Squash and Zucchini Crop Guide

Page created by Louise Avila
Squash and Zucchini Crop Guide
Squash and Zucchini
Crop Guide
Squash and Zucchini Crop Guide
Committed to Excellence                                                                                                         Innovating for the Future
                                                                                                                                Backed by global resources and a daily investment of more than $3 million in research and development, we bring to market

 from the field to the table                                                                                                    innovative, integrated solutions that help ensure your high-value vegetable crops reach their full genetic potential. Our state-of-the-
                                                                                                                                art research facilities located across the U.S. are incubators for innovation in the field and in the marketplace, helping to ensure that
                                                                                                                                we’re providing growers with the tools they need to put food on the table.

                                   We are committed to helping growers get the most from their                                                                  Pasco Seed Processing Facility
                                   crops, both now and for generations to come. Partnering                                                                      This 40-acre, 200,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility                   Vero Beach Research Center
                                                                                                                                                                processes both large-seeded and small-seeded vegetables.
                                   with our customers every step of the way, we offer advanced,                                                                 It houses a unique, two-pass drying system that most
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              This industry-leading facility combines the latest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              technologies with practical, hands-on field testing.
                                   innovative solutions that provide growers with the tools they                                                                closely resembles natural drying in the field. Seed is stored
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The 12-month growing season allows scientists to
                                                                                                                                                                within optimal parameters of temperature and humidity,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              generate multiple seasons of field data per year.
                                   need in the field to ultimately put the food on the table. After                                                             ensuring a consistent supply of high-quality seed.

                                   all, our job is about helping customers deliver high-quality,
                                   nutritious vegetables to the market. We leverage our rich history
                                   in the industry, strong presence in the market and significant
                                   investment in the future of agriculture to help you do just that.

                                                                    Partnering for
                                                                    Our roots in the vegetable industry run deep, tracing
                                                                    back to 1876 with the establishment of ROGERS®
                                                                    brand seed. For more than 130 years, we have worked
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Syngenta Research
                                                                    boot-to-boot with our vegetable customers to provide                                                                                                                                                      Stations
                                                                    a truly cutting edge, individualized approach to solution
                                                                    building. Our integrated portfolio of seed, traits, seed                                                                                                                                           Syngenta Seed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Processing Facilities
                                                                    care and crop protection products support your crop at
                                                                    each stage of development, from seed to harvest, and
                                                                    each stage of the market, from packer to plate.
                                                                                                                                Woodland Research Station
                                                                                                                                Undergoing a major expansion to enhance R&D                                                          Naples Research Station
                                                                                                                                and seed production capabilities, this station
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     This station lies just south of the frost line in Florida,
                                                                                                                                serves as a hub for cereal, corn, cucurbit and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     allowing two generations per year of most crops. It
                                                                                                                                fruiting vegetable research in the California
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     includes more than 100 open-field acres and contains
                                                                                                                                Central Valley.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     more than 60,000 square feet of greenhouse space, as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     well as controlled growth environments and laboratories.

Addressing Whole-farm Challenges                                                                                                Supporting the Industry
                                                                                                                                Our commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond solutions,
        We understand that your challenges extend far beyond the field, and collaborate with industry partners to provide       service, and support – it’s an investment in the future success of the
        whole-farm service and support. Through programs like AgriEdge Excelsior®, we provide growers with record-              industry as well. We are proud to partner closely with industry organizations,
        keeping tools designed to improve business practices and assist them in meeting supply chain requirements and           such as the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA), California Association
        satisfying consumer preferences. As an active member of Field to Market®, the alliance for sustainable agriculture,     of Pest Control Advisers (CAPCA), Produce for Better Health, Produce
        we collaborate with fellow industry leaders to address the challenge of putting enough food on the table to meet        Marketing Association and United Fresh Produce Association, as an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Proud To

        the needs of our rapidly growing population—both today and well into the future.                                        advocate for sustainable vegetable production and consumption.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Support FFA
Squash and Zucchini Crop Guide
Medium green zucchini                                                                                                    Medium-dark green zucchini                                                                Squash

