The Year of Charlotte Mannya Maxeke: Growing youth employment for an inclusive and transformed society - SASSA
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JUNE EDITION The Year of Charlotte Mannya Maxeke: Growing youth employment for an inclusive and transformed society Building a Caring Society. Together. VACCINATE TO SAVE SOUTH AFRICA 1
CONTENTS When Youth Unite Mountains Move 4-5 NTOMBAM Sanitary Towels that became a Social Movement 32-33 Statement by President Ramaphosa 6-7 Calling for Socio-Economic Emancipation for Women 34-35 What does Alert Level 4 mean? 8-9 Strength Beyond All Odds 36 Minister’s Message 10 International Day for Albinism 37 Message from Deputy Minister Hendrietta Ipeleng Bogopane-Zulu 11 New Centre of Excellence in Alex lights the way for Youth 38 From The Acting DG 12-13 Fighting Malnutrition with Skills Development 39 Message From The Registrar: Langi Malamba 14 Presidential Stimulus Package aids Limpopo ECDs 40-41 SASSA benefits from #LimitlessYouth 15 Young Beneficiary Inspired to grow her Agricultural Project 42 Meet Ms. Nandi Mayathula-Khoza 16 South Africa’s Gift to Africa’s Children - A Home 43 The Central Drug Authority has new board members! 17 Bambisandla-Sami upskills a Former Mining Community 44 Minister Lindiwe Zulu Leads by Example: +60 Vaccination 18 Government Launches Ant-Bullying Campaign 45 DM Leads The District Development Model 19 What are Child and Youth Care Centres for Children in Conflict with the Law? 46-49 Engaging with the community on Compliance for Non-Profit Organisations 20 Raising Socially Responsible Kids in the Digital Era 50 There’s Hope for former Drug User 21 Giving Child Offenders Purpose Post Conviction 51 Registration, legislation and information in session with Gauteng NPOs 22 From a Prison Cell to an Award-Winning Producer, Bongani Pikinini tells all 52 My Body, My Choice: Sex Workers Have Rights Too! 23 International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 53 ChommY Goes to eMadlangeni 24-25 DSD in Pictures 54-57 My Father 26 Two Women Advocates Dedicated to Children 27 DSD Helps Create Unprecedented Opportunities And Exposure For Young Women 28 Sisonke Sizophumelela 29 Child Protection is an extension of UBUNTU 30-31 2 w w w. d s d . g o v. z a 3
WHEN youth UNITE MOUNTAINS MOVE By Zizile Khumalo-Nyembe The wounds of young people racist nature of black education, pride in being one of the first According to 2020 estimates, the Ms Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu, date as far back as the arrival the youth of 1976 took to the government departments to have youth (aged 18-34) constitute a Minister Lindiwe Zulu and other of colonial settlers into the streets to protest against the a fully-fledged youth development third of the population (17 million). MECs have received inspiration Using the grant to Republic. The unified voice of the so-called “young lions” apartheid regime. The class of ’76 will forever be a benchmark directorate. mobilisation Through its programmes With challenges ranging from unemployment, unemployment, from youth who continue to drive positive change in their purchase seeds, roars between the references of youth activism in South Africa including dialogues, leadership substance abuse, depression, communities. With build-up Welile cultivated of political sciences up to the and the start of the relay race of camps, skills development, youth heading households, programmes throughout youth a farm that has highest of notes in church emancipation; a baton handed webinars and consultations- the moral degeneration, poverty month, the National Youth choirs. from generation to generation as department recognises evidence an inequality- young people Development Forum held events not only created the struggle evolves. 1976 was just one battle won. continue to spearhead youth- and webinars to engage and employment in the Fuelled by the compulsory The war has taken new shape and driven solutions that prove the guide young people in their life introduction of Afrikaans as a The Department of Social affects young people now more power of positive influence. Given journey. community but medium of instruction in schools Development, guided by the than ever. an opportunity, support and a defines resilience as well as the poor quality and National Youth Policy 2030, takes platform- young people of South Africa have organised themselves The closing national webinar, hosted on 30 June, recognised in its concept, to solve the multitudes of socio- the work done by 11 young implementation economic challenges they face people, whom 45 years later, and sustainability. on a day-to-day basis. prove that the spirit of the class of ’76 lives on within them. COVID-19 has seen more than 1.9 million infections, claiming One webinar participant, Her vision is to lead the way more than 60 000 lives. The Matshediso Marties, from towards farming innovations in youth of South Africa have Thabantsho in the Free State, had the Ilembe District and South been negatively affected the to suspend her NPO initiatives Africa. most especially with the Level5 due to Covid-19. She is one of #Lockdown. With the bravery a few young people striving to Facilitated by the Director of of King Shaka Zulu’s army, and make a difference in her village, Youth Development Dr Pearl the patience of the Koi and San who have approached Social Mlotshwa with panellists including men on a hunt, young people in Development for assistance to the National Youth Development respective communities took on register and fund a cooperative Agency, the webinar was a the baton to continue the fight. called “Proud to serve,” a powerful way to wrap up Youth From small business to youth Cooperative produces hands-free Month. empowerment programmes, sanitiser stands. cooperatives and NPOs, young May the undying spirit of the people have sharpened their Another inspirational story is the class of 1976 live within us. May strategies, responded to a journey of Welile Gambu, the the energies and innovations of multitude of challenges during founder of Azowel Projects and the young not overwhelm or every alert level of the pandemic. former beneficiary of the Child intimidate, but ignite us to do Support Grant. better. 4 w w w. d s d . g o v. z a 5
Until we have overcome this pandemic, we all have to play it safe, for ourselves and those around us. Difficult though it may be, we should not expose our elderly mothers and fathers to the virus through social visits. Let us keep in touch with them by phone or video messaging. If they live with us, let us ensure we observe proper hygiene at all times by washing and sanitising our hands. Frequently touched surfaces, including equipment used by our parents and grandparents like walkers and canes, should be frequently cleaned. FROM THE DESK OF We should limit our shared spaces where possible and wear a mask when around our THE PRESIDENT Monday, 06 July 2020 elderly relatives. At the same time we must be led by common sense and not isolate elderly or sick relatives at a time when they need us most. Dear Fellow South African, People with underlying medical conditions like diabetes and hypertension should be extra For those fortunate enough to have an elderly parent or grandparent still alive, not being cautious. They should observe social distancing, stay home if possible and stay away from able to spend time with them has been one of the most difficult parts