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Issue 279 September 2018      
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South West - Pick up your mine of information! Back to School Special Local school news, Clubs and Classes, school open days, days out, your local ...
South West - Pick up your mine of information! Back to School Special Local school news, Clubs and Classes, school open days, days out, your local ...
South West - Pick up your mine of information! Back to School Special Local school news, Clubs and Classes, school open days, days out, your local ...
contents                   September 2018 Issue 279

                                                                                                                        Be Dance show at New Wimbledon Theatre

                                                                                  6-7      Local news                   35       Women in business
    • Families London South West is part of Families Print Ltd, a franchise
    company. All franchised magazines in the group are independently
                                                                                  8        Families Top Five            37-48 Clubs & Classes
    owned and operated under licence. Families® is a registered trademark of
    LCMB Ltd, Remenham House, Regatta Place, Marlow Road, Bourne End,
                                                                                           activities this month              Feature
    Bucks SL8 5TD.                                                                                                               • Choose the right club or
    • The contents of Families London South West are fully protected by                                                          class for your child
    copyright and none of the editorial or photographic matter may be             11       Ensuring your child                   • News from your local
    reproduced in any form without prior consent of Families London South
    West.                                                                                  is happy at nursery                   clubs & classes
    • Designed and Printed by Ridgeway Press, Wilts.                                                                             • The importance of drama
    • Every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine, but Families SW,   13       FREE activities                       • Is your child sport ready?
    our distributors, the franchise company, Families Print Ltd and Lifecycle                                                    • Why being active can help
    Marketing cannot be held responsible for the claims of advertisers nor for
                                                                                                                                 little ones starting Reception
    the accuracy of the contents, or any consequence thereof.                     14-34 Education Feature                        in September
    • Paper used to print Families is from fully-managed sustainable sources.              • Independent or state                • Benefits of extra curricular
                                                                                           education for your child?             activities
    Tel: 020 8696 9680
    Editorial:                                                     • Making the best of
    News:                                                            Open Days                    49-54 What’s On
    Adverts/Artwork:                                              • Open days listing                   • Diary dates
    Events/Diary Dates/What’s On:                                 • News and information                • Cinemas for children
    Next Issue: October 2018                                                               from our local schools                • Drama
    ISSN 1354-9553. All contents ©Families SW 2018.                                        • New ways to learn                   • Museums and Galleries
                                                                                           • What is Modern Boarding?            • Babies and toddlers

    Find us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram FamiliesSWLon                              Advertise in our next issue. Contact us on 020 8696 9680                                                                                                    September 2018 • Families South West 5
South West - Pick up your mine of information! Back to School Special Local school news, Clubs and Classes, school open days, days out, your local ...
Wandsworth Council’s services
The latest Ofsted report into Wandsworth
Council’s children’s services has concluded
that the department is improving and is no
longer classed as inadequate. The report
                                                                                                                                Photo: © John Starns Photography
highlights the fact that “senior leaders have
worked diligently to strengthen the quality of    Beautiful baby carrier shop opened in Tooting
children’s services” with “a good range of
accessible services to improve outcomes for       London‘s specialist baby carrier, Wear My Baby,       edition woven wraps and ring slings that you
children and their families.”                     has opened a beautiful boutique at 58 Upper           won't find online.
   While the council still requires further       Tooting Road. Browse from a vast range of baby           2 mins walk from Tooting Bec tube and
                                                  carriers, slings and accessories; you can also hire   12mins from Balham, parking on side roads,
improvement before it can be given a good
                                                  one to trial at home.                                 baby change facilities, sofa for comfy feeding,
rating, the report highlights many positives,
                                                    They also run carrying workshops, where you         space for buggies.
                                                  get expert help in choosing the right carrier for     All the details at
   Children in need of help and protection are
                                                  your family. Look out for pre-loved and limited
now identified quickly, and support for them is
effective in reducing risks.
   Disabled children receive a good social work    Skills to re-enter the workforce
service, and services to care leavers have         If you just had a career break and are
improved from inadequate to good.                  potentially looking to go back to work
   Children in care live in safe, good-quality     consider re-honing your skills with
homes                                              ReLaunch. Created by Link UP London,
   Children are well supported by a range of       ReLaunch is a programme specifically
specialist services, achieve well at school and    created for you! Link UP successfully
regularly see their social worker.                 matches skills-based volunteers with local                              charitable organisations to create engaged,
                                                   vibrant and linked communities. Through
                                                   their work over the past two years, they
                                                   have noted that the skills of professional
                                                   women out of the paid workforce are vastly
                                                   underutilised at a loss to the community.
                                                       ReLaunch aims to help these women re-
                                                   enter the workforce in a way that works
                                                   best for them. Each ReLaunch workshop is
                                                   run by a team of coaches who guide the
                                                   group of 8 women through goal setting
                                                   and action planning. At the conclusion of
                                                   the programme participants report feeling
                                                   more confident, inspired and ready to take
                                                   their next steps.                                    Can you do the kangaroo?
                                                       The first 4-week ReLaunch course                  First Touch, the charity of St George’s neonatal
                                                   begins on Tuesday September 18 and the               unit is asking help to raise £25,000 this
                                                   second on November 7. There is a nominal             September to provide special “Kangaroo Care
                                                   fee of £100 for participants.                        Chairs” by taking part in sponsored bounces.
                                                   To find out more, email                                   With Kangaroo care, babies are placed on
Charitable paediatric osteopathic                                                                       their parent’s chest for prolonged skin-to-skin
                                          or visit
practice needs your help                                                  contact. It has huge benefits for sick and
Do you know the Osteopathic Centre for                                                                  premature babies, regulating their heart rate,
Children? Based in Wandsworth, they are the                                                             breathing and temperature, stabilising their
only charity in the UK providing paediatric                                                             metabolism and reducing the risk of infection.
osteopathy treatment to babies, children and                                                            It’s also incredibly important for the emotional
mums regardless of their ability to pay. They                                                           well-being of the babies and their parents at
deliver around 16,000 treatments to babies,                                                             what is such a difficult time in their lives. The
children and women in the perinatal period                                                              special chairs make it possible for parents to
each year. Their open-plan, warm and friendly                                                           hold their babies in a safe and comfortable way
clinics create a relaxed atmosphere that is                                                             even with all tubes and wires needed for their
especially reassuring for children.                                                                     treatment.
Please support them by donating at                                                                          If you’d like to get involved as an individual,                                                                       or an organisation email info@first-
020 8875 5290                                                                   and they’ll send you some
Registered charity number 1003934                                                                       information.

