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SOME CONTRIBUTIONS OF MICROBIOLOGY TO CANCER RESEARCH' ERICH HIRSCHBERG Institute of Cancer Research and Department of Biochemistry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York A quarter century ago, cancer research was between bacteriology or protozoology and cancer almost exclusively in the domain of the patholo- research. Today, microbiological systems consti- gist, the biologist, and the clinician. A cursory tute a considerable portion of the experimental examination of the cancer literature at that time material in many cancer research centers. In a reveals that attention was focused predomi- recent analysis of the financial support of cancer Downloaded from on May 8, 2021 by guest nantly on problems, ranging from cytological and research by government and nongovernment histological studies of spontaneous tumors to agencies (1), the total expenditure for 1953 was investigations on homologous and heterologous placed at about ten million dollars; at least 7 per transplantation of neoplasms, from serological cent of these funds was committed for studies diagnosis of human cancer to immunological which were devoted predominantly to some micro- studies in fowl sarcoma, from blood chemistry of biological system. tumor-bearing hosts to the role of heredity in Viruses have long been known to cause a vari- carcinogenesis. Cancer research was characterized ety of neoplastic conditions and are considered by by its intensive rather than extensive orientation; many investigators to be primary causative the annual meeting of the pertinent scientific agents of all cancer. The proponents of the society was held in a single session and was de- somatic mutation theory, the other principal voted to the presentation of about a dozen hypothesis dealing with carcinogenesis, have been papers; many of the problems which occupy the interested in the contributions of bacterial genet- center of the stage today were little more than ics and bacterial mutations. Studies on the effect shadows waiting in the wings. of chemical carcinogens on yeasts, ciliates, and In the intervening years,the elusive problems other organisms and on the action of carcino- of neoplastic growth have been attacked from so genic and mutagenic agents on Hemophilus influ- many different points of view that today there enzae transforming principle are other examples are few scientific disciplines which have not con- of the application of microbiology to this area of tributed in some way to its understanding. The research. Oncolytic viruses, crown-gall tumors, number of active investigators devoting their bacteriophage metabolism, elucidation of meta- full time to oncology and the diversity of their bolic pathways with the neurospora and other backgrounds and interests have increased beyond microorganisms, enzyme adaptation studies in all expectation. At the last annual meeting of the bacteria, and related subjects of current interest American Association for Cancer Research, there are illustrations of the increasingly fruitful union were as many as four concurrent sessions on each of the two disciplines. of three days, and the scientific program consisted No single short review can begin to deal ade- of close to 200 reports. The efforts of cancer re- quately with these diverse and often complex searchers have remained intensive, but they have problems. In selecting a few topics for discussion, now extended to practically every conceivable the reviewer was guided by one of the more useful aspect of biology and biochemistry. definitions of "cancer" which have been coined Microbiology has also been drawn into this over the years. In this definition, cancer is con- development. A few decades, ago, even a collector sidered to involve the uncontrolled growth of of biological curiosities would have demurred at cells that have failed to differentiate completely. the suggestion that there was common ground Most of the investigations in oncology have con- ' Thisreviewwas preparedinconnectionwith cerned themselves with the problem of uncon- worksupporteview work supported innpparedy part by ina cnearct anwth research grant trolled growth; the first section ofirbooyt del wihsm'otiuinso this review (C-2354) of the National Cancer Institute, U. S. deals with some contributions of microbiology to Public Health Service and in part by an Institu- the search for effective means of stopping the tional Grant of the American Cancer Society to rapid proliferation of the cancer cell. Increasing Columbia University. attention is now being given to the failure of 65
66 ERICH HIRSCHBERG [voL. 19 differentiation which also characterizes neoplastic lymphoma. During this time, thousands of chem- cells; the second section of this review is devoted ical compounds and preparations of the most to a consideration of certain slime molds and varied nature have been evaluated in screening related organisms which appear to lend them- programs based on the response of one or several selves particularly well to studies on differentia- transplanted animal tumors (8). Agents have tion and morphogenesis. Some of these studies been selected for testing for many different may have a more tenuous or less immediate con- reasons; these have ranged from the considered nection with the cancer problem than others, but conclusions of elaborate studies on the bio- no attempt has been made to apportion space in chemical properties and functions of tumors to this review in relation to considerations of this the results of unashamed and enthusiastic specu- sort. lation. From these countless trials there have emerged a handful of compounds which inhibit MICROORGANISMS AND CANCER CHEMOTHERAPY Downloaded from on May 8, 2021 by guest the growth of experimental tumors or affect the There are at least four areas of research where clinical course of human neoplasms without microbiology has made significant contributions forbidding toxicity to the host. to cancer chemotherapy. The tumor-inhibitory One of the main concepts which has guided effects of microorganisms and particularly of some investigators in their search for active agents has of their products have been widely studied. A been visualized as the "lock-and-key" hypothe- number of the more useful chemotherapeutic sis. The development of the antimetabolite theory agents were first discovered in microbiological