Socorro Independent School District H.D. Hilley Elementary 2021-2022 Campus Improvement Plan
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Socorro Independent School District H.D. Hilley Elementary 2021-2022 Campus Improvement Plan Accountability Rating: Not Rated: Declared State of Disaster Board Approval Date: August 17, 2021 Public Presentation Date: August 17, 2021 H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 1 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Mission Statement The mission of H.D. Hilley is to provide students the highest quality education and workforce skills where students strive for academic achievment, become responsible and contributing citizens while embracing lifelong learning. Vision Educating Tomorrow's Leaders Board Members and Superintendent Board of Trustees David Oscar Morales, President Ricardo O. Castellano, Vice President Eduardo Mena, Secretary Pablo Barrera, Trustee Paul Guerra, Trustee Cynthia Ann Najera, Trustee Michael A. Najera, Trustee Interim Superintendent of Schools Marta C. Carmona, M. Ed. H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 2 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Table of Contents Comprehensive Needs Assessment 4 Demographics 4 Student Learning 6 School Processes & Programs 11 Perceptions 13 Priority Problem Statements 14 Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation 16 Goals 18 Goal 1: SISD will ensure a safe school environment for students, staff, and community members by implementing both current and new initiatives to address safety concerns, keeping safety a top priority. 19 Goal 2: SISD students will receive a quality education with rigorous instructional standards that adequately prepares them for the college and career of their choice. 25 Goal 3: SISD will recruit and retain 100% Highly Qualified faculty, staff, and support personnel to improve student academic performance and to ensure that students graduate college and career ready. 44 Goal 4: SISD will build positive parent, business, and community partnerships to ensure the academic success of students by engaging in collaborative district and campus- level activities; by connecting regularly via numerous means of communication; and by providing regular access to current educational information. 49 Goal 5: For increased accountability, SISD district leaders, campus leaders, faculty, and staff members will ensure that students receive a quality education by working collaboratively towards the fulfillment of educational goals at the federal, state, and district level. 54 State Compensatory 60 Budget for H.D. Hilley Elementary 61 Personnel for H.D. Hilley Elementary 61 Title I Personnel 61 Campus Funding Summary 62 Addendums 66 H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 3 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Demographics Demographics Summary H. D. Hilley Elementary School was established in 1980 and was the second built elementary school in the Socorro Independent School District. Today it is one of forty-nine campuses in SISD serving 533 students from Pre-Kindergarten through fifth grades. This year we will be introducing our 3-Year-Old program for the students in our community. Student current demographics as of July 2021 indicate our student populations includes: 50.76% females and 49.24% males. Our diverse populations consist of White 6 students, Asian 1 student, Black 0 students, Hispanic 519, No multi-racial, and No Pacific Islander. Our school's mobility rate was approximately in 20-21 was 7.95%. Student Programs: Total School Program Students HD Hilley At Risk 404 Elementary HD Hilley Economic 439 Elementary HD Hilley Gifted & Talented 34 Elementary HD Hilley Homeless/Unaccompanied 1 Elementary HD Hilley Immigrant 7 Elementary HD Hilley LEP 335 Elementary HD Hilley Migrant 2 Elementary HD Hilley Miscellaneous 2 Elementary HD Hilley Section 504 10 Elementary HD Hilley Special Education 63 Elementary HD Hilley WIN Academy 70 Elementary Current Enrollment H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 4 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Grade Number of Students EE 1 PK 36 Kinder 63 1st 71 2nd 88 3rd 82 4th 74 5th 89 Total 534 Faculty and Staff Analysis: H.D. Hilley Elementary Our Teacher size consist of 31 classroom teachers, 6 male at 13.35% and 27 females at 86.09%. Our staff at H.D. Hilley proudly serves students from Pre- Kindergarten through fifth grade with two sections of grades 3-Year-Old and Pre-Kindergarten and four sections per grade level from Kinder through fifth grade. We currently house two sections of Pre-Kindergarten full days. Mustang numbers indicate our employee populations is 98% Hispanic, 1% Black and 1% Caucasian. Our students are supported by two administrators, a State Compensatory Education Instructional Coach (SCEI), five Instructional Aides, four Special Education Teachers and a Special Education Aide, one school counselor, two P.E. Coaches and one P.E. Aide, one school nurse and five full time custodial staff employees. Other support staff include a Parent Liaison, one Security Guard and five Crossing Guards/ Cafeteria Monitors plus a fully staffed Child Nutritional Service personnel. We are currently making a recommendation to hire another Title I Instructional Aide to support students with academics due to COVID-19 learning gaps. This individual is in the hiring process with our Human Resource Department. H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 5 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Demographics Strengths H. D. Hilley is proud to offer endless opportunities to all our students. Our school's focus is on college and career readiness for all. One hundred percent of our educators are highly qualified, effective professionals and are dedicated to students, school and community. Every team member and stakeholder is committed and determined in offering a high quality, rigorous instruction to ensure all Mustangs are successful. Our demographic strengths include: Social Emotional Learning components continue to thrive on our campus: Students were exposed to positive messages and Random Acts of Kindness throughout the year due in part to our after school social club. We continue to use Master Teacher/ Top 20 guided lessons on Mondays and morning messages via announcements. In the past three school years H.D. Hilley students have seen an overall decline in discipline referrals. 