6 Families South West • September 2018                                                                                       
South West - Pick up your mine of information! Back to School Special Local school news, Clubs and Classes, school open days, days out, your local ...
The most nurturing massage                                                              News
                                                    you’ll ever have
                                                    Drifted on to our shores in 2008, LAVA Shells
                                                    massages emit a continuous flow of heat
                                                    across the body to deliver a deeply relaxing
                                                    experience. I never had the joy of
                                                    experiencing one, so was delighted to
                                                    accept the hard work of trying it out for you!
                                                    I must say, I simply melted away: I found the
                                                    warm Lava Shells (see picture) exquisite and
                                                    plan to buy a few shells for home massages.
                                                       Using the gentle heat of the shells, Lava
                                                    Mama combine relaxing and stimulating
                                                    massage techniques to ease away aches and
                                                    pains of pregnant women, particularly
Lost your way a little after having                 focusing on the back, hips and legs. The
                                                    massage is suitable for pregnant clients from
children?                                           14 weeks onwards and while nursing post-
Do you want to ignite your purpose and              pregnancy. The massage is completely
passion for life? Would you like to start the       bespoke to the clients’ need: you can design
journey to style your best life? Why not join       your own massage addressing your specific
the supportive and empowering Mum Meet up           areas of concern.
MuthaKind in Wandsworth—and get back on                The treatment aims to assist circulation
track. Their next workshop is Monday 17th           and alleviate puffiness and fluid build-up. I
September, with lifestyle and self image coach      found the treatment also improved my
Sarah Miller, but spaces are limited.               energy levels.
   At the Cats Back pub (upstairs) Wandsworth,         The clever combination of gentle but
7:30-9:30 pm, stay and chat afterwards.             effective warmth and cold assists with pain
Tickets available on                                relief and reduces muscle spasm in over-                      worked muscles—pure bliss!
publish?eid=47510607506.                            For more information on the Lava Mama
For further information please email                treatment, please visit:                             www
                                                                                                     Fulham Broadway ticket hall now
                                                                                                     beautiful Market Hall
                                                                                                     I remember well the old entrance to Fulham
                                                                                                     Broadway as I used to use this station to go to
                                                                                                     work hm.. well, years ago.
                                                                                                         If you have wondered like me, why no one
                                                                                                     did anything with this amazing space you’ll be
Flexible working for parents like you                                                                pleased to know it has now been turned into a
The Daisy Chain is on a mission to help as                                                           fashionable Market Hall. The ornate and well-
many parents as possible find the right role for                                                      preserved entrance hall, which has retained the
them: one that allows them to build their                                                            former ticket hall from the original 1880
careers alongside their childcare
                                                                                                     station, is the perfect venue for this new chic
responsibilities. The online platform is free for
                                                                                                     destination. With nine kitchens, a coffee shop,
parents: you can match and connect with over
                                                                                                     a deli, a fully stocked bar with the best British
70 family-friendly employers who are looking
                                                                                                     craft beers & spirits and over 250 communal
for talented, experienced people to work
flexibly—enabling them to spend more time                                                             dining seats, it is open seven days per week for
with their children. Are you looking for a new                                                       breakfast, brunch (weekends only), lunch,
career with better work-life balance?                                                                dinner and drinks, with a wide selection that
To find out more and sign up for free visit                                                           will suit everyone’s tastes.                                                                                                                                                              September 2018 • Families South West 7
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Families Top Five activities this month
Take a look at our favourite exhibitions
for the whole family this September…
              Photo: © Trustees of the Natural History Museum
                           London 2018 All rights reserved.jpg
                                                                                                     Century of the Child, Nordic
                                                                                                     V&A Museum of Childhood, E2 9PA
                                                                                                     Throughout September

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Photo: Marino Thorlacius © Vik Prjónsdottir
                                                                                                     The 20th century’s most iconic and influential
                                                                                                     Nordic designs for children, from BRIO to
                                                                                                     LEGO, Marimekko and the Moomins have been
                                                                                                     brought together for the first time in this
                                                                                                     stunning new exhibition at the wonderful
                                                                                                     Museum of Childhood. Explore the influences
                                                                                                     which have helped forge Nordic design and
                                                                                                     examine how children have inspired some of
                                                                                                     the century’s most progressive designs,
                                                                                                     architecture and literature.

Sensational Butterflies
Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road SW7 5BD
To 16 September
It’s your very last chance to see the Museum’s
tropical butterfly house and watch crawling
caterpillars transform into beautiful butterflies.
This immersive exhibition is filled with life,
colour and beauty and features species found
in the tropical forests of Central and South
America, Africa and Asia. From £5.85.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Photo: © Historic Royal Palaces

                                                                                                     Tudor Kitchens
                                                                                                     Hampton Court Palace, East Molesey, Surrey KT8 9AU
                                                                                                     Throughout September
                                                                                                     The famous Tudor kitchens saw a complete re-imagining last summer, transporting visitors back to a
                                                                                                     time when they were the beating heart of life at Hampton Court Palace. New displays feature
                                                                 Photo: National Museums Liverpool

                                                                                                     interactive technology and sensory experiences, so for the first time ever visitors will be able to see,
                                                                                                     smell and touch their way through the process of preparing a meal fit for a king.

                                                                                                     Bluecoats in the City
                                                                                                     Museum of London, EC2Y 5HN
                                                                                                     To 7 October
                                                                                                     A new display exploring the remarkable history and
The Rainbow Revealed                                                                                 legacy of The City of London's first orphanage and
Horniman Museum and Gardens                                                                          school. Founded in 1552, Christ’s Hospital
100 London Road SE23 3PQ                                                                             transformed the site of a former monastery into a                                                                                   sanctuary for the City of London’s orphaned and
To 28 October                                                                                        impoverished children, offering food, lodging and
Be dazzled by prisms showing how colours are                                                         an education. This new display allows visitors a
made, peer through a giant human eyeball to                                                          chance to discover a school like no other, delving
find out how we see colour, discover how                                                              into the history behind Christ’s Hospital School’s
animals use colour to attract and hide, and                                                          creation, its iconic historic uniforms and traditional
look into how different colours mean different                                                         practices, alumni and centuries-long relationship
things across the planet. Free.                                                                      with London.

