Southwest Economy - Gone to Texas: Migration Vital to Growth in the Lone Star State - Federal Reserve Bank of ...

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Southwest Economy - Gone to Texas: Migration Vital to Growth in the Lone Star State - Federal Reserve Bank of ...

                     }   Gone to Texas: Migration Vital
                         to Growth in the Lone Star State

                          Texas Economy Starts 2018 Firing on All Cylinders

                          On the Record: Federal Tax Law Provides Stimulus to
                           Bustling U.S., Texas Economies

                          Spotlight: Mexico Sees Stronger 2018, NAFTA Challenges

                          Go Figure: Texas Home Prices Head Through the Roof
Southwest Economy - Gone to Texas: Migration Vital to Growth in the Lone Star State - Federal Reserve Bank of ...

                                                he Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas expects
                                                the Texas economy to grow jobs in 2018 at
                                                a rate of approximately 3 percent. As Keith
                                                Phillips and Christopher Slijk explain in
                                    this issue of Southwest Economy, this strong perfor-
                                    mance is the result of broad-based expansion across
                                    industries and substantial growth in the energy
                                    sector. It is expected that both Texas and the U.S. will
                                    surpass crude oil production records achieved in the
                                    early 1970s.
                                       Since 1990, Texas employment has grown about 1
                                    percentage point faster than the nation. This growth
                                    has been fueled by substantial domestic and inter-
                                    national migration to the state. In their article, Pia
                                    Orrenius, Alexander Abraham and Stephanie Gullo
                                    take an in-depth look at the volume and composi-
                                    tion of this migration. Since 2005, net migration
                                    to Texas has averaged 228,000 people per year, the
                                    highest number of any state. These new residents are
                                    far more likely to be college educated than Texans
                                    on average and are an important source of educated
                                    workers for the region. Jason Saving explains in the
                                    “On the Record” interview that due to limits on the
                                    deductibility of certain taxes, recent federal tax code
                                    changes may further boost migration to Texas. This
                                    legislation, while helping Texas, is likely to raise tax

    } Labor shortages are
                                    bills for certain households in jurisdictions with high
                                    state and local taxes.
                                       While the outlook for Texas is positive, certain
       likely to constrain growth   risks remain. Labor shortages are likely to constrain
                                    growth given that the state unemployment rate is
       given that the state         now at a near-record low of 4.0 percent. Issues relat-
                                    ing to the renegotiation of the North American Free
       unemployment rate is         Trade Agreement may also create challenges. Texas
                                    is the nation’s top exporter, and Mexico and Canada
       now at a near-record low     account for nearly half of the state’s exports.
       of 4.0 percent.                 To help analyze the economic landscape and
                                    address key policy questions, the Dallas Fed will
                                    continue to produce economic research that sheds
                                    light on key issues that are important to the region
                                    and the nation. Based on our research, I remain very
                                    optimistic about the future economic prospects for
                                    Texas and the Eleventh District.

                                    Robert S. Kaplan
                                    President and Chief Executive Officer
                                    Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Southwest Economy - Gone to Texas: Migration Vital to Growth in the Lone Star State - Federal Reserve Bank of ...
Gone to Texas:
                                             Migration Vital to Growth
                                             in the Lone Star State
                                             By Pia Orrenius, Alexander T. Abraham and Stephanie Gullo

                                                        ith nearly half of its workers                   growth—about 210,000 on average
                                                        born outside the state, Texas                    per year for natural increase, another
                                                        depends on—and is shaped                         200,000 for net migration (Chart 1).
                                                        by—migration. For most of its                    The state’s 1.8 percent average annual

                                             history, Texas has relied on migration                      population growth is about double the
ABSTRACT: Texas has                          to populate its expansive landmass and                      nation’s 0.9 percent.
relied on a large and                        power its economy.                                             Although the state grows faster and is
sustained influx of workers                    It wasn’t always easy to attract peo-                     currently slightly younger than the rest
                                             ple. In the beginning, land grants and                      of the nation, the trajectory of aging in
from other states and                        other enticements were used to lure                         Texas resembles that of the U.S. By 2050,
other countries. These                       settlers. Admittedly, the spirit of entice-                 about 20 percent of the population will
transplants—making up                        ments has lived on; the state continues                     be 65 or older, the highest share in the
nearly half of the state’s                   working hard to be welcoming—it can                         state’s history.1
                                             be argued that maintaining low taxes,                          Population growth and aging are im-
workforce—account for an                     less regulation and an accommodating                        portant because they largely determine
even larger share of Texas’                  business climate helps attract people                       the growth of the workforce, which
growth than their relative                   and firms.                                                  helps set the speed limit of economic
numbers. Significantly, this                   In addition to bringing in outsized                       growth. An economy can grow by
                                             numbers of migrants, the state also                         adding workers and/or by workers
inflow brought the types of                  retains its existing residents. Texas is                    becoming more productive. Migration
workers most in demand.                      by far the “stickiest” state in the nation                  plays an important role in productiv-
                                             with over 82 percent of those born in                       ity; by channeling the right workers to
                                             the state remaining here.                                   the right jobs, migration makes labor
                                               Since 2000, natural increase and net                      markets more efficient.2
                                             migration have contributed roughly                             States typically don’t differ much
                                             equal parts to the state’s population                       from one another in terms of produc-

                                                    1          Migration to Texas Reaches Record Highs After 2005

                                               Net migration to Texas (thousands)

                                               300                 Domestic           International

                                               250                                                    Hurricane




                                                     ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17
                                              NOTES: Census Bureau population estimates approximate the population on July 1 of the year indicated and, thus,
                                              capture changes from the previous year. Data are not available for decennial census years, 2000 and 2010.
                                              SOURCE: Census Bureau.

