Page created by Diana Leon
Willowbrook High School

 Skyline                                                        Volume 62 Lorem ipsum
                                                                Issue 2 499
                                                                October 30, 2020

                                                                      photos by Tristan Alibudbud
In this issue: WB music (p.2), HOLA (p. 3), Election (p.4), Arts/Tech (p.5), Sports (p.6)
         2Skyline October
                                 2020 Features

They’re still singing and playing in WB music
                                        more into detail about some of the      Band are operating, choir mem-            ter what happens with COVID,
          L     M                       difficulties that come with working       bers are also adapting to the struc-      students will definitely have to be
          S      W                      in the group.                           ture of working together virtually.       on the lookout for some new mu-
      The start of this school year            “One of the main aspects of            “It’s a lot different than in-per-   sic from the vocal jazz group come
has been challenging, and War-          Orchestra is playing together and       son choir, but it’s not all bad,”         December.
riors have been forced to adapt to      being in sync,” said Kumar. This        said Concert Choir member Anna                    In addition to all of the stu-
a lot of changes. We’ve fallen into     year, the music department is using     Tymoszenko. “It’s mostly just re-         dents working hard to continue
the routine of logging onto Zoom        a new program, called Soundtrap         cording our individual parts and          their musical endeavors within
every day, checking our email           [please see cover photo], to record     putting them all together. I miss         their Willowbrook virtual classes,
and settling down to take notes in      their various music pieces. “For        singing in a group, but at least I’m      there are also the students who will
front of our screens for a couple of    a lot of people, this works out         still singing.”                           be leaving to further their educa-
hours a day.                            great,” said Kumar, “However, I               Things certainly have changed       tion come May. Like many other
        And while this has become       haven’t been able to record prop-       for all of our music groups, but          seniors, Tymoszenko is planning
second nature to most of us, there      erly due to a bunch of audio issues     everyone is happy to still be doing       on majoring in Music Education
is a group of students that have        I didn’t see before.”                   what they love.                           once she gets to college at the Uni-
been doing virtual learning a little            While these audio issues                One of the biggest changes        versity of Illinois, and not having
differently.                             have been anticipated, and even         in the music department this year         time in the classroom with her
       The Willowbrook music de-        expected as we’ve begun to see          has been the absence of the Center        music classes has introduced some
partment has been reduced from          them in all of our classes, it can be   Stage show choir. No longer able          challenges to how she is building
the once lively wing at the end         a lot harder for music students to      to rehearse their yearly Cabaret          her resume and continuing to ap-
of our school halls to their own        overcome this obstacle combined         performances in person, the choir         ply to college.
little boxes on a Zoom call. You        with other struggles.                   has been replaced with a Vocal                  “It’s just been tough, not only
can imagine it would be difficult                 “Even without audio issues,     Jazz group that focuses on the ba-        to cope with having my last year
to maintain a functioning group         there are a lot of problems. No         sics.                                     in orchestra and choir taken away
of musicians over a platform that       matter what we do, no one will                “We are singing a mix of pop        from me, but also having to pre-
often experiences technical diffi-        play the same,” Kumar explained.        and blues-type jazz music,” says          pare my auditions completely
culties, so how do they do it?                  While the Orchestra is figur-   Michael Poirer, one of ten students       alone, without my teacher’s help,”
       It turns out the structure of    ing out some of its technical chal-     involved in the new group. “We            said Tymoszenko.
music classes isn’t all that different   lenges, senior and band member          will learn how to improvise, scat,               She expressed her disdain in
to being in person, as explained by     Tristan Alibudbud maintains that        and work to blend in a group.”            having to record auditions as op-
Daniel Sanchez, a Willowbrook           one of the hardest things for their             The most interesting part of      posed to performing them live.
senior and member of the orches-        group is keeping high spirits.          this new group is how they are                  “Instead of an audition taking
tra.                                          “It has definitely been a tough   adapting to the restrictions of not       10 minutes, it now takes hours
       “We split the class into two     transition. The main appeal of          being able to perform and get their       because if the recording isn›t
halves, half of the time we practice    joining band or orchestra is being      music out to the public.                  exactly perfect I have to redo it,
music with the student teacher,         able to share your passion with               “We will record songs, mix          and every other applicant will do
and the other half we spend with        others,” said Alibudbud.                them, and release them as first           the same,” said Tymoszenko.
