Spring 2022 Speaking up for safety P4
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Spring 2022 Speaking up for safety P4 Workers at risk as Canada’s labour movement What to look for in the health measures end P7 stands with Ukraine P13 Provincial Budget P14
Labour Reporter is proudly published quarterly Spring 2022 CONTENTS by the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour. It is sent directly to the homes of working people and to the offices of their unions. Editor Eric Bell SFL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL President Lori Johb Secretary-Treasurer Kent Peterson Vice-Presidents Wanda Bartlett Dylan Breland P4 | Speaking up for safety Barb Cape Megan Croswell Muna De Ciman Denise Dick Glen Green Judy Henley Pat Horbay Stephanie Kerr Jeremy Koskie Michelle Lang Dion Malakoff Jason Monteith Jason Prokopchuk Elizabeth Quinlan Terri Reilly Tracey Sauer Jeff Sweet P13 | Solidarity with Ukraine Hali Topinka Steven Torgerson Sean Tucker Rhealene Wagner Erin Walling Krystle Wallman Sheena Yew Tracy Zambory Representatives on Council Janice Bernier Don MacDonald Deanna Ogle Shobna Radons Deidre Wilson P14 |Provincial Budget 2022: What to watch for
SFL President Lori Johb. Saskatchewan workers are speaking up for safety As we head towards the second anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic this spring, our provincial gov- “Your federation of labour, ernment has officially declared the pandemic over- and your union, will keep dropping all public health orders while taking the fighting for you.” unprecedented step of ending almost all access to public testing and cancelling daily COVID-19 up- to keep workers safe. The reality is that COVID-19 still dates. We’ve seen this happen before, when public remains a serious health and safety threat for workers, health measures were dropped last summer, leading who are now at an increased risk of contracting the vi- towards a disastrous fourth wave in the fall. Unfortu- rus as mask mandates, proof of vaccination, and other nately, it seems the Sask. Party government has still measures that protected workers have been dropped. not learned any lessons from the past two years, and once again are ignoring frontline workers and health That’s why your federation of labour and our affiliates experts and putting the health and safety of workers have been speaking up for safety. Over the past month, at risk. we have been demanding that MLAs start speaking up for the workers they represent, and ensure that work- Let me be clear: Saskatchewan’s labour movement, ers are kept safe by taking action, including: like everyone in Saskatchewan, wants this pandemic to end. But, we also need to remain vigilant in order • Ensuring proper PPE for all workers 4
• Legislating paid sick leave for all of contracting COVID 19 in their or are unable to attend due to the workers workplace. The current situation expense of travel. I am excited that where data is only reported week- we are able to offer these options to • Ensuring safe staffing levels in ly makes this impossible. Workers’ ensure that everyone is able to par- hospitals, schools, and public ser- basic rights in Saskatchewan exist ticipate in SFL schools and events. vices to protect workers, and the gov- The CLC/SFL Spring School will be We’ve held demonstrations in front ernment’s decision to not regular- held May 2-6 in Regina, with online of MLA offices in Regina and Saska- ly report COVID-19 case numbers courses available, and our Prairie toon, demanding politicians who undermines and even potentially School for Union Women will be have remained silent throughout violates this legislation. held June 13-16 in Saskatoon, also the pandemic start speaking up for with online course options. More Workers have been on the front- workers. We also launched a letter information on both schools can lines every day in Saskatchewan, writing campaign, and an online be found on our website. The SFL putting themselves and their fam- phone tool that connects workers Summer Camp will also be held ilies at risk from day one of the pan- directly with their MLA and de- this year for the first time since mand that they speak up for the demic. Our provincial government 2019- stay tuned for more informa- safety of workers. Affiliate unions must recognize this and put the tion coming soon! are also coming together this necessary protections in place to Finally, I would like to take a mo- spring to work on a campaign to keep workers and the people of our ment to thank Saskatchewan NDP continue the fight for worker safety province safe. I know it has been a Leader Ryan Meili for his service and a safe path towards recovery long two years, and frontline work- to Saskatchewan. Ryan has an- from COVID-19. ers are exhausted- be assured that nounced he will be stepping down your federation of labour, and your Your federation of labour has also as Leader of the Official Opposi- union, will keep fighting for you, urged the provincial government tion later this spring. He has been and for a province that takes work- to return to daily COVID-19 report- a strong voice in the legislature for place health and safety seriously. ing. The move of the government working people, especially over in February to only provide week- Despite the ongoing pandemic, I the past two years of the pandem- ly reports has deprived workers am pleased that your federation ic. Thank you, Ryan. Saskatchewan of their right to know about the of labour is returning to in-person is a better place thanks to your risks they face in their workplace events later this year- with safety leadership. due to COVID-19. Employers have measures including masking, proof In Solidarity, a responsibility under law in Sas- of vaccination, and distancing in ef- katchewan to provide workers with fect. We are also making several of a safe workplace. This includes our schools hybrid- with an option providing the information work- to either attend in person or online, ers need so that they can proper- for those who are immunocompro- ly understand and assess the risk mised, do not feel safe gathering, Lori Johb, SFL President 5
