Middle School welcome guide 2020/2021 - Dover Campus - UWCSEA

Page created by Eva Fleming
Middle School welcome guide 2020/2021 - Dover Campus - UWCSEA
Middle School welcome guide 2020/2021
                          Dover Campus

                                                                                                              Welcome from the
Contents                                                                                                      Middle School Ambassadors
Welcome from the Middle School Ambassadors.....................1                                              Welcome to UWCSEA! We understand that starting at a new
                                                                                                              school can be a bit scary and challenging. Moving is hard, but
Welcome from the Principal..........................................................1
                                                                                                              it can also be fun and exciting.
Finding your way around................................................................2
                                                                                                              We hope that this booklet makes your start at UWCSEA
Who can help?..................................................................................2              easier. You will find lots of information on school life such as,
                                                                                                              expeditions, activities, what to wear to PE, and more.
                                                                                                              On your first day of school, your advisor will introduce you
Middle School uniform...................................................................3
                                                                                                              to a ‘buddy’ who will make sure you know where your classes
Getting to school—transportation..............................................4                               are, help orientate you to the school and help you meet new
Lunch and snacks.............................................................................5                people. Remember, we have all been new to UWCSEA at
                                                                                                              some point so don’t hesitate to approach any student to ask
Homework.........................................................................................5            questions or just to say hello.
Lost property....................................................................................5            We are looking forward to getting to know you, and we hope
Lockers................................................................................................5      that you have a wonderful start at UWCSEA!

Additional information about subjects.......................................5                                 Who are the Middle School Ambassadors?
Technology........................................................................................7           The Ambassadors are a group of students who welcome new
                                                                                                              students to the school and help to make their transition as
Service and Activities programmes.............................................7                               easy and as comfortable as possible. We also say goodbye
Service................................................................................................8      to the students leaving our school. Sometimes we act
                                                                                                              as representatives of UWCSEA when we have visitors,
Sports.................................................................................................8      organisations or committees viewing UWCSEA.
Outdoor education..........................................................................9                  Welcome from the Principal
Middle School enrichment trips...................................................10                                             Welcome to Middle School. The adolescent
                                                                                                                                years are an important time of transition
House System...................................................................................11
                                                                                                                                from childhood to adulthood. We strive
Dover Middle School contacts......................................................12                                            to ensure that all our students have a
                                                                                                                                strong sense of belonging with increased
                                                                                                                                opportunities for independence and
                                                                                                                                responsibility. Our learning programme
                                                                                                              supports students to realise their potential in a diverse range
                                                                                                              of areas by ensuring that they are engaged in their learning
                                                                                                              while feeling supported and challenged.
                                                                                                              We encourage you to become fully involved in College life by
                                                                                                              actively participating in a challenging Academic curriculum,
                                                                                                              Outdoor Education, Service, Activities and ourPersonal and
                                                                                                              Social Education programme.
                                                                                                              We look forward to you joining our community.
                                                                                                              Cameron Hunter
                                                                                                              Middle School Principal

Finding your way around                                             Communications
There is a map of the campus in the student planner, which is       UWCSEA is an exciting environment, but with so many things
given to students on the first day of school.                       happening it can be a challenge to stay up-to-date.
                                                                    For students
Who can help?                                                       Student planner
                                                                    Your Middle School student planner is essential; remember
Buddy                                                               to bring it every day. It is not just for recording homework
On your first day of school, your advisor will introduce you to     and planning projects but also for communication between
a ‘buddy’. This is a student in your Advisory who will make sure    parents and teachers.
you know where your classes are, help orientate you to the
school and help you meet new people.                                Please ask your parents to check and sign your planner every week.
                                                                    Assembly and advisory group
                                                                    Each grade has a weekly assembly, and the daily bulletin
If you have any questions about your subjects or assignments,       announcements are read in advisory group time each day.
it is best to approach your subject teacher for clarification
and guidance.                                                       Personal Gmail and system login
                                                                    Each student is issued with a login to the website where you
Advisors                                                            can view information tailored to your needs and sign-up for
You see your advisor every day during advisory group period.        the Activities and Service programme.
They will keep in touch with you about your overall progress
                                                                    All students are also issued with a College-linked Gmail
and your general welfare. Your advisor is the first person you
                                                                    account, which the College uses to communicate directly
can approach with any concerns.
                                                                    with you. You should check your email daily.
Heads of Grade                                                      Student portal
Your Head of Grade is responsible for ensuring all students under   The student portal is dedicated to providing information you
their care are supported and challenged. They liaise closely with   need to know on upcoming events and reports on what has
advisors, subject teachers and counsellors to ensure students       happened, lunch menus and more.
are provided with the necessary encouragement, guidance and
support to reach their potential. You are always welcome to         The Notices section will tell you what is going on in the school
approach your Head of Grade with any ideas or concerns.             that day that may affect you such as sports try-outs, changes
                                                                    to activity locations, music and drama auditions, and Global
Counselling                                                         Concerns events. There is also a calendar for Middle School.
There are four College counsellors at the Dover Campus.             For parents
They are available to all students who wish to consult them
                                                                    Student planner
about more personal issues and concerns. Students see the
counsellors for a wide variety of reasons including adjusting       The Middle School student planner is essential, and students
to a new school and new country. When you consult a                 should bring it to school each day. It is for recording homework
counsellor, what you speak about is completely confidential,        and also contains a lot of other useful information, including:
except in cases of personal risk or harm. Contact details for       • student expectations and responsibilities
the counsellors are on the back cover of this booklet.              • details on the importance of social and emotional learning
                                                                      and overall well-beings
                                                                    • topical information and guidelines such as giving
                                                                      presentations, working collaboratively
                                                                    • information on topics such as giving presentations,
                                                                      writing assignments
                                                                    Parents are asked to check and sign the student planner each
                                                                    Student absences
                                                                    Please notify the Middle School Office if your child is absent
                                                                    or going to be late to school.
                                                                    If your child needs to attend an appointment during school
                                                                    hours, you will need to collect your child and obtain a slip to
                                                                    leave the campus from the Middle School Office.

