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SKI WAX INTRO RACE LINE Alpine/Nordic/Snowboard The range of MAPLUS Ski Wax for the 2018-2019 season is split into seven straightforward lines bound to satisfy every FLASH - FLUORINATED LIQUID POLYMER skier’s needs: high speed accelerator RACE LINE YELLOW FLASH Liquid – Fluorinated liquid polymer FP4 (COLD-MED-HOT-SUPERMED) Powder-Spray-Solid – Perfluorinated wax to be applied on top of fluorinated paraffin for racing use in presence of med/high humidity( >50%). HP3 (GREEN-BLUE-VIOLET-RED-YELLOW-ORANGE) – High fluorinated paraffin for racing use in presence of med/high humi- YELLOW FLASH Transformed grainy snow icy and wet SPRAY PUMP dity (>60%) or as fluorinated base for FP4 waxes. MW0662 50 ml snow temp –3°/0° LP2 (GREEN-BLUE-VIOLET-RED-YELLOW-ORANGE) – Fluorinated paraffin for racing use in presence of low/med humidity hr 60/100% (50%). wet snow and in all intermediate conditions while step by step the sun melts the snow. BP 10 (VIOLET-RED-YELLOW) – Paraffin for training and leisure in presence of low/med humidity (
RACE LINE Alpine/Nordic/Snowboard FP4 - PERFLUORINATED LIQUID WAX RACE LINE - WAX CHART FP4 COLD FP4 MED FP4 HOT FP4 SUPERMED MW0850 50 ml MW0851 50 ml MW0852 50 ml MW0853 50 ml USE: 1° Determine snow type 2° Determine air humidity SPRAY PUMP SPRAY PUMP 3° Determine snow temperature NO GAS NO GAS 4° Select wax SOLID SKI WAX 1° - SNOW AGGRESSIVE ARTIFICIAL FINE IN TRASFORMATION ICY all snow all snow all snow all snow snow temp –22°/–8° snow temp –9°/–2° snow temp –3°/0° snow temp –16°/-2° hr 30/70% hr 60/100% hr 60/100% hr 40/80% 3° - SNOW TEMPERATURE FP4 - COLD FP4 - HOT 2° - AIR HUMIDITY -30°C -20°C -13°C -9°C -7°C -5°C -3°C -2°C -1°C 0°C Fluorocarbon liquid wax for racing. Use for snow from -22°C. to -22°F -4°F 8,6°F 15,8°F 19,5°F 23°F 26,6°F 28,4°F 30,2°F 32°F Fluorocarbon liquid wax for racing. Use for wet snow from -3°C. to -8°C. with new and conserved crystal, fine and abrasive. Air hu- +0°C. with old transformed and in transformation crystal. Air humidity LP2 GREEN LP2 YELLOW midity from 30% to 70%. Excellent as accelerant and corrector at from 60% to 100%. Excellent as accelerant and corrector at the start 60% HP3 RED HP3 ORANGE 2M Fluorocarbon liquid wax for racing. Use for snow from -9°C. to Fluorocarbon liquid wax for racing. Use for snow from -16°C. to HP3 VIOLET HP3 ORANGE 1 HP3 ORANGE 2 -2°C. with new and in transformation crystal but not wet. Air hu- -2°C. with transformed and in transformation crystal and abrasive ar- FP4 COLD FP4 HOT midity from 60% to 100%. Excellent as accelerant and corrector tificial snow. Air humidity from 40% to 80%. Good also on icy hard >50% at the start on fluorocarbon powder wax or on fluorinated paraffin. snow in springtime condition. Excellent as accelerant and corrector OVER LP2 or HP3 FP4 MED Recommended cold application with merino wool rollers. at the start on fluorocarbon powder wax or on fluorinated paraffin. FP4 SUPERMED - HR < 80% Recommended cold application with merino wool rollers. FP4 - PERFLUORINATED SOLID WAX SOLID SKI WAX 1° - SNOW NOT AGGRESSIVE FP4 COLD FP4 MED FP4 HOT FP4 SUPERMED MOIST IN TRASFORMATION TRANSFORMED WET MW0860 20 gr MW0861 20 gr MW0862 20 gr MW0863 20 gr 3° - SNOW TEMPERATURE 2° - AIR HUMIDITY -30°C -20°C -13°C -9°C -7°C -5°C -3°C -2°C -1°C 0°C -22°F -4°F 8,6°F 15,8°F 19,5°F 23°F 26,6°F 28,4°F 30,2°F 32°F LP2 GREEN LP2 YELLOW all snow all snow all snow all snow snow temp –22°/–8° snow temp –9°/–2° snow temp –3°/0° snow temp –16°/–2° 60% Fluorocarbon solid wax for racing. Use for snow from -22°C. to Fluorocarbon solid wax for racing. Use for wet snow from -3°C. to HP3 BLUE M HP3 RED -8°C. with new and conserved crystal, fine and abrasive. Air hu- +0°C. with old transformed and in transformation crystal. Air humidity HP3 VIOLET HP3 ORANGE 1 HP3 ORANGE 2 midity from 30% to 70%. Excellent as accelerant and corrector at from 60% to 100%. Excellent as accelerant and corrector at the start FP4 COLD FP4 HOT the start on fluorocarbon powder wax or on fluorinated paraffin. on fluorocarbon powder wax or on fluorinated paraffin. Recommen- >50% OVER LP2 or HP3 FP4 MED Recommended cold application with polyester and merino wool ded cold application with polyester and merino wool rollers. FP4 SUPERMED - HR < 80% rollers. FP4 - MED FP4 - SUPERMED Fluorocarbon solid wax for racing. Use for snow from -9°C. to Fluorocarbon solid wax for racing. Use for snow from -16°C. to -2°C. -2°C. with new and in transformation crystal but not wet. Air hu- with transformed and in transformation crystal and abrasive artificial midity from 60% to 100%. Excellent as accelerant and corrector snow. Air humidity from 40% to 80%. Good also on icy hard snow at the start on fluorocarbon powder wax or on fluorinated paraffin. in springtime condition. Excellent as accelerant and corrector at the Recommended cold application with polyester and merino wool start on fluorocarbon powder wax or on fluorinated paraffin. Recom- rollers. mended cold application with polyester and merino wool rollers.
