SRMIST donates '.1.10 Crores to Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund

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SRMIST donates '.1.10 Crores to Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund
The Newspaper of SRMIST

  For private circulation only                                                                   Volume 14 Number 8

    SRMIST donates `.1.10 Crores
to Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund

  SRMIST’s Pro Chancellor (Academics) Dr. P. Sathyanarayanan, Chairman of Ramapuram campus Dr. R. Shivakumar
   and Co-Chairman Mr. S. Niranjan met the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Thiru M. K. Stalin and handed over
           the contribution of Rs 1.10 crores on behalf of SRMIST to fight against the Covid 19 pandemic.      Pg.3

          National Tsing Hua University of Taiwan presented 10 oxygen Concentrators to SRM’s Medical College
         and Research Center. The Director of International Relations giving this away to the Pro-Vice Chancellor
                                  of Medical and Health Sciences and Dean, Medical.                               Pg.5
SRMIST donates '.1.10 Crores to Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund
2    2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 8

                                                                         SRM University-AP celebrates
                                                                         the high success of maiden
                                                                         Batch Placement 2021
                                                                         STAFF WRITER

                                                                            SRM University-AP initiated         SRM University- AP
                                                                         its journey in the year 2017, and
                                                                         now it is time to bid farewell to      believes that every
                                                                         the maiden batch of students. The
SRM ranks No 1 as top                                                    university is proud to share that      student is filled with
                                                                         92% of the graduating students
                                                                                                                numerous possibilities,
Hotel Management                                                         are placed successfully. About
                                                                         500 companies visited SRM
                                                                         campuses during the Placement          and they can scale greater
Institution in India                                                     drive, including Amazon, Adobe,
                                                                         Infosys, HealthRx, Bank of             heights if their potentials
                                                                         America, Standard Chartered and
STAFF WRITER                          In a survey of Best Hotel
                                    Management colleges 2021 in
                                                                         many more who have offered
                                                                         exhilarating opportunities.
                                                                                                                are explored wisely. The
  SRM Institute of Hotel
Management has ranked number
                                    India conducted by GHRDC, New
                                    Delhi (Global Human Research
                                                                         Students of the founding batch
                                                                         have received one or more job
                                                                                                                students of the maiden
one in the top hotel management
institutes of Super Excellence in
                                    Development Center), SRM
                                    Institute of Hotel Management
                                                                         offers in reputed companies
                                                                         with the highest CTC of `
                                                                                                                batch proved the vision.
the private institutes’ category.   has been ranked first under          29.5 LPA an average salary of
                                    the category of ‘Top Hotel           ` 6.2 LPA, and over 57% offers       offers for its deserving students.    in the Department of Computer
 The                                Management Institutes of Super
                                                                         were Super Dream and Dream           The Department of Corporate
                                                                                                              Relations and Career Services
                                                                                                                                                    Science and Engineering, secured
                                                                         offers. The Campus Placement                                               the highest pay package. She
 Institution                          The Institution has also been      drive is still on and best efforts   (CR&CS) was deeply involved           expressed her joy, saying,
                                    ranked in the top position in        are put in to ensure that all the    in providing students with the        “Though we were the first
 has also been                      the “Top Hotel Management            students are placed.                 best training and placement           graduating batch of SRMAP,
                                                                                                              opportunities. SRM University-
 ranked in the                      Institutes of Private in the State
                                    of Tamil Nadu”.
                                                                            Dr P Sathyanarayanan, Founder
                                                                                                              AP believes that every student is
                                                                                                                                                    the outstanding experience in
                                                                                                                                                    the past four years in academics
                                                                         and President, established this
 top position in                      The rating has been done on the    university with a vision of
                                                                                                              filled with numerous possibilities,
                                                                                                              and they can scale greater
                                                                                                                                                    and placement training made us
                                                                         providing quality education to                                             so confident that we cracked the
 the “Top Hotel                     basis of various parameters like
                                    Infrastructure, Faculty research,    the students who will not only
                                                                                                              heights if their potentials are       long hiring process with ease”.
                                                                                                              explored wisely. The students
 Management                         Consultancy, Curriculum and
                                                                         be able to secure a position of
                                                                         their choice but also add value to
                                                                                                              of the maiden batch proved              Prof V S Rao, Vice-Chancellor,
                                                                                                                                                    SRM University-AP, opined,
                                                                                                              the vision. “We always bring
 Institutes of                        SRM Institute of Hotel
                                                                         society. It has been an incredible
                                                                         journey so far, and the students
                                                                                                              the best to our students when         “Our university is the flag-bearer
                                                                                                              it comes to their training and        when it comes to inculcating
 Private in the                     Management has been contributing
                                    for the development of students
                                                                         made the university proud with
                                                                                                              personality development. The          quality, value and excellence
                                                                         their excellence in academics
 State of Tamil                     and society since its inception
                                    in 1993. The institute strives
                                                                         and extra-curricular activities.
                                                                                                              thoughtfully crafted training
                                                                                                              sessions, in close coordination
                                                                                                                                                    among the students in order
                                                                                                                                                    to make them an asset to the
                                                                         “Acknowledging the needs of
 Nadu                               hard in achieving pursuit of         the hour, SRM University-
                                                                                                              with industry and corporate           society. The maiden batch
                                                                                                                                                    placement programme was bound
                                    excellence in every sphere.                                               experts, rigorous aptitude tests,
                                                                         AP is dedicated to devising                                                to be a success as it was not a
                                                                                                              mock interview rounds help
                                                                         strategies to mould students to                                            job hunting for our students,
                                                                                                              students to excel in the interviews
                                                                         become global leaders,” said
                                                                                                              and placement rounds”, informed       rather, finding opportunities
                                                                         Dr Sathyanarayanan.
    Reporting for Spectrum                                                 The university took it as a
                                                                                                              Mr M S Vivekanandan, Assistant
                                                                                                              Director, CR&CS. Sri Ritika
                                                                                                                                                    to contribute to the society,
                                                                                                                                                    putting into use their intellect
                                                                         challenge to find the best job       Katragadda, a final-year student      and innovative ideas”.
    • Contributing reports should be confined to a
      maximum of 250 words and must be written
      by students only.
    • Accompanying pictures must have captions.
      Pictures without caption will not be published
    • Request for coverage in Spectrum by its
      editorial team must be made well in advance
      with an accompanying note and the invitation
    • Coverage of a certain event or receipt of
      an article does not guarantee publication.
SRMIST donates '.1.10 Crores to Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund
2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 8 3

   SRMIST donates Rs.1.10 Crores to Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund
   STAFF WRITER                       R.Shivakumar and Co-Chairman               Ramapuram, Trichy campuses
                                      Mr. S. Niranjan met the Hon’ble         and all other institutions under
     The SRM Institute of             Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu            Valliammai Societyto curb the
   Science and Technology             Thiru M. K. Stalin and handed           spread of corona virus. It is
   (SRMIST), Deemed to be             over the contribution of Rs 1.10        appreciable that the Honorable
   University has donated Rs.1.10     crores on behalf of SRMIST              Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu
   crores to the Tamil Nadu Chief     to fight against the Covid 19           has taken timely and earnest
   Minister’s Public Relief Fund      pandemic.                               action to curb the spread of
   (TNCMPRF)in an effort to                                                   Corona Virus across the state.
                                        Founder Chancellor of the             In support of the steps taken
   effectively support efforts
                                      SRM Group of Institutions, Dr.          by the Government of Tamil
   of the Government of Tamil
                                      T. R. Paarivendhar, who is also         Nadu, SRMIST has also been
   Nadu to contain the spread of
                                      a Member of Parliament (Lok             playing a key role in treating
   the second wave of COVID                                                                                                       SRMIST’s Pro Chancellor (Academics)
                                      Sabha),Perambalur Constituency          of COVID 19 patients at its               Dr. P. Sathyanarayanan, Chairman of Ramapuram campus
   19 pandemic.
                                      mentioned that the amount               hospitals in Kattankulathur,               Dr. R. Shivakumar and Co-Chairman Mr. S. Niranjan
     SRMIST’s Pro Chancellor          donated to TNCMPRF was                  Vadapalani (SIMS Hospital)                       met the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu
   (Academics) Dr. P. Sathya          the generous contribution               and Trichy including providing             Thiru M. K. Stalin and handed over the contribution of
   narayanan, Chairman of             of all employeesworking in              quarantine facilities with 1300                   Rs 1.10 crores on behalf of SRMIST to fight
   Ramapuram campus Dr.               Kattankulathur, Vadapalani,             beds at above Hospitals.                                against the Covid 19 pandemic.

