FALL 2021 Renaissance Institute Lifelong Learning - Notre Dame of Maryland University

Page created by Teresa Klein
FALL 2021 Renaissance Institute Lifelong Learning - Notre Dame of Maryland University
Renaissance Institute

FALL 2021
Lifelong Learning
FALL 2021 Renaissance Institute Lifelong Learning - Notre Dame of Maryland University

 Trying something new can take you to places you’ve never
 investigated. Pursue your painting or history passion. Join a writing
 workshop. Discover new developments in science and technology.

K       eeping the minds, bodies, and spirits of adults age 50+ flexible since 1989, the
        Renaissance Institute is a lifelong learning community housed on the main campus of
        Notre Dame of Maryland University.

Renaissance Institute offers two semesters of noncredit courses, designed and led primarily by the
members themselves. As a member, you may take as many classes as you wish from our varied
catalog of offerings and, when ready, share your acquired knowledge by teaching courses on
subjects you are passionate about. Course topics have included literature, public affairs,
philosophy, history, music, art, languages, tai chi, film, science, computers, yoga, acting, and more.

We also offer member-sponsored activities and travel opportunities. Past trips have included
Costa Rica, the Canadian Maritimes, the Grand Tetons, and the Southwest U.S.


• Take as many Renaissance Institute courses as you like each registered semester

• Audit one credited Notre Dame of Maryland University course for $195

• Access the Notre Dame library, computer lab, dining hall and fitness center

• Receive a Notre Dame ID card that can be used for student discounts

 • Apply for an Amazon Prime Student account through your Notre Dame student email

• Enjoy free on-campus parking when NDMU reopens

COST: $230 for the Fall 2021 semester or $440 for the whole year

DATES AND TIMES: As stated in this catalog. Fall 2021 classes
will host some offerings by remote delivery via Zoom and others in
person on the Notre Dame of Maryland University Campus.

MORE INFORMATION: sbigley1@ndm.edu, emeade@ndm.edu
FALL 2021 Renaissance Institute Lifelong Learning - Notre Dame of Maryland University
Tuesday Classes Sept. 7-Dec. 7                                                                1

Tuesday Classes (Zoom)                           Sept. 7-Dec. 7 (Zoom)
______________________________                   ______________________________________
1) Musical Notes from Maryland                   3) All Things Italian (Zoom)(
(Zoom)                                           Sept 7-Oct 12    6 weeks
Sept 7-Oct 12            6 weeks                 9:30a.m-10:45a.m
                                                 Instructor: Carol Daddazio
Instructor: Mikell Worley/Nancy Heinold          Email: cdaddazio42@gmail.com
Email: ywmikell@gmail.com
                                                 Using film, photos and story-telling, we will
Join us for memorable musical moments,           explore different aspects of Italian culture:
then and now, as we listen to excerpts from      history, painting, architecture, sculpture,
movies, musicals, and video clips. We’ll         opera, the Medici and, of course, the Italian
share little known, behind the scenes, trivia    Renaissance. I'm hoping for a lot of
that will delight, surprise or even shock you.   discussion and input as we explore a
                                                 fascinating world.
Mikell, though not a native, has fallen in
love with all things Baltimore, particularly     As someone of Italian ancestry who has
the music. Nancy will share her expertise as     studied many aspects of Italian culture,
a lifetime resident, and Mikell will give her    Carol looks forward to sharing her
perspective through new eyes. Both               understanding and stories with the group.
frequent Maryland’s live music scene.
______________________________                   ______________________________
2) Science and Religion? (Zoom)                  4) Rivers of Maryland (Zoom)
Sept 7-Oct 12            6 weeks                 Oct 19-Dec 7            7 weeks
9:30a.m-10:45a.m                                 9:30a.m-10:45a.m

Instructor: Don Burggraf                         Instructor: Judy Floam
Email: donald.burggraf@gmail.com                 Email: jmfloam@gmail.com

Are Science and Religion at war with each        This 7-week class in lecture/PowerPoint
other? Can a person live in a world informed     slide format will look at the geography,
by both Science and Religion? This course        geology, and history of Maryland’s rivers
will explore the historical origins and          from the Pocomoke to the Youghiogheny.
interrelationships of two very different         Class participation is encouraged. This is
approaches to understanding life and the         mostly a repeat of the Rivers of Maryland
world we live in. We will find that the          course given in 2015.
correlation of these points of view is richer
and more complex than some may assume.           Judy has a master’s in Urban Planning and
                                                 worked in the planning field for over 40
Don is a retired Lutheran Pastor and has         years. Previous subjects taught at RI include
been a member of RI since 2017. His              Maryland’s Rivers, Baltimore’s
undergraduate degree was in biology. He          Neighborhoods and Baltimore’s Parks.
continues his interest in science, especially
in the study of birds.
FALL 2021 Renaissance Institute Lifelong Learning - Notre Dame of Maryland University
Tuesday Classes Sept. 7-Dec. 7                                                                2

