Spring 2022 Distributed in the U.S. by Workman Publishing - Amazon S3

Page created by Martha Wolf
Spring 2022 Distributed in the U.S. by Workman Publishing - Amazon S3
Spring 2022

Distributed in the U.S. by
  Workman Publishing
Spring 2022 Distributed in the U.S. by Workman Publishing - Amazon S3
AN EREWHON TRADE PAPERBACK ORIGINAL                                                            COMING 2022 IN TRADE PAPERBACK
                                                 “Lush and compelling, Clarke has created                                                      “Vivid and delectable . . . Hur is equally at
                                                 a world that captivates . . . A gorgeous                                                      home working in the fertile territories of
                                                 story with a deep heart.”                                                                     myth and the fantastic as in the nuanced
                                                    —Fran Wilde, Nebula Award-winning                                                          portrayal of a contemporary, complex
                                                          author of Updraft and Riverland                                                      family. I loved this.”
                                                                                                                                                    —Kelly Link, Pulitzer Prize f inalist
                                                 “An atmospheric tale of two sisters, each
                                                 as formidable in her own way as the                                                           “An elegant punch to the face. . . . beautiful
                                                 gods they must battle . . . a story to lose                                                   and hard and hungry, full of sharp, painful
                                                 yourself in. Clarke’s intricately designed                                                    observations, slicing clichés open like prick-
                                                 world of rogue magics and unique powers                                                       ly pears and devouring their hearts.”
                                                 is a character all its own.”                                                                                      —The New York Times
                                                               —Louisa Morgan, author of
                                                                                                                                               “Dark, difficult, and riveting—Folklorn gave
                                                                          The Age of Witches
                                                                                                                                               me endless trouble, and I appreciate it.”
                                                 “A rich enchantment of a novel, dizzying,                                                           —R. F. Kuang, Astounding Award-
                                                 dangerous, and delightful.”                                                                          winning author of The Poppy War
                                                         —Trent Jamieson, award-winning
                                                                       author of Day Boy
                                                                                                                                               Angela Mi Young Hur received
                                                 Cassandra Rose Clarke grew up                                                                 a B.A . in English from Harvard and
                                                 in south Texas and currently lives                                                            an MFA in Creative Writing from
                                                 in a suburb of Houston, where she                                                             Notre Dame, where she won the
                                                 writes and teaches composition at                                                             Sparks Fellowship and the Sparks
                                                 a pair of local colleges. She holds                                                           Prize, a post-graduate fellowship.
                                                 an M.A . in creative writing from The
   THE BEHOLDEN                                                                                   FOLKLORN
                                                                                                                                               Her debut The Queens of K-Town
                                                 University of Texas at Austin, and                                                            was published by MacAdam/Cage
   CASSANDRA ROSE CLARKE                         in 2010 she attended the Clarion
                                                                                                  ANGELA MI YOUNG HUR                          in 2007. Folklorn was chosen by
   Two sisters, a magician and a                 West Writer’s Workshop in Seattle.                                                            Kelly Link for a Tin House novel
   merchant, must repay their debt to            Her work has been nominated                      A genre-defying, continents-                 mentorship through the Tin House
   a river goddess and journey to find           for the Philip K. Dick Award,                    spanning saga of Korean myth,                Summer Workshop, where Hur
                                                 the Romantic Times Reviewer’s                                                                 also studied with Alexander Chee
   Decay, a god that doesn’t wish to                                                              scientific discovery, and the
   be found, if they’re to stop a war.           Choice Award, and YALSA’s                                                                     and Mat Johnson, and later with
                                                 Best Fiction for Young Adults.
                                                                                                  abiding love that binds even
                                                                                                                                               Peter Ho Davies at the Napa
                                                                                                  the most broken of families.
   “A wonderful, creepy quest through a                                                                                                        Valley Writers Conference.
   magical, ever-changing wilderness, with
                                                 Trade paperback                                  “Hugely ambitious . . . a spellbinding
   the world at stake and love in the balance.
                                                 US $ 18.95 | CAN $24.95 | World                  shape-shifter of a novel.”                   Trade paperback
   More please!”                                                                                                                               US $18.95 | CAN $24.95 | World
        —Hugo and Nebula Award-winning           5 ½ x 8 ½ | 544 pages                                  —Celeste Ng, bestselling author of
                                                 Fiction/Fantasy/Epic (FIC009020),                                   Little Fires Everywhere   5 ½ x 8 ½ | 368 pages
                       athor Max Gladstone
                                                 Fiction/ Fantasy/Action & Adventure              “Angela Mi Young Hur weaves gorgeous         Fiction/Magical Realism (FIC061000),
   “A dark and gripping fantasy with the at-     (FIC009100)                                      Korean fables through a woman’s messy,       Fiction/Asian American (FIC054000)
   mosphere of a haunted southern evening
                                                 9781645660255 | No. 516025                       international search for redemption and      978-1-64566-042-2 | No. 516042
   on the bayou. I loved it!”
                                                 Ships in December                                connection.”                                 Ships in March
           —Stina Leicht, award-nominated
                                                                                                  —Chia-Chia Lin, author of The Unpassing
              author of Persephone Station

2 EREWHON                                                                                                                                                      SPRING 2022 3
Spring 2022 Distributed in the U.S. by Workman Publishing - Amazon S3
COMING 2022 IN TRADE PAPERBACK                                                               COMING 2022 IN TRADE PAPERBACK
                                                “A complex meditation on fame, taboo,                                                       “The angry queer space opera you’ve been
                                                gender, and social control”                                                                 waiting for.”
                                                                     —Publishers Weekly                                                       —Annalee Newitz, Hugo and Lambda
                                                                                                                                              Award-winning author of Autonomous
                                                “I hope a ton of people read this book,
                                                                                                                                                     and Future of Another Timeline
                                                  think about it, and talk about it.”
                                                                    —Little Red Reviewer                                                    “Cassandra Khaw wields words like a
                                                                                                                                            butcher’s knife—with expert grace and
                                                “A wildly inventive, funny, and ultimately
                                                                                                                                            blunt violence. . . . It’s relentless, profane,
                                                quite heartfelt novel, The Unraveling is a
                                                                                                                                            and weird—and I mean that in a good way.”
                                                chaotic romp of gender deconstruction
                                                                                                                                              —Fonda Lee, award-winning author of
                                                packaged up in a groovy science-fictional
                                                                                                                                                                     the Green Bone Saga
                                                coming-of-age tale.”
                                                             —Chicago Review of Books                                                       “Khaw has written a surly, sneering,
                                                                                                                                            zero-g, sharp-toothed poem of vulgarity
                                                                                                                                            and violence, and I am here for every
                                                Benjamin Rosenbaum has                                                                      electric word of it.”
                                                been nominated for the Hugo,                                                                       —Chuck Wendig, New York Times
                                                Nebula, BSFA, Sturgeon, and World                                                                     bestselling author of Wanderers
                                                Fantasy Awards. He is the author
                                                of the short story collection The Ant                                                       “What a @#*% ride! . . . Once this book
                                                King and Other Stories, and the                                                             gets a hold of you, it won’t let go until the
                                                Jewish historical fantasy tabletop                                                          mind-bending, explosive end!”
                                                roleplaying game “Dream Apart.”                                                              —P. Djéli Clark, award-winning author
                                                Originally from Arlington, VA,                                                                  of Ring Shout and A Master of Djinn