                                                                 Middle School uniform
Parent absences from Singapore                                   All Middle School students wear a green short-sleeved polo
If both parents are travelling outside Singapore, we need to     shirt with a grey culottes, trousers or shorts. If a T-shirt is
know who your child’s guardian is in case of an emergency.       worn as a vest or undershirt, it should be plain and white, and
Please let us know by returning a completed Nomination of a      visible only at the neck. Socks must be grey, black or white
Supervisor during Temporary Parental Absence form, which can     only, with no patterns.
be found on the website portal.                                  Uniforms can be purchased from the College Shop on Dover
Parent portal                                                    Campus, which is open on school days and during orientation
Each parent is issued with a login to the parent portal via
our website where you can view information tailored to           Footwear
your family and about your child/ren. Access to a number of
                                                                 Shoes should be of a practical design and must be black with
key systems as well as daily updated notices and the online
                                                                 black laces. Shoes must enclose the foot, but not cover the
calendar are located here, including:
                                                                 ankles. Socks should be white, grey or black.
• online medical information system (for review and updating)
• contact information update system (for review and updating)    Jewellery
• student record system                                          Middle School students are permitted to wear one pair of ear
  (timetable, attendance records, reports and assessments)       studs or sleepers. Religious necklaces may be worn if they
• notices for parents                                            are discreet. Nose studs are not permitted, unless written
  (you can see the notices sent to students as well)             permission is given for cultural or religious reasons. Rings and
                                                                 bracelets should not be worn.
• homework
                                                                 Tongue/nose studs and eyebrow rings are also prohibited.
There is an up-to-date online calendar on the school website.    Hair and makeup
The College uses Google Calendar, and, depending on the          Students are not expected to wear extreme styles and only
calendar system you use, you can import all or some of these     natural hair colouration is permitted. Discreet makeup is
events from Google Calendar to your own to help you keep         permitted in Middle School, however coloured nail polish
on top of what’s happening! If setting this up in advance,       is not.
please make sure you include the Middle School, Dover
Campus and UWCSEA/College calendars—you can also
                                                                 Mufti days
include other school sections and the PA calendar.               Mufti (non-uniform) days are called focus days at UWCSEA—
                                                                 please see page 7 for details. Focus days have a theme and
eBrief                                                           students are expected to dress appropriately, culturally
This weekly email consolidates key information into an easy-     sensitively and ensure their outfits meet requirements for
to-read format for parents. Considered essential reading,        PE and practical subjects such as Science and Design and
eBrief is sent to all parents every Friday during the school     Technology.
term. It contains information for parents on the upcoming
two weeks. You can expect the first eBrief the Friday before     School and laptop bags
school commences—to help you get ready for the start of the      Middle School students may choose their own backpack/
year. It is not sent during school holidays.                     school bag style. Students must minimise the risk of damage
Workshops for parents are scheduled during Term 1 to             when carrying the computer to and from lessons. Laptops
help familiarise you with the features of the website portal     must be carried around school in a protective sleeve/bag.
and calendars.
The UWCSEA App is available for iOS and Android devices.
Search for UWCSEA and download the app to access eBrief,
the calendar, notices, a campus map, your child(ren)’s
timetable (including their activities for each day), the staff
directory and more.
You will need your login details to access the App, as the
information is customised to each user.

