Sibelga, driving the energy transition for Brussels - New Strategic Directions 2020-2024
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3 Sibelga | New Strategic Directions 2020–2024 SUM- 04 FOREWORD 06 PARTICIPATORY PROCESS 06 COMMUNITY CONSULTATION MARY 07 07 08 OUR MISSION OUR SIX UNDERTAKINGS STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS FOR THE NEXT 5 YEARS 10 OUR STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS 10 1 Local flexibility manager 10 2 The future of gaz 11 3 Asset management (optimised management of the network infrastructure) 11 4 Consumption monitoring app 12 5 Facilitate the emergence of energy communities 12 6 On-bill financing 13 7 Strengthening our role as supplier of last resort 14 8 Orchestrating the renovation plan for public & social buildings 14 9 SolarClick 2.0 15 10 CogenClick 15 11 MobiClick 16 12 Roadside charging stations for electric vehicles 16 13 Centralise and coordinate connection requests 17 14 Illuminate the city 17 15 Streamlining the use of our assets 19 CONCLUSION
4 Sibelga | New Strategic Directions 2020–2024 FOREWORD Never before has the energy sector faced such shareholders, regulators, public authorities, far-reaching technological, environmental, subcontractors, etc. economic and human transformations. The energy transition is underway, revolutionising the The aim of this paper is therefore to develop the existing energy landscape. This landscape, which new strategic directions that we wish our core has no choice but to reinvent itself at an business to follow between now and 2024, in incredible speed, is influenced by four close collaboration with various players in the dimensions: decarbonisation1, decentralisation2, sector. It is essential for Sibelga to be one of the digitalisation3 and reduced energy consumption4. locomotives of the energy transition train that will continue to meet the needs of the Brussels- In this context, Sibelga wishes to take on a Capital Region and its inhabitants. greater role as a Distribution System Operator (DSO). A core business which remains the Karine Lalieux, Chairman of the Board of Directors linchpin of our strategy and which will continue of Sibelga, and Marie-Pierre Fauconnier, Managing to evolve in symbiosis with the energy transition. Director of Sibelga, explain their vision of Brussels The report you are about to read is very much and its future. inspired by this firm resolve to continue fulfilling our role as a DSO to the best of our ability, while meeting the expectations placed on us by all our stakeholders: customers, energy suppliers, r a of nnie elg Sib or co 1 2 3 4 Decarbonisation consists Decentralisation is the Digitalisation involves the Reduced energy au F rre ct of gradually reducing the transition to the genera- development of new consumption is the result Ka -Pie ire share of fossil fuels (coal, tion, distribution, storage, connected technologies of the drive to promote ri rie D Ch ne Lal Ma ging oil, natural gas), either by conversion and consump- capable of communicating the development of energy airm ieux na of a Dire n of the Ma improving energy tion of local renewable in one or more ecosys- efficiency and renewable ctor Board s of S efficiency or by producing energy (solar installations, tems. energies. ibelga low-carbon and renewable cogeneration, etc.) energies.
