Soft Threshold Weight Reparameterization for Learnable Sparsity

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Soft Threshold Weight Reparameterization for Learnable Sparsity

                                                   Aditya Kusupati 1
                             Vivek Ramanujan     Raghav Somani * 1 Mitchell Wortsman * 1
                                     Prateek Jain 3 Sham Kakade 1 Ali Farhadi 1

                          Abstract                                  bottleneck in the real-world deployment of the solutions.
     Sparsity in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) is                     During inference, a typical DNN model stresses the follow-
     studied extensively with the focus of maximiz-                 ing aspects of the compute environment: 1) RAM - working
     ing prediction accuracy given an overall param-                memory, 2) Processor compute - Floating Point Operations
     eter budget. Existing methods rely on uniform                  (FLOPs1 ), and 3) Flash - model size. Various techniques are
     or heuristic non-uniform sparsity budgets which                proposed to make DNNs efficient including model pruning
     have sub-optimal layer-wise parameter allocation               (sparsity) (Han et al., 2015), knowledge distillation (Buciluǎ
     resulting in a) lower prediction accuracy or b)                et al., 2006), model architectures (Howard et al., 2017) and
     higher inference cost (FLOPs). This work pro-                  quantization (Rastegari et al., 2016).
     poses Soft Threshold Reparameterization (STR),                 Sparsity of the model, in particular, has potential for impact
     a novel use of the soft-threshold operator on                  across a variety of inference settings as it reduces the model
     DNN weights. STR smoothly induces spar-                        size and inference cost (FLOPs) without significant change
     sity while learning pruning thresholds thereby                 in training pipelines. Naturally, several interesting projects
     obtaining a non-uniform sparsity budget. Our                   address inference speed-ups via sparsity on existing frame-
     method achieves state-of-the-art accuracy for un-              works (Liu et al., 2015; Elsen et al., 2019) and commodity
     structured sparsity in CNNs (ResNet50 and Mo-                  hardware (Ashby et al.). On-premise or Edge computing
     bileNetV1 on ImageNet-1K), and, additionally,                  is another domain where sparse DNNs have potential for
     learns non-uniform budgets that empirically re-                deep impact as it is governed by billions of battery limited
     duce the FLOPs by up to 50%. Notably, STR                      devices with single-core CPUs. These devices, including
     boosts the accuracy over existing results by up                mobile phones (Anguita et al., 2012) and IoT sensors (Patil
     to 10% in the ultra sparse (99%) regime and                    et al., 2019; Roy et al., 2019), can benefit significantly from
     can also be used to induce low-rank (structured                sparsity as it can enable real-time on-device solutions.
     sparsity) in RNNs. In short, STR is a simple
     mechanism which learns effective sparsity bud-                 Sparsity in DNNs, surveyed extensively in Section 2, has
     gets that contrast with popular heuristics. Code,              been the subject of several papers where new algorithms
     pretrained models and sparsity budgets are at                  are designed to obtain models with a given parameter bud-                               get. But state-of-the-art DNN models tend to have a large
                                                                    number of layers with highly non-uniform distribution both
                                                                    in terms of the number of parameters as well as FLOPs
1. Introduction                                                     required per layer. Most existing methods rely either on
                                                                    uniform sparsity across all parameter tensors (layers) or
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are the state-of-the-art mod-           on heuristic non-uniform sparsity budgets leading to a sub-
els for many important tasks in the domains of Computer             optimal weight allocation across layers and can lead to a
Vision, Natural Language Processing, etc. To enable highly          significant loss in accuracy. Furthermore, if the budget is
accurate solutions, DNNs require large model sizes resulting        set at a global level, some of the layers with a small number
in huge inference costs, which many times become the main           of parameters would be fully dense as their contribution to
  *                          1
                                                                    the budget is insignificant. However, those layers can have
    Equal contribution         University of Washington, USA
 Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, USA 3 Microsoft Re-
                                                                    significant FLOPs, e.g., in an initial convolution layer, a
search, India. Correspondence to: Aditya Kusupati .                                            Hence, while such models might decrease the number of
                                                                    non-zeroes significantly, their FLOPs could still be large.
Proceedings of the 37 th International Conference on Machine
Learning, Vienna, Austria, PMLR 119, 2020. Copyright 2020 by               One Multiply-Add is counted as one FLOP
the author(s).
Soft Threshold Weight Reparameterization for Learnable Sparsity