of the lockdown. crowded places. Like everyone else, they should practice good hygiene and continue to DEAR need for the effective functioning intended to weaken the public of key network industries, such as For millions of senior citizens, social activities like meeting friends and family and attending or to reduce its role, but energy and ports, and by the need a more dynamic and effective part of to take make their medication. sector it energy generation. With the proposal to raise the licencing exemption term for many of our goods. For our exporters, it will mean greater for embedded generation – where competitiveness in global markets. One of the lessons from this pandemic is that we need a holistic approach to health. These reforms will ensure that while strategic infrastructure remains firmly in state hands, our SOEs will religious services and stokvel and burial societytomeetings are the the mainstay of their lives.our economy. FELLOW ensure that basic needs of all companies produce electricity for become more efficient and the South Africans, particularly the poor, Anecdotal evidence suggests many of ourand themselves people have other used the lockdown period to make commercial industries they support will become can be met. Because of social distancing regulations, most of these activities have been curtailed, Given the number of SOEs and the users – from 1 MW to 100 MW, positive lifestyle changes like doing more exercise or quitting wesmoking. can Such developments more competitive. Equally, these SOUTH As our exports differences between them, shouldwe arebe welcomed. If some expect of us even have more become private investment. healthier during the lockdown, we should reforms are important to ensure potentially leaving them feeling socially isolated and lonely. And leaving their loved ones Successive democratic not applying a blanket policy to these This is vital at a time when the country that SOEs implement their broader anxious for their wellbeing. Dear Fellow South African, administrations have supported the reforms. An intervention that works continue in this vein. is suffering from severe and sustained grow, our developmental mandates to support AFRICANS, idea of a mixed economy, comprising for one SOE may not be appropriate electricity shortages and where all citizens and the economy. public, The reality however is that in keeping our distance from our elderly parents and private and forms of collective for another, requiring a case-by-case Reducing the burden of neither Eskom lifestyle-related nor the on diseases state ourishealth economy will able tosystem is ultimately in the Welcome to the first weekly message 'From the Desk ofgrandparents the issues thatatinterestthis timeandwe could South concern be saving of the President'. ownership. their Africans,theselives. and talk The Each about the different balance workof forms week, between I will discussapproach. weownership some are doing in govern- invest in new generation capacity. best interests of our health, our economy and our own personal finances. expand and As we undertake this process of transformation, we are committed ment to tackle these issues. I hope you will find it useful. should be determined by the One of the most important reforms is Importantly, these reforms will give create more jobs. to deepening our engagement with developmental Coronavirus can infect anyone, but older people are among those at highest risk of getting needs of the country. in the energy sector. We have begun While the COVID-19 fatality Eskom rate is lowthe spaceAfrica in South to compared address its to the rest of the world, the labour to ensure that the voices of For some years now, South Africa’s Almost everyone I meet in the country, whether residents of Lusikisiki or business leaders in Johannes- the process of restructuringrising Eskom financial and operational challenges. workers are heard in determining the severely ill and possiblyenterprises state-owned dying. Sadly, there havehaveWe been a number of coronavirus outbreaks at number of infections is a caution against complacency. burg, is deeply concerned about the state of the economy firmly believe high and the stubbornly that rates public into three different state-owned of unemploy- They provide a clear path towards a future of these entities. old agemostlyhomesbeen and associated care centres, in resulting the publicin a number ownership of deaths. is are necessary ment. After a decade of low growth and deepening poverty, people looking forinsigns critical entities, of progress in responsible for generation, more efficient, financially sustainable More efficient ports will make the eye with state capture, financial sectors of the economy and that the transmission and If we follow all the prevention distribution measures we state-owned will be utility able that is to protect able to ourselves. We willwork entire economy also,better – and as Our policy remains that SOEs must tackling mismanagement the many challenges confronting our country. and inefficiency. In country needs robust SOEs that are In addition, datatoreleased byregular the Department respectively. This is because the provide cheaper, cleaner energy to all through our everyday actions, protect and keep safe those who are most vulnerable.port volumes increase, jobs will be play a crucial developmental role addition needing bailouts of ableHealth indicates that people with underlying to drive economic growth and previous structure of Eskom was South Africans. created at the ports themselves. in supporting the growth of our These medical concerns from conditionsare real. government,suchThis asyear, highthe some economy blood of will record pressure, the growthheart diabetes, that is lower than disease, renalexpected disease,(and transformation. ill-suited for a changing energy economy. Our task is to place them much lower than what we need). Government finances are stretched about as far as they can go, and asthmacountry’s and chronicbiggestrespiratory and most important disease are more vulnerable to developing severe landscape. It had become inefficient Let us remain cautious. Let Another us remaincritical vigilant.reform, Let us stay whichsafe.we Establishing the National Ports on a sound footing, so that they can several state-owned industries are looking companies at retrenching have beenworkers.This is particularly the case in the and costly and was not sufficiently announced last week on a visit to Authority as a Transnet subsidiary serve their ultimate shareholders – complications and dying from coronavirus. struggling to meet their mandates. delivery of public goods such as transparent. Cape Town port, is the establishment with its own board will, among the South African people. Much of the confidence that the country had 20 months ago has dissipated as the reality SOEs of the problems With best wishes electricity and water, where of the National Ports Authority as an other things, mean that revenues we faceThese According became to new state-owned research clearer. This published enterprises confidence by theborn was National ofInstitute outable are the tohope forthat pursue Communicable awe would quickly developmental Diseases, undo Thetheestablishment of a transmission independent subsidiary of Transnet. generated by the ports can be This will enable these companies to damage (SOEs) that should was done be at over a to the number forefront of