Sincere wishes for a speedy recovery - NLC India Limited

Page created by Scott Chandler
Sincere wishes for a speedy recovery - NLC India Limited
Vol. IX   Issue V                                                   April 2019



                  Sincere wishes for a speedy recovery

         On the occasion of the 70th Republic Day on 26.01.2019, Smt. Kanchan Rakeshkumar, President,
     Sneha Opportunity Services & Neyveli Ladies Club, Smt. Devahi Thangapandian and Smt. Shanthi Vikraman,
            Patrons of Neyveli Ladies Club visited NLC India Hospital, distributed fruits and sweets to the
                                  in-patients and wished them a speedy recovery.
Sincere wishes for a speedy recovery - NLC India Limited

                            Dr Ratanlal Rajesh Agarwala
                            Orthopaedic Department
Lower Back Pain: What could it be?                                                carrying a bucket up the stairs. Some back injuries can be sudden and
Do you have lower back pain? You are not alone. Anyone can                        traumatic, and some happen slowly over time. You may think that
experience lower back pain at any time, even if you don’t have a prior            athletes and active people get injured the most due to their active
injury or any of the risk factors. It is not always serious and can often         lifestyle. “But this is not always the case. You are just as likely to tweak
get better on its own. But in some cases pain is your body’s way of               your back while bending over to pick up a sock from under the bed.
telling you that something isn’t right.                                           It’s the everyday tasks, like holding a child that may lead to back
                                                                                  injuries when done improperly.
Why is lower back pain such a common problem?
                                                                                  Herniated Discs
The bottom part of your back typically has just five vertebrae — fewer
than your neck and mid-back. And these vertebrae do a lot of heavy                A herniated, or bulging, disc is a disc that has “spilled out” of its lining.
lifting! Your lower back is where your spine connects to your pelvis,             This happens most frequently in the lower back. The injured disc may
bearing the weight of your upper body. This area experiences a lot of             not always hurt. But even if it’s painless, its contents can press on or
movement and stress, which may lead to wear, tear and injuries.                   irritate nearby nerves, causing pain in the lower back and other areas.

What are some common causes of lower back pain?                                   What does it mean if lower back pain is shooting into legs?

Lifestyle factors                                                                 Lower back pain can radiate to other parts of the body: up or down
                                                                                                      from its place of origin. Sometimes lower back
There are three major lifestyle factors that may
                                                                                                      pain can be on one side of the back, which is
affect your chances of developing lower back
                                                                                                      also normal. If the pain is shooting from the
pain : Multiple studies have established a link
                                                                                                      lower back into one or both legs, it could be
between smoking and lower back pain.
                                                                                                      sciatica (nerve pain), but it’s not always the
Smoking raises inflammation inside the body
                                                                                                      case. There are many parts in the lower back
and hinders the body from healing itself.
                                                                                                      that may cause the pain to radiate into the legs,
Obesity is also associated with several types of
                                                                                                      such as facet joints, sacroiliac joints, muscles or
chronic pain, including lower back pain.
                                                                                                      inflammation of the bursa.
In people with high body mass index (BMI), the
                                                                                                          Can lower back pain be a sign of something
stress on the spine increases, contributing to
                                                                                                          serious like cancer?
even more wear and tear.
                                                                                                       Lower back pain can be related to cancer. In
Your level of physical activity can also play a
                                                                                                       fact, it is one of the first symptoms of prostate
role in your lower back health. While a sedentary lifestyle could
                                                                                  cancer when it metastasis and creates lesions. Almost any cancer can
increase your risk of developing lower back pain, so can excessive
                                                                                  spread to the back and some, like sarcoma, can originate in the back.
or strenuous physical activity. Check with your doctor if you are
                                                                                  Be cautious, especially if you are experiencing other symptoms
unsure about your ideal level of physical activity.
                                                                                  besides lower back pain. Talk to your doctor if you have additional
Arthritis of the Spine
                                                                                  symptoms or concerns.
Arthritis of the spine — the slow degeneration of the spinal joints — is
                                                                                  What can I do for low back pain at home?
the most frequent cause of lower back pain. All of us experience
                                                                                  If your lower back pain has just started, the best thing you can do is
wear and tear as we age, and it is normal for your lower back to start
                                                                                  rest and record your symptoms, times, dates and which activities
acting up as you get older. As the cartilage breaks down between
                                                                                  trigger the pain or make it worse or better. Take this information to your
the spinal joints, surrounding tissues may become inflamed. The
                                                                                  doctor if the pain doesn’t resolve on its own. It will make diagnosing the
inflammation and the thinning of cartilage increase friction in the joints,
                                                                                  cause much easier.
which may cause pain in the lower back.
                                                                                  Once you know which motion or position causes your lower back pain,
Back Injuries
                                                                                  try to avoid it and see if you get better. Icing the painful spot can also
A bad fall or a car accident can cause a lower back injury. But so can