RACE LINE Alpine/Nordic/Snowboard HP3 - HIGH FLUORINATED PARAFFIN HP3 GREEN POWDER HP3 BLUE MOLY HP3 VIOLET HP3 GREEN POWDER HP3 BLUE MOLY HP3 VIOLET MW0900 50 gr COLD ADDITIVE MW0902 50 gr COLD ADDITIVE MW0901M 50 gr MW0912 250 gr MW0911M 250 gr MW0922 1 kg High fluoro powder paraffin for racing High fluoro solid paraffin with moly High fluoro solid paraffin for racing MW0921M 1 kg use as final product or as a base for racing use as final product or as use as final product or as a base before applying fluorocarbon waxes a base before applying fluorocar- before applying fluorocarbon waxes FP4. Use for snow from -30°C. bon waxes FP4. Use for snow from FP4. Use for any type of snow from to -10°C. with new or conserved -25°C. to -10°C. with old transfor- -12°C. to -6°C. Air humidity from crystal, fine and abrasive, and mixed med or windy crystal and old artifi- 60% to 100%. In case of new or with artificial snow. Air humidity from cial abrasive snow. Air humidity from conserved abrasive snow and arti- 50% to 90%. This paraffin can be 50% to 90%. Excellent during a long ficial snow, mix the VIOLET with the used alone as above mentioned or period without snow falling and dirty HP3 GREEN or the LP2 GREEN if the 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 as an hardener for the high fluorina- snow. This paraffin can be also used humidity is lower. Use hot application ted paraffins HP3 VIOLET and HP3 as a moly hardener for HP3 VIOLET with the waxing iron. 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 RED in case of abrasive new or con- and HP3 RED in case of old, abrasi- served snow or mixed with artificial ve, windy and dirty snow, both natu- fine snow old and dry snow snow in transformation snow. Use hot application with the ral and artificial. Use hot application snow temp –30°/–10° snow temp –25°/–10° snow temp –12°/-6° waxing iron with the waxing iron. hr 50/90% hr 50/90% hr 60/100% 160°C 150°/160°C 140°/150°C HP3 RED HP3 YELLOW 1 HP3 YELLOW 2 HP3 RED HP3 YELLOW 1 HP3 YELLOW 2 MW0903 50 gr MW0904 50 gr MW0905 50 gr MW0913 250 gr MW0914 250 gr MW0915 250 gr MW0923 1 kg MW0924 1 kg MW0925 1 kg High fluoro solid paraffin for racing High fluoro solid paraffin for racing High fluoro solid paraffin for racing use as final product or as a base use as final product or as a base use as final product or as a base before applying fluorocarbon waxes before applying fluorocarbon waxes before applying fluorocarbon waxes FP4. Use for any type of snow from FP4. Use for new moist snow but not FP4. Use for transformed snow from -7°C. to -3°C. Air humidity from 60% wet from -4°C. to +0°C. Air humidity -5°C. to -1°C. but not for wet snow to 100%. In case of new or conser- from 60% to 100%. Is the only choice and springtime icy snow. Air humidity ved abrasive snow, artificial snow with the snow polish and sticky. Use from 60% to 100%. Use hot applica- and springtime icy snow, mix the hot application with the waxing iron. tion with the waxing iron. 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 RED with the HP3 GREEN or the LP2 GREEN if the humidity is lower. Use 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 hot application with the waxing iron. snow in transformation new moist snow snow in transformation snow temp –7°/–3° snow temp -4°/0° snow temp -5°/-1° hr 60/100% hr 60/100% hr 60/100% 130°/140°C 110°/120°C 120°/130°C HP3 ORANGE 1 HP3 ORANGE 2 HP3 ORANGE 2 MOLY MW0906 50 gr MW0907 50 gr HOT ADDITIVE HP3 ORANGE 1 HP3 ORANGE 2 HP3 ORANGE 2 MOLY MW0916 250 gr MW0917 250 gr MW0907M 50 gr HOT ADDITIVE MW0926 1 kg MW0927 1 kg MW0917M 250 gr MW0927M 1 kg High fluoro solid paraffin for racing High fluoro solid paraffin for racing High fluoro solid paraffin with moly use as final product or as a base use as final product or as a base for racing use as final product or as before applying fluorocarbon waxes before applying fluorocarbon waxes a base before applying fluorocarbon FP4. Use for springtime icy and FP4. Use for clean wet snow from waxes FP4. Use for wet snow, mi- grainy snow but little wet from -4°C. -3°C. to +0°C. and rainy conditions. xed with artificial snow and dirty from to +0°C. Air humidity from 60% to Air humidity from 60% to 100%. Use -3°C. to +0°C. and rainy conditions. 100%. Use hot application with the hot application with the waxing iron. Air humidity from 60% to 100%.This waxing iron. paraffin can be used as a moly ad- 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 ditive for HP3 RED, YELLOW 2, and ORANGE 1 in case of old dirty snow, both natural and artificial. Use hot ap- plication with the waxing iron. old coarse snow old and wet snow dirty old and wet snow snow temp -4°/0° snow temp -3°/0° snow temp -3°/0° hr 60/100% hr 60/100% hr 60/100% 120°/130°C 100°/110°C 100°/110°C
RACE LINE Alpine/Nordic/Snowboard LP2 - FLUORINATED PARAFFIN LP2 GREEN POWDER LP2 BLUE LP2 VIOLET LP2 GREEN POWDER LP2 BLUE LP2 VIOLET MW0950 100 gr MW0951 100 gr MW0952 100 gr MW0961 250 gr MW0962 250 gr Fluorinated powder paraffin for racing Fluorinated solid paraffin for racing Fluorinated solid paraffin for racing MW0971 1 kg MW0972 1 kg use as final product or as a base use as final product or as a base use as final product or as a base before applying fluorocarbon waxes before applying fluorocarbon waxes before applying fluorocarbon waxes FP4. Use for snow from -30°C. FP4. Use for snow from -25°C. to FP4. Use for any type of snow from to -10°C. with new or conserved -10°C. with old transformed or win- -12°C. to -6°C. Air humidity from crystal, fine and abrasive, and mi- dy crystal and old artificial abrasive 20% to 60%. In case of new or con- xed with artificial snow. Air humidity snow. Air humidity from 20% to 60%. served abrasive snow and artificial from 20% to 60%. This paraffin can Excellent during a long period without snow, mix the VIOLET with the LP2 be also used as an hardener for pa- snow falling. Use hot application with GREEN. Use hot application with the 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 raffins LP2 VIOLET and LP2 RED or the waxing iron. waxing iron. HP3 VIOLET and HP3 RED in case of new or conserved abrasive snow and mixed with artificial snow. Use hot application with the waxing iron. 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 LP2 RED LP2 YELLOW LP2 ORANGE Fluorinated solid paraffin for racing Fluorinated solid paraffin for racing Fluorinated solid paraffin for racing use as final product or as a base use as final product or as a base use as final product or as a base fine snow snow in transformation snow in transformation before applying fluorocarbon waxes before applying fluorocarbon waxes before applying fluorocarbon waxes snow temp –30°/–10° snow temp –25°/–10° snow temp –12°/–6° FP4. Use for any type of snow from FP4. Use for any type of snow from FP4. Use for any type of wet snow hr 20/60% hr 20/60% hr 20/60% -7°C. to -3°C. Air humidity from 30% -5°C. to -1°C. but not wet. Air humi- from -4°C. to +0°C. and rainy condi- 160°C 150°/160°C 140°/150°C to 60%. In case of new or conserved dity from 30% to 60%. Use hot appli- tions. Air humidity from 30% to 60%. abrasive snow, artificial snow and cation with the waxing iron. Use hot application with the waxing springtime icy snow, mix the RED iron. with the LP2 GREEN. Use hot appli- cation with the waxing iron. ® LP2 RED LP2 YELLOW LP2 ORANGE FORNITORE UFFICIALE SCIOLINE MW0953 100 gr MW0954 100 gr MW0955 100 gr MW0963 250 gr MW0964 250 gr MW0965 250 gr MW0973 1 kg MW0974 1 kg MW0975 1 kg 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 snow in transformation snow in transformation old coarse snow snow temp –7°/–3° snow temp -5°/-1° snow temp -4°/0° hr 30/60% hr 30/60% hr 30/60% 130°/140°C 110°/120°C 100°/110°C
RACE LINE CLEANER Alpine/Nordic/Snowboard Alpine/Nordic/Snowboard RACING BASE PARAFFIN FLUORCLEAN FLUORCLEAN SPRAY FLUORCLEAN FLUORCLEAN MW0750 150 ml MW0751 0,5 lt MW0752 1 lt ARCTIC BASE MW1000 - POWDER 100 gr MW0810 250 gr MW0820 1 kg Powder and solid paraffin for training use and racing. Use for snow from -30°C. to -10°C. with new or con- served crystal, fine and abrasive, and mixed with artificial snow. In case of old icy very abrasive snow (spring snow and glacier snow) this paraffin can be used over the fluo- rocarbon waxes FP4 to increase their long lasting. The 0 000000 0 final result will be a lower hydrophobia. It is also used as universal hardener to protect the polyethylene base along the steel edges foils in case of natural or artificial snow very abrasive. Use hot applica- tion with the waxing iron. snow temp –30°/-10° 160° Liquid cleaner to remove residuals of any type of perfluorinated wax and the dirt collected during activity. MED BASE SOFT BASE XSOFT BASE CLEAN MW0870 250 gr MW0871 250 gr MW0873 250 gr MW0875 1 kg MW0876 1 kg MW0878 1 kg CLEAN SPRAY CLEAN CLEAN MW0755 150 ml MW0756 0,5 lt MW0758 4,9 lt MW0757 1 lt 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 snow temp –10°/–5° snow temp –5°/0° snow temp –2°/0° 130°/140°C 120°/130°C 110°/120°C Solid base paraffin for any type of Solid base paraffin for any type of Solid base paraffin for any type of snow from -10°C. to -5°C. It’s an snow from -5°C. to 0°C. It’s an excel- snow from -2°C. to 0°C. It’s an excellent product for the protection lent product for the saturation and the excellent product for the saturation of racing ski bases and it can be protection of racing ski bases and it and the protection of racing ski ba- used as universal training and testing can be used as universal training and ses. It has a melting point of 48°C. base. Use hot application with the testing base. It has a melting point of so it’s a very good product for the hot waxing iron. 60°C. so it’s the best product for the saturation of ski polyethylene bases hot saturation of ski polyethylene ba- with the thermos-box or the thermos- Liquid cleaner to remove residuals of any type of paraffin (fluorinated included) and the dirt collected during activity. ses with the thermo box or the ther- cover. Use hot application with the mo cover. Use hot application with waxing iron. the waxing iron.