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Spineless Beauty
Payload                                  Payroll                                   Paycheck                              Emerald Desire
• IR: ZYMV / WMV / CMV / Px              • IR: ZYMV / WMV / Px                     • IR: ZYMV / WMV / CMV / Px           This improved Envy-type zucchini offers higher yields, excellent produce quality and
• Glossy zucchini with cylindrical,      • Performs well under spring and          • Good for Fall season when CMV can   an industry-leading disease resistance package.
  uniform shape                            summer conditions                         be an issue
• Medium-green color slightly darker     • Widely adapted                          • Very good adaptability              • Improved, Envy-type zucchini with             • Higher yield potentials of excellent
  than Paycheck                                                                                                            broad-based disease resistance                  produce quality
                                         • Excellent fruit quality                 • High yield potential
• Open plant with reduced spines         • Upright plant                           • Excellent fruit quality
                                                                                                                         • Attractive uniform, cylindrical shape and
• Medium vigor growth habit
                                                                                                                           medium-dark green, glossy exterior

Spineless Beauty                         Spineless Perfection                      Cashflow                              Envy
• Industry standard                      • IR: ZYMV / WMV / Px                     • IR: ZYMV                            Envy features a glossy, cylindrical fruit with wide adaptability for several eastern
• Glossy, high-quality fruit             • Spineless petioles minimize fruit       • Consistent high yields              growing areas as well as California. Envy produces upright, open, nearly spineless
                                           damage during harvest                                                         plants with high yield potential and a solid disease resistance package.
• Truly spineless plant                                                            • Very good adaptability
                                         • Classic Spineless Beauty-type fruit

• High yield potential                                                             • Excellent fruit quality

                                           with high gloss                                                               • Attractive, glossy fruit with uniform,        • Good disease resistance package
• Adapted to all eastern growing areas                                             • Vigorous plant                        medium-dark coloring                            including intermediate resistance
                                         • Open, upright plant habit for ease of                                                                                           to zucchini yellow mosaic virus and
                                           picking                                                                       • More vigorous plant than comparable
                                                                                                                           varieties                                       powdery mildew
                                         • Refined flecking produces a rich
                                           green color                                                                   • Open, upright plant structure offers easier
                                                                                                                           harvest and minimized fruit damage
                                         • Similar yields to Spineless Beauty
Squash and Zucchini Crop Guide
Dark green zucchini                                                                                                      Golden zucchini                                                                                         Squash

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Spineless Perfection,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Paycheck, Payload
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Medium Green

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Cashflow, Payroll,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Spineless Beauty,
Pascola                                                                                  Jacobo                          Golden Glory
Pascola packages disease resistance with high yields in early harvests of attractive,    • IR: ZYMV / WMV / Px           Similar to Golden Delight, Golden Glory offers the added benefit of intermediate resistance
marketable fruit.                                                                        • Improved disease resistance   to powdery mildew. It produces high yields of quality, smooth, uniform, golden yellow fruit.
                                                                                         • Good early yields
• IR: ZYMV / WMV / CMV / Px                   • High yield potential in early harvests                                   • IR: ZYMV / WMV / Px                            • Upright plant
                                                                                         • Glossy, attractive fruit
• Outstanding disease resistance              • Uniform, dark green, glossy fruit,                                       • Improved disease resistance                    • High yield potential
• Slender-type fruit                            medium to long in length
• Nearly spineless plant                      • Open, upright, nearly spineless plant
                                                for improved fruit quality during
• Good for mid- to late-season

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Medium Dark Green
  plantings as CMV pressure increases

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Envy, Emerald Desire
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Raven, Noche, Jacobo,
Equinox                                       Noche                                      Raven                           Golden Delight                                   Golden Dawn III
• IR: ZYMV / WMV / Px                         • IR: ZYMV / WMV                           • Industry standard             • IR: ZYMV / WMV                                 • Industry standard

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Dark Green
• Proven performance                          • Nearly spineless plant                   • Outstanding yield potential   • Established variety                            • Open plant habit
• Outstanding fruit quality                   • Excellent fruit quality                  • Proven performance            • Attractive yellow color                        • Reduced spines