Implementing of years. change a third of patients admitted hospital mandate with COVID-19 hadin leastdoes atthe onetake public time. The interest co-morbidity. as important entity in particular will mean that This is not a sudden development; used to replace old equipment and fulfil the task for which they exist – to issue is economic that we should andmovesocial in atransformation. determined way toopposedeffect change to a while purely commercial remaining one. commit- irrevocably Eskom will be able to purchase power it has been in the pipeline for more upgrade and expand our ports, work foster inclusive economic growth, to They are responsible for providing ted to rooting out state capture, corruption and malfeasance. from a broader range of providers, than 15 years since the promulgation which has been delayed for more promote the creation of jobs across This isthe infrastructure a significant concern andin a the services country such as Thatoursis thatwhyalso wehas high made have prevalenceit a of HIV both private and public. This will of the National Ports Act in 2005. than a decade. It will also encourage the economy and to ensure all South and on which the tuberculosis, the leading economy cause depends, of natural deaths priority in South of this Africa last government year. to turn improve transparency, increase the ports authority to treat all terminal Africans receive affordable, quality We collectively have a common task: to rebuild the confidence of our people, this time based not merely whether it be in the generation of these companies around, to root competitiveness and promote the This a crucial part of Transnet’s broader operators fairly and equally in the services. on hopeelectricity, and expectation of change, but commuter on concrete things that make a difference in the economy, real transport, out corruption, to improve their purchase of lowest-cost electricity. strategy to revitalise our logistics interests of port users. actions that Additionally, 'move more thethan needle'. 4.5 million South Africans have diabetes, a figure water provision, freight logistics or governance and to enablethat themhas todoubled The result of the changes currently infrastructure. Transnet plans to invest With best regards, telecommunications. since 2017. In the Western Cape alone, diabetes play the is arole co-morbidity they shouldin inover half ofunderway driving all will mean that households R100 billion over the next five years in Among other things, these reforms I believe this is eminently possible. Despite the difficulties, South Africans from all walks of life are still COVID-19 deaths. economic growth and employment and businesses should be able to buy upgrading its infrastructure across the will encourage greater private moved by It theis spirit of Thuma important to Mina rememberto become thatinvolved in fixing our country. They want to change creation. the electricity at a lower cost and be sure ports system. This will make our ports investment in the country’s economic narrativethe of doubtstateto a does narrative notof opportunity own these not through clever spin, but through action. South Africans of a reliable supply. more efficient and our exports more infrastructure. Some people have In aready are companies number to rise of to simply ourthe for the provinces, challenge. sake of it, including or Toand Gauteng thisWestern end, weCape, have testing embarked is being uponoffered competitive, and benefit the entire expressed concerns that this will to peoplebecause this is what the with co-morbidities suchdemocratic as diabetesawhether numberthey of reforms to strengthen show coronavirus symptomsThrough the renewable energy economy. diminish the importance or reduce Most of government the people I speak inherited to recognise from thehavethese that we madeSOEs progress so in turning that they our can country produce around. The independent power producers the value of SOEs. In fact, the contrary or not. This smart approach toourscreening and testing is part of our effort to limit infections changesapartheid that have state. Rather, taken place in many approach state-ownedthe results and enterprises thatin bodies the country like the needs NPA, SARS, programme, the there has been For the ordinary consumer, it will is true. amongtothose statemost vulnerable. ownership is informed by the and expects. police and the State Security Agency give people confidence that These we canreforms restore the not significant are credibility and private investment in mean reduced prices in the long integrity of the State. It shows that we are serious about tackling corruption and ending state capture. We will continue to be led by scientific evidence and adapt our strategies where necessary. 6 w w w. d s d . g o v. z a 7 There has also been progress on the economic front. A year ago, we announced an economic stimulus and recovery plan in response to our economy's first recession in nine years. Since then we have
youth employment for an inclusive and transformed society.” I officially launched the Lulwazi Lwethu Youth DEPUTY MINISTER’S Skills Centre in Nyanga township. The Skills Centre offers an array of new skills training programmes relevant to the economy and assist young people to MESSAGE prepare for the future of work, including digital skills. Gender Based Violence remains a pandemic in South Africa. The DSD portfolio continues to campaign against high levels of gender-based violence. Together with Mzansi ACT Now, I participated in a 5 kilometre Walk Against Gender Based Violence and social ills to mark the 45th anniversary of the 16 June HENDRIETTA 1976 student uprising in Soweto, when young people protested against the imposition of Afrikaans by the BOGOPANE-ZULU apartheid regime as a medium of instruction. The walk raised awareness on this and to highlight government MESSAGE FROM MINISTER programmes and services to prevent, reduce and empower victims/survivors. The Western Cape became the third province to benefit from a project fueled by a partnership with In Pietermaritzburg, I had the pleasure of delivering the Distell and Change Richmond Foundation where we keynote address at the uMgungundlovu Youth NPO renovated shelters for abused women. Summit organised by the uMzansi Youth in Business (UYB) and KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Department Women in South Africa face fatal abuse in the hands of Social Development. It was a great honour to of their intimate partners. listen to the collective voices of youth leaders, not only outlining their challenges, but also proposing solutions to development challenges confronting our country, including the global COVID-19 pandemic. Dear DSD Family, The youth of today are the torchbearers of the new It is documented that T struggle to liberate young people from a myriad of South Africa has the his month, we observed our annual Child Protection Week under the theme, “Let us social ills, including crime, drug and alcohol abuse, the brutal killing of women and children, and teenage highest rates of Gender to the dignity packs and personal alarms (Memeza) all Protect Children during COVID-19 and pregnancies. It is also no secret that unemployment Based Violence and Femicide we have handed over to victims of Gender Based beyond”. and disease, particularly the HIV and AIDS pandemic, (GBVF) in the world. Violence across the country. As DSD we will never be able to do all this