                                                                   Getting to school—transportation
PE uniform                                                         There are several ways to travel to school:
Students may wear their PE uniform to school if they have PE       Bus
in the first two periods of the day, but they must bring their     The most common is by the school bus, which is provided
normal school uniform to school to change into (including the      by a company called Yeap Transport. They go to most places
uniform black shoes). If students have PE later in the day, they   in Singapore. The Transport Office organises the school bus
must wear their school uniform to school and bring their PE        service—contact details are on the back cover if you would
uniform to change into.                                            like to know more. You can book either a one-way or two-
Indoor lessons: UWCSEA PE shirt, UWCSEA PE shorts, white           way service.
sports socks, training shoes.                                      Buses arrive in time for the start of school each day, and leave
Outdoor lessons: UWCSEA PE shirt, UWCSEA PE shorts with            at around 3.15pm. Pick-up and drop-off times are advised
a hat, long football socks, studded boots for field activities     when you book the bus service, which is door-to-door.
(hockey, touch, rugby, football). Shin pads are required for       If you have an after-school activity that ends at 4.20pm, you
hockey and football lessons, and mouth guards are needed           can take the Activity bus home which leaves at 4.35pm. You
for contact rugby and hockey lessons (these can be purchased       will have to make your own arrangement to get home if the
from the College Shop).                                            activity ends after this.
Aquatics: Girls – one-piece swimming costume. Boys –
trunks or short swimming shorts (no longer than PE shorts).        Public transport
A swimming cap is required for students who need to tie their      There are a number of public buses that drop off near the
hair back (these can be purchased from the PE Department).         entrance to the school driveway. Students in Middle School
UVA-protective shirts are highly recommended.                      are permitted to leave the campus at the end of the school
                                                                   day without an accompanying adult and therefore are able to
Other: A towel and water bottle are required for all PE
                                                                   use the extensive public transport system.
lessons plus hat and sun block for all outdoor lessons. Middle
School students always shower after PE lessons, so they need       There are number of online route planners to help you plan
to bring a towel on these days.                                    your trip from home to school.

Sun protection                                                     Car
We ask students to wear a hat for any outside activities and       If you come to school via private car in the morning then you
apply sunscreen. Students should also carry a water bottle         should be dropped off at the designated drop-off points.
that can be used throughout the day.
                                                                   If you are also being picked up in the afternoon, you can be
                                                                   collected from the same place.

                                                                   You are welcome to cycle to school, and there are secure
                                                                   bicycle racks available under cover. Cyclists must wear a
                                                                   safety helmet and obey all road rules.

Lunch and snacks                                                       Additional information regarding subjects
There are two canteens offering a wide variety of food, with           Languages
influences from all over the world. If you buy your lunch rather       In Middle School, it is compulsory to take a second
than bring it from home, it will cost between $3 and $7 per day.       language—unless you are in the EAL programme which
The Verandah has several counters and many options, ranging            means that English is your second language and you are doing
from healthy snacks like sushi, fruit salad and freshly squeezed       Additional English instead or you are in Study Skills.
juices to more substantial offerings like pasta, pizza, a salad bar    You should already know which language you are signed up
and a sandwich bar where you can choose the fillings. Rolls,           for. If not, please ask your advisor or Head of Grade.
sandwiches, fruit smoothies and other drinks are also available.
                                                                       Languages Other Than English first languages courses are for
In the second canteen, The Pavilion, there is an Indian stall where    those whose proficiency in the language is of native or near
fresh naan is served with a variety of Indian curries. There is also   native speakers’ level. The aim is to develop sensitivity and
a large counter with a wide selection of hot Western, Asian or         effectiveness of speaking and listening through various themes,
Halal dishes and sandwiches, wraps, sushi, fruit and yoghurt.          tasks and activities using literary and non-literary texts. Students
Fresh whole fruit is available in both canteens. There are also        develop their reading and writing skills, and their awareness in
options for breakfast and after-school snacks. The tricky thing        analytical, critical and original thinking using a variety of texts.
is deciding what to buy for your lunch, but that is up to you!         The appreciation of culture is an important part of the courses.
                                                                       Students study literature texts through various media.
Chilled, filtered water is available in water fountains, not
bottles—bring a water bottle from home to refill during the day.       First languages
                                                                       Grade 6:
Break times
                                                                       • Chinese
Three breaks are scheduled every day: morning break (9.25–
9.50am), lunch time (11.30am–12.20pm) and a 10-minute break            • Further options below in our Home Languages Programme
in the afternoon at 1.35pm. There is also a five minute change         Grade 7 and 8:
over period between the end of school and start of activities.         • Chinese
                                                                       • Dutch (see below)
Homework                                                               • German (see below)
Homework will become an increasingly important part                    • Further options below in our Home Languages Programme
of your life in Middle School. You should expect to spend              Second languages
between 40 minutes to two hours on homework each
evening. The overall amount will vary from time to time;               Grade 6:
at some points you may have little or no homework, while at            • Beginners, foreign language and second language Chinese
other times you will have significantly more.                            (see below)
If you find that managing your homework load is becoming               • Beginners and foreign language French
stressful or a struggle, talk to your advisor and they will help.      • Foreign language Spanish
You will use your Middle School Planner to record homework             Grade 7:
set, keep track of deadlines and to plan your time effectively.        • Foreign language and second language Chinese (see below)
We also use an online system for teachers and students to
                                                                       • Foreign language French
communicate about homework and this is visible to parents.
                                                                       • Beginners and foreign language Spanish
                                                                       Grade 8:
Lost property                                                          • Foreign language and second language Chinese (see below)
Please go to Reception to ask about or report lost property,           • Foreign language Spanish
or to hand in something you have found. Found valuables are
recorded and kept by the receptionists. Please ensure your             • Beginners and foreign language French
belongings are labelled.                                               Chinese as a second language and Mandarin as a foreign

