Slate Belt Town Topics - Bangor Senior Heads to State Science Competition

Page created by Salvador Hodges
Slate Belt Town Topics - Bangor Senior Heads to State Science Competition

         Slate Belt Town Topics
               Bangor Senior Heads to State Science Competition
                                                           By Hannah Bonanducci

  The Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science symposium is               major environmental problem today, especially in PA, so I was very
held annually and gives high school students a chance to present        excited to see what would happen.
scientific research to a group of judges for professional grading and     “In the fall semester of Research I learned how to present research, how
competition. This year, Bangor senior Zoe Frost won a first place       to make a good presentation, and all kinds of good presenting tips,” she
award in the first round of competition and will now be moving onto     continued. “Right before the symposium, I was presenting in front of
the State level.                                                                              my teacher and the class a lot and received notes for
  “I got involved with the symposium through                                                  improvement.”
my research class,” Frost said. “Students in                                                    All of the work, though, proved to be worth it after
that class have an option to pick a long-term                                                 the judges gave her a 1st place certificate and a spot
research project and actually conduct it to                                                   in the States competition.
present at symposiums, or they can choose to                                                    “It was a very surreal moment when I was handed
just take the basic semester-long course.                                                     my certificate for my 1st place award,” Frost said.
  “I had no interest in doing the symposiums                                                  “There are so many brilliant and amazing people in
until my research teacher Mr. Hachtman                                                        my research class that got the same award and I felt
encouraged me to do it,” she continued. “He                                                   so honored to be able to stand among them. I am
said ‘The more students who participate in                                                    by far my harshest critic and am often very hard on
the symposiums just make my life harder, so I                                                 myself, so winning this award proved all of my self-
wouldn’t be encouraging you if I didn’t think                                                 doubt wrong.
you’d do very well and go far.’ His saying that,                                                “The State competition is basically the same
as well as encouragement from my teacher Mr.                                                  premise, just more intense,” she continued. “Instead
Thomas, is what pushed me to do it.”                                                          of competing against a rubric, I am competing against
  Frost spent a lot of time in and out of the                                                 everyone else in my category. For PJAS States, I
classroom preparing for her presentation. Her                                                 am initiating phase two of my project. I want to see
project required a long-term plan, and she                                                    how the different treatments, and especially the high
practiced presenting throughout the entire process.                     acidity, affected the abundance and success of the bacteria community. I
  “My project was investigating the effect of acid precipitation on     am really excited for this next part!”
soil decomposition rates, with an emphasis on soil bacteria,” Frost       Frost will be heading to the States competition in May alongside fellow
said. “I wanted to collect soil from the Delaware Water Gap and         winner Maggie Weaver. With the work she’s already put in, we’re sure
treat it with an acid solution, and then study how it affected the      she’ll do just as great in the next competition ahead of her. We wish her
decomposition and the microbe communities. Acid rain is a pretty        the best of luck in her next competition!
Slate Belt Town Topics - Bangor Senior Heads to State Science Competition

                          Slate Belt Town Topics
                                     April 4, 2022                           

                                                                                                             Help Wanted
                                                                                                  PT Sports photographer for the Slate Belt
                                                                                                  Town Topics. E-mail:
                                                                                                  Call 570-688- 3724

