SIXTH FORM COURSES 2019 - Westminster School

Page created by Daniel Anderson
SIXTH FORM COURSES 2019 - Westminster School
SIXTH FORM COURSES 2019 - Westminster School
   The school uses Westminster Abbey as
its chapel, with all pupils attending services
   in the Abbey on Mondays and Fridays.
 We also hold various concerts and special
 services there throughout the year, giving
pupils a chance to speak and perform in this
         beautiful and historic venue.

                                                 Entry procedure and
                                                 course information
                                                 Sixth Form courses 2019

                                                 Head Master’s Welcome                 5
                                                 Life at Westminster                   6
                                                 The Sixth Form curriculum             8
                                                 Before you decide                     9
                                                 Beyond the subject choices            10
                                                 The admissions procedure              14
                                                 Scholarships and Bursaries            16
                                                 Frequently asked questions            17
                                                 Information for overseas candidates   18
                                                 Choosing your Sixth Form subjects     19
                                                 Course information                    23
SIXTH FORM COURSES 2019 - Westminster School

Dear parents and pupils
Thank you for requesting a copy of this brochure. I hope
that you will find it informative and that you will go ahead
with an application to Westminster School.
The co-educational Sixth Form            for pupils joining us in the Sixth       Once you have read this brochure
at Westminster offers an exciting,       Form. In September 2017, girls were      and explored the website,
stimulating and challenging              elected as Queen’s Scholars for, it is always
environment for learning. The School     the first time, and a new floor and      best to have a glimpse at first hand
is one of the foremost centres of        observatory has recently opened          of what lies ahead, so I strongly
academic excellence in the country –     in our refurbished Science building,     encourage you to come to one of our
a reputation due not only to its         which also houses the Computer           Open Days before the formal process
pupils’ unrivalled examination           Science department.                      of interviews and tests gets under
results and admission to the top                                                  way. I shall look forward to meeting
universities worldwide but, even         Westminster pupils follow syllabuses     you, showing you the School and
more importantly, because of their       in A-levels and the Cambridge            introducing you to the Heads of the
enjoyment of academic enquiry,           Pre-University (Pre-U) examinations,     academic departments who will
debate and search for explanation        depending on the subjects studied.       answer any questions you might have.
well beyond the published syllabus.      Using both these qualifications
                                         allows scope for the choice and          I know that the application procedure
In addition, pupils enhance both their   specialisation on which Westminster      for a change of school can sometimes
intellectual and social development      pupils thrive. Pupils here study four    seem a stressful experience for pupils
by taking full advantage of the          subjects which provide both breadth      (and, often, their parents), but I hope
many opportunities that are offered      and depth throughout the two years       that, in applying for Westminster,
in sport, music, drama, debating,        of the Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13),     excitement will outweigh anxiety!
community service and other forms        while the principle of choice fits       In giving and gaining as much
of civic engagement. All of this and     well with Westminster’s academic         information as possible at this stage,
more you will read about in the          tradition of drawing out and nurturing   I am sure that the choices eventually
following pages.                         individual talents and interests.        made will be the right ones. One
                                                                                  thing I can say is that new pupils
Historically Westminster is a boarding   We find that the sheer intellectual      who join us in the Sixth Form settle
school and approximately one             enjoyment that this individual           in very quickly and happily and make
quarter of Sixth Form pupils, girls      approach brings, ensures that pupils     a great success of their time here.
and boys, are boarders. Some             go on to win places at excellent
boarders come from far away but          universities. Those academic             One final thought. In our most recent
most are Londoners who prefer to         departments, as you will read            inspection (2016) the Inspectors
avoid the daily grind of commuting.      in this brochure, that follow the        said this: “The School’s liberal ethos,
For day pupils also, Westminster is      Pre-U specifications do so because       tirelessly promoted by senior leaders
very different from a conventional       they are more stimulating than           to the pupils’ benefit, truly engenders
school. Many remain long after the       the equivalent A-level syllabuses        a pupil body liberated from dogma,
teaching day has finished, perhaps       and therefore allow Westminster          prejudice or unthinking conformity,
to work in the library, or for extra     pupils to realise their potential        as the Schools’ aims envisage.”
sport, to rehearse for a play or         more effectively. That potential is
concert, or to attend a lecture.         demonstrated in their examination        This makes us distinctive. If this
                                         results, as elsewhere: last year         strikes a chord with you then we
In recent years, we have opened          (2017) Westminster pupils achieved       are the right school to be applying
a House for girl boarders and day        more than 50% of their A-level           to. Good luck with the process.
boys, and an indoor sports centre        and Pre-U grades at A* or D1/D2.
adjacent to the School’s playing         Westminster is the only school to        Mr P S J Derham
fields at Vincent Square. Both have      have achieved this feat every year       Head Master
significantly enhanced the facilities    since the A* was introduced.             January 2018
SIXTH FORM COURSES 2019 - Westminster School
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Life at
Location                               Boarding and day pupils
Situated between Parliament, The       The Westminster Sixth Form is
Supreme Court and Westminster          unique in London as the only
Abbey, the School’s inspirational      co-educational Sixth Form with
location has always been of            day and boarding pupils. While
significant influence. Politics and    academic and cultural attainments
the law are abiding interests among    are highly prized, Westminster is
the pupil body and the importance      fully committed to the nurture of
of spiritual and moral reflection is   each pupil’s personal development.
                                                                                     Girls at Westminster
also deeply embedded. Dean’s Yard      The boarding school ethos and
                                                                                     Girls are an integral part of the
is cloistered and calm, but minutes    structure have been central to the
                                                                                     intellectual and cultural vitality that
away is the best of everything         fulfilment of a Westminster education
                                                                                     creates such a stimulating Sixth Form
metropolitan: museums, galleries,      since the School’s foundation.
                                                                                     experience at Westminster. Since
concert halls, theatres and the        The School is run along boarding
                                                                                     1973, girls have made their mark
energy of a great city – all of        lines and based around a House
                                                                                     at Westminster and former pupils
which enrich our curricular and        system, where the House becomes
                                                                                     include Tessa Ross, Imogen Stubbs,
co-curricular programme.               a ‘home away from home’ for day and
                                                                                     Helena Bonham-Carter, Anna
                                       boarding pupils alike. The extended
                                                                                     Stothard, Clemency Burton-Hill,
                                       day and week enables the provision
A ‘halfway-house’                      of the overall curriculum and in
                                                                                     Alice Eve and Martha Lane-Fox.
between school                         particular ensures depth of pastoral
and university                         care and breadth of opportunity.              Before they even arrive at
The Westminster Sixth Form is                                                        Westminster, all the new girls and
often regarded as a ‘halfway-house’                                                  boys joining the Sixth Form enjoy
                                       There is one boys’ Boarding House
between school and university.                                                       a comprehensive induction
                                       with day girls, four mixed Boarding
As such, it aims to provide a safe,                                                  programme coordinated by the
                                       Houses with girls-only floors, one
stable and enriching community,                                                      Head of Upper School and become
                                       girls’ Boarding House with day
in which pupils are encouraged to                                                    part of the diverse social fabric
                                       boys and five Day Houses. For those
learn about the world around them                                                    which makes the School such an
                                       who board, Westminster allows
in order to engage actively with it                                                  exciting place to live and learn.
                                       for a regular home-life with the
and lead a fulfilling life beyond                                                    Representing one third of the Sixth
                                       large majority returning home on
Westminster. With an enviable                                                        Form (2017-2018: 132 girls and
                                       Saturday afternoons.
programme of outside speakers                                                        262 boys), girls enjoy the academic
and an ever-increasing range of                                                      challenge and debate in the
                                       Co-operation accompanies
academic, artistic, sporting and                                                     classroom, an extraordinary breadth
                                       competition at Westminster and the
cultural expeditions, Westminster’s                                                  of co-curricular activities and a large
                                       School shows that high-achieving
global dimension provides pupils                                                     number of voluntary and leadership
                                       individuals working together in
with every opportunity to develop                                                    opportunities within the School and
                                       a climate of mutual respect create
their cultural capital and                                                           wider community.
                                       something much greater than
understanding. Alongside this,         the sum of their individual
the School coordinates a popular                                                     Further information and advice
                                       achievements. In addition to
and thriving civic engagement                                                        may be obtained from the Head of
                                       teachers, Housemasters and
programme, which encourages                                                          Upper School, Miss Clare Leech, at:
                                       personal Tutors play an important
Sixth Form pupils to engage with                                           
                                       role in the rich, relational experience
the local community in a meaningful    that Westminster offers.
way, thus developing social
understanding and responsibility.
SIXTH FORM COURSES 2019 - Westminster School
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The Sixth Form curriculum                                                                                                      Before you decide
Sixth Form admission to Westminster is by competitive                                                                          Please read the notes below carefully as they
examination and interview in November the year before                                                                          describe in detail what you will need to consider
entry. Candidates select the four subjects in which                                                                            when choosing your Sixth Form subjects.
they are to be examined based on their likely choice
of courses for study.