work on our own we need the affects the youth more than any other section of our partner with the private sector. As part of Child Protection Week, the DSD portfolio population. The Department of Social Development participated in an interactive Children’s Forum has a responsibility is to ensure that youth are provided Women and their children who do not have housing Men remain an important partner in our fight against organised by Children’s Rights Organisation Molo with necessary support that enables them to rise from or shelter face the risk of being homeless or returning Gender Based Violence and Femicide. Songololo in Blikkiesdorp, Delft. The forum brought these challenges and to move towards a path of self- to an abusive home which may result in intensified together children aged between 12 and 17 in and sufficiency and a better well-being. violence, additional physical and psychological trauma I would like to commend the staff that have given around Delft township to discuss issues relating to or even death. selflessly in these shelters. Thank you for treating our the safety and protection of children in families, I would like to end my message with a plea to all DSD clients with dignity and understanding. And, to the communities and public spaces. I had the opportunity employees. As we move to adjusted alert level 4 to Shelters represent a critical point of intervention women who have found a home in these shelters - you to engage with these bright, young children on how flatten the curve against the current COVID-19 Delta and are a crucial part in the protection of women were victors the day you walked out of that abusive to create safe spaces for children especially those variant, let’s play our part by practising preventative and children who are victims of abuse seeking such relationship. living in communities affected by crime, violence and protocols to protect ourselves and the people we protection. gangsterism. love. Vaccination and preventative measures such as With the third wave upon us, let us carry on wearing handwashing, wearing a mask and social distancing The National Development Plan on GBVF 2020-2030 our masks, washing or sanitising our hands and As we continued our outreach programme in the remain our best defence against the virus. envisions a South Africa free from violence against adhering to social distancing guidelines. Western Cape, we also took the opportunity to women, children and LGBTQIA+. I would like to commemorate Youth Month under the theme: Stay safe express my gratitude to Distell for believing in my Mrs. Hendrietta Ipeleng Bogopane-Zulu “The Year of Charlotte Mannya Maxeke: Growing Minister Lindiwe Zulu vision, from the five men’s lounges we established Deputy Minister of Social Development 10 w w w. d s d . g o v. z a 11
MESSAGE FROM THE ACTING DIRECTOR- GENERAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, MR LINTON MCHUNU By Linton Mchunu T he month of June has been but disappeared in 1979, and his our communities and the question all South Africans under the new our interactions virtually and set aside as Youth Month whereabouts still remain unknown. is, what are we doing to ensure normal conditions of life. telephonically. and this year National Nobody knows whether he is still that they are protected against Youth Day and Youth Month was alive today. alcohol and drug abuse? What This month, the Department We recommit ourselves as the officially celebrated on 16 June are we doing to link them with recorded six active cases and this leadership to follow COVID-19 under the theme: “The Year various programmes, bursaries came as no surprise since Gauteng protocols by decontaminating of Charlotte Mannya Maxeke: and economic opportunities? If we has been amongst the four the buildings as and when there Growing youth employment for an The resilience are not careful as public servants, provinces which are already on the are new infections and our of the 1976 inclusive and transformed society.” history will judge us harshly for third wave of the pandemic. appeal is that officials should This is an annual exercise in the failing to reach a selfless stage also play their part in the fight remembrance of young heroes and generation must wherein we embrace the youth The continuous spike of new against this deadly pandemic. heroines who stood firm against not only revive of this country by lifting up their COVID-19 infections and the odds of oppression to mould a building block which led to our our memories hopes and aspirations. rate of deaths brought about more pressure Always keep in mind that Coronavirus does not move, 45-year-old democracy, which is but motivate us Recently, President Cyril and compromise on it is people who move the virus today envied by many countries of to do all we can Ramaphosa took a decision how best can we deliver from one place to another. the world. to improve the to put the country under social services to the living conditions Alert Level Four of the Risk most vulnerable South As deliberations are underway Their fight against Afrikaans as a Adjusted Strategy as a Africans. to readjust and introduce more compulsory medium of instruction of many young means to control and curb restrictions, we have to work did not come cheaply as many South Africans the spread of COVID-19 Let us do our best to collectively by adhering to basic lives were lost, including Mbuyisa Makhubo whose image remains who are still pandemic which is not foreign to all countries refrain from unnecessary physical contact, protocol: always wash your hands with soap, avoid handshakes, the face of the 1976 uprisings. confronted across the world. office visits and social sanitise and avoid social Credit for Mbuyisa’s image was by the triple His announcement gatherings as we may gatherings. I do not intend to instil made popular by renowned challenges compelled have more people fear into your lives but you should of poverty, photographer, the late Masana leaders in who are positive always remember that COVID-19 is Samuel “Sam” Nzima, who was both the although they real. born in Lillydale, a small village unemployment public and are not showing in Bushbuckridge and met his and inequality. private any symptoms. PLAY YOUR PART AND SAVE untimely death in 2008. sectors In an attempt MORE LIVES. to reflect to decrease Mbusyisa is the young boy who As we pride ourselves on the youth on how the number of ACTING DIRECTOR-GENERAL carried the body of the late Hector bulge which is an advantage for our to resiliently new infections; FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Peterson and was harassed by country; we should also advocate contribute whenever REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA security police after which he and promote their economic towards socio- possible, we escaped from South Africa. Reports empowerment. economic should try and said he found refuge in Nigeria, Most of these young people live in emancipation of conduct 12 w w w. d s d . g o v. z a 13