                                                                                                     Inc. Clouds 52 Today
                                                                                                      Cloudy 58 Tuesday
                                                                                                       National Weather Service Forecast
                                                                                                    Today, Increasing clouds, with a high near
                                                                                                  52. Northwest wind 5 to 10 mph.
                                                                                                    Tonight, Mostly cloudy, with a low around 38.
                                                                                                  Northwest wind around 5 mph becoming calm.
                                                                                                    Tuesday, A slight chance of showers after
                                                                                                  2pm. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 58. Calm
                                                                                                  wind becoming southeast around 5 mph in the
                                                                                                  afternoon. Chance of precipitation is 20%.
                                                                                                    Tuesday Night, Rain. Low around 45. East
  Senior Jenna Fey homered for the Bangor softball team (2-2) during their 12-2 win over Wilson   wind around 5 mph. Chance of precipitation is
in a game played at Bangor. Photo: Larry Cory PHOTO GALLERY                                       90%. New precipitation amounts between a half
                                                                                                  and three quarters of an inch possible.
                                                                                                    Wednesday, Rain before 2pm, then a chance
                                                                                                  of showers after 2pm. High near 56. East wind
                                                                                                  around 10 mph. Chance of precipitation is 80%.
                                                                                                  New precipitation amounts between a quarter
                                                                                                  and half of an inch possible.
                                                                                                    Wednesday Night, A chance of showers
                                                                                                  before 8pm, then a chance of showers after 2am.
                                                                                                  Mostly cloudy, with a low around 46. Chance
                                                                                                  of precipitation is 40%. New precipitation
                                                                                                  amounts of less than a tenth of an inch possible.
                                                                                                    Thursday, Showers, mainly after 8am. High
                                                                                                  near 55. Chance of precipitation is 80%.
                                                                                                    Thursday Night, A chance of showers before
                                                                                                  2am. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 44.
                                                                                                  Chance of precipitation is 50%.
                                                                                                    Friday, A chance of showers after 2pm.
                                                                                                  Partly sunny, with a high near 61. Chance of
                                                                                                  precipitation is 40%.
                                                                                                    Air Quality: Moderate (51-100) Bethlehem
                                                                                                  (53) Columbia, NJ (30).
                                                                                                     Pollen: 10.0 High (Top Alergen (s) Juni-
                                                                                                  per, Maple.
 Many local children participated in the Easter Egg hunt at Roseto Ball Park Saturday morning       UV : Low 11-3. High 4.1 at 1:00pm
sponsored by the Roseto Helping Hands. Photos: Larry Cory PHOTO GALLERY
                                                                                                       Slate Belt Weather
                                 Happening Today
                                                                                                            Recent Papers You
Blue Mountain Library - Open 10-12 & 6-8pm
Bangor Public Library - Open 1-8                 Lower Mount Bethel Supervisors - Meets                     May Have Missed
Slate Belt Senior Center - Open 8-3:30. Blue     Centerfield Building, 7pm                                   (Click Below to Read)
Valley Farm Show                                 Wind Gap Borough Council - 7:30pm, 29                               April 3
Pen Argyl Sewer Committee - 4:30 P.M.            Mechanic St.                                                        April 2
Council Chambers                                 Portland Borough Council - Borough Hall,                            April 1
Pen Argyl Municipal Authority - 5:00 P.M.        7:00pm
                                                                                                                   March 31
Council Chambers                                 Pen Argyl GFWC - St. John , Pen Argyl, 7pm
Washington Township Zoning Board -               Slate Belt YMCA - Open 6:00am - 8:00pm                            March 30
Municipal Building, 6:30 pm.                     Weona Park Pals - 7;p.m. Town Hall Social                         March 29
Roseto Borough Council - Municipal Building,     Room                                                              March 28
Slate Belt Town Topics - Bangor Senior Heads to State Science Competition
Town Topics Archives...................                                                                     Bangor Library
                                                                                                              New Books
                March, 2016                                                                                         Adult Fiction
             February 10, 2016                                                                       Girls Like Us by Cristina Alger
                                                                                                     The War of Two Queens by Jennifer L.
                                                                                                     Death on the Nile: A Hecule Poirot
                                                                                                     Mystery by Agatha Christie
                                                                                                     The Match by Harlan Coben
                                                                                                     Junior: A Novel by Macaulay Culkin
                                                                                                     The Life Intended by Kristin Harmel
                                                                                                     The League of Gentlewomen Witches by
                                                                                                     India Holton
                                                                                                     The Library of the Dead by T. L. Huchu
                                                                                                     The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things
                                                                                                     by J. T. LeRoy
                                                                                                     The Madwoman Upstairs: A Novel by
                                                                                                     Catherine Lowell
                                                                                                     The Summer Getaway by Susan Mallery
                                                                                                     The House at Riverton: A Novel by Kate
A Bangor softball player is in the process of making a play during the Slaters’ 14-1 win over NDGP   Morton
Sbtt Photo Larry Cory                                                                                Citizen K-9 by David Rosenfelt
                                                                                                     Tempest Runner by Cavan Scott
                                                                                                     Nine Lives: A Novel by Peter Swanson
                                                                                                                  Adult Non-Fiction
                                                                                                     Measure by Measure: A History of New
                                                                                                     England Conservatory from 1867 by Bruce

       Bangor Area High School
                                                                                                     A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering
                                                                                                     Genius by Dave Eggers
                                                                                                     Comedy Comedy Comedy Drama: A
           Bangor Area High School Performing Theater                                                Memoir by Bob Odenkirk
                 187 Five Points Richmond Road                                                       Padre Pio: The True Story by C. Bernard
                                                                                                                     Easy Fiction
                                                                                                     Knight Owl by Christopher Denise
                                                                                                     And Then It’s Spring by Julie Fogliano
                                                                                                     Mina by Matthew Forsythe
                                                                                                     The 12 Days of Lunar New Year by Jenna
                                                                                                     Peppa’s Chinese New Year by Mandy
                                                                                                     Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms by
                                                                                                     Julia Rawlinson
                                                                                                     The Duck Who Didn’t Like Water by
                                                                                                     Steve Small
                                                                                                     The Creature of Habit by Jennifer E. Smith
                                                                                                     Easy Reader Nonfiction
                                                                                                     Life in the Stone Age by Deborah Lock
                                                                                                                    Junior Fiction
                                                                                                     Magic Comes Home!: The Magic Thief
                                                                                                     Home by Sarah Prineas
                                                                                                     Junior Nonfiction
                                                                                                     Stone Age by Klint Janulis
                                                                                                     Explore! Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages by
                                                                                                     Sonya Newland
                                                                                                     The Winter at Valley Forge: Survival and
                                  For Tickets Click Below                                            Victory by James E. Knight

