South Africa's debt counselling magazine - July 2013 - Debtfree DIGI

Page created by Jane Barber
South Africa's debt counselling magazine - July 2013 - Debtfree DIGI
South Africa’s debt counselling magazine

July 2013
South Africa's debt counselling magazine - July 2013 - Debtfree DIGI
S im plicit y
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South Africa's debt counselling magazine - July 2013 - Debtfree DIGI
Debtfree DIGI asked Debt Counsellor Octavia Hlatshwayo of Mzansi Debt
Counselling to help explain the debt review or debt counselling process.
Debt Counselling is a process which was               consumer will then formally apply by filling in
promulgated into law back in 2006. The Dept. of       application form through the DC disclosing
Trade & Industry conducted in-depth research          his/her financial position. The DC will conduct
to determine the causes of over indebtedness,         income and expenditure assessment , propose
reckless lending and better ways of dealing with      new repayment instalments and terms to the
debt. A decision was taken that Usuary Act and        consumer’s creditors. The DC will then refer
the Credit Agreement Act be withdrawn and             the debt review application to a Magistrate to
be replaced with the new National Credit Act.         grant an order. Should all negotiations satisfy
The National Credit Regulator was the industry        the court , an order will be granted and formal
body tasked to regulate the entire credit market      restructuring of all accounts will be finalised.
ie. Register Credit Bureaux, Credit Providers,
Debt Counsellors and most importantly to              Required documents         for the application
ensure that they all conform and comply to            are normally an ID Copy, 2 months bank
the NCA. Debt review is part of the NCA in            statement, copy of credit report (the DC can
section 86 which allows a consumer with credit        help you get this) and Proof of Income. It is
agreements with registered credit providers to        advisable that when one notices a negative
apply for the restructuring of his/her accounts       imbalance in income and expenditure or if you
in an effort to alleviate the danger of having        start skipping or short paying accounts, that
an impaired record, repossession of assets and        you immediately consult with a DC to seek a
still ensuring that debt obligation is fulfilled by   solution and recommend available remedies i.e
the consumer. Once a consumer has consulted           revisiting your Budget , making adjustments in
with a DC to discuss his/her financial status, a      your life and possibly applying for Debt Review
determination by the DC whether or not the            to safeguard your assets.
consumer is over indebted. An over indebted

                                  Debt Wise Solutions
                                              Debt review and distribution software.
                                    Proud Software provider to DC Partner, Payment Distribution Agency.

South Africa's debt counselling magazine - July 2013 - Debtfree DIGI
Administrators of the Debt Counselling Application Process
South Africa's debt counselling magazine - July 2013 - Debtfree DIGI
           07 Editors notes
               Our Editor Zak King speaks his mind about change.

           09 News
               All the latests events making headlines

           14 A National Credit Act -
              Draft Amendment Bill
           16 ABSA collections agents
              throwing away ABSA’s
           19 Letter from a reader
           20 Money wise celebrities
           26 DC Announcement board
           27 All Pro DC Newsletter
 Matthew   32 Service Directory
South Africa's debt counselling magazine - July 2013 - Debtfree DIGI
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South Africa's debt counselling magazine - July 2013 - Debtfree DIGI
Last month we looked over the last 12 months        their new address? Did you hear about CPE?
of Debt review industry developments.               Well, head over to the “news” section for more
Suddenly that feels so long ago, yes so much        details.
has changed.        Change…hmmm. Truth is,
we all like things to stay the same, no matter      We interview a sports celebrity as well as
how much we talk about how we want new              introduce a new feature from the Alliance of
experiences and to try new things, change           Professional Debt Counsellors (AllProDC). Be
scares us. In life, we try to find our niche and    sure to check that out if you would like to learn
stick to it as much as possible. We even fool       more about them. You see… even things inside
ourselves talking about the “good old days”         Debtfree change.
(they probably weren’t that good) and how
great things were back then. This is just another   This issue is jam packed. The team have been
effort to resist change and when change does        working hard to bring you a great issue, and
come around we cringe. What will happen,            you’ll be excited to know that our next Special
will I have to learn something new? I hope not.     Edition is a print version which will be available
                                                    shortly, keep your eyes peeled! Things change,
Well, sorry, things are changing. Even the          people change, but one thing remains the
National Credit Act, the foundation for the         same, you want to be Debt free. Keep at it!
entire debt review process, is changing. With       Today you’re one day closer to that goal.
the Department of Trade and Industry putting
forward a Draft Amendment Bill on the NCA,
things are moving ever closer to actual change.