______________________________                   Immigration and Refugee Service that deal
5) Thinking and Learning: A                      directly with refugee resettlement. There
                                                 will also be opportunities to discuss your
Cognitive Science Approach
                                                 family’s personal immigration story.
Oct 19-Dec 7             7 weeks                 Josef earned a BA in Architecture from MIT
9:30a.m-10:45a.m                                 and a city planning degree from UPenn. He
                                                 has worked in public agencies and as a
Instructor: Janet Currotto                       private consultant. Several of his consulting
Email: janet.currotto@comcast.net                assignments involved meeting with and
                                                 preparing reports about immigrant and
Cognitive science is a relatively recent field   refugee communities.
of study, which combines research from           Patricia attributes her love of politics and
psychology, computer science, philosophy,        government as well as her passion for social
neuroscience, and other domains to learn         justice to her Irish ancestry. She worked as
about the mind and its processes. In this        a community organizer, regional planner,
course we will zero in on what has been          affordable housing advocate, and as a
theorized/learned about how our brains           member of the cabinet of two governors of
process, store, and retrieve information and     the State of Maryland. As her “encore”
construct knowledge. (Lecture and                career, she became an ordained Lutheran
discussion.)                                     Pastor serving congregations in Delaware
                                                 and Maryland.
Janet spent her entire career as a Federal       ______________________________
Financial IT developer/manager after
                                                 7) The Great Experiment, Parts
receiving a B.S. in Mathematics at UMD.
Upon retirement, she earned an MS in             One and Two (Zoom)
Educational Studies at JHU, focusing on          Sept 7-Dec 7            13 weeks
mathematics learning and the use of IT in        9:30a.m-10:45a.m
______________________________                   Instructor: John Danz
                                                 Email: john.danz123@gmail.com
6) Immigration – Past History,
Future Prospects (Zoom)                          Knowing the outcome blinds us to the
Oct 19-Dec 7             7 weeks                 problematic character of the American
9:30a.m-10:45a.m                                 Revolution; the outcome was never assured.
                                                 Everything hung in the balance. This course
Instructors: Josef Nathanson, Patricia Payne     will explore how our revolution redefined
Emails: urbaninfo@comcast.net,                   for the world the relationship between the
pastorpatpayne@comcast.net                       individual and the state. Part I will focus on
                                                 the role of ideas, divisions and political
This course will provide a brief history of      theory that led up to the Declaration of
immigration to the United States, the            Independence. Part II will focus on the role
evolution of the laws governing                  of ideas, divisions and political theory
immigration, and current policy issues. It       embodied in our Constitution and the first
will include sessions with local                 several Presidential Administrations that
organizations such as the International          developed our current governmental system.
Rescue Committee and Lutheran
FALL 2021 Renaissance Institute Lifelong Learning - Notre Dame of Maryland University
Tuesday Classes Sept. 7-Dec. 7                                                                3

John holds a BS in History & Political          The slow, deep breathing triggers a
Science from VA Tech. John has lectured         relaxation response in the body. Sequences
frequently on a wide range of subjects in       are standing and seated. Seated is always an
American & Maryland history within              option for those who prefer not to stand.
several adult education programs in the
Baltimore area.                                 Pamela has been teaching qigong since
______________________________                  2004. Previous Renaissance members have
8) Memory Pictures/Writers’                     described her class as easy to follow (even
                                                on Zoom) and peaceful, which makes her
Workshop (Zoom)
                                                super happy to hear.
Sept 7-Dec 7            13 weeks
9:30a.m-10:45a.m                                ______________________________
                                                10) Art Talks (Zoom)
Instructor: Elizabeth Fanto                     Sept 7-Oct 12            6 weeks
Email: efanto37@gmail.com                       11:00a.m-12:15p.m

Writers will write on self-selected topics in   Instructor: Terry Weisser
and out of class; respond to mini-lessons on    Email: terryweisser@gmail.com
fiction, non-fiction and poetry models; share
their efforts in response groups; and revise    Illustrated lectures by several speakers will
works as they choose. Beginning writers are     explore the roles curators and conservators
welcome.                                        play to enhance our historical and technical
                                                understanding of art. The focus is on the
Elizabeth is a graduate of TSU with a BS in     “back stories” about art, i.e. discoveries you
Education and MA in English. She taught         will not find on museum labels. Subjects
high school English and Creative Writing in     will include Faberge, beauty and the brain,
BCPS. She has taught writing and literature     Madame Pompadour’s elephant vases. a
classes every semester in her 20 years at RI.   Medieval reverse glass painted reliquary,
She was editor of Reflections magazine for      history of enamels, panoramic paintings.
six years.                                      Questions and discussion encouraged.

LIMIT 20 STUDENTS                               Terry was Director of Conservation and
______________________________                  Technical Research at the Walters Art
                                                Museum for 41 years. Graduating from
9) Qigong for Body, Mind, and
                                                Swarthmore College and the Institute of
Spirit (Zoom)                                   Archaeology in London, she continues to
Sept 7-Dec 7            13 weeks                teach, lecture and publish, as well as advise
9:30a.m-10:45a.m                                on preservation of cultural heritage in Iraq.

