Spring Season 2019 - Burnley Youth Theatre

Page created by Marie Powell
Spring Season 2019 - Burnley Youth Theatre
Spring Season 2019

               April 2019
Spring Season 2019 - Burnley Youth Theatre

About Us                                                                                           Contact Us

We are an arts organisation for                                                                    We’re open for enquiries,
children, young people and families.                                                               workshop bookings and ticket
All of our work aims to develop                                                                    sales 10am – 4pm from Monday
creativity, build confidence and                                                                   – Thursday (all year round) and
give local people key life skills.                                                                 10am – 1pm Saturdays (during the
                                                                                                   workshop season only) contact:
Children, young people and families
can get involved in our varied                                                                     01282 427767
workshops, as audience members                                                                     www.burnleyyouththeatre.org
for our exciting touring theatre
programme and as volunteers.                                                                       info@burnleyyouththeatre.org
                                                                                                   Burnley Youth Theatre,
We look forward to welcoming                                                                       Queens Park Road,
you to Burnley Youth Theatre!                                                                      Burnley, BB10 3LB

Visit Us

                                                                                                   ∞∞ Free parking and disabled parking

                Nelson & Colne
                                                                        ria R

                                                 We                                                ∞∞ Full access for wheelchair users

              J11                               Here                                               ∞∞ Accessible and gender neutral toilet
                                    e Rd

                                                                en V

                                                                                                   ∞∞ Baby changing facilities

                                                rod                                                ∞∞ Breastfeeding friendly

                                             me                                     Fire Station

                                                                                                   ∞∞ A range of accessible programming

                                                                             Burnley FC
                                                                                                   ∞∞ Healthy refreshments and
                                                                                                      hot drinks available
      Tr              Bus Station
          alg                                                         Harry Potts Way
                St                                                                                 If you/a member of your party has any

                                                                                                   specific access requirements, feel free
               d.                                                                                  to get in touch so we can provide you
                                                                          den Rd

         es                                                                                        with the best possible experience.
       ch             Bacup & Todmorden


Spring Season 2019 - Burnley Youth Theatre
Creative Play

Creative Families                         Little Imaginations
ages 0-4 and their parents/carers         ages 2-4

This family workshop uses arts, crafts,   Children will use music, storytelling,
storytelling, music and creative          role-play and craft to learn and
play to unlock the imaginations of        have fun. These independent
little ones and encourage parents         sessions are a great way to give
and carers to get creative with their     children a head start by building
families. £3.50 drop in session.          confidence in their early years.
Tuesday        11am - 12pm                Tuesday        1:30pm - 2:30pm

Mini Theatre Makers
ages 4-6

This session uses storytelling,
interaction and imaginative play as
the perfect introduction to drama.
Children will develop skills to create
theatre using props, costume and
most importantly - their imaginations!
Tuesday        5pm - 6pm
Saturday       10am - 11am

                                Booking is open
                                now, see page 10
                                for more details

Spring Season 2019 - Burnley Youth Theatre

Drama Discoverers                        Drama Explorers
ages 6-8                                 ages 8-11

Children will use games, role-play       Children will learn drama and
and storytelling to learn the basics     performance skills using an
of performance, channel their            imaginative approach, all whilst
creativity and boost their confidence.   building confidence and having fun.
Tuesday       4pm - 5pm                  Tuesday       6:30pm - 7:30pm
Saturday      11am - 12pm                Wednesday     5pm - 6pm
                                         Saturday      12pm - 1pm

Drama Creatives                          Young Actors
ages 11-14                               ages 14-18 (up to 25 for LDD)

Young people will develop their own      From developing characters to
style and use various techniques         experimenting with different styles of
to create theatre. They will grow        theatre, participants will develop the
in confidence and develop skills in      skills to become confident performers
character, voice and movement.           with a deeper understanding of script
                                         work, devising and improvisation.
Wednesday     6pm - 7:30pm
Thursday      7pm - 8:30pm               Thursday      7:30pm - 9:30pm

                                Sessions begin
                                  the week
                                beginning 7th
                                January 2019

Spring Season 2019 - Burnley Youth Theatre

Dance Discoverers                         Dance Explorers
ages 6-8                                  ages 8-11