                                                he lives near Basel, Switzerland                THE ALL-                                    Cassandra Khaw is an award-

                                                with his wife and children.
                                                                                                CONSUMING                                   winning game writer whose fiction
                                                                                                                                            has been nominated for the Locus

   In a society where biotechnol-               Trade paperback                                 WORLD                                       and British Fantasy Awards.
                                                                                                                                            Their short stories can be found
   ogy has revolutionized gender,               US $16.95 | CAN $22.95 | World except           CASSANDRA KHAW                              in Fantasy & Science Fiction,
   young Fift must decide whether                                                               Ferociously queer—a crew of                 Tor.com, Lightspeed, Uncanny
                                                5 ½ x 8 ½ | 416 pages
   to conform or carve a new path.                                                              former intergalactic criminals gets         Magazine, and The Year’s Best
                                                Fiction/Science Fiction/Genetic
                                                                                                                                            Science Fiction and Fantasy.
   “Rosenbaum’s writing is wonderfully
                                                Engineering (FIC028110), Fiction/               back together to solve the mystery
   complex and whimsical, but most of all it
                                                Science Fiction/Hard Science Fiction            of their last, disastrous mission.
                                                (FIC019000)                                                                                 Trade paperback
   is humane. No matter how alien his char-
                                                978-1-64566-030-9 | No. 516030                  “This book is a knife to the ribs: sharp,   US $16.95 | CAN $22.95 | World
   acters and worlds, they feel like kin.”
      —Annalee Newitz, Hugo and Lambda          Ships in May                                    brutal, and absolutely designed to do       5 ½ x 8 ½ | 288 pages
                                                                                                exactly what it’s doing.”                   Fiction/Science Fiction/Genetic
    Award-Winning Author of Autonomous
                                                                                                     —Seanan McGuire, award-winning         Engineering (FIC028110), Fiction/
   “Essential reading for anyone interested                                                             author of Every Heart a Doorway     Action & Adventure (FIC002000)
   not only in speculative fiction that plays
                                                                                                “This is Khaw at their most raw and unre-   978-1-64566-043-9 | No. 516043
   with gender norms, but also in quality SF
                                                                                                strained. Prepare for a wild ride.”         Ships in July
   in general. Highly recommended.”
                                                                                                        —Kameron Hurley, Hugo Award-
                  —Booklist (starred review)
                                                                                                     winning author of The Light Brigade

4 EREWHON                                                                                                                                                      SP R I N G 2 0 2 2 5
Spring 2022 Distributed in the U.S. by Workman Publishing - Amazon S3
                                           place, oddly lacking in food and       “Part Miyazaki fairytale, part teen           Mizuki Tsujimura is the winner
                                           running water but full of electri-     romance, it’s strange and beautiful—          of the Japan Booksellers’ Award
                                                                                  imagine the offspring of The Wind Up          and the Naoki prize, two highly
                                           cal sockets, is home to a petulant
                                                                                  Bird Chronicle and The Virgin Suicides.”      influential awards in Japan. Lonely
                                           girl in a mask named Wolf Queen               —Alex Preston, in The Guardian         Castle in the Mirror was a number-
                                           and becomes their playground                                                         one bestseller in Japan, and has
                                                                                  “A moving, reflective and surprising
                                           and refuge during school hours.        novel. . . . Anyone who has ever struggled    sold over half a million copies. She
                                           Hidden within the walls, they’re       with feeling isolated, had difficulties at    is the author of several mystery
                                           told, is a key that will grant one     school, or had mental health struggles,       novels. She lives in Tokyo, Japan.
                                           wish, and a set of clues with which    will find this novel to be a cleansing        Translator Philip Gabriel has
                                           to find it. But there’s a catch: the   balm.”                                        worked on the novels of Nobel
                                                                                                                 —CultureFly    Prize -winner Kenzaburō Ōe and
                                           key must be found by the end of
                                                                                                                                short fiction by Haruki Murakami.
                                           the school year, and they must
                                           leave the premises by five o’clock
                                                                                  MARKETING PLANS                               Among other awards, he is the
                                                                                                                                recipient of the 2001 Sasakawa
                                                                                    • A very well known book getting its
                                           each day or else suffer a fatal end.       first US publication is a huge deal,
                                                                                                                                Prize for Japanese Literature.
                                              As time passes, a devastating           and we’re excited to position Tsujimira
                                           truth emerges: only those brave            and Gabriel as a “can’t-miss” title.      Hardcover
                                           enough to share their stories will       • Threading the needle between adult        US $ 27.95 | CAN $36.95 | US-Can-nx-OM
                                                                                      and young adult, we’re placing            5 ½ x 8 ½ | 400 pages
                                           be saved. And so they begin to             this book in the same vein of The         Fiction/Fantasy/Fairy Tales, Folk Tales,
                                           unlock each other’s stories: how a         Magicians by Lev Grossman, The Ten        Legends & Mythology (FIC010000),
                                           boy is showered with more gadgets          Thousand Doors of January by Alix
                                                                                                                                Fiction/ Magical Realism (FIC061000)
     LONELY CASTLE                         than love; how another suffers a           Harrow, and a more gentle magic
                                                                                      and everyday heart of Kelly Link.         9781645660408 | No. 516040
     IN THE MIRROR                         painful and unexplained rejec-
                                           tion and how a girl lives in fear of
                                                                                    • Introduce US readers to Tsujimira
                                                                                                                                Ships in April 2022
                                                                                      and Gabriel, and express why
     MIZUKI TSUJIMURA                      her predatory stepfather. As they          this is such a classic in Japan.
     TRANSLATED BY                         struggle to abide by the rules of        • A strong marketing plan across
     PHILIP GABRIEL                        the game, a moving story unfolds,          genre sites and genre-agnostic
                                           of seven characters trapped in a           media, with placements in broad
     In a tranquil neighbourhood
                                                                                      readership venues, hoping for
     of Tokyo seven students are           cycle of misunderstanding and              every chance to get this book
     avoiding going to school—hiding       loneliness, who are ultimately set         in front of potential readers.
     in their darkened bedrooms,           free by the power of friendship,         • Combining classic stories of growing
     unable to face their family           empathy, and sacrifice.                    up with the magic and surrealism
                                                                                      of portal fantasies, Lonely Castle in
     and friends—until the moment            Exploring vivid human stories            the Mirror is going to be a unique
     they find the mirrors in their        with a twisty and puzzle-like plot,        and compelling journey of self-
     bedrooms are shining.                 this heart-warming novel is full of        discovery, identity, and vulnerability.

