SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Society of Petroleum ...

Page created by April Townsend
SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Society of Petroleum ...
Co-Organisers                              Official Sponsor   Official Supporter

SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas
Conference and Exhibition
Advancing through Emerging Technologies and Digitalisation

29–31 October 2019                      Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center
                                        Bali, Indonesia


Conference Programme
SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Society of Petroleum ...
SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Society of Petroleum ...
Message from the Advisory Committee Chair                                                                            3

                                                          Table of Contents
The regional flagship event, SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific
Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition (APOGCE) 2019,        Message from the Advisory                               03
is scheduled from 29 – 31 October 2019 at the Bali Nusa   Committee Chair
Dua Convention Centre, Bali, Indonesia.
                                                          Welcome Message from the Official                       04
With the industry having to navigate through many         Supporter and the Conference Chair
hurdles in response to arguably its most challenging      Conference Organisers                                   05
time, collectively companies turned towards managing
costs and boosting efficiencies and productivity. In      Committees                                              06
this period of adapting, a new paradigm emerged           Conference Sponsors                                     10
and propelled the industry into a shifting landscape
                                                          Meeting Room Guide                                      12
of incorporating emerging technologies and digital
advancement as enablers to improve operations and         Schedule of Events                                      13
safety, and increase efficiency and speed of process.
                                                          Conference Programme Schedule                           17
APOGCE 2019 continues to provide an invaluable
                                                          General Information                                     19
platform for participants to gain the latest insights
through a compelling programme that features              Opening and Keynote Session                             21
prominent industry leaders and renowned technical         Executive Plenary Session                               22
experts through high-level discussions and in-depth
technical presentations. With the theme “Advancing        Panel Sessions                                          23
through Emerging Technologies and Digitalisation”,        Special Session                                         29
the 2019 edition will take a deeper look into how rapid
advances in technology and innovation continue to         Project Case Study Session                              30
enable the industry to access challenging conventional    IATMI Business Forum                                    31
and unconventional resources.
                                                          Social Activities                                       32
On behalf of SPE, IATMI and the organising committees,
                                                          Young Professionals Workshop and                        33
we thank you for your support and participation and we
                                                          Educational Programmes
hope you will have an enriching experience.
                                                          SPE Asia Pacific Regional Awards                        34
                                                          Technical Programme                                     37

                                                          Knowledge Sharing ePoster Sessions                      59

                                                          Exhibition Floor Plan                                   78

                                                          List of Exhibitors                                      79

Dharmawan Samsu                                           Exhibitor Profiles                                      80
Upstream Director                                         Official Publication and Media Supporters 86
PT Pertamina (Persero)
APOGCE 2019 Advisory Committee Chair

                                                          * This Conference Programme is updated as at 14 October 2019

SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Society of Petroleum ...
Welcome Message from the Official Supporter and the Conference Chair                                                    4

SKK Migas is proud to be the Official Supporter of         The SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and
the SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference            Exhibition (APOGCE) 2019 is a collaborative effort
and Exhibition (APOGCE) 2019. As the Chairman              between SPE and IATMI. APOGCE has successfully
of SKK Migas, I am pleased to welcome you and              established itself as the premier upstream technical event
your organisation’s participation in this important        in the Asia Pacific region since 1999. This event continues
multidisciplinary regional event.                          to gather regional and global distinguished leaders, subject
                                                           matter experts, technical professionals and practitioners
APOGCE is the regional flagship event for SPE (Society     across the energy value chain to share the latest technical
of Petroleum Engineers) and IATMI (Society of              know-hows, best practices and innovative applications.
Indonesian Petroleum Engineers), and its presence and
history in Indonesia and the region has cemented its       Over the past several years, the energy sector has had
status as one of the foremost oil and gas industry event   to navigate many hurdles across the entire value chain
in Asia Pacific that brings together energy companies      in responding to the new oil price environment. Many
and technical professionals for information exchange and   efforts were taken to contain costs and boost efficiency,
technology transfer.                                       the new paradigm propelled companies into a shifting
                                                           landscape of incorporating emerging technologies and
As the industry continues to recover from oil price        digital advancement as enablers to improve business and
pressures, APOGCE 2019, themed “Advancing through          operations.
Emerging Technologies and Digitalisation”, will
explore the many applied innovations and technological     Themed “Advancing through Emerging Technologies and
developments to advance resource recovery, optimise        Digitalisation”, the APOGCE 2019 will showcase advances
business and assets, and improve production, efficiency    in technology and innovation, and how to leverage the
and safety.                                                transformational impact of digitalisation to develop
                                                           effective ways in incorporating new applications to
SKK Migas looks forward to the technical and business      transform businesses and operations to create values from
exchange that will take place at APOGCE as regional        existing capacities in order to advance the industry. The
and international industry leaders and professionals       high quality technical programme will provide a platform
come together to examine the critical issues faced         for industry professionals to exchange ideas as more than
by the industry today. We encourage you to take            240 technical papers from more than 80 organisations and
advantage of the opportunities for both professional and   30 countries will be presented and discussed.
personal enrichment through active participation at the
conference and exhibition. We hope that your experience    We thank you for your participation and support, and we
here will be a fruitful and rewarding one.                 hope your will enjoy the opportunity to network, learn
                                                           and share your experience with industry colleagues at this
Best regards,                                              exciting event.


Dwi Soetjipto
SKK Migas                                                  Ida Yusmiati
                                                           Senior Vice President
                                                           Upstream Business Development
                                                           PT Pertamina (Persero)
                                                           APOGCE 2019 Conference Chair

SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Society of Petroleum ...
Conference Organisers                                                                                            5

Conference Organisers

About Society of Petroleum Engineers
The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) is a not-for-profit professional association whose more than 156,000
members in 154 countries are engaged in oil and gas exploration and production. SPE is a key resource for
technical knowledge providing publications, events, training courses, and online resources at www.spe.org

       The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) is a not-for-profit organisation. Income from this
       event will be invested back into SPE to support many other Society programmes. When you
       attend, sponsor, or exhibit at an SPE event, you help provide even more opportunities for industry
       professionals to enhance their technical and professional competence. Scholarships, certification,
       the Distinguished Lecturer programme, and SPE’s energy education programme Energy4me® are
       just a few examples of programmes supported by SPE.

The Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers (IATMI) is a vehicle for its members in every sector of the oil and
gas industry to further its quest in advancing the development of education and training and initiating research
projects. In all of IATMI’s activities, it seeks assistance and cooperation with other professional organisations
nationally or internationally. At present, its membership of almost 10,000 professionals is spread throughout
the nation in several districts and through representatives overseas. For more information, please visit the IATMI
website at www.iatmi.or.id.

SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Society of Petroleum ...
Committees                                                                             6


Advisory Committee

Dharmawan Samsu
Upstream Director
PT Pertamina (Persero)

Priyambodo Mulyosudirjo               Trijana Kartoatmodjo, University of Trisakti
Salis Aprilian, Digital Energy Asia   Kevin Moore, Husky Oil Indonesia
Fauzi Imron, KADIN Indonesia          Tenny Wibowo, Ophir Medco Energi
Hendra Jaya, PT Pertamina (Persero)

Conference Chair

Ida Yusmiati
Senior Vice President,
Upstream Business Development
PT Pertamina (Persero)

Committees                                                                                            7


Technical Programme Committee

Bambang Ismanto              Craig Stewart         Hazli Sham Kassim             Bambang Istadi
BP Indonesia                 Medco Energi          PETRONAS                      PT Energi Mega
                                                                                 Persada Tbk

Programme Chair                                    Programme Vice Chair

Henricus Herwin                                    Andre Wijanarko
PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam                          PT Pertamina Hulu Sanga Sanga

Miles Ponsonby, AGR Software AS                    Agung Cahyono, CORELAB|Owen Oil Tools Division
Manabesh Chowdhury, Antelopus Energy               Nicholas Paris, Darcia, LLC
Jason Kok Chin Hwa, AppSmiths® Technology          Maike Willuweit, Emerson Process Management
Ong See Hong, Baker Hughes Company                 Sdn. Bhd.

