Sprint Order geht an den Start - Das Magazin für die Schuhbranche - Sonderausgabe 27/20 - www.schuhkurier.de - MobiMedia
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Das Magazin für die Schuhbranche – Sonderausgabe 27/20 Anzeige Sprint Order geht an den Start Düsseldorf, 03. 07. 20, 75. Jahrgang, G 4478 www.schuhkurier.de
Retail schuhkurier 27/2020 02 System query: What can Sprint Order do? As a new branch solution for the exchange of goods between industry and retail, ANWR and SABU have initiated Sprint Order together with Mobimedia. How does the new system work? schuhkurier spoke to those behind it. As a new branch solution for the exchan- ge of goods between industry and retail, ANWR and SABU have initiated Sprint Order together with Mobimedia. How does the new system work? schuhkurier spoke to those behind it. If no trade fairs are taking place, gene- ral contact restrictions apply and the time window for ordering is very small, you have to rethink. Against this backg- round, MobiMedia, those responsible at ANWR and SABU have set up a new ser- Tobias Eichmeier (left), Reinhold Wawrzynek (top right) and Stephan Krug. vice based on the existing Quintet24 or- der platform, which is intended to give all retailers – regardless of their mem- bership of a group or size – access to the Reinhold Wawrzynek: We have met with was aimed at advancing the digitalisati- industry’s range of products. great demand. There have already been on process in the sector. About 20 brands Interested parties should be able to view many appointments and demo presenta- from the fashion sector have participa- collections with just a few mouse clicks tions. What is positively surprising from ted in the last two months alone. We ex- and execute all pre- and post-order pro- our point of view is that not only small pect Sprint Order to achieve a penetra- cesses. A few weeks ago, the first infor- manufacturers and retailers are interes- tion of the footwear market. mation about Sprint Order was released. ted in Sprint Order, but also big players. The platform for the spring/summer 2021 It should be noted that Sprint Order joint Order has been live since mid-June. action was initially focused on small ma- How is the access of retailers to Sprint In an interview with “schuhkurier”, Tho- nufacturers to give them quick access to Order technically enabled? mas Eichmeier (ANWR Schuh), Stefan the digital ordering process. The Coro- Krug (SABU) and Reinhold Wawrzynek na situation has now accelerated and in- Reinhold Wawrzynek: The retailer receives (MobiMedia) explain the advantages of tensified everything: the further develop- an invitation from the supplier by e-mail the new system. ment of the platform itself, and, especial- with a link to Quintet24. If the retailer ly, participation from retail and industry. is already registered, after the next login How did you find the response after the The Quintet24 system had already been he will automatically have access to the first Sprint Order release? developed before the Corona crisis and contents published by the supplier that
schuhkurier 27/2020 03 are assigned to him. Retailer data from not planned for the time being, as this ANWR and SABU can be automatically SPRINTORDER is an would break the uniform way of ope- imported into the system. Special techni- ration. Retailers want to be able to find cal equipment is not necessary. Interfaces overarching platform their way around the system easily, ob- to the merchandise management system for the entire shoe tain information and place orders with are not mandatory for the order. Whene- their suppliers. ver an order is approved, the retailer au- industry tomatically receives an e-mail containing Tobias Eichmeier, the order in PDF and Excel format. Ho- Director of How can companies that do not yet have wever, an interface to merchandise ma- ANWR Schuh digital capabilities use the platform? nagement can be set up on request. How does the process work in this case? Reinhold Wawrzynek: Sprint Order is above How can the suppliers (technically) remaining content, such as videos and all the answer to the manufacturers’ ques- place their materials and information images for campaigns, collections, mar- tion of how they can put together and pre- on the platform? Has a B2B shop been keting documents, is done via the stan- sent a digital offer in a flexible and uncom- integrated? dard dialog “Open file” or via “Drag & plicated way without having their own B2B Drop”. shop or digital offer because, among other Reinhold Wawrzynek: To import mass data Orders can be placed directly from the things, they are not yet EDI-capable. Via into the portal, a CSV file upload modu- portal. The order placements are trans- this portal the manufacturer has the pos- le is currently available. This can be used mitted directly. It is very important to sibility to enter article data manually via to upload data in a simple CSV format. emphasise that an automated ECC in- an input screen and to add a picture of the Small suppliers can enter their data ma- terface will be available soon. article or other media data. Neither GTIN nually into the system. Uploading the The integration of external B2B shops is nor EAN are necessary.