Lockers                                                                The Chinese as a Second Language course is a course in-
                                                                       between foreign language Chinese (Mandarin) and first
You will be allocated a locker by your advisor on the first day        language Chinese which suits students with a Chinese
of school. You must keep your locker secure with a lock at             heritage but who might not necessarily speak it as the main
all times. You will need to purchase a combination lock from the       language at home, or students who have extensive experience
uniform shop prior to the start of school. The locks cost $10.         of Chinese but are not mother tongue speakers.

Dutch                                                              Physical Education
In addition to the other languages, Dutch lessons are available    Physical Education (PE) is one of the compulsory subjects in
from Grade 7–12 for native speakers of Dutch. For students in      Middle School. You have two double periods every week. In
Grade 7 and 8, these lessons take place after school, twice a      Grade 6, you will be with your advisory group; Grade 7 and 8
week from 3–4.30pm.                                                you are divided into sets (based on skills and ability), and boys
The policy of Dutch language provision is as follows:              and girls are taught separately. Throughout the year, you are
                                                                   assessed on different sports in this subject.
• UWCSEA, together with the Dutch speaking community in
  Singapore, operates a joint scheme to employ a fully qualified   You will need to wear the school’s PE uniform during the
  teacher of Dutch. This teacher provides Dutch tuition both       lessons and studded boots are a requirement for sports such
  within and outside the normal timetable for native speakers      as football and rugby. It is also recommended to bring your
  of Dutch. The teacher is a full-time employee of the College,    own racquet for sports such as tennis and badminton.
  but the Dutch speaking community contributes to the total        Students need to wear a hat and sunblock for outdoor sports
  cost of employing the teacher.                                   and a rash vest over the top of your swimmers for aquatics.
• The College is thus not obliged to provide Dutch tuition         You should bring a towel on PE days as you shower and
  but does so to accommodate the wishes of the Dutch               change after lessons. Don’t forget a water bottle, as it is easy
  and Flemish community. For this reason, there is an extra        to become dehydrated in the heat and humidity.
  charge levied by the Dutch community for any Dutch
  tuition. The cost depends on the number of students taking       Valuables such as phones and wallets should be placed
  Dutch lessons. More information is available from Hans           in your locked locker prior to PE. Do not bring leave any
  Schellekens (hsc@uwcsea.edu.sg).                                 valuables in the PE change rooms.

German                                                             There are three days of sport each year for all Middle School
                                                                   students. The Days of Sport are house based and as such the
In Grade 7 and 8, German is taught as a first language for         student compete for their allocated house throughout the
native speakers according to the Swiss curriculum. This is         day. Each Day of Sport has a theme: Games based, swimming,
a provision for Swiss students joining us in Grade 7 from          and track and field.
the Swiss School. Other German native speakers may join
this class, but will have to sit a test that assesses if their     There is a comprehensive competitive and recreational
level of German is sufficient to keep up with the specific         sporting programme offered through the Activities
curriculum requirements. More information is available from        programme—see later section for details on how to get
Wolfgang Oesch (woe@uwcsea.edu.sg).                                involved.