                                           joy and hope for anyone touched
       At a single touch, they are
                                           by sadness and vulnerability.
     pulled from their lonely lives into
     a wondrous castle straight out of a
     Grimm’s fairy tale. This whimsical

6 E R EWHON                                                                                                                                             SP R I N G 2 0 2 2 7
Spring 2022 Distributed in the U.S. by Workman Publishing - Amazon S3
                                              day Jean was born a mysterious         “The Stone Road is the type of fantasy
                                              force named Furnace awoke a few        novel that pulls you in and makes you
                                                                                     linger over every page. I don’t know
                                              miles out of town that mysterious-
                                                                                     which to praise first—the worldbuilding,
                                              ly calls people to it, never to be     which had a depth that made it feel
                                              heard from again. Jean’s father has    neverending; the prose, which made me
                                              been called to it and so many oth-     want to underline whole passages; or the
                                              ers besides.                           characters. . . . Perfect for fans of classics
                                                                                     like The Last Unicorn (which is to say,
                                                 The novel revolves around           anyone who likes good books). I know it’s
                                              Jean, and her relationships both       something I’ll be recommending for years
                                              with her stern and overprotective      to come.”
                                              grandmother, and the ancient                  —Katherine Nazzaro, Manager of
                                                                                         Porter Square Books: Boston Edition
                                              evil that is Furnace. Jean’s grand-
                                              mother has always kept Casement
                                              Rise safe from monsters, but in        MARKETING PLANS
                                              protecting Jean, she may have left        • Market to readers who enjoy the
                                                                                          timeless, poetic prose of writers such      Trent Jamieson is a multi-award
                                              it too late to teach her how to face        as Peter Beagle, Neil Gaiman, V. E.         winning Australian novelist and
                                              the demons on her own, and now              Schwab, and Ursula K. Le Guin.              short story writer. He is the author
                                              it’s time to grow up.                     • Interviews/essays and other publicity       of The Stone Road and Day Boy
                                                                                          opportunities will be used to reintro-      (Erewhon Books), the Death Works
                                                 With the lyrical cadence of The                                                      series (Orbit), and the Nightbound
                                                                                          duce Jamieson to the SFF and literary
                                              Last Unicorn and intense imagery
                                                                                          community as a writer and bookseller.       Land duology (Angry Robot). In
                                              of the Wizard of Earthsea series,         • Publicity tactics will revolve around       2015, Day Boy was published
     ROAD                                     The Stone Road is a powerful nov-           the idea of pastoral fantasy/soft           by Text Publishing in Australia
                                                                                                                                      to great acclaim and numerous
                                              el of hope and belonging.                   post-apocalypse/gothic modernity.
     TRENT JAMIESON                                                                     • Target audience for readers of Sta-
                                                                                                                                      awards. When he’s not writing,
                                                                                                                                      Trent works as a bookseller at
     Nan was supposed to teach                                                            tion Eleven, Flyaway, or Wanderers
                                                                                                                                      Avid Reader in Brisbane, where
     Jean how to protect their town                                                                                                   (among his other hats) he runs
     of Casement Rise from mon-                                                                                                       the monthly SF Bookclub.
     sters in the forest, beyond the
     town. She didn’t. Now Jean                                                                                                       Hardcover
     must learn from her, fast,                                                                                                       US $ 27.95 | CAN $36.95 | World
     or they all burn together.                                                                                                       (excluding ANZ)
                                                                                                                                      5 ½ x 8 ½ | 320 pages
       The Stone Road is a haunting,                                                                                                  Fiction/Fantasy/Contemporary
     lyrical fantasy set in a harsh world                                                                                             (FIC009010), Fiction/Fantasy/Dark
     of grit and monsters.                                                                                                            Fantasy (FIC009070)
                                                     Also by Trent Jamieson                                                           9781645660187 | No. 516018
        In Casement Rise, a dusty town
                                                            DAY BOY                                                                   Ships in May 2022
     at the end of days, Jean is a young
     girl with an innocent but timeless               Coming August 2022
                                                          See pp. 16–17
     voice that will call to all of us. The

8 E R EWHON                                                                                                                                                 SP R I N G 2 0 2 2 9
Spring 2022 Distributed in the U.S. by Workman Publishing - Amazon S3
                                         are both feared and ostracized,          MARKETING PLANS
                                         and most of whom optimize their           • Position Victor as a debut author in
                                         extra hours to earn more money.             the vein of Jeff Vandermeer, Annalee
                                                                                     Newitz, Victor LaValle, and Malka
                                            Jamie Vega, a New York journalist        Older, a near-future NYC specu-
                                         at C+P Media, is one of the Sleepless.      lative thriller with the best aspects
                                         When his irascible boss dies in an          of mysteries and science fiction
                                         apparent suicidal overdose, Jamie         • Work with staple genre sites such as
                                         doesn’t buy this too-convenient             Tor.com, io9, The Mary Sue, as well
                                                                                     as more established genre-agnostic
                                         explanation—especially given its            sites Electric Lit, Shelf Awareness,
                                         suspicious timing in the middle of          Publishers Weekly, etc., in order to
                                         a corporate takeover—and begins             introduce and grow Victor’s fanbase
                                         to investigate.                           • Create opportunities for Victor to
                                                                                     craft essays, be a part of panels
                                            Things go awry quickly when              and interviews/discussions, along
                                         Jamie discovers that he was the             with an Indie Next campaign to          Victor Manibo is a speculative
                                         last person who saw Simon alive.            make sure Victor is prominent           fiction writer living in New York
                                                                                     across mediums and venues, and a        City, and his writing is influenced by
                                         Retracing his steps, he realizes            known quantity for years to come        his experiences as an immigration
                                         he doesn’t remember that night.                                                     and civil rights lawyer. As a queer
                                         Not only do the police suspect                                                      immigrant and a person of color,
                                         him, Jamie can’t account for the                                                    he also writes about the lives of
                                         lost time, and the memory loss                                                      people with these identities.
     THE SLEEPLESS                       may have something to do with
                                         the fact that he did not come by                                                    Hardcover
                                         hyperinsomnia naturally: through                                                    US $27.95 | CAN $36.95 | World
     In a near-future New York                                                                                               English
                                         a risky and illegal process, Jamie
     City where a minority of the                                                                                            5 ½ x 8 ½ | 336 pages
                                         had biohacked himself to become
     population has lost the need                                                                                            Fiction/Science Fiction/Cyberpunk
                                         Sleepless.                                                                          (FIC028100), Fiction/Science Fiction/
     for sleep, a journalist fights to
     uncover the truth behind his           As Jamie delves deeper into Si-                                                  Genetic Engineering (FIC028110)
                                         mon’s final days, he is forced to con-                                              978-1-64566-046-0 | No. 516046
     boss’s murder on the eve of a
                                         front past traumas, and the conse-                                                  Ships in May 2022
     sinister corporate takeover—
     while his own Sleeplessness         quences of his decision to biohack
     spirals out of control.             himself. Along the way he uncov-
                                         ers a terrifying truth about what
       A mysterious pandemic causes a    it means to be Sleepless that will
     quarter of the world’s population   imperil him—and all of humanity.
     to permanently lose the ability
     to sleep—without any apparent
     health implications. The outbreak
     creates a new class of people who

