St Patrick's Primary School - St Patrick's Catholic School, Kilbirnie

St Patrick's Primary School - St Patrick's Catholic School, Kilbirnie
St Patrick’s Primary School
                                Together in Faith & Learning
                                         Week 2 Term 3 2020
                                  Thoughtfulness and Kindness

Let’s have an Attitude of Gratitude
The last couple of weeks we have been focusing on Kindness and Thoughtfulness. We have
been exploring different ways in which we can show Kindness and Thoughtfulness to each other.
It has been wonderful to hear that little acts of kindness and small words of encouragement still
have a huge impact on your tamariki. For example; other children standing back in doorways for
each other, some saying thanks for helping out, others paying a compliment. Acts of kindness
and thoughtfulness do not have to cost any money. Jesus asked us to have a change of heart
and be open to God’s love. Jesus told his followers to see God in the fields, the plants, the
children or whatever was around them. If Jesus was present in person talking to us now, I
believe he would use examples like the ASB Sports’ Centre, the shopping mall, Pak n Save, and
of course our school. God is speaking to us all the time. With an attitude of gratitude, I believe we
will be able to hear God’s message more readily and more often, especially when it is presented
as a simple ‘thank you’ or someone opening a door for us.

Play-based learning options
      On Monday afternoons the teaching staff prepare a range of activities for our tamariki to
      enjoy. These options range from carpentry, science experiments, jewelry making,
      painting and much more. The tamariki create, make and explore. Importantly, they get to
      choose what they would like to try and if they are finished and want to move on, then they
      can. We rely on their co-operation to be sensible and safe. Accidents can happen if they
      are being careless or someone else is e.g. paint on school clothes. Please ask your child
      if they intend to do painting and if so provide an old shirt for them to change into.

Lunchtime changes: See the attached letter page 4. Your children will now eat their lunch at
the end of the lunch break. A reminder, that we discourage hot chips, KFC, sweets and
anything that comes in small packets. Why? 1)They end up all over the playground 2) Some are
blown into the harbour 3) there is hardly any food value in them 4) Buying multipacks of small
packets is a waste and bad for the environment. And many more reasons.
The following is a link to the BMI calculator
calculator All you have to do is put in your height and your weight and it will tell you if you have a
healthy weight or not. This BMI is only an indicator. Some of the All Blacks who have a lot of
muscle and no fat at all, are considered overweight or even obese.

Posters feedback: We are a PB4L school (Positive Behaviour 4 Learning) You may have
noticed the new signage around the school? What do you think of it? Please give any of the staff
your feedback please.

Parent interviews: Thanks for making the effort to come along to these meetings. As you know,
you are welcome to make an appointment with your teacher anytime that you feel you would like
to discuss your child’s progress.

BoT meeting: Tonight at 6pm. All are welcome to attend.

Builder required. Do you have building skills? We need to employ someone for a project. We
would like to replace some wire netting and tidy up the brown fence next to the sunshade.
If you are interested please talk to Tony

Blessings to you all
St Patrick's Primary School - St Patrick's Catholic School, Kilbirnie
Cross Country

Congratulations to all the children who ran in cross country yesterday, for their perseverance and
resilience and commitment. An extra big congrats to Surafil who was 11th in the year 8 boys and
Sheweet who was 4th in the year 5 girls.

Sheweet will now represent the Eastern Zone schools at the
Wellington Wide Cross Country Championships. Surafil is
first person on the standby list.

The children involved were:

Year 4 Girls
Yourtana Al Mekhaeel

Year 4 Boys Eenatom Al Mekhaeel
James Kehoe Rowden

Year 5 girls
Sheweet Tesfay

Year 5 boys
Charlie Madar - Leuluai
Nathnael Keleab
Aaron Alcid Ornido

Year 6 boys
Luifau Foliaki

Year 7 boys
Darius Latu
Tadiwos Solomon Natnael Ayele

Year 8 boys - Surafil Keleab
St Patrick's Primary School - St Patrick's Catholic School, Kilbirnie
Room 1
                                     Read theory Champ: Francis.
                                     Steps web: Surafil

                                     Math Whizz Awards:
                                     24 July
                                     Gabriel, Dean, Arseama & Darius

 Gospel value for the
week is: thoughtfulness

                                     We welcome to St Patrick’s Edom Tafery
                                     who has started in the new entrant class,
 Happy Birthday to You!              she is Nardos’s sister.