                               Southwest Economy • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • First Quarter 2018                                                          3
Southwest Economy - Gone to Texas: Migration Vital to Growth in the Lone Star State - Federal Reserve Bank of ...
tivity growth, but they tend to differ                          outlook. That said, with the unemploy-                                Domestic migrants to Texas tend to
    greatly with respect to population                              ment rate already at a historic low, the                           come from two types of states—large
    growth, especially migration. These                             economic challenge may not be creat-                               and populous states, such as California
    patterns can also reverse themselves                            ing jobs, but filling jobs.                                        and Florida, and neighboring states,
    quickly. For most of the 20th century,                                                                                             principally Louisiana and Oklahoma.
    international and domestic migrants                             Domestic Migration                                                    In the postrecession period, 12
    streamed into California in a seemingly                            Migration between the 50 states (and                            percent of domestic migrants to Texas
    endless flow. International immigrants                          the District of Columbia) is typically re-                         came from California, followed by
    still do, but in every year since 1991, net                     ferred to as domestic migration.5 States                           Florida (6 percent) and Oklahoma and
    domestic migration to California has                            can be net recipients or net senders of                            Louisiana (both 5 percent) (Chart 2).
    been negative, with a significant share of                      domestic migrants. In the postreces-                               Unlike the map’s depiction, these are
    Golden State residents leaving for Texas.                       sion period—2010 to 2017—Texas was                                 gross (not net) measures of migration.
       Rapid economic growth for most                               the recipient of 920,000 net domestic                              Migration from populous states in
    of the last four decades has been the                           migrants, equal to 3.6 percent of the                              part reflects their larger populations;
    key factor attracting people to Texas.3                         state’s 2010 population (Map 1).6                                  California is 12 percent of the U.S.
    Diversification of the state’s economy                             Texas was the second-largest net                                population, so it’s not surprising that
    in the 1990s, following the mid-1980s                           recipient of domestic migrants after                               12 percent of migrants to Texas come
    oil bust, provided a powerful and                               Florida; North Carolina was third and                              from there.
    steady jobs magnet, creating sustained                          Arizona fourth. Many of Florida’s ar-                                 Gross migration from neighboring
    economic opportunity for millions.                              rivals have historically been retirees.                            states, meanwhile, is likely overstated
    Employment in the state grew from 7.2                           As a percentage of population, Texas                               because it captures significant cross-
    million jobs in 1990 to 12.4 million at                         was the 12th largest net recipient                                 border activity.
    year-end 2017. Gone are the drastic oil-                        destination after North Dakota, South                                 What motivates domestic migration?
    led swings that used to throw the state                         Carolina, Nevada, Florida, Colorado,                               Surveys such as the Current Popula-
    economy alternately into booms and                              District of Columbia and other less-                               tion Survey ask people who moved why
    busts.4 The energy sector remains key,                          populous states in the Mountain West                               they did so. Just over half of cross-state
    but consistent and robust service sector                        and Northwest.                                                     movers to Texas relocated for a job
    growth has muted its fluctuations.                                 The patterns in the map reflect                                 (53.1 percent), another 24 percent
       Texas was the nation’s ninth-fastest-                        longstanding regional population                                   for family reasons and 20 percent for
    growing economy in 2017, behind most                            growth trends, with little or no growth                            cheaper housing or other amenities
    western states. The state’s diversified                         in the Midwest and Northeast states                                such as a shorter commute.7
    economic base and resurgent oil and                             but substantial expansion in the South,                               Among domestic migrants who chose
    gas sector portend a bright economic                            Mountain West and Northwest.                                       a state other than Texas, 43 percent said

         1             Among Most-Populous States, Domestic Migration Additive in Only Texas, Florida

                                      Cumulative Net Domestic Migration by State as Percent of 2010 Population

                                    3.7                       3.7            5.7
                                                                                           -0.5                                                         0.4
                                                                             1.4                     -1.1
                                                  3.9                                                             -2.1                   -5.2
                                                                -1.5                                                                                      0.3
                                                                                            -0.6                                                            -1.6
                                                                              -0.7                                                -1.7                  -3.1
                                                                                                         -4.9 -0.8 -1.6                                -4.3
                                           5.5          1.8            5.3                                                                     -4.4
                                                                                   -2.9       -0.9                        -1.6               2.8
                                                                                                                  -0.4           -0.7       -2.0
                                                                                     0.7                      2.8                3.2                           Less than -1.9 percent
                                                        4.3         -2.8                      0.2
                -5.4                                                                                                       5.6                                 -1.9 percent to -1.1 percent
                                                                                                     -2.0     0     1.7
                                                                               3.6                                                                             -1.1 to 0 percent
                                                                                                                                                               0 to 3.5 percent
                                                                                                                                                               Above 3.5 percent

     NOTE: Chart labels show accumulated net domestic migration from July 2010 to July 2017 as a percent of population in 2010.
     SOURCE: Census Bureau.

4                                            Southwest Economy • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • First Quarter 2018
they moved for employment, 27 per-            CHART
cent said for family reasons, and 24.5
percent said they relocated for cheaper          2            Domestic Migrants to Texas Come from Variety of States

housing or other amenities.
                                                           Cumulative Gross Domestic Migration to Texas by Sending State
   Employment opportunities in Texas
are a clear draw. Besides adding jobs
at a rapid clip, employment growth in                                                   California
the state has been widespread across                                                    371,730
industries and has required a wide skill                                      Florida
distribution. Since the end of the Great                                     197,674

Recession, every major industry has                                       Oklahoma
added jobs, led by 35 percent gains in                                     163,029
professional and business services, 22                                Louisiana                                1,560,064
percent in construction and 33 percent                                 162,463

in leisure and hospitality.8
   Dividing the economy into quar-                       New York
ters based on wage rates during the
2010–15 economic expansion, Texas’                             Illinois
lowest-paying jobs (with hourly wages                         134,160

below $10) grew 10 percent, while                                   Colorado
the two highest-paying job quartiles
expanded 12 and 18 percent (with                                               115,079 Arizona
hourly wages starting at $16 and $27,                                                  114,219 102,604

respectively).9 The rates of growth for
the nation were lower across the board:
                                             NOTE: Pie-slice labels show total number of movers from sending state to Texas from 2011 through 2016.
8 percent in the lowest-paying quartile,     SOURCE: American Community Survey, 2011–16.
and 6 and 10 percent, respectively, in
the two highest-paying quartiles.           for many of the same reasons workers                       grants who leave. The U.S. remains the
   Texas job growth was weakest among       do—to maximize current and future                          world’s No. 1 immigrant destination.
the lowest paid, in the first quartile.     earnings. Firms move for growth po-                           Texas was the recipient of 660,000
For the U.S., growth was weakest in the     tential, including available high-skilled                  net international migrants—about
upper-middle wage quartile—jobs pay-        and low-skilled labor; cheaper real                        2.6 percent of the state’s 2010 popula-
ing $18 to $29 per hour rose 6 percent      estate; and ease of doing business. The                    tion—from 2010 to 2017 (Map 2).14 In
over the five years.                        latter might include everything from                       absolute terms, Texas was the fourth-
   In addition to robust labor markets,     proximity to airports and ground trans-                    largest recipient of net international
Texas has traditionally offered a lower     portation to the ability to build new                      migrants after California, Florida and
cost of living than other large states,     plants and hire and fire workers.                          New York. It bears noting that census
although that advantage has recently           In 1996, there were 37 Fortune 500                      and Bureau of Labor Statistics data
eroded as house prices and rents have       companies headquartered in Texas;                          include both legal and illegal immigra-
surged in cities such as Dallas and         today there are 52. The most recent                        tion; population surveys make a point
Austin. Nevertheless, the cost of living    transplants include Jacobs Engineering                     not to ask about legal status in order to
in Texas is still about 9 percent below     and Toyota’s North American head-                          obtain an accurate count.
the U.S. average and 19 percent below       quarters—both relocating to the Dallas                        The influx from abroad helps Califor-
that of the nation’s other nine largest     area from California.13 Firms also                         nia and New York offset net domestic
states.10                                   report moving for proximity to a supply                    outmigration. Their populations would
   The tax burden is also lower in Texas    chain or for a more central location.                      not grow were it not for immigrants.
than in other large states; though there                                                               Florida also receives a large number of
is no state income tax, property taxes      International Migration                                    international migrants, about 127,000
are relatively high.11 With lower taxes        Migration into the 50 states from                       (net) per year, but like Texas, it also at-
come fewer services, a trade-off that       another country is typically referred to                   tracts domestic migrants.
migrants to Texas must consider before      as international migration or immigra-                        In percent terms, Texas was the 12th-
making the move.12                          tion. While states could be net recipients                 largest net recipient of international
   Workers may follow firms that move       or net senders of international migrants,                  migrants. Florida, District of Columbia,
to the state, or firms may follow work-     each U.S. state receives more migrants                     New York and Massachusetts were the
ers. Whichever the case, firms move         from abroad annually than it does mi-                      top four net recipients.