Motivated by the above-mentioned challenges, this works            2. Related Work
addresses the following question: “Can we design a method
to learn non-uniform sparsity budget across layers that is         This section covers the spectrum of work on sparsity in
optimized per-layer, is stable, and is accurate?”.                 DNNs. The sparsity in the discussion can be characterized
                                                                   as (a) unstructured and (b) structured while sparsification
Most existing methods for learning sparse DNNs have their          techniques can be (i) dense-to-sparse, and (ii) sparse-to-
roots in the long celebrated literature of high-dimension          sparse. Finally, the sparsity budget in DNNs can either be
statistics and, in particular, sparse regression. These meth-      (a) uniform, or (b) non-uniform across layers. This will be a
ods are mostly based on well-known Hard and Soft Thresh-           key focus of this paper, as different budgets result in differ-
olding techniques, which are essentially projected gradient        ent inference compute costs as measured by FLOPs. This
methods with explicit projection onto the set of sparse pa-        section also discusses the recent work on learnable sparsity.
rameters. However, these methods require a priori knowl-
edge of sparsity, and as mentioned above, mostly heuristic         2.1. Unstructured and Structured Sparsity
methods are used to set the sparsity levels per layer.
                                                                   Unstructured sparsity does not take the structure of the
We propose Soft Threshold Reparameterization (STR) to              model (e.g. channels, rank, etc.,) into account. Typically, un-
address the aforementioned issues. We use the fact that            structured sparsity is induced in DNNs by making the param-
the projection onto the sparse sets is available in closed         eter tensors sparse directly based on heuristics (e.g. weight
form and propose a novel reparameterization of the problem.        magnitude) thereby creating sparse tensors that might not be
That is, for forward pass of DNN, we use soft-thresholded          capable of leveraging the speed-ups provided by commod-
version (Donoho, 1995) of a weight tensor Wl of the l-th           ity hardware during training and inference. Unstructured
layer in the DNN: S(Wl , αl ) := sign (Wl )·ReLU(|Wl |−            sparsity has been extensively studied and includes methods
αl ) where αl is the pruning threshold for the l-th layer. As      which use gradient, momentum, and Hessian based heuris-
the DNN loss can be written as a continuous function of            tics (Evci et al., 2020; Lee et al., 2019; LeCun et al., 1990;
αl ’s, we can use backpropagation to learn layer-specific αl       Hassibi & Stork, 1993; Dettmers & Zettlemoyer, 2019),
to smoothly induce sparsity. Typically, each layer in a neural     and magnitude-based pruning (Han et al., 2015; Guo et al.,
network is distinct unlike the interchangeable weights and         2016; Zhu & Gupta, 2017; Frankle & Carbin, 2019; Gale
neurons making it interesting to learn layer-wise sparsity.        et al., 2019; Mostafa & Wang, 2019; Bellec et al., 2018; Mo-
Due to layer-specific thresholds and sparsity, STR is able         canu et al., 2018; Narang et al., 2019; Kusupati et al., 2018;
to achieve state-of-the-art accuracy for unstructured sparsity     Wortsman et al., 2019). Unstructured sparsity can also be
in CNNs across various sparsity regimes. STR makes even            induced by L0 , L1 regularization (Louizos et al., 2018), and
small-parameter layers sparse resulting in models with sig-        Variational Dropout (VD) (Molchanov et al., 2017).
nificantly lower inference FLOPs than the baselines. For ex-       Gradual Magnitude Pruning (GMP), proposed in (Zhu &
ample, STR for 90% sparse MobileNetV1 on ImageNet-1K               Gupta, 2017), and studied further in (Gale et al., 2019), is a
results in a 0.3% boost in accuracy with 50% fewer FLOPs.          simple magnitude-based weight pruning applied gradually
Empirically, STR’s learnt non-uniform budget makes it a            over the course of the training. Discovering Neural Wirings
very effective choice for ultra (99%) sparse ResNet50 as           (DNW) (Wortsman et al., 2019) also relies on magnitude-
well where it is ∼10% more accurate than baselines on              based pruning while utilizing a straight-through estimator
ImageNet-1K. STR can also be trivially modified to induce          for the backward pass. GMP and DNW are the state-of-the-
structured sparsity, demonstrating its generalizability to a va-   art for unstructured pruning in DNNs (especially in CNNs)
riety of DNN architectures across domains. Finally, STR’s          demonstrating the effectiveness of magnitude pruning. VD
learnt non-uniform sparsity budget transfers across tasks          gets accuracy comparable to GMP (Gale et al., 2019) for
thus discovering an efficient sparse backbone of the model.        CNNs but at a cost of 2× memory and 4× compute during
The 3 major contributions of this paper are:                       training making it hard to be used ubiquitously.
• Soft Threshold Reparameterization (STR), for the                 Structured sparsity takes structure into account making the
  weights in DNNs, to induce sparsity via learning the             models scalable on commodity hardware with the stan-
  per-layer pruning thresholds thereby obtaining a better          dard computation techniques/architectures. Structured spar-
  non-uniform sparsity budget across layers.                       sity includes methods which make parameter tensors low-
• Extensive experimentation showing that STR achieves              rank (Jaderberg et al., 2014; Alizadeh et al., 2020; Lu et al.,
  the state-of-the-art accuracy for sparse CNNs (ResNet50          2016), prune out channels, filters and induce block/group
  and MobileNetV1 on ImageNet-1K) along with a signifi-            sparsity (Liu et al., 2019; Wen et al., 2016; Li et al., 2017;
  cant reduction in inference FLOPs.                               Luo et al., 2017; Gordon et al., 2018; Yu & Huang, 2019).
• Extension of STR to structured sparsity, that is useful for      Even though structured sparsity can leverage speed-ups pro-
  the direct implementation of fast inference in practice.         vided by parallelization, the highest levels of model pruning
Soft Threshold Weight Reparameterization for Learnable Sparsity