5 Sibelga | New Strategic Directions 2020–2024 HOW DOES SIBELGA ENVISAGE THE WHAT WILL BE THE BENEFITS FOR By providing services related to flexibility (e.g. CITY EVOLVING? THE PEOPLE OF BRUSSELS? balancing demand and supply), Sibelga will also become a Flexibility Manager at the local level in Marie-Pierre Fauconnier: Let’s look forward to Karine Lalieux: Admittedly, the energy bill still order to build a reliable and resilient energy 2050, which is the course we have set ourselves. weighs heavily on the household budget. system for the neighbourhood and and the We firmly believe that the Paris Agreement will be Contributing to the renovation of a passive, or at Region. upheld. To do so, we see the energy environment least more energy-efficient, building stock will be in Brussels undergoing a far-reaching change on good news for the finances of the people of Naturally, all of these actions will have to be the three fronts. First of all, buildings will become Brussels. It will also improve the everyday subject of in-depth discussions and decisions with increasingly passive, whether in the form of comfort of housing. Moreover, the emergence of the regulator and the competent authorities. 5 newbuilds or renovations. This will reduce or even energy communities, such as collective self- Collective self-consump- eliminate the need for space heating, with consumption5, will encourage social interactions Secondly, the energy sector handles millions of tion allows one or more electricity being used to meet small residual needs. in neighbourhoods and help improve air quality. data and this trend is exponential. Today, Sibelga self-producers to share I am convinced that these kinds of innovative and is already a Data Manager that processes the surplus of green and local Secondly, electricity for households will mainly be creative projects will make it possible to exploit consumption data of all its customers in Brussels. energy with a community produced at the neighbourhood level using the potential of renewable energies, while Tomorrow, Sibelga will also manage flexibility of neighbours, who can renewable technologies (shared community solar combating fuel poverty. But, without the data by creating a dynamic link between the purchase it at an attractive energy, hydrogen, biogas cogeneration, etc.), necessary talents, how can such ambitions be “network world” and the “market world”. The rate. which will strengthen the decentralised model and achieved? This is why Sibelga intends to help, in aim will be to provide the transparency and data empower citizens. Finally, mobility will evolve its own way, to create the professions of today needed to ensure the reliable transition of energy towards a model of shared and autonomous and tomorrow! systems to a decentralised and carbon-free vehicles using alternative fuels, electricity and model. hydrogen, for example. These fuels will be able to WHAT ROLES WILL SIBELGA HAVE offer energy storage solutions at the TO PLAY IN THE COMING YEARS? Finally, Sibelga must remain a partner, a neighbourhood level. trusted, neutral and independent third party Marie-Pierre Fauconnier: Sibelga is and to work jointly with other players to This vision may not necessarily be realized in its remains above all an Energy Distribution Operator achieve this energy transition. entirety, but it does provide us with a framework. in the Brussels-Capital Region. This means that It gives us an idea of how, beyond our core our company ensures access to the network, as business of distributing gas and electricity and well as its reliability and maintenance. These are providing public lighting, we can bring the energy our core businesses, which we will continue to transition to all homes and businesses in Brussels. perform in a world that is moving towards a This is our guiding principle! The aim is to come decentralised, carbon-free model. Sibelga will up with concrete solutions without skimping on enable this transition by paving the way for the our creature comforts. energy sources of the future: increasingly renewable electricity, biogas and hydrogen.
6 Sibelga | New Strategic Directions 2020–2024 PARTICIPATORY COMMUNITY PROCESS CONSULTATION This strategic planning is the outcome of intense Sibelga is a Brussels-based company at the efforts, developed with due consideration for the service of the city’s inhabitants. It was therefore input enriched from collective intelligence. essential to ensure that the outcome of the Indeed, the process was designed to be partici- strategic exercise lived up to their expectations. patory, attentive to the realities and needs of That’s why it was natural for us to go out and the people of Brussels, open to the world, and meet them. actionable. •PARTICIPATIVE : more than 400 members of In practical terms, we organised a series of our staff were involved in this exercise. discussion groups, each composed of about ten •WITH ITS FINGER ON THE PULSE OF THE people, representative of the Brussels REALITY AND NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE OF population. They were then able to answer BRUSSELS : we interviewed all our stakehol- various questions about energy, their needs, ders, from colleagues in the sector, to the regu- their vision of the future and Sibelga’s lator, including representatives of the Brussels positioning in the light of the initial strategic administration and companies, without forgetting directions. the users of the distribution network (in particu- lar via the public consultation). Among all the questions we had asked, there •OPEN TO THE WORLD : many exchanges was one that we were particularly interested in: took place with (inter)national colleagues and start-ups. We also drew a lot of inspiration « As a customer, what can Sibelga bring you to from conferences on various topics ranging improve your daily life » ? from energy transition, grid modernisation and regulatory developments to Smart City and Based on the responses received, respondents felt digitalisation. that there is a need to: • ACTIONABLE : we have prioritised current (1) promote the production and use of green energy projects and strategic initiatives according to the (2) fight against public energy wastage resources available, both human and financial. (3) deploy an electric public transit system. Because our top priority is to come up with concrete and realistic solutions for Brussels and These needs enabled us to ensure that the strategic its inhabitants. directions defined were directly or indirectly linked to the expectations of the people of Brussels.
