Page created by Melvin Hoffman
St Louis
Grammar School
             BA L LY M E N A

 E XCE L L E N CE   E N D E AVO U R              E M P O WE R M E N T

         2022 PROSPECTUS

                               •   •    

              w w w. s t l o u i s g r a m m a r. c o m
School Leadership Team

                                           Mr S Rafferty           Mrs J O’Neill
                                            Principal            Acting Principal
                                                            School Improvement Leader

     Mr C Morgan            Mrs B McGreevy             Mrs N McCann           Mrs C McFadden             Mrs S McCarry
  Assistant Principal      Assistant Principal        Senior Teacher for         Temporary                 Temporary
 Curriculum Manager       Head of Pastoral Care    Leading and Sustaining     Senior Teacher for       Senior Teacher with
Entitlement Framework       Head of Year 14         Student Achievement       Data Analysis and         Responsibility for
      Co-Ordinator                                  at Whole School Level    Student Assessment          Whole School
                                                       Head of Year 13                                   Self-Evaluation

      Head Girls and Head Boys 2021/22

  Lucy Donaldson             Cara Brennan             Orlagh Convery        Caoimhe McErlaine            Cara Pirie
     Head Girl              Deputy Head Girl          Deputy Head Girl       Deputy Head Girl          Deputy Head Girl

  Samuel Crawford            Jack Addison             Conan Johnston          Oran McMullan            Ryan McQuillan
     Head Boy               Deputy Head Boy           Deputy Head Boy         Deputy Head Boy          Deputy Head Boy

School Mission Statement
St Louis Grammar School is a Catholic, Voluntary Grammar       At present we have over 1100 students and this year we
School committed to providing excellent educational            accepted 163 new students into our year 8 cohort. We are
opportunities for each student to develop his/her unique       delighted to serve students and families from the communities
talents to the full in a secure, caring environment.           of Antrim, Ballymena, Cargan, Corkey, Creggan, Cloughmills,
                                                               Cushendall, Cushendun, Dunloy, Glenarm, Glenravel, Larne,
Our motto “Ut Sint Unum” that they may be one, reinforces      Loughgiel, Moneyglass, Portglenone, Randalstown and
our St Louis’ family value system and family centred           Rasharkin and to develop our natural community links
approach to education.                                         in this manner.
a message from our

Dear Parents and Prospective Students,
I hope you will enjoy reading our prospectus      We wish you, as a prospective student, all the
and that it will give you some insight into       best in your choice of school, confident that
the exciting and challenging work that takes      if you choose St Louis Grammar School you
place in our school. Our current students are     will have made an excellent decision.
our best advocates and I would encourage
                                                  We look forward to seeing many of you join
you to watch our Virtual Open Day where you
                                                  with us on our education journey where
will see that our school is a happy, secure and
                                                  personal progress is a priority and collective
safe place, where everyone is valued and
                                                  responsibility for ensuring everyone succeeds
where expectations are high.
                                                  is infectious.
Our Mission Statement and mantra of
                                                  The future for the school is strong... the future
Excellence, Endeavour and Empowerment
                                                  for our students, if they avail of opportunities,
in a school context helps ensure that we all
                                                  is superb. The potential for all students
work together to achieve highly in all areas
                                                  joining us is second to none as our
of school life. We are committed to building
                                                  personalised learning philiosophy means
on the talents, skills and self confidence
                                                  that all students are challenged to achieve
of every student as he/she travels with
                                                  and contribute to society. We are proud of
us through their educational career, in
                                                  our strong sense of family values and place
preparation for the work place or university.
                                                  emphasis upon interpersonal relationships.
Like all schools, St Louis has been impacted      As a Catholic school, this ethos and sense of
by COVID-19. However, despite these health        community spirit pervades our thinking and
and safety challenges, I am really impressed      planning strategies. We can guarantee a high
by the resilience of our students and staff,      quality educational experience where each
who have continued to engage in high quality      and every student is fully valued.
learning and teaching opportunities.
A read through our termly newsletter
                                                  Mr Sean Rafferty
Kintullagh Voice is a reminder of how
the school has continued to thrive and
develop, even in challenging times.
The past few years will long be remembered
in history, but from an education perspective,
our strong emphasis upon pastoral care;
academic attainment and a faith based
approach where everyone is valued and
respected, are features that will not change.

                                                                                             •   •    
Aims of St Louis Grammar School
                    To be a community inspired by the Catholic         To involve Parents, Educational Bodies and
                    faith, living out Gospel Values and reflecting     Industry in the work of the school and benefit
                    all traditions of our Irish Cultural Heritage.     the greater Ballymena Community.

                    To enable pupils to acquire a sense of purpose     To foster a spirit of cheerful co-operation and
                    and have a good opinion of themselves by           provide a caring environment which promotes
                    giving all access to a religious, academic,        high achievement and self-esteem among
                    moral, social and physical education with          staff and pupils.
                    appropriate provision for pupils with special
                    needs, in an attractive school environment.

                    To provide teachers with the necessary
                    accommodation, equipment and
                    training to achieve the above aims.
S C H O O L ,

                    Visiting the School
                    Due to Covid-19, unfortunately our Open Nights     Information evenings for Years 11 and 12 and
                    are cancelled. However, we would like to invite    Parent/Teacher meetings for Years 12 and 14
                    you to watch our Virtual Open Day which can        are currently held virtually early in the first
                    be viewed at                term and for remaining pupils during the
                                                                       second term. All appointments with teachers

                    Please email or telephone the school to discuss    must be made through the School Office.
                    any issues you may have in relation to transfer.

                    Parental support is one of the greatest
                    assets that children can have during their

                    school career.


                      •   •    
School Uniform
 Navy blazer with braid and crest
                                                      Black blazer with crest
 Pale blue revere blouse (Year 8-12)
                                                      Pale blue shirt
 Blue stripe revere L/S blouse (Sixth Form)
                                                      School tie
 Navy V-neck jumper with pale blue stripes
                                                      Plain grey V-neck jumper
 Junior school – knee length navy skirt (Year 8-9)
                                                      Black trousers
 Senior school – below the knee length
 navy skirt (Year 10-14)                              Dark coloured socks
 Navy tights/pale blue socks                          Black shoes
 Black shoes                                          Outdoor school
                                                      waterproof coat
 School scarf
 Outdoor school waterproof coat/navy fleece

 Stockists:                              56-60 Church Street, Ballymena Tel. 028 2565 2577

                                                                                                                    E X C E L L E N C E
 PE Uniform

                                                                                                                    E N D E A V O U R
Short sleeve training top              Mourne printed shorts                Portland crew neck top

                                                                                                                    E M P O W E R M E N T

  Portland squad pants                        Riley leggings                    Koolite midi socks

 Stockists:                       Visit and click on Clubs & Education
                                  then search for St Louis Grammar Ballymena

                                                                                                  •   •    
The School Curriculum – Key Stage 3
                    The curriculum for Years 8, 9 and 10 reflects
                    the Revised Curriculum. Students will learn
                    about a broad range of subjects to prepare
                    them as well as possible for future choices
                    in life. An extensive Careers Programme
                    compliments the Key Stage 3 curriculum
                    in Year 10.