Taking their first steps into dance,      Children who love to dance will
participants will gain confidence and     work with a choreographer to try
develop skills in various dance styles.   out different styles including street,
Working with a choreographer they         modern and classical, and will work
will create a medley of routines to       to create a unique performance for
perform at the showcase event.            the end of season showcase event.
Thursday       4pm - 5pm                  Thursday       5pm - 6pm

Dance Creatives
ages 11-18 (up to 25 for LDD)

Young people who love to dance and
want to learn new styles will work
with a choreographer to create edgy
original routines. They will explore
contemporary, street dance and
hip-hop to create their own work.
Thursday       6pm - 7pm

                                Booking is open
                                now, see page 10
                                for more details

Spring Season 2019 - Burnley Youth Theatre
Musical Theatre

Musical Discoverers                     Musical Explorers
ages 6-8                                ages 8-11

Children will discover their singing    Children will develop their singing
voices performing pieces from           voices, learn new songs and expand
popular musicals. They will build       their knowledge of the world of
confidence as a performer and have      musical theatre. They will build their
lots of fun in rehearsing a piece to    confidence to perform a piece at
perform at the showcase event.          the end of season showcase event.
Thursday      5pm - 6pm                 Thursday       4pm - 5pm

Musical Creatives
ages 11-18 (up to 25 for LDD)

Young people will perform as a
complete chorus, creating close
harmonies and complex chords.
Singing songs from the world’s most
loved musicals, they will show off
their new skills at a showcase event.
Thursday      6pm - 7pm

                                Sessions begin
                                  the week
                                beginning 7th
                                January 2019

Spring Season 2019 - Burnley Youth Theatre
Disability Workshops

Connect Explorers                          Connect Creatives
ages 6-11                                  ages 11-18 (up to 25 for LDD)

Children with disabilities or learning     Young people with disabilities or
difficulties will explore stories using    learning difficulties will use drama,
drama, voice, movement and music.          movement and music to develop
Fully supported session. Parents/          skills and confidence. Fully supported
carers can meet us before to discuss       session. Parents/carers can meet us
individual needs. Siblings welcome.        before to discuss individual needs.
Wednesday       5pm - 6pm                  Wednesday     7:30pm - 8:30pm

Adult Connect
ages 18+

This is a great session for adults
with disabilities or learning
difficulties to explore the world
of theatre, bring their ideas to life
and create new work. Carers are
welcome to attend the session.
Wednesday       1:30pm - 3pm

                                  Booking is open
                                  now, see page 10
                                  for more details

Spring Season 2019 - Burnley Youth Theatre
Specialist Workshops

After The Rain                           Pieces Of Me
ages 11-18 (up to 25 for LDD)            ages 11-18 (up to 25 for LDD)

This drama group explores themes         Begin the conversation about mental
and issues facing lesbian, gay,          health, exploring themes through
bisexual, trans and questioning          spoken word, physical theatre and
(LGBTQ+) young people. It is open        self-expression. With a quarter of
to anybody who believes in equality      under 18s dealing with mental health
and wants to bring about change.         issues, why aren’t we talking about it?
Tuesday       6pm - 7:30pm               Wednesday      6pm - 7:30pm

ages 11-18 (up to 25 for LDD)

This theatre group explores political
and social issues such as poverty,
immigration and international
conflict. The group create films and
productions and attend national
and international exchanges.
Tuesday       4:30pm - 6pm

                                 Sessions begin
                                   the week
                                 beginning 7th
                                 January 2019

Spring Season 2019 - Burnley Youth Theatre
Arts Award                                 Arts Award
Discover & Explore (ages 6-11)             Bronze, Silver & Gold (ages 11+)

Arts Award is a nationally recognised      All interests, abilities and art forms
qualification. Children will take          will be supported to achieve a
part in art activities and create a        higher level Arts Award qualification,
portfolio of their achievements.           with the Gold award recognised
This session is free, with an              by UCAS. The session is free, with
accreditation cost of £30 per award.       accreditation cost of £40 per award.
Thursday       4pm - 5pm                   Thursday       5pm - 6pm

Friends Of BYT
for parents/carers and families

Established by the community, this
is a supportive space where people
come together, share experiences,
participate in fun activities and build
friendships. Parents/carers can
attend with or without children.
Tuesday        1pm - 2:30pm

                                  Booking is open
                                  now, see page 10
                                  for more details