from the observations of Fildes (9) on the anti- systems. Studies on the mechanism of action of bacterial action of mercury and of Woods (10) on these agents in bacteria and protozoa have con- the relationship between the sulfonamides and tributed significantly to our present understand- p-aminobenzoic acid in bacterial metabolism has ing of their anticancer activity. The development been amply documented (11). The idea, decep- of resistance to initially effective chemicals by tively simple in retrospect, that an essential bio- animal and human leukemic cells, which has been chemical reaction can be blocked by the introduc- a major obstacle to the realization of the full tion of an agent which closely resembles the potential usefulness of the agents we now have substrate of the reaction and competes success- is closely similar to the equally vexing develop: fully with it for the enzyme controlling the reac- ment of resistance to antibiotics by bacteria. tion, has led to the design and preparation of The use of bacteria, fungi, and protozoa and of numerous series of potential inhibitors of bac- some of their products as carcinostatic or carcino- terial growth. It is of interest that an appreciable lytic agents will not be considered here since the number of the effective carcinostatic agents in literature on this subject has been covered pains- current use were suggested for screening against takingly and critically in a recent review by tumors on the basis of their demonstrated anti- Reilly (2; cf also 3). The striking parallels between bacterial activity and that many of the com- bacterial and neoplastic cell resistance to chemo- pounds in this group may be classed as antimetab- therapeutic agents have been pointed out by olites. several reviewers (4, 5, 6, 7), and little could be The history of the recognition, isolation, and added here to their discussion of the mechanisms identification of pteroylglutamic acid as an underlying the development of resistance. The essential growth factor for microorganisms is too other two topics, however, fill be discussed in well known to bear repetition here. In 1947, the more detail. first antimetabolites for pteroylglutamic acid were prepared (12, 13) and shown to inhibit the Discovery of Carcinostatic Agents in growth of Lactobacillus casei and Streptococcus Microbiological Studies faecalis in a competitive manner. These com- While surgery and radiation continue to be the pounds were promptly employed in the treatment principal tools for the eradication or control of of acute leukemia in children, on the basis of neoplasms, the last decade has witnessed signifi- earlier observations of an acceleration of tumor cant progress in chemotherapy, a form of treat- development following the administration of ment of particular importance in disseminated pteroyldi- and triglutamic acid, and found to cancer and in the various forms of leukemia and produce significant though temporary remis-
19551 CONTRIBUTIONS OF MICROBIOLOGY TO CANCER RESEARCH 67 sions (14). The folic acid antagonists, particularly was found that 8-azaguanine inhibited tumor aminopterin and A-methopterin, continue to be of growth profoundly. These investigators were value in the treatment of leukemias in man and fortunate in having chosen for this demonstration have been shown to inhibit the growth of a great mammary adenocarcinoma E0771 and two other variety of experimental tumors. tumors which responded to 8-azaguanine, since The road from demonstration of activity later studies have indicated that experimental against microorganisms to introduction into neoplasms differ widely in their susceptibility to cancer chemotherapy has been less direct for this agent. another agent of considerable experimental in- Four other antimetabolites which have proved terest, 5-amino-7-hydroxy-lH-v-triazolo(d)-pyr- to be effective in inhibiting the growth of experi- imidine or 8-azaguanine. The gradual elucida- mental tumors were first suggested for screening tion of the central role of nucleic acids in the on the basis of their activity in Lactobacillus casei. Downloaded from on May 8, 2021 by guest economy of the cell and of the pathways of their These compounds, 2,6-diaminopurine (20), thio- synthesis from simpler precursors had focused guanine (21), 2,4-diamino-5-(3',4'-dichlorophen- increasing attention on the vast array of chem- yl)-6-ethylpyrimidine (22), and particularly 6- icals which might act as antimetabolites for mercaptopurine (21), represent some of the purines and pyrimidines. In a search for effective more significant therapeutic results attained by purine antagonists, it was found in 1945 (15) that the systematic investigations of Hitchings and 8-azaguanine, which differs from guanine only by his collaborators which will be alluded to in the the substitution of a nitrogen atom for the > CH following section. group in position 8, was effective against The justifiable emphasis placed in these pages Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus; the on the value to cancer chemotherapy of agents inhibition was reversed by guanine. This com- first discovered in microbiological systems should pound was included in the first group of purines not be construed as an open invitation to the which were screened against Sarcoma 180 but oncologist in search of new agents to rely solely or failed to inhibit the growth of this tumor (16) and even predominantly on bacteria, fungi or proto- might well have been relegated to the large group zoa for an effective screening method. Mlany com- of agents which have not been studied further had pounds which inhibit a wide variety of micro- it not been for the renewed interest occasioned organisms, including the most potent antibiotics, later by its unusually high activity in an entirely have failed to exhibit any antitumor activity; different microbiological system. effective carcinostatic agents which cannot be The animal microorganism, Tetrahymena geleii, considered as antimetabolites have frequently has long been the subject of extensive investiga- shown no striking antimicrobial activity(23). tion from many different points of view (17). Some of the most interesting data have been ob- Studies on Mechanism of Action of Carcinostatic tained by a systematic study of the growth Agents in Microbiological Systems requirements of this organism. Following the The recent review