SPRINGBOARD JOIN THE FIFTH GENERATION - Retail on the Cusp of a New Era - The Consumer Goods Forum

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SPRINGBOARD JOIN THE FIFTH GENERATION - Retail on the Cusp of a New Era - The Consumer Goods Forum
Executive Summary         4 th MARCH 2021

 Retail on the Cusp
 of a New Era

SPRINGBOARD JOIN THE FIFTH GENERATION - Retail on the Cusp of a New Era - The Consumer Goods Forum


 Introduction									3

 Retail 5.0 and the New Battleground for Shoppers				          4

 4 Ways Consumer Brands Can Prepare for Future Trends			       6

 Sizing the Prize: The Delivery Intermediary Opportunity			    9

 Master Alibaba’s Digital Ecosystem to Succeed in China			     12

 About The Consumer Goods Forum						15

 About Edge by Ascential							15
SPRINGBOARD JOIN THE FIFTH GENERATION - Retail on the Cusp of a New Era - The Consumer Goods Forum

     Over the past 25 years, retail           where necessary and understand how
has been on a difficult journey: from a       to optimise their operating models and
physical-only activity to an omnichannel      business and marketing strategies to
pursuit.   The growth of ecommerce            capture the marketplace shopper can win
around the world is well documented and       big in this new era. Those that are slow to
the pandemic has accelerated digital retail   do this will fall behind fast.
as shoppers have shifted their spending            The Consumer Goods Forum and
from experiences and holidays to              Edge by Ascential hosted a virtual
cooking equipment, TVs and trampolines.       SpringBoard event on 4th March 2021 to
By 2025, online sales will account for        discuss the future retail environment and
about 40% of total sales in the consumer      the biggest challenges and opportunities
goods industry and ecommerce will be          for CPGs in the new era of commerce. This
dominated by a handful of major platforms     Executive Summary offers an overview of
and marketplaces, such as Alibaba and         the key themes of the event, with a focus
Amazon.                                       on why CPGs must embrace the might of
     This is the next phase of the retail     the marketplaces and change priorities
revolution - an era categorised by            over the next few years to achieve results
marketplaces mastering personalisation        in Retail 5.0.
at scale and big data being effectively
leveraged. Consumer packaged goods’
(CPGs) brands that are agile, can pivot                    SPRINGBOARD

SPRINGBOARD JOIN THE FIFTH GENERATION - Retail on the Cusp of a New Era - The Consumer Goods Forum

Retail 5.0 and the New
Battleground for Shoppers
                    “By 2025, five marketplace giants will generate                                             Since the beginning of the century
                    two-thirds of global ecommerce sales”                                                 and the early days of the internet,
                    -Edge by Ascential research                                                           retail has had to evolve in line with the
                                                                                                          emerging drivers of industry growth. As
                                                                                                          digital marketplaces gained traction with
                                                                                                          shoppers, consumer packaged goods
                      Global Growth in ad spend on Amazon (non-DSP), Year-on-year % change                companies (CPGs) had to figure out how
                                                                                                          to manage transparency in a digital world.
                                                                                                          They had to work out how to allocate their
                                                                                                          advertising budget effectively, product
Speaker:                                                                                                  innovation and fulfillment strategies for
Deren Baker, CEO,                                                                                         a world of clicks as well as bricks. Then
Edge by Ascential                                                                                         came the fantastic rise of algorithm-driven
                                                                                                          commerce and the development of the
                                                                                                          technologies that we are seeing scaled
                                                                                                          today. The big challenge for CPGs over
                                                                                                          the past decade or so has been speed to
                                                                                                          market. Now, we are heading into a new
                                                                                                          era of retail, what we at Edge by Ascential
                                                                                                          call Retail 5.0.

                      Source: WARC *Excludes demand side platforms

                      Brands must focus on digital retail, where transactions actually happen.
                      Expensively trying to buy a crowd is not a strategy that can succeed in the
                      Retail 5.0 future.