Spring Season 2019 - Burnley Youth Theatre

The Wishing Tree                           The Butterfly Effect
ages 6-11                                  ages 11-18 (up to 25 for LDD)

Have you ever wanted a wish to come        Do you believe in the butterfly
true? Standing alone in the wilderness     effect? Could the mere flapping of a
is an ancient oak tree with magical        butterfly’s wings really cause a tidal
branches, mysterious leaves and the        wave? When one small action, a
ability to grant wishes. But as the        moment in time, changes the course
wishes flow and its branches grow,         of the world forever, it has serious
wishes begin to spiral out of control...   consequences for everyone involved.
Be careful what you wish for!
                                           Audition to be part of the cast
Audition to be part of the cast to         that explores the unexpected
bring the magical tale of The Wishing      in The Butterfly Effect.
Tree to life.

Auditions for ages 6-11                    Auditions for ages 11 - 18
                                           (up to 25 for LDD)
Tuesday 15th January 2019
                                           Wednesday 16th January 2019
                                           7:30pm - 9:30pm

Performance                                Performance
Saturday 30th March 2019                   Saturday 6th April 2019 at 7:30pm
at 2:30pm and 7:30pm

                                   Auditions -

How To Book

Workshop Booking                           Multiple Activities

To book onto your preferred                    1 Workshop      £35 per child
workshop give us a call or
visit us. Please see page 1
                                               2 Workshops     £55 per child
for our opening hours.

01282 427767                                   3+ Workshops    £75 per child
Burnley Youth Theatre,
Queens Park Road,
                                               Production      £35 per child
Burnley, BB10 3LB

Each workshop costs £35 at the start
of each season of 10 sessions, which
is to be paid as a donation. Discounts
are available for multiple activities      Family Discount
and multiple siblings (see the chart).
Donations must be paid at the time of            2 Siblings         15% off
booking in person or by phone and
can be paid by cash, cheque or card.
                                                 3 Siblings         30% off
If you feel unable to donate
upfront you will be able to join
our Monthly Payment Scheme,                      4+ Siblings        50% off
just ask when booking.

We have an inclusive open door
policy and want to welcome all
children, young people and families
to attend, regardless of their financial
situation. We can support a small
number or participants to receive
financial support to attend. To request
a Financial Support Grant form, email
You will be able to book onto a
workshop once your Financial
Support Grant has been confirmed.

What’s On

                            ABBA Tribute Night
                            A BYT Rep Company Fundraiser

                            Friday 22nd February 2019 at 7:30pm till 11:30pm
                            Put your dancing shoes on for a fabulous evening
                            of entertainment with the International Award
                            Winning tribute ‘ABBA GLAMMA’ as they perform
                            all of ABBA’s greatest hits. An evening for all the
                            family so join us as we say ‘Thankyou for the Music’.
∞∞Live music event          Ticket price includes live music,
∞∞Bar and snacks            disco, pie and peas or pizza.
∞∞Hot Food                  All tickets £15

                            Stripey Honey is Very
                            By Mashi Theatre

                            Wednesday 6th March 2019 at 4:30pm
                            Stripey Honey … is very yummy! is a touching
                            and funny story of how tigers, bees and honey
                            collectors learn to live and play together.
                            Featuring new music, dance and puppetry,
∞∞Ages 5+                   Mashi’s playful and colourful style takes you
∞∞Family Friendly           on an adventure to the Indian jungle, where
∞∞Free arts activities      tigers and honey bees struggle for survival.
∞∞Co-programmed             All tickets £4
  with Spot On              This event will take place at Burnley Central Library

11              To book call 01282 427767 or visit www.burnleyyouththeatre.org
Band Night
                         A BYT Youth Board Fundraiser

                         Friday 22nd March 2019 at 7:30pm (doors 7pm)
                         Join us for a fantastic evening of live music
                         from Lancashire’s best up and coming bands
                         and emerging musicians. If you are interested
                         in performing at the Band Night, please contact
                         for information on how to apply
∞∞Ages 11+               All tickets £5 (£6 on the door)
∞∞Local bands
∞∞Live music event

