Isaa'aH Palin ä INVENTOR - Nov. 13, 1934.
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Nov. 13, 1934. ' l l, H_ FOLK 1,980,695 ART OF PHESERVING FRESH FRUI-T JUICES vIN THEIR NATURAL STATE Filed Nov'. '25, 1952 2 sheets-sheet 2v Mimi „„HHHHH Z5 .55 `. BY 37 y ATTORNEYS
_ laisseraitl Nev'. 13, i934 1,980,695 UNITED sTATEs PATENT OFFICE 1,980,895 lART 0F PBEISEBVING FRESH FRUIT JUICES IN THEIR NATURAL STATE . Isaac H. Polk', Monrovia, Calif., assigner, by mesne assignments, to Sunset Packing Corpo-- ration, Los Angeles, Calif., a corporation Aof California 1 Application November 25,1932, Serial- No. 644,360 22 Claims. This invention relates to art of preserving and subjected to the necessary treatment in a _fresh fruit juices in their natural state, and in minimum period of time and under operating particular it relates to extraction and treatment conditions such that, at each step or stage of the of orange juice and the like in such manner as procedure, a suitably low temperature is main 60 " 5 to yield a juice'product of good flavor and keep tained and the chances-of introducing air into ing qualities which has substantially the charac the juice and thus causing oxidation _are mini- - - teristics of fresh orange juice or whióh ap mized. The present invention includesl a pro proaches that objective more closely thanhas cedure wherein these requirements are satisfac been possible heretofore in the art.> 'fw _ torily met, the several steps or stages being ssj 10 While the invention is not to be understood as ,grouped together into a combination which is confined in its practical application to. the pres novel in the art and effective to yield a fresh ervation of the juice of oranges'or other citrus juice product of markedly superior characteris l fruit, the preservation of orange‘juiceis at pres tics, this result being attained with an eiliciency . entv the most important commercial field for the Q and economy such that the novel combined pro-- 70 15 practice of the invention, and therefore this will cedure is commercially feasible. be more particularly referred to hereinafter by _ Another difficulty which has heretofore proved way of concrete example embodying the under-> insuperable has been the practical impossibility lying principles of the invention. It is to be of preventing contamination of the juice by es borne in mind, however, that in its broader as sential oilsand >other constituents derived from ' 20 pects the invention is applicable to the preserva-. the rind> or peel without excessive removal or loss f5, tion of the juices of various other fruits in fresh, of pulp, and of removing such contaminants from the juice with sumcient completeness to natural condition. - '_ ` It is well known that numerous‘attempts have ing avoid the damaging _effect upon flavor and keep quality they produce through the oxidation> heretofore been lmade to pack> fresh-fruit juices, or other 25 such as orange and other citrus juices, in such chemical change which they inevitably manner that they will keep for a substantial undergo. No practical way of avoiding this dim period of time and also retain _the good palat fcult’y _has been known to the artheretofore. The' ability, fine flavor vand other desirable charac' present invention, however,~ makes possible the re.- ' teristics possessed by the fresh juice immediately Vmoval of substantially _all of the troublesome oily 30 after its extraction from the fruit. Among these constituents and other important contaminants prior attempts may be mentioned pasteurization, in a relatively simple and dependable manner, treatment with light rays, extraction and packing with the result that impairment of _ or deteriora in the presence of inert gases, and slow and quick titon in the juice flavor from this source is wholly freezing methods with and without agitation. or largely eliminated. This eliminates the chief _ None of these proposed prior methods has made obstacle heretofore blocking attempts to pre-- 90 possible the commercial preparation of a juice serve orange juice and the like in fresh, natural product, in either liquid or frozen condition, that state. ‘ ^ In brief general outline, the complete process can be held for anysubstantiallength of time and that retains the freshness and palatability of the present invention comprises, first, the step of extracting the juice from the fruit, most lde 95 40 characterizing `freshly extracted juice. -'I_l'he sirably after the fruit has been precooled to a quick-freezing methods have been found t'o be the temperature most satisfactory from the standpoint of pre approximately the freezing point serving the fresh taste. of the juice; but in spite but not suiliciently low, under the conditions of of prolonged and very expensive research and operation, to effect actual freezing of the fruit. i5 experimental workA in an effort to render juice The juice is then strained to remove whatever 100 preservation by- these methods commercially relativelyv coarse pulp or other solids or semi feasible, it has proved impossible until now~ to solids are contained therein, and may be allowed achieve the desired result even by quick-freezing to stand for a short time to enable removal of such excess oils, pulp, and resins, as can be rapid-' Apparently the lack of success characterizing ly separated in a preliminary way by settling and 105 methods. ' ., ^ » _ prior attempts to product a satisfactory vfresh skimming. This and the succeeding- steps are juice product of the type here under considera also conducted at -relatively lovv~ temperatures tion has been due in large‘measure to the failure and.` lmder conditions such that introduction of to provide a thoroughly. systematic and methodi air into the juice is minimized. After the prelim V55 cal procedure by which the juice can be extracted ìnary separating step just mentioned, the> juice no
