Song diversification and complexity in canaries and seedeaters (Serinus spp.)
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Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92, 183–194. With 4 figures Song diversification and complexity in canaries and seedeaters (Serinus spp.) GONÇALO C. CARDOSO* and PAULO GAMA MOTA Departamento de Antropologia, Universidade de Coimbra, 3000-056 Coimbra, Portugal Received 6 February 2006; accepted for publication 20 November 2006 Bird song is a composite trait that shows great variation in syntax and phonology between taxa, which hampers the precise quantification of complexity. This should be more feasible for closely-related species that share aspects of song organization. We conducted a comparative study of song and syllable characteristics in the largest fringillid genus, Serinus (canaries and seedeaters), with two objectives: (1) to describe and quantify song complexity in the genus and (2) to assess evolutionary dynamics of song, in particular whether interspecific song diversification evolved along intraspecific lines of covariation between syllable characteristics. We document a pattern of intense, very labile evolution of song in the genus. Well-known vocal constraints such as the relationship between frequency and body size did not appear to limit this evolution, and intraspecific trade-offs between different aspects of syllable complexity did not constrain interspecific diversification. Factor analysis returned an axis of variation that comprehensively expresses song complexity in the genus, and is defined by song speed, repertoire size, and also various aspects of syllable phonology. The species body size is not related to this axis of complexity, but to a minor axis that may indicate better respiratory capacity of larger birds. We discuss the pattern of song evolution in Serinus spp. in the context of the evolutionary dynamics of sexually selected traits. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92, 183–194. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: birdsong – evolutionary diversification – sexual selection. INTRODUCTION take into account the variability in other aspects of phonological complexity. This is important because Bird song exhibits an enormous interspecific variety such syntactical and phonological aspects of song of syntactical and phonological characteristics, which complexity may be sexually selected (Vehrencamp, greatly confounds attempts to quantify complexity. 2000; Gil & Gahr, 2002). Although important results Most comparative studies measure song complexity have been obtained comparing simple repertoire mea- by the size of repertoires because this aspect of com- surements (DeVoogd et al., 1993; Garamszegi, Møller plexity is often an important sexually selected trait & Erritzøe, 2003), there are cases where the statisti- (Searcy & Yasukawa, 1996; Searcy & Nowicki, 2000). cal sensitivity in analyses of song is inferior to that However, repertoires are not comparable between with simpler traits, such as body size or ornamenta- different types of song organization or syntax tion (e.g. Garamszegi & Møller, 2004), suggesting that (Kroodsma, 1982), a problem that has not been solved a better quantification of song complexity may be despite several attempts (Thompson, LeDoux & needed. Moody, 1994; Garamszegi et al., 2005) and in relation Because of the above problems, it will be difficult to to which comparative studies have at best made rea- find a relatively complete measurement of song com- sonable compromises (Gil & Gahr, 2002). Another plexity with a broad range of taxonomic applicability. problem is that measures of repertoire size do not A more precise and detailed quantification of song complexity may be possible within groups of closely- related species because aspects of syntax and phonol- *Corresponding author. Current address: Department of Ecology and Evolution, 1101 East 57th Street, Chicago, ogy should be shared or vary in directly comparable IL 60637, USA. E-mail: ways. The thoroughness and detail of measures © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92, 183–194 183
184 G. C. CARDOSO and P. G. MOTA obtained by comparing fine song characteristics in considerable practical interest in order to frame the related species may overcompensate for their limited large volume of work on this model species. taxonomic applicability. However, detailed compara- tive studies of song within restricted taxa of birds MATERIAL AND METHODS have been little explored to date (Price & Lanyon, 2002, 2004; Päckert et al., 2003). SONG RECORDINGS In the present study, we characterize and quantify We sampled song recordings of the 27 Serinus species interspecific axes of song complexity across 27 species available at the National Sound Archive of the British of the genus Serinus by means of multivariate analy- Library, London. All recordings were from wild birds sis of a comprehensive set of song and syllable mea- and were made in their natural habitats. When more