SITUATION AND OUTLOOK - For Irish Agriculture July 2021

Page created by Hugh Robinson
SITUATION AND OUTLOOK - For Irish Agriculture July 2021
                                  For Irish Agriculture
                                  July 2021
                                  Trevor Donnellan, Kevin Hanrahan, Anne Kinsella, Jason Loughrey, John
                                  Lennon, Brian Moran, Fiona Thorne and Emma Dillon

                                  Agricultural Economics & Farm Surveys Department
                                  Co Galway

                                  29th July 2021

Situation and Outlook July 2021
SITUATION AND OUTLOOK - For Irish Agriculture July 2021
Contents - Situation and Outlook for Irish Agriculture (July 2021)

      Introduction                          2         Acknowledgement
      Global Economy                        3         The provision of the National Farm Survey 2020 is a vital stepping stone in
                                                      producing a forecast of margin and income developments on farms in 2021.
         Macro Economy and Exchange Rates   5
                                                      The authors wish to thank all who contributed to the National Farm Survey
      Weather Conditions                    6
                                                      2020, including the farmers who participate voluntarily, the Central Statistics
      Farm Inputs                           8         Office who select the sample and provide the population weights.
           Feed Market                      9         Particular acknowledgement is due to the Teagasc research staff involved in
           Fertiliser Market                10        the collection and validation of the farm data: J. Colgan, A Curley, L. Deane,
                                                      L. Delaney, P. Harnett, P. Healy, G. Kenny, P. Madden, J. McConnon,, K.
           Energy Market                    11        McNamara, M. Nicholson, J. Robinson, J. Teehan and to M. Clarke for the
      Dairy                                 12        administration of the survey.
      Beef                                  15
      Sheep                                 19
      Tillage                               22

                                                                                       Agricultural Economics and Farm Surveys Department
                                                                                                                                Co Galway
                                                                                                                                 H65 R718

Situation and Outlook July 2021
SITUATION AND OUTLOOK - For Irish Agriculture July 2021
In December of 2020 Teagasc published its annual Situation     The categorisation takes account of the position in the            neutral symbol should be used. Such instances are
and Outlook for 2021. This was revised in February 2021 to     previous period. So for example a fall in milk prices in the       represented by a question mark.
reflect the outcome of the Brexit negotiations. In July of     first half of the year in comparison with the same period in       This approach is designed to highlight the key market
2021 Teagasc has published this mid-year update on its         the previous year would be categorised as a negative               developments that have recently taken place and that are
outlook for 2021 to reflect ongoing market developments        situation.                                                         likely to take place in the short term and to highlight, if
The mid-year outlook begins with a summary of current           However, if milk prices were anticipated to rise in               necessary, key uncertainties regarding the short-run
economic conditions, looking at the international               the outlook period relative to the same period in                 outlook. The associated information is then distilled down
macroeconomic picture and recent exchange rate                  the previous year this would be described as a                    to a series of summary tables.
developments. This is followed by a review of weather           positive outlook.
conditions and input markets. The update then provides a        Examples of positive developments would
summary of the developments that have taken place in            include:
commodity markets during the first half (H1) of 2021.
Finally, there is an assessment of the performance of the               A rise in output prices
                                                                        A fall in inputs prices                       Positive
main farm systems in H1 2021.                                                                                                          COVID-19
                                                                        A decrease in international supply
The report then takes a short-term outlook perspective to
                                                                        An increase in international demand
the end of 2021, assessing likely future developments and                                                                              Due to the vaccination programme, the COVID-
                                                                        Favourable weather conditions
how they would influence commodity prices, production                                                                                  19 pandemic is having a reduced impact on
                                                                        A weaker domestic exchange rate
costs and farm profitability.
                                                                                                                                       economic activity in high income economies. The
Across the various farm sectors, access to timely official
data on production volumes, output prices, input utilisation   Conversely, examples of negative developments                           assumption in this Outlook is the influence of
volumes and prices, remains a challenge across the EU.         would include:                                                          COVID-19 on economic activity continues to
Official data sources tend to lag behind the actual market             A fall in output prices                                        recede.
situation by three months and more in some cases. It is                A rise in inputs prices
therefore necessary to rely on unofficial data sources,                An increase in international supply                            However, it continues to remain a concern and
industry expertise and even anecdotal evidence to form an                                                              Negative
                                                                       A decrease in international demand                             creates some uncertainty about the future
up to date assessment of output and input prices,
                                                                       Poor weather conditions                                        economic outlook.
production and input usage.
                                                                       A stronger domestic exchange rate
In this publication the situation and outlook is summarised.
For each commodity sector, production, consumption,            Where either the situation or the outlook
output price, input market developments and income are         suggests no change relative to the corresponding
assessed and are then given either a positive, neutral or a
                                                                                                                                       A trade deal between the EU and UK was agreed
                                                               period in the previous year, this is categorised as
negative ranking.                                              neutral.                                                Neutral         in December of 2020. This is now in place,
This exercise is carried out in respect of the Situation,                                                                              although some aspects of the deal have to be
representing the first half of 2021, and the Outlook           Finally, in instances where it is either too early to                   fully operationalised.
representing the second half of 2021. The categorisation is    make an informed judgement or where there is a
performed with respect to the farmer’s perspective on the
impact of market price, supply and demand developments
                                                               deficit of the necessary data on which a                  ?
                                                               judgement should be made, it may not be possible
on farm profitability.                                         to determine whether a positive, negative or