Asep K. Permadi, Bandung Inst. of Technology       Naynesh C. Patel, ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd.

Ferry Anantokusumo, BP Berau                       Hanifatu Avida, ExxonMobil Indonesia

Manish Choudhary, Brunei Shell Petroleum           Peter Adam, Gaffney, Cline and Associates

Li Binbin, Bureau Veritas                          Farrukh Hamza, Halliburton

Dan O’Reilly, Chevron Australia Pty. Ltd.          David G. Kersey, Independent

Meita Silaban, Chevron Indonesia                   Takaaki Uetani, INPEX Corp.

Wang Yanling, China U. of Petroleum (East China)   Silvya Dewi Rahmawati, Inst. Teknologi Bandung

Wang Zhiyuan, China U. of Petroleum (East China)   Li Shidong, Inst. of Chemical and Engineering
                                                   Sciences, A*STAR
Budi R. Permana, ConocoPhillips Indonesia
                                                   Mojtaba Kalhor Mohammadi, International Drilling
Alliza Aulia, Continental Energy                   Fluids (IDF)

Committees                                                                                               8


Edi Rahmat Bin Asmal Munir, Kuwait Oil Co.          Fitrah Arachman, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore
Bai Baojun, Missouri U. of Science and Technology   North West Java

Kevin Lay, NauticAWT Ltd.                           Lucky Bagus Waskito, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
                                                    Offshore South East Sumatera
Shankar Bhukya, NOV Wellbore Technologies
                                                    Rachmat Hidajat, PT Pertamina (Persero)
David Manning, Oilfield Technologies
                                                    Andry Halim, PT Pertamina Upstream
Prady Chaliha, Osaka Gas Australia Pty. Ltd.        Technology Center
Dian Nur Cahyono, OXY                               Anwarudin Saidu, Reservoir Link Sdn. Bhd.
Emeline Chong, Petrofac Malaysia Ltd.               Jin Xu, RIPED, CNPC
Jan Bon, Petrolab Australia Pty. Ltd.               Liu He, RIPED, CNPC
Kamal Morad, Petroleum Development Oman             Wu Shuhong, RIPED, CNPC
Abdolrahim Ataei, PETRONAS                          Euver Enrique Naranjo Penaloza, Santos Ltd.
Luky Hendraningrat, PETRONAS                        Ahmad M. Garwan, Saudi Arabian Chevron
Hoo Lien Wee, PETRONAS                              Lu Mao Kang, Schlumberger
Khairul Nizam Idris, PETRONAS                       Jack H. Harfoushian, Schlumberger Australia
Rahim Masoudi, PETRONAS                             John (Jonggeun) Choe, Seoul National U.
Ng Kiang Fei, PETRONAS                              Afriandi Eka Prasetya, SKK Migas
Sanjeev Rajput, PETRONAS                            Justin Vaughan, TechnipFMC Indonesia
Sulaiman Sidek, PETRONAS                            Koji Sakura, TENARISNKKTubes
Raj Deo Tewari, PETRONAS                            Stephen Tyson, U. Teknologi Brunei
Dipak Mandal, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.           Mohammed Abdalla Ayoub Mohammed, U. Teknologi
Mohamad Othman, PETRONAS Carigali Brunei Ltd.       PETRONAS
Nor Idah Kechut, PETRONAS Research Sdn. Bhd.        Fikri Irawan, Weatherford
Bambang Widarsono, PPPTMGB “LEMIGAS”                Ben van Deijl, Woodside
Sophia Kangan, PT Pertamina                         Mark Baker, Woodside
Jufrihadi, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi

Committees                                                                                                 9


Conduct Committee
Advisor                               Chair                            Vice-Chair

Iwan Chandra                          Novitri Lilaksari                Novie Hernawati
Baker Hughes Company                  PT Pertamina Hulu Energi         Schlumberger


Educational Programme                                  SPE Regional Student Paper Contest
Dwandari Ralanarko, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi           Mugie Ginanjar, ConocoPhillips
Ayudyah Widyahening, PT OBM DrillChem                  Fikri Irawan, Weatherford

IATMI Activities                                       Sponsorships & Exhibitions
Lucky Bagus Waskito, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi          Leony Lervyn, PT Medco Energi
Offshore South East Sumatera
Bina Yuanita, VICO Indonesia                           Social Activities
                                                       Florencia Ciska Brata, Kris Energy
Marketing and Publicity                                Arasy Az-Zariat, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
Mahtubah, IATMI
Raesita Salim, PETRONAS Carigali Indonesia             Young Professional Workshop
                                                       Julianta Parlindungan Panjaita, PT Medco Energi
Security and Protocol                                  Alfino Harun Lubis, PT Pertamina Internasional EP
Hafif Assaf, PT Medco E&P Indonesia
Nantien Lundigusdwina Putri, SKK Migas

Conference Sponsors                                                             10

Thank You to Our Sponsors

                                 Official Sponsor

                                Official Supporter

                                General Sponsors

          Gold Sponsor     Educational Programmes and Young     Lanyards
                                Professionals Workshop

          Silver Sponsor            Silver Sponsor            Silver Sponsor

Conference Sponsors                                                                                               11

Thank You to Our Sponsors

                                            General Sponsors

          Silver Sponsor                           Silver Sponsor                           Silver Sponsor

         Silver Sponsor                            Silver Sponsor                           Silver Sponsor

          Silver Sponsor                Conference Digital Proceedings                  Exhibition Visitor Pass

                           Writing Pads and Pens                    Official Security Advisor

Meeting Room Guide                                                                                                                                    12

Meeting Room Guide

Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center

                             MENGWI 2
                                                                 MENGWI 6 & 7
                             Sessions                            Young Professional Workshop
                                                                 (Mon, 28 Oct),
                                               MENGWI 5          Panel and Special Sessions,
                                               Technical         Closing Session (Thurs, 31 Oct)
                                   MENGWI 3    Sessions
                                   Technical                                                 PECATU HALL 1 & 2
                                                                         MENGWI 8
                                   Sessions                                                  Exhibition, Knowledge
                                                                         Technical           Sharing ePoster Sessions,
                                                                         Sessions            Coffee Breaks,
                VIP MENGWI
                                                                                             Networking Luncheons,
                Conference                                                                   Welcome Reception
                HQ,                                                                                                      PECATU HALL 3 & 5
                                                                                             (Tue,29 Oct)
                Speaker/                                                                                                 Opening Session,
                Author                                                                                                   Executive Plenary Session,
                Check-in                                                                                                 SPE Asia Pacific Regional
                                                                                                                         Awards Presentation