8 Families South West • September 2018                                                                                                                                          
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     For children attending boarding school in the UK
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10 Families South West • September 2018         
Falcons School for Girls

your child
is Happy
at nursery                                          The process of introducing a child to a new caring environment can
                                                    throw up a number of challenges. However, some can be prevented if
By Kristen Harding                                  your child’s nursery gets to know upfront what both you and your
                                                    child need and want from the childcare arrangement.

      efore a child arrives at a new nursery,       calm them. This will ensure that your child’s        A good nursery will ensure there’s no feeling of
      nursery staff should take time to fully        nursery cares for your child in the very best        peer pressure between parents or children!
      understand your child’s home routine. In      way during this difficult period.                      Don’t start potty training as your child is
this way, potential issues can also be nipped in                                                         starting nursery. When you do decide to begin,
                                                    Often the anxiety of a child lessens when his
the bud early.                                                                                           ensure it’s not at a time of change or a stressful
                                                    nursery assigns a key worker to him. By
                                                                                                         period at home. Share training methods with
                                                    identifying one particular carer who is going to
Settling in                                                                                              your child’s nursery to ensure consistency of
                                                    form a strong bond and connection with your
This is a key part of the adjustment process. A                                                          approach. For instance, do you want nursery
                                                    child, he will have the stability of knowing there
change in environment can upset a child and                                                              staff to ask your child if he would like to go or
                                                    is an individual there that he can rely on.
parents are generally stressed and worried                                                               do you want them to sit him on the potty at
when their child is unsettled. For this reason,                                                          specific times of day?
it’s vital that your chosen nursery takes time to
                                                    Meal times at nursery are important and can
help your child gently settle in.                                                                        Sleep
                                                    have a real impact on the confidence and
Communication between your child’s nursery                                                               It is important that home and nursery work
                                                    comfort of a young child. What your child is
and yourself is very important at this stage.                                                            together over nap times, as the needs of
                                                    used to at home may differ greatly from what
You need to develop a trusting relationship                                                              individual children differ. When a child starts at
                                                    occurs in the nursery setting, whether it’s the
with the staff and settle into the new                                                                    a nursery, the nursery should follow the child’s
                                                    food eaten or the way in which meals are
arrangement just as much as your child does.                                                             home routine before adapting it slowly to suit
In fact, it’s often parents that have most                                                               the nursery pattern. It’s then helpful if you try
difficulty leaving a child behind in a new            When you visit your child’s nursery, try to do so    to prevent your child taking extra naps, as his
setting! However, communicating regularly           at meal time occasionally. In a good setting,        routine is likely to be disrupted. If your child
and in as much detail as you need with the          you will see nursery staff leading by example,        struggles to sleep at the nursery, a toy or
nursery setting can help ease your nervousness      engaging children with different food choices,        blanket from home can provide comfort and
and worry. In turn, any insecurity your child is    helping them to learn about what they are            help them drift off.
feeling will also lessen.                           eating and introducing new foods gradually.
                                                    Meal times at nursery, as at home, should be         Whilst challenges are bound to arise during
Separation anxiety                                  unpressurised and enjoyable.                         your child’s time at nursery, most particularly at
Regardless of the time taken beforehand,                                                                 the beginning, these can generally be dealt
separation anxiety is a natural and sometimes       Potty training                                       with as long as there is good communication
unavoidable part of leaving a child at a nursery.   This is another key milestone in your child’s        between you and your child’s setting.
Generally, separation anxiety lessens over time     development and reaching it may throw up
but you can help by ensuring that nursery staff      stumbling blocks! Again, it is important to
                                                                                                          Kristen Harding is a childcare expert at
understand as much as possible about your           remember that each child is different and so
                                                                                                          Tinies Childcare UK. For more information,
child’s individual needs, how they behave when      will begin to learn at a different point and
they are sad, anxious or upset and what helps       progress at a different speed to other children.                                                                                            September 2018 • Families South West 11
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12 Families South West • September 2018                                                               
Bank of England Museum                         Morden Hall Park
           FREE activities for                                                         
                                                                                                 22-26 October
                                                                                                 The Big Draw: Join the Fleet! Climb
                                                                                                                                                Morden SM4 5JD