CUPE Saskatchewan Recording Secretary JR Simpson, an education worker, at the SFL Speak Up for Safety Rally in Saskatoon. SFL “Speak Up For Safety” Campaign demands action from MIA MLAs The SFL “Speak up for Safety” month of action was “Workers will not sit quietly and held in February to demand that Sask. Party MLAs let the Sask. Party move forward stop catering to extremists and start speaking up for with their plans to make their constituents who are demanding continued public health measures and actions to ensure safe workplaces less safe by workplaces and a path to recovery from COVID-19. dropping all public health measures .” The month of action, which took place throughout February at demonstrations in Regina and Saskatoon go back to normal, but the reality is that COVID-19 as well as online, put pressure on Sask. Party MLAs remains a serious health and safety hazard for work- who have stood silent as the Premier has spread mis- ers,” SFL President Lori Johb said. “Workers will not sit information and supported anti-vaccine extremists quietly and let the Sask. Party move forward with their while ignoring frontline workers and the advice of plans to make workplaces less safe by dropping public public health experts. health measures and ending public access to testing “We all want the pandemic to end and for things to just so they can please their political base.” 6
Workers are demanding that the hospitals, schools, and other public Sask. Party: services •Return to daily COVID-19 case re “These measures must be taken porting, including daily cases, hos- now to ensure workers are kept pitalizations, and deaths safe and we can finally end this pandemic once and for all,” Johb •Ensure proper PPE for all workers said. “It’s time for Sask. Party MLAs •Legislate ten days of paid sick to break their silence and finally leave for all workers start speaking up for the workers they represent.” •Ensure safe staffing levels in our Workers at risk as health measures come to an end The provincial government’s de- our health care system is not over- Johb also raised concerns about cision to end proof of vaccination whelmed.” workers facing harassment as requirements has put the safety of health orders are lifted and work- Johb noted that workers are also workers at risk as COVID-19 contin- ers continue to take precautions not being provided with neces- ues to spread across the province and wear PPE. sary information to properly assess and hospitalizations remain high. their risk of contracting COVID-19 “Workers have the right to be safe “COVID-19 still remains a serious at work, after the provincial gov- at work, and should be able to health and safety threat for work- ernment made the decision to can- have access to and wear the PPE ers,” said Saskatchewan Federation cel daily COVID-19 updates. that they need to avoid contract- of Labour (SFL) President Lori Johb. ing COVID,” Johb said. “Both the “Workers have a right to know “By removing proof of vaccination government and employers must about their risk of contracting requirements, workers are at great- make sure that workers are able to COVID-19 while at work,” Johb said. er risk of contracting the virus.” wear whatever PPE they need to “The government’s switch from be safe without facing harassment “We all want the pandemic to end, daily to weekly updates deprives from members of the public.” but we need to remain vigilant to workers of their right to know make sure that workers are kept about the risk of contracting a se- safe,” Johb said. “Taking the steps rious illness at their workplace, and we’ve outlined would go a long we urge the government to return way to making sure that we are to their past practice of providing able to successfully beat COVID-19 daily updates.” once and for all and ensure that 7
Photos: Workers rally to speak up for safety 6
Saskatchewan workers win big as union certification goes electronic In a historic decision, the Saskatchewan Labour Re- “The electronic cards will now lations Board (LRB) has ruled workers in the province make it easier and safer for can now join a union by signing an electronic union workers to join a union, and membership card. The decision comes following an brings them one step closer to application for reconsideration of LRB File No. 092-21 from the United Steelworkers union (USW). deserving better at work.” The USW congratulates JSN Motors Inc. employees In its unanimous decision, the LRB stated that elec- in becoming the first workers in the province to use tronic support evidence addresses many concerns electronic union cards to join a union. by “improving access to employees, facilitating the dissemination and collection of support cards, and “The decision to allow electronic support evidence reducing physical impediments. In some cases, elec- for union certification is historic and precedent-set- tronic support evidence may provide an additional ting in our province and we are excited to proceed layer of security and privacy from an employer who with welcoming the workers from JSN Motors to our may be tempted to interfere with the exercise of em- union,” said Darrin Kruger, USW Staff Representative. ployees’ rights under the Act.” “The electronic cards will now make it easier and saf- er for workers to join a union and brings them one “During the COVID-19 pandemic, the ability to hold step closer to deserving better at work.” in-person meetings to organize workers and to sign 10