7 Sibelga | New Strategic Directions 2020–2024 OUR MISSION « WE ARE A TRUSTED PARTNER THAT AIMS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF BRUSSELS’ CITIZENS AND COMMUNITIES BY PROVIDING RELIABLE, INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS. » OUR SIX UNDERTAKINGS 1. SAFETY FIRST ! We are uncompromising when it comes to network safety and excellence. 2. IMPROVED QUALITY OF LIFE 4. LOW-CARBON FUTURE 6. AN EMPOWERING EMPLOYER Sibelga is a trusted partner that aims to improve We want to contribute to a low-carbon future We create an engaging and empowering the quality of life of Brussels’ citizens and while maintaining the balance between environment that encourages our employees to communities. At any time. affordability, reliability and customer focus. work together while setting great store by diversity. 3. D RIVER OF THE ENERGY 5. INNOVATION-FRIENDLY TRANSITION STRUCTURE We drive the energy transition in the heart of We provide a structure conducive to innovation Europe by fostering the development of energy and collaboration by fostering technology, data communities, connecting and mobilising existing sharing, partnership and entrepreneurship. players.
8 Sibelga | New Strategic Directions 2020–2024 2. “S” FOR... SECURITY OF FOUR STRATEGIC implementation of a mechanism allowing DISTRIBUTION owners to finance renovations, etc. FOCUS AREAS Security of Distribution refers to the proper We also want to help public authorities to management of our current infrastructures renovate their buildings by facilitating access to To achieve our vision, we have defined four through more and better data, analysed using European subsidies. For example, we are main strategic focus areas to guide our “4 S” smart tools (artificial intelligence, etc.). It also striving to offer them an extended Solarclick7 priorities. involves integrating new green and renewable programme (including prior roof renovation, energy sources into our low-voltage grid, while which could also benefit schools and social 1. “S” FOR... SAFETY becoming the manager of local flexibility6. housing), to continue and intensify NRClick8 But it will also be necessary to be able to (the energy efficiency programme) and to Safety has always been the cornerstone of our anticipate changes in behaviour and new needs launch any other project targeting energy company. Sibelga is and remains an energy resulting from decarbonisation, decentralisation, transition in Brussels. Not forgetting the network operator that operates, maintains and digitalisation and reduced consumption. And to greening of the fleet of municipal utility develops reliable and high-quality gas and do this, we will need to upskill in these new vehicles and the installation of CNG pumps and electricity networks at an affordable price. All technologies (smart asset management, electrical charging stations on our street lamps, this while ensuring the safety of its staff and hydrogen, electric vehicle recharging methods, for example. citizens. micro-grids, energy communities, storage, etc.). The evolution of Sibelga’s businesses and the emergence of an even more complex and 3. “S” FOR… SUSTAINABILITY decentralised energy system require the identification, assessment and management of When it comes to Sustainability, we know new risks. that the energy burden is increasingly weighing down on household bills. This is why In other words: there has never been and there we want to help our customers to reduce their will never be any compromise on safety, and consumption and thus their CO2 emissions. that’s a fact. How? By developing an application for monitoring consumption and providing advice, by encouraging the creation of energy c ommunitie s , by pr omoting the 6 7 8 See p. 10 “Local See p. 14 “SolarClick 2.0” See p. 14 “SolarClick 2.0” Flexibility Manager”
9 Sibelga | New Strategic Directions 2020–2024 4. S FOR… SMART CITY With its new 2020–2024 strategy, Sibelga is playing a broader role, not only by To turn Brussels into a Smart City, we want to developing new activities in each of improve the attractiveness of the city through these four priority areas, but also by smart street lighting that takes into account the expanding its role as a network pedestrian experience. We also intend to make operator. life easier for the public authorities and the people of Brussels in terms of the alternative mobility offering or to set up a counter for submitting connection requests (water, gas, electricity, telecom, etc.). We are also thinking of making our various poles, stations and cabinets available to other city stakeholders to install their products such as cameras, sensors and relays. THESE 4 STRATEGIC FOCUS AREAS ARE THEREFORE INTERDEPENDENT Safety remains a top priority for both citizens and staff. Security of Distribution builds on our core THE FOUR business and allows the development of the two other focus areas. Sustainability strengthens our “S” RT CITY SMA current activities and converts them into future- oriented energy solutions. S TAINABILITY Finally, the Smart City focus area is based on the SU OF DISTR three previous focus areas in order to meet the Y IB IT (new) needs of the people of Brussels. The AFETY UT R S deployment of smart meters is a prerequisite for SECU ION the success of this focus area.