Situation and Outlook July 2021                                                                                                                                                          2
SITUATION AND OUTLOOK - For Irish Agriculture July 2021
                     Dairy                                            Beef                                           Sheep                                       Tillage

      Situation                 Outlook                 Situation                Outlook                 Situation             Outlook              Situation                Outlook

       Positive                 Positive                 Positive                Positive                 Positive             Positive              Positive                Positive

 PRODUCTION: Global milk supply growth in           PRODUCTION: Irish beef production                PRODUCTION: Irish sheep slaughter          PRODUCTION: In Ireland, favourable
 H1 2021 has slowed, but there has still been       decreased by 7% in H1 2021 due to lower          during period Jan - June 2021 is 9%        sowing and growing conditions mean
 an overall increase in milk production in the      production in the first quarter. Over the        lower compared to the corresponding        yields in 2021 will exceed 2020. Whilst it
 major exporting regions. Irish milk                course of the full year, production is           period in 2020. However, when              is early in the harvest season, first
 production for H1 2021 is like to be up 8%         forecast to end the year 4% lower.               measured on a tonnage basis (cwe),         production estimates for 2021 indicate a
 compared to the same period last year.                                                              sheep slaughterings decreased by           15 percent increase in total cereal
                                                    PRICES: Finished cattle prices are forecast
                                                                                                     somewhat more, circa 11%.                  tonnage compared to 2020 is likely.
 PRICES: Irish milk prices rose in H1 of 2021.      to be 12% higher in 2021. Retail demand
                                                    for beef is increasing in the EU. Demand                                                    PRICES: The estimates for EU production,
 Weaker global milk production growth has                                                            PRICES: EU and Irish heavy lamb
                                                    from the foodservice sector is increasing                                                   demand and ending stocks for 2021 are
 been coupled with firm dairy export demand                                                          prices are to date over one quarter
                                                    strongly in the UK with the re-opening of                                                   creating upward movement on cereal
 and higher prices. For the year as a whole,                                                         higher in 2021 compared to 2020.
                                                    the economy. China’s rising demand for                                                      prices this harvest compared to 2020,
 Irish milk prices in 2021 could be up over                                                          This reflects higher prices in the EU
                                                    beef is increasing global beef prices. Beef                                                 with prices quoted for green barley about
 10% compared with 2020.                                                                             for heavy lamb, which are forecast to
                                                    supply in 2021 is lower in both the EU and                                                  15% up on 2020 harvest prices.
 COSTS: H1 of 2021 has seen somewhat                                                                 persist over the remainder of 2021.
                                                    the UK and this influences the price for Irish                                              COSTS: Prices for the main input items on
 mixed weather. Higher cow numbers have                                                              COSTS: Costs of production on Irish
                                                    beef in 2021.                                                                               tillage farms are all increased on the 2020
 helped to boost feed use in 2021, while                                                             sheep farms are forecast to increase       levels. In addition the use of direct costs
 fertiliser use is also likely to be higher. Feed   COSTS: Costs of production have increased        in 2021. Overall, the increases in fuel,   of production are likely to be up on 2020
 and fertiliser prices in 2021 are both higher      in 2021 due to higher feed and fertiliser        fertiliser and feed prices are expected    also due to the increase in winter cereal
 than in 2020. Total production costs for           prices and higher prices for overheads           to lead to an 8% increase in total costs   sowing. Total farm costs on tillage farms
 2021 are forecast to rise by 5% relative to        including fuel and electricity. These rising     of production for 2021.                    are expected to be up over 10%.
 2020.                                              costs will offset some of the positive
                                                                                                     MARGINS: The forecast increase in          MARGINS: The increase in cereal and
 MARGINS: Average dairy net margin per ha           impact of higher marketed output value on
                                                                                                     costs in 2021, coupled with more           straw yields in 2021, coupled with an
 in 2021 could be on a par with the high of         farm incomes.
                                                                                                     favourable lamb and sheep prices,          increase in cereal prices will likely lead to
 2017. An average dairy farm income in              MARGINS: Average gross margin per ha is          will impact positively on gross            a significant increase in gross output.
 excess of €85,000 in 2021 is possible.             forecasted to increase on Cattle Rearing         margins. For 2021 gross margin per         Even accounting for cost inflation, it is
                                                    farms and Cattle Finishing farms by 7% and       hectare are forecast to grow strongly,     estimated that family farm income on
                                                    10% respectively. Average Cattle Farm            increasing by over 35% to over             specialist tillage farms will be in excess of
                                                    incomes are forecasted to increase by            €800/ha.                                   €40,000 in 2021.
                                                    approximately 5% in 2021.
Situation and Outlook July 2021                                                                                                                                                                 3
SITUATION AND OUTLOOK - For Irish Agriculture July 2021

Situation and Outlook July 2021   4
SITUATION AND OUTLOOK - For Irish Agriculture July 2021
While a global economic recovery is underway, the short-term               Figure 1: Euro/Dollar Exchange Rate 2008 -2021
macroeconomic outlook will continue to be influenced by the need to
contain the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular the spread of vaccine                                 1.60
resistant COVID-19 variants. Unsurprisingly, economic growth rates                                 1.50
for 2021 are likely to be larger than normal, reflecting the recovery in

                                                                             Dollars per Euro
2021 from the negative growth experienced in many of the world’s
major economies in 2020.
While the US dollar weakened in value against the euro in 2020, it has
since stabilised and the exchange rate has moved over a relatively
narrow range so far in 2021.
There has been a bit more fluctuation in the exchange rate between
the sterling and the euro over the course of the past year, over a range
                                                                                                      Jan-06 Jan-08 Jan-10 Jan-12 Jan-14 Jan-16 Jan-18 Jan-20
of about 6 pence. Sterling remained at a comparatively low rate
against the euro, currently close to 90p, towards the end of 2020 as       Source: European Central Bank
the BREXIT negotiations went down to the wire. However, when a
trade agreement between the EU and UK was finally reached in               Figure 2: Euro/Sterling Exchange Rate 2008 -2021
December of 2020, this removed some of the uncertainty facing the
UK economy and sterling has strengthened against the euro over the
first half of 2021.