 This fortnight we pray for the
  following children who have
celebrated or will celebrate their
           birthdays.                              SCHOOL CALENDAR

                                     Please check our online school calendar and events
                                                         information at
                                          you can click to subscribe and all updated
                                          information will be emailed directly to you.


                                       ASB Sports’             This term is on
                                         centre                   Tuesdays
                                                                PE gear is essential
                                                               Can be worm all day.

                                       St Catherine's        Every Friday morning
                                           Seniors          Be at school by 8.30am

                                             Important dates for your diary.

                                        30th July               BOT meeting

                                         5th Aug                BOT Meeting
                                         6th Aug                Cultural Day
                                                               National Dress/
St Patrick's Primary School - St Patrick's Catholic School, Kilbirnie
Feeding the mind – Feeding the body- Feeding the soul

St Patrick’s Primary School is trialing something different.
We seek your support with this trial.
We’ve noticed that a few children are tired in the afternoon class. Either they have burnt off all the energy
their lunch gave them, or there was no real food value in the chippies or crackers that they had for lunch.

Normally we eat our lunch from 12:50 to 1:05 pm.
If your tamariki are finished at 1:05 they are allowed to go and play. If they haven’t finished, they must
remain and continue to eat. They then can run around and use up a lot of the energy that the food provided
them, after which they go into class and can run out of steam.
The challenges are encouraging your child to eat their food, whilst they watch their friends run around and
play. And, keeping them engaged at 2:30pm when they’d rather have a snooze.
Our solution:
For your child to eat the food at the end of lunch time,- after they have played and run around. We believe
that by 1:25pm (the end of lunch) they will be hungry and will eat the food that you have prepared for them.
There won’t be any pressure to ‘not eat’ or waste their food so that they can go and play. They then go into
class with energy for the afternoon session.
We see it as a win-win situation. The students get to eat the food that you have prepared for them, when they
are hungry and have no motivation to either waste it or say that they aren’t hungry, so that they can go and
Also, the students are less tired in the afternoon class as they have just eaten without running it off.
Other schools that have done this, have found that the students ate a little bit more food at the beginning
of the trial. It soon went back to normal.

       Old time           New time                Benefits                 Down side

 12:50                    12:50               After being
 Lunch break starts       Lunch break starts confined in the               1. It’s different
 - children sit           – children go out class, they can re-
 down and eat (15         and play           lease their energy
 min)                                        and be “free”

 1:05                     1:20                    No pressure to go
 Some children go         Play stops and the      and play:
 and play. Others         children sit and        Students are
 continue to eat          eat their food          hungrier (not waste
                                                  as much):
                                                   20 minutes to sit
                                                  and eat not 15 min

 1:40                     1:40                    More awake in the        Very slow eaters may
 End of lunch             End of lunch            afternoon class          have to finish their food
 break                    break                                            in class
 Tired children           Fed children
 come into class          come into class
St Patrick's Primary School - St Patrick's Catholic School, Kilbirnie
Lemon Herb chicken
• 2 Tbsp. Olive Oil
• 2 Tbsp. Water
• Juice of 1 large lemon
• 2 Tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar
• ¼ Cup Chopped Parsley (not packed)
• 1 tsp. Dried Sweet Basil
• 1 tsp. Dried Oregano
• 1 Heaped tsp. Crushed Garlic
• BIG Pinch of salt
• 4 Chicken Thighs – Organic if possible

• Baby Spinach Leaves – 2 Handfuls
• ½ Cucumber - sliced
• 1 Tomato – sliced
• 1 Grated Carrot
• ½ Avocado

Whisk all marinade/dressing ingredients together and pour 2/3 of the mixture over the chicken thighs. Leave to marinade in the
fridge for up to 2 hours.
Put together a side salad using salad ingredients – you can add any extra vegetables to this. Olives and sun-dried tomatoes would
be delicious!
Heat up a pan and add a drizzle of olive oil. Cook chicken thighs for roughly 5 minutes per side or until cooked through.
Drizzle remaining marinade over the salad and serve.