                              Southwest Economy • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • First Quarter 2018                                                 5
There has been an interesting change                          period, with surging Central American                                              groups, it is likely Texas’ undocumented
    in the relative magnitudes of domestic                           immigration assuming a larger role.                                                immigrant population will increase.
    and international migration to Texas.                            Still, about 52 percent of the foreign-
    From the 1990s through the mid-                                  born population in Texas is from                                                   Education, Skills
    2000s, international migration to Texas                          Mexico. Other growing flows include                                                   Migrants are an important source
    typically exceeded domestic migra-                               high-skilled immigrants from India,                                                of labor and skills. Migrants typically
    tion. Then, domestic migration rose                              China and South Asian nations. Nev-                                                come “ready to work” with their educa-
    sharply, from 55,000 annually before                             ertheless, Mexican inflows remain the                                              tion completed when they arrive. When
    2005, to nearly 135,000 in the years                             largest, comprising one-quarter of total                                           the inflow of migrants is highly skilled,
    since then. Before 2005, international                           inflows after 2010 (Chart 3).                                                      this relocation is sometimes referred to
    migrants numbered about 87,000 per                                  Besides those of Mexican origin,                                                as “brain drain” for the origin state and
    year. Since 2005, they have averaged                             other large groups in Texas are Cen-                                               “brain gain” for the destination state.
    about 94,000 annually.                                           tral American (8 percent of the state’s                                               Migrants into Texas are much more
       It’s notable that international mi-                           foreign-born population), Indian                                                   likely than the general population
    gration to the country and the state                             (7 percent) and Chinese (3 percent).                                               to have a college degree or higher
    declined immediately after the Great                             The total undocumented population                                                  (Chart 4). This suggests the state is
    Recession and only slowly picked up.                             in Texas is an estimated 1.65 million,                                             filling its need for high-skilled workers
    The biggest change was a decline in                              about 6.1 percent of the state’s popula-                                           with migrants, relying on a brain gain.
    illegal immigration; migrant apprehen-                           tion, with large shares from Mexico                                                   International arrivals have a bimodal
    sions along the Southwest border have                            and Central America.15                                                             distribution; they are disproportionately
    declined 75 percent from their peak of                              Among the undocumented in the                                                   concentrated at the low and high ends
    1.6 million in 2000.                                             postrecession period, about 120,000                                                of the education distribution. Almost
       Arrivals from Mexico have his-                                Texas immigrants came as children and                                              one-quarter of new international arriv-
    torically dominated immigration to                               obtained Deferred Action for Child-                                                als lack a high school diploma, while 43
    Texas. Willing workers have provided                             hood Arrivals (DACA) status.16 Other                                               percent have a college degree or higher.
    a steady stream of new hires for more                            immigrants targeted by recent policies                                                Domestic migrants are far less likely
    than 100 years. Many individuals in                              include those with Temporary Pro-                                                  to be low-skilled and far more likely
    recent decades came as undocument-                               tected Status (TPS), including 36,300                                              to be high-skilled individuals than the
    ed immigrants.                                                   Salvadorans and 8,500 Hondurans in                                                 existing Texas population.
       This longstanding immigration                                 Texas.17 Amid federal moves to strip                                                  Which states are the sources of high-
    pattern changed in the postrecession                             legal status from both DACA and TPS                                                skilled domestic migrants? Domestic

         2            International Migration Most Aids Populous Coastal States

                                            Cumulative Net International Migration by State as Percent of 2010 Population

                                             2.5                     0.2               1.4
                                                                                                     1.9                                                                0.7
                                                                                       1.1                        0.9
                                                         0.7               0.4                                                1.5                        4.4            1.1
                                                                                                      1.3                                                                  4.3
                                                                                       1.6                                                         1.8                 1.9
                                                                                                                  1.7   1.1          1.2                               3.3
                                                   1.8         1.2               1.3                                                                             4.2
                                                                                             1.4           0.9                             0.3                 1.9
                                                                                                                              1.0                  2.9         3.3
                                                                                               1.2                      1.0                       1.5                         0.2 to 1.0 percent
                                                               1.5          0.8                            0.7
                           1.9                                                                                                              0.8                               1.0 to 1.2 percent
                                                                                                                  0.5   0.6         1.7
                                                                                         2.6                                                                                  1.2 to 1.5 percent
                                                                                                                                                                              1.5 to 2.6 percent
                                                                                                                                                                              Above 2.6 percent

     NOTE: Chart labels show accumulated net international migration from July 2010 through July 2017 as a percent of population in 2010.
     SOURCE: Census Bureau.

6                                            Southwest Economy • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • First Quarter 2018
transplants to Texas from New York, Il-       CHART               Mexico Accounts for More than a Quarter
linois and Georgia are the most educat-
ed (Chart 5). Among migrants age 25                3              of International Migration to Texas
and older who moved from New York
to Texas since 2010, 51 percent had a
                                                             Cumulative Gross
bachelor’s degree or higher compared                         International Migration
with the native Texan population in                          to Texas by Country                         Mexico
                                                             of Origin                                   320,808
which 27 percent had at least a bach-                                                                                       Other
elor’s degree.                                                                                                              567,459
   The least-educated domestic migrants                                                            100,985
to Texas come from Louisiana, New
Mexico and Oklahoma. Nearly three-
quarters of recent arrivals from Louisi-                                                    Triangle
ana and about two-thirds from Okla-                                                          85,409
homa have no bachelor’s degree. Some                                                                   54,808 Germany Korea
                                                                                                               39,004 37,218
of these workers are likely employed in
the energy sector, and while they may         NOTES: Pie-slice labels show total number of movers from sending region to Texas from 2011 through 2016.
                                              Northern Triangle is El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
lack college degrees, they often have         SOURCE: American Community Survey, 2011–16.
technical certificates, vocational degrees
and valuable work experience.
   Among international migrants, the           CHART
least educated are from Mexico and
Central America (Chart 6). This should             4              New Arrivals a Key Source of Skilled Workers for Texas

not be surprising; educational attain-                                     Educational Attainment of Recent Migrants
ment is relatively low in these coun-         35                       Domestic migrants         International migrants       Texas population
tries overall.
                                                                                                    29           29
   The most educated international            30

immigrants to Texas are from In-                                                       25                                 25 25
                                              25             23
dia—76 percent have a college-or-
higher degree—followed by China,              20                  18              18                                              18
                                                                                                         16                                  16 17
Korea and Canada.                             15
   High-skilled immigrants tend to
                                              10        10                                                                                               9
work in the science, technology, engi-
neering and math (STEM) fields or in           5
the health care sector. Low-skilled im-
migrants tend to work in construction,               Less than high          High school                Some              Bachelor's        Graduate or
agriculture, domestic service, building             school graduate           graduate                 college             degree       professional degree