SPORT LINE Alpine/Nordic/Snowboard LP15 - LOW FLUORINATED PARAFFIN BP10 - HYDRO CARBON PARAFFIN LP15 VIOLET LP15 RED LP15 YELLOW BP10 VIOLET BP10 RED BP10 YELLOW MW0400 100 gr MW0401 100 gr MW0402 100 gr MW0300 100 gr MW0301 100 gr MW0302 100 gr MW0410 250 gr MW0411 250 gr MW0412 250 gr MW0310 250 gr MW0311 250 gr MW0312 250 gr MW0420 1 kg MW0421 1 kg MW0422 1 kg MW0320 1 kg MW0321 1 kg MW0322 1 kg 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 air temp –19°/–9° air temp –9°/–3° air temp –3°/+9° air temp –19°/–9° air temp –9°/–3° air temp –3°/+9° hr >50% hr >50% hr >50% hr 50%. with the waxing iron. use with air humidity < 50%. Use hot waxing iron. Use hot application with the waxing application with the waxing iron. iron. SPORT LINE - WAX CHART USE: 1° Determine air humidity 2° Determine air temperature 3° Select wax SOLID SKI WAX 2° - AIR TEMPERATURE °C 1° - AIR HUMIDITY -19°C -9°C -3°C +9°C HR < 50% BP10 VIOLET BP10 RED BP10 YELLOW HR > 50% LP15 VIOLET LP15 RED LP15 YELLOW
PERFORMANCE LINE - LIQUID SKIWAX Alpine/Nordic/Snowboard HP3 - HIGH FLUORINATED PARAFFIN BP1 - HYDROCARBON PARAFFIN HP3 COLD HP3 MED HP3 HOT BP1 COLD BP1 MED BP1 HOT MW0930 75 ml MW0931 75 ml MW0932 75 ml MW0830 75 ml MW0831 75 ml MW0832 75 ml MW0940 0,5 lt MW0941 0,5 lt MW0942 0,5 lt MW0833 150 ml MW0834 150 ml MW0835 150 ml MW0836 0,5 lt MW0837 0,5 lt MW0838 0,5 lt all snow all snow all snow all snow all snow all snow snow temp –22°/–8° snow temp –9°/-2° snow temp –3°/0° snow temp –22°/–8° snow temp –9°/–2° snow temp –3°/0° hr 60/100% hr 60/100% hr 60/100% hr
SUPER GLIDE WAX LINE UNIVERSAL WAX LINE Alpine/Nordic/Snowboard Alpine/Nordic/Snowboard CREAM LIQUID UNIVERSAL SOLID RED snow temp –15°/–5° MW0700 100 gr 130°/140°C MW0702 1 kg Universal solid paraffin for sporting use and leisure. Use for every kind of winter snow from -15°C. to -5°C. except moist and wet snow. It ‘a product especially suitable for rentals and laboratories. Use hot application with the waxing iron or with professional waxing machines. MADE IN ITALY - MAFLON S.p.A. WWW.MAPLUS.IT YELLOW snow temp –5°/0° MW0701 100 gr 0 000000 0 110°/120°C 0 000000 0 MW0703 1 kg Universal solid paraffin for sporting use and leisure. Use for every kind of moist and wet snow from -5°C. to +0°C. It’s a product especially suitable for rentals and laboratories. Use hot application with the waxing iron or with professional waxing machines. UNIVERSAL SOLID FLUORINATED RED FLUORO snow temp –15°/–5° MW0705 100 gr 130°/140°C MW0707 1 kg Universal fluorinated solid paraffin for sporting use and leisure. Use for every kind of UNIVERSAL FLUORO UNIVERSAL FLUORO winter snow from -15°C. to -5°C. except moist and wet snow. It ‘a product especially MW0724 12 x 75 ml MW0718 12 x 75 ml suitable for rentals and laboratories. Use hot application with the waxing iron or with Display Box Display Box MADE IN ITALY - MAFLON S.p.A. WWW.MAPLUS.IT professional waxing machines. 0 000000 0 0 000000 0 snow temp –15°/ 0° snow temp –15°/ 0° YELLOW FLUORO snow temp –5°/0° MW0706 100 gr 110°/120°C High quality universal low fluoro glide wax. Ideal for sporting High quality universal liquid paraffin for sporting use and leisu- MW0708 1 kg and leisure in all conditions. Quick application with the spon- re. Use for every kind of snow. The product has a cap applica- ge-cap included by rubbing and pressing. Then for best re- tor with felt to allow a quick waxing operation “last minute” with Universal fluorinated solid paraffin for sporting use and leisure. Use for every kind of sults polish the base with a horsehair or nylon brush. great gliding and long lasting. moist and wet snow from -5°C. to +0°C. It’s a product especially suitable for rentals and laboratories. Use hot application with the waxing iron or with professional waxing machines. SOLID UNIVERSAL FLUORINATED CREAM RED & YELLOW FLUORO RED FLUORO YELLOW FLUORO UNIVERSAL FLUORO snow temp –15°/ 0° UNIVERSAL snow temp –15°/ 0° MW0725 12 x 75 ml MW0726 6 x 75 ml MW0722 250 ml MW0728 100 gr 130°/140°C MW0727 6 x 75 ml Display Box snow temp –15°/–5° snow temp –5°/0° High quality universal low fluoro glide wax. Ideal for sporting Universal all temperature high quality paraffin glide wax for and leisure in all conditions. Quick application with the sponge sporting and leisure in all conditions. Use hot application with included by rubbing and pressing. Then for best results polish the waxing iron. Also ideal for rub-on and go application! the base with a horsehair or nylon brush. 0 000000 0 High quality universal red and yellow fluorinated cream. Ideal for sporting and leisure in medium/cold and medium/hot conditions. Quick application with the sponge by rubbing and pressing. Then for best results polish the base with a horsehair or nylon brush.
UNIVERSAL WAX LINE SKI-ALP WAX LINE Alpine/Nordic/Snowboard UNIVERSAL GRANULAR TOURING SKIN & BASE WAX UNIVERSAL COLD UNIVERSAL TOUR LIQUID High quality universal liquid paraffin for sporting use on ski-alp UNIVERSAL HOT Display Box MW0710 5 kg MW0711 5kg skins and ski bases with every kind of snow. The product has MW0712 20 kg MW0747 12 x 75 ml a cap applicator in felt that allows quick cold waxing “last mi- MW0713 20 kg snow temp –15°/ 0° nute” with great gliding and long lasting. snow temp –15°/–5° snow temp –5°/0° Universal solid paraffin for sporting use and leisure. Use for every kind Universal solid paraffin for sporting use and leisure. Use for every kind of winter snow from -15°C. to -5°C. except moist and wet snow. It ‘a of moist and wet snow from -5°C. to +0°C. It’s a product especially product especially suitable for rentals and laboratories. Use hot appli- suitable for rentals and laboratories. Use hot application with profes- cation with professional waxing machines sional waxing machines. ® RACING SKIN WAX FORNITORE UFFICIALE SCIOLINE UNIVERSAL LIQUID ANTI ICE UNIVERSAL ANTI ICE BLUE BOOST snow temp –20°/–5° MW0715 1 lt MW0732 150 ml 150°C RED BOOST snow temp –5°/0° RUB-ON RUB-ON 150°C MW0716 4,9 lt MW0748 20 gr MW0749 20 gr Universal liquid paraffin for spor- Special silicone spray made to ting use and leisure. Use for every prevent the grip waxes from fre- kind of snow. It’s a product espe- ezing or to avoid formation ice on cially suitable for rentals and labo- the kick zone of no-wax ski. It ‘also ratories. Use cold application with useful to avoid formation of ice on the paintbrush and the manual the serigraphy and the side of any cork. type of ski. Cold application. Fluorocarbon special solid mix to wax ski-alp racing skins. Use Fluorocarbon special solid mix to wax ski-alp racing skins. for every cold snow from -20°C. to -5°C. Recommended cold Use for every warm and wet snow from -5°C. to +0°C. application by rubbing the tablet over the skin. To obtain even Recommended cold application by rubbing the tablet over the higher durability can be made some quick passages of the skin. To obtain even higher durability can be made some quick waxing iron at 150° C. (exclusively on pure mohair skins). passages of the waxing iron at 150° C. (exclusively on pure mohair skins).