Choc Chip Cookies
Oh my gosh, yum. And what better way to get the kids into helping in the kitchen than baking cookies?!


•   1/4 C Honey
•   1/4 C Peanut Butter (I used Pics, crunchy)
•   2 Bobby Bananas - mashed (or 1 large!)
•   1 Heaped Tbsp. Coconut Oil
•   1 Large Egg
•   1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
•   1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
•   1/4 tsp. Salt
•   1/2 tsp. Cinnamon
•   2 Tbsp. Chia Seeds
•   1 C Rolled Oats - blended until fine
•   3/4 C Rolled Oats
•   3/4 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips/Drops

Preheat the oven to 180C and line a baking tray with baking paper.
warm the honey and peanut butter and add to the mashed banana - mix well.
Add the melted coconut oil and mix.
Add the egg, vanilla, baking soda, salt, chia seeds and cinnamon and mix well.
Gently mix through the oats (both types!) and the chocolate chips until evenly mixed through.
Scoop the mixture onto the baking tray (don't try and roll it) with two tablespoons.
Bake for 13 minutes or until browned and cooked through.

Makes 12 medium sized or 16 small biscuits.
St Patrick's Primary School - St Patrick's Catholic School, Kilbirnie
NZ uniform price list          Summer Dress- Navy Plaid
                                     Sizes 8-16, S-M
JUNIOR GIRLS (YEAR 1-6)              $60.00
                                     Unisex ¼ Zip Fleece Top - Navy
Unisex ¼ Zip Fleece Top - Navy       Sizes K4-14, XS-XL
Sizes K4-14, XS-XL                   $35.00
Unisex Short Sleeve Polo- Sky        SENIOR BOYS (YEAR 7- 8)
Sizes K4-16, S-L                     Summer Short Sleeve Shirt - Sky
$30.00                               Sizes K8-K16, S-XL
Unisex Long Sleeve Polo- Sky         $30.00
Sizes K4-16, S-L                     Winter Long Sleeve Shirt - Sky
$35.00                               Sizes K8-K16, S-XL
Skort- Catholic Tartan (Optional)    $35.00
Sizes K2-16, S                       Summer Shorts- Navy
$50.00                               Sizes 62-97
Pinafore Catholic Tartan             $50.00
Sizes K4-16                          Winter Trousers- Navy
$65.00                               Sizes 62-97
JUNIOR BOYS (YEAR 1-6)               Wool Socks
                                     Sizes 7-10J, 11-1J, 2-5, 6-10
Unisex ¼ Zip Fleece Top - Navy       $15.00
Sizes K4-14, XS-XL
$35.00                               PE AND ACCESORRIES
Unisex Short Sleeve Polo- Sky        Unisex PE Tee- Royal
Sizes K4-16, S-L                     Sizes K6-14, S-L
$30.00                               $45.00
Unisex Long Sleeve Polo- Sky         Unisex PE Shorts- Navy
Sizes K4-16, S-L                     Sizes K6-14, XS-L
$35.00                               $30.00
Pull on Shorts- Navy                 Bucket Hat – Navy
Sizes K4-20                          Sizes 51, 55, 57, 61
$30.00                               $16.00
Pull on Pants- Navy                  Ankle Socks –White Summer (Girls)
Sizes K4-20                          From $12.00
                                     Tights – Navy Winter
SENIOR GIRLS (YEAR 7-8)              From $20.00
Summer Short Sleeve Blouse - White   Black Lace up Shoes
Sizes 4-16                           From $119.90
$45.00                               Laundry Pen
Winter Long Sleeve Blouse - White    From $12.00
Sizes 4-16                           School Bag
$50.00                               Assorted
Winter Skirt- Catholic Tartan
Sizes 8-16
St Patrick's Primary School - St Patrick's Catholic School, Kilbirnie St Patrick's Primary School - St Patrick's Catholic School, Kilbirnie St Patrick's Primary School - St Patrick's Catholic School, Kilbirnie St Patrick's Primary School - St Patrick's Catholic School, Kilbirnie
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