Home Languages Programme (HLP)
The HLP is for students who want to maintain a language
spoken at home but do not study this language as part of the
academic curriculum during the school day. In other words,
it enables students to study their mother tongue languages
outside of the regular curriculum so they do not ‘lose’
their mother tongue if this language is not offered within
the taught curriculum. It is a programme of paid, weekly,
after-school classes ($41.80 per lesson, GST and Admin
fees included). Classes are taught in very small groups (3–6
students) by qualified, native speaker teachers hired by the
school. The focus is on building students’ skills in reading
and writing. The languages on offer may vary year to year,
subject to demand. In 2019/2020 we ran classes for Bahasa
Indonesia, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Spanish,
Portuguese, Hebrew, Italian, Swedish, Thai and Danish. For
further information, please contact the Head of Home Languages:
Pilar Jimenez – (doverhomelanguages@uwcsea.edu.sg)

Technology                                                         Service and Activities programmes
Laptops                                                            There are four service and activity seasons over the three school
All UWCSEA students in Grades 6–12 must have an up-to-             terms each year. In Middle School, students are required to
date Apple MacBook laptop to support their learning and            complete two consecutive seasons of an after-school service or
complete the remote laptop orientation process–Ready               four consecutive seasons of a lunchtime service. They are also
Learner One @ UWCSEA–for students and families.                    encouraged to participate in at least one activity each season.

Families have two options to source a laptop for school:           Service includes College, Local or Global Concerns and during
                                                                   your time in Middle School we encourage you to try different
• use an Apple laptop that you already own                         types of service. There is a range of activities to choose from
• purchase a new Apple laptop                                      including sports (competitive and recreational), visual and
Ready Learner One @ UWCSEA is a set of learning                    performing arts (art, drama and music), leadership (e.g., Student
engagements and families will be supported remotely to             Representative Council, the Ambassadors, GC Executive) and
complete both levels:                                              enrichment (e.g. chess, accessories creation, debating and much
• Level 1: System Setup
  – This level will help set you up to use the school systems;     Activities are usually after school from 3.05–4.20pm or 4.30–
    including wifi, printing and our software distribution         6pm. There are activity buses that leave school at 4.35pm to
    system (Filewave)                                              take you home, but if you have an activity that ends later, you
                                                                   will need to arrange your own transportation. You should check
• Level 2: Taking Care
                                                                   what time and day your activities are scheduled on before you
  – This level will help you consider how you will take care       request to sign up so you can make it to all of them.
    of your laptop and yourself. You will also create a shared
    family media agreement to help develop a positive              Many activities are included in your school fees, but some require
    environment for use of a laptop at home.                       additional payment to cover equipment, coaching or other costs;
                                                                   this will be noted in the sign-up system when you make your
It is compulsory for students to store and carry their laptops     preference each season, and payment generally needs to be
in a padded bag. A shoulder strap is strongly recommended.         made before the activity commences.
During lunch and break time, laptops must be secured
in lockers.
                                                                   Sign up
                                                                   Students and parents can view the Service and Activities
Digital devices                                                    overview for the year by logging into the Activities database
Digital devices include items such as mobile phones, kindles,      through the portal using their User ID and password. Students
iPads, and more. In order to promote a healthy balance in          are encouraged to plan their activities for the year.
your lifestyle, you should not use digital devices during breaks   Signing up for activities is completed online during sign up
or lunchtimes. They should be turned off and left securely in      period. Sign up opening and closing dates are advertised
your locker from 8am until the end of the school day.              through student notices, the online calendar and eBrief.
If you need to make an urgent phone call during the day, go        To register your preferences, students need to log in to the
to the Middle School Office and your grade level secretary         portal, and then select activities from the portal menu.
will help you. Likewise, if you parents need to contact you        Parents are not able to submit activity preferences for their
urgently, they should phone the Middle School Office and           children using their parent login.
leave the message with the relevant secretary.
                                                                   Some sports, music and drama activities hold trials or
Digital citizens                                                   auditions to select their team for leagues or upcoming events.
We are committed to helping students learn how to navigate         Trials are held on separate days, and you are informed about
the sometimes tricky world of life online. We want our Middle      this beforehand via the online notices system on the portal.
School students to get the best out of using the Internet
and to keep themselves and others safe and healthy in their
online worlds.
Through lessons, assemblies and discussions, you will explore
materials that will help to inform you about digital citizenship
and being safe, positive and responsible online.