Mr. Bobek trying to record a piece      “Unfortunately that charm doesn’t       works,” Poirer explained, citing                 No matter how our Willow-
we’re learning to get it together,”     translate well online.” Although        that the premiere of the group will       brook musicians are tackling the
said Sanchez.                           there have been plenty of challeng-     be in December.                           virtual year, one thing is for sure:
        Although the class is main-     es, Alibudbud wanted to make sure                In addition to releasing the     they’re still in high spirits, and
taining some normalcy, there cer-       one thing was clear.                    song recordings, he also mentioned        hopeful that change is coming
tainly are still some challenges              “The staff has definitely been     the shared hope that with Spring          sooner rather than later.
with a group of musicians per-          putting in the effort, and it shows.     will come more lenient COVID                    “Classes won’t be like this
forming through screens. Orches-        They’ve been making the best out        restrictions, stating that the group      forever, so we should take the op-
tra student and sophomore Neeraja       of it.”                                 hopes that by then some form of a         portunities we can gain from this,”
Kumar [also a Skyline reporter] got           Similar to how Orchestra and      concert will be possible. No mat-         said Kumar.

                                           Skyline Staff
       Executive Board:                                        Staff:                             Letter Policy:
                                           Enana Abdulhussain, Tristan Alibudbud,          Skyline accepts letters to the
  Sports Editor: Erika Rich                Maritza Elena, Logan Faulk, Natalia             editor on a wide variety of           Skyline reserves
  Features Editor: Mahira Shujathullah     Garcia-Avila, Tessa Goodman, Alexander          topics. Letters must not be           the right to edit
  News Editor: Orlina Abdulhussain         Hirsch, Kelsie Hurula, Neeraja Kumar,           libelous or defamatory, and
                                           Farwah Mirza, Lily Morgan, Thalia
                                                                                                                                 all copy and is
                                                                                           must be signed. They may
                                           Sanchez, Nicea Scheeler, Shari Schroeder,       be emailed to                         under no obligation
  Advisor: Dan Fliegel                     Bradley Zoromski                                      to print any letter
                                         Photographer: Kelsie Hurula                                                             at any time.
Features                                                                                                                              3

HOLA, how are you doing today?         started a nonprofit organization to       joy the presence of others.”           first major event. In order to hon-
      M        S
          F          E                 help students with the college pro-               She also mentions some         or Hispanic Heritage Month, the
                                       cess and even had the opportunity         of the fun activities and              leaders of Hola decided to host
    Willowbrook’s very own His-        to work with Senator Dick Durban.         traditions HOLA has to offer.           a special event to “try to show
panic Leadership club, which                This year, there are five new            “We try to do monthly immer-       both the diversity of the Hispanic
was renamed to HOLA two years          HOLA leaders Molina looks                 sions into culture, we have pot-       people and the things that we can
ago, serves as a way to provide        forward to working with to                lucks for big celebrations, we play    achieve,” as Hernandez puts it.
Hispanics and other members dif-       make this year a great success.           a lot of loteria (a game of chance           The meeting kicked off with
ferent leadership and volunteer             HOLA’s secretary this year,          similar to bingo), and we have         an informational presentation on
opportunities, while also helping      Alondra Hernandez, spoke about            lots of fun trips and activities.”     the history of Hispanic Heritage
people learn more about Hispanic       her experiences with the club. She            Unfortunately, due to the pan-     Month and how the tradition came
culture. There are even scholar-       has been a member since she was a         demic, some of HOLA’s trips and        to be. HOLA’s leadership present-
ship opportunities presented for       freshman, and she is now a senior.        activities have been put on hold.      ed on influential Hispanics who
students. Meetings occur every             “I like that we have organiza-        Every year, HOLA typically has         made contributions to society as
other week and last for around an      tions that worry about Hispanics,”        field trips to the Halloween Fest      well, as a way to encourage any
hour, and are led by four spon-        she says. “There is a place for us.”      at Six Flags, the National Muse-       future leaders. Afterwards, mem-
sors and five student leaders.             But, fear not, this club isn’t just   um of Mexican Art, and the annual      bers played loteria in order to
      Miguel Molina, the club’s        for Hispanics. This is an inclusive       United States Hispanic Leadership      win gift cards as special prizes.
