Skype Video Responsiveness to Bandwidth Variations

Page created by Judith Elliott
Skype Video Responsiveness to Bandwidth Variations
Skype Video Responsiveness to Bandwidth Variations

                      Luca De Cicco                                    Saverio Mascolo                       Vittorio Palmisano
                      Politecnico di Bari                               Politecnico di Bari                   Politecnico di Bari
                           Bari, Italy                                       Bari, Italy                           Bari, Italy

ABSTRACT                                                                             trac. Nowadays, the Internet is rapidly evolving to become
                                                                                     an ecient platform for multimedia content delivery. In fact,
The TCP/IP stack has been extremely successful for reliable
                                                                                     the part of Internet trac due to multimedia applications
delivery of best-eort, time insensitive elastic type data traf-
                                                                                     such as Voice over IP, Video over IP, YouTube, IPTV, peer-
c. Nowadays, the Internet is rapidly evolving to become an
                                                                                     to-peer video distribution softwares such as, to name few,
equally ecient platform for multimedia content delivery.
                                                                                     Coolstreaming and Joost is ever increasing. A key dierence
Key examples of this evolution are, to name few, YouTube,
                                                                                     between time-insensitive data trac and time-sensitive traf-
Skype Audio/Video, IPTV, P2P video distribution such as
                                                                                     c generated by applications such as VoIP or real-time video
Coolstreaming or Joost. While YouTube streams videos us-
                                                                                     is that, while a data sending rate can be modulated to match
ing the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), applications
                                                                                     the network available bandwidth, a real-time audio/video
that are time-sensitive such as Skype VoIP or Video Confer-
                                                                                     sending rate must follow the source rate.      For these rea-
encing employ the UDP because they can tolerate small loss
                                                                                     sons data trac is elastic and is carried on the TCP, which
percentages but not delays due to TCP recovery of losses via
                                                                                     implements congestion control, whereas real-time trac is
retransmissions. Since the UDP does not implement conges-
                                                                                     inelastic and is carried on UDP.
tion control, these applications must implement those func-
                                                                                         Although in principle time-sensitive audio/video applica-
tionalities at the application layer in order to avoid conges-
                                                                                     tions generate inelastic trac because, due to time-constraints,
tion and preserve network stability. In this paper we inves-
                                                                                     ows cannot reduce their bandwidth requirements in the
tigate Skype Video in order to discover to what extent this
                                                                                     presence of congestion as TCP does, in practice well-designed
application is able to throttle its sending rate to match the
                                                                                     time-sensitive applications must adapt to network available
unpredictable Internet bandwidth while preserving resource
                                                                                     bandwidth at least to some extent. The way this goal can
for co-existing best-eort TCP trac.
                                                                                     be achieved is by using a congestion control algorithm along
                                                                                     with a scalable video codecs that adapts video quality, frame
Categories and Subject Descriptors                                                   rate and picture size to match both the QoS requirements
C.2.5 [Local and Wide-Area Networks]: Internet; C.4                                  and network available bandwidth [18].
[Performance of Systems]: Measurements                                                   Dierently from TCP ows that continuously probe for
; H.4.3 [Information Systems Applications]: Commu-                                   network capacity via the Additive Increase Multiplicative
nications Applications                                                               Decrease (AIMD) paradigm, the throughput of the ows
                                                                                     originated by means of a scalable video codec is always
                                                                                     bounded by the maximum and minimum bitrate achievable
General Terms                                                                        by the specic codec.
Measurements, Performance, Experimentation                                               YouTube is an example of video distribution system that
                                                                                     employs the TCP to generate elastic trac. In particular,

Keywords                                                                             the video stream is buered at the receiver for a while before
                                                                                     the playing is started. In this way, short-term mismatch be-
Skype, Video over IP, Congestion Control
                                                                                     tween the source video rate and the network available band-
                                                                                     width are averaged out and masked by the playout buer.
1.     INTRODUCTION                                                                  On the other hand, Skype is one of the most prominent ex-