                                                                             £ Sterling per Euro
The recovery of sterling is welcome from the perspective of Irish agri-                            0.85
food exporters with business in the UK, since it makes Irish exports                               0.80
more competitive on the UK market. However, Irish exporters will be                                0.75
experiencing additional Brexit related non-tariff based trade frictions                            0.70
in exporting to the UK, and via the UK to continental Europe, which                                0.65
will add to their cost base.                                                                       0.60
                                                                                                      Jan-06 Jan-08 Jan-10 Jan-12 Jan-14 Jan-16 Jan-18 Jan-20

                                                                           Source: European Central Bank

Situation and Outlook July 2021                                                                                                                                 5
SITUATION AND OUTLOOK - For Irish Agriculture July 2021

Situation and Outlook July 2021   6
SITUATION AND OUTLOOK - For Irish Agriculture July 2021
Weather conditions in 2021 have shown considerable variation
                                                                            Figure 3: Jan. to June 2021 Mean Temperature                                           Figure 4: Jan. to June 2021 Rainfall Relative to
relative to normal and this has had an impact on both grazing               Relative to Normal (1981-2010)                                                                   Normal (1981-2020)
conditions and grass growth at various points in the first half of 2021.
                                                                                                   2.0                                                                                     300
High levels of rainfall in February were followed by rainfall levels that

                                                                                                                                                                   Index (Normal = 100)
were well below normal in March and April. This contributed to below                               1.0

                                                                              Degree C vs Normal
par grass growth levels in April and May, which were also                                                                                                                                  200
unseasonably cold, particularly at night. Grass growth recovered in                                0.0
June, but has dipped again in July due to a dry period with unusually                              -1.0
high temperatures.                                                                                                                                                                         100
                                                                                                   -2.0                                                                                     50
Figure 3 provides a summary of deviations in air temperature to date
this year compared to normal levels, for a range of Teagasc locations.                             -3.0                                                                                      0
Similarly, Figure 4 illustrates an index of monthly rainfall amounts                                                     Jan     Feb     Mar    Apr   May   Jun                                    Jan     Feb    Mar   Apr     May   Jun
relative to normal across a number of Teagasc locations through to                                                                                                                            Athenry            Grange          Oak Park
                                                                                                      Athenry                          Grange         Oak Park
the end of June 2021.
                                                                                                      Moorepark                        Johnstown                                              Moorepark          Johnstown
The variability in weather conditions across the country, relative to
normal has been widespread, with no noteworthy region specific              Source: Met Eireann                                                                    Source: Met Eireann

                                                                            Figure 5: Irish Grass Growth 2019, 2020 and 2021
Note: Normal weather is defined as the 30 year average from 1981 to


                                                                                                    kg DM/ha/day




                                                                                                                                                            2021                     2020                2019

                                                                                                                        Jan-27            Mar-24        May-19                            Jul-14           Sep-08            Nov-03

                                                                            Source: Teagasc Pasture Base Ireland

Situation and Outlook July 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                             7

Situation and Outlook July 2021   8
Based on DAFM and CSO data, average dairy feed use per head is estimated to have been              2020, and continued high prices in H1 of 2021 reflects the decrease in stocks to use ratios
about 1,120 kg per cow in 2020, down very slightly on the 2019 level. Beef feed usage per          on the international balance sheets. Averaging across the full year it is likely that feed
head in 2020 was also down slightly on the 2019 level, while sheep feed use increased in           prices in 2021 will be about 9 percent higher than in 2020.
                                                                                                    Figure 6: Index of Monthly Irish Feed Prices 2018-2021
For 2021, early indications are that dairy feed usage volume may increase relative to the                                   120
2020 level. The volume of sheep feed used also looks like being higher in 2021 relative
to 2020. The outlook for beef feed usage in 2021 is less clear, as further data is required.                                115

                                                                                                        Index 2015 = 100
Feed prices in 2021 have been on the increase, continuing the upward trend which was                                        110
observed right through 2020. Higher cereal harvest prices in 2020 and increased
demand for feed grain markets in the first half of 2021 are the main drivers of this feed
price increase in 2021.                                                                                                     100
As of July 2021, official data on feed use in the current year are limited, with DAFM feed                                   95
sales data available for Q1 only. These data show that the aggregate volume of dairy
feed sales in Q1 2020 was up 6% on the same period in 2020, perhaps reflecting the                                           90
continuing increase in dairy cow numbers, strong milk yield growth and a slower start to                                          Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun          Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
the grazing season in 2021. High lamb prices may also have prompted the higher sheep                                                      2018         2019        2020         2021
feed sales that has been observed inQ1 2021 .
                                                                                                    Source: Central Statistics Office
Overall, given the growth in the dairy cow herd, early indications are that aggregate dairy
feed use will be higher in 2021, with an increase in feed use per head relative to 2020             Figure 7: Longer Term Index of Monthly Irish Feed Prices 2006-2021
also likely.                                                                                                                130

Aggregate beef feed sales decreased in Q1 of 2021, but were only a little lower than in                                     120