Instructor: Pamela Tanton
Email: pamelatanton@gmail.com

Qi means life force, gong means cultivation.
Qigong movements stimulate energy flow in
the body. They calm you, and at the same
time make you feel alert and alive. Qigong
can enhance flexibility and improve balance.
FALL 2021 Renaissance Institute Lifelong Learning - Notre Dame of Maryland University
Tuesday Classes Sept. 7-Dec. 7                                                               4

______________________________                  school music educator has taught Ray the
11) Downsizing and Organizing                   importance of joy in learning music.
(Zoom)                                          ______________________________
Sept 7-Oct 12            6 weeks                13) They Also Wrote: Stevie Smith,
11:00a.m-12:15p.m                               Barbara Pym, Philip Larkin
Instructor: Cindy Bernstein                     Oct 19-Dec 7             7 weeks
Email: cindy@aim4order.com                      11:00a.m-12:15p.m

This 6-week course will include tips, tricks    Instructor: Dorian Borsella
and strategies to help participants downsize,   Email: ghostgirl1649@gmail.com
declutter and organize any space in the
home. Topics include tackling paper piles,      Stevie Smith, Barbara Pym and Philip
photographs, donation resources,                Larkin are 20th century English writers and
determining what to sell and what to            poets. Pym 's "heroes" are middle-aged
donate/trash. There will be encouragement       women! As "swinging England" emerged in
to complete bite-sized weekly organizing        the 1960's, critics dismissed her, but not the
homework. Perfect for those contemplating       public. "Quartet" was nominated for the
a future move.                                  Booker award. Larkin's poetry is "..a very
                                                English glum accuracy about emotions,
Cindy, Professional Organizer and Owner         places relationships..." Stevie Smith
of Aim 4 Order, works with clients to help      (Queen’s Gold Medal) "I'm not waving I'm
them tackle their clutter issues and            drowning". This course will include lecture,
specializes in downsizing and moving            discussion and possibly film.
seniors. Cindy is delighted to return for her
third year of teaching at RI.                   Dorian has taught a wide variety of subjects
______________________________                  at RI since 2014. Her heart is in Victorian
12) Introduction to The Ukulele                 England but she has begun to move into the
(Zoom)                                          20th century!
Sept 7-Oct 12            6 weeks
11:00a.m-12:15p.m                               REQUIRED BOOK: QUARTET IN
                                                AUTUMN BY PYM (should cost about
Instructor: Raymond Forton                      $13 max)
Email: rgforton@gmail.com

Experience the simplicity, fun and joy of
making music playing the ukulele. This
course will include some history of the
instrument, basic music theory, learning to
read chord charts, strumming patterns,
playing simple melodies and songs.

Music should bring great joy, or at least a
few laughs and a good time to both players
and listeners. A 22-year career as a public
Tuesday Classes Sept. 7-Dec. 7                                                                  5

_____________________________                    ______________________________
14) More TED Talks (Zoom)                        16) New Yorker Roundtable
Oct 19-Dec 7            7 weeks                  (Zoom)
11:00a.m-12:15p.m                                Sept 7-Dec 7             13 weeks
Instructor: Nancy St. Pierre
Email: unlisted                                  Instructor: Brian Young
                                                 Email: perwhit@aol.com
TED Talks are a collection of videos by
some of the world's most inspired thinkers.      The New Yorker Roundtable is a weekly
We will watch some current videos and            discussion of articles in a current issue of
discuss each.                                    The New Yorker magazine. Each week, 4-5
                                                 articles are assigned to be read. They
Nancy is a retired IT Specialist who enjoys      encompass current events, profiles, poetry,
quilting, exploring spirituality and teaching    fiction and book reviews. The format is a
at Renaissance.                                  lightly moderated discussion where a
                                                 diversity of views are encouraged that
______________________________                   include not only content but writing style
15) What is going on in US politics?             and the author’s points of view.
Oct 19-Dec 7            7 weeks                  Brian retired from the aerospace industry
11:00a.m-12:15p.m                                where he served largely in program
                                                 management. Upon retirement, he sought
                                                 new and diverse friends in a New Yorker
Instructor: Hollis Jackson
                                                 group in his hometown in Connecticut.
Email: hollis1818@outlook.com
                                                 When he moved to Baltimore, he carried this
                                                 valued experience to RI.
We will watch a video of Great Courses on
how the Federal Government works and
                                                 LIMIT 40 STUDENTS
doesn't. We will explore issues related to:
                                                 Access to The New Yorker required
judicial branch, political parties, how we got
so polarized, politics and media. Overall, we    ______________________________
will examine the tension between liberty and     17) Pen and Ink Drawing (Zoom)
equality. Courtesy toward all members of         Sept 7-Dec 7             13 weeks
class is required.                               11:00a.m-12:15p.m