            GROUND FLOOR



                         LEGIAN 1 & 2                                                     MEDICAL
                         SPE Regional Student Paper Contest –
                         Undergraduate and Postgraduate
                         (Tue, 29 Oct),
                         Energy4Me – Train the Trainer/Teacher
                         (Wed, 30 Oct)


Schedule of Events                                                                                              13

Schedule of Events

 Monday, 28 October
                                                                                       Jakarta Room, The Westin
 0800 – 1200 hours     IATMI Business Forum
                                                                                           Resort Nusa Dua, Bali

                       Registration                                                  Pecatu Lobby, Ground Floor

 0900 – 1800 hours     Speaker/Author Check-In                                         Mengwi VIP, Ground Floor

                       Exhibitors Move-In                                         Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

 1300 – 1700 hours     Young Professionals Workshop                                   Mengwi 6&7, Ground Floor

                                                                                          Bali National Golf Club
 1300 – 1800 hours     Golf by the Beach (organised by IATMI)
                                                                                                       Nusa Dua

                                                                                     Temple Garden, The Westin
 1900 – 2130 hours     Networking Dinner (organised by IATMI)
                                                                                          Resort Nusa Dua, Bali

 Tuesday, 29 October
                       Registration                                                  Pecatu Lobby, Ground Floor
 0730 – 1830 hours
                       Speaker/Author Check-In                                         Mengwi VIP, Ground Floor

 0900 – 1000 hours     Opening and Keynote Session                                Pecatu Hall 3 & 5, Ground Floor

 1000 – 1030 hours     Coffee Break                                               Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

 1000 – 1830 hours     Exhibition                                                 Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

                       Executive Plenary Session: Advancing through Emerging
 1030 – 1200 hours                                                                Pecatu Hall 3 & 5, Ground Floor
                       Technologies and Digitalisation

 1200 – 1230 hours     SPE Asia Pacific Regional Awards Presentation              Pecatu Hall 3 & 5, Ground Floor

 1230 – 1400 hours     Networking Luncheon                                        Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

 1300 – 1330 hours     Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 1                        Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

 1330 – 1400 hours     Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 2                        Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

                       Panel Session 1: Accelerating the Adoption of Automation      Mengwi 6 & 7, Ground Floor

                       Technical Session 1: Unlocking Hydrocarbon Potential              Mengwi 2, Ground Floor

 1400 – 1530 hours     Technical Session 2: Artificial Intelligence I                    Mengwi 3, Ground Floor

                       Technical Session 3: Advanced Formation Evaluation                Mengwi 5, Ground Floor

                       Project Case Study 1: Jambaran-Tiung Biru                         Mengwi 8, Ground Floor

                       SPE Regional Student Paper Contest: Undergraduate               Legian 1, Mezzanine Floor
 1400 – 1730 hours
                       SPE Regional Student Paper Contest: Postgraduate                Legian 2, Mezzanine Floor

Schedule of Events                                                                                                       14

Schedule of Events

 Tuesday, 29 October (continued)
 1530 – 1600 hours   Coffee Break / Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 3                    Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

                     Panel Session 2: Emerging Technologies in Production and Drilling        Mengwi 6 & 7, Ground Floor

                     Technical Session 4: Applied Technology in Managing Environmental
                                                                                                 Mengwi 2, Ground Floor
 1600 – 1730 hours
                     Technical Session 5: Gas Technology, Gas Injection and WAG                  Mengwi 3, Ground Floor

                     Technical Session 6: Downhole Log for Production Performance and
                                                                                                 Mengwi 5, Ground Floor
                     Well Integrity

 1730 – 1830 hours   Welcome Reception                                                     Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

 Wednesday, 30 October
                     Registration                                                            Pecatu Lobby, Ground Floor
 0800 – 1730 hours
                     Speaker/Author Check-In                                                   Mengwi VIP, Ground Floor

                     Panel Session 3: Extracting More Value from Mature Fields                Mengwi 6 & 7, Ground Floor

                     Technical Session 7: Thermal and Novel EOR                                  Mengwi 2, Ground Floor

 0900 – 1030 hours   Technical Session 8: Artificial Intelligence II                             Mengwi 3, Ground Floor

                     Technical Session 9: Emerging Production Technologies                       Mengwi 5, Ground Floor

                     Technical Session 10: Reservoir Characterisation                            Mengwi 8, Ground Floor

 0900 – 1400 hours   Energy4Me - Train the Trainer/Teacher                                  Legian 1 & 2, Mezzanine Floor

 1000 – 1730 hours   Exhibition                                                            Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

 1030 – 1100 hours   Coffee Break / Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 4                    Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

                     Panel Session 4: Balancing Foreign Investment and National Interest      Mengwi 6 & 7, Ground Floor

                     Technical Session 11: Efficient Human Resources and Management              Mengwi 2, Ground Floor

 1100 – 1230 hours   Technical Session 12: Digitalisation and Automation I                       Mengwi 3, Ground Floor

                     Technical Session 13: Waterflood Optimisation                               Mengwi 5, Ground Floor

                     Technical Session 14: Deepwater and Subsea                                  Mengwi 8, Ground Floor

 1230 – 1400 hours   Networking Luncheon                                                   Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

 1300 – 1330 hours   Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 5                                   Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

 1330 – 1400 hours   Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 6                                   Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

Schedule of Events                                                                                                                15

Schedule of Events

 Wednesday, 30 October (continued)
                        Panel Session 5: Decommissioning, Asset Abandonment and Site
                                                                                                       Mengwi 6 & 7, Ground Floor

                        Technical Session 15: Improving Processes and Sustainability of Oil and
                                                                                                          Mengwi 2, Ground Floor
                        Gas Operations
 1400 – 1530 hours
                        Technical Session 16: Simulation, AI and Modelling I                              Mengwi 3, Ground Floor

                        Technical Session 17: Reservoir and Production Facilities Management              Mengwi 5, Ground Floor

                        Technical Session 18: Artificial Lift Planning, Design and Implementation         Mengwi 8, Ground Floor

 1530 – 1600 hours      Coffee Break / Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 7                          Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

                        Special Session 1: EOR: Road to Full Field Implementation                      Mengwi 6 & 7, Ground Floor

                        Technical Session 19: Stimulation                                                 Mengwi 2, Ground Floor

                        Technical Session 20: Simulation, AI and Modelling II                             Mengwi 3, Ground Floor
 1600 – 1730 hours
                        Technical Session 21: Surface and Subsurface Integration and
                                                                                                          Mengwi 5, Ground Floor

                        Technical Session 22: Drilling and Well Construction                              Mengwi 8, Ground Floor

 Thursday, 31 October
                        Registration                                                                  Pecatu Lobby, Ground Floor
 0800 – 1600 hours
                        Speaker/Author Check-In                                                         Mengwi VIP, Ground Floor

                        Panel Session 6: Transforming Business Models to Adapt and Succeed in
                                                                                                       Mengwi 6 & 7, Ground Floor
                        the New Oil Price Environment

                        Technical Session 23: Completion Planning and Design                              Mengwi 2, Ground Floor
 0900 – 1030 hours
                        Technical Session 24: Digitalisation and Automation II                            Mengwi 3, Ground Floor

                        Technical Session 25: Facilities, Operations and Support                          Mengwi 5, Ground Floor

 1000 – 1400 hours      Exhibition                                                                  Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

 1030 – 1100 hours      Coffee Break / Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 8                          Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

                        Technical Session 26: Surfactant, Polymer Flooding and Nanotechnology             Mengwi 2, Ground Floor