           September 2018                                                                        aboard the boat in the museum
                                                                                                 Stock Office for inspiration and
                                                                                                 design a boat fit to sail the seven
                                                                                                                                                Throughout September
                                                                                                                                                Join a nature trail around the park
                                                                                                                                                and make some delightful crafts to
                                                                                                 seas. Which materials will you use for         take home. £4 per child, entry to
                                                                                                 your ship to make it strong and                Morden Hall is free. 11am-4pm.
                                                                                                 sturdy? What other features should it
                                                                                                 have? Your imagination is the limit!           Battersea Arts Centre
                                                                                                 Submit your masterpiece to enter the           Lavender Hill SW11 5TN
                                                                                                 competition for your chance to win   
                                                                                                 prizes.                                        Final Saturday of the month
                                                                                                                                                Family Saturdays. Join the BAC on
                                                                                                 Museum of London                               the final Saturday of every month
                                                                                                                                                when families take over the Centre
                                                                                                 Docklands                                      for a day of fun, food and free
                                                                                                 No.1 Warehouse, West India Quay
                                                                                                                                                activities. There is something for
                                                                                                 E14 4AL
                                                                                                                                                everyone to get involved with and
                                                                                                                                                space for the whole family to chill
                                                                                                                                                out and relax. Includes The Bee’s
                                                                                                 Throughout September
                                                                                                                                                Knees, a magical indoor play space
                                                                                                 Sailortown. Visit the stinky streets and
                                                                                                                                                for ages 0-5. 10am-3pm.
                                                                                                 dark alleyways of Sailortown - hear
                                                                                                 the noises, peer into the shadowy              The National Gallery
                                                                                                 alleyways, gaze through the window             Trafalgar Square WC2N 5DN
                                                                                                 of the chandler’s shop and see inside
                                                                                                 an old East End boozer. All ages.              Every Sunday in September
                                                                                                                                                Magic Carpet Storytelling. Fly away
                                                                                                 Mudchute Farm                                  on a magic carpet, which comes to
                                                                                                 Pier Street E14 3HP
                                                                                                                                                land in front of a different painting
                                                                                                                                                each week, and join Paul Rubinstein
                                                  Wimbledon BookFest, Sue Paul Photo 2018        Throughout September
                                                                                                                                                for a musical magic carpet
                                                                                                 An unexpected patch of countryside
                                                       The festival returns for the 10th year                                                   storytelling. Age 2+, 10.30–11am and
           Wimbledon BookFest                                                                    on the Isle of Dogs, Mudchute Park
        The Bailie Gifford Big Tent,                    with stages full of affordable circus,     and Farm is a laidback and friendly
        Wimbledon Common, nr Wimbledon                 theatre, cabaret, comedy, music and       day out, with the chance to get close          Picturing Forgotten
        Village                                        children’s shows on the south bank of     to all kinds of animals. Join the
                                                       the Thames. Many shows,                   regular crafting workshops and feed            London                                                                                                               London Metropolitan Archives
                                                       performances and workshops are free.      the beasts (the cows particularly love
        4-14 October                                                                             elderflowers), then feed your own               EC1R 0HB
        A packed Children’s programme                  Open House London                         little ones at the Mudchute Kitchen.           Throughout September
            featuring former Children’s                      All ages.                                      Check out long-gone landmarks,
                Laureate Michael Rosen, Radio                                                                                                   vanished streets and neighbourhoods
                                                       22-23 September                           Fulham Palace                                  that are no more. Through drawings,
Make a note 1 presenters Greg James and                Celebrate London's architectural          Bishop’s Avenue SW6 6EA                        photographs, maps, films and
                  Chris Smith talking about
  in your                                              wonders as Open House London                               contemporary recollections discover
                  their book Kid Normal, and
 diaries!                                              throws open the doors of hundreds         29 September                                   bits of London that have been lost
                 Francesca Simon, bestselling
                                                       of buildings and spaces around the        Foreshore Festival. Fulham Palace and          over the years, from 'The Devil’s
               author of the Horrid Henry                                                        The Thames Discovery Programme                 Acre', which used to lie next to the
                                                       capital. Enjoy free access to more
          books with a new picture book.                                                         join forces for a fun family day of river      Palace of Westminster, Columbia
        Plus two bestselling adult authors             than 800 public buildings, private
                                                                                                 themed archaeology as part of the              Market in Bethnal Green, London’s
        Sophie Kinsella and Jessie Burton              houses, churches, museums, schools
                                                                                                 Totally Thames Festival. Explore a             first Chinatown in Limehouse, the
        introduce their new children’s books.          and offices, and join tours, guided         fascinating wealth of local history            Great Wheel in Earl’s Court and
        With loads of storytelling, workshops          walks and activities throughout the       with guided river walks, then meander          Wyld’s Monster Globe in Leicester
        and arts and crafts for kids of all ages.      weekend. Explore secret spaces and        back to the Palace for a chance to             Square.
                                                       step into the private homes of the        take part in a host of river-related
                                                       rich and famous.                          activities, examine finds and capture           Broadway Vegan Market
           Southfields Harvest                                                                    your day with a family photo in                London Fields Primary School E8 3RL
           St Barnabas Church, Lavenham Road,                                                    historical costume.                            Saturdays to 29 September
           Southfields SW18 5EP                         Totally Thames                                                                           London welcomes its first weekly
                        Fledglings on the                              vegan market, bringing together 30
                                                       1-30 September                                                                           of the very best vegan food stalls in
           29 September                                                                          Common                                         one place. There’ll even be a vegan
           A lively family festival celebrating all    See London’s River         Always such      Bolingbroke Early Years Centre,
                                                       Thames brought to                                                                        butcher selling meat-free burgers,
           things local. Enter the Southfields                                    a great event     Chivalry Road, Wandsworth
                                                                                                                                                sausages and bacon!
           Bake Off, enjoy craft beer, cider,           life in a month-long          to join!      Common SW11 1HT
           honey, home-made jam, allotment             season of events                           Saturdays in September                        Summer of Sound on the
           veg and Southfields sausages hot off          along the river’s 42-                     Stay and play sessions aim to help
                                                                                                 parents/carers learn how to include            Roof
           the BBQ. Bring your garden apples to        mile stretch during the annual Totally                                                   John Lewis, Oxford Street W1A 1EX
                                                                                                 play in every day routines with their
           be juiced in the Abundance fruit press,     Thames festival.                                                               
                                                                                                 children. 9.30-11.30am, age up to 8.
           create a vegetable monster or have              Walk along the Thames to see                                                         garden
           fun with fabric led by artist and           large-scale art installations, free       Natural History Museum                         To 29 September
           children’s author Jane Porter. 12-3pm.      exhibitions and live performances.        SW7 5BD                          The Gardening Society on John
                                                       Enjoy a concert below river-level or      Dates throughout September                     Lewis's Oxford Street store's rooftop
                                                                                                 Investigate for Families. Get a feel for       is turning into a live music venue.
           Underbelly Festival                         join an archaeological tour of the        how scientists work by having a go             Rock up for garden gigs, immersive
           30 The Queen's Walk, Lambeth                river's surroundings. See boats of all    yourself. Explore hundreds of real             studio spaces, DJ sets and fried
           SE1 8XX                                     sizes cruise down the river, or get on    nature specimens that form the                 chicken from 'Butchies', all a world
                   the water yourself with watersports       evidence museum scientists use in              away from the hustle and bustle
           To 30 September                             and boat parties.                         their work. Age 3-11, 11am-5pm.                below.

                                                                                                              September 2018 • Families South West 13
14 Families South West • September 2018
Education Feature

                                                                                                        positive. She is still in touch with her friends
Independent or state                                                                                    from state school and it seems they’re also
                                                                                                        happy and doing well too, so it’s hard to tell
                                                                                                        what would have happened had she remained

education for your                                                                                      in the state sector.

                                                                                                        Has your daughter experienced more

child?                                                                                                  academic pressure at her new school?
                                                                                                        Yes, and the pressure comes from both parents
                                                                                                        and the school. But, truthfully, I’m paying to
Olivia Malaure talks to Frances Delaney, a parent whose                                                 ensure that she reaches her full potential and
                                                                                                        so pressure is part of that. My daughter thrives
child has experienced both types of school.                                                             in that type of environment but I can see that it
                                                                                                        could be stressful for children who aren’t
I f you are fortunate enough to be able to
  choose where your child will go to school,
then it might help to look at the bigger picture
                                                   on. Crucially though, my daughter’s teacher,
                                                   who I really respected, suggested she was
                                                   playing up in class and was possibly bored
                                                                                                        meeting expectations, or who excel in one
                                                                                                        particular subject area rather than being an
and leap forward twelve years.                     because in Year 5, along with a number of            academic all-rounder. Having said I would
   Recent statistics show that students from       other children, she’d actually reached Year 6        imagine that children in good state secondary
state schools out-perform students from            grades. I wanted my child to reach her full          schools are also under a lot of academic
independent (private) schools at university.       potential but her teacher couldn’t help further      pressure too.
However, before you allocate your tuition fees     as her priority had to be improving the grades       At my daughter’s school, there is not an
to more leisurely pursuits, consider that these    of those children who were under-performing.         automatic entry into the sixth form so there is
statistics also show that students from                                                                 constant discussion about what she can
independent schools are more likely to gain a      Was it an easy decision?                             achieve and how she will achieve it. Obviously,
place at university in the first place.             No actually, it was very difficult. My partner         this isn’t the case in all independent schools.
   Right now, the idea of your young child         was politically opposed to private education—
reaching university age may seem                   we both went to state schools. But we’d had          Do you have any advice for parents who are
unimaginable, but it pays to do your research      the experience of our elder son completing his       having difficulty making a decision between a
early. And, when you do, it’s hard to ignore the   education at a large state college where he just     good local state school and a private school?
fiery discussion about the moral, financial and      didn’t “fit in.” He felt he didn’t do as well as he   Look at the environment in which your child
practical issues that catapult from any search     could have done at a smaller private school. It      thrives and explore how they learn. Think
engine as you try to weigh up the ‘pros and        took my partner a lot of convincing, but I           about how they would deal with regular tests
cons’ of state versus independent education.       wanted our daughter to have the best                 and exams. If they are at senior school level,
   I spoke to Frances Delaney, a parent who        educational experience possible and my gut           find out what subjects are on offer in the sixth
made the decision to move her daughter from        feeling was that she would perform better at an      form, and if they are in line with your child’s
a state to an independent school at the            independent school. We were in a position            interests. Some state schools offer a wider
beginning of Year 6.                               where we could afford the fees and so we              variety of subjects than some smaller private
                                                   decided to move her.                                 schools with limited more resources. The
Why did you make this change?                                                                           advantage of an independent primary school is
Firstly, I wasn’t confident that my daughter        Looking back, do you feel you made the right         that you are training your child for the private
would get into our preferred, local state          decision?                                            system and this training has its advantages. In
secondary school. I also wanted her to attend      That’s a difficult question and I don’t have a         my opinion the kids who are attending
a school with an integrated sixth form, rather     definitive answer. She is happy and confident          independent schools are not better or brighter,
than have to transition to a large college later   and doing well at school, so that is very            just more prepared.                                                                                           September 2018 • Families South West 15
16 Families South West • September 2018
OPEN DAY Saturday 6th October 2018, 9.30am - 12pm                                              September 2018 • Families South West 17
18 Families South West • September 2018   September 2018 • Families South West 19
Making the best of                                                                                                 Tips for visiting an Open Day
                                                                                                                   n Take your child with you. There is no