                                                                                                        Index 2015 = 10 0
Q1 2020. For 2021 as a whole, it is possible that beef feed use will be on a par with 2020,
but further data is required to be more confident of that outcome. In 2021 sheep feed
use is likely to be higher than in 2020.                                                                                    100

Taking a more global view, it is still too early in the year to be fully confident, but it would                            90
appear that the global wheat and barley harvest are both forecast to increase in 2021 by                                    80
about 3%. However, demand is also expected to increase by 3 to 4%, with stocks
expected to remain low, with a further decrease in the ending stock/use ratio in 2021/22
                                                                                                                             Jan-06 Jan-08 Jan-10 Jan-12 Jan-14 Jan-16 Jan-18 Jan-20
compared to 2020/21. Overall, this suggests that there will be an increase in cereal prices
                                                                                                    Source: Central Statistics Office
on the Irish market at harvest 2021 relative to 2020. At present (July 2021), a 15%
increase in farm gate winter barley prices for the 2021 harvest is expected.

As shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7, feed prices have moved upwards in H2 of 2020, and
have continued to remain ‘bullish’ in H1 of 2021. The increase in prices at the end of

Situation and Outlook July 2021                                                                                                                                                              9
Energy prices, particularly for oil were significantly lower in 2020. This unanticipated           Figure 8: Index of Monthly Irish Fertiliser Prices 2018-2021
energy price decrease was a result of the COVID-19 crisis and the related knock-on
impact on economic activity. Fertiliser prices are influenced by supply and demand in
                                                                                                                                                       2018       2019            2020          2021
the market, but also reflect production costs, which are heavily related to energy prices.
Figure 8 contains official monthly fertiliser price data from the CSO. Downward
movement in prices observed in 2019 and this continued right through 2020.

                                                                                                                Index 2015 = 1000
However, energy prices have recovered in H1 of 2021 and this has also prompted a
recovery in fertiliser prices in H1 2021, bringing fertiliser prices back up to 2019 price                                          85
In terms of fertiliser sales in Ireland, the available official data covers the first six months
of the fertiliser year (Oct 2020 – Mar 2021). For this six month period Figure 9 shows a                                            75
very sharp increase in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium sales. It is not yet clear
whether this will necessarily mean an increase in usage in the 2021 fertiliser year, as                                             70
some of these fertiliser purchases will have been made to build up stocks on farm in the                                                  Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr May   Jun   Jul   Aug    Sep   Oct     Nov    Dec

knowledge that there would be a large increase in fertiliser prices in 2021.
                                                                                                   Source: Central Statistics Office
Fertiliser usage associated with cereal production tends to be more predictable from               Figure 9: Irish Fertiliser Sales in first 6 months of fertiliser year 2015-2021
year to year than that experienced on grassland farms. On cereal farms any changes in
fertiliser volume will tend to be associated with a shift in the total crop area sown, i.e.                     225,000
shifts in cropping pattern between winter and spring sown crops and nutrient off takes                          200,000
                                                                                                                                                                  Oct '17 to Mar '18     Oct '18 to Mar '19
from the previous year yields. Hence, for the 2021 harvest, it is expected that fertiliser                      175,000
volume on cereal farms will be up due to an increase in winter sown crops.                                                                                        Oct '19 to Mar '20     Oct '20 to Mar '21

                                                                                                                                                Nitrogen          Phosphorus                Potassium

                                                                                                   Source: DAFM

Situation and Outlook July 2021                                                                                                                                                                                     10
                                                                                     Figure 11: European Natural Gas Average Import Price 2008 2021
Fuel and electricity are less significant input items than feed and                                        20
fertiliser in grassland systems. However, the price of energy has
implications that extend throughout the economy, given the                                                 15

                                                                                            $ per MMBTU
importance of energy as a cost item in the production and distribution
of goods.                                                                                                  10

Crude oil prices dropped dramatically in 2020, reflecting the subdued
demand for aviation and ground transportation and the negative
economic growth related to the COVID-19 pandemic.                                                           0
Energy prices began to recover slowly through H2 2020 and into H1                                           Jan-06 Jan-08 Jan-10 Jan-12 Jan-14 Jan-16 Jan-18 Jan-20
2021 the recovery has accelerated.
                                                                                     Source: World Bank
Having been as low as US$20 at one point in Q2 of 2020, the monthly
average Brent crude oil price recovered to just under US$50 in                       Figure 12: Index of monthly fuel and electricity prices 2015-2021
December 2020, as illustrated in Figure 10. Brent crude oil prices have                                    120
risen further through H1 2021, reaching a level of US$73 per barrel in                                                         Electricity
June 2021. European natural gas prices have also moved sharply                                                                 Motor fuel

                                                                                        Index 2015 = 100
upwards in H1 2021, mirroring the recovery in crude oil prices.
The price recovery in energy markets, has affected motor fuel and
electricity prices, with motor fuel prices in particular showing a sharp
increase since the beginning of 2021.
 Figure 10: Brent Oil Prices in Euro and US Dollar Terms 2008 -2021
                          140                                                                              80
                          120                                                                                Jan-15   Jan-16     Jan-17      Jan-18   Jan-19   Jan-20   Jan-21
                                                                                      Source: CSO
    Currency per barrel

                                                US Dollar        Euro
                           Jan-06 Jan-08 Jan-10 Jan-12 Jan-14 Jan-16 Jan-18 Jan-20

 Source: Adapted from the St Louis Fed

Situation and Outlook July 2021                                                                                                                                                  11

