Page created by Yolanda Morales

                                            SAVING JOHN FROM DEBT

                                                 PAGES 12 - 13

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Regulars | Reserves | Veterans | Families
THANK YOU                                                                          VOLUNTEERING
As we approach the end of 2021
with over 42 million* of the adult
                                           our mentors through one-to-one
                                           support. Last year 747 people, aged
                                                                                       FROM EAST TO WEST
                                                                                       Our volunteers are key to supporting the Armed Forces
population fully vaccinated it is          17-50 years old, were supported
important to remember the team             through mentoring programmes,               and now you can hear from two of them.
effort of everyone involved. And           94% more than 2019.
                                                                                       East: Meet Dave              West: Meet Alex
that is what you - our supporters            This time you will hear from Haydn
– are, a team working together to          about the devastating accident              Dave is no stranger when     Alex volunteers as Divisional Secretary for
make positive changes to the lives         which changed his entire life, and          it comes to serving the      SSAFA in Salisbury and the surrounding
of our Armed Forces community.             how turning to SSAFA for support            general public. From Army    area. As well as working full-time, she
Without you these services would           helped him cope with his grief.             to Police to council and     manages a team of caseworkers to help
not be possible!                           After our wordsearch we are back            now a SSAFA Branch           serving personnel and veterans in need.
  Did you know last year, because of       with another challenge; this time,          Secretary for Cambridge      “We're all volunteers. I manage the
your contributions, our Forcesline         a quiz on the Armed Forces.                 and Bedfordshire, he fits    caseworkers and the cases that come to
helpline was able to help 27,761           So, get your thinking caps on               volunteering around his      us by phone, email or through referral.
people though calls, emails and            and remember no Googling                    full-time job. “Being a      “My role is to have a chat with the client and
online chat to ask for the support         the answers!                                good listener is key and     see how we can help them. We help lots of
they desperately needed?                     Our Armed Forces still need your          that leads to being an       different people from those who've just
That’s enough people to fill Lords         ongoing support, so they have               effective communicator.      come out of the Forces to those who served
Cricket Ground!                            somewhere to turn when they require         You need empathy and a       in the Second World War. Some may only
  It is thanks to your continued           help. After serving their nation we         degree of warmth because     have served for a short period; some, for
generosity that veterans, struggling       should be there for them in their time      you may be the third or      decades. We help them all: individuals,
to adapt to civilian life, are helped by   of need. * At time of print                 fourth organisation the      couples and families.
                                                                                       beneficiary has called       “The work we do is extremely varied.”
                                                                                       for help, but the only one   "It's very humbling to know that we
                                                                                       that's able to offer them    can make a difference to people's lives,
                                                                                       any support.                 and sometimes it's just the small things
                                                                                       “There is no better          that matter.
                                                                                       feeling than giving          “We're always looking for volunteers.
                                                                                       something back”              There are lots of different roles they can
                                 Page 4             Page 15                  Page 11   “And we have support         perform ranging from caseworkers to
                                                                                       from the SSAFA network       divisional secretaries, treasurers, mentors
    FUNDRAISING PROMISE                                                                too. We've got a really      and fundraisers.
                                             CONTACT US
                                                                                       good relationship with       “You don’t have to come from a military
     We commit to high standards             SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity,          SSAFA Head Office            background. Anybody from all walks of life is
     We are clear, honest and open           Queen Elizabeth House,
                                             4 St. Dunstan’s Hill,                     and with the team            always welcome to come and find out more
     We are respectful
                                             London EC3R 8AD                           who runs Forcesline,         about SSAFA, what we do and how you
     We are fair and reasonable
                                             Tel: 020 7463 9225                        our charity helpline.        could make a difference.”
     We are accountable and responsible
                                                                   To become a volunteer visit:

2   SSAFA NEWS FOR SUPPORTERS                                                                                                                 3
GINA’S NEW WHEELS                                                                       KEEP CALM
Knocked over in a hit
and run, Gina was
                          “Getting in touch with SSAFA is the best
                           thing that's happened to me this year”                        AND GET
taken to hospital, and
the bike she was          so I temporarily moved     asking if they would
riding was written off.   to be near him and help    fund a new bike.
                          with his care.             He kept pushing, but I
  Riding was her only     That’s when I started      didn't expect much.
coping mechanism to                                                                 Thanks to a grant from The Department for
                          cycling. I needed          However, together the
deal with her brother's                                                            Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) the
                          something to take my       regiments donated the
terminal illness and,     mind off things.           full amount to buy me a        ‘Keep Calm, Get Connected and Carry On’
without it, she was lost.   “When Covid hit          fabulous new bike!                         project can continue.
Thankfully SSAFA          during the first              “I love my new bike,
stepped in to help.       lockdown his treatment     it's good for my mental
  “I've been in uniform                                                          The project aims to          Forcesline, our specialist
                          came to a halt and I       health. No one has ever
since I was 13 when I                                                            combat loneliness and        helpline, to delivering
                          was told he had little     done anything like this
joined the Army                                                                  isolation amongst those      breakfast bacon rolls to
                          time left. The day         for me before.
Cadets. After my                                                                 most vulnerable in the       those isolating in rural
                          before he died, I was         “I knew about SSAFA,
A-levels I did 11 years,                                                         Armed Forces                 communities. The scheme
                          knocked off my bike in     but it wasn’t until I was
mainly in the Royal                                                              community. Thanks to a       creates social connections
                          a hit and run with         supported by them
Signals, serving on the                                                          grant extension from         for lonely veterans and their
                          another cyclist, who       that I realised the
frontline across the                                                             DCMS, we were able to        families, co-ordinated across
                          was travelling on the      extent of everything
globe from Bosnia to                                                             extend this project          England, delivered through
                          wrong side of the cycle    they do for the
East Timor - often first                                                         throughout 2021. In June     SSAFA’s branches in local
                          path. The impact           Armed
on the ground as                                                                 last year, the Government    communities, and supported
                          catapulted me off the      Forces.
conflict broke out.                                                              announced that they          by more than 4000 trained
                          bike. Luckily, I was       I am now
  “After leaving in 2006 only badly bruised,                                     would donate £5 million      volunteers, to support
I was diagnosed with                                                             to national organisations    more veterans at risk of
                          but my bike was            for SSAFA,
Post Traumatic Stress                                                            to help them tackle          loneliness, whilst our one-to-
                          completely trashed.        to thank them
Disorder (PTSD). Whilst                                                          loneliness. As a result,     one mentoring service has
                            “Following my            for their
receiving support, my                                                            SSAFA has now received       managed to reach out to
                          accident, I got in touch   support.”
brother was diagnosed with SSAFA.                                                a total of £950,000 from     those who would have been
with cancer,                                                                     DCMS to help combat          previously isolated and cut
                            “Graham, my SSAFA
                                                                                 loneliness and isolation     off from their community.
                          caseworker, was
                                                                                 amongst veterans and         It aims to facilitate a
                          brilliant. He went
                                                                                 their families. The grant    technological adaptation of
                          through the forms with
                                                                                 has helped support those     services, enabling them to be
                          me and then wrote to
                                                                                 most at-risk during the      delivered online and
                          my different regiments
                                                                                 COVID-19 pandemic            remotely, where required,
                                                                                 across England, from         providing a positive impact
                                                                                 adapting services, such as   beyond the grant.
To hear from Gina
scan the QR code.
"She honestly was the strongest, most
amazing woman I had the pleasure of                                                LET’S GET
knowing and will be missed by everyone.”

HONOURING                                                                          Do you know all there is to know about SSAFA and the Armed
                                                                                   Forces? Well now is the time to find out in our brand-new quiz!

HER MEMORY                                                                         Get those pens out and your thinking caps on in our latest brain
                                                                                   teaser challenge