• Ease of harvest                             • Proven yield performance                 • Open plant habit              • Uniform fruit shape                            • Outstanding yield potential
Yellow squash                                                                                                            Specialty

Goldprize                                                                                Enterprise                      Cuarzo                                                                                     Sunburst
Goldprize delivers a very productive, high-quality yield with the advantage of           • Proven performance            A distinctive grey zucchini variety, Cuarzo includes a strong disease resistance           • High-demand variety for both full-size
improved yellow color in smaller fruit that consumers demand.                            • Outstanding yield potential   package and offers an extended harvest window for excellent yield potential. The             and baby vegetable markets
                                                                                                                         upright, semi-open plant allows for ease of harvest of its high-quality fruit, which has   • Unique, glossy, deep yellow fruit that
                                                                                         • Vigorous plant
• IR: ZYMV / WMV                              • Longer harvest and improved fruit                                        uniformity and an attractive appearance.                                                     consumers prefer with dark green
                                                quality thanks to excellent disease      • Broad adaptability
• Improved disease resistance                                                                                                                                                                                         blossom end
                                                protection                                                               • High-quality fruit with excellent yield      • Upright, semi-open plant for easier
• Glossy, smooth fruit                                                                                                     potential                                      harvest and minimized fruit damage        • Tender, buttery flavor sustained in larger,
                                              • Higher yields for better profitability                                                                                                                                mature squash
• Attractive yellow color                                                                                                • Uniform shape and appearance                 • Extended harvest window due to
• Excellent quality fruit with uniform                                                                                                                                    improved disease resistance package       • Compact, bushy plant
  shape for a high-quality pack                                                                                                                                                                                     • Adapted to all major production areas

                                                                                                                         Setting a New Standard in Early-Season
                                                                                                                         Disease and Pest Protection
                                                                                                                                                                             Now offered as a standard treatment on all Syngenta squash
                                                                                                                                                                             varieties, FarMore® FI400 Cucurbits technology offers convenient,
                                                                                                                                                                             on-seed protection from early-season diseases and pests in the
                                                                                                                                                                             first comprehensive combination of separately registered seed

Fortune                                       Gold Star                                  Gentry                                                                              protection products, proprietary application technologies, and
• Excellent fruit smoothness and              • IR: CMV / Px                             • Industry standard                                                                 dedicated seed treatment services. This advanced technology
  uniformity                                  • Improved disease resistance              • Broad adaptability
• Early-maturing plant with medium vigor                                                                                                                                     enhances seedling emergence, maximizes plant stand
                                              • Reduced spines                           • Small blossom scar
  and continuous setting ability
                                              • Vigorous plant                           • Smooth, high-quality fruit                                                        establishment, and stimulates early-season vigor and plant health,
• High-quality fruit with good yield
  capabilities                                                                                                                                                               helping ensure high-value squash and zucchini crops reach their
• Sturdy plant neck offers minimized
  chance of breakage                                                                                                                                                         full genetic potential.
Cucurbit crop protection options                                                                                                                                    Technical data: squash
                                                                                                                                                                     Variety               Approximate        Fruit shape        Average          Average       Plant characteristics                            Disease resistance
                                                                                                                                                                                           days to maturity                      diameter (in)    length (in)
Insecticides                                                               Herbicides
                                                                                                                                                                     zucChini: medium green
                                                                                                                                                                     Paycheck                42               Cylindrical        2                7-8           Open, upright plant with reduced spines          IR: ZYMV / WMV / CMV / Px

                                                                                                                                                                     Payload                 43               Cylindrical        1.5 - 2          7-8           Open, upright, reduced spines                    IR: ZYMV / WMV / CMV / Px
Actara® is a foliar-applied insecticide that provides excellent control    Gramoxone brand herbicides are non-selective contact herbicides
                                                                                                                                                                     Spineless Beauty        43               Cylindrical        1.5              7.5 - 8.5     Open, medium vigor; spineless leaves and         None reported
of many sucking and chewing pests.                                         available for control of grass and broadleaf weeds, and are effective under                                                                                                          petioles
                                                                           a variety of conditions. Nothing is faster among non-selective herbicides.
                                                                                                                                                                     Spineless               44               Cylindrical        1.5 - 2          7-8           Strong open, upright plant;                      IR: ZYMV / WMV / Px
                                                                                                                                                                     Perfection                                                                                 spineless leaves and petioles
                                                                                                                                                                     Payroll                 47               Cylindrical        1.75             7             Open, upright plant with reduced spines          IR: ZYMV / WMV / Px