                         The Wishing Tree
                         A Burnley Youth Theatre Production

                         Saturday 30th March 2019 at 2:30pm and 7:30pm

                         Have you ever wanted a wish to come true?
                         Standing alone in the wilderness is an ancient oak
                         tree with magical branches, mysterious leaves
                         and ability to grant wishes. But as the wishes flow
                         and its branches grow, wishes begin to spiral
∞∞For all ages           out of control...Be careful what you wish for!
∞∞Discounts for groups   Adults £8              (£10 on the door)
∞∞Family Friendly        Concessions £6         (£8 on the door)
∞∞Devised Theatre        BYT Members £4         (£6 on the door)

  Visiting Productions   In House Productions       Special Events             12
What’s On

                         The Butterfly Effect
                         A Burnley Youth Theatre Production

                         Saturday 6th April 2019 at 7:30pm

                         Do you believe in the butterfly effect? Could the
                         mere flapping of a butterfly’s wings really cause a
                         tidal wave? When one small action, a moment in
                         time, changes the course of the world forever, it has
                         serious consequences for everyone involved. Expect
∞∞Devised Theatre        the unexpected on a journey into The Butterfly Effect.
∞∞Discounts for groups
                         Adults £8             (£10 on the door)
                         Concessions £6        (£8 on the door)
                         BYT Members £4        (£6 on the door)

                         Coming Soon...
                         Curry Night
                         A BYT Rep Company Fundraiser

                         Tuesday 28th May at 7pm 2019
                         BYT Rep Company’s Curry Night is back! Join
                         us for a night of delicious curry and fantastic
                         fun with a raffle, stand up bingo and more!
∞∞Families welcome       Tickets are just £15 and the money raised will
                         help the BYT Rep Company to perform at the
∞∞Fundraiser             Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August 2019.
∞∞Fun evening            All tickets £15
∞∞Raffles and Bingo

13           To book call 01282 427767 or visit www.burnleyyouththeatre.org
Coming Soon...
                           Ian McKellen on Stage
                           with Tolkien, Shakespeare,
                           Others and You!
                           Presented by Ambassador Theatre Group

                           Thursday 23rd May 2019
∞∞VIP Tickets - includes   2pm at Burnley Youth Theatre - SOLD OUT
  drinks reception with    7:30pm at Burnley Mechanics - SOLD OUT
  Sir Ian after the show
                           A message from Ian McKellen:
∞∞Limited Concessions
                           I’m celebrating my 80th birthday by touring
                           a new solo show to theatres I know well
∞∞Fundraiser for           and a few that I don’t. The show starts
  Burnley Youth            with Gandalf and will probably end with an
  Theatre                  invitation to act with me on stage. In-between
∞∞Look out for more        there will be anecdotes and acting.
  tickets being released
  as lottery or raffle     Live theatre has always been thrilling to me, as
  prizes.                  an actor and in the audience. Growing up in
                           Lancashire, I was grateful to those companies who
                           toured beyond London and I’ve always enjoyed
                           repaying that debt by touring up and down
                           the country myself, with the RSC, the National
                           Theatre, Prospect Theatre, the Actors’ Company,
                           as well as with commercial productions.

                           I was born in Burnley 80 years ago, though we
                           moved to Wigan when I was two months old.
                           This is my first performance in my hometown,
                           in support of Burnley Youth Theatre’s work
                           with young people, encouraging their interest
                           in live theatre. See you there, I hope!

  Visiting Productions     In House Productions      Special Events         14
Creative Education
Burnley Youth Theatre’s Creative          Teacher Training (CPD) Workshops
Education Programme offers a              Our CPD programme for schools
fresh and innovative approach to          offers fun, dynamic and creative
learning for schools, nurseries and       training workshops for teachers in
colleges. We offer bespoke packages       order to develop confidence and
that support learning through:            ability to utilise creativity in the
                                          classroom. All our workshops and
Creative Curriculum workshops             packages are tailor made and bespoke
                                          in order to support your school.
Designed to support the topics
covered in your school curriculum.        Arts Award and Arts Mark
By using drama we can bring any
subject to life and spark pupils          We are an Arts Award Centre
imaginations.                             that offers a range of activities to
                                          support pupils to gain a nationally
After School and Lunchtime Club           recognised qualification, which
                                          can be delivered through any part
Our youth theatre workshops at your       of our Creative Education offer.
school! Pupils will take part in a fun    As an Artsmark supporter
engaging drama workshop weekly.           organisation we can also support
                                          schools along their Artsmark journey.
Theatre Tours and Theatre Hire            For more information contact
Our 158 seat theatre space is available   Laura Simpson, Education
for your school to use for school         and Youth Theatre Manager at
productions, workshops, teacher           laura.simpson@
training or presentation evenings.        burnleyyouththeatre.org
We also provide theatre tours.

