Solar Energy in Ireland Position Paper - Good Energies Alliance Ireland

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Solar Energy in Ireland Position Paper - Good Energies Alliance Ireland
Solar Energy in Ireland
    Position Paper

         Lisandra Meneses
     Leitrim, 29th August 2016
Solar Energy in Ireland Position Paper - Good Energies Alliance Ireland
Solar Energy in Ireland
                                        Position Paper

Solar Energy in Ireland
  Position Paper

       Lisandra Meneses
   Leitrim, 29th August 2016

Solar Energy in Ireland Position Paper - Good Energies Alliance Ireland
Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                                                 Position Paper

Table of Contents
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................... 4
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................... 4
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 5
2. BACKGROUND ............................................................................. 6
3. THESIS .................................................................................... 10
4. ARGUMENTS AGAINST................................................................. 11
5. ARGUMENTS FOR ........................................................................ 14
6. TWO IRISH CASE STUDIES .......................................................... 19
7. INTERNATIONAL CASE STUDIES ................................................... 20
8. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................... 21
REFERENCES ................................................................................. 23
ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................ 27
ANNEX I ........................................................................................ 28

Solar Energy in Ireland Position Paper - Good Energies Alliance Ireland
Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                              Position Paper

Solar Energy in Ireland
Lisandra Meneses1, Alice Dumitrache2 & Aedín McLoughlin3
1Good Energies Alliance Ireland,
2Good Energies Alliance Ireland,
3Good Energies Alliance Ireland,

ABSTRACT                              Keywords: Position Paper, the
                                      Republic of Ireland, Renewable
Solar energy has the potential to     Energy, Climate Change, Solar
become a significant energy           Energy,       Solar     Electricity,
source in the Republic of Ireland.    Photovoltaic, Solar Heat.
This paper presents arguments
against and for solar energy with     EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
focus on planning, community
benefits, environmental impacts       Solar energy can be used as a
and intermittency.                    power source in order to reduce
                                      consumption of primary energy,
Ireland’s 2020 GHG emissions          achieve Ireland’s 2020 targets and
reduction target is a 20%             minimise carbon footprint.
reduction in non-emission trading     The two main ways that solar
scheme        (ETS)      emissions    energy is used are: photovoltaics
compared to 2005 levels. However      (Solar PV) and solar thermal for
the deployment of solar energy        heating. Solar PV converts the
will require citizens’ engagement     sun’s radiation into electricity and
and the government needs to play      solar thermal converts the sun’s
greater role in the transition to a   radiation into heat, to use for
low carbon future.                    residential and commercial space
                                      heating and hot water.
The paper presents Good Energies      Solar energy could account for 10%
Alliance     Ireland’s   position     of renewable energy generation
regarding        solar    energy      capacity in Ireland, by 2020,
development in the Republic of        representing 500MW of installed
Ireland, supported with several       generation capacity.
study cases.

Solar Energy in Ireland Position Paper - Good Energies Alliance Ireland
Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                                 Position Paper

The main arguments against solar         solar   farm     with    community
energy are related with planning         benefits.
(criteria used for the site selection
and the process of planning              To conclude, Ireland has potential
permission), implementation of           for both solar PV and solar heat
solar projects without the inclusion     production. Ireland’s energy policy
of        community          benefits,   should focus more on promoting
intermittency and storage (grid          and implementing solar energy in
operators have to run decisions in       Ireland. Benefits should accrue to
response        to       intermittent    local communities. Awareness
renewable      output,      requiring    campaigns and guidelines for
sometimes storage solutions).            planning are needed to ensure an
The main arguments for solar             efficient implementation of solar
energy refer to environment, such        energy in Ireland.
as agricultural activity and wildlife    1. INTRODUCTION
(small livestock can graze around
the solar panels); biodiversity          Nowadays, besides fossil fuels
(helps to promote and conserve           (gasoline, oils, coal and natural
biological diversity); health (it help   gas) that release carbon dioxide,
to reduce the carbon dioxide             human activities, such as burning
emissions and other pollutants in        fossil fuels for heat and energy,
the atmosphere); jobs (more jobs         clearing forests, fertilizing crops
are created for each unit of             and raising livestock, contribute to
electricity     generated        from    global warming. The effects of
renewable sources than from fossil       climate change are evident on all
fuels) and 2020 targets (solar           continents, causing irreversible
energy can be used as a pathway          impacts       for    people      and
to achieve these targets).               ecosystems, such as storms, sea-
The largest PV project in Ireland is     level rise, coastal flooding, inland
located at County Tipperary. It is a     flooding, and extreme weather
45kWp project in the public              events.
buildings in Tipperary. In the           There      is     an    international
United Kingdom the Westmill Solar        commitment to limit the mean
Cooperative is the first large scale     global temperature rise to 2 °C
                                         above       pre-industrial    levels,