     The TCP/IP stack has been extremely successful for reli-                        ample of applications providing unicast Audio/Video calls

able delivery of best-eort, time insensitive elastic type data                      over UDP. Skype Audio/Video is a closed source applica-
                                                                                     tion.   Skype Audio employs several audio codecs such as
                                                                                     G729, SVOPC, iSAC, iLBC, whereas Skype Video employs
                                                                                     the VP7 codec provided by On2 .
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for                In literature there are several papers that propose to de-
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are            sign new transport protocols tailored to transport multi-
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies           media content.    A review of these protocols along with a
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to      proposed one can be found in [10]. Among these protocols,
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific
                                                                                     the only congestion control for multimedia ows that has
permission and/or a fee.
NOSSDAV ’08 Braunschweig, Germany                                                    1
Copyright 2008 ACM 978-1-60588-157-6/05/2008 ...$5.00.                                   On2 Truemotion VP7 codec,
been proposed for IETF standardization is the TCP Friendly
Rate Control (TFRC) [12] [14]. Implementation of TFRC                                 S     UDP                                         UDP     S
is complex since it requires ad-hoc tuning of many parame-                                 
ters. For example, to enable a VoIP application, it has been
                                                                                S         UDP
necessary to propose a variant [9]. For these considerations,
the state of art of today running real-time applications such                                   TCP                                 TCP
                                                                              IPerf                                                                 IPerf
as Skype Audio/Video employs the UDP. Since the UDP
                                                                                                      Host 1               Host 2
does not implement congestion control functionalities, it is
mandatory for a well-designed multimedia application to im-
plement an ecient congestion control algorithm, otherwise                            Figure 1: Experimental testbed
the Internet would experience a congestion collapse as the
one happened in the eighties before the introduction of TCP
                                                                   of the calls [5].
congestion control [17].
                                                                     Another relevant aspect addressed in the literature is the
     This work investigates how Skype Video behaves when
                                                                   detection of Skype ows, which is very important from the
sharing the Internet with other TCP and Skype Video ows.
                                                                   Internet Service Providers' point of view. Recently, it has
The goal is to determine the responsiveness of Skype Video
                                                                   been proposed a method to identify Skype trac which uses
to the unpredictable time-varying Internet bandwidth in
                                                                   two classiers:              one, which is based on applying the Chi-
terms of transient times needed to match the available band-
                                                                   Square test to the payload of passively snied trac, and
width and fairness with respect to coexisting TCP and Skype
                                                                   the other one that is based on packet size and inter packet
ows. At the best of authors' knowledge, this is the rst in-
                                                                   gap [4].
vestigation of Skype Video.      To the purpose, we have set
                                                                     This work enriches the state of the art by characterizing
up a local area network testbed in which it is possible to
                                                                   the behaviour of Skype Video ows when accessing network
emulate wide area networks delays and set dierent trac
                                                                   paths with time-varying characteristics.
conditions, bottleneck capacities and queue size.
     The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in Section 2
we summarize the related work; in Section 3 we summarize           3.    VIDEO CODEC EMPLOYED BY SKYPE
the knowledge made available to the public on the adaptive           In this Section we summarize all the information avail-
video codec used by Skype; in Section 4 we briey describe         able to the public concerning the video codec used by Skype
the experimental testbed and the tools we have developed in        Video that are reported in [15]. Since 2005 Skype employs
order to carry out the experiments; in Section 5 we present        the proprietary Video Codec TrueMotion VP7 provided by
and discuss the experimental results. Finally, Section 6 con-      On2 in order to manage one-to-one videoconferencing. The
cludes the paper.                                                  codec supports real-time video encoding and decoding using
                                                                   a datarate control which adjusts frame quality, video res-
2.      RELATED WORK                                               olution and number of frame per seconds to adapt to band-
                                                                   width variations. Moreover, the white paper [15] states that
     It is well-known that the best-eort Internet cannot pro-
                                                                   a model of the client buer level is employed in order to
vide guaranteed resources for real-time multimedia applica-
                                                                   control those variables, but no further details are provided.
tions. The rst attempt to address the problem is described
                                                                   Regarding the bitrates produced by VP7, On2 claims to pro-
in [3] where authors show the benet of implementing a
very basic congestion control scheme in conjunction with the
                                                                   vide video transport starting from bitrates as low as                                20 kbps;
                                                                   they do not provide any information on the maximum bi-
adaptive video codec H.261 in a video conferencing system.
In the past years, the idea of applying congestion control to
multimedia systems [8] has consolidated itself and it has led
to several design eorts [10],[12],[14],[16].                      4.    EXPERIMENTING WITH SKYPE VIDEO:
     One of the most prominent applications which implements             THE SKYPE MEASUREMENT LAB
real-time audio/video transmission over the Internet is Skype.
                                                                     In order to investigate how Skype Audio/Video connec-
An experimental investigation has revealed that Skype VoIP
                                                                   tions behave when network bandwidth changes over time, we
implement some sort of congestion control by varying the
                                                                   have developed a measurement tool that allows real network
sending rate to match the network available bandwidth to
                                                                   experiments be deployed over one or more hosts. Figure 1
some extent [7].
                                                                   shows the testbed set up which is made of two real hosts:
     Other relevant papers on Skype can be grouped in the
                                                                   on each host one or more Skype applications are started
following categories:    i) P2P network characterization; ii)                                                                                                 2
                                                                   with or without concurrent Iperf generated TCP trac                                           .
perceived quality of the Skype VoIP ows; iii) identication
                                                                   All packets generated by Skype and Iperf are routed to the
of Skype ows.                                                                                                                                               3
                                                                   user space ingress queues (using IPtables                                  QUEUE   target ),
     First papers on Skype mainly focused on the characteriza-
                                                                   which allows several trac measurements, such as incom-
tion of the P2P network built by Skype in order to enlight,
                                                                   ing/dropping rates and packets size, to be performed. More-
at least partially, interesting details on its architecture and
                                                                   over, the ingress queues have been used to set delays in order
on the NAT traversal techniques [2],[11].
                                                                   to emulate LAN or WAN scenarios and bottleneck band-
     Moreover, several studies have been carried out on the
                                                                   width variations over time.
quality provided by the Skype VoIP calls in dierent sce-
                                                                     The throughput is dened as                        ∆sent/∆T , the loss rate as
narios by using metrics such as mean opinion score (MOS)
                                                                   ∆loss/∆T           and the goodput as               (∆sent − ∆loss)/∆T , where
and Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) [1],
[6], [13] or by dening metrics based on packet level mea- 
surements such as round trip time, input rate and duration          NetFilter:
∆sent     is the number of bits sent in the period       ∆T , ∆loss
is the number of bits lost in the same period.               We have
considered     ∆T = 0.4 s      in our measurements.
     It is of fundamental importance to perform experiments
                                                                                                                       Video Hijacking
                                                                                                                                                  rs (t)                      rr (t)
in a controlled environment in order to allow tests be re-                                                                  f (t)