Open Days                                                                                                          point in falling in love with a school only
                                                                                                                   to find your child does not want to go
This autumn, state and independent schools will be opening                                                         n What is your general feeling about the
their doors to prospective pupils and their parents to give them                                                   school? Your gut reaction is very
a flavour of life at their school. Claire Winter has the lowdown                                                    important.
on how to get the best out of these Open Days and tours.                                                           n Do the pupils look happy and
What is an Open Day?                                       Independent schools often hold Open Days                n Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Make
School open days help you decide what school            throughout the Autumn and Spring terms. They               sure you ask the pupils what they think of
you want your child to go to. During an open            can have waiting lists for Reception-age children          the school.
day, prospective parents are shown around the           or require children to take a school-specific 7+            n Don’t make decisions on individual
school, often on a school day, to give them a           or 11+ exam to gain a place, so you need find               teachers. They often move on and large
flavour of the working life of the school and the        out the criteria for entry to the school and visit         departments have a variety of teachers
school environment.                                     well in advance.                                           that will rotate every year to teach your
   Sometimes pupils are given the task of               How are Open Days organised?                               child a particular subject.
showing parents around the school. This is a            Schools organise Open Evenings as well as days             n If your child has a particular interest in
great opportunity to ask them how they enjoy            to allow working parents to visit the school too.          a subject, make sure you visit the
being at the school. How settled, relaxed and           Some schools (mainly independent) hold Open                department and look at the kind of work
confident these children are can give you an             Days on a Saturday. All schools put a lot of care          they will be doing.
                                                                                                                   n What extra-curricular activities do
idea of how happy the children are there.               and organisation into the events and they all
Usually, the head teacher or a senior member of         want to show their school in the best light.
staff also gives a talk which includes a general             If, after the all your initial visits, you are still
                                                                                                                   they have? Are there clubs that will
overview of the school and its values and ethos.        undecided, go back and visit the schools on                engage your child and allow them to
Do not miss that.                                                                                                  pursue a broad range of interests?
                                                                                                                   n While exam results aren’t everything,
                                                        your shortlist again during a normal working
When should I start visiting schools??                  day.
It’s a good idea to start looking a year in advance,        Finally, in making your decision, don’t be             every parent wants their child to do well.
so if your child is starting school, start looking at   afraid to trust your instincts; you know your              Academic performance is a top priority
schools when they are three. If you are looking         child and you are best placed to ascertain what            for many families. It’s a good idea to see
for secondary school places, start looking in year      is right for them. Do take account of your child’s         how the school is performing compared
5 (when your child is nine or ten). You can then        preferences too and include him or her in the              to other local schools, using exam
revisit the schools you are most interested in with     decision making process. The best decision will            league tables and Ofsted reports.
your child the following year.                          undoubtedly be the one you all agree.