10 Sibelga | New Strategic Directions 2020–2024 OCAL FLEXIBILITY L OUR STRATEGIC 1 MANAGER 2024 GOALS DIRECTIONS Decarbonisation targets, the potential phase-out •B UILD UP OUR CAPACITY TO CONDUCT of nuclear power, the increase in variable DYNAMIC NETWORK IMPACT STUDIES. The world of energy is changing. And any production and flexible loads (e.g. electric •B E THE FLEXIBILITY MANAGER IN change, be it environmental, economic, social, vehicles) will inevitably require the BRUSSELS. technological or digital, requires a reassessment implementation of steering mechanisms to •H AVE SMART TOOLS FOR LOAD of the corporate strategy. The same applies to ensure a balance between local production and SMOOTHING AND GRID BALANCE. the safety culture. For us and our company, this consumption. This is what is known as “safety culture” and the principle of “manage- flexibility. ment by example” are essential. It goes without saying that changes in the 2 THE FUTURE OF GAS Deeply rooted in our DNA, safety remains a behaviour of the population will have an impact major challenge that will continue to evolve in on the management of our network. Sibelga Sibelga wants to be at the forefront of green line with the 15 strategic initiatives for 2020– must first of all write the flexibility rule book, in energy. This strategic direction will provide us 2024 described here. collaboration with other sector stakeholders. The with the knowledge and skills needed to make next question is whether we have the means at the optimal technological choices for the the ready to prevent or limit certain flexible future of the gas network. activations that can generate problems on the The aim is to set up a laboratory to network, while ensuring that the dynamism of experiment with different energy sources, such the market is preserved. Sibelga will therefore as the recovery of excess production of have to equip itself with high-performance, photovoltaic panels to produce hydrogen via dynamic tools capable of anticipating the risks of electrolysis. In addition, the storage of this congestion and encouraging the best possible green hydrogen and limiting feeding into the match between supply and demand at local gas network will also be the subject of level. The final objective is, of course, to offer in-depth studies. the least polluting energy possible, guaranteeing the balance and reliability of the network at a price that is attractive for citizens.
11 Sibelga | New Strategic Directions 2020–2024 On the other hand, we are also convinced of at the level of the asset families, but the aim is where 28.3% of households fall within the fuel the contribution of biogas as a green energy to have an estimate at the level of the individual poverty category. for Brussels. That is why Sibelga plans to asset in order to offer an optimal level of service develop a long-term vision on the distribution at a lower cost. It is therefore necessary to It is this audience that we want to target in of green gas by developing different potential determine the relevant data (internal or external) Brussels by offering an online, easy to access, scenarios. As part of this exercise, key to estimate the state of each asset thanks, in personalised solution that uses current stakeholders will be actively involved in order particular, to Artificial Intelligence and the communication technologies such as the smart to promote the widest possible alignment Internet of Things. meter. Information on the amount in EURO of along the value chain. the current consumption will be available at any time and transmitted directly to the 2024 GOALS customer without any effort on his part 2024 GOALS (entering data, etc.). HAVE A GLOBAL TOOL, MAINLY COMPOSED OF SENSORS, WHICH WILL ALLOW US TO This service, free of charge and based on • FEASIBILITY STUDY OF THE EXPERIMENTAL SITE AND THE DIFFERENT MODULES TO BE MAKE SOUND DECISIONS ON THE validated data that only Sibelga manages and INSTALLED. INVESTMENT POLICY FOR OUR NETWORK controls, will enable a customer to compare INFRASTRUCTURE. themselves against customers with a similar • CREATION OF AN ON-SITE LABORATORY. profile. The aim is not to stop there, but to implement a series of measures (renovation, investment in equipment, changes in habits) SSET MANAGEMENT A ONSUMPTION MONITORING C that will ultimately reduce the customer’s bill 3 4 (OPTIMISED MANAGEMENT OF APP and energy footprint. THE NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE) The first reaction of any consumer anxious to cut their energy bill will be to reduce their 2024 GOALS One of Sibelga’s main missions is to guarantee consumption. At least that is what you would •S UPPLY OF THE APP AND INSTALLATION the security and availability of its networks at think. Sometimes, that is far from the truth. OF SMART METERS TO AROUND 100 optimised costs. The asset management policy is Due