GRIP WAX LINE Cross Country STICK KLISTER ORANGE S10 GREEN S11 DARK BLUE S12 LIGHT BLUE S13 GREEN K10 BLUE K11 VIOLET K12 RED K13 MWOS10 45 gr MWOS11 45 gr MWOS12 45 gr MWOS13 45 gr MWOK10 60 gr MWOK11 60 gr MWOK12 60 gr MWOK13 60 gr Grip Wax Base air temp –16°/–8° air temp –10°/–6° air temp –5°/–3° air temp –7/-1° air temp –4°/0° air temp –3°/+3° air temp –1°/+4° Klister Base Stick Base Stick base to use always Stick wax to use with Stick wax to use with Stick wax to use with Klister to use with tran- Klister to use with tran- Klister to use with tran- Klister to use with tran- as first layer of solid fine falling snow and fine falling snow and fine falling snow and sformed snow with big sformed snow with big sformed snow with big sformed snow with big waxes with fine falling new aggressive snow new snow few transfor- new snow few transfor- crystals and with icy crystals and with icy co- crystals and with icy co- crystals, with icy coar- snow and new aggres- few transformed or mi- med or mixed with arti- med or mixed with arti- coarse snow or mixed arse snow or mixed with arse snow or mixed with se snow and wet snow sive snow few transfor- xed with artificial snow. ficial snow. It works with ficial snow. It works with with artificial snow. It artificial snow. It works artificial snow. It works or mixed with artificial med or mixed with arti- It works with air tempe- air temperature from air temperature from -5° works with air tempera- with air temperature with air temperature snow. It works with air ficial snow. It works with rature from -16°C. to -10° C. to -6°C. C. to -3°C. ture from -7°C. to -1°C. from -4°C. to 0°C. from -3°C. to +3°C. temperature from -1°C. every air temperature. -8°C. Moreover it is always to to +4°C. use as a first layer (base klister) for all klister wax with any temperature. DARK VIOLET S14 LIGHT VIOLET S15 RED S16 SILVER K14 UNIVERSAL K15 GRIP WAX KIT MWOS14 45 gr MWOS15 45 gr MWOS16 45 gr MWOK14 60 gr MWOK15 60 gr MWOSK050 air temp–3°/-1° air temp–2°/+1° air temp 0°/+4° air temp 0°/+5° air temp –5°/+5° Stick wax to use with Stick wax to use with Stick wax to use with Silver klister to use with Universal klister to use fine falling snow and fine falling snow and falling snow and new transformed snow or mi- with transformed snow new snow few transfor- new snow few transfor- snow or mixed with arti- xed with artificial snow or mixed with artificial (MWOS13-14-15 + MWOK15 + MTO113 + MTO510 + MTO512) med or mixed with arti- med or mixed with arti- ficial snow. It works with with big and medium snow with big crystals ficial snow. It works with ficial snow. It works with air temperature from 0° crystals. It works with air transforming from wet to air temperature from -3° air temperature from -2° C. to +4°C temperature from 0°C. icy. It works with air tem- C. to -1°C. C. to +1°C. to +5°C. Very good perature from -5 °C. to to reduce friction and +5°C. and it avoids the speed up sliding on very formation of ice. abrasive snow.
-16°C -10°C -8°C -6°C -5°C -3°C -2°C -1°C 0°C 1°C 4°C 3,2°F 14°F 17,6°F 21,2°F 23°F 26,6°F 28,4°F 30,2°F 32°F 33,8°F 39,2°F GRIP WAX LINE EVERY HUMIDITY GREEN S11 STICK BASE ORANGE S10 LIGHT BLUE S13 LIGHT VIOLET S15 Cross Country DARK BLUE S12 DARK VIOLET S14 RED S16 GRIP WAX CHART STICK KLISTER FINE (Falling, new and few transformed) ICY SNOW TYPE ARTIFICIAL SNOW TYPE TRANSFORMED MOIST (Falling and new) WET AIR TEMPERATURE AIR TEMPERATURE AIR TEMPERATURE -16°C -10°C -8°C -6°C -5°C -3°C -2°C -1°C 0°C 1°C 4°C AIR TEMPERATURE -7°C -5°C -4°C -3°C -1°C 0°C 3°C 4°C 5°C 3,2°F 14°F 17,6°F 21,2°F 23°F 26,6°F 28,4°F 30,2°F 32°F 33,8°F 39,2°F 19,5°F 23°F 25°F 26,6°F 30,2°F 32°F 37,4°F 39,2°F 41°F STICK BASE ORANGE S10 KLISTER BASE GREEN K10 EVERY HUMIDITY GREEN S11 LIGHT BLUE S13 LIGHT VIOLET S15 GREEN K10 SILVER K14 DARK BLUE S12 DARK VIOLET S14 RED S16 BLUE K11 EVERY HUMIDITY K83 VIOLET GENERAL FEATURES UNIVERSAL K15 RED K13 INDICATIONS: KLISTER It is suggested to use always ICY a basic layer of stick ORANGE S10 hot by passing the waxing iron. The layer When the snow becomes icy, it is suggested to use the stick as indicated in the tabel to cover the klister thickness SNOW depends TYPE on the snow abrasion factor. The complete waxing requests at least 3 layers, even dif- TRANSFORMED and so avoiding that it ices loosing the gripping effect. After application of the stick, wait for the ski to cool WET ferent, spread from time to time with synthetic cork. down, then use the synthetic cork slightly and quickly. AIR TEMPERATURE It is suggested to use a basic layer of klister GREEN K10 hot by means of the waxing iron. The layer In case of klister waxing with low temperature use a portable gas flame to heat the wax and mix it. Then AIR TEMPERATURE thickness depends on the snow-7°C 19,5°F abrasion -5°C 23°F factor. -4°C 25°F The complete -3°C 26,6°F waxing -1°C 30,2°F requests 0°C 32°F at least 2 39,2°F 3°C 37,4°F layers, 4°C even 5°C 41°F mi- spread it with your thumb or the palm of your hand. xed, from time to time with your thumb. KLISTER BASE GREEN K10 GREEN K10 SILVER K14 BLUE K11 EVERY HUMIDITY K83 VIOLET RED K13 UNIVERSAL K15
