SCHOOL HANDBOOK


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7:15 A.M. - 3:15 P.M.

CONTACT AFTER 3PM 619.697.8273
The mission of Our Lady of Grace Catholic School is to prepare today’s students to be tomorrow’s leaders by integrating gospel
values, discipline, and academic excellence into a safe, Christ-centered environment for children grades K-8.

The parents, administration, faculty and staff of Our Lady of Grace Catholic School believe that:

Each child is a member of the family of God, created in His image, and therefore, is a unique individual of great dignity and worth.
He/She is called and entitled to develop to the fullest potential of his/her spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical endowments.

The most important parts of the development of each person are growth in love and respect for God and His creation, including
self, others, and nature, and for Christian standards of morality and conduct.

Education best takes place in the environment of a Christ-centered community that reflects the ideals of the gospel, and where
religious truths and values are integrated with the rest of life.

Parents, as the primary educators, and teachers, as the facilitators of learning, have a special calling to be ministers of Christ's
message to the children entrusted to their care. Therefore, they bear witness to and worship Christ, the Divine Teacher, in their
daily living.

With these principles in mind, this Catholic school community is committed to the following goals:
1.   To build among the children, parents and members of the faculty a vibrant faith community, where the dignity and worth
   of each individual as a child of God is recognized and valued, and where a spirit of mutual respect, trust, and cooperation,
   openness, and joy in Christian living prevails.

2.     To help the students grow in knowledge, understanding, love and imitation of Jesus Christ by presenting to them the
      good news of salvation in a manner suitable to their age and stage of development. This is done through meaningful
      participation in Eucharistic liturgies, creative prayer services and other various forms of prayer, in addition to experiences
      that integrate religious truths and values with daily living.

3.     To provide an academic program which further prepares the students for higher education and for responsible Christian
      citizenship in an ever-changing political, economic, technological and social world.

4.     To employ teaching methods and techniques that stimulate the student's natural curiosity and creative and critical
      thinking; develop a positive attitude toward life-long learning; promoting problem solving, effective study skills and work

5.     To maintain a balance among the religious, academic, social, and athletic programs so that the student maximizes his/her
      potential, while growing and becoming a responsible, caring, self-directed, informed, decision-making Catholic, capable of
      serving and transforming society.

6.     To foster self-discipline, accountability, and responsibility in our students by encouraging attitudes of integrity, justice,
      honesty, and a sensitivity to the feelings, beliefs and ideas of others.

7.     To help develop a spirit of patriotism and a love and respect for the ideals of democracy.

8.     To develop a sense of Christian leadership in our students, while encouraging them and directing them to use their
      abilities and talents to serve others.

9.     To enable the student to achieve a global perspective, an appreciation for and a respect and acceptance of various
      cultures, a sensitivity to the call from every part of the world for a more just society, and a commitment to pursue peace
      and justice among peoples and nations.

10.    To ensure that there is in every classroom, each day, a teacher who cares and promotes in each student a love of learning,
      a sense of self-worth, growth, self-esteem, and an appreciation of the individual uniqueness of each person.
SCHOOLWIDE LEARNING EXPECTATIONS - A graduate of Our Lady of Grace School is:

    1.   An active Catholic Christian witness who:
             a. Has a basic knowledge of Scripture, liturgy, and the teachings of Scripture
             b. Practices the Catholic faith and gospel values of compassion, truth, integrity, and service
             c. Incorporates Catholic morals and virtues into life decisions
             d. Expresses the Catholic faith through prayer, sacraments, and worship
             e. Contributes to the welfare of others through service to family, school, parish, and the larger community

    2.   A responsible citizen who:
             a. Understands and participates in the basic civic duties of a citizen
             b. Takes responsibility for one’s own words and actions
             c. Demonstrates a sensitivity to the feelings, beliefs, ideas, and rights of others
             d. Expresses an awareness of social justice issues and works for justice
             e. Respects oneself, others, and all that God has created, and makes choices which reflect this reality

    3.   A life long learner who:
              a. Demonstrates content and skill mastery as outlined in the diocesan and school curricular guides
              b. Shows self-motivation and a developed love of learning, and strives for academic excellence
              c. Is competent in finding, analyzing, interpreting, and utilizing information
              d. Communicates effectively, thinks critically, and applies problem-solving techniques to life situations
              e. Uses oral and written skills effectively
              f. Demonstrates competence in current technologies
              g. Shares his/her knowledge and helps others learn

    4.   An integrated individual who:
             a. Accepts the challenges of life with dignity and composure
             b. Understands the importance of making healthy life choices
             c. Uses one’s gifts to better the world in which he/she lives
             d. Takes initiative in leadership roles, takes direction while working as part of a team, and recognizes when each
                 role is appropriate
             e. Exhibits an appreciation for a wide range of fine arts and recreation
             f. Demonstrates sportsmanship

    5.   A globally-aware citizen who:
             a. Respects and appreciates people of diverse cultures
             b. Uses one’s abilities and talents to serve others in improving the economic, environmental, and social
                  conditions that exist in the world
             c. Learns from the accomplishments and mistakes of the past and is committed to the pursuit of peace and
                  justice among people and nations
             d. Keeps abreast of current events and world affairs
             e. Has an age-appropriate knowledge of the functions of local and national governments

Students in the younger grades use the Translated Schoolwide Learning Expectations to ensure understanding of these


  1.     A Catholic who:
             a. knows the Bible and what it teaches
             b. Shows love for others
             c. tries to live as Jesus did
             d. prays, receives the sacraments, and goes to Mass
             e. serves others
  2.     A responsible citizen who:
             a. understands and participates in the duties of a good citizen
b.   admits when he/she makes a mistake
             c.   tries to understand others
             d.   is fair with others
             e.   shows love for oneself, others, and all that God has created