1 0 ERE WH ON                                                                                                                                    SP R I N G 2 0 2 2 11
Spring 2022 Distributed in the U.S. by Workman Publishing - Amazon S3
                                             beautiful land of Erewhon and is      “[Takes] imagination of a very high order      Samuel Butler was an
                                             given a home among its extraor-       to see that machinery could be dangerous       iconoclastic Victorian author who
                                                                                   as well as useful.”                            published a variety of works,
                                             dinarily handsome citizens. But
                                                                                                           —George Orwell         including the Utopian satire
                                             their visitor soon discovers that                                                    Erewhon and the posthumous
                                             this seemingly ideal community
                                                                                   MARKETING PLANS                                novel The Way of All Flesh, his
                                             has its faults—here crime is treat-                                                  two best-known works. Butler
                                                                                     • Give new and old readers of
                                             ed indulgently as a malady to be                                                     also made prose translations
                                                                                       science fiction a window into
                                             cured, while illness, poverty and         a classic of genre fiction in              of The Iliad and The Odyssey
                                                                                       a beautiful new edition.                   which remain in use to this day.
                                             misfortune are cruelly punished,
                                             and all machines have been su-          • Use modern authors to reintroduce
                                                                                       this classic text and help contextualize   Annalee Newitz writes science
                                             perstitiously destroyed after a bi-
                                                                                       its importance through the lens of         fiction and nonfiction. They are
                                             zarre prophecy. Can he survive in         modern sensibilities and speak to          the author of the book Four Lost
                                             a world where morality is turned          the ways the text is of its time.          Cities: A Secret History of the
                                             upside down?                            • Introduce fans of Erewhon Books to         Urban Age, and the novels The
                                               Inspired by Samuel Butler’s years       our namesake and the ways we live          Future of Another Timeline and
                                                                                       within its premise, what inspired us to    Autonomous, which won the Lambda
                                             in colonial New Zealand and by            use it as a springboard for identity.      Literary Award. They are also
                                             his reading of Darwin’s Origin of                                                    the co -host of the Hugo Award-
                                             Species, Erewhon is a highly origi-                                                  winning podcast Our Opinions
                                             nal, irreverent and humorous satire                                                  Are Correct. Previously, they were
                                             on conventional virtues, religious                                                   the founder of io9, and served as

     EREWHON                                 hypocrisy and the unthinking ac-
                                                                                                                                  the editor-in-chief of Gizmodo.

                                             ceptance of beliefs.
     SAMUEL BUTLER                                                                                                                Trade Paperback
     To celebrate its 150th anniver-                                                                                              US $12.95 | CAN $16.95
     sary, a bold new edition of the                                                                                              5 ½ x 8 ½ | 320 pages
     utopian/dystopian classic that                                                                                               Fiction/Dystopian (FIC055000)
                                                                                                                                  Fiction/Satire (FIC052000)
     gave Erewhon Books its name.
                                                                                                                                  978-1-64566-047-7 | No. 516047
        This new edition of the Samu-                                                                                             Ships in May 2022
     el Butler classic, first published in
     1872, arrives in honor of its 150th
     anniversary, and features an up-
     dated package and new context                                                 “. . . By and by they came to my watch, which I had hidden away in
     for the book from one of today’s                                              the inmost pocket that I had, and had forgotten when they began
     great thinkers in science fiction,                                            their search. They seemed concerned and uneasy as soon as they
     Annalee Newitz.                                                               got hold of it. They then made me open it and show the works;
        Setting out to make his fortune                                            and when I had done so they gave signs of very grave displeasure,
     in a far-off country, a young trav-                                           which disturbed me all the more because I could not conceive
     eller discovers the remote and                                                wherein it could have offended them . . .”