2015-16 = 161 referrals, 2016- 17 = 74 and 2017 -18 = 86 referrals reported to administration. Last year during the COVID-19 Pandemic our discipline referrals drastically dropped to less than five. This year 21- 22 we plan on taking a more proactive approach to discipline referrals by holding student and parent conferences to get to the root cause of why undesired behaviors are occurring. Students in grades 3rd - 5th utilize AVID structures in their learning. The school principal and three fourth grade teachers have attended AVID Conference training within our district to continue with our third year of AVID structures implementation. Our campus received certification for it's fourth year of practice. Our classes in will continue incorporating AVID in scheduled classes with use of AVID organizational tools and its resources. Students were recommended to register for AVID courses in our feeder pattern middle schools and received training for their parents as well. H.D. Hilley meets site certification requirements, all essentials are rated level 1 and higher and will implement AVID Elementary in the 2021 - 2022 school year. Problem Statements Identifying Demographics Needs Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): Of our 533 student population, 383 students are coded English Learners or EL's. The challenge is to ensure all students are proficiently meeting reading and comprehending in English and to meet or master state standards in STAAR. Root Cause: Approximately 72.81% of our students enroll speaking a language other than English. H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 6 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Student Learning Student Learning Summary Early Childhood Literacy Board Outcome Goals 2019 - 2024 The percent of Grade 3 students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR Reading will increase from 46% to 51% by June 2024 Yearly Target Goals 2019 (Baseline) 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 All Students 46% N/A 46% 48% 50% 51% African-American N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Hispanic 46% N/A 46% 47% 48% 49% White N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Special Education 9% N/A 9% 10% 11% 12% Econ. Disadvantaged 49% N/A 49% 50% 51% 52% English Learners 51% N/A 51% 52% 53% 54% Early Childhood Literacy Board Outcome Goals: Progress Monitoring Measure 1 The percent of kindergarten students that score on grade level or above in Reading will increase from 71% to 74% by June 2024. Yearly Target Goals 2019 (Baseline) 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 All Students 71% N/A 71% 72% 73% 74% African-American N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Hispanic 71% N/A 71% 72% 73% 74% White 67% N/A 67% 68% 69% 70% Special Education 22% N/A 22% 23% 24% 25% Econ. Disadvantaged 73% N/A 73% 74% 75% 76% English Learners 67% N/A 67% 68% 69% 70% Early Childhood Literacy Board Outcome Goals: Progress Monitoring Measure 2 H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 7 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
The percent of Grade 1 students that score on grade level or above in Reading will increase from 49% to 52% by June 2024. Yearly Target Goals 2019 (Baseline) 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 All Students 49% N/A 49% 50% 51% 52% African-American N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Hispanic 51% N/A 51% 52% 53% 54% White 33% N/A 33% 34% 35% 36% Special Education 67% N/A 67% 68% 69% 70% Econ. Disadvantaged 48% N/A 48% 49% 50% 51% English Learners 39% N/A 39% 40% 41% 42% Early Childhood Board Outcome Goals: Progress Monitoring Measure 2 The percent of Grade 2 students that score on grade level or above in Reading will increase from 74% to 77% by June 2024. Yearly Target Goals 2019 (Baseline) 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 All Students 74% N/A 74% 75% 76% 77% African-American N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Hispanic 74% N/A 74% 75% 76% 77% White 50% N/A 50% 51% 52% 53% Special Education 30% N/A 30% 31% 32% 33% Econ. Disadvantaged 76% N/A 76% 77% 78% 79% English Learners 76% N/A 76% 77% 78% 79% Early Childhood Math Board Outcome Goals: The percent of Grade 3 students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR Math will increase from 57% to 60% by June 2024. Yearly Target Goals 2019 (Baseline) 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 All Students 57% N/A 57% 58% 59% 60% H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 8 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Yearly Target Goals 2019 (Baseline) 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 African-American N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Hispanic 57% N/A 57% 58% 59% 60% White N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Special Education 9% N/A 9% 10% 11% 12% Econ. Disadvantaged 60% N/A 60% 61% 62% 63% English Learners 65% N/A 65% 66% 67% 68% 2021 STAAR Assessment Results All Students STAAR Approaches Meets Masters Reading 45% 25% 12% Math 40% 21% 9% Writing 50% 28% 11% Science 39% 18% 4% Economically Disadvantaged STAAR Approaches Meets Masters Reading 38% 19% 7% Math 35% 18% 6% Writing 25% 0% 0% Science 36% 9% 0% At Risk STAAR Approaches Meets Masters Reading 38% 18% 8% H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 9 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
STAAR Approaches Meets Masters Math 32% 14% 4% Writing 56% 31% 13% Science 24% 0% 0% English Learners STAAR Approaches Meets Masters Reading 38% 20% 7% Math 33% 15% 4% Writing 50% 25% 0% Science 22% 0% 0% Special Education STAAR Approaches Meets Masters Reading 21% 11% 5% Math 20% 10% 10% Writing 0% 0% 0% Science 0% 0% 0% Student Learning Strengths In this past year, COVID-19, 2020 - 2021 our students and teachers gained vast technological experiences with platforms such as TEAM, Nearpod, Flipgrid and have been indoctranated with Schoology. Students are more savy working in break-out rooms to provide collaborate and dialogue amonst their peers. H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 10 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Problem Statements Identifying Student Learning Needs Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): Writing, all 4th grade students continue to struggle as indicated by STAAR 2021. Root Cause: Teachers require training and resources to include key ideas. Focus on on-going training, district supports for revising and editing. Problem Statement 2 (Prioritized): Special Education 5th Grade Math show decline in STAAR Student Achievement Percentage Change from previous year. Scores have declined since last year. Root Cause: Novice teachers are required to develop lesson plans with clear defined goals. Have special education teacher plan with master teachers in the grade level for co-teach and specialized support. Problem Statement 3 (Prioritized): English Learners approaching grade level have as indicated in STAAR 4th grade Writing have declined. Root Cause: Maximizing instructional time and delivering effective instruction consistently. Problem Statement 4 (Prioritized): Special Education 3rd Grade Reading STAAR percentage for approaching is at an all time low. Root Cause: Mutitple paths of instruction geared toward clearly defined goals and formative assessments. We need to identify students qualifying for special programs prior to entering third grade to provide purposeful Tier I instruction and acceleration. H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 11 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