SPRINGBOARD JOIN THE FIFTH GENERATION - Retail on the Cusp of a New Era - The Consumer Goods Forum

 Mastering Personalisation                     advertising to increase shopper loyalty      levers that power each marketplace and      marketplace marketing because that’s
 at Scale                                      and grow new customer markets and            consistently managing these variables       where your customers are already buying
                                               segments. In addition, the death of          at scale, across multiple retailers and     your products. Retail 5.0 is a big shift in
     This new generation of retail is          the cookie means data management             regions.                                    how most brands and manufacturers
characterised by marketplaces mastering        platforms (DMPs) won’t offer brands an                                                   currently operate and could require a new
personalisation at scale and leveraging        alternative personalisation option.               The fundamentals of shopping           organizational structure as well as new
big data to win. For the most well-known                                                    and driving sales have not changed:         business and marketing priorities, but
marketplaces today, commerce is just            Effective Marketplace                       ensure your products are available, easy    doing business like it’s 2010 is simply not
one spoke of an integrated ecosystem            Strategies Will Be Key to                   to find and are compelling enough to        an option in the 2020s and beyond.
with shopper data at the core. Amazon           Future Growth                               drive conversion. In the world of scaled
has a loyalty programme, entertainment                                                      ecommerce, we believe this translates to
services through Prime, cloud computing              Our Retail Insights analysts predict   managing inventory in line with the rules
through Amazon Web Services among              that by 2025, five marketplace giants will   of the marketplace, mastering the search
other service lines that make the shopper      generate two-thirds of global ecommerce      algorithms to rank high in the results
experience “sticky”. In 2020, Amazon           sales. This underscores the urgency of       and using content, rating and reviews
spent almost USD $43 billion on research       CPGs to master a defined set of priority     to improve the shopper experience and
and development.                               e-tailers, tiering them and then targeting   boost conversion.
                                               them methodically. Brands must focus
      We have seen estimates that by           resources on learning the dynamics and        Shift Your Ad Spend
2025, marketplaces could spend as              mechanics of these global marketplaces
much as USD $60 billion on R&D. CPGs           based on category and geographical                Finally, we recommend CPGs move
will simply be unable to compete with the      coverage to drive sales share and            their advertising and marketing spend
capital availability that these marketplaces   optimise revenue in mature markets. This     away from more generic search and social
have at their disposal for innovation and      means really understanding the individual    marketing and allocate it to on-platform

SPRINGBOARD JOIN THE FIFTH GENERATION - Retail on the Cusp of a New Era - The Consumer Goods Forum

4 Ways Consumer Brands Can
Prepare for Future Trends
                                 “Winning on a digital ecosystem is like learning a new               Every year, our Retail Insight analysts
                                 video game… first, learn the rules, then play until you         review what we see as the biggest drivers
                                 figure out how to win”                                          of change that could disrupt business in
                                 - Xian Wang, VP, Retail Insight, Edge by Ascential              the retail industry under five core themes:
                                                                                                 society, technology, economy, industry
                                                                                                 and policy. We call these the STEIP drivers.
                                                                                                 We use the STEIP framework as a lens to
                                                                                                 form a view on how the future will unfold,
                                                                                                 with an emphasis on shopper mindsets
                                                                                                 and behaviours and market trends.
Xian Wang, VP, Retail                                                                                 With this set of assumptions about
Insights, Edge by Ascential                                                                      the future world, we recommend market,
                                                                                                 customer and talent strategies that
                                                                                                 will help forward-thinking businesses
                                                                                                 succeed. Despite the uncertainty of the
                                                                                                 future outlook, CPGs must still make plans.

                                                                                                      Based on our 2021 research, here are 4
                                                                                                 key recommendations for CPGs in 2021.

Of global sales will be made online by 2025
*3 X
By 2025, ecommerce will grow that much faster than store-based channels
Data provided by Edge by Ascential
SPRINGBOARD JOIN THE FIFTH GENERATION - Retail on the Cusp of a New Era - The Consumer Goods Forum

      Engage With All Digital
 1.   Touchpoints
                                               drive innovation. Strong execution through
                                               social media will be key to facilitating
                                                                                                who is maturing and moving into their
                                                                                                prime spending years. Brands that can
                                               discovery, inspiration, conversion and           demonstrate localism, provenance and
     In 2020, retailers embarked on a          loyalty in 2021 and beyond.                      transparency will earn the confidence of
needs-based digital expansion to serve                                                          these coming-of-age green consumers
their stuck-at-home customers during the              Innovate With New Models                  - and using popular social channels in
COVID-19 pandemic. Many have spent              2.    and Digital Touch Points                  innovative ways to drive engagement and
the past 12 months trialling new initiatives          Like Social Commerce                      sales should be seriously considered.
in ecommerce, fulfilment and technology
                                                                                                       Differentiate Through
to better meet consumer needs for                    Social media is an established
convenience and safety. This trend will        influencer in shopper behaviour. The rise               Speed and Convenience
continue with retailers tailoring platforms,   of Tik Tok, Pinterest and Instagram has
pricing and engagement to win over             been quite tremendous over the past few                Speed will become a major differentiator
shoppers in an increasingly omnichannel        years. But one of the things we saw last         this year and beyond. Not only have shopper
society. Brands must leverage all digital      year and we expect to see grow in 2021           expectations increased with respect to
channels and platform tools to connect         is social becoming a sales channel in and        fulfilment requirements, but priorities are
with shoppers, particularly as physical        of itself. This has led to a rise in sponsored   fast-changing too. To compete, brands must
shelf space continues to decline. Support      advertising and purchasing through social        develop the analytics capabilities to predict
your retail partners with online-to-offline    platforms. Livestreaming is booming, first       demand more accurately as well as develop
integration that will build brand loyalty      popularised in Asia but now spreading            more flexible product innovation cycles and
in-store but also, understand you can no       across borders. It started with fashion          supply chains that can keep pace with fast-
longer just rely on these retailers to build   and apparel but now increasingly food is         changing customer requirements. This is a
loyalty for you.                               being featured. Cooking demonstrations           radical change to the go-to-market of five
                                               are gaining traction. This is an emerging        years ago.
    Direct-to-consumer channels are            but potentially significant opportunity to
worth considering, with a laser focus on       connect with the purpose-driven and
constant testing and real shopper insight to   socially responsible Gen-Z shopper,