Solar Energy in Ireland Position Paper - Good Energies Alliance Ireland
Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                                 Position Paper

through      the     reduction     of
greenhouse       gases    emissions’
(GHGs) and the implementation of
renewable energy. The Europe
2020 strategy aims to turn the EU
into a ‘low carbon’ economy based
on renewable energy sources and
energy efficiency.
Ireland’s 2020 GHG emissions
reduction target is a 20%
reduction in non-emission trading             F IGURE 1 - IRELAND 'S MAIN
scheme         (ETS)      emissions      ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES (E UROPEAN

compared       to    2005     levels.     E NVIRONMENT AGENCY , EEA, 2015).
Renewable energy targets are to         The environmental challenges
increase the share of final energy      presented in Figure 1 refers to
consumption that is made up by          valuing and protecting natural
renewable energy sources (RES)          environment, building a resource-
to     16%       (Department       of   efficient, low-carbon economy,
Communications,       Energy     and    implementing        environmental
Natural Resources, 2015).               legislation   and   putting   the
Ireland's environment remains in a      environment at the centre of
good condition, although there are      decision making. This means, a
some areas of concern. The recent       commitment not only for the
economic recession has lowered          climate change and greenhouse
greenhouse        gas    emissions.     gases, but also for water,
However, the main challenge for         biodiversity,      air,     rural
Ireland is, as its economy              development and waste.
recovers, it must do so in a
sustainable way. In this context,       2. BACKGROUND
the    four    key    environmental     2.1. Global Energy Profile
challenges for the country are          The global energy scenario is
(Figure 1) (European Environment        changing quickly as a result of
Agency, EEA, 2015):                     economic and population growth
                                        and technological advancements.

Solar Energy in Ireland Position Paper - Good Energies Alliance Ireland
Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                                       Position Paper

Figure 2 shows the growth of
global      primary        energy
consumption,     between    1970-
2010, from different sources.


Figure 9 (Annex 1) shows the                 for the final consumer, for
growth      of   global      energy          example electricity generation)
consumption       aligned      with          emphasizing changes in the fuel
population growth The two curves             mix. Over the period 1990 – 2014
follow a very similar path, leading          Ireland’s annual total primary
us    to   the   conclusion    that          energy requirements (TPER) grew
population growth is one of the              in absolute terms by 40% (1.4%
most important factors in the rise           per annum on average). Between
in energy consumption (Alley et al.          2005 and 2014 it fell by 16%,
2015).                                       showing the impact of recession
                                             on    energy    production     (The
2.2. Irish Energy Profile                    Sustainable Energy Authority of
Figure 3 illustrates total primary           Ireland, 2015b). Figure 4 allocates
energy requirements in Ireland               the total final consumption by
(conversion of primary sources of            fuels in Ireland over the period
energy into forms that are useful            1990-2014.

Solar Energy in Ireland Position Paper - Good Energies Alliance Ireland
Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                                        Position Paper



Solar Energy in Ireland Position Paper - Good Energies Alliance Ireland
Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                                     Position Paper

2.3. Can solar energy be a                  In recent years photovoltaic solar
significant source of power in              energy has grown faster than
Ireland?                                    other renewable energy sources
The most commonly encountered               internationally, with an average
systems    for  solar   electricity         annual       growth      of     58%
production are solar photovoltaic           demonstrating the potential of this
(PV) and concentrated solar power           technology.
– solar power plants. Solar PV is           Figure 5 illustrates the evolution of
used for energy production (large           European PV cumulative installed
scale) or water heating (small              capacity     between      2000-2013
scale) while concentrated solar             (European Photovoltaic Industry
power is on a commercial scale.             Association, 2014).