literature abounds with demonstration that an exogenous source of purine summaries and discussions of nucleic acid metab- was required for growth, about two dozen sub- olism in microorganisms ranging from species of stituted purines were tested for their ability to Lactobacillus to Tetrahymena and Paramecium replace or spare guanine or to inhibit growth in a competitive or noncompetitive manner. Among (24-30). In many instances, the biochemical the inhibitors, 8-azaguanine was by far the most processes in microorganisms have been compared effective; the inhibition was completely reversed and contrasted with those in mammalian tissues, by guanine (18). Since Tetrahymena geleii differed and the differences and similarities between the from normal mammalian cells by having this two types of biological systems are emerging requirement for exogenous guanine and since the from these studies. In general, the synthesis and possible differences in purine utilization between metabolism of the nucleic acids are carried on in a normal and neoplastic cells were under active similar way in microbial and mammalian cells; if investigation at that time, Kidder and his collab- the specific differences between particular systems orators extended their studies from the animal are clearly understood (29), much of the informa- microorganism to experimental tumors (19). It tion gained in microorganisms can be a guide for
68 ERICH HIRSCHBERG [VOL. 19 the study of normal and neoplastic mammalian biochemical site of action of an inhibitor is defined cells. in a more or less general way by the identity of a In this section, no attempt will be made to pre- normal metabolite which prevents or reverses its sent a definitive r6sum6 of this rapidly developing inhibitory action. A brief listing of results in field. Rather, it is intended to illustrate the impor- microbiological systems and in a few types of tance of this sort of investigation by citing a few experimental tumors was presented in the recent specific reports dealing with the action of carcino- review by Skipper (4) which gave an incisive static antimetabolites in microbiological systems. summary of the evidence for the attractive hy- In the past decade or so, a comprehensive pro- pothesis that the mechanism of carcinostasis gram of the biosynthesis of nucleic acid deriva- primarily involves the nucleic acids of the cancer tives in Lactobacillus casesi has been developed by cell. Hitchings and his collaborators. An impressive It has recently been realized that an antimetab- number of purines, pyrimidines, pteridines and olite may not only interfere with the utilization Downloaded from on May 8, 2021 by guest related compounds have been prepared and tested of the normal metabolite for a particular syn- in the expectation that the discovery of inhibitors thetic pathway but may itself be utilized in its would lead to the elucidation of the biochemical place, leading to the formation of unnatural end pathways involved in nucleic acid synthesis and products of that pathway which may be thought that this program would yield new chemothera- of as antimetabolites at that more complex level. peutic agents for bacterial, rickettsial, viral, pro- In nucleic acid biosynthesis, the present cynosure tozoal or neoplastic diseases (31). These expecta- of cancer chemotherapy, an antipurine might tions have been amply fulfilled; in addition to the thus be incorporated in place of the purine to important contributions to cancer chemotherapy form a nucleic acid molecule which would inter- mentioned earlier, this program has caused sig- fere with mitosis or fail to be attached properly to nificant advances in the chemotherapy of other protein to form nucleoprotein or be incapable of diseases, particularly malaria. The Lactobacillus reaching the correct degree of polymerization. casei model has served, moreover, to shed some An example of this type of reaction is the incor- light on the mechanism of action of antimetabo- poration of 8-azaguanine into nucleic acid in lites related to folic and folinic acids and to tumor-bearing mice (34, 35), in Tetrahymena nucleic acid derivatives. A brief consideration of geleii (36, 37), and in tobacco mosaic virus (38). this model system may therefore be in order. It is, of course, tempting to postulate a causal The organism was grown on a basal medium de- relationship between incorporation of the anti- ficient in purines, uracil, and folic acid and on six metabolite and inhibition of growth of the neo- variants of this medium achieved by the addition plastic cell, particularly in view of the finding of a small or an excess amount of folic acid, that the incorporation of 8-azaguanine into the adenine, thymine, adenine + thymine, or adenine ribonucleic acid of an azaguanine-susceptible + folic acid. The response of the bacteria on each strain of leukemia was much greater than into the of these media to the compounds under investiga- ribonucleic acid of an azaguanine-dependent tion permitted a rapid definition of their mecha- variant (39). However, in resisting this tempta- nism of action in this system in terms of their tion at the present time the investigator is armed capacity to replace folic acid, thymine, or purine not only with his natural reluctance to generalize or to inhibit biochemical reactions for which one from a single well substantiated illustration to a of these entities was the substrate. On the basis general explanation of the growth inhibition, but of these data, the 2,4-diaminopyrimidines includ- also with recent data on the incorporation of ing the antimalarial Daraprim and its carcino- 5-bromouracil into nucleic acid of Streptococcus static dichloro analog have been classed as power- faecaltis and Enterococcus stei (40, 41) and of ful antagonists of folic or folinic acid, a conclusion Escherichia coli (42, 43), data that clearly indi- which has been confirmed in mammals (32); cate that the incorporation of this thymine antag- 6-mercaptopurine has been shown to be a purine onist may be as great in cells whose growth is not antagonist in the bacterial system (21) as well as inhibited by this compound as in cells which in experimental neoplasms (33). respond to it. The full significance of information Several other studies have employed the same from this type of experiment is still under active technique of inhibition analysis, in which the investigation.