Hydroponics: future of Indian farming
VEDANT BHARGAVA                       cautious about saving of per            land degradation and rapid

  Hydroponics is combination
                                      drop of water. Water is most
                                      precious natural resource. Hence,
                                                                              urbanization. Producing abundant
                                                                              food for the growing population
                                                                                                                       ... the average yield per acre
of two terms, Hydro and Ponics.
‘Hydro’ refers to water and
                                      Hydroponicsassuresthis promise
                                      of water saving with a sustainable
                                                                              will be a mammoth task for the
                                                                              farmers and administrators. In
                                                                                                                       for tomatoes is 5 to 10 tons
‘Ponics’ refers to growing,
which means growing the
                                      manner without a loss of single
                                      water drop. From abandoned
                                                                              future, this growing population
                                                                              going to demand for enough
                                                                                                                       in conventional method
plantsusing only water. By
definition, hydroponics is the
                                      buildings to conglomerates,
                                      hydroponics is suitable and
                                                                              quantity of food with quality.
                                                                              Therefore, taking into account           while hydroponics efficiently
method of growing plants in
a nutrient rich solution. The
                                      adjustable for home gardening.
                                      Hydroponics is not only for
                                                                              the aforementioned raising
                                                                              issues, conventional farming is          delivers 60 to 150 tons for
main idea here is to allow the
roots to come in direct contact
                                      conserving water and reducing
                                      soil degradation but availability
                                                                              not going to be feasible practice
                                                                              for a longer time and, in future,        the same. Hydroponics yields
with the nutrient rich solution       of fresh and nutritious vegetable       soil cannot remain fertile as it is.
in the place of soil. Uptaking        and fruitsis an another benefit.
                                                                                 Hence scientist suggest, the
                                                                                                                       nearly 50 times more than a
nutrients from nutrient solution
does not affect any physiological
                                        According to world population
                                      prospects 2019 by United Nations
                                                                              integration of hydroponics with
                                                                              vertical farming is an answer
                                                                                                                       conventional method.
process of the plant. There are
                                      (UN), global population would           to these issues. This integrated
different types of hydroponic                                                                                        conventional farming,specifically     sustainable hydroponics models.
                                      increase from 7.7 billion (2020) to     approach of farming will be
system such as Nutrient Film                                                                                         for vegetable and fruit production.   In Indian context, hydroponics
                                      9.7 billion (2050) in the next thirty   efficient and sustainable for
Techniques (NFT), Aeroponics,                                                                                        Moreover, further advancement         industry will flourish in very a
                                      years. This significantgrowth in        growing practices in limited space.
Wick System, Shallow water                                                                                           in hydroponics will be possible       dynamic manner but it will take
                                      the population has been raising a       Itis believed that hydroponics
culture, Deep water culture etc.                                                                                     with more eco-friendly and            awareness as well as practices.
                                      lot of issuesviz. climate change,       would soon turn out to
where different water soluble
nutrients and growing medium
are used. In hydroponics, plants
are not supported by any soil
medium such as cocopeat, perlite,
LECA (Light Expandable Clay
Aggregate) Balls, vermiculite, etc.
   An interesting fact is that
hydroponic farming consumes
80 -90% less water compared
to conventional agriculture.
Productivity also increases
exponentially as more crop
is grown in a fractional area
in this method. For example,
the average yield per acre for
tomatoes is 5 to 10 tons in
conventional method while
hydroponics efficiently delivers
60 to 150 tons for the same.
Hydroponics yields nearly 50
times more than a conventional
  Currently, world is most
SRMIST donates '.1.10 Crores to Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund
4   2020
    2021 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 8

                                                                                                               Prediction of End-Time
                                                                                                               of COVID-19 Spread in AP
                                                                                                               using machine learning
                                                                                                               STAFF WRITER

                                                                                                                  In the current pandemic
                                                                                                               situation, a pertinent question is
                                                                                                               an estimate of the time by which
                                                                                                               virus spread could be contained
                                                                                                               and normalcy would return. In
                                                                                                               this context, Prof. D. Narayana
                                                                                                               Rao, Pro Vice Chancellor,            Dr sowmyajyoti biswas
                                                                                                               SRM University – AP initiated
                                                                                                               the study. Dr. Soumyajyoti
                                                                                                               Biswas of SRM University AP,
                                                                                                               along with 4 B.Tech Students
                                                                                                               have carried out an interesting
                                                                                                               study to predict the end time of
                                                                                                               COVID-19 spread in the state
                                                                                                               of Andhra Pradesh. The study
                                                                                                               employed Susceptible – Infected           Sai Krishna

SRM Hospital opens COVID                                                                                       – Recovered (SIR) Model, making
                                                                                                               use of the information on the

Care Centre with 200 beds
                                                                                                               COVID-19 affected people and
                                                                                                               the recovered number of people,
                                                                                                               which the Government of AP
                                                                                                               makes it available through
STAFF WRITER                                                                                                   the control command center.
                                                                                                               SRM Team made use of this
                                                                                                               data, employed SIR Model and            Hanesh Koganti
  SRM Medical College Hospital
and Research Centre (SRM                                                                                       applied the methods of Machine
MCH&RC), Kattankulathur has                                                                                    Learning. Study reveals that
set up a COVID Care Centre                                                                                     by July 15th 2021, the rate of
with 200 bed capacity in the                                                                                   infection in AP will be below
campus. Out of this 200 bed                                                                                    100 per day.
facility, 100 beds will be for                                                                                   With the assumption that the
allopathic treatment.                                                                                          decay rate of infection is same
  The 200 bed facilty was                                                                                      as the growth rate, the model
                                                                                                                                                       Suhas Reddy
inaugurated by Pro-Vice                                                                                        predicts that the number of
Chancellor, Medical & Health                                                                                   infected people could be 10,000
Sciences, SRM MCH&RC Prof.                                                                                     (May 21), 15,000 (May 30),
Lt. Col. Dr. A. Ravikumar, Also                                                                                1000 (June 14), 500 (June 23)
present were SRM Institute                                                                                     and 100 (July 15)
of Science and Technology’s                                                                                      The above report has been
Registrar (Interim) Dr. S.                                                                                     submitted to the Special Chief
Ponnusamy, Medical (Dean)                                                                                      Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief
Dr. A. Sundaram and Dental           Ministry of AYUSH, Govt.of          supported this initiative. of India
                                                                                                               Minister of Andhra Pradesh.             Anvesh Reddy
(Dean) Dr. Vivek among others.       India and Govt. of Tamil Nadu.      and Govt. of Tamil Nadu. The
                                     The proposed COVID Care             proposed COVID Care Centre
  As per the Govt. guidelines
and AIIMS, Delhi guidelines,
                                     Centre has sufficient facilities    has sufficient facilities to cater      Dr. Soumyajyoti Biswas of
                                     to cater to the needs of these      to the needs of these patients.
only patients with moderately        patients. We also have sufficient   We also have sufficient Medical,        SRM University AP, along
severe disease are admitted to
the hospital. However, a large
                                     Medical, Nursing, Para-medical
                                     and Support staff to run the
                                                                         Nursing, Para-medical and
                                                                         Support staff to run the centre
                                                                                                                 with 4 B.Tech Students have
number of COVID patients
are having mild symptoms or
                                     centre as per accepted standard     as per accepted standard of care.       carried out an interesting
                                     of care.
remain asymptomatic. They
                                       The proposed COVID Care
                                                                           The proposed COVID Care
                                                                         Centre has sufficient facilities
                                                                                                                 study to predict the end time of
need assisted care for up to a
week under supervised Medical        Centre has sufficient facilities    to cater to the needs of these          COVID-19 spread in the state
                                     to cater to the needs of these      patients. We also have sufficient
and Nursing professionals. SRM
MCH&RC receives 150 to               patients. We also have sufficient   Medical, Nursing, Para-medical          of Andhra Pradesh. The study
170 patients daily in the Fever      Medical, Nursing, Para-medical
                                     and Support staff to run the
                                                                         and Support staff to run the
                                                                         centre as per accepted standard
                                                                                                                 employed Susceptible – Infected
Clinic. Out of this, about 30 get
admitted to the hospital. Of the     centre as per accepted standard     of care.                                – Recovered (SIR) Model,
remaining patients with mild         of care.
symptoms some held rest and
                                                                           The Management under the              making use of the information
                                       The Management under the          able guidance of SRM Group of
special care due to the extreme      able guidance of SRM Group of       Institution Founder Chancellor,         on the COVID-19 affected
malaise isolated with the disease.   Institution Founder Chancellor,     Dr. T. R. Paarivendhar, MP and
  In order to cater to this group    Dr. T. R. Paarivendhar, MP and      Pro-Chancellor (Academics),
                                                                                                                 people and the recovered
of patients, SRM MCH&RC              Pro-Chancellor (Academics),         Dr. P. Sathyanarayanan have             number of people...
has set up a 200 bed capacityof      Dr. P. Sathyanarayanan have         supported this initiative.
SRMIST donates '.1.10 Crores to Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund
2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 8 5