                                            enjoyed in Madrid and France and
Is commonly believed that the               is equivalent to the levels found in
solar radiation in Ireland is very          most of the UK (Irish Solar Energy
poor, however solar radiation in            Association, 2014b).
Wexford is 78% of the level                 Figure 6 and Figure 7 illustrates
                                            the yearly sum of global irradiation
                                            on    horizontal   and     optimally
                                            inclined surface, during the period

Solar Energy in Ireland Position Paper - Good Energies Alliance Ireland
Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                                       Position Paper

1998-2011. On horizontal surfaces             750-1050 kWh/kWp and the sum
the potential the potential for solar         of global radiation between 1000-
electricity is between 600-900                1400 kWh/m2.
kWh/kWp and the sum of global                 Solar energy therefore has the
radiation    between      800-1200            potential for significant power
kWh/m2. On optimally inclined                 generation in Ireland.
surfaces the potential the potential
for solar electricity is between

SYSTEM ( PVGIS ), 2012).                     INFORMATION S YSTEM (PVGIS), 2012)

2.4. Solar Heat                               The required temperatures will
The sun is a source of free heat              define the type of solar system to
that, with the use of solar systems,          be used.
can be used in buildings for space
heating (normally heating a liquid            3. THESIS
or a gas) and hot water.                      Solar energy is an important
                                              renewable heat and power energy
                                              source. Ireland’s energy policy

Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                               Position Paper

should focus on stimulation of the         aspect (level or sloping
use of solar energy to accelerate         South/SE/SW, not overlooked
the transition to a low carbon            by housing),
energy future while ensuring buy-          shading (not shaded by
in from communities in the                trees, buildings or terrain),
implementation of such policies.           solar       radiation     (must
                                          receive at least 1050kWh/m2 of
4. ARGUMENTS AGAINST                      solar radiation),
4.1. Solar Electricity                     grid connection (must be
     a) Planning                          within 1km of existing power
In Ireland some sites are more            distribution lines),
suitable for solar farms that other.       access (access for vehicles
Solar radiation is one of the most        for construction) and
important      requirements     and        site size.
initially  it   is    important   to   Another problem is the length of
undertake desktop assessments to       time it takes to get planning
determine if the site has sufficient   permission for a solar farm project
solar potential.                       creating discontentment among
According with ESGP Ltd (2014)         investors.
the criteria used for the site
selection are:
                                           b) Community benefits
    flooding (must be outside
                                       Currently solar energy in Ireland is
   recognised flood zones),
                                       taking the same track as wind
    land use (must be outside
                                       farms some time ago in not
   of built up areas or woodland
                                       ensuring    buy-in    from     local
                                       communities. Local communities
    land type (agricultural, ex-
                                       should have a stake (either
   industrial       landfill,     or
                                       ownership, part ownership or
                                       shares) in solar energy projects.
    designation        (must     be
                                       Payments/benefits are not being
   outside of protected areas),
                                       shared with local communities,
    public access (not crossed
                                       e.g. solar PV on public buildings
   by a public footpath, right or
                                       and the current constraints on
   way or bridal way),
                                       community investment and shared

Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                                   Position Paper