1955] CONTRIBUTIONS OF MICROBIOLOGY TO CANCER RESEARCH 69 This section may be concluded with a brief neoplastic cells to differentiate is as important to mention of the interesting experiments of Stock an understanding of this disease as their capacity and collaborators on the effect of 2,6-diamino- for unrestrained growth. The more malignant purine on kappa in Paramecium aurelia. This tumors are endowed not only with greater in- work, which was recently reviewed by these inves- vasiveness and a higher rate of proliferation but tigators (44), illustrates the wealth of material frequently also with a greater degree of anaplasia which can be made available by judicious selec- which causes them to have little resemblance to tion of a microbiological system for the elucida- the highly differentiated tissues from which they tion of the mechanism of action of carcinostatic are derived. agents. The term "differentiation" is widely used, but its meaning is rarely spelled out. For the present Recapitulation discussion, Needham's (52) definition may be the Downloaded from on May 8, 2021 by guest As ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, so the most serviceable: "Increase in complexity and developmental history of some of the recent agents organization. Increase in number of kinds of of chemotherapeutic interest shares the charac- cells; invisibly, as by determination and losses of teristic features which have been outlined in competence; visibly, as by histogenesis. Increase these pages. This is particularly well illustrated in morphological heterogeneity by the appearance by O-diazoacetyl-L-serine, or azaserine, one of the of form and pattern." newest additions to the armamentarium of ex- Despite the abstract acceptance of the need to perimental cancer chemotherapy. understand the mechanisms of differentiation as This agent was isolated from laboratory broth clearly as the causes of uncontrolled growth, most cultures of a species of Streptomyces (45) and was experimental inquiries in oncology have addressed found to inhibit the growth of Sarcoma 180 (46) themselves to the latter aspect of the problem. and other neoplasms (47). It has shown antibiotic There are many reasons for this. Our knowledge activity against a variety of microorganisms of synthetic processes in biochemistry is much (45, 48), one of which has been used for the assay more extensive than our understanding of the of activity during isolation. Studies on the mech- more nebulous events which take place in organi- anism of action of azaserine in Escherichia coli zation and morphogenesis. The rapid multiplica- (49, 50) suggest that it may inhibit amino acid tion of tumor cells is more easily observed and synthesis by interfering with the condensation of analyzed than the subtler defects which cause the indole and serine to form tryptophan and with the cells to lose their highly differentiated character. formation of tyrosine and phenylalanine from The analytical approach, which to a biochemist their precursors. Analagous studies in tumors usually holds the greatest promise for the elucida- have not been reported; the only data available tion of a problem, has already been used exten- in neoplastic tissues implicate formate incorpora- sively in studying proliferation, whereas most of tion into nucleic acids as a site of inhibition by the work on differentiation has been descriptive. azaserine (51). The development of an aza- The range of biological systems available for serine-resistant line of mouse leukemia has morphogenetic studies is more restricted than the been reported (47). biological material which lends itself readily to It should not be inferred from this discussion experiments on proliferation. This last difficulty, that all research in cancer chemotherapy is which may be an underlying or at least contribu- moving along these paths. In this active field, tory cause of the other obstacles to progress in many approaches are being utilized, and micro- this area, is beginning to engage the attention of biology is only one of the numerous disciplines some experimental oncologists. which are contributing ideas and leads. Within Practically all investigations concerned with this framework, however, it can be concluded differentiation have been carried out in embryo- that it is one of the most rewarding areas of in- logical systems, from the sea urchin to man. The vestigation. solid progress in chemical embryology is attested to by the monumental treatises of Needham MICROORGANISMS AND DIFFERENTIATION (52, 53) and Brachet (54) as well as by many The definition of "cancer" which was cited recent discussions (55, 56). Two fundamental earlier bears witness to the fact that the failure of difficulties are inherent in this type of biological
70 ERICH HIRSCHBERG [VOL. 19 : i Figure 1. The life cycle of Dictyosteliuni discoideum, from a drawing by Mr. James Lewicki repro- duced in Life Magazine of April 10, 1950. Reproduced by permission of copyright owner. material, as repeatedly stressed by Needham: the etic movements in the virtual absence of cell lack of any quantitative measure of differentia- division. Downloaded from on May 8, 2021 by guest tion and the simultaneous occurrence of growth A detailed description of the life cycle of Dic- and differentiation at all stages of embryonic tyostelium discoideum may be dispensed with since life. The analytical approach to the problem of it has been presented repeatedly (57, 58). Briefly, mechanisms of differentiation is seriously ham- the following stages are observed (figure 1): (a) pered by these difficulties; the desirability of germination of spores to liberate myxamoebae; studying biochemical changes caused by morpho- (b) growth and proliferation of myxamoebae, genesis in the absence of cell proliferation is self- which feed on their bacterial associates; (c) aggre- evident. gation of the previously independent myxamoe- These considerations prompted