Situation and Outlook July 2021   12
    Global Supply                      Global Demand                     Milk Prices                 Irish Production                  Input Cost                  Irish Farm Income

  Situation     Outlook             Situation   Outlook           Situation       Outlook         Situation     Outlook          Situation      Outlook          Situation     Outlook

   Positive     Positive            Positive    Neutral            Positive       Neutral         Positive      Positive         Negative      Negative          Positive      Positive

 In the key export            International dairy product     European wholesale dairy       Production conditions in      Feed prices in H1 of 2021      Average net margin in
  regions, milk                 demand in H1 2021 has            prices have improved in         2021 were affected by          have been 10% higher            2021 could hit 14 cent
  production growth has         remained solid.                  2021.                           heavy early season rain        than in H1 2020 and             per litre, but will depend
  been slower in 2021          China remains an                Butter reached €4,100 per       and lower than normal          further upward price            on grass growing
  than in 2020.                 important part of the            tonne, in June 2021, a 20%      temperatures. This led to      movement is likely over         conditions and input
 Milk production in the        global demand picture,           increase relative to            restricted grass growth in     the rest of 2021.               requirement in H2.
  UK and EU has slowed,         with imports remaining           December 2020.                  April and May.                Dairy feed sales in Q1         Higher feed, fertiliser
  while it has remained         strong in 2021                                                  The growth in Irish dairy      2021 have increased             and fuel expenditure in
                                                                SMP prices have also
  stronger in NZ and US.                                                                         cow numbers continues,         relative to 2010. Overall,      2021 relative to 2020
                               COVID-19, while receding         increased reaching €2,600
                                                                                                 with an increase of just       feed use in 2021 will           will partially offset
 In 2021, milk                 as a concern in rich             per tonne in June 2021, an
                                                                                                 over 3% likely in 2021.        depend on late season           higher milk prices.
  production to the end         economies, remains a             increase of 18% since
                                                                                                                                weather conditions. An         The current forecast is
  of May has increased in       concern elsewhere.               December 2020.                 Milk yields to date in
                                                                                                                                increase of 2% per head is      that the average Irish
  NZ by almost 6%, in the      High shipping costs and         By contrast, cheddar prices     2021 are up slightly on
                                                                                                                                assumed.                        dairy farm could see a
  US by close to 3%.                                                                             the 2020 level, perhaps
                                logistical bottlenecks           have moved over a fairly                                      Energy and fertiliser           net margin per ha in
 By contrast, EU milk          remain a concern for             narrow range.                   driven by higher feed use.
                                                                                                                                prices in 2021 have risen       2021 in excess of €1,700
  production has                international trade.            Peak season monthly Irish      Milk fat and protein           due to higher oil and gas       on a par with the high of
  increased in the period      COVID restrictions are           farm milk prices in 2021        levels in 2021 have            prices.                         2017.
  January to May 2021 by        easing faster in the US than     are about 5 cent (15%)          increased marginally.         Fertiliser sales are up but    Early indications are that
  0.4%. UK milk                 in Europe, where a return        higher than the same point     With normal weather and        this may be a hedge             average dairy farm
  production has grown          to a more normal lifestyles      on 2020.                        no deterioration in milk       against further price           income could exceed
  by over 1% in the same        may take until 2022.                                             prices over the rest of        increases.                      €85,000 in 2021, with
                                                                Short-term prospects are
  period.                                                                                        2021, Irish milk              Total production costs          incomes boosted by
                                                                 more uncertain, following a
 Higher feed costs could                                        succession of recent            production is likely to be     per litre in 2021 could be      strong production
  put a brake on growth,                                                                         up at least 6% on the          up 5% on the 2020 level.        growth.
                                                                 negative GDT auction
  later in the year.                                             outcomes.                       2020 level.
  Adverse weather in EU
  is also a concern.

  Situation and Outlook July 2021                                                                                                                                                13
 Figure 13: % Change in Milk Production Jan- May 2021                      Figure 14: Monthly Irish Farm Milk Prices (actual fat)                   Figure 15: GDT Auction Index Fortnightly Price
                                                                                                                                                              Movements in 2020 and 2021
                                                                                                50                                                        20
                                                                                                                                                                                     2020                     2021
                10                                  IE                                          45                                                        15

                                                                              Cent per litre
                         NZ                                                                     40                                                        10
     % change

                                                                                                                                                    % change
                5                                                     IT                        35                                                              5
                              AUS        EU UK PL                                               30                                                              0
                                                                                                25                                                          -5
                                                         FR NE
                -5                                                                              20                                                     -10
 Source: Eurostat, AHDB, USDA, Dairy Australia, DCANZ
                                                                                                 Jan-08 Jan-10 Jan-12 Jan-14 Jan-16 Jan-18 Jan-20         07-Jan 07-Apr 21-Jun 06-Oct 05-Jan 06-Apr 06-Jul
 Growth rates are adjusted for 2020 leap year                              Source: CSO                                                              Source: GDT

 Figure 16: Chinese Powder Imports Jan-May 2014-2021                       Figure 17: EU27 Wholesale Dairy Product Prices Oct 2017                  Figure 18: Dairy Net Margin per hectare 2014 to
                                                                                      to May 2021                                                             2019 and Forecast for 2021
                                           SMP      WMP                                        7,000                                                                     1,800
                500                                                                                             Butter        SMP         Cheddar
                                                                                               6,000                                                                     1,600
                400                                                                                                                                                      1,400