to a lack of knowledge and reference TARGETED INDIVIDUALS IN 2020. key in fulfilling this mission. The infrastructure of points, many households consume too much •R OLL-OUT TO THE IDENTIFIED TARGET an energy distribution network is characterised by without even realising it, or realise it too late GROUP REMAINING AFTER THE a very long life span that is highly dependent on when they receive their annual bill. In the FEASIBILITY STUDY. operating conditions. Determining the best time latest edition of its 2019 Fuel Poverty to intervene on an asset has a considerable Barometer, the King Baudouin Foundation impact on costs, reliability and safety. The published that in 2017 fuel poverty affected question must therefore be answered: “Which around 21.7% of Belgian households. This asset should be dealt with, how and when?” figure is even higher if we look at the Today, the investment plan is based on estimates statistics for the Brussels Region in isolation,
12 Sibelga | New Strategic Directions 2020–2024 ACILITATE THE EMERGENCE OF F consumption is offset by the amount of the 5 ENERGY COMMUNITIES 2024 GOALS reimbursement, which is shown in an additional line added to his bill. In other words, The changing energy mix, which is increasingly •F ACILITATION OF ALL ENERGY consumption and a change in the bill are the moving towards a decentralised model, is leading COMMUNITIES THAT MAKE THEMSELVES basic assumptions of the mechanism. KNOWN TO SIBELGA. to the emergence of energy communities. These •F OSTER THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY are characterised by the grouping of citizens in COMMUNITIES ACTIVE ON THE MARKET. local and renewable energy production modes. 2024 GOALS Sibelga is the neutral facilitator of renewable energy communities. This is why we want to pro- • IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ON-BILL vide an app that allows a customer to identify 6 ON-BILL FINANCING FINANCING SYSTEM IN THE BRUSSELS- CAPITAL REGION. the community which he could join or create •C OMMUNICATION AROUND THIS SYSTEM with other participants. In the Brussels-Capital Region, the proportion of IN ORDER TO REACH AS MANY tenants is around 60%, and 80% for the city PARTICIPATING OWNERS AS POSSIBLE. Sibelga also intends to develop new skills to pro- centre. vide advice and recommendations to community Unfortunately, non-occupant homeowners are managers (optimal composition, methods of allo- often reluctant to renovate their properties to cating the most appropriate energy according to improve energy efficiency. The aim of the on-bill this composition, appropriate assets, etc.). financing mechanism is to encourage them to invest in efficient renovations by ensuring the Finally, processes will have to be set financing of part of the investment via a credit up to monitor activities and organisation (or other source of financing) whose systems for managing data repayment is channelled through the energy bill related to collective self- (payable by the tenant). consumption. This results in a win-win partnership: the owner’s property increases in value and becomes less energy-intensive, and the cost of the investment is – partially – passed on the occupant, whose energy consumption has decreased. The tenant benefits from more comfortable housing and his CO2 emissions will be reduced accordingly. His energy bill remains the same because the expected reduction in the building’s
13 Sibelga | New Strategic Directions 2020–2024 STRENGTHENING OUR ROLE AS 7 SUPPLIER OF LAST RESORT 2024 GOALS Unfortunately, many studies show that Brussels is • INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS the region with the highest at-risk-of-poverty rate SUPPLIED BY SIBELGA. in Belgium, with 27% of the inhabitants entitled to •S TRENGTHENING OF COLLABORATION the increased intervention scheme (or BIM). As a WITH NPC’S. supplier “of last resort”, Sibelga takes on vulnerable customers defaulting on payments to commercial suppliers. In order to ensure that energy remains affordable for all, and in particular for vulnerable customers, Sibelga will have to play an even more active role with regard to this population. Our priority is to offer market-compliant rates for both customers in temporary difficulties and those at risk of long-term poverty. This approach aims to reduce the number of unpaid bills and the discomfort caused by the installation of power limiters. The proposed option is to take 3 main measures which will make it possible to: • replace the power limiter procedure, which is inefficient and expensive, with more targeted support. • register Sibelga as a permanent supplier at the subsidised rate for customers (accompanied by social services) who cannot meet energy expenses without additional assistance. • position Sibelga as a supplier at an average rate for vulnerable customers facing surmountable obstacles.