a search for bae towards a center, by chemotaxis, to form a biological materials in which differentiation might pseudoplasmodium; (d) migration of this mass be investigated in the absence of cell division or over the substratum; and (e) culmination to form at least under conditions where its role is rela- a mature structure, which consists of a basal tively insignificant. Attention was focused on disk, a thin stalk, and a sorus containing the microbiological systems, particularly certain pro- spores that are ready to release new mvxamoebae. tozoa. At the present time, the value of these The rapidly expanding literature on this organism systems for the eventual elucidation of the mech- has concerned itself with a number of problems anisms of differentiation cannot be assessed with that will be discussed here briefly, with emphasis assurance. They are discussed here in the hope on the more recent contributions in this field. that more widespread interest in this approach In connection with the elegant series of investi- may speed the day when such an assessment can gations by Raper and Bonner on the life cycle, be made. growth, and organization of Dictyostelium dis- coideum (57), attention was drawn repeatedly to Dictyosteliurn discoideum the obvious desirability of achieving pure culture. This organism and its close relatives among the In nature, the organism grows on decaying leaves amoeboid slime molds, or Acrasieae, have long or in the soil, and it was quickly established intrigued biologists with their life cycle and be- that live bacteria provide the proper physical havior patterns. In the past half dozen years, and nutritional conditions for its development. several reviews of experimental studies with In the laboratory, it has been possible to grow these organisms have appeared (57-59), and it routinely in association with a single bacterial Dictyostelium discoideum has even been singled species (57, 64); this has been the method of out for presentation to the general scientific choice in most subsequent studies. Numerous fraternity (60, 61) and to the lay public (62, 63). attempts have been made to replace the living The aspect which has fascinated a number of bacteria with a variety of supplements (65, 66), observers and which led to the selection of this and although routine large-scale pure culture of organism for an examination of the mechanisms of the slime mold has not yet been achieved, solid differentiation is the division of its life cycle into progress is being made in this direction. Raper two distinct parts. In the first part, the organism (57) has reported successful growth and develop- is unicellular and carries on active feeding and ment of the slime mold on lactose-peptone agar proliferation; in the second, it becomes multicel- streaked with Escherichia coli killed by steriliza- lular and exhibits a complex series of morphogen- tion for 20 minutes at 121°C. More recently,
1955] CONTRIBUTIONS OF MICROBIOLOGY TO CANCER RESEARCH 71 Bradley and Sussman (67) obtained some growth the complex pattern of differentiation in this (10-20 per cent of normal) on a sterile medium organism could be brought about by the fortui- enriched with a fraction of Aerobacter aerogenes tous association of two or more genetically hetero- which after isolation in homogeneous form has geneous parent spores or could proceed from a now been characterized as a protein of molecular single spore. If the first alternative applies, these weight between 25,000 and 40,000 containing the studies would remain a fascinating biological usual spectrum of amino acids (68). occupation, but the results would have general Experiments on the proliferative stage of this significance for problems in differentiation only if organism have been postponed until pure culture the entire development could start with a single methods become available. In the meantime, spore. In a series of ingenious experiments, it was however, the demonstration by Bonner (58) that shown: (a) that single spores of Dictyostelium the bacteria on which myxamoebae feed can be discoideum and two related species were indeed Downloaded from on May 8, 2021 by guest removed by washing and differential centrifuga- capable of initiating the normal course of develop- tion and that the myxamoebae will go through ment; (b) that vegetative myxamoebae retained the remainder of the life cycle (aggregation, mi- this ability; (c) that at the onset of aggregation gration, and culmination) in the absence of the only a small proportion of the cells exhibited the bacterial associates has made it possible to study capacity of initiating a center; (d) that, however, the various stages of differentiation in essentially the ability of the myxamoebae to produce acrasin pure culture. was not restricted to the "initiator" cells. Irradia- Bonner has been particularly interested in the tion of spores or myxamoebae of the wild type control of the morphogenetic movements in Dictyosteliaceae produced a number of variants Dictyostelium discoideum (58, 69, 70, 71, 72). He which failed to aggregate or to produce fruiting has demonstrated that aggregation of the inde- structures or which had an abnormal appearance. pendent myxamoebae is brought about by a The importance of correlating these abnormalities chemotactic principle, called acrasin, which con- with changes in the enzyme pattern of these cells tinues to be emitted by the cells even through was emphasized, but this as well as the problem pseudoplasmodium formation, migration, and of relating them to genic mutations has not yet culmination. In the migrating pseudoplasmodium been approached experimentally. Recent studies the anterior region, which directs the orientation on the synergism and antagonism between and movement of the sausage-shaped structure morphogenetically deficient variants may provide towards light and heat, produces most of the a key to the elucidation of the metabolites and