janitorial services and food prepara-         NOTE: Calculations include individuals age 25 and over who moved to the state during the 12 months prior to being
tion. In Texas, 54 percent of construc-       SOURCE: American Community Survey, 2011–16.
tion laborers, 56 percent of gardeners,
63 percent of painters and 63 percent
of housekeepers are foreign born.
                                             Recession accounts for much of the                            third as likely to be unemployed relative
Labor Market Outcomes                        difference. From the onset of the U.S.                        to similarly educated U.S. natives.
  Texas attracts migrants largely            recession in December 2007 through
because of its strong economy. As a          year-end 2017, employment grew                                Lower Immigrant Earnings
result, migrants tend to do relatively       about 17 percent in Texas versus about                           Immigrants’ overall earnings tend to
well in the labor market. Texas immi-        7 percent in the U.S. overall.                                fall short of those of natives, whether
grants have higher labor force partici-         Notwithstanding differences between                        in Texas or not, since immigrants have
pation rates and significantly lower         Texas and the rest of the nation, immi-                       less education, and English is typi-
unemployment rates than immigrants           grants also compare very favorably with                       cally not their native language. Median
elsewhere in the country (Table 1).          U.S. natives within the state. As shown                       weekly earnings among Texas immi-
  Texas natives also tend to outper-         in Table 1, even among the lowest                             grants in 2017 were $608, while im-
form natives elsewhere in the country.       skilled, immigrants are nearly 50 per-                        migrants elsewhere in the U.S. earned
  The relative strength of the Texas         cent more likely to be in the labor force                     $700, as shown in the next to last row in
economy in the aftermath of the Great        and working and, conversely, are one-                         Table 1. U.S. natives’ $885 pay in Texas

                               Southwest Economy • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • First Quarter 2018                                                            7
CHART                                                                                                                    complicated by cost-of-living differ-

         5                 Domestic Migrants’ Educational Attainment by Sending State                                          ences. Accounting for the lower cost of
                                                                                                                               living would lift the relative earnings
                            Less than      High school       Some college        Bachelor's        Graduate or                 of Texans vis-à-vis workers in the rest
                            high school                                          degree            professional degree
     Sending state
                                                                                                                               of the U.S.
         New York
            Illinois                                                                                                           Economic Effects of Migration
           Georgia                                                                                                                Migration helps power and grease
          Colorado                                                                                                             the regional economy’s engines.18
         California                                                                                                            First, migration increases the labor
           Arizona                                                                                                             force, enlarging the local economy
                                                                                                                               and increasing output as measured by
                                                                                                                               the gross domestic product (GDP). In
      New Mexico
                                                                                                                               2016, domestic migrants to Texas made
                                                                                                                               up about 25 percent of the state labor
                       0          10      20       30       40        50        60        70        80       90       100
                                                                                                                               force.19 International migrants consti-
                                                                                                                               tuted 23 percent of the state’s workers.
     NOTES: Chart shows education levels of migrants age 25 or older who moved in the past year from each state to             Taken together, nearly five out of 10 Tex-
     Texas. Included are the top 10 states by total population over age 25, whose residents moved to Texas in the past year.
     SOURCE: American Community Survey, 2011–16.                                                                               as workers today were not born in Texas
                                                                                                                               (but got here as soon as they could).
                                                                                                                                  It’s not just the volume of migration
                                                                                                                               that’s important. The economic effect of
         6                 International Migrants’ Educational Attainment by Birth Country
                                                                                                                               migration also depends on who comes
                                                                                                                               and the skills they bring. Texas benefits
                            Less than      High school      Some college         Bachelor's        Graduate or
                            high school                                          degree            professional degree         from the brain gain through migrants’
     Sending country
                                                                                                                               disproportionate educational attain-
                                                                                                                               ment—the large number with a college
                                                                                                                               degree or more. Of course, with so
                                                                                                                               much migration from Mexico and Cen-
            Japan                                                                                                              tral America, another concentration is
        Germany                                                                                                                at the other end of the spectrum—the
             Cuba                                                                                                              lowest-skilled workers.
           Mexico                                                                                                                 The bimodal education distribu-
      El Salvador                                                                                                              tion of immigrants maps into simi-
        Honduras                                                                                                               larly bimodal sets of occupations that
                       0         10       20      30        40       50        60        70        80        90       100      immigrants fill. Because high-skilled
                                                                                                                               immigrants are far more likely to have
     NOTES: Chart shows education levels of immigrants age 25 or older who moved in the past year from each
     country to Texas. Included are the top 10 countries by total population over age 25, whose residents moved to             STEM degrees than college-educated
     Texas in the past year.                                                                                                   natives, they tend to fill jobs in those
     SOURCE: American Community Survey, 2011–16.
                                                                                                                               sectors, as well as in the health profes-
                                                                                                                               sions—doctors and nurses.
    exceeded natives’ earnings in the rest                         migrants are likely undocumented.                              About 46 percent of college-edu-
    of the U.S.—$865.                                                In the education categories of high                       cated immigrants hold STEM degrees
       Since educational attainment is such                        school and higher, Texas immigrants                         compared with 28 percent of college-
    a strong determinant of earnings, it is in-                    tend to earn slightly less than their                       educated U.S. natives.20 Top occupa-
    structive to hold education constant and                       counterparts elsewhere in the country                       tions for high-skilled immigrants to
    compare earnings for a given education                         and less than U.S. natives within the                       Texas include medical scientists (59
    group. Interesting patterns emerge.                            state. This may reflect a lack of English                   percent are foreign born), computer
       Despite large-scale, low-skilled im-                        proficiency, less U.S. labor market                         software developers (45 percent) and
    migration to Texas, Texas immigrants                           experience or a form of occupational                        engineers (33 percent). Many of these
    who have not completed high school                             downgrading that sometimes happens                          high-skilled individuals enter the U.S.
    actually earn slightly more than their                         when professionals move and their cre-                      on temporary, employment-based
    counterparts in the rest of the country                        dentials transfer imperfectly. Discrimi-                    H-1B visas. Dallas has one of the heavi-
    and just as much as similarly educated                         nation could also play a role.                              est concentrations of H-1B holders
    U.S. natives in Texas. This is surprising                        Comparing earnings or incomes                             among major cities.21
    because most of these low-skilled im-                          across different parts of the country is                       Research has linked increases in

8                                              Southwest Economy • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • First Quarter 2018
the science and engineering work-                           ent new products at double the rate                          in communications-intensive jobs,
force to higher productivity growth.                        of U.S. natives, a difference explained                      whereas less-educated immigrants
One study estimates over half of total                      by immigrants’ overrepresentation                            have a comparative advantage in
factor productivity growth in the U.S.                      in STEM occupations.23 There is also                         manual-labor jobs.25
is attributable to greater numbers of                       some evidence of positive spillovers in                         Highly educated U.S. natives have a
scientists and engineers, a proxy for                       patenting among U.S. natives. Another                        comparative advantage in interactive
research and development intensity.22                       study finds that increases in H-1B visas                     and communications-intensive jobs;
Immigrants made up the majority of                          significantly raise patent activity by                       highly educated immigrants have a
the increase in the STEM workforce in                       immigrants without reducing patenting                        comparative advantage in quantita-
the past two decades, so it follows that                    among natives.24                                             tive and analytical jobs.26 Specializa-
high-skilled immigrants have account-                          According to economic theory, as                          tion increases efficiency, which allows
ed for a significant share of recent U.S.                   long as migrants differ from locals—                         more output to be produced with fewer
productivity growth.                                        which they do to varying degrees—spe-                        resources. This boosts labor productiv-
   This conclusion is bolstered by evi-                     cialization occurs. This is particularly                     ity, raising GDP.
dence of immigrants’ direct contribu-                       apparent in the case of international                           Immigration also leads to lower
tions to patenting and other innovative                     immigration. For example, one recent                         prices for the goods and services im-
activity, including entrepreneurship.                       study shows that less-educated U.S.                          migrants produce, as well as higher
One study finds that immigrants pat-                        natives have a comparative advantage                         returns on investors’ capital and land.