School Processes & Programs School Processes & Programs Summary We will continue with the ACE 21st Century After School Program after meeting the goal of attendance measure for over 85 students. Our program offered to our Kinder through fifth grade students gave students an opportunity to spend time in the Homework Lab, Robotics, Cooking Classes, Computer Lab and guitar classes. Students participated in Summer Learning Camps for the first entire month of June 2021. These camps were from Monday thru Thursday, 8:00 am to noon. Students participated virtually on Fridays. Our summer camps support TEKS and helps combat student summer slide. Mustang parents love and appreciate the availability of free after school care with an instructional and enrichment focus. This program continues to grow in student participation and with our college tutors and staffing. Meal plans for our scholars support the program. Our school believes in the effectiveness of Social and Emotional Learning building on the five SEL Core Competencies of Self-Management, Self-Awareness, Responsible Decision Making, Relationship Skills, and Social Awareness. These competencies coupled with best practices in guidance and counseling help students with issues such as with COVID-19 related anxiety, tension, bullying. In addition making positive choices, building better relationships and relating with peers, adults and community. Our students will continue to have opportunities to be a part of our school's Random Acts of Kindness Club. H.D. Hilley's school processes create a culture of SEL components with potential to develop stronger ties among students and Mustang community. The Children's Access to Mentors Promotes Success or CHAMPS program provided a social and emotional and educational avenue for students in need of additional adult supervision and support. Lead by our school counselor and administration and support staff mentored twenty-five boys and girls throughout the year. Various activities and mentor-ship opportunities were provided to our students. Our WIN Academy has expanded to four sections for the 2021-2022 school year. We will have one section from second through fifth grades. Our WIN Academies serve the most At-Risk populations of students struggling in the areas of reading and mathematics. Students qualify through various uses of data and core content grades and benchmarks, STAAR results. H.D. Hilley continues to support Sanchez Middle School by recommending approximately 25 students to their WIN Academy. H. D. HIlley''s mathematics curriculum and instruction is delivered in a ninety minute model incorporating strenuous rigor lesson frame with the use of small group intervention provided by our teachers, instructional coach and or aides. The curriculum is supplemented with Motivation Math, Istation Math and Target the Question, TEKs. Students regularly use a hands-on approach with the use of manipulative and at times supplemental aids. Our math resources help develop problem solving skills and higher order thinking skills. We are proud to announce that students excel and continue to show high levels of mastery in math according to STAAR district comparisons. The endless opportunities that Mustangs have are not limited to academics in the classroom. We are proud to say our students have the chance to participate in University Interscholastic League (UIL) events such as Mental Math and Math Bee, Spelling Bee, Destination Imagination, Robotics, Gifted and Talented Program, National Elementary Honor Society, Cheerleading, Blue Bonnets, Earth Angels, Random Acts of Kindness, Sign Language Club, Science Fair. Returning back to normalcy gives hope to continuing with district VASSP After School Athletics Programs such as Soccer, Basket Ball and Track & Field. More than three hundred students participated in one or more extra curricular activities, clubs or sports this past school years. School Processes & Programs Strengths H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 12 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
H. D. Hilley is a Top 20 school which is intentionally implementing Top 20 principles and practices in order to fulfill our mission: to create a safe and healthy culture for all members of the learning community and develop their potential to think, learn, and communicate more effectively. This results in a positive difference in the lives, relationships, and experiences of all involved. Members of our school enjoy and celebrate growth towards this mission’s fulfillment and work consistently to correct thoughts, beliefs and practices that are roadblocks to its achievement. We also provide support through our Campus Counselor that provides support with intervention and guidance lessons, outside agency support with Project Vida, Texas Tech, and Telehealth. We are so excited to be starting off the 2021-2022 School Year with all of you. Our school wide theme this year is “Go for the Gold”. As you know, here at H. D. Hilley we believe that all our students are the very best representatives of our learning community and capable of great things. Students will work closely with our Olympic Coaches which are the best teachers in the world. We consider it a great privilege to work with your children and look forward to fostering a fun, nurturing, and challenging learning environment. Our staff at H.D. Hilley places an emphasis on collaborating with each other so that students are receiving the best instruction possible. We believe that all students have the ability to succeed both academically and personally and look forward to working with students to “Go for the Gold”. Parental involvement is a key component to the success of students at H.D. Hilley. We ask your help with daily attendance, which is critical to student success. We would like to invite all parents to be a part of our learning community. You can also find information on assisting your student and instructional material on our H.D. Hilley website. To help make the transition to School as smooth as possible, we would like to share some information with you prior to the first day of school. Problem Statements Identifying School Processes & Programs Needs Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): Our Istation reading results have been stagnant for the past few years prior to COVID-19. Root Cause: Consistency and fidelity to programs such as the computer based reading and math Istation did not give valid data of where students are academically. Problem Statement 2 (Prioritized): Implementation of AVID Structures and Social and Emotional Learning were not as refined as in the years prior to the world pandemic. Root Cause: The lack of students available on campus did not allow for better application of AVID structures our students and teachers have implemented before COVID-19. Also students were not physically present to allow for fidelity with SEL components. H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 13 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Perceptions Perceptions Summary The guiding beliefs and values established here at H.D. Hilley are evident through our motto: Go for the Gold Within our Socorro Feeder Pattern, #Tradition and Pride Safety remains paramount as we transition back to school. Instilling a sense of cleanliness, sanitation and healthy learning environment for all stakeholders students, faculty, staff and visitors. We understand that students can not learn if they don't feel safe. Our campus utilizes the Hall Pass system for all visitors to help with safe transitions. Continual use of this systems allows for identification of individuals who may not belong in our building. Updates are followed identifying sex offenders and other persons who are not beneficial to the elementary school setting. No person is allowed in campus without first identification and access through