14 Sibelga | New Strategic Directions 2020–2024 RCHESTRATING THE O identified. With this new approach, it will be 8 RENOVATION PLAN FOR PUBLIC 2024 GOALS possible to tackle a series of buildings that are & SOCIAL BUILDINGS currently overlooked and optimise the CO2 savings • IDENTIFICATION OF THE POTENTIAL FOR associated with the projects. ENERGY SAVINGS RELATED TO BUILDING Brussels’ public buildings must evolve to become RENOVATION. exemplary and show their support for government This programme will also make framework • ESTABLISHMENT OF A SCOREBOARD policy. HIGHLIGHTING THE RESULTS ACHIEVED ON agreements available to enable public authorities to AN ANNUAL BASIS. invest easily in high-quality facilities and to carry Sibelga wishes to provide local and regional public out work on buildings that may not be eligible for authorities with the necessary support to identify the programme. SolarClick 2.0 will therefore be a the actions to be undertaken in order to meet the 9 SOLARCLICK 2.0 continuation of the NRClick services, which aim to objectives of the “Strategy for reducing the provide public authorities with efficient tools environmental impact of existing buildings in the SolarClick, the solar panel installation programme, enabling them to benefit from high-quality services BCR by 2030-2050”. and NRClick, the comprehensive energy services and economies of scale. package, were launched in 2017 by the Brussels They will have to be grouped together in order to Government, in collaboration with Brussels SolarClick 2.0 could also provide the necessary benefit from framework funding such as European Environment and Sibelga. expertise to the Société du Logement de la Région subsidies. We also aim to provide and coordinate de Bruxelles-Capitale (SLRB), the Brussels housing partners for the implementation of the renovation Both target public buildings, whether administrative authority, to enable it to draw up a solar energy plan, to continue the SolarClick9 project and to buildings, sports facilities, schools, etc., in order to investment programme on Brussels’ social housing initiate the new CogenClick10 programme. help the Brussels Region to achieve its energy and stock. climate objectives. SolarClick is a win-win investment for everyone involved. In fact, the building can provide for part of its needs and allow its occupant to benefit from green electricity. 2024 GOALS Brussels Environment are responsible for collecting • DEPLOYMENT OF SEVERAL HUNDRED the green certificates while Sibelga recovers the SOLAR PANEL INSTALLATIONS ON THE surplus energy produced to offset some of its ROOFS OF PUBLIC SOCIAL HOUSING. network losses. •E XTENSION OF THE SOLARCLICK PROGRAMME TO INCLUDE THE RENOVATION AND INSULATION OF ROOFS This second version of the SolarClick programme 9 AND EXPANSION OF THE TARGET GROUP See point 9 will focus on strengthening the NRClick TO INCLUDE SCHOOL NETWORKS. 10 See point 10 programme’s energy efficiency offerings. It will harness the potential of buildings for which a prior renovation of the roofs is necessary, by proposing the insulation and possible repair of the areas
15 Sibelga | New Strategic Directions 2020–2024 10 COGENCLICK There is untapped potential in Brussels today, and the arrival on the market of small-powered Sibelga also wishes to lend its cogeneration machines would make it possible to reduce the expertise to the public authorities. Indeed, this carbon footprint significantly. technology remains an attractive solution in the medium term to efficiently cover part of its electricity and heating needs. Two complementary 2024 GOALS but independent services will be offered: on the • INSTALLATION OF SOME 50 NEW one hand, the capacity sizing and construction of COGENERATION UNITS. cogeneration plants and, on the other hand, the •O PERATION OF SOME 20 EXISTING operation and optimisation of existing COGENERATION PLANTS. cogeneration plants. Indeed, Brugel’s 2016 annual report (thematic guide 04) highlights that our installations generate almost twice as many green certificates as the average installation in Brussels. This means that a successful implementation 11 MOBICLICK combined with efficient operation of a cogeneration plant can double the associated CO2 The Brussels Air, Climate and Energy Management Each public authority could thus benefit from savings. Code (COBRACE) requires the public authorities to economies of scale and take advantage of Sibelga’s turn to “zero emission” vehicles for all new experience in this area. purchases of commercial vehicles (fleet) from 2024 onwards. In order to ensure this duty to set an example, the public authorities have expressed their willingness to draw on the expertise Sibelga 2024 GOALS developed when greening its own commercial •C ENTRALISED VEHICLE MARKET AND vehicle fleet (50% of our commercial vehicle fleet, FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTS AVAILABLE TO i.e. 187 vehicles, will be greened in 2021). ALL BRUSSELS PUBLIC AUTHORITIES. Following the example of initiatives such as •T HE MAJORITY OF NEW ORDERS FOR NRClick and SolarClick, Sibelga intends to become GREEN COMMERCIAL VEHICLES FROM THE the preferred partner of public authorities in the 19 MUNICIPALITIES PLACED BY MOBICLICK. field of alternative mobility. • INSTALLATION, AS REQUIRED, OF ELECTRICAL TERMINALS AND CNG PUMPS The aim is to help and advise public authorities in IN PRIVATE OR SEMI-PUBLIC AREAS. the greening of their fleets, not forgetting the installation of charging stations and CNG pumps in their garages and car parks.