There is a great deal of flexibility         and that, for us, getting an idea of        expected to continue in Year 13,      1 At this stage, we are asking you    It is important that the choice of
in the way in which pupils may               provisional numbers for each subject        thus completing four full A-levels      to choose your four entrance        subjects is related as far as possible
approach their choice of courses             is important. The programme for Sixth       or Pre-Us. For the moment, we need      examination subjects and you        to university and career plans.
at Sixth Form level, and that may            Form study is complex; in particular,       to know the four subjects which         must choose one subject from        Advice on choosing your subjects
make the choice quite a difficult one        some subjects teach the Pre-U rather        pupils think they wish to study,        each Block.                         can be found on page 19; there is
for many. It is for this reason that the     than A-level. The Pre-U syllabuses          and in which they will be tested                                            additional advice on thinking ahead
choice we are asking you to make             are an alternative to A-levels which        at the entrance examination.          2 The subjects in each of Blocks 1    to university and on subject courses
now is a provisional one. Pupils will        have been developed by Cambridge                                                    to 4 offer two-year courses         later in this booklet.
be allowed to change their choices,          International Examinations. Following       The Sixth Form subjects are             leading to full A-level or Pre-U.
though further assessment in the             the recent A-level reforms, all courses     arranged in four Blocks. Some                                               Further information or advice
new subject intended for study               are taught as linear qualifications with    subjects appear in more than one      3 Mathematics with Further            about the curriculum may be
may be required before permission            exams at the end of Year 13. There are      Block to give a wider choice of         Mathematics leads to two A-levels   obtained from the Deputy Head
is given to change.                          no AS exams at the end of Year 12.          subject combinations. Pupils choose     and uses the time allocation        Academic, Mr Rodney Harris,
                                                                                         one subject from each Block.            of Blocks 1 and 3; it counts as     who can be contacted at:
You will understand, however, that           At Westminster, all pupils take four                                                two choices. Those studying this
the School does need to plan ahead           subjects in Year 12 which they are                                                  subject must take two additional
                                                                                                                                 specialist subjects.

                                                                                                                               4 Some pupils may wish to study
                                                                                                                                 Electronics as an AS only.
 Block 1                           Block 2                          Block 3                       Block 4                        However, no decision needs
 Art History                       Art                              Art                           Chemistry                      to be made until a candidate
                                                                                                                                 has been offered a place.
 Economics                         Biology                          Art History                   Chinese
 English Literature                Chemistry                        Biology                       Economics                    5 Whilst we will do our utmost to
                                                                                                                                 accommodate any combination
 Mathematics                       Economics                        Economics                     English Literature             of subjects, no particular
 Mathematics with                  English Literature               English Literature            Geography                      combination can be guaranteed
 Further Mathematics                                                                                                             other than those listed in the
                                   French                           French                        German
                                                                                                                                 blocking system on page 8.
 Philosophy & Theology
                                   History                          Geography                     Greek
                                   Latin                            History                       History
                                   Music                            Mathematics with              Physics
                                                                    Further Mathematics
                                   Physics                                                        Philosophy & Theology
                                                                    Philosophy & Theology
                                   Theatre Studies                                                Russian
SIXTH FORM COURSES 2019 - Westminster School

Beyond the subject choices
We aim to ensure that pupils will find the Sixth Form at
Westminster an exciting but also challenging place. For this
reason, the School offers a wide variety of co-curricular
courses and activities, which form an integral part of every
pupil’s programme in the Sixth Form.