HOT BOX HOT BOX WAXING MACHINE ACCESSORIES 140 TANK WITH 140 TANK WITH Ski waxing machines for ski and snowboard with replaceable tank and dual operating STANDARD ROLLER CROSS COUNTRY ROLLER temperature SV00002 SV00003 Thin + Thick Layer HOTBOX 140 SV00001 Dimensions: 205X198x100 mm 140 TANK WITH 140 TANK COVER Weight:3 Kg SKI WAX SCRAPERS SV00006 Voltage 220V/50Hz SV00004 Available at 110V Absorption 0.7 Kw Operating temperature: 110° - 140° C Roller Width 120mm HOTBOX 160 160 TANK WITH 160 TANK COVER SV00010 STANDARD ROLLER SV00012 SV00011 Dimensions: 225X198x100 mm Weight:4 Kg Voltage 220V/50Hz Available at 110V Absorption 0.7 Kw Operating temperature: 110° - 140° C Roller Width 150mm 350 TANK WITH HOTBOX 350 SILICONE ROLLER SV00008 SV00009 Dimensions: 420X198x100 mm Weight:6 Kg Voltage 220V/50Hz Available at 110V Absorption 1 Kw Operating temperature: 110° - 140° C Roller Width 330mm Professional digital ski waxing machine for nordic grip wax GRIP WAX - DIGITAL HOTBOX GRIP WAX TANK SV00013 WITH ROLLERS SV00014 Dimensions: 205X198x100 mm Weight:4 Kg Voltage 220V/50Hz Available at 110V Absorption 0.7 Kw Operating temperature: 50° - 200° C Roller Width 100mm
ACCESSORIES ROTO WAXING & BRUSHING MACHINE Professional waxing and brushing machine with HERMETIC BOX HIGH STABILITY WORK BASE MOTO BRUSH 2 one heating plate and replaceable rollers. WITH FOAM PROTECTION WITH DOOR AND SHELVES WITHOUT ROLLERS FOR HOT BOX 140 - 160 FOR HOT BOX AND MOTO BRUSH 2 SV00020N Dimensions: 590X160X215 mm SV00007 SV00040 Weight: 15 Kg 1 Heating plate Voltage 220V/50Hz Absorption 0.5 Kw ROLLER FOR MERINO MERINO WOOL SCOTCH BRITE BRASS BRUSH WOOL LEATHER LEATHER ROLLER 13mm SV00029 cm 14 SV00021 cm 14 SV00027 cm 16 SV00022 cm 16 ELECTRIC PLEXY SHARPENER HORSEHAIR BRUSH NYLON BRUSH NYLON/HORSEHAIR BRUSH 10mm 10mm 10mm SV00023 cm 16 SV00024 cm 16 SV00026 cm 16 ADJUSTABLE PLEXY SCRAPER SHARPENER WITH POWER TRANSFORMER AC 110/220V SV00030N Dimensions: 180 X 150 X 90 mm Weight: 1 Kg Voltage AC 110-220V / DC12V Absorption 0.1 Kw (for cross country ski)
SKI LAB WAXING TOOLS ACCESSORIES PROTECTIVE MASK TRUE BAR HOLE PLUGS PLASTIC BUSHING CORK CORK/FELT BRUSH CORK/NYLON BRUSH SYNTHETIC CORK KZ08005 MTO514 3 mm LK21101 500 pcs THREADED MTO110 MTO115 MTO111 MTO113 LK21201 100 pcs 70 x 50 x 35 mm 135 x 42 x 39 mm 75 x 55 x 34 mm 70 x 50 x 35 mm Steel Scraper Mixed Normal Colors Black STEEL HARD STEEL SCREW DRIVER BIT LUBRICANT FOR POWDER NET NORDIC SCRAPER GROOVE SCRAPER STEEL SCRAPER SKI DRILL SKI DRILL SKI BINDINGS DISPENSER MTO510 MTO512 MTO513 1 mm MM420L 3,5 x 7 mm MM420CO 4,1 x 9 mm MMF4302 MM490 150 ml MTO905 MM420L 3,5 x 9 mm pzd2 x 110 mm MM420L 3,8 x 10 mm A4 standard MM420L 3,8 x 15 mm MMF4303 MM420L 4,1 x 9 mm pzd3 x 110 mm A4 standard SNOWBOARD PLEXY SCRAPER ® SCRAPER MTO511 130 x 60 x 4 mm FORNITORE UFFICIALE SCIOLINE MTO515 260 x 70 x 5 mm SKIMAN BOX BMC0100 470 x 360 x 175 mm
WAXING TOOLS FIBERLENE TAPE PTFE TAPE PTFE SHEET STANDARD WAXING THERMO BAG MTO900 MTO901 MTO902 10 pcs THERMOMETER MTO800 - AC 220V 10 mt x 130 mm 10 mt x 130 mm 200 x 130 mm MTO915 ADJUSTABLE TEMPERATURE 30°C - 70°C 2200mm x 450mm x 450mm temp. -20°/+50° DIGITAL PROBE INFRARED POCKET DIGITAL (10 alpine ski or 20 XC ski - 55°C x 6/8 hours - for ski base saturation) THERMOMETER THERMOMETER GUN THERMO-HYGROMETER THERMO-HYGROMETER MTO921 MTO916 MTO923 MTO920 ALPINE - THERMO WAXING COVER FREERIDE - THERMO WAXING COVER MTO801N - AC 220V MTO805N - AC 220V MTO801NUS - AC 110V MTO805NUS - AC 110V 55°C - 60°C 55°C - 60°C 2300mm x 140mm 2000mm x 170mm temp. -40°/+200° temp. -33°/+500° temp. -20°/+50° temp. -40°/+70° hr. 10%/95% hr. 1%/99% SNOWBOARD - THERMO WAXING COVER JUMPING - THERMO WAXING COVER SAND PAPER SAND PAPER ELASTICS CLAMP FOR THERMO MTO806N - AC 220V MTO801JP - AC 220V BK00950 gr 180 5 pcs BK00951 gr 120 5 pcs FOR BINDING COVER MTO806NUS - AC 110V SM058100 1 kg MTO802 55°C - 60°C 55°C - 60°C 1800mm x 330mm 3000mm x 185mm 120 x 200 mm 120 x 200 mm (55°C x 2h for quick ski base saturation)
ROTO BRUSHES Alpine/Nordic/Snowboard QUICK GRIP QUIK DRIVE SHAFT NOMIC GRIP ROTOBRUSH BOX MTO030 MTO031 10 cm MTO040 BMC0103 14 cm MTO032 14 cm 38x28x9 cm MTO033 20 cm only for 10 cm brushes NOMIC DRIVE SHAFT MTO041 10 cm MTO047 14 cm MTO048 20 cm HORSEHAIR NYLON HORSEHAIR NYLON XC COMBI 1 CORK MTO012 10 cm MTO013 10 cm MTO042 14 cm MTO043 14 cm MTO049 14 cm MTO024 14 cm hard horsehair-soft nylon BRASS STEEL CORK HORSEHAIR NYLON BRASS STEEL MTO011 10 cm MTO017 10 cm MTO022 10 cm MTO014 20 cm MTO015 20 cm MTO018 20 cm MTO019 20 cm
ROTO KIT SPEED FABRIC ROLLERS Alpine/Nordic/Snowboard Alpine/Nordic/Snowboard ROTO KIT 10 CM - CORK SPREADING ROLLER BRUSHING ROLLER POLISHING ROLLER MTO060 (MTO040 + MTO041 + MTO022-12-13) POLYESTER MERINO WOOL 5mm MERINO WOOL 12mm MTO070 cm 10 MTO076 cm 14 MTO072N cm 10 MTO075 cm 14 MTO081 cm 20 MTO077 cm 14 MTO080 cm 20 MTO082N cm 20 ROTO KIT 10 CM - BRASS MTO065 (MTO040 + MTO041 + MTO011-12-13) POLYESTER & MERINO WOOL POLYESTER & MERINO WOOL POLYESTER & MERINO WOOL ROTO SET CM 10 ROTO SET CM 14 ROTO SET CM 20 MTO085N MTO086 MTO087N ROTO KIT 10 CM - POLYESTER MTO066 (MTO040 + MTO041 + MTO070-12-13) Apply hot or cold every perfluorinated wax FP4 (powder, spray or solid) or liquid paraffins as reccomended in the waxing manual Maplus Ski Wax, available on Instead of roto-cork and traditional horsehair and nylon brushes use new rollers of polyester and merino wool as follows: ® FORNITORE UFFICIALE SCIOLINE 1. Roll the base surface with the roto-polyester in both directions at a speed between 1000 and 1500 rpm according to the pressure applied. Repeat several times until the complete saturation of the base surface. Wait at least 10 minutes for cooling of the base surface and for the ski wax to harden. 2. Free the base structure with the 5 mm. roto-wool. 3. Polish the base structure with the 12 mm. roto-wool.