Retail schuhkurier 27/2020 04 We need to look more forward and less in the rearview mirror. Stephan Krug , Director of SABU Schuh & Marketing GmbH An article basically only has to consist of the merchandise management system is What does the digital Order mean for the six attributes (article number, article de- to be developed. The 0.9% of the fee rate trade fair process as a whole? Does the scription, colour, size grid, purchase price, does not correspond to the usual rate of industry still need physical events? currency) and an article image in order to the platform Quintet24, which is higher. be ordered via the portal. Naturally, the Additional financial expenditure only Tobias Eichmeier: Sprint Order cannot more content provided by the brands, the arises if the industrial partner does not replace physical measurement and exch- greater the added value for industry part- use the existing interfaces of the plat- ange on site, nor is it intended to. Trade ners and retailers. The big difference bet- form and wishes to use data exchange fairs remain an important component as ween this platform and many other B2B formats developed specifically for him. an industry meeting place for the shoe portals is the intelligent combination of community and highly relevant exch- marketing content and article ordering ange of information. Nevertheless, the information. On the one hand to present Manufacturers may complain about too B2B portal is a good addition and an im- goods medially, but on the other hand to much transparency and be concerned portant contribution to the digitalisa- enable the retailer to place orders direc- about possible copying of their styles if tion of the shoe industry – all pre- and tly via a digital process and this without they are visible on Sprint Order. Can this post-order processes can be mapped di- media discontinuity. This means that the be ruled out? gitally and individually between retailer retailer looks at the presentation of the and manufacturer. Especially the smal- goods and can start a secure ordering pro- Reinhold Wawrzynek: The manufacturers ler suppliers from Italy and Spain often cess directly from there, without having to cannot see among themselves offers and do not yet have the possibility to pro- download forms beforehand, fill them in articles of the other brands and have no vide their products for a digital order. and then upload them again or send them access to the others’ data. This is guaran- This is now possible with the newly cre- to the retailer by e-mail. teed by an authorisation system. ated platform. It is not a matter of pre- Even the retailer cannot search for ar- serving possessions but of further de- ticles in the portal across brands. He can velopment. This is particularly import- How much does order processing via only limit the selection of offers by ente- ant in this area. Sprintorder cost? ring filters. In order to view and order the articles, he must jump to the respective Stephan Krug: According to a survey on Reinhold Wawrzynek: A fee amounting to offer of a brand. The Quintet24 platform digital ordering, there is a large discre- 0.9% of the value of goods of an order is is an order and not a comparison portal. pancy between buyers and managers in charged for the turnover made via Sprin- retail. While managers are very much in torder. The fee is paid exclusively by the favour of simple, fast processes and di- industry partner/trademark/producer. Sprint Order can be an alternative to gitalisation, buyers often judge the si- There is no financial expense for the re- replace physical trade fairs that are now tuation the other way round and want a tailer. Unless an individual interface to cancelled. “haptic” experience. However, the over-
schuhkurier 27/2020 05 riding goal of all parties must be to es- entire shoe industry. If you look at it that Stephan Krug: We are currently facing tablish lean and efficient order proces- way, Quintet24 offers the potential for considerable uncertainty in the sector. ses. That this is already happening can more sales because you can reach all re- Many fear a second corona wave in au- be seen in many examples. Take a brand tailers. If I were a manufacturer, I would tumn. In this respect I assume that we like Tommy Hilfiger. Today, only a third not use Sprintorder as a trade fair repla- will be welcoming fewer visitors and also of their entire range of products can be cement, but as a sales tool. I can also see fewer exhibitors in Heilbronn. We are seen in their showroom. The rest is done a significant increase in efficiency in the working on a comprehensive hygiene by digital order. Which saves time and order process: In future, retailers will be and distancing concept and will exer- money. We have taken up the cause in able