                                                                                                                                                          Euro per hectare
  '000 tonnes

                                                                            euro per tonne

                300                                                                            4,000                                                                     1,000
                                                                                               3,000                                                                         800
                100                                                                                                                                                          400
                                                                                               1,000                                                                         200
                                                                                                  -                                                                           0
                         2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
                                                                                                       Oct-17    Oct-18      Oct-19      Oct-20                                    2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021f
 Source: IHS Markit
                                                                                                                                                    Source: Teagasc NFS 2014-2020, 2021 Author forecast.
                                                                           Source: DG Agri

Situation and Outlook July 2021                                                                                                                                                                                        14

Situation and Outlook July 2021   15
      EU+UK Supply                   EU+UK Demand                      Beef Prices               Irish Production               Input Costs                  Farm Income

  Situation     Outlook            Situation     Outlook        Situation       Outlook       Situation     Situation      Situation      Outlook      Situation      Outlook

   Positive     Positive           Negative       Neutral       Positive        Positive      Negative       Negative      Negative       Negative      Positive      Positive

  EU beef production              Due to lower               Average EU male               Irish beef production       Direct costs of beef        The impact of output
   in H1 2021                       foodservice demand in       finished cattle prices         in H1 2021 was               production are               value growth is
   decreased by 1% vs               H1 2021, the total EU       were 6% higher in H1           approximately 7%             dominated by                 forecasted to exceed
   H1 2020.                         domestic use of beef is     2021 relative to H1            lower than in H1 2020.       purchased feed and           that of input
  EU beef supply is                forecast to decrease        2020.                         This fall was due to         pasture costs.               expenditure growth
   expected to be 1.4%              by 1% in 2021.             Irish finished prime           reduced factory             For the year to date,        for both single suckling
   lower in 2021.                                               cattle prices have             throughput in                both feed and fertiliser     and cattle finishing
                                   Retail demand for beef
  The forecast decline                                         increased by 10% in H1         February and March.          prices have been             enterprises in 2021.
                                    has increased in EU
   in EU beef                                                   2021 relative to H1           For 2021 as a whole,         significantly higher        Gross margins on
                                    member states such as
   production is mainly                                         2020.                          Irish beef production is     than in 2020.                single suckling
                                    France and Germany.
   due to a reduction in                                       For 2021, Irish finished       forecast to decline by      For the year as a            enterprises are
                                   Foodservice demand is
   the size of the cow                                          cattle prices are forecast     approximately 4%             whole, both feed and         forecast to increase by
                                    recovering in key
   herd (beef and                                               to increase by about           compared to 2020.            fertiliser prices are        7%.
                                    export destinations
   dairy).                                                      12% relative to 2020.                                       forecast to be 9%           Gross margins on
                                    and particularly in the
  Exports to high value                                       In H1 2021, weanling                                        higher than in 2020.         cattle finishing farms
                                    United Kingdom.
   markets are                                                  prices are up 5% on H1                                     Motor fuel prices are        are forecast to
   expected to increase                                         2020. Over all of 2021,                                     forecast to be 10%           increase by 10%.
   due to recent trade                                          weanling prices are                                         higher in 2021 relative     Despite higher
   agreements with                                              forecast to be 7% higher                                    to 2020.                     overhead costs, FFI on
   Canada and Japan.                                            relative to 2020.                                          Total costs of               Cattle Rearing farms is
  EU imports of beef                                          Store cattle prices are                                     production on single         forecast to increase by
   are expected to                                              forecast to increase by                                     suckling and cattle          5%, while FFI on Cattle
   recover significantly                                        10% relative to 2020.                                       finishing enterprises        Other farms is forecast
   and are forecast to                                                                                                      are forecast to              to increase by 4%.
   be 8% higher in                                                                                                          increase by 3% and 6%
   2021.                                                                                                                    respectively in 2021.

Situation and Outlook July 2021                                                                                                                                           16
 Figure 19: Monthly EU Young Bull and Brazilian Steer Prices 2013-2021                                 Figure 20: Irish and EU27 cow inventories (December) 2007-2020

                        500                                                                                                   2,500                                                                      33,500

                        400                                                                                                   2,400                                                                      33,000
      euro/100 kg cwe

                        300                                                                                                   2,300

                                                                                                          000 head

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  000 head
                        200                                                                                                   2,200
                        100                                                                                                   2,100
                          0                                                                                                   2,000                                                                      30,500
                                                                                                                                                        IRL (left axis)            EU27
                          Jan-13             Jan-15          Jan-17         Jan-19            Jan-21
                                                                                                                              1,900                                                                      30,000
                                                        EU        Brazil                                                           2007       2009      2011       2013     2015       2017       2019

 Source: DG Agriculture and Rural Development and Consorcio de Exportadores de Carnes Argentinas ABC   Source: Eurostat

 Figure 21: Monthly EU, UK and Irish Finished Cattle Prices 2013 to 2021                               Figure 22: Single Suckling and Cattle Finishing Gross Margin per hectare 2016-2020 and
                                                                                                                  Forecast for 2021
                        550                                                                                                             600
                                                                                                                                              2016    2017        2018    2019     2020       2021f
    Euro/100 kg cwe

                                                                                                                     Euro per hectare
                        300                                                                                                             200
                                                        EU            UK            IRL
                        250                                                                                                             100

                        200                                                                                                              0
                           Jan-14   Jan-15     Jan-16   Jan-17   Jan-18    Jan-19    Jan-20   Jan-21                                            Single Suckling                    Cattle Finishing

                                                                                                       Source: Source: Teagasc NFS 2016-2020 and Author forecast for 2021’
 Source: DG Agriculture and Rural Development, AHDB and ECB