main sponsor and WB spanish            club for anyone who is interested         Institute (USHLI) Conference.               A special guest also joined in
teacher, founded this club eigh-       in joining, Hispanic or not, and the             Likewise, all of the usu-       on this event: Danielle Brink,
teen years ago upon the ideals of      HOLA leadership stand by that.            al volunteering opportunities          the Community Relations Di-
Caesar Chavez. He had been the              HOLA provides a great com-           have been cancelled as well.           rector for DuPage High School
president of a club similar to this    munity for students to get together            However, that hasn’t stopped      District 88 attended the presen-
back in college and wanted to          and have a great time, according to       the fun. The five HOLA leaders         tation to learn about the histo-
bring that same experience to stu-     Samantha Solis, the president of          plan to look for new opportu-          ry of Hispanic Heritage Month.
dents when he became a teacher.        HOLA and a current WB senior.             nities and ideas to make this a            Solis hopes to have many more
    The club’s main purpose is to           “There is a balance between          great year for all its members.        successful events like this one in
“guide the strong leaders to become    fun and seriousness,” said Solis.         The first big event of the 2020-       the future; the Day of the Dead is
better everyday,” as Molina puts it    “We make sure to plan activi-             2021 school year was one idea.         fast approaching, and the plans for
  In the past, the club has produced   ties and events that are educa-               October 15th was a special day     it have already commenced.
successful leaders that have gone      tional, but we also have times            for HOLA. Not only was it the
on to do great things: one student     where we chillax and just en-             first meeting, but it was also the

Fall into apple picking, the safe way
          N     S                                                                                                       There are areas where people do not
           S     W                                                                                                      occupy every square foot of land.
                                                                                                                             “Being in the actual orchard
      For the past seven months,                                                                                        was nice, as it was a lot larger,
the country has seen a lot of                                                                                           which made it easier to distance,”
differences in daily life due to the                                                                                     said Schiro. “We could get
coronavirus outbreak. The number                                                                                        away with seeing people less,
of cases has seen its extreme                                                                                           as they were all pretty much
peaks and its lows, but overall the                                                                                     spread out rather than clustered
nation has not gone back to normal                                                                                      in one area, like the hayride.”
overnight. Guidelines are in place,                                               photo courtesy of             There will obviously be
which helps in the proceeding          particularly easy. As every year,         during a global pandemic is going      modifications      to    everyday
of the usual seasonal activities:      the lines to get in, make purchases,      on the hayrides. Schiro, who went      activities, like grocery shopping
haunted houses, apple orchards,        and exit are always very long and         to Apple Holler orchard on Sep-        and, as seen here, apple picking,
hayrides, pumpkin farms, etc.          full of people. Even with masks           tember 20, explained that while the    due to the coronavirus. The
    Apple picking, a fairly simple     on, avoiding people in this area is       hayrides had small compartments,       most important part, other than
activity under normal circum-          not always completely possible, as        they were still small and packed       staying safe, is to have fun.
stances, is a lot more difficult         senior Jackie Schiro has shared.          with people everywhere, which          Enjoy apple picking and making
now that the nation is still under           “Everyone seemed to be on           made it hard to distance from others   pie, if you choose to do so.
quarantine. Avoiding other peo-        top of each other,” said Schi-            and practice safe social distancing.       If you are someone looking to
ple can be a very cumbersome           ro, “despite the lines tell-                 Apple picking is not completely     stay home where it is one hundred
task, as is going on the hayrides.     ing everyone to distance.”                ruined by the pandemic, however.       percent safe, however, there is al-
    Having to avoid people in the          Another challenge that comes          Apple orchards are still spacious      ways Netflix or Disney+.
lines and in the orchard is not        with the fun of apple picking             and filled with delicious apples.
4                      Skyline
                               Skyline                               October
                                                                                 2020                                     Features

WB students and alums cast votes       points, the moderators gave each        have inspired many people to vote.      LGBTQ+ community, as opposed
         Bඋൺൽ Zඈඋඈආඌ඄ං
          Sඍൺൿൿ Wඋංඍൾඋ                 candidate time to speak with their      Methods to raise awareness about        to the alternative.”