physical paper cards became more difficult, especially while maintain- SFL News Briefs ing physical distancing,” said Kru- Unions, Community members equality, challenging and fighting ger. “Electronic cards will now give come together at SFL Equity racism, sexism, homophobia and workers the ability to sign their Conference transphobia, and other issues that cards safely and confidentially, and affect young people and young it brings Saskatchewan in line with The SFL held our annual Equity workers. Campers will leave with other jurisdictions across Canada.” Conference virtually on February a deepened awareness of social 16. The conference was a great In recent years, labour boards justice, new collective action skills, opportunity for union and com- across the country, including B.C., and new friendships. munity members – especially from Alberta, Ontario and federally, have equity-seeking communities – to The Camp will be held from August begun accepting electronic sup- come together and learn about the 5-11 at the Shekinah Retreat Cen- port evidence. ongoing struggle for human rights, tre near Waldheim. Registration is The Saskatchewan Federation of respect, and dignity. $550 per camper. Some SFL affiliate Labour joins Steelworkers in con- unions subsidize the cost of camp- This year, our conference was divid- gratulating the workers at JSN mo- ers to attend. More information can ed into two separate streams: one tors for taking on this fight. This be found online at www.sfl.sk.ca for those who are allies but do not historic decision brings union or- belong to an equity-seeking group, SFL Committees look to year ganization in the province into the and one for those who are part of ahead modern age, and will make it easier an equity-seeking group to learn for workers in Saskatchewan to join SFL Committees were busy plan- and explore together. This format a union. ning for the year ahead at our an- allowed for everyone to participate nual All Committees meeting on With files from the United Steelwork- in the conference in a safe space February 15. Held virtually, com- ers. that brought folks together at all mittees gathered to meet their fel- different levels to learn and have low committee members, create important and sometimes difficult a workplan to address resolutions conversations. passed at our 2021 convention, and SFL Summer Camp is back in make plans to bring issues forward 2022! and engage with union members across the province. Thank you to Camp is back this year for the first all members of SFL Committees for time since 2019! SFL Summer Camp taking on these important roles. is all about empowering young Your work makes our labour move- people through active learning. ment stronger. Campers will learn about youth and unions, organizing, knowing your workplace rights, women and 11
Partisan Sask. Party appointment at SHA puts public healthcare at risk The recent appointment of a longtime Sask. Party “The Sask Party has been political operative at the Saskatchewan Health Au- chipping away at the thority (SHA) tasked to oversee the privatization of privatization of public health healthcare across the province is a clear signal the services for years.” government is moving forward with their plans to take even more publicly provided healthcare ser- our public health system and handing it over to their vices and place them in the hands of private, for prof- corporate donor friends in the private sector.” it corporations. Johb said that the appointment of a partisan political “The Sask. Party has been chipping away at the pri- operative, with no experience in health care adminis- vatization of public health services for years,” said tration, to an executive position at the SHA expressly SFL President Lori Johb. “First with privatizing hospi- tasked with privatizing healthcare should be a warn- tal laundry services and private MRIs- none of which ing to everyone dedicated to protecting and main- has improved the quality of care or reduced wait taining our public system. times. Now, under the cover of a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, the Sask. Party is intent on further gutting “Those working in executive positions should have 12