                        Technical Session 27: Management and Economics of Oil and Gas Assets              Mengwi 3, Ground Floor
 1100 – 1230 hours
                        Technical Session 28: Extending Life of Fields                                    Mengwi 5, Ground Floor

                        Technical Session 29: Drilling Technology Case Studies                            Mengwi 8, Ground Floor

Schedule of Events                                                                                                   16

Schedule of Events

 Thursday, 31 October (continued)
 1230 – 1400 hours   Networking Luncheon                                               Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

 1300 – 1330 hours   Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 9                               Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

 1330 – 1400 hours   Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 10                              Pecatu Hall 1 & 2, Ground Floor

                     Technical Session 30: Monetising and Redeveloping Mature Fields         Mengwi 2, Ground Floor

 1400 – 1530 hours   Technical Session 31: Simulation, AI and Modelling III                  Mengwi 3, Ground Floor

                     Technical Session 32: Unconventional Resources / Gas Technology         Mengwi 5, Ground Floor

 1530 – 1600 hours   Closing Session                                                     Mengwi 6 & 7, Ground Floor

Conference Programme Schedule                                                                                                                                                                   17

Conference Programme Schedule

                              Mengwi 6&7                          Mengwi 2                              Mengwi 3                         Mengwi 5                         Mengwi 8

                                                                                Tuesday, 29 October
 0900 - 1000 hours                                                                Opening and Keynote Session - Pecatu Hall 3 & 5

  1000 - 1030 hours                                                                         Coffee Break - Pecatu Hall 1 & 2

  1030 - 1200 hours                                  Executive Plenary Session: Advancing through Emerging Technologies and Digitalisation - Pecatu Hall 3 & 5

  1200 - 1230 hours                                                      SPE Asia Pacific Regional Awards Presentation - Pecatu Hall 3 & 5

  1230 - 1400 hours                                                                     Networking Luncheon - Pecatu Hall 1 & 2

  1300 - 1330 hours                                                           Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 1 - Pecatu Hall 1 & 2

  1330 - 1400 hours                                                           Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 2 - Pecatu Hall 1 & 2

                            Panel Session 1                   Technical Session 1
                                                                                                  Technical Session 2               Technical Session 3              Project Case Study 1
  1400 - 1530 hours    Accerelating the Adoption            Unlocking Hydrocarbon
                                                                                                 Artificial Intelligence I     Advanced Formation Evaluation         Jambaran-Tiung Biru
                            of Automation                          Potential

  1400 - 1730 hours                                                       SPE Regional Student Paper Contest: Undergraduate - Legian 1

  1400 - 1730 hours                                                        SPE Regional Student Paper Contest: Postgraduate - Legian 2

  1530 - 1600 hours                                                   Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 3 / Coffee Break - Pecatu Hall 1 & 2
                                                             Technical Session 4                                                    Technical Session 6
                            Panel Session 2                                                       Technical Session 5
                                                            Applied Technology in                                                    Downhole Log for
  1600 - 1730 hours     Emerging Technologies in                                             Gas Technology, Gas Injection
                                                           Managing Environmental                                                 Production Performance
                         Production and Drilling                                                      and WAG
                                                                 Challenges                                                          and Well Integrity
  1730 - 1830 hours                                                                     Welcome Reception - Pecatu Hall 1 & 2

                                                                              Wednesday, 30 October
                             Panel Session 3                                                                                         Technical Session 9
                                                              Technical Session 7                 Technical Session 8                                               Technical Session 10
 0900 - 1030 hours     Extracting More Value from                                                                                   Emerging Production
                                                            Thermal and Novel EOR                Artificial Intelligence II                                       Reservoir Characterisation
                              Mature Fields                                                                                             Technologies

  1030 - 1100 hours                                                   Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 4 / Coffee Break - Pecatu Hall 1 & 2

                            Panel Session 4                   Technical Session 11
                                                                                                 Technical Session 12              Technical Session 13              Technical Session 14
  1100 - 1230 hours   Balancing Foreign Investment      Efficient Human Resources and
                                                                                            Digitalisation and Automation I       Waterflood Optimisation           Deepwater and Subsea
                          and National Interest                   Management

  1230 - 1400 hours                                                                     Networking Luncheon - Pecatu Hall 1 & 2

  1300 - 1330 hours                                                           Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 5 - Pecatu Hall 1 & 2

  1330 - 1400 hours                                                           Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 6 - Pecatu Hall 1 & 2

                           Panel Session 5                   Technical Session 15
                                                                                                 Technical Session 16               Technical Session 17             Technical Session 18
                        Decommissioning, Asset             Improving Processes and
  1400 - 1530 hours                                                                               Simulation, AI and              Reservoir and Production          Artificial Lift Planning,
                          Abandonment and                   Sustainability of Oil and
                                                                                                     Modelling I                   Facilities Management          Design and Implementation
                           Site Restoration                     Gas Operations

  1530 - 1600 hours                                                   Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 7 / Coffee Break - Pecatu Hall 1 & 2

                           Special Session 1                                                     Technical Session 20               Technical Session 21
                                                             Technical Session 19                                                                                      Technical Session 22
  1600 - 1730 hours      EOR: Road to Full Field                                                  Simulation, AI and               Surface and Subsurface
                                                                 Stimulation                                                                                     Drilling and Well Construction
                           Implementation                                                            Modelling II               Integration and Optimisation

                                                                                Thursday, 31 October
                             Panel Session 6
                                                             Technical Session 23                                                   Technical Session 25
                      Transforming Business Models                                               Technical Session 24
 0900 - 1030 hours                                           Completion Planning                                                    Facilities, Operations
                       to Adapt and Succeed in the                                          Digitalisation and Automation II
                                                                 and Design                                                             and Support
                        New Oil Price Environment

  1030 - 1100 hours                                                   Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 8 / Coffee Break - Pecatu Hall 1 & 2

                                                             Technical Session 26               Technical Session 27                                                 Technical Session 29
                                                                                                                                    Technical Session 28
  1100 - 1230 hours                                      Surfactant, Polymer Flooding       Management and Economics of                                               Drilling Technology
                                                                                                                                   Extending Life of Fields
                                                             and Nanotechnology                  Oil and Gas Assets                                                       Case Studies

  1230 - 1400 hours                                                                     Networking Luncheon - Pecatu Hall 1 & 2

  1300 - 1330 hours                                                           Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 9 - Pecatu Hall 1 & 2

  1330 - 1400 hours                                                           Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session 10- Pecatu Hall 1 & 2

                                                            Technical Session 30                 Technical Session 31              Technical Session 32
  1400 - 1530 hours                                      Monetising and Redeveloping              Simulation, AI and           Unconventional Resources / Gas
                                                                 Mature Fields                       Modelling III                     Technology

  1530 - 1600 hours         Closing Session

        Tell us about your SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas
               Conference and Exhibition experience

                            TWO EASY WAYS
                             TO COMPLETE
                              THE SURVEY

       ONLINE                                  SPEAKER/
      or scan the survey code
     with your mobile device

                   Your feedback is important to us!
General Information                                                                                               19