                                       opponent unmuted. This led to a         the election ranges from simple             While most people in the coun-
      We all remember the chaos        few interruptions primarily from        yard signs to advertisements at         try vote Republican or Democrat,
of the 2016 Presidential election.     President Trump, though the             sporting events. The Los Angeles        others are not satisfied with either
Four years later, it’s time for        former Vice President was not           Rams has “Los Angeles Votes” on         side. Third party candidates like Jo
another.                               innocent in that regard.                their football field.                   Jorgensen or Gloria La Riva have
      This year’s candidates, of           People all over the country are         While most people are putting       gathered some votes, but rarely is
course, are current President Don-     divided on who they want to be          up yard signs supporting Trump or       it double digit. According to the
ald Trump, and former Vice Pres-       president; this is not a shocking       Biden, others are putting up joke       Guardian, Libertarian Gary John-
ident Joe Biden. The Presidential      fact. Like the 2016 elections, many     yard signs to lighten the mood of       son gained three percent of the
election will happen on November       people look at it as a “lesser of two   the election. Some have been sup-       vote in 2016. That is a very rare
3rd, so if you are eligible to vote,   evils” choice. Others truly believe     porting Star Wars villain Darth         occurrence. Some people hope that
remember to do so. You can vote        the candidate they are voting is        Vader, with his campaign slogan,        the third parties eventually gain
online, in person, or through mail.    the right person for the job of         “Together, we can rule the galaxy.”     more power.
     The latest Presidential debate    taking on various issues, such as             All joking aside, this election        “I voted for Jo Jorgenson,
was on October 22nd. It was            COVID-19 or climate change.             is an important one. Many people        who represents the Libertarian
arguably better than the previous            “I am voting for President        are quite concerned with the cur-       party. Libertarian essentially are
debate, which had little to no         Trump because of his populistic         rent laws on climate change,            individuals who are socially liberal,
debating. This time around, the        and conservative policies, as well      as well as the treatment of the         but fiscally are conservative. I
candidates were muted while            as him keeping his promises,” said      LGBTQ+ community. They be-              support social rights for all people,
the others were talking, so            WB senior Nick Brunetti, who            lieve Biden can improve these is-       but prefer the government to stay
interruptions    were      minimal.    stated that our interview could         sues.                                   out of our financial situations,”
While the candidates were muted        have been longer. That shows how             “I am voting for Joe Biden,”       said WB alum Anas Salman, class
at some points, they were not          passionate some people are about        said WB alum, Zach Noesen,              of 2020.
always muted. When they were           this year’s election.                   2020. “I like his stance on climate
done with explaining their specific         This year’s election seems to      change and his beliefs about the

Online concerts can still be pretty great
         Nංർൾൺ Sർඁൾൾඅൾඋ                the virtual concerts provide that       her instrument.                         vember 7), Brandi Carlile for the
          Sඍൺൿൿ Wඋංඍൾඋ                 in-venue concerts do not.                     There are obvious things that     VerizonUp concert series (No-
                                            For one, there is more intimacy    we all miss about being in a ven-       vember 12), and Kelsea Ballerini
      One of the many consequenc-      between the artists and the fans. At    ue, such as the interaction with the    for the VerizonUp concert series
es of this pandemic is that concerts   his Voicenotes Tour in 2018, Char-      people around you. I have made          (December 3). Shawn Mendes also
are no longer safe to attend. A wide   lie Puth was phenomenal, playing        friends at concerts years ago that      has a documentary coming out on
variety of music events have been      his keyboard and delivering great       I still am in touch with today;         November 23, so you can get some
cancelled, including world tours       vocals. However, there was not a        meeting new people with the same        music in that way.
and radio shows, which has put         lot of fan interaction, which makes     music taste as you is always a plus
many people working behind the         the show less personal and mem-         to enjoying your favorite music in
scenes out of work.                    orable. On his Instagram Live           person. There is also the “getting
      Many artists have donated to     concerts, you see a lot more in-        ready” phase that we all miss hav-
or promoted fundraisers that help      teraction, such as answering ques-      ing, like picking out your outfit for   Concerts like Niall Horan’s are
provide money and resources to         tions and using the “guest” feature     the show.                               available on multiple platforms.
these people who are currently         for fans, adding them to his live             You can always interact with
jobless. Help has also been provid-    stream one at a time.                   your friends in the comments, as
ed to members of the crew from               I also liked hearing the music    I have done on JP Saxe’s weekly
virtual shows, which have been         in a more acoustic way, since the       Instagram Lives. You can also pick
introduced since the world shut        artists are for the most part quar-     an outfit to wear for the virtual
down in March.                         antined and without the members         show, even if no one can see you.