    3.   A life long learner who:
             a. learns what is taught in class
             b. tries to do his/her best
             c. knows where to find information and how to use it
             d. can think and solve problems
             e. can speak and write well
             f. uses technology
             g. helps others learn

    4.   An integrated individual who:
            a. tries his/her best even when it’s hard
            b. makes healthy choices
            c. tries to make the world better
            d. knows when to be a leader or a follower
            e. enjoys art, music, and drama
            f. plays his/her best and is a good sport

    5.   A globally aware citizen who:
             a. respects people of other cultures
             b. works for equal opportunity for all people
             c. works for peace and justice among all
             d. is aware of world events
             e. knows how our government works

Our Lady of Grace School is a cooperative endeavor in which EVERY FAMILY in the school community has a vital role to play.
The school expects the following of each parent:
    1. To actively and constantly support the religious formation which the school seeks to develop in the children. Parents
        can do this by:
        a.   Taking time to talk to their children about God and their own faith;
        b.   Taking time to pray together;
        c.   Taking time to celebrate liturgy together on Saturday evenings or Sundays and special days;
        d.   Taking time to be informed about the religious concepts the children are learning;
        e.   Continually reaching out to develop their own faith life;
        f.   Modeling lives of strong Christian standards.

    2.   To willingly volunteer services and help build a strong school community by giving of themselves;

    3.   To show an active interest and participation in fund-raising activities. The school has additional practical expectations
         of the parents. Tuition and fees do not cover the cost of education at Our Lady of Grace School. The difference
         between our intake from tuition and fees and the expenses of running the school is considerable. We need all
         parents/guardians to participate in the fundraising activities, to meet their service hour requirement, and to work
         their scheduled events as specified in the school enrollment agreement.

    4.   To attend the two mandatory PTG General meetings each year and other meetings having to do with the students’
         educational or religious growth.

    5.   To facilitate open communication by bringing questions, concerns, doubts, etc., immediately to the teacher involved
         first, and then, if need be, to the principal.

    6.   To support the educational programs by fostering good study habits for your child/ren at home.

We are proud and blessed to be supported by the outstanding staff at Our Lady of Grace
Pastor                                                      Father Peter McGuine
Principal                                                   Mrs. Susan Hause
Assistant Principal                                         Ms. Kristin Klant
Grade K                                                     Mrs. Cynthia Keene-Herman
Grade 1                                                     Mrs. Jan Schulte
Grade 2                                                     Mrs. Amber Elizondo
Grade 3                                                     Mrs. Vicki Buck
Grade 4                                                     Ms. Maureen Tromley
Grade 5                                                     Ms. Lisa Yandell
Grade 6                                                     Mrs. Rachel Sato
Grade 7                                                     Mrs. Tornette Franklin
Grade 8                                                     Mrs. Erin Mares
Jr. High Science                                            Ms. Amber Mosier
Learning Support Teacher                                    Ms. Kristin Klant
Technology Center                                           Mrs. Linda Ruiz
Physical Education                                          Mr. Adam Frahm
Physical Education Assistant                                Mrs. Brandi Torres
Teaching Assistants                                         Mrs. Jeanine Barker & Mrs. Diane Rodinec
Math Assistant, Grades 5-8                                  Mr. Jim Stafford
Kindergarten Assistant                                      Mrs. Sandra Stafford
First Grade Assistant                                       Mrs. Kathy Voll
Second Grade Assistant                                      Mrs. Sarah Newlon
Art Instructor                                              Mrs. Deanne Duffy
Grs. 1-4 Music Teacher                                      Mrs. Linda Ruiz
Gr. 5 Choir Director                                        Bro. Kevin McGoff, OFM
Gr. 6 Music Appreciation Instructor                         Mr. Joe Cromwell
Lunch Supervision Coordinators                              Mrs. Jeanine Barker & Mrs. Diane Rodinec
Development & Admissions Director                           Mrs. Kelli Balistreri
Administrative Assistant                                    Mrs. Linda Peters
Before School Care Director                                 Mrs. Sandra Stafford
After School Care Director                                  Mrs. Jeanine Barker
Extended Care Aide                                          Ms. Kimi Ruiz
Custodian/Maintenance                                       Mr. Christian Valdez, Mr. Dan Breslin
Parish Business Manager & Facilities Manager                Mrs. Patti Kane


Our Lady of Grace School Advisory Council meets monthly to assist in policy formulation, mediation and program review,
school development and budget preparation. Once policies take written form and are properly approved and promulgated,
the active role of the Advisory Council changes to one of indirect monitoring through reports. School Administration is
responsible for implementation of school policies. School Administration is accountable to the Council for effective policy
implementation and administration. The Advisory Council functions in an advisory capacity to the administration. A list of the
current School Advisory Council Members is located in the appendix of this handbook.

The Parent Teacher Group is at the heart of Our Lady of Grace’s community building. They serve families, students, teachers,
and administration through varied activities. The Director for Schools approves this school organization’s constitution and by-
laws. A list of the current PTG Board Members appears in the appendix of this handbook.

The purpose of the PTG is:
     1. To enlist the spiritual, educational and social resources of home and school to provide the best Catholic education
     2. To provide an advisory function to the School Administration and a forum of exchange for parents and teachers.
     3. To foster the integration of families into the life of the local parish community.
     4. To promote a broader appreciation of the ideals of Catholic education.

The following is a list of responsibilities for each position on the PTG Board:

     1. Schedules and presides over monthly meetings, as well as the general meetings throughout the year.
     2. Consults with all chairpersons regarding progress of the activities of their functions or events.
     3. Keeps the principal current on all matters concerning the PTG.
     4. Ensures that all coordinator positions are filled.
     5. Organizes mentor family program.
     6. Establishes agenda prior to upcoming board meetings

    1. Performs the duties of the President if the office of President becomes vacant.
    2. Attends monthly Advisory Board meetings acting as a liaison between the PTG and the Advisory Board.

