So Useful as a Good Theory? The Practicality Crisis in (Social) Psychological Theory - Social & Affective Neuroscience ...

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                       PPSXXX10.1177/1745691620969650Berkman, WilsonPracticality Crisis

                                                                                                                                                                 ASSOCIATION FOR
                                                                                                                                                   PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE

                                                                                                                                                   Perspectives on Psychological Science

                                So Useful as a Good Theory? The                                                                                    1­–11
                                                                                                                                                    © The Author(s) 2021
                                                                                                                                                    Article reuse guidelines:
                                Practicality Crisis in (Social)                                                                           
                                                                                                                                                    DOI: 10.1177/1745691620969650

                                Psychological Theory                                                                                      

                                Elliot T. Berkman                                         and Sylas M. Wilson
                                Department of Psychology and Center for Translational Neuroscience, University of Oregon

                                Practicality was a valued attribute of academic psychological theory during its initial decades, but usefulness has since
                                faded in importance to the field. Theories are now evaluated mainly on their ability to account for decontextualized
                                laboratory data and not their ability to help solve societal problems. With laudable exceptions in the clinical, intergroup,
                                and health domains, most psychological theories have little relevance to people’s everyday lives, poor accessibility to
                                policymakers, or even applicability to the work of other academics who are better positioned to translate the theories
                                to the practical realm. We refer to the lack of relevance, accessibility, and applicability of psychological theory to the
                                rest of society as the practicality crisis. The practicality crisis harms the field in its ability to attract the next generation
                                of scholars and maintain viability at the national level. We describe practical theory and illustrate its use in the field of
                                self-regulation. Psychological theory is historically and scientifically well positioned to become useful should scholars
                                in the field decide to value practicality. We offer a set of incentives to encourage the return of social psychology to the
                                Lewinian vision of a useful science that speaks to pressing social issues.

                                usefulness, practicality, relevance, accessibility, policy

                                Psychological theory, particularly in social psychology,                        can guide practitioners in changing psychological pro-
                                was once viewed as an instrument for addressing issues                          cesses or behaviors and state the conditions under
                                of pressing societal importance. Kurt Lewin, a central                          which and the people for whom the theoretical predic-
                                figure in the foundation of social psychology, wrote                            tions apply. Consequently, practical theories will have
                                that “there is nothing so practical as a good theory”                           familiar theoretical components such as causal predic-
                                (Lewin, 1943, p. 118) This view is still held by some,                          tions and hypothesized mediators and moderators.
                                but many psychologists regard theory as an end in itself                        However, unlike an impractical theory, the structure
                                regardless of whether and how easily the theory                                 and content of a practical theory lends itself to realistic
                                addresses questions of practical significance. The prev-                        adaptation to a specific context by practitioners. Achiev-
                                alence of this view represents a practicality crisis that                       ing this kind of theory involves a bidirectional relation-
                                not only threatens the historical value that the field of                       ship between practitioners, who are the consumers of
                                psychology has placed on practicality but also risks                            theory when they use it in the field, and theory devel-
                                undermining the field in the minds of the general pub-                          opers, who must engage with practical problems and
                                lic, policymakers, and the next generation of scholars                          feasible solutions for their work to be useful in the field
                                in the field. We describe this crisis and illustrate how                        (Giner-Sorolla, 2019).
                                it has unfolded in the study of self-control.                                      For example, a problem in the field of self-regulation
                                                                                                                is that dieters often fail at self-control when they
                                What Is a Practical Theory?
                                                                                                                Corresponding Author:
                                A practical theory is one that suggests actionable steps                        Elliot T. Berkman, Department of Psychology and Center for
                                toward solving a problem that currently exists in a                             Translational Neuroscience, University of Oregon
                                particular context in the real world. Practical theories                        E-mail:
2                                                                                                      Berkman, Wilson