20 Families South West • September 2018                                                                                               September 2018 • Families South West 21
Call to book
    Schools Open Days                                                                                 your place now!
                    SW1                                                SW7                                                SW12
St Matthew’s School 3-11 Co-Ed Visits with the    The Hampshire School 3-13 Co-Ed 18/9 9.30-          London Steiner School 3.5-14 Co-Ed Weekly
Headteacher by arrangement throughout             11.15am and 1.30-3.15pm 020 7352 7077               school tours by appointment every Wednesday
September and October 020 7504 0500                      at 9am 020 8772 3504                             Eaton House Belgravia Prep 8-13 Boys Autumn         Hornsby House School 4-11 Co-Ed Autumn
More House School 11-18 Girls Visits by           Term Open Days TBC 020 7924 6000                    Open Morning TBC 020 8673 7573
arrangement in September and October, plus                 
Coffee Mornings 25/9 and 26/9 020 7235 2855                                                            La Retraite RC Girl’s School 11-18 Girls Year 7
                                                  Hyde Park School 4-11 Co-Ed Autumn Open                                                                                  Open Evening 20/9 4-7pm, Sixth Form Open
                                                  Morning TBC 9.30am, plus the school offers
Eaton House Belgravia Pre-prep 3-8 Boys                                                               Evening 24/9 4-7pm, Open Mornings 4/10, 5/10
                                                  show rounds on Wednesday and Friday
Open Morning dates in September and October
                                                  mornings 020 7225 3131                              and 9/10 9am-12pm 020 8673 5644
TBC 020 3917 5050
                                                  Queen’s Gate School 4-18 Girls Senior School        St Francis Xavier Sixth Form College 16-18 Co-
Westminster School 13-16 Boys, 16-18 Co-Ed
                                                  Open Evenings 19/9, 4/10 and 6/11 from              Ed Open Day 12/11 10am-2.30pm 020 8772
Sixth Form Open Day 10/9 4-7pm To find out
about Open Days, please call 020 7963 1003.       5.35pm, Junior School At-home Receptions            6072                            18/9, 26/9, 4/10, 17/10, 6/11 and 15/11 at 9.15am
                                                  020 7589 3587                                     SW13
                    SW3                                                                               The Harrodian School 4-18 Co-Ed 11+ Open
                                                                      SW10                            Mornings for Year 6 pupils only 25/9 and 9/10 or
Hill House 4-13 Co-Ed Tours of school
available every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday &       Redcliffe School 3-11 Co-Ed Tours Tuesdays           call to arrange an individual tour 020 8762 6321
Friday during term time at 8.30am, no             and Thursdays throughout September and    
appointment necessary 020 7584 1331               October 9.30am booking required 020 7352                         9247                                             SW14
                                                                                                      Tower House Prep School 4-13 Boys Open
                    SW4                                               SW11                            Morning 21/9 9.15am 020 8876 3323
Eaton House The Manor 8-13 Boys Open              Christ Church CofE Primary 4-11 Co-Ed Open
Morning dates in September and October TBC        Days 2/10 9.45-10.15am and 14/11 1.30-2pm
020 7924 6000                                                                                   SW15
                                                  020 7228 2812
Allen Edwards Primary 4-11 Co-Ed Open Days
TBC in September and October, booking                                                                 Hurlingham School Co-ed 4-11yrs. Email
required 020 7622 3985                            The Dominie 6-11 Co-Ed Tours by appointment to arrange                            Please contact the school to find out more           a visit 020 8874 7186
Parkgate House School 2.5-11 Co-Ed Open           about their specialist teaching for dyslexic
Day 6/10 9.30am-12pm 020 7350 2461                children 020 7720 8783                              Ibstock Place School 3-18 Co-Ed The Prep                                               School Open Mornings 26/9 and 14/11 at
                                                  Dolphin School 2.5-11 Co-Ed Open Mornings           9.30am, The Senior School Open Morning 22/9
                    SW6                           every Thursday morning 9.15-10.40am by              9am-1pm (for prospective entry in 2019), The
                                                  appointment only 020 7924 3472                      Sixth Form Open Evening 25/9 5-8pm booking
Fulham Prep School 4-13 Co-Ed Pre-Prep
                                                                    required 020 8876 9991 / 020 8392 5803
Open Mornings 16/10 and 29/11 at 9.15am,
                                                  L’Ecole de Battersea 4-11 Co-Ed School visits
10.15am and 11.15am, call to book a place and
time slot 020 7471 4217, Prep School tours by
                                                  are held on Friday mornings 5/10, 12/10, 9/11,      Granard Primary 4-11 Co-Ed Open Mornings
appointment only 020 7386 2444                    16/11, 23/11, 30/11 at 10am 020 7371 8350           19/9, 5/10 and 7/11 at 9.15am, call to book a                                               place 020 8788 3606
Parsons Green Prep 4-11 Co-Ed Midweek tours       Thames Christian School 11-16 Co-Ed Open  
on Thursdays at 9am by appointment only, Open     Mornings 25/9 11am-1pm, 29/9 10am-1pm, and          Putney High School 4-18 Girls Music Scholars
Day 6/10 at 9.30am starting promptly 020 7371     10/10 11am-1pm 020 7228 3933                        ‘Come and Play’ Morning 22/9 (bookings close
9009                             on 5/9), plus Open Week from 13/10 020 8788
L’Ecole des Petits 4-11 Co-Ed School visits are   John Burns Primary 4-11 Co-Ed Open                  4886
held on Thursday mornings 4/10, 11/10 and         Mornings 5/10 and 12/10 at 9.30am 020 7228          Merlin School 4-8 Co-Ed Open Day in Autumn
18/10 at 10am, 8/11, 15/11, 22/11 and 29/11 at    3857                term TBC, book in advance 020 8788 2769
10am 020 7371 8350                                Shaftesbury Park Primary School 4-11 Co-Ed                         Open Mornings 9/10 and 23/10 9.30-11am, plus
Sinclair House 2-13 Co-Ed Prep School Open        show rounds on Tuesday mornings from 23/10                              SW16
Morning 27/9 10-11.30am 020 7736 9182             through to 15/1/19. Individual tours of the                                                                         Streatham and Clapham High School 11-18
                                                  school can be booked on Friday mornings
All Saints CofE Primary 4-11 Co-Ed Open Days                                                          Girls Open Day 29/9 10am-1pm limited places,
                                                  during term time 020 7228 3652
3/10, 7/11 and 5/12 at 9.30am 020 7736 2803                                                           register online 020 8677 8400

22 Families South West • September 2018                                                                                  
Holy Trinity Primary School 4-11
              SW17                     Co-Ed Reception Open Mornings
Finton House School 4-11 Co-Ed         28/9 and 16/11 10am-12pm 020
Family Open Morning 29/9 10am-         8542 1591
12pm, plus show rounds available on
weekday mornings Monday-               Albemarle Primary 4-11 Co-Ed
Thursday in term time 020 8682         Open Days 27/9 and 15/11 at 11am
5757             020 8788 3170
Burntwood School 11-18 Girls 
Open Morning 9/10 at 8.45am,
Open Evening 26/9 at 6pm 020                         SW20
8946 6201                The Norwegian School Co-Ed 3-16
Ernest Bevin College 11-16 Boys        Tours of the school can be booked
Open Evening 25/9 at 5.30-8pm,         at any time 020 8947 6617
Open Mornings 1/10, 3/10 and 5/10
at 9-10.45am, Sixth Form Open
Evening 8/11 TBC 020 8672 8582                         W6
Franciscan Primary 4-11 Co-Ed          Ravenscourt Park Prep School 4-
Reception and Nursery Schools          11 Co-Ed Open Mornings 18/9,
Tours throughout September and         11/10 and 13/11 9am, booking
October 9.15am 020 8672 3048           necessary 020 8846 9153 

              SW18                                    W14
The Roche School 2.5-11 Co-Ed          Fulham Senior School Co-ed
Open Mornings 22/9, 12/10 and          Information Evenings: 26/9 6–9pm
14/11 9.30-11.30am call to make an     and 3/10 6-9pm 020 7386 2444
appointment on 020 8877 0823 
St Michael’s CE Primary 4-11 Co-Ed
Open Mornings by appointment only                     SE21
on 10/9, 17/9 and 24/9, 1/10, 8/10,    Dulwich Prep London 3-13yrs Boys
15/10 and 29/10 at 9.30am 020          Open morning 15/9 9am. 020 8766
8874 7786                              5500
St Faith’s Primary 4-11 Co-Ed
Open Mornings 19/9, 3/10, 17/10,
7/11 and 22/11 at 9am 020 8874 2653    Alleyn’s School co-ed 4-18yrs         Junior School Open Events 22/9 10-
St Anne’s CofE Primary 4-1 Co-Ed       12 noon, 4/10 1.30-3pm. Senior
Open Days 9/10 and 6/11 9.30am         School. 11+ (entry to Year 7) and 13+
and 2pm 020 8874 1863                  (entry to Year 9) open events 12/9            2pm, 29/9 9.30 am. 16+ (entry to
                                       Year 12) 11/9 2.30 pm and 29/9 at
              SW19                     9.30 am. School office number: 020
                                       8557 1500.
The Study Prep School 4-11 Girls       Dulwich College Junior School 7-
Tours on Tuesdays throughout           10yrs Boys 13/10 9.30am-12noon
September and October 9.20-  
10.30am 020 8947 6969                  020 8299 8432.                 James Allen’s Girls’ School 4-18
Willington Independent Primary         Girls Open mornings 26/9, 6/10 and
School 4-13 Boys Tours of the          18/10 020 8693 1181
school by appointment 020 8944
Wimbledon Common Prep (also
known as Squirrels) 4-7 Boys Open                     SE26
Morning 10/10 9.15-10.45am,            Sydenham High School 4-18yrs
bookings are open now 020 8946 1001    Girls Whole School Open Day. 15/9          9am-1pm. 10+ Entry Open Morning
Wimbledon High School 11-18 Girls      3/10 9.30-11am. Senior School Open
Junior School (4+ and 7+ entry)        Morning 27/9 9.30-11am. Sixth
13/9, Senior School Open Mornings      Form Open Evening 2/10 6.30-
12/9, 6/10 and 9/10 at 8.50am, Sixth   8.30pm. See also website for Taster
Form Open Evening 6/10 020 8971        days . 020 8557 7000
Kings College School 7-16 Boys,
16-18 Co-Ed Senior School (11+                        CR9
entry) Open Evening 9/10 6pm, 16+
Entry Open Evenings 13/9 and 4/10      Trinity School, Croydon 10-16 Boys,
6pm, Whole School Open Morning         16-18 Co-Ed Open Morning 6/10
15/9 9am-12.30pm 020 8255 5437         9am-12pm 020 8656 9541 trinity-                                                                          September 2018 • Families South West 23