are only possible with unstructured sparsity techniques.          tic described in RigL (Evci et al., 2020). A global pruning
                                                                  threshold (Han et al., 2015) can also induce non-uniform
2.2. Dense-to-sparse and Sparse-to-sparse Training                sparsity and has been leveraged in Iterative Magnitude Prun-
                                                                  ing (IMP) (Frankle & Carbin, 2019; Renda et al., 2020). A
Until recently, most sparsification methods were dense-to-        good non-uniform sparsity budget can help in maintaining
sparse i.e., the DNN starts fully dense and is made sparse by     accuracy while also reducing the FLOPs due to a better
the end of the training. Dense-to-sparse training in DNNs         parameter distribution. The aforementioned methods with
encompasses the techniques presented in (Han et al., 2015;        non-uniform sparsity do not reduce the FLOPs compared
Zhu & Gupta, 2017; Molchanov et al., 2017; Frankle &              to uniform sparsity in practice. Very few techniques like
Carbin, 2019; Renda et al., 2020).                                AMC (He et al., 2018), using expensive reinforcement learn-
The lottery ticket hypothesis (Frankle & Carbin, 2019)            ing, minimize FLOPs with non-uniform sparsity.
sparked an interest in training sparse neural networks end-to-    Most of the discussed techniques rely on intelligent heuris-
end. This is referred to as sparse-to-sparse training and a lot   tics to obtain non-uniform sparsity. Learning the pruning
of recent work (Mostafa & Wang, 2019; Bellec et al., 2018;        thresholds and in-turn learning the non-uniform sparsity
Evci et al., 2020; Lee et al., 2019; Dettmers & Zettlemoyer,      budget is the main contribution of this paper.
2019) aims to do sparse-to-sparse training using techniques
which include re-allocation of weights to improve accuracy.
                                                                  2.4. Learnable Sparsity
Dynamic Sparse Reparameterization (DSR) (Mostafa &
                                                                  Concurrent to our work, (Savarese et al., 2019; Liu et al.,
Wang, 2019) heuristically obtains a global magnitude thresh-
                                                                  2020; Lee, 2019; Xiao et al., 2019; Azarian et al., 2020) have
old along with the re-allocation of the weights based on the
                                                                  proposed learnable sparsity methods through training of the
non-zero weights present at every step. Sparse Networks
                                                                  sparse masks and weights simultaneously with minimal
From Scratch (SNFS) (Dettmers & Zettlemoyer, 2019) uti-
                                                                  heuristics. The reader is urged to review these works for a
lizes momentum of the weights to re-allocate weights across
                                                                  more complete picture of the field. Note that, while STR
layers and the Rigged Lottery (RigL) (Evci et al., 2020)
                                                                  is proposed to induce layer-wise unstructured sparsity, it
uses the magnitude to drop and the periodic dense gradi-
                                                                  can be easily adapted for global, filter-wise, or per-weight
ents to regrow weights. SNFS and RigL are state-of-the-art
                                                                  sparsity as discussed in Appendix A.5.
in sparse-to-sparse training but fall short of GMP for the
same experimental settings. It should be noted that, even
though sparse-to-sparse can reduce the training cost, the         3. Method - STR
existing frameworks (Paszke et al., 2019; Abadi et al., 2016)
                                                                  Optimization under sparsity constraint on the parameter set
consider the models as dense resulting in minimal gains.
                                                                  is a well studied area spanning more than three decades
DNW (Wortsman et al., 2019) and Dynamic Pruning with              (Donoho, 1995; Candes et al., 2007; Jain et al., 2014), and
Feedback (DPF) (Lin et al., 2020) fall between both as            is modeled as:
DNW uses a fully dense gradient in the backward pass and
DPF maintains a copy of the dense model in parallel to                          min L(W; D), s.t. kWk0 ≤ k,
optimize the sparse model through feedback. Note that DPF                       
                                                                  where D := xi ∈ Rd , yi ∈ R i∈[n] is the observed data, L
is complementary to most of the techniques discussed here.
                                                                  is the loss function, W are the parameters to be learned and
2.3. Uniform and Non-uniform Sparsity                             k · k0 denotes the L0 -norm or the number of non-zeros, and
                                                                  k is the parameter budget. Due to non-convexity and com-
Uniform sparsity implies that all the layers in the DNN have      binatorial structure of the L0 norm constraint, it’s convex
the same amount of sparsity in proportion. Quite a few            relaxation L1 norm has been studied for long time and has
works have used uniform sparsity (Gale et al., 2019), given       been at the center of a large literature on high-dimensional
its ease and lack of hyperparameters. However, some works         learning. In particular, several methods have been proposed
keep parts of the model dense, including the first or the         to solve the two problems including projected gradient de-
last layers (Lin et al., 2020; Mostafa & Wang, 2019; Zhu &        scent, forward/backward pruning etc.
Gupta, 2017). In general, making the first or the last layers
                                                                  Projected Gradient Descent (PGD) in particular has been
dense benefits all the methods. GMP typically uses uniform
                                                                  popular for both the problems as the projection onto both
sparsity and achieves state-of-the-art results.
                                                                  L0 as well as the L1 ball is computable in almost closed
Non-uniform sparsity permits different layers to have differ-     form (Beck & Teboulle, 2009; Jain et al., 2014); L0 ball
ent sparsity budgets. Weight re-allocation heuristics have        projection is called Hard Thresholding while L1 ball projec-
been used for non-uniform sparsity in DSR and SNFS. It can        tion is known as Soft Thresholding. Further, these methods
be a fixed budget like the ERK (Erdos-Renyi-Kernel) heuris-       have been the guiding principle for many modern DNN
Soft Threshold Weight Reparameterization for Learnable Sparsity

model pruning (sparsity) techniques (Han et al., 2015; Zhu        leads to the following update equation:
& Gupta, 2017; Narang et al., 2019).                                 (t+1)                     (t)
                                                                  Wl         ← (1 − ηt · λ)Wl
However, projection-based methods suffer from the problem                                                     n
of dense gradient and intermediate parameter structure, as         − ηt ∇Sg (Wl ,sl ) L(Sg (W (t) , s), D)   1 Sg (Wl , sl ) 6= 0 ,
the gradient descent iterate can be arbitrarily out of the set                                                                   (4)
and is then projected back onto L0 or L1 ball. At a scale
                                                                   where 1 {·} is the indicator function and A B denotes
of billions of parameters, computing such dense gradients
                                                                  element-wise (Hadamard) product of tensors A and B.
and updates can be daunting. More critically, the budget
parameter k is set at the global level, so it is not clear how    Now, if g is a continuous function, then using the STR
to partition the budget for each layer, as the importance of      (2) and (1), it is clear that L(Sg (W, s), D) is a continuous
each layer can be significantly different.                        function of s. Further, sub-gradient of L w.r.t. s, can be
                                                                  computed and uses for gradient descent on s as well; see
In this work, we propose a reparameterization, Soft Thresh-
                                                                  Appendix A.2. Algorithm 1 in the Appendix shows the
old Reparameterization (STR) based on the soft threshold
                                                                  implementation of STR on 2D convolution along with ex-
operator (Donoho, 1995), to alleviate both the above men-
                                                                  tensions to global, per-filter & per-weight sparsity. STR can
tioned concerns. That is, instead of first updating W via
                                                                  be modified and applied on the eigenvalues of a parameter
gradient descent and then computing its projection, we di-
                                                                  tensor, instead of individual entries mentioned above, result-
rectly optimize over projected W. Let Sg (W; s) be the
                                                                  ing in low-rank tensors; see Section 4.2.1 for further details.
projection of W parameterized by s and function g. S is
                                                                  Note that s also has the same weight-decay parameter λ.
applied to each element of W and is defined as:
                                                                  Naturally, g plays a critical role here, as a sharp g can lead
        Sg (w, s) := sign (w) · ReLU(|w| − g(s)),          (1)    to an arbitrary increase in threshold leading to poor accuracy
                                                                  while a flat g can lead to slow learning. Practical considera-
where s is a learnable parameter, g : R → R, and α = g(s)         tions for choice of g are discussed in Appendix A.1. For the
is the pruning threshold. ReLU(a) = max(a, 0). That is, if        experiments, g is set as the Sigmoid function for unstruc-
|w| ≤ g(s), then Sg (w, s) sets it to 0.                          tured sparsity and the exponential function for structured
                                                                  sparsity. Typically, {sl }l∈[L] are initialized with sinit to
Reparameterizing the optimization problem with S modifies         ensure that the thresholds {αl = g(sl )}l∈[L] start close to
(note that it is not equivalent) it to:                           0. Figure 1 shows that the thresholds’ dynamics are guided
                                                                  by a combination of gradients from L and the weight-decay
                   min L(Sg (W, s), D).                    (2)    on s. Further, the overall sparsity budget for STR is not
                                                                  set explicitly. Instead, it is controlled by the weight-decay
                                                                  parameter (λ), and can be further fine-tuned using sinit . In-
For L-layer DNN architectures, we divide W into: W =              terestingly, this curve is similar to the handcrafted heuristic
[Wl ]l=1 where Wl is the parameter tensor for the l-th layer.     for thresholds defined in (Narang et al., 2019). Figure 2
As mentioned earlier, different layers of DNNs are unique         shows the overall learnt sparsity budget for ResNet50 dur-
can have significantly different number of parameters. Simi-      ing training. The curve looks similar to GMP (Zhu & Gupta,
larly, different layers might need different sparsity budget      2017) sparsification heuristic, however, STR learns it via
for the best accuracy. So, we set the trainable pruning pa-       backpropagation and SGD.
rameter for each layer as sl . That is, s = [s1 , . . . , sL ].
Now, using the above mentioned reparameterization for each
Wl and adding a standard L2 regularization per layer, we
get the following Gradient Descent (GD) update equation at
the t-th step for Wl , ∀ l ∈ [L]:

     (t+1)                     (t)
  Wl         ← (1 − ηt · λ)Wl
− ηt ∇Sg (Wl ,sl ) L(Sg (W (t) , s), D)   ∇Wl Sg (Wl , sl ),
                                                                  Figure 1. The learnt threshold parameter, α = g(s), for layer 10 in
where ηt is the learning rate at the t-th step, and λ             90% sparse ResNet50 on ImageNet-1K over the course of training.
is the L2 regularization (weight-decay) hyper-parameter.
∇Wl Sg (Wl , sl ) is the gradient of Sg (Wl , sl ) w.r.t. Wl .    Finally, each parameter tensor learns a different threshold
Now, S is non-differentiable, so we use sub-gradient which        value, {αl }l∈[L] , resulting in unique final thresholds across
Soft Threshold Weight Reparameterization for Learnable Sparsity

                                                                        zeros, and d  n  r log d. Due to the initialization,
                                                                        g(s) ≈ 0 in initial few iterations. So, gradient descent
                                                                        converges to the least `2 -norm regression solution. That is,
                                                                        w = UUT w∗ where U ∈ Rd×n is the right singular vector
                                                                        matrix of X and is a random n-dimensional subspace. As U
                                                                        is a random subspace. Since n  r log d, US UTS ≈ dr · I
                                                                        where S = supp(w∗ ), and US indexes rows of U corre-
                                                                        sponding to S. That is, minj∈S Uj · UT w∗ ≥ 1 − o(1).
                                                                                                              √ √
                                                                        On the other hand, Uj · UTS w∗ . dnr log d with high
Figure 2. The progression of the learnt overall budget for 90%          probability for j 6∈ S. As n  r log d, almost all the el-
sparse ResNet50 on ImageNet-1K over the course of training.             ements of supp(w∗ ) will be in top O (n) elements of w.
                                                                        Furthermore, XSg (w, s) = y, so |s| would decrease sig-
                                                                        nificantly via weight-decay and hence g(s) becomes large
                                                                        enough to prune all but say O (n) elements. Using a similar
                                                                        argument as above, leads to further pruning of w, while
                                                                        ensuring recovery of almost all elements in supp(w∗ ).

                                                                        4. Experiments
                                                                        This section showcases the experimentation followed by
                                                                        the observations from applying STR for (a) unstructured
Figure 3. The final learnt threshold values, [αl ]54            54
                                                  l=1 = [g(sl )]l=1 ,
                                                                        sparsity in CNNs and (b) structured sparsity in RNNs.
for all the layers in 90% sparse ResNet50 on ImageNet-1K.
                                                                        4.1. Unstructured Sparsity in CNNs

