SPRING TERM *YEAR THREE* 2021 - Stukeley Meadows

Page created by Doris Lopez
SPRING TERM *YEAR THREE* 2021 - Stukeley Meadows
SPRING TERM *YEAR THREE* 2021 - Stukeley Meadows
Dear Family,

Welcome to the latest workbook! This runs from Wednesday 20th January up until half term. You
should also have a lined Remote Exercise Book that you can use if there are tasks to complete
that need more space.

If you need any help or guidance at any point, please email the year group staff for help. They may
be on duty in school (teaching children of critical workers) so please check Twitter to see who is
on remote duty on which day.

Teachers emails:            msmith@stukeleymeadows.cambs.sch.uk

WARMTH is the main plan for every Stukeley day – please check the class twitter at 8:30am and
12:00 noon each day as these will give you the key information you need.

WORKBOOK - The teacher will direct you to tasks in the workbook each day that need

ASSEMBLY - This will be online each day at 8:45am. Fun for all the family!
READ (WRITE AND QUIZ) – Reading for up to half an hour each day, writing in the log and
quizzing (on A.R.)

MATHS – This will be a daily session of either TTRS for a ten-minute minimum.
TWITTER TASKS – The on-duty teacher will load optional tasks onto twitter for the day.
Please check at 12:00.

HOORAY! – Please ensure the children have a chance to regularly do something they really

OF YOUR CHILD’S WORKBOOK PAGES. We will chase up any families who we have not heard
from for two days in a row…You can also email in at any point with questions or queries around
the day’s learning.

There will be an end-of-the week Zoom session for the whole year group (we will email out details)
and regular phone calls to all families (increasing where there is a need).


If you need anything at all, especially around yours or your child’s welfare or safety, please ring in
or email immediately. The school phone number (staffed from 9am to 3pm) is 01480 398060 and
any queries that cannot be answered by the office team (office@stukeleymeadows.cambs.sch.uk)
or the class teachers should be sent to

SPRING TERM *YEAR THREE* 2021 - Stukeley Meadows
Day 1
      Check Twitter @Stukeley2017 for other resources   Daily Reading (20 – 30 minutes) & write
                                                        a sentence in your Learning Log

Into the Forest by Anthony Browne
               Oak Academy -> Key Stage 2 -> English -> Into the Forest Lesson 1
               The Oak Academy - Into The Forest by Anthony Browne

Create your own mind map (at Stukeley, we call this a schema) in your Remote
Learning book to show the features of fairy tales. Here’s mine… can you tell what
the icons mean?

After reading the story opening, answer these questions about the story so far.
The child had a good night’s sleep. ◊ true ◊ false
Breakfast was strange and quiet.     ◊ true ◊ false

The child’s mother gave them biscuits for Grandma. ◊ true ◊ false
Make a prediction about what might happen next in the story.

       Science - What are the parts and functions of a flower?

                       The Oak Academy - What are the
                       parts and functions of a flower?

Following the online lesson, explain the important function
of the MALE and FEMALE flowering parts. If you can use
a real flower, you will be able follow along and label these
real parts.

SPRING TERM *YEAR THREE* 2021 - Stukeley Meadows
Day 2

      Check Twitter @Stukeley2017 for other resources   Daily Reading (20 – 30 minutes) & write
                                                        a sentence in your Learning Log

      Music - Remember to check                             Do some exercise today?
     Twitter @MusicEdUnplugged will be                      Check out Joe Wicks or
     tweeting out music learning to complete                Cosmic Kids Yoga

Reading with RIC Anthony Browne

      The video will be Tweeted from

Reading with ERIC questions are always
answered as a full sentence. After watching the interview, complete these in your
Remote Learning book.

           terrible (adjective)
           Write a definition to explain what the word terrible means.

                                                                  Continue on next page…
SPRING TERM *YEAR THREE* 2021 - Stukeley Meadows

Vocabulary City – a large town that usually has a cathedral.
      We live in Cambridgeshire. There are 3 cities but only 2 cathedrals.
      There are three main rivers.

