Spring Egg Scramble Saturday, April 16 Walnut Grove Park - Winter/Spring 2022 | RECREATION GUIDE - City of San Marcos

Page created by Earl Marshall
Spring Egg Scramble Saturday, April 16 Walnut Grove Park - Winter/Spring 2022 | RECREATION GUIDE - City of San Marcos
Winter/Spring 2022   | RECREATION GUIDE

 Spring Egg
Saturday, April 16
Walnut Grove Park
   See page 11
Spring Egg Scramble Saturday, April 16 Walnut Grove Park - Winter/Spring 2022 | RECREATION GUIDE - City of San Marcos
San Marcos                                                       A Message from the
                                                                      Parks & Recreation Director:
Parks & Recreation                                                           Buck Martin
                                                              On behalf of all of the staff
The San Marcos Parks & Recreation Department is               in our Parks and Recreation
committed to providing parks, trails, facilities and          Department, I welcome you
programs that enrich the quality of life in our City.         to participate in our winter
                                                              recreational opportunities!
¡Hablamos Español!
Para más informaciÓn sobre los programas y actividades        As fall rolls into winter, it
de esta GuÍa de RecreaciÓn, llame al (760) 744-9000 x. 3500   starts to bring those crisp,
o siéntase libre de pasar al Centro de la Comunidad, 3        frosty mornings and earlier
Civic Center Drive.                                           evenings. You might be
                                                              tempted to hang up your
Table of Contents                                             exercise gear and just
Message from the Director                      2              hibernate. DON’T DO THAT!
Events at a Glance                             3              There are so many ways to stay active year-round.
Events                                         4              Try family bike rides or walks on our 70 plus miles
Parent & Child                                 12             of trails. We also offer staff-led hikes the first
Workshops & Clinics                            14             Saturday of the month. Our aquatic center at Las
                                                              Posas is open year round. We also have our adult
Dance                                          16
                                                              athletic leagues which include soccer, basketball,
Fitness/Sports                                 19             and softball.
Specialty                                      25             Please be aware we are still in a pandemic and are
Aquatics                                       26             following County of San Diego guidelines so we
Adventure Day Camps                            28             may have to adjust programming from time to time.
Raggedy Ann & Andy Preschool                   29             However, we anticipate many positive changes in
                                                              the next few months and will keep you informed
Adult Sports Leagues                           30
                                                              through our social media platforms of any changes
Youth Sports Directory                         31             to our programming.
Adults 50+                                     32
                                                              I thank you in advance for your continued support
Facility Rentals, Parks & Trails Map           38             of San Marcos Parks and Recreation. If there is
                                                              something you would like to see in recreation
                                                              programming, we want to hear from you. You can
                                                              reach us at ParksandRec@san-marcos.net. You
                                                              can also support our parks and programs through
                                                              the Friends of San Marcos Parks and Recreation
                                                              Foundation, a non-profit organization. To make
                                                              your donation go to www.friendsofsanmarcos.org.
                                                              Take care, be safe and remember to recreate,
                                                              hydrate and wear your sunscreen!

                                                              Buck Martin

        2|   City of San Marcos Recreation Guide | Winter/Spring 2022
Spring Egg Scramble Saturday, April 16 Walnut Grove Park - Winter/Spring 2022 | RECREATION GUIDE - City of San Marcos
JANUARY                           FEBRUARY                              MARCH
8    San Marcos Hike              1     Chinese New Year @SAC            5     San Marcos Hike
12   Family Night Pick-Up         5     San Marcos Hike                  9     Spring Craft Fair @SAC
16   Star Walk XV                 9     Family Night Pick-Up             13    Star Walk XVI
19   Pop-Up Rec                   16    Pop-Up Rec                       16    Family Night Pick-Up
28   Movie Matinee @SAC           25    Movie Matinee @SAC               23    Pop-Up Rec
                                  25    Mardi Gras @SAC                  18    Mix & Mingle @SAC
                                                                         25    Movie Matinee @SAC

APRIL                                                                   San Marcos
2 San Marcos Hike                                                       Community Center
                                       Families      Youth
13 Family Night Pick-Up                                                 3 Civic Center Drive
16 Spring Egg Scramble &                                                (760) 744-9000
   Bunny Breakfast                                                      Office Hours: Monday - Thursday |
                                                                        8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and alternating
20 Pop-Up Rec                          Teens         Adults             Fridays 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
22 Movie Matinee @SAC           For more information about Parks        Holiday Closures: Jan. 1, Jan. 17,
23 Parking Lot Sale @SAC        & Recreation special events, visit      Feb. 21.

                Instructors Needed
                    San Marcos Parks & Recreation is currently seeking contractual
                  instructors. If you have a special talent or skill that you would like
               to share, visit us at www.san-marcos.net/classes for more information.
Spring Egg Scramble Saturday, April 16 Walnut Grove Park - Winter/Spring 2022 | RECREATION GUIDE - City of San Marcos
Craft Pick-up | San Marcos Community Center
             Wednesdays | 3:30-4:30 p.m. | $5 per activity

Family Night activities bring families together while participating in arts &
crafts and assorted projects. Crafts/activities are intended for children ages
three to ten. Each $5 kit contains one craft or activity. If multiple children
would like to participate, parents must pre-register each child individually
online at www.san-marcos.net/register.

                           Snowy Owls | January 12

                  Valentine’s Day Bookmark | February 9

                         Leprechaun Trap | March 16

                           Peeps Necklace | April 13

4|   City of San Marcos Recreation Guide | Winter/Spring 2022
Spring Egg Scramble Saturday, April 16 Walnut Grove Park - Winter/Spring 2022 | RECREATION GUIDE - City of San Marcos
January 19 | Winter Jars @ Mulberry Park | 3:00 p.m.
Capture the magic of Winter by creating a Winter jar. We’ll be painting jars, adding
snowflakes, glitter, and other festive decorations. Please wear clothes that could
possibly get messy.

February 16 | Heart Sun-Catcher @ Discovery Lake | 3:00 p.m.
Let’s watch the light dance and sparkle through a beautiful paper heart. Come have
fun with us as we create fun heart shaped sun-catchers.

March 23 | Hula Hoops @ Hollandia Park | 3:00 p.m.
Reconnect with your inner child, soak up some sun, and enjoy an hour of laughing,
dancing, hula hooping at the park.

April 20 | Building a Parachute @ San Elijo Lower Park | 3:00 p.m.
Can pigs really fly? Use your skills to design and create your very own parachute. Once
the parachute is built we will add a tiny toy pig to see if it really can fly.

         We’ll provide the supplies and you bring the creativity. Free activities
             are available while supplies last. No registration neccessary.

                                                 PARKS & RECREATION | (760) 744-9000   |5
Spring Egg Scramble Saturday, April 16 Walnut Grove Park - Winter/Spring 2022 | RECREATION GUIDE - City of San Marcos
                 Saturdays | 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (Sign-in at 8:30 a.m.)
           Watershed Hike Series | Each hike in this series affords the visitor the
           opportunity to expand their awareness of the unique and ecologically diverse
           environments that connect San Marcos to our neighbors including views of
           lakes, rivers and creeks.

           January 8 (second Saturday) | Santa Fe Valley Trail
           Moderate: This short but challenging 4.5-mile hike will explore the Santa
           Fe Valley Trail, itself a segment of the classic Coast to Crest Trail, as it winds
           southwest through The Crosby Open Space Preserve. Hikers will be treated
           to peek-a-boo views of the San Dieguito River. There will be some steep
           switchbacks with a total elevation gain of 535’.
           Meeting Location: SDRP Parking Lot. From Del Dios Highway west of I-15, turn
           south at The Paradise Produce Market (formerly “The Lemon Twist Stand”)
           8175 Del Dios Hywy, Rancho Santa Fe, 92067. Proceed to park at the Trailhead.
           33 02.384 N 117 09.413 W

           February 5 | Mule Hill Historical Trail
           Easy: Start out from the Sikes Adobe Historic Farmstead to enjoy a scenic 6.4-
           mile hike on the Mule Hill Historical Trail towards Raptor Ridge. There is little
           to no elevation gain.
           Meeting location: SDRP Parking Lot, 12655 Sunset Dr., Escondido 92025
           (south of Via Rancho Parkway past The Hodges Golf Learning Center)
           33 03.986 N 117 04.095 W

           March 5 | Lake Hodges North Shore to Felicita Creek
           Easy to Moderate: We’ll take a 7-mile walk east along the North Shore of Lake
           Hodges until we reach the crossing of Felicita Creek. We’ll also explore the
           Lake Hodges Boat Ramp. There will be 425 feet of elevation gain.
           Meeting Location: SDRP Parking Lot, Lake Dr. at Beech Ln. Escondido 92029
           33 07.8004 N 117 11.6110 W

           Peaks Hike Series | Spectacular 360-degree vistas await hikers who
           successfully summit these highest peaks in the San Marcos area. The rewards
           that await you are worth the effort you will put in. Make it a personal challenge
           or one between friends.