Agri-Mek SC miticide/insecticide is based on novel chemistry with a
                                                                                                                                                                     Cashflow                47               Cylindrical        1.75             7.5 - 8.5     Open, vigorous plant                             IR: ZYMV
unique mode of action that delivers long-lasting control of mites and      Touchdown HiTech® is a non-selective herbicide that delivers excellent
leafminers. Rotate with Trigard® for leafminer control. Do not make        broad-spectrum weed control.
                                                                                                                                                                     zucChini: medium dark green
more than two sequential applications of Agri-Mek SC.
                                                                                                                                                                     Emerald Desire          45               Cylindrical        1.5 - 1.75       7-8           Strong open, erect plant with reduced spines     IR: ZYMV / WMV / CMV / Px
                                                                           Fungicides                                                                                Envy                    45               Cylindrical        1.75             7             Upright, open plant with reduced spines          IR: ZYMV / Px

                                                                                                                                                                     zucChini: dark green
Durivo® insecticide is the only soil-applied via drip chemigation, fast-
acting, long-lasting insecticide for control of lepidoptera and sucking                                                                                              Jacobo                  42               Cylindrical        1.75 - 2         7 - 8+        Upright, open plant, reduced spines for ease     IR: ZYMV / WMV / Px
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of harvest
and chewing pests.
                                                                           Bravo Weather Stik® fungicide provides superior preventive control of                     Pascola                 42               Cylindrical        2 - 2.5          7-8           Upright, open plant, reduced spines for ease     IR: ZYMV / WMV / CMV / Px
                                                                           foliar diseases in a wide range of crops.                                                                                                                                            of harvest
                                                                                                                                                                     Raven                   43               Cylindrical        2.5 - 3.5        7-8           Open, reduced spines                             None reported

                                                                                                                                                                     Equinox                 45               Cylindrical        2                7-8           Open and upright, reduced spines                 IR: ZYMV / WMV / Px
Fulfill® insecticide has a unique mode of action that provides excellent
aphid control.                                                             Inspire Super® fungicide is a top of the class fungicide for use on squash.
                                                                           Inspire Super utilizes the unique active ingredient difenoconazole as part of its         Noche                   45               Cylindrical        2 - 2.5          7-8           Open, reduced spines                             IR: ZYMV / WMV
                                                                           triazole mixture to deliver long-lasting control of damaging diseases.
                                                                                                                                                                     zucChini: golden
                                                                                                                                                                     Golden Dawn III         47               Cylindrical        1.5 - 1.75       7-8           Upright, vigorous plant with                     None reported
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                reduced spines
Platinum® 75SG insecticide is a highly concentrated formulation
of thiamethoxam, which has consistently provided excellent                                                                                                           Golden Delight          47               Cylindrical        1.5 - 1.75       7-8           Semi-spineless, upright, open plant              IR: ZYMV / WMV
                                                                           Quadris® fungicide provides outstanding broad-spectrum systemic disease control
residual control of many economically damaging pests.                      and enhanced Plant Performance™ against yield-robbing fungi. Applications can be          Golden Glory            50               Cylindrical        1.75             7-8           Open, upright, semi-spineless plant with         IR: ZYMV / WMV / Px
                                                                           made in-furrow and as a foliar spray.                                                                                                                                                dark green foliage
                                                                                                                                                                     Yellow squash
                                                                                                                                                                     Fortune                 39               Bottle-shaped      1.75             6-7           Early-maturing plant with medium vigor           None reported

