Page created by Shannon Guzman
BUREAU                    2020
What is the UVic Speakers Bureau?

UVIC                                                     The UVic Speakers Bureau is a community service
                                                         provided by volunteer speakers from among the
                                                         faculty, staff, graduate students and retirees who

SPEAKERS                                                 teach, conduct research, study and work at the
                                                         University of Victoria.

                                                         Through the bureau, experts and knowledgeable
                                                         individuals from UVic make themselves available
                                                         to speak to community groups, schools, clubs and
                                                         other organizations throughout Greater Victoria
                                                         and southern Vancouver Island. The service is free
Sharing a world of ideas                                 (although travel expenses may be requested to
This September, the UVic Speakers Bureau                 some locations).
celebrates its 40th season of programming,               UVic is known for its strengths in the arts and
bringing the expertise of the faculty, staff, graduate   sciences and selected professions. Areas of note
students and retirees of the University of Victoria to   are: ocean science and technology; environment,
audiences across southern Vancouver Island.              climate and energy; Indigenous research; global
Every one of these speakers shares a strong              studies and social justice; health and life sciences;
commitment to contributing to the intellectual,          creativity and culture; data science and cyber
social and cultural development of our region.           physical systems; and physical sciences and
They are also tremendous ambassadors for our             engineering, mathematics and computer science.
university. Our volunteer speakers provide valuable      These and many other fascinating areas of
learning opportunities, show the vital impact            expertise are represented among the 531 topics
of our research and connect community to the             offered this year by Speakers Bureau members.
extraordinary academic environment that has
made UVic a world-leading university.
The UVic Speakers Bureau is the only university-         Cover: Jamie Knight, Graduate Student
wide bureau of its kind in Canada. That’s a              Department of Psychology
powerful statement about our commitment to               The Development of Memory ‡ (M S) ◊
community engagement and to lifelong learning            All images by UVic Photo Services.
for everyone.
In order to keeping that tradition of engagement
strong this year, we’ve expanded the number
of topics which can be booked for virtual
presentations. Despite last year’s interrupted
season, Speakers Bureau volunteers gave 391
presentations to schools, seniors groups, service
clubs, business associations and community
centres—reaching more than 13,000 community
members across southern Vancouver Island.
This year, 189 new topics have been added,
reflecting the extraordinary breadth of
scholarship at UVic, as well as the enthusiasm
of our volunteers to contribute to a better future
for people and the planet.
I encourage you to take advantage of this breadth
of knowledge by booking a volunteer through
UVic’s Speakers Bureau.

Jamie Cassels, QC
President and Vice-Chancellor
How to book a speaking engagement with the Speakers Bureau

 1      Look through this guide                                     3      Give us a call
Read through this guide for a complete list                        Request forms are on our website at:
of this year’s topics. We think you’ll find                        uvic.ca/speakers. Or phone 250-721-8587
the bureau has something to offer your                             and we’ll send you a form so you can give
organization, no matter how diverse the                            us the details of your meeting.
interests of your audience.
                                                                    4      What’s next?
 2      Choose your topic(s)                                       Fill out and return a request form at least three
Choose one or more topics and list                                 weeks in advance of your meeting. As soon as
them in your order of preference.                                  we receive your completed request form, we’ll
                                                                   contact you about booking a speaker.

ANIMALS & PLANTS.....................................2              HISTORY—GENERAL...................................7
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS...........................2                    HISTORY—VICTORIA & BC........................8
CHILD & TEEN DEVELOPMENT.................2                          LANGUAGES & LINGUISTICS.....................8
COMPUTERS, ENGINEERING &                                            LAW & JUSTICE ISSUES...............................8
TECHNOLOGY................................................3         LITERATURE....................................................9
CULTURES AROUND THE WORLD...........3                               MUSIC, ART, FILM & THEATRE................ 10
EARTH & OCEANS.........................................3            POLITICS....................................................... 10
EDUCATION—GENERAL............................4                      PSYCHOLOGY.............................................. 11
EDUCATION IN THE SCHOOLS.................4                          SCIENCE........................................................ 11
ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY........5                               SOCIAL HEALTH & WELLNESS............... 12
ETHICS & PHILOSOPHY...............................5                 SOCIAL ISSUES........................................... 12
FITNESS, ATHLETICS & HEALTHY                                        WORK & EMPLOYMENT........................... 13
LIFESTYLES.....................................................5    WORLD AFFAIRS........................................ 13
HEALTH CARE & MEDICINE.......................6

   Expert and professional topics offered by the Speakers Bureau reflect the professional practices
   or research areas of the faculty, staff and graduate student speakers. Presentations based on the
   personal interests of Speakers Bureau members appear on the website: uvic.ca/speakers
   ƒ Although the Speakers Bureau operates as a                         your group, and in any advertising and
     volunteer service to the community, we ask                         media interviews related to the speaking
     that you cover any travel expenses outside                         engagement.
     the CRD that our speakers may incur.
                                                                    ƒ The views and opinions expressed by
   ƒ If it’s the normal practice of your group to                     members of the UVic Speakers Bureau
     offer an honorarium to speakers, we ask                          do not necessarily reflect those of the
     that you extend the same courtesy to                             University of Victoria.
     our speakers.
   ƒ We reserve the right to limit the number                       ‡ Graduate student topic.
     of speakers provided to any one group.                         ◊ Available virtually.
   ƒ Please acknowledge the UVic Speakers                           Topics appropriate for K–12 students:
     Bureau when introducing speakers to                            E (K–5) M (6–8) S (9–12)

Organizational Culture Management: How

                                                             Organizations Can Create, Maintain, Change and
                                                             Diagnose their Organizations’ Cultures (S) ◊