General Information


Venue                                                     Safety and Security
Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center                           The safety and security of our event attendees are of
Kawasan Terpadu ITDC NW/1, Nusa Dua                       utmost importance. Please be aware of and observe
80363 Bali Indonesia                                      the following:
Tel: +62 361 773 000                                      • Conference and exhibition badges must be worn at
                                                             all times while at the event venue. Use of a badge
Event Headquarters                                           by a person not named on the badge is grounds
Mengwi VIP, Ground Floor                                     for confiscation.
Kawasan Terpadu ITDC NW/1, Nusa Dua                       • If you lose your badge, please return to the
80363 Bali Indonesia                                        registration counter to obtain a replacement.
Tel: +62 361 773 000
                                                          • No one under the age of 15 is permitted in the
                                                            exhibition halls.
Speaker/Author Check-In Room
Speakers, moderators, presenting authors and              • Be aware of your surroundings, remain alert and
session chairs are required to report to the Author         be vigilant.
Check-In Room at Mengwi VIP, Ground Floor to              • Should you observe any suspicious packages
load/review their PowerPoint slides. Changes to             or behaviour, please report to event/venue staff
presentation slides will not be accepted less than four     immediately.
hours prior to the session.                               • Due to the popularity of some session topics, it is
                                                            possible for overcrowding to occur in a session or
Speakers, moderators, presenting authors and                meeting room. Should this occur, we must comply
session chairs must report to their assigned session        with policies regarding room capacity and limit
rooms 30 minutes before the session begins.                 admittance to a room that is at capacity. Please
                                                            make plans to arrive early for sessions that you
Badge Collection                                            have a strong interest in attending.
Conference and exhibition badges are required for
                                                          • Please remember to stay hydrated throughout
admission into the event and must be worn at all
                                                            the event.
times. Badges are non-transferable. Use of a badge
by a person not named on the badge is grounds             • In the event of an emergency, please follow
for confiscation.                                           direction of emergency personnel and authorities.

Badges can be collected at the Registration
Counter, Pecatu Lobby, Ground Floor, Bali Nusa
Dua Convention Center during the following
registration hours:

•   Monday, 28 October 2019: 0900-1800 hours
•   Tuesday, 29 October 2019: 0730-1830 hours
•   Wednesday, 30 October 2019: 0800-1730 hours
•   Thursday, 31 October 2019: 0800-1600 hours

General Information                                                                                              20

General Information

Digital Proceedings                                        Photography and Videography
Digital proceedings are available for collection at the    All conference sessions and the exhibition/technical
Registration Counter, Pecatu Lobby, Ground Floor, Bali     showcase are protected by international copyright laws.
Nusa Dua Convention Center.                                Photography and video/audio recording of any kind in
                                                           conference sessions and the exhibition are prohibited
To purchase the proceedings, please go to the              without prior written permission by SPE.
Registration Counter located at Pecatu Lobby, Ground
Floor, Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center.                    Mobile Phone
                                                           As a courtesy to the speakers and your fellow
Exhibition Hours                                           attendees, please turn off all mobile phones during
The exhibition / technical showcase is open to all         meetings and sessions.
attendees at the following times:
• Tuesday, 29 October 2019: 1000 – 1830 hours
                                                           We recognise that legitimate serving of alcoholic
• Wednesday, 30 October 2019: 1000 – 1730 hours
                                                           beverages in the process of conducting business
• Thursday, 31 October 2019: 1000 – 1400 hours
                                                           and social activities is acceptable. However, we also
                                                           recognise that the use and consumption of alcohol
Lost and Found
                                                           carries the requirement for all attendees to consume
Lost and found items will be placed at Event
                                                           these beverages responsibly and in keeping with our
Headquarters, Mengwi VIP, Ground Floor.
                                                           professional code of ethics and conduct. We strongly
                                                           oppose the abuse and misuse of alcohol.
First Aid
First aid and medical assistance is available at Medical
                                                           Consent to Use of Multimedia
Room, Pecatu Lobby, Ground Floor from Monday, 28
                                                           Attendance or participation in SPE events and other
October 2019 to Thursday, 31 October 2019.
                                                           activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to
                                                           SPE’s use and distribution of the registrant’s image or
Business Centre
                                                           voice in promoting future SPE events in any way SPE
Ground Floor, BNDCC 1
                                                           deems appropriate.
Kawasan Terpadu ITDC NW/1, Nusa Dua
80363 Bali Indonesia

Opening and Keynote Session                                                                                21

Opening and Keynote Session

Tuesday, 29 October | 0900 - 1000 hours                                       Pecatu Hall 3 & 5, Ground Floor


Ida Yusmiati                  Heru Setiawan            Tom Blasingame              John H Simamora
Senior Vice President         Director of Investment   2021 SPE President          Chairman, IATMI
Upstream Business             Planning and Risk        Texas A&M University        Development Director
Development                   Management                                           PT Pertamina EP
PT Pertamina (Persero)        PT Pertamina (Persero)
APOGCE 2019 Conference

Keynote Speaker

Dwi Soetjipto
SKK Migas

Sponsored by:

Executive Plenary Session                                                                              22

Executive Plenary Session

Advancing through Emerging Technologies and Digitalisation

Tuesday, 29 October | 1030 - 1200 hours                                   Pecatu Hall 3 & 5, Ground Floor


Thom Payne
Westwood Global Energy


Maria Sferruzza         Louise Mckenzie   Hilmi Panigoro       Nicke Widyawati       Mohamed Firouz
President, Asia         President         President Director   President Director    Asnan
Pacific                 ExxonMobil        PT Medco Energi      & CEO                 Senior Vice President
Baker Hughes            Indonesia         Internasional Tbk    PT Pertamina          Malaysia Petroleum
Company                                                        (Persero)             Management

Panel Sessions                                                                                                  23

Panel Sessions

Panel Session 1: Accelerating the Adoption of Automation

Tuesday, 29 October | 1400 - 1530 hours                                             Mengwi 6 & 7, Ground Floor

Session Chairs

Peter Adam                            Shankar Bhukya
Senior Reservoir Engineer             Senior Technical Advisor
Gaffney, Cline and Associates         NOV Wellbore Technologies


Ahmed Ibrahim         Siv Kailasapathy       Budianto Renyut        Hege Kverneland        Noor Syarifuddin
Vice President        CEO                    Vice President         Chief Technology       Director
Digital, APAC         Cenozai                Operation &            Officer and            Exploration
Baker Hughes                                 Maintenance            Corporate Vice         and Production
Company                                      PT. Chevron Pacific    President              Pertamina
                                             Indonesia              NOV                    Internasional EP

A search in OnePetro with “digital” and “automation” keywords results in almost 2,000 hits. Digital and
automation are no longer the “new kids on the block” but rather a maturing discipline.
Automation is able to increase efficiency, promote a safe working culture and give us reliable outputs every
single time. However, in order to adopt autonomous operations, one needs higher CAPEX and a proper
This panel will be a collaborative brainstorming session to address the following issues facing our industry:
• Why is the industry taking a back seat in adopting innovative autonomous technologies?
• How far behind are we in using autonomous technologies compared to the car manufacturing and space
  research sectors?
• How is our indecisiveness affecting our productivity?
• How serious are we with our safety targets?
• How willing are we to invest in such technologies?
• Is there a better win-win solution through collaboration between the end user and service company? Can the
  CAPEX burdens and liabilities be shared?