                    During Years 8, 9 and 10 pupils will have the
                    opportunity to study the following subjects:

                    Art & Design                                    Irish
                    Biology                                         Learning for Life and Work
                                                                    (incorporating Careers)
                    Drama                                           Mathematics

                    English                                         Music

                    French                                          Physical Education

                    Geography                                       Physics

                                                                    Religious Studies
                    Home Economics
                                                                    Technology & Design
S C H O O L ,


                     •   •    
The School Curriculum – Key Stage 4
The GCSE core subjects are compulsory in
Years 11 and 12:

English Literature
Religious Studies
Science (Single/Double Award)

The following optional GCSE subjects
are offered to pupils in Key Stage 4:

Art & Design                               History
Business Studies                           Home Economics
Computer Science                           Irish
Construction                               LLW

                                                                                    E X C E L L E N C E
Digital Technology                         Music
Drama                                      Physical Education
French                                     Polish
Further Mathematics                        Spanish
Geography                                  Technology & Design

                                                                                    E N D E A V O U R
                                                                                    E M P O W E R M E N T


                                                                  •   •    
The School Curriculum – Years 13 & 14
                    All Year 13 pupils are offered a choice of four       First Aid, Junk Kouture, NI Schools Business
                    A Level subjects or BTEC courses from the             Challenge to name a few. They are offered a
                    table below.                                          choice of enrichment activities including
                                                                          First Aid, Presidents Award, Millennium
                    In Year 14 students are expected to study at
                                                                          Volunteers, Fashion, Film Studies,
                    least three of their AS subjects to A2 level.
                                                                          Friends for Romania, GAA Future Leaders
                    Pupils in Year 13 also sample Extra                   Programme, Independent Personalised
                    Curricular opportunities, including GAA,              Learning Provisory, Makaton Sign Language,
                    Career orientated activities, Debate Club,            Pottery, Sport Coaching Certificate.

                    SUBJECT                                                                    AS            A2
                    Art & Design                                                               •               •
                    Biology                                                                    •               •
                    Business Studies                                                           •               •
                    Business (BTEC)
                    Chemistry                                                                  •               •
                    Computer Science                                                           •               •
                    Construction (BTEC) National Extended Certificate and National Diploma
                    Design & Technology                                                        •               •
                    Digital Technology                                                         •               •
                    Drama and Theatre Studies                                                  •               •
                    Economics                                                                  •               •

                    Engineering (BTEC)
                    English Literature                                                         •               •
                    French                                                                     •               •
                    Geography                                                                  •               •
                    Government & Politics                                                      •               •
                    Health & Social Care                                                       •               •
                    Health & Social Care (Double Award)                                        •               •
                    History                                                                    •               •
                    I.T. (BTEC)
S C H O O L ,

                    Irish                                                                      •               •
                    Mathematics                                                                •               •
                    Further Mathematics                                                        •
                    Moving Image Arts                                                          •               •
                    Music                                                                      •               •
                    Nutrition and Food Science                                                 •               •
                    Physical Education                                                         •               •

                    Physics                                                                    •               •
                    Polish                                                                     •               •
                    Religious Studies                                                          •               •
                    Spanish                                                                    •               •
                    Sports Studies (BTEC) National Extended Certificate and National Diploma
                    Criteria for entry to Post 16
                                                                          c) St Louis Grammar School welcomes

                    a) Pupils studying at A Level must have a
                       minimum of seven GCSE passes at Grade                 students from other schools for post-16
                       A*-C (criteria may be enhanced) and at                study, provided they meet the minimum
                       least grade B or above in subject being               criteria and the school can meet their
                       studied. In some subjects, students must              subject requirements

                       meet specific criteria.                            Further information on the criteria for entry
                    b) Pupils must also have a good record of             to Post 16 is available from the School Office
                       attendance, good conduct and application           during summer term (see Post 16 Prospectus).
                       to study

                     •   •    
Careers Education, Information,
Advice and Guidance
The school CEIAG programme is a key              The school has strong links with local
element in the curriculum provision across       universities and colleges. The majority of
all Key Stages and is designed to equip          our Sixth Form students pursue a Higher
students with the skills and experience to       Education pathway.
make sound career choices and to progress
to third level education or the world of work.   Examples of extra-curricular learning
                                                 available through the Careers Department:
To this end, the school provides a high          Enrichment: Personalised Learning
quality Careers Education programme which        (Provision for MOOC Learning),
delivers relevant, up-to-date and impartial      Sentinus Research Project,
careers information to all students. Students    Aberdeen University Enrichment Experience,
are also given guidance at key transition        UCAS Convention, Scottish University Tour,
points, including Year 10 subject choice,        University Talented Athlete Workshop,
Year 12 education, training and employment       The University Road Show, QUB Pathway
decisions and Years 13 and 14 higher and         Programme: Widening Participation,
further education choices and advice             Belfast Trust Medicine Exposure to the
on training, employment and higher               Workplace Event, Southern Trust Nursing
apprenticeship opportunities.                    Exposure to the Workplace Event, University
A range of work-related learning activities      of Liverpool Lunch Time Seminar, St Mary’s
compliments the work carried out within the      University College Belfast Interview

                                                                                                             E X C E L L E N C E
school and post-16 students take part in work    Preparation, Multi Mini Interview
experience and work shadowing. Workshops         Workshops, CAO Break Time Seminar,
led by visiting speakers from industry are       University Open Days: Queen’s, Ulster,
organised regularly within the Careers           St Mary’s and Stranmillis, ongoing Careers
Department and lead subject areas.               Guidance Interviews

Links with Employers and Businesses
Careers Education, Information, Advice           These partnerships bring benefits, both to

                                                                                                             E N D E A V O U R
and Guidance are further enhanced by             the school and our partners, in the form of
the involvement of employers and the             opportunities for work experience, work
business community.                              shadowing and industrial visits.