SRM Chancellor
condoles the loss
of educationist
M. Anandakrishnan
STAFF WRITER                         Expressing shock and grief
                                   over his demise, Dr. Paarivendhar
  Founder Chancellor of SRM        said Anandakrishnan, a Padma
Group of Institutions, Dr. T. R.   Shri awardee, not only brought
Paarivendhar, MP today condoled    laurels to Anna University but
the passing away of former Anna    brought several reforms to            SRMIST’s Director (International Relations) Kartar Singh presents 10 oxygen concentrators to SRM
University Vice Chancellor         develop higher education in            MCH&RC’s Pro-Vice Chancellor (Medical & Health Sciences) Prof. Lt. Col. Dr. A. Ravikumar and
and renowned educationist M.       the State.                              Dean (Medical) Dr. A. Sundaram onbehalf of National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan.

                                                                        SRM Hospital receives 10 oxygen
                                     Anandakrishnan, who also
   "Deeply saddened and            served as chairman of the
pained to hear about the loss      board of Governors of Indian
of Anandakrishnan. My heartfelt
condolences to his family and
                                   Institute of Technology, has
                                   also worked as Chief Science
                                                                        concentrators from NTHU, Taiwan
friends at this difficult time",
                                   officer in the United Nation in      STAFF WRITER                       Taiwan Education Centre has          an outpouring of the concern
Dr. Paarivendhar said.
                                   the US. A friendly man to all,                                          been established on campus,          they feel for the people of India,
   Born in Vaniyambadi in Tamil    Anandakrishnan had played a            SRM Medical College Hospital     working to build the education       “SRMIST is one of the most
Nadu, Anandakrishnan graduated     key role in preparing the syllabus   and Research Centre (SRM           and cultural partnership between     important partners of NTHU
in Civil Engineering from the      for the School Education.            MCH&RC) in Kattankulathur          the university and Taiwan higher     in India. Given the years-long
College of Engineering, Guindy                                          has received ten oxygen            education institutions.              partnership and friendship, it
in 1952 and did his Masters and      The former vice-chancellor was
                                                                        concentrators from National                                             was but natural for us to provide
Doctorate in the US.               very bold to point out corrupt                                            On behalf of NTHU, SRMIST’s
                                                                        Tsing Hua University (NTHU),                                            this support. It is a very small
                                   practices in the Higher Education                                       Director (International Relations)
                                                                        Taiwan as a sign of goodwill to                                         step in strengthening the hands
                                   Institutions and constantly urged                                       Kartar Singh presented these
                                                                        help us battle COVID.                                                   of SRM Hospital in its fight
                                   the State government to look                                            concentrators to SRM MCH&RC’s
                                   into the issue. He also served as       These 10 Oxygen Concentrators   Pro-Vice Chancellor (Medical &       against the deadly COVID
                                   an advisor to the Chief Minister     were sent as part of the “Love     Health Sciences) Prof. Lt. Col.      virus”.SRMIST has around
                                   of Tamil Nadu on Information         from NTHU, Taiwan” campaign.       Dr. A. Ravikumar and Dean            20 academic partnerships with
                                   Technology and e-governance          The money was sourced from         (Medical) Dr. A. Sundaram. In        Taiwan, leading to student and
                                   when IT was at the peak in 2002.     voluntary donations from the       the words of Professor Weichung      faculty mobility, and research
                                   He was also the chairperson          NTHU Alumni Association and        Wang, Director of the Program        collaboration. The Taiwan
                                   in the recommendation                the Centre for India Studies at    Office for Taiwan Education          Education Centre at SRMIST
                                   committee, constituted by the        NTHU. SRM Institute of Science     Centre in India at NTHU, who         is the only centre in India to
                                   State government, to cancel          and Technology (SRMIST) is         has devoted over a decade            offer the Test of Chinese as a
                                   entrance tests to engineering        one of the strategic partners of   in promoting Indo-Taiwan             Foreign Language certificate
     M. Anandakrishnan.            and professional courses in 2006     NTHU, through which a dedicated    cooperation, the donation was        examination.

  SRMJEEE 2021 results announced, counseling to start soon

     The results of the Phase l of SRMJEEE (SRM Joint
  Engineering Entrance Exam) conducted by SRM Institute of
  Science and Technology (formerly known as SRM University)
  is announced today (28th May 2021).
    Phase I Counseling will start soon for students who have
  qualified as per the SRMJEEE results.
    Phase l exams were held on 23rd and 24th May, 2021 in
  three slots. The exams were conducted as a home proctored
  test keeping the safety of the students in view of the prevailing
  pandemic situation.
    SRMJEEE 2021 is being held in two phases. Phase II
  applications will be available till 20th July 2021 while the
  exam dates are 25th and 26th July, 2021.
    The results for the SRMJEEE Phase II will be declared on
  29th July, 2021.
    Admissions to B.Tech programmes offered in SRMIST
  Chennai (Kattankulathur, Vadapalani, Ramapuram and NCR),
  SRM University - Sonepat, Haryana and SRM University,
  AP - Andhra Pradesh will be on the basis of the ranks secured
  in SRMJEEE 2021.
     For more details visit
SRMIST donates '.1.10 Crores to Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund
6    2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 8

                                                                                                                 Apple’s ‘Spring
Congress                                                                                                         Loaded’ event!
DIVYANSH                                                                                                         SHASHANK KUMAR
                                                                                                                    It is no secret that this pandemic
(Alumni of SRMIST and                                                                                            has had a detrimental effect on
Currently in the Department
                                                            Denuvo, A popular DRM                                businesses across the globe but
of Philosophy, University of
                                                                                                                 tech giants like Apple, Facebook
Glasgow) and
                                       Digital Rights Management                                                 and Microsoft seem to be immune
                                                                                                                 to this. The majority of humans,