MESSAGE FROM THE REGISTRAR: LANGI MALAMBA SASSA BENEFITS FROM #LIMITLESSYOUTH Today as we reflect on the past gains That we have to fight for inclusion By Rapula Meso and Abednigo Bangani of our freedom in commemoration into the database of first responders of June 16, we awakened to the alongside health care workers comes from insightful interactions reality that the COVID-19 pandemic or fight for recognition to be has tested our resilience as a nation considered for the first round of during his experience as an Intern at and has set a different global vaccinations leaves a sour taste in my strategy and business development, agenda. Central to this agenda is mouth. I am particularly concerned and internal auditing and risk the appreciation for the role that about the mental health of social management units. the social service professions sector service professionals during these must play to stabilise society. trying times because they operate It has not been an easy road for the under poor working conditions and are thrust into risky environments interns due to COVID-19 disruptions because the work spaces they visit and lockdowns which affected their or operate under cannot be deep Registrar Langi Malamba learning and career development. However, there cleansed before they conduct In the midst of these uncertainties are struggles home visits, nor can the clients be screened like at the clinic or hospital The poor salaries and working the future leaders of SASSA were that this sector before being assisted. conditions agenda should permeate motivated to work remotely, must conquer effectively and efficiently within a our own dialogues as leaders of It stands to reason therefore that this country. Making a difference in When South Africa celebrates grants payments environment, tight period of time. such as the fight the very nature of the social service the lives of vulnerable individuals #LimitlessYouth in Youth Month internships at SASSA are an excellent for recognition professional’s work predisposes them to much higher risk than and families is integral to the role of social service professionals 2021, so will a group of experienced way to apply classroom theory to SSSA’s national footprint, coupled and inclusion interns at the South African real-world experience. SASSA’s with the interaction between can be imagined compared to who are trained to offer different Social Security Agency (SASSA). internship invites young people to various sectors of society, has given into the pool of other essential workers. I believe that during the upcoming months, Interventions suited to the needs of different clients. Committed, determined, hopeful, explore different career paths and interns first-hand insight into the essential care we need to activate change and skillful and ready to build a better life specialisations that suit individual poverty-reduction machinery of workers. mobilise resources to support social service professionals who are We salute all bona-fide social service professionals in good for all, the SASSA interns are gems who helped SASSA bring services to interests, from communication and marketing to internal audit, project government and new organisational developments. suffering in silence due to the many standing, who continue to selflessly the poor and vulnerable at the time management and information social challenges they are faced serve and render services despite of great human need. technology. Mapule Mkhabela, a departmental This fight is far from over. Social with. Mental illness is but one of the their own personal circumstances. service professionals have rendered many. The high unemployment rate coordinator at the Financial Thanks to all those employers and much needed services during the affecting the qualified practitioners practitioners who worked closely Inspired by the spirit of Youth “SASSA has given me the opportunity Accounting Unit, exudes confidence HIV pandemic and continue to cannot be left unchallenged because with the SACSSP administration to Month, SASSA has opened up to work with executives and I have thanks to her work experience render critical essential services the country is losing its Intellectual ensure that practitioners' license to possibilities for a youthful brigade of been exposed to how government gained at SASSA. “I have established during the COVID-19 pandemic. capital wealth to northern countries. practice is up to date. interns who will assist in steering the works with partner institutions so that professional networks and gained agency to deliver assistance during I understand the important role each important skills such as problem COVID-19. Living up to the words institution plays. This has reinforced solving, planning, leadership, Those who may still be experiencing challenges, please do not hesitate to contact us on the following email addresses; of Nelson Mandela, when he said, my understanding of Public communication and team work. “Our children are the rock on which Policy and its role players”, says SASSA is preparing me for my future our future will be built, our greatest Sangolomzi Gobo, who is currently employer and my confidence grows 1. Registration related 2. Finance enquiries 3. CPD or any asset as a nation. They will be the pursuing a Master of Management, each time I perform my duties”, she enquiries education and leaders of our country, the creators Governance (Public Development added. Mapule is grateful to SASSA 2.1. Receipts, proof of training related of our national wealth who care for Sector Monitoring and Evaluation) and her colleagues and feels that the 1.1. New applications, fees payment, Invoices enquiries: and protect our people”, the interns with Wits University. acquired experience is enough to payable, registration and statements Email: certificates, change of Email: have helped SASSA to pay the right place her head and shoulders above particulars, Email: social grant, to the right person, at Sangolomzi shared his future other graduates in the country. the right time and place. NJALO! ambitions to become a Risk Officer, helping government with *The authors of this article are also 1.2. Restoration, and status report, With multiple facets of dynamic identification, mitigating, monitoring interns at SASSA’s Communication Email: learning provided by the SASSA and evaluating risks. His dream and Marketing Department. 14 w w w. d s d . g o v. z a 15
THE CENTRAL DRUG AUTHORITY HAS Meet MS. NANDI MAYATHULA-KHOZA NEW BOARD MEMBERS! By Nomfundo Xulu-Lentsoane In May 2021, new members of the Central Drug Authority (CDA) Board were appointed. The CDA Board was established in terms of the Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependency Act No 20 of 1992. It serves as an advisory body with a mandate of fighting against substance abuse. Members of the Board are expected to work with key stakeholders including the Department of Social Development, law enforcement authorities, and the Non-Profit Organisations (NPO) sector to address substance abuse and its effects on families and communities. Nandi was appointed as a member By Nomfundo Xulu-Lentsoane of the Board of Rand Water for In addition, the board also assists with the implementation of the National Drug Master Plan (NDMP) 2019 – 2024 four years and that’s where she as approved by Cabinet in 2019. Ms. Nandi Mayathula-Khoza further sharpened her corporate was born and bred in Soweto, governance skills. The NDMP serves as the country’s blueprint strategy to prevent substance abuse and its related socio-economic Senaoane location. She is a impact on society. daughter to the late Reverend Nandi became the first speaker Castro and Mrs Monica Mayathula, of the City of Johannesburg in The term for the new CDA Board members will run for a period of five years. a school teacher. Both parents 2000, chairing the biggest