                                                             Professional Sales ◊
                                                             Rural Communities: Opportunities, Challenges and

    TOPICS 20/21
                                                             Government Policy NEW ◊
                                                             Sport Analytics: Limitations and Promise (in English or
                                                             French) (S) ◊
                                                             Sport and Economics: Exploring Research Synergy (in
    ANIMALS & PLANTS                                         English or French) (S) ◊
    Are Fish Right-eared? ‡ (M S) NEW ◊                      The Technological Revolution in Financial Services (in
                                                             English or French) (S) NEW ◊
    Butterflies of Southern Vancouver Island ‡ (M S) ◊
                                                             Understanding Innovation in Organizations: Using
    Canada’s Darwinian Fish ‡ (M S) NEW ◊
                                                             Sport as a Lens (in English or French) (S) ◊
    Street Trees in Victoria (S) NEW ◊
                                                             University Athletics, Academics and the Challenge of
    Urban Biodiversity (S) NEW ◊                             Congruence (in English or French) (S) ◊
                                                             West Meets East: Sport as a Lens for Enlightening,
    BUSINESS & ECONOMICS                                     Balancing and Transcending (in English or French) (S) ◊
    Building Your Fundraising Toolkit NEW ◊
    Canada and the US in the Wake of the Great Recession     CHILD & TEEN DEVELOPMENT
    NEW ◊                                                    Childhood Stress (E M)
    COVID-19 and the Economic Outlook (in English or         Children and Nature: What are the Benefits of Outdoor
    French) (S) NEW ◊                                        Play? (S)
    Cross-cultural Management: Managing Diversity (in        Electronic Media and Young Children: Positive and
    English or Korean) (S) ◊                                 Negative Effects on Development (S)
    Culture and Money (S) NEW                                Family Stress Related to a Child with Disabilities as a
                                                             Family Member
    Globalization and You (in English or Spanish) (S) ◊
                                                             Indigenous Literature for Young Readers (in English or
    Goal-setting and Performance Management ◊
                                                             Spanish) (E M S) ◊
    Illuminating Indigenous Economic
                                                             Parenting Young Children: Preschool and Early
    Development (M S) NEW ◊
                                                             Elementary School Age (E M)
    Institutional Leadership: Promoting Your Values and
                                                             Physical Literacy Powered by the
    Improving Your Community (in English or Spanish) (S) ◊
                                                             Environment (E M S) NEW ◊
    Intercultural Competence for Work and Life (in English
                                                             Is Play Important for Development? (S)
    or Spanish) (S) ◊
                                                             Promoting Healthy Living for Children through Self-
    Labour Relations in Canada ◊
                                                             regulation and Emotion Regulation ◊
    Organizational Behaviour: How to Manage People (in
                                                             The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child:
    English or Korean) (S) ◊
                                                             Possibilities and Promise (E M S) ◊

COMPUTERS, ENGINEERING &                                  Indigenous Latin America (in English, Spanish,
TECHNOLOGY                                                German) (E M S)
Artificial-intelligence-based Electric Vehicle Motor      Introduction to Indian Culture ‡ (S) NEW ◊
Health Monitoring (in English and Tamil) (M S) ◊
                                                          Mexico’s Day of the Dead (M S)
The Augmented Human: How Computers can Make Us
                                                          Micro-managing: Household Economies in Southern
Smarter (and Dumber) (in English or Spanish) (S) NEW ◊
                                                          Africa (M S) ◊
Benefits of Distributed Generation for the Community
                                                          Sports as Cultural Practice: Taking an Anthropological
(in English and Tamil) (M S) ◊
                                                          Approach (in English or French) (S) ◊
Modelling Paradigms for Computer Animation ◊
                                                          The Story of an African (Women’s) Farm (M S) ◊
Notebook-based Data Science with Jupyter
                                                          Studies in African Migration (E M S) NEW ◊
Notebooks (M S) ◊
                                                          The Thinking Garden: A Film About an Inspiring South
The Power of Information Visualization: Presentation,
                                                          African Women’s Farm (M S) ◊
Representation and Perception for Wrestling with Data
(in English or Spanish) (S) NEW ◊                         Washoku: Japanese Food Culture (in English or
                                                          Japanese) ◊
Protect Your Digital Footprint: Online
Hygiene (E M S) NEW ◊                                     Why is Africa Poor and Food-insecure (and is it)?
                                                          (M S) ◊
Smartphones and Tablets: Educational Distractions or
Homework Tools & Bicycles for the Mind? (M S) ◊
                                                          EARTH & OCEANS
Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies
                                                          Changing Climate, Changing Ocean (in English or
(in English or Hindi) (M) ◊
                                                          Mandarin) (M S) NEW ◊
Tailorable Materials for the Current Challenges ‡ NEW ◊
                                                          The Coastal Regions of Alaska and the Arctic ◊
Why Did the Computer Do That? Explaining Software
                                                          Field Research in the Arctic ◊
in a Probabilistic World (M S) ◊
                                                          The Fukushima Disaster and Radiation in the Pacific
CULTURES AROUND THE WORLD                                 Ocean: What Does It Mean for BC? (M S) ◊
Cultural Intelligence: Engaging Effectively in Diverse    How Storms Impact the Coasts ◊
Cultural Contexts (S) NEW ◊
                                                          #knowtheocean with Ocean Networks
Food Sovereignty and Sustainability (M S) ◊               Canada (E M S) NEW ◊
                                                          Marine Phytoplankton: Diversity, Ecology and
                                                          Ecosystem Services in Changing Oceans ‡ (E M S) ◊
                                                          Ocean Networks Canada: Operating the World’s
                                                          Leading Ocean Observatories (M S) ◊
                                                          Pacific Storm Types and Tracks ◊

