Speaker Verification Experiments for Adults and Children using a shared embedding spaces
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Speaker Verification Experiments for Adults and Children using a shared embedding spaces Tuomas Kaseva, Hemant Kathania, Aku Rouhe, Mikko Kurimo Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics, Aalto University, Finland (firstname.lastname)@aalto.fi Abstract The acoustic and linguistic characteristic of children’s speech differ from adults’ speech (Lee In this work, we present our efforts to- et al., 1999). The main differences are in pitch, wards developing a robust speaker verifi- speaking rate and formant frequencies (Kumar cation system for children when the data Kathania et al., 2020; Shahnawazuddin et al., is limited. We propose a novel deep 2019). These acoustic differences together with learning -based speaker verification sys- the lack of training data make SV more challeng- tem that combines long-short term mem- ing. Little work has been reported in this area. ory cells with NetVLAD and additive mar- In (Shahnawazuddin et al., 2020) in-Domain and gin softmax loss. First we investigated out-of-Domain data augmentation are used to im- these methods on a large corpus of adult prove a child SV system in a limited data sce- data and then applied the best configura- nario. In (Safavi et al., 2012) vocal tract in- tion for child speaker verification. For formation is used for children’s SV. Explanation children, the system trained on a large for degraded recognizer scores through acoustic corpus of adult speakers performed worse changes resulting from voice disguise is presented than a system trained on a much smaller in (González Hautamäki et al., 2019). corpus of children’s speech. This is due In this work, we explore how recent advances in to the acoustic mismatch between training (adult) SV could aid in child SV, as well. In partic- and testing data. To capture more acoustic ular, we combine adult and child SV into a single variability we trained a shared system with task, by using a shared embedding space for adult mixed data from adults and children. The and child speakers. This allows us to leverage the shared system yields the best EER for chil- large resources available for adult speakers for the dren with no degradation for adults. Thus, low-resource child speaker verification task. In ap- the single system trained with mixed data plications where both adult and child speakers can is applicable for speaker verification for be expected, it is also natural to use a single shared both adults and children. system for both groups; we find that a shared sys- tem can be used which benefits child SV without Index Terms: additive margin softmax loss, degrading adult SV performance. NetVLAD aggregation, recurrent neural network, Contributions. We construct a neural SV sys- speaker verification for children. tem, which leverages recent advancements in the 1 Introduction field. In particular, we find improvements from using the additive-margin softmax loss and the The use of speaker verification (SV) technology NetVLAD time aggregation methods. In contrast for children has many beneficial application ar- to most recent literature, which uses convolutional eas, such as child security and protection, en- neural layers, we apply recurrent layers, moti- tertainment, games and education. For example, vated by success in speaker diarization(Kaseva in an interactive class the teacher could identify et al., 2019). We compare our results to recent each child, by continuing a previous lecture and high-performing systems of similar complexity. adapt its content with the child’s speech, and log Though we do not outperform the top results, the the child’s responses without a conventional login comparison validates our approach. We then ap- process (Safavi et al., 2018, 2012). ply the proposed SV system to adult and child SV
and find that using a shared embedding for both they have shown success in a related task, online adult and children improves child SV drastically speaker diarization (Wang et al., 2018c; Zhang without affecting adult SV performance. et al., 2019; Wisniewksi et al., 2017). In this task, LSTMs have been been able to create compact 2 Related speaker verification work speaker embeddings from very short segments. Our approach has some similarities with Wan In recent years, deep learning motivated ap- et al. (Wan et al., 2018). As in their work, we proaches have shown significant progress in SV. use LSTMs in sliding windows. However, un- We consider three main reasons for their suc- like them, we do not apply the generalized end- cess. Firstly, larger and more realistic speakers- to-end loss for neural network training. Instead, in-the-wild speaker recognition datasets have be- we use the AM-softmax loss (Wang et al., 2018a). come available to the public (Nagrani et al., 2017; Furthermore, unlike them, we combine LSTMs Chung et al., 2018; McLaren et al., 2016). Sec- with NetVLAD. Although NetVLAD layer has ondly, the loss functions used in the training of been previously used for SV (Xie et al., 2019), neural networks have advanced. In general, the