to view up to 80% of the collections cise utmost caution. But we would also order to take away the fear of digitali- and get a comprehensive overview of the like to fulfil the wish of over 70% of our sation from the players in the industry. collection without having to spend one traders to allow a “physical” form of or- We need to look more forward and less euro of the limit in advance. dering. Incidentally, we will make sure in the rearview mirror. Duplicates can thus be excluded, price at our trade fair and also in future da- ranges intelligently designed and inno- tes that the new seasonal cycle initia- vations and new brands purchased in a ted by us is also desired by our affiliated What does this mean for trade fairs such targeted manner. companies. A postponement of four to as ANWR or SABU? A real benefit! six weeks is sensible for all parties invol- ved. We’ll stick with that. Tobias Eichmeier: Especially in difficult times, it is important for people to com- With Sprint Order, two competing groups Tobias Eichmeier: With our trade fair con- municate with each other. We natural- have succeeded in working together on cept we have to meet high requirements, ly ask ourselves the question of how the an industry solution. That’s a first. Could which must be observed further. We are fairs could be developed further. We con- further actions of this kind follow? currently hearing that some companies tinue to see that trade fairs are prima- are refusing trade fair visits until the rily order-oriented events. Why not add Stephan Krug: The ANWR approached end of the year. Nevertheless, our trade new topics and services to make our in- us for this solution and we were hap- fairs in September (ANWR Spring Or- dustry even better? py to turn our minds to the problem. It der) and October (ANWR Summer Or- makes sense for all parties involved to der) are quite definitely taking place. And Stephan Krug: We will also stick to our work together on such a task, given that we are doing everything in our power to trade fair, because we want to offer the it affects the entire industry. For two or ensure that our members will experien- trade various components. At the trade three years now, we have been coopera- ce a safe trade fair. Especially in times of fair, a retailer can get an overview and ting in various back-office related areas. crisis, the sector meeting is of the hig- he may discover a brand he finds inte- Take the image database, for example. It hest significance. resting. He then have to then subscri- would not be very wise for everyone to be immediately, but can look at it later pursue their own strategy here. Rather, Autor Petra Steinke in peace on Quintet24 – and then place it would be in everyone’s interest if the- Fotos Redaktion, Mobimedia an order afterwards. re were an image database that everyo- Infos www.mobimedia.de ne could access. One of the greatest challenges of our Retailers will probably order less against time is cost efficiency. Everyone should the background of the Corona crisis. Exhi- get as much as possible for their money. biting at trade fairs and also participating If the groups can share costs on different in Sprint Order incurs costs for manufac- topics, this is in the interest of all mem- turers. How can that be balanced out? bers and headquarters. Tobias Eichmeier: It is important to see Sprint Order not as an association tool, What will the next trade fairs in Main- but as a comprehensive platform for the hausen and Heilbronn look like?
Publish your collection ideas digitally in the showroom, on the web and at the point of sale: Intelligently linked with all marketing data and omnichannel control: whether photos, 3D animations or videos - intelligent interfaces provide suitable support. Write directly from the workbooks and your own brochures, in line with the ordered goods, for a sales-boosting presentation. Empathic, mobile, interactive. DIGITAL SHOWROOM Goods control, space management in retail and wholesale and online channels, collection presentation in the showroom or simply via joint video conference. Of course with integrated order and intelligent limit controlling. Safe, user-friendly and fast. SALES FORCE SOLUTION The digital marketplace for online ordering, benchmarking, high-turnover intermediate programs and fast supplementary orders. Secure video conference rooms? Sure thing! Regardless of whether its first views or special shows. You decide who sees what and when. BRANCH PORTAL There’s no coordination without planning. Sound database for reliable forecasts. Easy to configure and operate – visual support for your success. We’ll keep your team together! PLANNING SYSTEMS mobimedia.de welcome@mobimedia.de 0049 - 8561 - 96160
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