attempt to change their eating patterns. A practical          18th-century Qing royalty. Practical theory is not neces-
theory of self-control describes not only why that fail-      sarily anchored to a specific time, place, and culture,
ure happens but also to whom it happens, when it is           but it needs to be contextualizable in a realistic way to
likely to happen, and what malleable psychological or         be useful to practitioners. One of the reasons the theory
behavioral processes could be targeted for intervention       of planned behavior is so influential is because research-
that would make it less likely to happen. The theory of       ers have been able to apply (and test) it in a wide range
ego depletion, for example, states that self-control draws    of contexts and populations (Armitage & Conner, 2001).
on a capacity-limited ego resource, so failure results            An emphasis on practicality encourages psycholo-
from reductions in that resource after repeated exertion      gists to focus their theories in ways that are useful for
(Baumeister et al., 1998). The theory posits an underly-      addressing a problem in the real world. Prioritizing
ing mechanism (variability in ego strength or energy)         practicality is one way to ensure that theories remain
that accounts for success and failure in self-control that    substantive and do not become centered around higher-
is moderated only by previous self-regulatory effort. The     order theoretical questions that enhance theoretical
theory is impractical because it presents no clear way to     nuance but are not critical for application in the field.
increase or replenish the ego resource, which is not          Prioritizing some types of theories over others parallels
specified with sufficient precision to easily measure or      Meehl’s distinction between substantive theory and sta-
manipulate. Practitioners attempting to put the theory to     tistical hypothesis (Meehl, 1967, 1978). In Meehl’s view,
use would be hampered by the theory’s omission of             research that advances theory is superior to research
additional boundary conditions such as individual differ-     that tests only hypotheses because the former contrib-
ences, situational factors, or cultural contexts that might   utes far more to cumulative knowledge. For the same
moderate the effect.                                          reason, we argue that theories structured to address
   A contrasting theory of self-regulation is the theory      practical problems are superior to theories that identify
of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1988) from the health-            only relations between psychological constructs. The
psychology tradition. This theory posits that failures of     theme in both cases is missed opportunity for broader
self-control result from intentions and perceived control     impact. Superficial research fails to contribute to gen-
over the behavior, which themselves are influenced by         eralizable theory, and impractical theory fails to con-
various cognitive and social factors, including attitudes     tribute to the work of practitioners in the world beyond
about the behavior and its effects, subjective norms,         the academy.
and self-efficacy beliefs about control. This theory is
relatively more practical because it centers variables        What Does Practical Theory Look Like
that are measurable and malleable, such as beliefs and
subjective norms, and specifies the conditions under
                                                              in the Wild?
which self-control is more or less likely (e.g., when         Many psychologists are already building practical theo-
attitudes or intentions are strong). Practitioners who        ries. Readers interested in increasing the practicality of
have knowledge about the cultural context in which a          their theoretical work could draw inspiration from these
particular behavior occurs can derive from the theory         examples.
predictions not only about expected behaviors (e.g.,
beliefs about the malleability of this outcome is low, so
                                                              Practical theory starts with a problem
intentions and behavior change will also be low) but
also about the factors that will change the behavior          The genesis of many theories is insufficient explanatory
(e.g., changing efficacy beliefs will cause a change in       knowledge about the nature of or relations among psy-
intentions and behavior).                                     chological processes. What is self-control? Why does
   Practical theories exist in a space between basic and      self-control wane over time? These are good psycho-
applied theory. In psychology, the term “basic” con-          logical questions and do eventually have relevance to
notes research that tests theory or uncovers mecha-           people’s lives. However, a more practical theory could
nisms in a general way, whereas “applied” usually             begin with an even more direct question: How can
means research that solves problems in a specific con-        people get better at self-control? Reorienting toward a
text. There is no logical inconsistency between theory        problem in the real world helps ground our theory and
development and problem solving. Both can be done             guides the empirical work that follows in a practical
at once. The deeper tension between basic and applied         direction. The authors of a recent review of the research
work hinges on the question of universality. Psychologi-      on self-control identified more than 21 practical, evidence-
cal theory is often formulated as though it might apply       based ways to reduce the problem of self-control failure
to all humanity at all times. Third-century Roman             (Duckworth et al., 2019). The solutions range from
peasants are just as likely to become ego-depleted as         setting goals and planning to consciously changing the
Practicality Crisis                                                                                                 3