Vocabulary Town – a place where people live and work. It is larger than a village.

                                                          Label the cities in Cambridgeshire
                                                          1. __________________
                                                          2. _________________
                                                          3. __________________
                                                          4. Where would you find Huntingdon?

                                                          Label the three main
                                                          rivers in Cambridgeshire
                                                          A. __________________
                                                          B. _________________
                                                          C. __________________
                                                          Are there any places you have visited
                                                          in Cambridgeshire that you can add to
                                                          this map?

                                                               Can you describe any human
                                                          and physical features of our county?



Draw a long, continuous and swirly
line over your page similar to this.

Then use coloured pens or pencils
to spell your words inside each
Have fun!
Words ending in –al
natural occasional    actual   accidental   medical   national   capital   vocal   sensational   personal

SPRING TERM *YEAR THREE* 2021 - Stukeley Meadows
Day 3
      Check Twitter @Stukeley2017 for other resources      Daily Reading (20 – 30 minutes) & write
                                                           a sentence in your Learning Log

       English - Direct Speech

                                                Underline the examples of direct speech in
                                                this text.

                                                    YouTube - The Direct Speech Song

                                                This song is likely to be stored in your
                                                long term memory – it’s that memorable!

                                                Write these sentences with correct

Now: the child in Anthony Browne’s
book is about to walk to Grandma’s
house. Write their reply to Mum, using
inverted commas correctly.

                                                                     Continue on next page…

SPRING TERM *YEAR THREE* 2021 - Stukeley Meadows

Patricia Karst reads The
Invisible String
        Patricia Karst reads The
        Invisible String
        You will need: paper or card,
colouring tools, scissors, string or
We are celebrating families in the next
three weeks of PSHE at home. These
incredible people have helped you with
your remote learning and never, ever
stopped smiling. It’s true!
Read ‘The Invisible String’ and
consider: who are the people in your
family that make you feel safe? Who
helps you in your family when you feel sad; or when you celebrate?
After sharing this story, which has been read by the author, select the important
people who help you and make them! Every family is different and includes different
Attach these figures together with string or elastic.

       French - How are you? in French is Comment ca va?

Write in French the words to show the mood of each person.

SPRING TERM *YEAR THREE* 2021 - Stukeley Meadows
Day 4
      Check Twitter @Stukeley2017 for other resources   Daily Reading (20 – 30 minutes) & write
                                                        a sentence in your Learning Log


Into the Forest by Anthony Browne
Oak Academy -> Key Stage 2 -> English -> Into the Forest Lesson 2

               The Oak Academy - Into The Forest by Anthony Browne

Explain your answer to these questions in a sentence. How do you know? What
proof is there in the text or story.





      D.T . #create

                                   The Design Museum - Create and make at home

The Design Museum in London has some extraordinary creations.

This week you’re going to Build a
Street! Follow the link here: Town
Design - Build a street or look for the
image on Twitter today. Or, design
and create your own street in your
own way. How about applying sliders to make the vehicles really move.
SPRING TERM *YEAR THREE* 2021 - Stukeley Meadows
Day 5
      Check Twitter @Stukeley2017 for other resources    Daily Reading (20 – 30 minutes) & write
                                                         a sentence in your Learning Log

       English - Into the Forest by Anthony Browne
                  Oak Academy -> Key Stage 2 -> English -> Into the Forest Lesson 3
                  The Oak Academy - Into The Forest by Anthony Browne
                  Explore how the story develops and plot these changes during
                  today’s online lesson.

Discuss what happened for the child’s emotions to change. Write a paragraph in
your Remote Learning book to explain these events and consider how the
character felt.

       History - Anglo-Saxon beliefs and Christianity.

        BBC Bitesize - What did the Anglo-Saxons believe?
        After reading about Anglo-Saxon beliefs, can you answer these questions?

