Spark-Ignition Engines - Fundamental Research for an Individual Sustainable Mobility

Page created by Casey Hines
Spark-Ignition Engines - Fundamental Research for an Individual Sustainable Mobility
RESE ARCH F V V Projects

                   Spark-Ignition Engines –
                   Fundamental Research for an Individual
                    Sustainable Mobility
Spark-ignition combustion engines
make up a considerable share
of the powertrains for individual
mo­­bility applications – not just today,
but also in the decades to come
as a part of electric powertrains.
The Research Association for Com­
bus­tion Engines (FVV) is therefore
dedicating numerous research proj-
ects to reducing the CO2 emissions
from these engines, with a special
focus being placed on real-world
ope­ration with fuels produced in a
CO2-neutral manner.


The growth of the global population
and prosperity will result in increasing
demand for individual mobility solu-
tions. The industry’s task is to react to
this demand with offers that support the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
[1] outlined by the United Nations.
Alongside climate action (goal 13), the
SDGs contain further targets which
affect engine research, including good
health and well-being (goal 3), decent
work and economic growth (goal 8)
and responsible consumption and pro-
duction (goal 12). Spark-ignition com-
bustion engines currently make up a
large proportion of individual mobility
applications around the world. In light
of the diversity of demands and regional
infrastructural requirements, it currently
appears improbable that a single power-
train technology will completely replace
fossil fuel-powered spark-ignition en­­
Spark-Ignition Engines - Fundamental Research for an Individual Sustainable Mobility

                                                    Dr.-Ing. André Casal Kulzer is responsi-
                                                    ble for Thermodynamics in Advanced
                                                    Powertrain Engineering at Porsche AG in
                                                    Stuttgart (Germany). At FVV, he is Head
                                                    of Planning Group 2 “Combustion SI.”
                                                    “The research at FVV enables us to
                                                    lay the technical groundwork in order
                                                    to answer the geopolitical questions
                                         © FVV
                                                    around energy supply.”

                                                    Prof. Dr. Friedrich Dinkelacker is Head
                                                    of the Institute for Combustion Tech­
                                                    nology (ITV) at the Leibniz University,
                                                    Hanover (Germany), which conducts
                                                    FVV projects as an RTD performer.
                                                    “Fundamental understanding
                                                    and methodical expertise are the
                                                    prerequisite for using renewable
                                         © ITV
                                                    energy carriers.”

                                                    Koichi Nakata is General Manager
                                                    of the Toyota Motor Corporation in
                                                    Susono, Shizuoka (Japan).
                                                    “ In the future, the interface between
                                                     engine and fuel development will
                                                     be more important when it comes
                                                     to reducing greenhouse gases.
                                                     The entire world will benefit from
                                         © Toyota
                                                     the research in this field.”

                                                    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fabian Mauß is Holder of
                                                    the Chair of Thermodynamics/Thermal
                                                    Process Engineering at the Institute of
                                                    Electrical Systems and Energy Logistics
                                                    at the Brandenburg University of Tech­
                                                    nology Cottbus-Senftenberg (Germany).
                                                    “Supplementing conventional fuels
                                                    with synthetic components based
                                         © BTU
                                                    on hydrogen can make the existing
                                                    fleet more climate-friendly.”

                             © Porsche

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Spark-Ignition Engines - Fundamental Research for an Individual Sustainable Mobility
RESE ARCH F V V Projects

                          Efficiency              Route A              Route B                 Route C              Route D               Average
                            WLTC                  “Sporty”             “Sporty”               “Moderate”           “Moderate”         Efficiency RDE

 engine                     39.9 %                 41.7 %               41.8 %                  40.5 %                39.7 %                40.9 %
 (without EGR)

 engine                     40.6 %                 42.6 %               43.2 %                  41.3 %                40.4 %                41.9 %
 (with EGR)

                            43.3 %                 46.0 %               45.6 %                  44.6 %                42.5 %                44.7 %

TABLE 1 Powertrain efficiency of a high-efficiency engine in various driving cycles (© FVV)

     Cluster             Fuel          ρ norm [kg/m 3]   ΔLHV [MJ/kg]      ΔLHV [MJ/l]           C : H : O [-]      ΔRON [-]       ΔMON [-]          Δη i [%]

   Reference         RON95E10            756.25              41.16             31.13           6.3 : 11.7 : 0.2       96.7           87.4              39.4

        1                M29              765.92              -6.1               -4.27          3.5 : 7.6 : 0.6      +4.70          +0.80              +4.17

        1                E49              772.02             -7.07               -4.81          3.5 : 8.0 : 0.7      +9.30          +3.90              +4.83

        1                H45              415.98             +35.16              +0.0         0.16 : 13.7 : 0.01       -               -               +3.09