ownership of renewable energy in          In solar power plants producing
Ireland may include:                      electricity, the main visual impacts
    access to the national               can come from the central receiver
   electricity grid,                      systems and grid connection.
    get paid for the electricity         In Ireland solar needs 5.5 acres of
   they export,                           land per Megawatt of capacity. 1
    access to finance,                   MW of solar on 5.5 acres can
    financial       and    economic      produce 876 MWh of electricity per
   incentives      such     as      tax   annum, enough to power 300
   incentives, VAT exemptions and         homes for a year.
   investment schemes,
    lack        of      economically         d) Ecological impact
   affordable     access     to     the   The use of large areas of land for
   electricity grid,                      power      facilities     can    affect
    restricted choice of legal           vegetation and wildlife as in loss of
   structures        to      facilitate   habitat     and       affect   species
   community investment,                  classified as sensitive (Solar
    lack of clarity in the planning      Energy                    Development
   process, and                           Programmatic EIS, 2016). Central
    the restricted powers of local       concentrator power systems could
   authorities to invest directly in      be a danger to birds and flying
   wind        energy        projects.    insects can also be burnt when
   (Sustainable       Authority      of   flying close to the reflector’s area.
   Ireland, 2003)                         There is some evidence to suggest
                                          that concentrated solar power
    c) Visual Impact                      installations     can     cause    bird
Ground-mounted solar panels may           fatalities through collisions and
require large areas for solar             burns (The Royal Society for the
radiation collection, causing some        Protection of Birds (RSPB), 2014).
visual impacts (however being
visible doesn’t mean necessarily             e) Costs
being intrusive, e.g. the farm may        In Ireland, solar PV is the only
be screened with trees or                 renewable energy technology that
otherwise not overlooked).                does not qualify for State subsidy,
                                          which will limit the investment and

Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                                  Position Paper

the evolution of the          industry    provides less power than was
(Electric Ireland, 2016).                 forecasted, grid operators have to
                                          run decisions in response to
   f) Intermittency            and        intermittent renewable output.
Storage                                   Intermittency will require storage
The availability of sunlight is not       solutions in the Irish electricity
consistent and solar power has a          system (as with other intermittent
low capacity factor (measurement          energy sources). Currently a
that compares produced energy             variety of technologies can be
with the energy that it would             used such as pumped storage
produce if operating at full              hydroelectricity, compressed air
capacity for the same amount of           storage, battery storage and
time)   comparing     with    other       thermal storage devices. However
sources of energy:                        EU’s Energy Roadmap 2050
                                          confirms that storage technologies
T ABLE 1 - CAPACITY FACTOR OF DIFFERENT   remain critical, and that future
                                          integration      of      Renewable
    SIMMONS , R. & YONK, R., 2015).
                                          Electricity (RES-E) will depend on
Energy source                     %       increased storage capacity. Finally,
Photovoltaic                     20%      the costs still too high and
Onshore wind power               37%      lifetimes    need    to    increase
Concentrated solar power         38%      (Department of Communications,
Hydropower                       45%      Energy and Natural Resources,
Combined cycle gas plant         87%      2015).
Nuclear                          90%
Geothermal system                90%      4.2. Solar Heat
Large coal plants                93%         a) Market awareness
                                          Solar heat is still considered as a
Photovoltaic and concentrated             new technology. Consumers and
solar power have some of the              investors do not realize the
lowest capacity factors of any            benefits,     such       as     cost
major energy source.                      effectiveness, benefits for society,
Intermittency of solar energy may         energy bills and fiscal incentives.
have a significant impact on
electric grid reliability. When solar

Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                                Position Paper

5. ARGUMENTS FOR                        The solar panels provide shelter
5.1. Solar Electricity                  from     adverse     weather    and
The supporting structures of solar      airborne predators.
PV occupies less than 1% of the         At the end of the solar farm’s life
land area used and the remainder        the steel frames can be pulled out
of the infrastructure occupies less     of the ground easily and the land
than 5%. Therefore around 95%           will be as it was - the construction
of the land is available for            is 100% reversible.
vegetation growth and can support
agricultural activity as well as            b) Biodiversity
wildlife. So it is possible to have     Biodiversity is the variety of plant
both economic and ecological            and      animal     life    including
benefits (Lightsource Renewable         ecosystems, and life communities
Energy Holdings Limited, 2016).         and genetic diversity (German
                                        Renewable      Energies      Agency,
    a) Agriculture                      2010).
Solar farms occupy less than 30%        A solar farm can help to promote
of leased area and allow land-use       and conserve biological diversity.
like grazing small livestock such as    First, through careful use of
geese,     chicken     and    sheep,    environmentally            sensitive,
accommodating         a    livestock    species-rich habitats, it can reduce
density     that   supports     rural   or avoid detrimental effects on
business (Lightsource Renewable         biological diversity. Secondly, by
Energy Holdings Limited, 2016).         changing the use of intensively
With regard to geese and chicken,       farmed land, it can in some
they can graze and take shelter         circumstances improve a site’s
around the solar panels and live        ecological value considerably. This
safely in the area. Solar farms         is true also in the context of
allows energy production with no        agricultural land and peat-land
emissions, no moving parts and no       regeneration (German Renewable
noise.                                  Energies Agency, 2010).
Similarly solar farms do not reduce     The land on which the panels are
the number of sheep that can            installed can also be used for bee
graze in the area.                      keeping, wild flowers increasing

Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                               Position Paper

the available habitat vital to the     biodiversity gain (Irish        Solar
lifecycle of bees.                     Energy Association, 2015).
Further,      wildflowers   provide
valuable sites for endangered               d) Community benefits
bird’s species. Lastly, increased      Solar energy can play in important
biodiversity brings opportunities      role in the energy transition to a
for recreation leading to improved     low carbon future and it can be
health and well-being.                 used      especially    in     rural
The German Federal Agency for          communities as a way of ensure
Nature       Conservation     (BfN)    energetic independence through
commissioned a study on the            the implementation of energy co-
impacts of solar farms on nature       operatives.
and the landscape. Research            A strong community energy
carried out at six solar parks         industry will (Friends of the Earth
analysed       the    impacts    on    Ireland, 2012):
vegetation,       landscape     and        Reduce carbon emissions
selected groups of animals. The           from the energy sector,
study found that the negative              Provide local investment
impacts of solar parks on nature          opportunities,
and landscapes are small. It               Ensure      local  investment
highlighted the fact that solar           money       stays    in     local
parks built on intensively farmed         communities,
land in particular can improve the         Generate local jobs,
environmental value of a site              Build strong and resilient
(German       Renewable    Energies       community networks, and
Agency, 2010).                             Help      Ireland   to   meet
                                          renewable energy targets.
    c) Planning
With a good planning solar energy          e) Costs
can be deployed with minimal           Ireland is the fourth most
disturbance and be fully reversible,   expensive country in Europe to
after the project life of 25 to 30     buy electricity (Irish Solar Energy
years. Planned sensitively, solar      Association, 2014b) and while
can deliver a net planning and         energy     costs     are     raising,
                                       renewable energy costs are falling

Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                                      Position Paper

including solar energy costs. The           panels is increasing, allowing a
costs fell more than 80% in the             reduction on consumer’s electricity
last 5 years and more reductions            bill (IRENA, 2014b). Figure 8
are expected. In the future, solar          illustrates cumulative global solar
energy is expected to become the            photovoltaic deployment and solar
cheapest electricity source.                photovoltaic      module     prices
Therefore    falling    costs     are       between 2010-2014. While solar
increasing    deployment,        and        PV cumulative installed capacity is
accelerating           technological        increasing, global average module
progress. With this the financial           selling prices are decreasing.
attractiveness of installing solar PV

                  MODULE PRICES BETWEEN 2010-2014 (IRENA, 2014).

Finally, from the investor point of             f) Environment and
view, this technology presents a                Footprint
very low risk of investment and a
                                            Solar energy technologies have
short payback time. Also, as it is a
                                            low GHG emissions in comparison
reliable source of energy it attracts
                                            to fossil energy sources, so solar
                                            power can be used instead of fossil
                                            fuels and can dramatically reduce
                                            greenhouse gas emissions.

Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                                Position Paper