           April 2 | Las Posas Park to ‘P’ Mountain
           Strenuous: The challenging hike will depart from Las Posas Park and then
           to the top of ‘P’ Mountain. We will return via the Santa Fe Hills Trail and then
           south to Las Posas Park for a total of approximately 5 miles and 840-foot
           elevation gain.
           Meeting location: Cerro de Las Posas Park, 1387 West Borden Road, San
           Marcos 33 09.639 N 117 11.199 W

           Please keep the following tips in mind when out and
           about enjoying our beautiful San Marcos trails:
           • Stay on official trails and stay out of natural and sensitive habitats
           • Use headphones to afford other trail users their own experience
           • Please pick up after yourself by packing out what you pack in
6|   City of• San
                  mindful Recreation
                          of communityGuide
                                          neighbors  by not shouting
                                                | Winter/Spring      or screaming
Spring Egg Scramble Saturday, April 16 Walnut Grove Park - Winter/Spring 2022 | RECREATION GUIDE - City of San Marcos
Double Peak Astronomy Program
Place: Mahnita Boyden-Wofford Amphitheater | Double Peak Park, 910 Double Peak Drive, 92078

Goals: Learn basic astronomy concepts at a beginner’s level. Locate and understand
featured celestial/astronomical events. Locate and identify common Constellations and

STAR WALK XV: Sunday, January 16, 5:30–7:00 p.m.
Beginner Astronomy facts, concepts, and techniques; Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturun,
and a Waxing Gibbous Moon. Quadrantids Meteor Shower.

STAR WALK XVI: Sunday, March 13, 7:30–9:00 p.m.
Beginner Astronomy facts, concepts, and techniques. Old Moon/Gibbous Moon/New
Moon and the Planets; Equinox brings bright Hexagon of Winter/Spring Constellations; No
Showers, but Solstices and Equinoxes happen.

STAR WALK XVII: Sunday, May 15, 8:00–9:30 p.m.
Beginner Astronomy facts, concepts, and techniques; Viewing the Planets during a Full
Moon; Lions, Dragons, and Bears: Spring Constellations; Eta Aquarid Meteor Showers, and
a Luner Eclipse.

Recommended Equipment:
LED flashlight with red filter, or red lens cover.
Warm clothes
Blanket and/or ground cloth
Spring Egg Scramble Saturday, April 16 Walnut Grove Park - Winter/Spring 2022 | RECREATION GUIDE - City of San Marcos
Join our recreational esports league!
Everyone is welcome to join and compete in our all ages recreational esports leagues. Players
can win prizes by competing in popular games such as APEX Legends, Fortnite, Call of Duty
Warzone, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Mario Kart 8, and more!

To make sure you stay up to date on the latest tournament schedules and special events
subscribe to our esports newsletter at bit.ly/363YZQ7

Our esports will be run through Mission Control. Follow these steps to sign up for a
Step 1: Head over to missioncontrol.gg/play and download the app.
Step 2: Register for an account through the app.
Step 3: Search for and join the San Marcos Parks & Recreation organization.
Step 4: Register for one of our open leagues.
Good luck and have fun!
Spring Egg Scramble Saturday, April 16 Walnut Grove Park - Winter/Spring 2022 | RECREATION GUIDE - City of San Marcos
SATURDAY, MAY 14 | 11 a.m.–5 p.m.
         HOLLANDIA PARK | 12 Mission Hills Court
Bags N’ Brews is run in partnership with the
Friends of San Marcos Parks and Recreation.
The event will incorporate a double-elimination
cornhole tournament with divisions for
beginners and advance players, with a total
prize pool of $1500, while also offering local
craft brews, a DJ, food trucks and children’s
activities. Registered teams receive one free
drink ticket per player.
Spring Egg Scramble Saturday, April 16 Walnut Grove Park - Winter/Spring 2022 | RECREATION GUIDE - City of San Marcos
Rotating Art
Open for FREE public viewing during regular
 Community Center hours. Local artists can
  display their art for 60-day periods in the
  exhibit space. Artwork must be ready to
    hang and suitable for family viewing.
    Currently accepting applications. For
       more information, please visit

                                                      Juried Art
                                               Accepting oils, acrylics, watercolors, pastels,
                                                   drawings and mixed media/collage.
                                           Photography not accepted at this show. $15 per entry.

                                         Up to two entries per person will be accepted on Tuesday,
                                         Feb. 15 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Cash prizes and awards will be
                                           given at Artist reception. Forms will be available after
                                                    Feb 1 at www.san-marcos.net/arts.

                                                     Accepted art will be displayed at
                                                   San Marcos Community Center from
                                                        March 1 through April 30.
Spring Egg Scramble
			& Bunny Breakfast
Bunny Breakfast
Saturday, April 16 | 8-10 a.m.
The Barn at Walnut Grove Park
$5 per person
Tickets can be purchased in advance online at
www.san-marcos.net/register or at the door.
Bunny Photos: 8-9 a.m. and 9:15-10:15 a.m.

Spring Egg Scramble
Saturday, April 16 | 10-11 a.m.
Walnut Grove Park

Age group start times:
10:15 am 0 to 2 years*
10:25 am 3 to 4 years
10:35 am 5 to 6 years
10:45 am 7 to 9 years
11 am 10 to 12 years
*Parents may accompany children 0 to 2 years.

Children are invited to this community “scramble” where
20,000 prize-filled eggs will be scattered throughout the
park. Guests are highly encouraged to come early for a free
children’s carnival with games, jumpees and activities.
                 Students may join classes at any time unless otherwise

                 noted. Non-residents are welcome in all classes and
                                                                                  CLASS LOCATION KEY
                 programs. Please refer to ActiveNet for detailed class           CCP          Civic Center Park
                 descriptions and additional materials needed for class.          CP           Connors Park
                 How to register:                                                 CSG          Corky Smith Gym
                 1. ONLINE at www.san-marcos.net/register
                 2. IN-PERSON at the Community Center, 3 Civic Center             HP           Hollandia Park
                 Drive, during business hours                                     LPC          Las Posas Park Tennis Courts
                 Please register early to avoid disappointment.                   MP           Mulberry Park
                 Classes that do not meet minimum enrollment 24 hours             SEP          San Elijo Park
                 before the first class of a session may be cancelled. Most
                 classes are recurring year-round. Unless otherwise stated,       SERC         San Elijo Recreation Center
                 join classes at any time.                                        SMCC         San Marcos Community Center
                 Instructors Needed                                               SP           Sunset Park
                 San Marcos Parks & Recreation is currently seeking
                 contractual instructors. If you have a special talent or skill
                                                                                  WGB          Walnut Grove Barn
                 that you would like to share, visit us at:                       WPC          Woodland Park Tennis Courts

                 PARENT & CHILD
                 Parents, grandparents or caregivers participation required in all parent/child classes.

                 Dance with Me                                                    Get Smart with Art
                 Class incorporates play, props, movement, music and              Enjoy creating art pieces based on famous artists to
                 dance with you by their side! Join up to the seventh week        foster self-esteem and creativity and improve your child’s
                 of each session. 20% sibling discount.                           concentration and fine motor skills.
                 Ages: 9 months - 4 years                                         Ages: 2 - 5 years
                 Location: SMCC                                                   Instructor: Vivian Matchett
                 Instructor: Charlene’s Dance N Cheer Staff                       Fee: $56 for four weeks
                 Fee: $72 for seven weeks
                                                                                  Location: SMCC
                 Session		Days		Time                                              Session		Days		Time
                 Jan. 24 - March 14 M		 9-9:45 a.m.                               Jan. 5 - Jan. 26		 W		 5-5:45 p.m.
                 March 21 - May 2   M		 9-9:45 a.m.                               Feb. 2 - Feb.23		  W		 5-5:45 p.m.
                 No class 2/21                                                    March 2-March 23   W		 5-5:45 p.m.
                                                                                  April 6-April 27		 W		 5-5:45 p.m.

                                                                                  Location: SERC
                                                                                  Session		Days		Time
                                                                                  Jan. 7 - Jan. 28		   F		 10-10:45 a.m.
                                                                                  Feb. 4 - Feb. 25		   F		 10-10:45 a.m.
                                                                                  March 4 - March 25   F		 10-10:45 a.m.
                                                                                  April 8 - April 29		 F		 10-10:45 a.m.