Hollis has been an RI member since 2010.         Instructor: Alina Kurbiel
She has taught numerous courses during           Email: akurbiel@ndm.edu
that time. She was a Social Worker for over
40 years and has been on RI Council twice,       Pen and Ink describes a drawing technique
as well as committees.                           involving the use of black and other colored
                                                 inks which are applied to a paper with either
There will be an additional $10 fee to           a dip pen or a reservoir pen. Because ink is
cover the cost of the Great Courses              not erasable, artists are allowed to start their
subscription.                                    drawings with pencil sketches. During this
Tuesday Classes Sept. 7-Dec. 7                                                                  6

course artists will draw various subjects like   watercolor washes are used to create
still life, animals, people and landscape.       beautiful pictures. The lines are usually
                                                 made with ink, applied with pens or
Alina was born in Silesia, Poland and            traditional nib or dip pens. The washes of
received her MA from Silesian University of      color are typically developed with
Technology. After years working for tech         transparent watercolors. During this course
companies, she decided to switch career          we will use Pen and Ink and Watercolor
paths to traditional art, working in             technique to paint various subjects as still
watercolors, ink and graphite pencils. She is    life, animals, people and landscape.
a signature artist member of Baltimore
Watercolor Society.                              See course No. 17 for instructor’s bio

Estimated cost for materials $50                 Estimated cost for Materials $50-$100
____________________________________             ____________________________________
18) It Happened in Baltimore &                   20) Poetry Workshop (Zoom)
Nothing but Noir (Zoom)                          Sept 7-Dec 7            13 weeks
Sept 7-Dec 7            13 weeks                 1:15p.m-2:30p.m
                                                 Instructor: Susan Marshall
Instructor: Amanda Joyce                         Email: gibbysue@comcast.net
Email: amanda.joyce7131@gmail.com
                                                 In this course participants meet to share their
The first six weeks of this film class will be   work and to offer encouragement and gentle
movies set in Baltimore from a variety of        critique. Suggested assignments are guides
eras. The final seven weeks will feature         but need not be followed.
classic noir films from the 40's and 50's.
Presentations will include film clips,           Susan received her BA in English as a
commentary, and entire films as available.       Continuing Education student at Notre
Robust interactive discussion will follow        Dame, and returned to earn her master’s
each class.                                      degree in Liberal Studies. She has
                                                 coordinated the poetry workshop for several
Amanda is a movie lover who enjoys               years.
presenting and discussing films from all
eras.                                            LIMIT 16 STUDENTS
19) Pen & Ink & Watercolor
Sept 7-Dec 7            13 weeks

Instructor: Alina Kurbiel
Email: akurbiel@ndm.edu

Pen and Ink and wash is a drawing and
painting process in which ink lines and
Tuesday Classes Sept. 7-Dec. 7                                                                    7

Tuesday Classes                                 Sept. 7-Dec. 7
(on campus)                                     (on campus)
_____________________________                   ___________________________________
21) Figure Drawing (on campus)                  22) The British Monarchy (on
Sept 7-Dec 7            13 weeks                campus)
1:00p.m-3:00p.m                                 September 7-October 12               6 weeks
Instructor: Carolyn Sutton
Email: the2suttons@gmail.com                    Instructor: Martina Hastings
                                                Email: owow429@yahoo.com
In this intensive study of drawing from life,
students will explore gesture, proportion,      Why are Americans so interested in British
mass, foreshortening, portraiture, and          royalty? This class is a potpourri of RI
composition. We will work from                  students revealing history and facts of
professional nude models (via streaming         English rulers. As ‘Americans’, is our
media) in 1-minute, 2-minute, 5-minute and      history inevitably linked with theirs, or is it
extended poses. This is intended for            a secret pleasure of a gossipy nature. Come
advanced students only, and participants are    and learn why they fascinate us so.
expected to be familiar with gesture and
contour drawing techniques.                     Martina is a retired psychiatric nurse. She
                                                has been a very happy member of
Carolyn has a master’s degree from the          Renaissance for almost 4 years.
Rhode Island School of Design and taught
art for 45 years. She was Director of Arts at   23) Bakers’ Dozen Chocolate
The Park School for 20 years. She enjoys        Recipes (on campus)
teaching drawing, painting, graphic design      September 7-October 12               6 weeks
and digital illustration.                       1:15p.m-2:30p.m

                                                Instructor: Betty Evans
There will be a $15-20 fee to cover             Email: bettyevans1@verizon.net
the cost of membership on the figure
drawing site. Students must have                We’ll have recipes for mousse, cookies,
14x17 newsprint pads and an                     cake, ganache, and more. If you love
assortment of dry drawing media:                cooking and chocolate, this course is for
vine charcoal, compressed charcoal,
charcoal pencil, conte crayon and               Betty had been baking for 30 years when her
both a kneaded eraser and a magic               niece asked her help to substitute
rub eraser.                                     unsweetened chocolate for semi-sweet
                                                chocolate. She was sure she knew exactly
LIMIT 15 STUDENTS                               how to do it. Sadly, she was wrong. When
                                                they finally got it right, she was a believer
                                                that she would never know it all, and still
                                                holds on to all her reference books!
Tuesday Classes Sept. 7-Dec. 7                                                              8

_____________________________                    ______________________________
24) An Exploration of Japan (on                  26) Reading John Brown’s Body
campus)                                          (on campus)
Oct 19-Dec 7             7 weeks                 Oct 19-Dec 7            7 weeks
1:15p.m-2:30p.m                                  1:15p.m-2:30p.m

Instructor: Beth Volk                            Instructor: John Russell
Email: nbvolk@verizon.net                        Email: flantem@verizon.net