our district's buzzer system. Attitudes and behaviors we expect of each other makes up the culture set at H.D. Hilley ES. More so than ever we depend on all of us to be on the lookout for intruders or other unsafe situations. Our panic alert system helps warn of individuals where district police services would be able to assist. Monthly drills such as fire, lock down, shelter-in-place and others are practiced regularly. Feedback to students and to our team are shared to help learn from the endless scenarios and situations presented on campus. Drills are practiced like if "it's the real thing". This is how we do business! Perceptions Strengths As a community of learners we believe in each others strengths and know that we are here to help each other succeed. The campus theme is Olympics to continue modeling to the community that our students, teachers and faculty are preparing to be the Fastest, Strongest and Highest. Although this pandemic has been an obstacle to so many and in so many ways, nothing can stop us now. We are resilient and ready to be back at the top of our game. Problem Statements Identifying Perceptions Needs Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): Approximately 60% of our student population learned from home in May 2021. The majority of families did not feel safe sending their child (ren) to school. Most of our students and families struggled academically, social and emotionally largely due in part to the COVID-19 pandemic. Schoolwide benchmark and STAAR results indicate a drastic drop in our academics in all content areas. Root Cause: There is a continued need to improve tier I instruction by providing more opportunities for students to interact frequently with peers and teachers. The social and emotional aspect of schooling was missed this past year. Our scholars need to be on campus socializing and learning from one another. in a safe setting. H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 14 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Priority Problem Statements Problem Statement 3: Of our 533 student population, 383 students are coded English Learners or EL's. The challenge is to ensure all students are proficiently meeting reading and comprehending in English and to meet or master state standards in STAAR. Root Cause 3: Approximately 72.81% of our students enroll speaking a language other than English. Problem Statement 3 Areas: Demographics Problem Statement 2: Writing, all 4th grade students continue to struggle as indicated by STAAR 2021. Root Cause 2: Teachers require training and resources to include key ideas. Focus on on-going training, district supports for revising and editing. Problem Statement 2 Areas: Student Learning Problem Statement 5: Our Istation reading results have been stagnant for the past few years prior to COVID-19. Root Cause 5: Consistency and fidelity to programs such as the computer based reading and math Istation did not give valid data of where students are academically. Problem Statement 5 Areas: School Processes & Programs Problem Statement 4: Approximately 60% of our student population learned from home in May 2021. The majority of families did not feel safe sending their child(ren) to school. Most of our students and families struggled academically, social and emotionally largely due in part to the COVID-19 pandemic. Schoolwide benchmark and STAAR results indicate a drastic drop in our academics in all content areas. Root Cause 4: There is a continued need to improve tier I instruction by providing more opportunities for students to interact frequently with peers and teachers. The social and emotional aspect of schooling was missed this past year. Our scholars need to be on campus socializing and learning from one another. in a safe setting. Problem Statement 4 Areas: Perceptions Problem Statement 7: Special Education 5th Grade Math show decline in STAAR Student Achievement Percentage Change from previous year. Scores have declined since last year. Root Cause 7: Novice teachers are required to develop lesson plans with clear defined goals. Have special education teacher plan with master teachers in the grade level for co-teach and specialized support. Problem Statement 7 Areas: Student Learning Problem Statement 6: Implementation of AVID Structures and Social and Emotional Learning were not as refined as in the years prior to the world pandemic. Root Cause 6: The lack of students available on campus did not allow for better application of AVID structures our students and teachers have implemented before COVID-19. Also students were not physically present to allow for fidelity with SEL components. Problem Statement 6 Areas: School Processes & Programs Problem Statement 1: English Learners approaching grade level have as indicated in STAAR 4th grade Writing have declined. Root Cause 1: Maximizing instructional time and delivering effective instruction consistently. H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 15 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Problem Statement 1 Areas: Student Learning Problem Statement 8: Special Education 3rd Grade Reading STAAR percentage for approaching is at an all time low. Root Cause 8: Mutitple paths of instruction geared toward clearly defined goals and formative assessments. We need to identify students qualifying for special programs prior to entering third grade to provide purposeful Tier I instruction and acceleration. Problem Statement 8 Areas: Student Learning H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 16 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation The following data were used to verify the comprehensive needs assessment analysis: Improvement Planning Data District goals Accountability Data Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) data Accountability Distinction Designations Federal Report Card Data Student Data: Assessments State and federally required assessment information (STAAR) current and longitudinal results, including all versions STAAR released test questions Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI), Tejas LEE, or other alternate early reading assessment results Student Success Initiative (SSI) data for Grades 5 and 8 SSI: Istation Indicators of Progress (ISIP) accelerated reading assessment data for Grades 3-5 (TEA approved statewide license) SSI: Think Through Math assessment data for Grades 3-8 and Algebra I (TEA approved statewide license) Running Records results Student Data: Student Groups Dyslexia Data Student Data: Behavior and Other Indicators Completion rates and/or graduation rates data Attendance data Mobility rate, including longitudinal data Discipline records Employee Data Professional learning communities (PLC) data Staff surveys and/or other feedback Teacher/Student Ratio Campus leadership data Professional development needs assessment data Parent/Community Data Community surveys and/or other feedback Support Systems and Other Data H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 17 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Processes and procedures for teaching and learning, including program implementation Communications data Budgets/entitlements and expenditures data Study of best practices H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 18 