    I have attended numerous con-      of their band. Niall Horan played       Pretty much anything is healthier
certs taking place on Instagram        only the guitar for some songs          than sitting around in your paja-
Live or YouTube with artists in-       and only the piano for others. In a     mas watching Netflix all day with
cluding Niall Horan, Charlie Puth,     stage setting, he typically has his     some ice cream, no matter how fun
and Kelsea Ballerini.                  four or five instrumentalists with      that is.
     While it is unfortunate that we   him, depending on the set for that           Some upcoming virtual shows
cannot see our favorite artists and    particular show. The show’s envi-       for which you have to purchase a
hear our favorite albums in per-       ronment feels a lot more personal       ticket include Niall Horan at the
son, I have liked some things that     when it’s just the artist and his or    Royal Albert Hall in London (No-
Arts/Tech                        Skyline                                 October 30, 2020                                                5
“Now, where to begin?” asks Enola Holmes
                                       made clear that Enola was raised        disappear to look for her mother.                   And I want to nod to
         T      G
                                       differently by her mother, who at                        Throughout       her      other unexpected plot twists, one
          S      W
                                       the beginning has disappeared           escaping, there are notable ways          that involves more fascinating
                                       from the household.                     the film changes. First, they use a       visual effects and some dazzling
           Netflix recently released              After her brothers,          visual effect of pages turning while       audio. Enola travels to the Bassil-
Enola Holmes, directed by Harry        Mycroft and Sherlock, find that         narrating. From this point of Eno-        weather estate following another
Bradbeer, who is a well-known          their mother is missing from their      la’s escape, when she needs to get        clue, and as she is found roaming
television series director (Killing    estate, Enola is left, as her name      out of the countryside, there are         the grounds with the grandmother
Eve). The movie stars Millie Bob-      states, Alone. (Read it backwards.)     some really engaging ways they            of Tewksbury, the tranquil sounds
by Brown (Stranger Things) as          It is decided that she must attend      craft scenes with visual effects:          of the London forests kick in. Now
Enola Holmes, Henry Cavill (Man        a finishing school to turn her into     sets and real-life shots of beautiful     for fear of spoilers, I will not re-
of Steel) as Sherlock Holmes, Hel-     their viewed version of a proper        places in London, and green screen        cite the exact events; however,
ena Bonham Carter (The Crown)          lady.                                   visual effects blend beautifully.          there are a few violent moments,
as Eudoria Holmes, Louis Par-                      Enola is different in                    There are quite a few         especially in the climaxes of fight
tridge (Paddington 2) as Viscount      appearance and poise from proper        thrilling moments of adventure to         scenes. And I would consider the
Tewksbury.                             women at the boarding school; we        make you keep watching this film,         ending of this film to be particular-
           I’ll launch into my re-     find that Enola has more success        twists, and turns that make you           ly amazing,
view by starting with its surprising   in her investigating endeavors          question the true plot of the story.                “So how to conclude?”
change of perspective. Enola is        and adventures while dressing as        To hint at one of these captivating       asks Enola.
the main character and the narra-      a boy because when dressing as a        plot twists, some things go awry,                   This story explores the
tor. An interesting part of the film   boy she has more freelance ways         and a new character is introduced,        challenges of growing up and
is how Enola narrates through the      to go about un-known regions. No        Vicount Tewksbury, the Marquess           discovering the self as Enola dis-
“fourth wall” by talking directly to   one questions a young boy going         of Basilweather. And Enola finally        covers through her many different
the 21st-century audience from her     out adventuring alone, but a wom-       makes it to London, where she has         disguises and identities. This mag-
late 19th-century perspective. This    an could be highly questioned and       more surprising adventures.               nificent mystery is available on
amazing mystery action film can        considered in danger.                              The film uses lighting         Netflix now and I hope all of you
be described for the most part as                 Her older brother, My-       with dark, gloomy blue and muted          go and appreciate this movie. If
quirky, and a noticeable difference     croft said that Enola was an “un-       colors to create an effect. I really       you enjoy the film, more stories of
in relation to other films is how      educated, underdressed, poorly          applaud the Director of Photogra-         Enola are available in The Enola
females differ in representation        mannered wild-ling.” So instead         phy, Giles Nuttgins, who is well          Holmes Mysteries book series by
in Enola’s mindset and in her real     of having to attend this powderpuff      known for the 2016 film Hell and          Nancy Springer.
world. Throughout the film, it is      school for ladies, Enola decides to     High Water.