     1            Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants and Natives in Texas, U.S.

                                                                        Texas                                                          Rest of U.S.
                                                    Immigrants                      U.S. natives                   Immigrants                         U.S. natives
  Labor force participation (%)
    Less than high school credential                      61.3                           42.2                            58.1                              35.4
    High school credential                                67.3                           59.4                            65.5                              56.0

    Some college                                         75.9                            65.9                            69.8                              65.2

    Bachelor’s degree                                    70.9                            74.3                            70.2                              74.0
    Graduate/professional degree                          77.5                           79.3                            77.6                              74.0

    All groups                                            67.9                           65.5                            67.1                              63.5

   Unemployment rate (%)
    Less than high school credential                      2.4                             7.4                            5.1                                8.5
    High school credential                                2.9                             5.3                            4.0                                4.8
    Some college                                          2.5                             3.7                            3.8                                3.9
    Bachelor’s degree                                     2.0                             2.6                            3.5                                2.3
    Graduate/professional degree                          2.5                             1.9                            2.7                                1.9
    All groups                                             2.5                            3.8                            3.9                                3.6

  Median real weekly earnings
    Less than high school credential                     $484                            $484                           $480                               $486
    High school credential                               $576                            $701                           $582                               $677
    Some college                                         $641                            $725                           $679                               $742
    Bachelor’s degree                                   $1,013                          $1,109                         $1,063                             $1,114
    Graduate/professional degree                        $1,402                          $1,286                         $1,519                             $1,367
    All groups                                           $608                            $885                           $700                               $865
    All groups
                                                         $605                            $775                           $675                               $770
    (including ages 16–24)

 NOTES: All data refer to January–October 2017. Median weekly earnings are deflated to October 2017 and are conditional on being employed, over age 24, with positive earnings.
 SOURCE: Current Population Survey (CPS) Merged Outgoing Rotation Groups (MORG).

                                         Southwest Economy • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • First Quarter 2018                                                                  9
In cases where immigrants and U.S.                      nation’s 26 percent increase in aver-                     for an even larger share of Texas’
     natives are complements, lower prices                   age hourly wages from 2010 to 2017.29                     growth than their relative numbers.
     can have far-reaching effects. For                      Moreover, pay for the lowest-skilled                      More importantly, because so much of
     example, research shows the immi-                       workers, as shown in Table 1, is as                       this inflow was employment related, it
     gration-induced decrease in the cost                    high or higher in Texas than elsewhere                    naturally brought the types of work-
     of child care and housekeeping has                      among both immigrants and natives                         ers most in demand, whether it was
     significantly increased the labor supply                despite the disproportionately high                       construction and oil field laborers,
     of highly educated native women.27                      volume of low-skilled migration to the                    computer engineers, medical scien-
        Have jobs for immigrants to Texas                    state and a state minimum wage set at                     tists or college professors.
     come at the expense of opportunities                    the $7.25 per hour federal rate. Most                        Two national trends will play an
     for Texas natives? It doesn’t appear so.                other large states exceed the federal                     important future role. First, the nation
     The aggregate data do not indicate any                  minimum standard.                                         has entered a period of rapid aging of
     obvious effect on natives’ employment                      Research on the labor market                           its workforce due to the retirement of
     or wages. Immigrants accounted for                      impacts of immigration tends to find                      baby boomers that began around 2010
     about 40 percent of state labor force                   a small but significant adverse wage                      and is expected to wind down by 2030.
     growth between 2000 and 2017.28                         effect on low-skilled natives who                         Baby boomers, born in the years after
        During that period, the number of                    compete directly with foreign workers.                    World War II, are an unusually large
     employed U.S. natives living in Texas                   However, if there are bottlenecks that                    birth cohort—about 76 million nation-
     increased by 1.7 million. The number                    constrain growth in a region—such as                      wide and 5.7 million in Texas.30
     of employed immigrants living in the                    a lack of workers in rapidly growing                         Demographers have decomposed
     state increased by a slightly smaller                   industries—then worker inflows can                        the likely change in the future work-
     number. In other words, immigrants                      actually accelerate growth, stimulate                     force into the contributions of U.S.
     and U.S. natives alike gained jobs in                   investment and mitigate any negative                      natives, immigrants and the children of
     Texas. Meanwhile, the Texas unem-                       effects on natives. This appears to be                    immigrants for the nation as a whole.
     ployment rate fell below the national                   more in line with the Texas experience.                   Among potential workers who are U.S.-
     rate in 2007, remaining there and                                                                                 born by U.S. parents, a net 8.1 million
     reaching a historic low at under 4 per-                 Fueling Future Growth                                     will have exited the working-age popu-
     cent in 2017.                                             Texas’ economic prowess has relied                      lation between 2015 and 2035.31
        It also doesn’t appear that the                      on a large and sustained influx of                           As a result, all U.S. workforce
     migrant influx depressed Texas wage                     workers from other states and other                       growth over these two decades is
     growth, which was identical to the                      countries. These transplants account                      expected to comprise immigrants and

          7           Without Migration, Working-Age Population Projected to Stagnate

      Index, 1985 = 100
                                                                                                                              2015–35 projection:
        240                                                                                                                   1.8 percent growth

                                                                                                                                     Without immigration or domestic
        200                                                                                                                          migration: 0.3 percent growth

        160                                                                                                            2015–35 projection: 0.3 percent growth

                                                                                                                       Without immigration: -0.2 percent growth

              1985         1990          1995           2000          2005           2010          2015          2020            2025         2030         2035
      NOTES: Chart refers to growth in working-age (25–64) population. Growth rates are annualized.
      SOURCES: Census Bureau; Texas Demographic Center; Pew Research; adjustments by Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