Within the timetable                                                                                                                                                                                         Co-curricular
                                         Cultural Perspectives                                                          General Options                            Study Skills                              Station
In Year 12, a great range of non-        These courses are designed to          The range of courses on offer           The choice of General Options is           Effective study skills are an essential   Station, the Westminster term
examined courses is on offer in the      expand cultural and critical           reflects the wide-ranging and           similarly wide-ranging, and includes       component for all successful              for sport, takes place on Tuesday
four weekly lessons of the ‘Options      awareness within a greater global      varied interests of the teaching        courses which are: (i) directly related    learners. In addition to the guidance     and Thursday afternoons as well
Block’, alongside some examined          perspective, chipping away at the      staff; recent examples include:         to university study or applications        provided by subject teachers, the         as Saturdays for matches and
courses, including additional            comfortable sense of ‘self-evidence’   The Psychology of Fundamentalism;       (Anthropology, Psychology,                 Study Skills department is available      competitions. We offer some
languages, Music, or Electronics.        which can make us assume that our      A History of the Imagination; The       Linguistics, the Thinking Skills           to support pupils who might benefit       25 different sports in our Station
                                         own way of doing things or viewing     Constitutional Future of the United     course); (ii) supplementing or             from some specialist input. The           programme, providing pupils with
Most Sixth Formers pursue a wide         the world is the only way, and that    Kingdom; Psychogeography; Facing        extending existing examined                School should be informed of any          a wide choice. In addition, there is
range of Options which do not lead       today’s society is the norm of         East, A View from the West; Deep        subjects (Conservation Science,            particular needs, including details       a civic engagement option. No
to formal qualifications, but it is      human experience, and somehow          Time; Medical Ethics & Changing         Greek Tragedy, the Anglo-Saxons,           of exam concessions and copies of         particular sport is compulsory in any
hoped that the interest evoked in        unquestioningly right and natural.     Attitudes; Russians in Exile; and The   Anglo-Irish Literature); (iii) of a more   relevant diagnostic reports where         given term, although once choices
each will add greatly to a pupil’s                                              Economics of Nationhood. One of         general academic or cultural               appropriate. It should be noted           have been made in the first term,
own intellectual and personal            The aim is to broaden horizons in      the great attractions of the courses    interest for non-specialists (Western      that exam concessions previously          those involved in major competitive
development, and open up new             place and time, asking fundamental     is the chance they offer to range       Philosophy, Art History); (iv) more        agreed will not automatically             sports such as Water (Rowing),
and exciting possibilities for further   questions about why some behaviours    far beyond conventional examined        practical, including Volunteering          transfer; regulations state that          Football, Fives or Netball will
study, research or discovery.            or attitudes have shifted from         subjects. Prizes are awarded each       in the Community, or which teach           a new application must be made            participate in these on both
                                         unacceptable to normal or vice         year for essays produced as             and develop particular skills,             post GCSE. For more details, see          afternoons. Others might choose
In three ‘rounds’ of eight weeks         versa, how nations and communities     a reflection upon the experience.       including British Sign Language,           ‘Westminster School’s Protocol for        one sport on Tuesday and a different
prior to the summer examination          develop and express their sense of                                             the Art of Illumination, Bookbinding,      Exam Concessions’ available within        one on Thursday.
season, most pupils select three         identity, and how we ourselves can                                             Computer Programming, Knitting             the online registration.
courses in each round, from a long       make connection with apparently                                                and Film and Video Production.                                                       Pupils may use the shooting
list of choices, under two distinct      alien societies.                                                                                                          Careers                                   gallery and Fives courts in Little
headings: Cultural Perspectives                                                                                                                                    Careers advice is available to all        Dean’s Yard, as well as our playing
and General Options.                                                                                                                                               members of the Sixth Form from            fields at Vincent Square and the
                                                                                                                                                                   the Higher Education and Careers          indoor Sports Centre which currently
                                                                                                                                                                   department. A range of careers            houses a fitness suite, a multi-use
                                                                                                                                                                   evenings and workshops is held            dance/yoga/aerobics space,
                                                                                                                                                                   throughout the year, which all Sixth      a rowing training suite, fencing
                                                                                                                                                                   Formers are invited to attend, as well    pistes, cricket nets, courts for
                                                                                                                                                                   as Futures Day in the Election term       basketball, netball, five-a-side
                                                                                                                                                                   of Year 12, where pupils are exposed      football, hockey, volleyball,
                                                                                                                                                                   to a variety of different careers and     handball and badminton, two
                                                                                                                                                                   pathways. The Head of Careers,            climbing walls and areas for judo
                                                                                                                                                                   Mr Simon Wurr, is available to advise     and table tennis. These facilities
                                                                                                                                                                   on work experience and careers:           are also available to boarding
                                                                                                                                                                     pupils after prep in the evenings.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             We encourage all pupils to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ambitious in their sporting activity.
SIXTH FORM COURSES 2019 - Westminster School
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Many will represent the School in        Each October, the Head of Upper         Chess and Law; more recently
fixtures with other schools as well      School Expeditions takes a group        formed societies include Model
as competing very successfully in        of Year 13 pupils on the Lyke Wake      United Nations (MUN), Bridge, Middle
national and international events.       Walk, covering 40 miles over the        Eastern, Engineering, Diplomatic,
There are training and competition       North Yorkshire Moors in under          Feminist, Sports Science, Heraldry,
tours in some years, the rowers          24 hours – one reward being a dawn      Computer Science and Pride. There
going to Berne and Boston,               breakfast at Rosedale in the centre     is a flourishing Debating Society,
cross-country runners to Cumbria,        of the Moor. In December, there         and there are many opportunities
footballers to Tenerife and cricketers   is a walking expedition in the Lake     for novices and seasoned debaters
to Barbados. Every effort is made        District. The school runs Duke of       alike to take part in inter-House,
throughout the Station programme         Edinburgh Silver and Gold Awards.       regional and national competitions.
to give pupils the opportunity to        Each year the School as a whole         In recent years, debating, bridge
enjoy maintaining their fitness levels   mounts some 100 expeditions in          and MUN teams have all seen
as well as to learn important life       the UK and abroad.                      success at international level.        Music
skills, such as respect for others,                                                                                     Music has always been a very
courtesy, determination, initiative      Societies                               Drama                                  important part of life at Westminster.
and communication, by working both       The John Locke Society, which           The Drama department at                Several world-famous musicians
independently and as part of a team.     meets each week and is scheduled        Westminster is very active, and        have been educated at the school
                                         within the academic timetable,          there are numerous opportunities       including Sir Adrian Boult, Sir Roger
Expeditions                              welcomes external speakers from         for pupils to get involved, either     Norrington, Ian Bostridge CBE and
Westminster has an extensive             the Arts, Sciences, Law, Academia,      onstage or backstage. Most years       Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, as well
Expeditions programme, offering          Business and Politics and is open       the Drama department mounts            as the pop stars Mika, Dido and
academic, cultural and leisure trips     to pupils in the Sixth Form only.       a large-scale musical in conjunction   Grace Chatto from ‘Clean Bandit’.
for pupils of all ages. Linguists        Important annual lectures include       with the Music Department; there
are well catered for by visits or        the Sir Henry Tizard (Science),         are also, typically, Shakespeare       A large number of Sixth Form pupils
exchanges to Spain, Germany,             Camden (History), Ben Jonson            plays, small-cast productions and      involve themselves in the five choirs    Instrumental lessons are available on    Each July, shortly after the end
Russia, France and China. Recently,      (English), Maurice de Pange (French),   House Plays throughout the year,       and huge range of instrumental           all orchestral and jazz instruments,     of term, some 30 Sixth Form pupils
Art Historians have been to              John House (History of Art) and         as well as a Renaissance and           ensembles on offer at the School.        and the Keyboard department              live and work in the precincts for
Florence, Paris and Venice;              Brock (Expeditions and Exploration).    Elizabethan festival. Recent           Choirs and organists sing and play in    provides pupils with the option to       one week with a similar number
Historians to Aachen, Geographers                                                productions include The Crucible,      services in Westminster Abbey twice      study piano, organ and harpsichord.      of physically and mentally
to South Wales, Artists to New York.     There are currently over 40 other       Fiddler on the Roof, Guys and Dolls,   a week and give various concerts                                                  disadvantaged young men and
On the sporting front, skiers            societies at Westminster. They are      Hippolytus, The Tempest, Oklahoma,     throughout the year. A highlight is      Westminster                              women. This PHAB course has
have been to the French Alps             run by pupils from Year 11 and above,   The Birds and Cabaret.                 the Allegri Miserere at the end of       in the Community                         been running continually at
and rock-climbers to Spain.              and new societies are formed every                                             Lent Term. Pupils regularly gain         Westminster in the Community is          Westminster for 40 years.
                                         year. Long-established societies                                               choral and organ scholarships to         our programme of civic engagement,
                                         include Geography, History, English,                                           Oxford and Cambridge. The long list      which we view as an essential            Sixth Form pupils are particularly
                                         Economics, Environmental, Biology,                                             of instrumental ensembles includes       and important component of               prominent in the School’s fundraising
                                                                                                                        the Symphony Orchestra, which            good citizenship and service.            activities. These range from
                                                                                                                        performs at venues such as St John’s     The foundation stone is volunteering.    charitable events involving the
                                                                                                                        Smith Square and the Barbican.           Through a series of projects and         whole year group to specific
                                                                                                                        The standard of chamber music is         opportunities with a wide range          projects arranged by a group of
                                                                                                                        exceptional and the School’s             of local organisations, as well as       friends. The emphasis is not only
                                                                                                                        ensembles regularly achieve              some further afield, Westminster         on raising money for good causes
                                                                                                                        recognition at competitions such as      encourages its pupils to look            but also on initiative and teamwork.
                                                                                                                        the Pro Corda National Chamber           outwards beyond the immediate
                                                                                                                        Music Competition.                       priorities of academic and
                                                                                                                                                                 co-curricular success. During his or
                                                                                                                        There are weekly rehearsals of string    her time at the School, every pupil is
                                                                                                                        quartets and quintets, piano duos,       expected to engage in at least one
                                                                                                                        piano trios and quartets, wind and       volunteering activity. Opportunities
                                                                                                                        brass ensembles and percussion           are numerous and varied: they
                                                                                                                        ensembles. Pop and jazz musicians        include working at local primary
                                                                                                                        can enjoy the use of the well-           schools, visiting the elderly and
                                                                                                                        equipped rock rehearsal studio and       housebound in the area, hospital
                                                                                                                        state-of-the-art recording studio.       visiting, peer-mentoring and
                                                                                                                                                                 supporting the homeless.
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The admissions procedure                                                                                                   Guide to making                          Candidates sit exams in each of            Entrance fee
                                                                                                                           an application                           the four subjects selected. Each