1 2 ERE WH ON                                                                                                                                        SP R I N G 2 0 2 2 13
Spring 2022 Distributed in the U.S. by Workman Publishing - Amazon S3
                                                For years, Kalyna has supported       Sarah Guan, editor:
                                            her father—whose grip on reality          “Kalyna is quick-witted because a
                                            is straining under the weight of his      code-switching, ethnically-ambiguous
                                            confused visions of the future—           outsider has to be, to survive the factional
                                            and her cruel grandmother on the          and increasingly xenophobic atmosphere
                                            strength of her wits, using infor-        of the government she unwillingly
                                                                                      serves, and she is very much not the great
                                            mants and trickery to falsify prophe-
                                                                                      fortuneteller who was promised—but she
                                            cies for coin, and scrounge together      has to pretend to be, because her family’s
                                            a living for them all. But it’s getting   lives are worth more than any ideal of
                                            harder every year. And poverty turns      truth or purity that her ancestors might
                                            to danger when, on the strength of        have venerated.”
                                            her reputation for prophecy, Kalyna
                                            is pressed into service by Lenz, the
                                                                                      MARKETING PLANS
                                                                                        • Elijah is a debut author with a book       Elijah Kinch Spector
                                            spymaster to the prince of Rotfelsen.         in the vein of Tamsyn Muir, Naomi
                                                                                                                                     lives in Brooklyn. Kalyna the
                                                Lenz orders Kalyna to use her             Novik, and Katherine Arden, and a
                                                                                          young talent who is being introduced
                                                                                                                                     Soothsayer is his first novel.
                                            “Gift,” to uncover threats against            to the SFF and book world at large.
                                            Rotfelsen’s king, and holds her fam-                                                     Hardcover
                                                                                        • The Goblin Emperor meets
                                            ily hostage against her good behav-           Uprooted, with a voice like Gideon         US $ $ 27.95 | CAN $36.95 | World
                                            ior. But Rotfelsenisch politics are           the Ninth, we believe Kalyna is            5 ½ x 8 ½ | 400 pages
                                            devious, the king’s enemies abound,           going to have wide appeal, sitting
                                                                                                                                     Fiction/Fantasy/Epic (FIC009020),
     KALYNA THE                             and Kalyna’s skills for investigation
                                                                                          neatly in the gap left by Game
                                                                                          of Thrones and those looking
                                                                                                                                     Fiction/ Fantasy/Action & Adventure
     SOOTHSAYER                             and deception are tested to the lim-
                                            it. Worse, the conspiracy she does
                                                                                          for a fun, engrossing read.
                                                                                                                                     9781645660385 | No. 516038
                                                                                        • Work with staple genre sites such as
     ELIJAH KINCH SPECTOR                   begin to uncover points to a larg-            Tor.com, io9, The Mary Sue, as well
                                                                                                                                     Ships in June 2022
                                            er threat, not only to the King of            as more established general sites
     A thrilling tale in the vein of                                                      Electric Lit, Shelf Awareness, Publish-
     Spinning Silver and The Traitor        Rotfelsen but to all four monarchs            ers Weekly, etc., in order to introduce
     Baru Cormorant following a             at their annual governing council—            and grow Elijah’s fanbase and
                                            which falls on precisely the same             publicize him alongside his debut.
     young, brash “clairvoyant” con
     artist who must prophesize             day that Kalyna’s father has prophe-        • Create opportunities for Elijah to
                                            sied the catastrophic collapse of the         craft essays, be a part of panels
     her way out of peril.                                                                and interviews/discussions, along
                                            whole Tetrarchia.                             with a bookseller/librarian support
                                                 Kalyna is determined to pro-             to help begin his growth as a known
        Every member of Kalyna’s fam-                                                     quantity for years to come.
     ily has the Gift: the ability to see   tect her family and her newfound
     the future. For generations, they      friends—and to save the Tetrarchia,
     traveled the four kingdoms of the      too. But as she is drawn deeper into
     Tetrarchia selling their services as   palace intrigue, she can no longer
     soothsayers. Every child of their      tell if her manipulations are help-
     family is born with this Gift—every-   ing prevent the Tetrarchia’s destruc-
     one except Kalyna.                     tion—or if her lies will bring about
                                            its prophesized downfall.

1 4 ERE WH ON                                                                                                                                            SP R I N G 2 0 2 2 15
Spring 2022 Distributed in the U.S. by Workman Publishing - Amazon S3
                                          helpless by day, each relies on his    Winner, Aurealis Award for Best Fanta-
                                                                                 sy Novel AND Best Horror Novel, 2015
                                          Day Boy to serve and protect him.
                                                                                 Shortlisted, Ditmar Award for Best
                                            Mark has been lucky in his Mas-      Novel, 2016
                                          ter: Dain has treated him well. But    Shortlisted, Courier-Mail People’s
                                          as he grows to manhood and his         Choice Queensland Book of the Year
                                                                                 Award, 2016
                                          time as a Day Boy draws to a close,
                                                                                 Longlisted, International DUBLIN
                                          there are choices to be made.          Literary Award, Ireland, 2017
                                             Will Mark undergo the Change        “Highly expressive in its imagery . . . a
                                          and become, himself, a Master—or       quintessential Australian piece of literature,
                                          throw in his lot with his fellow hu-   which draws the reader in a withered and
                                          mans? As the tensions in his con-      fading outback of a ‘to be’ Australia, mixing
                                                                                 in refined fantasy fiction masterfully.”
                                          flicted world reach crisis point,
                                                                                                    —Fantasy Book Review,
                                          Mark’s decision may be crucial,                                    9 out of 10 rating
                                          and teach him what it means to
                                                                                 “[Keeps] all of the central facets of
                                          become a man, or decide to re-         vampire mythology while fashioning               Trent Jamieson is a multi-award
                                          main one.                              something new and often riveting. Poetic         winning Australian novelist and
                                                                                 and meditative—at times frightening,             short story writer. He is the author
                                                                                 visceral and bloody—this is a dark journey       of The Stone Road (Erewhon Books),
                                                                                 worth making.”                                   the Death Works series (Orbit),
                                                                                                                   —Aurealis      and the Nightbound Land duology

     DAY BOY
                                                                                                                                  (Angry Robot). In 2015, Day Boy
                                                                                                                                  was published by Text Publishing
                                                                                 MARKETING PLANS                                  in Australia to great acclaim and
     TRENT JAMIESON                                                                 • Position Trent as a successor to            numerous awards. When he’s not
     An award-winning, beautiful-                                                     writers such as Peter Beagle,               writing, Trent works as a bookseller
                                                                                      Ursula K. Le Guin, Margo                    at Avid Reader in Brisbane,
     ly written, and tender story
                                                                                      Lanagan, and Kelly Link.
     about role models and growing                                                                                                where (among his other hats) he
                                                                                    • Find coverage opportunities                 runs the monthly SF Bookclub.
     into manhood that reimagines                                                     primarily at genre staples such as
     the elements of the vampire                                                      Tor.com, IO9, The Mary Sue, etc.
                                                    Also by Trent Jamieson                                                        Hardcover
     myth in a wholly original                                                      • Use Day Boy’s previous success
     way . . . while never breath-                                                    as an award-winning Australian              US $25.95 | CAN $34.95 | World
                                                                                      title to garner national interest.          (excluding ANZ)
     ing a word about vampires.
                                                                                    • Utilize a marketing strategy that           5 ½ x 8 ½ | 320 pages
       Mark is a Day Boy.                                                             builds on Trent’s success with The          Fiction/Romance/Paranormal/
                                                                                      Stone Road and find opportunities           Vampires (FIC027320), Fiction/
       In a post-traumatic future, the                                                to show readers how they exist              Fantasy/Contemporary (FIC009010)
     Masters—formerly human, now                                                      in the same narrative world.                978-1-64566-026-2 | No. 516026
     practically immortal—rule a world                                                                                            Ships in July 2022
     that bends to their will and a hu-
     man population upon which they
     feed. Invincible by night, all but