16 Sibelga | New Strategic Directions 2020–2024 ROADSIDE CHARGING STATIONS Finally, Sibelga will better serve Brussels by 12 FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLES making its assets available at all times. The integration of recharging points into street lamps A recent study on electromobility carried out at would be an alternative, making it possible to the end of 2019 by Synergrid, the federation of limit the amount of street furniture in public grid operators for the transport and distribution spaces as much as possible (see point 15 of gas and electricity in Belgium, announces the “Streamlining the use of our assets”). arrival of 1.5 million electric vehicles in 2030, and 4 million in 2050. In order to achieve this, it will be imperative to move away from the 2024 GOALS “chicken and egg” debate, which consists of •D EMONSTRATION OF THE FEASIBILITY OF postponing the deployment of charging stations INSTALLING ROADSIDE ELECTRICAL on the grounds that electric vehicles are not yet CHARGING STATIONS. here, while potential users are postponing their •D EPLOYMENT OF NEARLY A THOUSAND vehicle purchases due to the lack of charging TERMINALS, GUARANTEEING FAIR stations. ACCESSIBILITY FOR ALL BRUSSELS RESIDENTS. This is why, in order to speed up the implementation of a basic charging infrastructure to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles, CENTRALISE AND COORDINATE 13 Sibelga could take over the role of roadside CONNECTION REQUESTS charging station operator. Indeed, Sibelga would be best placed to identify the best location for At present, all requests for connections (Vivaqua, the terminals, according to network constraints; Sibelga, telecom) must be made separately and there all this in compliance with the deployment is no coordination between the different entrants. criteria defined by the authorities. This situation generates an administrative burden as well as a possible repetition of road works. This will also involve setting up a management platform for the terminals, allowing several To make life easier for the public, we propose commercial suppliers to sell their energy there. developing a single platform for the customer (http:// This positioning would make it possible to offer that will provide a single a competitive recharging service that is point of contact to monitor their utilities (water, gas, accessible to all citizens. This creates the electricity, telecom). Sibelga will also become the necessary conditions for the transition to green single point of contact for road managers for mobility throughout the Brussels Region. authorisation requests and subcontracting of all works.