Recording Secretary
    1. Takes roll at all PTG Board meetings;
    2. Transcribes the minutes after the meeting, distributes copies of the notes to the pastor, principal, school secretary, all
        board members, and all in attendance.
    3. Makes minutes available before the next scheduled meeting. All approved minutes of any PTG Board meeting are kept
        in the school library, available to any interested individual.

Corresponding Secretary:
    1. Arranges for Mass cards, sympathy notes, thank you cards as necessary;
    2. Attends to any correspondence given him/her from PTG members;
    3. Checks with the school secretary on a frequent basis regarding new births, deaths or illnesses of school families.
    4. Coordinates the sign-ups regarding volunteers for PTG-sponsored events.

    1. Keeps accurate and up-to-date records available for audit at any time;
    2. Publishes monthly PTG financial statements summarizing the financial records;
    3. Provides a statement of balances to each board member present at monthly meetings.

Community Events Coordinator:
   1. Acts as liaison between the PTG Board and event chairpersons.
   2. Helps plan and coordinate special events as needed.
   3. Reports status of event preparations to the PTG Board.
   4. Attends meetings as requested by the PTG President.

Restaurant & School Lunch Coordinator:
    1. Plans and coordinates lunches for the school children when GUHSD does not serve.
    2. Plans and coordinates fundraising opportunities at restaurants for the school community.
    3. Reports status of event preparations to the PTG Board.
    4. Attends meetings as requested by the PTG President.

   1. Assists all officers with their responsibilities as needed
   2. Assists with all PTG sponsored events as needed

A list of the current PTG Program Coordinators is located in the appendix of this handbook.

The following is a list of responsibilities for each PTG program coordinator position:

Bike Rodeo Coordinator:
     Facilitates and coordinates the activities involved in the Bike Rodeo and Awards Assembly
     Coordinates the parent volunteers who help put the children through the bike skills tests
     Purchases the award ribbons/prizes
     Works with the Police/Sheriff/CHP Department representative

Open House Social Coordinator:
    Facilitates and coordinates the activities involved in the Open House Social
    Coordinates the parent volunteers who help during the event
    Purchases inventory of goods needed for the social

Head Room Parent:
    Meets with the principal prior to September 1st to discuss room parent responsibilities.
    Makes telephone calls and sends e-mails as necessary
    Acts as representative of each grade, reporting to the PTG or principal any problems that may arise and reporting
       back to the room parents with solutions
    Coordinates any functions or parties with each room parent. The principal will authorize ALL parties.
    Coordinates the Thanksgiving Food Drive, working with each grade and the volunteers.
    Coordinates the End of the Year Lunch and Field Day with each grade and the volunteers.

Hospitality Coordinator:
     Organizes refreshments for the PTG General Meetings, the Welcome Back Coffee, Teacher Appreciation and Christmas
        meals for the staff, Student Council Installation reception, Memorial Day Assembly reception, and other similar events.
     Provides a PTG supplies inventory to all event chairpersons and checks that all non-consumable items (tablecloths,
        wine carafes, candleholders, bud vases, etc.) are returned. Checks supply cabinet monthly.
Pixie Shop Chairperson:
     Coordinates the acquisition of Pixie Shop Merchandise.
     Stores, coordinates, selects & inventories items to be sold on consignment from vendor (store bought items).
     Manages set-up and sales on the day prior to the sale and the day of Pixie Shop (usually in 2nd week in December), 8
        a.m.-3 p.m..
     Re-packs inventory after the sale.
     Maintains and submits a financial record to the PTG and the OLG bookkeeper.

Service Hours Chairperson:
     Collects slips from the school office/e-mail messages from parents, recording them for each family;
     Sends a tally home at least by the middle of the contractual period, indicating numbers of hours earned to date;
     Provides the principal and Advisory Council members with a non-compliance list the first week in January through
        the compliance deadline.

Major Fundraiser Co-chairpersons: (in conjunction with the Development Director)
    Establish/meet with committee to work on event.
    Gather all donations and sponsorships for event.
    Handle all aspects of event including finance, ticket sales, publicity, location logistics, set-up, program, entertainment,
        auction baskets, decorations, etc.
    Maintain financial reports regarding event income and expense.

Used Uniform Coordinators:
    Maintain the supply of used uniforms and makes them available to parents throughout the school year.
    Collects fees from the sale of used uniforms and deposits them with the school secretary and OLG bookkeeper.

Development is the meaningful involvement of all shareholders of Our Lady of Grace School in the mission of the school and its
vision for the future. Shareholders include parents, students, faculty and staff, parishioners, alumni and their parents, and
other local community members. Implementation of the strategic plan is the goal of this diverse leadership group made up of
the Core Team and members of the subcommittees.

The structure of the Student Council consists of the board of executive commissioners and the commissioners-at-large. The
Student Council meets weekly. A Student Council moderator is present at all meetings. The students in grades 3-7 elect the
executive commissioners from grades 6 and 7 in early May. The candidates for Commissioner General are always seventh
grade students who have previously served on the council. The commissioners-at-large represent the respective grades, and
they keep students in grades K-4 informed of Student Council decisions, etc. They are elected from grades 4, 5, 6, and 7. A list
of the current Student Council Members is located in the Appendix.

Students must maintain these academic and behavior grades while in office. If a student’s academic grade/s fall below a C- on
a report card while serving as an officer, the officer will be dismissed from the Student Council and replaced by the alternate
for the following quarter, if deemed necessary. Students with a conduct grade of "B-" or below in any quarter of the school
year will not be eligible to serve on the Student Council.