                                             Young Adult Fiction
                                                                                                     Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Book
                     April 1                April 2                      April 3                     One-The Crucible by Roberto Aguirre-
                    7:30 p.m.           2 p.m. & 7:30pm                 2:00 p.m.                    Sacasa
                                                                                                     Brave by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Slate Belt Town Topics - Bangor Senior Heads to State Science Competition
National School Librarian Day
  On April 4th each year, National School Librarian Day recognizes
the professionals who keep the school library in working order. School
librarians spend long hours keeping the library organized. They are also
dedicated to helping our children find the resources they need to keep                                   Which of the following African
learning. School librarians are the people who create an environment                                   countries is landlocked?
where students can learn every day of the year. Their work is an                                         Considering Nigeria, Ethiopia,
impressive accomplishment.                                                                             Somalia and Morocco, the answer is:
  The school librarians provide guidance and expose our youth not only to                              Ethiopia.
texts, print media, and literature but to digital resources and technology,                              There are 16 landlocked countries on
too. These resources also connect them to libraries around the world. A                                the African continent, with no access
school librarian’s ability to manage scores of media and a school full of                              to the ocean or sea. Ethiopia becoming
students with numerous projects and schedules astounds us.                                             landlocked in the 1993 secession of
                                                                                                       Eritrea, its former province along the
 Remember the school librarian on this day. Take a little gift or a card and tell them
                                                                                                       Red Sea.Ethiopia comprises region with
 “Thank You!”                                                                                          ancient history, unique cultural heritage
                                                                                                       and remarkable biodiversity despite its
                                                                                                       landlocked status. Known as the “Land
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Is Assassinated                                                         of Origins,” Ethiopia is the second-most
                                                                                                       populated nation in Africa. It’s capital,
                                                                                                       Addis Ababa, is a significant hub of trade
                                   Just after 6 p.m. on April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. is       and political affairs, as many African
                                 fatally shot while standing on the balcony outside his second-        organizations are based in the city.
                                 story room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.
                                 The civil rights leader was in Memphis to support a sanitation                  Yoga Class
                                 workers’ strike and was on his way to dinner when a bullet struck     Starting this month at the Nazareth Cen-
                                 him in the jaw and severed his spinal cord. King was pronounced       ter fro the Arts, Tom Albani will instruct
                                 dead after his arrival at a Memphis hospital. He was 39 years old.    a yoga class for all levels of experience
                                   In the months before his assassination, Martin Luther King          on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
                                 became increasingly concerned with the problem of economic            mornings from 9:30 to 10:30. See more
                                 inequality in America. He organized a Poor People’s Campaign          at their website.
                                 to focus on the issue, including a march on Washington, and
 in March 1968 traveled to Memphis in support of poorly treated African-American sanitation                       Open Mic
 workers. On March 28, a workers’ protest march led by King ended in violence and the death of         The Nazareth Center for the Arts offers
 an African American teenager. King left the city but vowed to return in early April to lead another   open mic is the second Wednesday of
 demonstration.                                                                                        every month at 7 p.m. Come to sing or
                                                                                                       play, or just listen. It’s BYO-instrument
                                                                                                       and BYOB..
       .........................On This Day.......................                                         Blue Mt. Library
  1581 Francis Drake knighted by Queen Elizabeth I aboard Golden Hind at Deptford                                    Adult Fiction
  1655 Battle at Postage Farina, Tunis: English fleet beats Barbary pirates                            Mercy, David Baldacci
  1789 1st US Congress begins regular sessions during George Washington’s presidency at Federal        Winter House, Joanne DeMaio
 Hall, NYC (ending 1791)                                                                               The Sentence, Louise Erdrich
  1949 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) treaty signed in Washington, D.C.                     Better Off Dead, Lee Child
  1968 US civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated by James Earl Ray at the        The One You’re With, Lauren Denton
 Lorraine Hotel in Memphis, Tennessee                                                                  The Sisters Sweet, Elizabeth Weiss
  1973 World Trade Center, then the world’s tallest building, opens in New York (110 stories). Later   A Little Hope, Ethan Joella
 destroyed in 9/11 terrorist attacks.                                                                  The Wicked Widow, Beatriz Williams
  1975 Microsoft is founded as a partnership between Bill Gates and Paul Allen to develop and sell     The Stranger in the Lifeboat, Mitch Al-
 BASIC interpreters for the Altair 8800                                                                bom
                                                                                                       The Judge’s List, John Grisham

                  On This Day in Sports History
                                                                                                       Wish You Were Here, Jodi Picoult
                                                                                                       The Inheritance, JoAnn Ross
  1911 Hugh Chalmers, automaker, suggests idea of baseball MVP                                                        Large Print
  1913 75th Grand National: Percy Woodland wins aboard 100/9 chance Co-                                The Maid, Nita Prose
  vertcoat; owner Sir Charles Assheton-Smith’s 2nd straight GN victory and 3rd                         19 Yellow Moon Road, Fern Michaels
  overall                                                                                              A Stranger’s Game, Colleen Coble
  1921 Stanley Cup Final, Denman Arena, Vancouver, BC: Ottawa Senators
  (NHL) beat Vancouver Millionaires (PCHA), 2-1 for a 3-2 series victory                                          Adult Non-Fiction
  1930 England cricket batsman Andy Sandham ends Day 2 of 4th Test against                             ER Nurses, James Patterson
  West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica unbeaten on 309; 1st triple century in Test                         Midnight in Washington, Adam Schiff
  history; out for 325                                                                                 Marathon Woman, Katherine Switzer
  1930 Les Ames makes the 1st Test Cricket century by a wicketkeeper (149)                             Facing the Mountain, Daniel J. Brown
  1937 4th Augusta National Invitation Tournament (Masters) Golf: Byron Nel-                           The President and the Freedom Fighter,
  son wins first of his 5 major titles by 2 strokes ahead of Ralph Guldahl                             Brian Kilmeade
Slate Belt Town Topics - Bangor Senior Heads to State Science Competition
Topics E