                                                          Moussa Magassa
                                                          Specialist, EDI Education and Partnerships,
                                                          Equity and Human Rights
                                                          Beyond Diversity and Human Rights:
                                                          How to Create Inclusive Spaces for Social
                                                          Change (in English or French) (M S) ◊

Protecting Mother Ocean (in English or                      Indigenous Ways of Being through Photography (in
    Mandarin) (M S) NEW ◊                                       English or Spanish) (E M S) ◊
    Sea of Plastic: Trash in our Oceans (in English or          Inspiring Creativity (S) ◊
    Mandarin) (M S) ◊
                                                                Leaders as Indigenous Allies: Working for Positive
    The Secret Life of Ocean Gases: Climate Change and          Change in Schools (S) ◊
    New Ways of Observing the Ocean (E) NEW
                                                                Learning in and with Community (in English or
    Sour Seas: Ocean Acidification Explained (in English or     Spanish) (E M S) ◊
    Mandarin) (M S) NEW ◊
                                                                Learning to Lead: How to be a Change-Maker in
    Using Robots to Measure the Ocean (E) NEW                   Whatever Role You Are in (M S) NEW ◊
    The Warming Pacific Ocean and Climate                       Once Upon a Time: Indigenous Ways of Knowing and
    Change (M S) ◊                                              Being through Story (in English or Spanish) (E M S) ◊
    Weather Stations in the Icefields of the Rockies ◊          Opening Up Access to Research ◊
                                                                The Power of Reflection: Field-tested Tips on
    EDUCATION—GENERAL                                           Implementing Critical Learner Reflection ◊
    Appreciative Inquiry: An Approach to Community
                                                                Supporting Indigenous Learner Transitions: School and
    Development ‡ NEW ◊
                                                                Program Strategies for Success (S) ◊
    Boards of Education: Governance and Vision in BC
                                                                Teaching for Transformation: Boredom and the Search
    Education (E M S) ◊
                                                                for Meaning (S) NEW ◊
    Breaking Down Barriers: Students’ Use of their Own
                                                                University-level Research and You: How to Prepare
    Language ◊
                                                                while in High School (S) NEW ◊
    Building Teachers’ Research Toolkit and Implementing
                                                                The Value of Being a Volunteer (E M S) ◊
    Practitioner Research ◊
    Community-University Engagement (S) NEW ◊                   EDUCATION IN THE SCHOOLS
    The Concept of Experience in the Humanities and the         Flipping the Classroom: A Powerful Teaching Tool, But
    Sciences (in English or French) (S) ◊                       Not a Panacea (M S) ◊
    Developing Excellence: Tips and Tools for Mastering         How to Survive and Thrive in First-year University (S) ◊
    any Skill at a High Level (in English or French) (M S) ◊
                                                                Indigenous Arts in the Classroom: A Hands-On
    Education and the Revolution: Climate Change and the        Presentation (in English or Spanish) (E M S) ◊
    Curriculum of Life (E M S) ◊
                                                                Is Educational Technology Worth the
    Education for Social Justice and Reconstruction (E M S) ◊   Investment? (M S) ◊
    Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Academic Success (S) ◊      Practical Strategies for Supporting English-as-an-
                                                                Additional-Language Students ◊
    How to Prepare Yourself for University-level Research
    While in High School (S) ◊                                  Staging the Not-Yet: How Dramatic Ensembles are
                                                                Enacting Micro-utopian Visions (S) ◊
    Indigenizing and Decolonizing Music Education in BC
    (in English or French) ◊                                    Web of Performance: How Performance Literacy
    Indigenous Education: What Have We Learned in 50            Empowers 21st-Century Youth (S) ◊
    Years? (in English or Spanish) (E M S) ◊

ENVIRONMENT &                                          Restoration Walks in Greater Victoria (S) ◊
SUSTAINABILITY                                         Sustainability of Chocolate: Where Does My Chocolate
Careers in Sustainability ‡ (M S) NEW ◊                Come from and Why Does it Matter? (in English or
                                                       French) (E M S) NEW ◊
Climate Change and Human Mobilities ‡ (E M S) ◊
                                                       Sustainable Energy Production ‡ NEW ◊
Climate Change in Canada ‡ (M S) NEW ◊
                                                       The Use of Repeat Photography in Ecological
Conserving Energy One Cubicle (or Home) at a
                                                       Restoration ‡ (M S)
Time (M S) ◊
                                                       What’s in My Water? (M S) NEW ◊
Debris Management in Ocean and Space ‡ NEW ◊
                                                       Where the Wildlife Are (M S) ◊
The Dragons of Inaction: Why We Don’t Do What We
Should ◊
                                                       ETHICS & PHILOSOPHY
Expected and Actual Performance of Green Buildings:
                                                       Abortion (S) ◊
Lessons Learned (S) ◊
                                                       Ethical Issues in Police Conduct (S) ◊
Exploring Climate Solutions for a Sustainable Future
‡ (E M S) NEW ◊                                        The History and Ethics of a Deliberate Death (S) ◊
Four Stories About Food (M S) NEW ◊                    Knowledge Democracy and Decolonization of
                                                       Knowledge (S) NEW ◊
From Trees to Bluebirds: The Communication of
Conservation on Vancouver Island (M S) ◊               Medical Assistance in Dying (S) ◊
The Future of Water Law and Policy ◊                   Philosophy and the Personal (S)
Green Materials for Safe, Affordable Drinking          The Philosophy of Giorgio Agamben (in English or
Water (M S) NEW ◊                                      French) (S) ◊
Green Water Monitoring through Real-time Analysis:     Political Correctness, Inclusivity and Freedom of
Reducing Lifecycle Impacts, Empowering Community       Speech (M S) ◊
Decision-making (M S) NEW ◊
Hallmarks of Success: Moving Toward Shared Authority   FITNESS, ATHLETICS &
and Co-governance for BC’s Water ◊                     HEALTHY LIFESTYLES
Healthy Communities 2.0: Towards a One-Planet          Back Health for Sport and Daily Living ◊
Region NEW ◊                                           Boosting or Maintaining Brain Power as You Grow
How Resource Consumption is Related to Our             Older (M) ◊
Happiness (S) ◊                                        Cardiovascular Health (E M S) NEW ◊
Microplastics: What We Know and What We Don’t          A Critical Evaluation of Probiotics as Health
‡ (E M S) NEW ◊                                        Supplements
Project Planning for Community Climate Action          Exercise as Medicine NEW ◊
‡ (M S) NEW ◊
                                                       Exercise for Children and Youth (E M S) NEW ◊
Promoting Positive Thinking and Meaningful Action
During the Climate Crisis ‡ (E M S) NEW ◊              Exercise for People with Chronic Disease (E M S) ◊