surements. We also document the pattern of evolution than five tapes were available per species, the best of song in the genus, and investigate whether inter- five were selected based on sound quality. For the specific song diversification evolved according to species Serinus serinus, we used three large good- intraspecific lines of covariation of syllable character- quality recordings of our own instead. In recordings istics. It is of particular interest whether negative containing more than ten songs, we selected the intraspecific correlations between different aspects of sequence of ten songs with the best sound quality for syllable complexity, which can denote trade-offs on analysis. The focus of our analyses is on the phono- vocal physiology (Podos, 1997), are replicated in the logical and syntactical differences between species, interspecific pattern of covariation. If inter- and which are much wider than the fine cultural variation intraspecific patterns are similar, then song diversi- among conspecific individuals, and are therefore well fication could result largely from different species represented with the sample sizes that we obtained. occupying different positions within a pre-existing For the number of songs and syllables analysed per continuum of phonological possibilities. By contrast, if species, see the Supplementary Material (Fig. S1). covariation of syllable characteristics between species All recordings were digitized to 22 050 Hz mono does not correspond to the intraspecific pattern, then files and subsequent song measurements were per- species diversified evolving novel, unpredictable com- formed on spectrograms with a resolution of 43 Hz binations of syllable characteristics, possibly overcom- and 1.45 ms and a lower cut-off frequency of 1 kHz ing existing trade-offs within species. using the software Avisoft-SASLab Pro (Specht, 1999– The genus Serinus is the most speciose in the 2002). family Fringillidae, and is composed of small-bodied finches, mostly inhabiting Africa, and generally known as canaries and seedeaters (Clement, Harris & DEFINITION OF SYLLABLES Davies, 1993). The genus is broadly homogeneous in We used syllables as the basic unit for spectrographic ecology (Clement et al., 1993): most birds are granivo- measurements. Syllables are more or less complex rous, occupy open habitats, gather in relatively large temporal aggregations of song elements and are wandering, nonmigratory flocks (often of mixed- defined in the literature depending on the species species) during the nonbreeding season and in song syntax (Thompson et al., 1994): in the case of smaller flocks during reproduction; they are socially repeated or trilled syntax, syllables are defined by a monogamous and, except for the rarer species, nest in syntactical criterion (the repeated units that form a loose semicolonial pattern. Species in this genus do trills); in the case of nonrepeated syntax, syllables are not have repertoires of song-types but, instead, have defined by a temporal criterion (the units separated songs with variable lengths and different proportions by a certain threshold of interval duration). The two of syllable sequences and repetitions (Güttinger, syntaxes coexist in most Serinus species and we used 1985; Leitner, Voigt & Gahr, 2001; Mota & Cardoso, the two criteria accordingly, as described below. 2001). In the species of Serinus studied to date, song We first obtained provisional temporal units using has an important role in the reproductive biology, the Avisoft automatic measurements tool. Amplitude namely in female stimulation (Leboucher et al., 1998; thresholds were adjusted for each recording to attain Mota, 1999; Gil et al., 2004; Mota & Depraz, 2004). the best sound to interval discrimination. To detect all One of these species, Serinus canaria, is an exten- intersyllable intervals and also to ignore small traces sively used model system in studies of song learning of background noise, the temporal sensitivity was set (Mundinger, 1995; Gardner, Naef & Nottebohm, at 10 ms because this is the smallest duration of 2005), sexual selection (e.g. Drăgănoiu, Nagle & intersyllable intervals in S. serinus (Mota & Cardoso, Kreutzer, 2002), neuroethology (Nottebohm, Notte- 2001), which is the fastest singing species of the bohm & Crane, 1986; Spencer et al., 2005), and genus (i.e. with the smallest average duration of physiology of song (Suthers et al., 2004). Thus, under- intersyllable intervals; see Supplementary material, standing the evolution of song in the genus is of Fig. S1). © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92, 183–194