                                                                  Belt To

                                                                                        nt Calenda
                                                                       S              r
                                                                            April 6
     To publish info about your event, e-                    Hike for Health                                 Breakfast With Easter
    mail Please send in             Wednesday, April 6 at 5:30pm to 7:00pm
    text form. Do not send photos of text.           Get moving after work with a brisk hike at                     Bunny
.                                                  Jacobsburg! These guided monthly hikes are 2 to         All You Can Eat Breakfast with the Easter
                                                   2.5 miles over uneven terrain. Dogs are welcome        Bunny, Sunday, April 10th, 7:30am to 11:30am,
                   April 4                         to hike on a leash. Meet at the Visitor Center         $10 pp
         Weona Park Pool                           flagpole at 400 Belfast Road. Registration is not       Follow the fire department on Facebook, @
                                                                                                          portlandhookandladder, and/or www.portland-
          Pals Meeting                             required. Join the email reminder list by contacting
                                                   us at 610-746-2801 or    for more information on
   The Weona Park Pool Pals will meet at 7:00 on                                                          events
                                                   Weekly Weeders
Monday, April 4th in the social room of the town
hall.. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss
                                                     Thursday, April 7 at 8:30am to 10:30am                                  April 13
fund raising activities for the pool project.
                                                     Thursday, April 14 at 8:30am to 10:30am
                                                     Interested in learning more about gardening with        Veteran’s Assistance in
                                                   native plants? Volunteer to work alongside our                  Wind Gap
                                                   education staff as they mulch, pull weeds, divide        On April 13, Rep. Ann Flood’s district office in
                                                   plants, and amend soil in the center’s native plant    Wind Gap will offer veterans assistance appoint-
                                                   garden. We provide instruction, tools, and weeding     ments for veterans in the 138th district. These
                                                   mats. Registration is required.                        services will continue on the 2nd Wednesday of
                                                                                                          every month.
                                                                            April 9                         Veterans or their dependents can schedule a
                                                          Easter Cookie Sale                              meeting with our service officer, Eric Medei,
                                                                                                          from the American Legion. These individuals
                                                    An Easter Cookie Sale sponsored by Acker-             can discuss issues and have questions answered
                                                   manville UMC has been arranged for Saturday,           about benefits and services for which they may
                                                   April 9, 2022 at 9 am – 11 am                          be eligible.
                                                    They will have a Drive-Thru Easter Cookie             Services available to veterans and their depen-
                                                   Sale this year. $12 / Large Box; $6 / Small Box.       dents include assistance with compensation,
                                                   Preorder by filling out this simple Google Form        pension, death benefits, education and health
                                           or                care. Veterans do not need to be a member of the
                                                   call the Church office at 610-588-7818 or email        American Legion to receive these free services.
                                                                     Space is limited and requesting an appointment
                                                    Please specify your name, phone number, size          is necessary.
                                                   and quantity and please let them know if you
                                                   have a peanut allergy. This will help keep the                            April 16
                                                   drive-thru line moving smoothly.                             Portland Egg Hunt
                ROBIN@SABATINOINS.                                                                        The egg hunt returns to the Portland Ball Field,
                                                                                                          Saturday April 16th, the time will be announced
                                                       Belfast Rummage and                                in March.
                                                             Bake Sale                                    Also in March, the committee will be seeking
                                                                                                          and collecting candy donations to stuff the 2,000
                                                    Rummage and Bake sale is planned for Saturday
                                                   April 9th 8-12. Something for everyone. United         eggs that are filled for the egg hunt each year.
                                                   Methodist Church Of Belfast,607 School Rd.
                                                   Belfast Pa.                                                      Click for Calendar 2
Slate Belt Town Topics - Bangor Senior Heads to State Science Competition
Calendar 2                        Games, Puzzles, & Play

 Apple Blossom Egg Hunt                                          Pansie Sale
 Free Easter Egg Hunt for children up to 12         There is nothing like the smell of pansies on a
years old Saturday, April 16 Hunt Begins 1 pm     beautiful Sunday morning! Please come out and
Prize Ceremony At 2:15Pm                          support our Easter pansy sale on Saturday, April 16,
 Easter Bunny will be arriving at 12:30pm         9 AM to 11 AM at the high school greenhouse. We
 Please register online www.alleghenycreekbc.     have flats, 4 inch pots with decorative foil, and 8
com Taproom will be open for Food & Beverage      inch white hanging baskets. With three more weeks
Hunt will be at the Pavilion at Apple Blossom     to grow they will get even bigger!
690 Allegheny Road Mt. Bethel PA
                                                  Primitive Shelter Building
                                                          for Scouts
     Pen Argyl Egg Hunt                             Saturday, April 16 at 9:30am to 11:30am
                                                    If you were lost in the wilderness and needed to
Easter Egg Hunt at Weona Park 11:00am
                                                  construct a shelter, would you know how? Join
                                                  us to learn about and practice building primitive
WTVFC Easter Egg Hunt                             shelters using natural materials. Be prepared for
                                                  a short hike that may involve muddy slopes and
An Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the Washing-
ton Township Volunteer Fire Co. will be held at   uphill climbs. Please dress for the weather, wear
the Washington Township Recreational Complex      sturdy shoes, and bring water and a snack. This
Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 10 am                 program is specifically for scouts. Each scout
Ages: 0 to 12 Where: Behind the Washington        must register individually and include the name
Township Municipal Building                       of an adult that will accompany them. Troop