Putting the “Sustainable” in BC’s New Water Law ◊      Exercise is Medicine (E M S) ◊

Regime of Obstruction: How Corporate Power Blocks      For the WELLth of It (S) ◊
Energy Democracy NEW ◊                                 Fun, Fitness and Fatness (M) ◊

Getting Stronger: You’re Never Too Old ◊                  Growing and Guiding New Neurons in the Healthy and
                                                              Injured Brain (M S)
    Health and Staying Physically Active as One Grows
    Older ◊                                                   Harm Reduction 101: Everything You Want to Know
                                                              and More (in English or French) (S) ◊
    Is Your Leisure Portfolio Ready for Retirement? ◊
                                                              Health Policy and the Maximization of Health Care
    Let’s Move: Physical Activity for All ◊
                                                              Providers/Clinicians Scope of Practice (S) NEW ◊
    Rest, Recharge, Recover (M S) NEW ◊
                                                              How Mathematicians Model Epidemics (S) NEW ◊
    Stepping into Fitness ◊
                                                              Immune System, Nutrition and Metabolism: a New
    The Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)   Way to Treat Cancer? (S) NEW ◊
    for Adult and Older Populations NEW ◊
                                                              Improving Orthopaedic Outcomes through the
    The Mechanics of Confidence (M S) NEW ◊                   Integration of Biomechanical Research and Emerging
                                                              Technologies (M S) ◊
    Weight Reduction Using Diet and Exercise ◊
                                                              Improving Palliative and End-of-life Care in BC: Cost-
    Women and Exercise (E M S) NEW ◊
                                                              effective Strategic Innovations for a Sustainable Health
    Your Amazing Brain: A Look at How It Works and What       Care System (S) NEW ◊
    It Does (E M) ◊
                                                              Integration of Advanced Practice Nurses into the
                                                              Canadian Health Care System (S) NEW ◊
                                                              Let’s Get Personal: Shifting the Paradigm in
    Allergies: Dysfunction in the Immune System (E M S)
                                                              Orthopaedic Surgery (M S) ◊
    The Benefits of Exercise for Your Brain
                                                              A Look into the Eye: How the Retina Works, and
    The Biology of Aging                                      Advances in Treating Retinal Disease (M S) ◊
    A Brief History of Childbirth in North America (in        Living Well Until You Die (S) NEW ◊
    English or Hindi) (S) NEW ◊
                                                              Mental Illness in the 19th Century (in English or
    Can We Battle Cancer Only through                         Spanish) (S)
    Medicine? (M S) NEW
                                                              New Emerging Human Infectious Diseases in a
    Cancer Nanotechnology: Using Nanoparticles                Changing World
    as a Mediator for Improved Outcome in Cancer
                                                              The Next-generation Vaccines: More than Just a Poke
    Therapy (M S) NEW
                                                              in the Arm
    Cancer: Novel Approaches to Personalized Cancer
                                                              Not as Advertised, but Perfectly Legal: Some Health
    Therapy (S) NEW ◊
                                                              Products to be Aware of
    Care Labour and Care Migration NEW ◊
                                                              Nutrition, Intermittent Fasting, Autophagy, and
    Concussions and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury               Healthy Aging NEW
    Dementia and Alzheimer’s: Current Research ‡ (M S) ◊      Peripheral Arterial Disease in the End-stage Kidney
                                                              Disease Population—an Opportunity for Early
    Depression and its Outcomes (in English or Spanish) (S)
                                                              Detection (S) NEW ◊
    Detecting Dementia Early: What Do We Know? ‡ (M S) ◊
                                                              Population Aging and Social Policy/Health Care:
    Diabetes: How Studying Rare Eye Disease May Lead to       Women and Aging NEW ◊
    Novel Treatments for Diabetes (S) ◊
                                                              Privacy and Confidentiality of Electronic Health
    Equity-informed Palliative Care (S) NEW ◊                 Records (S) ◊