the layers, as shown in Figure 3 for ResNet50. This, in turn,           4.1.1. E XPERIMENTAL S ETUP
results in the non-uniform sparsity budget (see Figure 6)               ImageNet-1K (Deng et al., 2009) is a widely used large-
which is empirically shown to be effective in increasing                scale image classification dataset with 1K classes. All
prediction accuracy while reducing FLOPs. Moreover, (4)                 the CNN experiments presented are on ImageNet-1K.
shows that the gradient update itself is sparse as gradient of          ResNet50 (He et al., 2016) and MobileNetV1 (Howard
L is multiplied with an indicator function of Sg (Wl ) 6= 0             et al., 2017) are two popular CNN architectures. ResNet50
which gets sparser over iterations (Figure 2). So STR ad-               is extensively used in literature to show the effectiveness
dresses both the issues with standard PGD methods (Hard/-               of sparsity in CNNs. Experiments on MobileNetV1 argue
Soft Thresholding) that we mentioned above.                             for the generalizability of the proposed technique (STR).
                                                                        Dataset and models’ details can be found in Appendix A.7.
3.1. Analysis
                                                                        STR was compared against strong state-of-the-art base-
The reparameterization trick using the projection operator’s            lines in various sparsity regimes including GMP (Gale
functional form can be used for standard constrained opti-              et al., 2019), DSR (Mostafa & Wang, 2019), DNW (Worts-
mization problems as well (assuming the projection operator             man et al., 2019), SNFS (Dettmers & Zettlemoyer, 2019),
has a closed-form). However, it is easy to show that in gen-            RigL (Evci et al., 2020) and DPF (Lin et al., 2020). GMP
eral, such a method need not converge to the optimal solu-              and DNW always use a uniform sparsity budget. RigL,
tion even for convex functions over convex sets. This raises            SNFS, DSR, and DPF were compared in their original form.
a natural question about the effectiveness of the technique             Exceptions for the uniform sparsity are marked in Table 1.
for sparse weights learning problem. It turns out that for              The “+ ERK” suffix implies the usage of ERK budget (Evci
sparsity constrained problems, STR is very similar to back-             et al., 2020) instead of the original sparsity budget. Even
ward pruning (Hastie et al., 2009) which is a well-known                though VD (Molchanov et al., 2017) achieves state-of-the-
technique for sparse regression. Note that, similar to Hard/-           art results, it is omitted due to the 2× memory and 4× com-
Soft Thresholding, standard backward pruning also does                  pute footprint during training. Typically VD and IMP use a
not support differentiable tuning thresholds which makes it             global threshold for global sparsity (GS) (Han et al., 2015)
challenging to apply it to DNNs.                                        which can also be learnt using STR. The unstructured spar-
To further establish this connection, let’s consider a stan-            sity experiments presented compare the techniques which
dard sparse regression problem where y = Xw∗ , Xij ∼                    induce layer-wise sparsity. Note that STR is generalizable
N (0, 1), and X ∈ Rn×d . w∗ ∈ {0, 1}d has r  d non-                    to other scenarios as well. Open-source implementations,
Soft Threshold Weight Reparameterization for Learnable Sparsity

 pre-trained models, and reported numbers of the available                                   levels of sparsity. Very few methods are stable in the ultra
 techniques were used as the baselines. Experiments were                                     sparse regime of 98-99% sparsity and GMP can achieve
 run on a machine with 4 NVIDIA Titan X (Pascal) GPUs.
All baselines use the hyperparameter settings defined in                                     Table 1. STR is the state-of-the-art for unstructured sparsity in
their implementations/papers. The experiments for STR                                        ResNet50 on ImageNet-1K while having lesser inference cost
                                                                                             (FLOPs) than the baselines across all the sparsity regimes. ∗ and
use a batch size of 256, cosine learning rate routine and                                    #
                                                                                                imply that the first and last layer are dense respectively. Base-
are trained for 100 epochs following the hyperparameter
                                                                                             line numbers reported from their respective papers/open-source
settings in (Wortsman et al., 2019) using SGD + momentum.                                    implementations and models. FLOPs do not include batch-norm.
STR has weight-decay (λ) and sinit hyperparameters to
                                                                                                                Top-1 Acc                  Sparsity
control the overall sparsity in CNNs and can be found in Ap-                                 Method                            Params                   FLOPs
                                                                                                                   (%)                       (%)
pendix A.6. GMP1.5× (Gale et al., 2019) and RigL5× (Evci
et al., 2020) show that training the networks longer increases                               ResNet-50             77.01        25.6M        0.00        4.09G
accuracy. However, due to the limited compute and environ-                                   GMP                   75.60        5.12M       80.00        818M
mental concerns (Schwartz et al., 2019), all the experiments                                 DSR∗#                 71.60        5.12M       80.00        1.23G
were run only for around 100 epochs (∼3 days each). Un-                                      DNW                   76.00        5.12M       80.00        818M
structured sparsity in CNNs with STR is enforced by learn-                                   SNFS                  74.90        5.12M       80.00             -
ing one threshold per-layer as shown in Figure 3. PyTorch                                    SNFS + ERK            75.20        5.12M       80.00        1.68G
STRConv code can be found in Algorithm 1 of Appendix.                                        RigL∗                 74.60        5.12M       80.00        920M
                                                                                             RigL + ERK            75.10        5.12M       80.00        1.68G
  4.1.2. R ES N ET 50 ON I MAGE N ET-1K                                                      DPF                   75.13        5.12M       80.00        818M
                                                                                             STR                   76.19        5.22M       79.55        766M
A fully dense ResNet50 trained on ImageNet-1K has 77.01%
                                                                                             STR                   76.12        4.47M       81.27        705M
top-1 validation accuracy. STR is compared extensively to
other baselines on ResNet50 in the sparsity ranges of 80%,                                   GMP                   73.91        2.56M       90.00        409M
90%, 95%, 96.5%, 98%, and 99%. Table 1 shows that DNW                                        DNW                   74.00        2.56M       90.00        409M
and GMP are state-of-the-art among the baselines across all                                  SNFS                  72.90        2.56M       90.00        1.63G
the aforementioned sparsity regimes. As STR might not                                        SNFS + ERK            72.90        2.56M       90.00        960M
be able to get exactly to the sparsity budget, numbers are                                   RigL∗                 72.00        2.56M       90.00        515M
reported for the models which nearby. Note that the 90.23%                                   RigL + ERK            73.00        2.56M       90.00        960M
sparse ResNet50 on ImageNet-1K with STR is referred to                                       DPF#                  74.55        4.45M       82.60        411M
as the 90% sparse ResNet50 model learnt with STR.                                            STR                   74.73        3.14M       87.70        402M
                                                                                             STR                   74.31        2.49M       90.23        343M
                                                                                             STR                   74.01        2.41M       90.55        341M
                                                                                             GMP                   70.59        1.28M       95.00       204M
                                                                                             DNW                   68.30        1.28M       95.00       204M
                                                                                             RigL∗                 67.50        1.28M       95.00       317M
Top-1 Accuracy (%)