Explore Japan – its little-known islands,        Stephen Vincent Benet's Pulitzer Prize
traditions (cherry trees and baths), art forms   winning John Brown's Body is as close as
(including film and architecture), and           America comes to a foundational epic poem
foreigners living in its midst – through the     - our Iliad or Aeneid. We will be analyzing
lens of history, geography, art, politics,       this significant work and welcome any who
society, and current affairs. The classes,       would like to come along for the ride. (We
which include lectures, slides, and videos,      will read approx. 45 pages of verse/week.)
will reflect the instructor’s research and
observations from living in Japan for a year.    John first read John Brown's Body in high
                                                 school English class. Some of its phrases
Beth used her BA in Business                     and verses have remained companions
Administration, Gettysburg College and           throughout the succeeding six decades;
MBA, UVA in the investment business.             others he rediscovered last spring. He looks
Changing careers, she deployed an MA in          forward to sharing this enjoyable work.
TESOL from NDM teaching English to
adults at several local colleges and for other   LIMIT 25 STUDENTS
organizations in Maryland and Japan.
25) Color (on campus)
Oct 19-Dec 7             7 weeks

Instructor: Betsy Cumming
Email: cummingm@mac.com

A look at the 3 primary and 3 secondary
colors as well as black and white in terms of
history, art and culture. The course will be
primarily lecture, but discussion will be
encouraged, especially at the end of the class

Betsy has taught many courses on art, food
and other topics that interest her.
Thursday Classes, Sept. 9-Dec. 9                                                             9

Thursday Classes (Zoom)                         Sept. 9-Dec. 9 (Zoom)
______________________________                  ______________________________
27) Do I know you yet? (Zoom)                   28) The Bees Knees II:
Sept 9-Oct 14           6 weeks                 Globalization of Pollinators (Zoom)
9:30a.m-10:45a.m                                Sept 9-Oct 14            6 weeks
Instructor: Susan Serotte
Email: nsed7915@comcast.net                     Instructor: April Boulton, PhD
                                                Email: boulton@hood.edu
This informal interactive course (using
small-group Zoom breakout rooms)                Join us for part two of the bees-knees series,
encourages sharing experiences,                 which we started this past spring 2021. This
preferences, and other personal details with    next chapter in the enchanted world of “the
fellow RI members in response to the            hive” will explore the science, politics,
coordinator’s prompts. You’ll be fascinated     economics, and globalization of honeybees
by your classmates’ rich and varied “stories”   (Apis mellifera) and beekeeping. Given the
and you may get to know yourself better         centrality of bees to modern global food
too!                                            production, we will delve into these
                                                important pollinators using United Nations
Susan is following in course originator         and popular-press readings.
Betty Loafmann’s footsteps to continue the
delight of creating and expanding               April is an insect ecologist by training and
personal/social connections within RI.          currently is the Dean of the Graduate
Susan spent 44+ years teaching classroom        School at Hood College in Frederick.
and special education at the elementary         Boulton has taught a variety of college
level, college courses in childhood             courses in insect ecology, climate change
development and early childhood education,      and environmental science from coast to
and parenting groups at the Aliza               coast from the University of California,
Brandwine Center for Parent-Infant              Davis to Villanova and now Hood College.
development.                                    April has been instrumental in the passage
                                                of several statewide pollinator protection
LIMIT 25 STUDENTS                               acts and has appeared on syndicated radio
                                                as a result.
                                                29) William Shakespeare:
                                                Reflecting the Soul of Every Age
                                                Oct 21-Dec 9            7 weeks

                                                Instructor: Marianna Russell
                                                Email: marianna.russell1968@gmail.com
Thursday Classes, Sept. 9-Dec. 9                                                           10

How does a playwright go from being the         Maryland Women’s Hall of Fame in areas
author of some dusty old plays to the           such as civil rights, education, and more.
greatest writer in the English language? This   Questions will be welcomed following
course will follow Shakespeare over 400         presentations. Pre-reading suggestions may
years as he is reformed, refined, revered,      be sent to registrants prior to the session.
romanticized, and reinvented—holding a
mirror up to ‘the very age and body of the      Pamela is a Faculty Field Liaison at the
time.” Lecture and some discussion.             University of Maryland School of Social
                                                Work and volunteer for the Maryland
Marianna is a graduate of NDM with a BA         Women’s Heritage Center where she has
in English and MA in Liberal Studies. She       researched and spoken on Maryland women
served as a Docent at the Folger                leaders in the Women’s Suffrage Movement.
Shakespeare Library and has taught classes
in Shakespeare and Literature at R.I.           ______________________________
______________________________                  32) Open Studio for Prose Writers
30) Upstairs/Downstairs Discussion              (Zoom)
(Zoom)                                          Sept 9-Dec 9            13 weeks
Oct 21-Dec 9            7 weeks                 9:30a.m-10:45a.m
                                                Instructor: Donna Bertling
Instructor: Ann Martin                          Email: stepframe@aol.com
Email: amandapup@gmail.com
                                                This is a prose writing class for serious
A continuation of the courses led by Peggy      writers who want in-depth feedback.
Egan. Attendees will watch two episodes         Students are encouraged to bring their short
(Titles provided) of Upstairs/Downstairs        stories, memoirs or book chapters in
before coming together to discuss.              progress or completed. Class size is limited
Individuals may also take over a class day if   to allow ample time for reading and critique.
they choose.
                                                Donna has a BA in English from Loyola
Ann has been a Renaissance member since         University of Maryland. Her second novel
2012 and has previously coordinated classes     will be published in 2021.
on the iPad, and Mah Jongg.
______________________________                  LIMIT 15 STUDENTS
31) Maryland Women of
Achievement: Leading, Teaching,
Serving (Zoom)
Oct 21-Dec 9          7 weeks