2 1,980,695 is subjected, still at low temperature, to the ac the'principœs underlying the inventan, , tion of a relatively high vacuum which should be able practical embodiment thereof as employed on the order of at least 2'7 inches mercury vacu specifically in the preservation of orange juice in um gauge (3 inches mercury absolute pressure), fresh natural condition will now be described inl and most desirably 28 inches or higher. In this detail by way of a typical concrete example.'- 80 step, the juice is agitated by one means or another While the process maybe carried out in various ' but only to a limited extent, Athe purpose being forms of apparatusdiffering¿widelyi n ¿specific merely to agitate sufficiently to ensure adequate detail, the description hereinafter given will in- _ exposure of all portions of the body of juice clude reference to an apparatus system'which has 10 undergoing treatment to the applied high vacu been found to possess particularly desirable char 85 ' um (low absolute pressure), whereby to effect acteristics for the purposes in view and which i as nearly complete de-aeration as is practically also embodies novel features of importance. possible under the relatively low temperature and _ Such an apparatus system is illustrated more or other operating conditions here involved. This less diagrammatically in the accompanying . - 15 application of high vacuum to the juice is notv drawings wherein ‘ merely for- the purpose of eliminating the con Figs. 1 and 1a, placed end to end 'on the line tained air and its oxidizing effect but, as will ap 'a.-`a, represent the system in side elevation, part- ’ pear presently, it also enables more complete ly broken away and in section; elimination of oily and other contaminating im Fig. 2 is a plan of the extraction unit; and 20 purities in the next succeeding stage of the proc Fig. 3 is a vertical central section, on a larger i 95 ess. After applying the high vacuum to the juice scale, of the vacuum separator unit. while it is being agitated `for-the limited period Referring to the drawings, A represents gen of time indicated, the juice is allowed to standA erally a precooling unit wherein the oranges', prior quietly for some time in a body of substantial to extraction of the juice, are cooled down to ap 25 depth while still subjected to the applied high proximately the freezing point; while B repre -100 vacuum. At this stage, a considerable quantity sents generally the -juice extraction unit, C the' of solid and semi-solid material, including sus separating and de-aerating unit, D the container pended pulp, cell membranes, and the like, es ñlling and sealing unit, and E the quick-freezing pecially that which is relatively coarse but has unit. 30 escaped separation up to this point, rises upward _ Since the entireseries of operations comprising 105 ly through all> portions of the bodyof juice and the complete process are carried out at tempera collects after a relatively short period of time tures either in the neighborhood of the freezing at the upper surface as a layer containing, in its point or, in the case of the final freezing, much upper portion which was the ñrst to rise,. all ' below the freezing point, the several units above 35 or substantially all the seriously objectionable mentioned are enclosed in rooms or chambers. n contaminants, p_articularly oily and resinous protected by suitable heat insulating material in- , matter, which still persist in the juice to some dicated generally at 10. The desired low temper exter-'.~_t notwithstanding theprevious preliminary atures are maintained in the several units of the ' ’ settling and skimming operation already de system by appropriate refrigerating means I‘of . 40 scribed as being most desirably effected in a pre any well known or suitable type unnecessary'to 115 ceding stage. This supernatant layer of solid illustrate here. ' . and semi-solid pulpy 'or like material, or rather The oranges to be handled in the plantare the upper portion of said layer,- together with the held in the precooler unit A, as in stacked boxes accompanying contaminants which have thus 11, until the fruit has been cooled Ato about 29° 45 been caught or entrained and virtually filtered to 33° F., the optimum being about „30° F." No 120 out of the juice by the ñrst portion especially of substantial freezing of the edible lportion of the the solid particles of pulp etc. rising through the fruit will occur under these conditions evenfif the body of juice, is then rejected by decantation or fruit .remains in the precooler vfor several/hours otherwise, leaving a de-aerated and puriñed juice after attaining the stated temperature. This which is of greatly enhanced stability. _ It is also precooling of the fruit to within substantially the 125 characterized by a ratio of solids to liquid which, temperature range just mentioned is highlyiad in _the practice of the process, is found to be vantageous in its effect upon the keeping quality quite definitely predeterm‘inable- and capable of and other characteristics of the juice product being maintained substantially constant, a high finally obtained. Precooling the fruit before ex 55 ly important