10                                         Southwest Economy • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • First Quarter 2018
their children.32 Without immigration,                       November 2013.                                              Survey 2017 data.
the U.S. workforce will decline (Chart 7).
                                                                See “Texas Job Growth Swings More with Services           20
                                                                                                                             See “How Highly Educated Immigrants Raise Native
  A second issue going forward is the                        than Oil,” by Navi Dhaliwal, Soojin Jo and Mine Yücel,      Wages,” by Giovanni Peri, Kevin Shih and Chad Sparber,
                                                             Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Economic Letter, vol. 13,    Centre for Economic Policy Research, May 29, 2014,
future of domestic migration, which
                                                             no. 1, 2018.                                                accessed Feb. 27, 2018,
may not remain a reliable source of                           5
                                                                Domestic migrants can be foreign born (immigrants);      highly-educated-immigrants-raise-native-wages.
growth. Interstate mobility within the
                                                             the only requirement in census data is that they move        21
                                                                                                                             See “The H-1B Visa Race Continues: Which Regions
nation as a whole has fallen since the                       from one state to another.                                  Received the Most?” by Neil G. Ruiz and Jill H. Wilson,
1980s. Population aging may explain                           6
                                                                From Census Bureau state population estimates, which     Brookings Institute, April 2015, accessed Feb. 27, 2018,
about half of this decline.33                                measure annual migration from July to July.       
  Texas and the U.S. will need mi-                            7
                                                                Based on tabulations from the March Current              h-1b-visa-race-continues-which-regions-received-the-
gration to fuel labor force growth in                        Population Survey, 2011–16.                                 most/; “Key Facts About the U.S. H-1B Visa Program,”
coming decades. Without migration,                            8
                                                                Based on employment growth from June 2009 to             by Neil G. Ruiz, Pew Research Center, April 27, 2017,
Texas’ working-age population would                          December 2017.                                              accessed Feb. 27, 2018,
remain nearly flat at 0.3 percent yearly
                                                                Based on tabulations of American Community Survey,       tank/2017/04/27/key-facts-about-the-u-s-h-1b-visa-
                                                             2011–16.                                                    program/.
growth through 2035, while the U.S.’                          10
                                                                 As of 2017, Texas was 8.8 percent cheaper than the      22
                                                                                                                            See “Sources of U.S. Economic Growth in a World of
working-age population would decline
                                                             national average cost of living, and Texas was 19.1         Ideas,” by Charles I. Jones, American Economic Review,
0.2 percent.
                                                             percent below the population-weighted index of the nine     vol. 92, no. 1, 2002, pp. 220–39.
  The Texas Demographic Center’s                             states with the highest populations other than Texas.       23
                                                                                                                            “How Much Does Immigration Boost Innovation?”
projections suggest that if migration                        “Cost of Living Data Series 2017 Annual Average,”           by Jennifer Hunt and Marjolaine Gauthier–Loiselle,
into the state continues at the 2000–10                      Missouri Economic Research and Information Center,          American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, vol. 2,
pace, the working-age population will                        Missouri Department of Economic Development,                no. 2, 2010, pp. 31–56.
increase 1.8 percent annually through                        accessed Feb. 27, 2018,             24
                                                                                                                            See “The Supply Side of Innovation: H-1B Visa
2035. Pew Research Center projections                        indicators/cost_of_living.                                  Reforms and U.S. Ethnic Invention,” by William R. Kerr
for the U.S., meanwhile, suggest that
                                                                 Per capita state and local taxes in Texas were $4,144   and William F. Lincoln, Journal of Labor Economics, vol.
immigration at current levels will be                        in 2015; this is lower than the national average of         28, no. 3, 2010, pp. 473–508.
                                                             $4,891, California’s average of $5,875 and New York’s       25
                                                                                                                            See “Task Specialization, Immigration, and Wages,”
enough to counteract the trend of retir-
                                                             average of $8,745, according to Census Bureau data.         by Giovanni Peri and Chad Sparber, American Economic
ing baby boomers and lead to a modest                         12
                                                                 “Texas Taxes: Who Bears the Burden?” by Jason           Journal: Applied Economics, vol. 1, no. 3, 2009, pp.
0.3 annual growth rate percent of the
                                                             Saving, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Southwest            135–69.
working-age population.                                      Economy, Third Quarter, 2017.                               26
                                                                                                                            See “Assessing Inherent Model Bias: An Application
                                                                 See “Jacobs Engineering Plans to Move Jobs from         to Native Displacement in Response to Immigration,”
Orrenius is a vice president, Abraham                        Pasadena to Texas,” by Natalie Kitroeff, Los Angeles        by Giovanni Peri and Chad Sparber, Journal of Urban
an economic programmer and Gullo                             Times, June 6, 2016,        Economics, vol. 69, no. 1, 2011, pp. 82–91.
a research analyst in the Research                           jacobs-dallas-move-20160606-snap-story.html.                27
                                                                                                                            See “Low-Skilled Immigration and the Labor Supply
Department of the Federal Reserve                             14
                                                                 From Census Bureau state population estimates,          of Highly Skilled Women,” by Patricia Cortés and
Bank of Dallas.                                              which include annual migration from July to July.           José Tessada, American Economic Journal: Applied
                                                                 See “U.S. Unauthorized Immigration Population           Economics, vol. 3, no. 3, 2011, pp. 88–123.
                                                             Estimates,” Pew Research Center, Nov. 3, 2016, accessed     28
                                                                                                                            Calculations based on Current Population Survey
                                                             Feb. 27, 2018,            Outgoing Rotations Group data for 2000 and 2017.
   According to the state demographer, if there is no
                                                             unauthorized-immigrants/.                                   29
                                                                                                                            Calculations based on Current Employment Statistics
migration, 21.3 percent of the population will be 65
                                                                 According to Pew Research, there are 121,300            payroll survey.
or older by 2050; if there is half the 2000–10 level of
                                                             Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)               30
                                                                                                                            See “The Boomer Nation: A State-by-State Snapshot,”
migration, this figure will be 19.5 percent, and if there
                                                             recipients in Texas, measured as initial applications       AARP, 2014, accessed Feb. 27, 2018,
is the same level of migration as in 2000–10, it will be
                                                             approved from August 2012 to March 31, 2017.      
17.4 percent. Data from Texas Population Projections
                                                             See “DACA Has Shielded Nearly 790,000 Young                 where-boomers-live.html#/TX.
Program, Texas State Demographer, accessed Feb. 26,
                                                             Unauthorized Immigrants from Deportation,” by Jens          31
                                                                                                                            See “Immigration Projected to Drive Growth in U.S.
                                                             Manuel Krogstad, Pew Research Center, Sept. 1, 2017,        Working-Age Population Through at Least 2035,”
   “What Caused the Decline in Interstate Migration in the
                                                             accessed Feb.27, 2018,            by Jeffrey S. Passel and D’Vera Cohn, Pew Research
United States?” by Fatih Karahan and Darius Li, Liberty
                                                             tank/2017/09/01/unauthorized-immigrants-covered-by-         Center, March 8, 2017, accessed Feb. 27, 2018, www.
Street Economics (Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s
blog), Oct. 17, 2016, accessed Feb. 27, 2018,
                                                                 See “A Statistical and Demographic Profile of the       projected-to-drive-growth-in-u-s-working-age-
                                                             U.S. Temporary Protected Status Populations from            population-through-at-least-2035/.
                                                             El Salvador, Honduras, and Haiti,” by Robert Warren         32
                                                                                                                            Although most children of immigrants are also U.S.
                                                             and Donald Kerwin, Journal on Migration and Human           born, they are broken out into their own category in this
   See “Gone to Texas: Immigration and the
                                                             Security, vol. 5, no. 3, 2017, pp. 577–92.                  exercise.
Transformation of the Texas Economy,” by Pia M.
                                                                 See note 3.                                             33
                                                                                                                            See note 2.
Orrenius, Madeline Zavodny and Melissa LoPalo,
                                                                 Migrant share data are based on American Community
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas special report,

                                            Southwest Economy • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • First Quarter 2018                                                                  11

     A Conversation with Jason Saving                                                            increase such investment and thereby
                                                                                                 raise GDP.

                                                                                                 Q. Will the U.S. economy grow faster as
     Federal Tax Law Provides                                                                    a result of the tax cuts? Does it matter
                                                                                                 that the cuts are deficit financed and
     Stimulus to Bustling U.S.,                                                                  will increase the national debt?