Case Study:                                   Walmart.com. As more retailers cooperate          Mars Wrigley brands, such as Mars, Galaxy
Dinner brought to you by Kroger               with these intermediaries as a cost-effective     and Bounty within an hour of having a
     By partnering with personalised          way to scale up fulfilment capacity quickly,      craving. The service was piloted in Delhi,
meal planning app Dinner Daily, Kroger        we see them becoming essential points of          Bangalore, Kolkata and Chennai with the
is making life easier for its existing        influence in a shopper’s purchase decision.       understanding that it would be rolled out
customers and attracting the attention of     Brands must start treating intermediaries         across the country in due course.
new shoppers too. Dinner Daily creates        as customers to win visibility on these
weekly meal plans according to member         platforms. They will also have to also work
food preferences, health and dietary          closely with their retailer partners from
requirements. Customers easily select         whom the intermediaries pick and pack from
the items they need on the app which is       to ensure on-shelf availability. If that sounds
integrated with Kroger’s online ordering      like business becoming more complex, that
system, incorporating Kroger special          is certainly the case. Brands should treat
offers so customers can take advantage        the rapidly-growing intermediary segment
of discounts.                                 as a rising channel to customer, developing
                                              tailored product, pricing and promotional
      Treat Intermediaries as
                                              strategies to drive conversion on these
      Customers                               platforms.

     On-demand        delivery   providers,   Case Study:
like Uber Eats, Instacart and Shipt, were     Mars Wrigley and the “Snickers
standout performers in 2020 and we            Store”
anticipate they will be sticking around. In        Confectioner Mars Wrigley launched
the US, grocery sales on these platforms      a dedicated online store on India’s
boomed. Instacart led the way reporting       delivery platform Swiggy in 2020.
USD $12.6 billion of sales in 2020, double    Through the Snickers Store, chocolate
its nearest rival, the grocery platform of    lovers in India can access the popular

Sizing the Prize: The Delivery
Intermediary Opportunity

Doug Koontz, Director, Content Strategy and Analytics, Retail Insight, Edge   A channel sitting between consumers and merchants
by Ascential
Robert Gregory, Research Director - Advisory, Edge by Ascential
Paul Harrison, Chief Operating Officer, Ascential
Jonathan Jagard, Senior Manager, eCommerce Insights, Edge by Ascential

“Our data predicts by 2025 delivery intermediary GMV will more
than triple to more than $980 billion, from $261 billion in 2020”

“The scarcity of publicly available data makes it difficult for CPGs
to quantify the size of the opportunity and so justify the size of the
investment - yet intermediaries cannot be ignored”

  Last-mile delivery is an evolving, complex and growing sub-channel of
  ecommerce. Ascential’s ecommerce experts take stock of a dynamic market.