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Parents accepting the offer of
                                                                                                                                                                    examination lasts an hour. There is
                                                                                                                           Before you go online to register                                                    a place must pay the non-refundable
                                                                                                                                                                    information about the examination
                                                                                                                           please read the following information:                                              Entrance Fee of £1,150. Subject
                                                                                                                                                                    requirements for each subject in
                                                                                                                           • Decide whether you are                                                            to annual review. Please note that
                                                                                                                                                                    the Course Information Section
                                                                                                                             applying for a day place or                                                       this fee is not offset against the
                                                                                                                                                                    (page 23).
                                                                                                                             a boarding place.                                                                 final term’s fees.
There is a huge amount of information in this brochure and you might decide
not to read everything. It is however very important to read this section                                                  • If a boarder will not be able to       We shall also ask candidates to
carefully and also the two sections that follow: Guide to Making an Application                                              return home over half-term holiday     write a personal statement paper
                                                                                                                                                                                                               GCSE / IGCSE requirement
and Frequently Asked Questions.                                                                                              and ‘Exeat Weekends’ or when           on the day. We will provide                The offer of a place is conditional on
                                                                                                                             he or she is unwell, we require        questions and headings to help             a candidate achieving the required
If, having read these sections, you have any further queries about the                                                       the name and address of the UK         candidates with this.                      number of GCSE / IGCSE passes at
admissions procedure please telephone our Admissions Office on                                                               guardian with whom he or she will                                                 the appropriate grades. The GCSE /
020 7963 1003 or email                                                               stay. If we are not satisfied with     Interviews                                 IGCSE requirement is a minimum of
If you are applying from overseas it is essential that you read the section                                                  the arrangements for a guardian,                                                  eight passes at A/7 grade, of which
                                                                                                                                                                    Those candidates who have
entitled: Information for Overseas Candidates.                                                                               we will not accept the application.                                               at least four are at A*/8, preferably in
                                                                                                                                                                    performed most strongly in the
                                                                                                                           • Parents will be asked to pay the                                                  the subjects to be studied at A-level /
                                                                                                                                                                    examinations will be invited to come
                                                                                                                             registration fee of £170 using                                                    Pre-U. Overseas candidates and
                                                                                                                                                                    to Westminster School for interviews.
                                                                                                                             a credit card or debit card.                                                      those requiring a visa to study in
                                                                                                                                                                    Candidates who are not being
                                                                                                                           • We want to see the candidate’s                                                    the UK should refer to the section
                                                                                                                                                                    invited for interviews will be notified
                                                                                                                             most recent school report, so                                                     entitled: Information for Overseas
                                                                                                                                                                    in writing, via email, at the same time.
Open Days                                                                         Registration                               please have this ready to upload.                                                 Candidates (page 18).
                                                                                                                           • You will be asked to choose the        The interview day will be Saturday
The best way to learn about entry to      When you arrive please make your        Registration opens on Monday
Westminster School at 16+ is to come      way to Church House. The entrance       4 June 2018. Candidates and their
                                                                                                                             four subjects in which you will be     24 November 2018 and all
                                                                                                                                                                                                               What happens after
to one of the Open Days. These will       is on the south side of Dean’s Yard.    parents register online. Please
                                                                                                                             examined on 3 November 2018.           candidates who have been invited,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               accepting a place
                                                                                                                             These will be the four subjects        including those from overseas, must        In February 2019 successful
take place on Saturday 23 June 2018       The entrance to Dean’s Yard is next     go to the Admissions page at
                                                                                                                             that you are thinking of taking for    come for interview on that day.            candidates will be invited to spend
and Monday 10 September 2018.             to the main entrance to Westminster and follow
                                                                                                                             A-level / Pre-U.                       Candidates will have interviews            a day at the School. By this time,
                                          Abbey. The closest Underground          the link labelled Apply for admission
                                                                                                                           • If you want to be examined in                                                     they will have been allocated to
Open day timetables                       stations are St James’s Park and        at 16+.                                                                           in each of their four examination
                                                                                                                             Mathematics with Further               subjects and they will also have           Houses so the day will be an
Saturday 23 June 2018                     Westminster. There are parking
                                                                                                                             Mathematics you must select it in      a general interview. There will            opportunity to get to know the other
                                          restrictions until 6.30pm and the       Follow the instructions step by
10.30am                                                                                                                      Block 1 and Block 3. Mathematics       also be a one-hour Thinking Skills         boys and girls going into the same
                                          Congestion Charge operates until        step, but before you go online to
Refreshments.                                                                                                                with Further Mathematics are two       Assessment, a sample of which can          House and also to meet existing
                                          6.00pm Monday to Friday. There is       register please read the section
                                                                                                                             A-levels but there is only one         be found on the registration page          pupils. They will also meet their
11.00am                                   no Congestion Charge at weekends        entitled Guide to Making an
                                                                                                                             entrance examination.                  once logged in: https://intranet.          Housemasters for the first time.
Introductory Talks from the Head          and parking restrictions may vary.      Application (page 15).
                                                                                                                           • Candidates choosing Mathematics      There will be another opportunity
Master and senior members of staff.
                                                                                                                             with Further Mathematics should                                                   to meet with Housemasters after
                                          There is an underground car park in     If you experience a problem, or if you
11.40am                                                                                                                      not also choose Art or Music as        School references                          GCSE / IGCSE examinations before
                                          Abingdon Street opposite the House      do not have access to the internet,
Tours of the School led by current                                                                                           entrance examination subjects.                                                    the summer holidays.
                                          of Lords open 24 hours a day, seven     please telephone 020 7963 1003                                                    Should you be invited to interview,
pupils and the opportunity to talk                                                                                         • Candidates from overseas should
                                          days a week.                            or email sixthformadmissions@                                                     following the entrance examinations,
with subject specialists, the Head                                                                                           read carefully the section of this                                                Fees
                                                                                                                                       we will write to the head teacher of
Master and senior members of staff.                                                                                          brochure entitled Information for
                                          If you are planning to come to                                                                                            your present school for a reference.       The fees for the academic year
                                          one of the Open Days, it is                                                        Overseas Candidates (page 18).                                                    2017/2018 are £12,580 per term
                                                                                  The closing date for registration is                                              No exceptions will be allowed.
Monday 10 September 2018
                                          essential to book online. To request    Friday 28 September 2018.                                                                                                    for Sixth Form boarding entry and
4.00pm                                                                                                                     Entrance examination                                                                £9,522 per term for Sixth Form day
                                          a ticket please visit our website,                                                                                        Offers
Refreshments.                   , and             Candidate age                            The examinations will be held
                                                                                                                                                                    Offers of places will be sent out
                                                                                                                                                                                                               pupil entry. These fees are subject
                                          follow the links for Open Days.                                                  on Saturday 3 November 2018                                                         to annual review.
5.00pm                                                                            Westminster is a school for pupils                                                in the first week of December and
                                                                                                                           for all candidates. They will take
Introductory Talks from the Head                                                  under the age of 19. The date of                                                  the deadline for acceptance will
                                          Once we have received and                                                        place between 9.00am and 3.30pm
Master and senior members of staff.                                               birth of a candidate applying for                                                 be Tuesday 11 December 2018.
                                          processed your booking, we will post                                             in Westminster. Please note that
                                                                                  admission in 2019 must be                                                         Some candidates will be placed on
5.40pm                                    your ticket to you. You will need to                                             candidates will be required to
                                                                                  between 1 September 2002 and                                                      a waiting list. These candidates will
Tours of the School led by current        bring this with you to the Open Day.                                             bring their valid Child Oyster Card
                                                                                  31 August 2003.                                                                   be informed if they are going to be
pupils and the opportunity to talk                                                                                         or Passport (hardcopy) as photo ID,
                                                                                                                                                                    offered a place as soon as possible
with subject specialists, the Head                                                                                         images on their phone will not
                                                                                                                                                                    after 11 December 2018.
Master and senior members of staff.                                                                                        be accepted.
SIXTH FORM COURSES 2019 - Westminster School
16                                                                                                                            17