        2                M11              759.97             -2.35               -1.63          4.9 : 9.7 : 0.4      +1.90          +0.30              +3.47

        2                E25              764.39             -3.64               -2.45          4.6 : 9.4 : 0.5      +4.80          +2.00              +4.08

        2                H45              415.98             +35.16                -          0.16 : 13.7 : 0.01       -               -               +3.09

 Legend = Cluster 1: low CO 2 emissions; Cluster 2: low fuel consumption; M29: M: methanol; E: ethanol; H: hydrogen; ρ norm: density under normal conditions;
 ΔLHV: change of the lower heating value compared to the reference; C : H : O: carbon to hydrogen to oxygen ratio; ΔRON: change in Research Octane Num-
 ber (RON) compared to the reference; ΔMON: Change in Motored Octane Number (MON) compared to the reference; Δ ηi: change in combustion efficiency
 compared to the reference

TABLE 2 Increases in the degree of efficiency caused by different admixtures to standard gasoline (© Fabian Mauß | BTU)

gines in the short term. Indeed, it is                   nological prerequisites, consciously                      gart analyzed the effects of combining
far more realistic to expect different                   integrating small and medium-sized                        different technologies. The goal was to
technologies to coexist and work in                      companies in the innovation process.                      achieve a maximum engine efficiency
parallel in hybrid concepts. Further-                                                                              at the best possible degree of efficiency
more, the sustainability of the global                                                                             explicitly throughout the entire power-
                                                         2 SYSTEMATICALLY
fleet of around 1.2 billion cars [2]                                                                               train in real-world driving cycles. In va­­
                                                         OPTIMIZING EFFICIENCY
should also be considered, of which                                                                                rious technology packages comprising,
a high but unknown percentage are                        Spark-ignition engines can make a                         among other things, high compression
powered by spark-ignition engines.                       key contribution to sustainability                        and flexible valve timings including
In light of this, further research on                    if their degree of efficiency in real                     the Miller procedure, exhaust gas recir-
spark ignition engines with a focus                      driving operations can be substan-                        culation, control of the charge motion,
on high sustainability is absolutely                     tially increased – without simultane-                     pre-chamber ignition, water injection,
necessary. The entire energy chain                       ously downgrading the environmen-                         lean operation and long-stroke engine
(well-to-wheel) and the entire prod-                     tal balance through higher pollutant                      design were analyzed. To determine the
uct life cycle (cradle-to-grave) must                    emissions or lower durability. In the                     powertrain efficiency, the researchers
be taken into account, and not just                      FVV project “ICE 2025+” [3], which                        used various hybrid powertrain com­
the energy converters themselves.                        was completed at the end of 2020, four                    binations, taking into account electri-
Industrial collective research, as per-                  research institutes at RWTH Aachen                        cal energy that was only obtained by
formed by the FVV and described in                       University, the Technical University of                   on-board recuperation. The interaction
the following projects as examples,                      Braunschweig, the Technical University                    with several alternative, potentially
creates the methodological and tech­                     of Darmstadt and the University of Stutt-                 CO2-neutral fuels was also examined.
Spark-Ignition Engines - Fundamental Research for an Individual Sustainable Mobility
Even before the project had con-         few fundamental examinations on the                platform for fuels and engines was
cluded, it was clear that a powertrain      thermodynamic behavior. For a meaning-             developed and used at the Brandenburg
efficiency level of over 40 % is possible   ful simulation of the combustion itself            University of Technology. The results
in C-segment vehicles using standard        as well as certain phenomena such as               of the project – in the form of both an
gasoline with the combination of suit-      uncontrolled self-ignition, exact knowl-           extended version of the zero-dimen-
able technologies. While the average        edge of the reaction kinetics is necessary.        sional calculation program “FVV cylin-
value was 40.6 % in the Worldwide           The “Fuel Composition for Reducing CO2”            der module” and as detailed collections
Harmonized Light-duty Vehicles              research project therefore aims to answer          of data on the individual fuel compo-
Test Cycle (WLTC), the average value        the question as to how new generations             nents – will be available as a knowledge
achieved in simulated Real Driving          of fuels and their composition can help            base for the entire industry. Completion
Emissions (RDE) cycles was even             increase the degree of efficiency [4]. In          is planned for 2022.
higher at 41.9 %, as shown in TABLE 1.      a collaboration of five research institutes,
By replacing the standard fuel with         the behavior of different fuel molecules
                                                                                               4 SPRAY DIAGNOSTICS
methanol, the hybrid powertrain in          is analyzed, measured during combus-
a C-segment vehicle reached an effi-        tion and transferred to suitable simulation        While the chemical properties of new
ciency of 43.4 % in the standard cycle      methods. Initially, the project partners           fuels are primarily decisive for the
and 42.7 % on average in simulated          selected fuel components with the poten-           combustion behavior, the physical pro­
road driving. Beyond these examina-         tial to reduce the knocking tendency and           perties play a key role when it comes
tions, the additional potential of lean     simultaneously increase combustion                 to carburation. If direct injection is
operation was also analyzed. Operat-        speed, thereby raising combustion effi-            used (as is common in spark-injection
ing the methanol-powered engine with        ciency. Based on new measurements and              engines), the break-up of the injection
excess air resulted in efficiency levels    available data from lite­rature, a reaction        jet into small droplets determines the
above 40 % across a large section of the    mechanism is currently being developed             efficiency and pollutant emissions.
engine characteristic map – with a peak     and applied in Computational Fluid                 There is currently little data on the
of 46.9 %. Compared to a spark-ignition     Dynamics (CFD) simulations. A model                primary disintegration of the spray,
engine corresponding to the current         is being derived with which mixtures of            particularly when using synthetic
state of the art, this would result in      standard gasoline and alternative fuels            so-called e-fuels. In the “Spray Diag­
a CO2 reduction of up to 25 %.              can be created with the objective of gen-          nostics of Gasoline E-Fuels” project
                                            erating minimal CO2 emissions.                     concluded in 2020, two research insti-
                                               Just one year after the project started,        tutes at Friedrich-Alexander University
                                            it was already evident that admixtures             Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) and Leibniz
Admixing renewable fuels can quickly        again offer additional potential to reduce         University in Hanover analyzed spray
result in significant reductions in CO2     CO2 over an increased efficiency in a              disintegration of standard gasoline,
emissions throughout the existing fleet.    tank-to-wheel observation, TABLE 2.                methyl formate (MeFo), ethanol, water
However, up to now there are no or          A virtual simultaneous optimization                and a water-gasoline emulsion using