council were politically involved in the and also facilitated empowerment struggle for freedom in our country. and training of councillors. She Nandi went to school at Phumzile later became a member of the primary, Hoernle higher primary mayoral committee responsible and Mncube Secondary schools for social and community in Soweto. She participated in the development and was deployed June 16 Youth uprisings against to Gauteng government in 2009 the use of Afrikaans as a medium where she became an MEC of instruction, Bantu education for Agriculture & Environment and Apartheid in general. and Social Development was added to her portfolio in 2012, Ms Dereleen James Dr Pelmos Mashabela Ms Momeena Omarjee Dr Gurunathen then an MEC for Infrastructure Kistnasamy DR GURUNATHEN KISTNASAMY Back home in the late 1980s, Development and again as MEC DR PELMOS MASHABELA Nandi was then Nandi continued being part of for Social Development from forced to skip the structures for people’s power, in the fight for freedom and 2016 - 2019, when she decided to step out of government in Board Members: 15. Mr Mogotsi Kalaeamodimo (Department of Social the country democracy. In the 1990s, she order for others to step in, to Development) at the age of was elected into structures of the complete her Master’s degree and 1. Mr Devon De Koker 16. Mr Zaheer Laher (Department of International ANC, including being secretary to establish a foundation to help Relations and Cooperation) fifteen years in of the ANC branch, ANC Soweto communities. 2. Ms Nomcebo Dlamini 17. Ms Nontsikelelo Makaula (National Youth 1977 and landed Subregion, a member of the ANC 3. Ms Dereleen James Development Agency) in Swaziland. regional and provincial executive committees. Throughout her work, Nandi has played a huge role in government 4. Ms Nomathemba Kela 18. Dr Pelmos Mashabela (Department of Correctional 5. Dr Gurunathen Kistnasamy Services) programmes to reduce harm, Nandi started working as an demand and supply of drugs in 6. Ms Matlhogonolo Maboe 19. Ms Bahumi Matebesi (Department of Employment Whilst she was studying there, she educator, then as a writer communities. She continues to play and Labour) 7. Ms Elna Mathonsi played an underground role of of education materials for this role in her original community 20. Major General Thokozani Mathonsi (South African 8. Ms Nyameka Nandi Mayathula – Khoza Police Service) a courier between ANC leaders corresponding matriculants, then through the Foundation where (APPOINTED CHAIRPERSON) in exile and ANC leaders in the as a community development she is a Board member and an 21. Mr Macdonald Netshitenzhe (Department of Trade country and was harassed by facilitator and due to her Executive Director. 9. Mr Thabo Morabe and Industry) police from time to time. Nandi activism, was later elected as a 10. Ms Rachel Motsepe 22. Dr Kgalabi Ngako (Department of Health) completed her matric from St City of Johannesburg Municipal Nandi is really humbled to be 11. Rev. Mlahleki Sokana Theresa’s high school and her Councillor in 1994, a Southern appointed as the chairperson 23. Mr Paseka Njobe (Department of Basic Education) Bachelor of Science and Diploma Metro local council/Soweto Mayor of the CDA and commits to 12. Dr Charmain Badenhorst (Department of Justice 24. Ms Momeena Omarjee (South African Health in education from Kwaluseni in 1997. She chaired a council contribute to its mandate to give and Constitutional Development) Products Regulatory Authority) University in Swaziland and later made up of various political effect to the National Drug Master 13. Ms Nolwazi Gasa) Department of Higher Education 25. Ms Norah Pitsi (Department of Home Affairs) attained a Bachelor of Education parties to transform the role and Plan of 2019 to 2024 and beyond, and Training) 26. Dr Mark Blecher (National Treasury). degree from Wits University. When structures of the municipality as part of the DSD and CDA 14. Advocate Andrea Johnson (National Prosecuting both her parents passed on, Nandi and serve people better. As an collective. Nandi continues to be Authority) was forced to return home to SA. executive member of SALGA, active at her ANC Mzala branch. 16 w w w. d s d . g o v. z a 17
MINISTER LINDIWE ZULU LEADS DM LEADS THE DISTRICT BY EXAMPLE: +60 VACCINATION DEVELOPMENT MODEL By Nomfundo Xulu-Lentsoane By Nomfundo Xulu-Lentsoane deep but I actually did not feel it at all. I am feeling very healthy and good but I was advised by the healthcare professionals that I must take a 15-minute break in the recovery room. This is to make sure that nothing goes wrong with me. It is part of the vaccination process,” she said. For Minister Zulu, her visit to the clinic also served as a service- delivery consultation. “It is my duty to ensure that other people who are receiving their jab feel that they are being treated fairly, that the waiting period is not too long, and to talk to the officials who are delivering the vaccination. It is important to know that they are feeling confident in delivering this service.” Before going to the recovery “You have nothing to fear!” These meet other older persons who, room, Minister Zulu appealed are the cheerful words of Minister too, were at the clinic to receive to all persons over the age of Lindiwe Zulu after receiving her their jabs. 60 - particularly those who have T first of two Pfizer vaccinations from comorbidities, to make sure that Randgate Clinic in Randfontein – “I was taken very good care of and they are protected by taking the he Deputy Minister of Social Development, provincial offices, provide implementation plans in Gauteng Province. was lucky to meet a 79-year-old vaccine. Mrs Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu, spent two line with the priorities that were outlined in the 2019 who had also been in the queue weeks in the Amajuba District in KwaZulu- State of the Nation Address. Accompanied by the CEO of and was equally looking forward to “Even after getting the vaccine, Natal to fulfill part of her mandate as the champion the South African Social Security receiving her jab.” you need to make sure that you of that district. She visited three local municipalities The District Development Model addresses service Agency, Ms Totsie Memela, the still adhere to all the COVID-19 between 3 and 16 June 2021 during which she led delivery and socio-economic challenges through 63-year-old Minister of Social Minister, at the time of receiving protocols and precautionary a variety of social development outreach activities. planning across all spheres of Government. Development said she was her jab in the beginning of the measures. Continue wearing your thoroughly impressed by the month, had been one of the mask, washing hands, sanitizing, The adoption of the Development Model by Cabinet Part of Deputy Minister’s portfolio is to ensure that process of receiving her jab. 2,3 million persons in the South and keeping your social distance. mandates that National Departments with district- Social Behavioural Change (SBC) Programmes are African population of over 60s who No one must think for a moment level delivery capacity, together with their respective recognised, realised and implemented in her District. “On arrival, I was taken through had registered on the Electronic that after the vaccine that you a vigorous, in-depth but short Vaccination Data System (EVDS) are safe from contracting the explanation of why I am here. I as