What is Service?                                                   Focus Days
College and Local Service involves a group of students that        These are organised in response to natural disasters, to aid
help people and/or the environment within the College and          humanitarian relief efforts in the affected area. Students can
the wider Singapore community. For example: Helping In             choose free dress with a colour theme to encourage raising
Primary School (HIPS) assists younger students at UWCSEA,          further awareness of the cause. A donation (as a personal
while National University Hospital (NUH) Play Buddies,             response) from students raises funds for the humanitarian
Reading Buddies and SIA MINDS all work with groups in the          efforts, which is directed, where possible, to a project
Singapore community.                                               connected to our Global Concerns programme. Students are
                                                                   expected to dress appropriately and culturally sensitively.
What is a Global Concern?
The College’s Service programme beyond Singapore is                Sports
called Global Concerns (GC). Global Concerns’ wide variety of      There are 17 representative sports on Dover Campus, 13
activities and projects reflect a range of global development      of them for both genders. Senior-level sport is organised
challenges and associated environmental issues. Through            into seasons, with College teams competing in local school
their involvement with GCs, students take action to build          leagues and end-of-season tournaments organised by ACSIS
community awareness and raise funds to support partner             (Athletics Conference of Singapore International Schools).
organisations around the world.                                    Many Middle School students participate in the ACSIS
The projects that UWCSEA Middle School are involved in             competitions in their appropriate age groups.
reflect concern for people and human economic development          Current representative teams include options to participate in
in a way which is sensitive to culture, the environment and        badminton, basketball, climbing, cricket (boys), cross country,
sustainability. We support a range of projects that focus          football, golf, gymnastics (girls), hockey, netball (girls), rugby
on children, education and health, empowerment and                 (boys), sailing, softball, swimming, tennis, touch football and
environmental conservation.                                        volleyball. Not all of these sports teams may have an age
Some of the current Middle School GC initiatives include:          group for Middle School students, although many do enter
                                                                   teams in a range of age divisions.
• Green Gecko Project, Cambodia
• Kids in Cambodia                                                 There are a number of other recreational sports, such as
                                                                   fencing, offered via the Activities programme.
• LaValla, Cambodia
• Tabitha, Cambodia                                                How do I get involved?
• Jakarta Street Kids, Indonesia                                   Check the notice boards, daily notices, eBrief and the
• Waterford Kamhlaba Service Support                               sports website for details of tryouts. Tryouts are held at the
• Blue Dragon, Vietnam                                             beginning of each season in August, November, February and
                                                                   April. If you are starting school in the middle of a term, please
• Promoting Animal Welfare                                         go to the Sports Office (in the Senior Sports Hall) and ask for
• Tioman Turtles, Malaysia                                         further information.
Special efforts are made in our Primary and Middle Schools
to incorporate Global Concerns into the curriculum. We hope
that as a result of their experiences, our students leave us
with a lasting commitment to Global Concerns and an ability
to turn ideas into action.
How to sign up
Sign up for service is done via the online activity sign up. You
are expected to take your commitment to both your selected
service very seriously, and full attendance is expected, unless
absence is completely unavoidable.

Spirit Week
Spirit Week is held in Term 3 and involves all Middle School
students. It focuses on Global Concerns, and each day during
the week has themed activities and focus, based on the
nominated GCs.

Arts                                                                 Outdoor education
Middle School students have numerous opportunities to express        The College offers a wealth of outdoor educational
themselves creatively outside the classroom. One hugely              experiences and the Middle School students undertake
anticipated highlight is the United Nations Evening just before      many school trips as part of their education. Education in the
the October holidays—a diverse assortment of dance, music and        outdoors is central to our College’s philosophy.
cuisine from around the world. Students have the opportunity
                                                                     We operate a policy of ‘challenge of choice,’ the principle
to be involved in the performances and/or the food stalls.
                                                                     referring to the participant’s responsibility to choose the
Information on opportunities to participate is sent around early
                                                                     level of challenge in the learning experience. It is based on
in the school year via notice boards and the website Notices.
                                                                     the belief that significant learning occurs when one pushes
Drama                                                                oneself out of a known ‘comfort zone,’ while at the same time
                                                                     recognising that each person’s experience will be different.
Middle School students can participate in a number of drama
                                                                     Students often gain a huge sense of personal satisfaction
productions throughout the year. There are dedicated Middle
                                                                     and achievement during these trips. They learn to rise to the
School productions involving students from specific grades.
                                                                     challenge and work well with their peers.
There are many opportunities for students to be involved
both on and off stage. Look for these in the activities sign up,     *Due to COVID-19 restrictions all Middle School camps will
and for information on auditions in the website notices.             be in Singapore for the duration of 2020/2021 school year.

Visual arts                                                          Grade 6–Tioman
In Term 3, Middle School students have an Art Exhibition             The Grade 6 expedition takes place on Tioman Island,
dedicated to their work, displaying work by many talented            Malaysia, in Term 1. This is a five-day, four-night programme
students to the whole school and the wider community.                where the students are involved in a series of activities such
Work by individuals and groups is displayed, showcasing a            as kayaking, snorkeling and sailing. The students learn to work
wide variety of materials and techniques.                            as a team while developing new skills.