 What Are Delivery                          significant mergers and acquisitions in the    in 2019 to 14% in 2020 as supermarkets
 Intermediaries?                            sector as leading players made some big        sought distribution partnerships to boost
                                            bets on the potential size of the last-mile    capacity and keep up with demand. In
     Delivery intermediaries are food       delivery market.                               the UK, Aldi, Waitrose and Morrisons
aggregators     or    last-mile  delivery                                                  forged partnerships with Deliveroo. In the
providers. They are platforms that sit            One example was Dutch online food        US, 7-Eleven teamed up with DoorDash,
between the consumer and the merchant.      delivery service Takeaway agreeing to          Postmates and Favor Delivery.
Typically, the way they work involves the   pay USD $7.8 billion for the UK’s Just Eat
consumer placing an order through an        and then as the ink was still drying on that        There have also been interesting
intermediary’s app and then the platform    deal the combined firm offered to buy US       developments        happening       outside
leverages a network of local couriers to    rival Grubhub in a deal worth USD $7.3         the grocery category. Skincare-to-
provide an on-demand delivery service.      billion at the beginning of 2021. These are    cosmetics firm Avon in December 2020
                                            very big sums and send a clear message         announced the launch of an on-demand
     This sector began life working with    - global market dominance is the name of       same-day delivery service courtesy of a
restaurants to deliver food on-demand       the game.                                      partnership with Rappi, which will pilot in
but with the exponential growth in                                                         Brazil. Consumer electronics chain Best
demand for ecommerce in 2020 as a            Rethinking Convenience:                       Buy partnered with Instacart as a cost-
result of the pandemic and lockdowns,        Grocery and Beyond                            effective, more reliable and faster option
some intermediary platforms expanded                                                       of being able to offer its US customers the
their offering, developing partnerships          As the biggest names in the sector        convenience of same-day delivery than
with retailers and supermarkets.            expanded their geographic reach last           the traditional package carriers.
                                            year, some of them also started looking to
     Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) or       new services, categories, and channels to
total revenue in the sector worldwide       sustain growth in a post-pandemic future.
grew by about 64% in 2020, faster           The grocery category was one area of
than ecommerce as a whole. 2020             expansion. Edge by Ascential data shows
also sounded the starting gun on some       that GMV in the category grew from 10%

      Our data predicts that by 2025                 mean for content, assortment and                Intermediaries are an emerging
delivery intermediary GMV will more than             pricing? How does the digital shelf        and complex aspect of ecommerce but
triple to more than $980 billion, from $261          differ from mainstream commerce?           they will quickly become a core part of
billion in 2020. The opportunity cannot                                                         the shopper ecosystem that help create
be ignored, but at the same time, the fast-        • How are our competitors structuring        “stickier” consumer experiences and
changing dynamics of the market - with               and partnering with the sector?            encourage brand and retailer loyalty.
almost constant innovation, entries and
exits - and the scarcity of publicly available       These are challenging questions to
data makes it difficult for CPGs to quantify     answer, especially with limited industry
the size of the opportunity and where -          precedent and a lack of historical data
and so justify the size of the investment.       about this rapidly evolving channel.
                                                 Certainly, the sector is in an experimental
Evolving but Important                           phase, with businesses trialling certain
 Channel                                         approaches that will not always be
     There is also often a degree of
scepticism internally about the channel                In February, we released our most
and its long-term prospects. These are           in-depth dataset of the intermediary
some of the challenges we hear:                  sector - globally and by region - with deep
                                                 analysis and predictions of its trajectory
  • Which would be right for                     over the next five years. It is available
    us and our shoppers?                         to subscribers of Retail Insight, our retail
                                                 intelligence platform that gives our clients
  • Which should we prioritise?                  the knowledge, tools and data to win in
                                                 a fast-moving world of omnichannel retail.
  • What are the characteristics of
    each channel and what does that

Master Alibaba’s Digital
Ecosystem to Succeed in China
                            “What is perhaps less understood is            Alibaba is the world’s largest retailer         But what is perhaps less understood
                            Alibaba’s huge and growing power as a     ahead of Amazon and Walmart. In 2020,          is Alibaba’s huge and growing power as a
                            marketing and advertising company, with   it reported revenue of USD $667 billion        marketing and advertising company, with
                            a data capture and management system      and most of that was generated in China        a data capture and management system
                            at its core”                              through the ecommerce giant’s Tmall            at its core. This capability through Uni-ID
                                                                      and Taobao shopping apps. Alibaba has          allows Alibaba to trace the footprint of
                                                                      for years been investing in these digital      the consumer on its multitude of different
                                                                      ecommerce platforms to meet diverse            channels online and offline and so offer
                                                                      demands from different demographics            the brands that use the marketplace a
                                                                      and drive domestic consumption. In             rich consumer data centre to guide sales
Speaker:                                                              parallel, Alibaba has been growing and         tactics and long-term business strategy.
Amber Chen, CEO, Duo Zhun                                             developing a sophisticated ecosystem.

                                                                           The company has added consumer
881 million                                                           touchpoints in all areas, from entertainment
Alibaba monthly active users (September 2020)                         and cloud computing to payments and
                                                                      social networks. Of China’s almost 1 billion
940 million                                                           internet users, about four fifths regularly
Number of internet users in China - netizens (June 2020)              access an Alibaba channel. That is all
                                                                      quite well known.