                                                            Click for Calendar 3

        610 - 863 - 6100
Slate Belt Town Topics - Bangor Senior Heads to State Science Competition
Calendar 3                        Also, 100% of the proceeds will go to help local   Sunday, April 24, 2022 At 9 am the Mdph Open
                                                      families in need! Win-win situation!               Show will be held at 2557 Ackermanville Rd,
registrations will not be accepted.
                                                      Please call 610-599-7019 or contact them thru      Bangor, PA 18013-9363, United States
                                                      their website              BIG Surprises in store for members in 2022!! Dis-
    Welcome Spring! Hike                                Reflections on the Water                         counted classes for members, awesome day end
  Saturday, April 16 at 1:30pm to 3:30pm                                                                 Grand and Reserve prizes (Open to everyone),
                                                      Friends of Minsi Lake cordially invites the pub-
  Looking for a way to beat the winter doldrums?                                                         new walk jog divisions, year end Trainer High
                                                      lic to an exhibit of local photographer Lisa New-
Join us as we search for wildflowers, new plant                                                          Point plus the BIG award that one multi discipline
                                                      berry’s beautiful images of Minsi Lake at Bangor
growth, migrating birds and other signs of                                                               member will win!
                                                      Area High School Performing Arts Theater from
spring. Be prepared for a moderate hike that may                                                         Be sure to check out MDPH Open Show Series.
                                                      5:00-7:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 23. The theater
involve muddy slopes and uphill climbs. Please                                                           Offering Halter, Showmanship, Hunter Under
                                                      is located next to the baseball field at 123 Five
bring binoculars, a camera, water and a snack,                                                           Saddle, Equitation, Horsemanship, Western plea-
                                                      Points Richmond Road, Bangor, PA 18013.
and wear sturdy shoes. Registration is required.                                                         sure, Trail, Ranch, Jumping plus $100 Stakes
                                                      Sixteen photographs of Lisa’s choice will be
Registrants will be contacted with the meeting                                                           classes*
                                                      framed and mounted on display panels on the the-
location prior to the event. Please register all                                                         They have multiple water hydrants around the
                                                      ater balcony, while many more of her photos of
members of your party including adults and                                                               grounds, clean bathrooms, lunging pad, indoor
                                                      scenery at Minsi Lake will be shown on continu-
children as space for this program is limited to                                                         and outdoor warm up rings available. Trail is in
                                                      ous loop inside the theater.
20 attendees total.                                                                                      a separate arena that can be practiced all morn-
                                                      “I started spending many early mornings at Minsi
                                                      to find peace and connect with nature,” Newberry   ing till trail begins. Trail runs from Noon to 2pm
                                                      said. “In those times, I find such an appreciation with a separate judge. There is a new driveway
                   April 22                           for the beauty and wonder all around the lake. The and additional parking on both sides of the street
     Huge Rummage Sale                                camera became a tool that opened my eyes to the    to accommodate lots of trailers. Don’t forget our
                                                                                                         incredible food truck!!!
Huge Rummage Sale Richmond United Method-             things we tend to overlook in our busy day to day
                                                      lives.”                                            The sponsors have contributed big time! Our
ist Church 8538 Delaware Drive, Bangor, Friday,                                                          Grand and Reserve day and awards are arriving
April 22 9-2 Saturday, April 23 9-1. $5 bag day       Complimentary refreshments will be served on
                                                      the theater balcony, from with amazing views of    by the truckload plus all of the lead line prizes
Saturday. Light lunch and bake sale                                                                      for every rider in every class.
                                                      Blue Mountain and Delaware Water Gap. The
                                                      photo exhibit is free-of-charge. However, Friends                    April 30
Make a Friend Paint Night                             of Minsi Lake accept donations to support their ef-        Healthy Kids Day
  Make a Friend Paint Night at Shawnee Art Shed       forts to improve natural and recreational resources Healthy Kids Day®-Slate Belt Branch Slate Belt
Friday, April 22, 2022 at 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm           at Minsi Lake and the Minsi Lake Greenway.
  Tickets:                            The friends group will also be collecting contact
  Public · Anyone on or off Facebook                  information to share news and updates with ex-
  Are you new to the Pocono’s! Or may be not just     hibit attendees throughout the rest of the year.
been here for awhile and know no one! Y Looking       A drawing will be held for door prizes of Lisa’s
                                                      framed photographs.
                                                                                                                 WHAT’S GOING ON????
for a fun night out to make some new friends, this
event is for you! We are keeping it simple! Simple    For more information about Friends of Minsi                 Your News Published Free
painting, Simple time, Simple Fun! Sign up here       Lake, call 610-829-6404 or find them on Face-            Reach 2500 -3000 Daily Readers
for out first New Friend Paint Night! We can’t wait   book at                              Via Socia,l Media
to paint w/you!                                                         April 24                            
                   April 23
                                                            MDPH Open Show

                                                                 Slate Belt Town Topics
        Vendor Jamboree
Blue Flame Events & Slate Belt Rising present
Wild & Free Spring Vendor Jamboree April 23
from 10-4 on South Robinson Ave in Pen Argyl.
They’re lining the street with over 70 vendors &
crafters for this family fun event! (Well-behaved
                                                                    Read the Town Topics With Fresh News
leashed pets are welcome!)                                               Everyday at These Sites.......
They’re closing down the street. For vendor op-
portunities email:                                   Slate Belt Town Topics @ Facebook
$30 For a space                                                                Slate Belt Town Topics @ Instagram
                                                                               Slate Belt Town Topics @ LinkedIn
   Slater Family Network                                                        Slate Belt Town Topics @ Twitter
       Silent Auction                                                      
                                                                                      Larry Cory @Facebook
Attn. Local business owners. Slater Family Net-
work needs you.
They are looking for donations of baskets, gift
cards or services for their annual silent auction.
happening April 23rd! As a donor, your donation
will be displayed with your business information
while tickets are placed for 2 hours.
They will also recognize you on social media as
a donor.
Slate Belt Town Topics - Bangor Senior Heads to State Science Competition
Slate Belt Church Information

Trinity Lutheran Church                       Christ Presbyterian Church                           Christ Evangelical
 404 Broadway Bangor (610-588-2023)
                                                   of The Slate Belt                               Lutheran Church
                                                      332 Kennedy Drive, Bangor               703 South Delaware Drive Mt. Bethel, 18343
     Website: www.
       Sunday worship 10:30 a.m.
                                                       More info 610-588-4864.                      Email:
Holy Communion: First and Third Sundays
                                                     E-mail:                            610-588-7056
  Refreshments after. Masks optional.
                                              Sunday Worship, 10:30 a.m. in-person/Zoom/              Worship: Sundays 9:00 a.m.
                                               Facebook Live. For more info: 610-588-4864.      Holy Comunion: First and Third Sunday
     East Bangor UMC                                                                         Toddler Sunday School: Sept-May 10:15 -11:15
  136 W. Central Ave. (Rt.512) East Bangor            Flicksville UCC
               Sun March 20
-9:30 a.m. Worship Service (Live & on Zoom)
                                                   1337 Lower South Main St., Bangor               Richmond United
                                                    Pastor Ken Hess 610-588-4648
   (For Zoom, go to to sign in)                          Methodist Church
           -7:00 p.m. Lenten Study                 Worship at 10:45 a.m. following                   Rev. Peter Jamieson, Pastor
                                                     social distancing guidelines          
                                                                                                8538 Delaware Dr, Bangor, PA 18013
  Daily Weather Updates                                                                        610.588.7317 |                                                                        Sunday Worship - Weekly at 10:00 a.m.