Earlier this year, 9-year-old Jack        Jack said: “I feel really good and       Fill in the answers below to these questions and test your
Chadwick took on a pogo-stick          happy that I can help people.”              knowledge today. Answers can be found upside down at the
challenge in memory of Marisa             Beth Chadwick, Jack's older sister       bottom, but no peeking please!
Tomkins, a veteran and dedicated       tells us: “Jack tries to raise money
SSAFA volunteer, after she passed      for charity every year. So, this year,       1.    In which year was SSAFA established?
away at age 63.                        Jack decided to do something a
                                                                                    2.    Which three colours make up the three services in
  On February 26, 2021, Marisa         little out of the norm and complete
                                                                                          SSAFA's logo?
Tomkins sadly passed away              200 pogo-stick jumps each day in
suddenly and peacefully. Young         March to try and raise £200. He had          3.    Which military base is situated next to a famous natural
family friend Jack was inspired to     yet to choose a charity when our                   beauty spot on the Jurassic Coast in Dorset, England?
fundraise in her memory, and           lovely family friend Marisa Tomkins
continue to support her favourite      passed away. Marisa was a much
charity, by attempting to complete     loved and dear friend to everyone.          4.     How old must you be before enlisting in the Army as
200 pogo-stick jumps every day            “If Marisa had to live by one line, it          a soldier?
throughout March. This amounted        would be to “live life to the full” and      5.    In which year was the RAF founded?
to a total of 6,200 jumps.             she certainly did that!”
  Marisa served in the Army               Jack has already smashed his             6.     What does SSAFA stand for?
Reserve from 1985, including           target of raising £200 and has
military operations in Baghdad,        raised an amazing £3,000 so far.
Iraq. She received the Iraq medal                                                   7.    Name Britain's first nuclear powered submarine,
                                                                                          commissioned in 1963?
in 2006. She also obtained her
5-year and 10-year Service Medal,                                                   8.    In which English county is RAF Benson?
and her Jubilee Medal. Marisa was
very well respected and retired                                                     9.    How many trained volunteers does SSAFA have?
from the Army Reserve at the age                                                   10.    Which British military regiment has the following motto:
of 60. In 1992 Marisa joined the                                                          'Ready for Anything'?
police force and served for 18 years
alongside her continued TA
commitments. Once retired she            You can create a Facebook in
volunteered to support the Armed         memory fundraiser by visiting:
Forces community in the Bury area
                                                                                         7.HMS Dreadnought, 8.Oxfordshire, 9.4,000 10. Parachute Regiment
with SSAFA.
                                                                                           April 1918, 6.The Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association,
                                                                                         1.1885, 2.Red, Light Blue and Dark Blue, 3.Lulworth, 4.16 years old, 5.1

6   SSAFA NEWS FOR SUPPORTERS                                                                                                                  7
“SSAFA came at just the right time”               “I spent the next
                                                    couple of hours trying
                                                                                I knew I had to speak to
                                                                                a professional so I got
                                                                                                                “Even though life
                                                                                                             is difficult at times,
                                                    to phone the hospital,      in touch got in touch        I know that I have
                                                    to find out what had        with SSAFA. I met            wonderful friends
                                                    happened. I eventually      Jenna, a SSAFA social        and family, a great
                                                    got through to the          worker, and she allowed      support network
                                                    ward, and I spoke to        me to tell her the whole     and Collette. Nothing
                                                    my wife Collette. She’d     story and I bawled my        could ever happen
                                                    broken her neck and at      eyes out for at least an     that would break our
                                                    that stage Isla and our     hour. “Jenna arranged        relationship and
                                                    unborn baby were alive      for me to see a licensed     we know that now.

                                                    but at serious risk, with   counsellor, paid for            “I have recently
                                                    Isla sustaining head        by the Royal Air Force       returned to Odiham
                                                    and neck injuries.          Benevolent Fund.             and have become an

HAYDN’S                                             I needed to get home
                                                    and the RAF were
                                                                                I had five or six sessions
                                                                                and felt so much better.
                                                                                                             instructor preparing
                                                                                                             frontline crews

                                                    incredible                                                 for operations.”
                                                    at getting me back                                            Though the pain

                                                    – but each hour                                            can’t be taken away,
                                                    was torture.”                                              Haydn thanks the
                                                       Upon arriving at                                        charity for giving

                                                    the hospital Haydn                                         him an outlet for
                                                    discovered their                                           his grief and
                                                    unborn child had                                           being there for him
Devastated by the deaths of his                     died and was shortly                                       when he needed
                                                    told afterwards their                                      them most.
three-year-old daughter Isla and                    daughter Isla would                                           “I've got massive
unborn child, following a crash on                  not pull through.                                          respect for what
the A34, Flight Lieutenant Haydn                    Haydn then had                                             SSAFA does and
                                                                                “Even after Jenna had
turned to SSAFA for support.                        to break the news                                        I would encourage
                                                                                organised the
                                                    to Collette.                                             other people to use
                                                                                counselling I still went
“I initially trained on   the Middle East to           Haydn tried to come                                   them. I appreciate
                                                                                back once a week
the Harrier and then      the Falklands.”           to terms with what had                                   the people who
                                                                                to chat to her. She was
moved onto                  Haydn was on a          happened, the                                            support SSAFA and
                                                                                very easy to talk to, and
helicopters, which        posting in the            devastation of his                                       donate to them too
                                                                                she really listened. I was
I always wanted.          Falklands when a          tragic loss eventually                                   so people like me
                                                                                allowed to accept how
I've been flying the      harrowing call came       caught up with him.                                      can access help when
                                                                                I genuinely felt in
Chinook since 2013        in to tell him that his   It was then he got in                                    we need it most.”
                                                                                each moment.
and have travelled,       family had been           touch with SSAFA.
carrying out exercises    involved in a crash          Haydn says:
and deployments, all      with a lorry and were     “It was two years
over the world, from      seriously injured.        after the accident,                    If you need support, please visit:
                                                    I got pretty sad.            