1. How were the Anglo-Saxons like the Vikings and the Greeks?
2. Why did they wear lucky charms?
3. Who did the Pope send to Britain in AD597?
4. Who were the three monks who brought Christianity to Britain?
5. Who was Bede and why is he famous?

        Spelling - Choose five of your spelling words and draw a picture for each one.
     treasure measure pleasure enclosure closure leisure exposure pressure composure fissure

SPRING TERM *YEAR THREE* 2021 - Stukeley Meadows
Day 6
      Check Twitter @Stukeley2017 for other resources   Daily Reading (20 – 30 minutes) & write
                                                        a sentence in your Learning Log

       English - Into the Forest by Anthony Browne
                 Oak Academy -> Key Stage 2 -> English -> Into the Forest Lesson 4
                 The Oak Academy - Into The Forest by Anthony Browne
Follow along with the online lesson. Answer these questions fully.

                             1.Why do you think Anthony Browne has chosen to use only
                             one word on this page?

                             2. How does the child’s dad feel
                             about seeing them again?
                             How do you know?

                             3. Why do you think Anthony Browne has used an ellipsis at
                             the end of this sentence?

       Science - What are the parts of a plant’s life cycle?

                      The Oak Academy - What are the parts of a plant's life cycle?

Following the lesson, answer these questions.
Match the variable to the correct definition.

               Circle the ODD one out that is not a basic part of a plant.
                    stem    leaves     sunlight      roots    flower

Day 7
      Check Twitter @Stukeley2017 for other resources   Daily Reading (20 – 30 minutes) & write
                                                        a sentence in your Learning Log

      Music – Remember to check                             Do some exercise today?
     Twitter @MusicEdUnplugged will be                       Check out Joe Wicks or
     tweeting out music learning to complete                 Cosmic Kids Yoga

1) Circle all the words in the sentence below that need to have capital letters.

on Friday afternoon, i walked to grandma’s house in huntingdon

2) Write the word a or an on each line to complete this sentence.
In the basket was ____________ sandwich and ____________

3) What type of word is underlined in this sentence? χ adverb              χ verb χ adjective
Feeling uncertain, I ran fast through the silent forest.

4) Change the adjective easy into an adverb and write in correctly in this sentence.
We _______________________________ completed the puzzle we began on

5) Circle the words that start with a prefix.
Mary disagreed. The decision was unfair, and she was understandably

6) Write a noun phrase that describes a sandwich in detail.
a _________________ , ________________ sandwich with
________________________________________ .
7) Circle all the nouns in this sentence.
Cheerfully, Mrs Nightingale greeted the children in her lesson.

8) Add inverted commas to the sentence to show direct speech
Mr Partridge announced, We’re outside. Whatever the weather!

9) Write the plural of these words:
child _______________________ scarf ________________________
jacket ________________________
                                                                  Continue on next page…

                            Retrieval – zoom in (or out!) to our town’s place in the
                     1.     __ __nti __ __d__n
                     2.     Ca__br__ __ __es__ __ __e
                     3.     E__ __l__ n__
                     4.     Eu__ __ __e
                     5.     ___o__l__

Vocabulary Cathedral – a very large and important church which has a Bishop in
charge of it.
       We live in a flat county which is well known for Cambridge University. But,
       we’re unusual to have a city without a cathedral and a very small city with
       one of the most important cathedrals in our country’s history.
       What facts can you research about our three main cities?


French colours.
Use google translate to
check the meaning of
these colours!
Can you find the colour
words in the word

Day 8
        Check Twitter @Stukeley2017 for other resources      Daily Reading (20 – 30 minutes) & write
                                                             a sentence in your Learning Log

         English - Into the Forest by Anthony Browne

                   Oak Academy -> Key Stage 2 -> English -> Into the Forest Lesson 5
                   The Oak Academy - Into The Forest by Anthony Browne

Investigate and Analyse the Author’s Use of Colour
Anthony Browne is a skilled illustrator and he has thought carefully about his use of
colour in this text. We associate different colours with different things, especially
feelings and emotions. Describe an image in the story where this colour has been
strongly represented.