SONG EVOLUTION IN SERINUS SPP. 185 In the portions of song with repeated syntax, we maximum amplitude; FR_DOMIN), frequency range applied the syntactical criterion by concatenating the (FR_RANGE), number of intrasyllable elements provisional units when these were subdividing the (defined as the smallest temporally separated traces repeated syllable. A few harsh sounding very fast in spectrograms; N_ELEM), number of inflections repetitions, often referred to as buzzes, were excluded within the syllable (i.e. the number of times a rising from further analyses because these are likely to be frequency modulation is followed by a descending one produced by a different phonatory mechanism from or vice versa; N_INFLEX), proportion of the syllable regular syllable repetitions (Brackenbury, 1978). with two voices (P_2VOICE), with harmonics These comprised only 3.3% of cases (maximum in (P_HARM) and with buzzes (P_BUZZ; proportions a single species, 15%) and were always characterized were coded into five classes: none, approximately one- by an average duration of the repeated unit or an quarter, half, three-quarters, and all). average duration of intervals outlying the species In the case of repeated syllables, only one set of distribution. measurements was used per trill: duration of the For the nonrepeated portions of song, we plotted syllables and intersyllable intervals was averaged the relative abundance of within song interval dura- across the trill. All the other measurements were tions for each species. Plots were made without using taken from the second syllable in the trill because the arbitrary categorization of interval durations. For first sometimes was fused with a previous syllable. each species, we ordered all intervals by their dura- We also noted the number of repetitions (RS_N_REP) tion and then calculated, for every interval, the and calculated the repetition rate (RS_RATE) of each difference of durations between the two intervals trill. separated from it by 5% of the sample size in that At the level of songs, we measured duration ordered sequence of intervals. We calculated differ- (SNG_DUR), proportion of sound (summed duration ences at 10% of sample size to buffer the curve of syllables/duration of song; P_SOUND), total against fortuitous irregularities. Low differences indi- number of syllables (SNG_SYLL), and proportion cate a high relative abundance of intervals with of nonrepeated syllables (counting only once the similar durations, and high differences indicate that repeated syllables in a trill; P_NONREP). We also similar durations are scarce. In 19 species out of the calculated the proportion of syllables shared between 25 with sufficiently large samples to draw the plot, we every pair of consecutive songs; this proportion was could detect either a depression of abundance or an calculated relative to the smaller song in the pair. The abrupt halt in the diminishing of abundance at the average proportion of shared syllables was then used region of short interval durations. This denotes the to compute indices of syllable repertoire size and of juxtaposition of two partly overlapping distributions serial consistency for each species. The index of rep- of duration: the longer intersyllable intervals and the ertoire size (REPERT) is the average number of syl- shorter intrasyllable intervals (for a detailed example lables in songs (counting syllable repetitions as one) on a Serinus species, see Mota & Cardoso, 2001: multiplied by 1 + (1 - average proportion of shared fig. 2). These points were used as thresholds to syllables). This is an approximation of how many delimitate syllables: the provisional units separated different syllables are sung in a short bout of songs, a by intervals shorter than these thresholds were con- type of measurement proposed to be more biologically catenated. The threshold values averaged 0.459 of the relevant than absolute repertoire size per se (Bell average intersyllable interval duration for each of et al., 2004; Garamszegi et al., 2005). By serial these 19 species; the standard deviation of these consistency, we mean the similarity of syllable threshold values relatively to average intersyllable order within sequences. This index (CONSIST) is duration was remarkably small (0.087), so that we the average proportion of shared syllables/average could extrapolate the criterion to the other species by number of shared series (a shared series is an intact iterative calculation. Spectrograms in Figure 4 and sequence of syllables common to both songs; a series the Supplementary Material (Fig. S2) illustrate the is disrupted only by changes in sequential order, and outcome of the criteria for all species. not by repetition of the same syllable). The species average values for these 17 syllable and song measurements is provided in the Supplementary MEASUREMENTS Material (Fig. S1). We took nine measurements from spectrograms and amplitude spectra that comprehensively describe syllable complexity. These were: syllable duration EVOLUTIONARY LABILITY (DURATION), average duration of previous and fol- We assessed the significance of the phylogenetic lowing intersyllable intervals (INTERVAL), dominant signal of song measurements by calculating the frequency (the frequency at which the syllable has Z-values associated with Moran’s I (Gittleman & Kot, © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92, 183–194