Panel Sessions                                                                                                 24

Panel Sessions

Panel Session 2: Emerging Technologies in Production and Drilling

Tuesday, 29 October | 1600 - 1730 hours                                              Mengwi 6 & 7, Ground Floor

Session Chairs

Prady Chaliha                         Andry Halim
General Manager – Development         Advisor
Osaka Gas Australia Pty. Ltd.         PT Pertamina Upstream
                                      Technology Center (UTC)


Bonar Marbun                 Satyam Priyadarshy           Tom Blasingame               Alanna Eastham
Associate Professor          Technology Fellow and        2021 SPE President           Front End Study Manager
Head of Petroleum            Chief Data Scientist         Texas A&M University         Subsea Projects, APAC
Engineering Study            Halliburton                                               TechnipFMC
Institut Teknologi

Emerging technologies are technologies that are capable of changing the status quo. These technologies
are generally new but can be existing technologies from other industries. Emerging technologies have the
potential to improve operations in the oil and gas industry by reducing costs and increasing productivity,
efficiency and safety. They enable oil and gas companies to explore and produce from technologically and
economically challenging conventional and unconventional sources in hostile environments. To meet the
growing world energy demand, new technologies should also be able to help by increasing productivity.
Oil and gas companies face great pressure to sustain production and/or maximise recovery under mounting
operating expenses with stricter accountability to the environment and public safety. Companies must adopt
technological innovations that will deliver a change to the way they conduct their business. The oil and gas
industry is very sensitive to oil price and at the time of oil price volatility, the exploration, development and
production costs must be minimised.
Furthermore, the industry will have to compete with the renewable energy sector, where the cost of
production is gradually going down by the introduction of new technologies to improve operational
efficiency and reduce cost of production.
In this panel, we will strive to further understand the benefits of the current emerging technologies in the
areas of drilling and production of oil and gas, both conventional and unconventional.

Panel Sessions                                                                                                   25

Panel Sessions

Panel Session 3: Extracting More Value from Mature Fields

Wednesday, 30 October | 0900 - 1030 hours                                          Mengwi 6 & 7, Ground Floor

Session Chairs

Dipak Mandal                          Lucky Bagus Waskito
Custodian Reservoir Engineering       Reservoir Engineer
PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.           PT Pertamina Hulu Energi OSES

Paul Madero                 Budianto Renyut              John H Simamora             John Anis
Vice President              Vice President Operation     Development Director        General Manager
Asia Pacific OFS            & Maintenance                PT Pertamina EP             PT Pertamina Hulu
Baker Hughes Company        PT. Chevron Pacific                                      Mahakam

After the steep fall of crude oil price in 2015 – 2016 and although the market has seen some recovery in 2018,
as we move into 2019, there is still not much optimism in the market. As the big oil producing giants put
their thinking hats on to take measures in keeping the oil price above the US$50 line, industry players are
still cautious about larger investments. With no one sure of the ‘New Normal’, most companies have tried to
consolidate their margins by looking towards safer, cheaper investments in their backyard of ‘mature fields’
to remain sustainable.
This session will look into cutting down cost, thus extending the economic life of mature fields by optimising
usage of emerging technologies. Operating costs will continue to rise in mature fields and as facilities need
more maintenance, how can technologies reduce operating costs and potential late life CAPEX of fields?
This session will also debate on innovation or replication of technologies that operating giants need. How
much of the budget outlook needs to be allocated for technology application? What is the view of operating
companies and service companies towards technology implementation in mature fields? Will partnerships
between operators and service companies help in paving quicker and more affordable implementation of
Digitalisation has already paved safe and economic inroads in other industries. Oil giants are currently moving
towards digitalisation for a faster, safer mode of operation. Mature fields with giga-data are one of the best
areas for value addition through digitalisation. In the current oil scenario, to what extent will companies need
to invest in digitalisation? Is digitalisation the way forward to cut down costs in mature fields? Will it have
adverse implications on people, culture, economics and society as a whole?

Panel Sessions                                                                                                  26

Panel Sessions

Panel Session 4: Balancing Foreign Investment and National Interest

Wednesday, 30 October | 1100 - 1230 hours                                          Mengwi 6 & 7, Ground Floor

Session Chairs

Bambang Istadi                        Hendra Jaya
Chief Business                        Technical Expert/Strategic Advisor
Development Officer                   to CEO
PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk            PT Pertamina (Persero)


Abdulaziz              Aussie Gautama        Ida Yusmiati           Satya Widya Yudha      Ferdinando Rigardo
Al-Mousawi             Chairman              Senior Vice            House of               Regional Executive
Country Manager        Maurel et Prom        President              Representative         Director,
Indonesia                                    Upstream Business      Republic of            Asia and Russia
KUFPEC                                       Development            Indonesia              Repsol
                                             PT Pertamina

Oil and natural gas were one of the biggest cash contributors to Indonesia. However, their contribution to
government revenue has declined along with production decrease. Above twenty percent a decade ago, the
sector contributed less than five percent of government revenue last year.
Indonesia requires huge investments to revitalise its oil and gas sector to boost exploration efforts to find
new resources and prove up new reserves while at the same time, develop its maturing fields that might
require advanced technology such as artificial intelligence and Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). On the other
hand, since 2015, the government has increased state-owned Pertamina’s stakes whenever production
sharing contracts expire.
Is Indonesia still attractive to foreign investors? What is the post-mortem from the gross split production
sharing contract introduced in late 2016? How will Indonesia capture new technology and share business
risks? This panel will discuss how to obtain the right balance between foreign investment and national interest
in Indonesia.

Panel Sessions                                                                                                                             27

Panel Sessions

Panel Session 5: Decommissioning, Asset Abandonment and Site Restoration

Wednesday, 30 October | 1400 - 1530 hours                                                                     Mengwi 6 & 7, Ground Floor

Session Chairs

Fikri Irawan                         Dave Manning                          Afriandi Eka Prasetya
SDS Technical Sales                  Managing Director                     Senior Project Specialist
Engineer Asia                        Oilfield Technologies                 SKK Migas


Stephen D’Souza                      Mohd. Ikhranizam                      Charles Siallagan                     Jon Fredrik Muller
Manager                              Mohd. Ros                             Vice President                        Partner & Head of
Environment Division                 Head, Decommissioning                 Development &                         Consulting Asia Pacific
NOPSEMA                              & Abandonment,                        Production Evaluation                 Rystad Energy
                                     Group Project Delivery,               PT Pertamina (Persero)

A recent report indicated that global decommissioning activities are going to increase significantly while
decommissioning obligations in the global oil and gas industry are projected to hold steady at an average of
about US$12 billion per year from 2019 through 2021 1.
In the face of today’s bearish market, several hundred offshore oil and gas wells could cease production by
2021. The magnitude and cost of planning an effective decommissioning and abandonment strategy can no
longer be ignored. With limited experience and lessons learnt, how well prepared is our local and regional
industries from a technical and budgetary viewpoint?
This panel will gather representatives from regulators, operators, service providers and consultants to deep
dive into pressing issues facing the region.

1 “Global Decommissioning Set to Hit Record USD36billion over the Next 3 Years.” Press release by Rystad Energy, 21 February 2019.