                        12 |   City of San Marcos Recreation Guide | Winter/Spring 2022
Mom & Tot Gymnastics
                                                            High energy and tumbling highlight this class. Gymnastics
                                                            progressions and events, including the trampoline, are
                                                            introduced in a safe and creative environment. 20% sibling

                                                                                                                            PARENT & CHILD
                                                            Ages: 2 - 3 years
                                                            Location: SMCC
                                                            Instructor: Robbie Ash
                                                            Fee: $127 for eight weeks

                                                            Session		Days		Time
                                                            Jan. 12 - March 2 W		 10:15-10:55 a.m.
                                                            March 9 - May 4		 W		 10:15-10:55 a.m.
                                                            No class 3/30

                                                            Parent & Me Learning Adventures
KID CITY SPORTS                                             Learn numbers and letters while engaging in circle time,
Kid City Sports has been teaching and inspiring young       songs, social interaction, motor skills, story time, and arts
athletes since 1994!                                        and crafts. Join up to the seventh week of each session. 20%
                                                            sibling discount.
Pee Wee & Me                                                Ages: 2 - 4 years
2 weeks of soccer, 1 week each of t-ball, football,         Location: SMCC
basketball. All equipment is provided. Each participant     Instructor: Charlene Donovan & Staff
receives a trophy at the end of the session. Please wear    Fee: $82 for seven weeks
closed-toe shoes and bring a water bottle. Join up to the
second week of session. 20% sibling discount.               Session		Days		Time
Ages: 1.5 - 3 years                                         Jan. 24 - March 14 M		 10:15-11:00 a.m.
Location: SEP                                               March 21 - May 2   M		 10:15-11:00 a.m.
Fee: $90 for five weeks                                     No class 2/21

Session		Days		Time                                         Parent Tot Academy
Jan. 8 - Feb. 5		    S		 10:50-11:20 a.m.                   Two retired elementary school teachers (who offer
Feb. 19 - March 19   S		 10:50-11:20 a.m.                   Spanish language support) are back in the classroom
April 2 - April 30		 S		 10:50-11:20 a.m.                   for “Parent Tot Academy”, where parents and toddlers
                                                            prepare for school. Parents will learn “positive parenting”,
                                                            engaging projects to do at home, and strategies to
                                                            maintain a calm and supportive environment. Toddlers
                                                            will socialize in a small environment of friends as they
                                                            engage in a variety of language arts and math activities.
                                                            Participants will sing, dance, play games and jumping jack
                                                            their way to the ABC’s, numbers, nursery rhymes, colors,
                                                            shapes and vocabulary skills.
                                                            Ages: 2 - 3 years
                                                            Location: SMCC
                                                            Instructor: Mrs. Richlin/Mrs. Villegas
                                                            Fee: $150 for twelve weeks

                                                            Session		Days		Time
                                                            Feb.3 - April 21		 TH		 9-10:30 a.m.

                                                                 PARKS & RECREATION | (760) 744-9000          | 13
Twinkle Toes
                                                                                Little ones are introduced to ballet through movement,
                                                                                music, rhythm and bonding time with a parent/guardian.
                                                                                Children begin to learn the discipline and etiquette of

                                                                                classical ballet. Pink ballet tights and pink leather ballet
                                                                                shoes are required. Join up to the fourth week of session.
                                                                                20% sibling discount.
                                                                                Ages: 1.5 - 3 years
                                                                                Location: SMCC
                                                                                Instructor: Christina Biggin
                                                                                Fee: $97 for seven weeks

                                                                                Session		Days		Time
                                                                                Jan. 12 - March 2   W		 9:15-10:00 a.m.
                                                                                March 9 - April 27  W		 9:15-10:00 a.m.
                                                                                No class 1/19, 3/30

                 Engage in meaningful musical activities with your child
                 in a playful, natural environment. This sequential music
                 program patterns musical learning after language-learning
                 using Montessori teaching techniques. $22 required
                 materials fee due to instructor for your own instrument kit,
                 which includes rhythm sticks, bells, finger cymbals, and
                 scarves in a cloth drawstring bag. 20% sibling discount.
                 Instructor: Kristen Record
                 Fee: $80 for seven weeks
                 Family Music: Level 1
                 Sing, chant, move, dance, listen and play simple               WORKSHOPS/CLINICS
                 instruments such as rhythm sticks, jingles, rattles, drums     Three-hour weekly programs.
                 and resonator bars with your toddler. Lessons feature
                 activities that bridge the natural connection between          COOKING ROUND THE WORLD
                 music and movement for coordination, body awareness            Must join by the first day of session.
                 and control. Up to two years of curriculum offered for this    Instructor: Cooking Round the World Staff
                 age group. Parent/helper participation required.
                                                                                Ages: 6 - 12 years
                 Ages: 6 months - 3 years                                       Location: SMCC
                                                                                Fee: $178 for four weeks
                 Location: SERC
                 Session		Days		Time                                            Breakfasts Round the World
                 Jan. 18 - March 1  T		 10-10:40 a.m.                           Breakfast does not look the same in every country! In
                 March 8 - April 26 T		 10-10:40 a.m.                           Morocco, people eat falafel for breakfast; in Argentina,
                 No class 3/29                                                  people eat breakfast tostadas; in Bangladesh people eat
                                                                                egg and potato curry. Children will get an international
                 Location: SMCC                                                 culinary education exploring breakfasts round the world.
                 Session		Days		Time
                 Jan. 19 - March 2  W		 10-10:40 a.m.                           Session		Days		Time
                 March 9 - April 27 W		 10-10:40 a.m.                           Jan. 5 - Jan. 26		      W		              3-6 p.m.
                 No class 3/30

                       14 |   City of San Marcos Recreation Guide | Winter/Spring 2022
Cooking Round the U.S.A.
Eating and tasting, exploring the kitchen: children learn     PLEY SPORTS
about varieties of foods that each state is known for, how    All participants receive a Pley Sports jersey. Join up to the
climate plays an important role in farming and agriculture,   second week of each session.

                                                                                                                              PARENT & CHILD
how foods are prepared and how to use different
                                                              Ages: 5 – 11 years
cookware. Recipes are varied and delicious. Super fun and
                                                              Instructor: Pley Sports Staff
                                                              Fee: $116 for four weeks
Session		Days		Time
Feb. 2 - Feb. 23		 W		 3-6 p.m.                               Basketball Clinic
                                                              Our curriculum focuses on the basics of dribbling,
Mac & Cheese Me                                               shooting, passing and defense while emphasizing
The days of plain old mac and cheese are over! This           listening skills, gross motor development and fun!
class explores various pastas, numerous cheese sauces-        Location: CCP
sweet and savory additions to the mac and cheese. It’s
all about transforming the tried and true into something      Session		Days		Time
unexpected and sensational!                                   Feb. 2 – Feb. 23		 W		 3-6 p.m.
Session		Days		Time                                           Soccer Clinic
March 2 - March 23 W		 3-6 p.m.                               We have created fun and engaging drills and games
                                                              to include all skill levels. Introduce your child to the
Dumplings                                                     essential movements, rules, and tactics involved in the
Some call them perogies, others call them won tons
                                                              game of soccer.
or kreplach. Whatever you call them; international
dumplings are delicious with various fillings and dipping     Location: SP
                                                              Session		Days		Time
Session		Days		Time                                           March 2 - March 23 W		 3-6 p.m.
April 6 - April 27		 W		 3-6 p.m.

Casting all boys and girls! In this three-hour weekly
workshop, students will learn songs, acting lines, and
dance choreography from popular movies in preparation
for an end of session abridged play! Children will also
design and decorate their own backdrop. Must join by the
first day of session. 20% sibling discount.
Ages: 4 - 12 years
Location: SMCC
Instructor: Charlene’s Dance n Cheer
Fee: $140 for four weeks

Sing 2
Session		Days		Time
Jan. 24 - Feb. 14 M		 4-7 p.m.

Disney’s Descendants 2
Session		Days		Time
Feb. 28 - March 21 M		 4-7 p.m.

Disney’s Zombies
Session		Days		Time
April 4 - April 25		 M		 4-7 p.m.

                                                                   PARKS & RECREATION | (760) 744-9000            | 15
        CHARLENE’S DANCE N CHEER PROGRAMS                                 Matilda

        Location: SMCC                                                    Session		Days		Time
        Instructor: Charlene’s Dance N Cheer                              March 17 - April 28 TH		 5-5:50 p.m.
                                                                          March 17 - April 28 TH		 6-6:50 p.m.
        Cheer, Dance & Tumble
        Learn the fundamentals of cheer and dance techniques
        such as jumps/kicks, beginner stunts and tumbling,              Singing & Dance
        cheers, sideline dances and a full routine. Join up the         Experience the thrill of singing and dancing in this
        fourth week of each session. 20% sibling discount.              specialized performance class! Vocal music skills will be
                                                                        explored as well as Broadway-style dance. Perform for
        Ages: 4 - 10 years
                                                                        family and friends the last day of the session! 20% sibling
        Fee: $85 for seven weeks
        Session		Days		Time                                             Ages: 5 - 12 years
        Jan. 25 - March 8   T		 5-5:50 p.m.                             Fee: $87 for seven weeks
        March 15 - April 26 T		 5-5:50 p.m.
                                                                        Session		Days		Time
                                                                        Jan.27 - March 10   TH		 4-4:50 p.m.
                                                                        March 17 - April 28 TH		 4-4:50 p.m.