186 G. C. CARDOSO and P. G. MOTA Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree of the subset of Serinus spp. used in the present study that are comprised by the molecular phylogeny of Arnaiz-Villena et al. (1999). Dashed lines indicate separation of time intervals for testing phylogenetic signal with Moran’s I (see text). 1990) at three time intervals of the genus phylogeny cance varies approximately linearly with T; T-values (Fig. 1, dashed lines). Here and in all other phyloge- measure the strength of the correlation (Zar, 1996) netically based analyses, we used the molecular phy- but do not incorporate the effect of the degrees of logeny of Arnaiz-Villena et al. (1999), which includes freedom, which differ between species. Thus, logarith- 16 species of our data set. We also assessed the mization of significances allows using simple averages phylogenetic signal of body length (midpoint from and, at the same time, corrects for the variation in ranges in Clement et al., 1993) as a reference for degrees of freedom. The logarithms were signed so comparison. that positive and negative correlations have opposing effects in the calculation of the average. Negative associations between different aspects of SIZE DEPENDENCE OF SONG CHARACTERISTICS syllable complexity may denote vocal trade-offs (e.g. We assessed the interspecific relationship of syllable shorter syllables having less inflections), whereas and song characteristics with body length by multiple positive associations should denote mostly causal regression. We also separately regressed through the relations (e.g. harmonics causing a wider frequency origin independent contrasts of song characteristics range). Note that we treat song speed, rather than on contrasts of body length (Felsenstein, 1985) and slowness, as an aspect of complexity (see ‘Classifica- then corrected for multiple comparisons. Contrasts tion of song complexity’ below). Therefore, correla- were calculated with the program CONTRAST from tions involving the duration of syllables or intervals the package PHYLIP, version 3.6 (Felsenstein, 2000). are interpreted as if inverting their sign. We assessed whether the intra- and interspecific patterns of correlation of syllable characteristics coin- INTRA- AND INTERSPECIFIC COVARIATION OF cide, both for the positive and negative associations. SYLLABLE CHARACTERISTICS Interspecific correlations describe lines of evolution- In each species, we calculated the pairwise Pearson ary divergence, and were calculated using species correlation coefficients between each pair of the nine mean values. syllable characteristics. We corrected for syllable sharing between songs by calculating the degrees of freedom of these correlations using an adjusted CLASSIFICATION OF SONG COMPLEXITY N equal to original N ¥ (1 - proportion of syllable We ran a principal component analysis (PCA) on the sharing). To assess whether some of these correlations species average song characteristics and extracted the are robust genus wide, we averaged the signed loga- principal component (PC) scores. We also ran a rithms of significances across species. Over a wide similar PCA on the specific components of phyloge- range of degrees of freedom, the logarithm of signifi- netic autoregressions (Cheverud, Dow & Leutenegger, © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92, 183–194
SONG EVOLUTION IN SERINUS SPP. 187 1985) to check for possible phylogenetic effects on the PCA classification. Phylogenetic autoregressions were conducted using the software COMPARE, version 4.4 (Martins, 1999). Throughout, P < 0.05 (two-tailed) was considered statistically significant and Bonferroni correc- tions were applied to multiple comparisons where appropriate. RESULTS EVOLUTIONARY LABILITY Only two out of 17 syllable and song measurements showed significant positive phylogenetic signal (Z > 1.96; Gittleman & Kot, 1990). These were syl- lable duration (Z = 2.357) and the number of inflec- tions per syllable (Z = 2.706), both at the middle time interval of the phylogeny (Fig. 1). Thus, in general, song characteristics exhibit a pattern of great evolu- tionary lability. By contrast, body length did show a significant phylogenetic signal at the middle time interval (Z = 2.384). Figure 2. Simple correlation plot illustrating the absence of relation between body length and dominant frequency of songs in Serinus spp. The large and high frequency outlier SIZE DEPENDENCE OF SONG CHARACTERISTICS is Serinus burtoni. The multiple regression model of song characteristics on body length was nonsignificant (adjusted R2 = 0.073, P = 0.448, N = 27) and none of the 17 song INTRA- AND INTERSPECIFIC COVARIATION OF and syllable characteristics varied significantly with SYLLABLE CHARACTERISTICS body length (all |T| < 1.858, all P > 0.096, N = 27). Nine intraspecific correlations of syllable characteris- The relationship of body size with frequency of songs tics were robust genus wide (Table 1) (i.e. their signed in passerines is well documented (Wallschläger, 