in that study, the layer was connected to a CNN. main objective of the neural networks designed for NetVLAD has been originally designed for aggre- SV is to transform a given recording into a speaker gation of CNNs (Arandjelovic et al., 2016) and to embedding which embodies the speaker character- the best of our knowledge, we are the first to use it istics of the recording (Snyder et al., 2018, 2019; with LSTMs in any application. Bredin, 2017; Li et al., 2017). In the most current methods, the embeddings are learned in a speaker 3 Proposed methods identification process, were original softmax loss In this section, we detail our SV system which is modified by adding a margin to the class deci- consists of three stages: splitting, embedding and sion boundaries (Liu et al., 2019; Xie et al., 2019; averaging, as illustrated in Fig. 1. Xiang et al., 2019) . This allows efficient train- ing and reduces the intra-class variance of the cre- ated embeddings (Wang et al., 2018a; Deng et al., Split Embed 2019; Liu et al., 2017). Finally, the neural net- Feature extraction Frame-level processing work architectures have developed. One of the most prominent discoveries has been x-vectors, Framing Aggregation speaker embeddings which are extracted from an architecture based on time-delay neural networks Average (TDNNs) (Snyder et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2019; Xiang et al., 2019). X-vectors have been shown to Mean + L2 normalization outperform i-vectors, which have enjoyed a state- of-the-art status in SV for a long time (Dehak et al., 2010). In some cases, i-vectors have also Figure 1: Schematic of our speaker embedding ex- been inferior to the SV systems which utilize con- traction approach. volutional neural networks (CNNs) (Chung et al., 2018; Ravanelli and Bengio, 2018). Furthermore, Split. First, the audio input is split into over- novel aggregation methods for neural networks lapping windows with short, roughly 2 seconds have been proposed. Whereas average pooling has or less, duration. Time-varying features are then been used extensively before, the most recent ap- extracted from each frame, resulting in a set of proaches include statistics pooling, attentive statis- feature sequences x. The sequences consist of tics pooling and NetVLAD (vector of locally ag- 30 Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) gregated descriptors) (Okabe et al., 2018; Arand- which are extracted every 10ms with 25ms frame jelovic et al., 2016; Xie et al., 2019). length. Every x is normalized with zero mean and In addition, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) unit variance. with long-short term memory (LSTM) cells Embed. In the next step, each x is transformed (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) have been into a speaker embedding. This can be further di- experimented with (Wan et al., 2018; Bredin, vided into two distinct steps: frame-level process- 2017; Heigold et al., 2016). Most importantly, ing and aggregation.
x ∈ RT ×30 We force the embeddings to be L2 normalized Frame-level processing in both components. As a result, cosine distance is the most natural distance metric between dif- BiLSTM (256) ferent embeddings. A rectified linear unit activa- BiLSTM (256) tion is used in all of the fully connected (FC) lay- ers. We also apply batch normalization (Ioffe and BiLSTM (256) Szegedy, 2015) after each layer except L2 normal- Concatenation ization layers. This means that the last two layers of both components perform normalization. Al- h ∈ RT ×1536 though this might seem strange, we discovered it to be beneficial in the preliminary experiments. Figure 2: Frame-level processing. The numbers The operation of the NetVLAD layer can be refer to the number of hidden units in each layer. summarized as follows. Let us denote the output of the preceding FC layer as v ∈ RT ×256 . First, h ∈ RT ×1536 v is transformed into V ∈ RK×256 according to a h ∈ RT ×1536 formula (Arandjelovic et al., 2016) Aggregation Aggregation FC (512) FC (256) T T X ewk vt +bk FC (512) V(k, d) = (vtd − ckd ), NetVLAD (K) PK wkT0 vt +bk0 Average Pooling t=1 k0 =1 e FC (700) (1) FC (700) where c ∈ RK×256 , w ∈ RK×256 and b ∈ RK L2 normalization are learnable parameters. In this formulation, c L2 normalization can be interpreted as a set of K cluster centers f ∈ R700 which characterize the distribution of v (Xie et al., f ∈ R700 2019). More specifically, V consists of first order Figure 3: Two different aggregation approaches: statistics of residuals vd − ck in which each ele- average pooling on the left and NetVLAD on the ment is weighted based on v and the cluster in- right. FC refers to a fully connected layer and the dex k. The number of clusters K is given as an numbers to the output dimensionality. input to the layer. After calculation of the resid- uals, each row of V is first L2 normalized and then concatenated resulting in Vf ∈ R256∗K . In In frame-level processing, each x is trans- the literature, additional L2 normalization opera- formed into higher level frame-features h. In our tion has been applied after flattening (Xie et al., approach, x is fed to a cascade of three bidirec- 