                                                                        Clogging: Beginner to Intermediate
                                                                        Exercise your mind and body with this percussive dance!
                                                                        No partners required.
                                                                        Ages: 14 and up
                                                                        Location: WGB
                                                                        Instructor: Mary Gasteiger
        Hip Hop/Pop Stars Dance                                         Fee: $51 for six weeks /$42 for four-class punch card
        Calling all boys and girls! Learn to dance like your favorite
        pop star in this fun hip hop class. Fun warm ups, combos,       Session		Days		Time
        and dance routines to hit music will be taught getting your     Jan. 5 - Feb. 9		  W		 6-9 p.m.*
        kiddo to move and groove. Join up to the fourth week of         Feb. 23 - March 30 W		 6-9 p.m.
        session. 20% sibling discount.                                  April 13 - May 18  W		 6-9 p.m.
        Ages: 4 - 10 years                                              *Accepting new students.
        Fee: $85 for seven weeks
                                                                        Country Line Dance
        Session		Days		Time                                             improve cardio fitness, muscle strength, memory and
        Jan. 25 - March 8   T		 4-4:50 p.m.                             coordination. Class is recommended for students with
        March 15 - April 26 T		 4-4:50 p.m.                             prior experience. Join up to the second week of each
        Musical Theater & Dance
        Casting all boys and girls! Students will learn songs, acting   Ages: 18 and up
        lines, and dance choreography in preparation for an end         Location: SMCC
        of session abridged play! Children will also design and         Instructor: Vicki Deriso
        decorate their own backdrop. Must join by the first day of      Fee: $51 for four weeks/$14 per class drop-in
        session. 20% sibling discount.                                  Session		Days		Time
        Ages: 4 - 12 years                                              Jan. 13 - Feb. 3		  TH		 6:15-7:15 p.m.
        Fee: $87 for seven weeks                                        Feb. 17 - March 10  TH		 6:15-7:15 p.m.
                                                                        March 24 - April 14 TH		 6:15-7:15 p.m.
          Disney’s Descendant’s 2
          Session		Days		Time
          Jan. 27 - March 10 TH		 5-5:50 p.m.
          Jan. 27 - March 10 TH		 6-6:50 p.m.

              16 |    City of San Marcos Recreation Guide | Winter/Spring 2022
One-time $25 uniform fee paid to instructor. 20% family

Location: SMCC
Instructor: Frana “Auntie Kahanoa” Floresca
Fee: $66 for five weeks
Start moving those little hula hands and feet! Your child
will enjoy the music and boost their self-confidence.
Ages: 2 - 5 years

Session		Days		Time
Jan. 3 - Feb. 7		   M		 5:10-6 p.m.
Feb. 14 - March 21  M		 5:10-6 p.m.
March 28 - April 25 M		 5:10-6 p.m.
No class 1/17, 2/21                                           KINDERDANCE PROGRAMS
                                                              Programs blend educational concepts with various forms
Elementary                                                    of movement and dance. 20% sibling discount.
Unleash the joy of hula! Your child will enjoy the sounds     Location: SMCC
and smiles of Hawaiian Hula as they have fun developing       Instructor: Trisha Brewer
the coordination of their hands and feet and build self-
confidence.                                                   Kindertots
                                                              This class is designed to develop the total child through
Ages: 6 - 12 years
                                                              motor skills, movement, creativity, physical development
Session		Days		Time                                           and body awareness while teaching numbers, colors,
Jan. 3 - Feb. 7		   M		 6:10-7 p.m.                           shapes and songs. Ballet shoes are required.
Feb. 14 - March 21  M		 6:10-7 p.m.                           Ages: 2 - 3 years
March 28 - April 25 M		 6:10-7 p.m.                           Fee: $93 for eight weeks
No class 1/17, 2/21
                                                              Session		Days		Time
Teen/ Adult                                                   Jan. 4 - Feb. 22		 T		 9:15-9:45 a.m.
Explore and experience the beauty of Hawaiian culture!        March 8 - April 26 T		 9:15-9:45 a.m.
Establish dance skills that transform your mind, body, soul
and spirit.                                                   Kinderdance
                                                              In this developmental dance and fitness program, your
Ages: 13 and up
                                                              child will be taught the basics of ballet, tap, acrobatics and
Session		Days		Time                                           creative movement with a blend of educational concepts.
Jan. 3 - Feb. 7		   M		 7:10-8 p.m.                           Ballet and tap shoes are required.
Feb. 14 - March 21  M		 7:10-8 p.m.                           Ages: 3 - 6 years
March 28 - April 25 M		 7:10-8 p.m.                           Fee: $102 for eight weeks
No class 1/17, 2/21
                                                              Session		Days		Time
                                                              Jan. 4 - Feb. 22		 T		 10-11 a.m.
                                                              March 8 - April 26 T		 10-11 a.m.

                                                                   PARKS & RECREATION | (760) 744-9000          | 17
Classical Ballet Level 1
                                                                        Classes are designed to build strong foundational ballet
                                                                        technique. Students will build skills in coordination,
                                                                        musicality, balance and performance. Students are

                                                                        required to wear pink leather ballet shoes, pink tights, black
                                                                        leotard of any style and hair in a bun.
                                                                        Ages: 5.5 - 9 years
                                                                        Fee: $83 for six weeks

                                                                        Session		Days		Time
                                                                        Jan. 10 - Feb. 28         M		 5-5:45 p.m.
                                                                        March 7 - April 18        M		 5-5:45 p.m.
                                                                        No class 1/17, 2/21, 3/28
        Pink leather ballet shoes and hair in a bun are required        Classical Ballet Level 2*
        in all classes. Join up to the fourth week of session. 20%      *Instructor placement required
        sibling discount.                                               Classes will inspire students to progress their skills in
        Location: SMCC                                                  technique, coordination, musicality, performance and
        Instructor: Christina Biggin                                    expression. $40 uniform fee due to instructor: includes
                                                                        leotard and skirt. Pink full-footed tights, pink leather ballet
        Adult Ballet                                                    slippers and hair in a bun required.
        Learn the foundations of classical ballet. No experience
        required! Classes are designed to build technique,              Ages: 7 - 12 years
        coordination, posture, balance and flexibility. This class is   Fee: $111 for seven weeks
        a fun way to keep fit and burn calories through dance.          Session		Days		Time
        Ages: 18 and up                                                 Jan. 12 - March 2   W		 5:15-6:15 p.m.
        Fee: $89 for seven weeks                                        March 9 - April 27  W		 5:15-6:15 p.m.
                                                                        No class 1/19, 3/30
        Session		Days		Time
        Jan. 12 - March 2   W		 6:15-7:15 p.m.
        March 9 - April 27  W		 6:15-7:15 p.m.
        No class 1/19, 3/30

        Classical Ballet & Tap
        Classes are designed to inspire your child to explore the
        artistry of tap and ballet. Students will learn elements of
        each dance such as rhythm and musicality of tap and the
        ballet techniques of balance, coordination, class etiquette
        and expression. Pink leotard, pink full-footed tights, black
        tap shoes, pink leather ballet shoes and hair in a bun are
        Ages: 3.5 - 5 years

        Fee: $83 for six weeks
        Session		Days		Time
        Jan. 10 - Feb. 28         M		 3:30-4:15 p.m.
        March 7 - April 18        M		 3:30-4:15 p.m.
        No class 1/17, 2/21, 3/28

        Fee: $97 for seven weeks
        Session		Days		Time
        Jan. 12 - March 2      W		 10-10:45 a.m.
        March 9 - April 27     W		 10-10:45 a.m.
        No class 1/19, 3/30