     Texas Economies                                                                                History, buttressed by economic
                                                                                                 modeling, suggests tax cuts of this type
                                                                                                 temporarily boost growth while the
     Jason L. Saving is a senior research economist and advisor at                               economy gradually transitions to a
                                                                                                 new, higher level of economic activity.
     the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, where he conducts research                              Over the long run, the best available
                                                                                                 estimates peg this new higher level
     on public policy issues. He is the author of articles that explore
                                                                                                 as 1.5–2.0 percent above where the
     tax reform, regional migration and fiscal policy.                                           economy would have been without the
                                                                                                 tax package, with about half the impact
                                                                                                 occurring in the first year.
     Q. What does the recently approved           people are able to find work, and firms           However, it’s also worth noting that
     federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017        find themselves selling more products—         the plan is expected to add $1.5 trillion in
     do? Is it a large tax cut by historical      increasing government revenue while            federal debt over the next 10 years, pos-
                                                  lowering expenditures.                         sibly more if various provisions sched-
                                                     Many models actually suggest this is        uled to expire end up being extended.
        The new law is intended to reduce         optimal fiscal policy—and monetary             Even before the tax change was passed,
     individual and corporate tax liabilities,    policy, too, for that matter. What’s inter-    secular trends such as falling birth rates
     improve the U.S. business climate and        esting about the most recent tax legisla-      and rising life expectancies were likely
     enlarge the economy relative to what         tion is that it cuts taxes at a time when      to drive the nation’s debt-to-GDP ratio
     it would otherwise be. It would reduce       most measures of overall economic              to unsustainable levels over the long
     government’s tax take by about a per-        activity are fairly strong. While this isn’t   run. The primary reason is the nation’s
     centage point of gross domestic product      unheard of, it’s more common to cut            pay-as-you-go entitlement system, in
     (GDP) in its first year, which is a rela-    taxes when the economy is in recession.        which current workers provide benefits
     tively large tax reduction, though lower     The object is, in effect, to provide a tail-   for existing retirees without accounting
     than the 1.6 percent reduction in Presi-     wind when the wind is most needed.             for a shrinking worker-to-retiree ratio.
     dent Kennedy’s Revenue Act of 1964 and                                                      The unfunded nature of the tax law could
     considerably lower than the almost 3         Q. What are the law’s main                     somewhat exacerbate this situation.
     percent reduction in President Reagan’s      provisions? How will they affect indi-            Why does a high debt-to-GDP ratio
     Economic Recovery Act of 1981.               viduals and businesses?                        matter? Well, as government indebted-
                                                                                                 ness rises, the larger debt load (interest
     Q. Is it unusual to cut taxes during an         The new tax law has many provisions,        payments) begins to “crowd out” other
     economic expansion?                          but three in particular have macroeco-         types of discretionary spending such as
                                                  nomic implications of note. One is a           national defense, food safety or environ-
        Typically, we think of federal fiscal     reduction in the top statutory corporate       mental protection. Higher interest pay-
     policy as countercyclical, with govern-      tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent,        ments also decrease the federal govern-
     ment running larger deficits during          which should incentivize firms to place        ment’s ability to respond to a recession
     recessions and smaller deficits during       more business capital in the United            through fiscal expansion.
     expansions. When times are tough,            States so that more taxable income can            One might think states could simply
     government’s tax take naturally falls as     be generated here.                             pick up the slack in a situation like that,
     individuals lose their jobs and firms find      Another is a modest reduction in the        but they can’t because nearly all of
     themselves selling fewer products than       individual income tax rate schedule,           them have statutory or constitutional
     they otherwise would.                        which will somewhat increase short-run         balanced-budget requirements, so
        And on the flip side, government          take-home pay for many Americans and           constraining the federal government’s
     spending naturally rises during those        thereby increase both consumption and          “fiscal space” matters. Finally, when
     periods as more people avail themselves      (possibly) hours worked. And the third         a country’s debt-to-GDP ratio is high
     of safety-net programs such as food          is the ability of firms to more quickly de-    enough, its willingness or ability to re-
     stamps. As the economy improves, more        duct business investment, which should         pay debt may be called into question,

12                                  Southwest Economy • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • First Quarter 2018
} “The plan is expected to add $1.5 trillion in
                                                        federal debt over the next 10 years, possibly
                                                           more if various provisions scheduled to
                                                           expire end up being extended.”

increasing borrowing costs at the pre-       expenditures and business profits over          It’s important not to overstate this
cise moment it may most need to bor-         the short term, consistent with recent        phenomenon, though. While there are
row. An example of this occurred during      trends in the Federal Reserve Bank of         certainly neighborhoods in Texas that
the Greek debt crisis.                       Dallas’ business outlook surveys.             would fall into this category, this effect
                                                One provision of the new law that          will be most severe in areas such as New
Q. Some companies are raising pay            has substantial regional implications is      York City and San Francisco, where a
and awarding bonuses to employees,           the $10,000 limit on state and local tax      relatively large share of residents itemize
citing the new law. Are workers likely       deductibility. While Texas’ property tax      and own relatively expensive properties.
to continue seeing more such pay-            rates are among the highest in the na-        As a result, the tax law’s impact on Dal-
ments in the future?                         tion, the overall state and local tax bur-    las and Houston home prices should be
                                             den in Texas is about 15 percent lower        comparatively small.
   The expensing provisions in the new       than the national average, 29 percent
tax law will encourage investment. Over      lower than California and about half that     Q. Texas is the largest exporting state
time, this investment should make            of New York.                                  in the nation. How will the new law
workers more productive and one would           This means Texans’ itemized deduc-         affect international trade and our
expect employers to respond by raising       tions will tend to be smaller than those      trading partners?
wages. I’m unaware of any reasons why        in high-property-wealth parts of the
employers would respond now, before          country. This also suggests the possibility      For many years, the U.S. corporate tax
those productivity gains have material-      that the tax law could incentivize some       rate has been among the highest in the
ized. That said, the best available esti-    middle-income Californians and New            industrialized world. The new tax law
mates suggest we might see a 1.5 percent     Yorkers to move to Texas, though tax-         changed this, moving our corporate rate
increase in wages over the long run.         code differences are only one of many         toward the lower end of the industrial-
                                             factors that impact migration decisions.      ized world and, in so doing, improving
Q. How will the tax law affect Texas?                                                      U.S. competitiveness.
Will we see faster output growth? Will       Q. Could the new law affect Texas                International organizations such as
there be more migration?                     home prices?                                  the International Monetary Fund and
                                                                                           the World Bank think global output will
   In general, as firms choose where to         In general, a less-generous state and      rise somewhat, but there’s no question
locate their increased production and        local tax deduction may cause housing         individual countries—especially those
investment, states with a favorable busi-    demand to soften because taxpayers for        who now find themselves with substan-
ness climate should attract a dispropor-     whom the $10,000 limit is binding will        tially higher corporate rates than the
tionate share of this activity. However,     face a higher after-tax cost of home own-     U.S.—could suddenly find themselves at
Texas is also the state most affected by     ership. This particular provision has gar-    a competitive disadvantage.
international trade and, to the extent       nered most media attention, but other            Meanwhile, a number of proposed
this tax change places other countries’      provisions including the newly raised         changes that U.S. exporters and our
economies at a competitive disadvan-         standard deduction and newly lowered          trading partners had opposed, such
tage, slower growth in Mexico and other      limits on mortgage interest deductibility     as the “border adjustment” tax (a levy
large trading partners would be expect-      will similarly impact home ownership          on the value added to imports) didn’t
ed to disproportionately reduce Texas’       costs at the margin.                          make it. For that reason, Texas exports
growth rate.                                    This softening of housing demand           will perhaps be more greatly affected by
   Thus, it is unclear whether the short-    would, with other things being equal,         ongoing measures such as the renegoti-
run impact of the tax law would be           imply somewhat slower home-price              ation of the North American Free Trade
larger or smaller in Texas. What is clear,   appreciation over the near term, espe-        Agreement and the decision to pull out
though, is that both the state and the na-   cially in areas where house prices are        of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade
tion can expect somewhat larger capital      relatively high.                              agreement.