                                                                                                             E M P O W E R M E N T


                                                                                           •   •    
Special Educational Needs
                    The provision of Learning Support within         Students who have specific special
                    St Louis Grammar School endeavours to            educational needs will have an Individual
                    meet the needs of students so that they can      Education Plan which will be reviewed
                    achieve their full potential. Learning Support   twice a year in conjunction with parents
                    provision can occur at any stage of a pupils’    and guardians.
                    academic career, this provision can take the
                    form of individualised support alongside         The central aim of Learning Support
                    ensuring appropriate access arrangements         provision within St Louis is to support the
                    are implemented for pupils as they complete      independence and wellbeing of young
                    both internal and external examinations.         people as they progress through their
                                                                     academic journey. (Miss A. Logan -
                    The provision of Learning Support is             Learning Support Co-Ordinator)
                    co-ordinated by the school’s Learning
                    Support Co-Ordinator and implemented
                    with the assistance of class teachers and
                    Learning Support Assistants.
S C H O O L ,


                      •   •    
The pupil community will benefit from             Raising Pupil self-esteem and self-belief:
a whole school experience which:
                                                  • Creating a school environment which will
• Encourages young people to strive                 inspire and encourage young people
  for excellence                                    to succeed
• Encourages pupils to assume responsibility      • Recognising and celebrating success
  for their learning and plan positively for        and endeavour
  their future                                    • Encouraging pupils to accept responsibility
• Actively encourages healthy lifestyles            for their learning, set targets for themselves
• Promotes physical and emotional well-being        and aim high
• Enables young people to aim high and
  achieve their personal best
                                                  Promoting Quality Learning and Teaching:

The Community Programme:                          • Recognising the importance of every lesson
                                                  • Employing a range of active learning and
St Louis Grammar is ideally placed to share its     teaching strategies to engage and
professional expertise and facilities with the      challenge all students
local community. We are currently involved        • Enabling students to acquire the skills and
in exciting and innovative sport and literacy       dispositions needed to become successful,
programmes with six partner primary schools         lifelong learners
and post-primary schools through Ballymena        • Reinforce assessment for learning and
Learning Together forum. All Saints GAA club,       encourage personalised learning profiles
Ballymena and District Athletics Club, Carniny      for our students
Amateur Youth Football Club and Voiceworks        • Advocate self evaluation by pupils of their

                                                                                                              E X C E L L E N C E
utilise our resources on a regular basis.           learning and promote a culture of continuous
                                                    self reflection by both pupils and staff
Community Partners will benefit from:
• Access to the school’s resources, facilities
  and expertise
• Opportunities to participate in a range of
  projects and activities designed to ease
  transition, provide curricular continuity
  and strengthen Area Learning Partnerships

                                                                                                              E N D E A V O U R
                                                                                                              E M P O W E R M E N T


                                                                                            •   •    
Tracking Pupil Progress:                          Pathways to Success:
                    • Making effective use of baseline data to        • Pupils will be given a wide range of
                      gauge the potential of each pupil on entry        opportunities allowing them to
                      to the school                                     experience success
                    • Setting, monitoring and reviewing               • Pupils will undergo a comprehensive
                      challenging personalised targets for              programme of Careers Education,
                      academic achievement                              Information, Advice and Guidance to
                    • Employing an electronic tracking system to        develop their ability to make well-informed
                      ensure students are on track to achieve their     career choices
                      academic goals and fulfil their potential       • The involvement of local businesses and
                    • Continuous monitoring of pupil progress and       employers will enrich the school’s vocational,
                      positive feedback to both parents and pupils      employability and careers programme

                    Assessment for Learning:
                    • Involving pupils in their learning by
                      focusing on the learning process as well
                      as the product
                    • Sharing of information with learners via
                      learning intentions, agreed success criteria
                      and quality feedback
                    • Providing opportunities for peer and
                      self-assessment and self-evaluation

                    • Personalised learning programmes
S C H O O L ,


                      •   •    
Learning and Teaching
At St Louis Grammar School, we are
committed to high quality learning and
teaching. We use the Teacher Effectiveness
Enhancement Programme (TEEP) which
provides a framework with a strong
pedagogical foundation to support
a consistent approach to teaching
and learning.

We are the first and only school in Northern
Ireland to have completed the Teacher
Effectiveness Enhancement Programme.
This is a certified staff training programme
which models the most effective learning
and teaching. This means that all of our
staff are equipped to deliver highly effective     All lessons should have at their foundation:
and innovative lessons. Our students
have access to the most up to date and             Effective Teacher Behaviours
innovative practice.                               Teachers will be most effective in delivering
                                                   high quality lessons when they promote
We have a consistent approach to learning          whole class interactive teaching, a variety of
and teaching across the school. Every              teaching and learning styles and a positive

                                                                                                             E X C E L L E N C E
member of staff follows the TEEP learning          classroom climate which incorporates clear
cycle. We were recently chosen to be a TEEP        classroom management.
Ambassador school as all members of our
teaching staff are qualified to Level 1 and        Effective Learner Behaviours
some of our leaders of Learning and Teaching       Teachers will encourage students to
are qualified to the highest level-TEEP Level 3.   construct meaning in their learning,
This means that our staff are specialists in       monitor their own progress and engage
Learning and Teaching and can provide              in regular reflection.
certified training to other schools in
Northern Ireland.                                  Lessons will incorporate FIVE underpinning
                                                   elements of effective practice:

                                                                                                             E N D E A V O U R
The model draws on significant research
which identifies what is required of both          Thinking for Learning
teachers and learners, in order for them to        In order to promote understanding, teachers
gain the best learning outcomes possible.          will encourage learners to think, in order to
                                                   make sense of the information at hand. All
It is made up of three significant                 students will be supported as they develop
components, each with important elements           higher order thinking in order to
which are inextricably connected, yet need         deepen their understanding and
to be recognised individually for their            enrich their learning.
contribution to the teaching and
                                                   Accelerated Learning
                                                                                                             E M P O W E R M E N T

learning process.
                                                   Teachers will use techniques and strategies
This approach enables us to:                       in order to engage learners in the learning
                                                   process. They should promote the
• Develop a common understanding and
                                                   understanding of how we learn as
  shared vocabulary for effective teaching
                                                   much as what we learn.
  and learning.
• Increase cross-curricular collaboration and      Collaborative Learning
  sharing of best practice.                        Teachers will encourage collaborative
• Help students engage in more discussion,         learning which involves groups of students
  debate and listening related to learning.        working and learning together to complete
• Help students develop a deeper                   tasks and solve problems.
  understanding as knowledge becomes
  more secure.                                                                           

                                                                                           •   •    
Assessment for Learning                          The teacher will:
                    Assessment is an important tool in the           • Make the content, skill and thinking explicit
                    learning process. Any assessment should          • State clearly what the students will have
                    lead to improved learning outcomes for             learned by the end of the lesson
                    students. Within lessons, strategies and         • Share the criteria against which the
                    techniques will be explored which support          learning will be assessed
                    both teachers and students to give and
                    receive quality feedback.                        Present New Information
                                                                     Teachers will always consider what will be
                    Effective Use of ICT                             the best ways to present new information
                    Teachers will be constantly seeking              to students so that it provides for maximum
                    opportunities to use ICT to reflect real world   inclusion for all.
                    examples that will enhance student learning.
                                                                     Construct Meaning
                    The TEEP learning cycle is used by teachers      Students will be given the time and
                    at St Louis Grammar to plan relevant,            opportunity to develop their understanding
                    purposeful and stimulating lessons.              of the new information and to practice
                    The cycle has six basic elements which will      using their developing skills. Teachers will
                    be seen across a lesson or series of lessons.    encourage students to actively explore
                    Prepare for Learning                             new concepts.
                    Teachers will strategically work with their
                    students in order to develop a climate which     Apply to Demonstrate
                    is conducive to learning. It should include      Students will be given tasks that allow
                    the consideration of THREE main areas:           them to demonstrate their understanding

                                                                     of the content.
                    • The physical environment
                    • The social and emotional environment           Review
                    • The intellectual environment                   Teachers will challenge students to make
                                                                     their learning explicit through the review.
                    Agree Learning Outcomes                          They should use and incorporate different
                    Teachers will explicitly share the purpose       review opportunities throughout the course
                    of the lesson with their students so that        of the learning cycle. This will enable teachers
                    the students are in no doubt as to what is       and students to identify challenges, supports,
S C H O O L ,

                    expected of them during the lesson.              strengths and weaknesses..