advantage incapable of realizationv tracting the juice therefrom also favorably af 130 heretofore in practical work. ~ fects the subsequent vacuum separation `of pulpy The juice is then placed in consumer-unit con and fibrous matter carrying undesirable contam tainers which are sealed under vacuum. Where inants, already referred to, and indeed seems to the final product is to bein frozen form, the be essential to the attainment of best results ln sealed containers are refrigerated in such man effecting said-vacuum separation. It is there 135 ner as to effect freezing of their contents as quick ly as possible under conditions minimizing physi fore >_an important specific feature of the invèn- . tion in its best embodiments,-'although in itsy cal separation of the dissolved and suspended solid constituents of the juice from the asso broader aspects the invention is not restricted to a combination of steps which necessarily in 65 ciated Water content. . After the freezing opera Ícludes precooling or, if precooling be employed 140 tion, the containers can be stored at subfreezing temperature until the juice is required for use, to the use of that specific precooling temperature whereupon'the frozen juice can be liquefied in range. By precooling the fruit to within the any suitable manner. . Y. stated temperature range of 29° to 33° F., say 70 "I'he complete combination of process steps 30° F. as an average, the final juice product is 145 generally outlined aboveis believed to be novel superior in keeping quality'and other respects to in the art.4 Also certain of the steps so com that obtained when a precooling temperature of, -bined, which will be more fully hereinafter de say, 35° F. 'is used, the process as _a whole re scribed, are believed to be individually novel. maining otherwise-the same. Prior work in this Inbrder ltb afford a fuller underâtanding of field gave no indication that pre-cooling the
1,980,695 fruit to within this temperature range would re lto do so, these materials being removed in vany sult in such superiority in the final product. _ convenient byskimming. Oneof the A'fter the fruit has been precooled to ‘the de functions of. thisfore-cooler is to permit accumu sired precooling -temperature, it is transferred lation at this point of a substantial body of juice from the precooling unit by way of box dump 12 and thus to provide a source of supply from which ' and conveyor means 13 to the extraction unit B. a substantially constant-volume now of juice into 7 It is delivered by the conveyor 13 to V-shaped the next succeeding stage of the process can be trough 14 down which it rolls by gravity and by smoothly and continuously effected, irrespective which it is presented to revolving knife 15, which of more or less variation in the rate at which . halves the fruit, the halves being deflected by juice flowsv into the fore-cooler from the extra'c- " stationary deflecting or distributing device 16 tion unit B. ' , to parallel conveyor belts 1'7. From these con From the forewooler, the 'partially purified veyor belts, operators take the halved fruit and juice passes to the de-aeratingf'unit. The de«- . subject it to the action of reaming machines 18 aeration must be accomplishedin fa thorough and for extraction of the juice, the reamed fruit rinds systematic manner‘but with. a minimum amount ‘ being thrown into waste receivers 19. Any other of agitationot the’juio'e.„f Excessive agitation, > suitable method may of course be used for ex besides producing other undesirable results, pro tracting the juice, reaming being referred to here motes oxidizing- reactions of various Akinds and merely as illustrating one practical way of ac injuriously affects the `iiavor and keeping quali complishing the desired result. The installation _ties of the juice. As already stated,? the purpose here illustrated comprises a battery of ten ream of this de-aeration .step is not merely to remove ers in two groups of five, each group being served air from the juice. When carried out in accord by one of the belts 17. The reaming member of ance with the invention,r this operation has the each machine is most desirably a cone-shaped further purpose and eiïect of causing a substan - rotating burr constructed in such manner as to tial quantity of pulp, mostly of moderate or of reduce to a yminimum the tearing effect upon intermediate coarseness, to ascend through the fruit tissues, it being desirable to prevent as much body of juice and to exert upon the entire body of juice a Amechanical cleansing or fllteringac as possible the introduction of oils and/or resins tion, whereby even very small residual quantities __ into the juice-from the rindor peel and uragn. of oily, resinous and other objectionable contami The reaming operation should be conducted in an environment cooled to 40° F. or lower in order nants, practically impossible to remove by meth to maintain the temperature of the juice as near ods heretofore known, can be substantially elimi nated in a simple and rapid manner. One of the the freezing point as is feasible. l Juice from each set or group of reamers passes chief reasons for the failures heretofore to obtain A ' into pipe 20 and flows by gravity into a strainer a natural orange juice product of good _fiavorand 21 where the seeds and relatively very coarse good keeping qualities has been the acknowledged fragments of pulp and other solid material are inability etc. to remove these last traces of oils, gums. which> undergo .oxidation or other chemical separated from the