Sky Arrow 600 Sport An Italian light sport auditions for local law enforcement

Page created by Samuel Romero
Sky Arrow 600 Sport An Italian light sport auditions for local law enforcement
Sky Arrow 600 Sport

 An Italian light sport
 auditions for
 local law enforcement

             ou’re not the only ones
             kicking the tires of the new
             light-sport models, check-
             ing financing plans to see if
             you can make the pay-
 ments and still buy food, electricity,
 and, there was something else, oh yes,
 college for the kids.
     The Sheriffs’ Association of Texas is
 exploring the 100-horsepower, tan-
 dem-seat Sky Arrow 600 Sport and a
 whole bunch of other models, includ-
 ing powered parachutes, to see if it
 can provide aerial capability to law
 enforcement agencies that have tiny
 budgets. The association got a grant
 from the U.S. Department of Justice
 (DOJ) to explore the use of high-wing
 light sport aircraft for Texas sheriff’s
 departments such as Val Verde Coun-
 ty, which often has only two deputies
 on patrol at any one time, but 3,400
 square miles to cover. It takes 1.5
 hours to drive across the county.
Sky Arrow 600 Sport An Italian light sport auditions for local law enforcement
Sky Arrow 600 Sport An Italian light sport auditions for local law enforcement
The association got the grant from
DOJ’s Office of Science and Technology
in Washington, D.C., and bases the air-
craft near Washington, D.C., at Bay
Bridge Airport on Maryland’s Eastern
Shore, where the research effort is man-
aged for the association. When you see
Segway scooters used by police in air-
port terminals, know that it was this
same DOJ research agency that got them
there. Some of the DOJ science and tech-
nology officials are convinced that the
new light-sport aircraft category may be
the avenue to aviation assets for smaller
law enforcement units and have de-                The $75,500 Sky Arrow 600 Sport is        ner plastic; the panel is smaller; the
signed a research program to find out.         nearly identical to the FAA-certified        vacuum system is gone and with it, the
   Duties for the Sky Arrow include            $110,000 Sky Arrow seen in AOPA Pilot        heading indicator; there is only the sin-
search and rescue on land or water;            in 2000, (see “Sky Arrow: Yes, It’s a Real   gle 17-amp alternator on the Rotax 912
there are many lakes in Texas but the          Airplane,” March 2000) but at 1,433          ULS engine rather than the additional
smaller sheriff’s departments do not           pounds, the FAR Part 23 aircraft was         40-amp alternator required on the cer-
own boats. Other uses are: border pa-          110 pounds overweight for the light          tified Sky Arrow, since no night opera-
trol flights to aid in the location of stag-   sport class. The engineers at Iniziative     tions are allowed under light sport
ing areas for illegal immigrants; fire         Industriali Italiane in Rome scratched       rules. (Police may be able to get an ex-
watch for brush and grass fires; mari-         their heads and started tossing things       emption for night operations.)
juana eradication; and photography or          out. The carbon-fiber airframe didn’t            On the certified aircraft the wing
surveillance of critical infrastructure.       change, but the canopy is made of thin-      struts have heavy metal bars in them
Sky Arrow 600 Sport An Italian light sport auditions for local law enforcement
Cockpits can be
                  easily equipped
                  with the latest
                  moving-map and
                  electronic flight
                  A panel behind the
                  rear seat (above)
                  allows visual
                  checking of fuel
                  levels in the single
                  tank, which
                  requires only a
                  single fuel drain.
                  Refueling requires
                  a stepladder.