1 6 ERE WH ON                                            See pp. 8–9                                                                                 SP R I N G 2 0 2 2 17
Spring 2022 Distributed in the U.S. by Workman Publishing - Amazon S3
                                            to California. Two riders wanted.
                                            Orphans preferred,” her tomboy
                                            heart skips a beat: not only for
                                                                                    PONY EXPRESS
                                            the ample risk wage, but for the       Special Assignment:
                                            adventure and the chance to track
                                            down their wayward father in Cal-      St. Joseph, Missouri
                                            ifornia. Jessamine cuts her hair,          to California.
                                            dons a pair of pants, and steps
                                            into the world as Jesse.                Two riders wanted.
                                               At the Pony Express station, Jes-
                                            se meets Ben Foley, a quiet but de-    Orphans preferred.
                                            termined boy, so secretive about
                                            his origin story there is little
                                            doubt it must be turbulent, and
                                            they become partners. They are
                                            an odd pair—one excitedly navi-        MARKETING PLANS                              J.M. Lee is a Minneapolis author,
                                            gating the world as a boy for the       • Market book to fans of Joey’s work        illustrator and writing mentor with
                                            first time, the other a mixed-race        on the Dark Crystal novelizations         a background in linguistics and
                                                                                      and recent Netflix special.               film. He was the winner of the
                                            young man trying to defend his
                                                                                    • Connect to historical fantasy             prestigious Jim Henson’s the Dark
                                            freedom—yet their esteem for each
                                                                                      fiction fans, utilizing the setting and   Crystal Author Quest and author
                                            other grows as they head west             research the author has done on           of Shadows of the Dark Crystal,
     EXPRESS                                across the United States.                 Antebellum/pre-Civil War America
                                                                                    • Pitch J. M. Lee for librarian and
                                                                                                                                the official prequel fantasy novel
                                                                                                                                to the 1982 classic fantasy film.
                                              As they encounter mysterious
     J. M. LEE                              portals that carry them miles in
                                                                                      bookseller conferences.
     In antebellum America, two             an eyeblink and unusual creatures                                                   Hardcover
     teens bury their secrets and           with uncanny glowing eyes, it be-                                                   US $18.95 | CAN $24.95 | World
     join the historic Pony Ex-             comes clear that this is no normal                                                  5 ½ x 8 ½ | 368 pages
     press—and soon discover the                                                                                                Young Adult Fiction/Fantasy/Historical
                                            mission. A second, magical realm
                                                                                                                                (YAF019040), Young Adult Fiction/
     mortal world is not the only           exists just below the surface of the                                                Fairy Tales & Folklore/General
     one on the brink of war.               mortal one, intertwined since the                                                   (YAF017000)
                                            beginning of time—but the divisive                                                  978-1-64566-003-3 | No. 516003
        Young, poor, and orphaned in
                                            violence of colonization and war                                                    Ships in 2022 TBA
     rural Missouri, Jessamine Murphy
                                            are tearing the two worlds apart.
     frets over her very pregnant sister,
     not at all sure how to feed their        As Ben and Jesse struggle to find
     family until the baby is born,         themselves, they discover their
     let alone after. When Jessamine        unlikely alliance may be the only
     comes across a recruitment post-       thing that will save them . . . and
     er reading “Pony Express Special       the creatures and environment of
     Assignment: St. Joseph, Missouri       two struggling worlds.

1 8 ERE WH ON                                                                                                                                       SP R I N G 2 0 2 2 19
                                         than ever. The Planetary Alliance     Praise for Rise of the Red Hand:
                                         Commission has branded them           “You’ll be rooting for the badass revolu-
                                         public enemy number one and is        tionary hero, Ashiva—a girl with teeth,
                                         determined to root their remain-      and a metal fist.”
                                         ing forces out of their Himalayan                 —Farah Naz Rishi, author of
                                         base, even as the pandemic rages                  I Hope You Get This Message

                                         on in the province.                   “It’s everything I want in a cyberpunk
                                                                               story: devastating political and existential
                                            Ashiva, armed with a new bion-
                                                                               stakes, a surging pace, and profoundly rad
                                         ic upgrade, leads a team back into    cybernetics.”
                                         the fray to track down a myste-                      —Hannah Abigail Clarke,
                                         rious beacon that may well be a                      author of The Scapegracers
                                         trap. Synch helps lock down and       “Speculative fiction as we rarely see
                                         evacuate their mountain strong-       it—with the global south speaking up in
                                         hold. Taru discovers a precious       a powerful and compellingly imagined
                                                                               near future. . . . Explores the most urgent
                                         resource that everyone—especially                                                    Olivia Kaur Chadha began
                                                                               issues of our time, the soullessness of
                                         the PAC—is desperate to control.      technology and the gap between rich and        her writing career with a stint in
                                         And the PAC is all too willing        poor, with non-stop action propelled by a      Los Angeles writing comic book
                                         to sacrifice an entire province to    sharp young cast. . . . Brilliant!”            scripts for Fathom. She has a PhD
                                                                                                                              in creative writing from Binghamton
                                         achieve their optimal results.                           —Ausma Zehanat Khan,
                                                                                                  author of The Bloodprint    University and a master’s in creative
                                           Ashiva, Synch, and Taru must                                                       writing from the University of
     FALL OF THE                         save their homeland before its
                                                                               MARKETING PLANS
                                                                                                                              Colorado, Boulder. Her research
     IRON GODS                           entire population is sacrificed for
                                                                                 • Build on what worked for Rise of
                                                                                                                              centers on exile, folklore and fairy
                                                                                                                              tales, and the environment. She is
                                         the greater planetary good.
     OLIVIA CHADHA                                                                 the Red Hand: blogger interviews,          first-generation American of Punjabi
                                                                                   podcasts, giveaways, character art,        Sikh and Latvian/German descent
     The sequel to Rise of the Red                                                 bookstagram touring, and more.
                                                                                                                              and lives in Colorado with her
     Hand, a searing portrayal of                                                • Create a marketing bundle with the         family and two very odd dogs.
     the future of climate change in                                               Rise of the Red Hand paperback
     South Asia. After inflicting a                                                edition for joint promotion to encour-
                                                    Also by Olivia Chadha                                                     Hardcover
                                                                                   age readers to begin the series.
     devastating blow on the auto-                                                                                            US $18.95 | CAN $24.95 | World
                                                                                 • Continue to position Olivia as a
     cratic provincial government,                                                 unique voice in the Young Adult            English
     Ashiva, Synch, and their remain-                                              sci-fi space, bringing a fresh             5 ½ x 8 ½ | 384 pages
     ing allies must take on the plan-                                             perspective and voice, and welcome         Fiction/Dystopian (YAF015000),
     etary government, which wants                                                 representation, to her genre.              Fiction/Social Themes/Class
                                                                                                                              Differences (YAF058030)
     the Red Hand exterminated.
                                                                                                                              978-1-64566-027-9 | No. 516027
       The South Asian Province’s se-                                                                                         Ships in 2022 TBA
     cret prison has been destroyed,
     and its leaders are on trial. But
     the Red Hand is more endangered