Review of the Critical Care Concerns Related to           The Cold War: Cause and Course (M S)
Coronavirus (S) NEW ◊
                                                          Conspiracy Thinking: A Rational Guide to Thinking
The Right to Health Care: Socialized vs. Privatized       Irrationally (M S) NEW ◊
Approaches (S) NEW ◊
                                                          Conspiracy Thinking: Communism and McCarthyism in
The Rise of Superbugs: The Alarming Spread of             20th-Century America (M S) NEW ◊
Bacterial Drug Resistance, its Underlying Causes and
                                                          Conspiracy Thinking: Extraterrestrials in America since
the Quest for Solutions (E M S)
                                                          1966 (M S) NEW ◊
Schizophrenia and Society (in English or Spanish) (S)
                                                          Conspiracy Thinking: The Unending Mysteries of the
Scientific Knowledge Can Knock Out Myths about            JFK Assassination (M S) NEW ◊
Concussion (in English or Portuguese) (S) NEW ◊
                                                          Conspiracy Thinking: UFOs Over America, 1947-69
Social Media and Health Misinformation: Separating        (M S) NEW ◊
Fact from Fiction (in English or Hindi) (S) NEW ◊
                                                          Dr. Crippen: Sex, Murder and Science in Early 20th-
Understanding Pregnancy and Infant Loss (in English       Century England (S) ◊
or Hindi) (S) NEW ◊
                                                          The Economic Impacts of the Dispossession of
What Everyone Should Know about Listeria,                 Japanese Canadians in the 1940s (M S) NEW ◊
Salmonella, E. Coli and Other Food-borne
                                                          European Thought and Culture Since 1700 (in English
Pathogens (E M S)
                                                          or French) (S) ◊
What the HIV/AIDS Epidemic Can Teach Us about Care
                                                          Execution, Transportation and the Founding of
for People Experiencing Structural Vulnerabilities at
                                                          Australia, 1775-1789 (M S) ◊
the End of Life (S) NEW ◊
                                                          The First Treaties: The Roots of Indigenous-Settler
What We’ve Learned from the Human Genome (E M S)
                                                          Relations in Canada (in English or French) (M S) ◊
What’s Wrong (and What’s Right) About the Flu
                                                          Good Food, Bad Sex: Bodily Pleasures in the Anglo
Vaccine? (E M S)
                                                          Imagination, 1750 to Today (S) ◊
HISTORY—GENERAL                                           The Great Fire of London 1666 (in English or French) ◊
The Anglo-American Special Relationship Since 1941        Growing Up in Athens and Sparta (M) ◊
(M S)
                                                          A History of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict (S)
Bad Kings: Edward VIII and the Abdication Crisis (1936)
                                                          How “Race” is Made Historically (S) ◊
(M S) ◊
                                                          Issues Relating to the Origins of War in the Modern
Bad Kings: George IV and William IV of England,
                                                          Period (M S)
1820-1837 (M S) ◊
                                                          Jack the Ripper and the Royal Family: Murder and
Bad Kings: The Madness of George III, 1760-1820
                                                          Myth (M S) ◊
(M S) ◊
                                                          The Limitations of the Politician-Historian: Winston
The Bloody Code: Criminal Trial in 17th and 18th
                                                          Churchill and Appeasement (M S)
Century England (in English or French) ◊
                                                          The Monk and the King: Bookcraft and Statecraft in
The British Monarchy: Why Does the Royal Family
                                                          Medieval Times (M S)
Travel So Much? (M S) ◊
                                                          Murder, Bodysnatching and Anatomization in England,
Canadian Society and War Since 1867 (M S)
                                                          1752-1832 (M S) ◊
Cleopatra, Hellenistic Queen (M) ◊
                                                          Nations and Their Strategies Since 1945 (M S)

Naziism in Canada? Why did Canadians in the 1940s          HISTORY—VICTORIA & BC
    Compare their Country to Nazi Germany? (M S) NEW ◊         BC’s Ambiguous Relations with the Rest of Canada (S)
    Notre-Dame de Paris: The 2019 Fire that Destroyed the      Boundless Optimism: Richard McBride’s British
    Cathedral Roof (in English or French) (S) ◊                Columbia (S)
    The Origins and Course of the First World War (M S)        Cartoonists at Sea: Some Views of BC Ferries and Their
    The Origins and Course of the Second World War (M S)       Predecessors (S)
    The Road Hill Murder of 1860: A Great Victorian            Fannin and Fauna: The Early Days of the Provincial
    Mystery (M S) ◊                                            Museum
    Paris: A Walk through the Ages—Medieval Marvels            A Humorous History of Highways in BC (S)
    (in English or French) (S) ◊                               James A. Teit and the BC Indian Land Question,
    Paris: A Walk through the Ages—The Inspiration of          1908-1922 (S) ◊
    Paris in Songs (in English or French) (S) ◊                From Shetland to British Columbia: The Extraordinary
    Paris: A Walk through the Ages—The Museum of               Life of Anthropologist and Political Activist, James Teit
    Modernity (in English or French) (S) ◊                     (1864-1922) (S) ◊
    Petty Traitors and Domestic Tyrants: Spouse Murder in
    England, 1660-1800 (in English or French) NEW ◊            LANGUAGES & LINGUISTICS
                                                               About the Chinese Language (in English or Chinese) ◊
    Remember, Remember the Fifth of November: the
    1605 Gunpowder Plot (in English or French) NEW ◊           Accents, Dialects and Voice Qualities (S)
    Remembering Loss: How Japanese Canadians Remember          All About Learning a Second Language Pronunciation
    their Dispossession in the 1940s (M S) NEW ◊               (in English or Chinese) ◊
    Royal Martyr or “Man of Blood”? Spinning the               The Edge of Innovation: “Kids these Days” and
    Execution of Charles I, 1649 (in English or French) ◊      Language Change (S) ◊
    Sir Edward Grey and the Balkan Wars, 1912-1914 (M S)       The Evolution of Human Language (M S)
    The Slaughter of the Bison and Reversal of Fortunes on     How Babies Acquire the Capacity to Speak (S)
    the Great Plains (M S) NEW ◊                               The International Phonetic Alphabet (S)
    The Strange Origins of the First Modern Political Party:   Laryngeal Function in Voice Production (S)
    the Whigs, Anti-Catholicism and Conspiracy Theories
    in 17th-Century England (in English or French) NEW ◊       The Sounds of Coast Salish Languages (in English or
                                                               French) (M S) NEW ◊
    The War of the Windsors: Charles and Diana,
    1981-1997 (M S) ◊                                          Sounds of the World’s Languages (S)
    Who Killed Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey? Revisiting the        Using Technology to Assist in Learning Pronunciation
    Most Famous Murder Mystery of the 17th Century (in         (in English or French) (M S) NEW ◊
    English or French) ◊
    Why was Capital Punishment Abolished in Postwar            LAW & JUSTICE ISSUES
    Britain? (M S) ◊                                           Access to Justice for Sustainable
                                                               Communities (M S) NEW ◊
    Winston Churchill’s Criticism of Appeasement in the
    1930s (M S)                                                Animal Rights, Culture and the Law (E M S) ◊
    Women Travellers Throughout the Ages                       Animals and Legal Personhood (E M S) NEW ◊