   As a scheme to promote both
                                       in Games - necessary or                                                   if not all, are locked inside
                                                                                                                 their homes and, unexpectedly,
science and philosophy and provide     just a pain?                                                              the demand for computers,
a sense of professorship to the                                                                                  smartphones, and other gadgets
members of Astrophilia and guests,                                                                               has increased exponentially. The
Astrophilia brought on the 16th        PRAKHAR BHARADWAJ
                                                                             ...the integration                  demand is so high that there
of April - Science Carnival III. It                                                                              is a global shortage of chips
hosted 12 short modules on diverse        Digital Rights Management          of DRM systems is                   and products like PlayStation
topics such as Astrophotography, the   (DRM) systems, in layman’s            highly expensive                    5 and Xbox series X went out
fate of Particle Physics, Einstein’s   terms, are anti-piracy solutions
                                       which game developers can             (this causes the                    of stock the moment they hit
Gravity and AI in Astronomy                                                                                      the market. Apple, the world’s
over the weekend. Guests Rashmi        integrate into their games.           price of the game                   biggest tech company, did not
Sheoran from the Indian Science        These systems are designed            to increase almost                  miss a chance to pounce on
Communication Society, Milan           to makeit more difficult for
                                       people to “crack” games and           20%) and these also                 this golden opportunity. The
Soneri from Sardar Patel University,                                                                             event, Spring Loaded, was
Srushti Desai from BITS Institute      distribute them for illegally for     cause performance
                                       free. A game that uses anti-piracy                                        shot in Apple park- Apple’s
of Physiotherapy, Kshitij Pandey                                             issues in games and                 gorgeous looking headquarters.
from ICFAI- Jaipur and Divyansh        software, has it integrated into
                                       its code and this makes it harder     have to be removed                  The company, which recently
Mansukhani from the University of                                                                                entered the streaming wars,
Glasgow were bothered to instruct      to crack them.                        in future patches...
                                                                                                                 launched the new Apple TV 4k
the modules Science Communication,        But the problem is that all                                            with an upgraded Siri remote.
Nature of Photography, Caesura and                                           to cause performance issues in
                                       games get cracked. So basically,                                          The company also released IOS
Empiricism and Foundationalism,                                              games. Many big developers like
                                       game developers hope that their                                           14.5, the latest version of their
respectively. More than fifty people                                         Bandai Namco have removed
                                       games won’t be cracked for                                                mobile operating system. A new,
across the nation attended the                                               these systems in future patches
                                       a while. But, the time period                                             purple coloured variant of the
carnival. While this third version                                           to provide the gamers a better
                                       before a game gets cracked is                                             iPhone 12 was also released. The
could not prove as engaging as the                                           experience and have stopped
                                       always uncertain. DOOM got                                                two major products launched
first and second conducted in 2020,                                          integrating these systems stating
                                       cracked and distributed on the                                            were the new iMacs and the
the rationale does not suggest SCIII                                         that they cannot force anyone                                                  A collage of Tim Cook,
                                       first day of its release but on the                                       AirTags. Apple replaced the
any less successful than others.                                             to buy their game.                                                            Apple’s CEO, and major
                                       other hand Assassin’s Creed                                               bulkier and ageing Intel-powered
The organizers expected fewer                                                                                                                              products launched at the
                                       Odyssey got cracked after 3             In conclusion, the integration    iMacs with redesigned and
registrations due to no monetary                                                                                                                            Spring Loaded event.
                                       months of its initial release. So,    of DRM systems is highly            4.5K capable iMacs, powered
funds, and essentially because         players had to buy the game if        expensive (this causes the price    by their own M1 chips. Not
the carnival majorly composed of       they wanted to play it within the     of the game to increase almost                                              while not exactly novelty, is a
                                                                                                                 only are the new iMacs more
modules from HASS (Humanities,         first three months, which—in          20%) and these also cause                                                   significant improvement over
                                                                                                                 visually appealing but are also
Arts and Social Sciences), the         theory— should have ensured           performance issues in games                                                 the competition in terms of
undermined disciplines in the                                                                                    significantly more powerful
                                       more sales, but it didn’t, thus       and have to be removed in future                                            accuracy and compatibility
Indian Academic Structure. “Wise                                                                                 than their predecessors.
                                       establishing that people who          patches. All this is done just to                                           because it uses the mighty Apple
is the one who flavours the future     don’t want to buy the game,           ensure sales for the first one        The AirTags are tracking              ecosystem. To ensure that no
with some salt from the past”, CT      will wait even a year before it       month on average but shows          devices which can be used by            one is tracking a person, instead
Jones… Astrophilia looks forward       gets cracked and people who           no impact on overall sales.         an iPhone owner to track any            of an object, a notification will
to planning SC IV, and testing         want to buy the game will             So, these systems are more of       object these AirTags are attached       be sent to the user’s iPhone if
the best of its abilities in science   buy it either way. These DRM          a pain for the users and don’t      to, simply by using the IOS’            an unregistered AirTag moves
communication. (see also pg.12)        systems have also been known          actually serve a purpose.           “find my” app. This product,            with them.

                                       Beloved Video Game Characters
                                       M.KAVIN RAMNATH                       game’s masterpiece, GTA 5.          a hero, Kratos scores as he gives       everyone’s heart. Last but not
                                                                             He’s a loyal friend, willing to     this sense of great power to the        least is Artyom. the protagonist
                                         Video games have always had         stand up and fight against all      player, fuelled by unquenchable         of the Metro series. The Metro
                                       the innate ability to connect with    odds. His rage and a unique         rage and a deep storyline. Next         itself is a touching story and
                                       the player, drawing them into         sense of humour are a cherry        on the list is Arthur Morgan            it is truly amazing as people
                                       the game world by putting them        on top, making him one of           from Red Dead Redemption 2.             play through it as Artyom.
                                       into the lives of the protagonist.    the most loved protagonists         Arthur is a bandit and an outlaw,       Fearless, strong, level-headed,
                                       The main factor that helps forge      ever. Kratos from The God           who people eventually fall in           and determined, Artyom does
                                       this connection is the depth of       of War needs no introduction.       love with over time. With his           what he believes is the right thing.
                                       the character and how good an         Stoic, bloodthirsty, vicious, and   strict code of honor, undying           He is compassionate to friends
                                       impression it leaves. Trevor          extremely powerful, Kratos is       (literally) sense of loyalty,           and ruthless to foes, capable of
                                       is one of the three playable          truly a force to be reckoned        and a compelling aura, Arthur           dispatching a large number of
          Trevor Philips               protagonists in the Rockstar          with. More of an anti-hero than     will hold a special place in            adversaries on his own.
SRMIST donates '.1.10 Crores to Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund
                                                                                                                                       2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 8 7