juice. This strainer may be change during the storage of the juice, thus in k, of any suitable type but` most desirably it „com prises screens of such size mesh and so agitated, evitably causing its serious deterioration. In effecting de-aeration in accordance with vibrated or revolved as to allow passage there the present process, the juice, after settling and through of the juice, together with all the very being skimmed, passes from the fore-cooler and fine pulp and a desirable proportion of moder settling container 23, through pipe 26, into a ' ately coarse pulp, while retaining and automati vacuum separator device 27 which is desirably ' cally moving to a place of discharge the seeds, of upright cylindrical form and provided with very coarse pulp, etc. desirable to reject at this cooling jacket 28, whereby a body of juice of stage. The relative volumes of liquid, and solids considerable depth may be maintained under and semi-solids, respectively, passing through the high vacuum at a temperature approximating v screen device can be definitely controlled-‘by the the freezing point. Means (not shown) are pro Si l size of the mesh as well as by the extent and vided for maintaining in this vacuum separator rapidity of screen vibration, agitation or revolu tion. One important advantage of this type of a partial vacuum of at least 27 inches mercury strainer lies in thefact that by its use adequate vacuum gauge (3 inches absolute pressure), and separation therefrom ofK relatively very coarse most desirably of 28 inches vacuum gauge or higher. By virtue .of the low pressure main ' solid material can be eiîected while subjecting the juice to only the~ minimum of agitation and tained in the vacuum separator, the juice to be de-aerated may be continuously drawn into the consequent aeration. From the strainer unit 21, the separated juice separator from container 23 through the- afore-v flows through pipe 22 into the bottom of an an said pipe 26 at a predetermined rate which can ~nular fore-cooler chamber 23 which should be be adjusted as desired by control valve 29. Most * desirably suitably refrigerated to keep the juice at a tem `arator is sothe rate of ñow of'juice into the sep perature approximating the freezing point. In pan in a relativelyregulated that the juice enters the small stream, thus exposing this instance the fore-cooler is'shown as pro -vided with central and peripheral spaces 24 and the entire body of juice in successive small por 25, respectively, for circulation of a refrigerant. tions to the effect of the high vacuum as they The pipe 22 is shown discharging into the fore enter the vacuum chamber and fall downwardly cooler chamber' at a point below the normal liquid therein. During the filling of the vacuum> sep level therein. This arrangement, and maintain arator chamber with thebatch of juice to be ing the pipe 22 full of juice at all times, are de-aerated, the juice may optionally also be agi desirable measures of general application for tated cautiously by means of an agitator device comprising blades 30 carried by a suitably driven minimizing introduction of air into the juice. In Vthe pre-cooler, the juice is allowed to stand shaft 31. In `contrast to de-aeration methods a suflicient length of time to permit such portion previously proposed, however, the present pro cedure is Àcharacterized by relatively very little of the light oils, gums or resins and pulp as will agitation of the juice during the de-aerationlm ' rise to the surface readily‘under these conditions
4 1,980,695 treatment, since it is particularly desired to avoid half or three-quarters of the said accumulated ldisseminating throughout the juice- the small „ layer need be thus removed and discarded. The residual quantity of oils, gums, etc., and the'vir juice is maintained under the high vacuum until tual emulsiñcation thereof with the -juice that the removal or separation of the deleterious mat necessarily accompanies the violent agitation ter has been completed. This removal may be 80 heretofore characterizing de-aerating treat variously effected, but the decantation method ments. . . yhereinafter specifically described has important After the desired amount of juice has been practical advantages. Also, the practice of this charged into the vacuum separator 'chamber method is facilitated and simplified by the con-, l 10 through pipe 26, the inlet valve 29 is closed and struction and arrangement of the novel vacuum sa the juice is slowly agitated by means of device de-aerating and separator unit here illustrated. 30 for a short time, a period on the order of two Within the shell of the vacuum separator is a , or three minutes being usually sufficient. This juice container or receiver comprising a ñxed is primarily for the purpose of dislodging pulp lower portion 32, and a double-walled upper por particles adhering to the side walls and bottom tion 33 which is in telescoping relation with the 90 of the separator chamber. The body of juice lower portion and can be moved upwardly or in the vacuum pan is then allowed to stand quiet downwardly by means of a suitable rack and ly for a substantially longer but limited period pinion device 34, for example, to vary the ca of time under the applied high vacuum. In a pacity of the juice yreceiver or container as a typical instance, this standing period may be whole. At the start of the de-aerating and sep 95 on the order of l5 minutes. It is found that arating operation, the capacity of the receiver is under these conditions a considerable amount