                      •   •    
We will provide:                                      Pastoral Support for Learning:

• A rich and varied enrichment programme              • Providing a structured Pastoral Support
  which will allow pupils to participate                Programme and a pastoral support network
  in a range of recreational and                        which values and supports all students
  competitive activities                              • Providing a range of support structures such
• Opportunities for students to gain                    as mentoring and coaching to address the
  accreditation and awards in a number                  pastoral and academic needs of students
  of courses and competitions
• A programme for Gifted and
  Talented students
• Student Voice facilitated through
  Student Council

                                                                                                                  E X C E L L E N C E
                                                                                                                  E N D E A V O U R

As part of our E-learning provision within the        The devices are used in a range of subject
school all our KS3 Students have a Windows 10         areas to enhance learning and teaching
device to assist their learning. The purpose of       opportunities, to access internet for research
using these devices is to enhance learning,           and independent study and of course
                                                                                                                  E M P O W E R M E N T

improve pupil engagement and motivation               complete classwork and homework in
and to provide opportunities for the pupils to        a digital format which can be stored and
‘develop skills for life and work’ hence fulfilling   shared electronically.
the needs of Northern Ireland Curriculum.
                                                      Due to the integration that staff and students
The technology provides a medium for                  have had with E-Learning over the past few
innovation and allows pupils to collaborate           years, we were able to smoothly transition to
with each other, be creative and to develop           remote learning through the use of online
communication, problem solving and critical           platforms such as Microsoft Teams and
thinking skills that are essential in today’s         Google classroom as a result of the Covid-19
global job market.                                    Global Pandemic.


                                                                                                •   •    
Pastoral Care and Discipline (Detailed policy available on request)
                    The main aim of the school’s Pastoral Care and
                    Positive Behaviour Policy is to support pupils
                    in their learning and development. If pupils
                    are to gain maximum benefit from their time
                    at St Louis, it is essential that they feel safe and                                   Mrs B McGreevy
                                                                                                           Head of
                    valued so that they can work to the best of their
                                                                                                           Pastoral Care
                    ability. We encourage our students to behave
                    in a responsible manner, showing respect for
                    other pupils, staff and property.

                    Our school Discipline Policy is based on the
                    Catholic ethos of our school and the St Louis
                    philosophy that by working together there               In order to facilitate this, our Primary School
                    is nothing that cannot be achieved.                     Liaison Teacher visits each P7 class prior to
                    We believe that children will learn best in an          their entry to St Louis Grammar School and
                    ordered environment where there are good                discusses the needs and aptitudes of each
                    relationships based on mutual respect for               transfer student with the Primary Principal/
                    all in the school community. All aspects of             Teacher to ensure that the transition from
                    discipline are dealt with the context of our            primary to St Louis as smooth as possible.
                    Pastoral Care Programme.                                In addition to this, we have established Pupil
                                                                            Health and Wellbeing Prefects who provide
                    St Louis Grammar School’s Anti-Bullying

                                                                            peer-led support
                    Policy ensures that all pupils are cared for
                    in a friendly and supportive environment.               We are a caring school and we have an
                    Our Pastoral Team, Anti Bullying Prefects, and          excellent support structure for all the pupils
                    Anti Bullying Ambassadors promote a safe and            in our care and any difficulties which may
                    respectful school environment. If parents have          hinder a pupil’s progress are dealt with
                    concerns in this area, they are requested to            promptly and efficiently. The work of the
                    contact the school immediately.                         Form Teachers is co-ordinated by the Year 8
                                                                            Head of Year, Mrs Kathryn Toner who has
S C H O O L ,

                    We believe that children will learn best when           overall responsibility for the Pastoral Care
                    the talents, aptitudes, interests and needs of          of Year 8 students. We have a school House
                    each child are known, recognised and catered            System which promotes positive behaviour
                    for during their time at school.                        among pupils and we reward this regularly.

                    Child Protection Procedures

                    At St. Louis we strive to create an atmosphere          Below is a list of some of the support available
                    in which young people feel safe to talk about           at St Louis Grammar:
                    their worries. We recognize that safeguarding
                    is everyone’s responsibility. Teachers have a
                    duty to refer disclosures of abuse to the               School Nurse drop in
                    Designated Teacher (Mrs B McGreevy) and
                                                                            New Life Counselling Services
                    the Deputy Designated Teachers (Mrs K Toner

                    and Mrs J O’Neill) who have responsibility              Targeted Mentoring
                    for this area. Details of procedures are available in
                    the school’s Child Protection Policy.                   Behaviour Support
                    Every child at some time may need help and              Wellbeing Room
                    support and at St Louis we strive to ensure

                    that appropriate support is provided as soon            Afterschools Clubs
                    as possible.


                      •   •    
Sporting Activities
Participation in a wide variety of sporting           programmes and coaching sessions.
activities is central to life at St Louis             Students in Year 11 – 14 are also offered the
Grammar School and students are                       opportunity to participate in the Presidents
taught a diverse range of physical skills             Award, where they develop a range of life
which can be used in a constructive                   skills in environments such as the Mourne
manner at school and in their communities.            Mountains and the Lake District.
Students are taught that frequent physical
activity will benefit both their quality              The appreciation and love of the traditional
of life and general health.                           Irish games of Camogie, Hurling, Handball
                                                      and Gaelic Football are some of the
All students in Years 8 – 12 are expected to          cornerstones upon which the Physical
take part in Physical Education classes.              Education programme is founded.
There are also opportunities for the students         We compete at the highest level within
to take part in extra-curricular activities,          these games and have achieved much
many of which are sports orientated.                  success winning Ulster titles and competing
                                                      at All-Ireland level. These traditional
The benefits gained by students through               activities are complemented by activities
their involvement are immense.                        such as Netball, Basketball and Dance and
The programme of study for students aged              teams representing the school in these
14 – 18 has been supplemented with GCSE,              activities have brought local and national
A Level in Physical Education and                     success to St Louis Grammar School.
BTec Sports Studies.

                                                                                                                     E X C E L L E N C E
                                                      The Gifted and Talented Programme for
Students are encouraged to develop their              pupils in our own school, Years 8 – 14 and
creative and expressive talents through               our Primary and Post Primary partner
individual activities such as, athletics,             schools, is being developed during this
dance, outdoor pursuits, gymnastics                   academic school year. Pupils have
and swimming. They are also afforded                  opportunities to develop their knowledge
opportunities to pursue certified                     in areas such as lifestyle management,
qualifications such as ‘Heartstart’ and               improving performance, motivational
level one/two coaching awards to boost                strategies and coping with school/
their records of achievement. They also               sport demands.