This month we look at that and the events
surrounding it, as well as serving up a nice ‘ol
chunk of news. FNB has moved, do you know
South Africa's debt counselling magazine - July 2013 - Debtfree DIGI
South Africa's debt counselling magazine - July 2013 - Debtfree DIGI

For daily debt counselling news in 3 minutes or less visit

UNHAPPY PUBLIC                                 players in the unsecured lending industry.
MARCH ON BANKS                                 They say they are concerned about distressed
                                               borrowing and the resultant vulnerability to
On the 6th of July about 150 UBUNTU consumers and are determined to be proactive
members marched in Johannesburg. They in addressing the problem. As such they recently
were protesting against the practice of money initiated a series of talks with African Bank . The
creation and securitsation. They travelled key areas discussed were high interest rates,
from bank to bank delivering a memorandum reckless credit and consumer education. ‘’We
demanding more information about these want to point out that this was not a name and
topics.                                        shame exercise but a proactive approach in
                                               which for the first time African Bank was able
One of South Africa’s oldest (and largest) to sit down with a Debt Counsellor’s Forum
law firms Norton Rose, refused to receive the and carve a way forward to the interest of the
memorandum from the Marchers... so the consumer” says Randall Adams of the BDCF.
crowd attached it to the gate much like a
“summons” they say.                            The BDCF maintains that Debt Counsellors’ role
                                               in curbing the spiralling of debts through debt
Of all the banks only ABSA refused. “The other counselling are not fully appreciated in the
banks accepted it graciously” says Michael industry. “We want to alter the misperceptions
Tellinger.                                     and be a catalyst for positive change in
                                               consumer protection“. BDCF report that they
                                               will soon be engaging with Capitec Bank and
                                               Bayport on the same matters.
The Black Debt Counsellors Forum say that they DA WEIGH IN ON DRAFT
are seriously concerned about the astronomical NCA AMENDMENT BILL
rise of unsecured lending in South Africa and
quote a 389% statistical rise in this portion of The Democratic Alliance (political party) have
the credit industry within the last five years.  joined in those making comments about the
                                                 DTI’s Draft Amendments Bill for the National
The BDCF has been initiating talks with major Credit Act You can read their proposal and
South Africa's debt counselling magazine - July 2013 - Debtfree DIGI
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comments (including the weird one about current Debt Counsellor users (who make use
excluding bonds from debt review) here:         of their system) that they have brokered a deal
                                                with NPDA (another licensed PDA) to transfer over files on the EMINENCE system to their
about-proposed-nca-amendments/                  care. Here is part of their correspondence:
                                                CPE will integrate Eminence with NPDA from
                                                the first of July 2013. This will imply that you
                                                as debt counsellor will not be influenced by
CPE NO MORE                                     this transformation. Eminence support will
                                                be provided by HVDM Software and thus be
The National Credit Regulator recently decided serviced by ourselves.
not to renew the Service Level Agreement to
be a Payment Distribution Agent to CPE. CPE CPE will advise all consumers of the new
or Consumer Protection Excellence has been banking details and request that you assist
operating as a PDA for several years now us herein. All funds received in the CPE bank
under licence from the NCR. In their letter to accounts will be distributed by NPDA after
Debt Counsellors about their decision the NCR integration. Up until then CPE will conduct the
indicated that the effected DCs had to switch distributions as normal.
to a different Payment Distribution Agency
and inform them of the NCR of their choice of CPE have asked that if any consumer or Debt
new PDA by the 8th of July. This was quite soon Counsellor has any concerns that they contact
after the notice went out.                      CPE staff at once for assistance.

The NCR have further said that should the Debt
Counsellor fail to inform them they will take     Here are some contact addresses that those
it upon themselves to choose a new PDA for        effected can use:
the Debt Counsellor. It seems unlikely that the   Hannatjie Pienaar CEO : 083 650 6117
NCR will be able to enforce such a statement      Pine Pienaar : 082 414 4804
and if this was necessary however the intent is   Riaan Jacobs : 082 443 4865
clear enough: The NCR wanted effected DCs to      Inus Greyling : 082 443 1195
make a choice and to do so fast.                  Jacques Jonker : 082 442 3026

Many DCs have been stressed due to the
additional workload the forced shift has
created for them and are worried about the        COOMBE & ASSOCIATES
possibility that the move could cause trouble     COME UNDER FIRE
for consumers down the line. Some banks like
FNB have been very helpful and offered to         In recent months there has been much
assist DCs in any way they can.                   discussion over garnishee (or EAO) abuse.
CPE themselves recently communicated with         In the forefront of many of the stories is the
ACCOUNTING          |   TAX   |   AUDIT   |   CONSULTING

telephone +27 (0)21 462 7533
firm Coombe & Associates. So bad was the          NCR REPORT SHOWS
publicity that there seems to have even been      THAT CONSUMER DEBT
a name change and massive jump ship by            HAS WORSENED
principle members of the firm. Now it seems
that more than bad press is headed Coombe      The NCR have recently released some statistics
& Associates way. A Debt Counsellor has asked  (as they do every few months) relating to SA
for a Disciplinary hearing with the Northern   credit use. The statistics show that over the last
Province Law Society.                          few months more people have received access
                                               to credit and that more people than ever are
In particular the accusations against Coombe & not repaying their debt obligations.
Associates relate to:
                                                  The NCR report that in the past three months,
Garnishee orders which were obtained in           almost 200 000 additional consumers have
courts without nexus to consumer and Default      been classified as having “impaired credit
judgments being taken with interest rates of      records”. This means that the number of
60%. (This rate can only legally apply to short   consumers with poor repayment status is
term credit). Although the Section 103(5)         now sitting at almost half of the credit active
commonly called induplum rule applies to          consumers in SA (9.53 million).
such judgments and prevents run away debt it
is asked: is this legal?                          It seems that these defaults are among those
                                                  consumers who recently ran out and got
There will be an investigation into the matter    unsecured credit in the unsecured credit boom
and Coombe & Associates could face serious        of the past while. This portion of the credit
consequences. For more information contact        market has nearly doubled since 2010.
                                                  Debt Counsellors have been warning that
                                                  there was danger in this explosive growth
                                                  however most other parties insist that there is
FNB’S DEBT REVIEW                                 no “bubble” or “crisis” developing in this area.
CENTRE HAS MOVED OFFICES                          Recent reports by major banks have indicated
                                                  that they expect higher default numbers on
FNB Debt Review’s new address is:                 these accounts and this has seen bank share
FNB Towers                                        prices fall dramatically.