Scholarship grades must average out to a "B", with no grade lower than any "C" in any subject. Students with a conduct grade
of "B-" or below in any quarter of the school year will not be eligible to serve on the Student Council.

All scholarship grades must be no lower than any "C" in any subject. Students with a conduct grade of "B-" or below in any
quarter of the school year may not be eligible to serve on the Student Council.

All scholarship grades must be no lower than any "C" with a "B" average in English. Students with a conduct grade of "B-" or
below in any quarter of the school year will not be eligible to serve on the Student Council.

All scholastic grades must be no lower than any "C" with a "B" average in Math. Students with a conduct grade of "B-" or below
in any quarter of the school year will not be eligible to serve on the Student Council.


In accordance with diocesan policy, Our Lady of Grace School, mindful of our mission to be witness to the love of Christ for all,
admits students of any race, color, and national and/or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities
generally accorded or made available to students at this school. Our Lady of Grace School does not discriminate on the basis of
race, color, and national and/or ethnic origin, age, sex, or disability in the administration of educational policies, scholarship
and loan programs, admission policies, athletic and other school administered programs.

Since the schools of the diocese are established and maintained by the diocesan community as religious schools, preference in
admission shall be given to practicing members of the Diocesan Catholic community.

     1.   In the case of parish schools, preference in admission shall be given to the children of active supporting members of
          the parish who maintain the school.

     2.   In the case of Catholic students, some preference shall be given to the admissions of siblings of students already
          enrolled in the school.

     3.   No person shall be admitted as a student in any Catholic school unless that person and his/her parents subscribe to
          the school's philosophy and agree to abide by the educational policies and regulations of the school and the diocese.

     4.   No Catholic student resident in the diocese shall be denied access to a Catholic school solely on the basis of inability
          to pay full tuition. (313)

     5.   Ordinarily, a student is admitted to a school with the understanding that he/she will be retained in the school until
          he/she finishes the course, unless he/she withdraws voluntarily or gives cause for dismissal.

     6.   No student shall be admitted unconditionally unless he/she has a reasonable, well-founded hope of successfully
          completing the school's program.

     7.   In doubtful cases, students may be admitted on a probationary basis with dates and criteria of evaluation clearly
          established in writing.

     8.   Each Catholic school retains the right to set local admissions standards and policies in addition to those specified by
          the diocese.

Prior to a final decision regarding the admission of a new student to the school, the pastor and/or principal shall have the
option of interviewing the parent/s of the prospective student for purposes of:
      1. Exploring the goals and motives of the parent/s in making application to a Catholic school,
      2. Clarifying mutual expectations, and
      3. Eliciting and/or confirming those attitudes and value commitments that are essential pre-conditions for the success
           of the school's total program of Christian education and formation. In the case of applicants for grades 6, 7 & 8, the
           prospective student may also participate in the interview.

A child who is five years of age by September 1, and who is developmentally ready, may be admitted into Kindergarten. A child
who is six years of age by September 1, and who is developmentally ready, may be admitted into first grade, The school
determines developmental readiness, using standardized screening processes approved by the Director of Schools' Office.

California law requires specific health screening procedures for all children entering school for the first time. Students must
have a health check-up within 18 months before first grade or up to 90 days after starting first grade. A School Entry Health
Checkup form must be completed at the time of the physical. Students must also have a dental check-up by May 31 of his/her
first year in school. An Oral Health Assessment form must be completed at the time of dental check-up. Both of these forms
will be kept in the student’s medical file.

No child may be admitted as a student unless he/she has complied with California immunization and health requirements. Up-
to-date immunization records must be presented to the school office prior to the acceptance of the student. Please see
www.shotsforschool.org for immunizations required by the State of California. Student’s entering 7 th grade must provide
proof of Tdap immunization and be current with all other required immunizations.

No registration will be accepted without Baptismal Certification (if applicable), Birth Certificate, and Immunization records.
Children transferring from another school are to provide report cards from that school. Transcripts are requested from the
previous school by the principal. Copies of I.E.P.’s, medical conditions, psychological or other academic testing must be
supplied. Failure to disclose these documents is considered grounds for dismissal. Emergency cards must be turned in asap
and kept on file in the school office. In order to better a student’s success at our school, all new students in grades K-8 are
accepted on probation. No students are considered for admittance into eighth grade without special considerations.

The probation period extends over the first two quarters of school attendance. At the end of each quarter the student’s
academic and social progress is reviewed and evaluated by the student’s teacher/s and school administration. The parents’
contractual obligations are also evaluated by the school administration. Parents are notified of their child’s probationary
status at the end of each quarter. Probation may be extended beyond the first two quarters or reinstated, if the school
administration feels the necessity. Probationary status at Our Lady of Grace School considers all areas of school policy
compliance including the following:

         The child’s academic progress, being capable of keeping pace with the other students in the classrooms, is reviewed
          and evaluated by the student’s teacher/s and school administration.
         The child’s ability to make new friends, get along with peers and settle in to new surroundings with some measure of
          happiness, security, and contentment.
         The child’s behavior and cooperation during instruction and recess time
         The parental compliance with school policy and participation in the life of the school and parish community.
         The parental compliance with the signed tuition enrollment agreement.

All students attending Our Lady of Grace School are evaluated yearly for re-admission. The requirements are the following:

         Regular attendance at Sunday Mass with children, if Catholic.
         Participation in Sacramental preparation with children, if Catholic.
         Participation in parish and/or school volunteer programs where applicable.
         Full financial support of the church.
         Financial support of school by payment of fees and tuition.
         Compliance with all aspects of the enrollment agreement.
         Support of the school’s philosophy, mission, teaching of Christian values, and administration; and agreement to
          abide by the school and diocesan regulations and policies.