                                                                                                                     E N D E A V O U R
have opportunities to work with primary
partners in delivering sports-based

All Stars 2022

                                                                                                                     E M P O W E R M E N T

Katie Molloy              Orlagh Convery              Cliona Griffin
Camogie                   Camogie                     Ladies Football

Sports/Activities available: Archery, athletics, basketball, badminton, camogie, cross country running,
cycling, dance, equestrian, gaelic football (boys & girls), golf, gymnastics, hurling, ju-jitsu, netball,
olympic handball, orienteering, outdoor pursuits, soccer, soft ball, spin class, strength & conditioning,
swimming, table tennis, tennis, T.R.X., volleyball, weight training

                                                                                                   •   •    
Spiritual Dimension
                    St Louis Grammar School is rooted in Gospel
                    Values which permeate all aspects of work and
                    relationships. We are very fortunate to have
                    Fr Conor McGrath as our school Chaplain.
                    All students in Years 8-10 take part in Religious
                    Studies and it is also a compulsory subject at
                    GCSE Level for Years 11 and 12. We strive to live
                    by the words of St Francis of Assisi who
                    advocates that we “preach the Gospel to the
                    whole world, and when necessary use words”.
                    With this in mind, we offer a Catholicity that
                    extends beyond classroom and curriculum.
                    Instead, the beliefs and values that form our       We have developed strong partnerships within
                    ethos inspire and unify every aspect of school      our local community and beyond, and engage
                    life. All pupils are involved at some stage in      in a range of activities throughout the school
                    collective worship at class assembly each day       year with these partners for example our
                    and at year assembly once per week.                 Catholics Caring Toy Appeal at Christmas
                                                                        where we provide gifts for young people in the
                    Class Masses for pupils are celebrated on           local community and beyond as well as our
                    many occasions and opportunities are                links with our Sister school in Ghana and
                    offered throughout the year to avail of the         various charitable organisations, most notably
                    Sacrament of Reconciliation. Year 14 are            Trocaire and Missio Ireland. Our commitment

                    given a Spiritual Retreat.                          and dedication to promoting partnership and
                    The celebration of Mass for parents, students       community outreach within the ethos and
                    and teachers takes place to welcome Year 8          values of Catholic education was recognised
                    students and to acknowledge leavers at the          this year by the Down and Connor Diocesan
                    end of Years 12 and 14.                             when they awarded us with the Spirit of
                                                                        Catholic Education Award in this area,
                    St Louis Grammar School is fully committed          which we are tremendously proud of.
                    to our Catholic Ethos. Our Ethos permeates
S C H O O L ,

                    everything we do. We endeavour to
                    provide our students with a variety
                    of spiritual experiences whilst at
                    school which incorporates
                    prayerful reflections, Masses,
                    liturgical services and opportunities
                    to explore their faith individually

                    or together. Sixth Form students
                    are encouraged to share their faith
                    with others through the Faith
                    Friends programme. Catholic
                    Schools Week is celebrated
                    annually, giving opportunities
                    to all students to explore the
                    importance of Catholic Education.


                      •   •    
Information and Communication Technology
In St Louis Grammar School, excellent use is   We operate a Bring Your Own Device Policy
made of Information and Communication          for all KS3 students.
Technology for all aspects of teaching,
learning and management. Interactive           All students at Key Stage 3 have two discrete
Whiteboard technology is available in          ICT lessons per fortnight where they learn
all teaching areas where teachers and          about cyber safety, are introduced to coding,
students can access a full range of media      and become proficient with Microsoft
including the Internet. We have a bookable     Office. A range of ICT courses are offered
set of Microsoft Tablets to support and        at Key Stage 4 and Post 16 including
facilitate the learning and teaching in        Digital Technology, Computer Science
the classroom.                                 and BTEC IT.

The ICT suites are equipped with the latest
technology, which ensures that our students
are working in an atmosphere which reflects
our high standard of education.

                                                                                                         E X C E L L E N C E
                                                                                                         E N D E A V O U R
Achievements and Assessments
The school believes in the importance of       Student progress is monitored via the
celebrating the many achievements of           school’s electronic tracking system which
our students; academic, sporting, musical      allows for early identification of under
and personal.                                  achievement and appropriate intervention
                                               strategies to be put in place.
Sporting achievements at Key Stage 3 are       Homework, which reinforces class work,
recognised at the Prizegiving Ceremony.        is used to monitor progress.
Key Stage 3, GCSE and A Level awards are
                                                                                                         E M P O W E R M E N T

                                               Internal examinations are held twice
presented at the Annual Prizegiving in the     annually. Parents are issued with
Autumn Term.                                   formal reports which include results and
The academic and pastoral achievement          individualised comments from teachers.
of each student is acknowledged by the         During the course of the school year
school’s Junior House System, which also       plasma screens and notice boards
promotes good attendance and a positive        recognise and promote individual and
attitude to work.                              collective achievements publicly.

Assessments are carried out in an ongoing      Students are presented with their individual
way and each KS3 and KS4 student               Progress File at the end of Key Stage 4.
completes four continuous monitoring
tasks (CM) throughout the year.                                                         

                                                                                       •   •    
Extra-curricular Activities
                    St Louis Grammar School has a tradition of        Creative Writing Club
                    providing extra-curricular activities providing   Francofest/Hispanofest
                    pupils with opportunities to enhance their
                    self-esteem and to strengthen friendships         Gael Linn Quiz
                    outside of the school environment.                Public Speaking
                    We have a Multi-Purpose Fitness Suite,
                    which students use regularly for                  Ballymena Festival
                    extra-curricular activities.                      Junior/Senior Choir
                    Our new £4 million Creative & Expressive Arts     Chamber Orchestra
                    Centre of Excellence is now operational and       String Quartets
                    it has certainly enabled the Arts to blossom
                    even more.
                                                                      Wind Ensemble
                    Our Drama, Music and Art & Design                 Instrumental and Vocal lessons
                    Departments are designed to the highest
                    specifications and we are delighted to have
                                                                      Annual Carol Service
                    repurposed Kintullagh House as a seat of          Easter Concert
                    learning once again.                              Art Club
                    Students can also access the                      Craft Club
                    following extra-curricular activities:            Maths Club for Gifted &
                                                                      Talented Mathematicians

                    Drama                                             Environmental Club
                    School Musicals/Productions                       Future Leaders
                    Dance                                             Mini Enterprise
                    Theatre Visits                                    First Aid/Defibrillator Classes
S C H O O L ,


                      •   •    
Educational Trips Include:
                                               Visits to Irish language colleges
Annual ski-trip to European resorts            in the Donegal Gaeltacht
Visits to the theatre                          Educational trips to Barcelona,
Outdoor pursuits                               England and France
Geography field work                           School Aid Romania
Trips to historical locations                  Sports Trip to Spain
Annual Year 8 trip to Pantomime                Comenius Project