Scholarships and Bursaries                                                                                                     Frequently asked questions
                                         What is College like?                                                                 Q. If I can’t make the                   Q. Why am I sitting only                Q. How many
                                         College is a relaxed and friendly           assistance. When a full bursary is        Open Day, how else can                   one exam for my Maths?                  applications are made
                                         boarding house and the Queen’s              awarded it will cover the cost of         I visit the School?                      A. If you have chosen Mathematics       and places are offered?
                                         Scholars mix with other pupils,             uniform, equipment and compulsory         A. Telephone the Admissions              with Further Mathematics in             A. We usually have about
                                         boarding or day, girl or boy, just          School expeditions. Please note that      Department on 020 7963 1003 to           Blocks 1 and 3 you will only have       550 applicants. We interview
                                         like everyone else.                         bursaries are available for day pupils    arrange to join one of the regular       one Maths entrance examination,         approximately 160 candidates
                                                                                     who live in London only and who           tours of the School. You should          although Mathematics with Further       and we offer between 70 and
                                         The Housemaster is Mr Gareth Mann,          meet the eligibility criteria below.      be aware, however, that the other        Mathematics count as two A-levels.      80 places, with a waiting list.
                                         who also has the title of Master of the                                               families on the tour will probably
                                         Queen’s Scholars. There will be an          Candidates who wish to apply for          be interested in 13+ entry and you       Q. Are past                             Q. How many girls apply
                                         opportunity on the day of interviews        a bursary should ask their parents        will not have the opportunity to         papers available?                       compared with boys?
                                         for pupils to see the House and meet        to complete the Bursary Part A (Initial   speak to subject teachers. These         A. No, but look carefully at the        A. The great majority of candidates
                                         the Housemaster. The monetary               Assessment) Form which is available       tours also become booked up              information about the examinations      are girls but we have a significant
                                         value of the new 16+ Queen’s                as part of the online registration        weeks in advance so do come to           by referring to the Course              number of boy applicants.
Queen’s Scholarships                     Scholarship for girls entering is set       process. Depending on the family’s        an Open Day if you can!                  Information Section (page 23).          Applications from girls and boys are
                                         at halfway between 50% of the               financial circumstances the                                                                                                treated in exactly the same way.
The Queen’s Scholars are part of
Queen Elizabeth I’s Royal Foundation
                                         boarding fee and the full day fee.          Bursar may decide to refund the           Q. How do you set exam                   Q. What if the A-levels /
of the College of St Peter which
                                         Based on the current year’s fees            Registration Fee. For assistance,         papers when only one year                Pre-Us I want to take                   Q. Is it easier to gain entry
encompasses both Westminster
                                         that would be £7,500 per term.              please contact the Admissions             of the GCSE / IGCSE                      don’t fit into your four                by selecting one or the
School and Westminster Abbey.
                                         The Governing Body reviews the              Administrator on 020 7963 1003            syllabus has been covered?               teaching blocks?                        other: boarder or day?
                                         fees in June and will publish the fees      or email sixthformadmissions@             A. Be assured that we do take
They have the privilege of attending                                                                                                                                    A. Read the notes on the Sixth Form     A. No. Selection is based upon
                                         for 2018/19 in early July 2018.    If a candidate        this into account when we set the
certain Abbey services and have                                                                                                                                         Curriculum (page 8). If your question   academic criteria.
                                                                                     who is applying for a bursary is          papers. For information about specific
a variety of ceremonial duties to                                                                                                                                       is not answered there please
perform in connection with the
                                         16+ music awards                            called back for interview, his or         examinations please refer to the         email the Deputy Head Academic:         Q. Can I study more than
                                         Four scholarships worth 10% of              her parents will be invited to meet       Course Information Section (page 23).
Abbey and the Crown.                                                                                                                                                 four A-levels / Pre-Us?
                                         the day fee and free tuition on up          the Bursar on the interview day –
                                                                                     24 November 2018.                                                                                                          A. In general the answer is no, but
There have always been 40 Queen’s        to two instruments may be awarded                                                     Q. I haven’t studied the                 The subjects appear as they do in       there are a few exceptions. For more
Scholars and it is usual for eight       annually at 16+. Auditions will be                                                    subject before, how will                 the blocks because these are the        information please refer to Before You
                                         held on Friday 23 November 2018             To be eligible for a bursary, a           I cope with the exam?
Scholars to be elected every year                                                                                                                                       subject combinations that suit most     Decide (page 9). Studying for more
                                         for those candidates who are                candidate’s parents must belong to
at 13+. Since Elizabethan times, the                                                                                           A. The exams in Art History and          Westminster pupils, and which allow     than four A-levels / Pre-Us does not
                                         invited to interview and TSA testing.       one of the following categories:
Queen’s Scholars have resided in                                                                                               Economics are based on the               most Westminster pupils go to their     give any advantage in university
                                         A good Grade 8 standard on the              • British citizens.
a boarding house known as College                                                                                              assumption that candidates will          first choice universities to read the   applications and may result in lower
                                         candidate’s first instrument is usually     • Citizens of the EEA or Switzerland,
– the present building dates back                                                                                              not have studied these subjects          subjects they are most interested in.   grades across the board.
                                         expected. The Director of Music is             as defined by the Home Office,
to the early 18th Century and is in                                                                                            before. They are not offered at
                                         very happy to discuss the process              in possession of an EEA or Swiss
Yard, at the very heart of the School.                                                                                         GCSE / IGCSE level at Westminster,       Q. What happens if
                                         with prospective candidates.                   passport or ID, who live inside
                                                                                                                               so all Westminster pupils moving         I change my mind
                                                                                        the M25 London orbital. The
Four Queen’s Scholarships per year                                                                                             up from Year 11 will be starting         after selecting the
                                         For further information, please                expectation is that their child
are awarded to girls entering the                                                                                              from scratch. There is also a Russian    A-levels / Pre-Us
                                         contact the Music Administrator                will commute from home to
Sixth Form at 16+, based on the                                                                                                examination for those who have           I want to study?
                                         on 020 7963 1017 or email                      School each day.
overall performance in the subject                                                                                             never studied the language.              A. We expect pupils to study
papers, interviews and Thinking
                                                                                     The above can be determined by                                                     their entrance examination subjects
Skills Assessment.                                                                                                                                                      when they arrive at Westminster.
                                         Sixth Form bursaries                        possession of a UK passport or a
                                                                                     certificate of entitlement to right of                                             Pupils who wish to make changes
The total number of Queen’s              A number of means-tested bursaries                                                                                             to their choices should discuss this
                                                                                     abode in the UK issued by the UK
scholarships is 48 and all of them       (up to 100% of the day fees) are                                                                                               with the Deputy Head Academic,
                                                                                     Government or its agents abroad.
will board in College, with the girls    available at 16+ entry each year. We                                                                                           who will probably require them
                                                                                     For more information about eligibility
accommodated in their own separate       aim to act as sensitively as possible                                                                                          to sit an examination in the
                                                                                     for bursaries please refer to the
area. The girls are known as Queen’s     and very few members of staff and                                                                                              relevant subject(s).
Scholars just as the boys are and        none of the other pupils will be aware
will have the post nominal ‘QS’.         that a boy or girl is receiving financial
SIXTH FORM COURSES 2019 - Westminster School
18                                                                                                                         19