         Regular attendance at Sunday Mass, if Catholic.
         Evidence of maintaining school regulations in all areas.
         Satisfactory completion of work for each school year.
         Consistent effort and at least average conduct grades.


Certain students who are unable to profit from schoolwork by reason of ability or emotional instability may be given a
recommended transfer on grounds other than discipline.

If the parents of a student do not accept a recommended transfer for academic reasons, expulsion will follow.

Normally, a child is not to be deprived of a Catholic education or otherwise penalized for actions of parents. However, the
principal may recommend the transfer of a student when parents have been persistently and overtly uncooperative regarding
school staff policies, regulations, and/or programs. A transfer may also be recommended when parents have interfered in
matters of school administration or discipline to the detriment of the school's ability to serve their own or other children.

The Catholic Church and this Catholic school recognize parents as the primary educators of their children. The education of
students at our school is a partnership between parents and the school. If, in the opinion of the administration, the
partnership is irretrievably broken, the school reserves the right to require the parent to withdraw his or her child. This is a
very serious decision that is not made lightly.

Students are to arrive on campus no later than First Bell. They are to be in the classroom when the bell rings for Morning
Prayers and the Flag Salute. All students should be seated in their respective rooms at this time.

Students should not arrive on the school grounds before 7:40 a.m. Students who arrive in their classrooms after the tardy bell
are considered tardy and must report to the school office for an admit slip into class. Tardiness places students at a real

7:50am                     First Bell, Grades 1-8
7:55am                     Tardy Bell, Grades 1-8
8:00am                     First Bell, Kindergarten
8:05am                     Tardy Bell, Kindergarten
2:45pm                     Dismissal, Kindergarten
2:55pm                     Dismissal, Grades 1-8

7:50am                     First Bell, Grades 1-8
7:55am                     Tardy Bell, Grades 1-8
8:00am                     First Bell, Kindergarten
8:05am                     Tardy Bell, Kindergarten
11:50am                    Dismissal, Kindergarten
12:00pm                    Dismissal, Grades 1-8
Students do not eat lunch at school on minimum days (except for those children in Extended Care).

Students are dismissed according to the schedule above. Students go directly home from school unless they have a specific
meeting or practice to attend. Only those students who are in a supervised school sponsored activity may remain after
3:10pm. All other students must be picked up promptly after school, or will be sent to Extended Care at 3:10pm.

Students will not be allowed to re-enter their classrooms after 3:10pm. This rule reinforces study skills, consistency,
accountability, and attention to directions. It also eliminates unnecessary disturbances during conferences, religious
education classes and after-school programs.

Faculty meetings are usually held on specified minimum Tuesdays from 12:30 - 3:20pm.

The principal retains the right to amend this handbook for just cause. Parents and students will be given prompt notification if
changes are made.

The ultimate decision concerning all school-related matters rests solely with the administration. The pastor has
administrative, personnel and spiritual responsibilities in relation to the school. The principal has, as delegate of the pastor,
immediate responsibility for implementing the philosophy of the school in its regular operation.

Please call the school office and make an appointment to see the teacher or principal if you need to discuss matters. This will
enable the teachers to give you their undivided attention. Please schedule all teacher meetings after school, if possible.
Teachers need the time before school for preparation of their classes. They also need to actively assist in dismissal procedures
until 3:10. When parents communicate with a teacher, they may expect a reply within 36 working hours. It is very important
that the teacher and parents work well together. Please keep in close communication with your child's teacher. It is expected
that parents discuss concerns with teachers before taking classroom concerns to the principal.

Teachers will keep confidential information entrusted to them so long as no one’s life, health, or safety is at stake. Parents will
be promptly notified of teacher concern.

In order to cooperate with student and family needs, the school should be informed of any custody arrangements. It is the
responsibility of the parent or guardian to inform the school of custody status and subsequent changes and/or arrangements.
The school will ask for legal written verification of these arrangements.

The school abides by the provisions of the Buckley Amendment with respect to the rights of non-custodial parents. In the
absence of a court order to the contrary, a school will provide the non-custodial parent with access to the academic records
and to other school-related information regarding the child. If there is a court order specifying that there is to be no
information given, it is the responsibility of the custodial parent to provide the school with an official written copy of the court

Lunch supervision is provided by parents and is overseen by the Lunch Supervision Coordinators and the principal.

We try to accommodate the requests of separated and divorced parents, thereby seeing that both the custodial and non-
custodial parents receive mailings, report cards, etc. However, the school office needs this information provided. If both
parents are to receive school information, please advise the school secretary. Regarding unofficial copies of student records,
non-custodial parents will be given access to these records, unless a court order providing otherwise is filed with the school.
Divorced parents must file a notarized copy of the custody section of the divorce decree with the school. Such a procedure
helps to protect the rights of everyone in the family. If one parent does not want the other parent to receive the school's
communication materials, the school must have a court order on file from the one parent stating this. If the non-custodial
parent would like to receive weekly bulletins, monthly newsletters, or class letter, submit a request to the office. Most of this
information is placed on the school website.

Parents may not interrupt classes at any time during school hours. Do not approach a classroom during school time. Always
enter the school through the Administrative Offices.

Neither teachers nor children will be called from their classes for messages during school time. If an emergency arises, please
contact the school office and the secretary will deliver a message to the teacher or child.

Any messages left in the office for the students must be clearly labeled. In case of emergency, the secretary will call the
student. Otherwise, messages left will be delivered at regular break times only (recess and lunch).

Faxing of personal items (i.e. homework or class assignments) to or from the school office is not permitted.

Students are permitted to use the classroom telephone or the office telephone with a written note from the teacher or with
permission from the teaching/office staff.