                                                                                                          E X C E L L E N C E
                                                                                                          E N D E A V O U R
Community and Cultural Awareness
St Louis Grammar School staff and students   The school has strong links with missionary
are fully committed to involvement in        groups in Ghana through our links with
community activity and cultural awareness.   the St Louis Order who are heavily involved
                                             in missionary work in Africa. In 2019, the
Throughout the school year, fund-raising     school had its first trip to visit some of the
is organized regularly with many local       projects we have helped with over the years.
and national charities receiving
                                                                                                          E M P O W E R M E N T

significant donations.                       The school also works with voluntary/
                                             community groups in the greater Ballymena
Links have been established with Friends     area and our students are involved in
of Romania and Lower Sixth students will     community programmes in association
again travel to Romania, bringing medical    with St Vincent De Paul Society and
supplies and support to poor families and    Ballymena District Council, raising
children in that region.                     awareness of local and global social
                                             and citizenship issues.


                                                                                        •   •    
Year 8 Student Voice                                                                 My name is Jack Crossen.
                                                                                                          I came from Ballymacrickett
                                                                                                          Primary school in Glenavy.
                              Hello. My name is Tifaine Malto and I went to
                                                                                                          I am in 8 Lurig and my
                              St Comgall’s Primary School in Antrim. I am in
                                                                                                          Form Teacher is Mr McAleer.
                              8 Lurig and my Form Teacher is Mr McAleer.
                                                                                                          My favourite subects are Art,
                              I was excited to go to St Louis to make new
                                                                                                          PE and Technology. All the
                              friends and learn new subjects such as Art.
                                                                                                          teachers are kind and helpful.

                                                      My name is Daniel Butler and I am
                                                      in 8 Lismoyle. My Form Teacher is
                                                      Mr McNaughton. I came from Mary
                                                      Queen of Peace Primary School in
                                                      Glenravel. My favourite subjects are
                                                      PE, Music and Art. So far, I am really
                                                      enjoying my time in St Louis.                  Hello, my name is Katie McGale.
                                                                                                     I am in 8 Layde and my Form Teacher
                                                                                                     is Mrs Scott. I came from Mount
                                                                                                     St Michael’s Primary School. The best

                                                                                                     thing about St Louis is all the new
                                                                                                     subjects we get to do, like Technology,
                                                                                                     Art and Science.

                    My name is Roma Martin and I went to St Columba’s
S C H O O L ,

                    Primary School in Kilrea. I am in 8 Lyndon and my Form
                    Teacher is Mr McCorley. My favourite thing about St Louis
                    is the PE because it teaches me new skills and helps
                    me not to give up on my camogie dream.
                                                                                                  My name is Jude Kelly and I went
                                                                                                  to St Patrick’s Primary School in

                                                                                                  Loughguile. I am in 8 Lismoyle and
                                   My name is Clara McNeill and I went to
                                                                                                  my Form Teacher is Mr McNaughton.
                                   St Patrick’s Primary School in Rasharkin. I am in
                                                                                                  I love all the new subjects we get
                                   8 Layde and my Form Teacher is Mrs Scott. I really
                                                                                                  to do like PE, Home Economics
                                   love being in St Louis. I have made lots of new
                                                                                                  and Science.
                                   friends both in my class and in my year group.

                                                            Hello. My name is Liam Donnelly. I came from
                                                            St Anne’s Primary School in Corkey. I am in 8
                                                            Lismoyle and I am one of the Class Captains in
                                                            the class. My favourite subjects are PE, Art and

                                                            HE. St Louis is amazing!


                       •   •     
Hello. My name is Caitlin                        My name is Eanna McGuckian and I am in 8 Layde.
  Graffin. I went to Millquarter                   I came from St Joseph’s Primary School in Dunloy.
  Primary school. I am currently                   The best things about St Louis is Gaelic and Hurling
  in 8 Layde. Since I joined                       because we get to stay in after school for training.
  St Louis I have enjoyed every                    I also love ICT and PE.
  day. I love PE and I have made
  many friends with other people
  in my year group as well as
  my class.

                                                                        My name is Anna Rodgers and I
                                                                        came from St MacNissi’s Primary
                                                                        School in Larne. I was the only one
                                                                        from my primary school that started
                                                                        Year 8 this year but I have made
My name is PJ Molloy. I came from St Brigid’s Primary                   many friends in my class.
School in Cloughmills. My Form Teacher is Mrs Scott.                    My favourite subjects are PE
My favourite subjects are PE, ICT and History because                   and HE. I also love Technology
I find them interesting and enjoy them. I look forward                  with Miss Lavery.
to joining St Louis’ football and hurling teams.

                                                                                                                             E X C E L L E N C E
 My name is Aimee Watt and I came from
 St Colmcille’s Primary School in Ballymena I am
 in 8 Laragh and my Form Teacher is Miss McKeown.
 I like St Louis a lot! Ive met lots of new teachers and
                                                                        Hello. My name is Ronan McBride
 friends. My favourite subjects are PE and Technology.
                                                                        and I am in 8 Laragh. My Form

                                                                                                                             E N D E A V O U R
                                                                        Teacher is Miss McKeown. I came
                                                                        from St Brigid’s Primary School in
                                                                        Ballymena. My favourite things
                                                                        about St Louis are the new subjects
Hello. My name is Conor Burns and
                                                                        and the new people I have met.
I used to go to St Mary’s Primary
                                                                        I enjoy Music and Art. So far,
School in Portglenone. I am in 8
                                                                        Year 8 is great!
Lisbreen and my Form Teacher is
Miss Lavery. The best thing about
                                                                                                                             E M P O W E R M E N T

St Louis is the sports, we play football
at lunch and get to train after school.

                         My name is Aoibhinn Kelly and I came from
                         St Oliver Plunkett’s Primary School in Toome. I love
                         going to St Louis because of all the new subjects.
                         All the Teachers are very nice and are always there                              

                         to help when we need them. I hope you like it!