Solar PV has a minimal impact on         97% of which were fossil fuels.
the environment, since land can be       Ireland’s overall energy use and
used for agricultural uses. It does      related CO2 emissions increased by
not produce any pollutants and is        approximately 5% in 2015 (Irish
one of the cleanest sources of           Solar Energy Association, 2016).
energy worldwide (Irish Solar            With the volatility of oil prices
Energy Association, 2016). At the        energy costs are forecasted to rise,
same time it can contribute to the       creating multiple threats to energy
2020 targets and reduce Ireland’s        and economic security (Irish Solar
carbon footprint.                        Energy Association, 2015c).
                                         On the other hand, solar energy is
    g) Health                            predictable and can be used as a
The air and water pollution emitted      reliable energy source, providing
by coal and natural gas plants is        energy independence especially to
linked to breathing problems,            remote areas. It has the potential
neurological       damage,      heart    to contribute between 10% and 20%
attacks and cancer (Rizk, M.,            of Ireland’s renewable energy
2013).      According       to    U.S.   generation by 2020 and contribute
Department of Energy (2016)              to security of supply by providing
burning fossil fuels for energy adds     predictable and reliable electricity
pollutants into air contributing to      generation (Irish Solar Energy
childhood asthma and other health        Association, 2015c).
and environmental problems.
Generating        electricity    from         i) Energy Bills
renewable energy rather than             Solar power can create energy
fossil fuels offers significant public   citizens, helping householders and
health benefits. It helps to reduce      businesses pro-actively manage
carbon dioxide emissions and             their energy costs and cut
other pollutants in the atmosphere       household electricity bills by 50%
and the overall healthcare costs         (Irish Solar Energy Association,
(Rizk, M., 2013).                        2016).

   h) Energy Security                       j) Jobs
85% of Ireland’s energy was              On average, more jobs are created
imported in 2014, costing €5.7 bn,       for each unit of electricity

Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                            Position Paper

generated from renewable sources        l) Noise and Emissions
than from fossil fuels (Union of    Ground-mount solar panels do not
Concerned Scientists, 2016).        have moving parts and do not
The     International   Renewable   generate noise or emissions. Even
Energy Agency estimates that        during the construction activity the
11.3 direct jobs are created for    noise is not significant.
every MW of solar capacity
installed, 11 in construction and   5.2. Solar Heat
0.3      in     operations    and       a) Auto - generation
management (Irish Solar Energy      Solar heat is suitable for domestic
Association, 2015c). Up to 7,300    consumption. Some citizens have
direct jobs would be created and    a strong desire for supplier
sustained with the rollout of a     independence and have their own
supported solar sector in Ireland   green agenda. Micro-generation
(Irish Solar Energy Association,    can be seen as a safe and
2016).                              independent way of producing
                                    electricity, especially in remote
    k)Meet 2020 targets             locations and as a power backup.
Ireland’s 2020 renewable energy
target is to increase the final        b) Visual Impact, Noise and
energy      consumption      from         Emissions
renewable energy sources to 16%.    Solar panels do not have moving
This target will be made up of      parts, do not generate noise or
contributions   from   renewable    emissions and can also be
energy in electricity (RES-E),      integrated in buildings. According
renewable energy in transport       with     Department       of    the
(RES-T) and renewable energy for    Environment, Heritage and Local
heat    and    cooling   (RES-H)    Government (2007) solar panels
(Department of Communications,      create a low visual impact making
Energy and Natural Resources,       them particularly suitable in urban
2015).                              areas and can be integrated in all
Renewable energy sources such as    type of buildings – residential,
wind, hydro and solar energy can    industrial, commercial and public.
be used as a pathway to achieve
these targets.

Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                                Position Paper

   c) Costs                           easily generate 20% of the
In 2014 Electricity Supply Board      country’s      overall    renewable
(ESB) closed the pilot scheme to      electricity. However, solar PV is
support customers to install          the only renewable energy that
domestic micro-generators (solar      does not qualify for a State
PV). However the scheme was           subsidy     (Irish   Solar   Energy
extended until 31st December          Association (ISEA), 2015).
2016, and it has a payment rate of
9.0 cent per kWh.                     6.1.    Nenagh      Town      Park
Solar heat costs presents low         (45kWp)
investment costs for users and        The largest PV project in Ireland,
those who produce most of their       completed in October 2014 is
heating from solar will get payback   located in County Tipperary. Nine
within 7.5 years. Solar heat          public buildings in Tipperary have
currently is supported in Ireland     benefited from the installation.
with    up    to   €1,200     grant
(Sustainable Energy Authority of      Tipperary County Council is very
Ireland, 2016).                       pleased with the results that are
                                      now emerging after only one year
   d) Energy Bills                    into this project. We are proud
With a contribution from solar        that we can run our public
energy, bills are reduced. Self-      buildings using clean sustainable
production also allows export of      energy. This photovoltaic project
energy to the grid, depending on      has delivered more than we had
the size of the solar system          anticipated, not only in electricity
(though at present there is no        and cost savings, but also
tariff   for    micro-generation,     influencing others to take on
therefore no payment to the           similar   projects.   We     would
producer).                            recommend to others that they
                                      should actively consider PV as part
6. TWO IRISH CASE STUDIES             of their cost, efficiency and
In Ireland, 40% of energy             sustainability goals.
                                          Joe McGrath, CEO, Tipperary County
generation must come from
                                           Council (Solar Eletric Ireland, 2016)
renewables    by   2020.   An
established solar sector could

Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                                   Position Paper

We’re delighted to have been               it has 1,658 members. It has over
involved in the first large PV             20,000 PV panels on 30 acres and
project in the state. The increase         generates 4.8GWhr/year of clean
in the number of organisations             electricity, enough to power 1,400
that are now installing PV has             homes and to prevent 2,000
demonstrated that this Tipperary           tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions
County Council project has been a          annually (Westmill Solar Coop,
catalyst for change.                       2016).
     Paul Kenny, CEO, Tipperary Energy     The solar farm is rated at 5MW and
    Agency (Solar Eletric Ireland, 2016)   it offers to local people the
                                           opportunity to share in the direct
6.2. The National Heritage
                                           rewards of the project. It provides
Park (25kWp)
                                           benefits for the area such as
The Irish National Heritage Park at
                                           boosting the local economy by
Ferrycarrig (Wexford) is in the
                                           making sure that profits stay in the
process of installing 102 ground
                                           area, encouraging visitors and
and roof-mounted solar panels
                                           raising the local area’s profile
which will significantly reduce its
                                           (Westmill Solar Coop, 2016).
energy footprint and bills (Tucker,
D., 2014):
                                               b) Belfast International
The heritage park currently has an
ESB bill of around €36,000 which
                                           Crookedstone        Solar     Farm
will hopefully be halved once the
whole solar array and other work
                                           The first solar farm connected in
comes on stream.
                   Maura Bell, Manager
                                           Ireland was completed in February
                                           2016 in Co. Antrim, Northern
7.      INTERNATIONAL        CASE          Ireland and connects to Belfast
STUDIES                                    International Airport. This is the
     a)     Solar    farm     with         largest UK airport solar project.
     community benefits                    The project is a 4.83 (MWp) solar
Westmill Solar (5MW)                       farm, connected directly into the
Westmill Solar Cooperative is the          private    network     of    Belfast
first large scale community-owned          International Airport, providing
solar farm in United Kingdom and           27% of the airport’s annual
                                           electricity demand. The energy

Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                                    Position Paper

provided will allow savings of               on a working farm. It was
2,100 tonnes of carbon emissions             commissioned in 2013 and took
each year – equivalent to taking             just six weeks to construct. Sheep
469 cars off the road. (Lightsource          on the farm are able to graze
Renewable       Energy     Holdings          around the installation. This keeps
Limited, 2016).                              the land around the panels
As a business we are committed               maintained and the farmer does
towards sustainability, and being            not lose valuable grazing acreage.
able to procure solar electricity is         It also acts as a shelter for the
a huge benefit, not only towards             sheep during adverse weather
lowering our carbon footprint but            conditions (Premier Construction,
reducing our operating costs and             2014).
providing pricing certainty for the
future. We need certainty of                 8.       CONCLUSIONS          AND
supply, capability of supply but it          RECOMMENDATIONS
also has to be the right price and           1-     Ireland has a huge potential
Lightsource demonstrates they are            for solar PV production. Solar
the right long-term partner for us.          radiation in Wexford is 78% of the
We were delighted that even                  level enjoyed in Madrid and France.
on the first day of connection,              2-     Solar energy can contribute
the solar farm generated more                to 2020 greenhouse gas emission
power than we needed, and                    targets and play an important role
the airport ran for 9 hours on               in Ireland’s overall energy mix
just solar power alone.                      providing a reliable and secure
     Alan Whiteside, Operations Director,    source of energy when combined
Belfast International Airport (Lightsource
                                             with a non- intermittent source of
     Renewable Energy Holdings Limited,
                                    2016).   energy.
                                             3-     The falling costs of solar
    c) Solar farm with land and              modules make it more viable and
    agricultural benefits                    affordable.
Crinacott Solar Park (6.8MW)                 4-     Irish Energy Policy should
Crinacott Solar Park is a 6.8                focus more on solar energy in
Megawatt plant with 28,608 solar             Ireland to promote and implement
panels which provide energy to               it.
1,800 households and is located

Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                               Position Paper

5-     Benefits are raising from          connect their project and get
solar farms and should be shared          paid for the electricity they
with local communities.                   export.
6-     Awareness campaigns and             Energy citizens - Engaging
guidelines for planning are needed        citizens    and      investors  is
to      ensure       an     efficient     fundamental for the transition to
implementation of solar energy in         a low carbon future and for the
Ireland.                                  development of solar energy in
Recommendations:                          Ireland. The Government needs
    Ireland’s targets - The              to play a role in this transition
   government       should   decide       and should focus on the
   targets for solar power and heat       priorities of social acceptance of
   for domestic and industrial use.       renewable energy sources and
   Solar energy could account for         citizens education, particularly
   10% of renewable energy                as a way of reducing demand.
   generation capacity by 2020, in         Community ownership -
   Ireland.                               GEAI supports and encourages
    Planning - Consultative              community ownership of solar
   planning process involving local       energy projects and defends the
   communities         and        the     development of local energy co-
   stakeholders       should       be     operatives as a way of domestic
   developed to make sure that            and industrial auto-production
   mistakes made with planning for        and at a grid-scale, but with
   wind farms will not be replicated      direct benefits for the local
   with solar farms.                      communities.
    Financial support - The
   government should encourage          GEAI     supports     the    future
   and support the development of       development of solar energy and
   solar PV in Ireland and support      considers that its development is
   the development of solar energy      an    essential   part    of    the
   through financial schemes.           decarbonisation      of     energy
    Facilitate connection to           production    in    Ireland    and
   the grid and agree tariffs -         fundamental for the transition to a
   ensure     community      energy     low carbon future.
   groups have grid access, can

Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                                       Position Paper

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summarises our position: Solar                       hot-melt-salt.html
energy     is     an    important            Department of Communications, Energy
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energy      source.       Ireland’s                  Irelands     National   Renewable
energy policy should focus on                        Energy Action Plan (NREAP).
                                                     Retrieved May 25, 2016, from
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transition to a low carbon                           Energy/Pages/Action-Plan.aspx
energy future while ensuring                 Department of Communications, Energy
buy-in from communities in                           and Natural Resources. (2015).
                                                     White Paper - Ireland's Transition
the implementation of such                           to a Low Carbon Energy Future -
policies.                                            2015 - 2030.
                                             Department of the Environment, Heritage
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Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                                  Position Paper      ABBREVIATIONS
      age-park-turns-to-sun-for-           BfN     German Federal Agency for
      energy-savings-30608168.html                 Nature Conservation
U.S. Department of Energy. (2016). The     CO2     Carbon Dioxide
      environmental and public health      ESB     Electricity Supply Board
      benefits    of   achieving    high   ETS     Emission Trading Scheme
      penetration of solar energy in the   GHG     Greenhouse Gas
      United States. Office of Energy      IPCC    Intergovernmental Panel on
      Efficiency & Renewable Energy.               Climate Change
      Retrieved June 23, 2016, from        NREAP   National Renewable Energy              Action Plan
      downloads/environmental-and-         PV      Solar Photovoltaics
      public-health-benefits-achieving-    RES     Renewable Energy Sources
      high-penetration-solar               RES-E   Renewable Electricity
Union of Concerned Scientists. (2016).     RES-H   Renewable Energy for Heat
      Benefits of Renewable Energy Use.            and Cooling
      Retrieved June 23, 2016, from        RES-T   Renewable Energy in               Transport
      ergy/our-energy-                     TPER    Total Primary Energy
      choices/renewable-energy/public-             Requirements
Westmill Solar Coop. (2016). The solar
      park. Retrieved June 30, 2016,

Solar Energy in Ireland
                                                                    Position Paper



©2016 Lisandra Meneses

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