Parents are encouraged to see that the students bring with them in the morning all their books, homework assignments, lunch,
sports clothing, etc. Bringing forgotten items to your child at school does not support training in responsibility and is highly

NO student cell phones/other devices with wireless communication capabilities are to be brought to school, unless there exists
a situation requiring this device. That decision is made by parents, students and the principal during a personal meeting.
Then written permission by the principal must be sought by parent. If permission is granted and the proper paperwork is
completed and approved, the student must bring the device to the school office before the First Bell and retrieve it after
Dismissal so as not to compromise instructional time. These devices will then be kept in the Administration Building
throughout the day. The device is not to be used onsite before or after school without direct staff approval.

Phones are available in each classroom, with most faculty/staff members, and in the school office that can be used with adult
approval. No child lacks the opportunity to communicate when necessary.

Suspension will result if such a device is not approved by the principal and/or is deemed in the possession of a student during
school hours.

The school accepts responsibility for providing supervision for all students from 7:30am to 3:10 pm (8:00 to 2:50 for
kindergartners) each school day. Be prompt in picking up child/ren immediately after school each day. If child is at a sports
practice, a brother or a sister is not permitted to wait around school until after the practice. This is not safe. No adult is on
duty watching these children who are not practicing sports. Arrangements must be made for child/ren to be picked up.
Students will be sent to Extended Care at 3:10pm.

Persons, agencies, or organizations desiring to contact individual students during the school day are to receive permission
from the principal.

The principal does not allow students to be alone with anyone who is not a legal guardian even if they are law enforcement
officials, medical personnel, or counseling personnel not employed or contracted by the school without the child’s request.

Any person who comes on campus during school hours must report to the school office and receive a visitor's pass. This pass
must be attached to clothing. This will identify the person as a visitor with permission to be on our campus.

Items delivered for students must be labeled and left in the containers outside the front door of the Administration Building.
Items will be distributed to the children during the lunch period. Under no circumstances should anyone proceed directly to a
classroom, as this is disruptive to teaching and learning.

The school may not be used by a non-legal guardian for the exercise of visitation rights. Parents may not visit classrooms or
recess/lunchtime periods without permission from the principal.

Parents who wish to confer with teachers are to do so by appointment so as not to interrupt class instruction or preparation
times before and after school.

The school provides an Extended Care program for students in grades K-8. The Extended Care hours are 6:45 to 7:45am and
from dismissal until 6:00pm each school day. Care is not provided on school holidays.
     Morning Care is $5/day.
     After School Care is $5/hour (or any portion of an hour) for those students who have submitted weekly reservations
        forms by noon on the first school day of the week.
     Students who have not submitted weekly, monthly, or yearly reservation forms and need to attend After School Care
        will be considered drop-ins at a rate of $7/hr.
     A flat fee of $10.00 per child will be charged if a reservation is made, if no cancellation call or note is received in the
        school office by noon of the same day to cancel the reservation, and if the child does not attend.
     Participating families whose child attends or is sent to Extended Care will be billed through FACTS Incidentals

Registration should be made on-line, and forms are available in the school office for those who prefer. Emergency forms MUST
be completed before Extended Care can be used.

The telephone at the Extended Care location is operational ONLY after 3:00pm on regular school days 619.697.8273. If you
need to contact Extended Care before 3:00pm, messages can be left through the school office.


Children may be dropped off in the morning either at the DROP OFF ZONE on the lower parking lot or at the top of the stairs
near the Youth Room on the upper parking lot. Cars are to proceed next to the curb for drop-off. Parking MUST be NORTH of
cones. No cell phone use is permitted while in parking lot. No child or adult may walk across a line of traffic. Proceed north of
the cones to the Safety Patrol crossing at the alley between the church and the Administration Building to cross from the
parking area. If driving, observe the STOP sign at this juncture. The supervised areas for all students are the arcade areas.
Students are to be seated on the benches when they arrive so that others have space to pass by. There should never be any
running, jumping, ball playing, pushing or screaming on or near the benches.

All PICK-UPS in the afternoon will be on the LOWER PARKING LOT or at the base of the stairs at the UPPER PARKING LOT.
You may park in the upper lot and walk down and pick up your child/ren. Students waiting a little longer (brother or sister on
patrol or parent visiting with teacher, etc.) are required to be seated on the benches. Parents may not park on the lower
parking lot within the pick-up pattern of traffic. Please follow these guidelines:
      No cell phone use is permitted while in parking lot.
      Students unaccompanied by adults will not be allowed to come up the back stairs for pick-up. The parent or driver
         must come to the arcades and get them.
      Students will be picked up on the lower parking lot in front of school or at the base of the stairs at the upper parking
      The pick-up area on the lower parking lot will not extend past the first arcade.
      Parents may park on the upper parking lot, come down stairs, pick up their children and return to their cars.
         (Children must be with their parents or driver.)
      Traffic from the lower lot may exit through the upper lot.
      Sports teams proceed to their practices onsite only in the company of the coaches/designated adults.
      Families should keep the arcade walkways clear as students attempt to exit to their cars and waiting areas. Please
         wait at the lunch tables to collect children in order for all others to proceed to cars/waiting areas.

Safety rules forbid parking cars and walking children through pick-up and dismissal traffic lanes. Use the cross walk south of
the church. No automobile may be left unattended in car lines during dismissal. Safety Patrol officers are instructed to request
a driver to move if that driver stops or parks in undesignated areas. Do not use cell phones when driving in the parking lots.
Please follow the directions of the safety patrol personnel and the teachers on duty on the lower parking lot. They are all
working for the safety of the children.


The parent/guardian is required to call the school office (619-466-0055) before 9:00 a.m. on the day that a student is absent.
Homework requests need to be made by 9:00am and will be available after school in the office.

A student who has been absent is required to present to the homeroom teacher a written excuse stating the reason for his/her
absence. His/her parent or guardian must sign it. A phone call is not a replacement for this signed excuse.