1980; logarithms of significance averaged across the 27 Ryan & Brenowitz, 1985), so we also tested for the species remained significant at the Bonferroni cor- existence of this relationship with a simple correla- rected criteria of significance). The first five correla- tion of dominant frequency and body length (Fig. 2). tions in Table 1 are negative associations between The correlation is not significant and showed a signal different aspects of syllable complexity, and represent contrary to prediction (rp = 0.147, P = 0.463, N = 27). likely trade-offs (e.g. shorter syllables must be The positive correlation coefficient was due to an simpler). The last four correlations are positive asso- outlier (Serinus burtoni, the largest species in the ciations of syllable characteristics with putative genus and the second with higher dominant fre- causal factors. quency; Fig. 2); removing it inverted the signal of the Due to the much smaller sample size of species coefficient but it remained nonsignificant (rp = -0.153, than of syllables, only one interspecific correlation P = 0.455, N = 26). remained significant after Bonferroni correction Analyses with independent contrasts showed two (Table 1). For comparison, the interspecific coeffi- significant relationships with body length that, cients that correspond to the significant intraspecific however, did not remain significant after Bonferroni coefficients are also shown in Table 1. The intra- and corrections [average duration of syllables (standard- interspecific patterns of correlation differ in impor- ized regression coefficient, Bst = 0.670, P = 0.005, tant aspects: only one of the five likely intraspecific N = 15) and serial consistency index (Bst = 0.596, vocal trade-offs has a nonzero correlation coefficient P = 0.015, N = 15; Bonferroni corrected level of signifi- between species (syllable duration and number of cance = 0.003)]. inflections). By contrast, three of the four positive The effect of body size on the frequency and other associations with putative causal factors (the three characteristics of song was, thus, unimportant in the involving frequency range) have similar intra- and genus Serinus. Therefore, we used species averages interspecific correlation coefficients. uncorrected for body size in the subsequent interspe- The same is observed when considering the total- cific analyses. ity of the correlation coefficients: the correlation © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92, 183–194
188 G. C. CARDOSO and P. G. MOTA Table 1. Intraspecific significant correlations of syllable characteristics compared with the corresponding interspecific correlations of average syllable characteristics Intraspecific correlations Interspecific correlations Syllable characteristics Average rs Average P* rs P† DURATION N_ELEM 0.333 0.312 ¥ 10-3 -0.047 0.817 DURATION N_INFLEX 0.354 0.003 ¥ 10-3 0.518 0.006 DURATION P_BUZZ 0.204 0.297 ¥ 10-3 0.079 0.695 DURATION FR_RANGE 0.311 0.045 ¥ 10-3 -0.032 0.873 P_BUZZ N_INFLEX -0.150 0.167 ¥ 10-3 -0.061 0.759 N_INFLEX N_ELEM 0.387 1.089 ¥ 10-3 0.005 0.980 FR_RANGE FR_DOMIN 0.185 0.070 ¥ 10-3 0.272 0.16 FR_RANGE N_ELEM 0.238 0.182 ¥ 10-3 0.393 0.042 FR_RANGE P_HARM 0.197 0.732 ¥ 10-3 0.599 0.951 ¥ 10-3 *Average of signed logarithms of significance across the 27 species (see Material and methods), back-transformed to significance values. The Bonferroni corrected criterion of significance for 36 correlations (pairwise combinations of nine syllable measurements) is 1.39 ¥ 10-3. †Bonferroni corrected criterion of significance is 1.39 ¥ 10-3. For abbreviations, see Material and methods. lation coefficients differ significantly (T-test for com- paring two slopes, Zar, 1996; T = 3.714, P = 0.001, d.f. = 32). Thus, the interspecific pattern of covaria- tion in syllable characteristics agrees with the intraspecific pattern with respect to positive associa- tions of syllable characteristics, but not with respect to putative trade-offs in complexity. CLASSIFICATION OF SONG COMPLEXITY The PCA on the species syllable and song character- istics resulted in four significant PCs (i.e. with eigen- values above random expectations by the broken-stick criterion; Jackson, 1993). Eigenvalues of these four components were 3.977, 2.909, 2.298, and 1.987, which correspond to proportions of total variance of 0.234, 0.171, 0.135, and 0.117, respectively. Phyloge- netic effects did not influence PCA results because the significant PCs of a PCA on the specific components of phylogenetic autoregressions are characterized by Figure 3. Correlation plot of the average intraspecific loadings highly correlated with those of a PCA on pairwise correlation coefficients of syllable characteristics simple species averages of the same 16 species set (all and the corresponding interspecific coefficients. Pairwise rp > 0.996, all P < 0.001, all N = 17). correlation coefficients corresponding to positive intraspe- The first PC is characterized mainly by short syl- cific associations between aspects of