environment and binding one’s behavior by committing         (Rozin, 2001). Obtaining clear observations of how a
to certain acts in advance. Many of these solutions test     psychological phenomenon plays out in the real world
and contribute to various theories of self-control and       (i.e., in a particular and nongeneralizable context) can
behavior change, but it is notable that the theory-build-    provide insight into the conditions and contexts in
ing aspects of the research emerges from and is in           which a theory might apply and be most useful. Unfor-
service of answering the practical question and not vice     tunately, nonexperimental observational studies tend
versa.                                                       to be devalued in psychology. We address the issue of
                                                             how to incentivize practicality later.
                                                                Some of the most theoretically powerful research in
Practical theory iteratively engages
                                                             self-regulation over the past few years has grown from
with practitioners and real people                           observational work. Studies that used a longitudinal
throughout the research cycle                                observation to sample the experiences of people as
Perhaps the most important step in practical theory          they pursue goals in their everyday lives and how those
building is identifying the right research question. From    experiences fluctuate over time have transformed how
our removed position in the ivory tower, how do we           scholars think about self-regulation. For example, it is
know which research questions will lead to the most          because of this work that theories must account for
practical questions? We must collaborate from the very       substantial variability in self-regulatory success within
first step if we want our theories to speak to practical     people in addition to the variance between people
problems. We must allow our theories to be informed          (Werner et al., 2016). Observational studies have also
more substantially than they have been by people out-        prompted theorists to focus on situational strategies
side of the academy. Community-engaged participatory         (such as avoiding temptations) as a way of increasing
research has been used for decades in other fields           the likelihood of self-regulation success (Duckworth
(Minkler & Wallerstein, 2002), so there are ample            et al., 2016; Hofmann et al., 2012).
resources available to help psychologists learn this fam-
ily of methods. In self-regulation, for example, the
question of how to build emotion-regulation skills           The Historical Value of Practicality
among adolescents who face persistent bullying is a          in Social Psychology
practical question (Garner & Hinton, 2010). Models of        Several fields in psychology, especially social psychol-
emotion regulation could be modified to more readily         ogy, have long placed high value on practicality. Classic
lend themselves to direct application by practitioners.      studies in social psychology were spurred by major
    In community-based research, it is important to con-     societal events or movements. For example, Milgram’s
sider the heightened ethical stakes. To ask more of          studies on obedience were a direct attempt to under-
communities is to take on an additional obligation to        stand why people obey authority figures (Milgram,
return something of value to them. Other fields are well     1963) and identify the conditions that afford disobedi-
ahead of psychology in grappling with these ethical          ence (Milgram, 1965). Gordon Allport wrote The Nature
issues and developing tools to responsibly conduct this      of Prejudice (Allport, 1954) to provide a psychological
kind of work (Anderson et al., 2012; Mikesell et al.,        account of the systemic discrimination during the
2013). Embracing ethical community-based participa-          decades of the Jim Crow era. Foundational work
tory research is one way to promote inclusion and            sought to identify ways to prevent prejudice, discrimi-
begin to restore the trust of people who have been           nation, and intergroup conflict and to mitigate their
betrayed by scientists in the past.                          harmful effects (Aronson, 1978; Clark & Clark, 1939;
                                                             Sherif et al., 1961; Steele & Aronson, 1995). Theoretical
Practical theory is grounded in high-                        explanations of bystander nonintervention during
quality descriptive data on real-world                       emergencies (Latane & Darley, 1968) were famously
                                                             prompted by the murder of Kitty Genovese (although
problems                                                     the actual case might not have illustrated the bystander
Detailed knowledge about exactly what the practical          effect).
problem is and the conditions under which it occurs is          We focus here on social psychology, but we note
a prerequisite for practical theory. A call for more and     that the historical importance of practicality is not
better descriptive work is neither controversial nor         exclusive to social psychology. Several of the largest
novel; others have described the value of careful obser-     branches of the field sprung out of problems faced by
vational work to theory development as well as practi-       militaries during the 20th century. The roots of modern
cal applications, not to mention its deep historical roots   personality psychology can be traced back in part to
4                                                                                                        Berkman, Wilson