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Goals Revised/Approved: August 17, 2021 Goal 1: SISD will ensure a safe school environment for students, staff, and community members by implementing both current and new initiatives to address safety concerns, keeping safety a top priority. Performance Objective 1: For the 2021-2022 school year, Hilley will implement a plan of action to ensure all stakeholders are safe at school and school events by having positive-themed safety walk throughs from district representatives. Evaluation Data Sources: District Reports on Intruder Drills Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 1: All visitors (parents, visitors, interns, college tutors, district workers, etc.) will sign in and provide proof of identification at the Formative check-in desk, wear a label indicating business at school, and return paper badge upon leaving premises. We use Hall Pass System. Oct Jan May Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: All visitors following rules Campus personnel feeling empowered and safe Children feeling safe. All district employees must follow district directive of wearing employee identification upon entering our building. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: All campus Personnel Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4 Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 2: Recruit and retain parents and community members to be a part of the Mustang Guardians to assist in increasing the safety of our Formative students and campus by providing extra security. Oct Jan May Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Mustang Guardians will wear specific T-shirts and specific buttons. Calendar sign in, Log sign in, Mustang Guardian Daily Schedule, Picture on Bulletin Board Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Librarian, Parent Liaison, All Teaching Staff Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2 Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 19 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Strategy 3 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 3: Purchase mid-back task chairs, mesh for front office staff and parent liaison. Current ones are dated and might create back issues Formative for employees who regularly work from their desk area. Oct Jan May Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Secretary, PEIMS clerks, Parent Liaison Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic - $127.86 No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 20 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Goal 1: SISD will ensure a safe school environment for students, staff, and community members by implementing both current and new initiatives to address safety concerns, keeping safety a top priority. Performance Objective 2: For the 2021-2022 school year, Hilley will fulfill 100% of the requirements for safety audits and safety drills to be prepared for multiple emergency scenarios. Evaluation Data Sources: Safety audits and drill reports through Eduphoria Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 1: H.D. Hilley will conduct scheduled drill practice, such as, fire drills, shelter in place, reverse evacuation, etc. Evaluation data will Formative be utilized to improve areas of weakness. Oct Jan May Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students, teachers and staff will be prepared to act in different emergency situations. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrator Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4 Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 2: H.D. Hilley will review district reports of "Intruder drills" and implement changes, as needed, based on report. Formative Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Higher passing percentage rate on reports, more employees questioning visitors without Oct Jan May badges or identification badges. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, All campus personnel Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4 Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 21 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Goal 1: SISD will ensure a safe school environment for students, staff, and community members by implementing both current and new initiatives to address safety concerns, keeping safety a top priority. Performance Objective 3: For the 2021-2022 school year, the number of bullying-related incidents reported at H.D. Hilley will decrease from 5 to 2 per nine weeks. Evaluation Data Sources: Tyler Discipline Reporting Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 1: Continue to increase awareness of and implement the "WHO" program, the Olweus anti-bullying program and character Formative development education in the classroom by posting rules, informational posters, using program materials, resources and surveys. We will be Oct Jan May implementing Master Teacher social emotional program to supplement current Olweus bullying prevention program. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Decreased number of bullying incidents Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor and Teacher Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6 Funding Sources: Master Teacher resoources/ binders and teacher supplemental materials. - 199 - General Basic Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 2: The counselor will conduct small group sessions with students who consistently exhibit unacceptable behavior at a minimum of Formative three sessions per occurrence. In addition our school counselor will provide small groups and guidance lessons on anger, grief, social skills, Oct Jan May anxiety, Testing skills. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Less discipline referrals, less reports of unacceptable behavior. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor, Administration, Teachers, Support Personnel Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic Strategy 3 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 3: Our school will implement a social emotional learning component to help our Mustangs guide themselves with making better Formative choices Self Awareness, Self Management Social Awareness, Relationship Skills and Responsible Decision Making. Oct Jan May Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Social and Emotional learning for students growth. Help to enforce interpersonal skills and H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 22 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