ICRAMER– 2021                                                                   Living with Aesthetics
A Researcher’s Dream
                                                                                SHREYA KHERA
ISHIKA GHOSH                               T. Ravichandran, Chairman,
                                                                                  Google defines ‘Aesthetics’
                                           IE(I) Kattankulathur Local
GAUTHAM PILLAI                                                                  as ‘the philosophy of art that
                                           Centre, addressed the gathering
                                                                                examines subjective and sensory-
                                           next. 7 keynote addresses were
  Manufacturing industry -                                                      emotional values, sometimes
                                           given by 7 academicians, and         called judgments of sentiment
the backbone of any modern
                                           143 papers were presented. The       and taste.’ As a recent and
                                           conference ended smoothly with       exponentially growing trend,
   The Department of Mechanical            the vote of thanks by Dr. M. R.      many people now include
Engineering conducted the                  Stalin John, Associate Professor,    ‘aesthetics’ in their everyday
International Conference                   Department of Mechanical             lives. Words like ‘academia’
on Recent Advancement in                   Engineering, SRMIST.                 which translates to a group or
Manufacturing Engineering                                                       community of people embracing
Research (ICRAMER). On a                     The valedictory function held
                                           on the next day was graced by        themselves to their own styles
virtual platform, the event ensured                                             and individuality are always
budding researchers learn from             Chief Guest Dr. Prashanth Konda
                                                                                topics of discussion. Of many
the best in the industry and               Gokuldoss, Tallinn University
                                                                                types of academies that exist
                                                                                                                                           light vs dark academia
exhibit their research work. The           of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia,
                                                                                currently, here are the two largest
                                           and Guest of Honor, Dr. S.
conference aimed to provide a
global interaction among the best          Dhanalakshmi, Hon. Secretary,
                                                                                followed aesthetics:                    Dark Academia comprise of
                                           IE(I) Kattankulathur Local Centre.     Dark Academia comprise of
researchers in the manufacturing
industry. April 15th marked the            Dr. M. Cheralathan welcomed          people who value knowledge              people who value knowledge
                                           the attendees followed by guest      and sophistication with dark
inauguration, and a welcome
address was given by Dr. M.                addresses. The Best Paper            colour clothing, corsets,               and sophistication with dark
                                                                                boots, and autumn acting as a
Cheralathan, Professor and
Head, Department of Mechanical
                                           Awards were given out for 8
                                           categories. 5 of them were given     fundamental in their lifestyle.         colour clothing, corsets,
engineering, SRMIST. The chief
guest, Prof. Dr. Jaharah A. Ghani
                                           to international candidates, and
                                           3 to candidates from outside
                                                                                Moon, omens, prophecies and
                                                                                other mysterious phenomenon             boots, and autumn acting
from Kebangsaan University,
Malaysia, and the 2 guests of
                                           college. The ceremony was
                                           concluded successfully with
                                                                                become a source of calmness
                                                                                as well as a form of chaos the          as a fundamental in their
honor, Shri. Anantharaman                  the vote of thanks by Dr. I.
                                           Mary Priya, Assistant Professor,
                                                                                people crave. Understanding
                                                                                different languages, embracing          lifestyle.
P r a k a s h Vi c e P r e s i d e n t ,
                                           Department of Mechanical             oneself, and a thirst to develop
Renault Nissan Technology
                                                                                a deeper knowledge of our             would see within this community.       exist many other academics
Centre, Chennai, and Prof. P.              Engineering, SRMIST.
                                                                                existence, seems like an apt          While Light Academia also              that hold people’s interest from
                                                                                embodiment of this group.             focuses on knowledge and               Celestial Academia to so much
                                                                                   Light Academia, like the name      learning, its focal point is the       more. One doesn’t have to limit
                                                                                suggests, is the opposite of Dark     brighter cheerier part of life         themselves and can create their
                                                                                Academia. Light Academia              such as indulging in small joys        own aesthetic into creating a
                                                                                could be considered as a gentler      of life, like picnics by the lake      space for understanding their
                                                                                form of Dark Academia. Being          or buying new clothes. While           core values and desires while
                                                                                light-hearted, experiencing small     these two types of academia are        guiding the way one sees the
                                                                                joys and spring are the traits one    the most followed ones, there          world as well as interprets it.

                                                                                International virtual conference
                                                                                on Language and Literature
                                                                                LAWRENCE                                 The conference was aimed at         gave the students an insight
                                                                                SWAMINATHAN                           discussing the academic, scientific    into this realm of literature and
                                                                                                                      and artistic disciplines of language   languages. Along with this, Mr.
                                                                                ASMITA SOOD                           and literature, as well as enabling    Nemat Sadat also discussed the
                                                                                                                      the students to synthesise ideas       struggles of being an author and
                                                                                   An International virtual           and inculcate skills such as           suggested ways to overcome the
                                                                                conference was organised on           analysis, communication, and           challenges and barriers that one
                                                                                the 19th and 20th of April            critical thinking. The conference      comes across while exploring
                                                                                2021, in order to discuss the         had over a hundred enthusiastic        the boundaries of language and
                                                                                Interdisciplinary approaches          participants who were graced           literature.
                                                                                towards unveiling the boundaries      by the presence of Mr. Nemat
                                                                                of Language and Literature. This      Sadat, an established novelist           This two-day event also saw the
                                                                                virtual conference was organised      and an LGBTQ rights activist.          participation of various professors,
                                                                                by the Department of English          His book, The Carpet Weaver,           as well as editors, of leading
                                                                                and Foreign Languages, College        which is about a young gay             institutes and publications. With
                                                                                of Engineering and Technology,        Afghanistan refugee in the             insights from all the dignitaries
                                                                                SRMIST. Also present were             1970’s and ’80s, was a bestseller      present, a fruitful session on the
                                                                                Vice-Chancellor (Interim) Dr.         of 2019 and the most written           interdisciplinary approaches
                                                                                C.Muthamizchelvan and Dean            about debut novel that year as         towards language and literature
                                                                                (CET) Dr.T. V. Gopal.                 well. His experience in the field      ensued.
SRMIST donates '.1.10 Crores to Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund
8   2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 8

                                                                                             Top Five Tourist Spots in the World
                                                                                             JELSIA ALEX                                   China. Constructed between 1406 to
                                                                                                                                           1420, it served as the home for several
                                                                                               ‘Nothing can be pleasanter than             Chinese emperors. It comprises 980
                                                                                             travelling and discovering the magic          buildings, encompassing 8868 rooms
                                                                                             revolving around us.’                         in total. Then comes The Stone Faces
                                                                                                                                           of Bayon, Cambodia. It is a Buddhist–
                                                                                               Travelling is the best way to discover      Hindu temple built in the late 12th
                                                                                             oneself and the world around. Unplanned       century. It holds smiling stone faces
                                                                                             journeys always turn out to be the best       on its towers which people believe are
                                                                                             adventures. Here are a few incredible         the faces of Buddha and the Hindu God
                                                                                             places that a traveller must visit at least   Brahma. It is one of the oldest stone
                                                                                             once in their lifetime.                       carved temples, closely followed by the
                                                                                                The first on the list is Borobudur,        Prague Castle, Czech. It is the largest
                                                                                             Indonesia. Decorated with 504 Buddha          ancient castle in the world and is one
                                                                                             statues, it is the largest Buddhist temple    of the most visited tourist attractions. It
                                                                                             in the world. It was built in the 7th         holds a large number of Christian relics,
                                                                                             century and is estimated to have taken        art treasures, and historical documents.
                                                                                             over 75 years to construct. Then comes          Travelling can make one realise that
                                                                                             the Louvre, Paris, the world’s largest        each one of us holds a special place in
                                                                                             art museum, built in the 12th century.        the world. There are ample places to
                                                                                             It houses around 38000 objects in total.      discover and a lot to learn from each
           It’s not the target nor the finish line that matters.                             At third, there is the Forbidden City,        moment.
                It’s the way we advance towards the goal.