Sincere wishes for a speedy recovery - NLC India Limited
                              A BASIC LABORATORY REPORT - III
                                                         (Continued from previous issue)

                           Dr Srinivas Suyam Prakash
Blood Cell Counts                                                               Urine analysis
White Blood Cells (WBC) represent the body’s immune system and                  The urine is analyzed to determine a number of things including how
the various kinds of white cells have specialized functions.                    concentrated it is through Specific Gravity, which tells us how
Lymphocytes are mainly for defense against virus and cancer cells,              “heavy” it is compared to water. The pH is very important because it is
while Polymorphs are primarily defending against bacteria.                      a good measure of how acidic or alkaline the tissues of the body are.
Monocytes are the second line of defense and finish the job started by          WBC Esterase tells us whether there are white blood cells in the urine
the lymphocytes and polymorphs.               High WBC count
                                                                                                                 and Occult Blood indicates the
                                                                                      Low WBC count
They are seen in higher numbers when                                                                             presence of blood (may be due to
there is infection or inflammation.                                                                              menstruation). Nitrite is a sign of
Basophils primarily function as clean                                                                            infection, while Glucose in the urine may
up for allergy reactions and                                                                                     indicate diabetes. Ketones can also
Eosinophils perform a service when                                                                               indicate diabetes, but may be due to a
toxins, allergens and parasites attack.                                                                          low carbohydrate diet or fasting. Protein
Red Blood Cells are the oxygen                                                                                   may “leak” through the kidney and show
carrying cells using Hemoglobin to                                                                               a possible weakness in that organ.
hold the oxygen until it is exchanged                                                                            Bilirubin is normally eliminated through
for carbon dioxide. Hematocrit is a                                                                              the bile and its presence in the urine
measure of the volume of whole blood                                                                             may be an early sign of liver problems.
taken up by the red blood cells and                                                                              Urobilinogen is a by-product of intestinal
expressed as a percent. MCV, MCH, MCV and RDW all reflect the                   activity and may suggest a lack of proper bowel flora.
size, shape and contents of red cells.                                          A microscopic examination is used, if indicated, to confirm suspicious
Platelets are special cells in the blood that help form clots when repair       findings of the basic urine analysis.
is necessary.

Contd. from page 2...
help. And so can over-the-counter pain relievers                                                    the issue, you may get referred to a specialist.
that help reduce inflammation. Just remember that                                                   These specialists practice a comprehensive
pain killers treat only the symptom — pain — and                                                    approach to lower back pain, and can diagnose
not its cause.                                                                                      and treat a variety of conditions that have lower
When should I see a doctor if I have lower back                                                     back pain as a symptom.
pain?                                                                                               The good news is that surgery is rarely needed for
In many cases lower back pain stops on its own.                                                     lower back pain. “Only about one in ten patients
But if it doesn’t, here are some guidelines on when                                                 needs lower back surgery.”
you may want to start seeking professional help:                            Comprehensive approach to lower back pain
● If the pain lasts four weeks or longer                                    ● Thorough History
● If the pain keeps getting worse as time goes by                           ● Physical Examination
● If you are experiencing other symptoms, such as fever, major              ● X ray and Biochemistry Tests
weight loss or weight gain, loss of function or weakness in extremities,    ● Refer to Orthopaedic & Spine Specialist
bladder problems, etc.                                                      ● Diagnosis specific exercises
Who should I see for lower back pain?                                       ● Prescription for Physiotherapy
Your primary care physician knows you best and should be your first         ● Surgery if needed
contact for lower back pain. If he or she is unable to diagnose or treat    ● Get help at our Orthopaedic OPD.