                                                                       FIGURE 1 Comparison of spray structure
                                                                       of different fuels at an injection pres-
                                                                       sure of 350 bar (© FAU)

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Spark-Ignition Engines - Fundamental Research for an Individual Sustainable Mobility
RESE ARCH F V V Projects

different measuring techniques [5].               systems. The main challenge when                  ulation processes developed. The project
In a different project, the same analy-           designing these engines is the operat-            will be concluded in early 2022.
ses were conducted simultaneously on              ing behavior in areas close to full load.
future diesel fuels. The spray structure          Reducing the temperature through wide-
                                                                                                    6 OUTLOOK FOR
was analyzed using a fluorescence                 open-throttle enrichment is no longer
                                                                                                    FURTHER RESEARCH
microscope and x-ray phase-contrast               a possibility due to pollutant emissions
imaging. Both procedures show similar             and consumption. Water injection rep-             The current research on spark-ignition
results: The structure images for gaso-           resents an alternative solution here and          engines is characterized by the deploy-
line, MeFo and ethanol barely differ,             has already been examined as part of              ment of new operating materials and
whereas water and the water-gasoline              an FVV research project. However, the             fuels, and the goal of reducing or even
emulsion display substantially coarser            task of achieving the highest possible            neutralizing CO2 emissions in real opera-
spray break-up, FIGURE 1. The break-up            “water efficiency” still remains. FIGURE 2        tions. Future projects will place even
speed was analyzed using an x-ray                 shows CFD simulations of the tem­                 greater emphasis on this aspect. Several
contrast process, as well as the new              perature fields for the combustion of             projects are planned or are currently
camera-based Structural Image Velo­               RON95E10 and EFR50 H2OE50 in­­cor­                being started, in which hydrogen com-
cimetry (SIV) technique. The compara-             porating Reynolds-averaged Navier-                bustion in a reciprocating piston engine
tively easy-to-implement SIV process              Stokes (RANS) models [6]. In a subse-             is to be analyzed in great detail. FVV
provided sufficiently accurate results.           quent project [7], the high-pressure              research thus is supporting the hydrogen
Gasoline and ethanol sprays broke up              direct injection system (500 bar) and             strategies in Germany and Europe by pro-
most quickly, whereas MeFo, the emul-             the use of a fuel-water emulsion are              viding the technical basis for industrial-
sion and pure water took the longest              being investigated. The work also en­­            ization. Other fuels based on processed
time in descending order to break up.             compasses other technological compo-              green hydrogen, such as methanol, or the
                                                  nents for improving evaporation proper-           gasoline derived from it are also part of
                                                  ties as well as multiple injection strategies.    future research projects. The “ICE2025+”
                                                  In addition, the impact of water injection        project mentioned above will be contin-
Engines with high power density for               on the oil distribution, exhaust gas after-       ued and extended to include operation
particularly sporty vehicles also con­­           treatment and other system components             with multiple alternative fuels and lean
tribute to the diversity of future drive          are to be examined and the required sim-          combustion. At the same time, future