8   SSAFA NEWS FOR SUPPORTERS                                                                                  9
" SSAFA understand the military way of life."

COMING                                                                         BECOMING A FAMILY
BACK HOME                                                                      After unsuccessful attempts at IVF and a miscarriage, Royal Navy
                                                                               Reservist Ann and her wife Emma began their adoption journey in
Bill, a 96-year-old Second World War
                                                                               June 2018, when they made an initial call to SSAFA’s Adoption Team.
veteran and all-round adventurer joined the
Navy at just 14. After a lifetime of travelling,                               Ann Miller-McCaffrey joined the         By June 2020, they were matched,
being on Artic Convoys and special duties,                                     WRNS in July 1987, aged 18. Working     and in July they were able to bring
Bill is now saying thank you SSAFA, who                                        in the education support branch of      their daughter home, with the
helped him get home to the UK to live, just                                    the WRNS, she worked regularly with     formal adoption order arriving
as COVID-19 took a grip on the world.                                          the Royal Marines deploying with        in December.
                                                                               them to Norway. Following the             Throughout the process, Ann and
                                                                               merging of the WRNS and Royal           Emma were supported in their
       “Supporting service veterans is very                                    Navy in 1990, Ann volunteered to go     quest for parenthood by SSAFA
                                                                               to sea, serving on board HMS            adoption social worker Roger,
     important. They're not to be forgotten.”                                  Roebuck and HMS Somerset.               who they describe as their 'rock',
After many years in New Zealand         Secretaries in France and Wiltshire      After 24 years of full service, Ann   for not only facilitating and guiding
after the Second World War, Bill        co-ordinated Bill's return home.       joined the Royal Navy Reserve.          their adoption journey, but for
settled in France aged 77, and lived      “Once he'd settled in, I got in      Currently, she is the last standing     supporting them as they attempted
there for 18 years, until the draw of   contact with Bill and went round       member of the Royal Navy who            to adopt during the Covid crisis,
home became too much, and he            there with a few SSAFA goodies         wears the Educational and Training      and multiple lockdowns.
wanted to move back to the UK.          to check he was okay and had           Services, (ETS), epaulette.               In total, 409 households were
And this is when he turned to           everything he needed.”                   Ann married Emma, a charity           supported by our Adoption
SSAFA’s branch in France for help.        Bill later decided he wanted to      worker and former teacher after         services in 2020, and nine new
They then reached out to their          move to Southsea, a place he grew      proposing in uniform at Liverpool       households were approved to
colleagues at the Wiltshire branch.     to know during his Navy days. It       Pride in 2016. The couple was keen to   adopt. 55.5% of those were same
  “I was told there was a gentleman     was a challenging move, midway         start a family and took the stability   sex couples, far higher than the
in Normandy, a Second World War         through the pandemic, but one that     offered by a posting to RMA             national average for adoption.
veteran in his 90s, who wanted to       has made him feel more at home         Sandhurst to begin their journey.
return back to live in ‘Blighty’”,      after years away from the UK.            “We want to see a reflection of
Alex, Divisional Secretary for            Since the move, Bill has been        us, and we got that with SSAFA.”
SSAFA in Salisbury, explains.           helped with a wide variety of issues     At the start of 2020, just a few
  “I knew of a local care home that     from signing him up with a doctor,     weeks before the Covid crisis hit,
was suitable and we discovered          to getting a mobility scooter and      the couple saw the profile of a
luckily that there was a space          chasing hospital appointments.         13-month-old little girl who they
there for Bill.”                          As Bill tells us: “The people from   wanted to be theirs.
  After many hours of careful           SSAFA are like my relations, they’ve
planning, SSAFA's Branch                done so much for me.”                   To find more about adoption
                                                                                within the Armed Forces visit:
                     If you know of an older veteran who needs support and
                     visit               to hear from Ann and Emma
                                                                                scan QR code.
10   SSAFA NEWS FOR SUPPORTERS                                                                                                         11
“Speaking to
                                                                                   Trevor was like
                                                                                   being thrown a
                                                                                   life raft when I
                                                                                   was drowning.”