2019; Arandjelovic et al., 2016). However, we tional LSTM layers with skip connections. Each use batch normalization instead. We found this layer outputs the hidden states of both the forward normalization to perform generally better in the and backward LSTMs. These outputs are concate- preliminary experiments. The use of NetVLAD nated resulting in h as illustrated in Figure 2. The in this study is motivated by its recent success in structure of the cascade adheres to (Wisniewksi SV when combined with CNNs (Xie et al., 2019). et al., 2017). A more common choice for frame- Here, we show that NetVLAD is beneficial also level processing blocks is to use convolutional lay- with LSTMs. ers. Average. In the final stage, we compute a single In aggregation, the higher level features h are embedding fc ∈ R700 for the recording by averag- compressed into a speaker embedding f . We com- ing the created speaker embeddings and L2 nor- pare two aggregation approaches: average pool- malizing the average. When considering fc1 and ing and NetVLAD. The aggregation components fc2 extracted from two different recordings, our are illustrated in Fig. 3. Note that the aggregation system performs SV by computing cosine distance component with average pooling has a slightly dif- between the embeddings and by thresholding the ferent configuration than its NetVLAD motivated obtained value. Another popular method for com- counterpart. This choice was based on balancing paring the embeddings is Probabilistic Discrimi- the number of parameters in both neural networks. nant Analysis (PLDA) (Ioffe, 2006; Snyder et al.,
2018). PLDA could result in performance im- removes samples from Si only if the speech mate- provements (Liu et al., 2019), but also increase the rial portions of the clusters are not balanced and if complexity of our system, and we do not apply it the clustering result has a high reliability. This re- in this work. liability is measured using silhouette coefficients. Speaker embedding extraction was performed us- 4 Experiments ing an initial neural network which has the same average pooling based architecture as described Data. We use two training sets for adult speakers in the previous section, but was trained only with which are both generated from Voxceleb2 (Chung 4000 speakers from V C2. et al., 2018). In the first, abbreviated as V C2, We evaluate our models also using the cleaned all recordings in Voxceleb2 are windowed into 2 versions of Voxceleb1 verification test sets, second samples with 1 second overlap. The rea- Voxceleb1-test (V Ct ), Voxceleb1-H (V CH ) and son for this choice is the training objective of our Voxceleb1-E (V CE ) (Chung et al., 2018). The neural networks that is to identify a speaker from recordings in these sets are framed to 2 second a given training set based on a 2 second segment duration segments with 1.5 seconds overlap. The of speech. The duration was not selected arbitrar- overlap duration was determined in the prelimi- ily: we experimented also with setting it to 1 and nary experiments. 2.5 seconds. The former was too short for neural networks to learn speaker characteristics properly We construct also our own verification set from and the latter did not generally improve the perfor- the development set of Voxceleb1. This set is used mance of the networks. V C2 consists of roughly for model evaluation during training. The set con- 6.83 million training samples from 5994 speakers. sists of speech segments with a fixed 2 seconds du- The second set, V C2C , is otherwise the same ration, and which each are extracted from a unique as V C2 but excludes a portion of the samples session and speaker. The number of extracted seg- based on a heuristic cleaning algorithm. The mo- ments is close to 20k and they belong to 1211 tivation for this algorithm came from our listen- speakers. We form close to 150k segment pairs ing tests which confirmed that Voxceleb2 included where half of the pairs correspond to the same wrongly labeled speaker identities in some cases. speaker and the other half to different speakers. The exclusions removed approximately 46k sam- We name this verification set as V C2sec . The set is ples from V C2 but retained the number of speak- disjoint in speakers with V Ct but not with V CH ers, 5994. Given samples Si belonging to i-th and V CE . However, we consider this evaluation speaker in V C2, the cleaning algorithm operates set to be valid since the pair compositions and seg- in four steps: ment durations of V C2sec differ significantly from V CH and V CE . 