8th Floor
27 Diagonal Street
JOHANNESBURG CBD                                  Get daily news in 3 min or less. www.
National Credit Act -
Draft Amendment Bill
What it is and what it means for you

The National Credit Act has been around for       and ends up with two legal cases about the
6 years now and over time it has become           same account.
evident that there are some minor adjustments
needed to ensure that the purposes of the Act     Accounts which were left out of the debt
are actually met.                                 restructuring process because of the wording
                                                  of Section 129. This made no sense since the
There have been a number of very obvious          Section 129 letter advises consumers to go for
issues in regard to Debt Review, in particular,   Debt review.
that will now seemingly receive attention.
                                                  Reference to certain courts only in regard to
Some of these issues have been:                   certain types of debt review activities.

Lots of terminations of matters in terms of       It has been proposed by the DTI that Creditors
Section 86(10) were creditors simply decided      not be allowed to try leave the process once it
they did not want to try help the consumer        is set before a court and that when a consumer
through debt review and rather wanted to sue      gets a Section 129 letter these accounts can be
them. This creates extra costs for both parties   included if the consumer acts promptly.
DTI - NCA Draft                                     simplicity as well as corrections to some minor
                                                    numbering and phrasing errors which have
Amendments Public                                   caused some rather big problems.

hearings                                            Credit providers would like to see Debt
                                                    Counsellors obliged to make proposals to
Over the last month and a half the Department
                                                    them before making up court documents.
of Trade and Industry have been holding public
                                                    Debt Counsellors would like to see Magistrates
meetings country wide in an effort to get the
                                                    empowered to change interest rates. We will
publics input on the Draft Amendments Bill
                                                    now have to wait for the DTI to produce it’s
that they have suggested. These meetings
                                                    final proposal to see what has and has not
have been held in various provinces and it is
                                                    been included. The DTI have said they would
hoped that they allowed the public to have
                                                    like to see the proposal before Parliament early
their say about the proposed changes. The
                                                    next year. In the meantime all parties are still
meetings were well attended country wide and
                                                    operating under the current court rulings and
attendees were not only given a presentation
                                                    understanding of the NCA.
by the DTI team but also had a chance to ask
questions and make comments about areas
of concern. Various important points were                   YOU CAN READ OVER THE DTI’S
raised and the DTI team took extensive notes.              INITIAL DRAFT AMENDMENT BILL
The DTI also called for written comments and                            HERE
suggestions. Creditors, members of the public,
attorneys and Debt Counsellors (and more)
have now had a chance to comment both on
the policy document as well as the proposed
changes to the Act. The DTI extended the
deadline for submissions regarding the draft
proposed amendments to the National Credit
Act un till the 15th of July to certain industry
players upon written request. The original date
put forth was the end of June 2013. The DTI
hope that the extension for certain intrinsic
industry bodies would allow for more inclusive
and comprehensive comment. The DTI will
now collate all this info decide what to throw
out and what to keep and use to make a final
proposal to parliament. This will be the official
NCA Amendment Bill.                                   ABSA COLLECTIONS
What is hoped for is more clarity, increased
                                                      AGENTS THROW...
ABSA collections
agents throwing
away ABSA’s money?
It turns out that the consumer
                                               was indeed in arrears.

A Debt Counsellor recently reported on how            It is events like this that make consumers and
ABSA collections contacted his client in regard       Debt Counsellolrs cry: “ harassment “. Especially
to arrears on his account. It seems they even         in this case it is clear that there was no real
threatened to take legal action in regard to          financial benefit to this collections effort.
arrears on the account. The consumer explained
that the account is under debt review and that  Questions that the DC asks are: Should the
he doubted that there were any arrears as his   collections agent not know the exact amount
payments through debt review were up to         in advance of contacting the consumer? Why
date.                                           did the debt review department not contact
                                                the DC ? And why is the system calling up these
The collections agent was unable to inform small arrears amounts? Should a consumer be
the consumer as to how much in arrears the threatened with the creditor’s withdrawal of
account was. (Strange? You would think that involvement with a debt review and then the
that was the whole purpose of the call). The threat of further legal action to collect for such
consumer was naturally concerned. Had the a small amount?
PDA been making payments? Was there a
problem with the Debt Counsellors proposals? Think of all the stress, work created and the
What was going on?                              costs caused by this collection call. All in all
                                                this can be classed an epic failure by this ABSA
At this point the Debt Counsellor got involved. representative.
it turns out that the consumer was indeed in
arrears. The collections agent was correct!     * ABSA were contacted about this event but did not comment.

For how much?
For a shocking R0.85. That’s right 85 cents.