                                                                                   “As a result, I couldn't go
                                                                                 back to work, which put me
                                                                                 into severe debt and triggered
                                                                                 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

                                                                                 (PTSD). Because of the stress
                                                                                 I was under, I started having
                                                                                 nightmares about my time in           “He also asked about my wife and
                                                                                 Northern Ireland.                  her needs, which I didn't think was

        FROM DEBT
                                                                                   “By the start of the pandemic    something that would happen.
                                                                                 the debt became crippling.         I assumed that it would only be ex-
                                                                                 After being put in touch with      military who got support. SSAFA
                                                                                 SSAFA I was assigned to            ook care of my whole family which
      After suffering from Pulmonary Embolism in his lungs,                      caseworker Trevor Scott. He        was amazing.
                                                                                 was brilliant. I never got to         “Because of the support I'm
      John Druce’s livelihood was stripped from him. Within                      meet him face to face because      completely debt free. SSAFA
     two weeks, the former Trooper was facing crippling debt                     of covid restrictions, but from    encouraged me to apply for Universal
               and his health started deteriorating.                             the first phone call where I       Credit, because my physical condition
                                                                                 explained my situation he said,    means it's hard to find work, so this
Eventually the struggle became           saw the fall of the Berlin Wall.        'Leave it to me. I’ll see what I   has reduced my stress levels too.
too much, and he had to reach out           After leaving the Army in 1995       can do.’                              “I’d love to shake Trevor’s hand
or face dire consequences. John          John spent 10 years in Canada             “He sorted everything out in     and tell him that he was my light at
was put in touch with his local          before moving back to the UK            order of priority and made me      the end of the tunnel during the
SSAFA branch in Gwent – and from         where he became a bus driver.           feel so assured. I didn't even     darkest point.
there his problems began to              Then John’s life took a turn for        have to make a phone call to          “To anyone else who needs support:
disappear…                               the worse.                              my landlord or housing             get in touch! I know if I ever have
  John initially joined the Royal           “I lost my bus driving job because   agency, he did all that for me     issues in the future I will pick up the
Military Police before transferring to   I suffered from pulmonary               as well.                           phone to SSAFA.”
a Welsh tank regiment, The Queen's       embolisms. Both my lungs filled up        “There was no judgement
Dragoon Guards, where he served in       with blood clots. I nearly died and     from Trevor, he just wanted the
Northern Ireland before heading          was in intensive care as my heart       facts and told me every step of          To find your local branch visit:
over to West Germany, where he           went down to 10% function.              the way how he would try to    
                                                                                 find the funding to help me.

12    SSAFA NEWS FOR SUPPORTERS                                                                                                         13
VETERANS                                     “Keith and his
                                                                                  Stanley, 99, has been recognised for his
                                                                                  military involvement in the Liberation of