acrasin, and during culmination the capacity to biosynthetic pathways involved in the morpho- produce this chemotactic principleis retained only genetic cycle. by the cells located at the tip of the fruiting Another problem which has recently received structure. Isolation of acrasin for eventual chem- attention relates to the occurrence and role of cell ical identification has been attempted repeatedly division during differentiation. One of the prin- (73), but the identity of this agent, which plays a cipal attractions of Dictyostelium discoideum for a central role in differentiation in this organism, variety of studies, an attraction noted by all remains one of the challenging mysteries in this early observers, has been the apparent complete field. separation of proliferation and differentiation in Raper and Fennell (74) have carried out a the life cycle. The general conviction that all detailed investigation of stalk formation during mitotic activity ceased before aggregation, how- culmination of the slime mold. Particular atten- ever, was recently shaken by the findings of Wil- tion was given to the nature of the outer sheath son (80, 81) and Bonner and Frascella (82). surrounding a column of vacuolated cells in the Wilson, using smears of Dictyostelium discoideum stalk. This sheath is formed by the extracellular in association with Escherichia coli, reported deposition of cellulose in a critical circular zone, evidence of gamete fusion just prior to, and of the dimensions of which are proportional to the meiosis during, aggregation and of a wave of mass of cooperating myxamoebae. mitoses at the time of spore formation at the end An important contribution has been made by of culmination. Bonner, in experiments on myx- Sussman in a series of reports over the last three amoebae freed of bacteria by washing and differ- years (59, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79). It was realized that ential centrifugation, demonstrated the presence
72 ERICH HIRSCHBERG [VOL. 19 of mitosis in the early migration stage but found declines to negligible levels. The same author no cell divisions during aggregation or early culmi- (83b,c) has recently studied the carbohydrate nation. It was suggested (82) that differentiation and nitrogen metabolism of this organism during is not dependent on these mitoses, but further growth and morphogenesis and has demonstrated work is clearly indicated before the role of cell by ingenious methods that protein is utilized divisions in early migration and in spore formation to obtain energy during culmination and to is clarified. Some of this new information appears satisfy other morphogenetic requests. Further, to be well founded, but Wilson's claim of zygote comparative analyses of cells at different stages formation prior to aggregation and, in general, his of the life cycle for various biochemical entities postulate of sexuality in the development of this have been forecast by preliminary data (66) that organism have recently come under concentrated demonstrated a decreased content of ribonucleic attack based on a number of cogent arguments acid per mg nitrogen and a higher acid-soluble Downloaded from on May 8, 2021 by guest (59). Until more convincing evidence for sexuality fraction of the total phosphorus in pseudoplas- is presented, these claims must be considered at modia than in preaggregation myxamoebae. More least somewhat speculative. extensive work on these subjects is in progress. The application of biochemical techniques to A different, more indirect biochemical approach the problems of differentiation in Dictyostelium consists in the inhibition of aggregation or cul- discoideum promises to contribute valuable infor- mination by compounds whose general mecha- mation on the underlying mechanisms. Work has nism of action is known or can be further studied in begun along two general lines, though it must be this test system (84, 85, 86, 87). For most of these stressed that only a small beginning has been experiments, myxamoebae were harvested before made. Gregg (83a), studying oxygen utilization aggregation, washed free of bacteria, and allowed during growth and differentiation, showed that to aggregate in standard salt solution containing morphogenesis cannot proceed under anaerobiosis different concentrations of a potential inhibitor. and that oxygen consumption increases during Figures 2 and 3 provide two views of normal the transition from the growth phase to the aggregation patterns. In experiments on the morphogenetic phases, remains constant through inhibition of culmination, aggregation was al- the middle of the culmination phase, and then lowed to proceed, and an agar disk bearing the Figure 2. Early aggregation pattern of Dictyostelium discoideum.
1955] CONTRIBUTIONS OF MICROBIOLOGY TO CANCER RESEARCH 73 Downloaded from on May 8, 2021 by guest Figure S. Late aggregation pattern of Dictyostelium discoideum. aggregates was placed in the salt solution with since its isolation by Raper in 1935, other mem- and without the inhibitor. Aggregation was in- hers of the Dictyosteliaceae have also received hibited by compounds of varied biochemical some attention (88), with generally analogous action, including 2 ,4-dinitrophenol, iodoaceta- results. mide, diethylstilbestrol, several azo dyes, and a series of 2, 4-diaminopyrimidines, whereas com- Myxomycetes and Myxobacteria mon inhibitors of glycolysis and of mitosis gener- The biological literature of the past half cen- ally had no effect. In most instances, the inhibi- tury is a treasure house filled with other unusual tion of aggregation by these agents was not a systems for investigations into differentiation and simple irreversible process; if myxamoebae were morphogenesis. The fascinating account of exposed to the inhibitor for several hours and morphogenesis in a wide variety of biological then washed with salt solution, they could aggre- systems by Bonner (58) has