                                                                                                           •   •    
Bus Services to and from Ballymena
                    DEPART FROM                        LEAVE    ARRIVE IN BALLYMENA LEAVE BALLYMENA ARRIVE
                    Ahoghill                           08.12    08.25                    15.40                 15.50
                    Aldergrove                         07.45    08.45                    15.40                 16.25
                    Antrim - (All Areas)               08.00    08.37                    15.35                 16.00
                    Antrim - (Train)                   07.47    08.03                    16.00                 16.20
                    Aughnacleagh                       08.00    08.30                    15.45                 16.18
                    Ballyclare                         07.50    08.45                    15.45                 16.40
                    Ballymoney                         07.45    08.25                    15.45                 16.20
                    Cargan                             08.00    08.25                    15.45                 16.07
                    Carnlough                          07.30    08.40                    15.50                 16.40
                    Clady                              07.45    08.25                    15.45                 16.19
                    Cloughmills                        08.03    08.35                    15.45                 16.18
                    Corkey                             07.55    08.35                    15.45                 16.30
                    Crumlin                            07.50    08.35                    15.45                 16.35
                    Cushendall                         07.35    08.30                    15.40                 16.20
                    Cushendun                          07.25    08.30                    15.40                 16.45

                    Dunloy                             07.50    08.35                    15.40                 16.25
                    Glenariffe/Waterfoot               07.43    08.30                    15.40                 16.30
                    Glenarm                            07.39    08.30                    15.50                 16.45
                    Killygarn                          08.05    08.40                    15.45                 16.18
                    Kilrea                             07.50    08.25                    15.45                 16.27
                    Larne                              07.30    08.20                    15.35                 16.20
S C H O O L ,

                    Magherahoney                       07.55    08.35                    15.45                 16.35
                    Martinstown                        08.05    08.45                    15.40                 16.02
                    Millar's Corner                    08.00    08.30                    15.45                 16.14
                    Millquarter/Crosskeys              07.45    08.42                    15.45                 16.26
                    Newtowncrommelin                   07.55    08.30                    15.40                 16.19

                    Portglenone                        07.55    08.25                    15.45                 16.15
                    Randalstown (Centre)               08.00    08.30                    15.45                 16.15
                    Randalstown (Magheralane Road)     08.00    08.40                    15.45                 16.15
                    Rasharkin                          07.55    08.28                    15.45                 16.18
                    Tannaghmore                        08.03    08.20                    15.45                 16.05

                    Toome                              08.00    08.40                    15.45                 16.30

                    On almost every route there is a later return bus which enables pupils to participate in after
                    school activities.
                    Nine buses collect pupils in the school grounds with supervision by teachers:

                    123 Ahoghill/Marshall’s Cross 123 Millquarter          120 Antrim     127 Portglenone/Clady
                    113 Dunloy                    122 Randalstown          130 Larne      123 Toome
                    131 Magherahoney


                      •   •    
Examination Information

Year 12 Pupils
Number of pupils In Year 12 in 2020/21: 153
Number of these with statements of special eductional needs: 1


 % Entered for 5 or        % Entered for 7 or       % Achieving 5+ at         % Achieving 7+ at
 more subjects             more subjects            Grades A* - C             Grades A* - C
                                                    (incl. English & Maths)   (incl. English & Maths)

 100                       100                      100                       100

Year 13 & 14 Pupils
Number of Pupils in Year 13 in 2020-2021: 171
Number of pupils in Year 14 in 2020-2021: 157
Number of these with a statement of special educational needs: 1


 % Entered for             % Achieving 3+

                                                                                                                       E X C E L L E N C E
 3+ A Levels               at Grades A* - C

 100                       100

Annual Attendance Rate (All Pupils)
Total days attended by pupils on roll as % of total possible days of attendance: 97

Trend Data for External Examination Results

                                                                                                                       E N D E A V O U R

                                  2018-2019                2019-2020                  2020-2021

                           School      NI average   School       NI average   School       NI average

 % achieving 7+ GCSEs      99.3        89.9         100          89.9         100          89.9 *
 A*- C (incl. English
 & Maths)
                                                                                                                       E M P O W E R M E N T


                                    2018-2019                2019-2020                2020-2021

                           School      NI average   School       NI average   School      NI average

 % achieving 3+ A Levels   100         79.7         100          79.7         100         79.7 *
 A*- C

* 2018/19 NI average stated for comparison

                                                                                                     •   •    
GCSE Subject Grade Analysis 2021
                    Number achieving each grade level

                    Subject              Entries      A*         A         B         C*            C           D             A*-C

                    Art & Design         22           7          8         7         0             0           0             22

                    Business Studies     68           32         24        12        0             0           0             68

                    Computer Science     30           24         5         1         0             0           0             30

                    Construction         32           12         15        3         2             0           0             32

                    Digital Technology   43           12         29        2         0             0           0             43

                    Drama                11           7          3         1         0             0           0             11

                    English Language     154          53         60        39        1             1           0             154

                    English Literature   154          51         46        49        6             2           0             154

                    French               6            1          4         0         0             1           0             6

                    Geography            28           8          17        1         0             0           2             26

                    History              70           34         15        16        0             4           1             69

                    H.E. Food &          33           12         16        2         2             1           0             33

                    Irish                25           10         9         6         0             0           0             25

                    Mathematics          75           31         34        8         2             0           0             76

                    Mathematics          154          44         68        41        1             0           0             154

                    Music                14           6          5         2         1             0           0             14
S C H O O L ,

                    P.E.                 59           24         24        8         3             0           0             59

                    Religious Studies    154          62         62        13        10            5           2             152

                    Science              16           4          5         5         2             0           0             16
                    (Single Award)
                    Spanish              15           4          7         1         3             0           0             15

                    Technology           20           2          5         10        3             0           0             20
                    and Design

                    Subject              Entries **        A*   AA    AB BB     B1       C1   C2       CC **-AA    **-BB **-CC **-G

                    Science              138       30      27   44    12   16   4        3    1        1   0       0     0          0

                    (Double Award)


                      •   •    
GCSE Subject Grade Analysis 2021
Percentage achieving each grade level

Subject                           Entries      A*-A           A*-B           A*-C

Art & Design                      22           68.2           100            100

Business Studies                  68           82.4           100            100

Computer Science                  30           100            100            100

Construction Studies              32           84.4           93.8           100

Digital Technology                43           95.3           100            100

Drama                             11           90.9           100            100

English Language                  154          73.4           98.7           100

English Literature                154          63             94.8           100

French                            6            83.4           83.4           100

Geography                         28           89.3           92.9           98.6

History                           70           70             92.9           98.6

                                                                                                          E X C E L L E N C E
H.E. Food &                       33           84.9           91             100

Irish                             25           76             100            100

Mathematics [Further]             75           86.8           97.3           100

Mathematics                       154          74             98             100

Music                             14           78.6           92.9           100

P.E.                              59           81.4           95             100

                                                                                                          E N D E A V O U R
Polish                            2            0              0              100

Religious Studies                 154          80.6           89             98.7

Science (Single Award)            16           56.3           87.6           100

Spanish                           15           73.4           80.1           100

Design and Technology             20           35             85             100                          E M P O W E R M E N T

Subject                            Entries   **-AA    **-BB          **-CC      A*-G

Science (Double Award)             138       73.2     96.4           100        0


                                                                                        •   •    
A Level Subject Grade Analysis 2021
                    Number achieving each grade level

                    Subject                             Entries   A*          A         B              C        A*-C