for rigidity (not structural strength),      keep the aircraft from tipping when           Arrow can fly in those winds, as you’ll
but those have been eliminated on the        parked, are gone.                             see in a video of my takeoff in a 70-de-
Sport model. (The certified Sky Arrow           Of all the aircraft evaluated so far,      gree, 14-knot crosswind on AOPA Pilot
used a two-blade prop, but there was         Sheriffs’ Association of Texas Technical      Online (
engine vibration that shook the wing         Assistance Division Director Joe Peters       Watch for the 20-knot gust.
struts, so bracing bars were added to        likes the 94-KTAS Sky Arrow Sport the            The aircraft I flew was a prototype,
the fuselage. With the use of a three-       best. Although not a pilot, yet, as a self-   and there were a few improvements yet
blade prop on the Sky Arrow Sport, the       described “street cop” he knows what          to come from the factory, although de-
vibration was eliminated, and the brac-      he needs, and that is visibility. Even        liveries have started. The gear had been
ing bars were not needed.) The brakes        better visibility for police work is avail-   designed for heavier weight, resulting
are lighter and a few frills, like shelves   able from a powered parachute, but it         in a pigeon-toed look that was wearing
in the front seat and a tail support to      can’t fly in whipping winds. The Sky          out the edges of the tires. That was to
Sky Arrow 600 Sport An Italian light sport auditions for local law enforcement
be changed by the end of 2006. Howard           in the side of the aircraft makes that           The challenging oil-checking proce-
Hawkins, the San Diego-based Sky                easy enough, but once there you are          dure is mostly a problem caused by the
Arrow dealer, said he was not happy             nowhere near the dipstick. Now place a       location of the engine, and it doesn’t de-
with the toe brakes and indicated that          foot on the back of the front seat to give   tract from the otherwise clever Italian
the model might be converted to fin-            yourself another 2-foot boost. That          engineering of the aircraft. Descending
gertip brakes like those of the Part 23         puts most people about waist high with       back to the ground, you’ll notice there is
Sky Arrow. In two of the early Sky Arrow        the cabin roof, where you’ll lift and        only one fuel drain to bother with, and it
600 Sport aircraft, including the one I         place one knee on the roof. If you failed    is on the lower left of the fuselage some 4
flew, there had been a problem with the         to fully open the engine cooling baffle      feet below the engine. (The tank runs be-
flaps locking in the down position and          on top of the engine that hides the oil      hind the rear seat where there is a win-
not retracting. The problem was found           port, better get back down and do that.      dow in the tank to observe the fuel
to be a loose actuator and was repaired.        It is on the right side of the front cock-   amount.) You’re well assured of tapping
   The strongest selling point is the 600       pit, back down there.                        the lowest point of the tank to look for
Sport’s “armchair in the sky” view. The             So there you are, one knee on the        water or contaminants.
pilot’s arms rest on two ledges, and the        cabin roof, and the dipstick is beneath          Since it is a Rotax, you not only can,
                                                                                                            but should, burn less ex-
                                                                                                            pensive auto gas or mogas.
To get to the engine the pilot lowers the tail, but
checking the oil requires a climb using the back                                                            Some who operate this
seat. The rear seat (right) pulls forward to reveal                                                         Rotax 912 ULS on other air-
a storage area, but pack lightly.                                                                           craft models suggest you
                                                                                                            use 100LL only a third of
                                                                                                            the total flying hours if you
                                                                                                            want to keep overhaul costs
                                                                                                            down. My demonstration
                                                                                                            flight was flown with 100LL,
                                                                                                            but here is what the FAA
                                                                                                            says: Use standard specifi-
                                                                                                            cation fuel for automotive-
                                                                                                            spark engines, and use
                                                                                                            100LL only if automotive
                                                                                                            fuel is not available, be-
                                                                                                            cause 100LL has higher
                                                                                                            lead content and therefore,
                                                                                                            “the wear of the valve seats
                                                                                                            and deposits in the com-
                                                                                                            bustion chamber will in-
                                                                                                            crease.” It should be noted
                                                                                                            that most airports do not
                                                                                                            sell mogas, and your air-
                                                                                                            port may not want you to
                                                                                                            store mogas in your hangar.