the personnel problem faced by the U.S. Army, during             practical is our science compared with how practical it
and after World War I, of optimally assigning soldiers to        could be?
roles in the military (Koopman, 2019). Daniel Kahneman’s
early work in the areas of judgment and decision-
                                                                 The Current Status of Practicality
making was inspired by a similar problem faced by the
Israeli military during the Six-Day War (Lewis, 2016).           in Social-Psychological Theory
Some of the most important scientific advances in                Our casual observation is that psychological theory has
understanding speech perception and synthesis arose              become unmoored from the guiding principle of prac-
from the challenge of encrypting and decoding spoken-            ticality and is drifting toward more nuanced or myopic
command messages during World War II (Greenberg,                 theoretical questions that are less relevant to helping
1996). B. F. Skinner’s work on operant conditioning              solve the problems that people care about, such as
famously began as part of Project Orcon, a U.S. Navy             predicting (Yarkoni & Westfall, 2017) and changing
project to use pigeons to solve the problem of unmanned          (Gainforth, West, & Michie, 2015) behavior. We present
missile control before the availability of reliable electronic   data in this section as illustrative examples of how prac-
guidance (Capshew, 1993). We offer these examples not            ticality has become devalued in psychological theory.
to suggest that we should all start working for the military
but rather to recall a time when scientists allowed their        Publication criteria in the top 10
research priorities to be driven by events in the real world
that overshadowed their other projects.
                                                                 psychology journals
    Others have pointed out the ways in which psychol-           One of the hallmarks of practical theory is that it will
ogy research has shifted over the past decade to pri-            be useful to practitioners. Psychological theory might
oritize laboratory work over applied work. Both kinds            be developed in the lab, but an important purpose of
of research can test theory, but theories that are tested        this work is for the theories to be exported to other
only in the lab miss the critical opportunity to adapt           disciplines in which it can be put to use. If our field
to feedback from their application by practitioners              valued this kind of relevance, then it would be reflected
(Giner-Sorolla, 2019). Robert Cialdini (2009) left the           in our publication priorities. Top journals in other aca-
field in an article titled “We Have to Break Up,” citing         demic fields, such as medicine, human physiology, and
the surging emphasis in the field of cognition over              clinical psychology, evaluate papers not only on meth-
behavior, tidy multistudy packages over messy field              odological rigor and innovation but also on potential
studies, and mediational analyses over descriptions of           impact on practice. These journals have practitioners
real behavior. Others have issued similar critiques              in their readership and are aware that these “importers”
about the cognitive revolution, noting how the field at          of the scientific knowledge are best positioned to make
its height had been reduced to the study of “self-reports        use of it.
and finger movements” (Baumeister et al., 2007,                     We surveyed the criteria for publication in the top
p. 396). Despite the subsequent “decade of behavior”             10 multidisciplinary psychology journals as rated by
from 2001 to 2010, as proclaimed by the American                 their 2018 Impact Factor according to Journal Citation
Psychological Association (Azar, 1998) empirical psy-            Reports (Clarivate Analytics) as one data point on this
chology is still dominated by studies of people sitting          issue. Most of the journals mentioned contributing to
at computers pushing buttons, only they are Amazon               scientific progress as a criterion and encouraged
Mechanical Turk workers using their own computers                researchers to broaden the scope of the field in propos-
instead of ours. Modern psychological theory is                  ing new theories or advancing methods. However, very
informed far more by data about how people interact              few journals mentioned anything about adjusting that
with stimuli on a computer screen than with events in            scope beyond academic psychology. Of the 10 journals,
the real world.                                                  six mentioned readability as a criterion for submission.
    This is not to imply that our field is entirely without      Of those six, three of the journals (including Perspec-
practicality. Clinical psychology and intervention sci-          tives on Psychological Science) mentioned only that
ence, for example, are built around solving the prob-            articles should be accessible to other scientists; one
lems that mental illness and social disadvantage can             journal mentioned that articles should be intelligible to
cause for quality of life and interpersonal functioning.         other scientists as well as the public; and the remaining
Intergroup conflict, war, prejudice, discrimination,             two simply stated that any submissions should be acces-
xenophobia, abuse of power, inequality, poverty,                 sible to a “wide audience,” failing to specify who makes
homophobia, and transphobia are only some of the                 up that audience. The implicit statement from the top
world’s problems that continue to inspire research in            psychology journals is that they are intended to be read
psychology. Instead, the question at hand is this: How           by fellow scientists and not practitioners.
Practicality Crisis                                                                                                      5