Instructor: Pamela Young, PhD
Email: pamelapyoung@me.com

Weekly speakers will highlight
achievements of women featured in the
Thursday Classes, Sept. 9-Dec. 9                                                           11

______________________________                 language to eager students where she feels
33) Spanish 101 (Zoom)                         great satisfaction in knowing that class
Sept 9-Dec 9            13 weeks               provides opportunities to learn and grow
9:30a.m-10:45a.m                               together.

                                               LIMIT 25 STUDENTS
Instructor: Frank Mullinix
Email: franklin.mullinix@gmail.com             ______________________________
                                               35) A “Bouquet” of Garden Experts
This course is intended for students with      (Zoom)
little or no knowledge of the Spanish          Sept 9-Oct 14           6 weeks
language. Students will develop                11:00a.m-12:15p.m
communication skills (listening, speaking,
reading, and writing) and be exposed to        Instructor: Kay Pulcinella
Hispanic cultures through discussion,          Email: kkpulcinella@gmail.com
videos, conversation, and grammar.
                                               This is a potpourri-style class, featuring
Frank is a recent graduate of Goucher          speakers with a variety of garden expertise.
College with a BA in Spanish and a minor in    The Director of Hillwood Estate Museum
Latin American Studies. Former college         and Gardens (the estate of Marjorie
tennis player, avid skateboarder, and part-    Merriweather Post in DC), a Museum
time buffalo farmer, Frank teaches on Zoom     Specialist from The National Bonsai
from a lakeside cabin in New Hampshire.        Foundation, and local Master Gardeners are
                                               among the presenters.
______________________________                 Kay has been a garden enthusiast for over
34) Talk with your Hands (Zoom)                40 years, is a current member of the
Sept 9-Dec 9            13 weeks               Maryland Horticultural Society, and
9:30a.m-10:45a.m                               treasures time in the garden.

Instructor: Renuka Purimetla                   36) Walks in the Walters (Zoom)
Email: renuka.purimetla@gmail.com              Sept 9-Oct 14           6 weeks
Discover the fun of learning sign language
and using your hands to communicate with       Instructor: Sheila Vidmar
deaf people. Topics to be covered include      Email: vidmarsheila@gmail.com
basic vocabulary, fingerspelling, and basic
sentence structures for easy conversation. A   This course is a series of Zoom
very neat and interactive class where you      presentations concerning the art and objects
learn new things about your fellow RI          at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore,
members too. Join us for a wonderful           each with a focus on one gallery or area:
educational and bonding experience!            Ancient Worlds, Middle Ages, Renaissance
                                               and Baroque, Age of Exploration and
Chicago native, Renuka, landed in the          Colonialism; 19th century Europe and
Baltimore-area studying Sign Language          America; Asian; and the architecture and
Interpreting. She finds joy in teaching sign   history of the Museum. An optional in-
                                               person visit could be scheduled.
Thursday Classes, Sept. 9-Dec. 9                                                              12

                                                 Christine holds a Master of Social Work
Sheila retired from a career as an attorney      from the University of Maryland. She is a
and became a volunteer docent at the             lover of history and the arts and has also
Walters Art Museum in 2013. In addition to       taught classes at Osher and CCBC.
touring in the galleries, more recently she      Christine has traveled throughout Great
has been developing online presentations to      Britain to view Pre-Raphaelite art.
showcase the Walters.                            ______________________________
                                                 39) Cultivating Awareness and
37) The Oresteia (Zoom)                          Presence (Zoom)
Sept 9-Oct 14           6 weeks                  Oct 21-Dec 9            7 weeks
11:00a.m-12:15p.m                                11:00a.m-12:15p.m

Instructor: Susan Marshall                       Instructor: Andrea Naft
Email: gibbysue@comcast.net                      Email: anaft123@gmail.com