iPhone 12 offers 5G and some improvements
                                       any other modern phone,” Nily           proved and looks better than the          It says this is tougher than any
         M           E
                                       Patel, a former Iphone 11 owner,        iPhone 11: photos look less grainy,       other smartphone glass and, to put
         S       W
                                       states in The Vegre.                    and there’s a little more detail.         this in perspective, this means it
  The iPhone 12 is the replacement          Something to keep in mind for            According to The Verge, the         has four times better drop protec-
for the baseline iPhone 11. Apple      users is that the 12 Pro is shiny       iPhone 11 Pro had the best camera         tion, as reported by Forbes.
announced three other devices in       with a glossy stainless steel frame     on a smartphone, but it’s not like                   At last, 5G comes to the
the iPhone 12 lineup, including        that instantly picks up fingerprints.   the iPhone 12 Pro went backward.          iPhone. Phone manufacturers such
the iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12          This is a phone you will be trying           There are some other small but       as Samsung and OnePlus have had
Pro, and iPhone 12 Pro Max. The        to keep clean quite often if you        noticeable photo improvements             this connectivity for more than a
differentiators between each model      don’t put it in a case, according to    over the 11 Pro. The ultrawide            year. The benefits of 5G are higher
are size and camera features.          The Verge.                              lens distorts a little less at the edg-   speeds, allowing for quicer down-
    Apple has released the iPhone           The back of the phone features     es, and photos from the ultrawide         loads movies, files, or apps.
12, and Apple states it is 11%         Apple’s new MagSafe magnetic            and telephoto are a tad sharper and
thinner, 15%, smaller,, and 16%        wireless charging and mount sys-        more detailed.
lighter than iPhone 11.                tem. The actual MagSafe charging            According to Forbes, an OLED
    Nearly every other phone has a     puck is pretty huge for something       screen instead of the LCD tech-
curved edge and an obvious border      you might carry around with you,        nology is used on the iPhone 11.
between the display and the frame,     even though it’s small for a wire-      OLED offers brighter colors, inki-
but the iPhone 12s feels much          less charger. The cord itself is        er black shades and better contrast
more like a single piece.              short; Apple has yet to come out        levels.
      “It reminds me a little of the   with one that has a longer cord, but         The front of the phone uses a
iPhone 5, but more importantly, it     it seems inevitable.                    much tougher glass than before,
looks and feels very different than           The noise reduction has im-       which Apple calls Ceramic Shield.                  photo courtesy of
6                     Skyline
                               Skyline                                October
                                                                                  2020                                      Sports

Dodgers prove they’re worth the price
          A      H                      16 teams into the playoffs instead        back on the field and is shown         Young winners Clayton Kershaw
          S      W                      of the usual 10. There have been         hugging teammates, kissing his         of the Dodgers and Blake Snell of
                                        bubbles in Houston, Los Angeles,         girlfriend, and wandering around       the Rays. It was a battle of some
     “THAAAAAATS STRIKE 3!”             San Diego, and Arlington since the       without a mask.                        of the brightest young superstars
screams Joe Buck, “DODGERS              divisional rounds.                              This positive COVID case        in the game, such as Mookie Betts
HAVE WON IT ALL IN 2020”                      All of the World Series was        could be the start of many poten-      and Cody Bellinger of the Dodgers
      The Los Angeles Dodgers beat      played in the Texas Ranger’s             tial cases. The MLB is currently       against Brandon Lowe and Randy
the Tampa Bay Rays in six games         Globe Life Field. The stadium was        under investigation on how Turv-       Arozarena of the Rays. The big
to win the World Series this year.      recently built, and used for the first   er developed COVID, and how to         difference was “clutchness.” The
This was their third time in four       time in 2020. It was designed as         prevent any further spread.            Dodgers took advantage of every
years making it to the fall classic,    a dome to allow air conditioning               Coming into the series, the      small mistake and were able to
but their first title win since 1988.   during the hot Texas summers.            Dodgers were the much-favored          win the best-of-seven series in six
The Tampa Bay Rays were a 1998          Nearly 25% capacity of the mas-          team. This could be evident by         games.
