           Attended very little.
           The ability to join in from home and to have access to MS teams to join
           Virtual teaching sessions being accessible from home and at other times. Shame about the lack of
           Southmead Monday afternoon NICU teaching
           Only been able to attend one regional teaching but enjoyed how split into different topics
           themed days, all online so can dial in for it.
           As a part time trainee I have found the virtual sessions more accesible as I have been able to join
           some sessions on my non-working days when childcare might have otherwise been a problem.

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           Think the teams lectures have been good, interaction difficult online even with slido etc
           recorded trainee days you can then catch up on
          Table 4 - Responses to question 7

          DL comments:
          Lots of comments regarding the importance of accessibility afforded by remote teaching

          RT comments:
          People seem good with the online format, as it has made teaching a lot more accessible but a whole
          day of it is tough. Colleagues have enjoyed sharing teaching with Peninsula and preferred themed
          days. Interaction / quizzes kept attendees engaged and liked being able to access recordings at a
          later date. A guide on how to facilitate good online teaching and use MS teams would be useful for
          future teaching events.

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          What could have been improved about the programme?
           As ever, getting finalised dates far enough in advance to attend. As someone who helped organise the
           teaching, it just doesn’t feel like regional education/teaching is prioritised in this deanery as much as
           others. There is a culture of the regional teaching days being seen as an inconvenience by hospitals.
           No one blinks when GP trainees have to be allowed to go to teaching regardless of staffing but the
           same priority is not afforded to paediatric trainees
           Teaching on public health and how to address in clinical practice
           I have missed the practical sessions and the socialisation of teaching days however feel a balance
           between online and in person practical SIM sessions (small group) would work really well going
           forward as we are allowed to meet up more.
           Online quizzes to reinforce learning
           Consistency in recording
           Its harder to meet other trainees and network with virtual teaching
           More in person teaching. Easier to catch up on recorded regional teaching
           More teaching from Severn deanery
           More interactive sessions
           Often find it hard to find the links to teaching days or previous teaching
           the website to watch previous sessions - see previous comment
           More clinical case based
           Difficult to be as interactive online with talking but was better when used chat/quiz websites etc
           Having more of the sessions recorded to watch back at a later time.
           Speakers more adept at tech, (being able to get the most out of it). Not just translating a talk into a
           talk on a screen!
           Using surveys, blended learning, etc
            I find whole days of Teams teaching quite draining compared to face to face teaching sessions. I miss
           the networking and social aspects of face to face teaching days. I think the ideal would to be running
           these face to face with optional video for those unable to attend in person or wanting to catch up the
           Dates circulated more.
           Circulation of dates and topics beforehand.
           Recording regional teaching and so able to watch around rota
           MRCPCH prep
           More interactive sessions once people get used to using MS teams.
           More interaction in online sessions
           More information in advance regarding the teaching topics which might be covered on each session,
           and hence whether certain days are more relevent for sub-specialty trainees.
           I have found it difficult to get study leave to attend on the day due to how tight rotas are and
           difficulties in arranging swaps. Therefore, you often end up accessing recorded content in your own
           time and frankly I am fed up of doing everything in my own time.
          Table 5 - Responses to question 8

          DL comments:
          Need to share these comments with the incoming teaching coordinators. We could produce a guide
          or video guide to support speakers being more familiar with teams/zoom and suggestions for how to
          improve the quality of remote presentations.

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          RT comments:
          Deanery to make attendance to regional teaching a priority. Ensure dates are planned well in
          advance. Could different hospitals / sub-specialities take responsibility for teaching once every two

          Part attendance, part online depending on where in the deanery the teaching is held?

          Need to create a guide for how to record and upload videos to sharing platform. More IT support
          required for teaching reps and for the teachers to make it as interactive and engaging as possible.