2 0 ERE WH ON                                           See pp. 26–27                                                                            SP R I N G 2 0 2 2 21
                                             rip Sideways’ specter out—a soul-        Praise for Clarke and
                                             like organ that gives witches the        the Scapegracers Series:
                                             ability to perform magic.                “In this fierce debut, a trilogy opener,
                                                                                      Clarke conjures up a powerful, passion-
                                                For Madeline, stealing Side-
                                                                                      ate tale of female friendship and found
                                             ways’ specter was a necessary evil:      family. ”
                                             after her witchfinder ex-boyfriend            —Publishers Weekly (starred review)
                                             robbed her of her own, Madeline’s        “[Clarke]’s writing is brilliant and
                                             been hellbent on getting it back and     gorgeous and firework bright.”
                                             exacting vengeance on the whole                           —Kat Howard, author of
                                             Chantry family, even if that means                    An Unkindness of Magicians
                                             hurting another witch in the pro-        “Sapphic teenage witches and slippery
                                             cess. Sideways can have her specter      vengeance magic? Yes, please! Clarke’s en-
                                                                                      tertaining debut captures all the pleasure   Hannah Abigail Clarke is here
                                             back when Madeline’s done with it.                                                    and queer, etc. They have been
                                                                                      and pathos of viciously loyal high school
                                             She’ll be fine until then, right?                                                     published in PRISM international,
                                                Except Winter break is looming                  —Katharine Duckett, author of      Portland Review, and Eidolon.
                                                                                                                                   They were a 2019 Lambda Literary
                                             and specter-less Sideways is feeling                             Miranda in Milan
                                                                                                                                   Fellow in Young Adult Fiction and a
                                             rotten. She can’t do magic on her                                                     Pushcart nominee. They researched
                                             own, parts of her mind are tangled       MARKETING PLANS                              queerness, labor, and monstrosity
                                             with Madeline’s, and if it weren’t for     • Utilize the starred reviews and          at the University of Chicago.
                                                                                          marketing strategies from The
                                             Mr. Scratch, the inky book devil
     SCRATCH                                 consensually possessing her, she’d
                                                                                          Scapegracers in in promotion
                                                                                          of The Scratch Daughters                 Hardcover
     DAUGHTERS                               probably be dead. Sideways and her
                                             fellow (much merrier) Scapegrac-
                                                                                        • Work with reviewers and media            US $18.95 | CAN $$24.95| World
                                                                                          in the young adult and LGBTQ
     HANNAH ABIGAIL CLARKE                   ers have set up shop as curse craft-         literary communities and websites        5 ½ x 8 ½ | 400 pages
     Book 2 in the Scapegracers series       ers for girls in their school who’ve         in order to continue outreach            Young Adult Fiction/Fantasy/Wizards
                                                                                        • A dual marketing plan to target an       & Witches (YAF019050), Young Adult
                                             been done wrong by guys, following
     Sideways Pike struggles to                                                           audience of teens and young adults       Fiction/LGBT (YAF031000)
                                             dead-end trails in pursuit of Made-          who loved The Scapegracers and           9781645660170 | No. 516017
     keep her coven together as
                                             line where they can. But when Side-          invite new readers in to become part     Ships in 2022 TBA
     the loss of her magical soul                                                         of the readership, including combined
                                             ways comes up with a reckless plan
     drives her to desperation in the                                                     outreach packet with both books                    Also by Clarke
                                             to get her specter back, she finds the
     sequel to the indie-bestselling                                                    • Position Clarke’s voice and writing in
                                             other Scapegracers think it’s too
     debut, The Scapegracers.                                                             popular venues, with more opportuni-
                                             dangerous to proceed.                        ties for essays, interviews, and more
        It’s been a wild year for Sideways     Well, Sideways is used to going it       • Promotion of fanart/photos
     Pike. She formed a coven with the       alone, and she’s desperate. She’s not        from fans in preparation for
     three most popular girls in school,                                                  The Scratch Daughters
                                             going to let an ex-crush and six un-
     fell for a mysterious stranger, and     hinged witchfinders stand between          • Exploration of coming-out
                                                                                          stories in reference and support
     threw a massive Halloween party         herself and her magic. But she, Mr.          of a non-binary character’s
     with said coven to impress said         Scratch, and her trusty stolen bike          coming out within the text.
     stranger, only for her to literally     are in for a bumpy ride . . .
                                                                                                                                             See pp. 26–27

2 2 ERE WH ON                                                                                                                                         SP R I N G 2 0 2 2 23
                                                                                 “A sparkling, incisive, and razor-sharp        “By turns charming and wrenching.”

                                                                                  fantasy of manners. A must-read.”               —Mary Robinette Kowal, Nebula- and
                    THE MIDNIGHT BARGAIN                                                       —Tasha Suri, award-winning        Hugo-award winning author of the Lady
                                                                                                  author of Empire of Sand                              Astronaut series
                    C . L . Po l k
                                                                                 2021 Finalist:
                    From the World Fantasy Award-                                • World Fantasy Award                          Trade Paperback
                    winning author of Witchmark, a                               • Ignyte Award for Best Novel
                    sorceress must balance her desire to                         • Nebula Award for Best Novel                  US $18.95 | CAN $24.95 World English
                    become the first great female magician                       • Canada Reads                                 (excluding UK/Commonwealth)
                    against her duty to her family.                                                                             5 ½ x 8 ½ | 384 pages
                                                                                 NPR Best Books of 2020
                                                                                 November Indie Next Pick
                                                                                                                                Fiction/Fantasy/Historical (FIC009030),
                   “Smart, sexy, and sincere; it’s an alter-Regency
                                                                                 Amazon Editors’ Pick, Best SFF of October      Fiction/Fantasy/Romance (FIC009090)
                    romance with fantastical magic and very real teeth.”
                             —Alix Harrow, Hugo Award-winning author of          Apple Books: Best Books, October               978-1-64566-029-3 | No. 516029
                                        The Ten Thousand Doors of January

                                                                                 “Vivid, intense and heart-wrenching. . . .     “An incredibly accomplished debut novel,