Information for
overseas candidates
All candidates whose parents             UKiset                                     Entrance examinations                     Guardians
do not live in the UK should read
                                         All applicants who have English as         Overseas candidates who cannot            All pupils at Westminster School
this section carefully before
                                         their second language are required         sit the entrance examinations at          whose parents live abroad must
proceeding with an application.
                                         to provide a UKiset (UK Independent        Westminster School are expected           have a guardian.
                                         Schools’ Entry Test) profile as part       to arrange invigilation at their          What is the role of the guardian?
                                         of their application. Ukiset is an         local British Council. Parents are        • The guardian must take the
Candidate age
                                         adaptive online test taken in English      responsible for making the necessary         place of a pupil’s parent during
The date of birth of candidates          that has been designed to support          arrangements and for payment                 term time in a very real sense.
applying for admission in 2019           admission into the UK independent          of any costs incurred.                    • He or she must be available at

                                                                                                                                                                        Choosing your
must be between 1 September 2002         education system. UKiset tests             • Westminster School must                    all times to discuss with members
and 31 August 2003. The School           a child’s underlying academic                  be satisfied in advance with             of staff any problems that may
reserves the right to demand proof

                                                                                                                                                                        Sixth Form subjects
                                         abilities through three principle              the security of the supervision          have arisen.
of a candidate’s date of birth.          reasoning areas – Verbal, Non-Verbal           arrangements.                         • In the event of illness or
                                         and Numerical Ability – together with      • The examinations must be taken             suspension from School the
English language                         a creative writing piece and English           on the designated Examination            guardian must take the pupil
Candidates are expected to               Placement Test. In total, the test takes       Day which is 3 November 2018.            into his or her home.
demonstrate fluency in both written      approximately two and a half hours.            If this is not possible, permission   • Westminster School is closed            It goes without saying, of course, that
and spoken English. Lessons at                                                          must be obtained from                    over half-term holidays and for        this is an important decision, and one
Westminster move at a fast pace and      To arrange a test you must first               Westminster School for the               two ‘Exeat Weekends’ each term.
a pupil who does not speak good          register online at             examinations to be taken on              At these times a pupil may not         which deserves careful thought.
English will not cope. Candidates are    This must be taken before the                  either 2 or 4 November 2018.             stay at School and must go to
not allowed the use of dictionaries                                                                                                                                     Talk to as many people as possible (parents, teachers, friends), but
                                         application closing deadline,                  The examinations cannot be               his or her guardian.
during the entrance examinations.                                                                                                                                       remember that ultimately this is up to you, and it is a decision best made
                                         Friday 28 September 2018.                      taken before or after those dates.
                                                                                                                                                                        according to the reasons which you find most compelling.
                                                                                    • Candidates offering Music or Art        Candidates who are resident
GCSE / IGCSE qualification               After the candidate has taken the              as one of their four subjects must    overseas must provide the name            It might be helpful, however, to bear the following in mind:
                                         test, a report is generated for their          sit their entrance examinations at    and address of the proposed               • First and foremost, choose a subject that you find stimulating, and try
There is no GCSE / IGCSE requirement
                                         parents and a separate in-depth                Westminster School on Saturday        guardian and state their relationship         to avoid the ‘means-to-an-end’ mentality; if the means are not attractive
for overseas pupils who attend
                                         report is created for us. If you have          3 November 2018; these cannot         to the guardian.                              then there is a large chance that the end will turn out to be less
schools that do not prepare pupils for
                                         taken UKiset and wish for your report          be sat overseas.                                                                    appealing than perhaps it seems at the moment.
GCSE / IGCSE examinations.
                                         to be sent to us please contact the        • Any cost incurred in the sending        An application will not be accepted       • Find out as clearly as possible what the A-level or Pre-U course
                                         UKiset team at           out and return of the examination     if the name and address of a                  involves, and make sure you are aware not just of its content, but also
                                                                                        papers must be borne by the           guardian have not been provided               the methods by which you will be working (e.g. number of essays,
                                                                                        candidate. Wherever possible          or if, in the opinion of Westminster          quantity of coursework, number of practicals, amount of factual learning
                                                                                        the preference of Westminster         School, guardianship arrangements             and so on). Moreover, do not assume that the course will necessarily be
                                                                                        School is for examination papers      are unsatisfactory.                           very similar to GCSE; try to find out exactly what will be involved.
                                                                                        to be sent out by electronic mail                                               • Although it is true that your Sixth Form subjects should be subjects in
                                                                                        to a secure address. Completed        Visas                                         which you are aiming for top grades at GCSE, do not choose a subject
                                                                                        examination scripts should be                                                       simply on the basis that you are good at it now; to be in the running for
                                                                                                                              Westminster School is authorised by
                                                                                        scanned and mailed electronically,                                                  the top grades at A-level or Pre-U you must be willing to work very hard,
                                                                                                                              the Home Office to issue candidates
                                                                                        in addition to sending hard                                                         within and beyond the syllabus, so make sure the subject is one with
                                                                                                                              who have been offered places at the
                                                                                        copies of the scripts to us by                                                      which you engage.
                                                                                                                              School with Certificates of Acceptance
                                                                                        7 November 2018.                                                                • Aim for a group of subjects which mainly complement and reinforce
                                                                                                                              to Study (CAS). Please look at the GOV.
                                                                                    • If a candidate is invited for                                                         each other, but which include sufficient breadth to keep your options
                                                                                                                              UK website to find out how you can
                                                                                        interview he or she must come                                                       open. To this end, it is important to be aware of the requirements that
                                                                                                                              apply to come to or remain in the UK
                                                                                        to Westminster School on the                                                        different degree courses may have.
                                                                                                                              as a child student under Tier 4 (Child)
                                                                                        designated Interview Day                                                        • Westminster offers two new subjects in the Sixth Form: Economics
                                                                                                                              of the points-based system and other
                                                                                        which is 24 November 2018.                                                          and Art History. These have proved to be very popular choices, and
                                                                                                                              related information:
                                                                                        No exceptions can be made.                                                          subjects which lead well to a wide range of other degree courses;
                                                                                                                                                                            for more information, see the subject details.