done much to stimu gate normally. The length of the period of per- late and direct thinking in this field. Reference missible exposure to the inhibitor varied from should also be made to the work of Weisz (89, 90),~ agent to agent. A more detailed study of the who developed a general statement on the mech- effect of 2, 4-dinitrophenol suggested that high- anism of differentiation based on studies in energy phosphate is necessary for aggregation ciliates but of tentative applicability to multicel- and that inhibition of this process relates to the lular organisms as well. The present discussion hydrolysis of organic phosphate to yield increas- has been devoted largely to the Acrasieae, because ing amounts of inorganic phosphate. Culmination of the numerous recent contributions dealing was more easily inhibited than aggregation under with this group. This section may be concluded by the conditions of these tests, and the differences brief mention of two types of organisms which in response of these two stages of morphogenesis carry on morphogenesis in a manner similar to to certain agents provide intriguing opportuni- that which has been described. ties-for further investigation. The myxomycetes or true slime molds differ Although Dict yosteliurn discoideum has been the from the Acrasieae in that they have a true plas- organism used most extensively in these studies modium rather than the multicellular aggregate
74 ERICH HIRSCHBERG [VOL. 19 of myxamoebae which in Dictyostelium and re- larly Dr. Harold P. Rusch of the University of lated species is properly called a pseudoplasmo- Wisconsin, Dr. John T. Bonner of Princeton dium. A number of these organisms, notably University, and Drs. Alfred Gellhorn and Stephen Physarum polycephalum, Physarella oblonga, and Zamenhof of Columbia University. Fuligo septica, have been examined from the point REFERENCES of view of nutrition, physiology, taxonomy, and morphogenesis (58, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95). Physarumt 1. DEIGNAN, STELLA L., AND MILLER, ESTHER polycephalum has long been a favorite for studies 1954. The support of research in the bio- on protoplasmic streaming and chemotaxis (96- sciences for the fiscal years 1952 and 1953. 101). Many of the problems that have been en- Science, 119, 661-671. 2. REILLY, H. CHRISTINE 1953 Microbiology countered and the sort of data which have been and c e therapy: A riew.bCancer obtained are similar to the information available Research, 13, 821-834. Downloaded from on May 8, 2021 by guest in the Acrasieae, but less thought has perhaps 3. GREENSTEIN, J. P. 1954 Biochemistry of been given to the possible applications of these cancer, pp 298-302. 2nd ed. Academic results to general mechanisms of differentiation. Press, Inc., N. Y. The recent demonstration of the suitability of 4. SKIPPER, H. E. 1953 A review: On the myxomycetes for biochemical studies (102, 103) mechanism of action of certain temporary and the current advances towards pure culture of anticancer agents. Cancer Research, 13, the plasmodium (H. P. Rusch, unpublished re- 545-551. suits) greatly increase the attractiveness of these 5. LETTR", H. 1954 Neuere Ergebnisse der organisms for such investigations. Krebsforschung. Naturw. Rundschau, 3, mneslats Finally, brief mention be made of the In101-110. Finally,briefmentionmaybemadeofthemyxo- 6. GELLHORN, A. 1953 Recent developments bacteria, which exhibit striking similarities to in laboratory and clinical cancer chemo- the Acrasieae though they are totally unrelated therapy. J. Urol., 70, 813-826. to them from the point of view of taxonomy. 7. GELLHORN, A. 1954 Clinical cancer chemo- These similarities have been emphasized by most therapy. Acta Unio Intern. contra Can- observers (58, 104, 105, 106), particularly with crum, in press. regard to the aggregation patterns and, in the 8. STOCK, C. C. 1954 Experimental cancer higher myxobacteria, the formation of elaborate chemotherapy. Advances in Cancer Re- fruiting bodies. The application to these organ- search, 2, 425-492. Academic Press, Inc., isms of the investigative techniques Which have N. Y. P. 1940 The mechanism of the 99.FILDES, bee beng iretedat he craiea been and are being directed at the Acrasieae an ar anti-bacterial action of mercury. Brit. J. appears to be one of the most promising tasks for Exptl. Pathol., 21, 67-73. the immediate future. 10. WOODS, D. D. 1940 The relation of It was stated at the beginning of this section p-aminobenzoic acid to the mechanism of that the value of these studies to experimental the action of sulphanilamide. Brit. J. oncology cannot yet be assessed. Results in these Exptl. Pathol., 21, 74-90. microbiological systems have correlated reason- 11. WOOLLEY, D. W. 1952 A study of anti- ably well with findings in multicellular organisms metabolites. John Wiley and Sons, New where such a comparison has been possible; the 12. SEEGER, York, N. Y. D. R., SMITH, J. M., JR., AND HULT- basic biochemical equipment of these organisms QUIST, M. E. 1947 Antagonist for is generally the same as that of mammalian cells. pteroylglutamic acid. J. Am. Chem. Soc., Nevertheless, even the more enthusiastic advo- 69, 2567. cates of these fascinating microorganisms will 13. HUTCHINGS, B. L., MOWAT, J. H., OLESON, defer final judgment on the applicability of these J. J., STOKSTAD, E. L. R., BOOTHE, J. H., systems to an explanation of the failure of differ- WALLER, C. W., ANGIER, R. B., SEMB, J., entiation in neoplasia until a good deal of further AND SUBBAROW, Y. 1947 Pteroylaspartic evidence can be assembled. acid, an antagonist for pteroylglutamic acid. J. Biol. Chem., 170, 323-328. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 14. FARBER, S., DIAMOND, L. K., MERCER, R. D., SYLVESTER, R. F., JR., AND WOLFF, J. A. The author is indebted for many helpful dis- 1948 Temporary remissions in acute leu- cussions to a number of his colleagues, particu- kemia in children produced by folic acid