The art of Zanshin
NATALIA RISHMA                                emphasized in Japanese martial arts.
                                              It means to espouse living your life
   Eugen Herrigel, a German professor,        deliberately and purposefully rather than
travelled to Japan in the 1920s to burgeon    haphazardly succumbing to adversity.
his knowledge of Japanese culture,               We gravitate towards stationing de
ergo, he started training in Kyudo, the       trop focus on whether or not the arrow
Japanese martial art of archery. He was       reaches the mark because we live in a
taught by the legendary archer Awa            world bedevilled with performance.
Kenzo. Kenzo was a firm believer in           Throwing that fervour, focus and
teaching beginners the fundamentals           candor into the process—where we
before attempting to aim at a live            place our feet, how we grip the bow,
target, and he took this approach to its      how we exhale during the release of
extreme. Herrigel questioned Kenzo of         the arrow—then hitting the bullseye
his approach to which he simply replied       is simply a side effect.
“Come see me this evening.”
                                                 The idea is to not be perturbed with
  That evening Kenzo proved he could          hitting the target. It’s to cascade into
hit double bullseye without the sense         the monotony of doing the work and
of sight. Blindfolded, the master archer      embracing each checkpoint of the
was able to reproduce the exact sequence      process, to take the moment of complete
of internal movements that led to an          awareness and travel forward. It’s not
accurate shot. This relation is known as      the target nor the finish line that matters.
Zanshin. The word Zanshin translates to       It’s the way we advance towards the
a state of relaxed alertness, repeatedly      goal. Everything is aiming. Zanshin.                           Age is no barrier when it comes to travel

Struggles of a soldier and his families
TARUN NEGI                                    families for lengthy periods of time and       deployment, parenting a child may be
                                              sent to distant, dangerous, or unknown         particularly stressful since the burden of     A family that loses the active
  A soldier one of the greatest assets        locations. A family that loses the active      caring for younger, less self-sufficient       presence of a parent through
of any country, safeguards the honor          presence of a parent through separation        children without assistance makes it
of his country. They are the guardians        faces significant challenges and stress.       difficult to maintain regular routines.        separation faces significant
of the nation and protect its citizens at     During the parent’s deployment, family
                                                                                               Reunion of a military family after a long
                                                                                                                                            challenges and stress. During
all costs. Military families encounter        members may feel isolated, unsupported,
                                              and anxious. They may also experience
                                                                                             deployment is a cause for celebration.         the parent’s deployment, family
opportunities and challenges in life,                                                        Some patience and understanding will
just like any family does, but they face      financial stress. Media coverage of events                                                    members may feel isolated,
                                                                                             go a long way to help the whole family
a few unique problems. The nature of          can also increase concern.                                                                    unsupported, and anxious. They
                                                                                             successfully reunite with a minimum
military service can exacerbate those
problems or introduce new ones. As a
                                                The impact of the challenges and             of problems. While most families               may also experience financial
                                              opportunities of military life can be          cope successfully with the stress of
result of duty assignments, members of        shaped by the duration and timing of           the deployment and following reunion,          stress. Media coverage of events
the military are often separated from their   these events as well. For example: during      problems can also develop.                     can also increase concern.
SRMIST donates '.1.10 Crores to Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund
2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 8 9

PRANAV. V                                             Scholars from various parts of the world came
                                                      forward to be a part of this event.
                                                        The conference aimed to bring together leading
  ICAMED-2021 (International Conference on            academic scientist, researchers and research
Advances in Mechanical Engineering Design)            scholars to exchange and share their experiences
was held virtually on the 3rd and 4th of May,         and research results on all aspects of Applied
2021. It was organized by the Department of           Mechanics, Engineering and Dynamics. It also
Mechanical Engineering, SRMIST Kattankulathur.        provided a premier interdisciplinary platform for
                                                      researchers, practitioners and educators to have a
                                                      discussion and present the most recent innovations
                                                      and trends. The conference also included practical
                                                      challenges and their respective solutions adopted
                                                      in the wake of creating newer opportunities in
                                                      addressing the emerging requirements in the
                                                      society. The conference focused on the recent
                                                      topics of design engineering where various
                                                      sessions were conducted on recent topics ranging
                                                      from designing concept to the simulation of
                                                      concepts further digging into enhancing the
                                                      product life. As the participants discussed, one
                                                      of the main purposes of engineering design is
                                                                                                                     IAD affects a lot of people in the world today.
                                                      to provide a solution to a problem by applying
                                                      scientific knowledge and in doing so it also
                                                      becomes important for the design to have an
                                                      aesthetic look with an enhanced product life.
                                                                                                                 IAD in Teenagers–
                                                      For any design engineer, it becomes necessary
                                                      to look into the need of the design, research the          A Growing Danger
                                                      possible designs, selecting the most promising
                                                      design, evaluating the design, communicating
                                                                                                                 B. SHANE PRANOY                        Video gaming, online gambling,
                                                      the design and re-design if required.
                                                                                                                                                      binge-watching, excessive use
                                                                                                                   Internet addiction disorder        of social media, and compulsive
                                                                                                                 also referred to as the overuse      online shopping are all linked

ICPERES 2021                                                                                                     of the internet, has become          to internet addiction. Since the
                                                                                                                 common worldwide. Although the       pandemic had started, cities in
                                                                                                                 internet is being used by people     India have seen a 100% surge
                                                                                                                 of all age groups, young people      in internet traffic as all offices
ANAHITA GUPTA                     technical papers contributed            Mr. Ravi Pachamoothoo, Pro-
                                                                                                                 seem to be more vulnerable           and educational institutions
                                  by participants from various            chancellor (Admin), Dr. P.                                                  have switched to a digital form
LAKSHMI VIBHA                                                                                                    to it. Studies show overuse of
                                  countries with the presented            Sathyanarayanan, Pro-chancellor                                             of work. However, as easy and
                                  papers being incorporated               (Academics), Dr. R. Shivakumar,        the internet negatively affects
  Organized by the Department                                                                                    the health of youngsters. The        safe as it sounds, digitalization
of Electrical and Electronics     in the Conference Abstract              Vice President, SRM IST,                                                    will cause problems in the future,
                                  Proceeding. Topics in the field         and many other speakers and            relationship between digital
Engineering, SRM IST, KTR,                                                                                       media usage and mental health        especially to kids between the
the International Conference on   of Communication, Computing,            renowned professors from                                                    age groups 5-19. They choose
                                  Power Technologies, Intelligent         across the globe.                      has been a research topic of
Power Electronics and Renewable                                                                                                                       to stay indoors and use the
                                  Techniques in Engineering                                                      great importance across various
Energy Systems (ICPERES                                                      The conference helped bring                                              internet, rather than stepping
                                  Systems, and many more were                                                    disciplines. Video gaming is
2021) was held virtually from                                             together interdisciplinary teams                                            out and exploring the real world.
                                  discussed.                                                                     considered to be one of the
21st to 23rd of April 2021.                                               to pave a new path that goes           most addictive forms of using
   The occasion offered a            The invited speakers consisted       beyond the current development         the internet. Anxiety levels tend     Internet addiction
platform for research scholars,   of globally recognized experts          and upgrades the technical             to be high in gamers, and they        has not been
academicians, and industrial      in the respective fields’ viz., Dr.     expertise for the benefit of society   also tend to suffer from other        recognized as a
experts for mutual exchange       S. Akhtar Kalam, Dr. Sidhartha          at large. All the selected papers      health-related issues, such as
of new ideas and research         P a n d a , D r. Vi v e k a n a n d a   presented at the conference            obesity.
                                                                                                                                                       disorder by the
findings in the latest emerging   Mukherjee, Dr. Ramazan Bayindir,        earning a chance to be published                                             WHO; however, it
                                                                                                                   Internet addiction has not
renewable energy systems.         and Dr. Anup Kumar Panda.               in Scopus Indexed, Lecture                                                   has been recognized
                                                                                                                 been recognized as a disorder by
The conference encompassed        Other members included Dr.              Notes in Electrical Engineering,
presentation of more than 80      T. R Paarivendhar, Chancellor,          Springer Series.
                                                                                                                 the WHO; however, it has been         as a mental health
                                                                                                                 recognized as a mental health         problem in various
                                                                                                                 problem in various countries
                                                                                                                 with cases and studies. Studies in    countries with cases
                                                                                                                 Europe and China have proven          and studies. Studies
                                                                                                                 that youngsters who use the           in Europe and China
                                                                                                                 internet excessively are more
                                                                                                                 likely to develop depressive          have proven that
                                                                                                                 symptoms and anxiety. It also         youngsters who
                                                                                                                 might disrupt their social lives,     use the internet
                                                                                                                 causing difficulty to appear in
                                                                                                                 public and maintain a balanced        excessively are more
                                                                                                                 social life. It has been proven       likely to develop
                                                                                                                 that internet addicts can have        depressive symptoms
                                                                                                                 introversion and poor face-to-
                                    A still from ICPERES 2021                                                    face communication.                   and anxiety.
SRMIST donates '.1.10 Crores to Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund
10    2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 8