Consider this: The collections agent had to call
from Gauteng to Cape Town, the consumer had
to stress and the DC had to make telephonic                                                    NEXT
and electronic inquiries to figure out how
much the account was in arrears. All that over                            MONEY WISE
85 Cents.                                                                 CELEBRITIES
don’t be a twit

   follow us on
Gooday All                                         to restructure their debt but still able to make
                                                   more. This makes NO sense to me and I felt
I watched TV yesterday in horror as K              like it was a slap in the face of debt counsellors
Malakalaka, head of complaints, representing       who strive every day against insurmountable
the NCR and I think it was Elias from the NDMA     problems and odds to do a debt review and
were interview live on SABC1.                      get it through the courts.

Firstly they started speaking in Sotho and later   Then the NCR goes live, taking calls, with the
a viewer asked them to revert to English as so     NDMA who are in essence representatives of
many people were watching and could not            the Banks? The NCR should be promoting debt
understand.                                        counselling because if it acts in this fashion
                                                   it is only going to result in more consumers
It was made clear that the NCR handle              “reviews” failing.
COMPLAINTS and not the NDMA which was a
good thing. But how on earth can you explain       Another point that enrages me is that if the
the NCR almost “giving endorsement” to the         consumer is a potential debt review and not
NDMA after all that has been done to have          restructure client then who does the NDMA
them removed?                                      refer them to, to do their debt review?

I immediately got a staff member of mine to        This clearly was not well thought out and the
phone the NDMA to ask if they do debt review.      NCR need to go on record that the NCA and the
They replied that they did not, but could          NCR are there to assist consumers, otherwise
restructure a consumers debt. The next thing       why have they got a mandate to do so – that
they said was that they do not charge the          means any “entity” can be “endorsed” by the
consumer as opposed to debt counsellors who        NCR to get assistance.
charge high fees and that they do not place
the consumer on ITC, which Debt Counsellors      Debt Counsellors need some media coverage
do.                                              by the NCR as to what we do and the
                                                 importance of the process being formal. Yet
Now really, you now have a over indebted no training material is available and I have
consumer who needs assistance – hence the requested brochures since 2008 and to date
introduction of the NCA to make it a formal never received anything from the NCR.
process as well as assist the consumer to budget
– then you have the NDMA advocating that
there is no ITC listing, thus allowing consumers DB - Debt Counsellor (Western Cape)

         THE PAGE
Matthew Booth is a central defender for Wits       we (footballers) have very short careers.
University Football Club who has just recently
moved from Ajax Cape Town. He made his             Df Qu. What have been your best and worst
football debut for South Africa in February        financial decisions?
‘99, against Botswana at the Cosafa Castle Cup
and has played for Bafana Bafana 27 times.         M: My worst is almost always cars. During
Matthew has even represented South Africa in       trade-in time I’ve realised how much money
the Olympic Games in 2000. We spoke to him         I have lost due to the time/distance/value
about how he handles his money.                    equation. Besides my wife, my best investment
                                                   has always been, and always will be property.
Df Qu. Matthew, you are a famous, successful       Even though renting property out can be a
sports star. Surely you have lots of money,        pain in the rear, there is something tangible
Ferraris and bling. You don’t have to worry        about owning property.
about tough times and economic recessions,
right?                                             Df Qu. What are you currently doing to plan
                                                   ahead for the tough times (economically) to
M: This is a stereotype which South African        come?
footballers have tried unsuccessfully to
eliminate. Society expects us to be ‘blingy’ and   M: I haven’t necessarily planned for the ‘tough
footballers (especially young ones) are often      times ahead’ as so much as to plan for a future
pressured into making bad investments (eg.         without a regular salary (ie. once I retire).
buying a car before he has a house). The English   The best thing I did was to sit down with my
Premier League pays players exorbitant salaries    wife and a finacial advisor from my bank who
and for some reason people think that this is      clarified and advised us on what to do so that
the case in SA. I am not overly concerned about    our standard of living would not drop once we
the current economic woes but I have certainly     retire.
always been worried about my money after I
retire which has required me to invest wisely as
Df Qu. What do you say to consumers who are       Senior career*
always running out of money at the end of the     Years Team			          appearances goals
month?                                            1994–1998 Cape Town Spurs
                                                  					                        92    (5)
M: Stop living beyond your means and for          1998–2002 Mamelodi Sundowns
heavens sake, stop trying to compete with the     					                        114 (6)
Jones’ because ultimately it’s not worth it. If   2001 → Wimbledon (loan)
you don’t have the cash for it then you can’t     					                        0     (0)
afford it.                                        2002–2004 Rostov
                                                  					                        52    (1)
Df Qu. Do you have any money saving tips for      2004–2009 Krylia Sovetov
our readers?                                      					                        107 (7)
                                                  2009–2011 Mamelodi Sundowns
M: Take a moment to step out of your body         					                        38    (0)
and analyse what you spend your money on.         2011–2013 Ajax Cape Town
Most people don’t even realise that they are      					                        40    (5)
spending cash on things which they don’t          National team‡
need because it has become such a habit.          1999– South Africa           37     (1)

DC Partner has representatives country wide
                            who visit our Debt Counsellor clients every
                            month. If you are in the Garden Route and East-
                            ern Cape areas here is your local contact person:

                            Arnold Steyn
                            I see Debt Counselling as a wonderful rehabilitation
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                            the opportunity to meet some exceptional Debt
Email   Counsellors who truly have a passion for helping
Tel 071 177 1909            people in need. !nterests: Action Cricket, Pizza and
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Debt Wise New Feature
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                             Debt Wise Solutions
                                          Debt review and distribution software.
                                Proud Software provider to DC Partner, Payment Distribution Agency.