Animals, Indigenous Legal Orders and                     Restorative Justice in the Community: Accountability
Reconciliation (E M S) NEW ◊                             to Victims Works for All ◊
Can I Disinherit My Child/Spouse? NEW ◊                  The Scourge of Money Laundering in Canada (S) NEW
Can You Patent a Frog? Patents, Trademarks and           What Happens If You Die Without a Will? NEW ◊
Copyright (S) ◊
                                                         What is Anthropocentrism and Why is it Deadly to
Children in the Justice System (M S) NEW ◊               Animals, Other Species and the Planet? (E M S) NEW ◊
Coyote, the Cannibal Boy and the Corporation–
Exploring the Place of Indigenous Laws in the            LITERATURE
Contemporary Economy (S) NEW ◊                           19th-Century French Literature and Culture (in English
                                                         or French) (S) ◊
Global Corruption: An Issue We Should No Longer
Ignore (S)                                               American Literature and the Christian Right (S) ◊
Harassment and Human Rights: Problem, Response           The Bible’s Many Gods (S) ◊
and Remedy ◊
                                                         Books of the Common Law in Later Medieval England
How and Why Do Wrongful Convictions in Canada’s          ‡ (E M S) NEW ◊
Criminal Justice System Occur? (S)
                                                         Christine of Pizan: A Life of Her Own (in English or
I am Named as Executor in My ___’s Will, What Does       French) (S) ◊
that Entail? NEW ◊
                                                         Contemporary Literatures of Québec and France (in
The Impacts of Historical Treaty-Making in               English or French) NEW ◊
Canada (M S) NEW ◊
                                                         Daemons and Creativity—Splicing Consciousness into
Justice in a COVID-19 World (M S) NEW ◊                  SAMÆL, a Mythographic Comic Book Series ‡ (S) ◊
The Long Silence of the Vancouver Island (or Douglas)    Did Shakespeare Invent Love? (S) NEW ◊
Treaties of 1850 to 1854 (M S) ◊
                                                         French Literature Since 1800 (in English or French) (S) ◊
Machine Listening, Improvisation and Access to Justice
                                                         From Skins to Sheets: The Manufacture and Quality of
in Family Law (Jan-April) NEW ◊
                                                         Medieval Parchment ‡ (E M S) NEW ◊
My Parents Disinherited Me—What Do I Do? NEW ◊
                                                         Fundamentalism and Literature (S) ◊
Questions about Questions: Law and Film Reflections
                                                         The Golden Age of the English Detective Novel (M S) ◊
on the Duty to Learn (S) NEW ◊
                                                         How Ghost Stories Work—and Why (in English or
                                                         French) (E M S) ◊
                                                         Indigenous Literatures Written in French (in English or
                                                         French) NEW ◊
                                                         Into the Woods with German Myths and Fairy Tales ◊

                                                         Sophia Carodenuto
                                                         Assistant Professor, Department of Geography
                                                         Sustainability of Chocolate: Where Does My
                                                         Chocolate Come from and Why Does it Matter?
                                                         (in English or French) (E M S) NEW ◊