When a pupil has been absent, a written excuse signed by the parent or guardian is required, and these must be kept on file
until the end of the official grading period. (upon reconcilement with office records)

When a pupil is absent without an excuse, the situation will be investigated and appropriate remedies applied. Truancy will be
reported to the attendance officer of the local public school district.

If a pupil is absent for ten or more days during a quarter marking period, any further absences must be verified by a physician.
Official grades may be withheld, unless the work is made up according to the principal’s and the teachers’ discretion. Steps
will be taken to pursue home health educational services through the county if the number of absences warrant.

When a child is ill, attending medical appointments, or representing the school in approved activities, the absence is
considered excused. Medical and dental appointments should be made outside of school hours whenever possible. Early
dismissal for medical or dental appointments, if necessary, is granted when a written request is made by the parent or
guardian. Law requires that students have a note from the dentist’s/doctor’s office when returning to school. Parents are
urged to keep such requests at a minimum and should be encouraged to make arrangements for care during vacation periods
or after school hours.

When a parent comes to pick up a child for an appointment, he/she must report to the office, and the secretary will summon
the child from the classroom. The child and parent leave from the school office after the parent has signed the child out.

The child must check in at the office upon return to school. When the dentist’s/doctor’s note is presented to the secretary, the
pupil is legally credited for attendance.

Homework for excused absences (medical or dental appointments, illness, or events in which the child is representing the
school) may be requested to be sent home with a sibling or to be picked up by the parent. However, it will not be available
until 3:05 p.m. in the school office. Please do not make this request unless
you intend to pick the work up and unless the child is sufficiently recovered to do a good job. A summary of the homework
and needed textbooks are gathered by students and/or teachers. Since time should not be taken from instruction/evaluation
by the teacher/s or the learning of classmates, time is minimal to accomplish this task. Every effort will be made to have
requested work/materials complete.

A pupil absent from school because of print, television, theater, or movie interviews, auditions, rehearsals, performances, etc.
is considered as an ordinary absentee (unexcused) and is marked as such in the attendance register.

If, for family reasons, parents wish to take their children out of school temporarily, the principal and teacher should discuss
with the parents the possible effects of such an absence.

Parents must notify ALL of their child’s teachers at least two weeks prior to departure. The report card and attendance
register will reflect these absences. Removing a child from school for other than medical reasons is strongly discouraged.
Uninterrupted daily, direct teaching instruction is necessary for a child to undertake classroom assignments, activities, and
homework with a measure of ease and success. Parents must complete, sign, and turn in the Extended Absence Form, found on
the school website, to the classroom teacher before the absence.

Teachers will not plan individual, special assignments for students to be done during unexcused absences. Make-up
assignments or tests shall be made available to students after any absence. It is the student’s responsibility to find out,

complete, and turn in the missed assignments/tests within the period of time designated by the teacher. Students shall receive
credit for satisfactory make-up work after an absence, including absences as a result of suspension, but shall receive a zero for
any assignment or test not made up within the allotted time.

No make-up work can replicate the learning environment of the classroom. It is understood that class discussions, some in-
class assignments (e.g. labs, etc.), and some minor quizzes cannot be replicated by the teacher. Assessments may include this
material. Thus, it must be noted that exemption from these experiences may result in fewer grades to average at the end of the
quarter and will affect the child’s grade. These situations are viewed as natural consequences of absences.

Students who are absent from school because of illness or unexcused absences may not participate in any after school activity
on the days of these absences.

Students remain on the school grounds at all times during the school day (recess and lunch period included) unless there is a
previous arrangement between parent and school. Students are not allowed to leave campus after school and return for after
school activities unless a parent accompanies them.

California State Law assigns the responsibility for the safety and well being of registered students to the school "in locus
parentis" (in the place of the parents). Therefore, certain very specific guidelines must be followed for the safety of the
students. When a student arrives at Our Lady of Grace School for a regularly scheduled school day, the school accepts the
responsibility for the monitoring and protection of that student. However, any student who leaves the school grounds without
specific administrative consent, NEGATES THIS RESPONSIBILITY.

Any student who leaves the premises AFTER SCHOOL is not allowed to return to the school grounds for any after-school
sponsored activity without that child's parent in attendance. Our Lady of Grace School's legal responsibility ends when a
student leaves the campus. The school’s responsibility can only be reinstated by the parent's presence on campus.

School-sponsored field trips for which proper permission forms have been obtained are not affected by this policy.

A pupil is tardy if he/she arrives after the time fixed by school policy for beginning of the morning (7:55 a.m. for grs 1-8 and
8:05 a.m. for kindergarten) or afternoon session (12:20 p.m.). If he/she comes after morning recess or leaves before 2:00 p.m.,
he/she is marked absent half a day. Parents, make every effort to have your child and/or carpool arrive on time for school.
Students are to be on time for all classes during the school day.

Parents are encouraged to strive for and encourage punctuality in their children since student tardiness interferes with
academic progress, is disruptive to the class and teacher, negatively affects the student’s attitude toward the importance of
school, and can create feelings of embarrassment and discomfort on the part of the student. Chronic tardiness will be noted
and may necessitate a parent conference with the principal.

Any student who is absent from school for more than three days without a valid excuse or who is tardy in excess of 30 minutes
each of four days or more in one school year is a truant. Truancy can be reported to the attendance office of the local public
school district.

A pupil who has been reported once as a truant and who is absent again from school without a valid excuse one or more days,
or is tardy on one or more days, can be reported again as a truant to the attendance officer of the local public school district.

A pupil is considered habitually truant if he/she has been reported as truant three or more times; the pupil is then subject to


Any adult noticing anything that might be considered a danger to any student (example: a piece of wire sticking out of the
fence) is requested to report it to the office so that the matter causing concern may receive immediate attention.