Situation and Outlook July 2021                                                                                                                                                                                          17
 Figure 23: Cattle Finishing Gross Output, Direct Costs and Gross Margin per hectare



       euro per ha





                              2016       2017       2018         2019     2020     2021f

                              Direct Costs        Gross Output          Gross Margin
 Source: Teagasc NFS
 Figure 24: Long Term trends in Dairy and Suckler Cow Inventories (December)



    000 head



                                                Dairy Cows          Suckler Cows

                          1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 2017 2020

 Source: Eurostat

Situation and Outlook July 2021                                                            18

Situation and Outlook July 2021   19
        EU+UK Supply                    EU+UK Demand                        Lamb Prices                   Irish Production                   Input Costs                       Farm Income

     Situation   Outlook              Situation      Outlook          Situation       Outlook          Situation      Outlook           Situation      Outlook       Situation          Outlook

     Neutral     Neutral              Neutral        Neutral          Positive        Positive         Negative       Positive          Negative       Negative          Positive       Positive

   Outlook is for stable             EU sheep meat demand         Heavy lamb prices in the          For the period January         Direct costs of                   2021 margins earned
    indigenous EU supply.              is stable, so that lower      EU for the year to date            to May 2021, total              production on Irish sheep          from sheep production
  World demand, driven                supplies is reflected in      are 16% higher than in             sheep slaughter is              farms are dominated by             are forecast to increase
    mostly by China, is                higher prices.                2020, and for the year as          almost 9% lower when            concentrate, pasture and           compared to 2020, due
    absorbing more of NZ              EU sheep meat exports         a whole are forecast to            compared with                   forage costs.                      mainly to higher sheep
    & Australia output.                are heavily affected by       remain ahead of 2020               corresponding period in        Owing to weather                   and lamb prices.
  Further augmented by                the trade relation with       prices.                            2020 at sheep export            impacts on grazing                Direct costs of
    large correction in UK             UK.                         Irish prices for the year to        premises.                       conditions and below               production on sheep
    production, lowering              High UK domestic              date are almost 30%                Total sheep throughput         average grass growth,              farms are expected to
    supplies on EU market.             prices, are reducing          higher than in 2020,                in Ireland, for the year       use of feed is expected to         be much higher in 2021.
  With stable EU                      British lamb price            remaining well above the            January to May, is just        be well ahead of 2020             In 2021, the net margin
    production, EU sheep               competitiveness in EU         5 year average price                over 1.30m, while on           levels.                            from mid-season lamb
    meat market face                   and has put volumes           (2016-2020).                        tonnage basis (cwe)         For the year to date,                production is forecast
    global & domestic                  under pressure.             With the seasonal                    this equates to 27.5 up      fertiliser, feed and fuel            to almost double to
    supply shortages.                 Overall for 2021 year, a     reduction in lamb prices             to June, down 11% on         prices have been higher              circa €315 per hectare.
 Continuing trade                     decline of circa 5% in       underway following the               corresponding period         than in 2020.                       The average gross
    friction between UK &              EU exports is expected.      Eid festival, lamb prices            for 2021.                   Overall, the large                   margin per hectare is
    EU has put volumes                                              for 2021 as a whole, are            Below par grass              increase in fuel prices,             forecast to increase by
    under pressure. UK                                              forecast to average                  growing conditions has       fertiliser prices and feed           over one third to
    sheep meat exports to                                           approximately 25% higher             been another negative        price coupled with feed              €825/ha.
    EU, have declined a                                             than in 2020.                        contributing factor.         use increase, is expected           Incomes on sheep
    quarter year on year.                                                                                                             to lead to an 8% increase            farms are set to
 Year to date EU lamb                                                                                                                in total costs of                    increase by more than
   imports are expected                                                                                                               production for 2021.                 40% in 2021, due to
   to be 25% lower                                                                                                                                                         growth in output value,
   compared to 2020,                                                                                                                                                       more than offsetting
   almost entirely driven                                                                                                                                                  higher total costs of
   by lower imports from                                                                                                                                                   production.
   NZ & Australia.

Situation and Outlook July 2021                                                                                                                                                             20
    Figure 25: EU Sheep Meat producers (‘000’s slaughtered heads)                           Figure 26: Weekly Irish Lamb Prices 2021, 2020, 2019 and average 2016-2020

                                                                                                                                      2021        2020        2019         2016-2020

                                                                                               euro/100 kg cwe

                                 9%                                                                                  500

                                                                        Romania                                      400
                                     France                               18%
                                      12%                                                                            300
                                                           Greece                                                          wk1 wk5 wk9 wk13 wk17 wk21 wk25 wk29 wk33 wk37 wk41 wk45 wk49
                                                            12%                             Source: DG Agriculture and Rural Development
    Source: Eurostat

    Figure 27: EU Sheep & Goat meat imports* (January – May) 2020 and 2021                  Figure 28: Mid-Season Lowland Lamb Gross Margin per hectare 2018-2020 & Forecast
                          40                                                                                         900
                                                   New Zealand      Australia      Others
                          35                                                                                         800
                          30                                                                                         700

                                                                                                  euro per hectare
        '000 tonnes cwe

                          25                                                                                         600
                          10                                                                                         200
                           5                                                                                         100
                           0                                                                                           0
                                     20202                          2021                                                          2018           2019            2020           2021f
                                                                                            Source: Teagasc NFS 2018-2020 and Author forecast for 2021
    Source: DG Agriculture and Rural Development

    *EU imports shown with UK included


Situation and Outlook July 2021                                                                                                                                                            21