               18 |   City of San Marcos Recreation Guide | Winter/Spring 2022
AMPD Fusion

                                                                                                                               FITNESS & SPORTS
AMPD Fusion gives you three workouts in one! The
uniqueness of kettlebell complemented with simple
resistance band movements, all the while choreographed
to music, creating a fun, non-traditional, low-impact,
full body workout accessible for all fitness levels. Fusion
combines the elements of kettlebell AMPD, AMPD
Resistance, and AMPD Power + Low (yoga inspired) - it
will take your workout to a whole new level! Please bring
a yoga mat, kettlebell and resistance bands to class. 20%
family discount.
Ages: 18 and up
Location: SMCC
Instructor: Cynthia Demorest
Fee: $52 for seven weeks
                                                                  High energy and tumbling highlight this class. Gymnastics
Session		Days		Time                                               progressions and events, including the trampoline, are
Jan. 10 - March 7   M		 6:00-7 p.m.                               introduced in a safe and creative environment. 20% sibling
March 14 - April 25 M		 6:00-7 p.m.                               discount.
                                                                  Location: SMCC
                                                                  Instructor: Robbie Ash
                                                                  Fee: $127 for eight weeks
                                                                  Ages: 3.5 - 4 years
                                                                  Session		Days		Time
                                                                  Jan. 12 - March 2   W		 2:45-3:25 p.m.
                                                                  March 9 – May 4     W		 2:45-3:25 p.m.
                                                                  No class 3/30

                                                                  Ages: 5 - 6 years
                                                                  Session		Days		Time
                                                                  Jan. 12 - March 2 W		 3:30-4:10 p.m.
Coed Volleyball                                                   March 9 – May 4   W		 3:30-4:10 p.m.
This is a unique four-person coed volleyball program that
                                                                  No class 3/30
includes a short instructional period each week. Final
acceptance into the program is solely at the discretion of        Beginner/Intermediate
the program coordinator based upon each participant’s             Ages: 7 - 12 years
skill level. Please note: First night is for orientation, which   Session		Days		Time
includes rules, class format along with team and divisional       Jan. 12 - March 2  W		 4:15-4:55 p.m.
placement. There are three divisions, A, B and C with four        March 9 – May 4    W		 4:15-4:55 p.m.
teams or 16 players in each division. Players placed based        No class 3/30
on experience/skill level.
Ages: 16 and up                                                   Intermediate/Advanced*
Location: CSG                                                     *Instructor placement required
Instructor: Dick Leatherman                                       Ages: 8 - 12 years
Fee: $77 for nine weeks                                           Session		Days		Time
                                                                  Jan. 12 - March 2       W		    5-5:40 p.m.
Session		Days		Time                                               March 9 – May 4         W		    5-5:40 p.m.
March 9 - May 4		 W		 6:30-9:30 p.m.                              No class 3/30

                                                                      PARKS & RECREATION | (760) 744-9000        | 19
                                                                                 Develop physical and mental discipline, strength,
                                                                                 endurance and coordination through the Korean martial

                                                                                 arts of Tae Kwon Do (kicks, blocks, punches), Hopkido
                                                                                 (joint locks), and Yudo (throws and grappling). Belt
                                                                                 advancement is three times per year. Join up to the fourth
                                                                                 week of session. A white martial arts uniform is required
                                                                                 and may be purchased from instructor for $20. 20% sibling
                   KID CITY SPORTS                                               Ages: 5 and up
                   Since 1994 Kid City Sports has offered a variety of classes   Location: SMCC
                   to teach and inspire young athletes. Your child will be       Instructor: Mike King
                   engaged and motivated to participate in sports in a fun       Fee: $127 for twelve weeks
                   and positive environment. Participants will learn the         Beginners
                   fundamentals of each sport. All equipment is provided.        Session		Days		Time
                   Each participant receives a trophy at the end of the          Jan. 4 - March 24 T, TH		 4-5 p.m.
                   session. Please wear closed-toe shoes and bring a water       April 5 - June 23 T, TH		 4-5 p.m.
                   bottle. Join up to the second week of session. 20% sibling
                   discount.                                                     Advanced
                   Ages: 3 - 6 years                                             Session		Days		Time
                   Location: SEP                                                 Jan. 4 - March 24 T, TH		 5-6 p.m.
                   Instructor: Kid City Sports                                   April 5 - June 23 T, TH		 5-6 p.m.
                   Fee: $90 for five weeks
                   2-Sport                                                       Session		Days		Time
                   3 weeks soccer, 2 weeks t-ball.                               Jan. 4 - March 24 T, TH		 6-7 p.m.
                   Session		Days		Time                                           April 5 - June 23 T, TH		 6-7 p.m.
                   Jan. 8 - Feb. 5		      S		      9:10-9:50 a.m.
                   Feb. 19 - March 19     S		      9:10-9:50 a.m.
                   April 2 - April 30		   S		      9:10-9:50 a.m.

                   2 weeks of soccer, 1 week each of t-ball, football,
                   Session		Days		Time
                   Jan. 8 - Feb. 5		       S		              10-10:40 a.m.
                   Feb. 19 - March 19      S		              10-10:40 a.m.
                   April 2 - April 30		    S		              10-10:40 a.m.

                   Session		Days		Time
                   Feb. 19 - March 19   S		 8:15-8:55 a.m.
                   April 2 - April 30		 S		 8:15-8:55 a.m.

                   Your child will learn the fundamentals of catching,
                   throwing, fielding, batting and running the bases. New
                   fundamentals and techniques are introduced throughout
                   the session.
                   Session		Days		Time
                   Jan. 8 - Feb. 5		         S		           8:15-8:55 a.m.

                         20 |    City of San Marcos Recreation Guide | Winter/Spring 2022
                                                              Pley Sports provides parents with the opportunity to
                                                              give their children an engaging introduction to the world

                                                                                                                           FITNESS & SPORTS
                                                              of sports. All participants receive a Pley Sports T-Shirt.
                                                              All equipment is provided. Join up to the second week of
                                                              session. 20% sibling discount.
                                                              Instructor: John Leal
                                                              Intro to Soccer
                                                              This six-week soccer program is designed for children
                                                              looking to become engaged in an active sport. Our
                                                              curriculum teaches the fundamentals of soccer while also
                                                              focusing on listening skills, gross motor development and
                                                              most importantly FUN!
                                                              Ages: 3 - 4 years
                                                              Fee: $86 for six weeks
OLYMPIC TAE KWON DO                                           Location: SP
This World standard Taekwondo focuses on teaching the         Session		Days		Time
young student agility, speed, control, balance, flexibility   Jan. 24 - March 7   M		 3:30-4:05 p.m.
and much more. Two classes per week recommended               March 21 - April 25 M		 3:30-4:05 p.m.
but not required. $28 white uniform fee due to instructor.    No class 2/21
Additional gear and testing fees applicable as the student
progresses.                                                   Location: HP
                                                              Session		Days		Time
Instructor: Deewa Hotaki                                      Jan. 22 - Feb. 26   S		 9-9:35 a.m.
Location: SERC                                                March 19 - April 23 S		 9-9:35 a.m.
Fee: $127 for six weeks
Mondays                                                       Little Ballers
Jan. 3 - Feb. 7                                               Dribble, shoot, score! This program is an exciting
Feb. 21 - March 28                                            introduction to the fundamentals of basketball. Our
April 11 - May 16                                             curriculum focuses on the basics of dribbling, shooting,
                                                              passing and defense while emphasizing listening skills,
Wednesdays                                                    gross motor development and having fun!
Jan. 5 - Feb. 9
Feb. 23 - March 30                                            Ages: 3 - 5 years
April 13 - May 18
                                                              Location: CCP
Little Patriots                                               Session		Days		Time
Ages: 4 - 8 years                                             Jan. 20 - Feb. 24   TH		 4-4:35 p.m.
Time: 4:30-5:05 p.m.                                          March 24 - April 28 TH		 4-4:35 p.m.

Olympic Taekwondo
Ages: 7 - 12 years
Time: 5:10-6 p.m.

Olympic Taekwondo Family
Ages: 8 and up
Time: 6:10-7 p.m.

                                                                   PARKS & RECREATION | (760) 744-9000         | 21

                   Soccer Fundamentals
                   Dribble, pass and shoot! The soccer fundamentals class
                   is designed to further enhance your child’s soccer skills
                   and love for the game. Active drills and fun games are
                   introduced to work on passing, dribbling, shooting,
                   defending and basic soccer strategy. Shin guards required
                   after the first session.
                   Ages: 5 - 7 years

                   Location: SP
                   Session		Days		Time
                   Jan. 24 - March 7   M		 4:15-5 p.m.
                   March 21 - April 25 M		 4:15-5 p.m.
                   No class 2/21

                   Location: HP
                   Session		Days		Time
                   Jan. 22 - Feb. 26   S		 9:45-10:30 a.m.
                   March 19 - April 23 S		 9:45-10:30 a.m.