complexity (white) lable and interval durations, fast repetition rate of and negative associations (solid). Separate regression lines the repeated syllables, many syllables per song, and are shown for each group. large repertoires; most measures of syllable complex- ity, high dominant frequency, and frequency range also have positive loadings on this PC (Table 2). The between the intra- and interspecific coefficients was second PC is characterized by long syllables, with significant for positive associations (rp = 0.555, many inflections, large proportion of sound in songs, P = 0.014, N = 19), but not for negative ones and few syllable repetitions per trill (Table 2). The (rp = 0.151, P = 0.563, N = 17, Fig. 3). The two corre- third PC is characterized by preponderance of © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92, 183–194
SONG EVOLUTION IN SERINUS SPP. 189 Table 2. Loadings of song characteristics on the significant principal components (PC) of an interspecies principal component analysis (i.e. correlation coefficients of song characteristics with PC scores); song characteristics are listed by decreasing strength of correlation with each component First component Second component Third component Fourth component Characteristic Loading Characteristic Loading Characteristic Loading Characteristic Loading RS_RATE 0.830 P_SOUND 0.650 P_NONREP -0.741 P_BUZZ -0.647 SNG_SYLL 0.805 N_INFLEX 0.646 SNG_DUR 0.670 REPERT 0.561 REPERT 0.735 DURATION 0.641 P_SOUND -0.541 SNG_DUR 0.491 INTERVAL -0.616 RS_N_REP -0.640 INTERVAL 0.507 P_HARM -0.463 P_2VOICE 0.566 CONSIST 0.558 SNG_SYLL 0.406 P_NONREP 0.459 DURATION -0.533 P_HARM 0.505 FR_DOMIN -0.402 FR_RANGE -0.458 N_ELEM 0.515 FR_RANGE 0.505 DURATION 0.357 RS_N_REP -0.309 FR_RANGE 0.497 P_BUZZ 0.363 P_2VOICE 0.274 SNG_SYLL 0.289 FR_DOMIN 0.427 SNG_DUR 0.336 N_ELEM 0.236 N_INFLEX 0.227 CONSIST -0.408 N_ELEM 0.298 RS_N_REP 0.207 DURATION 0.212 SNG_DUR 0.372 P_2VOICE -0.195 RS_RATE -0.198 N_ELEM -0.199 P_HARM 0.259 INTERVAL -0.130 P_BUZZ 0.191 FR_DOMIN -0.126 N_INFLEX -0.132 FR_DOMIN -0.126 FR_RANGE -0.159 P_2VOICE -0.121 P_BUZZ 0.123 RS_RATE -0.125 CONSIST -0.121 INTERVAL 0.118 P_SOUND 0.118 SNG_SYLL 0.091 P_HARM 0.081 P_SOUND 0.100 P_NONREP -0.028 REPERT -0.036 REPERT 0.024 RS_RATE 0.067 RS_N_REP -0.022 P_NONREP -0.006 N_INFLEX 0.001 CONSIST 0.053 For abbreviations, see Material and methods. repeated syntax, long songs, and long intersyllable DISCUSSION intervals (Table 2). The fourth PC is difficult to inter- pret as an axis of song complexity because it has SONG DIVERSIFICATION many negative weights of syllable complexity mea- The song characteristics of Serinus spp. show a very sures (Table 2); it appears to be mainly residual from labile pattern of evolution. The topography of the the previous components. phylogenetic tree, with long relative lengths of the It is thus necessary to consider three axes of varia- terminal branches (Fig. 1), can contribute to their low tion in order to conveniently encompass the variation phylogenetic signal, but it should not be the sole in Serinus spp. song complexity. In Table 3, we give explanation because body length did show a signifi- the scores of the Serinus spp. at the first three PCs. cant phylogenetic signal. Figure 4 shows representative song spectrograms of This agrees with the expectation that behavioural the two species with higher scores at each of the first and secondary sexual traits exhibit high evolutionary three PCs; spectrograms of the other Serinus spp. lability. This expectation results from the frequent analysed are given in the Supplementary Material phenotypic plasticity of behaviour (West-Eberhard, (Fig. S2). 1989; Gittleman et al., 1996; but see also de Queiroz PC scores did not show significant positive phylo- & Wimberger, 1993), and the instability and frequent genetic signal, at any time interval (Fig. 1; all reversal in the direction of sexual selection (Cuervo & Z < 1.96; Gittleman & Kot, 1990). Although song char- Møller, 1999; Omland & Lanyon, 2000; Wiens, 2001). acteristics were not individually related to body size Labile evolution is often found for most characteris- (see above), the scores of the second PC did correlate tics of bird song (Irwin, 1990, 1996; van Buskirk, significantly with body length (rp = 0.487, P = 0.010, 1997), but this is not universal: there are cases of N = 27, significant after Bonferroni correction; with consistent phylogenetic signal not only in vocaliza- PC1 and PC3 both rp < 0.246, both P > 0.216, N = 27). tions of nonpasserines (McCraken & Sheldon, 1997), The same result is obtained with independent con- which are not learned, nor likely to be sexually trasts of PC scores and body length (PC2: Bst = 0.628 selected, but also on passerine groups with complex P = 0.009, N = 15, significant after Bonferroni correc- learned song likely to be important in sexual selection tion; PC1 and PC3: both Bst < 0.371, both P > 0.157, (Price & Lanyon, 2002; Päckert et al., 2003). There- N = 15). fore, the pattern found in Serinus spp. is informative, © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92, 183–194