                                                                                                                                     g(f, q, s)
producible. We provide reproducibility by employing a con-
                                                                                                               encoder q(t)                                  network                        decoder
trolled LAN as a testbed and using the same video as input.                                                                 s(t)
Using the input obtained by a webcam would always gen-
erate dierent bitrates, thus not allowing experiments to be
     Towards this end we have developed a software called
                                                                            Figure 2: Model of the Skype Video rate adaptation
Skype Measurement Lab (SML), which allows a desired video
source to be injected as input to Skype.               In particular,
                        the                         gst-fakevideo4 ,
we have modied                GStreamer plug-in                                                                                                                         S1            S2          S3         S4

which generates a fake         /dev/video     device that simulates a                             800

                                                                            Throughput (kbps)
video source (like a webcam) using a technique similar to                                         600
the one employed by Skype Audio Dsp Hijacker . Another
important feature of the SML is the automatic logging of all
the informations contained in the Skype technical call infor-                                     200

mation tooltip, which is displayed when the Technical Call                                           0
                                                                                                           0      50        100      150          200        250       300      350          400        450        500
Infos option is enabled in the preferences. To the purpose                                                                                                time (s)
we have modied the QT 4.3 user interface library                 that is                             20

used by this client (freely available as source code) in or-

der to periodically log all information contained in the call
tool-tip, which includes among others:            RTT, jitter, video                                  0
                                                                                                           0      50        100      150          200        250       300      350          400        450        500
resolution, video frame rate, estimated sent and received                                                                                                  time (s)