Sincere wishes for a speedy recovery - NLC India Limited

                             Dr Rathnakumar
                             Ophthalmology Department
Abstract                                                                       acuity was 6/6 in both eyes.
Ocular zoonotic infections by filarial worms are not uncommon. Most            The haematological and biochemical test results were normal and
of them are caused by the genus Dirofilaria. The disease is zoonotic in        no microfilaremia was seen in blood smears. When the worm was
nature; sporadic cases of human dirofilairsis have been reported from          coiled the patient was asymptomatic and when it started moving it had
                                                                               produced immense intolerable pain.
                                                                               Surgical removal of the worm was carried out immediately under
                                                 Surgical removal under
                                                  topical anaesthesia          topical anaesthesia. Symptoms resolved immediately following the
                                                                               surgical removal of the worm.
                                                                               Grossly the worm was intact on extraction, without damaging its
                                                                               structures a whitish motile worm of 20 cms in length by 0.5 mm in
                                                                               breadth was removed and preserved in 10% formalin for identification.
                                                                               Patient was reviewed every week for a month. She was started on
     Dirofilarial worm seen in                                                 tapering topical Antibiotic steroid eye drops to treat the allergic
       conjunctiva (Pre op)
                                                                               reactions produced by the dirofilarial worm.

various parts involving eyes, face, chest wall and lung parenchyma.            Ocular Dirofilariasis may progress to serious consequences like
                                                                               damaged vision, floaters, glaucoma, retinal detachment, vitreous
We report a case of subconjunctival dirofilariasis in a 47 year old
female who had foreign body sensation and severe pain in left eye.
                                                                                                                          Dirofilarial worm
Thus early diagnosis and treatment in this patient helped in preventing                                                   preserved in
various serious ophthalmic complications.                                                                                 10% formalin container

A 47 year-old lady presented with complaints of severe pain over left
orbital region and irritation of left eye since last two hours on
3rd January 2019 around 3.30 pm to the EYE OPD, NLC India
Hospital. History of travel from her native place from Pollachi 10 days
back where she gave history of contact with pets like dogs and cats in
her farm. She also mentioned that she had injury of an insect (vellai E)
in her left eye which recently migrated after Kerala rains.
                                                                               opacity, loss of visual acuity and even blindness.
Ocular examination by slitlamp revealed an undulating vermiform
mass by a live worm on the temporal quadrant of left eye under bulbar          This case was diagnosed much earlier in the disease process even
conjunctiva at the fornix with localized congestion. Rest of the ocular        before the complications occurred and was treated and relieved of
examination was with in normal limits and her uncorrected visual               pain within one hour of diagnosis at our NLC India Hospital.

     Condition of eye on 1st Post op day               Condition of eye on 3rd Post op day                    Condition of eye on 7th Post op day

Sincere wishes for a speedy recovery - NLC India Limited

                                   New washing equipments commissioned
Shri R. Vikraman, Director/HR, NLCIL commissioned an automatic
and a semi automatic heavy duty washing machines at the laundry
unit of NLC India Hospital on 23.02.2019. These automated
equipments, with a capacity of 25 kg each, purchased at a cost of
Rs.12.50 lakh replaced the 15 years old manual washing machines.
The event was witnessed by Shri S.R. Sekar, CGM/TA, Dr. M.K. Jha,
CGS/Medical i/c, Dr. Venmal Devi, CMO/Medical and also incharge of
Laundry Unit, Doctors, Para Medical Staff and employees of Medical

             Electronic Token System introduced in NLC India Hospital Pharmacy
                                                                         Shri R. Vikraman, Director/HR, NLCIL inaugurated the Electronic Token
                                                                         System facility at the Pharmacy of NLC India Hospital on 23.02.2019.
                                                                         The new facility, installed at a cost of Rs.1.50 lakh enabled to streamline
                                                                         the crowd in the pharmacy and to speed up the drugs disbursement.
                                                                         This facility also gives a great relief to both pharmacists and patients
                                                                         as the waiting time is considerably reduced in the counters.
                                                                         Dr. M.K. Jha, CGS/Medical i/c and Dr. J. Ilango, ACMO, Incharge of
                                                                         Pharmacy, Pharmacists and employees of NLC India Hospital
                                                                         witnessed the event. After commissioning the new facility, Director/HR
                                                                         gave valuable suggestions to improve the drug issuing system.