DCASA W.Cape Debt Review EXPO
                                               Watch SABC’s Special Assignment all about
24th July 2013, Parow Golf Course              Securitisation and money creation here:
Meet, ask questions and chat at length with
various bank’s Debt Review Departments.        signment-expose-securitisation/

DCASA Annual Conference                        Securitisation translated into Zulu
21 Aug, Emperors Palace, Guateng               :
Speakers: Ingrid Goodspeed (Treasury)          tisation%20-%20Zulu.docx Please note that
Dawie Roodt (Economist) Lesiba Mashapa         NewERA does not take responsibility for this transla-
(NCR) Hennie Ferreira (MFSA) Rob Easton-       tion which was (very gratefully) completed for us by
berry (Retail) Louis de Cruz (Banks)           a volunteer.

DCASA welcomes Christina Muzondo to the team   For more information contact:

                                               The next NEC meeting will be held in Cape
BDCF have met with African Bank to dis-
                                               Town on 25 July 2013
cuss trends and challenges in regard to
unsecured lending. African Bank offered
                                               In our ongoing efforts to improve our indus-
to come talk to members at the July meet-
                                               try AllProDC met with DCASA this month to
ing about improving communication with
                                               look at ways the two associations can work
DCs. BDCF will be meeting with Capitec and
                                               together for the benefit of all Debt Counsel-
Bayport next.
The July BDCF seminar : 19th July at the Al-
                                               Look out for our Newsletter in this issue of
berton Civic Centre, Email
                                               Debtfree DIGI
for more information
Alliance of Professional Debt
      Counsellors Newsletter
The Alliance of Professional Debt Counsellors is an association for Debt Counsellors who are
commited to the debt review process as outlined in the National Credit Act. They hold regular
members meetings (which can be linked to online from around the country) and are busy with
initiatives to improve the industry.

AllProDC are busy every month meeting with important industry role players in an effort to
promote and protect debt review.

You may be wondering what they have been up to recently? Well, Debtfree is happy to announce
that, as of this month, you can now find out by reading their monthly newsletter inside the
magazine itself.

Sometimes a lot of the hard work that Debt Counsellors and Debt Counsellor Associations are
busy with goes unnoticed by fellow DCs and consumers. It will be great to now see some of that
behind the scenes action revealed right here. AllPRoDC will be updating not only their members
but our readers with the highlights of their activity each month.

Debtfree wants to extend a warm welcome to AllPrDC and we look forward to seeing what you
have been up to.

                                                           READ THE NEWSLETTER
                                                              ON THE NEXT PAGE
All Pro DC is proud to announce that we will    and regulation 56 and keep all documents
now be featuring our monthly newsletters        in safe keeping for the duration of the credit
to all our members and interested parties in    agreement and for the period thereafter as per
Debtfree Magazine each month.                   the requirement of the Act. – DC’s are currently
                                                experiencing that Credit providers claim that
Since the inception of All Pro DC in October the documents were lost or burnt in a “fire”
2011 we have grown from strength to strength when requests for documents for reckless
thanks to our dedicated members and very credit is investigated.
functional social media interaction with all
stakeholders in the debt counselling industry. THE COC OF THE NCR – SUBMISSIONS
                                                The Code of Conduct submissions have been
We would like to thank our members and the distributed to all the members and submitted
NEC for their participation in this association to the NCR for consideration. The detailed
and that due to their efforts we are now document is available upon request from
recognised by organizations such as DTI, BASA,
NCR and various other stakeholders.
                                                THE NCA AMENDMENT PROPOSAL -
ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES                           We have now finalized our submission to DTI
                                                for comments on the NCA Draft Amendment
All Pro DC has submitted a proposal for the Bill.
affordability assessment guidelines to the NCR
which includes the following amendments to MEETING WITH DCASA - JULY 2013
the current proposed guidelines:                All Pro DC have met with DCASA (17 July 2013)
                                                to consider ways we can work together for a
1.The consumer must provide proof of income; better future for all Debt Counsellors.
2.When referring to expenses the basic cost
of living must be defined as per the current                  CONTACT DETAILS
reasonable economic expectancies – the            
NCR must provide guidelines on reasonable
consumer expenses;
3.Current and historical credit information as            WEBSITE:
per section 81(2)(a)(ii) as listed with one or
more of the credit bureaux’s must be included      FACEBOOK:
in the guidelines;
4.Credit providers must adhere to Section 170