expertise and demonstrated ex- cel the position of “Vice President ers and brought our public system perience working in public health of Enterprise Initiatives Support” at to its knees. It’s unbelievable that, care administration. This appoint- the SHA. in the midst of a fifth wave, the ment is, at best, cronyism, and at Sask. Party would move forward “The Sask. Party has done im- worst, proof of the Sask. Party mov- with plans to privatize healthcare mense damage to our healthcare ing forward with their plans to gut instead of investing in and making system- their continued refusal the public health system.” our public system better. This po- to listen to doctors and health ex- sition must be cancelled, and the Johb called on the Sask. Party to perts throughout the pandemic appointment reversed.” reverse the appointment and can- has overwhelmed frontline work- Canada’s unions stand in solidarity with Ukraine Canadian Labour Congress Presi- grows. It is vital that internation- and return to the path of dialogue dent Bea Bruske made the following al agencies are allowed access so and diplomacy. The international statement in response to Russia’s they can provide humanitarian as- community must stand united in attack on Ukraine in late February: the cause of peace for a free and “The world is watching with horror “We call on sovereign Ukraine. as Russia launches an unjustified Canada to open our This attack reminds us again of attack on Ukraine and its people. country’s doors to the dangers posed by tyrants and Canada’s unions condemn this un- autocrats to all of us who value de- those fleeing the provoked act of aggression and mocracy. Ukrainians are now once stand in solidarity with the people conflict.” again being called on to defend of Ukraine who now face violence, their right to self-determination. hardship and an uncertain future. sistance to the people affected. Canada’s unions stand in solidarity with Ukrainian workers and fami- Russia’s military assault will mean We call on Canada’s government lies who want peace. a terrible loss of life and will desta- to open our country’s doors to bilize the lives of people through- those fleeing the conflict, including Canada’s unions also reach out in out the region. Reverberations will through visa-free access for Ukrai- solidarity to our nation’s proud be felt around the world. nians, and provide substantial hu- Ukrainian-Canadian community, manitarian aid to these victims of who fear today for the safety of We are concerned about civilian Russian hostility. family and friends tragically caught casualties and a massive displace- up in Russia’s armed confrontation. ment of people trying to flee the We further urge our government violence. As essential public ser- to work with like-minded multilat- vices are disrupted and civil infra- eral organizations to press Russia structure destroyed, the urgent to end hostilities, adhere to inter- need for humanitarian assistance national human rights obligations 13
Five things to watch for in the provincial budget As the Sask. Party government prepares to present a 2. Funding to Fix Long Term Care - The pandemic provincial budget later in March, here are five things brought to light the crisis in long term care. Under- that Saskatchewan’s labour movement will be look- staffing and outdated facilities led to a crisis that re- ing for: sulted in the deaths of many in long term care. Our seniors deserve better, and so do the workers who 1. Job Creation Plan - The province has suffered care for them. This year’s budget must include funding from record job losses and high unemployment as to fix long term care and provide safe staffing levels a result of the pandemic. As the province looks for- to ensure the health and safety of both those in long ward to a recovery from COVID-19, the provincial term care and long term care workers. government must include budget funding for a plan to create good jobs for Saskatchewan workers across 3. Investments to Improve Public Services - The all sectors. So far, the Sask. Party has left workers who pandemic has damaged the public services we all rely suffered job losses as a result of the pandemic be- on, and the Sask. Party’s disastrous mismanagement hind and have done nothing to create good jobs for of the pandemic has only made things worse. To move working people in the province. forward, Saskatchewan needs significant investment in our public services, particularly in healthcare and 14
education, where frontline workers 4. Paid Sick Leave for All Work- ing to create 28,000 new child- are burnt out from working around ers - Workers in Saskatchewan care spaces and ensure $10-a-day the clock through five waves of shouldn’t have to make the choice childcare by 2025. This year’s bud- COVID-19. Even after the province to either collect a paycheque and get should provide a clear path has recovered, there is a significant put food on the table or go to work to increase the amount of public need for immediate investment sick. All workers deserve paid sick childcare spaces available in the in our public services. Waitlists for time, and legislation to ensure paid province, and a plan to train and surgeries are growing, rural hospi- sick leave for all workers should be hire early learning and childcare tals are being forced to close due a part of the government’s budget workers on a fair wage grid. This to short staffing, and teachers and and a priority in the spring legisla- investment in early learning and education workers are not being tive session. childcare is vital to the province’s provided with the tools they need recovery from COVID-19, and the 5. Funding for Public Childcare to be kept safe at work. Significant federal funding provided to the Spaces. Last year, the province investments in our public services province will significantly reduce signed a historic agreement with - not privatization- must be made the cost of childcare for families in the federal government that pro- to fix the damage done by the Sask. Saskatchewan. vided $41 million in federal fund- Party’s pandemic mismanagement. 15
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