                   Play ball! This instructional T-ball program will teach your
                   child the basic rules and fundamental skills of softball and
                   baseball. At the end of each session, all players will get a
                   turn at bat in a short scrimmage game.
                   Ages: 3 - 5 years

                   Location: HP
                   Session		Days		Time
                                                                                  Pound Fitness
                   Jan. 22 - Feb. 26   S		 10:45-11:30 a.m.
                                                                                  Pound is a rock-out/workout using lightly weighted
                   March 19 - April 23 S		 10:45-11:30 a.m.
                                                                                  drumsticks called Ripstix (provided) to achieve a full
                                                                                  body workout that includes cardio, strength training and
                                                                                  Pilates. Bring a yoga mat. Join up to the second week of
                                                                                  session. 20% family discount.
                                                                                  Ages: 15 and up
                                                                                  Location: SMCC
                                                                                  Instructor: Katie Silva
                                                                                  Fee: $60 for eight weeks/$9 per class drop-in

                                                                                  Session		Days		Time
                                                                                  Jan. 11 – March 1  T		 6-7 p.m.
                                                                                  March 8 – April 26 T		 6-7 p.m.

                         22 |    City of San Marcos Recreation Guide | Winter/Spring 2022
10 & Under Tennis: Orange
                                                                    Using the orange dot tennis balls and smaller court,
                                                                    emphasis will be on having players rally together at
                                                                    the appropriate level. Some key techniques will be

                                                                                                                                  FITNESS & SPORTS
                                                                    introduced, but focus will be on how to use these skills
                                                                    while rally-ing. A goal of this class is to ensure players
                                                                    have the ability to play points and rally with an opponent,
                                                                    which will ensure enjoyment and progression of skills.
                                                                    Ages: 8 - 10 years

                                                                    Location: LPC
                                                                    Fee: $119 for seven weeks
                                                                    Session		Days		Time
                                                                    Jan.5 - Feb. 16		      W		 6-7 p.m.
                                                                    March 2 - April 20     W		 6-7 p.m.
                                                                    No class 3/30

                                                                    Location: WPC
                                                                    Fee: $102 for six weeks
                                                                    Session		Days		Time
                                                                    Jan. 8 - Feb. 26		       S		 10-11 a.m.
TENNIS                                                              March 12 - April 23      S		 10-11 a.m.
Tennis racquet and shoes required. Instructor has tennis            No class 1/15, 2/19, 4/2
racquets students for students to use/try out on the first day
of class. At the instructor’s discretion, classes may be split or   Junior Tennis: Level 1
combined. Instructor is able to provide Spanish support.            Pre-Rally. Introductory class focusing on all the formal
Instructor: Fabiana/Santiago Ibanez Dieguez                         strokes including basics of shot mechanics, consistency
                                                                    and forms.
10 & Under Tennis: Red
Using our red dot tennis balls and small courts, the goal of        Ages: 10 - 14 years
this class is to give players a fun and exciting introduction       Location: LPC
to tennis. It is a tennis-themed motor skills class where           Fee: $119 for seven weeks
players will learn body control movements and some                  Session		Days		Time
rally-based games that will help them develop into tennis           Jan. 7 - Feb. 18		 F		 5-6 p.m.
players.                                                            March 4 - April 22 F		 5-6 p.m.
Ages: 6 - 8 years                                                   No class 4/1
Location: LPC
Fee: $119 for seven weeks

Session		Days		Time
Jan. 3 - Feb. 28		        M		 5-5:45 p.m.
March 7 - April 25        M		 5-5:45 p.m.
No class 1/17, 2/21, 3/28
Jan. 5 - Feb. 16		        W		              5-5:45 p.m.
March 2 - April 20        W		              5-5:45 p.m.
No class 3/30

                                                                         PARKS & RECREATION | (760) 744-9000         | 23
Adult Level 1
                                                                             Class is suitable for those with little or no prior experience,
                                                                             or anyone who is comfortable learning with other people
                                                                             at that level. Groundstrokes, serves, volleys and proper

                                                                             grips will be introduced with lots of fed balls and fun
                                                                             Ages: 18 and up

                                                                             Location: CP
                                                                             Fee: $119 for seven weeks
                                                                             Session		Days		Time
                                                                             Jan. 4 - Feb. 15		     T		 9:30-10:30 a.m.
                                                                             March 1 - April 19     T		 9:30-10:30 a.m.
                                                                             No class 3/29

                                                                             Location: WPC
                                                                             Fee: $102 for six weeks
                                                                             Session		Days		Time
                                                                             Jan. 8 - Feb. 26		       S		 9-10 a.m.
                                                                             March 12 - April 23      S		 9-10 a.m.
                   Junior Tennis: Level 2*                                   No class 1/15, 2/19, 4/2
                   *Instructor placement required
                   Can rally. Intermediate students will focus on the next   Adult Level 2
                   steps of shot mechanics, drills and an introduction to    Class is for those who have enough experience to compete
                   rallies and game play.                                    socially and can rally at a good pace (NRTP 3.5 +). Review
                                                                             strokes and gripes from Level 1 and introduce specialty
                   Ages: 10 - 14 years
                                                                             shots such as overhead, approach shots, half volleys and
                   Location: LPC
                                                                             underspin strategies.
                   Fee: $119 for seven weeks
                                                                             Ages: 18 and up
                   Session		Days		Time                                       Location: LPC
                   Jan. 3 - Feb. 28		        M		 6-7 p.m.                    Fee: $119 for seven weeks
                   March 7 - April 25        M		 6-7 p.m.
                   No class 1/17, 2/21, 3/28                                 Session		Days		Time
                                                                             Jan. 3 - Feb. 28		        M		 7-8 p.m.
                   Jan. 7 - Feb. 18		      F		             4-5 p.m.
                                                                             March 7 - April 25        M		 7-8 p.m.
                   March 4 - April 22      F		             4-5 p.m.
                                                                             No class 1/17, 2/21, 3/28
                   No class 4/1

                   High School Tennis
                   This class is for students entering their freshman year
                   through senior year in High School. Players will learn
                   to focus on singles and doubles strategy, as well as
                   consistency and stroke development.
                   Ages: 14 - 18 years
                   Location: LPC
                   Fee: $119 for seven weeks

                   Session		Days		Time
                   Jan. 5 - Feb. 16		 W		 7-8 p.m.
                   March 2 - April 20 W		 7-8 p.m.
                   No class 3/30

                         24 |    City of San Marcos Recreation Guide | Winter/Spring 2022
Painting like the Masters

Expand your creativity through projects that explore
artistic styles such as impressionism, expressionism,
abstract, fauvism and classicism. You will have the
opportunity to learn about the artists who made these
styles famous.
Ages: 6 - 12 years
Location: SMCC
Instructor: Vivian Matchett
Fee: $56 for 4 weeks
                                                               Family Music: Level 2
                                                               Your child will continue to develop musical independence
Session		Days		Time                                            and self-expression through singing, chanting, moving,
Jan. 4 - Jan. 25		   T		 4:50-5:50 p.m.                        focused listening, musical games, exploring musical
Feb. 1 - Feb. 22		   T		 4:50-5:50 p.m.                        instruments, creative movement and storytelling with
March 1 - March 22   T		 4:50-5:50 p.m.                        activities involving the four seasons in a musical context.
April 5 - April 26		 T		 4:50-5:50 p.m.                        Up to one year of curriculum offered for this age group.
                                                               Prerequisite: Level 1 encouraged, but not required. Parent/
                                                               helper participation encouraged.
                                                               Ages: 3 - 4 years

                                                               Location: SERC
                                                               Session		Days		Time
                                                               Jan. 18 - March 1  T		 9-9:40 a.m.
                                                               March 8 - April 26 T		 9-9:40 a.m.
                                                               No class 3/29

                                                               Location: SMCC
                                                               Session		Days		Time
                                                               Jan. 19 - March 2  W		 9-9:45 a.m.
                                                               March 9 - April 27 W		 9-9:45 a.m.
                                                               No class 3/30

Engage in meaningful musical activities with your child
in a playful, natural environment. This sequential music
program patterns musical learning after language-learning
using Montessori teaching techniques. $22 required
materials fee due to instructor for your own instrument kit,
which includes rhythm sticks, bells, finger cymbals, and
scarves in a cloth drawstring bag. 20% sibling discount.
Instructor: Kristen Record
Fee: $80 for seven weeks

                                                                    PARKS & RECREATION | (760) 744-9000         | 25
           Open Recreation Swim | $4 entry

           Open Recreation Swim is where individuals or
           families can come to the pool and swim. Please visit
           www.san-marcos.net/watersafety for a list of pool
           Cerro de Las Posas Pool
           1387 W. Borden Road | 760-599-9783
             January 9 – May 30
             Saturday & Sunday | 12:30-4:30 p.m.
            Open Monday, May 30, 12:30-4:30 p.m. for Memorial Day.
           April Pool’s Day | April 2 | 12:30-4:30 p.m.
           Come learn water safety skills and how to stay safe in
           and around the pool!
           Woodland Park Pool
           671 Woodland Parkway | 760-746-2028
             May 14 – May 30
             Saturday & Sunday | 12:30-4:30 p.m.
            Open Monday, May 30, 12:30-4:30 p.m. for Memorial Day.
           Water Safety Day | May 15 | 12:30-4:30 p.m.
           Watch safety demonstrations and learn more about
           staying safe around the water!