                                          Architecture                              English                                                                                                                      Applying to American universities
University course
                                          Most leading schools of Architecture      The Pre-U is required.                                                                                                       An increasing number of Westminster
                                          require a strong portfolio of                                                                                                                                          pupils apply to American universities.
There is a very large and exciting
                                          drawings (which in practice means         Geography                                                                                                                    The application process for US
range of courses on offer (many of
                                          that Art in the Sixth Form is             The A-level is almost always required.                                                                                       Colleges is very different from
which go far beyond the subjects
                                          necessary). Maths A-level and/or                                                                                                                                       UCAS and requires considerable
offered at School level). This range
                                          Physics can be helpful too.               History                                                                                                                      forethought. To apply to US Colleges
means that you must not assume
                                                                                    Usually the Pre-U is required.                                                                                               you may be required to sit two or
that the course requirements are
                                          Art History                                                                                                                                                            three SAT II subject tests in addition
the same across all the universities.
                                          Although Art History A-level is rarely    Law                                                                                                                          to the SAT. It is not necessary to
Although many universities will only
                                          an absolute requirement, candidates       There are no A-level requirements,                                                                                           choose your A-levels with an eye to
make offers based on three subjects,
                                          who have taken it tend to fare much       but very high grades are needed                                                                                              sitting specific SAT II tests, but bear
taking four demonstrates your ability
                                          better in their university application    because competition tends to be                                                                                              in mind that the subject choice is
to cope with an intensive workload
                                          than those who have not.                  fierce. Pupils tend to offer a broad                                                                                         limited and if you are not studying
and as such is viewed favourably
                                                                                    range of subjects with at least one                                                                                          a given subject at A-level and you
by the most competitive universities,
                                          Classics, Oriental Studies, etc.          essay-based subject. The Thinking                                                                                            still want to take an SAT II test,
for the most competitive courses.
                                          For language-based Classics               Skills Option might be a useful                                                                                              some extra work will be required.
                                          courses, the Pre-U in Latin and/or        preparation for the Law university
What follows is a very general guide;                                                                                        Philosophy, Politics and                 Psychology
                                          Greek is usually required, and where      admissions test (the LNAT).                                                                                                  You can choose to take the ACT with
do not assume that it will apply in                                                                                          Economics (PPE)                          At least one Maths/Science
                                          not absolutely required will obviously                                                                                                                                 Writing instead of the SAT/SAT II
every single instance, and if you think                                                                                      A number of leading universities         subject is desirable for applications
                                          still be a significant advantage.         Maths, Computer Science                                                                                                      combination, but you should note that
you are interested in a particular                                                                                           now offer PPE courses, including the     to Psychology courses. We
                                          For Oriental, African and Near            These courses will require                                                                                                   the ACT has an additional Science
course at a particular university,                                                                                           LSE, Durham, York, UCL, Oxford and       recommend pupils take Biology
                                          Eastern Studies, an unspecified           Maths A-level and Further Maths                                                                                              component. More information on the
the best thing to do is to go directly                                                                                       Warwick. Most universities impose        and Maths in their combination.
                                          modern or classical language is           is effectively essential for courses                                                                                         ACT can found at www.actstudent.
to their admissions guide to see                                                                                             no specific requirements but state
                                          often required or recommended.            at competitive universities.                                                                                                 org. Information on the SAT and
precisely what they are looking                                                                                              that a background in Mathematics         Science
                                          Evidence of linguistic ability will       For some computing courses                                                                                                   SAT II subject tests may be found at
for. In addition, the Westminster                                                                                            is advantageous, if not essential.       University Physics requires Maths
                                          in all cases be needed.                   Physics may also be required.                                                                                       In addition
Heads of Departments will be able                                                                                            Economics itself is also useful          A-level as well as Physics; Further
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to thinking about A-level choices, it is
to advise you further: it is always                                                                                          but there is no specified subject        Maths is strongly recommended for
                                          Economics                                 Medicine                                                                                                                     important to consider co-curricular
worth emailing them to ask them                                                                                              combination. Selectors, however,         the top university Physics courses.
                                          Maths is categorically not needed         Requirements vary between the                                                                                                activities that will help you make a
for an informal meeting to discuss                                                                                           do like to see that applicants possess   Some Chemistry courses require
                                          to study Economics at A-level, but        different medical schools, but A-level                                                                                       more complete application. For more
your personal circumstances and                                                                                              both analytical and writing abilities.   Maths or Physics A-level as well
                                          at university level it is essential for   Chemistry is required, and usually                                                                                           advice on American and International
suitability to read their subject.                                                                                           The Thinking Skills entry in this        as Chemistry. Biology courses
                                          most courses. Further Maths is highly     two of Maths, Physics and Biology.                                                                                           University applications please contact
                                          advisable and at some top universities    Few medical schools admit pupils         brochure describes the possible          tend to require at least two Maths/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the School at this email address:
N.B. For some courses the                                                                                                    usefulness of taking the Thinking        Science A-levels: Biology A-level
                                          it is increasingly a requirement.         without Biology. The fourth                                                                                        
corresponding A-level or Pre-U is                                                                                            Skills Option as a preparation for       is essential and Chemistry A-level
                                                                                    subject does not have to be a
not necessarily required; it would,                                                                                          the Thinking Skills Assessment test      is highly desirable.
                                          A-level Economics is described by         science-based subject.                                                                                                       You should also seek advice
however, be very unusual in most                                                                                             (TSA) that is required by all Oxford
                                          most top universities as “desirable”.                                                                                                                                  from your Housemaster. Further
cases not to choose to do the A-level                                                                                        colleges if applying in PPE.             Other courses
                                          The Thinking Skills entry in this         Modern Languages                                                                                                             UK university information or advice
if at this stage you already know it is                                                                                                                               Other courses tend to have no
                                          brochure describes the possible           For French, German and many                                                                                                  may be obtained from Miss Clare
likely to be the focus of your degree                                                                                        Other Humanities subjects                specific A-level requirements,
                                          usefulness of taking the Thinking         Spanish courses the relevant Pre-U                                                                                           Leech, Head of Upper School,
course. Bear in mind, too, that for                                                                                          Biology, Economics, Geography            but subjects that are similar in
                                          Skills Option as a preparation for        courses will be required. Other                                                                                              who can be contacted at:
university admission interviews you                                                                                          and History are useful for Social and    discipline to the degree subject are
                                          the Thinking Skills Assessment test       Modern Languages can be taken                                                                                      
will have to convince an academic                                                                                            Human Sciences courses as well           recommended (e.g. a social science
                                          (TSA) that is required by Oxford          up at university, but most language
that you have a genuine interest in                                                                                          as Archaeology and Anthropology.         and/or a science for Anthropology;
                                          if applying in Economics &                courses would expect you to have
their subject.                                                                                                               Philosophy, Theology and related         History, Economics or Geography for
                                          Management and by Cambridge               previously studied at least one,
                                          if applying in Land Economy.              and preferably two languages.            subjects often have no specific          Politics). If in doubt, a set of choices
                                                                                                                             requirements, although the               which cover a range of disciplines
                                          Engineering                               Music                                    Philosophy and Theology course           should leave many choices open
                                          Maths and Physics are required            Requirements differ between              is a good introduction to the central    for Higher Education.
                                          for all types of Engineering; Further     Music courses at universities and        concerns of both. Prospective
                                          Maths is strongly recommended             at Music colleges. The Head of           Philosophy candidates might              Fine Art at university /
                                          for the top university Engineering        Academic Music will advise.              also benefit from Maths. History         Art & Design schools / Drama
                                          courses. Chemistry is required                                                     is a good basis for all single and       The Head of Art and the Director
                                          for Chemical Engineering.                                                          joint honours Politics courses.          of Drama will advise.

Course information
On the following pages each
A-level and Pre-U course is described
in detail together with the entrance
examination(s) required.