                                For more details
                                on our Creative
                                Education offer
                                visit our website

Community and Outreach
Our Projects                            experiences, skills and learning. All of
Burnley Youth Theatre has a strong      our work is person centred and led by
track record of using the arts to       the communities we work with. Our
engage communities. We deliver          exciting outreach projects engage
creative projects with children,        people through using many art forms
young people and families, reaching     including drama, dance, music, film
many diverse and disadvantaged          and visual arts and we explore issues
communities within East Lancashire.     relevant to local people, in order
We have recently delivered              to build confidence, self-esteem
projects that tackle racism and         and key transferable life skills.
hate crime, LGBTQ+ issues, CSE,
                                        Work with us
well-being and mental health. We
are currently delivering projects       We believe that skills, confidence
in pupil referral units (with pupils    and mental health can be positively
and parents), in community centres      promoted by our creative approach
and homeless shelters, and with         and we aim to authentically
a diverse range of ethnicities and      understand our community and strive
marginalised communities.               to support people to access our vast
                                        programme of creative activities and
Our Approach                            theatre productions. If you have
Our approach focusses on building       a group that you would like our
sustainable relationships, breaking     outreach team to work with or would
down stereotypes, reducing isolation,   like any further information regarding
improving well-being and creating       our current outreach projects
safe spaces where the community         please contact our Artistic Producer
can come together to share stories,     Louise Harney at louise.harney@

                                  For more
                               details on our
                              Community and
                               Outreach work
                              visit our website

Support Us

Become a Benefactor                      Corporate Support

As a charity we have to raise funds      We would like to invite local
each year to keep our programme          businesses to become supporters
accessible to all, so becoming           of our work. As a charity, we need
a benefactor is a great way to           to raise over £250,000 each year
support us. You will receive a           to continue to deliver our work.
host of exclusive benefits for just      Your support will help us reach as
£40 a year or £3.50 a month.             many young people as possible.

BYT 100 Club                             Hire Our Space

We are seeking 100 Lancashire-based      Our venue includes a 158 seat theatre
businesses to donate £100 for a 12       and a range of multi-purpose rooms.
month membership. Join now for           We can provide WiFi, projectors
a fantastic way for your business        and catering, making us the
to get recognised for supporting a       perfect place for corporate events,
local charity that helps thousands       performances or private parties.
of young people ever year.               For further information visit:


                               For more details
                                 on individual
                                 or corporate
                               support visit our

Youth Volunteers                         Adult Volunteers

You can get involved as a Creative       Want to give something back?
Volunteer, as part of your Arts Award,   Join our Make It Happen
or Duke of Edinburgh Award. If you       volunteers! Opportunities range
are aged 11-25, you can volunteer        from working front of house,
as a workshop assistant, in our          chaperoning children backstage,
technical team, fundraising, front of    lending a hand with maintenance
house, marketing or digital media.       and basic admin support.

Board & Youth Board                      Fundraising

Our Board of Trustees govern the         The Big BYT Challenge will involve
organisation. We are currently seeking   a variety of sponsored events. If you
people with expertise in business        are planning an exciting challenge,
and law. We encourage applications       we would love you to choose us
from diverse communities.                as the charity you fundraise for.

The Youth Board represents               Contact us to get involved:
participants and helps us to make
decisions and run exciting events.       info@burnleyyouththeatre.org

                               Get in touch for
                               more information
                                on how you can
                                  support us

Funded By                            In Partnership With

Andrew Lloyd Webber
Edward Stocks Massey Bequest Fund

Eric and Margaret Kinder Trust

Youth Social Action Fund


      01282 427767                      @BurnleyYT

      info@burnleyyouththeatre.org      @burnleyyouththeatre

      www.burnleyyouththeatre.org       Burnley Youth Theatre,
                                        Queens Park Road,
      Burnley Youth Theatre             Burnley, BB10 3LB

Charity Number 1054763
Company Registration 03178207
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