                    ON FRAGILE WAVES                                             poignantly illustrates the devastating im-
                                                                                 pact of abstract policies on actual people.”
                                                                                                                                a necessary and important tale of empa-
                                                                                                                                thy and imagination and hope.”
                    E . L i l y Yu                                                            —Victoria Law, co-author of               —Matt Bell, author of Appleseed
                                                                                               Prison By Any Other Name
                    A heartbreaking and haunting story about
                    a family’s quest for a new home in an                        “In flowing, lyrical prose, Yu showcases       Trade Paperback
                    unwelcoming world, told in prose that’s both                 the power of folklore and the pain of          US $16.95 | CAN $22.95 | World
                    beautifully economical and intensely lyrical.                displacement. This is a knockout.”             English
                                                                                     —Publishers Weekly (starred review)        5 ½ x 8 ½ | 288 pages
                    “A soul-searing tale of homecoming, home-becoming,           “Essential fiction to understand our           Fiction/Magical Realism (FIC061000),
                    home-conjuring. . . . E. Lily Yu is the brilliant voice of   world; Yu will draw in new fans while          Fiction/Literary (FIC019000)
                    conscience our age needs.”                                   continuing to intrigue those who have
                                                                                                                                978-1-64566-032-3 | No. 516032
                               —Ken Liu, author of The Paper Menagerie           read her for years.”
                                                                                        —Library Journal (starred review)

                                                                                 “Radical . . . [a] gut-punch of a story.”      “Jones creates a world that . . . deeply
                                                                                                         —Publishers Weekly     explores the meanings of consent and
                    THE FORTRESS                                                 “A visceral, uncomfortable read that           power.”
                    S. A . Jones                                                 scrutinizes, among other things, society’s                             —Library Journal
                                                                                 approach in its treatment of women and
                    A vital and searing examination of the
                                                                                 how to resolves the gender and power
                    dark heart of masculinity confronted by                      issues we face today.”                         Trade Paperback
                    a women-led society, and a new and in                                                       —Tor.com        US $16.95 | CAN $22.95 | World
                    demand addition to the canon of feminist                                                                    English (except ANZ)
                    SF by a skilled and authoritative author.                    “A Molotov cocktail of a book: intensely
                                                                                 furious, perversely fascinating, and           5 ½ x 8 ¼ | 288 pages
                    The Handmaid’s Tale meets Herland                                                                           Fiction/Dystopian (FIC055000),
                    at a party thrown by Anaïs Nin.                                                                             Fiction/Literary (FIC019000)
                                                                                    —Jodi McAlister, author of Valentine
                                                                                                                                978-1-64566-002-6 | No. 516002

2 4 ERE WH ON                                                                                                                                        SP R I N G 2 0 2 2 25
                                                                             “Teenage girl magic is palpable, urgent,        “Loner, lesbian teenage witch Sideways

                                                                              and simply marvelous in this must-have          bubbles with nerves, insecurities, and
                   THE SCAPEGRACERS                                           debut.”                                         longing in this action-packed debut from
                   H a n n a h A b i g a i l C l a r ke                                       —Kirkus (starred review)        a young queer writer. . . . Bonus points for
                                                                                                                              super sweet gay dads and all around great
                   Book 1 in the Scapegracers series                         “I loved everything about this book, from
                                                                                                                              representation of diverse characters.”
                                                                              the hot, suturing needle of Clarke’s prose
                                                                                                                                   —Chana Porter, author of The Seep
                   Skulking near the bottom of West                           to the broken-glass grind of Sideways’s
                                                                              voice. As tender and intimate as it is fero-
                   High’s social pyramid, Sideways
                   Pike lurks under the bleachers doing
                                                                              cious and volatile, Scapegracers deserves       Trade Paperback
                                                                              to be this generation’s go-to grimoire.         US $10.95 | CAN $14.95 | World
                   magic tricks for bottles of Coke.                          May it launch a thousand covens of angry,
                                                                              loving, brilliant girls.”
                                                                                                                              5 ½ x 8 ½ | 400 pages
                     Rich with the urgency of feral youth,                          —Amal El-Mohtar in The New York           Young Adult Fiction/Fantasy/Wizards
                   indie besteller The Scapegracers is an                     Times Book Review Holiday Books Guide           & Witches (YAF019050), Young Adult
                   atmospheric, voice-driven novel of the                                                                     Fiction/LGBT (YAF031000)
                                                                             “You will definitely want to join this
                                                                                                                              978-1-64566-019-4 | No. 516019
                   occult that explores magic, growing up, and                coven.”
                   complex female friendship with all the rage                           —Jess Zimmerman, author of
                   of a teenage girl.                                                                      Basic Witches          Also by Hannah Abigail Clarke
                                                                                                                                    THE SCRATCH DAUGHTERS
                                                                                                                                          Coming 2022
                                                                                                                                          See pp. 22–23

                                                                             “Rise of the Red Hand mixes the best            “. . . willing to shatter daringly all its

                   RISE OF THE RED HAND                                      of cyberpunk and anime with a tale of
                                                                             family and revolution to create some-
                                                                                                                             initial assumptions and verities, putting
                                                                                                                             its cast through life-altering fires, in order
                   Olivia Chadha                                             thing completely unique—intimate yet            to create new forms of beauty and hope
                                                                             action-packed, touching yet thrilling.          and possible salvation.”
                   Book 1 in the The Mechanists series                       Olivia Chadha delivers as much action as                                   —Locus Magazine
                                                                             she does heart, all with a healthy dose of
                   In this science fiction YA debut novel,                   mecha. It kicks ass.”
                   Ashiva, a streetrat turned revolutionary and                                —Mike Chen, author of         Trade Paperback
                   Riz-Ali, the hacker son of a politician, try                                    We Could Be Heroes        US $18.95 | CAN $24.95| World
                   to take down a government that sacrifices                                                                 5 ½ x 8 ½ | 384 pages
                   its poorest citizens to build its utopia.
                                                                             “An exhilarating and relevant story that        Young Adult/Fiction/Dystopian
                                                                             gives voice to those often unheard and          (YAF015000 ), Young Adult Fiction/
                   “Steeped in elements from real-life South Asian                                                           Social Themes/Class Differences
                                                                             sticks with you long after that last page.”
                   cultures, the worldbuilding is original and intriguing,                                                   (YAF058030)
                                                                                              —Alechia Dow, author of
                   incorporating dystopian and utopian elements along
                                                                                                    The Sound of Stars       978-1-64566-010-1 | No. 516010
                   with current hot issues such as societal inequities,
                   digital surveillance, and technology’s impact on          “A fast-paced, surprisingly hopeful tale
                   humanity. . . . [A] strong and intricate story.”          of unlikely allies coming together to                     Also by Olivia Chadha
                                                         —Kirkus Reviews     fight oppression. . . . Innovative, smartly              FALL OF THE IRON GODS
                                                                             written and harrowingly relevant.”                            Coming 2022
                                                                                    —Julia Ember, author of Ruinsong                       See pp. 20–21

2 6 ERE WH ON                                                                                                                                        SP R I N G 2 0 2 2 27
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