     Activities at SRM University Delhi - NCR, SONEPAT
Student discussion forum –                                 been granted and awarded with Patent from Australian
                                                           Government on “Smart healthcare solutions for patient
                                                                                                                    Webinar: Advanced
students’ club: “CHHAAP”                                   monitoring and predicting pathological status using
                                                           AI and IoT-Based Technology” with Application No:        Welding Technology
                                                           2021101734 on 6th April, 2021.
  Topic: Who is to be Blamed for the Current Covid                                                                    The Mechanical Engineering department conducted
Crisis: The People or the Government                                                                                a webinar on “Advanced Welding Technology” on
                                                                                                                    3rd April 2021. The speakers for the occasion were
  On May 11th 2021, the departments under Humanities
and Social Sciences (English, Economics, Political                                                                  Mr. Amrit Yoga, Manager, Panasonic India and Dr.
Science and Psychology) at SRM University Delhi-NCR                                                                 Bhuvnesh Sharma, Assistant Professor, SRM University
organised an event under the banner of its students’
club CHHAAP. In this event, more than 50 students
joined virtually to discuss and present their opinions
                                                                                                                    Webinar: Managing Yourself
and views on the sensitive topic of utmost relevance in                                                             Effectively In The Era Of
present times, “Who is to be Blamed for the Current
Covid Crisis: The People or the Government”. This                                                                   Disruption And Volatility
discussion was further followed by a Q&A session.
                                                                                                                      On 10th April, 2021, the Faculties of Management
                                                                                                                    and Commerce jointly organised a webinar on the
                                                                                                                    “Managing yourself effectively in the era of disruption
                                                                                                                    and volatility”. The speaker for the occasion was
                                                                                                                    Mr Ankit Mahajan, Media Analytics and Insights
                                                                                                                    Manager, PepsiCo, London. Mr. Mahajan said that if
                                                                                                                    the organisations, lifestyles and habits of the consumer
                                                           Webinar: Emerging                                        have changed, so have the skills for careers and jobs,
                                                                                                                    and they will change in the coming years too. During
                                                           Technologies In Power Sector                             the lecture, the speaker shared several interesting
                                                             The Department of Electrical and Electronics           anecdotes from his life, with the students. Concluding
                                                           Engineering organized a webinar on “Emerging             his lecture, Mr. Mahajan asked the students to make
                                                           Technologies in Power Sector” on 1st May, 2021. The      their own Flying Wheel and write their own success
                                                           industry expert speaker for the occasion was Mr. R.      stories.
                                                           Senthil Kumar who is currently working as Assistant
                                                           Director (Training Division) Power Systems Training
                                                           Institute under the Ministry of Power, Government
Webinar: Digital Transformation:                           of India, Bangalore. He emphasised that Electrical
Opportunities and Challenges                               and Electronics Engineering is an evergreen branch
                                                           and there are impressive growth opportunities if any
   On the occasion of National Technology Day on           student wants to pursue their career in Electrical and
11th May 2021, which earmarked the technological           Electronics Engineering.
breakthrough inventions by India, Department of Computer
Science & Engineering, SRMUH organized an online
Webinar on «Digital Transformation: Opportunities
and Challenges”. The keynote speaker for the session
was Dr. Prabhat Manocha, Director-Government,
India/South Asia, IBM. The expert delivered a mind
triggering presentation on “Digital Transformation:
Opportunities and Challenges”. Dr. Prabhat emphasized
the importance of digital transformation in Industry
revolution 4.0 and answered students & faculty
queries during interactive sessions satisfactorily.
The objective of this Webinar was to address the
technological advancements and its challenges in
the field of digitalisation that had crept into the
contemporary world.                                                                                                 Maggi Baisakhi Special
                                                                                                                    Contest in Collaboration with
Expert Talk: Career Aspects in
                                                                                                                    SRM University Sonepat
Electronics and Communication
                                                                                                                      An amazing event called Baisakhi Special Contest
  An expert talk on “Career Aspects in Electronics
                                                                                                                    was organized by Brand Nestle Maggi in collaboration
and Communication” was delivered on 7th April,
2021 by Dr. Himanshu Kumar Haran, Scientist,                                                                        with SRM University Delhi-NCR, Sonepat on 26th
DRDO, Bangalore.                                                                                                    & 27th April, 2021 giving the chance to students to
                                                                                                                    prepare innovative & delicious recipe using Nestle
                                                                                                                    Maggi. This was a unique concept to create something
Department of Electrical and
                                                                                                                    out of the box. The hotel management students
Electronics Engineering                                                                                             of SRM University participated in the event and
  Patent from Australian Government on “Smart                                                                       presented their recipes in a most innovative manner.
healthcare solutions for patient monitoring and                                                                     Ms Ishika, Ms Diya Rai and Mr Arpit Suri achieved
predicting pathological status using AI and IoT-Based                                                               the first, second and third position respectively. The
Technology”                                                                                                         E-Vouchers were given by Nestle to all the Winners
  Dr. R.B. Dubey from EEE Department has recently                                                                   and the host of the competition-Ms Sanskriti Singh.
2021 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 8 11

                                                                             Why should the
                                                                             media be unbiased?
                                                                             V.REVATHI AISHWARYA

                                                                               The events of this past year
                                                                             have created a perfect atmosphere
                    Mankind’s first flight on Mars                           for spreading misinformation —
                                                                             A survey found that over 60%
The Success of Ingenuity                                                     of the Indian population view
                                                                             misinformation as a major societal
                                                                             issue. According to a study
NANDITA                                about 1.8 kilograms, with rotors      published in the International
BHYRAV BHATLA                          spinning almost 4 times faster        Information and Library Review
                                       than any helicopter on Earth-         (IILR), wrong information,
   April 19th 2021 marked a            at about 2400rpm. Only with           bigotry related to nationalism,
historic milestone in technology       this combination of physical          ethnicity, politics and gender is
when NAS A’s Ingenuity                 attributes would Ingenuity be         frequent in India.
helicopter took flight on the          able to develop enough lift for
                                                                               In 2020. misinformation
red planet. But how difficult is it    takeoff.
                                                                             regarding health and public
to fly a helicopter on Mars? To          However, the problem of             authority actions was rampant.
put the event into perspective         power remained. During the            The reasons for this spread
it is important to note that the       day on Mars, the planet only          include the lack of digital literacy
record for highest take off            receives about half the solar         among netizens, inadequate
for any helicopter on Earth            energy that Earth receives. To        governmental monitoring and                          The statistic provided in the Harvard
was 8,848m (Everest) but the           complete its mission, Ingenuity       unregulated and unethical                              study on Media Manipulation.
pressure there was still much          needed to save as much energy         competition among mass media
higher than mars. The intricacies      as it could carry. The helicopter     organizations.                         statistic below compares the         by radio (57%) then the news
and magnificence of Ingenuity          was packed with solar panels                                                 use of sensational language          media(56%). This discrepancy
                                                                                A Harvard study points to a
are infinite, but a couple of key      and electrical heaters to sustain                                            and promotion of individual          only highlights the need for
                                                                             drastic change in the incentives
obstacles that NASA had to             the rough climate all within its                                             engagement in circulating the        media evaluation tools that can
                                                                             of mainstream media due to
overcome were thin atmosphere          1.8kg weight limit.                                                          news. In this context, sensational   weed out opinions and selective
                                                                             the content being circulated
and power sufficiency.                                                                                              language pertains to the use of      reporting. Thus, in today’s world,
                                          Ingenuity is the dawn of           online. They now prioritize
   Though the gravitational                                                                                         emotional narratives and fear-       where it is increasingly scarce
                                       scientific advancements on            metrics such as website traffic,
strength on Mars, being a third                                                                                     mongering.                           to find unbiased information,
                                       foreign planets. With the ability     page views and trending topics.
of Earth’s, helped NASA’s              to fly, space organizations           The use of hashtags, slogans to          On the other hand, an article      print and news media have an
Endeavor, the substantial decrease     around the world can have a           drive up the virality of news          published in the Economic            increased social and ethical
in atmospheric pressure caused         better understanding of how           stories and venturing into the         Times indicated that a majority      responsibility to deliver the
an issue. The aircraft needed          our universe works and what           territory of activism is damaging      of Indians consider print media      information with a non-partisan
to be incredibly lightweight-at        lies beyond our planet.               the quality of journalism. The         (62%) the most credible followed     and comprehensive view.