SKI FILES DIAFACE & DIAMOND HARD CHROME HARD CHROME HARD CHROME DIAFACE DIAFACE DIAFACE DIAFACE DIAFACE FINE COARSE SUPER COARSE MP0210 70 mm MP0211 70 mm MP0212 70 mm MP0213 70 mm MP0214 70 mm ML0001 150 mm BK00010 150 mm ML0004 200 mm MP0200 100 mm MP0201 100 mm MP0202 100 mm MP0203 100 mm MP0204 100 mm ML0002 200 mm ML0003 200 mm gr. 100 gr. 200 gr. 400 gr. 600 gr. 1000 COMBI FILE DOUBLE SIDE BODY FILE FILE BRUSH MEDIUM - COARSE ML0005 300 mm MTO100 ML0530 80 mm WORLD CUP WORLD CUP WORLD CUP WORLD CUP WORLD CUP DIAMOND DIAMOND DIAMOND DIAMOND DIAMOND MP0310 70 mm MP0311 70 mm MP0312 70 mm MP0313 70 mm MP0314 70 mm MP0300 100 mm MP0301 100 mm MP0302 100 mm high tech ski & snowboard tuning toolsski MP0303 high tech & snowboard high tuning 100 tech ski & mm tools snowboardhigh tuning MP0304 tech tools 100 ski & snowboard tuning high mm tools tech ski & snowb new new new new WORLD WORLD WORLD WORLD WORLD CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP DIAMOND FILE DIAMOND FILEDIAMOND FILEDIAMOND FILE DIAMO 70 mm 70 mm 70 mm 70 mm 70 mm 70100W 100 70100W 10070100W 10070100W 100 70100 PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL 70200W 200 70200W 20070200W 20070200W 200 70200 HARD CROME BASTARD HARD CROME 2ND CUT HARD CROME SMOOTH 70400W 400 70400W 40070400W 40070400W 400 70400 ML0501 200 mm ML0502 200 mm ML0503 150 mm 70600W 600 70600W 60070600W 60070600W 600 70600 71000W 1000 71000W 100071000W 100071000W 1000 71000 • Aluminium support • Aluminium support • Aluminium support • Aluminium support • Aluminium s • High quality and duration diamond• High quality and duration diamond • High quality and duration diamond • High quality and duration diamond • High quality • Best if use with water • Best if use with water • Best if use with water • Best if use with water • Best if use w or polishing solution or polishing solution or polishing solution or polishing solution or polishing gr. 100 gr. 200 gr. 400 • Compatible with all sharpening tool gr. 600 • Compatible with all sharpening tool • Compatible with all sharpening tool gr. 1000 • Compatible with all sharpening tool • Best if clean with spirit after use • Best if clean with spirit after use• Best if clean with spirit after use• Best if clean with spirit after use • Compatible w • Best if clean STONES PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL MINI SQUARE 88° GUMMY STONE new STONE NATURAL new w neARKANSASnew NO-CROME BASTARD NO-CROME 2ND CUT NO-CROME SMOOTH MP0150 MP0010 FINE MP0002 WORLD FINE MP0004 EXTRA FINE ML0511 200 mm ML0512 200 mm ML0513 150 mm for diaface 70 mm WORLD CUP MP0003 CUPMEDIUM WORLD CUP WORLD CUP WORLD CUP DIAMOND FILE DIAMOND FILEDIAMOND FILEDIAMOND FILE DIAMO 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm 10100W 100 10100W 10010100W 10010100W 100 10100 10200W 200 10200W 20010200W 20010200W 200 10200 10400W 400 10400W 40010400W 40010400W 400 10400 10600W 600 10600W 60010600W 60010600W 600 10600 11000W 1000 11000W 100011000W 100011000W 1000 11000 • Aluminium support • Aluminium support • Aluminium support • Aluminium support • Aluminium s • High quality and duration diamond• High quality and duration diamond • High quality and duration diamond • High quality and duration diamond • High quality • Best if use with water • Best if use with water • Best if use with water • Best if use with water • Best if use w PRO-RS NO-CHROME PRO-RS NO-CHROME PRO-RS NO-CHROME MINI SQUARE 87° or polishing solution or polishing solution or polishing solution or polishing solution or polishing COARSE MEDIUM FINE MP0151 • Compatible with all sharpening tool • Compatible with all sharpening tool • Compatible with all sharpening tool • Compatible with all sharpening tool • Compatible w ML0525 100 mm ML0526 100 mm ML0527 100 mm ALU OXIDE STONE SAND PAPER • Best if clean with spirit after use • Best if clean with spirit after use• Best if clean with spirit after use• Best if clean with spirit after use • Best if clean for diaface 70 mm BK00006 MEDIUM BK00008 5 pcs gr. 600 - 70 x 200 mm 25 25 25 25
SKI MAN FOLDING TABLE UNIVERSAL SKIMAN TABLE ALPINE SKIMAN TABLE PRO UNIVERSAL DOUBLE BENCH MTO610 (Bag included) MTO611 MTO630 L110 x W40 x H84 cm. - 19 kg. Adjustable arms Aluminium light weight TABLE BAG MTO608 XC SKIMAN TABLE PRO for table 610 MTO612 Aluminium light weight MTO628 for table 611-612 XC PROFILE SET MTO635 L150 x W4 x H18 cm. - 3,7 kg. (ski from 140 to 210 cm.) CENTRAL CLIP MTO617 for profile 613 IRON HOLDER MTO620 XC PROFILE SET PRO MTO623 TRAVEL BENCH MTO640 L115 x W9,5 x H120 cm. - 3,6 kg. Aluminium light weight RUBBISH BAG HOLDER MTO621 With handle and folding legs XC PROFILE PRO SKI RACK MTO613 MTO614 Aluminium light weight for table 611-612
WAXING IRONS MAINTENANCE SOLES ADJUSTABLE DIGITAL ELECTRONIC IRON WAX SKI BASE FREE CANDLE ∅ 8mm GUN CANDLE ∅ 11,5mm WELDING STRIP WAXING IRON T10B.15 WAXING IRON T10A.15 KZ06001 AC 110V LK00001 trasparent LK20001 transparent LK20301 transparent LK20401 transparent KZ05000N AC 220V KZ06000N AC 220V MAX TEMP. 160°C LK00002 graphite LK20002 graphite LK20302 graphite LK20402 graphite MAX TEMP. 200°C MAX TEMP. 200°C 250 x 80 x 1,3 mm LK20003 black LK20303 black LK20403 black 4 pcs 1 Kg 1 Kg 1 Kg 160x95x15 mm. sole 160x95x15 mm. sole IRON WAX WIRE FOR SMEARING MACHINE ∅ 3mm WIRE FOR SMEARING MACHINE ∅ 3mm METAL GRIP ∅ 3,5mm DIGITAL PRO KZ05001 AC 110V LK20601 transparent LK20661 transparent LK20902 transparent WAXING IRON T10A.35 MAX TEMP. 160°C LK20602 graphite LK20662 graphite LK20904 graphite KZ03000N AC 220V LK20607 black LK20667 black MAX TEMP. 200°C 0,5 kg 1,5 kg 10 mt FACIAL MASK FILTER FOR POLYMERIC ADHESIVE MIXING TIPS UNIVERSAL PRIMER FOR KZ08000 FACIAL MASK FOR SKI BASE REPAIRING LK00016 CYANACRYLATE ADHESIVE POLYETHYLENE KZ08001 LK00010 amber LK00020 transparent LK00021 spray LK00015 black CE EN 136 - Class 3 MSA A2-B2-E2-K1-HG-P3 CE 12 pcs 30 gr 15 ml 25 ml
SKI AND SNOWBOARD VISES SKI VISE QUICK SKI VISE 24 HOURS SKI VISE RACING • Vice jaws width: 70 mm • For skis with all kinds of riser plates SM00690 SM00650 SM01070N (max opening 100 mm) • Jaws opening: up to 100 mm • High tensile aluminum body • Rubber lined vice jaws • Also use horizontally for mounting • High-tensile aluminium body • High-tensile aluminium body • Special rubber with small suction bindings • Light and easy to transport • Light and easy to transport cups on the top grip of the supports • Included 2 brake retainers • For tuning all types and shapes of skis • For tuning all types and shapes of skis • Adjustable guide blocks • Special rubber to grip the ski during • Special rubber to grip the ski during side and base work base work • Included 2 brake retainers • Included 2 brake retainers high tech ski & snowboard tuning tools SKI SUPPORT BRAVO SUPPORT SKI VISE PRO • Jaw width 90 mm SM00695 SM00635635 (for 691-1070N-1110N-1110NW) SM01110N (max opening 100 mm) • Jaws opening: up to 100 mm BRAVO SUPPORT new • High-tensile aluminium body • High-tensile aluminium body • Universalsoadapter they will be “all inwith special rubber to grip • For tuning all types and shapes of skis • Universal adapter for Art. 1070 and Art. 1110, • Light and easy to transport one” vises high tech ski & snowboard tuning tools cross-country ski, snowboard • Works with all types of snowboards, and wide ski • Included 2 brake retainers • For tuning all types and shapes of skis during the wide skis and cross-country skis base • Special rubber tuning to grip the snowboard • Special rubber to grip the ski during and wide skis during the base tuning new 635 base work BRAVO SUPPORT • Included 2 brake retainers SPORT RACING ACTIVE TEAM • Universal adapter for Art. 1070 and Art. 1110, so they will be “all in one” vises • Works with all types of snowboards, wide skis and cross-country skis • Special rubber to grip the snowboard high tech ski & snowboard tuning tools and wide skis during the base tuning SPORT ACTIVE RACING TEAM 1110W Snowboards and wide skis Cross-country skis SKI VISE PRO “WIDE OPENING” position position • Jaw width 90 mm • Jaws opening: up to 155 mm • High-tensile aluminium body high tech ski & snowboard tuning tools • For tuning all types and shapes of skis • Included 2 brake retainers 1110W SKI VISE PRO “WIDE OPENING” SPORT Snowboards ACTIVE • Jaw width 90 mm and wide skis Cross-country skis position position • Jaws opening: up to 155 mm • High-tensile aluminium body RACING • For tuning all types TEAM and shapes of skis • Included 2 brake retainers WORLD SPORT CUP ACTIVE SKI VISE COMP SKI VISE PRO “WIDE OPENING” Works for: • Jaw width 90 mm Racing Carving skis • Jaw width 30 mm • Light and easy to transport RACING SM00691 (max opening 85 mm) SM01110NW (maxhigh opening 155 mm) • Jaws opening: up to 155 mm Freeride TEAM Freestyle skis tech ski & snowboard tuning tools • Jaws opening: up to 90 mm • For tuning all types and shapes of skis Back country • High-tensile aluminium body Alpine touring skis • High-tensile aluminium body • Included 2 brake retainers WORLD CUP • For tuning all types and shapes of skis 1110W • Included 2 brake retainers Works for: SKI VISE PRO “WIDE OPENING” Racing Carving skis • Jaw width 90 mm Freeride Freestyle skis • Jaws opening: up to 155 mm Back country Alpine • High-tensile aluminium body touring skis • For tuning all types and shapes of skis • Included 2 brake retainers 31 SPORT ACTIVE RACING DESIGNED TO CLAMP TEAM ALSO IN THE PLATE OR BINDING WORLD 31 CUP Works for: Racing 90° Carving skis DESIGNED TO CLAMP ALSO IN THE PLATE Freeride Freestyle skis OR BINDING Back country 33 Alpine touring skis
SKI AND SNOWBOARD VISES EDGE SHARPENERS SKI VISE CROSS COUNTRY WORLD CUP SKI VISE XXL RACING SHARP RACING SHARP KIT SM00670 SM00994 SM05006 SM05007 • High-tensile aluminium body • High-tensile aluminium body • Light and practical for travelling • Jaw width 70 mm • For tuning all types and shapes of nordic skis • Jaws opening up to 155 mm Side edge:89°-88°-87°-86° / Base edge:0,5°- 1° • Ergonomic side edge sharpener • Ergonomic side edge sharpener • Easy handling, steady grip, maximum accuracy • Easy handling, steady grip, maximum accuracy • Best results, minimum effort • Best results, minimum effort • Right and left hand use • Right and left hand use • For ski and snowboard • For ski and snowboard • Spare file 80 mm 5104 QUICK SHARP 88°-89° QUICK SHARP KIT 88°-89° SM03007 SM03009 SNOWBOARD - FREERIDE SKI VISE SM01003N • High-impact plastic body • For tuning all types of snowboards and wide skis • Special rubber to grip the snowbo- ards and wide skis during side and base tuning • Two side edge positions: standard 90° and easy 60° • Binding clearance: 160 mm • Ergonomic side edge sharpener • Ergonomic side edge sharpener • Pocket size, «on the slope» use also • Pocket size, «on the slope» use also • Easy handling, steady grip, maximum accuracy • Easy handling, steady grip, maximum accuracy • Best results, minimum effort • Best results, minimum effort • Right and left hand use • Right and left hand use • For ski and snowboard • For ski and snowboard • Spare file 40 mm 5105 DIAMOND SHARP 88°- 87° ROTO GUIDE SM04006N SMK03010 90° SMK03011 89° DOUBLE WORKSHOP VISE DOUBLE WORKSHOP SUPPORT SM01021 SM01022 • Ergonomic side edge sharpener • Side edge file guide with two clamp included • Pocket size, «on the slope» use also • Designed to eject metal filings • Easy handling, steady grip, maximum accuracy • Fits any files, stones or diamonds • Best results, minimum effort • For ski and snowboard • Right and left hand use • For ski and snowboard
• Best results, minimum effort to protect the base • Adjustable blade position RACING WORLD EDGE SHARPENERS • Right and left hand use and cutting depth TEAM CUP • For ski and snowboard • Ball bearing system to protect the base • Right and left hand use RACING WORLD TEAM CUP • For ski and snowboard SPARE DIAMOND DISC SPARE ZIRCONIUM SPARE DIAMOND SPARE FILE SIDEWALL SHARP SIDEWALL SHARP WORLD CUP BALL SM05190 SM05140 SM05160 SM05104 80 mm SM03004 SM05005N BEARINGS SM05105 40 mm RACING WORLD SYSTEM TEAM CUP BALL BEARINGS SYSTEM remove before filing BALL BEARINGS SYSTEM Bastard high tech ski & snowboard tuning tools • Ergonomic sidewall planer • Professional sidewall planer PRO SHARP ERGO SHARP • Easy handling, steady grip, maximum accuracy • Easy handling, steady 3071 grip, maximum accuracy spare parts SM05001 SM05002 SPARE BLADE • Best results, minimum effort • Best results, minimum STANDARD effort ADJUSTABLE BASE SHARP from 90° to 85° from 90° to 85° • Adjustable blade position and cutting depth • Adjustable5120 blade position and cutting depth • Professional base edge sharpener • Easy handling, steady grip, • Right and left hand use • Right and left hand use maximum accuracy • Best results, minimum effort • For ski and snowboard • For ski and snowboard • Fits any files, stones or diamonds up to 6 mm thick spare parts SPARE BLADE SPARE BLADE • For ski and snowboard STANDARD RADIUS 3 mm base edge 0.5°... SPARE BLADE STANDARD 5120 SPARE BLADE RADIUS 3 mm 5125 1.5° SPARE BLADE ROUND SM05120 SM05125 RACING SM05130 WORLD TEAM CUP spare parts SPARE BLADE SPARE BLADE SPARE BLADE STANDARD RADIUS 3 mm ROUND 5120 5125 5130 SPARE BLADE SPARE BLADE RADIUS 3 mm ROUND • Ergonomic side edge sharpener 5125 ADJUSTABLE BASE EDGE FILE5130 GUIDE • Easy handling, steady grip, maximum accuracy SM03071 from 0,5° to 1,5° • Professional side edge sharpener • Best results, minimum effort • Easy handling, steady grip, maximum accuracy • Fits any files, stones or diamonds up to 6 mm thick SPARE BLADE • Best results, minimum effort • Right and left hand use ROUND • For ski and snowboard 5130 • Fits any files, stones or diamonds up to 6 mm thick • Ball bearing system to protect the base • Spare file 80 mm • Base edge sharpener • Right and left hand use • Easy handling, steady grip, maximum • For ski and snowboard accuracy 19 • Spare file 80 mm • Best results, minimum effort • Fits any files, stones or diamonds up to 6 mm thick • For ski and snowboard 19 21 PLEXI SHARP • Wax scraper sharpener SPARE BODY FILE SM00630N • Used for 3, 4, 5 mm plexi wax scraper thick SM05101 • 100 mm body file included • Spare 100 mm body file 19 BASE EDGE FILE GUIDE SM03051N 0,5° SM03052N 0,75° SM03053N 1° • Professional base edge sharpener • Easy handling, steady grip, maximum accuracy • Best results, minimum effort • Fits any files, stones or diamonds up to 6 mm thick • For ski and snowboard