You have to look hard to find something to criticize about this aircraft.
controls fall exactly under his hands.          the top-right side of the engine, but the        The aircraft tail easily lowers to the
(While the seat doesn’t move, the rudder        opening is blocked by metal bracing. You     ground using only 10 to 12 pounds of
pedals can be adjusted fore and aft to ac-      still need to poke a finger in that open-    down force, and stays there perfectly
commodate pilots of various sizes.)You          ing, though, to flip a panel forward that    balanced while you check elevator and
need only wrist and hand movement to            hides the oil port. Now, with the oil cap    rudder hinges. Ground handling is very
fly the aircraft. The side stick is operated    exposed, and using the left hand only,       easy, and before one of my flights the
by the right hand, and the throttle/carb        reach down through the top-left open-        wind moved the aircraft along the ramp
heat controls are under the left. From a        ing of the engine, thread your hand to       before brakes were set using a knob on
form, fit, and performance standpoint           the right, and unfasten the oil cap. The     the right side of the cockpit armrest.
you have to look hard to find something         stubby little dipstick is resting inside.        Worried about avionics theft? Un-
to criticize about this aircraft.                   While you are up there, you might as     screw the thumb screws of the instru-
                                                well fuel the airplane too, because the      ment panel, unplug it, and take the
Preflight                                       gas cap is under your knee. Although the     whole panel home with you, where it is
But you don’t have to look long: Check-         airplane can be fueled from a ladder,        out of the summer heat or freezing cold.
ing the oil level during preflight is a         you’ll need the aforementioned Mount         It is unlikely a thief would steal an air-
pain. OK, follow me through the proce-          Everest climbing procedure to check the      plane that has no panel. Security for the
dure. The engine is up there, on top of         oil. The aircraft uses standard motorcy-     airplane is not impressive. You lock the
the cabin, so you’ll first need to stand        cle oil, and in the nose, a standard mo-     pilot’s air vent to keep anyone from
in the backseat. A convenient toe step          torcycle battery. See you at Sears.          reaching in to unfasten the canopy.
Sky Arrow 600 Sport An Italian light sport auditions for local law enforcement
Taxi                                           blazing speedster, but speed is not            I did notice from time to time an un-
The Rotax starts quickly like a car en- needed for fun flying, observation, and commanded slight movement of the
gine and in warm weather does not training. Adelman has flown this Sky ailerons, a gentle side-to-side push. I
need the choke, which is located on the Arrow Sport from Maryland to Oshkosh didn’t welcome it during the formation
left armrest. The aircraft has a castering and enjoyed every mile, mainly be- flight to take photos for this article, al-
nosewheel, and some pilots prefer a cause it is hands-off stable.                         though the Sky Arrow Sport was effort-
steerable one, but even when maneu-               The usual test of stalls and steep lessly held in position 35 feet from the
vering out of high grass in the parking turns revealed a docile aircraft. I was aircraft carrying AOPA Pilot photogra-
spot I hardly noticed whether the surprised to discover, while trying to pher Chris Rose.
wheel was steerable or castering. I had make it break cleanly in a full stall, that           Hawkins said the same tendency was
been warned that, given the high winds it climbed even while shuddering from noticed in the fully certified Sky Arrow
blowing 70 degrees to the runway, I the onset of a stall. Only light control and small vertical tabs were permanent-
would find that the large tail surfaces forces and small movements were re- ly fixed to each aileron to stop the move-
would make taxiing difficult. However, quired of the ailerons, elevator, and ment. There was no danger of control
while taxiing slowly I didn’t find it a rudder to maneuver.                               flutter at the speeds flown by the Sky
problem. On a later flight with
lower winds but quartering
from the rear left, I had more
difficulty turning.                     Getting the shot
    Runup is at 4,100 rpm (it’s a
Rotax, after all) and cruise               in tense times
flight is flown at 5,000 rpm.
With the engine above and be-
hind the occupants, normal
conversation is possible in the
event of an intercom failure,
such as the one that occurred
after I missed a checklist step
calling for the generator half of
the master switch to be turned
on prior to takeoff. The battery
died but we circled awhile to
charge it, gaining back our
radio and transponder, before
re-entering heavily controlled
Washington-Baltimore ADIZ,
where Bay Bridge Airport is

Takeoff and flight test
Rotation occurs at 45 to 50
                                  T       he Sky Arrow Sport used in AOPA           the flight and then phoned minutes before
                                      Pilot’s pilot report offered a rare chance to takeoff. An ADIZ flight plan was filed for
                                      look inside a Department of Justice pro-      each aircraft in the photo formation flight
KIAS. The procedure preferred         gram that currently is testing smaller air-   of two aircraft. The lead aircraft carried
by volunteer instructor Tim           craft for use by rural law enforcement units AOPA Pilot photographer Chris Rose. FAA
Adelman, an Annapolis attor-          needing aerial capability. But it is based at controllers, in turn, coordinated with de-
ney with an office just across        Bay Bridge Airport on Maryland’s Eastern      fense officials who sit in the FAA control
the Chesapeake Bay Bridge             Shore, and that means it lies not only        facility. It didn’t end there, of course.