                                       Clean efforts brings commendation
While NLCIL observed Swachhta Pakhwada (Clean India Fortnight)           NLCIL is encouraging the units / factories / offices that are
between 16.08.2018 and 31.08.2018, NLC India Hospital also               well-maintained, by presenting awards and this time, significantly,
observed it in an effective manner. An exclusive Committee was           the team NLC India Hospital won a special award and a certificate
constituted by Dr. M.K. Jha, CGS/Medical i/c, and the event was          of appreciation in the offices category. Shri V. Thangapandian,
organised in a systematic way. Apart from cleaning activities in         Director/Power and Smt. Devahi Thangapandian presented the
Hospital premises and school areas, the NLC India Hospital team          special award and certificate to Dr. M.K. Jha, CGS/Medical i/c and
created awareness on cleanliness among general public, students of       the team NLC India Hospital during the Republic Day Celebrations at
Neyveli Township and nearby villages in a planned manner.                Neyveli on 26.01.2019.

Sincere wishes for a speedy recovery - NLC India Limited
                             EDUCATION PROGRAMMES

                                                                One day Clinical Workshop on Arrhythmias
                                                                Date : 12.01.2019
                                                                Resource Person : Dr. Jaisankar,
                                                                Director & Mentor, Cardiology and Electrophysiology Study
                                                                MIOT Hospital, Chennai

                       Recent Advances in Programmatic
                             Management of Tuberculosis
                                         Date : 09.03.2019
                         Resource Person : Dr. R. Pajanivel
                Professor & HOD, Pulmonology Department,
                        Mahatma Gandhi Medical College &
                             Research Institute, Puducherry

                                                               Methods of Ventilation : Invasive & Non-Invasive
                                                               Date : 15.03.2019
                                                               Resource Person : Dr. Ali Hasan Faiz Karnam,
                                                               Incharge of Emergency Medicine,
                                                               PIMS, Puducherry

                                       PARENTS COUNSELLING PROGRAMME

NLCIL Education Dept., has organised a ‘Parents Counselling Programme’ for the parents of +2 students at NLCIL Boys’ Higher
Secondary School, Block-10, Neyveli on 29.01.2019. Dr.S.Narmadha, an eminent counselling Psychologist from Neyveli addressed about
200 parents. Shri R.Mohan, CGM/HR (CSR, Education, Sports & Culture), Shri S.Vinayagamoorthy, DGM/Education and
Smt. M.Rajeswari, Headmistress of the School also spoke on the occasion.

Sincere wishes for a speedy recovery - NLC India Limited
                    FOR PARAMEDICALS

                                                                              In-house credit hours one day
                                                                            workshop on Infection Control in
                                                                             Health Care facilities for Nurses
                                                                                    Date : 04.01.2019
                                                                           Resource Persons : Mrs. P. Vasanthi,
                                                                          Mrs. G. Malarvizhi, Associate Professors
                                                                            & Mrs. D. Vanitha, Asst. Professor,
                                                                               OPR Nursing College, Vadalur

                                           Work Culture pertaining to
                                      Hospital Change Management
                                            Date : 05.02.2019
                                   Resource Person : Shri Harish Kumar,
                                       Reputed Trainer from Erode

                                                                            Special Training Programme on
                                                                            Universal Precaution & Infection
                                                                            Control for Clinical Lab Technicians
                                                                            Date : 05.03.2019
                                                                            Resource Person : Dr. Rachna Williams
                                                                            Technical Expert, Technical Support Unit
                                                                            TANSCAS, Chennai

                    Special Lecture on
              Universal Precautions &
         Infections Control for Nurses
                      Date : 13.03.2019
Resource Person : Dr. Rachna Williams,
Technical Expert, Technical Support Unit
                    TANSACS, Chennai

Sincere wishes for a speedy recovery - NLC India Limited
                       COMPREHENSIVE MEDICAL CAMPS

During the last quarter of 2018-19 (January to March 2019), NLC India Hospital had organised 4 medical camps in the peripheral villages with the
approval of Dr. Kala, Joint Director, Health Services, Cuddalore, Government of Tamil Nadu. In all the four camps, Doctors of various
Departments of NLC India Hospital viz., General Medicine, Eye, ENT, Pediatric, Maternity, Chest Clinic, Skin and Dental screened the patients
and distributed medicines. In all the camps, hearing aids were presented to beneficiaries.

At Indira Nagar : About 300 people from the locality of B1 and B2
Block Rehabilitation Centres benefitted at the comprehensive medical
camp held at Government Higher Secondary School premises, Indira
Nagar on 20.01.2019. Dr. M.K. Jha, Chief General Superintendent/
Medical and Shri Sivakumar, ADGM, Land Acquisition Department
inaugurated the camp.