Music                                                                Grade 7–Kayak training and Sibu
There are many opportunities for Middle School students              The Grade 7 expedition involves sea kayaking and expedition
to be involved in music through the Activities programme.            skills. In Term 2, all students follow a programme in Singapore
The ensembles available include: The Band (woodwind,                 leading to a One Star Kayaking award. In Term 3, students
brass and percussion), Camerata (strings), Concert Strings,          spend five days and four nights on Sibu Island in Malaysia,
Intermediate Jazz Band, Arioso (Middle School Choir) and             which includes further kayak training and an expedition.
Middle School Percussion Ensemble. There is also opportunity
for soloists and small chamber music ensembles to                    Grade 8–Chiang Mai
participate in the Term 3 Chamber Concert. The ensembles             Grade 8 students complete a ten-day programme in Chiang
above perform in termly concerts and some are involved in            Mai between October and December. There are both
the ‘Opus’ concert at the Esplanade Concert Hall and the             adventurous and cultural aspects to this programme as well
‘Finale’ concert at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music          as opportunities for students to learn more about how to
Concert Hall. Look for information on auditions in the website       solve problems collaboratively in an outdoor environment.
Notices or contact the Music Department.
                                                                     High Ropes course
Instrumental Teaching Programme                                      Each year, all Middle School students participate in adventure
The Instrumental Teaching Program (ITP) lets you learn               and team building activities with the Outdoor Education
instruments taught by internal and external music teachers.          Department. This is an exciting and challenging time
Tuition is available on the following instruments:                   experiencing activities on the High Ropes course.
• violin               • trumpet            • saxophone
• viola                • guitar – electric, • tuba
• cello                  acoustic,          • euphonium
                         classical, bass
• clarinet                                  • percussion
                       • oboe
• double bass                               • flute
                       • tenor horn
• piano                                     • jazz piano
                       • French horn          (advanced
• recorder
                       • bassoon              students only)
• voice
Registration is available through the parent portal (logged in via
the College website) and further information can be found there.

Middle School enrichment trips
A variety of optional Middle School trips are offered each       Adventure
year. These are in addition to the compulsory grade level        Skiing and snowboarding in Verbier, Switzerland
expeditions that are a fundamental part of our outdoor
education programme. The trips outlined below offer an           The skiing and snowboarding trip travels to Verbier in
enrichment experience focusing on at least one of three          Switzerland during the Chinese New Year holiday. Verbier has
broad categories—cultural immersion and/or curriculum            some of the best skiing, snowboarding and instruction in the
enrichment, service and adventure. The majority of these         world, with guaranteed snow at this time of year. Students
trips are run during the holiday period with the exception of    receive intensive skiing or snowboarding tuition over 6 days
the Round Square Conferences. All trips are led by UWCSEA        and the opportunity to tour some of the 350km of pistes
Staff. Please note costs shown are approximate and are           situated between 1500m and 3000m. Accommodation is
confirmed when available. Dates may also vary.                   a fully staffed ski lodge located on the mountain with easy
                                                                 access to Verbier village and ski lifts. The trip caters for
*Due to COVID-19 restrictions enrichment trips outside           complete beginners to advanced skiers and snowboarders. It
of Singapore are unlikely to be available in the 2020/2021       gives students the opportunity to experience the Swiss Alps,
school year.                                                     learn a new skill and mix with other students from around the
                                                                 world. The trip is jointly organised with East Campus.
Cultural immersion/curriculum enrichment
Spain cultural immersion tour                                    Learn to Ski – Japan
The purpose of this trip to Spain is to give our students a      This trip provides students with the opportunity to learn to
chance to practise and improve upon their Spanish and to         ski whilst experiencing the wonderful Japanese culture of
gain an insight into the culture and traditions of the region.   Nozawa-Onsen. Students live in a beautiful ryokan walking
Students will stay with Spanish families, study Spanish in a     distance from the ski slopes.
language school in the mornings and go on organised cultural     New Zealand Adventure
excursions in the afternoon.                                     The New Zealand Adventure visits either the North or
China cultural immersion tour                                    South Island, alternating each year. The trip includes cultural
The Asian Languages and Culture Department will organise a       exchanges and links with GC programmes as well as a range
cultural immersion educational tour for students to Beijing,     of exciting activities. The expedition to New Zealand that
during the half-term break in October.                           UWCSEA offers is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The main aim of this trip is to provide our students a better    The trip travels around many parts of the country and
understanding of Chinese culture and to give them the            undertakes several activities in each location. There is everything
opportunity to practice and enrich their language. By doing      you can imagine available, whether it is jet boat riding or
so, we hope that they will be more motivated to learn the        wandering the set of the Hobbit. You get to experience the
Chinese language and understand its culture.                     culture with your friends, and it is a trip you will never forget.