                                 STR                                                         RigL + ERK            70.00        1.28M       95.00      ∼600M
                                 GMP                                                         STR                   70.97        1.33M       94.80       182M
                                 DNW                                                         STR                   70.40        1.27M       95.03       159M
                                 SNFS                                                        STR                   70.23        1.24M       95.15       162M
                     55          SNFS + ERK
                                 RigL                                                        RigL∗                 64.50        0.90M       96.50       257M
                     50          RigL + ERK                                                  RigL + ERK            67.20        0.90M       96.50      ∼500M
                                 DPF                                                         STR                   67.78        0.99M       96.11       127M
                     45                                                                      STR                   67.22        0.88M       96.53       117M
                          80.0   82.5   85.0   87.5    90.0     92.5   95.0   97.5   100.0
                                                 Sparsity (%)
                                                                                             GMP                   57.90        0.51M       98.00          82M
                                                                                             DNW                   58.20        0.51M       98.00          82M
Figure 4. STR forms a frontier curve over all the baselines in all                           STR                   62.84        0.57M       97.78          80M
sparsity regimes showing that it is the state-of-the-art for unstruc-                        STR                   61.46        0.50M       98.05          73M
tured sparsity in ResNet50 on ImageNet-1K.
                                                                                             STR                   59.76        0.45M       98.22          68M
                                                                                             GMP                   44.78        0.26M       99.00          41M
 STR comfortably beats all the baselines across all the spar-
                                                                                             STR                   54.79        0.31M       98.79          54M
 sity regimes as seen in Table 1 and is the state-of-the-art
                                                                                             STR                   51.82        0.26M       98.98          47M
 for unstructured sparsity. Figure 4 shows that STR forms
                                                                                             STR                   50.35        0.23M       99.10          44M
 a frontier curve encompassing all the baselines at all the
Soft Threshold Weight Reparameterization for Learnable Sparsity
                     75                                                                                                                                                  100                                                                                                                          Uniform

                                                                                                                                                           FLOPS (Millions)

                     70                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               VD
                                                                                                                                                                              60                                                                                                                      GS
Top-1 Accuracy (%)

                     65                                                                                                                                                       40


                                                                                                                         SNFS                                                      1   3   5   7   9   11   13   15   17   19   21   23   25   27   29   31   33   35   37   39   41   43   45   47   49   51   53
                     55                                                                                                  SNFS + ERK
                                                                                                                         RigL + ERK
                                                                                                                                                           Figure 7. Layer-wise FLOPs budget for the 90% sparse ResNet50
                                                                                                                                                           models on ImageNet-1K using various sparsification techniques.
                             0       200           400           600          800      1000                   1200           1400           1600
                                                                            FLOPs (millions)                                                               observations related to sparsity and inference cost (FLOPs).
                                                                                                                                                           These observations will be further discussed in Section 5:
Figure 5. STR results in ResNet50 models on ImageNet-1K which
                                                                                                                                                            1. STR is state-of-the-art for unstructured sparsity.
have the lowest inference cost (FLOPs) for any given accuracy.
                                                                                                                                                            2. STR minimizes inference cost (FLOPs) while maintain-
                                                                                                                                                               ing accuracy in the 80-95% sparse regime.
99% sparsity. STR is very stable even in the ultra sparse                                                                                                   3. STR maximizes accuracy while maintaining inference
regime, as shown in Table 1 and Figure 4, while being up to                                                                                                    cost (FLOPs) in 98-99% ultra sparse regime.
10% higher in accuracy than GMP at 99% sparsity.                                                                                                            4. STR learns a non-uniform layer-wise sparsity, shown
STR induces non-uniform sparsity across layers, Table 1                                                                                                        in Figure 6, which shows that the initial layers of the
and Figure 5 show that STR produces models which have                                                                                                          CNN can be sparser than that of the existing non-uniform
lower or similar inference FLOPs compared to the baselines                                                                                                     sparsity methods. All the learnt non-uniform budgets
while having better prediction accuracy in all the sparsity                                                                                                    through STR can be found in Appendix A.3.
regimes. This hints at the fact that STR could be redis-                                                                                                    5. Figure 6 also shows that the last layers through STR are
tributing the parameters thereby reducing the FLOPs. In the                                                                                                    denser than that of the other methods which is contrary
80% sparse models, STR is at least 0.19% better in accu-                                                                                                       to the understanding in the literature of non-uniform spar-
racy than the baselines while having at least 60M (6.5%)                                                                                                       sity (Mostafa & Wang, 2019; Dettmers & Zettlemoyer,
lesser FLOPs. Similarly, STR has state-of-the-art accuracy                                                                                                     2019; Evci et al., 2020; Gale et al., 2019). This leads to
in 90%, 95%, and 96.5% sparse regimes while having at                                                                                                          a sparser backbone for transfer learning. The backbone
least 68M (16.5%), 45M (22%) and 140M (54%) lesser                                                                                                             sparsities can be found in Appendix A.3.
FLOPs than the best baselines respectively. In the ultra                                                                                                    6. Figure 7 shows the layer-wise FLOPs distribution for the
sparse regime of 98% and 99% sparsity, STR has similar                                                                                                         non-uniform sparsity methods. STR adjusts the FLOPs
or slightly higher FLOPs compared to the baselines but is                                                                                                      across layers such that it has lower FLOPs than the base-
up to 4.6% and 10% better in accuracy respectively. Ta-                                                                                                        lines. Note that the other non-uniform sparsity budgets
ble 1 summarizes that the non-uniform sparsity baselines                                                                                                       lead to heavy compute overhead in the initial layers due
like SNFS, SNFS+ERK, and RigL+ERK can have up to                                                                                                               to denser parameter tensors.
2-4× higher inference cost (FLOPs) due to non-optimal
layer-wise distribution of the parameter weights.                                                                                                          STR can also induce global sparsity (GS) (Han et al., 2015)
                                                                                                                                                           with similar accuracy at ∼ 2× FLOPs compared to layer-
                                                                                                                                                           wise for 90-98% sparsity (details in Appendix A.5.1).