loss percentages.
     The experiments have been run using the Linux Skype                    Figure 3: Skype Video response to a step change of
client version and the standard Foreman YUV test
                                                                            available bandwidth at t = 50 s
sequence .      The audio input has been muted in order to
analyze only the network trac generated by video ows.
From now on, the        RT T   of the connection is set at   50 ms and      5.1                                Skype Video response to a step variation
the queue size at the two hosts is set equal to the bandwidth                                                  of available bandwidth
delay product unless otherwise specied.
                                                                                                 We start by investigating the behaviour of one Skype
                                                                            ow accessing a bottleneck link whose bandwidth capac-
5.      EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS                                                ity changes following a step function with minimum value

     The main goal of this investigation is to show how Skype               Am = 160 kbps                                     and maximum value                              AM = 2000 kbps.                       No

Video ows throttle their sending rates when step-like changes              concurrent trac is injected.                                                     Figure 3 shows throughput,

of available bandwidth occur and how Skype ows behave                      frame rate and jitter dynamics obtained by repeating four

when concurrent TCP ows share the bottleneck. It is worth                  experiment runs.                                        The video ow starts sending at a very

noticing that we consider step-like bandwidths because this                 low rate and achieves a steady state sending rate of roughly

is a simple and ecient practice in control theory when test-               80 kbps,                              well below the available bandwidth of                                         160 kbps.
ing the dynamic behaviour of a system. Indeed, the step re-                 When the available bandwidth increases at                                                                       t = 50 s , the
sponse of a system reveals interesting features of the system               sending rate reaches an average bitrate, which is slightly be-

dynamics such as transient time and degree of stability.                    low  450 kbps,                                  after a quite long transient time of roughly

     In particular we are interested in revealing the transient             100 s.
dynamics of the Skype ows in response to bandwidth in-                                          Now, let us focus our attention on the three variables                                                       f (t),
crease/decrease or to joining/leaving of TCP ows.                  It is   q(t)                           and    s(t)     that are throttled by the video codec [15] to

reasonable to assume that the Skype video encoder [15]                      match the network available bandwidth. First of all, in the

throttles the sending rate        rs (t)   by changing frame quality        four experiments the resolution                                                     s(t)    of the videos produced

q(t),   video resolution   s(t)   and number of frame per seconds           by Skype was set at                                            320 × 240            pixels and kept unchanged

(frame rate)    f (t)   based on feedback reports sent by the re-           throughout all the experiments. For what concerns the time

ceiver as it is depicted in Figure 2. Also, it is reasonable to             behaviour of the frame rate, the initial value of  f (t) is always
conjecture that the feedback variables used to throttle             q(t),   found to be   15.2 fps, then f (t) decreases to around 10 fps in
s(t) and f (t) are available bandwidth, loss rate l(t) and jitter           less than 10 s. After the step increment of the available

j(t). Throughout the discussion of the experimental results                 bandwidth, f (t) starts to increase at around t = 85 s and

we will illustrate the eect of variable network conditions on              then it oscillates around the value of 15 fps. Moreover, the

the three control variables throttled by Skype.                             sending rate rs (t) starts to increase at t = 50 s whereas the
                                                                            value of f (t) remains roughly constant in the time inter-
4                                                                           val [50, 85] s. This can be explained by looking at Figure
5                                                                           4 that shows packet sizes and cumulative losses of the four
  Skype DSP hijacker:
  QT 4.3:                                  experiment runs: the packet size increases in the time in-
7                        terval                             [50, 85] s whereas f (t) is left almost unchanged,                                         which
S1                      x 10
                                                                              5                                         S2                 x 10

                                                                                                                                                               Throughput (kbps)
                      1500                                            3                         1600                                        8                                                         Tput
                                                                                                1400                                        7                                                         Avail. BW
                                                                                                1200                                        6
Packet size (bytes)

                                                                          Packet size (bytes)
                      1000                                            2

                                                                             Loss (bytes)

                                                                                                                                                Loss (bytes)
                                                                                                1000                                        5