                                                                                              Grace Lutheran Church
                                                                                                5907 Sullivan Trail, Nazareth Pa 18064
                                                                                                              9:00 a.m. –

                                                                                               Church Worship Times And
                                                                                               Schedules Are Public Service
                                                                                                Announcements Published
                                                                                                 Free of Charge by The
                                                                                                  Slate Belt Town Topics
                                                                                                       E-Mail Information to
Slate Belt Town Topics - Bangor Senior Heads to State Science Competition
VALOR Clinic                                  Hotline for Human Services
       Thursday Meetings                               Northampton County has a 24-hour Emergency
                                                       hotline for all Human Services-related emergen-          WHAT’S GOING ON????
“You knew that you had each other’s backs in bat-
tle. That can’t change now that you’re home. Find
                                                       cies. Anyone struggling with a mental health crisis,      Your News Published Free
your brothers. Fight for each other as hard and as
                                                       abuse, neglect, suicidal thoughts, evictions, sub-      Reach 2500 -3000 Daily Readers
                                                       stance abuse, food insecurity, etc. can call 610-252-          Via Social Media
desperately as you did when people were shooting
                                                       9060 for help and referrals.
at you.” - Unknown                                                                                         
Every Thursday night at 7:00pm is an open invite
to all veterans to join the Peer to Peer group in
                                                            Fishing Rods and
a safe environment at Paul’s House 1130 Scenic
Drive. Kunkletown, PA.
                                                            Tackle Available
You are welcome to join them for dinner at               Monday thru Friday, 8:00am to 3:30pm Jacobsburg
6:00pm.                                                Visitor Center, 400 Belfast Road, Nazareth
                                                       Borrow fishing poles and tackle to use in Ja-
    Slate Belt Y Child Care                            cobsburg’s creeks! To borrow equipment, you
 The Greater Valley YMCA has announced the ex- must provide a driver’s license or other form of
 pansion of its child care offerings at its Slate Belt state issued identification. Persons age 16 and old-
 location. The Y now offers care for toddlers and er must possess a current fishing license to fish.
 preschool children ages 2 through 5 in its newly- Adults can help children under 16 fish without a
 constructed child care wing.                          license. Bait is not provided. For more informa-
    Northampton County                                 tion call 610-746-2801 or email jacobsburgsp@
                                                       pa.govt way to select the day, time and location
   Aging Agency Call Line                              for your (using MyLVHN)
Lamont McClure and the Area Agency on Ag-
ing Division (AAA) are operating a call line on
Friday mornings for all Northampton County                        Read The                                     Daily Weather Updates
Seniors to make appointments for COVID-19
vaccinations.                                                   Town Topics                           
This service is intended for those who lack
computer or internet access. AAA staff mem-
bers will make 100 appointments per clinic                        Published
date. Vaccination clinics will be held at the Wind
Creek Event Center at 77 Wind Creek Blvd. Beth-
lehem, PA.
Residents of Bethlehem City and Northampton
County who are age sixty-five and older can call                On Facebook
610-865-7092 to schedule an appointment for a
vaccination. AAA employees will also assist with
registration at the Wind Creek clinics.
                                                               (5,000 friends)
Snowshoes and Hiking                                             Instagram
   Poles Available
When: Monday thru Friday, 8:15 AM-3:30 PM
Where: Jacobsburg Visitor Center, 400 Belfast
Road, Nazareth
Borrow snowshoe equipment to use on Ja-
cobsburg’s trails this winter! Snowshoes are avail-
able for folks of any age or shoe size, including
small children. Snowshoes will not be made avail-
able during times of insufficient snow cover, at
least six inches of snow is required. To borrow
equipment, you must provide a driver’s license
or other form of state issued identification. For
more information call 610-746-2801 or email ja- You can check our website
for current winter conditions and snow depth:

                                       The Slate Belt’s Only Daily Paper -
                                                      News Today .... NOT Next Week
Slate Belt Town Topics - Bangor Senior Heads to State Science Competition
Slate Belt Town Topics Sports