                                          16+ ENTRY 2020
                                          Online registration will open in June 2019.

                                          13+ ENTRY
                                          Registration for entry in 2021 closes at
                                          the end of September.
                                          Registration for entry in 2022 opens in October.
                                          To request a prospectus or find out about
                                          Open Days, please call 020 7963 1003
                                          or email
                                          For information about entry to Westminster Under
                                          School at 7+, 8+ or 11+ please call 020 7821 5788.
                                          Westminster School is a charity (No. 312728) established to provide education.

24 Families South West • September 2018                                                        
Left to Right:
   Sensei Mike Monouwah                                                                                                  Education Feature
   HRH Prince William
   Adem Aouicha
   HRH Prince Harry
   Samuel Brooks-Gilzeane

Ernest Bevin named top Judo School in the country
Ernest Bevin College in Tooting was named the       when they met the Duke of Cambridge and             centre for young people in London.
top British school for judo following a haul of     Duke of Sussex at the opening of the new               Greenhouse Sports delivers the judo, table
five medals at the British Schools Judo              Greenhouse Sports Centre in Central London.         tennis and volleyball programmes at the school
Championships. They topped the medal table          The boys also had the opportunity to speak to       through coaching and mentoring, which in
beating over 400 schools two gold, two silver       the Princes and pose for photos at the event        turn raises academic performance and
and one bronze medal.                               attended by 300 guests and supporters of            achieves positive behavioural change amongst
  Members of the squad were rewarded for            Greenhouse Sports to mark the opening of the        participants.
their hard work and success over the year           new state of the art sport and community  

Heads up for the 11+
By Tim Cannell, Headmaster
Parsons Green Prep
After 12 years as headmaster of a day and
boarding school for children aged 3-13 on the
south coast, moving to Parsons Green Prep
School (a day school for children aged 5-11)
did not seem the most obvious move for a
head to make. I was fascinated to see if the
many apocryphal stories of London school life
were true. Not least the intense pressure for
places at 11+, an entry system that makes
young children sit multiple exams. Some of
these take place before schools return in
January, meaning a long wait for results, and          On the plus side, concentrating on the core      sporting skills. All of which is supplemented by
so the process goes on.                             subjects for the 11+ allows for a much more         a Personal Development Programme, including
   I am afraid that it is true. While many of the   innovative approach to learning through             residential trips from Year 3 upwards.
schools outside London use a common 11+             teaching of the humanities in a cross-curricular       Overall, the quality of education despite the
and 13+ system, this has not yet transferred to     approach. This makes important links across         pressures of 11+ is broad, balanced and offers
London. However, over the last few months it        science, maths and engineering through a
does appear that a new approach may be                                                                  real depth. If, as a sector, we can streamline
                                                    practical-based STEM programme, with time to        the entry process for senior schools further, I
taken, which should be applauded, and in the
                                                    engage children in debate and help them             believe we are delivering the very best in
coming years I wait to see if this reduces
                                                    understand that some questions do not have a        education. Our aim at PGP is to keep that
pressure on our young children.
   It seems a rite of passage for many pupils to    single answer, encouraging critical and
                                                                                                        balance between offering a rigorous and
have significant coaching outside of school.         innovative thinking.
                                                                                                        challenging curriculum and our children
This is something I don’t advocate as children         I was also pleasantly surprised at the quality
                                                    of outdoor space Parsons Green Prep has,            enjoying and having positive memories of their
need to be children and we should not rob                                                               childhood.
them of their childhood and the opportunity to      which is enhanced further by the use of
build those precious memories that we take          Hurlingham Park a very short walk away and
with us and which shape us for the rest of our      swimming at Fulham Pools. Children receive          1 Fulham Park Rd, Fulham, London SW6 4LJ
lives.                                              lots of exercise and learn a wide variety of        020 7610 8085                                                                                          September 2018 • Families South West 25
Ensuring every child fulfils their potential
       ✓     7+, 11+, 13+, GCSE, A Level, IB
       ✓     EAL specialists for international families
       ✓     SEND advice & learning support specialists
       ✓     School advice & consultancy services
       ✓     Tailored 1-1 support with inspiring teachers &
             tutors, enabling maximum progression.


26 Families South West • September 2018             
News and                                                                                                                       Education Feature