Situation and Outlook July 2021   22
       Wheat Market                       Barley Market                            Prices                  Irish Production                   Input Costs                     Farm Income
     Situation      Outlook           Situation       Outlook          Situation        Outlook         Situation       Outlook         Situation       Outlook         Situation       Outlook

                      ?               Positive
                                                         ?             Positive
                                                                                            ?           Positive
                                                                                                                           ?            Negative        Negative        Positive
   EU soft wheat                    Aggregate EU barley            Wheat: signals at present        Based on provisional           In 2021, there has been        With higher output
    production in                     production is set to            indicate an increase in           figures from DAFM the           an increase in total            prices for wheat and
    2021/2022 is expected             decrease by about .4Mt          harvest price in 2021             cereal area in 2021 has         direct costs, on a per          barley, coupled with
    to be about 133.3Mt,              in 2021.                        relative to 2020.                 increased by 3.4%               hectare basis. Fertiliser       significant increases in
    with a 14.2 Mt year-on-          World barley supply is         Barley: signals at present        (approx.. 9,000 ha).            prices are estimated to         yields for the main
    year harvest increase.            forecast at 153 Mt,             also an increase in              2021 has also witnessed         have increased by               cereal crops, Irish cereal
   World soft wheat                  which is down from              harvest price for barley          a return to normal              about 9%, seed prices           output value is forecast
    production in 2021/22             159.9 Mt in 2020/21.            this year compared to last        winter cereal area              up by 3% and fuel up            to be up in 2021.
    is expected to be 730.4          World demand is                 year.                             following the difficult         over 10% for the year to       The straw incorporation
    Mt, up 24 Mt on                   expected to be down            July MATIFF futures               autumn of 2019. DAFM            date.                           scheme will further
    2020/21.                          slightly this year, with        indicate an increase in           provisional figures            The increase in the area        boost output value on
   World demand for                  this year’s demand              2021 harvest prices for           indicate that winter            of winter crops is              specialist tillage farms.
    human, industrial and             estimated at 154.2 Mt.          wheat.                            cereal area for harvest         expected to contribute         Overall costs in 2021
    feed purposes is                 World ending stocks are        On account green harvest          2021 increased by               to a further increase in        are forecast to increase.
    expected to increase by           forecast to be approx.          winter barley prices in the       42,318ha, while spring          total farm direct costs.        However, the forecast
    24.9 Mt year on year.             20.6 Mt in 2021/22,             Irish market quoted in            barley reduced by              The upward movement             increase in costs is not
   World ending stocks are           down from 21.7 Mt in            mid July 2021 are 15-20%          24,999ha from 2020.             in energy prices should         expected to be enough
    expected to be up by              2020/21.                        higher than 2020 harvest         It is too early to              mean an increase in             to negate the increase
    6.2 Mt in 2021/22                The stock to use ratio of       prices.                           accurately forecast Irish       some overhead cost              in output value.
    compared to 2020/21.              world barley is                Demand for straw                  yields for 2021, but            items.                         Average income on
    However, stocks are               projected to be 13.3%,          appears to be strong,             early indications are          Anecdotal evidence              tillage farms in 2021 is
    expected to remain low            in 2021/22, which is            despite higher overall            that cereal crop yields         suggests that land              expected to be in
    in the main export                down slightly from              straw yields in 2021. With        will be significantly           rental prices have              excess of €40,000.
    regions.                          13.5% in 2020/21.               uptake high on the newly          higher than in 2020.            remained static.               However, much
   The ending stocks to             The EU balance sheet            introduced straw                 First estimates of total       Overall, it is estimated        uncertainty still
    use ratio on the                  for 2021/22 is showing          incorporation scheme,             Irish cereal tonnage in         that total costs on the         surrounds the full yield
    international balance             a decrease in the               straw prices appear to be         2021 are up by over             average tillage farm in         potential of all crops at
    sheet is forecast to be           production of barley            holding firm.                     15% on 2020 levels.             2021 will be up about           this stage of the
    down slightly to 32.2%.           and a slight increase in                                                                          10% compared to 2020.           harvest.
                                      stocks to use ratio as a

    Situation and Outlook July 2021                                                                                                                                                         23
  Figure 29: World Soft Wheat Balance Sheet (Mt)                                            Figure 30:– EU Market prices for feed barely July 2013 – July 2021 (€ per tonne)

                             Decrease in stock/use ratio from 32.4% to 32.2%                                      250
           700                                                                                                    200


           200                                                                                                                                FR (Rouen) Delivered to Port
             0                                                                                                      0
                     Carry-in      Production       Trade      Demand          Carry out                            13/1/19     13/7/19       13/1/20        13/7/20         13/1/21

                                           20/21    21/22

                                                                                            Source: European Commission, cereals statistics
  Source: Strategie Grains
                                                                                            Figure 32: Average Irish Tillage Farm Income (2010-2021f)
  Figure 31: World Barley Balance Sheet (Mt)
                             Decrease in stock/use ratio 13.5% to 13.3%
           160                                                                                                  35,000

           140                                                                                                  30,000

                                                                                                Euro per farm

            80                                                                                                  20,000
            60                                                                                                  15,000
             0                                                                                                   5,000
                      Carry-in     Production        Trade      Demand          Carry out
                                            20/21     21/22                                                              2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021f

  Source: Strategie Grains                                                                  Source: Teagasc, National Farm Survey 2010-2020 and Author estimate 2021.

Situation and Outlook July 2021                                                                                                                                                         24
Trevor Donnellan
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