                       p o rt s E



                      2022 E

Baseball   Boys Tennis     Softball     Track & Field
Spring Sports Schedules
     Pen Argyl Baseball (0-1)                     Bangor Baseball (1-0)                    Pen Argyl Track & Field (0-0)
March 25		   H Lehighton         L 11-3   March 26		   vs.E’burg South		 W 11-2         March 29th		    @Saucon Valley        @4:00
March 30		   @ Catasauqua 		@4:15         March 30th			@Northern Lehigh		 @4:00         April 5th		     @Southern Lehigh      @3:30
March 31     H. Saucon Valley		@4:15      April 1st			vs. Southern Lehigh @4:15         April 7th		     @Northern Lehigh      @3:30
April 1		    H. Northern Lehigh		@4:00    April 2		    vs. Northwestern		 @3:00         April 12th		    @Salisbury            @3:30
April 4		    H. Palmerton		@4:00          April 4th			@Palisades		 @4:00                April 19th		    @Bangor               @4:00
April 6		    @NDGP		@4:00                 April 8th			@Saucon Valley		 @4:15            April 26th		    @Wilson               @3:30
April 8		    H. Wilson		@4:00             April 9th			vs.Pen Argyl		 @11:00             April 29th		    @E. Stroudsburg So    @2:00
April 9		    @ Bangor		@11:00             April 11th			@NDGP		 @4:00                    May 3rd		       @Palmerton            @3:30
April 11		   H. Palisades		@4:00          April 14th			@Nazareth		 @4:00
April 13		   @ Notre Dame ES		@4:00       April 18th			@Moravian Acad.		 @4:15              Bangor Track and Field (0-0)
April 18		   @ Southern Lehigh		@7:00     April 20th			vs. Salisbury		 @4:15            March 29th`		   @ Wilson              @3:30
April 20		   H.Moravian Academy		@4:00    April 22nd			@Palmerton		 @4:00               April 5th		     vs. Saucon Valley     @4:00
April 22		   @ Salisbury		@4:00           April 25th			vs. NDGP		 @4:15                 April 7th		     @ Palmerton           @3:30
April 25		   @ Palisades		@4:00           April 27th			@Wilson		 @4:00                  April 12th		    vs. NDGP              @4:00
April 27		   H. Notre Dame ES		@4:00      April 28th			vs. Catasauqua		 @4:15           April 19th		    vs. Pen Argyl, Pal.   @4:00
April 29		   @ Saucon Valley		@4:15       May 2nd		    vs. Palisades		 @4:15            April 26th		    @Northwestern         @3:30
April 30		   H. Lehighton		@11:00         May 5th		    vs. Saucon V. SRs		 @6:45        May 3rd         vs. Catty, N.L        @4:00
May 2		      H. Northwestern		@4:00       May 9th		    @Pen Argyl          @4:00
May 4		      H. NDGP (Srs)		@4:00         May 11th		   @ Northampton		 @4:00
May 6        @ Wilson		@7:00                      Bangor Softball (0-0)
May 9        H. Bangor		@4:00             March 29		     vs.Northwestern		     @4:15
                                          March 30th		   Northern Lehigh		     @4:00
      Pen Argyl Softball (1-0)            April 1st		    vs. Southern Lehigh   @4:15
March 25		   @ E Stroudsburg So.		W 3-2   April 2		      vs. Wilson		          @12:00
March 30		   @ Catasauqua		@4:15          April 4th		    @ Palisades		         @4:00
March 31		   H. Saucon Valley 		@4:15     April 8th		    @Saucon Valley		      @4:15
April 1		    H. Northern Lehigh		@4:00    April 9th		     v s. Pen Argyl		     @1:00
April 4		    H. Palmerton		@4:00          April 11th		   @ NDGP		              @4:00
April 6		    @NDGP		@4:00                 April 12th		   @ Central Catholic    @4:00
April 8		    H. Wilson		@4:00             April 14th		   vs. Nazareth		        @4:00
April 9		    @Bangor		@1:00               April 20th		   vs. Salisbury		       @4:15
April 11		   H. Palisades		@4:00          April 22nd		   @Palmerton		          @4:00
April 14		   H. Stroudsburg		@4:00        April 25th		   vs. NDGP		            @4:15
April 18		   @Southern Lehigh		@4:00      April 27th		   @Wilson		             @4:00
April 20		   @Pocono Mt. East		@4:00      April 28th		   vs. Catasauqua		      @4:15
April 22		   @Salisbury		@4:00            April 30th		   vs. Easton		          @11:00
April 25		   @Palisades		@4:00            May 2nd		      vs. Palisades		       @4:15
April 29		   @Saucon Valley		@4:15        May 5th		      vs. Saucon Valley		   @4:15
April 30		   H. Lehighton		@11:00         May 7th		      vs. Northampton		     @3:00
May 2		      H. Northwestern		@4:00       May 9th		      @Pen Argyl		          @4:00
May 4		      H. NDGP (Srs)		@4:00
May 6		      @Wilson           		@6:30          Bangor Boys Tennis (7-1)
May 9		      H. Bangor		@4:00             March 14th		   @Northampton		 W 5-2
                                          March 16th		   vs. Salisbury		 W 7-0
      Pen Argyl Tennis (0-3)              March 18th		   vs. Pottsville		 W 6-1
March 21		 @ Salisbury		L 5-0             March 19th		   @Easton		 W 6-1
March 24 		 H. Saucon Valley		L 5-0       March 21st		   vs. Palmerton		 W 7-1
March 26		 @ NDGP		L 5-0                  March 22nd		   vs. Notre Dame E.S. W 5-0
March 29		 H. Moravian Acad    @4:00      March 23rd		   vs. Pleasant Valley W 5-0
March 30			H. Jim Thorpe		@4:00           March 26th		   @Saucon Valley		 L 5-0
April 2nd			H. Notre Dame ES		@11:00      March 30		     Whitehall		 @4:00
April 4			@ Wilson		@4:00                 April 4th		    @Moravian Acad.		 @4:00
April 5			@ Palmerton		@4:00              April 5th		    vs. Saucon Valley		 @4:00
April 7			H. Palisades		@4:00             April 7th		    vs. Wilson		 @4:00
April 11			@ Southern Lehigh		@4:00       April 8th		    vs. NDGP		 @4:00
April 13			@ Lehighton		@4:00             April 11th		   @Palisades		 @4:00
April 16		 H. Whitehall (Srs)		@10:00     April 13th		   @Pottsville		 @4:00
April 18		 H. Bangor		@4:00               April 18th		   @Pen Argyl 		 @4:00
                                          April 19th		   @Notre Dame E.S. @4:00
Bangor and Pen Argyl Team Rosters
Pen Argyl Girls Track         Pen Argyl Boys Track             Bangor Girls Track               Bangor Boys Track
Natalie Aguilar         9     Christopher Ash    9        Kalea Albanese 2022              Riley Alvarado      2024
Selena Muyulema         9     Trowne Irwin-Hill 11        Brielle Black    2025            Jadon Antoine       2022
Emma Albanese         11      Jonathon Ash      12        Jensyn Buist     2024            Brian Burton        2022
Sarah Pezzino         12      Joshua Katz        9        Jessica Bunn     2025            Jack Coleman        2025
Julia Antonioli       10      Mason Beers       11        Samantha Cook 2025               Sean Coleman        2025
Finley Schneck          9     Evan Keat         10        Vera Cooper      2023            Jacob Cornell       2023
Julia Apostol         10                                  Abigail Damiecki 2023            Luke Dalton         2025
                              Gavin Casey        9
                                                          Ivelise Diaz     2023
McKenna Straub        12      Dylan Kleyling    12                                         Collin Dertinger    2022
                                                          Tabatha England 2022
Olivia Apostol          9     Logan Casey       12        Sydney Flyte     2025            Kaden Dowd          2023