                                     This strange looking image is all the illustrations from the
                                     story squished together into a timeline!
                                     Why do you think the colours change throughout the

         PSHE - ‘Under the Love Umbrella’ by Davina Bell
Watch the story here:
          YouTube - Under the
          Love Umbrella -
Celebrating love in this big small
ever-changing world

Think about the different
adults and families shown in
this story who offer the love
umbrella. Look at the images
once more, taking time to
consider those you might not
have noticed the first time.

With your family, discuss any worries that you might need a ‘love umbrella’ to
support you through. There’s a super tutorial to create umbrella art here: How to
Draw an Umbrella · Art Projects for Kids
Day 9
       Check Twitter @Stukeley2017 for other resources   Daily Reading (20 – 30 minutes) & write
                                                         a sentence in your Learning Log

Listen to the story, which will be shared on Twitter today.
Then, answer these comprehension questions about the
1. Are the sentences true or false?
      Hannah loved guinea pigs.
      Hannah lived with her mother and father.
      Hannah’s father worked a lot.
      Hannah got a toy gorilla for Christmas.

2. How do you know that Hannah loved gorillas? Tick three.
◊ She read books about gorillas.      ◊ She watched gorillas on television.
◊ She had a gorilla puppet.           ◊ She drew pictures of gorillas.
◊ She read magazines about gorillas.  ◊ She painted pictures of gorillas.

3. Why hadn’t Hannah seen a real gorilla?
4. Something amazing happened. What was it?
5. Why wasn’t Hannah frightened of the gorilla?
6. Do you think the gorilla was real or not real? Explain your answer.

        D.T. #create

        The Design Museum - Create and make at home

This is the external or outside of the
Design Museum. That roof required
precise design!

Be an architect and construct a box
building. Add colour to the trees, cars
and busses to bring it to life. If you
make more than one you can build
your own street! Look out for the page on Twitter or
go ahead and design your own.

Day 10
       Check Twitter @Stukeley2017 for other resources   Daily Reading (20 – 30 minutes) & write
                                                         a sentence in your Learning Log

        English - Character descriptions

Hannah loved gorillas. She read books on gorillas, she watched gorillas on
television and she drew pictures of gorillas. Unfortunately, she had never seen a
real gorilla.

Her father didn’t have time to take her to see one at the zoo. He didn’t have time for
anything. He went to work every day before Hannah went to school, and in the
evening he worked at home.

When Hannah asked him a question, he was too busy to reply.
“Not now. Maybe at the weekend,” he would say. Sadly, at the weekend he was
always too tired. They never did anything together.

The night before her birthday, Hannah went to bed tingling with excitement - she
had asked her father for a gorilla!

In the middle of the night, Hannah woke up and saw a very small parcel at the foot
of the bed. It was a gorilla, but it was just a toy. She threw the gorilla into a corner
angrily and went back to sleep.

Use the Stukeley Six character features to describe Hannah and her father? Do your
best to write an excellent paragraph (six sentences that include adjectives and
expanded noun phrases) for each character. Do not just lazily write a list!
1. What is their name?
2. Where do they live – the setting?
3. What do they look like?
4. What do they wear?
5. What job do they have?
6. What do they like or dislike?
                                                                   Continue on next page…
History - Anglo-Saxon weapons.

          Follow this link and click on the weapon words for extra information.
          DK findout! - Anglo-Saxon weapons

                                Write some interesting sentences about

         French - French animals - What’s that?

                                   Qu’est-ce que c’est?

Can you write the names of the animals under the pictures?
You might need to look them up on google translate.
I’ve done the first one for you.
     1. C’est un canard. (It’s a duck)
When you have written out the nine sentences, see if you can remember the names
by getting a family member to test you.