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          Which platform do you prefer regional teaching to be delivered via (when not face-to-face)?
           Teams is beyond painful. We have had so many tech failures using it this year. Zoom appears a more
           stable platform but met lots of resistance against it being used.
           Teams/Zoom equally good
           Anything other than WebEx, it always crashes
           Teams is fine but there needs to be a way to reliable record the sessions for those that can't attend
           due to service or child care commitments.
           Zoom , more intuitive , easier to use
           Teams as it was the easiest to use
           MS Teams
           I'm happy with either of these platforms
           I think zoom is easier to coordinate but probably only as less familiar with teams
           No preference
           I find zoom easier to use than teams but appreciate not confidential as much and lectures are likely to
           want that if presenting case sensitive info.
           Prefer face to face but not always able to get to it is on nights etc so was helpful having it recorded
           Zoom or teams
           MS teams is rubbish.
           Anything is fine
           Platforms which offer the best opportunity to have interaction despite being online.
           Teams, breakout rooms
           YouTube for later access
           Teams is fine but doesn’t always work reliably
           MS Teams has not been any good as can't talk or use chat if not in the organisation
           No particular preference but only have experience of Teams and Zoom
           I think they are much of a muchness
          Table 6 - Responses to question 9

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          DL comments:
          Fairly even split between teams and zoom here. Would be worth try to address the issues with
          Teams – making sure everyone can access the chat etc – then would probably be favoured by most

          RT comments:
          Equal split - in keeping with teaching reps feeling that it is less about the platform and more about
          peoples difficulties using either.

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          Section 3 – About you
          What training level are you?

          Figure 5 - Training levels of respondents

          DL comments:
          Great to see some representation from all stages of training. Need to bear in mind that unequal
          representation of training levels might impact responses.

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          Which areas of the curriculum do you find it challenging to provide evidence for in your portfolio?

          Figure 6 - Curriculum evidence difficulty chart

                              (More challenging / less challenging / not at all challenging)
                     xvi.     Professional values and behaviours (27.5% / 60% / 12.5%)
                    xvii.     Communication (7.5% / 50% / 42.5%)
                   xviii.     Procedures (15.8% / 31.6% / 52.6%)
                     xix.     Patient management (7.7% / 41% / 51.3%)
                      xx.     Health promotion (74.5% / 18.6% / 7%)
                     xxi.     Leadership and team working (41% / 41% / 17.9%)
                    xxii.     Patient safety ( 59.5% / 33.3% / 7.1%)
                   xxiii.     Quality improvement (51.2% / 39.5% / 9.3%)
                   xxiv.      Safeguarding (27.5% / 65% / 7.5%)
                    xxv.      Education and training (17.5% / 65% / 17.5%)
                   xxvi.      Research (74.5% / 16.3% / 9.3%)

          DL comments:
          Unsurprising results. We should make sure that clinical modules include coverage of harder to
          evidence areas (such as health promotion) with clear signposting to users that a particular section of
          the module can be used for this purpose in ePortfolio.

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          RT comments:
          Ensure all modules / teaching are linked to the curriculum. Getting some examples of OOPs from
          trainees would provide lots of inspiration and be in keeping with shape of training. Having talks /
          section on the website from those that have taken time out to perform research. Highlight the need
          for curriculum matching in ‘how to guide for teachers’ to remind trainees to reflect and link the
          teaching to their portfolio.

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          Would you be interested in getting involved with the PaedsHub project...

          Figure 7 - Further involvement preferences chart

                             (Yes / No)
                  xxvii.     as part of an advisory focus group? (59.1% / 40.9%)
                 xxviii.     by producing content for the website? (54.5% / 45.5%)
                   xxix.     by providing further opinions or suggestions by email? (52.3% / 47.7%)

          Optional: If you selected 'Yes' to either option above, or would like to be kept up to date with
          PaedsHub development updates, please enter your email address below.
          DL comments:
          I have not included email addresses here for reasons of privacy, but we can refer to the raw data to
          access these.

          We will email these people to arrange a date for focus group meeting.

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          Focus group discussion
          The focus group met on 14th September and had a productive discussion. Some further suggestions
          were made and explained how creators could make a start generating content for the site.

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