adjusted _to accommodate the- entire volume or , of fairly coarse pulp and other suspended solid body of juice to be de-aerated at the time, the po or semi-solid matter which, although carrying sition of the parts being as shown- in Fig. 3. The v25 relatively large quantities of adsorbed air, would receiver is of slightly smaller diameter than the 100 normally tend to sink to the bottom of the juice shell of the vacuum separator chamber 27, thus body, is caused by the action of the applied high leaving an annular clearance between the shell vacuum to rise upwardly through the relatively and the receiver to provide an -overflow space, deep body of juice and to accumulate in a layer as indicated at 35. The juice inlet pipe 26 is 30 at the upper surface thereof. Apparently the arranged to discharge into thereceiver at a point 105 application of the high vacuum reduces the totall just above the open top thereof when in its ex effective pressure on the highly condensed ad tended or full volume position. sorbed air carried by said solid or semi-solid Air having been previously exhausted from the matter, especially by the coarser particles there vacuum separator as completely as possible, 35 of, permitting some expansion of such adsorbed and juice sucked through pipe 26 from container 110 air, with consequent Ibuoyant effect upon the' 23 having been sprayed or sprinkled into the re particles sufûcient to overcome their normal ceiver until the‘latter is charged full, as already tendency to sink, and to cause the described up described, valve 29 is closed and, while the col ward movement thereof through the quiescent umn of juice in the receiver is quiescent, the 40 column of juice. But whatever may be the cor application of the high vacuum (e. g. 28 inches _rect explanation, such movement of the afore gauge or higher) continues until the desired 115 saidl particles does occur under the operating action of the vacuum upon the juice is substan conditions here prescribed. -Moreover, in its tially complete and the before described layer of travel upwardly through the juice, this solid or solid and semi-solid matter, with accompanying 45 semi-solid matter, more especially that which oily and other contaminants, has collected at the 120 ascends during the earlier part of the-standing top. Thereupon, the upper portion 33 of the period, collects and carries with it practically allV receiver is lowered by means of adjusting device of the residual oils, resins, gums and other trou 34 to the extent necessary to permit the prede blesome contaminants which still persist in the termined upper portion> of the accumulated semi 50 juice andl have heretofore defied even approxi liquid supernatant mass or layer to overflow the 125 mately complete removal. After .the layer of upper edge of the juice receiver into the annular pulpy material has accumulated at the upper overflow chamber 35. This decantation having surface of the juice column as described, the been effected, the juice remaining in the con juice column should not be allowed to stand too tainer 32-33, still under the applied high vacu 55 long under the applied high vacuum before re um, is vnow agitated suiiiciently to distribute moving the upper. part of said layer. .Otherwise therethrough the pulp constituting the residual 130 de-aeration of that portion of the solid or semi lower portion of the layer originally accumulated. solid matter carrying undesirable contaminants may proceed to the point where the particles This residual pulp is a desirable constituent of the finished juice product and uniform distribu- - composing such matter lose their buoyancy and tion 'so sink thereof through the juice at this stage, prior 135 downwardly, thus defeating to a- greater'or less extent the principal purpose of this vacuuml to the succeeding packaging operations, should separation treatment. At the conclusion of the be effected. ’This agitation of me purified juice period of standing or quiescence the layer of following the described separation and rejection solids and semi-solids which has accumulated in of that portion of the pulpy layer carrying the the upper part of the juice column amounts in oily and resinous contaminants and‘while the 140 , a typical instance -to around twenty to twenty juice is still under high vacuum, accomplishes ñve per cent of the total column heightv or depth. even more nearly complete de-aeration of the Since the aforesaid contaminants are found to juice and the residual relatively ñne pulp par 70 be concentrated almost entirely in the upper por ticles left therein. This is desirable not only tion of this layer, only such upper portion need in and of itself but also because the buoyancy of 145 be removed and discarded in any suitable man said residual pulp particles is thereby reduced ner in order to ensure substantial freedom of the and uniformity of the distribution and suspen remainder of the juice column from such con sion thereof throughout the juice is thus favored. 75 taminants. In practice, not more than the upper After breaking the vacuum by cautiously opening , 50