expansion team in their second          sive 47,300 seat stadium was filled      their $107,917,397 superstar-filled        The World Series, along with
World Series. Both teams were the       up for the playoffs each night. The       payroll compared to the Rays mi-       the shortened MLB season, was a
only ones to win at least 40 of their   bubbles were designed to prevent         nuscule $28,290,689 payroll. Un-       great success. It came down to the
60 games this shortened season.         new COVID cases. Unfortunately,          fortunately, that’s how baseball       league’s two best teams offer, and
      The Dodgers went on to win it     this didn’t work out.                    front offices work. Some teams           was a hard-fought battle. In the
all, but this season was unlike any         In the middle of Game 6, Dodg-       don’t have the spending money          end, the chaotic ending was the
other in the sport’s history. Due       ers star Justin Turner was rushed        as others possess. The Rays are        only way we could have ended this
to COVID-19, there was a short-         off the field. His COVID-19 re-           known as a small market team, us-      perfect storm of a season.
ened 60 game season. Teams were         sults were positive, meaning he          ing draft picks as trades to develop
only allowed to play against other      could put a lot of people in danger.     young players.                         Note: Look for continued cov-
teams in their respective region.       It was the first COVID-19 case in               The teams lined up as even      erage of WB sports, including
       The MLB also tried a brand       the MLB for two months.                  foes, both having top 5 starting       girls swimming, in the Novem-
new expanded format that allowed              After the game Turner went         rotations, featuring former Cy         ber issue of Skyline.

Sports continue globally amid Covid-19
          L       F                     sults. Many countries have begun         in a select number of venues like           There is also some controver-
          S      W                      to play and have even had full,          the NHL and NBA, all of these          sy as to if even 2021 is too soon
                                        in-person attendance at games;           sports have played at their stadi-     to host an event to the Olympics.
    It is apparent that the Covid-19    however, many countries are still        ums, which, surprisingly, has only     Surina Khurana, a reporter for The
pandemic has changed and                battling the lingering threat of a       brought about a small number of        Daily Californian, wrote, “If coro-
continues to prolong shutdowns          second outbreak heading into win-        Coronavirus cases.                     navirus concerns persist next year,
and cancellations in the United         ter. Yet even with this threat, many           In addition, many of these       the Olympics will be canceled, not
States. With the rise in the number     states have still held firm on not       leagues are available on specific      postponed a second time.” If this
of cases nationwide, many states        shutting down and are clear that         streaming services. The Premier        is the case, it would be the first
still struggle to reopen and keep       many athletic seasons will not be        League in England streams on           time in history that the Olympic
many of their components closed,        canceled or postponed.                   NBC Sports and Peacock during          Games are canceled for a reason
including non-essential businesses,          According to AP News, Euro-         their scheduled time slots, usual-     apart from war, and would be the
schools, and other establishments.      pean sports that are played across       ly around 9’oclock PM CDT, and         fourth total time they have been
      However, one thing that many      the European Union will be pri-          many rugby games can be watched        called off.
people have recently been able to       marily restricted by the amount          on NBC Sports with an additional          All things considered, Covid-19,
return to is athletics. Many states     of contact the event contains, the       payment. Of course, highlights of      much in like North America, has
have allowed sports to practice         amount of travel is required, and        many games worldwide can still         profoundly impacted how indi-
and even some sports to play regu-      the positivity rate by country.          be found on YouTube for no extra       vidual countries go about taking
lation matches and tournaments if                Yet many national-based         cost.                                  steps in times, such as that of a
deemed safe. Besides, many pro-         leagues, like the KHL (Kontinen-               On the other hand, there is-     pandemic, to protect and support
fessional sports leagues like the       tal Hockey League) in Russia, the        -or instead was--the 2020 Sum-         its citizens, but also preserve nor-
MLB, NHL, NFL, and NBA have             English Premier League in En-            mer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan.          malcy. But it is interesting how
made returns with limited or no         gland, National Rugby League in          Though it has already been re-         many countries have put effort
in-person attendance.                   Australia, and the Indian Premier        scheduled, the city of Tokyo and       into keeping normalcy with their
       Despite all the recent events    League, a global league, have been       the Olympic Committee has lost         respective pastimes and national
regarding Coronavirus in the Unit-      playing throughout the Covid-19          millions of dollars in cancellations   games. It emphasizes how sports,
ed States, many major athletic          pandemic with varying fan at-            and advertisements that will need      people, and nations are more ro-
leagues and other globally recog-       tendance. Even more impressive           to be readjusted and re-broadcast-     bust than any disease and define a
nized events have had varying re-       is the fact that instead of playing      ed next year.                          noun: strength.
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