Art                                     24
Art History                             25
Classics: Latin and Ancient Greek       26
Economics                               27
English Literature                      28
Geography                               29
History                                 30
Mathematics                             31
Modern Languages and Linguistics        32
      French                            33
      Chinese                           34
      German                            35
      Russian                           36
      Spanish                           37
Music                                   38
Philosophy and Theology                 39
Sciences                                40
      Biology                           41
      Chemistry                         42
      Physics                           43
      Electronics AS-level              44
Theatre Studies                         45
24                                                                                                                            25

Art                                                                                                                            Art History
Department contact Mr S J Crow                                                                                                 Department contact Mr B Walton
Email                                                                                            Email

Art is a popular and successful           thinking and expressive activities        The number of courses on offer is          Westminster offers an excellent           expected to develop research and         are able to participate in a number
subject offering a wonderful              are all prized assets of the artist.      phenomenal and reflects the growth         opportunity to study Art History in       essay skills.                            of schemes. The department has
opportunity for those fascinated                                                    of an image conscious world: it is         unique surroundings in the centre                                                  direct links with Sotheby’s, The
by the visual world to expand and         These skills are developed and            imperative that we have intelligent        of London. Immediate experience           Art History prepares pupils well         Courtauld, Christies, the Art Fund,
develop their work. There is ample        encouraged through an intellectually      and talented people leading the            of an array of architecture as well       for further study at university.         the ICA, the University of London,
opportunity for highly personal           demanding programme. Art History          way. Jobs in the multimillion pound        as major collections such as the          The subject can be studied alone,        The Estorick, The Queen’s Galleries
production and written response,          is cunningly threaded through the         industry of Art & Design can offer         Tate Galleries, The National Gallery,     or in combination with a range of        and other exciting places. The
with an emphasis on self-motivation.      course to provide a rich source of        a fulfilling and rewarding career path.    the V & A, The British Museum,            other subjects, at most universities     History of Art Society invites
Study of Art to this pre-degree           reference and creative stimulation.                                                  The Wallace Collection, The Royal         including Oxford and Cambridge.          excellent speakers every term from
level is a lifestyle choice treated far   This is complemented by regular           If pupils are passionate about the         Academy, The Saatchi Gallery and                                                   all walks of art-related life.
beyond the confines of any mere           critiques and seminars. The               visual world, enjoy exploring creative,    the Courtauld Institute, help to bring    The commercial world of the
examination criteria. The course          culminating ‘Summer Show’ is              aesthetic and expressive activities,       the history of painting, architecture,    21st Century is highly visual. The       Entrance examination
offers a unique experience in itself      a chance to exhibit the best of           then they will find that they are          sculpture, film and installations into    marketing and advertising world          The Pre-U course is very challenging
by making a rich and imaginative          a pupil’s production to a large           utterly fulfilled by the A-level course.   the classroom. In an era of increasing    is constantly seeking the visually       and exciting and excellent grades
contribution to a pupil’s CV. However,    invited audience.                         However, pupils are advised that           globalization, it can also provide        aware. One important aim of Art          are obtained with hard work and
Art is an essential choice for those                                                a previous study of Art & Design, for      a fascinating insight into other          History is to produce visual literacy;   a thirst for the subject. Pupils are
intending to make an application          Our approach is predominantly             example at GCSE level, is essential.       cultures and societies.                   the ability to assess images of all      not expected to have prior
to creative courses at university,        Fine Art based, however the                                                                                                    kinds critically and perceptively        knowledge of the subject for the
including Architecture.                   skills developed through the              Entrance examination                       The subject is recommended to             and discover proof. This unique          entrance examination. They will
                                          course are essential to any artistic      No formal examination is used,             those who enjoy History and English       combination of visual sensitivity        be asked to compare images and
The A-level course contains two           discipline including design-based         and the procedure is intended to           but also wish to explore visual           and intellectual rigour has proven       write a brief essay either about
units: a portfolio of coursework          alternatives such as product,             be a genuine opportunity for               culture and language. It is enjoyable     valuable in areas such as journalism,    an exhibition they have seen or
(including a written investigation) and   automotive and graphic design;            candidates to demonstrate the              for Modern Linguists, Classicists and     advertising, publishing, law and film    a response to a given article.
a concluding practical project/exam.      photography, filmmaking and               best of their abilities. Portfolios        Artists and combines well with most       and television work. More directly       We are looking for clarity of thought,
In all cases pupils are required to       animation are enhanced by                 including sketchbooks and any              other subjects. Indeed, a typically       related careers include those in         enthusiasm and visual awareness.
direct their work in accordance           audacious digital advancements            other endeavour will be inspected          forensic approach to observation          teaching and research, conservation
with personal motivations and             creating exciting opportunities.          on the day of the entrance                 and research taken by scientists is       and restoration, museum and gallery
enthusiasms. The learning will not                                                  examinations. Careful preparation          of great value in Art History. Anyone     administration, commercial galleries
be dictated. Deadlines are generous       The ultimate visual discipline is         of the work is expected and good           wishing to study Architecture, Politics   and auction houses. It must be
and ambitious work is encouraged.         recognised as Architecture, which         presentation skills will be valued.        or Philosophy would find it useful        remembered too that many pupils
An enviable range of techniques           represents a superb ambition for          Organising the work by use of an           and highly informative.                   study the subject at school but go
and processes are available and           a young person, blending the              A1/A2 black portfolio (making                                                        on to further study in a wide range
it is possible to offer a bespoke         creative, visual, psychological           occasional use of plastic sleeves          At Westminster we take the new            of other subjects some of which
programme for each pupil. The             and mathematical, indeed Walter           for example) is the preferred              Pre-U course and will be taking four      relate to Art History such as PPE,
unique environment of the Life            Gropius, the founder of the               method for submitting the work.            papers to examination level at the        SPS, Archaeology and Anthropology,
Class provides a forum for serious        influential German art school the         Candidates who are called back             end of two years. Paper 1 is a visual     or Architecture.
and sophisticated young artists to        Bauhaus, described it as the most         to interview will return with the          survey of Western and Non-Western
engage with a long established            important discipline of all. Many         portfolio and discuss their work           art. Pupils will study Painting,          Small groups (of about 10 pupils)
discipline. These compulsory              leading architects, including             with the Art department.                   Sculpture and Architecture from the       are taught by two different teachers
sessions underpin our ambitions           Richard Rogers, consider Art                                                         Classical World to the 21st Century.      and the class work is based around
to make great art.                        to be the primary subject for                                                        There are three historical topics in      PowerPoint presentations, and
                                          potential pupils; a portfolio is                                                     Paper 2 which are ‘Gothic Art and         heated discussion. The department
The Art Department endeavours             required for interview.                                                              Architecture 1140 – 1540’, ‘The Early     is located in the Sutcliffe building
to undertake ambitious study tours                                                                                             Italian Renaissance 1400 – 1500’ and      and has rooms which are fully
in this country and abroad including      Beyond Westminster, artists have                                                     ‘Art and Architecture in Europe and       equipped for the subject. There are
New York. These experiences build         a vast number of options. The default                                                the United States in the 20th and         currently two extended trips, one
on the sense of purpose that flows        application is to an Art Foundation                                                  21st Century’. The thematic topic,        to Florence in the first year and the
through the inspirational studios         Course, a one-year diagnostic                                                        which is Paper 3, is called ‘Art and      other to Venice in the second year.
and supports the atmosphere               programme designed to assist                                                         the City – Venice’. At the end of the     There is also a voluntary trip to
encouraging spontaneous and               pupils in deciding which of the                                                      first year pupils begin preparing for     Paris in Year 13.
unselfconscious work. Our                 many disciplines they are most                                                       a long essay or thesis of 3,000 words
fundamental concern is to ensure          suited to. Direct entry to a university                                              on a subject of their choice and this     Work experience and outreach
a base of ‘transferable skills’.          is possible, provided the pupil is                                                   is Paper 4. Art History is a rigorous     programmes are an important part
Imagination, creativity, lateral          convinced of their chosen speciality.                                                academic subject, and a pupil will be     of the department’s work and pupils
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