Virtual National Conference on The Transformation of Technology in
Higher Education – A discussion on the Silver Lining
NANDINI NIGAM                          advancement of technology in
                                       the field of education over years
                                       and how this pandemic, unlike
                                       almost every other industry and
  T h e Vi r t u a l N a t i o n a l
                                       specialised field, has played a
Conference on Transformation of
                                       pivotal role in accelerating this
Technology in Higher education
                                       advancement. The conference
was a two-day event that took
                                       invited various professors
place on the 27th and 28th April,
                                       and presenters from all over
2021. It was organised by three
                                       the country who provided
colleges in tandem. The first
                                       their unique insights and ideas
one is School of Commerce &
                                       which was the major highlight
Business management, Central
                                       of the event. The conference
university of Tamil Nadu,
                                       focused on the advancements
Thriruvarur, the second one
                                       and adjustments made in the
being School of Management
                                       last year to fit the requirements
Sciences, Central University of
                                       of today’s scenario of the new
Jharkhand, Ranchi and the third
                                       normal. It threw light on how                   The Virtual National Conference held discussions on the silver lining which presented
one is College of Management,
                                       the technology of the new age                            itself in the form of rapid tech advancements due to the pandemic.
SRM Institute of Science and
                                       played a vital role in making         on the theme of maintaining            volunteers made the event a          to light some rather interesting
Technology, Chennai.
                                       education more accessible             psycho-physiological health            great success. The event was         angles to this situation which
  The conference was a virtual         during the time of a global crisis.   among the students. The hard           filled with enthusiasm and           would not have been possible
event that brought to light, the       The event also concentrated           work of all the organisers and         active participation and brought     without this platform.
12    2021
      2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 8

Paranormal Investigation:                                                                                         SCIENCE CARNIVAL-III
                                                                                                                  lights up SRM Diaspora
Career or Hobby? Paranormal
                  investigation is still not
                                                                                                                  amidst Covid Blues
                                        attempts to collect evidence
                                                                             recognized by society                ADITHYA R                           such as “Astrophotography”,
                                        supporting paranormal activity,      as a proper individual               GAYATRI RAMYA                       “The fate of Particle Physics”,
                                                                                                                                                      “Einstein’s Gravity” based on
  Before discussing whether             such as phenomena related to         career. However, with                KOTHURI
                                                                                                                                                      the theme of physics, math and
paranormal investigation is a           ghosts.
                                                                             the rise of social media                                                 HASS (Humanities and social
hobby or a career, one should             The concept of paranormal                                                 Astrophilia is known to be the
understand what the term exactly        investigation and the presence
                                                                             platforms, it can become             only club of its kind in South
                                                                                                                                                      sciences). The presided guests of
                                                                                                                                                      the event were Rashmi Sheoran
means.                                  of investigators dates back to the   a full-time career                   India that invites professors
                                                                                                                                                      (Indian Science Communication
  Paranormal investigation is           18th century. However, it only                                            and lecturers from across the
                                                                             investigators responsible for                                            Society), Milan Soneri (Sardar
the investigation of reportedly         popularized in the early 1920s.                                           country as well as from abroad      Patel University), Srushti Desai
                                                                             changing public opinion about
haunted locations. Typically, a         Ed and Lorraine Warren were                                               for seminars that deal with         (BITS Institute of Physiotherapy)
                                                                             paranormal phenomena in a
paranormal-investigating team           the most notable paranormal                                               everything related to astronomy,    and Divyansh Mansukhani
                                                                             time when people considered
                                                                                                                  cosmology, particle physics and     (University of Glasgow).
                                                                             it to be a farce. They found
                                                                             the New England Society for                                                The exchange of valuable
                                                                             Psychic Research (NESPR),              The Science Carnival made its     knowledge was a testimony to
                                                                             the oldest ghost hunting group       debut under the club in 2018. Its   the event’s success. “Wise is
                                                                             in New England. They also            third instalment was held from      the one who flavours the future
                                                                             authored many books about            16th to 18th April this year to     with some salt from the past”
                                                                             their private investigation and      promote the values of science       as quoted by CT Jones, SRM’s
                                                                             lectured in universities on the      and philosophy. The organizers      Astrophilia will look forward
                                                                             difference between ‘paranormal’      of the event were Divyanshu         to planning the fourth edition
                                                                             and ‘ghost’.                         Mansukhani, Snehangsu Biswas        with the hope of exhibiting a
         Jay Alani at an interview about paranormal activity                    Paranormal investigation is       and Vishwadruth Akaraju. The        much better presentation in
                                                                             still not recognized by society      event was divided into two          comparison to the previous
                                                                             as a proper individual career.       hour-long modules for topics        editions.
                                                                             However, with the rise of social
                                                                             media platforms, it can become
                                                                             a full-time career. Jay Alani, one
                                                                                                                   ... valuable knowledge was
                                                                             of the most prominent Indian
                                                                             paranormal investigators, has
                                                                                                                   a testimony to the event’s
                                                                             his podcasts on numerous
                                                                             media platforms like Gaana,
                                                                                                                   success. “Wise is the one
                                                                             Hubhopper, Spotify, etc. Other
                                                                             than him, many other YouTubers
                                                                                                                   who flavours the future with
                                                                             like MrBeast and BuzzFeed
                                                                             Unsolved Network also use
                                                                                                                   some salt from the past” as
            Lorraine Warren in an interview while talking
            about the reality of the movie ‘The Conjuring’
                                                                             paranormal investigations to
                                                                             gain fan following.
                                                                                                                   quoted by CT Jones

Roles and Responsibilities of Student-Run Organizations in Any Institute
PRIYANK KAPOOR                          and also consider the interests
                                        of all of its members. These
   Under the shining sun,               clubs are important as they help
wandering around the campus             uplift institutions by offering
searching for a classroom, mind         extra-curricular activities and
weaving through different               leadership and time-management
thoughts, is a typical first-day        skills to students. They also let
scenario for a fresher. They only       students pursue their passions
want to fit in. In this process, they   that they had to neglect due to
                                        the demands of their career.
make friends, connections, and
                                        These organizations also act as
relationships, hoping to build an
                                        helping hands for the freshers
entire network at college. But
                                        or those with unclear or blurry
should they limit themselves to
                                        goals by connecting them with
knowing students within their           the Alumni or by conducting
class? Of course not, and that is       events, workshops and inviting
where student clubs come into           experts from the industries to
the picture. These clubs are for        direct proper guidance to the
the students, by the students,          students. These events can help
and from the students. While            them by providing exposure,
a faculty can act as an advisor,        experience or even enhance
discussions, decisions, and             their technical skills by a notch.
steps taken by the organization         It is necessary to have such
are a collective result of the          student-run organizations in a
actions by students. Students           college for the complete growth
comprise the core committee             of students.                                                 A musical night organized by a student-run organization
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