FIGURE 2 Comparison of temperature fields from combustion of RON95E10 (iso-Octane: 40.3 mass-%; n-Heptane: 12.6 mass-%; Toluene: 36.5 mass-%;
Ethanol: 10.6 mass-%) and EFR50 H2OE50 emulsion (iso-Octane: 26.9 mass-%; n-Heptane: 8.4 mass-%; Toluene: 24.3 mass-%; Ethanol: 18.2 mass-%;
Water: 22.2 mass-%) for different crank angles (© BTU)

projects aim to deploy Artificial Intel­              and Dr.-Ing. André Casal Kulzer (Dr. Ing. h.c. F.         (ed.): Proceedings R596, pp. 145-178, Frankfurt am
ligence (AI) methods for engine develop-              Porsche AG). RTD performers: Prof. Dr.-Ing.               Main, 2020
                                                      Michael Bargende (Institute of Automotive Engineer-       [6] Netzer et al.: Numerical Analysis of the Impact of
ment, which makes sense solely thanks                 ing, University of Stuttgart), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian   Water Injection on Combustion and Thermodynamics
to the significant amounts of data from               Beidl (Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and      in a Gasoline Engine Using Detailed Chemistry. In:
experiments of previous FVV projects.                 Powertrain Systems, TU Darmstadt), Prof. Dr.-Ing.         SAE International Journal of Engines, Vol. 11(6), pp.
Through the Industrial Collective                     Peter Eilts (Institute for Combustion Engines, TU         1151-1166, 2018
                                                      Braunschweig), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Pischinger           [7] IGF research project “Water Injection in Spark-
Research, Small and Medium-sized                      (Institute for Combustion Engines, RWTH Aachen            Ignition Engines II.” Funding: FVV (1367). Coordina-
Enterprises (SMEs) can also make use                  University. In: FVV (ed.): Proceedings R590,              tor: Dr.-Ing. André Casal Kulzer (Dr. h.c. F. Porsche
of AI-based simulation methods. Sus­                  pp. 333-370, Frankfurt am Main, 2019                      AG). RTD performers: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Müller
                                                      [4] IGF research project “Fuel Composition for CO 2       (Specialist Area for Vehicle Powertrains, TU Berlin),
tainability in the sense of the United
                                                      Reduction.” Funding: FVV (1348). Coordinator: Dr.         Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fabian Mauß (Chair of Thermodynam-
Nations goals also requires that low-CO2              Yoshihiro Okada (Toyota Motor Corporation). RTD           ics/Thermal Process Engineering, Brandenburg Uni-
and CO2-neutral engines be designed so                performers: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Bargende (Insti-       versity of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg), Prof.
robustly that they can achieve high num-              tute of Automotive Engineering, University of Stutt-      Dr.-Ing. Michael Bargende (Institute of Automotive
                                                      gart), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl Alexander Heufer (Physi-       Engineering, University of Stuttgart), (unpublished)
bers of operating hours. Research ques-
                                                      co-Chemical Fundamentals of Combustion, RWTH
tions regarding operational stability and             Aachen University), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fabian Mauß
new mate­rials – for which FVV has estab-             (Chair of Thermodynamics/Thermal Process Engi-
lished a dedicated planning group –                   neering, Brandenburg University of Technology
                                                      Cottbus-Senftenberg), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Pitsch
will therefore continue to be pursued.                (Institute for Combustion Technology, RWTH
                                                      Aachen University), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Pischinger
REFERENCES                                            (Institute for Combustion Engines, RWTH Aachen
                                                                                                                The Research Association for Combustion Engines
[1] United Nations, Department of Economic and        University). (Unpublished)
                                                      [5] IGF research project “Spray Diagnostics of            would like to express its gratitude to public funding
Social Affairs: The 17 Goals. Online: https://sdgs., access: October 14, 2020                Gasoline E-Fuels.” Funding: FVV (1317). Coordinator:      bodies and all FVV members for their generous
[2] Umweltbundesamt: Weltweiter Autobestand.          Dr.-Ing. Eberhard Kull (Vitesco Technologies GmbH).       support of the research activities mentioned in this
Online:          RTD performers: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Wensing            report. Our special thanks go to the research institu-
weltweiter-autobestand, access: October 14, 2020      (Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics, Friedrich-
                                                                                                                tions, project managers and members of working
[3] IGF research project “ICE2025+: Ultimate Sys-     Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg), Prof. Dr.
tem Efficiency.” Funding: FVV (1307). Coordinators:   Friedrich Dinkelacker (Institute for Combustion Tech-     groups and project user committees for their trusting
Dipl.-Ing. Arndt Döhler (Opel Automobile GmbH)        nology (ITV), Leibniz University Hanover). In: FVV        and excellent cooperation.

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