This class will be taught by lecture and         How to be more present in life is a constant
student participation. We will read of the       question, and something we all strive for.
bloody House of Atreus and its effects in        This course will explore ways to be centered
Aeschylus' The Oresteia which includes           and live in the moment more fully with
Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, and The         hand, heart, and mind. Use of meditation,
Eumenides, the only extant trilogy we have       exercises, awareness techniques and
from the ancient Greek dramatists.               discussion will give us food for sharing,
                                                 growth and understanding.
See Course No. 20 for instructor’s bio
______________________________                   Andrea has degrees in teaching Reading,
38) The Pre-Raphaelites: Great                   Special Education, Art and Waldorf
Britain's first Modern Painters                  Education. She is a lifelong spiritual seeker.
                                                 Grateful for what she has learned, she finds
(Zoom)                                           learning deepens by sharing with others.
Oct 21-Dec 9            7 weeks
                                                 LIMIT 15 STUDENTS
Instructor: Christine Bentley
Email: frau.bentley@verizon.net                  40) Views on the News (Zoom)
                                                 Sept 9-Dec 9            13 weeks
The Pre-Raphaelites were a group of young        11:00a.m-12:15p.m
Victorian artists who railed against the staid
British art establishment of their day. They     Instructor: Hollis Jackson
produced paintings which used brilliant          Email: hollis1818@outlook.com
colors, were extremely detailed in nature
and beautifully portrayed literary subjects.     Participants are encouraged to share
Their work additionally reflected the social     thoughts, opinions, concerns and critiques of
and moral problems brought about by a            current items in various Media. Courtesy is
growing industrialized society. The class        required.
will make use of lecture and PowerPoint.
                                                 See course No. 15 for instructor’s bio
Thursday Classes, Sept. 9-Dec. 9                                                              13

______________________________                  ______________________________
41) Short Story Masterpieces                    43) Just for Laughs (Zoom)
(Zoom)                                          Sept 9-Oct 14             6 weeks
Sept 9-Dec 9            13 weeks                1:00p.m-3:00p.m
                                                Instructor: Ann Martin
Instructor: Elizabeth Fanto                     Email: amandapup@gmail.com
Email: efanto37@gmail.com
                                                In this course, we will explore the work of
The course offers a balance between well-       some funny people who might not be well
known “classics” and works by newer             known to the majority of members. There
contemporary voices from the US and             will be multiple YouTube offerings with
abroad. The class is limited to 25 due to the   time for discussion.
need to duplicate materials, and to allow for
optimal informal discussions by members.        See course No. 30 for instructor’s bio
New stories are taught each semester.           ______________________________
                                                44) French III (Zoom)
See course No. 8 for instructor’s bio           Sept 9-Dec 9            13 weeks
______________________________                  Instructor: Peggy Beauvois
42) Spanish 102 (Zoom)                          Email: peggylouhealy@gmail.com
Sept 9-Dec 9            13 weeks
11:00a.m-12:15p.m                               French III is a continuation of the ongoing
                                                French courses I & II. The focus of French
Instructor: Frank Mullinix                      III will be a study of speaking, reading,
Email: franklin.mullinix@gmail.com              understanding, and writing the language all
                                                in the context of a video method, French In
This course is intended for students with       Action. Supplemental material will include
some understanding of Spanish language. It      French films and readings. Participants need
is a continued development of the 4 basic       to have basic proficiencies in French to join.
language skills: listening comprehension,
speaking, reading, and writing within the       Peggy Beauvois has had a long career
context of Hispanic culture. The class          teaching French at all levels--elementary &
includes discussion, videos, conversation,      high school, university and graduate
and grammar explanation.                        programs. She has a BA and MA in French
                                                and a PhD in applied linguistics. She loves
See course No. 33 for instructor’s bio          teaching the fun, motivated members of RI.

LIMIT 20 STUDENTS                               LIMIT 15 STUDENTS

                                                Textbook: Pierre Capretz, French in
                                                Action Book One Hard Cover, latest
                                                edition ($5-$30 on eBay, Amazon)
Thursday Classes, Sept. 9-Dec. 9                                                              14

______________________________                    life and loves sharing her passion with a
45) Gentle Yoga (Zoom)                            “new generation” of dancers.
Sept 9-Dec 9            13 weeks
1:15p.m-2:30p.m                                   LIMIT 15 STUDENTS
Instructor: Linda McGill                          47) Art Collaborative (Zoom)
Email: laharte12@gmail.com                        Sept 9-Dec 9           13 weeks
Gentle Yoga is geared specifically for those
new to yoga or those who are interested in a      Instructors: Paula Murphy & Josef
gentle practice. This class incorporates          Nathanson
simple flowing sequences to warm up the           Emails: murphpgm@gmail.com,
body, as well as slower paced movements           urbaninfo@comcast.net
focusing on alignment, strength, balance,
and flexibility. Linking breath with              For artists of any experience. Work at your
movement creates a moving meditation that         own pace, preferred medium, and chosen
supports and grounds you. Class will end          subject. Offering camaraderie,
with a calming body scan or yoga nidra.           encouragement, techniques, online
                                                  resources, synergy that nurtures and
Linda is a Roland Park native of 30 years,        incentive to keep working at home. Each
teaching Yoga, Somatics, & Meditation for         week we present a piece of finished or
the past 5 years.                                 ongoing work for discussion and friendly
                                                  critique. Join us to awaken your dormant
LIMIT 50 STUDENTS                                 skills.
46) Introduction to Ballet (Zoom)                 Josef studied oil painting classes in high
Sept 9-Dec 9            13 weeks                  school in Philadelphia but watercolor is new
1:15p.m-2:30p.m                                   for him. He finds the Art Collaborative
                                                  supportive and rewarding. Paula is a retired
                                                  math teacher and emergency nurse. She
Instructor: Susan Sklar
                                                  happily renewed her friendship with
Email: ssklar3565@yahoo.com
                                                  drawing and painting, mostly due to the
                                                  opportunities at RI.
This course is designed to use the technique
of classical ballet for the purpose of
                                                  LIMIT 14 STUDENTS
improving strength, flexibility, coordination,
posture, range of motion and balance. Tap
into your creative spirit, cultivate musicality
and experience the joy of movement.