                                                                                                800                                         4

                                                                                                600                                         3                                                0
                      500                                             1
                                                                                                400                                         2
                                                                                                                                                                                              0     100      200      300     400      500      600     700         800     900    1000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     time (s)
                                                                                                200                                         1

                                                                                                                                                                         Loss rate (kbps)
                        0                                             0                           0                                         0
                             0    100    200      300        400    500                                0     100    200      300   400    500
                                           time (s)                                                                   time (s)                                                              200

                                             S3                               4                                         S4                            4
                                                                     x 10                                                                  x 10                                             100
                      2000                                            2                         2000                                        2

                                                                                                                                                                                              0     100      200      300     400      500      600     700         800     900    1000
Packet size (bytes)

                                                                          Packet size (bytes)
                                                                                                                                                                                            30                                       time (s)
                                                                             Loss (bytes)

                                                                                                                                                Loss (bytes)
                      1000                                            1                         1000                                        1                                               20


                                                                                                                                                                                              0    tA100     200      300     400 tB 500        600     700         800     900    1000
                        0                                             0                           0                                         0
                             0    100    200      300        400    500                                0     100    200      300   400    500                                                                                      time (s)
                                           time (s)                                                                   time (s)

                                                                                                                                                               Figure 5: Skype Video ow in response to a time-
Figure 4: Packet size (black points) and cumulative                                                                                                            varying available bandwidth
losses (grey lines) of 4 Skype ows in response to a
step change of available bandwidth at t = 50s
                                                                                                                                                                                      150                                                                                 Avail.BW

means that the increment of the sending rate is due to an                                                                                                                             100

improved quality                                  q(t).                                                                                                                                     50
                      Moreover, Figure 4 reveals an interesting correlation be-                                                                                                              0
                                                                                                                                                                                              0       50        100         150        200       250          300          350         400
tween packet size and packet losses: every time a large loss
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     time (s)
event occurs (marked by a large step in the cumulative line
                                                                                                                                                               Loss rate (kbps)

shown in the Figure 4) the packet size doubles, thus mean-
ing that Skype employs a FEC scheme to counteract packet                                                                                                                              100
losses. On the other hand, Skype does not trigger a packet
size increment when the entity of the loss is considered neg-                                                                                                                                 0       50        100         150        200       250          300          350         400
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     time (s)
ligible as it can be inferred by looking at the S3 plot at time
t = 177 s,                              which shows that a small step increase in the
cumulative loss curve does not doubles the packet size.

                      To summarize, the main result of this rst investigation
is that a Skype Video ow produces a sending rate that                                                                                                                                       0
                                                                                                                                                                                              0       50        100         150        200       250          300          350         400
achieves the maximum value of around                                                                               450 kbps        and em-                                                                                           time (s)
ploys FEC mechanism to counteract large packet losses.