                                                                                                                                                             4.1.3. M OBILE N ET V1 ON I MAGE N ET-1K
Sparsity (%)


                 40                                                                                                                         Uniform         MobileNetV1 was trained on ImageNet-1K for unstructured
                                                                                                                                                            sparsity with STR to ensure generalizability. Since GMP is
                                                                                                                                                            the state-of-the-art baseline as shown earlier, STR was only
                         1   3   5   7   9   11   13   15   17   19   21   23   25   27   29   31   33   35   37   39   41   43   45   47   49   51   53
                                                                                                                                                            compared to GMP for 75% and 90% sparsity regimes. A
                                                                                                                                                            fully dense MobileNetV1 has a top-1 accuracy of 71.95% on
Figure 6. Layer-wise sparsity budget for the 90% sparse ResNet50
                                                                                                                                                            ImageNet-1K. GMP (Zhu & Gupta, 2017) has the first layer
models on ImageNet-1K using various sparsification techniques.                                                                                              and depthwise convolution layers dense for MobileNetV1
                                                                                                                                                            to ensure training stability and maximize accuracy.
 Observations: STR on ResNet50 shows some interesting                                                                                                      Table 2 shows the STR is at least 0.65% better than GMP for
Soft Threshold Weight Reparameterization for Learnable Sparsity

                                                                The baseline is low-rank FastGRNN where the ranks of the
Table 2. STR is up to 3% higher in accuracy while having 33%
                                                                matrices are preset (Kusupati et al., 2018). EdgeML (Dennis
lesser inference cost (FLOPs) for MobileNetV1 on ImageNet-1K.
                                                                et al.) FastGRNN was used for the experiments with the
                 Top-1 Acc                Sparsity              hyperparameters suggested in the paper and is referred to
Method                         Params                FLOPs
                    (%)                     (%)                 as vanilla training. Hyperparameters for the models can be
MobileNetV1         71.95      4.21M        0.00      569M      found in Appendix A.6.
GMP                 67.70      1.09M       74.11      163M
                                                                4.2.2. FAST GRNN ON G OOGLE -12 AND HAR-2
STR                 68.35      1.04M       75.28      101M
STR                 66.52      0.88M       79.07       81M      Table 3 presents the results for low-rank FastGRNN with
GMP                 61.80      0.46M       89.03       82M      vanilla training and STR. Full-rank non-reparameterized
STR                 64.83      0.60M       85.80       55M      FastGRNN has an accuracy of 92.60% and 96.10% on
STR                 62.10      0.46M       89.01       42M      Google-12 and HAR-2 respectively. STR outperforms
STR                 61.51      0.44M       89.62       40M
                                                                Table 3. STR can induce learnt low-rank in FastGRNN resulting
                                                                in up to 2.47% higher accuracy than the vanilla training.
75% sparsity, while having at least 62M (38%) lesser FLOPs.                       Google-12                               HAR-2
More interestingly, STR has state-of-the-art accuracy while                              Accuracy (%)                         Accuracy (%)
                                                                     (rW , rU )                              (rW , rU )
having up to 50% (40M) lesser FLOPs than GMP in the 90%                                 Vanilla
                                                                                       Training                               Training
sparsity regime. All the observations made for ResNet50
                                                                Full rank (32, 100)      92.30      -     Full rank (9, 80)    96.10       -
hold for MobileNetV1 as well. The sparsity and FLOPs
distribution across layers can be found in Appendix A.4.             (12, 40)            92.79    94.45        (9, 8)          94.06     95.76
                                                                     (11, 35)            92.86    94.42        (9, 7)          93.15     95.62
                                                                     (10, 31)            92.86    94.25        (8, 7)          94.88     95.59
4.2. Structured Sparsity in RNNs                                      (9, 24)            93.18    94.45

                                                                vanilla training by up to 1.67% in four different model-size
Google-12 is a speech recognition dataset that has 12 classes   reducing rank settings on Google-12. Similarly, on HAR-2,
made from the Google Speech Commands dataset (Warden,           STR is better than vanilla training in all the rank settings by
2018). HAR-2 is a binarized version of the 6-class Hu-          up to 2.47%. Note that the accuracy of the low-rank models
man Activity Recognition dataset (Anguita et al., 2012).        obtained by STR is either better or on-par with the full rank
These two datasets stand as compelling cases for on-device      models while being around 50% and 70% smaller in size
resource-efficient machine learning at the edge. Details        (low-rank) for Google-12 and HAR-2 respectively.
about the datasets can be found in Appendix A.7.
                                                                These experiments for structured sparsity in RNNs show that
FastGRNN (Kusupati et al., 2018) was proposed to en-            STR can be applied to obtain low-rank parameter tensors.
able powerful RNN models on resource-constrained devices.       Similarly, STR can be extended for filter/channel pruning
FastGRNN relies on making the RNN parameter matrices            and block sparsity (He et al., 2017; Huang & Wang, 2018;
low-rank, sparse and quantized. As low-rank is a form of        Liu et al., 2019) and details for this adaptation can be found
structured sparsity, experiments were done to show the ef-      in Appendix A.5.2.
fectiveness of STR for structured sparsity. The input vector
to the RNN at each timestep and hidden state have D & D̂        5. Discussion and Drawbacks
dimensionality respectively. FastGRNN has two parameter
matrices, W ∈ RD×D̂ , U ∈ RD̂×D̂ which are reparameter-         STR’s usage for unstructured sparsity leads to interesting
ized as product of low-rank matrices, W = W1 W2 , and           observations as noted in Section 4.1.2. It is clear from Ta-
U = U1 U2 where W1 ∈ RD×rW , W2 ∈ RrW ×D̂ , and                 ble 1 and Figures 4, 5 that STR achieves state-of-the-art
(U1 )> , U2 ∈ RrU ×D̂ . rW , rU are the ranks of the respec-    accuracy for all the sparsity regimes and also reduces the
tive matrices. In order to apply STR, the low-rank reparam-     FLOPs in doing so. STR helps in learning non-uniform
eterization can be changed to W = (W1 1m>                       sparsity budgets which are intriguing to study as an opti-
                                                W )W2 , and
U = (U1 1m>                                                     mal non-uniform sparsity budget can ensure minimization
                  U )U2 where mW = 1D , and mU = 1D̂ ,
                                                                of FLOPs while maintaining accuracy. Although it is not
W1 ∈ RD×D , W2 ∈ RD×D̂ , and U1 , U2 ∈ RD̂×D̂ . To
                                                                clear why STR’s learning dynamics result in a non-uniform
learn the low-rank, STR is applied on the mW , and mU
                                                                budget that minimizes FLOPs, the reduction in FLOPs is
vectors. Learning low-rank with STR on mW , mU can
                                                                due to the better redistribution of parameters across layers.
be thought as inducing unstructured sparsity on the two
trainable vectors aiming for the right rW , and rU .            Non-uniform sparsity budgets learnt by STR have the ini-
Soft Threshold Weight Reparameterization for Learnable Sparsity