Susan received her ballet training at various
studios including Goucher and UMD. She
has performed in productions of Giselle,
Swan Lake, La Bayadere and The
Nutcracker. She has been dancing all of her
Thursday Classes, Sept. 9-Dec. 9                                                             15

Thursday Classes                                  Sept. 9-Dec. 9
(on campus)                                       (on campus)
____________________________                      ______________________________
48) Music Jam in the Underground                  49) Potpourri (on campus)
(on campus)                                       Sept 9-Oct 14            6 weeks
Sept 9-Dec 9            13 weeks                  1:15p.m-2:30p.m
                                                  Instructor: John Danz
Instructors: John Meredith, Denis Smith, &        Email: john.danz123@gmail.com
Nancy Heinold
Email: johnmeredith1439@gmail.com,                This “potpourri” will feature a different
deniss@md.net, Nancy.heinold@gmail.com            speaker each week. A wide range of
                                                  subjects will be presented, from interior
This Course is open to all members whether        design, to genealogy, to Lynd Ward
they play an instrument or not. The               woodcut novels, to healthcare advocacy, and
leadership team will be playing guitar,           the history of lighting, among others.
hammered dulcimer and piano. We hope
others will bring their favorite acoustic         See Course No. 7 for instructor’s bio
instruments such as guitar, banjo, mandolin,      ______________________________
ukulele, fiddle etc. and join in the fun in the   50) Urban/Neighborhood Sketching
Riley Room downstairs. If COVID                   (on campus)
Regulations permit, we will have some sing-       Sept 9-Oct 14            6 weeks
alongs also.                                      1:15p.m-2:30p.m
John, Denis and Nancy have been members
                                                  Instructor: Andrea Naft
of RI for several years. John and Denis have
                                                  Email: anaft123@gmail.com
enjoyed singing in the Renaissance Chorus
with Nancy’s excellent leadership. All three
                                                  After exploring materials and examples of
have enjoyed playing music together both in
                                                  urban sketching techniques in the first class
person and on Zoom in the Music club
                                                  on Zoom, we will meet at various locations
during the past year.
                                                  near Renaissance to sketch, share, and learn
                                                  together. Andrea travels with a minimum of
                                                  sketch materials to better see and record the
                                                  world. Urban sketching develops active
                                                  seeing and a deep connection to life.

                                                  Andrea has degrees in Art Education and
                                                  Waldorf Education. She was a teacher and
                                                  administrator in private and public schools
                                                  in Baltimore. She attended The School of
                                                  Visual Arts, and since retirement, The
                                                  Schuler School, and Zoll's Studio.

                                                  LIMIT 20 STUDENTS
Thursday Classes, Sept. 9-Dec. 9                                                                  16

______________________________                     are available in a variety of formats with a
51) The American (Minority)                        majority available in the public domain.
Experience (on campus)
                                                   Elizabeth studied theater at Sarah Lawrence
Sept 9-Oct 14             6 weeks
                                                   and earned her MSW at UMD. She is semi-
                                                   retired. Whitney’s first degree was a BA in
                                                   English. She’s a retired teacher.
Instructor: Saima Adil Sitwat
Email: saimaadil@hotmail.com                       LIMIT 30 STUDENTS
This course will explore the experiences of
minorities in the United States through            53) The Great American Novel as
literary works. Our study will include works       History (on campus)
by today’s leading American writers and            Oct 21-Dec 9             7 weeks
emerging voices. Through extensive                 1:15p.m-2:30p.m
discourse, we will attempt to discover the
experience of growing up as a minority in          Instructor: Edward Berkowitz
America. Eventually, we will try answering         Email: ber@gwu.edu
the most pertinent question of our times-
Who gets to be an American?                        This seven-week course will be taught
                                                   through a series of lectures that highlight the
Saima is a writer and educator. Originally         lives of significant American writers from
from Pakistan, Saima has recently moved to         Edith Wharton to John Updike and assess
Baltimore from Pittsburgh, where she served        their historical and cultural significance. No
as the first woman President of the Muslim         outside reading will be required.
Association of Greater Pittsburgh (MAP).
She is the author of her memoir: American          Ed is a professor emeritus of history at
Muslim: An Immigrant’s Journey. Her                George Washington University and has
website is: saimasitwat.com.                       taught at Renaissance since the fall of 2018.

52) Seven Classics in Seven Classes
(on campus)
Oct 21-Dec 9             7 weeks

Instructors: Whitney Jacobs & Elizabeth
Emails: whitneymjacobs@gmail.com,

Love stories, science fiction, man vs nature,
the classics have it all. In this course we will
read and discuss one classic novel of fewer
than 200 pages per week for 7 weeks. Most
You can also read