a positive culture for learning and skills on how to build relationships. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor, Teachers, Administration, all hands at Hilley. Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6 Funding Sources: Students' Tacky Box from Kinder through third grade, class books. - 199 - General Fund: SCE No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 23 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Goal 1: SISD will ensure a safe school environment for students, staff, and community members by implementing both current and new initiatives to address safety concerns, keeping safety a top priority. Performance Objective 4: For the 2021-2022 school year, the attendance rate for all students at Hilley will increase by 1% over the attendance rate of 96.03% from the previous year. Evaluation Data Sources: ADA reports, Tyler SIS data Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 1: Teachers will contact student's parents who are absent on a daily basis to discuss the reason for absence and offer assistance. Formative Parent liaison will contact parents with students of chronic absenteeism on weekly basis. Admin will conduct home visits as needed. Oct Jan May Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Less children will be absent. Increased academic achievement. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: All teaching personnel Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2 Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 2: Provide attendance incentives to all children who achieve 100% attendance every month. Students were awarded with pizza Formative parties, bolis pachangas, and teacher classroom incentives as identified by our Attendance Committee. Oct Jan May Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Attendance rate increases. Referrals to Social Agencies increase. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, all teaching personnel, Attendance Committee Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6 Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic Strategy 3 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 3: Recognize classrooms with the highest attendance percentages weekly and monthly during morning announcements. Attendance Formative Bulletin Board is on display to recognized good and perfect attendance by class and grade level. Oct Jan May Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Higher attendance rates, academic improvment Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, all instructional personnel Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6 Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 24 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Goal 1: SISD will ensure a safe school environment for students, staff, and community members by implementing both current and new initiatives to address safety concerns, keeping safety a top priority. Performance Objective 5: For the 2021-2022 school year, the total number of disciplinary incidents at H. D. Hilley will monitored due to low numbers last year because of limited number of students on campus in 2020-2021, COVID-19. Evaluation Data Sources: Tyler SIS reports and PEIMS balance reports Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 1: Olweus class meetings provide discipline strategies for students. We will supplement with The Master Teacher curriculum to Formative support student Social and Emotional Learning (SMART Board Curriculum). Oct Jan May Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Lesson plans, Referrals decease. Olweus Tracker Report indicate all walk thrus were conducted by administration. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Classroom teacher, adminsitration Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6 Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic - $1,038.97 Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 2: Olweus Committee will meet once a month to discuss future classroom topics and identify current discipline issues occurring Formative inside and outside the classroom and how to solve the problems or recognize desired behavior. Oct Jan May Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Less undesirable behaviors, students behaving and solving minor poblems Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor, Administration, Teachers, Support Personnel Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6 Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic Strategy 3 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 3: Implementation of Book of the Month to incorporate Social and Emotional Learning components, activities and self-reflections. Formative Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Meet our students, faculty and staff where they are based on the impact of COVID-19 Oct Jan May pandemic. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Counselor, Parent Liaison, Administration, Librarian, and SCEI Coach Funding Sources: - 211 - Title I, Part A - $3,692 No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 25 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Goal 2: SISD students will receive a quality education with rigorous instructional standards that adequately prepares them for the college and career of their choice. Performance Objective 1: By the end of May 2022, H.D. Hilley Elementary will implement a minimum of four strategies to promote College and Career Readiness. Evaluation Data Sources: Lesson Plans, sessions, activities agendas Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 1: Students will participate in HB5 Endorsements by becoming familiar with the different career paths they can take in life. Formative Examples to include; GenTex month/ Career Week and guest speakers. College T-shirt Thursdays and fun facts, Post endorsements. Oct Jan May Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will be informed of different career opportunities during Career Week. Invite different guest speakers from different endorsement to provide information about their career. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6 Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 2: Students will become familiar with the purpose of a university/college through the participation in activities such as, Generation Formative Texas week and conducting research on the college or university of their choice. University announcement board will be displayed in each Oct Jan May classroom. Career Week with daily themes and activities. Teachers assist students with finding Fun Fact about favorite college or university. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will be informed of different universities both within and outside of Texas. Students will identify universities of choice per career preference. School counselor posts Operation College Bound student bulletin board. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor, Administration, Teachers Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6 Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic Strategy 3 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 3: Students will receive presentations from college or university level personnel to promote higher level educational opportunities in Formative the Five Endorsements. STEM, Business and industry, Public Service, Arts & Humanities, Multidisciplinary studies. Oct Jan May Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Sign-in sheets, correspondence with presenters Staff Responsible for Monitoring: School counselor, teachers, administration Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6 H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 26 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Strategy 4 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 4: Advancement Via Individual Determination AVID will be implemented to provide professional learning for educators to improve Formative college readiness for all students, especially those traditionally underrepresented in higher education. Oct Jan May Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Student implementation of AVID strategies, binders, Cornell notes, WICOR strategies. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Counselor, Teacher, Parent Liaison Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6 Funding Sources: Expenditures for AVID - 211 - Title I, Part A - $900 Strategy 5 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 5: WIN teachers and students have been working with the Spheros, it has been reported some robots may not be functioning. This Formative year we will need to replace six of the Spheros (Bolt). In 2021, March our students Won the District's Inspire Award and Programing Award Oct Jan May in the Robotics 7.0 Challenge. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students to compete at district and campus event for Robotics. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Robotics Coach Emilio Estrada, WIN Teacher Funding Sources: - 199 - General Fund: SCE - $899.94 Strategy 6 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 6: In support of a blended learning continuum, a technology rich enrichment to enhance TEKS based curriculum student will Formative continue using technologies in and outside of the class. Purchase of mobile Power Towers to charge devices in every classroom. Oct Jan May Funding Sources: - 199 - General Fund: SCE - $14,103.59 No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 27 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Goal 2: SISD students will receive a quality education with rigorous instructional standards that adequately prepares them for the college and career of their choice. Performance Objective 2: By the end of the 2021-2022 school year, H. D. Hilley will increase instructional rigor across the board in all content areas that will result in an increase of 2% in the Mastery standard for grades 3rd through 5th STAAR Assessments. Evaluation Data Sources: Istation Reading, Education Galaxy Reading, Lexia reading program, and ESPED data Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 1: Teachers will provide students with differentiated instruction through the use of TRS/I station, , Education Galaxy Reading, Lexia Formative and other aligned resources (Scholastic leveled readers, and guided reading). Oct Jan May Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Tier 3 students move to second or first tier in Reading and/or Math. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Teachers, SCEI Coach, Instructional Aides, Support personnel Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6 Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 2: Provide differentiated instruction to enhance rigor and relevance for GT students in all content areas. Teachers will be trained in Formative identifying GT students. Prior to testing, parents will be invited for training in identifying GT characteristics. Oct Jan May Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: GT Showcase participation, Robotics, students participation in GT activies and classes. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Campus GT Coordinator, Teachers, SCEI Coach Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 Funding Sources: - 199 - General Fund: Gifted and Talented Strategy 3 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 3: Provide new students with necessary technology equipment, such as laptops, grade level C.O.W.S. (computers on wheels), to Formative complete academic tasks on computer s, integration of technology in all content areas etc. Oct Jan May Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Higher academic achievement, higher technology usage. All students are provided access to technology equipment. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Teachers, Instructional Aides, Support Instructional Personnel Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 Funding Sources: Master Vision Dry Erase Board - 211 - Title I, Part A - $367 H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 28 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Strategy 4 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 4: Recognize students for making academic gains in any subject area through the use of trophies, medals, certificates, etc. This year Formative we are introducing District supported All Star Mustangs ceremonies. End of Year, club, and science fair, attendance and academic Oct Jan May recognition. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Higher grades, test results, higher participation numbers Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Counselor, Teachers. Support Instructional Personnel. Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6 - Additional Targeted Support Strategy Funding Sources: - 211 - Title I, Part A Strategy 5 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 5: Supporting all students of all population, groups with needed materials and supplies to ensure higher levels of academic learning Formative through the purchase of binders, student privacy dividers, and essential items and consumable resources. In addition, we will provided needed Oct Jan May support and resources to our two WIN Academy all four sections. School supplies will be purchased with ESSER Funding for students of families struggling financially because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Special Education Teachers, Administration and SCEI Intervention Coach TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - Additional Targeted Support Strategy Funding Sources: Tutoring - 199 - General Fund: SCE, - 282-ESSER III - $4,100 Strategy 6 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 6: The percent of Grade 1 students that score on grade level or above in Reading will increase from 34% to 39% by June 2022. Formative Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, SCEI Coach, Administration, and Counselor Oct Jan May TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Targeted Support Strategy - Additional Targeted Support Strategy Strategy 7 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 7: The percent of kindergarten students that score on grade level or above in Reading will increase from 37% to 42% by June 2022. Formative Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, SCEI Coach, Administration and School Counselor Oct Jan May TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF Levers: Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers, Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Targeted Support Strategy - Additional Targeted Support Strategy H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 29 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Strategy 8 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 8: The percent of Grade 2 students that score on grade level or above in Reading will increase from 49% to 54% by June 2022. Formative Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, SCEI Coach, Administration, School Counselor Oct Jan May TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF Levers: Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers, Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Targeted Support Strategy - Additional Targeted Support Strategy No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 30 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Goal 2: SISD students will receive a quality education with rigorous instructional standards that adequately prepares them for the college and career of their choice. Performance Objective 3: By June 2022, H.D. Hilley shall ensure that ALL students meet Approaching standard in Reading from 45% to 50% on STAAR Assessments. Evaluation Data Sources: STAAR results Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 1: Monitor differentiated instruction and lesson delivery of all small group intervention instruction through grade level planning and Formative walk through data. Incorporate a Balanced Literacy framework with word study, focused lessons from Kinder through 5th grades. TEKS Oct Jan May Target Practice Digital for grades third through fifth. Students coded EL will receive the same support in native language with use of hands- on materials and resources- Spanish incorporating SIOP strategies. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Improved scores in core content areas formative and summative assessments, benchmarks and checkpoints, State Assessments Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Admin, Teacher, SCEI coach, Instructional Aides Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 - Additional Targeted Support Strategy Funding Sources: - 282-ESSER III - $921.94, - 282-ESSER III - $710.48 Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 2: The library will provide students with up to date resources by continually updating its resources such as; books, ebooks, Formative magazines, and technology resources and equipment. Oct Jan May The library will purchase Blue Bonnet Books for this school year to increase student collection and diversity and to increase student literacy. Add to collection by Jan. 2022. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased student/teacher use of library resources, increased student achievement. Purchase orders for updated resources, books and magazines. Provide wider collection of diversified student reading materials. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Librarian, Administration, Teachers, Support instructional Personnel Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 Funding Sources: - 266-ESSER I - $386.42 H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 31 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Strategy 3 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 3: The librarian will provide lessons to support the different grade level TEKS such as conducting research projects. Students will Formative have access to activities based on TEKS and in collaboration with teachers. Oct Jan May Materials for the library will be purchased for students initiatives and for the processing and care of books in the library. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased student achievement in all core areas. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Librarian, Administration, Teachers Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 - Additional Targeted Support Strategy Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic, - 266-ESSER I - $1,782.54, - 266-ESSER I - $2,181.09, - 266-ESSER I - $1,001.50 Strategy 4 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 4: Monitor performance data through the use of Eduphoria results and other district and campus assessments. Formative Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased number of student success Oct Jan May Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, SCEI Coach, Teachers, All Support Instructional Personnel. Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6 - Additional Targeted Support Strategy Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic Strategy 5 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 5: Teaching staff will be provided with the materials, such as camera projectors, instructional materials Mentoring Minds, Formative Measuring Up) and manipulatives, necessary to help them prepare, manage, organize, teach and assess classroom activities which will be Oct Jan May utilized by the students to promote higher level academic achievement. Lexia Core5 Reading license. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased Student Achievement in core subject areas, more hands-on activities Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Teachers, Support Instructional Personnel, Instructional Aides Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6 - Additional Targeted Support Strategy Funding Sources: - 211 - Title I, Part A - $18,441.38, - 282-ESSER III - $4,500, - 266-ESSER I - $707.04, - 266-ESSER I - $434.96, - 266-ESSER I - $63.66, STAAR Test Supplies - 266-ESSER I - $5,483.45 Strategy 6 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 6: Students, with teacher assistance, will note in their daily student planners/agendas important school activities, such as home work, Formative class projects, assessment results, and parent communication notes. The AVID organizational tools will be used with 3rd through 5th grades. Oct Jan May Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Improved student achievement, better organization by students, improved parent communication with the teacher Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Teachers, Support Instructional Personnel Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 32 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
Strategy 7 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 7: Teachers will be provided materials to provide tutorial sessions and implement comprehensive interventions in reading, writing, Formative math, and science for At- Risk students. Oct Jan May Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Reduced Failure Rate Reports Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Teachers, Support Instructional Personnel Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 - Additional Targeted Support Strategy Strategy 8 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 8: Teachers will implement the use of Scholastic Classroom Magazines during their whole and small group intervention to target Formative specific reading skills. Students will use Storyworks and Starfall resources in the area of reading to help support student standards and Oct Jan May learning expectations in reading understanding and comprehension. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: increase reading comprehension, vocabulary skills and critical thinking ability. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Librarian, administration and teachers Schoolwide and Targeted Assisted Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6 - Additional Targeted Support Strategy Strategy 9 Details Formative Reviews Strategy 9: To supplement our Balanced Literacy Framework our school will purchase student leveled reader books to have available for Formative class instruction and read alouds for teachers. Oct Jan May Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Admin, SCEI Coach, Librarian, classroom Teachers Additional Targeted Support Strategy No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue H.D. Hilley Elementary Campus #071909102 Generated by 33 of 67 February 15, 2022 10:24 AM
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