190 G. C. CARDOSO and P. G. MOTA Table 3. Species scores on the three significant and interpretable principal component s of song complexity; species are listed by decreasing score at each component First component Second component Third component Species Score Species Score Species Score Serinus pusillus 2.087 Serinus menelli 1.843 Serinus thibetanus 1.765 Serinus canicollis 1.926 Serinus albogularis 1.491 Serinus leucopterus 1.735 Serinus citrinelloides 1.922 Serinus sulphuratus 1.100 Serinus menelli 1.520 Serinus serinus 1.781 Serinus alario 1.065 Serinus canaria 1.441 Serinus leucopygius 0.716 Serinus canicollis 0.654 Serinus gularis 1.408 Serinus canaria 0.572 Serinus dorsostriatus 0.591 Serinus rufobrunneus 1.126 Serinus burtoni 0.472 Serinus serinus 0.562 Serinus alario 0.667 Serinus flaviventris 0.315 Serinus flaviventris 0.552 Serinus pusillus 0.501 Serinus leucopterus 0.291 Serinus gularis 0.492 Serinus burtoni 0.350 Serinus thibetanus 0.230 Serinus atrogularis 0.477 Serinus capistratus 0.254 Serinus capistratus -0.151 Serinus striolatus 0.446 Serinus citrinelloides 0.186 Serinus sulphuratus -0.165 Serinus leucopterus 0.380 Serinus esthereae 0.025 Serinus koliensis -0.168 Serinus canaria 0.104 Serinus mozambicus -0.114 Serinus gularis -0.200 Serinus totta 0.091 Serinus leucopygius -0.181 Serinus striolatus -0.234 Serinus pusillus -0.062 Serinus sulphuratus -0.271 Serinus esthereae -0.326 Serinus mozambicus -0.162 Serinus flaviventris -0.326 Serinus atrogularis -0.379 Serinus leucopygius -0.201 Serinus canicollis -0.488 Serinus dorsostriatus -0.455 Serinus burtoni -0.230 Serinus striolatus -0.546 Serinus albogularis -0.456 Serinus rotschildi -0.313 Serinus totta -0.579 Serinus mozambicus -0.526 Serinus tristriatus -0.423 Serinus koliensis -0.589 Serinus rotschildi -0.606 Serinus capistratus -0.597 Serinus atrogularis -0.641 Serinus alario -0.682 Serinus xantholaema -0.600 Serinus rotschildi -0.774 Serinus tristriatus -0.724 Serinus citrinelloides -0.658 Serinus albogularis -0.895 Serinus totta -0.761 Serinus rufobrunneus -0.742 Serinus xantholaema -1.069 Serinus menelli -1.364 Serinus thibetanus -0.931 Serinus tristriatus -1.219 Serinus xantholaema -1.515 Serinus koliensis -1.873 Serinus serinus -1.501 Serinus rufobrunneus -1.601 Serinus esthereae -3.055 Serinus dorsostriatus -1.783 suggesting that song evolution has been particularly Intra- and interspecific covariation of syllable char- intense in this genus. acteristics correspond only partly, so that overall evo- Intense evolution of song in Serinus spp. is also lutionary diversification in the genus could not have apparent in the clear dissociation of all song charac- been predicted from the within-species covariation of teristics and body size. These included temporal syllable characteristics. The intra- and interspecific characteristics that have been related to body size correspondence resulted essentially from basic acous- (Suthers & Goller, 1997; Podos, 2001) and dominant tic phenomena and not from putative trade-offs of frequency. Dominant frequency is especially relevant syllable complexity. In particular, five genus-wide because its association with body size is well robust trade-offs were detected within species, four of documented in birds (Wallschläger, 1980; Ryan & which involving syllable speed (i.e. shorter syllables Brenowitz, 1985; Wiley, 1991; Tubaro & Mahler, 1998; being simpler). Of these, all but one had near-zero Seddon, 2005) and results from simple size-dependent interspecific correlation coefficients. Thus, species efficiency of the vocal organ (Bradbury & Vehren- that evolved fast songs did not merely reduce syllable camp, 1998). Body size had a minor influence on the complexity or partition existing syllables into smaller song structure because it was correlated only with the ones, but truly evolved fast and complex syllables. second, and not the first, component from a factorial The length of the syllable repertoire was suggested as analysis of song characteristics. This correlation sug- a measure of song complexity that could overcome the gests that larger species, which have a more volumi- comparability problem between song syntaxes (Irwin, nous respiratory system, are able to produce songs 2000; Gil & Gahr, 2002); however, when evolution of characterized by a combination of greater sound to song speed without loss of complexity occurs, such as silence ratio and longer syllables. in this genus, this measure is not appropriate and © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92, 183–194