Rylee Straub-Keiper 10        Taylor LaBarre    11        Delaney Fox      2024            Kaden Graziano      2024
Hayley Buskirk        11      Ryan DeBellis     11        Jenna Freeman    2023            Jacob Hartzell      2023
Sophia Turtzo         10      S. Lamoreaux      10        Sarah Hartzell   2024            Dylan Hurd          2022
Danielle DeBellis       9     Cade Deitz        12        Ana Jones        2024            Ari Johnson         2025
Gabriella Valente     12      Ty Miller         10        Addison Karasek 2024             Raeyon Katzarov     2022
Cheyenne Duffin       10      Cole Dorshimer    12        McCormick Karner 2022            Dylan Krugh         2024
Ava Vosper              9     John Parnes        9        Leyna Kratzer    2025            John Ligowski       2022
Brooke Engler           9     Matthew Dunwell 12          Lilly Ligowski   2022            Bailey Mack         2022
Ella Wagner           11      Griffin Porter    11        Emma Naysmith 2022               Brody Martin        2025
Lily Falletta         10      Amadio Eisenhauer 12        Danielle Nittoli 2022            Nicholas McCoy      2022
Ellianna Wallbillich 10       Alex Predmore     11        Cecilia O’Brien 2023             James Merklinger    2022
Rose Falletta         12      Gian Greggo       11        Julia Pinter     2024            Tyler Naysmith      2025
Katrina Webber        11                                  Raizel Pongracz 2022             August O’Rourke     2022
                              Graham Rose       12
                                                          Addison Priestaf 2025
Hannah Fitch            9     Daniel Hayes      12                                         Ivan O’Rourke       2025
                                                          Chloe Proko      2024
Kayla Weeast            9     Sawyer Smith      11        Sarah Reed       2022            Justin Pascoe       2022
Kaylie Hettel           9     Jace Hershey      11        Elicia Russo     2024            Aiden Pasquarelli   2025
Abigail Wilgus        12      Nathan Stocker    11        Rya Sandt (Mgr) 2022             Parker Reimel       2025
Elysa Kernosh         12      Reid Holden       12                                         Bryan Richardson    2022
Callia Wilgus           9     Josiah Valencia   10             Bangor Boys Tennis          Makhias Romain      2024
Karissa Kujawa        12                                   Gavin Andreeko 2022
Alyssa Williams       11                                   Dylan Beleno 2022                      Bangor Baseball
Alexandra Marshall 10           Pen Argyl Softball         Hayden Burns 2023               6    Thomas Aulisi         2023
Molly Wilson          10      2 Madacyn Rivera        9    Morad Cholakov 2022             1    Freddy Bacon          2022
Abigail Miller          9     4 Kendall Lobb         12    Jack Crane      2022
                                                                                           9    Thomas Buck           2023
Addison Zeiner          9     7 Callie Schneck       11    Max Culbertson 2023
                                                                                           6    Ashdon Buist          2024
                              9 Morgan Rissmiller    12    David Devine 2022
                                                                                           13   Gregory Campbell      2024
   Pen Argyl Baseball         10 Miyah Rivera        10    Cierra Diaz     2022
                                                                                           5    Kael Godshalk         2022
2 Thomas Colona         12    11 Jillian Bradley      9    Kaden Dowd      2023
                                                           Evan Finkbeiner 2022            19   Daniel Heald          2022
3 Riley Badua           10    12 Grace Weaver         9
                                                           Jonathan Frank 2024             25   Dylan Keith           2025
4 Jacob Guthrie         11    13 Kristen O’Brien     10
                                                           Reed Guerin     2023            31   Richard Klingle       2023
5 George Pultz          12    17 Kayla Holley        12
                                                           Connor Ljungquist 2022          11   Blake Kornafel        2024
6 Brady Lawless         12    18 Carina Cutone       12
                                                           Nicholas McCoy 2022             21   Dylan Miller          2023
7 Kristopher Kessler    11    23 Brooke Bowie        11
                                                           August O’Rourke 2022            8    Braiden Pysher        2023
9 Carter Moore          12    24 Isabella Groves     10
                                                           Jhonny Rojas    2022            27   Cody Quagliato        2024
10 Bradley Rissmiller   10    27 Katie Knecht        11
                                                                 Bangor Softball           24   Alec Rutt             2022
11 Jacob Dieter         11    28 Andrea Black        11
                                                          43   Lexi Bussenger       2022   2    Hunter Rydell         2023
12 Reid Holden          12    33 Madison Abbott      11
                                                          7    Mikaela Caprood      2023   4    Max Siu               2024
14 Logan Dehart         10    34 Hailey Frey         11
                                                          18   Sydnee Cook          2022   10   Riley Stapp           2024
16 Gavin Pritchard      12                                                                 22   Brayden Strohe        2022
19 Avery Edmonds        12                                28   Brooke Edwards       2022
                                                          10   Haley Emerling       2025   15   Matthew Swanton       2022
21 Michael Mack         12
24 Braydon Bowie        12                                16   Emma Etzkorn         2023
                                                          42   Jenna Fey            2022
                                                          23   Jayleigh Figurski    2023
 Pen Argyl Boys Tennis                                    24   Kyleena Gonzalez     2024
 John Vanic        12                                     33   Sara Greene          2024
 Matthew Oakley 11                                        11   Jade Hendricks       2024
 Mason Beers       11                                     9    Brook Hermanski      2025
 Frederick Blasi   12                                     15   Kristina Langdon     2023
 Jonathon Hausburg 10                                     44   Paulina Poels        2022
 Andrew Kondisko 10                                       4    Emma Schwartz        2023
 Ethan Frable      9                                      21   Jaelyn Silfies       2024
                                                          20   Marissa Siu          2025
                                                          1    Emma Szabo           2023
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