Panel Sessions                                                                                                   28

Panel Sessions

Panel Session 6: Transforming Business Models to Adapt and Succeed in the New Oil Price

Thursday, 31 October | 0900 - 1030 hours                                            Mengwi 6 & 7, Ground Floor

Session Chairs

Dipak Mandal                          Teof Rodriques
Custodian Reservoir Engineering       Director
PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.           Rodrigues & Associates Pty Ltd


Suzanne Hunt                          Daniel Purba                           Jafee Arizon Suardin
General Manager                       Senior Vice President                  Deputy of Planning
Production, Planning &                Corporate Strategic Planning &         SKK Migas
Performance                           Development
Beach Energy Limited                  PT Pertamina (Persero)

With the turbulence in oil price in recent years driving the need to re-align people, processes, and technology
initiatives of a company to its business strategy, each organisation needed to transform to survive in an
evolving oil price market. What is the new oil price environment? Can we predict the oil price for 2019-2020?
This session will explore the latest insights around business models and operational transformation to
learn how the industry can capture new growth opportunities, reduce costs, improve efficiencies, and
steer through this unsteady environment. It will also look into how to align and execute a strategic vision to
improve business performance and stay ahead in this world of crude oil price turbulence.
Panelists will discuss how business models can be transformed with the help of emerging technologies to
sustain growth, and increase profit margins. The session will also converse on how digitalisation can bring in
successful transformation in business to assure positive cash flow.

Special Session                                                                                               29

Special Session

EOR: Road to Full Field Implementation
Wednesday, 30 October | 1600 - 1730 hours                                          Mengwi 6 & 7, Ground Floor

Session Chairs

Andi Bachtiar                         Tutuka Ariadji
Vice President EOR                    Professor
PT Pertamina EP                       Institut Teknologi Bandung

Anette Poulsen              Zhang Xiansong               Rahim Masoudi               Rahima Al-Mujaini
CEOR Team Leader            Senior Engineer              Chief Technical Officer     Thermal EOR Cluster
Chevron Energy              Development Specialist -     Malaysia Petroleum          Leader, OSPT
Technology Company          Research Institute           Management                  Petroleum Development
                            CNOOC                        PETRONAS                    Oman, LLC

The most important considerations when implementing an EOR plan is to be aware that it takes a
considerably long preparation time as it includes field development planning, laboratory work and piloting
the project, whilst demanding a huge cost. Shortening the preparation time may be approached through
understanding the perception of laboratory works and field trials as a reservoir characterisation process,
thus allowing parallel works to be conducted. Moreover, in order to support the reliability of this stretched
approach, the first step is to increase the screening reliability. Any new concepts and best practices to reduce
the preparation time should be justified with a profoundly reliable approach.
Expensive EOR may be avoidable through the exploration of innovative ways to ease the investment burden,
such as reducing costs through sharing of facilities amongst companies that have nearby EOR field projects,
local/regional supply of EOR injected materials, and of course, improving recovery oriented technology
development. The ultimate goal is to reduce the cost of EOR to lead to full-field implementation.

Project Case Study Session                                                                                 30

Project Case Study Session

Jambaran-Tiung Biru
Tuesday, 29 October | 1400 - 1530 hours                                              Mengwi 8, Ground Floor

Session Organiser                     Moderator

Jamsaton Nababan                      Taufik Aditiyawarman
President Director                    Development Director
PT Pertamina EP Cepu                  PT Pertamina EP Cepu

Teguh Prayitno               Budi Satriyo              Komang Andika               Ngurah A. Pranata
Assistant Manager            Assistant Manager         Senior Engineer G&G         Reservoir Engineer
Process – GPF JTB            Facilities Engineering    PT Pertamina EP Cepu        PT Pertamina EP Cepu
PT Pertamina EP Cepu         PT Pertamina EP Cepu

Jambaran-Tiung Biru is being developed by PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC), a wholly owned subsidiary of
PT Pertamina (Persero) (Pertamina). The project involves the development of existing gas reserves in the
Unitized Jambaran-Tiung Biru Field (Unitized JTB Field) with sales gas production of 192 MMSCFD, along with
associated gas processing facilities (GPF) and spur pipelines.
The JTB Field Carbonate Structure is located in the Cepu Block, it is one of the largest Oligo-Miocene
Carbonate structure in Indonesia with an area of approximately 10km2. The development scope covers
drilling of six development wells that will produce 315 MMSCFD of raw gas, designing and installing GPF with
a maximum capacity of 330 MMSCFD, and developing gas flow lines from wells to the GPF and, sales gas
pipelines from the GPF to the buyer’s pipelines.
This session will share major milestones and challenges faced such as technical achievements, project impact
and the base case for commercialisation that will provide the highest value to all project stakeholders.

IATMI Business Forum                                                                                                    31

IATMI Business Forum

The Digital Oil Field Transformation Forum: How Digital Technologies will Transform
E&P Business Model in Indonesia

Monday, 28 October | 0800 - 1200 hours                                 Jakarta Room, The Westin Resort Nusa Dua

Since the industrial revolution, the oil and gas industry has played an important role in the economic
transformation of the world, fueling the need for heat, light and mobility of the world’s population. Today, the
oil and gas industry has the opportunity to redefine its boundaries through digitalisation, after a period of
falling crude prices disrupted exploration and production activities, and ineffective mature field development
challenges that are currently facing most oil and gas companies in Indonesia. Digitalisation can act as an enabler
to tackle these challenges and provide value to all its stakeholders. While digitalisation could be a source of
positive change, there are a number of challenges that need to be overcomed to realise its full potential for both
business and society. In some cases, the gains from digitalisation have been inequitable with the benefits not
reaching those who need it most. At the same time, the exponential increase in global information flows have
created new risks around data privacy and security and, businesses across sectors are grappling with challenges
related to changing customer expectations, cultural transformation, outdated regulation, and skill shortages.

Through collaboration at the IATMI Business Forum, leaders will gather to discuss and better understand the
implications of these changes. The Digital Oil Field Transformation Forum is an ongoing initiative from IATMI
that serves as the focal point for new opportunities and themes arising from latest developments and trends
in digitalisation especially in Indonesia. This forum does not only look into the challenges and opportunities
digitalisation creates for the oil and gas industry, but also how this potential can be translated to societal value.

Social Activities                                                                                                  32

Social Activities

Golf by the Beach (organised by IATMI)
Monday, 28 October | 1300 - 1800 hours                                           Bali National Golf Club Nusa Dua

To take part in promoting a healthy life style within the petroleum industry and civic society, Golf by the Beach is
prepared as part of the 2019 SPE/IATMI APOGCE activities.

Golf by the Beach is a distinctive golf event that enables participants to strengthen their professional network
while enjoying the beautiful scenery of Bali Beach surrounding the golf course.

Networking Dinner (organised by IATMI)
Monday, 28 October | 1900 - 2130 hours                              Temple Garden, The Westin Resort Nusa Dua

Held on Monday, 28 October 2019 at The Westin Resort Nusa Dua, this Networking Dinner will be the
highlighted event of the day before the ceremonial opening of the APOGCE 2019 on the next day. The dinner
will provide all guests the opportunity to network and connect. Guests will be treated to a five star banquet
dinner with a very convenient barbeque beach party whilst networking with Business Forum Keynote Speakers,
of which will include leading business figures, major professional organisations, petroleum industry stakeholders
and government officials.

Young Professionals Workshop and Educational Programmes                                                          33

Young Professionals Workshop and Educational Programmes

Co-Sponsored by:

Young Professionals Workshop
Monday, 28 October | 1300 - 1700 hours                                               Mengwi 6 & 7, Ground Floor

The End of Petroleum Engineers: The Way Ahead
The recent downturn in the oil and gas industry has led to massive layoffs. Digital industrial revolution is slowly
changing how upstream businesses operate. Increasing public awareness of climate change has fuelled the
urgency to shift to cleaner alternative energy. Can the current petroleum engineers survive in the next 10 to20
years? What are the skills required to help them adapt and thrive in the highly dynamic business environment of
the oil and gas industry?