   All of the journals mention valuing work that is “orig-    the gap between practitioners and social scientists
inal” or “provocative.” Five of the journals focus on         (C. H. Weiss & Bucuvalas, 1980; J. A. Weiss & Weiss,
research methods and advancing “psychological sci-            1996). The Weisses interviewed people in both groups
ence,” with no mention of improvements outside of             about what they believe makes research useful and had
academia. Two of the journals actively discourage sub-        their participants rate the importance of a number of
missions that are based on empirical findings or applied      characteristics (e.g., objectivity, scalability) in determin-
science. Of the 10 journals, only two require any kind        ing a study’s usefulness. The Weisses also had partici-
of description of the public significance (in the form of     pants read through real studies and rate each on the
a brief statement), and only one even mentions applied        individual characteristics and overall usefulness. With
theories, programs, and interventions. Psychological Sci-     these data, the investigators calculated a “revealed
ence in the Public Interest does not require mention of       importance” score for each characteristic, reflecting
public application or recommendations for practitio-          how strongly each one contributed to the decision
ners; the submission criteria state that the issues           maker’s classification of a study as useful or not. This
reviewed should be “of direct relevance to the general        procedure yielded a set of characteristics that both
public” but provide no further instruction.                   drove perceptions of usefulness in the revealed scores
   Placing greater value on novelty than relevance in         and were explicitly described by decision makers as
our theory and research is not new. Meehl (1967) wrote        qualities of useful research.
that “the profession highly rewards a kind of ‘cuteness’         We identified six characteristics from the J. A. Weiss
or ‘cleverness’ in experimental design such as a hitherto     and Weiss (1996) list as reflective of practical research.
untried method for inducing a desired emotional state,        Specificity refers to whether a research study addressed
or a particularly ‘subtle’ gimmick for detecting its influ-   a specific social issue. This was the top response to the
ence upon behavioral output” (p. 114). Meehl was con-         open-ended usefulness question. Understandability
trasting the novelty of experimental methods with their       reflects how accessible an article is to the general pub-
robustness to address theoretical questions, but his          lic in terms of the level of the writing. Relevancy cap-
critique of flashy methods can apply just as well to          tures whether the participants are representative of the
flashy theoretical maneuvers. “Cuteness or cleverness”        population most affected by the focal problem. Deci-
in theory might work against practicality, which needs        sion makers are savvy to the limitations of using sam-
to be iteratively refined as ideas from the field are         ples that are not representative of the target population.
tested in the lab and vice versa. The theory of planned       Conceptualization indicates whether the theoretical
behavior evolved in a notably nongimmicky way from            model is sufficiently comprehensive to be useful to
the theory of reasoned action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980)        nonscientists. Decision makers indicated that models
and was based on years of feedback from laboratory            that accounted for more variables were more useful.
and field data. Indeed, Meehl later admitted that some        Prescription identifies how well the study offers action-
of what he characterized as “substantial” traditions          able next steps to address the focal problem. This cri-
within psychology (e.g., descriptive clinical psychiatry,     terion was tied with technical quality for the highest
psychometric assessment) were less “conceptually              revealed importance score. Finally, dissemination
exciting” and yet “more than make up for that by their        serves as an index of the accessibility of the results and
remarkable technological power” (Meehl, 1978, p. 817).        recommendations of the study. Policymakers recognize
In this regard, he draws a parallel contrast to the one       that studies are useful only insofar as they are available
we put forth here between theories that are cute and          outside of academia. The first three criteria (specificity,
ones that are useful for solving problems.                    understandability, and relevancy) are properties more
                                                              of the research itself, whereas the last three criteria
Case study of practicality in a leading                       (conceptualization, prescription, and dissemination) are
                                                              properties more of the theoretical framework at play.
social-psychology journal                                        Eight research assistants coded 360 articles from a
Practicality might be reflected in social-psychological       5-year span. Each article was rated by two raters, and
research, even if it is not stated as a value in journals.    the average of their ratings was used as the score on
We examined the content of one journal in depth as a          each of the characteristics. The average raters’ random-
case study of the practicality of the articles being pub-     effects intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) of the
lished in a specific field. We chose the first two sections   characteristics ranged from .69 (conceptualization) to
of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology           1.00 (dissemination) and was .91 for the overall prac-
( JPSP) because it is the most cited journal in social        ticality score, indicating that 91% of the rating variance
psychology. In operationalizing practicality, we drew         was between articles. An overall practicality score was
heavily from the work of Weiss and Weiss, who studied         calculated by averaging the percentage of the maximum
6                                                                                                                        Berkman, Wilson

                                                               Ratings by Characteristic






                     Specificity   Understandability   Relevancy    Conceptualization    Proscription    Dissemination        Overall
                                                            Characteristics of Practicality
    Fig. 1. Average coder scores for 360 articles from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology from 2012 to 2016 on each of the six
    usefulness characteristics and an overall practicality score. Scores are normalized to percentages of the maximum possible score on each