part of the second phase of the coronavirus. I would like to further was given a pamphlet so that I am vaccination rollout. emphasise the importance of Some of the activities that DM engaged in included: able to read through the process keeping healthy by exercising, of vaccination at leisure. I was She admits that she was initially trying to eat well, and keeping • The launch of ChommY and Yolo also taken through a verification a little bit because of the size of positive. Some people think eating • The South African Network of People Who Use Drugs (SANPUD) launch process which included verifying the needle. “I thought it would healthy is eating expensive - it is • Dialogues with NPOs regarding the importance of compliance my personal details, my ID and be difficult or painful. When you not true! It is about consuming • Dialogues with Sex Workers place of residence,” she says see the process on television, you your vegetables, starch, and all the • Men and Boys Championing Change dialogues necessary foods.” • The handover of NDA-funded NPOS adding that she was happy to think that the needle is going very 18 w w w. d s d . g o v. z a 19
ENGAGING WITH THE COMMUNITY THERE'S FOR hope ON COMPLIANCE FOR NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS By Justice Malapane FORMER DRUG USERS By Justice Malapane I n her capacity as the champion theme; “The Year of Charlotte The Deputy Minister explained of District Development Model Mannya Maxeke: Growing youth that for NPOs to be exempted in Amajuba, KZN Province, employment for an inclusive and from paying income tax, they The Deputy Minister of Social the Deputy Minister of Social transformed society.” should first register with the DSD Development, Mrs Hendrietta Development, Mrs Hendrietta for compliance as this does not Bogopane-Zulu, gave hope to Bogopane-Zulu assisted community Whilst the DM advised them on happen automatically. To qualify young former drug users some of members with the registration many registration, compliance and for tax exemption, NPOs must whom have already thrown in the procedure and compliance for legislative requirements, community also register with the South African towel, given the stigma associated Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs). members learned that NPOs are Revenue Service (SARS) and submit with drugs. not allowed to own property as their Value Added Tax (VAT) to To ensure that community members the entities are not established SARS so they may be refunded. During the launch of the Provincial from Amajuba District comply with to make profits but to serve the South African Network of People the Non-Profit Organisations Act, needs of its intended recipients. One community member asked Who Use Drugs (SANPUD), the the Deputy Minister engaged with They were instructed to notify the how many NPO certificates are Deputy Minister said although them to empower themselves - DSD about a change of address, so allowed in terms of the law and drug abuse has a negative social an initiative of the ongoing Youth their details can be updated on the the Deputy Minister responded and economic impact for the Month programme under the system. by saying that there is no limit as country, drug users must not be long as the NPOs are not rendering discriminated against on the basis similar services. But she reiterated of their status in society. Established in 2017, SANPUD is a The Provincial SANPUD structure that no individual is allowed to own registered Non-Profit Organisation is part of Social Development’s or register an NPO as the entity (NPO) which aims to support initiatives to the address substance belongs to the community. She further its members through regional abuse problem in the country Those who are planning to register indicated that networks of people who use drugs by providing them with financial, and this is also in line with the National Drug Master Plan NPOs were advised to visit the NPO site on to submit the last thing logistical, administrative and (NDMP) 2019 – 2024; the country’ and upload their annual reports and drug users need technical support. It also defends strategic document which guides the rights of persons who use drugs stakeholders on measures to other documents or to go to their nearest Social Development office. is not wrong and also seeks to address the myths combat alcohol and other related Online registration is preferable names such as interpretations which often define substances of abuse in the and inform societal understanding country. as it minimises overcrowding and amaphara which of drugs, and their users. physical contact during the 3rd wave. they are often The NDMP, which represents a called with by Addressing the audience, the multi-sectoral approach to create Deputy Minister said that; “We a South Africa free from the harm their fellow have a joint responsibility as South associated with drug usage, community Africans not to judge, misinterpret and discriminate against persons misuse and abuse; also observes national and international policies, members. who use drugs. Ours is not to treat plans and conventions to ensure them as strangers who willingly respect and dignity for all people fell into the trap of drug abuse; in South Africa. These coordinated The launch coincided with this but give them hope of life and efforts require extensive year’s Youth Month programme; reassure them that despite their participation and involvement taking place under the theme; “The circumstances. They still have a from sectors of society without Year of Charlotte Mannya Maxeke: second opportunity to rise and exclusion of Government, the Growing youth employment for an meaningfully contribute to the Private Sector, the Youth, NPOs inclusive and transformed society.” country’s development.” and communities. 20 w w w. d s d . g o v. z a 21
Gauteng REGISTRATION, LEGISLATION AND INFORMATION MY BODY, MY CHOICE: SEX IN SESSION WITH GAUTENG NPOs WORKERS HAVE RIGHTS TOO! Sibusiso Chauke By Nomfundo Xulu-Lentsoane Addressing the gathering, Social Work Manager Ikgopoleng Rankudu, said the session was aimed dismiss you saying you are wasting at sharing information on Non-Profit Organisations government time and resources. (NPOs) legislation and implementation. When one They embarrass us and make us feel like we are less human.” registers an NPO they must remember that they are not selling products but rendering a service as per Her story of falling pregnant and the needs of a community. NPOs are governed by not knowing the father of her the NPO Act 71 of 1997. There are also Acts that child is another sore point at the are specific to services such as Older Persons Act, Department of Home Affairs. “They Children Act, Substance Abuse to name a few. keep sending me from pillar to post because I cannot name the father. This was echoed by her colleague NPO Financing Sometimes in our work, we sleep with more than one partner and Directorate, Deputy Director Nono Yende said, “It is due to circumstances of substance important for us to engage with you to ensure that abuse, we have made mistakes. funds are accounted for. Please submit your annual This can happen to anyone. Why The Gauteng reports to comply with the provisions of the NPO Act does my child still not have a birth 71 of 1997. When you have funds in your account certificate?” she asks. Department take your books to the qualified Auditor. Always verify your organisations' compliance