• According to the snow conditions, it will increase the glide of the skis EDGE SHARPENERS NORDIC STRUCTURE • Delivered with a medium diagonal roller SPORT RACING 8001 BALL BEARINGS TOOLS ACTIVE TEAM NORDIC SHARP • Ergonomic structuring tool SYSTEM with interchangeable structure rollers • Easy handling, steady grip, maximum accuracy • Best results, minimum effort • According to the snow conditions, NORDIC SHARP • Ergonomic structuring tool with interchangeable structure rollers it will increase the glide of the skis RACING GUIDE RACING GUIDE PLUS • Delivered with a medium diagonal roller SM08001 • Easy handling, steady grip, maximum accuracy SM03030 90° SM03040 90° RACING GUIDE SPORT RACING ACTIVE • Best results, minimum effort TEAM SM03031 89° RACING SM03041 89° GUIDE PLUS Art. SM08006 included • According to the snow conditions, it will increase the glide of the skis SM03032 88° SM03042 3030 88° 90° 3040 90° • Delivered with a medium diagonal roller SM03033 87° SM03043 87° SM03034 86° 3031 SM03044 86°89° 3041 89° 3032 88° 3042 88° 3033 87° 3043 87° 3034 86° 3044 86° RACING RACING WORLD TEAM TEAM CUP Place onon M Place M the the right right side side 4 high tech ski & snowboard tuning tools • Side edge file guide with ergonomic clamp included • Side edge file guide with clamp included 4 • Designed to eject metal filings • Designed to eject metal filings high high tech tech ski ski && snowboard snowboard tuning high tech ski tools tuning &tools snowboard tuning tools • Fits any files, stones or diamonds • Fits any files, stones or diamonds • For ski and snowboard • For ski and snowboard LINEAR ROLLERS high tech ski & snowboard high tech tuning ski &tools snowboard tuning tools 16 • Side edge file guide with ergonomic clamp included • Side edge file guide with clamp included LINEAR ROLLERS LINEAR ROLLERS • Designed to eject metal filings • Designed to eject metal filings high tech ski & snowboard tuning tools • Fits any files, stones or diamonds • Fits any files, stones or diamonds LINEAR ROLLERS LINEAR ROLLERS • For ski and snowboard • For ski and snowboard BALL BEARINGS INOX SQUARE SKI FILE CLAMP SYSTEM ALUMINIUM SQUARE high tech ski & snowboard tuning tools SQ0090 90° SQ0089 89° MTO803 SQ0090V 90° SQ0089V 89° SQ0088V professional 88° fast SQ0088 88° SQ0087 87° RACINGSQ0087V GUIDE fast 87° 8002 8003 8004 PLUS SQ0086V ergonomic professional 86° new SQ0086 86° SQ0085 85° new ergonomic SQ0085V 85° 3040 precise 90° 3041 89°easy precise easy C 8002 LINEAR LINEAR COARSE COARSE C8002 8003 LINEAR COARSE 1,5 mm for warm and wet conditions 1,5 mm LINEAR MEDIUM 1,0 M M 8003 8004 8004 LINEAR MEDIUM 1,0 mm for universal conditions LINEAR mm MEDIUM LINEAR FINE F8004 FINE 0,5 mm 0,5 LINEAR FINE 0,5 mm for cold conditions mm LINEAR FINE 0,5 mm LINEAR FINE F C for warm and wetM F LINEAR COARSE 1,5 LINEAR mm COARSE 1,5 LINEAR mm MEDIUM 1,0 mm LINEAR MEDIUM 1,0 LINEAR mm C8002 SM08002 for for warm warm and and wet 8002 wet conditions conditions 8003 for for universal conditions M SM08003 8003 universal conditions conditions F for 8004 for universal conditions for cold cold conditions conditions F for cold conditions 8004 SM08004 3042 88° forCwarmLINEAR and wet COARSE conditions 1,5LINEAR mm COARSE 1,5 LINEAR mm MEDIUM 1,0for mm universal LINEAR MEDIUM 1,0 conditions LINEAR mm FINE 0,5 mmLINEAR FINE 0,5 mm for cold conditions C for warm and wet conditions M for universal conditionsM for universal conditionsF for cold conditions F for cold conditions 3043 87° for warm and wet conditions DIAGONAL ROLLERS 3044 86° DIAGONAL DIAGONAL DIAGONAL ROLLERS ROLLERS ROLLERS RACING WORLD DIAGONALDIAGONAL ROLLERS ROLLERS TEAM CUP 7001N • Designed to eject metal filings high tech ski & snowboard tuning tools • Fits any files, stones or diamonds BRAVO SHARP • Side edge file • For guideski withand clampsnowboard included Electric side edge sharpener for fast and professional • Designed to eject metal filings fast sharpening of side edges. professional • Fits Thanks to its innovative design, side edgesany can files, stones be prepared or diamonds ergonomic ew manual precise 7001N with considerably less effort than with n conventional • For ski and snowboard devices, even if side edges are severely damaged. easy 8005 8006 8007 16 BRAVO • 220 V SHARP (for european market only) 8005 8006 8007 8005 C8005 8006 LINEAR COARSE 1,5 mm M 8006 8007 DIAGONAL MEDIUM 1,0 mm F8007 DIAGONAL FINE 0,5 mm C M F • Weight 1.3 kg for warm and wet conditions for universal conditions for cold conditions Electric side edge sharpener for fast and professional BRAVO SHARP Electric side edge sharpener for fastSTAINLESS and professional STEEL sharpning of side edges. 8005 LINEAR COARSE 8005 1,5 mm 8006 DIAGONAL 8006 MEDIUM 1,0 mm 8007 DIAGONAL 8007 FINE 0,5 mm sharpening ofSPORT side edges. PLATE C C LINEAR COARSE C for warm and wetM 1,5 LINEAR mm COARSE M 1,5 DIAGONAL mm MEDIUM 1,0 DIAGONAL mm F MEDIUM M for universal conditions F for DIAGONAL 1,0 mm FINE 0,5 mm DIAGONAL FINE 0,5 mm conditions F for cold conditions SM07001 ACTIVE RACING TEAM Thanks WORLD CUP to its innovative design, side edges can be prepared with considerably less effort than with for for warm DIAGONAL warm and and wet wet conditions COARSE conditions for for universal conditionsuniversal conditions conditions DIAGONAL for cold cold conditions MEDIUM DIAGONAL FINE from 90° to 86° Thanks to its innovative design,conventional side7001N edges can manual be prepared devices, even if side edges are severely damaged. LINEAR COARSE 1,5LINEAR C for warm and wet conditions SM08005 mm COARSE 1,5 C for warm and wet conditions DIAGONAL mm MEDIUM 1,0 M for universal conditions DIAGONAL M SM08006 mm MEDIUM 1,0DIAGONAL mm FINE 0,5DIAGONAL mm F for cold conditions F for cold conditions for universal conditions FINE 0,5 mm SM08007 Electric side edge sharpener BRAVO SHARP with considerably less effort than with conventional manual Electric side edge sharpener for fast and professional for warm andW wetROLLERS conditions for universal conditions for cold conditions for ski & snowboard tuning sharpening of side edges. devices, even • 220 Vdamaged. if side edges are severely (for european market only) SPARE BANDS COARSE Thanks to its innovative design, side edges can be prepared with considerably less effort than with conventional manual W ROLLERS W ROLLERSW ROLLERS • Weight 1.3 kg SM07002 10 pcs. devices, even if side edges are severely damaged. • 220 V (for european market only) • 220 V (for european market only) high tech ski & snowboard tuning tools • Weight 1.3 kg W ROLLERS W ROLLERS • Weight 1.3 kg SPORT RACING WORLD STAINLESS STEEL PLATE ACTIVE TEAM CUP fast STAINLESS STEEL professional ergonomic PLATE SPORT RACING WORLD new ACTIVE precise TEAM easy CUP SPARE BANDS FINE 8008 8009 8010 SM07003 10 pcs. 7001N BRAVO SHARP 8008 8008 C8008 8009 W COARSE 1,5 mm 8009 for warm and wet conditions M8009 8010 8010 for universal conditions W MEDIUM 1,0 mm W FINE 0,5 mm F8010 for cold conditions C MMEDIUM 1,08010 F 90° 90° 8008 8008 8009 8009 Fmm W FINE 0,5 mm8010 Electric side edge sharpener for fast and professional 89° W COARSE 1,5 mm W MEDIUM 1,0 mm W FINE 0,5 mm C M 5 sharpening of side edges. Easy angle setting 88° 89° W COARSE 1,5 mm W COARSE 1,5 mm W MEDIUM 1,0 mm W W FINE 0,5 mm C for C for warm and wetM M for universal conditions F for for cold conditions F for cold conditions Thanks to its innovative design, side edges can be prepared 87° between 90° and 85° warm and wet conditions for universal conditions cold conditions with considerably less effort than with conventional manual Easy angle setting 86° 88° for warm and wet conditions conditions for universal conditions WC COARSE M W MEDIUM W FINE 5 85° W COARSE 1,5 mm W COARSE 1,5 mm W MEDIUM 1,0 mm W MEDIUM 1,0 mm W FINE 0,5 mm W FINE 0,5 mm C for warm and wet conditions M for universal conditions F for cold conditions F for cold conditions 55 devices, even if side edges are severely damaged. 2 87° • 220 V (for european market only) between 90° and 85° for warm and wet conditions for universal conditions 86° SM08008 SM08009 SM08010 • Weight 1.3 kg 85° STAINLESS STEEL 5 5 for warm and wet conditions for universal conditions for cold conditions PLATE SPORT ACTIVE RACING TEAM WORLD CUP 2
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