SONG EVOLUTION IN SERINUS SPP. 191 Figure 4. Representative spectrograms of songs. A, Serinus pusillus; B, Serinus canicollis; C, Serinus menelli; D, Serinus albogularis; E, Serinus thibetanus; F, Serinus leucopterus. The species depicted are the two with highest scores at the first (A, B), second (C, D) and third (E, F) principal components of the principal component analysis of song and syllable characteristics. Horizontal lines under the spectrograms identify syllables. Each spectrogram represents the first 3 s of a song; song renditions vary in length. syllable complexity must be explicitly included in the variation appear to indicate distinct and largely inde- classification of song complexity. pendent phenomena. For example, the second compo- The high evolutionary lability of song characteris- nent is related to the species body size and is defined tics, weak effect of body size, and diversification along by traits, such as long syllables or large proportion of lines orthogonal to within-species complexity trade- sound in songs, that could result from better respira- offs, all indicate that song evolution in Serinus spp. tory capacities of larger birds. did not result only from drift, but was often under Despite the low phylogenetic signal, all species with selective pressures sufficiently strong to pervasively high scores in the first component, which character- overcome evolutionary constraints. izes song complexity, are clustered in the same lineage (Serinus canicollis, Serinus citrinelloides, SONG COMPLEXITY Serinus pusillus and S. serinus). These are inter- Song complexity in this genus is conveniently spersed with other species having median scores expressed by the first component from the factorial (Serinus alario, S. canaria and Serinus mozambicus). analysis of song characteristics because it includes According to current knowledge on evolutionary most of the complexity measures taken. Repertoire dynamics of sexually selected traits, this pattern is size, a conventional measure of song complexity, is most easily explained by repeated loss of song com- important in this axis of variation, but so are other plexity (Wiens, 2001), which would also explain the characteristics related to song speed, song frequency, weak phylogenetic signal remaining. Loss of complex- and syllable phonology. Although this first compo- ity was previously suggested for the evolution of song nent is a comprehensive measure of song complexity, under domestication in one of these species, S. two more significant and interpretable components canaria (Mota & Cardoso, 2001). The pattern that exist, indicating that song evolution in Serinus we now document suggests that the same may apply spp. followed at least as many independent axis of to some wild species in this lineage. For example, variation. S. canaria is an insular species, and insular species In other passerine groups, different lineages evolve often undergo loss of song complexity (Milder & song in different directions of complexity (Irwin, 2000; Schreiber, 1989; Baker, 1996; Hamao & Ueda, 2000) Price & Lanyon, 2004). However, the lack of signifi- presumably due to relaxation in the intensity of cant phylogenetic signal of the species principal com- sexual selection (Griffith, 2000). In this scenario, the ponent scores indicates that these axes of song well-documented preference of S. canaria females for variation do not result from lineage differentiation fast syllable repetition rates (Vallet & Kreutzer, 1995; within the genus Serinus. Instead, different axes of Vallet, Beme & Kreutzer, 1998; Drăgănoiu et al., © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92, 183–194
192 G. C. CARDOSO and P. G. MOTA 2002), which is the strongest defining trait on this Drăgănoiu TI, Nagle L, Kreutzer M. 2002. Directional axis of variation, could be an ancestral preference female preference for an exagerated trait in canary (Serinus against which song evolved. The measurement of canaria) song. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London sexual and natural selection for song characteristics Series B, Biological Sciences 269: 2525–2531. in wild populations of this species could be greatly Felsenstein J. 1985. Phylogenies and the comparative informative in this respect. method. American Naturalist 125: 1–15. Felsenstein J. 2000. PHYLIP (Phylogeny inference package), Version 3.6 (alpha). Distributed by the author. Seattle, WA: Department of Genetics, University of Washington. 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194 G. C. CARDOSO and P. G. MOTA SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL The following material is available for this article online: Figure S1. Sample sizes and species means of syllable and song measurements for the 27 species of Serinus spp. used in this study. Figure S2. Representative spectrograms of songs of Serinus spp. (only the first 3 s of each song are repre- sented). Horizontal lines under the spectrograms identify syllables. This material is available as part of the online article from: (This link will take you to the article abstract). Please note: Blackwell Publishing are not responsible for the content or functionality of any supplementary materials supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing material) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92, 183–194
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