possible of the six characteristics. These overall prac-                  clearly demonstrated implementable solutions to a
ticality scores are normalized on a scale from 0 to 1,                    social issue.
where 0 can be considered 0% practical and 1 is 100%
practical. Complete details of the preregistered methods
                                                                          Potential Consequences to the Field
and results can be found on OSF at
Figure 1 summarizes the results.                                          of the Diminishment of Practicality
   On average, articles from the JPSP were 42.5% practi-                  Academia possesses a large, highly educated, and
cal. Not a single article we reviewed received higher                     incredibly capable workforce. An excessive focus on
than 83%, with the modal score being 33%. Conceptu-                       impractical theory in psychology journals can be inter-
alization was the only characteristic with a mean score                   esting but is also an inefficient use of our intellectual
above the midpoint. Average scores of four of the                         resources. People outside the field have long recog-
remaining characteristics, however, fell well short of                    nized this reality about academia (consider, e.g., the
even the 50% mark.                                                        use of the phrase “it’s all academic to me” to signal
   Two of the most important characteristics of practi-                   something that has no practical value or importance).
cality as rated by policymakers, prescription and dis-                    But a variety of factors that surfaced during the pro-
semination, received the lowest scores. The average                       longed recovery from the Great Recession of 2008 have
score for prescription was 0.9 on the original 0–4 scale,                 promoted the impracticality of psychological theory
and the average score for dissemination was only 0.7.                     from an endearing, anachronistic quirk into an existen-
Of all 360 articles, only one was unanimously awarded                     tial crisis for the field.
a perfect score for prescription across raters: an article                   Perhaps the most pressing of these factors is the
on bridging the gap for first-generation college students                 potential that we risk discouraging bright, talented
in American universities (Stephens et al., 2012). This                    people from entering our field. Socially engaged people
was the only JPSP article from the first two sections that                might not find the motivation to dedicate sustained
Practicality Crisis                                                                                                                   7

                                                                 Google Trends Over 10 Years

                                                                                      Careers or Jobs That Help
                                                                                      Careers or Jobs That Make Money
                                                                                      Careers or Jobs in Research

                      Search Volume



                                            2010   2011   2012   2013   2014    2015     2016     2017    2018      2019
                       Fig. 2. Popularity of searches for careers that “help,” “make money,” or are “in research”
                       as indexed by the Google Trend interest score from 2010 to 2020. Data are normalized
                       by total search volume at each time point.

attention to abstract theoretical questions when histori-                      appears to be part of a steady rise in interest in com-
cal geopolitical events are unfolding around the globe.                        munity service among college students since the 1990s
It is understandable that at these times talented young                        (Syvertsen et al., 2011).
scholars would turn to other fields with more relevant                            The interests and priorities of graduating seniors are
theories. Each year, nearly half a million students across                     particularly relevant to doctoral programs that hope to
hundreds of higher-education institutions complete the                         attract the most talented among them. And graduating
National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), in                               seniors are not the only ones who are interested in the
which first-year students and seniors answer questions                         practicality of their careers. We used Google Trends to
about academic challenges and opportunities, peer and                          estimate the popularity of various types of careers in
faculty interactions, campus environment, and civic                            the United States in aggregate Google searches. We
engagement. A consistent result in recent years is that                        compared searches for “jobs (or careers) that help” to
graduating students are highly interested in work that                         “jobs (or careers) that make money” as well as “jobs (or
has a social impact at a variety of levels. In the 2019                        careers) in research” from January 2010 through January
NSSE survey, for instance, 66% of seniors said they often                      2020 (Fig. 2). Although searches for careers with the
or very often informed themselves about state, national,                       words “help” and “make money” steadily increase
or global issues; 31% actively raised awareness about                          across 10 years, searches for “help” careers have over-
those issues; and 15% indicated they even organized                            taken “money” careers in the past few years. Searches
others to work on them (National Survey of Student                             for careers “in research,” although overall more frequent
Engagement, 2019). This level of civic engagement                              than “money” and “help” careers, have declined steeply
8                                                                                                     Berkman, Wilson