Animals of any kind are not allowed on school property at any time, unless a teacher has given permission and the office has
been notified. This includes those accompanying parents while dropping off and picking up children in arcades, parking lots,
kindergarten, and the field/Extended Care.

All students in diocesan parochial schools participate in the diocesan student accident insurance program. This insurance
provides benefits for students injured at school, on the playgrounds while participating in athletic contests, while directly
going to or coming from school sponsored activities. Student insurance is a secondary insurance to your family's primary
carrier. Insurance forms for additional coverage are available at the school office. All claims must be filed by the
parent/guardian. Claim forms are available at the school office. In the event of an injury, the school office is to be informed so
the proper forms may be prepared.

Students in grades 6 and above are invited to participate in the School Safety Patrol Program. These students provide a very
important public service. They are to be respected and obeyed by all students when on duty. Students or parents who
disregard patrol persons or safety rules will be reported to the principal.

Picture taking (stills or video) during school hours and during school curricular events will be authorized only through the
principal or a teacher. Those with permission must obtain and display a special badge from the office. There are families who
choose not to have their children’s images posted in any manner of social media. Parents in law enforcement, e.g. are very
conscious of the ramifications of sharing information about the identity or whereabouts of their children. You must ask each
and every family member of your class for permission before any information from field trips, sports games, etc. is posted. Do
not presume all agree with dispersal of images. Sending images of our students to friends, family, acquaintances on social
media may result in those images sent over and over to “friends”. The consequences of these actions may be serious.

Each student is to have an Emergency Care Authorization form on file in the school office. This form must be completed yearly
for each child in a family. The official Diocesan form will be used for this purpose. Parents are to keep this information,
especially phone numbers, updated throughout the school year. The form should contain the following information:

         Parent/s names, phone numbers (home, work, cell, etc.), address and zip code.
         Child's name and birth date.
         Physician's name and phone number.
         Names and phone numbers of TWO responsible persons to be reached if parents cannot be contacted. This is
          absolutely essential.
         Names of anyone who you are allowing to pick up your child/ren.
         Important medical information re: allergies, heat problems, respiratory problems, etc.
         Names of prescriptions and dosages regularly taken by the child

The end of the first week of school is the deadline for parents to fill out the required Student Data and Emergency Information
form on line. This information serves vital time of emergency and is important to your child's well being.

The diocesan safe environment policy is a three-pronged effort to ensure the safety of all who work, worship, or participate in
activities at Our Lady of Grace Parish and School. It includes:

     1. Recognizing risk factors and concerning behaviors associated with child abuse by mandating screening of all adults
     who work with children and young people on a regular basis or are with children who are not under the direct
     supervision of a teacher.

     2. Understanding the responsibility or obligation to report concerns by ongoing training of parents, educators,
     volunteers, church ministers, and others regularly involved with minors as to the issue of child abuse, including sexual

     3. Teaching children rules for reducing the risks for abuse and for telling a parent or trusted adult if they are abused.
     The school implements the diocesan provided “No-Go-Tell” program, using age-appropriate education pertaining to
     children’s personal safety and with direction as to when they should seek assistance from a trusted adult.

All adult volunteers that work in any capacity with the students must be Live Scanned and receive a clearance. All adult
volunteers are Live Scanned at their own expense. Forms to be given to the Live Scan operator must be picked up in the school
office. One copy is submitted to the school office following the scan.
All adult volunteers that interact with students in an unsupervised form must complete the Catholic Mutual Training Module –
Safe Environment Curriculum-San Diego. The training is completed online. Instructions are available in the school office.

Please take note of the Emergency Disaster Plan policy:
    1. No student will be dismissed from school unless a parent (or adult individual designated by the parent on the
         emergency form) comes for him/her.
    2. No child will be permitted to leave with another person, even a relative or baby sitter, unless we have written
         permission to that effect or that particular person is listed in the student's emergency information. With this in mind,
         if your child's form is not up-to-date, please revise on-line and submit to the office.
    3. All parents, or designated parties, who come for students, must have them signed out at the office or at the temporary
         Student Release Station at the entrance to the school ground field. Signs will be posted strategically around campus if
         this alternate location is required. We are prepared to care for your children in times of critical situations. If you are
         not able to reach school, we will care for your child here. We have a number of people with first-aid certificates, and
         we will be in communication with various local emergency services. We do ask for your help in the following areas:
                  Please do not call the school; we must have the lines open for emergency calls.
                  Following an earthquake or other emergency, do not immediately drive to the school - streets and access to
              our school may be cluttered with debris. The school's access route and street entrance areas must remain clear
              for emergency vehicles.

Fire drills are held frequently. Earthquake drills are held throughout the year. Should an earthquake occur during school
hours, the children will remain at the school under the teachers' guidance until it is safe for the parents to come and get them.
If the earthquake is severe and the buildings are unsafe, the children will proceed to the upper field. They will remain there
until picked up by their parents or by a person designated by the parents on the STUDENT DATA AND EMERGENCY

The person picking up the child/ren must sign a release form. Identification will be required of all persons picking up
students. Please notify the authorized persons that they will be required to show I.D. The school will be held liable if the
faculty does not follow this procedure. Exceptions will not be made for any reason. If some children have to remain overnight,
the faculty will care for them. Emergency supplies are already stored for the care of these children.

Lockdown “Shelter in Place” drills take place several times a year. Upon a signal, teachers and other adult supervisors close
and lock doors to ensure the security of students and physical spaces under their supervision. Students stay still and silent. If
the lockdown continues for an extended period of time, instructions will be given over the intercom. A suitcase in each room
contains food and drink for each child and teacher if the time span and the need should arise.

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