This workshop will provide Young Professionals (YP) with a greater insight into the future of our industry and
raise their confidence by stepping out of their comfort zone.

Regional Student Paper Contest
Tuesday, 29 October | 1400 - 1730 hours                                             Legian 1 & 2, Mezzanine Floor

Winners of 2019 Asia Pacific Regional Student Paper Contest will be invited to attend and compete at the SPE
International Student Paper Contest, to be held at SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE)
from 5 – 7 October 2020 in Denver, Colorado, USA. In addition to showcasing their technical knowledge at the
contest, the winning regional representatives will have the opportunity to meet practicing professionals and
industry members from across the globe for their professional career development. Conference delegates are
encouraged to attend and support the student presentations.

Energy4Me - Train the Trainer/Teacher
Wednesday, 30 October | 0900 - 1400 hours                                           Legian 1 & 2, Mezzanine Floor

The workshop will equip attendees with the basic training to plan and deliver the Energy4Me workshop for
students. It will highlight the importance and benefits of reaching out to local communities and educating
students and teachers about science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education as well as the
energy industry, including oil and gas, with the use of various hands-on activities. These educational hands-
on activities are designed to both illustrate scientific concepts and engineering functions used in oil and gas
exploration and production; and cultivate critical thinking and problem-solving skills in participants.

SPE Asia Pacific Regional Awards                                                                                     34

SPE Asia Pacific Regional Awards

Tuesday, 29 October | 1200 - 1230 hours                                                               Pecatu Hall 3 & 5

SPE Awards recognise members for their technical contributions, professional excellence, career achievements,
service to colleagues, industry leadership, and public service. The awards recognise individuals and companies
that make significant technical and professional contributions to the petroleum engineering profession and to
the oil and gas industry.

In appreciation of the contributions of SPE members and distinguished organisations, the SPE Asia Pacific
Regional Awards will be presented during APOGCE on Tuesday, 29 October 2019.

Distinguished Corporate Support Award

                 Northern Asia Pacific                                   South Asia and the Pacific

Service Award
The award acknowledges exceptional contributions to SPE at section or regional level and recognises singular
devotion of time and effort to the programmes and development of the member’s section and region that set it
apart from the services rendered each year by many members of the Society.

                 Northern Asia Pacific                                       South Asia and the Pacific

         Mohamad              Michael Reeder             Maria Gonzales          Andrew Buffin        Teddy Kamaroedin
         Ikhranizam           LEAP Energy                Perdomo                 Reseval Consulting   Freelance
         Mohamad Ros                                     Australian School                            Consultant
         PETRONAS                                        of Petroleum

                   Serge Hayon                                      Jayantha                Minnie Gogia
                   Murphy Oil Corp                                  Mukhopadhyay            ONGC

SPE Asia Pacific Regional Awards                                                                                35

SPE Asia Pacific Regional Awards

Technical Award
The award acknowledges exceptional contributions to SPE at the section or regional level and recognises
singular devotion of time and effort to the programmes and development of technical expertise in various
technical discipline.

                 Northern Asia Pacific                                South Asia and the Pacific

                                  Drilling                        Production and        Reservoir Description
                                  Engineering                     Operations            and Dynamics
           and Technology

           Tan Chee Phuat         Liu Yujin                       Sivarama Krishna      Ajay Mandal
           PETRONAS               Aramco Asia                     Reliance Industries   Indian Institute of
                                                                  Ltd                   Technology (ISM)
           Formation              Projects, Facilities
           Evaluation             and Construction

           Sun Xuekai             Norhayati Hashim
           Aramco Asia            PETRONAS

                    Reservoir Description
                    and Dynamics

                    Mohd Faizal

SPE Asia Pacific Regional Awards                                                                                    36

SPE Asia Pacific Regional Awards

Distinguished Achievement Award For Petroleum Enginering Faculty
The award recognises superiority in classroom teaching, excellence in research, significant contributions to the
petroleum engineering profession and/or special effectiveness in advising and guiding students.

                 Northern Asia Pacific                                         South Asia and the Pacific

                                                                                             Keka Ojha
                              Wonmo Mo Sung                                                  Indian Institute of
                              Hanyang University                                             Technology (ISM)

Young Member Outstanding Service Award
The award recognises contributions and leadership to the public, the community, SPE, and the petroleum
engineering profession within the region.

                 Northern Asia Pacific                                         South Asia and the Pacific

          Kueh Jing Zhi        Viet Son Tran                               Mayank Gupta        Arasy Az Zariat
          PETRONAS Carigali    Cuu Long Joint                              Cairn India Ltd     PT Pertamina Hulu
          Sdn. Bhd.            Operating Co                                                    Mahakam (GSR/PKB)

Public Service Award
The award is intended to recognise distinguished public service of SPE members at the regional level to
country, state, community, or public, with respect to local custom, through excellence in leadership, service, or
humanitarianism, provided the service is over and above requirements of employment and, is therefore, not a
compensated activity.

                                                South Asia and the Pacific

                                                             Rahul Patil

Technical Programme                                                                                             37

Technical Programme

 Tuesday, 29 October                                           1400 - 1530 hours | Mengwi 2, Ground Floor

 Technical Session 01: Unlocking Hydrocarbon Potential
 Session Chairs: Fitrah Arachman, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java; Afriandi Eka Prasetya,
 SKK Migas

 Time        Paper #     Presentation

                         Comprehensive Approach to Assess the Productivity of Tight Zones in Contrasted
 1400        196541      Permeability Reservoirs
                         A.I. Al-Sadah, M.T. Bouaouaja, and E. Alyan, Saudi Aramco

                         Unlocking Low Resistivity Pay as New Reservoir Backbone for Mature Field
                         Redevelopment Strategy: A Case Study of Alengka Field, Offshore North West
 1420        196559      Java
                         I.D. Wibowo, A. Prawesti, S. Sobani, L.I. Saputra, and T. Maulana, PT Pertamina Hulu
                         Energi Offshore North West Java; M. Luciawaty, PT Pertamina

                         Case Study Well Test Analysis on Gas Well in Basement Granite Reservoir of South
 1440        196462
                         D.P. Laksana, R. Sitaresmi, and H.K. Oetomo, Trisakti U.; A. Puspiantoro, PetroChina
                         International Jabung Ltd.

                         Field Case to Manage the Control of a Naturally Fractured Reservoir during
 1500        196379      Hydraulic Fracturing
                         W. Suzart, J. Davis, M. Aljlaidi, and A. Larit, Halliburton

 Tuesday, 29 October                                           1400 - 1530 hours | Mengwi 3, Ground Floor

 Technical Session 02: Artificial Intelligence I
 Session Chairs: Wu Shuhong, RIPED, CNPC; Mohammed Abdalla Ayoub Mohammed, U. Teknologi PETRONAS

 Time        Paper #     Presentation

                         Artificial Intelligence Assisted Decision Support Center: Pilot Implementation in
 1400        196297      Onshore Indonesia
                         R.C. Pratama, R. Siregar, A. Putra, and A.R. Wicaksono, PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia

                         Data-Driven Diagnosis for Artificial Lift Pump’s Failures
 1420        196470      T. Ounsakul, A. Rittirong, T. Kreethapon, W. Toempromaraj, K. Wejwittayaklung, and
                         P. Rangsriwong, PTTEP

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