                                                                          At Oomangalam : The 4th Comprehensive Medical Camp was
                                                                          organised by Team NLC India Hospital at Government Higher
                                                                          Secondary School premises, Oomangalam on 27.01.2019.
                                                                          Shri Samidoss, HM of the school and Dr. Packiya Mary Jerome,
                                                                          DGS/Medical, NLC India Hospital inaugurated the camp, in which
                                                                          around 450 people were benefitted.

At Perperiyan Kuppam : The 5th Comprehensive Medical Camp of
this financial year was organised at Government Higher Secondary
School Premises, Perperiyan Kuppam on 17.02.2019. Smt. Senthil
Nayagi, HM of the School and Dr. M.K. Jha, CGS/Medical i/c
inaugurated the camp. As many as 350 people benefitted through
this camp.

                                                                          At Uluthoor : The 6th Comprehensive Medial Camp was organised
                                                                          at the St. Anne’s Church premises, Uluthoor on 10.03.2019.
                                                                          Shri R. Mohan, CGM/HR (CSR, Education, Sports & Culture),
                                                                          Dr. M.K. Jha, CGS/Medical i/c, NLC India Hospital and Rev. Fr.
                                                                          Sahaya Nathan, Parish Priest of the Church participated in the
                                                                          inaugural function. About 350 people benefitted through this camp.
Sincere wishes for a speedy recovery - NLC India Limited
                                IN OUTSIDE PROJECTS

Medical Camps at Rajasthan
The Management of our Barsingsar Mine cum Thermal Project, Rajasthan had organised 3 medical camps during the fourth quarter of 2018-19
under Corporate Social Responsibility Activities. Doctors and paramedical staff of Occupational Health Centre, Barsingsar Project screened the
patients and distributed medicines. All the three camps were organised in the presence of Shri E. Esaikkimuthu, Project Head, Barsingsar &
Bithnok Project, Shri D. Sridharan, General Manager/Barsingsar Thermal Power Station and Senior Officials.

At Barsingsar Village : In the Medical          At Swaroopdesar Village : The Free                    At Lalamdesar Village : The camp was
Camp conducted on 12.02.2019, about             Medical Camp was organised on 25.02.2019              organised on 11.03.2019 in which 410
570 people of the village benefitted.           in which free medical treatments/medicines            people from in and around the village
Free medicines have been provided to            have been provided to 570 people of the               were benefitted. Doctors Screened the
them.                                           locality.                                             patients and provided free medicines.

                                       NTPL organises Free Eye Camp at Thoothukudi :
NLC Tamilnadu Power Limited                                                                              Power, NLCIL inaugurated the
(NTPL), one of our Subsidiary                                                                            eye camp in the presence of
Company at Thoothukudi had                                                                               Shri Shajee John, Chief Executive
conducted a Free Eye camp at                                                                             Officer/NTPL. 181 persons were
NTPL Township for the general                                                                            benefitted. Out of which, 11 persons
public, in Association with District                                                                     were recommended and identified
Blindness Control Society (DBCS),                                                                        for the Surgical Treatments and
Thoothukudi on 17.02.2019.                                                                               66 persons were recommended for
Shri V. Thangapandian, Director/                                                                         Spectacles with various vision
Sincere wishes for a speedy recovery - NLC India Limited
                                    THE SPECIAL CHILDREN

                                           ANNUAL MEDICAL CHECKUP
Annual Medical Examination                                                                              of medical examination and
programme for Special Children of                                                                       recommendations of doctors for
Sneha School for the academic year                                                                      compliance by parents in terms of
2018-19 was conducted on                                                                                seeking early medical intervention in
26.02.2019 in SNEHA School.                                                                             the case of children diagnosed with
A team of specialist doctors from                                                                       problems.
NLC India Hospital, comprising of                                                                       Smt. Kanchan Rakeshkumar,
Physicians, Paediatricians,                                                                             President SNEHA Opportunity
Dermatologist, Ophthalmologist, ENT                                                                     Services Society, graced the occasion
and Dental surgeons                                                                                                   and inquired the
and Psychiatrist                                                                                                      doctors about health
screened children to                                                                                                  status of each child and
assess them for                                                                                                       requested the doctors
health problems                                                                                                       to treat the children in
pertaining to their                                                                                                   NLC India Hospital
specialty domains.                                                                                                    who are diagnosed with
Health records were                                                                                                   chronic medical
updated with findings                                                                                                 conditions.