                                                                                                                                                               Figure 6: Skype Video response to an available
5.2                              Skype response to a staircase variation of                                                                                    bandwidth starting at 160 kbps and decreasing to
                                 available bandwidth                                                                                                           20 kbps
                      In this scenario we aim at investigating how a Skype
Video ow adapts to small step-like increment/decrement
decreases of available bandwidth. To the purpose we start                                                                                                      its value again to                                  15.2 fps.      The sudden increase in the frame
by allowing the available bandwidth to vary in the range                                                                                                       rate occurs in correspondence to a change in the video res-
[160, 1000] kbps.                                 By using the knowledge on transient times                                                                    olution                            s(t)     from    320 × 240         to   160 × 120.          The frame rate
that we have gathered in the previous scenario, we set band-                                                                                                   is kept unchanged to this value until time                                                 t = tB           when the
width variations to occur every                                                                   100       s in order to let send-                            resolution switches back to                                          320 × 240         and the frame rate is
ing rates to extinguish their transients.                                                                            In particular, in                         set again to                                15.2 fps.
the rst half of the experiment, the available bandwidth in-                                                                                                                       We have run a similar experiment in which the available
creases every                              100 s        of   168 kbps,                          whereas, in the second half,                                   bandwidth varies from                                        160   kbps down to          20kbps            in order to
it decreases of the same amount every                                                                          100    s.                                       investigate how Skype ows are able to match a thin link
                      Figure 5 shows that Skype Video ow is somewhat slow in                                                                                  capacity.                             Figure 6 shows that the sending rates are able
reaching the steady state since the maximum sending rate                                                                                                       to follow bandwidth reductions until the capacity drops to
is achieved only at time                                           t = 700 s                               when the second half of                             40 kbps. In this condition a minimum frame rate around
the experiment is already started.                                                                          Moreover, in the rst                              5 fps is measured. When the available bandwidth shrinks
half of the experiment, losses are negligible and the average                                                                                                  at 20 kbps, which is the minimum declared bitrate of the
throughput is around                                          300    kbps, a value that is well below                                                          Skype video codec [15], the video call is dropped at t =
the available bandwidth that goes up to                                                                            1000 kbps.                                  375 s probably because Skype detects a very large packet
                      Regarding the frame rate, after an initial value of                                                                f (t)=                loss percentage.
15.2 fps,                         it decreases until                t = tA                        when it suddenly increases                                                       The overall conclusion of this test is that Skype Video
Throughput (kbps)
                                                     S1           S2       Avail.BW       Avg. link Tput
                                                                                                                 stant. In particular, the channel link utilization is           68% for
                    400                                                                                          t ∈ [0, 200] s, 83% for t ∈]200, 400] s, 46%        for   t ∈]400, 600] s
                    200                                                                                          and 61% for t ∈]600, 800] s.
                                                                                                                   It is important to note that when the available bandwidth
                      0      100        200         300          400      500      600         700         800   increases again up to    384 kbps   at   t = 400 s,       the two Skype
                                                               time (s)
                                                                                                                 ows do not increase their sending rate thus not taking the
Loss rate (kbps)

                    200                                                                                          opportunity to send video at the best possible quality. For
                                                                                                                 what concerns fairness issues, the two ows share the bottle-
                    100                                                                                          neck in a fair way (the Jain fairness index is       0.97). Regarding
                                                                                                                 the video resolution, the rst Skype ow             S1 decreases s(t)
                      0      100        200         300          400      500      600         700         800   from   320 × 240   to 160 × 120   at   t = tA ,   which is before the
                                                               time (s)
                                                                                                                 bandwidth drop, whereas      S2   decreases       s(t)   after the band-
                                   tA     tB                                                                     width drop at    t = tB .
                    20                                                                                             Again, the overall conclusion of this test is that Skype

                                                                                                                 Video is not ecient in getting full bandwidth utilization
                                                                                                                 thus losing the possibility of delivering a video with a higher
                     0                                                                                           quality.
                      0      100        200         300          400      500      600         700         800
                                                               time (s)