AA Debt Counselling Centre
Anthea Johannes
Tel: +27 (0) 21 982 0522                                                Debt Rescue
Cell: +27 (0) 84 402 7032                                               Neil Roets
                                                                        NCR DC 474
Alan Watts                           DEBTINC                            Cell: 083 644 7406
NCRDC 962                            NCRDC’s 1071, 1188, 1189.          Tel: 0861 800 009
NCR registered Debt Counsellor       Tel: (022) 713-2021                Fax: 086 523 0617
Tel: 084 4448439 Fax: 086 6501954    Fax: (022) 713-2028                E-mail:   Share Call: 0861 20 21 20    E-mail:
Central SA Debt Counsellors          SMS: HELP to 35075
082 950 7806
Fax: 086 563 1621                    DebtSafe
                                     0861 100 999
Consumer Assist
Johann Vermeulen                     Debt Serious
Tel: 0861 628 628                    We are serious about debt          Debt Management & Counseling
                                     Vida Scheepers NCRDC1792           Services
Credit Matters                       Po box 394,                        “The greatest glory in living
021 431 9100                         Garsfontein,                       lies not in never falling,             Pretoria 0042                      but in rising every time we fall.”
                                     Fax no: 086 553 9403               - Nelson Mandela
CS Debt Counselling                      Derry Burge NCRDC108
Bernidene Smith NCRDC 764                                               140 Irene Avenue, La Concorde,
057 352 4115/352 5000                Debt Rehab                         Somerset West, 7130
Welkom - Free state                  Colleen Van Wyk(BCom, LLB)         Tel: 021 855 5997
                                     Debt Counsellor NCRDC2619          Cell: 074 177 5375
Darran Manikam                       Tel: 083 290 0848                  Fax: 021 855 1195 or 0865413200
NCRDC704                             Tel: 011 740 7374                  E-mail:                   Fax: 086 716 9694
                                     Website:    Durban Debt Counselling Services
Debtbusters                                                             Suite 112,
0861 663 328 (NO DEBT)               Debt eezy                          1st floor Union Club Building
                                     Your Debt Solution made Easy       353 Sm ith Street
Debt Budget                          Ashley Carstens NCRDC858           Durban, 4001
Tel: 021 824 8885                    Tel: 021 839 2809                  Tel: 031 301-7893
                                     Fax: 083 512 4160 / 086 665 9125   Fax: 031 301-5809
Debt Solve Debt Counsellors          Email:
Office: 033 397 0945                 Website:
 Debt Counselling South Africa        Help-U-Debt (Parys)
 Cape Town Branch                     Marilouise
 Tel: 021 919 66 94                   082 920 6249                       The best angle to approach
 Rod De Witt                                                             debt is the Triangle
 NCRDC831                             Help-U-Debt (Vanderbijlpark)
 Visit:   Herma                              Caledon - Western Cape
                                      083 320 8303                       Contact Person: Yolande
                                                                         8 Hoop Street, 7230 Caledon
                                      Incentive Debt Counselling
                                      “Paving the way to a Debt Free     Tel: 028 212 2537
                                      Darran Manikam                     Ceres - Western Cape
                                      NCRDC704                           Leyll str 61, 683 Ceres
 Fair Finance Solutions               Tel: (031) 409 9379      
 Your debt is our priority            Fax: (031) 409 1327                Tel: 023 312 1292
 Amanda Fair                          Cell: 0845898286                   Fax: 023 312 2119
 Registered Debt Counsellor NCR946    Branches: Phoenix and Shallcross
 553 Jacqueline Drive                                                    Worcester - Western Cape
 Garsfontein Pretoria                 Indigo debt counsellors CC         71 Porter Street 6850
 Tel: 0861 26 26 32                   Tel: 087 808 9734                  Longitude: 19.44305
 Fax: 082 921 7093                    Fax: 086 580 8675                  Latitude: -33.64942
 Cell: 086 564 3674                                                     Tel: 0233420576        MG Consulting                      Fax: 086656801
                                      Strand - Helderberg Area
 Fincorp debt Counsellors cc          Telkom : 021 853 4537              Bloemfontein - Free State
 Cecilia Zwarts                       Mobile Phone: 082 450 7459         94 Zastron, 9301 Bloemfontein                  Fax Number: 0866 220 690           Contact Person: Yolande
                                      E-Mail: info@mgconsulting
 Holistic Debt Counsellors               Tel: +27 51 448 2828                                                   Fax: +27 51 447 9481

 Helpdesk Debt Counsellors                                               Viljoenskroon - Free State
 Allan Hoffman                                                           35 Denyssen Street, 7230
 Tel: 0861 000 754                                                       Contact Person: Johann Olivier
 Help-U-Debt (Vaal Triangle)                                             Phone: +27 56 343 0352
 Wanine                                                                  Fax: +27 56 343 035
 Tel: 082 445 3967                    Mzansi Debt Counselling
                                      Octavia Hlatshwayo                 Welkom – Free State
 Help-U-Debt (Potchefstroom)          Tel: 011 868 1185                  329 Stateway, 9460 Welkom
 Madra                                Fax: 0861 00 22 70                 Contact Person: Susan Roux
 083 390 3275                            Email:
                                             Tel: +27 57 352 6117
                                                                         Fax: +27 57-352 2355
                            EASTERN CAPE:                        DRS PORT ELIZABETH
                                                                 Derryn Fish
                            DRS ALBANY                           Cell: 084 515 6135
                            Office: 041 373 9693                 Office: 041 453 8961
                            Email:            Email:

BORDER REGION:              DRS ALGOA                            DRS SIDWELL EXPRESS
                            Marius Weyers                        Keith Le Roux
DRS BEACON BAY              Cell: 083 497 3219                   Cell: 073 207 1675
Johan Pretorius             Email:            Office: 041 451 0474
Cell: 082 324 4038                                               Email:
Office: 043 748 1139
                            DRS BOND CHOICE                      DRS SOMMERSET EAST
DRS BUFFALO CITY            Andrea Atkinson                      Luther De Bruyn
Herman Marias               Office: 041 393 7000                 Cell: 082 568 2970
Cell: 082 378 3743          Email:   Office: 042 243 1107
Office: 043 7210652                                              Email:
                            DRS CENTRAL EXPRESS
DRS KING WILLIAMS TOWN      Derryn Fish                          DRS UTENHAGE
Herman Marais               Office: 041 373 9693586 2020         Lynn Lindoor
Cell: 082 378 3743          Email:        Cell: 083 7174 183
Email:                                        Email:
                            DRS DESPATCH
DRS CRADOCK                 Isabe Landman
Office: 043 721 0652        Cell: 072 337 3328                   FREESTATE:
                            Office: 041 933 1189
DRS QUEENSTOWN              Email:             DRS GOLDFIELDS (Welkom)
Herman Marais               DRS HUMANSDORP                       Irvin Billy (Derryn Fish)
Cell: 082 378 3743          Morne Steyn                          Cell: 072 114 4427
Email:   Cell: 083 298 8182                   Office: 081 319 0083
                            Office: 042 291 0135                 Email:
DRS MTHATHA                                                      DRS MANGAUNG
Herman Marais               DRS NKONKOBE (Fort Beaufort)         Amanda Johnson
Cell: 082 378 3743          Bernadine von der Decken             Office: 041 373 9693
Email:   Cell: 083 2859289                    Email:
                            Office: 046 645 1898
                                                                 DRS FOREISTATA EXPRESS
                            DRS KIRKWOOD                         (Bloemfontein)
                            Keith Le Roux                        Derryn Fish
                            Cell: 073 207 1675                   Office: 041 373 9693
                            Office: 041 451 0474                 Email:
 Nelmarie De lange              Office: 041 373 9693             Sanele Zulu
 Cell: 079 236 3615             Email:        Cell: 083 543 3487
 Office: 053 591 0734                                            Office: 033 394 8319
 Email:    DRS ROODEPOORT EXPRESS           Email:
                                Derryn Fish
                                Office: 041 373 9693             WESTERN CAPE:
 GARDEN ROUTE:                  Email:
                                                                 DRS BELLVILLE
 DRS DE AAR                     DRS RUSTENBURG                   Patricia Bekker
 Veronique Louw (Derryn Fish)   Amanda Johnson                   Office: 021 948 8523 / 4
 Cell: 076 382 2020             Office: 041 373 9693             Email:
 Office: 053 631 1189           Email:
 Email:                                       DRS DIAMOND
                                                                 Clive Palmer
 DRS GEORGE                     KWA ZULU NATAL:                  Office: 021 421 8563
 Francois Van Zyl                                                Email:
 Cell: 079 522 1930             DRS GREYVILLE
 Office: 044 874 2820           Vyas Juggernath                  DRS TYGERBERG
 Email:   Cell: 083 206 0300               Craig Lakey
                                Office: 031 309 8716             Cell: 082 627 0957
 DRS EDEN (Hartenbos)           Email:          Office: 021 945 4062
 Bruno Mertsch                                                   Email:
 Tel: 042 291 1083/4            DRS KOKSTAD
 Email:      Melanie Louwrens                 DRS WEST COAST
                                Cell: 083 269 0424               Marius Coetzee
                                Office: 039 727 1430             Cell: 082 978 4407
 GAUTENG:                       Email:       Office: 022 713 3766
 Amanda Johnon                  Erica Mtshali (Amanda Johnson)   DRS SALDANHA
 Office: 041 373 9693           Cell: 076 578 8660               Marius Coetzee
 Email:      Office: 031 301 5990             Office: 022 713 3766
                                email         Email:
 Junique Julius                 DRS PHOENIX                      DRS SOLUTIONS
 Office: 012 807 4339           Vyas Juggernath                  Christelle de Villiers
 Email:   Cell: 083 206 0300               Cell: 084 586 5600
                                Office: 031 309 8716             Email:
 DRS PRETORIA EXPRESS           Email:
 Ben Vermeulen
 Cell: 082 442 8654
 Office: 012 331 2145
NDA Debt Counsellors                U-Win Debt Counsellors                 TRAINING
Your Trusted Debt Counsellors       Coreli Roos - NCR DC 509
Gary Williams (NCRDC 143)           Aliwal North, Burgersdorp, Bethulie,
Tel: 034 315 3880                   GariepDam, Smithfield,
Fax: 086 612 4112                   Springfontein                     Cell:079 626 66241            