from Bay Bridge Airport, re-          under Class B airspace, but also in the Air   In the event that motorists on the bridge
quires the stick to be full back      Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) that       got concerned, Marsh also phoned the
for the start of the takeoff roll.    has restricted the Washington-Baltimore       public information officer of the Maryland
Once weight is off the nose, the      region for several years. To show the air-    Transportation Authority Police (the
stick is brought quickly for-         craft’s potential use, police surveillance,   bridge police) a few minutes before take-
ward to prevent the nose from         we would have to show it monitoring tar-      off. As it turned out, no motorists were
rising too high. Climbing at          gets of interest to terrorists like the near- concerned enough to call police when the
65 KIAS, the climb rate was           by Chesapeake Bay Bridge, ships, and          formation appeared over the bridge. How-
1,500 fpm with two fairly large       even a nearby football stadium. Any flight    ever, bridge police have in the past
men and half a tank of fuel           over the bridge would take coordination,      stopped and questioned motorists just for
aboard. A full tank would have        since motorists are naturally skittish, not   photographing the bridge structure as
put the aircraft over maximum         to mention the bridge police and the FAA.     they crossed the five-mile span from the
gross weight.                         What I did was to arrange coordination        Eastern Shore to Annapolis.
    A cruise speed check show-        with two agencies prior to the flight. Po-        You can’t be too careful when it comes
ed the aircraft getting 94 KTAS,      tomac Approach, which has responsibility to flights in sensitive areas.
although Adelman usually              for the area, was contacted days before                                             —AKM
flight plans for 90 knots. Not a
Sky Arrow 600 Sport An Italian light sport auditions for local law enforcement
Arrow Sport, he noted, but he said the
                                                                                                                                   factory may consider adding the same
                     The strongest selling point is its                                                                            tabs to the already-approved Sport
                                                                                                                                   model’s ailerons.
            “armchair in the sky” view.                                                                                            Landing
                                                                                                                                   You want to know if this aircraft will
                                                                                                                                   make you look good to your passenger
                                                                                                                                   and to those watching at the airport. The
                                                                                                                                   answer is yes. Adelman suggested 3,500
                                                                                                                                   rpm when abeam the touchdown point,
                                                                                                                                   and 10 degrees of flaps at 67 KIAS or less.
                                                                                                                                   With the full 30 degrees of flaps, you’ll
                                                                                                                                   touch down at about 45 KIAS or less,
                                                                                                                                   after coming across the numbers at 55 to
                                                                                                                                   60 KIAS, meaning it is a slow process
                                                                                                                                   with plenty of time to make corrections.
                                                                                                                                   I landed in the 14-knot crosswind men-
                                                                                                                                   tioned above, touching down about
                                                                                                                                   6 feet left of the intended centerline,
                                                                                                                                   while Hawkins claims to have put it
                                                                                                                                   safely on the runway with more than
                                                                                                                                   20 knots of crosswind. Without wind
SPECSHEET                                                                                                                          on a later flight, three of four landings
                                                                                                                                   were greasers.
                                               Sky Arrow 600 Sport                                                                     If you’re just up taking pictures,
                                                 Base price: $66,600                                                               you’re likely to come back with some
                                               Price as tested: $75,500
                                                                                                                                   good shots because the curve of the re-
                                                                                                                                   markably clear canopy allows few re-
Powerplant ............100-hp Rotax 912 ULS                           @65% power, best economy ..................                  flections to spoil the photo. Or have
  Recommended TBO ..................1,500 hr                          ......................................92 KTAS 3.4 hr         someone else fly and take out the easi-
Propeller....Warp Drive, 3 blade composite,                                                              (31 pph/5.2 gph)          ly removed rear window—no reflec-
                          ground adjustable pitch                      @55% power, best economy..................                  tions at all, guaranteed.