           Swimming Lessons
           Swimming lessons save lives! Lesson schedules are
           subject to change. Please find the most updated
           listing of classes and times at www.san-marcos.net/
           Cerro de Las Posas Park Pool
            Group Swim Lessons | 4-7 Participants | $60
            Private Swim Lessons | 1 Participant | $175
            Tuesdays & Thursdays | Eight, 30-minute classes
            January 4 – 27 | February 1 – 24 | March 1 – 24
            March 29 – April 21 | April 26 – May 19 | May 24 –
            June 16
            Saturdays | Four, 30-minute classes, half price
            January 8 – 29 | February 5 – 26 | March 5 – 26
            April 2 – 23 | April 30 – May 21 | June 4 – 25

                            San Marcos Aquatics

                 26 |   City of San Marcos Recreation Guide | Winter/Spring 2022
Aqua Aerobics                                                Lifeguard Training Courses
Get active in this toning and body movement exercise         This course is a blended learning course where a portion
class. Bring water, a towel, wear comfortable swimming       is to be completed online, prior to the first in-person day
attire and apply sunscreen prior to arrival.                 of class. Must register at least one week prior to first, in-

Ages: 18 and up                                              person class date.
Location: Las Posas Pool                                     Ages: 15 years and 6 months and up
Instructor: MahrKay Byers                                    Location: WPP
Fee: $6 per class; register to pay monthly                   Instructor: Aquatic Staff
Sessions: Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday | 9-10 a.m            Fee: $47
                                                             January 15 & 16 | Saturday & Sunday | 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
                                                             February 19 & 20 | Saturday & Sunday | 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
                                                             March 28 & 29 | Monday & Tuesday | 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
                                                             April 9 & 10 | Saturday & Sunday | 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
                                                             May 7 & 8 | Saturday & Sunday | 8 a.m.–6 p.m.

                                                             Water Safety Instructor Courses
                                                             Teach swim and water safety lessons! This course is
                                                             a blended learning course where a portion is to be
                                                             completed online, prior to the first in-person day of class.
                                                             Must register at least one week prior to first, in-person
                                                             class date.
                                                             Ages: 16 and up
                                                             Location: WPP
                                                             Instructor: Aquatic Staff
Splash Pass Memberships                                      Fee: $47
Splash Pass Memberships get you free entry to Open           Sessions:
Recreation Swim and Lap Swim.                                January 29 & 30 | Saturday & Sunday | 8 a.m.–7:45 p.m.
Individual Pass: $45                                         March 12 & 13 | Saturday & Sunday | 8 a.m.–7:45 p.m.
Family Pass (up to 5 members): $100 ($25 additional          April 16 & 17 | Saturday & Sunday | 8 a.m.–7:45 p.m.
member)                                                      May 14 & 15 | Saturday & Sunday | 8 a.m.–7:45 p.m.
                                                             June 4 & 5 | Saturday & Sunday | 8 a.m. – 7:45 p.m.
Lap Swim @ Cerro de Las Posas Pool
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays
6:30-10 a.m. | $4 entry
Included with annual Splash Pass membership.

Lifeguard Prep Class
Learn and practice some of the more challenging skills
needed to successfully pass the Lifeguard Training Course.
Come ready to get in the pool and get a good workout in.
Ages: 15 and up
Location: WPP
Instructor: Aquatic Staff
Fee: $5 per class
Sessions: Beginning February 4 | Fridays 4-6 p.m.

                                                                  PARKS & RECREATION | (760) 744-9000            | 27
                 These full-day adventures are supervised by trained recreation staff where campers participate in arts & crafts, games,

                 and other fun activities. Campers must bring a sack lunch, snacks, and reusable water bottle each day.

                 Registration:		 February 7
                 Ages:			        6-12
                 Session Dates:  March 28 - April 1
                 Location:		JP
                 Session Cost:		 $150/weekly

                 Registration:		         April 20
                 Ages:			                6-12
                 Session Dates:		        Mon – Fri, June 13 – August 12
                 Location:		             SE, CC, JP
                 Session Cost:		         $150/weekly

                 Adventure Swim Camp
                 These full-day adventures are supervised by trained
                 recreation staff where campers participate in arts & crafts,
                 games, and other fun activities. Campers will play at
                 Woodland Pool, times to be determined. Please remember
                 to pack sunscreen and appropriate swim attire. Campers
                 must bring a sack lunch, snacks, and reusable water
                 bottle each day.
                 Registration:		         April 20
                 Ages:			                6-12
                 Location:		             WP
                 Session Dates:		        Mon – Fri, June 13 – August 12

                       28 |   City of San Marcos Recreation Guide | Winter/Spring 2022
Raggedy Ann & Andy Preschoolers Program is a recreational enrighment program that features a preschool program
for 3-4 year olds and kindergarten readiness for 4-5 year olds. The program focuses on socialization skills with an
introduction to academic concepts. Five sessions are offered through the year: Fall 1, Fall 2, Winter, Spring, and Summer.
Children learn social skills while participating in arts and crafts, music and movement, storytelling, outdoor play, and
learning fun. The summer session mixes ages and is more play focused. All classes are three hours long.
Kindergarten Readiness (KR) classes are designed for children entering kindergarten next fall. Classes are offered
Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Preschooler (PS) Classes are offered Tuesday/Thursday from either 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Children
must be the appropriate age and potty trained to participate in the program.

                               Winter                                     Spring
 Priority Registration         Nov. 29 at 9 a.m. - Dec. 7 at 5 p.m.       Feb. 28 at 9 a.m.- March 8 at 5 p.m.
 Open Registration             Dec. 8 at 9 a.m. res., 10 a.m. non res.    March 9 at 9 a.m. res., 10 a.m. non res.
 Session Dates                 January 3 - March 25                       April 4 - June 10
 Locations                     SE, CC, WP                                 SE, CC, WP
 Session Cost                  $602 (KR) | $427 (PS)                      $532 (KR) | $357 (PS)
 Non-Resident Fee              $50                                        $50

 Mommy and Me
 This parent participation class is designed for children ages 1.5-3 years old and will focus on socialization and early
 learning. Class activities will include music and movement, arts and crafts, and storytime. Please bring a snack.

                                       Winter                                  Spring
  Priority Registration                Nov. 29 at 9 a.m. - Dec. 7 at 5 p.m.    Feb. 14 at 9 a.m. - Feb. 22 at 5 p.m.
  Open Registration                    Decmber 8 at 9 a.m.                     February 23 at 9 a.m.
  Session Dates                        January 10 - March 3                    March 7 - May 26
  Location                             Jack’s Pond                             Jack’s Pond
  Session Cost                         $105 (M) | $120 (T-Th)                  $165 (weekly on M, T, W, or Th)

                                                                    PARKS & RECREATION | (760) 744-9000          | 29

                  F.H. Corky Smith Gymnasium                                   ADULT SPORTS LEAGUES
                  274 Pico Avenue | (760) 744-9494                             For all sports, participants must register as a team.
                  Corky Smith Gym is the hub for year-round youth and          Registration packets are available at the gym and online.
                  adult sports programming. They also handle reservations      Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Teams
                  and permits for most city/school athletic fields. Call for   are encouraged to register early, as space is limited.
                  more information.                                            Contact the sports office for more information.
                  Hours: Monday–Thursday | 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m.
                         Friday | 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.                          Adult Basketball League | Men’s Div. I – VII
                  Closed: December 25-January 2, May 30                        SPRING Registration: Tuesday, February 1 through
                                                                               Monday, February 21
                                                                               Tentative League Start Date: Monday, March 7
                  OPEN PLAY GYM SCHEDULE                                       Games will be played Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (if
                  Schedules and court availability subject to change upon      necessary)
                  special use requests. Rentals and camps have priority.       $325/team (r) $390/team (NR) plus officials’ fees of $37 per
                  Please call or visit website for more information.           game
                  Youths under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a
                  parent/guardian or sibling 14 or older.                      Adult Softball League | Coed & Men’s
                                                                               SPRING Registration: Monday, January 24 through
                  Basketball                                                   Thursday, February 17
                  Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.                   Tentative League Start Date: Sunday, February 27
                  Tuesday and Thursday 12 p.m.-4 p.m.                          Games will be played Monday - Thursday evenings & late
                                                                               afternoon on Sundays.
                  Volleyball                                                   $400/team (R) $480/team (NR) plus officials’ fees of $24
                  Monday and Wednesday 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.                 per game