                                    Zuné Coetzer Debt Counsellors          Compuscan Academy
                                    NCRDC 1599                             Setting you on course
                                    24 van der Stel Street, Dan Pienaar    Sales team: Megan, Marco, Priscilla,
                                    Bloemfontein                           Wouter, Monique
Penny Wise Debt Counselling         Tel: 051-4364515             
Cathy Foster                        Fax: 086 5870 845                      Tel: 021 888 6000
Debt Counsellor - NCRDC1977         Email:
Tel: (011) 794 9912
Fax: 086 719 3378                                                          You & Your Money
Mobile: 083 298 4467                SUPPORT SERVICES                       Western Cape: NCR Debt Counsellor
Email:                                               Training: For a Cutting Edge Course                 Staff Line Ndizani Executive           with practical input contact: You &
                                    Recruitment                            Your Money
Rihanyo Debt Counselling            Cell no: 083 3028163                   Dawn Jackson
(012) 804 50 57                     Direct Line: (011) 468 - 2150
                                    E- Mail:          net
SFA Debt Relief Consultants                                                Cell: 072 1769789
Adri de Bruyn                                                              (021) 761 3287
11 Market Street / Markstraat 11,
Paarl, 7646                                                                FINANCIAL
Tel: 021 872 1968
Fax: 021 872 2678                   Information resources & services       ABSA Customer Debt Repair Line                         0861 005 901

Think Green Debt Counselling        Designtimes                            Credit Ombudsman
Sandi Pauw                          South Africa’s creative resource       0861 662837      
Tel : 012 991 6638                                                         Experian
Cell : 082 460 7800                                                        011 799-3400
Fax : 086 219 2615                                               

                                                                           Fair Debt
                                                                           0829019788 or 012-3772558
 PACFIN Financial Solutions          STD Bank                                     LUCID Attorneys
 Head Office                         Debt review Helpline                         Tel: 011 880 1100
 Tel: +27 11 9757445                 Telephone: 0861 111 402                      Fax: 011 880 1101
 Fax: 0865368783                                                                  Email:
 36 Van Riebeeck road                TransUnion                         
 Kempton Park 1619                   0861 482 482
 Monte Carlo Building                Thinkmoney
 No 8 Voortrekkerstreet              Financial comparison website
 Kempton Park 1619                   Contact: Gareth Mountain
                                     Tel: 079 0996 798
 Kempton Park                                       O’Connell & Associates
 Contact: Reyno Coetzee                                                           Attorneys at Law
 Tel: +27 11 3945363                 WIZARD Vereeniging                           Keegan O’Connell
 Fax: 0866048002                     Making Mortgage Magic              
 Cell: +27 73 3690884                Wanine Smit                                  Tel 021 462 1663            Tel:+27 16 454 1132                          Fax 0866 504 550
 Boksburg / Germiston                Fax:+27 86 686 3678                          303 Millborough, 70A Upper Mill
 Contact: Armand Posthumus           Cell:+27 82 445 3967                         Street, Vreedehoek, Cape Town,
 Tel: +27 11 8921911                                   8000
 Fax: 0865620378
                                                                                  Prinsloo & Associates
 Nelspruit                           FINANCIAL PLANNING                           Attorneys and conveyancers
 Contact: Ann Baker                                                               Nanika Prinsloo
 Tel: +27 13 7415559                 Eric Streso                                  Farm Bergamot, Paarl 7620
 Fax: 0880 1374 15559                Financial Planner                            P O Box 6199, Paarl 7620
 Cell: +27 82 9024236                B Juris LL B CFP MBA                         14 Laing Street, Barrydale 6750               Tel: 0833273358                              Cell: 072-8558-106
 Springs                             Fax: 086 612 7912                            Fax: 086-623-5986
 Contact: Wynand Mclachlan                                              
 Tel: +27 11 8113728                                                    
 Fax: +27 11 8113728                 LEGAL
 Cell: +27 83 2754014/5                                                           RM Brown and Associates                                                               601 Pier House,
                                                                                  13 -17 Heerengracht,
 Gooseberry Business Advisory                                                     Cape Town
 Tel: 012 644 0589                                                                Tel: 021 431 9127, f: 021 425 0875
 Nedbank                              Karen van Staden
 Debt Rehabilitation & Recoveries     Tel: 012 998 9117 / 012 993 2132             Scheepers Attorneys
 Services                             Fax: 086 721 6467 / 086 662 1153             Gerhard Scheepers
                                    Is it time to expand your Debt Counselling
 0860 109 279                         Email:      
                                         you need specialist Attorneys with a national
                                    Do you need expert advice on how to protect
                                    your practice and your clients?
                                    Are you informed about recent statutory and
                                    CREDIT BUREAUS
                                                                  Dont miss out
                                    0861 514 131                   on a single
                                    Computer Profile Bureau
                                    0861 28 7328
                                                                    South Africa’s debt counselling magazine
Steyn Coetzee Attorneys / 
Prokureurs                          Business- 0861 63 60 70
Adri de Bruyn                       Consumer- 0861 10 5665
11 Market Street / Markstraat 11,
Paarl, 7646                         Micro Lenders Credit Bureau
Tel: 021 872 1968                   0861 28 7328
Fax: 021 872 2678                                         THE
                                    TransUnion                              Debt Counsellors
Agiliti CC                          0861 886 466                                 CODE
Colleen Van Wyk(BCom, LLB)            May 2013

Tel: 083 290 0848
Tel: 011 740 7374                   XDS
Fax: 086 716 9694                   0860 937 000
                                                                    South Africa’s debt counselling magazine

                                                                    June 2013

                                                                  If you want to subscribe, advertise
                                                                  or be listed in our directory
                                                                  please contact us! magazine@
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