. 5 i ’ .1,980,695 valve 2'7‘, the over?owed or decanted material such machines with the particular type of unit may be subsequently vwithdrawn from chamber container employed. 35 through outlet pipe 36 by opening cut-off valve Prior to ñlling the containers as just described, 37. The purified juice can be removed through the containers are most desirably pre-cooled to the‘temperature of the juice, that is, to approxi 80 outlet pipe- 38 by opening cut-off valve 39. mately the freezing point. _ This pre-cooling of These cut-off valves normally remain closed at all the f containers is of material importance for other times. - ' Not only does the described vacuum separation attainment of best results and is a‘highly desirable feature of the new process in its most advantage eliminate oily and like contaminants to a degree 10 of completeness impossible of attainment hereto-- ous 'practical embodiments. fore, but it also results in a more nearly perfect Where, as is deemed most desirable, the juice is to be frozen into solid form, the sealed con de-aeration' of the juice. Complete removal of . tainers are then delivered by conveyor 44 to a air from juice is extremely difficult, especially at the relatively low temperatures at which it must quick-freezing unit, which in the present instance comprises an’enclosed and suitably insulated tank 90 15 be handled in a process of this kind. A large` 45 containing a freezing bath 46 of suitable liquid, part of the air content of extracted juice is tena such as alcohol, maintained at, say, 50 degrees ciously held in adsorbed condition by the coarser fragments and particles of pulp and otherrsolids below zero Fahrenheit (-50" F.) . The tempera ture of this freezing bath may behigher or lower ' _or semi-solids. Preliminary straining of the ex than _50° F. depending upon such practical con Aor; 20 tracted juice removes some of the coarsest frag ments; but the practical limitation of any strain siderations as size of the containers, the material ing method, and the further consideration that of which they are made, and the like. But in any complete removal of pulp and the like is undesir case the~ temperature should be low enough to bring about quick-freezing of the juice as this - _ able in any ease, render it inevitable that in the term is understood in the art.` ~ . 100 25 strained juice there is still a substantial contentv ì The containers 47 roll by gravity down an in of fairly coarse pulp carrying much adsorbed air. Application of high vacuum to strained juice while clined track 48, arranged to direct them through violently agitating it is insuflicient because, aside the freezing bath which may be maintained in from various objections to such agitation, it is circulation by a suitable propeller device 49 and kept at the desired low temperature by appro 105 30 ineffective to dislodge anything like all the ad priate refrigerating means not shown and unnec sorbed air which is chiefly held by such fairly essary to describe in detail. The length of the coarse residual pulp. But in the present process, wherein a body of the strained juice of substantial . bath is such that by the time the containers ,have depth is held quiescent under high vacuum, such rolled through it, complete freezing of their con coarser residual pulp fragments or particles have tents has been accomplished. The rolling move 11o an opportunity to collect in the aforesaid super ment of the containers through the bath prevents nonuniformity in the frozen juice product which natant layer of solids and semi-solids at or near the top of the juice column. Moreover, due ap would otherwise result due to physical separation parently to the greater buoyant effect produced of suspended and dissolved solids from the water content of the juice which tends to occur during 404 upon them by the applied vacuum, because of freezing, especially if the freezing is not very 115 their larger content of adsorbed air as compared to relatively fine pulp particles, the -coarser pulp rapid. Under the described conditions of opera particles are found mainly in the upper half of tion, however, a close approximation to. instan said supernatant layer and are thus removed and taneous freezing can be had, because the juice is 45 discarded, with their persisting air content, in'the in fact super-cooled, that is, brought to a tem 120 , perature substantially below its normal freezing decantation step. ‘ It will be noted also that, through the present point while it still remains liquid, to such an ex process, it becomes a comparatively simple matter tent that a “flash-freeze” occurs, thus obtaining to adjust and control, with a high degree of exact the benefits of the quick-freezing principle, in cluding reduction ofthe aforesaid physical sepa 125 50 ness, the quantity and proportion of pulp-to be left incorporated in the finished juice. Mainte ration to a minimum, and maximum retention of nance of a predeterminable or standard ratio of volatile substances. . solids to liquid is a most important consideration The track 48 delivers the containers, at a point in the marketing of orange juice, and inability to` below the level of the freezing bath, to an elevator attain such uniformity of product has been one of device 50, which lifts them out of the ‘bath and 130 55 delivers them to conveyor belt 51, from which numerous reasons why prior proposed methods have been unsatisfactory.y they may be taken by operators to~be suitably After the vacuum in the vacuum separator has packed for storage under refrigeration, most de f been slowly released or broken in such manner sirably at 0° to 10° F. When the juice is required as to avoid introducing air into the purified juice, for use, the unopened container may be placed in v135 so valve 39 is opened and the juice is allowed to flow cold water or other environment, preferably at through pipe 38 to a filling machine 40 of any about 35° to 40° F., until the ,contents liquefy, the well known or suitable typeìwhereby consumer juice thus remaining under vacuum and protected packages or containers, such as glass bottles or against oxidizing influences throughout the ,I thawing period and until ready to serve. 