Japan’s Iliad: The Tale of the Heike (in English or            The History of Conducting Gestures (in English,
     Japanese) ◊                                                    German or Hungarian) (S) ◊
     Modern Latin American Culture (in English or                   Indigenous Performance and Language Revitalization
     Spanish) (S) ◊                                                 (in English or Dutch) (S) NEW ◊
     Modern Latin American Literature (in English or                The Job of a Professional Orchestral Musician: On Stage
     Spanish) (S) ◊                                                 and Behind the Scenes (in English or French) (M S) ◊
     Modern Latin American Literature and Visual Arts (in           Latin American Film (in English or Spanish) (S) ◊
     English or Spanish) (S) ◊
                                                                    Life Stories: Art and the Stages of Life (E M S) NEW ◊
     Myths and Omissions: A Textbook History of British
                                                                    Looking at Renaissance Faces: History Made
     Columbia (E M S) ◊
                                                                    Alive (E M S) NEW ◊
     Of Cows and Carbon—The Material Book, from
                                                                    Looking through or Looking at Works of Art (S) NEW
     Parchment to Pixel ‡ (E M S) NEW ◊
                                                                    Medieval and Renaissance Gardens (E M S) NEW ◊
     Poetry and Social Movements (S) NEW ◊
                                                                    New Play Development in Canada ◊
     Research-creation (in English or French) NEW ◊
                                                                    Post-War British Youth Cultures in Novels and Films
     Settler Colonialism in Québec Literature, and the Erasure of
                                                                    (in English or French) (E M S) NEW ◊
     Indigenous Sovereignty (in English or French) NEW ◊
                                                                    Producing Non-profit Theatre in Canada ◊
     The Tale of Genji: The World’s Oldest Novel (in English
     or Japanese) ◊                                                 Puppets and Robots in Japanese Theatre (in English or
                                                                    Japanese) ◊
     Valkyries and Vikings and Mermaids—Oh My! (S) NEW ◊
                                                                    Theatre and Human Rights: What Kind of Theatre Takes
     Young Adult Literature: Politics, Diversity and Popular
                                                                    Place in an Unwanted Space? (in English or Dutch) (S) ◊
     Culture (E M S) NEW ◊
                                                                    Theatre Audience Education: How to Better See a Play (S) ◊
     Queer Studies (in English or French) NEW ◊
                                                                    Theatre in War and (Post) Conflict Zones: The
     MUSIC, ART, FILM & THEATRE                                     Importance of Laughter, Time and Place (in English or
                                                                    Dutch) (S) ◊
     Art and Society: Arguments For and Against Social
     Engagement NEW                                                 What Does Music Mean? (in English, German or
                                                                    Hungarian) ◊
     The Art of Love in Medieval Europe (E M S) NEW ◊
     Building Community through Live Music: Exploring               POLITICS
     the Roles of Artist, Presenter and Public (in English or
                                                                    American Politics and the 2020 Election (E M S) NEW ◊
     French) (M S) ◊
                                                                    Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms ◊
     Directing the Classics ◊
                                                                    Canadian Politics, Government and Elections (S) ◊
     Edith Piaf, the Parisian “Sparrow” (in English or
     French) (S) ◊                                                  Comparative Federalism, Multicultural Federalism ◊
     French Cinema (in English or French) (S) ◊                     Indigenous Policy-making in Government, Reflections
                                                                    from an Academic and Staffer (M S) NEW ◊
     Gender and Cross-dressing in Japanese Theatre (in
     English or Japanese) ◊                                         Policy in Practice: An Economist’s Perspective from
                                                                    within Government and Opposition (M S) NEW ◊
     Hercules: Greek Myth or Disney? (M S) ◊

Random Selection in Politics: Improving Democracy            SCIENCE
through the Use of Random Selection (S) ◊                    Aerospace: A Fantasy ‡ NEW ◊
Why White Evangelical Christians Support Donald              ALTAIR: Precision Astrophysics and Cosmology (M S) ◊
Trump (S) NEW ◊
                                                             An Introduction to Stem Cells NEW
PSYCHOLOGY                                                   Building Artificial Cells on a Chip (S) NEW ◊
The Aging Brain ‡ NEW ◊                                      Cellular Senescence: Promising Target for New
Cognition in Parkinson’s Disease ‡ NEW ◊                     Anti-Aging Drugs NEW
Consensual Non-monogamy and Attachment (in                   The Discovery of the Higgs Boson (M S) ◊
English or French) (S) NEW ◊                                 Epigenetics (in English or Spanish) (S) NEW
The Development of Memory ‡ (M S) ◊                          Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About the Big
Disordered Eating in the Age of Health and Fitness           Bang but Were Afraid to Ask (M S) ◊
‡ (M S) NEW ◊
                                                             Exploring the Oceans, on Earth and Across our Solar
False Memories and Distorted Beliefs (S) ◊                   System (M S) ◊
How to Unlock Peak Performance (M S) NEW ◊                   Fiber-optic Sensors: from Earthquake Monitoring to
                                                             Optical Guitar Pickups NEW ◊
Introduction to the Brain and Behaviour ‡ NEW ◊
                                                             Genetically Modified Organisms: Frankenfood or
Living in the Moment (S)                                     Cornucopia? (E M S)
Mental Health and Well-being ‡ (M S) ◊                       The Gut Immune System Over the Lifespan
Modern Views of Personality ◊                                How the Immune System Works (E M S)
New Mothers’ Thoughts of Infant-related Harm and             How Understanding Fundamental Particle Interactions
their Relation to Infant Safety and Mental Health (in        Helps Us Understand the Universe (M S) ◊
English or French) (S) NEW ◊
                                                             Human Diet and Nutrition: The Influence of Gut
The Psychology of Eyewitness Identification Evidence (S) ◊   Bacteria (E M S)
Risky Behaviours: Who, What and Why? ‡ (M S) ◊               Human Smell and its Relationship to Disease and
Treatment of Schizophrenia (S) NEW                           Dementia ‡ (M S) ◊
What is Schizophrenia? (S) NEW                               In Search of Dark Matter (M S) ◊
                                                             Involvement of Gut Bacteria in Gut-Brain Communication
                                                             Is there Order or Chaos Inside Stars? Answers
                                                             from Experiments with the Largest Super-
                                                             computers (M S) NEW ◊
                                                             Learning about Conspiracy Theories: Why Do People
                                                             Choose to Reject Science? (M S) ◊

                                                             Shea Wyatt
                                                             Graduate Student, Department of Biology
                                                             Promoting Positive Thinking and Meaningful
                                                             Action During the Climate Crisis ‡ (E M S) NEW ◊

The Nature of the Scientific Method and the History of   Promoting Optimism for Healthy Kids and Healthy
     Science (M S) NEW ◊                                      Communities ◊
     New Materials for the Future Technology ‡ NEW ◊          Public Health in the Anthropocene: Addressing the
                                                              Ecological Determinants of Health ◊
     The Physics of Quantum Mechanics (M S) NEW ◊
                                                              Taking Risks and Embracing Change (S) NEW ◊
     The Physics of Science Fiction (M S) NEW ◊
                                                              Women and Aging NEW ◊
     The Replication Crisis in Psychology and Other
     Sciences (S) ◊                                           Work-Life Balance and Work-Life Integration (S) NEW ◊
     Rett Syndrome and the MeCP2 gene (in English or          Youth and Drug Use: A Harm Reduction Approach
     Spanish) (S)                                             ‡ (S) NEW ◊