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1956] CONTRIBUTIONS OF MICROBIOLOGY TO CANCER RESEARCH 77 1952 The effect of salts and organic solutes 83b. GREG, J. H., AND BRONSWEIG, RuTH D. on the migration time of the slime mold 1954 The carbohydrate metabolism of the Dic4doetelium discoideum. Biol. Bull., 102, slime mold, Dictaostelium discoideum, 273-277. during development. Biol. Bull., 107, 312. 71. BONNER, J. T., KOONTZ, P. G., JR., AND 83c. GREGG, J. H., HACKNEY, ALICE L., AND PATON, D. 1953 Size in relation to the KRIVANEK, J. 0. 1954 Nitrogen metabo- rate of migration in the slime mold Didty- lism of the slime mold, Dictyostelium ostelium discoideum. Mycologia, 45, 235 diecoideum, during growth and morpho- 240. genesis. Biol. Bull., 107, 226-235. 72. BONNER, J. T., AND FASCELLA, EVELYN B. 84. HIUREBERo, E., AND Rusm, H. P. 1950 1953 Variations in cell size during the Effects of compounds of varied biochemical development of the slime mold Dictyo8te- action on the aggregation of a slime mold, lium discoideum. Biol. Bull., 104, 297-3. Dictyoetelium dsscoidnum. J. Cellular Downloaded from on May 8, 2021 by guest 73. SHAFFER, B. M. 1953 Aggregation in cel- Comp. Physiol., 86, 105-114. lular slime moulds: in vitro isolation 'of 85. EIR5CHBERG, E., AND RUS, H. P. 1951 acrasin. Nature, 171, 975. Effect of 2,4-dinitrophenol on the differ- 74. RAPER, K. B., AND FENNELL, DonoTmr I. entiation of the slime mold Dictyomtelium 1952 Stalk formation in Dictyostelium. discoideum. J. Cellular Comp. Physiol., Bull. Torrey Botan. Club, 79, 25-51. 37, 323-336. 75. SussmAN, M. 1951 The origin of cellular 86. HIRSCHBERG, E., AND MERSON, G. 1955 heterogeneity in the slime molds, Dicty- Effect of test compounds on the aggrega- osteliaceae. J. Exptl. Zool., 118,407-418. tion and culmination of the slime mold 76. SUSsMAN, M., AND NoAL, ELIZABETH 1952 Dictyostelium discoideum. Cancer Re- An analysis of the aggregation stage in the search, Suppl. 3, pp. 76-79. development of the slime molds, Dicty- 87. COHEN, A. L. 1953 The effect of ammonia osteliaceae. I. The populational distribu- on morphogenesis in the Acraseae. Proc. tion of the capacity to initiate aggregation. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. 5., 39, 68-74. Biol. Bull., 103, 259-268. 88. PFtTZNER-ECKERT, ROSEMARIE 1950 Ent- 77. SUSSMAN, M. 1952 II. Aggregative center wicklungsphysiologische Untersuchungen formation by mixtures of Dictyostelium an Dictyostelium mucoroides Brefeld. Wil- discoideum wild type with aggregateless helm Roux' Arch. Entwicklungsmech. variants. Biol. Bull., 103, 446-457. Organ., 144, 381-409. 78. SUSSMAN, RAQUEL R., AND SUSSMAN, M. 89. WEIsZ, P. B. 1951 A general mechanism of 1953 Cellular differentiation in Dicty- differentiation based on morphogenetic osteliaceae: Heritable modifications of the studies in ciliates. Am. Naturalist, 85, developmental pattern. Ann. N. Y. Acad. 293-311. Sci., 58, 949-60. 90. WEIsz, P. B. 1954 Morphogenesis in 79. SUSSMAN, M. 1954 Synergistic and antago- protozoa. Quart. Rev. Biol., 29, 207-229. nistic interactions between morphogeneti- 91. MARTIN, G. W. 1940 The myxomycetes. cally deficient variants of the slime mould Botan. Rev., 6, 356-388. Dictyostelium discoideum. J. Gen. Micro- 92. COHEN, A. L. 1939 Pure culture and two- biol., 10, 110-120. membered culture of myxomycete plas- 80. WILSON, C. M. 1952 Sexuality in the Acra- modia. Botan. Gas., 101, 243-275. siales. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. 5., 38, 659- 93. SOBELS, JOHANNA C., AND COHEN, A. L. 1953 662. Notes on isolation, purification, and main- 81. WILSON, C. M. 1953 Cytological study of tenance of myxomycete plasmodia. Ann. the life cycle of Dictyostelium. Am. J. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 56, 944-948. Botan., 40, 714-718. 94. GRAY, W. D. 1949 The laboratory cultiva- 82. BONNER, J. T., AND REASCELLA, EVELYN B. tion and development of the myxomycetes 1952 Mitotic activity in relation to Physarella oblonga and Physarum dider- differentiation in the slime mold Dicty- moides. Ohio J. Sci., 49, 105-108. o8telium discoideum. J. Exptl. Zool., 121, 95. ABBOTT, C. E. 1945 Preliminary notes on 561-572. Physarella oblonga Morgan, I-VI. Turtox 83a. GREGG, J. H. 1950 Oxygen utilization in News, 23, (Nos. 2-4; 6-8). relation to growth and morphogenesis of 96. COMAN, D. R. 1940 Additional observa- the slime mold Dictyostehium discoideum. tions on positive and negative chemotaxis. J. Exptl. Zool., 114, 173-196. Arch. Pathol., 29, 220-228.
78 ERICH HIRSCHBERG [VOL. 19 97. SEIFRZ, W. 1941 A theory of anesthesia plasm of the myxomycete, Physarum based on protoplasmic behavior. Anes- polycephalum. Compt. rend. trav. lab. thesiology, 2, 300-3. Carlsberg, S6r. chim., 28, 221-245. 98. LoEwY, A. G. 1950 Protoplasmic stream- 103. ANDRESEN, N., AND POILLOCK, B. M. 1952 ing under anaerobic conditions in a myxo- A comparison between the cytoplasmic mycete. J. Cellular Comp. Physiol., 35, components in the myxomycete, Physarum 151-153. polycephalum, and in the amoeba, Chaos 99. ANDERSON, J. D. 1951 Galvanotaxis of chaos. Compt. rend. trav. lab. Carlsberg, slime mold. J. Gen. Physiol., 36, 1-16. Sdr. chim., 28, 247-264. 100. HAs, J. N. 1953 Effects of some enzymes 104. THATER, R. 1892 On the Myxobacteria- injected into the slime mold Physarum ceae, a new order of Schizomycetes. polycephalum. J. Cellular Comp. Physiol., Botan. Gaz., 17, 389406. 41, 171-200. 105. STANIER, R. Y. 1942 The cytophaga group: 101. KAMYA, N., AND SnIFMZ, W. 1954 Torsion A contribution to the biology of myxo- Downloaded from on May 8, 2021 by guest in a protoplasmic thread. Exptl. Cell Re- bacteria. Bacteriol. Revs., 6, 143-196. search, 6, 1-16. 106. KftLWEIN, H. 1952 Untersuchungen tiber 102. HOLTER, H., AND POLLOCK, B. M. 1952 Chondromyces apiculatus Thaxter (?). Distribution of some enzymes in the cyto- Arch. Mikrobiol., 17, 403-408.
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