Trigard insecticide is an insect growth regulator that delivers long-
                                                                                                                                                                     Enterprise              41               Straightneck       1.75             7-8           Productive, vigorous plant with                  None reported
lasting leafminer control without impacting beneficial insects. Rotate     Quadris TopTM fungicide is the strobilurin of choice and offers growers a high
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                broad adaptability
with Agri-Mek SC.                                                          level of activity and reliability. With two active ingredients for control of many
                                                                           important plant diseases, its low use rates and application flexibility also make it a    Goldprize               42               Straightneck       1.75             6-7           Open, semiprostrate plant                        IR: ZYMV / WMV
                                                                           great addition to many Integrated Pest Management programs.
                                                                                                                                                                     Gold Star               42               Semicrookneck      1.5 - 1.75       5.5 - 6       Vigorous plant with reduced spines               IR: CMV / Px

                                                                                                                                                                     Gentry                  43               Semicrookneck      1.5 - 1.75       5.5 - 6       Vigorous plant with reduced spines               None reported
Voliam Xpress® is a foliar insecticide that provides fast knockdown
and control of a wide range of insects with the added benefit of           Revus® fungicide with LOK + FLO™ action locks into the outer surface of leaves            specialty squash
long-lasting control.                                                      and gradually filters in to deliver consistent performance, rain or shine.                Cuarzo                  45               Club-shaped        1.5 - 2          5-6           Semi-open plant with slight genetic silvering,   IR: ZYMV / WMV / Px /
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                dark foliage, upright stem                           SqLCV
                                                                                                                                                                     Sunburst                50               Disc-shaped        3                2.5           Compact; open                                    None reported

Warrior II with Zeon Technology® insecticide delivers the combination of
                                                                           Ridomil Gold® Bravo® SC is a highly active fungicide that controls several               Disease abbreviation key
                                                                           diseases in cucurbits.
consistently reliable performance, modern formulation technology, and
long residual insect protection for cucurbits.                                                                                                                        ZYMV        Zucchini yellow mosaic virus                   Px           Powdery mildew caused by specific                HR         High resistance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              races of Sphaerotheca fuliginea
                                                                                                                                                                      WMV         Watermelon mosaic virus                                                                                      IR         Intermediate resistance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 SqLCV        Squash leaf curl virus caused by
                                                                                                                                                                      CMV         Cucumber mosaic virus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              squash leaf curl virus
                                                                           Ridomil Gold® SL is a highly active, soil-applied fungicide that controls
                                                                           soilborne diseases caused by Pythium.                                                    In cases where specific races or strains are not noted, the variety is resistant to some, but not necessarily all known races or strains of the pathogen. For complete disease
                                                                                                                                                                    resistance information, please visit www.vegetables.syngenta-us.com.
For more information on Syngenta vegetable offerings,
visit www.vegetables.syngenta-us.com
or contact your local Syngenta reseller or representative.

Product performance assumes disease presence.
All photos are the property of Syngenta unless otherwise noted.
©2013 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some crop protection products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or
counties. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status.
Agri-Mek SC, Gramoxone Inteon, Gramoxone SL, Gramoxone SL 2.0, Voliam Xpress and Warrior II with Zeon Technology are Restricted Use Pesticides.
Actara, Agri-Mek SC, Durivo, Platinum, Voliam Xpress and Warrior II with Zeon Technology are highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment on blooming crops
and weeds. Do not apply these products or allow them to drift onto blooming plants while bees are foraging adjacent to the treatment area. Product performance
assumes disease presence.
FarMore Technology is an on-seed application of separately registered seed protection products and proprietary application technologies. FarMore FI400 Cucurbits
contains Cruiser 5FS insecticide and three fungicides: Apron XL, Maxim 4FS and Dynasty.
Actara®, AgriEdge Excelsior®, Agri-Mek®, Apron XL®, Bravo®, Bravo WeatherStik®, Cruiser®, Durivo®, Dynasty®, FarMore®, Fulfill®, Gramoxone®, Inspire
Super®, LOK + FLOTM, Maxim®, Platinum®, Plant PerformanceTM, Quadris®, Quadris Top®, Revus®, Ridomil Gold®, ROGERS®, Touchdown HiTech®, Trigard®,
Voliam Xpress®, Warrior II with Zeon Technology®, the Alliance Frame, the Purpose Icon and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. Field
to Market® is a trademark of The Keystone Center.

GS 403.61014                                                                                                                               SLC 1760D 10-2013
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