information from                                                                  Newton Prep new ‘demanding and exciting’
                                                                                  Humanities curriculum for years 7 & 8
our local schools                                                                 With more and more children facing pre-tests and the ISEB pre-pre-test
                                                                                  in Years 5&6, Newton Prep has decided on a radical change in the run-
                                                                                  up to Common Entrance in Years 7&8. “Common Entrance is a blunt
                                                                                  instrument and the exams themselves are dull and turgid,” says Alison
                                                                                  Fleming, Head of Newton, in a letter written to over 70 senior schools.
                                                                                  “Meanwhile, parents spend Years 7&8 in a heightened sense of almost
                                                                                  continuous pressure on their child to reach the magic pass mark, at the
                                                                                  expense of the child’s academic curiosity and wellbeing.”
                                                                                     So from September, Newton Prep will not be following a CE
                                                                                  programme of study in History, Religious Studies and Geography,
                                                                                  introducing instead a radical, cross-curricular, rigorous and exciting
                                                                                  Humanities programme called the Newton Diploma, “freeing us from
                                                                                  the vice-like grip of the CE syllabus and giving our pupils the
                                                                                  opportunity to follow their own interests and exploit links between
                                                                                  subjects, as well as extending their initiatives for service and for
                                                                                  leadership.” All senior schools canvassed expressed their wholehearted
                                                                                  support for Newton’s radical approach, which will see the core subjects
                                                                                  of Maths, English, Science and a foreign language being retained, mostly
                                                                                  for setting purposes at the next school, in conjunction with the Newton
Trinity alumnus represents England in U20 Rugby                                   Diploma, thereby preparing all pupils more effectively to take their place
Championship                                                                      as well-rounded senior school citizens, intellectual curiosity intact.
Gabriel Ibitoye, who left Trinity in 2016, is back for a second year with         “Common Entrance exams are outdated, old-fashioned and irrelevant,”
England Rugby at the World Rugby U20 Championship. He has                         commented Mrs Fleming in an article with the Daily Telegraph, “Let’s
represented England at U18 and U20 level; winning the 2017 U20 Six                take that level of anxiety away from children and their parents and start
Nations and finishing as England’s top try scorer at the U20 World Rugby           to give them the soft skills this generation will be required to have:
Championship of the same year. Gabriel joined the Harlequins Academy              adaptability, resilience, and the ability to make connections between
for the 2016/17 season, making his first Harlequins appearance in                  disciplines.”
November 2017.
   Ian Kench, Director of Rugby at Trinity, said: “It is incredibly pleasing to
watch Gabriel shining on the global rugby stage. He is an incredible role
model to all of our students for what can be accomplished with dedication
and hard work. His heads-up style of play sets an excellent example for the
way that we encourage current students to approach the game.”
Trinity School Shirley Park Croydon, CR9 7AT

Changes at Hurlingham School bring Outstanding results
Hurlingham School took over Lion         the option to remain at Gwendolen
House School on Gwendolen                Avenue for a 7+ route to selective,
Avenue in September 2017. Now            junior and boarding schools. The
called Hurlingham Nursery and            nursery has been refurbished to
Pre-Prep, it has just received a         provide excellent modern facilities
glowing inspection report from           including a dedicated exercise and
Ofsted as “outstanding” in all areas.    music studio.
It also benefits from IAPS                   There will also be the choice
accreditation.                           of joining the Forest School
    There is a distinctive two-          initiative one day per week.
pronged approach to the infant
                                         (can you spot the amazing slide
years; a guaranteed transfer to the
                                         in the picture?)
main Hurlingham site from the
nursery at 4 for an 11+ pathway, or                                                                                               September 2018 • Families South West 27

    Burntwood is an oversubscribed Academy for Girls
                                                                       - OPEN MORNING -
        which proudly holds a CPD Platinum Mark,                   Tuesday 9th October 8.45am
  the EQualities Award, the International School Award,
  and has UNICEF Rights Respecting School Gold status.                - OPEN EVENING -
                                                               Wednesday 26th September 6.00pm
   ‘Students work hard, have high aspirations for future
        employment and are proud of their school.’

                         Ofsted, May 2016                  ‘The best education today for the women of tomorrow’

28 Families South West • September 2018                                                 
Education Feature

      Eaton House The Manor
      Pre-Prep School on Clapham
      Common has introduced a
                                                             New ways to learn
      completely new form of
      teaching tool —‘learning habits’
      that have been very successful
      in teaching boys how to
      mindfully adopt the best
      character traits.
      Each learning habit is represented by a soft toy
      character—named by the boys: Kingsley the
      gorilla represents ‘Empathy’, Lancelot the lion
      ‘Courage’ etc.

      Mrs Nicola Borthwick, the Headmistress says
      that “It is crucial that we do our best to prepare
      our children to flourish in this very competitive,
      fast-changing world and we believe that these        Each soft toy character represents a learning habit: Kingsley the gorilla represents ‘Empathy’, Lancelot the lion
      learning habits will ensure the boys succeed         ‘Courage’, Camille the chameleon ‘Open Mindedness’, Hooty the owl ‘Good Judgement’, Trumpet the elephant
      here and outside of the classroom.                   ‘Collaboration’, Popcorn the unicorn ‘Curiosity’, Dolly the Dolphin ‘Kindness’ and Percy the Fish ‘Perseverance’.

      Teachers reinforce these habits and encourage        Philosothons
      the boys to think about how to use these             Mr Snowball also plans to introduce
      personal qualities and skills in their lessons and   ‘philosothons’ for Philosophy Club for autumn
      day-to-day interactions. The hope is that they       2018, a method of debating which encourages
      will create an environment with learning             students to facilitate philosophical and ethical
               experiences that will give the children     discussions. Philosothons inspire huge
                    the best possible opportunity to       competitions in Australia and New Zealand and
 Every week boys develop and grow the broadest             Eaton House The Manor Girls will introduce
 are nominated to range of helpful character               some of the ideas into the classroom in spring
receive the soft toy dispositions.                         2019.
  for displaying a
                       The nominations are read out        Meanwhile, the girls also took ‘learning by
                                                           doing’ to a whole new level at Victorian Day
   characteristic. in assembly and the boys come
                   forward to receive the soft toy         when they were introduced to a Victorian style
           which then sits on their desk for the week.     classroom and got to handle and draw a
      The boys absolutely love this and are delighted      number of quite unusual Victorian objects.
      to be nominated. “It is exciting that the boys
                                                           Eaton House Belgravia Nursery & Pre-
      know and understand the vocabulary related to
                                                           Preparatory School, Eaton House Belgravia
      each learning habit,” says Mrs Borthwick.
                                                           Preparatory School,
      Challenging the girls to foster confidence            Eaton House The Manor, Eaton House                           Adventure Books help develop creative, evaluative
      Meanwhile, in the Girls’ School, the                 The Manor Girls’ School.                                     and analytical thinking skills. A Philosophy Club is
      Headmaster Oliver Snowball has introduced                                      planned for autumn 2018
      ‘Adventure Books’ because he wanted to
      challenge the girls with “open-ended questions
      that did not have a right or a wrong answer.”
      Instead, they were designed to develop
      creative, evaluative and analytical thinking
      skills. The girls use books with a mixture of
      spaces for drawing and writing so that girls can
      express their ideas with boldness and
      confidence. Questions can be fun and
      challenging such as ‘What’s more important,
      time or money?’, ‘What would happen if the
      world was ruled by elephants?’ and ‘Do you see
      yourself as more of a square or a circle?’ These
      books “help all the girls to answer questions
      with flair and are especially useful for
      scholarship preparation,” says Mr Snowball.
      Girls at Eaton House The Manor need to be
      prepared as many enter these examinations                                                                                        Learning by doing at a Victorian Day
      and 11 won scholarships in 2018.                                                                                                     September 2018 • Families South West 29
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