status, to update As far as the sex workers in this dialogue are concerned, they can of Social both organisational and office bearer's details in the “Asinaluvalo… asinaluvalo, kulento the participants the courage – even use their bodies in any way that they National NPOs database”. esiyenzayo” … This is a song in the presence of police officials deem fit without being stigmatised. Development in belted out by 100 sex workers from their community – to speak “We do not force anyone to buy our The NPO Act came into operation on 1 September who have come together for the out about their problems with the services. Have you ever heard of a the West Rand 1998. It defined an NPO as an associated term for Civil Inaugural Sex Workers’ Dialogue in criminal and justice system. “These professional sex worker sticking Society Organizations that ranges from: CBO, FBO Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal. Hosted very police officers that you see a gun to a person’s head to force by the Deputy Minister of Social here, male and female, are the them to be a service recipient? We Region hosted and NGO. The main purpose of the Act is to create an enabling environment in which NPOs can flourish, Development, Ms Hendrietta people who abuse us in the streets. respect our craft! We deserve to be Bogopane-Zulu, this dialogue aims It is not only men but women too,” respected!” adds Silindile further and to establish an administrative and regulatory a Non-Profit to give sex workers a safe platform says 29-year-old Nonkhumbulo saying that her body pays for her framework within which the NPOs can conduct their whole family’s livelihood. “It is not to share their experiences and Mazingana who has been a sex affairs. Organisations challenges. worker since she was 18. like we even qualify for any grants because even SASSA officials shun NPO Registration Requirements are as follows: every In this session, sex workers will also “All we are trying to do is to us.” (NPOs) organisation that seeks to register as an NPO in terms of Section 12 and 13 of the NPO Act must provide be encouraged to express what they hope the government can do exercise our right to earn and fend for our families, but they want to Nomsa Mercy Rembe from the Sex information the following documents: constitution (founding to assist them with the difficulties curse us, abuse us and sometimes Workers Education & Advocacy they face in the field. After all, the even rape us. The male officers Taskforce (SWEAT) says although document), prescribed application form that contains sharing session at engagement is also attended by force themselves on us with the the organisation is doing its best the organisation’s contact, the office bearers’ details the Deputy Minister of Police - Mr threat that they will arrest us if we to assist sex workers in South and copies of their identity documents. Cassel Mathale, Deputy Minister of even try to report them because Africa, the call to decriminilise the Chief Mogale Hall The NPOs must also comply with municipal by-laws Small Business and Development – Ms Nokuzola Capa, and Deputy sex work is a crime,” she says. trade needs to be taken seriously. “We have been saying that sex in Kagiso. relating to environment, town planning, safety and Minister Mr John Jeffrey of Silindile Mthiyane agrees. “Even work is also real work and the fire. the Department of Justice and the health system rubbishes us. Criminal Law (Sexual Offences Constitutional Development. This town is very small so they and Related Matters) Amendment know those of us who work in this Act 32 of 2007 continues to make The full house and representation industry. You go for your normal us prisoners. We continue to be of government leaders clearly gives checks as a woman and they murdered! It is not yet uhuru!” 22 w w w. d s d . g o v. z a 23
ChommY Goes to eMadlangeni By Tsitsi Makina On a Saturday morning, the Bergsig directors, and Sindiswa and the KZN Department of Social LSEN School was abuzz with activity Phumelele directed the event with Development, Ms Nelisiwe Vilakazi, and bursts of green and yellow resounding success. The event encouraged ChommYs to make the as the Deputy Minister of Social commenced with the Deputy right life choices, and stay in school. Development, Ms Hendrietta Minister and the ChommY mascot She noted that even though it can Bogopane-Zulu, in partnership with champions Bokamoso, Nkanyezi take up 10 different people being USAID, hosted ChommY in Utrecht. and Ntsako leading the ChommYs involved in the lengthy reporting in dance to Samba Ngolayini. The process, ChommYs should still be ChommY is a social and behavioural jam-packed programme included encouraged to report child abuse change programme for children many of the ChommY children who and rape. aged between 10 and 14 years. spoke to their peers on issues such as the importance of staying in The line-up featured hip-hop artist, school and not doing drugs, as well Ntsika who treated the ChommYs as presenting poetry and a play. to a surprise performance of his The programme popular single Bambelela. In reinforces The event was punctuated by many it, he talks about having hope, fun and teachable moments, and staying the course and being kind positive numerous dance breaks, as each to each other. There were two behaviour by speaker had to dance as they came performances by the ChommYs promoting good up to speak to the ChommYs. With Phumelele (age 12) of her poem inclusivity and disability awareness titled ‘Who I am’ and Nothando choices, and being one of the sub-themes of (age 11) of her spoken word poem positive peer- the day, the children were taught to clap in sign language and how ‘Caution’. In the dialogue session with the ChommYs, facilitated by to-peer role to sign ‘Hello’, ‘How are you’ and ‘I Ms Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu, modelling. am fine’. The ChommY champions Bokamoso, Nkanyezi and Ntsako issues of drugs, alcohol, sex and absent parents were discussed interacted with the children during in an age appropriate and the event and encouraged them to engaging manner. She delved into The event was an overwhelming participate in dance breaks. prevalent issues and encouraged success, with 120 children the ChommYs to share their (ChommYs) in attendance (15 of The highlight of the event was the experiences of drug abuse and whom have disabilities). The event performance of the play ‘Zinhle’s alcoholism in the community and was hosted in a well-ventilated Choice,’ which was created and of absentee parents. tent, with allowance for social dramatised by the ChommYs. The distancing. The children sat on protagonist, 13 year old Zinhle, After the event, the children ottomans and beanbags, and a DJ makes one bad decision that enjoyed a packed lunch and treats played popular radio hits while the permanently changes her life. from the popcorn and cream stands, children waited for the event to The drama explored the themes while some joined the Deputy start and during the dance breaks. of consent, underage drinking, Minister and DSD staff in playing bad parenting, rape, bad friends, indigenous games (umgusha, ama- As is custom, two children were drugs, peer pressure and getting tins and diketo), hopscotch and chosen to be assistant programme help. After the play, the HOD of snakes & ladders: game of life. 24 w w w. d s d . g o v. z a 25
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