65 >properly enameled cans, may be filled in such ' Throughout the entire process it is extremely manner as to exclude introduction of air into the juice. This is best accomplished by filling the important for attainment of >best results that all operations be conducted under'relatively low tem containers from the bottom. It is to be "under peratures. Inthis way bacteriological action is stood that this operation is also conducted under reduced to a minimum, as well as `aeration and 145 70 appropriate refrigerating conditions. The filled consequent oxidation. containers then go to capping, closing and sealing It will be understood that the various details of machines of any well known crsuitable type, indi operation cated at 41,42 and 43, respectively, the sealing tures, timehereinabove given, such as tempera periods, and the like, are susceptible being effected under the highest degree of vac of relatively wide variation within the scope of 150 75 uum practically attainable in the operation of
6 1,980,695 the invention, and thatany. specific figures men~ of atleast 2'1 inches vacuum gauge under condi tioned are merelyillustrative of good practice in tions of agitation ensuring adequate exposure of typical instances. l ' all portions of the juice to the de-aerating action - What is claimed is: of the vacuum, then further subjecting the juice 1. Inthe art of preserving fruit juices in natural to the action of such partial vacuum without agi state, the process which comprises subjecting a tation until a substantial quantity of the pulp body of freshly extracted fruit juice containing has been caused to pass upwardly through said pulp particles, together with oily and other con, body of juice and form a surface layer containing taminants, to the action of a partial vacuum un residual contaminants of the character aforesaid, 10 til a substantial quantity of the pulp has been separating at least the upper part of said layer caused to pass upwardly through said body of from the juice and'packaging the latter, all the juice and form'a supernatant layer containing foregoing operations' being conducted under cool such contaminants, removing at least the upper ing conditions._ » _ partof said layer, and packaging the residual 9.- In the art of preserving fruit juice in its nat 15 , juice. ural state, the process which comprises precool 2. The process defined in claim l which fur ing fresh fruit to below 33° F., most desirably to ther includes conducting all the stated operations about 30° F., while avoiding actually freezing the under refrigeration. fruit, extracting juice from the precooled fruit, 3. In the art of preserving fruit juices in natu screening the extracted juice to remove there ral state, the process which comprises subjecting from relatively coarse solid matter, subjecting the a body of freshly extracted fruitl juice containing screened juice to- the action of an applied high pulp particles, together with oily and other con vacuum, flrst while the juice is in motion and then taminants, to the action of a partial vacuum un while it is quiescent in~a body of substantial , til a substantialquantity of the pulp has been depth, until a substantial quantity of the re 25 caused to pass upwardly'through said'body of maining pulp has been caused to pass upwardly 100 juice and form a'lsupernatant layer containing through the quiescent body of juice and collect, such contaminants, removing a predetermined together with contaminants such as oily and/or upper portion of said layer, distributing the resid resinous matter, in a layer at the surface, remov ual portion of said layer uniformly throughout ing at least the upper part of such collected layer, 30 the remaining body of juice, and packaging the all the foregoing operations being conducted un 165 juice. , ' - der refrigeration, and then quick-freezing the re 4. The process defined in claim 3, which fur-_ sidual juice. . ' ther includes conducting all the stated operations _ 10. The process defined in claim 9, which fur under refrigeration. ther includes, prior to application of high vac 5. In the art of preserving fruit juices in nat uum to the screened juice, effecting a preliminary 110 ural state, the process which comprises cooling separation of a part of the oily and/or resinous fresh fruit down to a temperature approximating matter by a standing and skimming treatment. the freezing point, extracting juice therefrom, 11. The process deflned in claim 9, wherein, agitating the extracted juice moderately while after removal of at least the upper part of said ' 40 subjecting it to a partial vacuum of at least 27 collected layer, the juice is filled into containers 115 inches mercury gauge, then further subjecting pre-cooled to a temperature atleast as low as ap the juice in a quiescent state to such` partial vac proximately that of the juice, the containers are uum until a substantial quantity V,of pulp has sealed under vacuum, and the juice then under ' passed upwardly through the body of juice and _goes quick-freezing. collected at the surface as a layer containing im 12. The process defined in claim 9, wherein, purities, rejecting at least the upper part of said after removal of at least the upper part ofsaid layer, filling the residual juice into containers, collected layer, the juice is ñlled into round con and sealing under vacuum, all the foregoing op tainers and sealed under vacuum, and said con erations being effected at temperatures not ex tainers are caused to roll while being subjected t0 50 ceeding 40° F. ' refrigerating conditions eñective to accomplish 125. 