over the past 10 years. People using Google to search         overcome to convince federal policymakers of the value
for jobs are less interested in research and more inter-      of psychological theory. Lawmakers might already be
ested in helping. Psychology could increase its appeal        aware of the difficulties of scaling psychological theory
to the next generation by designing theories to address       to the population level (Al-Ubaydli et al., 2017) and
pressing social issues.                                       therefore might be more inclined to defer to other fields
   That psychological theory is not more practical is         that grapple more directly with scalability (e.g., eco-
ironic given the inherent practicality of the topics that     nomics, public health), when they listen to scientists at
so many of us study. We study topics that can so easily       all. The cumulative effect of these trends is that federal
be applied to everyday life, yet rarely do we go out of       funding agencies might become hesitant to make sub-
our way to make the case of our relevance to the gen-         stantial investments in a field with questionable signifi-
eral public. Cialdini commented on this trend in his          cance to the issues that motivate political leaders. Data
Dear John letter to the field (2009):                         on the totality of federal funding suggest overall
                                                              declines in support for most branches of psychology
    As we have moved increasingly into the laboratory         across the past decade (National Science Foundation,
    and away from the study of behavior, I believe we         2018b).
    have been eroding the public’s perception of the              We have every reason to believe that the trends of
    relevance of our findings to their daily activities.      decreasing student interest, increasing competition for
    One of the best aspects of field research into            public trust, and decreasing federal support will con-
    naturally occurring behavior is that such relevance       tinue for the foreseeable future. Even if it were not
    is manifest. When my colleagues and I have                always the case, it is especially incumbent on psycholo-
    studied which messages most spur citizens to              gists right now to rediscover the lost value of theoretical
    reduce household energy usage, the results don’t          practicality for the field (Berkman, 2018). The next
    have to be decoded or interpreted or extrapolated.        section lays out an agenda for increasing practicality in
    The pertinence is plain. Truth be told, as a              psychological theory.
    discipline, we’ve become lax in our responsibilities
    to the public in this regard. They deserve to know
    the pertinence of our research to their lives
                                                              Incentives for Practical Theory
    because, in any meaningful sense, they’ve paid for        There are several clear steps we can take to increase
    that research. They are entitled to know what we          the practicality of psychological theory, and many
    have learned about them with their money. (p. 6)          researchers within our field are already doing so. Fol-
                                                              lowing others (e.g., Giner-Sorolla, 2019), we focus on
   Scholars from other fields have stepped up to fill         the role of incentives. Here, we describe incentives that
the void left by our absence in practical domains of          would increase the practicality of field.
behavioral science. The fields of behavioral medicine,
behavioral economics, and now data science are popu-
                                                              Publication and peer review
lated in large part by people doing practical psychol-
ogy who do not identify as psychologists. Advisory            Peer-reviewed articles in journals remain the currency
boards that consult with policymakers at all levels           of academic psychology. There is no shortage of outlets
about behavioral-science matters frequently are domi-         for psychological theory, whether practical or impracti-
nated by behavioral economists, medical doctors,              cal. As reviewed earlier, the criteria for acceptance into
business-school professors, and lawyers. The occa-            these journals focuses on theoretical advances and
sional cognitive psychologist with expertise in judg-         innovation. In concept, then, a practical theory that is
ment and decision-making slips in (e.g., Cialdini is now      also innovative would fare just as well in review as a
a member of the advisory board of the Behavioral              similarly innovative impractical one. However, in prac-
Science Policy Association along with Daniel Kahneman,        tice, practical theories are likely to be more incremental
Paul Slovic, Cass Sunstein, and Richard Thaler, among         in nature because they build over years through feed-
others), but for the most part, the academics that gov-       back from practitioners and applications in the field.
ernment officials turn to for advice on human behavior        The current incentives for publishing theoretical pieces
are not psychologists.                                        are likely to work against practical theory.
   Support at the federal level is also vulnerable to            A relatively straightforward change would be for edi-
concerns about practicality. Public skepticism about the      torial boards to revisit the expectations for publication
value of science in general (Funk et al., 2019), and          in their journals and add some consideration of prac-
randomized experiments on humans in particular                ticality. Changes to the author guidelines will be more
(Meyer et al., 2019), are significant barriers that we must   effective if they are coupled with changes in editorial
Practicality Crisis                                                                                                    9