1. Create a speaker embedding f for each sam- For child speech experiments we used CSLU ple in Si . kids (Khaldoun Shobaki, 2007) database for train- ing. It has 1110 speakers of English language with 2. Cluster the embeddings with spherical K- age range from 6 to 16 years and sampling rate 16 means setting K = 2 into groups G1 and G2 . kHz. For testing the system we used PF-STAR (Batliner et al., 2005) and the Finnish SpeechDat 3. Calculate the average of silhouette coeffi- (Rosti et al., 1998) datasets. PFSTAR has 134 cients φ of the clustering result. Further speakers of English with age range from 4 to 14 details of these coefficients are given in years, originally sampled at 22,050 Hz. The down- (Rousseeuw, 1987). sampling at 16 kHz was performed for consistency with the model. SpeechDat has 354 speakers of 4. If |G1 | > 0.6|G1 ∪ G2 | and φ > 0.3, exclude Finnish with age range from 6 to 14 years, origi- all samples belonging to G2 from the training nally data sampled at 8 kHz. The up-sampling at set. Here, |Gi | refers to a number of elements 16 kHz was performed for consistency. For chil- in group Gi . dren’s experiments we used the same speaker em- bedding method as adults. In summary, the algorithm investigates whether the recordings initially assigned to a single speaker Training. In training, the output of the aggrega- might contain also another speaker. The algorithm tion component is connected to a fully connected
layer which is used for a speaker identification ded rapidly. We save the weights of the neural net- task. Training has two stages: warm-up with the work after each epoch, and choose the configura- softmax loss and fine-tuning with the AM-softmax tion with the best EER value as our final model. loss (Wang et al., 2018a). In the warm-up, the neu- ral network is trained for 5 epochs, using Adam 5 Results optimizer with 0.01 learning rate. Batch size is First in section 5.1 we validate our SV approach chosen as 512. We generally observed that the on adult speech. Then in section 5.2 we apply the performance of the neural networks on the V C2sec system with children. would not improve after the fifth epoch when us- ing the softmax loss. 5.1 Validation experiments with adults In the fine-tuning, the softmax loss for i-th In this section, we first investigate the effect of training sample is reformulated as the cleaning algorithm, aggregation and the AM- T es(Wyi f −m) softmax loss. Finally, we present a results com- Li = log , (2) parison. We use EER as an evaluation metric in T sWjT f es(Wyi f −m) + 5994 P j=1,j6=yi e all experiments. where yi is the label of i-th training sample, W ∈ R700×5994 a learnable weight matrix with all rows Table 1: Effect of training set cleaning (EER %). L2 normalized and s and m a given scale and K = 30. margin. Equation 2 is known as the AM-softmax Aggregation Training set V Ct V CE V CH V C2sec loss (Wang et al., 2018a). We set m = 0.15 and NetVLAD V C2 2.49 2.47 4.53 6.65 NetVLAD V C2C 2.18 2.45 4.45 6.66 s = 0.25 based on our preliminary experiments. W is initialized with the weights of the best neu- ral network configuration found in the warm-up. Effect of dataset cleaning. In Table 1, we show The main point of using the AM-softmax loss is that small improvements can be achieved by re- to decrease intra-class variance, which is generally moving some training data with the cleaning al- difficult with the softmax loss (Wang et al., 2018a; gorithm. This proves that the algorithm is reason- Deng et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2017). In other words, able and also encourages discussion whether some the higher the margin m is set, the more closer, in cleaning operation is needed for Voxceleb2. How- terms of cosine distance, the speaker embeddings ever, the improvements in V CE and V CH are mi- belonging to the same class are forced. The cosine nor and with V C2sec , the cleaning has not been distance metric arises from the L2 normalizations beneficial. of both f and the rows of W. The scale of s is generally set to a some high value to ensure con- Table 2: Effect of K and aggregation (EER %). vergence (Wang et al., 2018b). In recent years, The training set is V C2C . the AM-softmax loss and other similar methods Aggregation K V Ct V CE V CH V C2sec Average pooling - 2.46 2.45 4.42 7.05 (Liu et al., 2017; Deng et al., 2019) have emerged NetVLAD 8 2.41 2.40 4.35 6.92 as state-of-the-art approaches in speaker verifica- NetVLAD 14 2.32 2.37 4.36 6.68 tion (Xie et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019; Xiang et al., NetVLAD 30 2.18 2.45 4.45 6.66 2019; Li et al., 2018). The fine tuning is continued for 10 epochs with Effect of aggregation approach. Table 2 in- otherwise the same setting as in warm-up. We vestigates the performance of the two aggregation monitor the progress of the training by first com- approaches and the choice of K. The results show puting cosine distances between the embeddings that NetVLAD is the better approach. This is par- of each pair in V C2sec and then calculating equal ticularly clear with V C2sec . However, the best error rate (EER) on these distances after each scores with different test sets are all obtained with epoch. EER is a standard error metric in speaker different K values. This result highlights the im- verification (Snyder et al., 2018; Chung et al., portance of using multiple different test sets for 2018; Xie et al., 2019). Although the V C2sec con- model evaluation. Nevertheless, we can decide on tains over 150k pairs, the evaluation on this set the best model based on the average over all EER is efficient during the training since it consists of scores. In this case, the NetVLAD-based aggrega- short, equal length segments which can be embed- tion with K = 14 has the best performance.