6. The process deñned in claim 5, which fur quick-freezing. ther includes quick-freezing the juice after it has 13. In the art of preserving fruit juices in been placed in the vacuum-sealed containers. natural state, the process which comprises cool '7. In the art of preserving orange juice in its ing fresh fruit down to a temperature approxi 55 natural state, the process which comprises re-- mating the freezing point; extracting juice there-` moving juice from fresh Oranges, preliminarily from, agitating the extracted juice moderately separating from the juice relatively coarse solid while subjecting it to a partial vacuum of at least matter and associated contaminants -of an oily 27 inches mercury gauge, then further subjecting and/or resinous nature, subjecting the separated the juice in a quiescent state to such partial 60 juice to the action of a partial vacuum of such de vacuum until a substantial quantity of pulp has gree and for suchvlength of time that solid mat passed upwardly through the body of juice and ter therein is caused to rise therethrough and collected at the surface as a layer containing im collect at the surface in a layer containing resid purities, rejecting at least the upper part of said ual contaminants of the character aforesaid, sep layer, _and packaging the residual juice, all the 65 arating at least the upper part of said layer from foregoing operations being performed at tem 140 the juice and packaging the latter, all the fore peratures not substantially exceed1ng’40° going operations being conducted under refriger 14. Thel process defined in‘claim i’ wherein, ation. - ' after .the stated separation of at least the upper 8. In the art yof preserving orange juice in its part of said surface layer and before packaging 70 natural state, the process which comprises ex the residual juice, said juice is agitated while E tracting juice from fresh oranges, preliminarily still under partial vacuum until pulpy matter re separating from the extracted juice lrelatively maining therein is uniformly distributed there coarse solid matter and associated contaminants through. ' , l _ of an oily and/or resinous nature, subjecting the 15. In theA art of preserving citrus fruit juice separated juice to the action of` a partial vacuum in its natural state, the process which comprises 150
1,980,695 '7 precooling citrus fruit to relatively low tempera partial vacuum until pulpy matter remaining ture while avoiding substantial freezing thereof, therein has been uniformly distributed there extracting juice from the precooled-fruit, sub through, and packaging the juice. 18. The process defined in claim 17 wherein jecting the extracted juice to the action of a all the stated operations are performed at rela. Vacuum until a layer of pulpy material has col lected at the top, and rejecting at least the upper tively low temperature. 19. In the art of preserving fruit juices in portion of said layer from‘the juice, the extrac natural state, the process- which comprises sub tion of the juice and the succeeding stated opera jecting a body of freshly extracted fruit juice tions being also performed at relatively low tem containing pulp particles, together with oily and 85 perature. lother contaminants, to the action of a relatively 10 16. I_n a process of preserving fruit juice in its natural state, separating contaminants from high vacuum for a limited period of time, with freshly extracted juice by the steps of subjecting out substantial agitation, until pulpy matter has a pulp-containing body of the juice, while it is accumulated at the surface of said body of juice in a layer carrying such contaminants, removing ` maintained at relatively low temperature but 15 above freezing, to the action of a partial vacuum the upper part of said layer, then agitating the until a considerable quantity of pulp has iioated residual juice while still under relatively high upwardly through the juice and formed a layer vacuum, and packaging the juice. \ at the surface thereof, and then rejecting the _ the20.stated The process defined in claim 19, wherein al1 operations are performed at relatively 95 upper portion of said layer; 20 17. In the art of preserving fruit juices in low temperature. . natural state, the process which comprises sub ' 21.,The process defined in claim 19, wherein jecting a body of freshly extracted fruit juice con said limited period of time is on the order of 15 taining pulp particles, together with oily and minutes and the vacuum employed is at least other contaminants, to the action of a partial 27 inches gauge. , 100' vacuum while in a relatively quiescent state until 22. The process defined in _claim 19 wherein a substantial quantity of the pulp has been caused said limited period of time is on the order of 15 to pass upwardly through said body of juice and minutes, the vacuum employed is at least 27 form a supernatant layer containing such con inches gauge, and all the stated operations are taminants removing at least the upper part performed at relatively low temperature.4 105 of said layer, then agitating the residual juice ISAAC POLK. while still subjecting it to the action of the 110 35 116 40 45 125 50 130 55 13a l 140 $5 145 75
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