                    Art & Design                        10        3           6         1              0        10
                    Biology                             38        6           19        13             0        38
                    Business Studies                    31        12          17        1              1        31
                    Chemistry                           35        9           17        6              3        35
                    Computer Studies                    9         4           1         4              0        9
                    Drama                               2         1           1         0              0        2
                    Economics                           16        4           8         4              0        16
                    English Literature                  16        4           10        2              0        16
                    French                              3         1           1         0              1        3
                    Geography                           6         2           4         0              0        6
                    Health & Social Care SA             50        6           26        15             3        50
                    History                             21        7           6         8              0        21
                    Home Economics                      5         1           3         1              0        5
                    Digital Technology                  6         3           3         0              0        6

                    Irish                               4         1           3         0              0        4
                    Mathematics                         50        13          28        6              3        50
                    Moving Image Arts                   5         1           4         0              0        5
                    Music                               5         2           3         0              0        5
                    Physical Education                  6         4           2         0              0        6
                    Physics                             9         5           2         1              1        9
S C H O O L ,

                    Polish                              2         0           2         0              0        2
                    Politics                            10        5           4         1              0        10
                    Religious Studies                   10        3           5         2              0        10
                    Spanish                             4         3           0         1              0        4

                    Subject                             Entries   A*A*   A*A       AA        AB      BB    BC       A*A*-CC

                    Health & Social Care (Double Award) 21        0      4         5         4       6     2        21

                    Subject                             Entries          D*                      D              M

                    BTEC Agriculture                    4                1                       3              0
                    BTEC Business                       18               11                      7              0
                    BTEC Construction                   16               15                      1              0

                    BTEC Engineering                    18               18                      0              0
                    BTEC ICT                            6                2                       4              0
                    BTEC Sport (Single Award)           32               28                      4              0

                    Subject                             Entries          D*D*                    D*D            DD

                    BTEC Sport DA                       25               24                      0              1


                      •   •    
A Level Subject Grade Analysis 2021
Percentage achieving each grade level

Subject                                         Entries           A*-A         A*-B       A*-C

Art & Design                                    10                90           100        0
Biology                                         38                65.8         100        100
Business Studies                                31                93.5         96.7       100
Chemistry                                       35                74.3         91.4       100
Computer Studies                                9                 55.5         100        100
Drama                                           2                 100          100        100
Economics                                       16                75           100        100
English Literature                              16                87.5         100        100
French                                          3                 66.6         66.6       100
Geography                                       6                 100          100        100
Health & Social Care SA                         50                64           94         100
History                                         21                61.9         100        100
Home Economics                                  5                 80           100        100

                                                                                                                    E X C E L L E N C E
Information Technology                          6                 100          100        100
Irish                                           4                 100          100        100
Mathematics                                     50                82           94         100
Moving Image Arts                               5                 100          100        100
Music                                           5                 100          100        100
Physical Education                              6                 100          100        100
Physics                                         9                 77.8         89.9       100

Polish                                          2                 100          100        100

                                                                                                                    E N D E A V O U R
Politics                                        10                90           100        100
Religious Studies                               10                80           100        100
Spanish                                         4                 75           100        100

Subject                                         Entries           A*A* - AA    A*A* -BB   A*A* - CC

Health & Social Care (Double Award)             21                19           90.4       100

Subject                               Entries             D*                  D           M
                                                                                                                    E M P O W E R M E N T

BTEC Agriculture                      4                   25                  75          0
BTEC Business                         18                  61                  39          0
BTEC Construction                     16                  93.75               6.25        0
BTEC Engineering                      18                  100                 0           0
BTEC ICT                              6                   33.3                66.7        0
BTEC Sport (Single Award)             32                  87.5                12.5        0

Subject                               Entries             D*D*                D*D         DD

BTEC Sport DA                         25                  96                  0           4


                                                                                                  •   •    
Information about Applications and Admissions
                    Currently, our First Year admission figure is determined by the Department of Education as 139.

                    Year 8 Applications and Admissions
                    Year                   Admissions No           Total Applications      Total Admissions
                                                                   (All Preferences)

                    2019 - 2020            139                     214                     162

                    2020 - 2021            139                     188                     168

                    2021 - 2022            139                     261                     161

                    This table does not include children who were admitted to the school with a statement of
                    special educational needs.

                    Sixth Form Admissions
                    Year                      Combined Intake

                    2019 - 2020               320

                    2020 - 2021               313

                    2021 - 2022               347

                    Attendance Rate
                    Year                      Percentage

                    2018 - 19                 96

                    2019 - 20                 96
S C H O O L ,

                    2020 - 21                 97

                    We are proud of our heritage, which was fully endorsed by our achievement as

                       the top academic grammar school in N.I. in 2012, 2017, 2018 and 2019,
                              and our academic success continued in 2020 and 2021.

                    Our tradition is one of excellence and every student is encouraged to contribute
                        fully to this aspiration. A number of our students were acknowledged as
                    NI top performers in a range of subjects at A2 and GCSE in recent years by CEA.

                                                 Admissions Guidance

                                If you have queries on the Admissions Process, please contact
                                 the school for guidance/support before making application.

                                  Tel: 028 2564 9534 Email:
What Happens Next?
                                 12th January
       EA will publish the Admissions Criteria for post-primary schools.

                          1st February at 12 noon
     Online Admissions Portal opens for parents to make applications to
 post-primary schools (please remember that a copy of your child’s statement
   of results for the GL Entrance Assessment and birth certificate must be
   uploaded with the online Transfer Form/Application or its equivalent).

   Claims for Special Provision should be made on Form SP1 and uploaded
with the online Transfer Form/Application or its equivalent with independent,
               verifiable documentary evidence, as appropriate.

                                                                                               E X C E L L E N C E
       Also a copy of the completed form SP1 should be sent directly to
  St Louis Grammar School, Ballymena by Wednesday 23rd February 2022.

                           23rd February at 4pm
   Admissions Portal closes to parents for Year 8 post primary applications.

                                                                                               E N D E A V O U R
St Louis will process applications against places available following the criteria
already published (we have a minimum of 139 places per year, designated from
                         the Department of Education)

                                    21st May
 Parents receive notification of outcome of applications via the online portal.
         If your child has been accepted to St Louis Grammar School,
                                                                                               E M P O W E R M E N T

             we will be in contact on this date with further details.
           (EA’s Admissions Helpdesk will be operation on this date)

            Hopefully St Louis will be your first choice and even better,
              we can accommodate that choice you have made in us!


                                                                             •   •    


                                       •   •    

                   Mr Sean Rafferty B.Ed. M.Ed. PQH (NI)
                           Acting Principal
                 Mrs J O’Neill BSc, PGCE, MBA, PQH (NI)
                         Board of Governors
                        Mr J Stuart (Chairman),
Mr V O’Connell (Vice Chair), Mrs M Black, Monsignor Fr P Delargy P.P. V.F.,
     Mr S McCann, Mrs S McCarry, Sr U McGuinness, Mr J Murray,
                 Dr D O’Loan, Mr R Totten, Mr D Wright

                St Louis Grammar School, Ballymena
                Cullybackey Road, Ballymena BT43 5DW
      Tel: 028 2564 9534 Email:

          School App available to download from App Store/Google Play Store.
                     Search ‘St Louis Grammar School Ballymena’
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