Length......................................24 ft 10 in              ......................................81 KTAS/4.0 hr
                                                                                                                                       The Sky Arrow Sport is perfectly de-
Height ..........................................8 ft 5 in                                               (27 pph/4.5 gph)
Wing span ..................................31 ft 6 in             Max operating altitude................13,500 ft                 signed for its mission, and that is to have
Wing area ..................................145 sq ft              Service ceiling............................13,500 ft            fun. Or perhaps soon, if the aircraft pass-
Wing loading ..........................9.8 lb/sq ft                Landing distance over 50-ft obstacle ........                   es inspection by the Sheriffs’ Association
Power loading ..........................14.3 lb/hp                  ......................................................660 ft   of Texas, another mission will be to
Seats ........................................2 tandem             Landing distance, ground roll ..........360 ft
Cabin length ................................7 ft 8 in                                                                             make the bad guys have less fun.
Cabin width ................1 ft 5 in to 2 ft 4 in                 Limiting and Recommended
Cabin height................2 ft 7 in to 4 ft 3 in                 Airspeeds                                                       E-mail the author at alton.marsh@
Empty weight ..................................840 lb              VX (best angle of climb)................60 KIAS       
Empty weight, as tested..................837 lb                    VY (best rate of climb) ..................65 KIAS
Max gross weight ........................1,320 lb                  VA (design maneuvering) ..............93 KIAS
Useful load......................................480 lb            VFE (max flap extended)................67 KIAS                     Links to additional information
Useful load, as tested......................483 lb                 VNO (max structural cruising)......104 KIAS                     about the Sky Arrow and Sky Arrow
Payload w/full fuel ..........................373 lb               VNE (never exceed) ....................132 KIAS                 Sport may be found on AOPA Online
Payload w/full fuel, as tested..........376 lb                     VR (rotation) ................................45 KIAS           (
Max takeoff weight ......................1,320 lb                  VS1 (stall, clean) ..........................44 KIAS
Max landing weight ......................1,320 lb                  VSO (stall, in landing configuration)............
Fuel capacity ......18 gal (17.8 gal usable)                        ..................................................38 KIAS
                           108 lb (107 lb usable)                                                                                     INTERACTIVE
Oil capacity ....................................2.8 qt
Baggage capacity......................33 lb rear,                                                                                     AOPA PILOT ONLINE
                         66 lb beneath rear seat                   For more information, contact Pacific
                                                                   Aerosystem Inc., Gillespie Field, 1870 Joe
Performance                                                        Crosson Drive, Suite 100, El Cajon,
Takeoff distance, ground roll............470 ft                    California 92020; telephone 800/844-
Takeoff distance over 50-ft obstacle ......890 ft                  1441;; e-mail
Max demonstrated crosswind component ..                  
  ......................................................15 kt
Rate of climb, sea level ............1,100 fpm                     All specifications are based on manufac-                           Join AOPA Pilot Senior Editor
Cruise speed/endurance w/45-min rsv (fuel                          turer’s calculations. All performance fig-                         Al Marsh in the skies over the
consumption), 2,000 ft                                             ures are based on standard day, standard                           Chesapeake Bay as he learns
  @75% power, best economy ........................                atmosphere, sea level, gross weight con-                           about the flying characteristics of
    ..............................................97 KTAS/3.1 hr   ditions unless otherwise noted.                                    the Sky Arrow.
                                             (35 pph/5.8 gph)                                                               

                                                           Reprinted from the April 2007 issue of AOPA Pilot.
                                                  Copyright © 2007 AIRCRAFT OWNERS AND PILOTS ASSOCIATION
Sky Arrow 600 Sport An Italian light sport auditions for local law enforcement Sky Arrow 600 Sport An Italian light sport auditions for local law enforcement Sky Arrow 600 Sport An Italian light sport auditions for local law enforcement
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