tial and middle layers to be sparser than the other methods        tively when used with GMP. Accuracy gains over uniform
while making the last layers denser. Conventional wisdom           sparsity are also accompanied by a significant reduction in
suggests that the initial layers should be denser as the early     inference FLOPs. Note that the learnt non-uniform sparsity
loss of information would be hard to recover, this drives          budgets can also be obtained using smaller representative
the existing non-uniform sparsity heuristics. As most of           datasets instead of expensive large-scale experiments.
the parameters are present in the deeper layers, the exist-
                                                                   The major drawback of STR is the tuning of the weight-
ing methods tend to make them sparser while not affecting
                                                                   decay parameter, λ and finer-tuning with sinit to obtain the
the FLOPs by much. STR, on the other hand, balances
                                                                   targeted overall sparsity. One way to circumvent this issue is
the FLOPs and sparsity across the layers as shown in Fig-
                                                                   to freeze the non-uniform sparsity distribution in the middle
ures 6, 7 making it a lucrative and efficient choice. The
                                                                   of training when the overall sparsity constraints are met and
denser final layers along with sparser initial and middle lay-
                                                                   train for the remaining epochs. This might not potentially
ers point to sparser CNN backbones obtained using STR.
                                                                   give the best results but can give a similar budget which can
These sparse backbones can be viable options for efficient
                                                                   be then transferred to methods like GMP or DNW. Another
representation/transfer learning for downstream tasks.
                                                                   drawback of STR is the function g for the threshold. The
                                                                   stability, expressivity, and sparsification capability of STR
Table 4. Effect of various layer-wise sparsity budgets when used   depends on g. However, it should be noted that sigmoid and
with DNW for ResNet50 on ImageNet-1K.                              exponential functions work just fine, as g, for STR.
                     Top-1 Acc               Sparsity
Method                             Params               FLOPs
                        (%)                    (%)
                                                                   6. Conclusions
Uniform                 74.00      2.56M      90.00     409M
ERK                     74.10      2.56M      90.00     960M       This paper proposed Soft Threshold Reparameterization
Budget from STR         74.01      2.49M      90.23     343M       (STR), a novel use of the soft-threshold operator, for the
Uniform                 68.30      1.28M      95.00     204M       weights in DNN, to smoothly induce sparsity while learn-
Budget from STR         69.72      1.33M      94.80     182M       ing layer-wise pruning thresholds thereby obtaining a non-
Budget from STR         68.01      1.24M      95.15     162M       uniform sparsity budget. Extensive experimentation showed
                                                                   that STR is state-of-the-art for unstructured sparsity in
                                                                   CNNs for ImageNet-1K while also being effective for struc-
Table 4 shows the effectiveness/transferability of the learnt      tured sparsity in RNNs. Our method results in sparse models
non-uniform budget through STR for 90% sparse ResNet50             that have significantly lesser inference costs than the base-
on ImageNet-1K using DNW (Wortsman et al., 2019).                  lines. In particular, STR achieves the same accuracy as
DNW typically takes in a uniform sparsity budget and has           the baselines for 90% sparse MobileNetV1 with 50% lesser
an accuracy of 74% for a 90% sparse ResNet50. Using                FLOPs. STR has ∼10% higher accuracy than the existing
ERK non-uniform budget for 90% sparsity results in a 0.1%          methods in ultra sparse (99%) regime for ResNet50 showing
increase in accuracy at the cost 2.35× inference FLOPs.            the effectiveness of the learnt non-uniform sparsity budgets.
Training DNW with the learnt budget from STR results               STR can also induce low-rank structure in RNNs while
in a reduction of FLOPs by 66M (16%) while maintaining             increasing the prediction accuracy showing the generaliz-
accuracy. In the 95% sparsity regime, the learnt budget can        ability of the proposed reparameterization. Finally, STR is
improve the accuracy of DNW by up to 1.42% over uniform            easy to adapt and the learnt budgets are transferable.
along with a reduction in FLOPs by at least 22M (11%).
Table 5. Effect of various layer-wise sparsity budgets when used
with GMP for ResNet50 on ImageNet-1K.                              We are grateful to Keivan Alizadeh, Tapan Chugh, Tim
                     Top-1 Acc               Sparsity              Dettmers, Erich Elsen, Utku Evci, Daniel Gordon, Gabriel
Method                             Params               FLOPs      Ilharco, Sarah Pratt, James Park, Mohammad Rastegari
                        (%)                    (%)
                                                                   and Matt Wallingford for helpful discussions and feedback.
Uniform                 73.91      2.56M      90.00     409M
                                                                   Mitchell Wortsman is in part supported by AI2 Fellow-
Budget from STR         74.13      2.49M      90.23     343M
                                                                   ship in AI. Sham Kakade acknowledges funding from the
Uniform                 57.90      0.51M      98.00      82M       Washington Research Foundation for Innovation in Data-
Budget from STR         59.47      0.50M      98.05      73M       intensive Discovery, and the NSF Awards CCF-1637360,
                                                                   CCF-1703574, and CCF-1740551. Ali Farhadi acknowl-
Similarly, these budgets can also be used for other meth-          edges funding from the NSF Awards IIS 1652052, IIS
ods like GMP (Zhu & Gupta, 2017). Table 5 shows that the           17303166, DARPA N66001-19-2-4031, 67102239 and gifts
learnt sparsity budgets can lead to an increase in accuracy by     from Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence.
0.22% and 1.57% in 90% and 98% sparsity regimes respec-
Soft Threshold Weight Reparameterization for Learnable Sparsity

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