practices such as action editors triaging papers describ-     reflects how successfully executing the project will
ing impractical theories and encouraging papers               “change the concepts, methods, technologies, treat-
describing practical ones. Editors could also invite          ments, services, or preventative interventions” within
reviews of theoretical papers from at least one relevant      the field (National Institutes of Health, 2016, para. 7).
practitioner. Reviewers can signal a commitment to            The National Science Foundation has two evaluation
practicality by highlighting how it plays out in their        criteria: “intellectual merit,” the potential to advance
reviews of theoretical papers.                                knowledge, and “broader impacts,” the potential to ben-
                                                              efit society and to progress toward specific, socially
                                                              desirable outcomes (National Science Foundation,
Hiring, tenure, and promotion
                                                              2018a). These funding agencies signal the value they
Written journal guidelines will only go so far on their       place on research that can contribute to solving real-
own. Cultural inertia within the field will overcome new      world problems by considering the practicality of
guidelines, and researchers will continue to work in          research as coequal with its methodological rigor.
the way they always have if it still produces the desired
outcomes. Among those desired outcomes are being
                                                              More Research Is Needed?
hired, receiving tenure, and getting promoted at aca-
demic institutions. Theory development, particularly if       This is the point at which we would normally call for
it results in journal publications, typically can help with   more research on this topic. However, without first
all three. However, as in the peer-review process, the        pausing to consider the practical value of the knowl-
evaluation of the merit of psychological theory by hir-       edge to be gained by “further research,” we risk becom-
ing, promotion, and tenure committees does not center         ing the kind of scientists that Meehl (1967) wrote about
on or necessarily include practicality. Instead, standards    with disdain:
for quality are usually described in broad terms such
as “meaningful contributions” or “substantial impact on         A zealous and clever investigator can slowly wend
the field.”                                                     his way through a tenuous nomological network,
    Practicality-minded institutions and departments            performing a long series of related experiments
could additionally specify the potential or actual “influ-      which appear to the uncritical reader as a fine
ence on practice” or “societal impact” among the criteria       example of “an integrated research program,”
for hiring, tenure, and promotion. This impact could            without ever once refuting or corroborating so
then be assessed as part of the review processes by             much as a single strand of the network. . . .
requesting evidence from the applicant (e.g., in a sec-         Meanwhile our eager-beaver researcher, undismayed
tion of the curriculum vitae or a written statement)            by logic-of-science considerations and relying
about the practicality of their theoretical work. Referees      blissfully on the “exactitude” of modern statistical
could be asked about impact beyond the field, and it            hypothesis-testing, has produced a long publication
might even be possible to invite practitioners to evalu-        list and been promoted to a full professorship. In
ate the practicality of the theoretical work in an aca-         terms of his contributions to the enduring body
demic portfolio. These changes would provide powerful           of psychological knowledge, he has done hardly
incentives for academic psychologists to create practical       anything. (p. 114)
                                                                 As easily as we can slip into a mindless overreliance
                                                              on hypothesis testing to string together a career that
Research funding                                              contributes nothing to the literature, so too can we slide
Practicality is already a priority in how funding agen-       down a path of theory building that adds to abstract
cies, philanthropic donors, and private foundations           knowledge but has no discernable impact on the world.
evaluate the return on investment in grants, at least in         But hope is not lost. We began this article by recalling
the United States. For example, the main review crite-        Kurt Lewin’s claim that theory can be the most useful
rion for National Institutes of Health grant applications     thing. Lewin provides a way through the practicality
is the “overall impact” of the project, which is “the         crisis by rejecting the dichotomy between basic science
likelihood for the project to exert a sustained, powerful     that develops and tests theory and applied science that
influence on the research field(s) involved,” considering     uses theory for practical purposes. We join him in
five criteria: significance, innovation, approach, inves-     embracing practical theory that identifies new ways to
tigative team, and environment. After the quality of the      address problems and thereby builds incremental knowl-
approach, significance is the second biggest driver of        edge. The tools and resources exist to do so. As with
the overall impact score (Rockey, 2011). Significance         self-regulation, the change will depend on motivation.
10                                                                                                               Berkman, Wilson

Transparency                                                            movements: Whatever happened to actual behavior?
                                                                        Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2, 396–403.
Action Editors: Travis Proulx and Richard Morey
                                                                    Berkman, E. (2018, August 27). The self-defect of academia.
Advisory Editor: Richard Lucas
Editor: Laura A. King
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
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   E. Berkman is Manager of Berkman Consultants, LLC, a
                                                                        World War II, and the conditioning of BF Skinner.
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   behavior change.
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   National Institute of Child Health and Human Develop-
                                                                        tion in Negro preschool children. The Journal of Social
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                                                                    Duckworth, A., Milkman, K., & Laibson, D. (2019). Beyond
ORCID iD                                                                willpower: Strategies for reducing failures of self-control.
Elliot T. Berkman            Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 19, 102–129.
                                                                    Duckworth, A. L., Gendler, T. S., & Gross, J. J. (2016).
                                                                        Situational strategies for self-control. Perspectives on
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work in coding the articles and to the Social and Affective             than researchers but are skeptical about scientific integ-
Neuroscience Laboratory for helpful comments and guidance               rity. Pew Research Center.
along the way.                                                          science/2019/08/02/americans-often-trust-practitioners-more-
                                                                    Gainforth, H. L., West, R., & Michie, S. (2015). Assessing
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