Day 11
      Check Twitter @Stukeley2017 for other resources    Daily Reading (20 – 30 minutes) & write
                                                         a sentence in your Learning Log

       English - Direct Speech

It’s that song again… “Talking, talking, talking p“ sang the Plum.
YouTube - The Direct Speech Song

Great! Now, re-write this conversation in to your Remote Learning books.

Remember New Speaker starts on a New Line

                                      why are you looking so sad asked the gorilla gently.
                                      my dad is always too busy for me whispered
                                      Hannah. well I’m not too busy for you replied the
                                      gorilla. i’ve always wanted to meet a real gorilla said
                                      Hannah. then I will take you to the zoo exclaimed the
                                      gorilla. do you think my dad would like to come too
                                      wondered Hannah. let’s ask him said the gorilla.

       Science - How Does A Plant Transport Water

                       The Oak Academy - How does a plant transport water?

Following the online lesson, answer these questions.
1. List the three main stages of transpiration?
2. What factors affect the rate of transpiration?
3. Compete the sentence: If a plant does not have enough water, it

Day 12
      Check Twitter @Stukeley2017 for other resources   Daily Reading (20 – 30 minutes) & write
                                                        a sentence in your Learning Log

      Music – Remember to check                              Do some exercise today?
     Twitter @MusicEdUnplugged will be                       Check out Joe Wicks or
     tweeting out music learning to complete                 Cosmic Kids Yoga


Reading with RIC


River N__ __ __ runs through __________________.
River G__ __ __ __ O__ __ __ runs through __________________.
River C__ __ runs through __________________.

Continue on next page…
Vocabulary Rural – countryside areas away from large towns and cities.
Our area’s biggest contributor to everyday life is AGRICULTURE. ¾ of the land in East Anglia
is used for growing crops. Our CLIMATE, landscape, and soils are suited to growing
strawberries, barley, hops, wheat and potatoes. One of our favourite facts is that almost
half of the potatoes produced in the UK are grown in East Anglia.

The Cambridgeshire Coat of Arms has
been added to over many years as our
county has changed. Use this blank
shield to create a Cambridgeshire Coat
of Arms.

        You might like to use Purple
        Mash and any of the paint
projects to design your Coat of Arms.



Draw a long, continuous and swirly
line over your page similar to this.

Then use coloured pens or pencils
to spell your words inside each
Have fun!

Silent letters
island   answer   write   wrapper   knife   knock   thumb   doubt   half   calm

Day 13
       Check Twitter @Stukeley2017 for other resources   Daily Reading (20 – 30 minutes) & write
                                                         a sentence in your Learning Log

        English - Adverbials!

Watch George Explains… Fronted Adverbials: YouTube - George Explains...
Fronted Adverbials
Underline the fronted adverbials
1. Unfortunately, she had never seen a real gorilla.
2. In the evening, Dad was often working at home.
3. When Hannah asked him a question, he was always too busy to reply.
4. Sadly, at the weekend, Dad felt tired.
5. The night before her birthday, Hannah went to bed tingling with excitement.
Can you explain what is different about number 4?

Use this fab picture of the doll seeing the gorilla come to life to write your own
sentences. Make sure your sentences include a fronted adverbial.

        PSHE - ‘I’m Perfectly
Designed’ by Karamo Brown
Lastly, and taking us into weekend,
you get to ‘cook up’ a recipe for the
ingredients that make up a happy
family. Watch Karamo introduce his
book and read it here:

       YouTube - Karamo Brown
       Reads "I Am Perfectly
Why do you think the author repeats
the phrase ‘perfectly designed’ and
explore what he means?
What else needs carefully designing?
Day 14
      Check Twitter @Stukeley2017 for other resources   Daily Reading (20 – 30 minutes) & write
                                                        a sentence in your Learning Log

Retrieve! - Can you retell the main events of Gorilla? Use this template or create
your own.

   Start each sentence with a time adverb to describe when this event happened.

       D.T. #create                What will you design and create this week?