SNEHA School – the trail blazing institution sets benchmark in         and Smt. Salma Philip, Principal of Sneha School. The event featured
rehabilitation programme for mentally challenged children (Special     both athletic and team games as the children participated with flair and
Children) for similar schools in the Cuddalore District to adopt its   flamboyance. Winners were encouraged with trophies and medals. But
best practices. In terms of promoting sports among special children    the ultimate winner is the event itself as the children competed in right
which is gaining momentum in recent times, SNEHA took the              spirit and were united in the goal of celebrating sports in true spirit and
initiative to conduct a District level sports meet jointly with the    in appreciation of each other’s talents. The event offered a never before
Sports Development Centre of                                                                              experience of enjoying camaraderie
NLCIL and the NLC India Hospital on                                                                       with one another and show cased their
20.02.2019 at the Bharathi Stadium.                                                                       skills in a perfect ambience which
                                                                                                          Bharathi Stadium offered.
The mega event was a big draw as
it attracted a larger than expected                                                                     Smt. Kanchan Rakeshkumar, the
participation of 177 children from                                                                      President SNEHA Opportunity
12 schools across Cuddalore                                                                             Services Society was behind holding
District. Smt. Shanti Vikraman,                                                                         this mega event for the first time in
Patron of Neyveli Ladies Club                                                                           Neyveli which contributed to
flagged off the event in the presence                                                                   enhancing the image of NLCIL as a
of Shri R. Ramesh, DGM/Sports,                                                                          corporate citizen committed to the
NLCIL, Shri Raghava Reddy, Secretary, Sneha Opportunity Services       cause of holistic development of special children.

1. Housemates of “Anandam Illam” celebrating New Year 2019 with                  on “Health & Hygiene in Adolescence stage” at the Young Student
   CMD and Directors of NLCIL and Smt. Kanchan Rakesh Kumar                      Scientist Programme-2018 organised by Tamilnadu State Council for
   (01.01.2019)                                                                  Science & Technology, Dept. of Higher Education, Govt. of Tamilnadu at
2 Shri S.R. Sekhar, CGM/TA administering polio drops to a child during           Jawahar Science College, Neyveli (05.01.2019).
  the 25th National Intensified Pulse Polio Programme – 2019 at Block-20,     5. NLC India Pavilion which displayed the handicrafts made by
  Health Centre, Neyveli. 4723 children were given Polio drops                   Sneha Children at the Udyam Samaagam Trade Fair organised by
  (10.03.2019).                                                                  MSME Technology Development Centre at Coimbatore (24.03.2019)
3. Smt. Kanchan Rakesh Kumar and the Members of Australian Team viewing       6 Dr. S. Vijayakumari, Psychiatrist & ACMO/NLC India Hospital
   the Yogasanas demonstrated by the students of Sneha school (11.01.2019)      addressing the students of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Neyveli at the one day
4. Dr. S. Vijayakumari, Psychiatrist, NLC India Hospital handling a session     Workshop on ‘Substance Abuse’ (11.02.2019).

NLCIL Sports Development Centre organised a Mini Marathon                        family members, school and college
“Run for Health” at Neyveli on 17.02.2019 for the cause of Good                  students, CISF personnel and
Health and Fitness. Shri Rakesh Kumar, CMD, NLCIL flagged off                    general public enthusiastically
the Marathon at Bharathi Stadium in the presence of                              participated in the event.
Shri V. Anbuchelvan, Collector, Cuddalore District, Shri Nadella                 Shri T.D. Rajendran, a veteran
                            Naga Maheswar Rao, Director (P&P)                    sports super senior citizen
                                and Shri Prabhakar Chowki,                       from Sivakasi gave an
                                  Director (Mines) of NLCIL.                     encouraging speech before the
                                   About 2400 Citizens from all                  start. After a circuitous route of
                                     walks of life in all age groups             5 km, the marathon came to a finish
                                     participated in the Marathon.               at the starting place. NLC India Hospital
                                    Along with CMD, Collector                    made all the precautionary measures and sent ambulance vehicles
                                   and Directors, our Senior                     along with the participants. Earlier, homage was paid to the martyrs
                                  O ff i c i a l s , v e t e r a n s p o r t s   of the terror strike in Pulwama and the run was dedicated to the
                               personnel of NLCIL, employees,                    martyred CRPF Jawans.

                                                                    LIGNITE LIFE LINE
                                        News Letter of NLC India Hospital (for private circulation only)
       Published by NLC India Limited, ‘Navratna’ - A Govt. of India Enterprise, Neyveli 607 801, Tamil Nadu. Website :
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