                               Southwest Economy • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • First Quarter 2018                                   13
Texas Economy Starts 2018
     Firing on All Cylinders
     By Keith R. Phillips and Christopher Slijk

                                                                         he Texas economy headed                            quarter and beginning of 2018 noted
                                                                         into 2018 firing on all cylin-                     difficulty in finding workers and re-
                                                                         ders for the first time since                      ported increased wage pressures.
                                                                         2014, with broad-based eco-                          The Texas economy accelerated in

                                                               nomic growth across most regions and                         2017, primarily due to rebounding
         ABSTRACT: Aided by                                    industries. Leading economic indica-                         energy and manufacturing sectors,
         the oil and gas sector’s                              tors and reports from Federal Reserve                        which overcame a powerful blow dealt
                                                               Bank of Dallas business contacts in                          by Hurricane Harvey in late August.
         recovery, the Texas
                                                               fourth quarter 2017 and the beginning                        Steadily rising oil prices propelled
         economy rebounded in                                  of 2018 suggest that the positive mo-                        the energy sector and boosted related
         2017 and is poised to                                 mentum will carry forward this year.                         equipment manufacturing.
         expand at a faster pace                                  The Dallas Fed Texas forecasting                            During much of 2017, the state
                                                               model predicts that employment will                          benefited from a broad acceleration in
         in 2018. However, tight
                                                               grow between 2.9 and 3.9 percent in                          the world economy and a weakening
         labor markets, disruptions                            2018 following a 2.1 percent expansion                       dollar. While the hurricane inflicted big
         to trade, and potential oil                           in 2017. The expectation for the jobs                        property losses on homeowners and
         price declines pose risks to                          outlook is somewhat restrained relative                      businesses along much of the Texas
                                                               to previous periods of strong expansion                      Gulf Coast, its impact on job and out-
         the outlook.
                                                               because labor markets are unusually                          put growth was temporary.
                                                               tight in both Texas and the nation.
                                                                  The Texas unemployment rate                               Texas Races Ahead
                                                               reached a historical low of 3.9 percent                        Texas' 2.1 percent employment
                                                               in October after declining most of                           growth was at the upper end of the 1.5–
                                                               the year. Respondents to Dallas Fed                          2.5 percent range forecast in Southwest
                                                               business outlook surveys in the fourth                       Economy last year.1 It was significantly

          1             Texas Pulls Ahead of U.S., Other Energy States in Job Growth

       Percent change, December 2017/December 2016

       4.0          !






      NOTE: Black bars represent significant energy-producing states.
      SOURCES: Bureau of Labor Statistics; Texas Workforce Commission; adjustments by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

14                                           Southwest Economy • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • First Quarter 2018
above the 1.2 percent rate in 2016 and        CHART
above the state’s long-term trend of 2.0
percent.                                          2               Oil Price and Texas Rig Count Pick Up Through 2017

   Renewed job growth exceeded the          Number                                                                                           Nominal dollars
                                                                                       Rig count
national average last year, ranking         1,000                                                                                                        120
Texas as ninth-strongest among the           900
states (Chart 1). The latest ranking is                                                                                                                  100
comparable to 2014, before energy                                                                        West Texas Intermediate oil price
                                             700                                                                                                         80
prices tumbled. With the energy de-          600
cline, Texas job growth slipped to 36th      500                                                                                               492       60
among the states in 2015 and 18th in         400
2016. Nevertheless, Texas fared (and                                                                                                                     40
continues to fare) much better than          200                                                                                                         20
other energy-intensive states such as        100
North Dakota and Louisiana, which fell            0                                                                                                      0
                                                           2012        2013          2014           2015         2016           2017          2018
to near the bottom of the state rankings.
   The Texas Business-Cycle Index, a         NOTE: Data are weekly; last data point is the week of March 16.
composite indicator of economic activ-       SOURCES: Oil and Gas Journal; Baker Hughes.
ity, rebounded last year to 4.3 percent,
reflecting a pace of growth well above
the index’s historical average. It was
propelled by the pickup in job activity,     CHART
the decline in the unemployment rate              3               Professional and Business Services Lifts Service Sector in 2017
and an acceleration in state gross do-
                                             Percent change, December/December
mestic product growth in the first three
quarters of 2017. For the year, the index
turned in the strongest year-over-year
performance since August 2015.

Leading the Rebound                          -5       '15
                                            -10          '16
   Oil and gas activity picked up in
                                            -15            '17
mid-2016, after West Texas Intermedi-
ate prices steadied at around $45 per       -20
barrel. Activity accelerated as prices      -25
                                                        Trade,          Prof.        Health   Leisure                Fin.                 Natural
climbed in mid-2017, reaching into          -30
                                                      transp &   Govt. & bus.       & private    &     Mfg.        Activities   Const.   resources Information
the mid-$60 range in February 2018                     utilities        svcs          edu. Hospitality                                   & mining
(Chart 2). The rig count rose through                 (20.0%) (15.8%) (13.7%)       (13.6%) (10.9%) (6.9%)          (6.2%)      (5.8%)    (1.8%) (1.6%)

the first half of last year, attaining a
                                             NOTE: Figures in parentheses represent share of total nonfarm employment as of December 2017.
two-year high of 466 in July. Employ-        SOURCES: Bureau of Labor Statistics; adjustments by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
ment followed about six months later,
rising at an annualized 12.2 percent           Resurgent state exports also pro-                         expensive and, thus, less competitive in-
rate through December (25,500 jobs)         vided a boost. Texas exported goods                          ternationally, pressuring manufacturers.
after bottoming out in November 2016.       worth more than $250 billion last year,                         The trend reversed with a notable
   State manufacturing activity accel-      far more than any other state. Much of                       dollar weakening from January to
erated throughout the year, with the        the state’s manufactured output, such                        September 2017. Although the dollar
Dallas Fed’s Texas Manufacturing Out-       as computer and electronic products,                         rose in the final quarter, overall it was
look Survey showing the fastest rise in     refined petroleum products and trans-                        down 8.6 percent for the year. A general
production growth since the mid-2000s.      portation equipment, is sent abroad.                         strengthening of the world economy
Employment in sectors linked to oil and        Before last year, export activity faced                   also led to greater demand for U.S.
gas production, such as fabricated met-     challenges. The Texas value of the                           goods abroad. As a result, state exports
als and mining machinery, grew 7.0 per-     dollar—the dollar’s value weighted by                        rose sharply. The real value of goods
cent last year—more than three times        exchange rates with the state’s largest                      shipped internationally from Texas in-
the rate of overall job growth. Such work   trading partners—appreciated over 27                         creased 10.8 percent from 2016 to 2017.
makes up approximately 17 percent of        percent from mid-2014 lows to early                             Meanwhile, the state’s service sector
the state’s manufacturing employment.       2017. This made Texas exports more                           grew steadily, largely unaffected in

                              Southwest Economy • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • First Quarter 2018                                                            15
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