                                                                                                                 5.4     One Skype Video flow with concurrent TCP
Figure 7: Response of two concurrent Skype Video                                                                         flows
ows to a square wave available bandwidth                                                                          In the previous subsection we have investigated the be-
                                                                                                                 haviour of Skype Video ows in the presence of time-varying
                                                                                                                 available bandwidth.        In this subsection we focus on the
response to bandwidth increment is somewhat slow, which
                                                                                                                 Skype Video behaviour when the network is shared with
means that Skype is not eective to take all the available
                                                                                                                 TCP trac. We consider a link with a constant capacity of
bandwidth thus losing the possibility of delivering videos
                                                                                                                 384 kbps.    A Skype Video call starts at     t=0         , the rst TCP
at the highest possible quality.                                       In this test the available
                                                                                                                 ow starts at   t = 200 s   and a second one starts at           t = 400 s.
bandwidth reaches the value of                                      500 kbps      in   200 s   and then
                                                                                                                 Figure 8 shows throughput and cumulative losses of Skype
outpace this value but the Skype video sending rate main-
                                                                                                                 and TCP ows along with packet size and frame rate of the
tains an average sending rate of only                                     300 kbps.      On the other
                                                                                                                 Skype ow.
hand, the test has shown that Skype Video is able to shrink
                                                                                                                   When TCP1 enters the bottleneck, the Skype Video ow
the sending rate to match a thin available bandwidth as low
                                                                                                                 releases bandwidth by decreasing its sending rate. The two
as                  40 kbps.                                                                                     ows share the bandwidth fairly until             t = 250 s      when the
                                                                                                                 Skype ow starts decreasing its sending rate leaving band-
5.3                       Two Skype Video flows over a square wave                                               width to TCP1. However, Figure 8 shows that the steady
                          available bandwidth                                                                    state is not reached when TCP2 ow starts. After the TCP2
                    In the previous test we have shown how a single Skype                                        ow joins the bottleneck link, we can observe that in the
Video ow reacts to variable network conditions such as a                                                        time interval   [400, 1000] s the bandwidth is shared in a some-
sudden drop/increase of the available bandwidth.                                                     In this     what fair way among the ows, except during the interval
test we aim at investigating the eect of multiple video ows                                                    [550, 700]   s in which the Skype ow increases its bandwidth
on the stability of the network. To the purpose, we set up                                                       obtaining a signicantly larger bandwidth share.
a scenario in which one Skype Video ow                                            S1 is started at                In order to understand the reason that triggers the in-
t = 0                     and a second ow                S2    is started at      t = 50 s . The                creasing of the sending rate of the Skype ow, let us look at
available bandwidth varies as a square                                          wave of period T =               the packet size evolution shown in Figure 8. We can observe
400 s with a maximum value AM = 384 kbps and a minimum                                                           three dierent packet sizes produced by the Skype ow: the
value Am = 160 kbps . We have selected AM = 384 kbps                                                             packets having size smaller than          70 byte,       that we conjec-
since this is the downlink capacity of an UMTS link and is                                                       ture are control packets sent to the other peer to provide
smaller than the maximum average sending rate of Skype                                                           feedback; the packets with size between            350    and   530   bytes,
Video, which we have measured to be around                                               450 kbps.         In    which correspond to video packets with no redundancy; -
this way we are sure that the two Skype Video ows can                                                           nally, packets with size between       700   and    1000    bytes, which
create congestion on the bottleneck.                                            Again, we have set               are due to video packets with redundant information.
Am = 160 kbps,                          since when using a lower value calls were                                  The Figure 8 shows that the Skype Video packet size
dropped.                     Figure 7 shows that, at the beginning, the rst                                     increases in the time intervals        [120, 180]s, [375, 494]        s and
ow increases its sending rate as we have already shown in                                                       [590, 681]   s which indicates that Skype has increased the
previous experiments. Moreover, the rate is kept increasing                                                      FEC. This is conrmed by the frame rate evolution that
also when the second Skype ow joins the bottleneck at                                                           does not follow the sending rate increase in those intervals.
t = 50 s.                   However, for            t > 90 s           the rst ow      S1    starts to         It is worth noticing that the step change in the frame rate
leave bandwidth to                             S2    that in turn increases its sending                          evolution that occurs at     t = 436 s corresponds to a decrease
rate until the rst bandwidth drop occurs at                                             t = 200 s.         It   in the video resolution from      320 × 240 to 160 × 120. The
can be seen that                    S2        generates a very high and persistent loss                          cumulative losses graph shown in Figure 8 clearly suggests
rate which lasts around                             30 s   with an average of             80 kbps.               that the increments in the FEC are triggered by the in-
                    Figure 7 also shows the average throughput of the link                                       creasing of lost bytes (see also Section 5.1).             In particular
during each time interval where the bandwidth is kept con-                                                       the Skype ow loses     258000   bytes in the interval          [590, 681]   s
Throughput (kbps)                   S1           TCP1     TCP2         Avail.BW                                 means that a video call is not performed at the best qual-
                                                                                                                           ity that a network would permit.     Regarding coexistence
                                                                                                                           with TCP ows, Skype Video seems more aggressive than
                                                                                                                           the TCP because of the FEC action that unresponsively in-

                                      0                                                                                    creases the bandwidth even when losses are experienced.
                                       0    5
                                              100     200     300    400      500      600    700    800    900     1000
                                        x 10                                time (s)
                      Loss (bytes)

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we have found that in many scenarios a Skype video call
refrains from fully utilizing all available bandwidth, which
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