                                                                                  France during the Second World War.
                                             were extremely
                                             understanding.”                      Legion
Following the UK’s departure
from the EU, SSAFA France
helped couple Jan and Des                    proved difficult due to his
apply for French residency.                  disability. After seeing an advert
                                                                                  After joining the RAF     recognition
                                             in The Connexion, an English
                                                                                  as an apprentice at the   of the Allied
Jan was married to Des, a former             publication distributed in
                                                                                  age of 17, Sqn.Ldr        Airmen and
RAF Pilot, for over 25 years.                France, she decided to contact
                                                                                  Stanley Booker MBE        SOE agents
Following his 35 years’ service and          SSAFA and ask for assistance.
                                                                                  RAF (Rtd) trained as      who were
Jan’s retirement in April 1991 they            She was put in touch with
                                                                                  an Observer in Wales      tortured
decided to move permanently                  caseworker Keith who
                                                                                  and then joined 10Sqn     and incarcerated in       “He packed more into
to France.                                   immediately got on to their case
                                                                                  as a navigator flying     the camp.                 the first 20 or so years
  Des suffered from Chronic                  and helped sort through all the
                                                                                  Halifax Bombers.            Despite his harrowing   of his life than most
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease                necessary paperwork.
                                                                                    On 3rd June 1944, his   experience, Stanley       would in their whole
(COPD) and dementia along with                 As Jan says: “They were very
                                                                                  Halifax was shot down     continued his career in   lifetime. Modest and
other health problems. This led to           good to me. I think Keith
                                                                                  in flames and crashed     the RAF and worked as     unassuming, his survival
Jan taking the difficult decision to         realised it was all mounting up
                                                                                  near Dreux, in France.    a spy, moving to          after bailing out of his
place Des in a care home.                    on my shoulders. I didn’t know
                                                                                  His pilot and wireless    Germany with his          stricken aircraft is a
  On the 31 October 2019, the UK             which way to turn, because
                                                                                  operator were killed      family, where he saved    testimony to his
left the EU under The Withdrawal             I wasn't getting guidance
                                                                                  but Stanley was able to   thousands of people in    courage, fortitude, and
Agreement. Under the terms of this           from anywhere.
                                                                                  escape by parachute.      the Berlin Airlift and    strength of character.
agreement, UK Nationals living in the          “I would definitely recommend
                                                                                    Stanley was hidden      worked on intelligence       “Stanley has the
EU at the end of the transition period       anyone who needs support to
                                                                                  by members of the         operations during the     greatest respect for
could continue to live and work in           get in touch with SSAFA, they
                                                                                  French resistance but     Cold War.                 the work that SSAFA
their host country by applying for           were fantastic.”
                                                                                  was betrayed by a           In 1951, he was         does. He has made few
a new biometric residency permit.              Sadly, Des passed away from
                                                                                  Belgian Gestapo spy.      recruited to work for     calls on SSAFA but
  SSAFA was appointed by the                 his illnesses earlier this year.
                                                                                  He was captured and       British Intelligence in   knows the charity is
UK Government via the UK                       17,274 people have accessed
                                                                                  tortured and then sent    Hamburg and Berlin        there for him if needed.
National Support Fund (UKNSF)                our UK National Support Fund
                                                                                  to Buchenwald             and undertook secret         “His award of
to assist Armed Forces veterans in           from across Germany, France
                                                                                  Concentration Camp,       intelligence gathering    becoming a Chevalier in
at-risk groups with their                    and Cyprus. That’s more than
                                                                                  rather than a prisoner    of Soviet activities      the Ordre National de la
residency applications.                      the number of people who
                                                                                  of war camp, where he     during the Cold War.      Legion d' Honneur is
Jan needed to apply for Des’s new            joined the UK Regular Armed
                                                                                  witnessed many            He was later awarded a    richly deserved.”
residency card on his behalf, but it         Forces in 2020.
                                                                                  atrocities. He was        MBE by the Queen for
                                                                                  eventually liberated      his work.
                                                                                  after the war ended.        Barry Dickens (Air      To read more
     If you need support and are based in Europe visit:
                                                                                    Stanley’s harrowing     Commodore Ret’d),         about Stanley visit:
                                                                                  experience led to         Chairman of SSAFA
                                                                                  a lifelong campaign for   Berkshire, said:

14     SSAFA NEWS FOR SUPPORTERS                                                                                                         15
Every year many loyal supporters like                               have served in the Armed
you pledge to leave a gift in their Will                            Forces both here in the UK
to SSAFA. Will you join them?                                       and Overseas.
   Leaving a gift in your Will is an amazing                            “I have a strong conviction
way to ensure the people and causes                                 that those who voluntarily join
you care about the most will never                                  the Armed Forces to keep the
be forgotten.                                                       rest of us safe should not be
   By choosing to remember SSAFA in                                 denied the support they need,
your Will you are ensuring our services                             if required during their
will be there for our Armed Forces family                           lifetime. Nor should the
for generations to come.                                            families of those service
   We recognise the importance of                                   personnel. SSAFA is the one
protecting the people we love, and we                               charity that meets both of
know that your own family and friends will                          those requirements.
always come first. However, like so many                               “I think SSAFA does an
other people who remember our Armed                                 amazing job – and has done
Forces family in their Will, we hope that                           for such a long time.”
you will also find room to include SSAFA.                              “It is a remarkable charity,
   Alexandra Walmsley, a valued supporter                           whose work will never
of SSAFA, told us:                                                  cease being important. It
   “I’d like to leave a legacy to SSAFA to                          is so good people can get
mark my time on this earth and help                                 help decades after leaving
those who have put their lives on the                               the Forces.
line for us all to live in a safe and                                    “I believe those of us who
independent country.                                                are able should contribute
   “My husband served as a submariner in                            – in whatever way we can
the Royal Navy for many years. I have a                             – to help those who are
lot of friends who are still serving, or who                        less fortunate.”

To find out more about how to remember SSAFA in your
Will visit – or call 020 7463 9225

Regulars | Reserves | Veterans | Families

Registered as a charity in England and Wales Number 210760 in Scotland Number
SC038056 and in Republic of Ireland Number 20202001. Established 1885.
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