     The Search for Life in the Universe (M S) ◊
                                                              SOCIAL ISSUES
     Tour of the Astronomical Observatory at UVic (E M S)
                                                              The Challenges of Universal Access of Clean Water and
     Toward Nature’s Heart of Darkness: New Technologies      Sanitation: Health, Equity and Sustainability (in English
     for Precision Astrophysics and Cosmology (M S) ◊         or French) (E M S) NEW
     UVic’s Contributions to the Discovery of the Higgs       Citizenship and Xenophobia (E M S) NEW ◊
     Boson at the ATLAS Experiment (M S) ◊
                                                              Community-Based Research (S) NEW ◊
     Your Circadian Clock: How this Master Timekeeper
                                                              Courageous Conversations: Talking about
     Regulates Daily Activities and Health
                                                              Decolonization (M S) NEW ◊
     SOCIAL HEALTH & WELLNESS                                 Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: What Happens
                                                              for the Families? ◊
     Aging Gracefully? Reflections on Aging, Place and
     Lifelong Health (S) ◊                                    Inequality in a Global Context: Reflections on Class,
                                                              Caste and Gender Inequality in India ‡ (S) NEW ◊
     Community Engagement: Learning to Connect in a
     New World (M S) NEW ◊                                    The Many Faces of Racism and Why it’s So Difficult to
                                                              Eradicate (M S) ◊
     Creating Healthy Communities ◊
                                                              Media in Contemporary Society ‡ (S) NEW ◊
     Cultural Hybridity: A Reality of Our Times (S)
                                                              Multiculturalism Policy in Canada: Has it Worked? (M S) ◊
     Dancing and Factors that Influence Quality of Life in
     Older People (in English or Greek) (S) ◊                 Reconciliation, Restitution and Resurgence: Indigenous
                                                              Politics after the TRC Report (M S) ◊
     Equitable Access to Care (S) NEW ◊
                                                              Recreational Drugs of Abuse: Trends and Risks (S) NEW ◊
     Finding the Extraordinary in the Ordinary in
     Nature (S) NEW ◊                                         Reducing Inequalities in Health ◊
     Geographies of Aging and Well-being: What do We          Religion, Fake News and Alternative Facts (S) ◊
     Know about Places that are Good for Us (S) NEW ◊
                                                              Residential Schools: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
     How to Support New Parents in Victoria: Resources,       (in English or Spanish) (E M S) ◊
     Challenges, and Gaps in Service ‡ NEW ◊
                                                              The Rise of the Christian Right (S) ◊
     Making Prevention a Priority ◊
                                                              The Risks of Cannabis in the Era of Legalization (S) ◊
     Promoting Equity-informed Palliative Care for People
                                                              Understanding Ourselves: Privileged and Oppressed
     Experiencing Structural Vulnerability (S) NEW ◊
                                                              Identities (M S) NEW ◊

WORK & EMPLOYMENT                                             WORLD AFFAIRS
Becoming an Architect and Career                              Civil Society in the Global South (S) ◊
Possibilities (M S) NEW ◊
                                                              Custom Borders and the European Union (in English or
Beyond Diversity and Human Rights: How to Create              French) (S) ◊
Inclusive Spaces for Social Change (in English or
                                                              Ethiopia: UVic Partnerships in Human Rights and Social
French) (M S) ◊
                                                              Work Education ◊
Career Management and Your Work Search (M S)
                                                              Global Education (S) ◊
Career Options and Learning Outcomes with a Degree
                                                              Governance of Borders and Migration (in English or
in Music (in English or French) (M S) ◊
                                                              French) (S) ◊
Careers in Psychology ‡ (M S) ◊
                                                              Governance of Public Transportation (in English or
Cultural Intelligence: What it is and Why it is Important ◊   French) (S) ◊
Embracing Diversity and Inclusion: Driving Change,            Health, Climate Change and Militarism: the
Empowering Action (S) NEW ◊                                   UN Secretary General’s Global Ceasefire
                                                              Campaign (S) NEW ◊
Emotional Intelligence and Cultural Diversity (S) ◊
                                                              How Does Immigration Impact Communities? (in
Employment Law in Canada ◊
                                                              English or Hindi) (S) NEW ◊
How to Develop Team Culture (M S) NEW ◊
                                                              India and the Kashmir Issue NEW ◊
How to Train (and Work) in Quarantine (M S) NEW ◊
                                                              Intercultural Education (S) ◊
Interacting Effectively with People Who are Different
                                                              International Experiential Learning (S) ◊
than You (in English or Spanish) (S) ◊
                                                              International Internships (S) ◊
Intercultural Conflict Resolution (in English or
French) (M S) ◊                                               International Perspectives on Social Responsibility and
                                                              Higher Education (S) NEW ◊
Interview Skills (M S)
                                                              Migration and Refugee Citizenship (E M S) NEW ◊
Leading Others—and Yourself (in English or
Spanish) (S) ◊                                                Multiculturalism in South Asia—a Comparative
                                                              Perspective ◊
Overcoming Challenges: the Governance of Nonprofit
and Voluntary Organizations During Times of Severe            Regional Security and Peace in South Asia ◊
Crisis NEW ◊
                                                              The European Union and Brexit (in English or
Reframing Your Organization: Are You Working Well? (S) ◊      French) (S) ◊
Resume and Cover Letter Preparation (M S)
Strategic Planning ◊
Strategy Execution ◊
Understanding Passion in Organizations: Using Sport                      Personal Interest topics
as a Lens (in English or French) (S) ◊                                          listed at
Understanding Unconscious Bias in Cultural                                 uvic.ca/speakers
Contexts (S) ◊

BUREAU                                    2020

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