5.2 Evaluation experiments with children Table 3: Effect of loss function (EER %). K = 30 and the training set is V C2C . In the previous section, we presented the effect of Aggregation Loss V Ct V CE V CH V C2sec dataset cleaning, aggregation approach, and loss NetVLAD Softmax 3.25 3.30 5.90 8.40 function on adult speakers. In this section, we took NetVLAD AM-softmax 2.18 2.45 4.45 6.66 the best combination of all these for child speech experiments. Details of databases used for the ex- periments with children is given in section 4. Effect of loss function. Table 3 illustrates that the AM-softmax loss brings significant improve- Table 5: Results on child speakers (EER %). ments over the softmax loss. Similar results were Training data PF-STAR Speechdat V CE V CH obtained with the average pooling aggregation. Adults’ V C2C 2.58 10.68 2.37 4.36 However, we want to emphasize the results with Children’s CSLU 2.05 10.08 – the NetVLAD aggregation since in (Xie et al., Adults’ + Children’s 1.12 8.82 2.34 4.39 2019), the use of NetVLAD with the AM-softmax Table 5 illustrates the performance on child loss has not resulted in notable performance im- speakers in English and Finnish languages when provements. Here, we demonstrate that the two directly using the adults’ model. We also trained can be combined successfully. The results with a similar model on child speech and report the re- different K values were essentially the same. sults in the same table. Based on these results it can be noted that when the system is only trained with adults the performance is lower compared to Table 4: Results comparison (EER %). the system trained only with children even though System Scoring V Ct V CE V CH the children have less training data. To capture Xie et al. (Xie et al., 2019) Cosine 3.22 3.13 5.06 Xiang et al. (Xiang et al., 2019) PLDA 2.69 2.76 4.73 more acoustic variability of speakers we trained Ours Cosine 2.32 2.37 4.36 a shared system with mixed data of both adults Zhou et al. (Zhou et al., 2019) Unknown 2.23 2.18 3.61 and children and tested it with English and Finnish Zeinali et al. (Zeinali et al., 2019) Cosine 1.42 1.35 2.48 children. The last result of table 5 illustrates that the shared model outperforms both the adult-only and the child-only models for both English and Results comparison. In Table 4, we compare Finnish languages. When compared to a recent pa- our system to other high-performing speaker ver- per (Shahnawazuddin et al., 2020) for PF-STAR ification systems. The comparison of our system verification set, our system gives a 50 % rela- with the first, x-vector based (Xiang et al., 2019) tive improvement. Furthermore, when we run the system and the second, CNN-based (Xie et al., adult test sets V CE and V CH again using the final 2019) system is straight-forward since all the sys- system trained with shared system with mixed of tems are trained with the same dataset, Voxceleb2, adults’ and children’s data, we found out that the and because the number of parameters are close performance remains the same. This means that to each other: 4.2 million in (Xiang et al., 2019), we can now use the same model for recognizing 7.7 million in (Xie et al., 2019) and 6.7 million both adults and children. in our system. Zhou et al. (Zhou et al., 2019) report better results than ours, but they use data 6 Conclusion augmentation, and do not report the number of pa- rameters used. The current state-of-the-art (single- We have presented a speaker verification system system) results by Zeinali et al. (Zeinali et al., based on a shared neural embedding space for 2019) in the VoxCeleb Speaker Recognition Chal- adults and children. The neural network consists lenge 2019 leverage data augmentation and more of a cascade of LSTM layers and a NetVLAD ag- parameters. Our results do not outperform the best gregation layer, and uses the AM-softmax loss in published results, but the results still validate our training. We have demonstrated that the system approach, as our results outperform the strong re- achieves promising results with adults and chil- sults from (Xie et al., 2019) and (Xiang et al., dren. Because the child data is limited, we trained 2019), which use similar parameter and data con- a shared system with mixed adult and child data to straints. capture more acoustic variability. The shared sys-
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