       The Design Museum - Create and make at home
Day 15
      Check Twitter @Stukeley2017 for other resources          Daily Reading (20 – 30 minutes) & write
                                                               a sentence in your Learning Log

         English - Meeting Tale
                                                        Let’s get ready to innovate this meeting
                                                        tale. Hannah met a Gorilla. She really,
                                                        really wanted to visit the zoo to see
                                                        gorillas and this adventure happened!
                                                        If you could meet absolutely anyone and
                                                        have an adventure together, who would
                                                        it be?

                                                        •   Paddington Bear
                                                        •   A dragon
                                                        •   Mr Smith’s dog Vera
                                                        •   Danger Mouse

Today’s learning is to choose a character who you will have an adventure with.
Describe, in detail, why you have chosen them. What makes them a good


         Watch this video and see if you can answer the 5 questions.
         BBC Bitesize - What was the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle?

1. What were the Anglo- Saxon Chronicles?
2. What things did they write about?
3. What event happened in AD 1005?
4. Write a diary entry for the beginning of you 2021 year. What would you write

Day 16
      Check Twitter @Stukeley2017 for other resources   Daily Reading (20 – 30 minutes) & write
                                                        a sentence in your Learning Log

       English - Box Up

                                                           Boxing Up is a phrase that is
                                                           familiar to you since you
                                                           started at Stukeley Meadows
                                                           school. You have been using
                                                           your own ideas since Year 1. In
                                                           Foundation, you may have
                                                           done this with your teachers.

                                                           Take the character you chose
                                                           yesterday and complete this
                                                           Boxing Up grid to plan your
                                                           own Meeting Tale.

                                                           You should not use Mr Smith
                                                           or puppies!

       Science - How Do Plants Adapt to Different Environments
                       The Oak Academy - How do plants adapt to different

Following the lesson, answer these questions.

1. Write the two ways that plants adapt to survive in hot conditions.
2. Define the word 'adapt'.
3. Explain how plants adapt over time to their environments to help them survive.
Day 17
         Check Twitter @Stukeley2017 for other resources    Daily Reading (20 – 30 minutes) & write
                                                            a sentence in your Learning Log

         Music – Remember to check                               Do some exercise today?
Twitter @MusicEdUnplugged will be Check out Joe Wicks or
tweeting out music learning to complete         Cosmic Kids Yoga

          English - Imitate
                                        Hannah loved gorillas. She read books on gorillas,
                                        she watched gorillas on television, and she drew
                                        pictures of gorillas. Unfortunately, she had never
                                        seen a real gorilla.

                                        This is the beginning of the story, Gorilla. Your story
                                        can imitate this and begin in the same way. Over the
                                        next TWO days you will be producing your very best
                                        piece of work during lockdown. Ever.
     •   Writing from the left-side red margin
     •   Very best cursive Stukeley Script
     •   Capital letters start sentences
     •   Capital letters for proper nouns (names)
     •   Exciting extended noun phrases
     •   Adverbs to describe how a verb happened
     •   Direct speech punctuated with inverted commas.
     •   New Speaker in direct speech begins talking on a new line
     •   Fronted adverbials to describe where, when and how
     •   Paragraphs
     •   Purple polishing pen to edit and improve your writing


These Geography vocabularies have been defined every day. How have you been
storing their meanings in your Long-Term Memory?
agriculture ____________________________________________________
cathedral _____________________________________________________
city __________________________________________________________
climate _______________________________________________________
rural _________________________________________________________
town _________________________________________________________
Day 18
      Check Twitter @Stukeley2017 for other resources   Daily Reading (20 – 30 minutes) & write
                                                        a sentence in your Learning Log

       English - Edit

Finish your story. Are you happy with it?

                                  Have you made any changes?

                                  Now, publish your story like a picture book, complete
                                  with illustrations.

You are incredible, Year 3. Let’s celebrate you!

Choose a mindfulness activity for today’s learning.
◊ plant seeds ◊ colouring ◊ yoga         ◊ go for a walk          ◊ blow bubbles
◊ painting ◊ sing out loud ◊ dance …it’s up to you!

You can also read