                  Pickleball                                                   Adult Arena Soccer League | Coed, Men’s &
                  Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.                 Women’s
                                                                               SPRING Registration: Thursday, January 6 through
                  Open Play Fees:                                              Thursday, January 27
                  15 yrs and younger* $1                                       Tentative League Start Date: Sunday, February 6
                  16-20 yrs (with current student ID) $2                       Games played at Sunset Park.
                  21 and older $3                                              $400/team (R) $480/team (NR) plus officials’ fees of $28
                                                                               per game

                        30 |   City of San Marcos Recreation Guide | Winter/Spring 2022
Albion SC North (Soccer)

                                                                                   SPORTS & COURTS
Primary season: August – November
City SC San Marcos (Soccer)
Primary season: August – November
San Marcos AYSO (Soccer) Region 127
Primary season: August – November
San Elijo AYSO (Soccer) Region 1505
Primary season: August – November
San Marcos Pop Warner (Football)
Primary season: August – November
San Marcos Youth Basketball

San Marcos Girls Softball
Primary season: February – June
San Marcos Youth Baseball
Primary season: February – June
San Marcos Youth Lacrosse
Primary season: February – June
                                       Parks & Recreation
NFL Flag Football
Primary season: March - June
                                        The San Marcos Parks & Recreation
                                        Department is excited to be able to
                                      provide for a third year, scholarships for
                                         activities, programs and events.

                                        The Friends of San Marcos Parks &
                                      Recreation non-profit organization has
                                         made this possible once again.

                                          Application available at:

                                      PARKS & RECREATION | (760) 744-9000   | 31

             Senior Activity Center (SAC)
             111 Richmar Avenue | (760) 744-5535
             Senior programs and activities are held at the San Marcos Senior Activity Center unless otherwise noted. For details, visit
             www.san-marcos.net/adults50+. You can also sign up to receive SAC Monthly Newsletters at https://tinyurl.com/SMRec.
             Hours: Monday through Friday | 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.
             Closed: Saturdays & Sundays, January 17, February 21, and May 30
             A minimum $10 annual contribution is requested of all Senior Activity Center participants. This contribution will fund
             activities that facilitate the well-being of independent senior citizens.

             LUNCH FOR SENIORS                                             CATCH-A-RIDE
             Monday - Friday | 11:30 a.m.                                  Senior Transportation Program
             The Discovery Café serves a nutritious lunch on weekdays.     The CATCH-A-RIDE Senior Transportation Program offers
             A $4 contribution is suggested for guests aged 60 years and   the following transport for our 60+ residents:
             older. The cost is $5 for ages 59 and younger. Please call    Lunch Shuttle – takes seniors to/from the SAC for lunch.
             by 3 pm the weekday prior to reserve your meal. Monday        $1 suggested contribution.
             reservations must be made by 3 p.m. the previous Friday.      Ride Service – offers seniors transport to anywhere in San
             Pre-registration is required prior to joining us for lunch.   Marcos to run errands, go shopping, attend appointments,
                                                                           etc., and outside the city for medical appointments only.
             RESOURCES & REFERRALS                                         $2.50 each way within San Marcos and $5 each way for
             The SAC offers resources and referrals such as support        medical appointments up to 20 miles.
             groups, free legal consultations, AARP tax preparation        Taxi Scrip – available for special circumstances and
             assistance, and free auditory and blood pressure              emergencies. $10.00 for a book valued at $20.00.
             screenings.                                                   For more information or to register, please call the SAC.

                   32 |   City of San Marcos Recreation Guide | Winter/Spring 2022
                                                              To make a lunch reservation, call the Nutrition Desk at
                                                              (760) 744-5535, ext 3607 by 3 p.m. at least one day in

                                                                                                                             ADULTS 50+
                                                              advance. Monday reservations must be made by 3 p.m. the
                                                              Friday before. Pre-registration is required prior to joining
                                                              us for lunch. Call (760) 744-5535, ext 3606 to register.
                                                              Monday – Friday | 11:30 a.m.
                                                              Fee: $5 ages 59 and younger, $4 suggested contribution
                                                              for ages 60+

                                                              Chinese New Year
                                                              Celebrate the year of the Tiger, Chinese culture and
                                                              Tuesday, February 1 | 11:30 a.m.

                                                              Mardi Gras
                                                              Let the good times roll with the annual chair parade,
FEATURED EVENTS                                               Zydeco music, beads galore, dancing and more.
                                                              Friday, February 25 | 10:30 a.m.
Prizes include snacks, decorations and household items.
                                                              Indian Festival of Spring
Mondays | 12:30-2 p.m. | $1 per card
                                                              Celebrate the popular ancient Indian festival called Holi,
                                                              also known as the “Festival of Love”, the “Festival of
Monthly Movie Matinee                                         Colours” and the “Festival of Spring”. Enjoy traditional
Enjoy a new or classic film with other movie enthusiasts
                                                              Indian food, music and culture.
on the 4th Friday of the month.
                                                              Thursday, March 10 | 10:30 a.m.
Refreshments included.
January 28, February 25, March 25, April 22
                                                              St. Patrick’s Day
12:30 p.m. | $1 (Free with lunch admission)
                                                              Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a traditional corned beef &
                                                              cabbage luncheon and entertainment.
Spring Craft Fair                                             Thursday, March 17 | 10:30 a.m.
Vendors will sell handmade crafts and gifts.
$10 non-refundable vendor fee.
                                                              Cinco de Mayo
Wednesday, March 9 | 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
                                                              Festivities include Mexican luncheon catered by a local
                                                              restaurant and entertainment.
Mix & Mingle                                                  Thursday, May 5 | 10:30 a.m.
Enjoy appetizers and drinks while dancing to live music.
Admission includes appetizers and two adult beverages
                                                              Memorial Day
(beer or wine). $8 presale, $10 at the door.
                                                              Join us to honor and remember those who gave the
Friday, March 18 | 5-7 p.m.
                                                              ultimate sacrifice for our country.
                                                              Friday, May 27 | 11:30 a.m.
Parking Lot Sale
One person’s trash is another person’s treasure.
$15 non-refundable vendor fee.
Saturday, April 23 | 7 a.m.–12 p.m.

Mothers’ Day Tea
Join us in honoring mothers with a traditional tea service,
live entertainment, and opportunity drawing.
$10 non-refundable ticket.
Friday, May 6 | 3-4:30 p.m.

                                                                  PARKS & RECREATION | (760) 744-9000          | 33
             Instructor-led class. Registration is required.

             Aqua Aerobics
             Get active in this toning and body movement exercise
             class. Bring water, a towel, wear comfortable swimming
             attire and apply sunscreen prior to arrival.
             Location: Las Posas Pool
             Fee: $6 Daily drop-in
             Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday 9 a.m.-10 a.m.

                                                                      Chair Yoga
                                                                      Seated or standing next to a chair, you will do activities
                                                                      designed to improve your strength, memory, flexibility,
                                                                      restructure your posture, and improve blood circulation.
                                                                      Instructor: Jana Craciunescu
                                                                      Fee: $22 for four weeks

                                                                      Session         Days     Time
             Balance Dance                                            Jan. 6-27       Th       9-9:45 a.m.
             A modern dance based class focused on balance,           Feb. 3-24       Th       9-9:45 a.m.
             coordination, flexibility and joint mobility.            Mar. 3-31       Th       9-9:45 a.m.
             Instructor: Holly Taylor                                 Apr. 7-28       Th       9-9:45 a.m.
             Fee: $30 for four weeks
                                                                      Fun 2b Fit
             Session         Days     Time                            Combine seated and standing exercises and use elastic
             Jan. 7-28       F        11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.           strength bands, hand weights and a lightweight rubber
             Feb. 4-25       F        11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.           ball. Exercise intensity may be individually adjusted to
             Mar. 4-25       F        11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.           meet participant’s physical ability.
             Apr. 1-29       F        11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.           Instructor: Jack Miles

                                                                      Fee: $30 for four weeks
                                                                      Session         Days Time
                                                                      Jan. 3-31       M, W, F 10-11 a.m.
                                                                      Feb. 2-28       M, W, F 10-11 a.m.
                                                                      Mar. 2-30       M, W, F 10-11 a.m.
                                                                      Apr. 1-29       M, W, F 10-11 a.m.

                                                                      Fee: $20 for four weeks
                                                                      Session         Days Time
                                                                      Jan. 4-27       T, Th 10 a.m.-11 a.m.
                                                                      Feb. 1-24       T, Th 10 a.m.-11 a.m.
                                                                      Mar. 1-31       T, Th 10 a.m.-11 a.m.
                                                                      Apr. 5-28       T, Th 10 a.m.-11 a.m.

                    34 |   City of San Marcos Recreation Guide | Winter/Spring 2022
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