 Activating the Brand                     Uni Operation                                  Personalised
 Databank                                  • Provide data dashboard on a                 Recommendations
                                              store-by-store basis, showing store
     Through Uni-ID, Alibaba can help         traffic and conversion data and                The home page of the app will be
brands influence effective business           comparatives with competitors.            customised to each individual shopper
decisions. These are:                                                                   based on search and purchase history.
                                          In addition, the company has four levers to   Compared to Amazon, Taobao has a
Uni Strategy:                             help brands engage with their consumers.      more dynamic interface and is structured
 • Helps brands to understand the         These are:                                    to encourage its shoppers to spend more
    market landscape of their category                                                  time window shopping. This suits Alibaba
    and future trends, consumer            Marketing Events                             shoppers, who tend to be mainly women -
    personas, where they are on their                                                   about two thirds of all users.
    purchase journey and even support          Alibaba has different levels of
    new product launches through the      marketing events. Double 11 - or Singles’      Short Videos
    Tmall Innovation Centre (TMIC).       Day - and Double 12 are examples of
                                          top S-level promotion events. Alibaba               The explosion in popularity of Tik Tok
Uni Communication:                        said that not even 30 seconds into 2020       has seen Alibaba put greater emphasis
 • Identification of consumer media       Double 11, Tmall’s orders set a record of     on short videos. Diversified video content
    preferences and touchpoints,          583,000 transactions per second, 1,457        scattered through the Alibaba ecommerce
    whether they prefer live broadcast,   times that of the first Double 11 in 2009,    platform is successfully turning customer
    real-time bidding advertisements,     and exceeding the highest transactions        traffic into revenue. In fact, 80% of traffic
    reviews or other content and          of 544,000 in 2019. Valentine’s Day,          is currently coming from video and
    then compare campaign-to-             Women’s Day and Chinese Valentine’s           livestreaming.
    campaign ROI for more cost-           Day in August are also key shopping
    effective media execution.            festivals that brands can benefit from.


 Livestreaming                                     Brands looking to grow their
                                              presence and sales in China should
      Livestreaming     ecommerce        is   partner with Alibaba and ensure that
booming in Asia - a trendy, modern take       they are included in emerging initiatives,
on the US shopping TV networks but            such as 3D shopping experiences and
with more charismatic hosts offering          social commerce to encourage product
entertainment as well as an opportunity for   discovery and gain an early-mover
the consumer to get more real-time detail     advantage.
on the benefits of the product in a more
vivid experience. Sometimes, hidden
coupons are also made available in the
broadcast. Li Jiaqi earned the nickname
“the lipstick king” after reportedly
selling 15,000 lipsticks in less than five
minutes. He has been acknowledged
by Time Magazine as being one of
the emerging Top 100 Most Influential
People in recognition of his commercial
achievements through live selling. Live
broadcast currently accounts for about
10% Tmall traffic. Brand executives, even
the CEO, can engage directly with their
market in this way.


The Consumer
Goods Forum
      The Consumer Goods Forum                  About Edge
(“CGF”) is a global, parity-based industry
network that is driven by its members
to encourage the global adoption of
                                                by Ascential
practices and standards that serves the              Edge by Ascential helps global and         to provide brands with a comprehensive
consumer goods industry worldwide.              local brands to win in digital commerce in      solution to optimise online demand,
It brings together the CEOs and senior          a new and complex era of omnichannel            particularly through China’s biggest digital
management of some 400 retailers,               retail. Our unique combination of industry-     marketplaces Alibaba and JD.com.
manufacturers, service providers, and           leading data, analytics, market research
other stakeholders across 70 countries,         and expert consulting solutions inform          For more information,
and it reflects the diversity of the industry   the ecommerce strategies of the world’s         visit www.ascentialedge.com
in geography, size, product category            leading brands. We help our clients to
and format. Its member companies have           optimise their performance and always           Connect with us on:
combined sales of EUR 3.5 trillion and          make the right investment decisions,            LinkedIn @EdgeAscential
directly employ nearly 10 million people,       drive margin growth and achieve the             Or Tweet us on:
with a further 90 million related jobs          necessary edge to grow. More than 400           Twitter: @EdgeAscential
estimated along the value chain. It is          global brands depend upon our weekly,
governed by its Board of Directors, which       daily and real-time data-driven insights.
comprises 58 manufacturer and retailer
CEOs.                                               A subsidiary of Ascential plc, the global
                                                specialist information company, Edge by
For more information, please visit:             Ascential operates in North America, Europe
www.theconsumergoodsforum.com.                  and APAC, where we work with Yimian and
                                                Duo Zhun (DZ), also Ascential companies,

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