France cultural immersion tour                                   Service
Students on this trip will get a chance to stay with French      Cambodia – Tabitha History House-building
families to practice what they have learnt at school. They       Service: Tabitha Global Concern
will also attend French classes in the mornings and go on
organised cultural excursions most afternoons, a great hands-    To enrich understanding of the Pol Pot/Khmer Rouge regime,
on experience.                                                   Grade 8 students are offered the opportunity to participate
                                                                 in an optional house-building trip to Cambodia in conjunction
                                                                 with Tabitha GC. Students who go on the trip are those who
                                                                 have demonstrated commitment to the Tabitha GC and are
                                                                 actively involved in fundraising for the houses they build.
                                                                 Students must participate in Tabitha GC all year for fundraising
                                                                 and awareness activities.

                                                               House System
Vietnam                                                        In order to promote interaction amongst students across
Service: Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation (BDCF)              grades in Middle School, a vertical House System. Students
Global Concern                                                 and staff are allocated to one of six houses named after
                                                               another college in the UWC movement: Adriatic, Atlantic,
To enrich understanding of the history and culture of          Pearson, Mostar, Nordic and Waterford.
Vietnam, Grade 7 students can participate in an optional
holiday trip in conjunction with Blue Dragon Children’s        The aims of the House System are to:
Foundation (BDCF) Global Concern, which includes               • enhance interactions across Grades 6–8
sightseeing in Hanoi and two days with Blue Dragon             • promote house spirit and a sense of camaraderie, which
playing football, visiting the drop-in-centre and engaging       directly promotes Middle School spirit
in a service project.
                                                               • provide additional leadership opportunities for students
Students must participate in BDCF GC for fundraising and       • promote a supportive spirit amongst different grade levels
awareness activities.
                                                               • make links to the qualities and skills in the UWCSEA profile
Waterford Kamhlaba Service Support GC                          • broaden access to and participation in drama, art
In June, students from Middle School travel to South Africa      and sports
and Swaziland. The 13-day tour takes in a number of game
                                                               There are a number of House meetings and House events
reserves including the Kruger National Park, a few days in
                                                               during the year, ranging from Battle of the Bands to Days of
Zululand and a stay at Waterford Kamhlaba UWC of Southern
                                                               Sport and Maths Challenges.
Africa in Swaziland. Waterford College is a sister school to
UWCSEA, and the students are welcomed by the boarders.
The students also become involved in a variety of GC work
within the Swazi communities, visiting several past projects
with the Waterford students, as well as a local orphanage.
This tour is a great opportunity to combine both community
service work with the excitement of seeing Africa and its
amazing environment.
Students must participate in Waterford Kamhlaba Service
Support GC for Seasons 3 and 4 for fundraising and awareness


Dover Middle School contacts
Dover Campus Reception                                 +65 6775 5344
Middle School Office                                   +65 6419 9315

Grade secretaries
Grade 6 – Valerie Nonis                                valerie.nonis@uwcsea.edu.sg
Grade 7 – Fiona Ellison                                fiona.ellison@uwcsea.edu.sg
Grade 8 – Suharni (Su) Sani                            suharni.sani@uwcsea.edu.sg

Heads of Grade
Grade 6
Will Walker                                            will.walker@uwcsea.edu.sg
Rachel McCarthy                                        rachel.thistoll@uwcsea.edu.sg
Grade 7
Caroline Araneta                                       caroline.araneta@uwcsea.edu.sg
Adam Taylor                                            adam.taylor@uwcsea.edu.sg
Grade 8
Luke Milburn                                           Luke.Milburn@uwcsea.edu.sg
Carla Fitzpatrick                                      carla.fitzpatrick@uwcsea.edu.sg

Middle School leadership
Cameron Hunter, Principal                              cameron.hunter@uwcsea.edu.sg
Paul Brogden, Vice Principal (Curriculum)              paul.brogden@uwcsea.edu.sg
Ardene Mandziy, Vice Principal (Pastoral)              ardene.mandziy@uwcsea.edu.sg

Middle School Counsellor
Camille Ko                                             +65 6419 9329

School services
College Clinic                                         +65 6775 5321
Transport Office                                       +65 6872 3213
Library                                                library.uwcsea.edu.sg
Sports                                                 uwcsea.edu.sg/dover-sports

Parents’ Association                                   +65 6775 5344 | ext 1080

Online staff directory
All staff contact email addresses can be found on the school website. Please look in the online staff directory for email addresses
for individual staff and in the Campus Contacts section of the website for the emails and telephone numbers for departments such
as Admissions and Finance.Dover Middle School contacts
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