17 Sibelga | New Strategic Directions 2020–2024 We would also like to ensure centralised case 14 ILLUMINATE THE CITY TREAMLINING THE USE OF S 15 management to simplify matters even more. OUR ASSETS Sibelga wants to offer a positive night-time visual A project is currently underway in the Brussels experience on all of the city’s roads. To achieve Today’s public space is full of all kinds of street region. It aims, among other things, to meet the this, we want to ensure the implementation of furniture: rubbish bins, benches, power cabinets, requirements for pre-coordinating multiple works appropriate high-quality lighting and concerted posts, etc. And it goes without saying that the rise under the new Roads Ordinance and its urban planning policies in this area. of digitalisation and the Smart City will require the Implementing Decree, which came into force in installation of additional equipment such as sensors October 2019. Sibelga must continue to participate In this way, we want to promote pedestrians’ and cameras in a public space already packed with actively and to align itself with other existing sense of safety within the city by offering a equipment. initiatives. reassuring visual framework and the possibility of easily finding their way around. All this, while In order to avoid any risk of congestion, it will be limiting light pollution and creating a coherent advisable to pool infrastructures. To achieve this, image of Brussels’ spaces by highlighting heritage Sibelga is keen to free up space by allowing the 2024 GOALS features and organising illumination events. installation of a maximum number of urban functionalities on its infrastructures present in every • DEVELOPMENT OF A SINGLE PLATFORM FOR corner of the city: light poles, cabinets, stations, THE CUSTOMER. etc. If the need arises, we also aim to make our •M ANDATE FOR SIBELGA TO BE THE SINGLE FOCAL POINT FOR NEW CONNECTIONS IN 2024 GOALS power grid and (future) communication networks TERMS OF COORDINATION AND available. •R ENEWAL OF REGIONAL STREET LIGHTING ADMINISTRATIVE FOLLOW-UP OF WITH COMPLIANT AND OPERATIONAL APPLICATIONS. EQUIPMENT. •A CCELERATING THE DEPLOYMENT OF 2024 GOALS INTELLIGENT STREET LIGHTING (ISL). • INVENTORY OF SMART CITY-RELATED •2 00 PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS EQUIPPED SERVICES AVAILABLE ON OUR ASSETS. WITH DYNAMIC LIGHTING AS WELL AS 8 • MANAGEMENT OF CONTRACTS FOR THE CYCLE PATHS EQUIPPED WITH “LIGHT USE OF OUR ASSETS BY PARTNERS BUBBLE” TECHNOLOGY. INVOLVED IN THE SMART CITY IN BRUSSELS.
19 Sibelga | New Strategic Directions 2020–2024 CONCLUSION : Finally, we need the means to match our ambitions! Indeed, having a strategy is a necessity in a complex « THE MEANS and changing world. To implement it, human and TO MATCH OUR financial resources are needed. And without the necessary talents, how could Sibelga live up to its AMBITIONS » ambitions? Just like its customers, Sibelga’s employees and their expectations are changing. In TOWN COGENCLICK 10 The vision we have of the Brussels Capital Region for 2050 confirms that we must play an even more order to continue to offer a stimulating and enga- ging environment, we want to invest even more in PUBLIC prominent role as a driving force for energy transi- diversity, professional development and individual tion. That is why we have defined these 15 strategic fulfilment. directions to be implemented by 2024. They aim to ON provide affordable, reliable, innovative and sustai- Safety awareness for our employees and citizens, N CPAS nable solutions to improve the quality of life of the coaching sessions, training sessions addressing, FUNDING € people of Brussels and its communities as a whole. among other things, the potential of digitalisation, SOLARCLICK 2.0 RENOVATION PLAN 8 Because beyond our core business, which remains our foundation, our purpose, we want to contribute will enable them to meet the challenges of today’s and tomorrow’s professions. to a low-carbon future, while remaining at the ser- 12 vice of Brussels and its citizens. In addition to the human resources, Sibelga must, of course, have a healthy financial situation. Indeed, To do so, we will embrace permanent flexibility. On some of our financial resources will be freed up wit- 11 MOBICLICK 2.0 PUBLIC the one hand, by responding to the perpetual trans- hin our company, by optimising internal budget allo- PASSIVE formations arising from a rapidly changing energy cations. Secondly, close cooperation with our regu- AIR BUILDINGS QUALITY landscape. We will therefore monitor technological lator will remain the key to continuing to set rates and legislative developments and focus on the esta- intelligently. This will ensure that the implementa- blishment of relevant and solid partnerships. tion of this strategic plan remains aligned with the policy and regulatory framework. On the other hand, we will remain attentive to our 15 stakeholders, whose needs are becoming increasin- This is our commitment to the Brussels-Capital gly specific. The solutions and services emerging Region and its citizens. We are convinced that toge- from our strategic initiatives reflect a desire to offer ther we will succeed in meeting the challenges of ever more tailored customer paths. This customer the energy transition, today and tomorrow! focus will remain at the heart of our corporate governance and culture.
Sibelga, driving the energy transition for Brussels New Strategic Directions 2020–2024
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